#paranormal activity/ghost hunting au legoland
[ June Doe — Day 13 ( @june-doe-2024 )]
Animals !
may I present a concept I've had rattling in my brain for a lil while now
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I present to you the concept of Penny coming back as a white raven (which. I felt fit symbolically)
She has all her memories n stuff and is aware of her situation but makes the best of it !! She got the nickname "Sav" from Ezra (as he. Isn't aware that the random raven he found & yoinked is his sister as of now LOL) !!
she jst kinda follows Ezra around n' watches over him :] she's still VERY MUCH Penny so she's. definitely a talker(??can't technically speak but) lmao
I thought it'd be a cute idea,, bonus is that it's actually kinda plausible due to how open-ended/left up to interpretation the endings of most rtc productions are
also lil bonus fun fact; pa/gh! Jane/Penny's kinda stuck in the fall fair as of now, right? she's developed a rather morbid(kinda,,? To an extent,,?) curiosity towards living things that stumble into the fall fair. Beings that are fully alive intrigue her due to her own state of. Well. Being a very broken corpse, basically.
she never ends up hurting any of the small animals that wander into the place- she just kinda observes & analyzes their behaviors + physical state,, maybe even trying to interact with the lil critters,, even if it sometimes doesn't end well💀 but she doesn't really seem to realize when she's been injured even more due to the state of pain she's already in (which she's. Just accepted as "normal" at this rate uHM) so she vibes with the little mice n stuff
if she finds one that's unfortunately dead that's when the morbid part of the curiosity kicks in😨
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askthel0callamb · 2 months
To everyone, (including both pre cyclone and post cyclone penny),
Ive seen Ezra mentioned in a few posts
Whats are your opinions on him? Since he's your brother n all
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".. I simply wish for him to be happy."
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"I- I was never good at keeping promises.. but I'll certainly try when it comes to Ezra."
".. Don't tell anyone, but I'm planning to get us out of Uranium.. this crummy city has caused us too much hurt. .. I won't leave him again."
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".. I. I do not understand everything just yet.. I wish for.. answers."
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rtc-confessions · 15 days
okay I wanna yap abt my paranormal activity au a bit
Horror/Thriller/Mystery based AU where Ezra starts a ghost hunting club post cyclone accident with people who knew the choir members. (Talia(who came from Ukraine for Mischa's funeral), Astrid, Hank, Corey, Tammy, Trishna, & Constance's little brother(who I've dubbed as Noah))
The choir are ghosts that are stuck in the fall fair (with the exception of Jane/Penny. She's a walking corpse with a- uh. VERY damaged body to say the least. Still has all the injuries from the cyclone! And the doll head.)
Shenanigans ensue until the ghost hunting club goes to the fall fair to find answers abt the cyclone accident and shit goes DOWN
Horror/Thriller AUs have such potential imo like that's why I made this
There's so much potential with RTC/Legoland/The Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy in general
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[ June Doe — Day 2 (@june-doe-2024) ]
Alternate Universe !!
Feeling kinda tired today so I just did a drawing for a prologue oneshot of Paranormal Activity !! Was pretty fun to do actually ngl
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(Warnings are in the fic's notes.)
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askthel0callamb · 1 month
hello 🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥‼️🔥‼️🔥‼️🔥
".. H-Hi!"
".. Hello, Bachinski."
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woah there‼️
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Oh uhm well shit
I mightve accidentally gotten too silly and
ever so slightly based some small things about pa/gh! Jane/Penny on AM from IHNMAIMS
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I'm finally getting to work on this fucking au istg
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Very slowly but still
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askthel0callamb · 1 month
"Hi penny!! It's Tammy, Tammy edwards?"
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"HI-YA TAMMY!!!!! HI-YA!!"
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"... Tammy.. ? Edwards.. hm.. familiar.."
... Jane doesn't seem to answer. Only holding her arm and staring.
[ please excuse the low quality gif 😭 ]
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askthel0callamb · 1 month
Odd request, but can I have a drop of someone’s blood? I want to see if humans taste different :3
Nothing else bad, I promise :3
-Local friendly catboy
".. I suppose so. I do not see why not."
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(.. You should be more worried about how she's already been bleeding than being willing to help..)
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Ocean & Jane/Penny probably despise eachother in the paranormal activity au whoopsie
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Help why does she look like someone just said a slur I'm giggling
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Just now realizing the ghost hunting group is made up of 8 people wtf
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askthel0callamb · 1 month
what animal should wear a hat at all times... i think frogs
"Oh! Oh!! What about, uh... lizards? Wait, wait, no... hm.. frogs with hats sound silly.. I like that idea!"
".. Frogs are quite interesting.. hat frog.."
"I believe I. I have seen a frog around here somewhere.. the choir 'birds' pointed it out to me. Perhaps I should ask them.."
[ Context. PA/GH! Jane cannot see the ghost choir, but can hear their voices. She often assigns things she can't entirely explain to various animals.]
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now that I think about it
The Nowhere King is kinda. PA/GH! Jane core ngl. Do with this what you will as I am leaving it up to interpretation & theorizing
Also I swear I'll start writing the thing soon I'm still trying to figure out a coherent plot line
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