#watermelons talks
it's pride month, Karnak. You know what that means
Do you want me to like
make gay prophesies
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lemon-wedges · 2 months
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hes bragging about something idk
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ash-and-starlight · 5 months
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modern au and esen’s honkers are haunting the instagram feed
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ramadan90s · 3 days
Palestine will be free
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werewolfaday · 5 months
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day 26: watermelon
striking 23-28th; i won't be mainly focusing on werewolves, and i'll be drawing attention to palestinian symbols and imagery instead.
links to donate
call your reps
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gionarte · 7 months
Now and always, say Free Palestine! ✌️🍉
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eoharu · 8 months
cheongah finally brave enough to go against her abuser because she knows there's someone out there who genuinely care for her, listen to her, laugh with her. and knowing who exactly they are; yichan, eungyeol, eunyu, and the watermelon boys... esp the clueless watermelon boys who just recently try to communicate with her but give her so much strength already, I'm crying. she finally knows she isn't alone, not anymore.
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lietpolski · 1 month
i think hws greece's human name should be iraklis btw!!! the man lives in modern greece he's not gonna have heracles on his passport like it's still 1821 and he's too busy fighting the ottomans to figure out how to romanize his language
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citronverveine · 1 year
do you ever think about hua cheng carving the statues
hua cheng's statues are like. the only form of comfort he could have in tong'lu. the only distraction. the only way to physically touch his god. the only way to pray to him. the only way to see him. the only way to not feel alone. the only way to bring his memories to life. the only way to make sure he would never forget his face.
the statues were a hobby, something to pass time, something to get his mind off his daily life of killing and surviving, something to ground himself, to memorize the shape of his god again and again, to catalogue every facets of him, to surround himself with what saved him everytime. the statues were reminders. prayers. offerings. memories.
it's said the first statues were really not well-done. it's said some of the art on the walls was done as if the artist was in a trance and in great suffering. imagine hua cheng carving the stone incessantly in the dark. longing to depict him perfectly. to honor him and to feel him. to see him. imagine him racking up every single memory he had of xie lian and etching it into stone to make it as permanent as his faith. imagine him talking to them. praying. crying. promising that he'll find him, that he'll do his best, that he'll be the best for him.
but the statues are cold and still and never talk back. and in the end he's alone. in the dark. with his memories of the one that taught him love quiet like the deads around him. and he doesn't know what happened to the real, flesh and blood xie lian and he won't know until he gets out of there
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dragonwritersblog · 11 months
ML Show Fans: "OMG Awakening was so bad the show has so much more is a hundred times better!"
ML Movie Fans: "The movie is so much better than the show and did things that the show never could!"
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if he's your man then why's he leaving his masculinity at the altar of my maidenhood. Huh
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strongermonster · 2 months
this is a really weird thing to complain about perhaps + has a really simple fix of "why don't you just switch banks then bc no one cares??"
but last year (maybe the year before?) my bank switched from a very conservative navy blue, berry red, and steel grey colour scheme that had a sort of feel of professional detachment to it that i've come to associate with dry corporate things like banking, to this "fun" new thing that's lime green and hot pink, with (mostly) light grey text on dark grey backgrounds, and uses exclusively black and white pictures of Attractive Diverse Youths of an Indeterminate Age Doing Fun Millennial-Appealing Non-Banking Activities to try and jazz it up, and i... i don't... hate it, but it feels... wrong?
it feels too very specifically engineered. calculated. like, you're a bank. you're a financial institution owned by a larger one that has all the money in the world and does not care to help a single soul with it, but you know it doesn't matter because we're stuck with you anyways.
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"free spirited photography" "old-fashioned competition" "energetic black-and-white imagery" why does it feel like they're trying to convince me of something?? this is like a new wave social media app that hasn't figured out how manipulative phrasing has worked yet.
the whole thing feels disingenuous and tacky. they're an online only bank, so they're trying to appeal to millennials and younger by being Hip and Cool with the Youths, but it just feels sour. reminds me a bit of 'they live (1988)'-ish, or when you get a new job and they're like "we're a family here! 🥰" and everything is really sleek and buzzfeed/tech startup-esq and counter-productively techy in a really inhuman way and you end up getting fired over zoom by a bohemian chic hr woman wearing fashion glasses she doesn't need with bangles that jingle the entire time she gesticulates while telling you she's really-really sorry your mom has cancer, but you did break company policy by taking 10 days off this year 😢
also when i say "i don't hate it" i mean uhm. if this was the kind of colours and imagery that someone was using to promote a community-based event that involved interacting with other people, i would find it enjoyable and engaging. but there's something about it being used to encourage engagement with an app designed to take my money that makes me feel uhh well all of the above i guess.
i don't know. corporations have more access to us on a deeply personal level than ever before, so when i see things like this it makes me nervous to think about how many greedy corporate execs sat in a room workshopping the best way to seem like Your Cool Friend like some sort of shapeshifting social parasite. but maybe i'm just paranoid.
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libelelle · 23 days
I bet silver would love watermelon. Its like food AND water. And its addicting
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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Had a sudden thought and it can't leave my mind
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Is this the state of things after Hades takes a bite from them
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fiomeras · 17 days
When i mention that i really really like horror with plants in it and think its really beautiful people get misconception that im only referring to the pretty stuff. YEAH it is pretty but im the guy who thinks anything is just about pretty. Beauty and terror are not mutually exclusive
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