#park jmin
aricastmblr · 11 months
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gum__lotte X 5 nov. 2023 - Jimin \11月8日はいい歯の日🦷✨��   いつまでも美味しく   楽しく食事🍽をとるために
Jimin さんはトクホの #キシリトールガム が選ばれる理由をレクチャー🧑‍🔬
大切な歯のために 🦷
LOTTE XYLITOL×BTS ”XYLITOL LESSON” JIMIN ver. https://youtu.be/s2iU7vpoKaA?si=TTAweN0xBnU72aIp
gum__lotte X 7 nov. 2023 - JUNG KOOK \11月8日はいい歯の日🦷✨/   いつまでも美味しく   楽しく食事🍽をとるために
JungKook さんはトクホの #キシリトールオーラテクトガム が歯ぐきを健康に保つ理由をレクチャー🧑‍🔬
大切な歯のために 🦷
LOTTE XYLITOL×BTS ”XYLITOL LESSON” JUNG KOOK ver. https://youtu.be/HMCiFqzzlxc?si=vchCW3bYE2wE9TMa
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lokisasylum · 2 years
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7 notes · View notes
btsqualityy · 2 years
Y.O.U (Years Of Us), Chapter 4: Decisions Made Out of Hurt
Jimin x half black/half Korean OC
Genre/Rating: 21+, established relationship, idol!AU, smut, angst, and fluff
Summary: Kamaria gets back to work on her upcoming album, runs into Jimin, and has her perspective (slightly) altered after a conversation with him. 
Warnings: Mention of drug addiction and a rehab visit. 
WC: 4.1K
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Song Of The Chapter: Demi Lovato ft Lil Wayne- Lonely
Two weeks later, Kamaria got out of her car at the HYBE building, making sure to lock the doors before she walked inside. After promotions for ‘Taming’ wrapped up, Kamaria was determined to get back into the studio. It had been two years since her fourth album and she had missed performing more than anything in the world. 
Well, almost anything. 
Once she had checked into the building and allowed the elevator to take her to the seventh floor, she instantly went to the fourth door on the right side of the hallway, typing the code into the keypad and waiting for the door to beep twice before pulling it open. 
“Well, well, well,” Yoongi smiled as he turned around in his chair and watched Kamaria step into his studio. “Long time, no see.”
“I just saw you in November, at MMA remember?” Kamaria chuckled. “Don’t start this dramatic shit.”
“What can I say? I have a flair for it,” he laughed, standing up and waiting until she had stepped closer to pull her into a tight hug. “How are you, kiddo?”
“I’m ok, can’t complain,” she shrugged as she hugged him back. “How are you?”
“Busy with work, as always,” he joked. “Here, have a seat.” Kamaria did as he instructed, taking a seat in the chair that had been placed next to his before she set her purse on top of the nearby table. “So, how’s the album coming along so far?”
“Well, I think I have about 50% of it done so far but as I started to think about what else I wanted to include on the album, your name popped into my mind,” she explained. “We haven’t worked on anything together since my first album and Lonely is still one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mines too,” Yoongi smiled. “But uh, are you sure about us working together? I mean, there’s a reason why we haven’t collaborated since your first album all those years ago.”
“You just had to go and bring that shit up,” Kamaria huffed. 
5 Years Ago
After fulfilling her contractual obligations to SM Entertainment, Kamaria had been looking for a change. Though the company was amazing to her and had been an amazing fit for her mother, she had realized that she wanted more creative control when it came to what messages she was putting into her music. Through her friendship with Jimin, she became acquainted with Bang Sihyuk who welcomed her to BigHit Entertainment with open arms. 
“I have to say, Kamaria, I cannot wait to get into the studio with you,” Bang PD confessed as the two of them walked down one of the numerous hallways in the HYBE building together after she signed her artist contract. “I hope that doesn’t make me sound too excited.”
“It’s fine because I’m just as excited,” Kamaria laughed. “Some of my favorite KPop songs ever have been ones that you wrote.”
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say that makes me blush a bit,” he joked, making Kamaria laugh again. As the two of them walked, they heard a sudden commotion coming from the artists’ lounge and as Kamaria listened closer, she realized that one of the raised voices was coming from Jimin. 
“Um, sorry to have to end this on such short notice but I think I should go see what’s going on,” Kamaria said.
“I think so too,” Bang PD nodded. “I’ll have Nari-ssi get in touch with you with your new schedule for recording.”
“Yes, thank you,” she nodded, doing a light bow before she rushed away from her new boss and as she rushed down the hallway, she could hear the voices of the other Bangtan members getting louder and louder. By the time she made it to the open doorway, nothing could’ve prepared her for what she saw. 
Jimin and Yoongi had their arms wrapped around each other, trying to wrestle one another down onto the ground and throwing blows at whatever inches of skin that they could reach. The other members were left trying to break the two of them up although if Kamaria wasn’t mistaken, some of them looked like they wanted to let the fight take place. 
“What the fuck are you guys’ doing?!” Kamaria shouted as she rushed forwards, instantly going over to Jimin and pulling on his shirt along with Jungkook and Taehyung. At the sound of her voice, Jimin released his grip on Yoongi and allowed himself to be pulled away. “What the hell is going on?!”
“This dumb ass has decided not to resign,” Yoongi growled and Kamaria’s eyes widened because Jimin hadn’t said anything to her about that. 
“Are you serious?” She gasped before looking over at Jimin. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to do more solo work and I can’t do that with the group constantly hanging over my head,” he explained. 
“Say it like that again and I’ll kill you,” Yoongi threatened and Jin and Hobi tightened their grips on his arms just to be safe. 
“Jimin decided to tell us about his decision after we’ve already started contract negotiations as seven members,” Namjoon elaborated. “We were very clear on our plans before Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung went to the military so we’re not understanding the sudden change.”
“The sudden change came when he had his solo debut and started smelling his own shit,” Yoongi spat.
“I haven’t been smelling my own shit,” Jimin shot back.
“Actually, you have been,” Hobi interjected. “You’ve been acting every different every since ‘Here I Am’ came out and every solo comeback you’ve had since. Nothing against you personally but it’s the truth.”
“Maybe because I want to explore more of my own artistry,” Jimin explained. “I don’t want to be held back by my commitments to the fucking group, like I have been for years now.”
“We were holding you back?!” Yoongi snorted as he began to struggle against Jin and Hobi’s hold. “You wouldn’t be shit without us and you fucking know it!”
“There’s only three of us that pack in the fucking stadiums and it’s definitely not you, hyung,” Jimin said mockingly. “So I think it’s actually the other way around.”
“Ungrateful son of a bitch!” Yoongi roared before breaking free of the hold on his arms and charging towards Jimin again, literally tackling him onto the ground. This time, it took the members much longer to break the two of them apart while Kamaria was forced to do nothing but watch and call out to Jimin, hoping that he’d rein himself back in. 
“Get the fuck off of me!” Jimin hollered as he got up off of the ground once Yoongi had finally been pulled off of him. “I fucking quit!”
“Jimin hyung,” Jungkook called out but Jimin brushed him off before he stormed out of the lounge. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Kamaria said before rushing out behind her best friend. Once she caught up to him, Jimin didn’t stop to hear her out and even eight hours later, as he paced back and forth in Kamaria’s apartment, he still refused to see reason. 
“Listen, I understand where you were coming from,” Kamaria said from her place on the couch. “Bangtan has always been insular and it’s hard to go back to that once you’ve opened up more.”
“But couldn’t you just communicate that to them without all the extra aggressiveness?” She wondered. 
“They wouldn’t hear me out, Bubs because they never do!” Jimin exclaimed. “I don’t want to be just ‘Jiminie from BTS’ anymore. Once I started making my own music, I just saw everything that I could be and it’s so much more than I could’ve ever dreamed.”
“And you really think Bangtan is holding you back from that?” 
“I do,” he confirmed with a nod. “And I know myself. Despite what happened today, I do love my members and I’d do anything for them but I also know that my loyalty to them is holding me back. Think about it. Yoongi hyung’s been back from the military for six months and what I have done solo since then?”
“Nothing but you told me you guys had discussed that,” Kamaria pointed out. 
“More like the hyungs discussed it and I just agreed to it,” he corrected her. “I’ve grown so much as an artist in the last three years and I don’t want to lose the momentum that I have going.”
“And that’s worth you imploding a 15 year friendship?” She questioned. “Because of your fucking ego, basically?”
“Call it what you want but I’ve made my decision,” Jimin shrugged as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pill bottle. “I’m going to finish another mini album and promote that for the next six months before I go to do my military service. Once I’m out, the only thing I’ll have to worry about is myself and my music.” 
Kamaria didn’t say anything else, instead just watching worriedly as he pulled a pill out of the bottle and swallowed it down dry. 
“Look, the only reason why I haven’t worked with you was out of respect for my prior relationship,” Kamaria explained. “Which you can’t blame me for. I mean, you gave him a black eye and a bloodied lip.”
“Which I’d do again in a heartbeat because he fucking deserved it for being a prick,” Yoongi chuckled. “But it must feel good to get rid of the old ball and chain, huh? I never did know what you saw in his ass.”
“Anyways,” she rolled her eyes. “Let’s get to work, if you remember how to do that.”
“Oh, I have a whole folder of beats that are awaiting your gorgeous voice,” he smiled as he turned to face his desktop. “Let’s do it, kiddo.”
Once the session started, Kamaria found herself easily slipping into the routine. Making music was like therapy for her and after the last few months, she fucking needed it. 
A few hours later, Kamaria stood next to the door of Yoongi’s studio while he locked up. 
“I’d forgotten how fucking good you are,” Yoongi chuckled. “I can’t believe we wrote and laid the entire song down today.”
“Me either but I love it,” she gushed happily. “I definitely want it on the album.”
“Good, as long as you don’t try to rope me into performing it with you,” he said as he turned to face her, motioning with his hand for her to lead the way down the hall. 
“Oh come on,” she giggled. “We’ve never performed together before and it would be fun.”
“Pay me enough and we can talk,” he chuckled. 
“Pay you enough for what?” Jimin wondered as he stepped out from around a corner, smirking when Kamaria and Yoongi simultaneously rolled their eyes at the sight of him. “Hello Bubs.”
“Hi,” Kamaria deadpanned. 
“So, she’s the only person you see?” Yoongi asked. 
“Hello hyung,” Jimin smiled but Kamaria could tell that it was completely fake. “How are you?”
“Eat a dick,” Yoongi snapped before turning to glance at Kamaria. “I’m going home. Call me if you need anything, yeah?”
“Ok, and thanks for today,” Kamaria smiled softly, giving him a quick hug before he continued to walk down the hall away from them. Once he was out of earshot, Jimin narrowed his eyes at her. 
“You’re working with Yoongi now?”
“Because I’m no longer with you and don’t have to worry about bruising your ego anymore,” Kamaria shrugged. 
“Nice to know whose side you’re on,” he snickered. 
“I was never on anyone’s side in that and you know it. I thought all of you were being idiots,” she reminded him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She moved to walk past him but when she did, he reached out and grabbed onto her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. “You know, you’re making a really bad habit of grabbing me and my fist is just aching for a face to punch these days.”
“Can we talk?” Jimin wondered. “Like, really talk?”
“If you ask me about being your fucking surrogate again, I swear-,”
“No, not about that,” he shook his head. “I want to explain things to you from my side. About Hye-ja, why I did what I did, everything.”
“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” She chuckled in disbelief. “You made it very clear who and what you wanted when you married her.”
“But don’t act like it hasn’t always been you,” Jimin stated firmly. 
“It’s hard to believe that when you’re sporting another woman’s ring on your finger.”
“Have I ever lied to you?” He questioned and that had Kamaria pausing for thought. Jimin was a lot of things: an asshole, egotistical, somewhat clingy, and selfish. However, the man had never lied to her and she couldn’t deny that.
“I know I’ve hurt you. I can see it in your eyes,” Jimin murmured. “The least I can do is be honest with you, if you’ll let me?” As Kamaria looked into his eyes, those brown eyes that she had found herself getting lost in so many times before, she felt that familiar feeling washing over her again. 
“Ok,” she agreed. “When and where?”
“If you’re not busy, I’d like to do it tonight,” he told her. “Say, my place, 7:00pm?”
“I’ll be there,” Kamaria agreed, her breathing hitching in her throat when Jimin suddenly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss onto her forehead before pulling back.
“See you then, Bubs,” he smiled before turning and walking away. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Kamaria muttered to herself, grabbing her sunglasses from her bag and slipping them onto her face before making her way out of the HYBE building. 
Later that night, Kamaria found herself pulling her car up to the code box of Jimin’s house. His house could really be considered a mansion by modern standards, two stories with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a home studio, a large backyard with a pool, and even a full scale movie room. 
Rolling down the driver’s side window, Kamaria reached out and quickly pressed the numbers ‘514′ onto the keypad, her eyes widening when the gate beeped before it slowly began to open. 514 was the date of their anniversary and she was somewhat, but not completely, surprised that Jimin hadn’t gotten around to changing it. 
As she pulled up the driveway and parked her car right in front of the front steps, she had barely gotten her foot out of the car when the front door to the house swung open. 
“Bubs!” Jimin called and in spite of everything, Kamaria found herself smiling as she walked up the steps. 
“You look amazing,” he praised and Kamaria rolled her eyes.
“I’m wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt,” she scoffed. “Be for real.”
“I am,” he huffed, opening the door wider and allowing her to step inside. “And you have your hair in my favorite style.” Kamaria smiled at that, knowing Jimin well enough to know that he went weak in the knees anytime she had braids in her hair and especially when she put them up into a ponytail on top of her head. 
“Look, you wanted to talk so let’s talk,” Kamaria said once she had taken off her jacket and gotten her shoes off of her feet. 
“You’re not hungry?” Jimin asked as he began to walk backwards towards the kitchen. “I have food on the stove. Come on.”
“Jimin,” she whined but when he continued to walk away from her, she just sighed heavily before following behind him. Once she made it into the large kitchen, Jimin was already in front of the stove stirring something in a large pot so Kamaria walked over to him and hopped up to sit on the counter next to him. 
“So, where’s Hye-ja?” She couldn’t help but to inquire. 
“Not here.”
“Is she gonna be here? I mean, she does live here,” Kamaria pointed out.
“No, she doesn’t and she never has,” Jimin confessed, throwing her a quick glance before refocusing his gaze on the pot. 
“What? So the two of you have been living separately since you got married?”
“Yep. She said something to the effect of ‘”I’ve worked too hard to just give up my house and plus, I don’t even like the design of your house”,” he recited.
“She doesn’t like this house?” Kamaria gasped. “It’s gorgeous. I remember when you bought it.”
“I’d hope you would remember because you’re the one that convinced me to get it,” Jimin chuckled. “Pretty sure you threatened my life about it too.”
“Hey, a good piece of real estate makes me passionate,” she joked. A comfortable silence settled over them then, and Kamaria took the opportunity to look inside of the simmering pot. “Uh, Jimin? What is this?”
“Kimchi jjigae.”
“You sure?”
“Of course I’m sure,” he huffed. 
“It doesn’t look like it,” she observed. 
“Looks can be deceiving sometimes,” Jimin smiled. “Trust me, it’ll taste the way you taught me to make it.”
“I still don't’ know how you used to cook for me so much but had no idea how to make kimchi jjigae,” Kamaria giggled. “And it was so easy!”
“Hey, that wasn’t my fault,” he shot back. “I had my parents, you, and the hyungs so I had no need to learn.”
“You’re spoiled.”
“Loved, actually and there’s a difference.”
“Whatever,” she smiled. Not too much later, the stew was done and the two of them were sat together at the table placed in Jimin’s dining room, their full bowls, one glass of wine and one cup of water in front of them. 
“So,” Kamaria spoke up, wanting to get right down to things because she wanted answers. “How did you and Hye-ja even meet?”
“Well, I’ve always known of her,” Jimin began. “I’d see her around at different events and award shows, stuff like that. I even did an OST for a drama that she was in back before I did my enlistment. She used to flirt with me whenever she saw me but I never paid it any attention because I was in love with you, even before we officially got together three years ago.”
“When you and I broke up, I was heartbroken and I had holed myself up in this house,” he continued. “Taehyung was the one who broke me out of my funk and dragged me out to Hye-ja’s latest premiere. When I saw her again, she was just as flirty and this time, I welcomed it. She gave me her number and we ended up talking on the phone every night for weeks afterward. She gave me attention and made me feel wanted, which is the exact opposite of how I had felt when you and I ended things.”
“As we talked, it just seemed like we wanted a lot of the same things,” he told her. “She’s the same age as me and it seemed like we were on the same timeline when it came to getting married and starting a family so I thought it could work. Admittedly, I also didn’t want to miss my opportunity to have the family that I’ve always dreamed of and since it seemed like you were really done with me, I took my chance. I asked her to marry me and she accepted. We got married in Tokyo a month after her movie premiere.”
“And where does the whole surrogate thing come in at?” Kamaria wondered. 
“Once we got back to Korea and Hye-ja saw some of the bad press we got for a ‘fake and rushed marriage’, she decided that she wanted to hold off on having kids for the time being,” Jimin explained. “And after that, it seemed like everything just unraveled. We have more differences than I thought and we barely see each other because she’s obsessed with working.” 
“Wow,” Kamaria murmured, slowly dragging her spoon through her stew. Although she was still angry as hell at the way Jimin had gone about things and how he had let them play out, she still could understand his point of view. He had made a decision out of pain, only to have it all blow up in his face. 
“Tell me about it,” he chuckled. 
“I feel for you Jimin, I really do but I never told you that we were totally done,” she pointed out. 
“Can you blame me for thinking that after I woke up to all of your stuff gone and only a note left behind?” Jimin scoffed. “You said you needed space.”
“And I did need space.”
“Between that and all the times I proposed to you, only to be turned down, what was I supposed to think?”
“Your definition of asking someone to marry you changes everyday,” Kamaria responded. “Randomly asking me over cereal in the morning or over the phone or when I’m mad at you because I caught you popping pills is not a proposal.”
“....You didn’t have to throw that in my face,” Jimin grumbled. 
“And I’m not trying to but it’s the truth,” she stated firmly. “You had an addiction issue and I know you went to rehab and have been fine since you got out...right?”
“But it just made me rethink everything,” she finished. “I wanted everything you did Jimin and you know that. Marriage, kids, the whole shebang but I was not going to do it while you were using drugs and then fresh into recovery, especially not after what I’ve been through with my mama. I love you but I refuse to love you to death, and that’s something I’m standing on.”
“I understand Bubs,” Jimin said, reaching across the table with his hands out. Hesitantly, Kamaria set down her spoon and set her hands in Jimin’s, allowing him to squeeze them tightly. “When I came back from rehab, it seemed like everything was fine between us so I assumed that our relationship was one that I wouldn’t have to worry about mending. I guess I was wrong, huh?”
“I-” Kamaria began to say but she was cut off by the sound of the front door opening and closing followed by a loud voice calling Jimin’s name. Kamaria instantly snatched her hands out of Jimin’s, her eyes widening when she saw the person that the voice belonged to walk into the dining room. 
Kim Hye-ja was stunning and even Kamaria could admit that. She stepped into the room dressed immaculately in a light blue two piece suit, Jimmy Choo heels glistening in the light. Her long black hair was slicked back away from her face, showing off her stunning facial structure. 
“Jiminie!” Hye-ja exclaimed and Jimin stood up then, opening his arms just in time for Hye-ja to crash into him in a tight hug. Kamaria couldn’t help but to grimace and she had to physically turn her head when Hye-ja kissed her husband firmly. 
“What are you doing here, Hye?” Jimin asked. “I thought you were going to stay in Jeju after your photoshoot.”
“I was but I decided to come back to Seoul so that we could be together,” she smiled before looking over at Kamaria. “Oh my gosh, you’re Kamaria.”
“Hi,” Kamaria smiled softly and Hye-ja rushed over to her side of the table, bowing lightly and grabbing onto her hand to shake it in greeting. 
“It’s so amazing to finally meet you!” Hye-ja chirped happily. “I know you’re one of Jimin’s best friends.”
“Yeah,” Kamaria nodded. “It’s nice to meet you too, Hye-ja-ssi.”
“Please, you don’t have to be so formal with me,” she insisted. “Any friend of Jimin is a friend of mines.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kamaria replied. 
“I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?” Hye-ja questioned suddenly after seeing the bowls of food and Kamaria’s glass of wine. “I know you don’t get to see each other often.” 
Oh, if only she knew.
“Nah, you’re fine,” Jimin spoke up. “I ran into Bub-, Kamaria at the HYBE building when I went to record today and invited her over.”
“But I was actually just on my way out,” Kamaria announced, standing up from her chair. 
“Well, we have to plan something soon so that you and I can get to know each other more,” Hye-ja suggested. 
“Sure,” Kamaria smiled falsely. “I’ll see you around, Jimin.”
“Let me walk you out,” he offered but Kamaria shook her head. 
“I’m good, don’t worry. Stay with Hye-ja-ssi, I’m sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do.”
“That we do,” Hye-ja smiled as she wrapped her arms around Jimin. Quickly making her way to the front door, she stuffed her feet into her shoes and grabbed her jacket and purse, holding both in her hands as she rushed out of the front door. Switching on the ignition and throwing the car into drive, she fled down the driveway, flying through the gates and out onto the streets of Seoul. 
“Every time,” she muttered to herself. “Every fucking time.”
Tag List:  @dunixxd @namaslaylife @shabbamadapot
96 notes · View notes
roadtwt · 2 years
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36 notes · View notes
jamrroolloo · 3 months
*Crying in no more Jimin/Muse content for a whole 5 days*
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fairybinie · 1 year
synopsis: popular and menacingly wicked choi beomgyu has the entire senior class wrapped around his finger. the high school drama club has cherished y/n as their veteran for four years. to fulfill beomgyu’s graduation requirements, he must join y/n’s drama club despite his grudges. unbeknownst to everyone else, y/n and beomgyu have their history. they’ve kissed before (or more like y/n has bitten his lip to bleed) and beomgyu hasn’t lived it down ever since. y/n cannot stand this guy. they can make it through the entire year as the leads in their play, right?
taglist: @iyeonjuni @odxrilove @iuwon @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji @ameliesaysshoo @enhacolor @cherrybeomgyu @wccycc @hyukabean @strawberri-uyu @hyuntaena @feyregels @boba-beom @luvnhwa @jmin-s @ashxxgyu @bibinnieposts @laylasbunbunny @robinsluva @shiguresohmas @h00nerz @beomsbeanie @stepout-09-15 @ox1-lovesick @soobsdior @ifwtyun @peachy-yabbay @sunlightwoo @ttyunz @rikijackson04 @miyawwn @aintgeluh @baekhyunstruly @wxderingthoughts @moontyuns @soobpricity @hyeinszn @txtbrainrot @phenomenalgirl9 @fatoompie @stellz581 @bluebearybeom @extriella @1-800-ryujin @galaxyhalloes @tae-ology @dekusgirl @xavi-in-kpopland @run2seob @obeymeharemowner @bailies-me @aestheticsluut
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a/n: smau + written (2.9k). one pet name, profanity, gay jokes don’t take it srs!! mentions of kissing/blood, mentions of alcohol, just angst everywhere. the moment is finally here sorry for the wait y’all are about to get real mad 😔
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y/n wasn’t entirely wrong. as soon as the group arrived in front of the school (courtesy of beomgyu’s driving; thankfully they managed to snatch shotgun before anyone else could) taehyun and eliana were hand in hand and eager to head in together. y/n could say that they were the most unexpected pair to come out from these few weeks, but that place has already been taken.
dinner was weird. why exactly was isa here? she’s never interacted with the rest of them that often and she seems to have her own crew. at this point, y/n is for certain isa still likes beomgyu. tagging along with yeonjun, one of his best friends, just seems like a coy to be closer with him. y/n and beomgyu haven’t even been together for that long and they’re already jealous.
at the same time, y/n tries to fight it off. technically they won this battle, right? beomgyu is dating them not her. beomgyu sees them all the time in class, outside of class, they hang out with each other’s friends. surely, it would be too late for beomgyu to have any last minute realizations to change his mind.
snap out of it y/n, own up to your slayness, as kai would tell them.
it’s prom. this is supposed to be the one special night where they all could let loose and forget their worries, put their future on hold, and just enjoy the present while they still can. put rehearsals and the production on the back burner while they act on for their own lives.
it shouldn’t be too hard for y/n to act like these overbearing thoughts aren't on their mind and they don’t know anything. this is just like any other role.
“alright guys, let’s make beomgyu’s tweet come true,” yeonjun announces to the group with a clap of his hands to capture their attention.
right on cue, they all chant a night to remember with their hands in the air. y/n barely manages to regain their composure as they attempt to join this hurrah, but they missed out just by a few seconds.
taehyun and eliana don’t hesitate to scurry inside the school to see what tonight has in store for them. soobin and kai (both dateless) start walking ahead and yeonjun goes up to the person in charge for valet parking to store his car away. y/n stays behind to wait for beomgyu so they could go in together, only to see him and isa are standing together in a distance. y/n’s eyebrows furrow in place as they fold their hands together, unsure what to do with them.
“um, i'll be right in,” beomgyu coughs, but still sounds somewhat assuring. “we just need to talk for a minute.”
the boy has his hands in his pant pockets and appears to be stiff. he’s not closing the distance between him and isa, as she stands a few inches away to his right. y/n has been thrown off enough tonight, but they weren’t exactly expecting this. they glance at beomgyu one more time with caution and beomgyu responds with a quick head nod for confirmation. y/n catches isa return a closed mouth smile and y/n can’t help but do the same, as they feel it forced upon.
y/n gives a nod themselves as they slowly turn around and make their way up the steps and inside the school. they manage to catch up to soobin and kai and they squeeze in the middle as they interlock arms with theirs. the boys are both caught off guard, as they expected y/n to go in with beomgyu, and exchange some confused looks with one another. y/n does their best to keep their gaze straight, not wanting to look back. they can’t look back. thankfully, soobin does it for them.
“hm?” soobin says when he sees y/n with them. he looks at them and then stretches his neck to look behind him. it becomes apparent to him and he understands. he encloses his arm with y/n’s a bit tighter and continues to walk ahead.
eighteen minutes. that’s how long y/n has been standing in the corner right near the fruit punch. eliana and taehyun offered to stay with them until beomgyu came back, but y/n declined their offer. they shouldn’t have to sacrifice their night just for them. miraculously, a fellow drama classmate came up to kai and asked to dance, to which y/n practically forced him to take the chance. opportunities don’t come for him this often. soobin had to go to his locker in search of wet wipes as an underclassmen has already spilled their beverage on his shirt.
y/n observes the scene with their arms crossed, leaning against the wall behind them. of course, everyone is having the time of their life. the theme turned out better than they expected, and the decor isn't too shabby. some are lined up for photos, including taehyun and eliana. others are out on the dance floor eating up whatever the DJ is throwing at them. though they appear distressed, y/n at least finds kai’s attempt at dancing amusing.
their eyes trail onto a group of students who pour juice into those classic red cups as one of them brings out a bottle of alcohol and adds it into each other’s cups. y/n stares blankly as they recall the last time they ever drank, which was that night. considering how that ended up, they haven’t since then.
once that group leaves, y/n catches yeonjun in the far corner making conversation with a few other party goers. he seems to have no care in the world, just genuinely enjoying this good time.
that makes one of them.
why did y/n care so much? yeonjun clearly didn’t, maybe they were making a bigger deal out of this than they needed to. it’s not like isa is horrible either. she was always sweet to them whenever they interacted. however, being in this space right now has led y/n to believe that those two may have more going on than they suspected.
this is ridiculous, they thought. what could they be talking about for this long?
on that thought, y/n heads over to the window that shows a view of the front of the school, right where they were in the start. they feel bad that they were assuming something bad could be happening right now, as if they didn’t trust beomgyu, but they can’t help it. they’ve seen this kind of story before.
only…beomgyu and isa aren’t there anymore. maybe that is better? perhaps they were done and beomgyu was on his way to the hall. with nerves, y/n pulls out their cell phone. they would be lying if they said they didn’t debate on whether to call or text him. that’s the point they’ve reached to.
please stand up.
ultimately, they start a text conversation.
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y/n longingly stares down at their phone in pure confusion and distaste. not only was it just revealed that isa did indeed like their boyfriend, but throughout this conversation they’ve noticed a few glances and side eyes being thrown their way. it’s like they’re all in on what just happened.
as y/n waits for beomgyu to walk inside the hall, the stares don’t stop. there’s even some whispers and chit chats being heard. not that they’re conceited, but this has to be about them, right?
y/n appears to be a deer in headlights until one of their classmates from drama class approaches them. her face reeks of pity as she whispers in their ear.
“check twitter.”
she walks away as y/n remains still in their place. their phone barely balances on their suddenly shaky hands. they can feel their forehead form a crease with their knitted brows as their fingers hurriedly open the mentioned app. it didn’t have to take much digging because it’s the first thing they see. something they never thought would ever be exposed.
everyone here knows that they’re dating beomgyu, and what was now formally their secret incident.
y/n can barely think straight. many thoughts begin to race in their mind, but the one question that takes center spotlight is who the hell is moanews? how did they know all that?
seeing all the rapid scrolls take place in this hall leads y/n to grow more anxious. everything’s out. they shake their head in disbelief and soon make way out through the door and into the hallway. yeonjun, eliana, taehyun, and kai follow right behind them when they realize what’s going on.
y/n could’ve sworn that the world was on pause. it wasn’t until they rushed out of there hearing the music blare through the speakers that they realized this is very much real time. they need to think.
the hallway surprisingly is quite empty and the music tunes out a little. y/n feels less overwhelmed, but their heart picks up its pace when they see beomgyu come out from the men’s restroom.
“y/n!” beomgyu calls out as he hurries over to them, his breath staggering with each step.
“beomgyu, what the hell happened out there?” y/n wastes no time to question. their words come out as a hushed command.
“i- she just confessed to me out of nowhere,” beomgyu’s words spill out, almost with no structure. “she says the feelings are still there even though she doesn’t want them to be. i had to tell her we were dating, y/n.”
beomgyu can tell y/n is trying to follow along, but the urgency in their eyes tells him they’re not doing very well. he steps closer to y/n and gently reaches to hold their hand. it’s stone cold.
“she made me realize a lot of things,” he admits with a sigh, like it’s the first time he’s being real with himself.
y/n shakes their head in denial as their frown deepens. “beomgyu, i don’t care that she likes you. i want to know who the fuck aired our business out like that and why.”
“w-what do you mean?” beomgyu’s eyes soften as his expression is replaced with concern.
just on time, the rest of the gang follows up with them in a hurry. yeonjun hands beomgyu his phone and the rest stay standing for what’s next. y/n sees soobin jogging up to the group as he came back from the opposite side of the hallway from his locker.
“dude,” yeonjun lets out a whisper. everyone watches as beomgyu’s eyes read all over the place, growing apprehensive with each word.
“okay, when did this happen?” beomgyu questions with the phone in his hand. yeonjun snatches it back and rereads everything for himself.
“that’s what i'm trying to ask you,” y/n brings the attention back onto him.
“i didn’t know about this-”
“yeah, neither did we,” eliana speaks up after observing enough. y/n shifts their gaze onto her and the rest of their friends. they appear hurt. “when were you going to tell us, y/n?”
“were you even going to tell us at all?” kai adds on. his voice becomes small and y/n can’t help but feel their heart break a little.
they were so focused on talking to beomgyu that they didn’t realize what else becomes of this mess. the fact that their friends didn’t know and were kept in the dark, and this is how they find out. it’s not looking good for anyone.
“y/n,” beomgyu speaks again, waiting to hear a response with solemn eyes.
and that’s when it all circles back for y/n. the thread said they are not what they think. isa likes beomgyu. beomgyu just said that she made him realize things. sure, he might’ve told her that they were dating but maybe his feelings have changed now? these two did have their on and off again relationship, maybe those feelings never left. perhaps that’s why beomgyu was so slow on making things official with y/n, because he didn’t want to. he didn’t do it until y/n literally had to ask. beomgyu was the only one to know their secret. maybe he never really changed.
they said they needed to think, but they never said they were rational.
“you…” is all y/n could stutter out, letting go of beomgyu’s grip.
beomgyu only blinks a few times to understand, but once he does, his soft expression turns into slight betrayal.
“you seriously… you think i did this?” beomgyu accuses, his tone going an octave higher.
“jeez, i don’t know!” y/n exclaims with their hands in the air. they’re aware their friends are watching at this point but it’s all out anyway. “you were the only one who knew, beomgyu.”
beomgyu scoffs as he can’t believe this current predicament. “and i told you i didn’t tell anyone. i wouldn’t do that to you.”
“yeah, well i don’t know what to believe anymore,” y/n mumbles with a cross of their arms, their eyes brink with tears. “right now i’m starting to feel like i can’t really trust you.”
“apparently you can’t trust us either,” a voice speaks up. y/n faces eliana, and her anger is unmatched. “we’re supposed to be your best friends, y/n. after four years you couldn’t tell us? seriously? we had to find out through a fucking thread.”
“this literally isn’t about you, el!” y/n’s instinct is to retaliate with a higher voice. “this is our own problem, or mine i guess.”
eliana takes the comeback as she swallows down any other harsh words she can think of. her tears begin to look similar to y/n’s.
“well i guess he’s not the only one who’s changed,” eliana replies lowly, with no life left to her tone. she recalls back to what y/n has said about beomgyu, about how he’s become a new and better person than what he was years ago. that’s a new level of low.
having enough of the conversation, eliana heads back to the hall with frustrated movements. kai glances at y/n for a second, feeling disappointed as well before he follows right behind eliana, probably in hopes that she’s okay. taehyun faces the boys beside him, visibly asking what to do. beomgyu and yeonjun give a shrug to their left indicating that he’s allowed to go after her too, to which he does.
“maybe i was stupid for thinking you were different,” y/n comes to the dull conclusion.
“i really can’t believe you’re saying this right now,” beomgyu responds with hurt in his voice.
“you literally said you weren’t innocent either,” y/n traces back to their texts that left them confused.
“not for this reason!” beomgyu argues in defense. not that he really has one anyway, even he can admit all this leads back to him.
y/n shrugs with hard shoulders, emotionally tired to keep this conversation going. they walk a few steps back before beomgyu calls out their name again, refusing to believe they’re going to end things like this.
“maybe you can write a song about your past biting you in the ass,” y/n spits out the harshest thing they could come up with, even if it wasn’t intended. “since your lips weren't enough, apparently.”
y/n rolls their eyes and soon begins to hurry out of this (what feels enclosed) building, back to the outside of the front of the school. they pause in their steps to wait to see if beomgyu follows them out, but he doesn’t. they can only hear yeonjun barge him with a bunch of questions.
y/n sits down on the steps after calling an uber to take them back home. they smooth out their outfit and exhale a much needed breath that they’ve been holding in.
so much for a night to remember.
technically, all this didn’t matter. it’s high school, people focus on one piece of drama and then they soon forget about it. they were all about to graduate anyway, go their separate ways. yet, it still hurt. y/n can’t forget about this, it’s not like they’re not going to see beomgyu after this. they still have rehearsals, graduation, hell, even college. they’ve confided in him with everything. now, he’s lost his only supporter.
their friends were mad at them, beomgyu broke their heart, they didn’t even get to enjoy prom for what it was. no pictures, no dances, no….kisses. what were they here for if it was only going to end up like this? did they even break up?
y/n hated beomgyu, y/n hated isa, y/n hated themselves.
the production was surely going to face severe damage after what just happened. they’re mentally apologizing on behalf of the entire drama department.
y/n feels a tear streak fall down their cheek, almost forgetting they were on the verge of crying. they quickly wipe it away, refusing to break down like this in public. they just wanted their uber to get here so they could go home, get undressed from their emotions, and watch home videos of their dad. they almost want to question him asking why they ever thought they could trust choi beomgyu. how could he ever change?
in the midst of all this, y/n hears footsteps follow behind them until ultimately a body sits right beside them. they’re too ashamed to look up, but they recognize those lean legs anywhere.
soobin, of all people. wasn’t he upset too? if anything, he was the one who hated beomgyu just as much as they did. he should be having his ‘i told you so’ moment. he should be yelling at them that they shouldn’t have been involved with a guy like him.
“…wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
and with this, y/n squeezes their eyes closed in hopes this will all go away. at least they weren’t alone, though. but come to think of it, it’s quite funny.
you have one guy with a visible stain on his heart, and someone who has an emotional stain on their heart.
please do not translate, modify or repost on other platforms.
© fairybinie
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hyunin325 · 2 years
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ハン・ジソン クールな男の子 (ゝ。∂)
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kpoptimeout · 7 months
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the Second Week of February 2024 (Feb 5 - Feb 11 2024)
Feb 5
EPEX - Graduation Day
Rising boy group EPEX drops a nostalgic and emotional pre-release track right in graduation season in South Korea!
Underrated girl group ICHILLIN' is cooking up a catchy bop in this fun MV!
JMIN - Body ft. Sik-K
H1GHER Music RnB artist JMIN is smooth and confident in this collab with top rapper Sik-K.
P1HARMONY - Killin' It
FNC's youngest boy band is swaggy in this fun track!
Feb 6
Joosiq - Breathing
Indie artist Joosiq brings us a sweet romance with his honey vocals in this retro Korean RnB jam.
Moon Byul - Think About
MAMAMOO's rapper Moon Byul shows her versatility in this vocal-heavy dance-pop track!
Feb 7
APOKI - Winter Blossom ft. Kotaro Oshio
Virtual idol APOKI croons in this ballad featuring famed Japanese guitarist Kotaro Oshio!
iKON's Donghyuk (DK) debuts solo in this heartwrenching performance.
Mitty - I'm not good at
K-Indie artist Mitty delivers soothing riffs and runs in this alternative RnB track!
Feb 8
Park Sung On - Bring to life
Young trot talent Park Sung On shows off his mature vocals in this fun song and performance!
Feb 9
No releases.
Feb 10
No releases.
Feb 11
No releases.
What is your favourite release of the week?
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cdreambur · 7 months
real music
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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Jimin weverse comento
hobi comento a jimin en weverse
Jimin weverse comento
ARMYs es Jimin. Ah…. No se siente real, así que no sé qué decir... uh,,,……..,,,,
suga weverse comento a jimin
Si Park Jimin artista con el primer lugar en el  billboard hot 100 eres tan genial por favor se mi invitado en mi concierto  ddang ddang ddang.
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hoshologies · 1 year
⌗ wip game.
rules. post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. let people send you an ask with any titles that most intrigue them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by @jmin-s
man i have so many wips LMAO i tried to organize them by group so hopefully they’re a little easier to parse through !! please feel free to ask me as many questions as you like !!
to haunt a home, lee heeseung.
thirteen ways, jake sim.
on tape, jay park.
lovers’ advisory, mark lee.
six week stranger, na jaemin.
the last page book club, ot8 skz series.
forward / slash, ot5 txt series.
defined by the things i love, choi beomgyu.
tagging anyone who wants to participate. i dont think i have enough mutuals to tag for all of these LMAO
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khiphop-discussions · 2 years
I am also curious on the higher music side (we all know about jay park anyway 🙄) like ph1, sik-1 (even thought he left), etc. Thanks
I think GroovyRoom has a clear reputation. Trade L definitely Cha Cha I think has a clean reputation too as far social issues. How people feel about his personal life is another but personally I don't have any problems with him. I think most people are fine with him besides that one random anon if you remember that ask lol Big Naughty is clear.
Haon is clear.
From here on out, most of these people I'm ASSUMING they are clear because I haven't heard anything negative about them yet. SMMT/Seungmin is clear. I'm guessing. I haven't really heard mcuh about him since he's more behind the scenes as a prod/dj but I'm sure he's clean cause producers and djs generally are since they aren't as public as rappers. JMIN's clear. Golden...I'm not sure but I think he's clear Woogie. Jay B Then there's the US based artists on the label. I'm not sure about them tbh. Besides, Avatar, he's kind of an ass.
Everybody else has either said or done something racially insensitive. Usually Cultural appropriation.
Personally, I'm not currently upset with Woodie, Ph-1, or Sik-K. Woodie and Sik-k culturally appropriated but at this point I'm kinda numb to it lol (by lol I'm mean it's sad as hell). They don't wear it everyday and they don't make some big ass disrespectful statement about how people offended by it or too sensitive and how they have the right to do it. So I'll take it easy on them for the time being because in general they stay out of trouble. I haven't forgotten though tbh. Ph-1 made colorist remarks to Sik-K but honestly if Sik-K ain't mad then that's their business I guess. Still major side eye but in general he's kept his nose clean so I won't hold it against him.
Now, JAY's ass on the other hand....lol. Honestly, one of the reasons I get so upset with him is because I know he can do better. Trust me, this is NOT a belief I hold about everybody in KHH who has done "problematic" things. I genuinely WANT him to do better though cause I know deep down inside he's a good person and I don't wanna keep being upset every time he does some fuckery. I'm genuinely rooting for him despite my damn near constant criticism.
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escarlot · 1 year
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Yeah it's a lot going on rn but I'm managing. I also got a raise for working so much so I know what I do is being appreciated and that feels nice (my previous bosses were taking everything for granted so it's double nice lol)
And please send me your cravity content playlists! I enjoy pretty much all variety concepts as long as everyone in the group is having fun and feeling comfortable. I just want to get a feeling for them as people and not just as performers if you know what I mean.
And oh god oh boy I could literally talk for hours about the Baes... okay so their title tracks went from cute (crush on u, loved you) to intense and edgy (jaws) to hiphop (Dash) and I really just love all their title songs so far. Dash has a special place in my heart cause all 3 songs on that EP were written and produced by their maknae Dohyon and they're all amazing!
For bsides I recommend FLY, #Trace (its a duo song from Dohyon and their eldest member J-Min), Green Light, Annoyed, and ���음마 (get him UGH)
And for all 3 calls I talked to all 9 of them! I had about 1 minute with each member. It was amazing! They're really all so sweet! 😭 Dohyon is so silly, Muzin was hella flirty, Doha has such a gentle and kind personality, Yoojun is aegyo master 3000, Youngseo was so surprised that I was German and the first thing he said after I told him was that he wants to eat sausages here 😭, i told Hangyul that I liked his outfit and that stupid boy just started flexing his biceps at me I can't with him, Bit said he doesn't like their cute concepts at all and he's glad they're doing other stuff now lol, jmin can't really speak or understand English so after the first call I wrote down some stuff I want to tell him in Korean and he clapped so cutely for me, and Junseo omg... I was literally speechless the first time I saw him. He also did a little dancey dance for me one time 😭
Dohyon, Bit, and Yoojun remembered me. Bit was like "didn't I see you yesterday? 🤔" and Dohyon was so excited in the second call he was like "yooo you're back! Now we can talk more!" And Yoojun told me in Korean that he's so happy to see me so many times. My friend had to help me translate because I couldn't understand all of what he said but he was so sweet istg boy stole my heart
Still crying when I think back to it...
Also I'm getting my signed albums and polaroids tomorrow! I hope fedex comes early so I get it before I have to leave for work 🤞🏻
I'm so happy to hear that! You deserve that appreciation<33 I'm glad you have a good boss on this job u deserve !
The playlist is here <3 the boys all like filming vity park because the atmosphere is generally very chill and fun! They stressed more in the beginning because they were babies getting used to entertainment shows but by now they've gotten rly comfortable and it's super pleasant to watch: you can definitely see their own personalities and humour shine thru the eps.
the playlist starts with my fav c-reals (short, usually self-filmed vids of them being silly), then c-records and c-logs (slightly longer vlogs + behind vids etc), then some of my fav vity parks! Then before cravity (footage from their run up to debut- some release at debut (the first vity vids I ever watched!! ;-;) and others on their 1 year anniversary). c-plus+ which are their covers !! (I just picked a few there's loads more<3). Then some iconic non vity-channel vids and edit vids !! There's a lot in it but it's to be perused at ur own leisure<3 hopefully it helps u find content !!! Keep me updated if u wish to<333
(Ps- any vids I have down from 'cravity subs' not the cravity main channel is because they aren't subbed on the main channel<3)
Omg fr dohyon be producing ??? :') what a king we love a genius maknae. He and hangyul I know from produce so it's always nice to see them around!! Ooh thank you for those recs I will give bae173 a proper listen!! (In a little while- I am so caught up with vity I'm behind like 3/4 other comebacks hdjd). Also idk why I assumed so but I thought hangyul would be the oldest fjdj it's cool that he's not tho ! We do love<3
Ahhhh omg u are living the dream. YOUNGSEO I'm obsessed with you. Is that main vocal boyo?? 👀 with the cute nose?? 👀. Hangyul I Cannot JNSNS he has never changed. Lol Bit is so cute I'd never guess that but go off king tell ur truth. !! Ahhh ur boy junseo!!
OMGG they remembered you that's so 💔💔💔 thats so sweet of them and amazing for u I'm so happy for u. Manifesting those albums come <3333
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lady-chang · 2 years
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🎨 S L O W D O W N~
Design by: Lady-chang (2022)
Entregue no Wonderful Designs
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ohmyyshua · 3 years
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You'll be wanting only me ; @dreamiepsd
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