#park sungho fics
taesanrot · 30 days
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[twenty questions] sungho x f!reader | 2.3k words college au, coworkers 2 luvrs, e2l kinda, forced proximity lolz note. thank uuuu to lovely anon who requested this <3 i need to write for sungho more this was sm funnn. nini’s summer writing era starts NOW.
park sungho is an actual fucking dumbass. he decides this as he stares at the newly formed wet spot at the front of your sweater, wincing at the deathly glare you're shooting him.
"you're kidding." you grumble, watching your wide eyed coworker scramble to the bathroom in search of napkins, and perhaps a baseball bat to knock himself out cold with.
for the longest time, you'd been the sole employee at your university's bookstore. it was a small store your uncle owned, and with how many other bookstores that ran in your college town, you didn't have much work to do or much foot traffic to counter.
but with your uncle and aunt travelling to spain for the majority of your semester, they decided to take on a couple more employees in consideration of the fact that you were just one person and the fact that you were starting university.
one of these new employees was none other than park sungho. the first time you met the boy, he was already 10 minutes late to his training shift. you let it go pretty easily though, seeing the panic on his face and the way he explained how he got lost on the way in between heavy breaths.
you found his nervous demeanor pretty cute at first, not to mention his raven hair that draped over his ears and framed his face prettily. sungho, on the other hand, was floored by you.
so floored in fact, that he'd found himself with a pretty bad habit of dropping whatever he was holding or tripping on air when he saw you.
you two had gotten into the routine of always nitpicking each other's mistakes, picking apart any little thing each other messed up. sometimes that was a mislabeled box, a mistake in the cash transactions, or stumbling on the stepladder while shelving new arrivals.
it was like you two were keeping a mental scoreboard of who was the clumsier employee, and most of the time you came out victorious, including today
the day had been nothing but ordinary, both you and sungho a bit bitter to have to be working on a saturday afternoon.
you walked up to the bookstore entrance to see sungho already leaning against the wall next to the door, scrolling on his phone before looking up and noticing you. upon your arrival, he sighed, causing you to turn and look at him as you typed in the security code into the entrance's keypad.
"look who’s finally here." he droned, glaring at your pretty fingers gliding across the buttons.
"oh, shut the fuck up." your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head as you yanked the door open, nearly whacking sungho with it.
the shift dragged on as usual, boring and uneventful. you'd like to think you mentally jinxed it when you were smiling to yourself at how well the day was going. because less than a second later, sungho's chest was in your face and his cup of water from the break room was spilling onto you.
you didn't get the chance to hear what he had to say, groaning and tugging off your sweater and stomping into the break room.
after the whole water cup incident, sungho had definitely taken the brunt of the tormenting today. checking the time, he sighed and stretched out his arms. the final few shoppers were filing out and he followed behind them to lock the door after, tapping on the keypad and listening for the familiar beep and click.
cracking his knuckles, he walked behind the counter to begin closing the registers while you, now in just a tshirt, cleaned up around the store.
it was still light and balmy outside, the last rays of the sun resonating through the clear sky and casting a pinkish purple glow into the store, as you slowly found yourself squinting to read the section labels and book titles, you called out to sungho.
"sungho, it's dark, turn on the lights."
"yeah, yeah, whatever" sungho rolled his eyes even though you couldn't see him, leaving the front desk to find the light switch. you scoffed at his sarcasm, using the flashlight of your phone to illuminate your workspace.
"uhhh, y/n?" you looked toward the direction of your coworker's voice in confusion, wondering why the lights hadn't turned on yet. groaning, you hoisted yourself up to go find him, figuring that he simply couldn't operate a light switch.
"i swear to god if you're seriously getting bamboozled by a light switch--" your voice faded off as you found sungho and the switches, realizing all of them were flipped on.
"what the fuck is going on?" you asked, pushing the boy out of the way to properly look at the switchboard.
"i wish i fucking knew, y/n" he retorted sourly, clicking his phone open to check his texts. as you turned around to glare at him, you noticed his eyes widening at one of his notifications.
"what happened?" you inquired nervously, not particularly comforted by sungho's dreary expression.
"there's a fucking power outage." you groaned loudly in response, before your face blanched white.
"the back door." you stated monotonously, causing sungho to tilt his head in confusion.
"what about it?" he mumbled.
"whenever the power goes out, the emergency alarm system engages and it automatically locks all of the doors."
"does that mean-" sungho's question was interrupted as you bolted over to the back hallway. the boy stood in confusion, listening to the sound of your yanking the doorknob and kicking the back door.
"it's locked!" you yelled down the hall. sighing as you retired yourself to the break room. sungho joined you soon enough, not quite sure what else to do with himself.
"the generator will probably start up in a bit, we can just wait until then." you sighed out and sat down in defeat, laying your head down on the break room table.
maybe if i close my eyes and fall asleep this will go by quicker.
sleep was immediately out of the question, though, as the lack of heating sent a chill up your arms and legs. you really should've brought an extra sweater.
sungho watched your figure from the break room couch, looking back down at his phone to check the time. he sighed, shrugging off his jacket and moving over to you.
"here." you looked up to see the broad shouldered boy's jacket in front of you, hanging off of his outstretched hand.
"sungho, i'm fine."
"no, y/n you're shivering. plus it's my fault you're cold anyways. and come sit on the couch, it's warmer than sitting by the window." you met his eyes hesitantly as you grabbed the hoodie from his hands. slipping your arms into it, you sighed in relief as the boy's warmth encased you.
"thanks." you smiled and stood up to move and sit on the couch. sungho followed you quietly.
sitting on separate ends of the couch, an uncomfortable silence fell between the two of you. you didn't particularly want to kill the time scrolling through your phone, afraid it was going to die. looking over at sungho's side profile, you thought about how you've never really talked to him other than your stupid banter.
as if he'd read your mind, the boy turned to you.
"wanna play 20 questions?" you giggled at his silly inquiry.
"don't you want to get to know your fabulous coworker better?" he smiled and held his chin in his hands dramatically, making you laugh again.
over the past 15 minutes, you learned that you and park sungho liked the same music, had the same favorite show, and had fairly similar majors.
"how have i never had a class with you?" you breathed out in between giggles.
"actually, we have bio together." sungho spoke nervously, wondering what you were going to say next.
"no fucking way. you're lying." you stared at him blankly, reeling from shock. how had you never noticed him? why didn't he say anything? for a reason you couldn't decipher, it made you sad to think he might've avoided you in class.
"i'm serious! i'll show you my schedule." sungho exclaimed as he fished his phone out of his pocket. you moved over on the couch to sit next to him and peer over at his phone screen.
"why didn't you say anything?" sungho's cheeks flushed red, not that you could see it in the dark anyways, the whole room lit up dimly by the evening light.
"i don't know. i was nervous i guess." he spoke quickly, stuffing his phone back in his pocket and fiddling with his thumbs.
the idea of you making sungho nervous made your head spin. was it because you guys always bickered at work? you fought to not delude yourself into assuming it was for any other reason.
you slowly looked down at sungho's thigh that was mere inches away pressing against yours.
seeing how close he was to you, almost hearing his breathing, you don't know what came over you.
you scooted closer to him, fully letting your thigh rest against his and your shoulder kiss his bicep. sungho sucked in a breath.
this was normal, definitely. you two were just conserving body heat.
"y/n ..." sungho spoke quietly, his voice breaking the thick silence. you turned to meet his eyes just to see him avoiding your gaze.
"what?" you pouted teasingly, fighting not giggle at the way sungho was acting. you brought a hand to his lower thigh, fingers splaying across the thin fabric of his pants. sungho bit his lips and screwed his eyes shut, trying to think about anything other than you touching him.
your lungs and stomach burned as you decided to test the waters further, moving to slide your hand higher up. before you could move your fingers any further, a hand wrapped around your wrist.
"don't..." sungho's eyes bored into you in a way that made your cheeks flush. "don't play with me right now."
the boy's lips were parted slightly, expression almost pained as he breathed shallowly. your lips curled upwards. there was no going back anymore.
"i'm not playing." you whispered. that was all the boy needed to hear; before you could even blink his lips were on yours, hand moving from your wrist to slide behind your neck.
you gasped at the feeling of his plump lips against yours, hands grasping for his chest and clutching his shirt. you shifted to sit on his lap, sighing into sungho's mouth as you felt his other arm wrap around your waist. you swiped your tongue across the boy's lips. they parted immediately, beckoning for you to explore him further.
you moaned softly after feeling his fingers slide into your hair and push your face even closer to him. he tilted his face so he could meet your tongue with his, groaning into your mouth.
shaking your arm slightly, you silently asked him to help you out of your jacket. the boy took the hint immediately, pushing his hoodie down your arms and letting it fall onto the floor behind you.
running his hands up your arms, he broke away from your lips to catch his breath. you watched as the boy under you tilted his head back and sank further back into the couch. he pulled you onto him, letting his wet lips land on the soft skin of your neck.
you melted in his grasp, moaning and bringing a hand up to pull your hair out of the way. reaching his tongue out to taste your skin, sungho's hands pressed into your shoulder blades, holding you close to him. your eyes fluttered shut as you tilted your head back, sighing softly.
sungho ran his hands up and down your sides, groaning into your neck in a way that made you shake. you brought your hands to push at his shoulders lightly. breaking away from your neck with a lewd pop, the boy looked up to meet your half-lidded gaze.
you cupped his jaw with your hands and pulled him to smash his lips against yours. you moved your arms to wrap around his neck as he slid his hands up your shirt, dragging them down your back and sides. you whimpered as his hands ghosted over your boobs.
"can i?" sungho whispered against your lips, hot breath fanning onto your chin. you nodded hurriedly, aching to feel his hands on your skin.
in all honesty, sungho was ready to take you right then and there if you'd let him. luck was not in your favor, though, as the two of you were unceremoniously interrupted a loud whir and blinding light.
pulling away from the dark haired boy, you giggled.
"power's back on." you smiled as you watched the boy underneath you groan out curses. you didn't miss the feeling of something poke your thigh as you got off of his lap, laughing even louder.
sungho walked you to your apartment, mumbling that it was too dark for you to go alone.
before you had the chance to walk towards the entrance of your complex, you felt a hand grab your wrist, just like in the break room.
turning and smiling, you took in your coworker's nervous demeanor.
"y/n, i know we kinda got off on the wrong foot, but do you wanna ..." his voice trailed off.
"wanna what?" you played dumb, finding enjoyment in his nervous laughter and pink cheeks.
"hang out? just the two of us?" you smiled and stepped towards the boy, softly placing a hand on his shoulder and leaving a chaste kiss on his cheek. you smiled giddily at sungho as you nodded.
sungho's smile was even bigger as he pulled you in for a hug.
"are you gonna spill coffee on me this time?"
"shut up."
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totheseok · 27 days
☆ boynextdoor reaction to you biting them
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requested: no
genre: fluff ig?
warnings: none that i can think of
word count: 1.1k
a/n: more self indulgent things because I have a biting problem.
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yk that really shocked face he makes where his mouth is open and his eyes are wide?
that's his face when he realises you bit him
it's a light bite but it's unexpected
you two are in the lower homes living room just chilling. sungho is playing fifa while you just mindlessly scroll on your phone. eventually you get tired of your phone and now you need your boyfriends attention. but sungho is locked in on the game and you know simply asking for his attention wouldn't work. so naturally you do what must be done. and you bite his arm. you bit him lightly but you've never bitten him before so man was s h o c k e d. he looks towards you eyes wide, mouth open and then looks at his arm, then back at you.
"hi? did you just bite me?"
you bit him again and cuddled up in his side 😌
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goes silent
riwoo.exe has stopped responding
like remember the funnextdoor episode where he went quiet and woonhak was like "riwoo is trying to think of something funny to say"
kinda like that
riwoo gives me yapper vibes so...
you two are sitting at the table in the kitchen just enjoying some snacks while talking about your day. he's probably telling you about a new dance he's learning or something stupid that happened at dance practice. you're just listening and watching your absolute cutie patootie of a boyfriend yap away. as he's doing this you cant help but notice how cute his cheeks look. and how biteable they look.... and so to preserve your own sanity you do just that. you bite his cheek 😌. following your bite all you hear is, well, nothing. sanghyeok is just sitting staring at you with wide eyes, bite unfinished. man is shocked, flustered, flabbergasted and so much more
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menace pt1
bros probably going to start singing bite me ngl
but we know hes a dramatic pookie
so that too
you and jaehyun are in his room. hes studying some english. youre having the time of your life, laying with your head in his lap, watching him struggle to pronounce "yacht". you offered to help him but noooo, he can do it. refuses to let you help because he wants to prove he can do it himself and with any other word you wouldnt doubt him. he's quite good at english and hes improving rapidly but the word "yacht"... its a pain in the ass to learn at first even if english is your first language. i mean look at it it should be pronounced "ya ch t" or something. he had first said "ya ch t" and was convinced that's how it was pronounced until he looked at your face and realised he was wrong. but was going to ask for help? no? but manz could NOT figure out what else it could be.
after about 5 minutes of watching him struggle you got fed up and decided to MAKE him listen to you. so you leaned your head down. and but his thigh. surprised at first, bamboozled even. but once he realised what had happened he started giggling soon followed by you. after recovering from the laughing fit, he did not miss a single beat and started singing in that voice he uses to annoy sungho.
"its you and me in this world 내게로 다시 와 tie me"
"seriously? thats you first response?!?!"
"날 구원할 거라면 just come kiss me and bite me"
"sure but say 'yacht' first"
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bites back.
thats it
thats the headcanon
jk but fr
i cant find it now but theres a video of taesan biting jaehyun and bro just nommed in jaehyuns arm
which is why im 100% sure he would bite back
honestly wouldnt even be phased
its probably your love language as a couple
you and taesan were at the studio, taesan was working on some new songs while you sat nearby doing some assignments. eventually the words you were typing started floating around the screen and you didnt even know what you were typing so you decided it was a good time to take a break. but if youre taking a break then taesan should also be taking a break because 1. he was probably tired too and 2. how dare he work while youre taking a break instead of giving you attention. so you decided to give him a few minutes so that he wouldnt lose his train of though. plus he looks so cute when hes focused so...
HOWEVER a few minutes turned into 10 minutes. 10 minutes turned into 20. and eventually half an hour passed. you realised taesan wasnt about to take a break any time soon, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. you slowly crept up behind him and attacked. bro did not move. just looked at you smiled and pulled you into his lap. you may not have gotten a reaction but hey, now you get attention from your boyfriend. with no consequences... right? err❌ wrong.
"whats up?"
"you should take a break youve been working for so long. nonstop"
"youre just going to listen? that easily?"
"hmm?" *bites you*
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menace pt2
takes it as an opportunity to flirt
teases you to no end
i keep thinking about that boynextdoor 2night video where while spinning the jaehyun told him he was doing it the wrong way
and he was like ill do it how i want
so like
think abt that
you and leehan were watching a kdrama while cuddling. initially both of you were very invested and you kept fangirling over the male lead (me every time i watch unlock my boss) and leehan would laugh and jokingly complain about it. after about two more episodes you noticed that leehan hadnt said anthing in a while so you looked towards him and saw that he had dozed off. but this was unacceptable how could he leave you to watch people try to kill each other on your own. no absolutely not. this was not allowed. how dare he. you first tried slightly shaking him awake, it woke him up but he just mumbled something unintelligible and closed his eyes again. time for plan b. biting him.
it worked. quite well. too well.
"why what?"
"baby i know i taste good but if youre hungry the gummies might serve you better"
"you left me alone to watch mr.oh be mean to my husband 😔"
"hey its ok i didnt hear anything he said about me~"
"oh god you know what go back to sleep"
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blissfullsvn · 5 days
between the lines pt. 2
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pairing. academic rivals!taesan x reader genre. fluff word count. 2.5k warning. reader is allergic to coffee & shorter than taesan a/n. read pt. 1 before this! but once again, the academic rivals are not academic rivaling here bcs they’re busy being (ironically) stupid 👎 anw, long-awaited pt. 2 is out! feedbacks are vv appreciated <3 pt. 1 | masterlist
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taesan is kind of regretting his decision.
when you had reluctantly stood up and rested your weight over him, he was nothing but nervous. it was the first time you had ever been this close to him, your body directly pressing against his, and it took everything in him to not break into a bundle of nerves. or at least, not enough for it to be visible—he would rather redo that hellish test he took last week than make you see him like this.
his determination had proven to be difficult—extremely difficult—when he felt your cheek land on the curve between his neck and shoulder, the warmth of your breaths tickling his skin. he hoped you couldn’t see the goosebumps on his skin, or the way the hair on his nape stood.
that had been the only movement from you since he hoisted you up, and he was already walking out of the building, which took a considerable amount of time from the student council office. judging from how quiet you had been all throughout, he expected silence to blanket him all the way to your dorm as he assumed that you had fallen asleep again.
that was when his words had bounced back to slap him across the face.
the weight on his shoulder lifted, and he felt your gaze from behind him. “han taesan,” you called, breaking the quietness of the street.
“hmm?” he responded gently, and lifted you up to adjust your position.
you had allowed another beat to pass before you opened your mouth, and that was when the dam shattered.
taesan immediately slows down his steps in surprise, and he merely blinks at what he’s hearing. every single word you utter out only makes him more baffled, because what you’re saying should never be said aloud, especially in public. even now, you’re still throwing out the most creative expletives he could’ve gone his entire life without knowing, not to mention the concern you’re starting to instill in him over his own life.
but despite all of this, he can’t take you seriously when your cold has made your voice so nasal that all he can think about is how adorable you sound, on top of the fact that you’ve dropped your head to his shoulder again in the midst of your life-threatening remarks. your cheek is squished against his jacket, making your words come out in a mumble, and he can’t help but be absolutely endeared. even when you’re cursing at him like your rent’s due.
so, yes, he’s aware that maybe what you’re saying isn’t something which warrants a reaction like his, but how can he help himself when you’re even cuter in this state?
hence, even though you’ve cursed him out a total of 81 times within the past five minutes, he’s not offended. if anything, he’s amused, though he is seriously considering the depth of your feelings towards him.
“did you eat the wrong medicine?” you mumble slowly, eyebrows furrowed in genuine concern. “possessed by another entity?” you sniffle. “or shoved a pipe down your throat?—wait,” you pause, sniffling again. “that’s what i want to do... to you… but i’d be concerned if you did it to yourself….” you trail off, as if thinking about the possibility. “i digress. are you insane?”
taesan can’t hide the amusement that escapes in a form of a poorly-hidden chuckle.
“are you laughing?” your tone is accusing. “there’s seriously something wrong with you,” you say, and he spends another few minutes getting told off for everything he’s done wrong to you in your book. he remains silent the entire time, as he has been since you began talking, until he hears something that makes him feel indicted for the first time.
“...and that one time,” you sniffle, “you gave me a cup of coffee back in our first semester… you were trying to murder me, weren’t you?” you huff, but ironically, you’re tightening your arms around his shoulders.
“i genuinely didn’t know you were allergic!” he lets out almost petulantly, feeling incriminated. ���if i had known, i would’ve never done that….” he trails off, then adds quietly, “there’s no way i would.”
you raise your head, looking at the empty roads beside the sidewalk as you ponder for a bit before your cheek falls back on his shoulder. “i’ll admit that was a bit of a reach. i won’t apologise though,” you say, and he can only let out an incredulous snicker. 
“and i suppose,” you add, “if you had such sinister intentions behind your pretty face, i would’ve been dead by now.”
taesan widens his eyes, slows his steps. the tips of his ears are hot, but he plays it off when he asks teasingly, “you think i’m pretty?”
“of course. i’m not blind,” is your immediate response. you say it so candidly that it catches him off guard, and his plan to fluster you instantly backfires on him. he’s just glad you can’t see his face, because he’s sure he resembles the red light ahead the empty roads.
“oh my god, han taesan.” you suddenly raise your head, looking down at him in disbelief. he panics at your reaction, ready to spew out excuses about why he’s full-on blushing, when he hears what you say next.
“did you offer to carry me home to distract me? to make me think about this moment over and over again and lose sleep over this and mess up my speech during the election so you can end up becoming the president? is this your grand plan?”
taesan has noticed that you become, for lack of better words, a yapper when you’re sick, but he didn’t think that your imagination would go overboard in this state too. nonetheless, he easily pushes the observation away when he deciphers the meaning behind your words and he doesn’t miss the chance to spin the tables around.
“i’m flattered, y/n,” he says, biting back his grin with a blush that’s still visible, but a lot more subdued. “i didn’t know i had this much of an effect on you.”
it seems you’ve finally registered what you just said, as he feels you freeze up behind him, and all he can do is try to suppress the smile that threatens to stretch across his face. he’s slowed down his steps considerably because he knows he’ll arrive at your dorm soon, but you’re already jumping off his back before he can realise.
“have a terrible night,” you say with a painfully straight face and walk off briskly, but halt in your tracks almost immediately.
“you left your bag,” taesan says, hiding his amusement behind his hand as he holds up the backpack he’s been carrying together with you.
you turn and stalk to him, grabbing it wordlessly before taking long strides away from him to disappear from his view.
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when you wake up in the morning, it feels just as humiliating as the time you called han taesan when you were drunk (you had ended up cursing at him for fifteen minutes straight, and he somehow hadn’t cut you off once), which had become one of your top miserable moments in life.
no, this is even more humiliating, because at the very least you could use the excuse of intoxication before, but you had been fully sober this time.
it takes a little more effort to get up today, but before long, you’re heading out of your dorm quietly to not wake your roommate. despite being ten minutes later than usual, the student council office is still empty by the time you arrive. you can only be grateful, because the dread that had clawed at your skin as you stood before the door was intense—you really didn’t want to face him.
you find yourself hating the joy you dumbly felt a few moments ago, because the moment you take a seat, the door opens and of course it’s the person you wanted to avoid the most today.
you don’t greet taesan or even spare him a glance as you pull out your laptop and place it on the desk, but you see him inching closer from your peripheral vision. with your eyes lasered on your laptop screen, you pretend to not notice until he’s directly next to you and you have no choice but to address him.
wordlessly, he places a bag next to your laptop and walks to his usual seat on the opposite side of the conference table. your gaze follows him momentarily before you turn back to the bag. you take a peek and immediately raise an eyebrow when you see three different cold medicines, your favorite candies, and a cup of hot green tea—the same one you bought last night.
you look up at taesan, who seems to be darting his gaze everywhere but at you, but the door is already opening again as more members enter the office for the meeting. you keep your eyes on him for a little longer, who’s still adamant on not looking over, until you finally break your gaze when the meeting starts.
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after you’re dismissed, you immediately call out for taesan, who looks up like a meerkat at your voice. you ask him to stay in the room for a little longer and pointedly ignore the meaningful looks from your fellow council members, who quickly file out of the room sensibly.
the moment the door shuts behind them, you raise the bag he gave you, shaking it slightly. “are you trying to bribe me?” you interrogate, straight to the point.
taesan only blinks, as if he's trying to process what you just asked, before his lips part and one corner of his lips quirks up in what can only be a scoff of disbelief. “are you serious?” he shakes his head, but not unkindly. 
“i mean—” you falter, finally realising how you came off. “thank you,” you say, and the way he instantly brightens up reminds you of a cat at the sight of treats. “but,” you add, and he shrivels. “why?”
he swipes his bottom lip with his tongue and flattens the hair on his nape as he says, “you’re sick.”
“i’m… aware,” you reply, forcing down the recent memories that floated to the top of your head. “i just—” you pause, looking down at the bag in your hands to gather your thoughts before you face him again. “people don’t usually do this for those they hate.”
taesan blinks. once, twice, thrice. the immediate rigidness from him is so noticeable that the air almost turns icy around you. you’ve never had a comfortable one, but the silence that falls over you is suddenly too loaded, too overbearing. 
but then his eyes lock onto yours, as if he’s finally seeing you, and the edges of his demeanour instantly melt away. he’s looking at you so softly, reminiscent of his expression in your memories, that it strangely makes you fidgety.
“y/n,” he calls, which suddenly feels too loud in the room with no one else but the two of you. he rounds the table and walks towards where you stand on the opposite side, stopping a few feet away. 
you look up at him, and it’s the first time you’re noticing how tall he actually is. like this, him staring down at you with eyes that hold too much, you feel a little… nervous.
though his expression is still construed as bewildered, you can feel his gentleness radiating from every cell, as if he’s holding a flower in his hands he’s afraid to crush. “i don’t hate you,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. “i don’t think i ever could.”
oh. you think, and you can feel the puzzle pieces start to align in your head. “but… you’re always trying to rile me up.” you find yourself furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, the pieces repelling each other again. 
he caresses his nape, looking down sheepishly. “i thought… we were having friendly banter,” he says, then looks over at you through his eyelashes. “i’m sorry for upsetting you,” he says, and the sincerity in his tone is so evident that it takes you aback.
“oh.” you think aloud this time, surprised by the unfamiliarity of the man before you. “it’s… okay,” you reply. then, you suddenly realise how dramatic you’ve been, and you feel your cheeks heat up uncontrollably. “i’m… sorry too, for all the times i’ve been rude to you.” you lower your head and shut your eyes, too embarrassed to look at him.
taesan laughs, a hearty sound that surrounds you like a warm blanket. you open your eyes, realising it’s the first time you’ve heard him like this, and look up to capture the moment. he’s laughing toothily, eyes crinkled into half-moons as he hovers one hand over his mouth. as you take in the sight of him in awe, you suddenly realise that this may be what has been beneath your emo rival’s irritating remarks all this time.
when you look back at all the times taesan has interacted with you, you don’t know why you thought he hated you. besides his tendency to, in his words, banter with you in class and the student council, he’s always tolerated your ridiculousness—from that call where he had simply asked if you needed a ride home after listening to your insults, to carrying you on his back all throughout the relatively long walk to your dorm just because you said it in passing.
you furrow your eyebrows. the puzzle pieces are moving closer again.
“taesan,” you call out before you can stop yourself. as of this moment, your mouth has disconnected from your brain as you try to fit the puzzle correctly, so you find yourself spitting out the question without a warning. “do you like me?”
the way he stiffens instantly would be comedic if not for the fact that you had asked a question that could break the truce you just formed. the realisation finally dawns on you, and panic starts to set in as you see his reaction. “you don’t have to answer that, i didn’t mean to—”
“y/n,” taesan cuts you off effectively. for a moment, only silence can be heard between you, and you hope he doesn’t catch your erratic heartbeat from your nervousness.
then, he offers a small smile. “give me a chance to answer this properly next time,” he says extra softly, as if he’s afraid of scaring you away. “for now, just know that, even if you drunk-dial me to yell at me again or curse at me all throughout another piggyback ride,” his smile increases, “i will never be able to dislike you.”
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© blissfullsvn 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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euseokz · 1 month
can i request some sungho hard hcs?
@ sungho — you just know exactly what i like, don’t you baby ? . cws : oral (f) . fingering . creampie . wc : 0.9k+ . genre : smut
a/n : turned this into a little drabble because i got a bit too inspired, but i hope you don’t mind it and still like it nonnie !! mwah mwah
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BOYFRIEND! SUNGHO who is just so easy to please.
you know him like the palm of your hand, know exactly what buttons to push to make him feel so good he almost forgets his own name — or better yet, know what to do to leave him in such a lust-induced high it is basically all he can think about. all you need to do is kiss that one spot down his neck, bite that exact place on his jaw, or even suck on his tongue a bit more desperately, and he’ll be exactly where you need him to be mentally to fuck you into oblivion.
sungho likes intimate sex, likes when it feels like you two are the only people in the world and nothing else matters, so the atmosphere surrounding you also matters a lot to him. he likes when you are in your room, the space dim-lighted with maybe a few candles spread around. he’ll kiss you so passionately, lips pressing and sucking on yours eagerly, wanting to taste every inch of you. he’ll pin you to the bed, either by cupping your cheeks and using his weight on top of you to keep you in place, or by simply gripping your wrists and keeping them on either side of your head, making sure that all that surrounds you is him whichever route he choses. he likes that, when your head is clouded by him, when you’re as hazy with lust for him as he is for you — because for sungho that’s how it should be, or else it’s almost not worth it. you should want each other so bad it almost hurts, that’s how he likes it, when your desperation turns physical and you can’t help but want to be all over each other.
when he does eventually fuck you, sungho will only do so after he has prepped you well enough. he likes to make you cum on his tongue or around his fingers, likes how you whine with each thrust of his digits into you and when he presses the pads of his fingers against that sweet spot inside you, or when his tongue swipes over your clit and you can’t help but roll your eyes back in pleasure — or better yet — when he mixes both up and you reach your first climax almost all too quickly, not able to hold your pleasure back due to how insanely good it all feels. sungho likes to make you feel good, getting so hard his erection strains against his underwear painfully as he fucks his fingers into you and plays with your clit, his cock aching for some stimulation too but his focus still mainly on you and on leaving you as relaxed as possible first, only when he does that being the time to allow himself to properly fuck you.
sungho likes to have you completely undressed under him, not too fond of the idea of either of you being clothed, liking to see your body, to be able to kiss any spot he wants, the restraining of clothes unnecessary in his opinion when you can be fully pressed against each other, your warmth comforting as he lines his dick with your cunt, ready to thrust into you and finally get some release.
at first, sungho always likes to go slow, to take his time in letting you adjust to his girth as he moves slowly, his hips going into yours and then pulling back languidly, repeating the process until all you can do is mewl his name under him, begging for more, for him to go faster, to actually fuck you — and how could sungho ever deny you of anything, already too pussy-drunk to not want to do exactly what you were asking of him. he’d start moving faster, his cock dragging deeper into you, his tip pressing against all the right spots with every thrust. sungho could get so into it he’d almost be a bit rough, slamming his hips against yours almost mercilessly, grunting into your neck, mumbling about how good you felt, how much he loved the feeling of your pussy wrapped so snuggly around him, as if you were made for him.
even while he was caught up in his own pleasure, sungho still managed to put you first, only happy when he made you cum at least once around his cock, only then finally thinking of his climax too. his favorite places to cum were either inside you, enjoying the thought of filling you up with his milky cum, almost in a possessive manner, or all over your pussy, thinking the view of you covered in his seed was just too pretty, the way your clit twitched as his cum spilled down your folds leaving him almost hypnotized, unable to take his eyes off your pussy until his orgasm-induced high started to fade out, only then looking up at you, immediately moving to kiss you, desperate all over again for you, to taste you, to have his tongue pressed against yours — although this time sungho would prefer to take things slower, kissing you just as passionately and eagerly but letting each kiss last a bit longer, allowing himself to fully enjoy the moment, wanting to take his time as you both calmed down, afterwards focusing on getting you all cleaned up, and only then cuddling up to you, enjoying to end it all with you in his arms, breathing slowly against him, relaxed in his hold.
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slytherinshua · 5 months
YOU'RE JUST LIKE A FAIRYTALE : boynextdoor medieval headcanons.
    or, alternatively, when you realized you were in love with them.
genre. medieval au. headcanons. fluff. lots of secret relationships and mutual pining. warnings. fairytale cliches. brief mention of fighting in sungho's. marriage/engagement. not proofread. pairing. boynextdoor x princess!reader (separate). wc. 2k (300 each). request. no. a/n. this is basically just my bonedo medieval brainrot bear w me it's kind of a mess, but it's a cute mess
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maybe a bit dramatic, but you realized you loved Sungho after he saved your life
you had been ambushed by a group of bandits on your travels to another kingdom
and Sungho had fought all of them off single handedly, assuring your safety above everything else
you had always brushed off the butterflies or warm feeling in your chest when you were around him
he was your personal guard, it wasn’t proper for you to have any feelings for him
but you couldn’t ignore it this time
when you got back to safety, the request to kiss him slipped out
and before you could apologise or backtrack for the outrageous request coming from a princess, he was already fulfilling it
the feeling of his lips on yours felt so right, even though you knew it shouldn’t
you both swore that it had just been a mistake afterwards
but the taste of his lips never left your mind, and it took everything in you to not ask for more the next few weeks
every time you looked at him, it was as if he was testing you
he held such a sparkle in his eyes and his lips always looked so inviting
but no, it was improper for you to pursue anything with him
the only reason he was even by your side 24/7 was to protect you
but eventually, your excuses fell apart
you couldn’t stay away from him, and he couldn’t resist you, especially when you asked him to kiss you
it went on for weeks until Sungho had to ask what he really was to you
and, by then, you couldn’t possibly deny that you loved him more than anything
you fought to be able to have a relationship with him despite how unconventional it was
but given how dutifully Sungho had served as a guard, your father finally yielded
he knew that no matter what, Sungho would keep you safe and loved
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the first time you realized you loved Riwoo was after a dance at a ball
you had been well-acquainted with him for years before the two of you starting pursuing a closer relationship
he would always be in attendance at balls or other royal gatherings
and he was your favourite dance partner
whenever you danced with him, all your worries seemed to fade away
he guided you with grace and ease; he was by far the prettiest dancer
practically miles above the other men in attendance, especially since they had a tendency to step on your feet or dress
it was in the middle of one extravagant ball
you were both in white attire by chance, and anyone at the ball could see that you two fit just perfectly together
after the main dance was over (in which Riwoo danced with you in the centre of the room, catching the attention of everyone), he lead you to the balcony
he told you he had always admired you and held feelings for you for years now
you had gotten countless love confessions, but Riwoo’s was different
he was so shy and endearing; quite the opposite of the confident demeanour he had always worn around you
his eyes held sincerity and his cheeks flushed the prettiest pink colour
hearing him confess only made you realize that he had always held a special spot in your heart 
you had also held fond feelings for him for many years
of course you accepted his offer of courtship
and gifted him a kiss on the cheek as well
you only danced with him the entire rest of the night
and when you received other offers from other gentleman, you felt giddy being able to say that you had already promised the next dance to the duke
you got engaged to him months later, and the entire kingdom approved of the match
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you fell in love with Jaehyun because he was the only person who could make you laugh 
he was hired to entertain you as a jester
and while you loved to hear him sing and watch him dance or do tricks, you loved his smile the most
he was always smiling whenever he was around you, and he looked so pretty
you had always been pretty lonely and bored cooped up in the palace, but Jaehyun fixed both of those problems
he always made sure you were entertained and laughing whenever he was in your company
he just felt like your person
you could tell him anything and everything and he never told you that you were silly or improper for liking something like other people did
he was the one person that made you truly happy, so of course, those feelings soon developed into the biggest crush
he got the hint that something was up when your usual touches lasted for a little longer than normal
he was the first to ask about it, fully expecting you to shut down his thought (or hope, rather) that you might have feelings for him
the thought was just ridiculous that you could have fallen for him
he was like an excited puppy when you told him that you really did love him like he thought
he had never hugged you tighter
dating him in secret was thrilling
it was a secret just between the two of you
everyone else in the palace thought that your relationship was the same as it always had been; a jester serving his princess
but the glances you gave him in the corridors and at dinners said otherwise
he was still eager to complete your every request
it was his job, after all
except, what was once requests for him to sing or dance for you soon turned into hugs or kisses
but even if he wanted to refuse (which was the last thing he could ever think of), he couldn’t
it was his princess’s orders
he had no choice but to fulfil them to the best of his ability 
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you had always been obsessed with fairytales, so it was almost a given that you fell in love with Taesan soon after you met him
he was the definition of a fairytale
he first appeared outside your window one night
you were scared that he would be seen by the castle guards, so you told him to climb up into your bedroom
turns out, he was a runaway prince from a neighbouring kingdom; one that had been missing for months
you had to keep his identity secret as there were search parties for him, so you disguised him as a palace gardener
it was easy to get him a uniform, and there were lots of places to hide amongst the vast bushes and tall hedges of the grounds
you only meant to help him out at first, never for you to actually get attached to the boy
but he was so lovable it was impossible not to
he had all the charm a prince should have, but his stories were so much more enchanting
he knew next to nothing about plants or gardening, but he was so eager to learn about it
he was just excited to have even a sliver of freedom 
you knew that you liked him after the first couple of weeks
when your heart started to race whenever he would climb up from your window after being out in the garden the whole day, you knew that he wasn’t just some strange prince from another kingdom you were helping out of kindness
you told him you liked him, scared that he would find it weird
but he just laughed 
of course he liked you back, though
you had helped him when no one else did— he had fallen in love the very first day
you kept your relationship a secret until you could announce your marriage to him and reveal him as the lost prince
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you had loved Leehan ever since you were a child
he was your older brother’s best friend and always came to the palace to play with him
he had always been just a family friend that you liked to spend time with, but you had secretly garnered a crush on him since you were around 12
he was nice to you and always treated you gently compared to your brother
and he loved to dance with you at balls
but travels took him away for some time and you didn’t see him for a few years
when he came back, he had matured into his features a little more and his duties as nobility
he held himself with more confidence and you were almost scared he had changed too much
but the second he had time alone with you again, you realized he was the same gentle Leehan that he always was
he caught up with you as if he had never left
it was like coming home
he told you about his travels like you were the only one he wanted to tell
you were in awe at the way his eyes brightened when he talked about the aquatic life he had seen 
he started visiting the palace more and more often now that he was back in the kingdom
except instead of going for your brother, he was going for you
you realized a little late that he liked you, and that was why he kept visiting
he was a bit embarrassed when you asked him about it
the boy thought that he had been subtle with it
as if his eyes didn’t light up and his heart didn’t race at just the sight of you
once he knew that you loved him as well, he got a little more confident
his flirtatious side started to show, and he would secretly send you flowers and gifts
it took one of the palace staff catching you both kissing for him to actually propose, though
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you loved anyone who shared the same love of animals that you had; which is exactly why you fell in love with Woonhak
he didn’t come from a wealthy background
he was just a simple stable boy in charge of taking care of the horses
you had always spent most of your time by the stables, so the news of a new stable boy intrigued you
you were quite pleased when you met Woonhak
you could tell that the horses loved him
he groomed them thoroughly and made sure they were all well fed and happy
he took them out for rides and took special care of the little ones
he was scared to talk to you, so you always had to be the one to initiate conversations with him
he opened up a bit more when you brought up horses
he had random facts about them and little things he had picked up about their personalities even though he had only been working for a month
he just had a way with animals that was both adorable and attractive
you got butterflies every time you talked to him
they only grew when he started giving you flowers
you were sure it was just him trying to be nice, but it made you fall so hard for him
when you told him that you loved him, he was absolutely shocked
he just didn’t understand how a princess could fall for a simple stable boy like him
but your insistence and reassurance eventually lead to him reciprocating the feelings
he was happy to be able to call you his, of course, but he was also so careful
he refused to even stand close to you unless he was sure that you were completely alone
you took those chances when you were alone to kiss him, of course
it was uncertain whether you would ever be able to marry him or even reveal your relationship, but you stayed hopeful
all you needed to know was that you loved him and he loved you back
↳ boynextdoor taglist: @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,, @schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3
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snoozbin · 2 months
kiss ban gn!reader x sungho ・ drabble college au fluff established relationship ・ cw kissing hickeys (NOT SEXUAL !!!!!) swearing ! wc 538
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sungho is the perfect boyfriend you could ever ask for.
from his jaw-dropping looks to his heart-warming personality, he always made you smile and appreciate your relationship. but—
he has a habit, a very up-and-close habit. kissing. or as he sees it "showing his love to someone he loves" this is mainly nice as everyone likes physical touch from their significant other, but this time it's bad.
very bad.
hearts pounded as you locked lips with sungho, his plump lips glossed with a thin layer of spit as the two of you were making out. his slender fingers playing with the ends of your shirt. kissing was a very normal thing to do every day as you couldn't help but melt into a puddle every time sungho pouted at you. you disconnected with sungho and stared into his eyes, such loving and doting eyes that could make you fall in love with him all over again. 
suddenly you feel his lips against your neck, giving you chast kisses down to your collarbone. "we have to go soon, sunggg.." you huffed out as you watched him continue to kiss you. "just give me a sec, wanna give you more kisses.." 
his lips sucked down on your neck. you didn't mind this as you were in the moment. 
soon after the kisses were done and you were ready to go to college that's when you realized what happened. "sungho. what did you do to my neck??" you froze, only looking at the mirror in front of you. "i didn't know it was gonna bruise up like that.." he was referring to a hickey on your neck. 
park sungho just gave you a hickey... ! when you were about to campus.
"i'm dead. i'm fucking dead sungho." you muttered, surprisingly sungho caught what you said. "maybe just cover up? or maybe put makeup on it?.." he advised you, but you frowned. sungho's hands clasped onto yours as his eyes looked into yours, showing pure empathy and anxiousness. "y'know i didn't mean to do this to you, right? i'm sorry babe, i just got too into it." he apologized. 
a sigh fell off your lips as you looked back at sungho. "it's fine, uhm, i can just wear a sweater." sungho nodded at your response, feeling bad about the hickey on your neck. "you better not feel bad right now sung, it's just a silly hickey. 'ts isn't gonna kill me!" you chuckle while zipping your sweater up. 
sungho didn't say a word and placed his arms around your waist, pulling you into his embrace. "i'm just so sorry." he whispered into your ear. "i know you are, and it's okay!!" you reassured him. 
your hands gently picked up your bags and headed straight to the door. "you better not be sad when i come back sung!!" "i won't, okay?" you nodded to his response and opened the door. 
"just so you know though —"
"you're on a kissing ban, till this thing goes away." sungho's eyes widened as you said that with a smile. "NOOOOO" sungho whined, a pout forming on his lips. "i might give you a kiss if you at least help get rid of the hickey." you giggled. 
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🐰 : sorry if this is bad. I'm trying to get into the groove of writing (TT)
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icyminghao · 1 year
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pairing: sungho x gn!reader genre: fluff, headcannon, college!au
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biker!sungho who would wait for you outside the building your lectures are usually held in, leaning against his bike with one leg crossed over the other, so he could take you home or bring you out for a meal, and does so whenever possible, even if he has to wait outside for really, really long (he doesn’t ever tell you that though, so you’re under the impression that your schedules align perfectly when in reality sungho has to travel from all the way across campus to get to you, but he does it everytime because to him, you’re worth it.)
biker!sungho who is the black cat in the relationship (you’re the golden retriever), who seems so intimidating and unapproachable to anyone who isn’t you, which you don’t understand because your boyfriend is the biggest and sweetest goofball out there! he lets you braid his hair, paint his nails, and agrees to almost everything you say (except for the one time you asked him to ride the rollercoaster with you. he’s afraid of heights.)
biker!sungho who makes you wear his leather jacket around campus so people know he’s your boyfriend (although it really isn’t necessary, with how the two of you are inseparable it’d be a surprise to find someone who doesn’t know the two of you are in a relationship)
“Hey, you look lonely,” a man comes up to stand beside you while you wait on the sidewalk for Sungho, who’s running late today because he had a club meeting. You cringe visibly at his words, and choose to ignore him, whipping out your phone instead.
“Are you single? There’s no way someone as cute as you doesn’t have a partner,” the man continues, clearly not taking the hint.
Right this moment, you hear the ever-familiar sound of a bike engine revving. Just in time, you think, as Sungho pulls up in front of you and takes his helmet off, pushing his hair back in one swift movement that never fails to render you speechless.
“Hey, sweetheart. Sorry for being late.” Sungho breaks out into a soft smile reserved for you and you only, and his expression hardens when he notices the man beside you. “Who’s this?”
As if he saw a ghost, the man mumbles an apology and turns around to leave immediately. You giggle. “Everyone is so scared of you, it’s funny.”
“Is it, now? Do I scare you, then?” Sungho huffs, crossing his arms in mock frustration.
You smile endearingly, moving to squish his face in your hands. “No, you’re my squishy baby. Why would I be scared of you?”
Sungho turns so red you feel the urge to take a picture. It’s too bad moments like these are ones you’d have to keep to yourself, because nobody would believe you if you were to tell them how much of a sentimental goofball your boyfriend was.
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a/n: this was super self-indulgent i love sungho so much
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gong-fourz · 8 days
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Pairing: ghost!sungho x gn!reader Summary: you didn't believe in ghosts till he gives you a reason to. WC: 1k Genre: ghost!au, high school!au, fluff Nets: @blossomnet
taglist - m.list
You've never believed in ghosts. To you, they're nothing more than stories told to scare children around campfires or urban legends spread by bored teenagers. So when the whispers about the haunted library at your high school started circulating, you brushed them off as nonsense. You have more important things to worry about, like keeping your grades up and preparing for college.
It's a chilly Friday evening, and you're in the library, your books and notes spread out in front of you. The school is eerily quiet, the usual bustling hallways now deserted. The librarian, has already gone home, leaving you alone to study. You don't mind the silence; in fact, you relish it. It's the perfect environment to focus on your work without any distractions.
As you dive into your chemistry notes, the dim lighting casting long shadows across the room, you suddenly hear a soft whisper. It's so faint that you think you might have imagined it. You pause, listening intently. There it is again, a barely audible murmur, like someone whispering just out of earshot.
Your heart skips a beat. You remind yourself that you don't believe in ghosts. The stories about the library being haunted are just that—stories. Probably a prank by some of your classmates. Determined not to let your imagination get the better of you, you try to return to your studies. But the whispers persist, growing slightly louder, more insistent.
Curiosity and a hint of trepidation take hold. You stand up, glancing around the library. It's vast and filled with towering bookshelves that create a labyrinth of literature. You start to walk slowly through the aisles, the wooden floor creaking under your feet. The whispers seem to be coming from somewhere deeper in the library.
"Hello?" you call out, your voice echoing softly. There's no response, only the continued murmuring. You follow the sound, weaving through the shelves, your pulse quickening with each step.
The whispers lead you to a secluded corner of the library, a section filled with old, dusty books that look like they haven't been touched in years. You can feel the temperature drop as you approach. There's an uncanny stillness in the air, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"Who's there?" you ask, your voice trembling slightly.
The whispers stop abruptly. For a moment, there's complete silence. Then, a book falls from a shelf with a soft thud. You jump, your heart pounding in your chest. You pick up the book, and as you do, you notice a name etched into the cover: Sungho.
"Sungho?" you whisper to yourself, puzzled.
"Yes," a voice answers softly, almost directly into your ear.
You spin around, but there's no one there. The library is empty, yet the presence is palpable. You feel a chill run down your spine. Gathering your courage, you speak again.
"Sungho? Who are you?"
The air around you seems to shift, and suddenly, a figure begins to materialize in front of you. He's a young man, around your age, with an old-fashioned school uniform and a gentle, almost sad expression on his face. His form is translucent, shimmering slightly in the dim light.
"I'm Sungho," he says, his voice soft but clear. "I used to be a student here, many years ago."
You stare at him, your mind racing. This can't be real, you think, but there he is, standing right in front of you. A ghost.
"What happened to you?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sungho sighs, looking down at his feet. "I died here, in this library. It was an accident, but I've been trapped here ever since."
Your heart aches for him. "Why haven't you moved on?"
"I don't know," he replies, looking up at you with pleading eyes. "I've tried, but something keeps me here. Maybe it's unfinished business, maybe it's something else. I just want to be free."
You can't believe what you're hearing, but the sincerity in his voice compels you to help. "How can I help you?"
Sungho's expression brightens slightly. "There's a book, one that contains the answer to my release. I've been searching for it for years, but I can't touch it. It's hidden somewhere in this library."
You nod, determined. "I'll help you find it."
Together, you search through the shelves, pulling out books and examining them. Sungho guides you, his knowledge of the library's layout proving invaluable. Hours pass, but you're fueled by a strange mixture of fear and compassion. You can't imagine what it must be like to be trapped like this.
Finally, you come across an old, leather-bound book with no title. Sungho's eyes light up when he sees it.
"That's it," he says, his voice filled with hope. "Open it."
You carefully open the book, revealing pages filled with strange symbols and incantations. As you read aloud, a soft glow begins to emanate from the pages. Sungho closes his eyes, a look of peace washing over his face.
"Thank you," he whispers, his form becoming more transparent.
"Will this set you free?" you ask, your heart pounding.
"Yes," he replies. "You've done more for me than I can ever repay. Thank you."
With that, Sungho's form fades, the whispering ceasing as he finally finds peace. The library feels different now, warmer, as if a heavy weight has been lifted.
You stand there for a moment, the book still in your hands, processing everything that just happened. You can hardly believe it, but the sense of fulfillment and calm in the room tells you it was real.
You place the book back on the shelf, a bittersweet smile on your face. You came here to study, but you ended up helping a soul find peace. As you gather your things and leave the library, you feel a newfound appreciation for the stories and rumors that once seemed so silly. Some of them, it turns out, hold more truth than you ever imagined.
From that day on, whenever you hear whispers about the haunted library, you smile to yourself, knowing that Sungho is no longer bound to this world, thanks to your help. And maybe, just maybe, you start to believe in ghosts a little more.
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taesancore · 28 days
midnight cafe
sungho x f!reader
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⭑.ᐟ synopsis: in which sungho can’t seem to stop thinking about the girl from the cafe, and y/n can’t seem to avoid park sungho as much as she tries.
⭑.ᐟ genre: slowburn, s2f2l
wc: 7098
⭑.ᐟ warnings: painfully awkward fl, sungho and y/n being down bADDD, sexually explicit content (warnings will be given before delving into the scenes, involves alcohol and drunk leads, lots of inner monologues because they’re hUge overthinkers, mentions of death in a joking manner, lmk if i should add more!
⭑.ᐟ smut warnings: soft!dom sungho, dirty talking with degradation, dacryphilia, choking, praising, rough!dom sungho, degradation kink, uses of the names princess, doll, fucktoy and slut, slight dumbification.
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the dim yellow lights of the cafe illuminated the sleeping girl’s face as music continued to play from a single earpod he picked up.
oh she listens to junny sunbae nice taste, park sungho thought to himself as he mindlessly slipped the airpod into his ear. The hybe cafe was still open during the late midnight hour, no doubt to provide caffeine to sleep-ridden producers and composers like taesan (and sungho for today).
he glanced at the girl- had he met her before?! his foggy brain failed in helping him place a name to her familiar face, a rather cute face with hair strands falling on her cheek that was squished on the cafe’s bar table-
geez. his current train of thoughts were proof that he was in serious need of some sleep. sungho shook his head fervently as he removed the airpod, the voice of taeyeon fading away. from his peripheral he saw the girl stir slightly. he hastily finished his cup and got up, only for his chair to move with a screech.
“fucking hell” he muttered but it was too late, as the sleeping girl suddenly jumped awake.
sungho saw the world in slow motion at that moment, her half lidded eyes slowly widened as the stool she was sitting on toppled dangerously due to her movement. perhaps it was the caffeine that made him think he was in a k-drama of some sort, because he sprang forward with an arm swiftly pulling her into him to avoid a fall, only for the chair to wobble and land back into its place. a beat of silence ensued before-
“is this real” she mumbled, softly patting her hands that were on sungho’s chest as if looking for proof that it was.
oh, he wished it wasn’t. he was sure she could feel his heart skyrocketing due to their current position. k-drama moment as if, sungho cursed himself and his brain because he was sure he looked terrified right now, very unlike a k-drama actor in a k-drama moment.
“uh” he managed an intelligent response, trying to look anywhere but at her or her brown eyes that were transfixed on him.
another beat of silence.
“oh fuck it’s real”
the words hadn’t even fully left her mouth as she pushed him off and bowed profusely, her flushed cheeks mirroring his own. sungho barely had time to process or bow back before she sped away in the blink of an eye.
what just
he blinked, gaping in the direction where she fled. his heart was still doing jumping jacks, was this the result of barely interacting with the female species? yeah, it was probably that.
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“did you lose an airpod?” taesan questioned his bandmate who was supposed to bring a black coffee but instead returned with a dazed look and a single airpod.
fuck. sungho wasn’t going to get sleep tonight and it certainly wasn’t because of the caffeine.
y/n on the other hand slammed the door to her studio shut with a bang, sinking down to the floor as she tried to control her rapid breathing.
there’s no way that just happened, no.
“i’m so fucked” she blurted to nobody. of course she was, why, oh why did fate throw her into the arms of park sungho like a damsel in distress?
best first impression ever, he’s probably gonna think you’re an obsessed fan or a creep or-
she stormed towards her desk and grabbed the signed album taesan gave her and shoved it in the depths of her closet. there. now there was no evidence that she was- no might be a fan.
all she needed to do now was avoid park sungho until eternity.
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I will not see park sungho. I will not speak to park sungho. If I see park sungho I shall pretend i didn’t see him. If he sees me i shall pretend nothing happened. If he speaks-
y/n’s inner monologue was cut short as her phone rang, newjeans manager’s name displaying across the screen.
“five more minutes I’m almost there” the young producer cried and she stumbled around for her shoes. she barely put them on as she opened her door…only to reveal the boy from her inner monologue.
life truly loved her.
sungho wasn’t a stalker. hell he didn’t even recognise her last night until he remembered that she was one of the producers for newjeans whom taesan had exchanged tips with. and he truly didn’t know that her studio was right next to taesan’s, which made him wonder how he’d never met her before.
and now she was about to step out of her studio and he, happened to walk by her studio…which unfortunately made him look…pretty much like a stalker.
y/n let out an undignified squeak, gripping the door knob for her dear life. the tip of sungho’s ears were bright red as he appeared to be struggling to find the right words.
we really need to stop ending up in situations with awkward silences she thought.
“last night you-“
“i- forgot my socks” the fully dressed girl announced to nobody, her cheeks dusted light pink and she slammed the door shut.
“-left your airpod..” sungho mumbled, reaching out to the device in his pocket.
“man she was definitely creeped out” he cursed himself, silently walking away towards the elevator.
yet a part of him found her round cheeks and wide eyes filled with surprise adorable. but he would never admit it to himself, not yet.
“girl you are wasted” the barista and y/n’s close friend sori snorted at the girl who was currently banging her head on the table.
“why me…do the gods hate me? whyyyy” y/n drunkenly wailed at an annoyed sori, who shooed away a pair of flailing arms. whatever happened with sungho when she had taken a day off must’ve been haunting the producer because she had entered the cafe with three bottles of soju, determined to get blackout drunk and erase some memories.
˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
“hyung where are you going?” woonhak cornered the oldest member as he failed in sneaking out of their practice room.
“coffee…i need coffee” sungho mumbled, itching to visit the hybe cafe for some reason, hoping he could get a glimpse of a pair of drowsy brown eyes today too (although he would never admit that to himself).
y/n lost track of how long she had been sitting in the cafe now, slowly downing all three of the green bottles until she was certain that she was hallucinating through her fuzzy vision.
“oh! park yeppi!!” she exclaimed loudly, pointing at the bemused figure approaching her. park sungho was left gaping at her for the second time, his neck flushing a bright red as she giggled. damn you myung jaehyun.
“how do you know-“
all words flew out of his mind when she raised a single finger to his lips and stepped forward, brows furrowed and glassy eyes staring into his.
hell. her eyes were prettier up close and her-
“you…really are fucking handsome” she said seriously and burst into another fit of giggles as she stepped away from him, eyes full of mirth.
the audacity. how dare she send him into a frenzy and waltz away?
it took a minute for sungho to realise that she quoted his words from one of their youtube videos— was she a fan? he furiously shook his head, trying to regain his composure as he slowly walked towards a now cheery y/n…who was singing out the queen of tears ost. he chuckled softly, sitting next to her as she beamed back at him.
“you know, you’ve been on my mind allll day” sungho choked on air as he stared at her wide eyed. the girl only giggled again as she booped his nose, swaying on her seat as she continued
“i’m really not a fan sungho- can i call you sungho? i didn’t mean to— hic creep you out. i’m sorry” she finished with a sloppy bow.
sungho was pretty sure his heart died a little on the inside at the sight of her pink cheeks and sad smile.
“n-no it’s me who should apologise, i must’ve creeped you out today morning too” he laughed nervously. y/n continued staring at him, making him shuffle in his seat. his nerves only increased when she moved her chair closer to his and placed her hands on his cheeks, tilting his face as if inspecting it for something. oh god. he was sure she wanted to bless him with a heart attack tonight.
“wh-what is it-“
“you’re…so yeppi”
sungho sputtered out a little laugh, his mind blanking for the millionth time within the past few minutes as she sent him a grin full of childlike happiness.
y/n l/n, she was going to be the death of him.
y/n felt like death. she was also ready to welcome death with open arms after what happened last night as she grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it, screaming silently.
why. just why did she land herself in these situations. memories of last night came flooding back to her as she curled her toes with shame.
“nO you’re yeppi not sungho”
“not this again”
“WHEEEEEE i’m a bird”
“sungho what if we were all chickens”
“i think i’m gonna puke—“
“oH MY GOD okay uh please try to—“
“i swear to god you’re like a baby”
“why are you blushing? ooh you want me so bad”
“wHAT NO—“
“you’re prettier when you blush park yeppi”
“i— you’re way too bold when drunk—”
“AAAAAAAA i don’t want to sleeeeep”
“SHUT UP” y/n yelled out, covering her ears.
the sky outside was a bright blue with the summer sun shining proudly. the weather would’ve normally inspired her to come up with some cheery tunes and alleviate her mood. however all she could think about right now were more methods on how to avoid park sungho although a voice in her head kept telling her to meet and thank him for bringing her back to the studio and buying hangover medicine for her.
(she’d be lying if she said her heart didn’t jump a little at the note he left behind along with his number, to text him if she was feeling sick).
her phone chimed at that moment, bringing her out of her disarraying thoughts.
han taesan (boynextdoor): hey y/n can we meet at my studio today evening?
han taesan (boynextdoor): we have a comeback next month and i was hoping to get some tips from your side regarding the recording i sent last week.
looks like fate wanted her to suffer more than just a little.
˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
“of course i know her, she’s one of the best producers in hybe” taesan replied, confused at sungho’s sudden question about y/n l/n’s identity. “why do you ask though hyung?”
“it’s just that…i saw her yesterday”
in reality, sungho was very curious about her after last night. he smiled to himself, recollecting her drunken antics and attempts to flirt with him. god she was an adorable drunk.
“oh you’re studio is next door? you really are boy next door!” she slurred as sungho laughed out, tightening his arm around her shoulder while she fumbled for her studio keys. throughout the night she had almost fallen thrice if not for his hold on her wobbly figure. and not once did she fail to surprise him again and again with her drunken humour and words.
“are you sure you’ll be okay?” he asked her worriedly, causing her to turn around and beam. “is park sungho worried about me?” she teased, jabbing him in the ribs. “don’t worry” she continued, sparing him the embarrassment of replying with a possibly poor excuse. “i’ve dealt with this before, have a good niiiiight” she finished, sending a lazy smile to sungho.
“…will be coming in a few minutes, hyung do you have the lyrics we wrote for today?” taesan’s voice brought him back to the present.
“wait, who’s coming?”
“y/n. we’re gonna review my recording and the lyrics together”
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it took every ounce of y/n’s self control in holding her back from bolting out of taesan’s studio.
from the past one hour she had struggled to concentrate due to the mere presence of park sungho, not to mention how he constantly threw not-so-subtle glances at her and every once in a while when their eyes met, he would send a coy grin at her way.
sungho on the other hand was enjoying the way y/n’s cheeks heated up every time she caught him staring, which only made him want to continue looking because shit she just so darn cute with her flushed little cheeks and round eyes. was it weird that he found her this endearing already? he barely knew her at all but his yearning to get to know her kept increasing every time he saw her.
at one point taesan excused himself for a call, leaving sungho and y/n alone in the studio. the silence was deafeningly loud before sungho finally broke the ice.
“about yesterday—”
“why what happened yesterday?” y/n replied a little too quickly.
keep going y/n. fake it till you make it. you’ve got this.
sungho stared at her.
“you don’t remember it?”
“remember what?”
“that’s strange…you really don’t-“
“i really don’t remember last night”
“i never mentioned it was last night”
y/n stilled. sungho stared at her before he broke into laughter. she shut her eyes tightly as the familiar warm sensation enveloped her face again. oh she was so done for now, why did she keep making a fool of herself in front of him??
“ah you’re cute” he giggled as he calmed down, causing her to redden even more.
“you’re teasing me on purpose at this point” she retorted weakly, hiding her face in her hands. sungho continued to chuckle as he slowly reached out to her, gently peeling her hands from her face to reveal her defeated eyes and flushed cheeks. god she looked even more adorable right now.
“please forget what happened yesterday, i’m begging you” she let out weakly, staring at him in the eyes. his eyes softened as he stepped back.
“yesterday? i don’t know what you’re talking about” he said, blinking innocently. y/n sent him a grateful tilt of the lip as he smiled back, the atmosphere much more calmer now. she could make out that he was saying something but her mind focused on him and him only because god he looked so alluring right now with his neatly styled hair and bright smile.
“…but honestly you were pretty funny, it took my mind off the practice and hectic schedules…”
boy he was rambling. sungho couldn’t help it, he was drawn by her smile, a more tamer one compared to the giddy ones she threw at him yesterday. little did he know that y/n was barely paying any attention to his words, the girl was still busy admiring the way his dark hair framed his slender eyes, and his—
“…you seem really fun to be around, we should hang out sometime—“
real smooth y/n.
sungho’s eyes widened. fuck, he should’ve held back on that one. now she definitely thinks i’m insane—
“n-no! i mean yes we should! ugh i’m sorry i’m always a mess around you” y/n rushed out, muttering the last part lowly to herself. unbeknownst to her the boy’s heart skipped a beat. atleast he wasn’t the only one nervous.
“if it helps…i get pretty nervous around you too” sungho said slowly as she looked up at him, surprised.
this time the silence flew out of the air within seconds as they burst into giggles at their corny confessions. “we’re so weird” y/n let out with a chuckle as sungho calmed down. “but you know, i’ll have trouble forgetting yesterday” he said lightly with a pause. “you’re quite cute when drunk” he added cheekily as she let out an incredulous noise.
since when was he this bold?
“oh come onn you said you’d forget it!” she laughed playfully, trying to ignore the warmth growing inside her.
she was so not going to get out of this one alive.
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it had been a week since y/n had started visiting taesan’s studio regularly to help with boynextdoor’s comeback and she had gotten used to being around sungho without looking like a walking talking tomato all the time.
the boy was quite amicable to be around and was a huge danger sign for y/n’s heart because of his natural charms and flirty dialogues he threw out of nowhere.
sungho too discovered that the producer was quite the extrovert and was absolutely smitten by her little laughs at his silly jokes (he had to thank riwoo for those).
despite their growing relationship (as friends, strictly friends in y/n’s words), they still never asked eachother to hangout apart from work hours. which is why sungho found himself in a dilemma in his dorm as he stared at his phone.
💬:hey y/n should we hang out toda—
💬:let’s hangout today?
too nonchalant, nope.
💬:how does a hangout today soun|
god, he was using the word hangout too much.
💬:how does a date today sound?
should he…call it a date?
sungho blinked, conflicted by the idea.
“did you see my blue socks anywhere?” myung jaehyun burst into his room, startling the boy as his phone fell to the ground. “no!” sungho yelled as he pulled it back up, only to see—
💬: how does a date today evening sound?
sungho stood up, horrified. behind him jaehyun peeked in as he gasped “aYOO that was smooth as f-“
he gulped as the older member shot a death glare at his direction. safe to say that he scurried away faster than a mouse as sungho ran behind him.
y/n: let’s meet in the hybe cafe at 9?
the cafe was empty except for two employees engaged in a deep conversation about their stocks and sori, who was getting ready to leave.
“you better tell me everything tomorrow” she gushed, excited for y/n’s first date as the other girl smiled nervously. when y/n read sungho’s text her eyeballs almost fell out of her sockets. a date?? with her?? her mind spun with all sorts of thoughts as she tried to regain her flow of thought. at last she somehow managed to bring herself to the cafe, spilling the details to sori in a daze as the older girl squealed for her.
as much as she was giddy inside for the date with sungho, y/n’s mind kept going back to the unlucky event she went through today, which ruined her mood for the entire day. she pushed these thoughts aside as she saw sungho enter the cafe—
she felt her breath hitch. he looked effortlessly handsome in a blue button down and jeans, hair falling across his forehead and above his eyes. how could someone be this handsome without even trying at all?
“sorry for keeping you waiting” he said as he settled down opposite her. “oh and i wanted to let you know” he added as he blushed nervously. “i must’ve scared you a little when i called it a date…i wanted to hangout but then i somehow ended up typing in date and it somehow got sent and yeah..”
sungho didn’t know why he was explaining himself, it wasn’t like he did something blasphemous. however he failed to notice y/n’s expression deflated a little at this mention before she quickly plastered a smile back on.
“oh that’s totally fine, should we begin?”
two hours later, the two of them were slightly tipsy as they continued to talk about themselves and their day. “you know, i had such a shitty day today, but i felt so relieved when you messaged me about the date” y/n confessed, staring sadly into her wine glass. “what happened today?” sungho softly asked, resisting the urge to grab her hand and squeeze it in reassurance.
“i got accused of stealing lyrics” she said bitterly, downing the rest of her wine. “what? i’m im gonna deal with these people right now, you could never do something like that!” sungho cried indignantly, bringing a small smile on the girl’s face. “exactly…i detest plagiarism but it saddened me you to hear that” she signed.
“i’m sorry that happened to you” sungho said sincerely, placing his hand on hers. she placed her palm on his, chuckling at the size difference. they sat there basking in the comfortable silence as the cafe speakers played out a familiar song.
“oh i love this song, sungho let’s dance!” y/n rose excitedly, pulling him up by his hand. “but wait- i don’t know how to” she pouted adorably, gazing at him.
fuck. sungho wanted to pull her into a kiss then and there, she had no idea what she did to him did she? ignoring the butterflies in his stomach, he pulled her into a simple waltz, trying to match her movement to his.
Love, Maybe by Kim Sejeong continued in the background as he twirled her around with a laugh, sending her into a bout of giggles. y/n spun back into his arms, hands resting around his neck and she smiled into his eyes. they were full of warmth as he gently squeezed the skin of her waist, where his hands were placed.
her eyes drifted to his lips, those lips which she had come so close to on that day when he caught her. she yearned to inch closer, she craved the feeling of those lips on hers.
were these thoughts a confirmation of the feelings she never voiced out?
she brought her head down to his chest, resting it there as they continued to sway gently to the melody. he brought a hand to her back, as he wrapped it firmly around her.
“this certainly looks like love” sungho hummed lowly, voice reverberating against her ear.
“really?” she slurred, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. unknowingly, she missed the little nod of his head from above her as he gazed softly at her tiny figure resting against him.
two drunken minds led to two unspoken confessions that night at the cafe as they found themselves silently giving into their feelings.
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it didn’t take long for the other boynextdoor members to realise that their hyung was acting a little…off. it started with sungho breaking into tiny smiles during their dinners which had them exchanged perplexed looks, followed by him creating endless spotify playlists until 3am.
(he almost made one on their official account but was fortunately brought back to his senses thanks to riwoo).
taesan had an inkling about what made his member this way as y/n would strangely zone out too during their sessions, lips quirking into a secret little smile when she thought nobody was watching.
“oh he’s down bad” jaehyun snorted. “it was obvious that something was up when he used to continuously tag along to the studio” taesan grinned, watching the two work on the lyrics, their shoulders glued together.
y/n was in deep. it was no use denying her growing feelings for sungho and the same could be said for him. he was indeed down bad for the producer as he found her running through his mind almost every minute.
it was a clear skied monday evening when sungho had the shock of his life, a piece of info that sent his soul into emergency mode as he stood up in distress.
“its y/n’s birthday?!” he exclaimed loudly, staring accusingly at taesan who casually mentioned that she hadn’t come to the studio today for that reason.
“how’d you not know that, aren’t you two super close?” taesan asked confusedly. “no…we never talked about this before…it’s too late to even bring her something now isn’t it” sungho clawed at his cheeks, looking at the clock that displayed 6:30pm.
“actually no, she’s probably at her studio or in the hybe food court with sori noona” taesan calmly replied. “you’ve got some time hyung, do something romantic for her” he added slyly as sungho scowled.
y/n was on her way back from the food court after sori had tried persuading her to go to the club for today’s occasion (and failed again). truth to be told, she wasn’t used to celebrating this day and usually just used it as an excuse to skip work and chill at home. today however she was met with the sight of park sungho near her studio as he smiled happily at the sight of her.
“how dare you not tell me that today’s your birthday?!” he whined playfully, sulkily turning away from her as she laughed at his antics. “it isn’t something i normally celebrate…you know, being away from family and all” she said sheepishly.
sungho’s smile faded slightly. he knew a thing or two about that feeling. although the members were there to celebrate events with him, celebrating them with family did hit different.
hearing this from y/n made him want to make today memorable for her.
within a short span of time she had grown to be someone he adored and it broke his heart to imagine her spending her birthday alone.
“well, let’s change that today because look at this!” he removed the cake from the cover as y/n gasped. it was a lovely cake with the words “happy birthday y/n” with a little heart, she felt like melting on spot at the sight of it.
“ah i wasn’t sure which flavour you liked so i picked a simple chocolate” sungho said hesitantly as he scratched the behind of his head.
“sungho this…ah this wasn’t necessary at all but- you didn’t have to-“ when did he have time to buy this cake? didn’t they have a shoot today?
her thoughts came to a halt as he sighed dramatically. “i won’t be hearing any of that now y/n, lighten up it’s your birthday!” he ended with a little whoop as he opened the door to her studio, placing the cake on her desk. “go on make a wish!” he ushered her as she blew the candle, smiled widely. what did she do to deserve someone like him?
“oh i almost forgot, i got you tulips, your favourite!” sungho brought out a bouquet from behind his back, presenting them with a shy smile. y/n didn’t hold back this time as she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. he let out a delighted laugh and hugged her back, stroking her hair as she felt his heart hammering just like hers.
he’s so perfect, it made her heart physically ache.
she looked up at him, eyes sparkling. “thank you for this” she said quietly with a fond smile. sungho bent his head forward and kissed her nose. “i would do this every year, you’re too precious to spend a birthday alone y/n” he said.
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the two of them headed in after debating between watching a movie in the theatre and watching a series on y/n’s bed with some takeout. the former seemed too risky so they settled for the series. upon reaching her bed, sungho glanced at y/n who seemed conflicted due to its size.
“should we sit on the floor-?”
“that’s an idea..but won’t it get uncomfortable?”
“then what should we…”
“how about you—“
sungho stopped himself. the idea didn’t seem too bad to him, but it might to her-
“you could sit on me if you’d like…i mean my lap…i mean it’s gonna be better than the floor-“he stammered as y/n comically widened her eyes.
“you don’t have to though it’s oka—“
“no i’ll do it” y/n surprised her self as she said it. she couldn’t tell who was more redder in the face. sungho cleared his throat as he looked away from her, settling down on the bed with his legs spread.
she climbed onto the bed and plopped into his hold, slowly adjusting herself as sungho let out a shaky exhale. she pulled the laptop onto her lap as he tightened his arms around her, hands warm on her clothed stomach.
“is this okay?” his lips accidentally brushed her earlobe.
“yeah” she let out lowly, ignoring her racing thoughts as she browsed through her netflix.
the two were immersed in the series as they lost track of the time. the ost of twenty five twenty one played through the laptop speaker as y/n sniffled. “i hate the director” she said, wiping her eyes as sungho nodded. she moved forward to grab a tissue and shuffled for a bit when—
“can you…stop moving”sungho said in a pained voice. what happene- oh. oh. y/n stilled as he pulled her flush to his chest which was rising and falling rapidly against her back. her face felt hot as she squeaked out a “sorry”, refusing to look back.
sungho was not okay. how could he be okay in this situation? the scent of y/n’s shampoo wafted towards him and she continued to watch the drama in front of her, having no idea how she was driving him crazy behind her.
“this episode is just painful to watch” he mumbled lowly at the sight of the crying characters when y/n turned her head back to face him. “what—”
she stopped. their faces were inches away from eachother. sungho’s arms unintentionally tightened their hold on her as he held his breath. y/n was faced with those lips again. they were much closer this time, almost inviting her in—
“can i…kiss you?” she breathed out, lifting her eyes to meet his unreadable ones.
sungho didn’t hesitate in placing his lips on hers, kissing her with a sense of longing which he had been suppressing this entire times. she moved her lips against his with equal fervour and she turned herself around, settling herself in his lap fully as her arms wrapped themselves around his neck and legs on either side of him.
his lips were warm as he deepened the kiss. y/n gasped as he swiped his tongue across her lips for access, readily parting them as she grabbed onto his dark strands. he slipped his fingers inside her shirt, exploring the soft skin of her waist as she moaned lowly into the kiss.
sungho broke the kiss with a gasp and stared into her eyes that were hazy with desire. “you have no idea…on how long i’ve been wanting to do that” he said shakily.
“ditto” she whispered before smashing her lips onto his again as she felt him harden beneath her. she tugged on his jacket as he stopped to pull it off. he then attached his lips to her neck as she tilted her head back with a gasp.
her hands explored the planes of his abdomen as she scratched her way through them dizzily, his deep groans in her neck only increasing her pace as she grinded against his lower stomach.
“wait” she gasped, grasping sungho’s shoulders to steady herself down. he detached himself from her collarbone, unfocused eyes blinking at hers. “are you sure about this” she asked lowly, looking at him for any signs.
“positive” he whispered at her.
“it’s your birthday, let me make you feel good”.
‼️smut under the cut‼️
he flipped her over so she was now beneath him. sungho knelt above her, reaching for his shirt and peeling it off as she stared at him.
his breath hitched as she lifted her hand, slowly dragging it down from his chest, down to his tense abs and down to palm the bulge in his pants. he unclasped her bra in return as she shyly tried to cover her chest.
“no don’t- shit you’re so pretty” he groaned as he grabbed her left tit with his hand, taking the other into this mouth. y/n shivered at the sensation, arching her back as she shut her eyes, stifling back her moan as he bit down on her nipple.
“let me hear you doll” he murmured around her, moving his free hand down south, playing with the waistband of her pant. “sungho please..” she let out lowly, causing sungho to lift his head up.
“what was that?” he teased, ghosting his fingers over her clothed cunt. “please touch me” she whined, slowly pushing her hips towards his hand. sungho wasted no time as he pulled her pant down, dipping his hand down to her cunt as he teased her folds. “shit you’re so wet” he groaned at the feel of her. y/n squirmed beneath him as she whimpered out another “please”, eyes shining with tears of frustration as he continued to toy with her folds.
then without warning he shoved two fingers inside, causing her to let out a gasp as she lifted her back off the mattress. he thrusted them mercilessly, his other hand finding it’s way to her pulse point around her neck as he continued to paint her chest purple. she let out sinful whimpers beneath him, lifting her hands to his shoulders as she gripped them for dear life.
if sungho thought he couldn’t like her more, he was proved wrong as he stared, enraptured at her expression of pure bliss. this felt surreal to him, the girl he liked was getting off using his fingers and god she was beautiful in this moment.
y/n felt her breath hitch as he tightened his grip on her neck. she gasped for air as he pressed a finger on her clit, rubbing it fiercely as he added a third finger in her cunt. she gave up on trying to stay quiet, releasing choked out moans because of how good he was making her feel.
“sung- i’m coming”she cried shakily as he sped up his movements. “that’s it, that’s my pretty girl” he watched in awe as she came all over his hand. he pulled out his slick coated fingers and stared at them, mesmerised. y/n watched with wide eyes as he began to suck them, the action making her grow wetter despite the orgasm she had seconds ago. “fuck you taste better than i thought” he moaned as she grabbed his nape and smashed their lips back together, pulling his shirt off as she flung it off the bed.
“need you to fuck me…please” she whined against his lips as she slipped a hand into his underwear, running a finger over his slit already leaking precum.
sungho hissed as he pulled away from the kiss, the feeling of her rubbing his swollen tip itself was close enough to make him come on the spot. he discarded his pants and pulled his cock out, pumping it twice as y/n gulped. his cock was perfection, standing tall and proud with the perfect thickness and size. she whimpered lowly at the thought of it nearly impaling her in the next few minutes.
sungho shuddered, a red flush coating his neck at her reaction to his cock. “i won’t be able to hold myself back if you keep looking like that princess” he choked out, feeling shy by her lust filled gaze.
“don’t hold back” she said airily, moving closer to him. an unreadable expression crossed his features before he gestured for her to wrap her legs around his hips. without wasting another minute he slammed his cock into her with a single thrust, both of them moaning loudly at the feeling. y/n could feel the tears pricking her eyes, not at the painful stretch of her cunt but from the sheer amount of pleasure his cock was giving her.
sungho felt himself twitch inside her, at the sight of her tears. god he was sick in the head for getting turned on by her tears but he couldn’t help it. she looked unreal with her glossy eyes and desperate little cries. he slowly pulled out and slammed back in, just to relish the way she weakly clawed at his chest through her breathless whimpers.
“fuck you feel so good- like my own little doll” he cursed at the sensation of her cunt practically chocking his cock. she moaned loudly at that, causing him to look at her. “do you like that?” he asked with a smirk, slowly pulling out and teasing her with his tip. “y-yes”she cried out “like it when you call me..your doll, y-your fucktoy” she mustered, causing sungho’s eyebrows to fly up. he’d be lying if he said her confession didn’t turn him on even more.
he felt his restrain snap, pulling her into a rough kiss as she moaned into his mouth. so she liked it rough huh, he’ll show her rough.
y/n let out a cry as he started snapping his hips into hers, his hands cupping her tits with a vice like grip for leverage while throwing the most filthiest words at her. “look at you, my shameless little princess” he rasped. “crying all over my cock, you’re enjoying this aren’t you?” he groaned, reeling from the feel of her cunt clenching tighter at his words.
all traces of the sweet and gentle sungho from earlier were gone, it was like a switch had flipped inside him as he stared at her with dark eyes filled with an almost feral glint. his chuckle felt meaner and mocking as he wrapped his hand around her neck again, restricting her airways as she gasped out a moan.
tears slipped out of her eyes onto the sheets as she choked on them, the signs sending his hips into a rougher frenzy. “tell me princess” sungho groaned. “you’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
“yes! yes- fuck sungho!” y/n gasped as he hit a particularly deep spot inside that had her seeing stars. god she could feel him everywhere inside her. “you’re so huge” she sobbed as his ego boosted through his libido, pressing the bulge in her lower stomach as his eyes darkened at the sight.
“you’re taking my cock so well, my pretty little slut” he cooed, lips turning upwards as he met her unfocused eyes. he bent down to bite her nipple as she arched her back, pushing her chest into him while tangling her hands into his locks. he continued pounding at an animalistic pace, the bed shaking occasionally due to their movements.
“s-so good..” she whimpered, overwhelmed by the sensation. she could feel her orgasm approaching, tugging on his hairs as he moaned into her breast. she couldn’t think straight anymore, her mind was dizzy with pleasure as her hips moved automatically to meet his.
“shit you feel so good” he gasped, his thrusts getting erratic. he grabbed her by the neck as pushed his lips onto hers, harshly pulling her hair and fisting the strands to bring her face near his. “such a dirty slut aren’t you?” he sneered as she moaned into his mouth at his action, her nails scraping his broad shoulders painfully.
“i-im close” she whispered, feeling her cunt spasm with each thrust. he brought his hand down to her clit and pinched it, bringing her orgasm crashing down with the action. y/n’s legs shook violently around his hips as she cried out. he continued pounding into her sensitive cunt, ignoring her whimpers. “stay patient like the fucktoy you are” he scoffed as she pulsated around him. that did it for him as he came with a moan, shooting hot ropes of cum into her as she milked him dry.
❕end of smut❕
y/n was barely able register her surroundings anymore, still lost from the aftershock of being fucked so intensely. she saw sungho sit on the bed as he moved to clean her up. he laughed quietly at her fucked out state, causing her to blink back at him.
“did i really fuck you dumb?” he questioned, a little smirk taking over his face. “i think so” she mumbled as she gestured for sungho to move closer. he lied down in the little space beside her as he pulled her into his side, pulling the blanket over them as their legs tangled underneath.
“i don’t think i’ll be able to walk tomorrow” y/n said into the silence as sungho laughed loudly.
she let out distressed sound at this realisation and snuggled closer into his chest.
“wait- does this mean you like me?!” she exclaimed suddenly, facing sungho who looked extremely amused.
“you’re asking me this after i just fucked you dumb?”
“i mean…”
he giggled as he pulled her in for a long kiss, feeling her hand encase his cheek as she melted into the kiss.
“you drive me crazy park sungho” she said once they broke apart from the kiss. he smiled widely at that, hiding his face in her hair as she laughed at his endearing behaviour.
“you’ve been driving me crazy since the drunken night” came his muffled out response as she grinned.
“you’ve been driving me crazy since before that- well sort of” she admitted, causing him to sit up and look at her with a surprised look.
“oh my god you’re a onedoor aren’t you? i knew it— that’s why you knew about yeppi and i bet you have an album too-“
“no i don’t!! i mean not that i’m not a fan- i watched your videos because- ugh!” y/n buried your face in her hands as sungho doubled over next to her. “it’s not like that” she whined as sungho calmed down, still giggling at the news he discovered.
“okay okay tell me when i first drove you crazy”
“it was when you gave me my food delivery that got sent to taesan’s studio accidentally” she said, recalling the way she was floored by the boy’s stunning good looks when he apologised with a smile as he handed the chicken fries back at her studio.
“oh my..that was ages ago, you’ve liked me since then??” sungho gaped at you with a hand over his mouth. “sort of…that’s when i looked you up online and watched your videos and yeah” she finished shyly as he brought her back into his chest.
“gosh you’re so cute it’s killing me” he all but squealed as she giggled at him. “what am i going to do with you?” he sighed with a smile as he brought his forehead against hers.
i don’t know…how does being my boyfriend sound?”. y/n cheesed back as he whined dramatically along the lines of “you stole my line!”.
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taesan: they got together?!
sori: 5 screenshots attached
sori: thank god they did, girl’s been pining since ages
taesan: oh wow…did not need to know about hyung’s skills in bed, i need bleach.
sori: LMAO
in the bnd groupchat:
riwoo: everybody act surprised
leehan: they liked eachother?!
taesan: …
jaehyun: …
riwoo: …
jaehyun: woonhak you owe me 20
woonhak: patience grandpa🙄
sungho: i hate y’all.
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a/n: felt like the ending could’ve been better but i hope you guys liked the fic overall! i’m pretty new to tumblr, atleast for the writing part and i apologise in advance for sounding awkward asf😭, this is a piece that i had written a year ago for sungho and i know that my writing might not be the best out there, so feel free to leave any feedback in the comments! please like and reblog if you enjoyed it and please do follow me for more content as my inbox is currently open!
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luv-y0urself · 11 days
boynextdoor when they have crushes
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boynextdoor x fem!reader genre: fluff, slice of life, mayhaps...? | wc: 2026 words | warnings: all sorts of tropes ahead !! all of the boys are the same age as the reader in the fic, although not mentioned :) 𖤐.thank you to the anon who requested this ! i'm so sorry it took this long to get out... i might've gotten a little carried away (psst... i didn't tell you this, but i might be using this as a small teaser for a future series...!)
boy #1: park sungho
to me, sungho genuinely feels like the type to fall for his childhood best friend. it’s the feeling of comfort that he feels with her that suddenly morphs into something more, y’know? he’s having a casual night out, grabbing a quick drink with his friend for successfully ending the semester in one piece when she shows up dressed with her hair done, makeup immaculate, and a dress that fits her curves perfectly and accentuates all the nice things about her. he can’t help but gape at her form once he lays eyes on her, and is dumbfounded for a few seconds before he’s able to murmur a soft compliment in her direction. she merely laughs it off, telling him that he looked rather dashing that night as well. it was common for them to care for each other in that way; they didn’t think of it much when they were complimenting each other… but on that night, at that moment, sungho meant every word. once sungho is able to fully mull over the situation (and fully realizes that he definitely has a crush on her), sungho would go out of his way to care for her. he’s always sending her texts (much more than usual), usually things like “your class starts soon, are you at school yet?” to things like, “don’t skip lunch even if you’re working.” he strikes me as the type to bring lots of sweets to his gal when mother nature decides to pay her a visit, or for him to cook her some of her favorite broth if she’s feeling under the weather. at one point, i feel like she would realize that sungho has changed a little bit; she asks the other friends in her group about it and her friends can’t help but smack their foreheads at how dense sungho’s crush is, then help sungho set something up for him to actually overcome the fear of losing his friend and confess to her.
boy #2: lee riwoo
to be completely honest, i feel like riwoo is the type to fall for a girl that he met at a dance competition. riwoo would be one of the judges, waiting for the last performance to go on stage and dance their hearts out. he’s beyond tired, having gotten at the site more than six hours ago, and having sat in his chair without moving for four of those six. but once she comes onto stage, riwoo would feel the spinning world stop. all he can see is her, dancing her heart out to the choreographed routine that she and her group mates put together for everybody to see. it’s unprofessional, really — riwoo should be watching the performance for all of the rubric points, but all he could focus on was the way that she moved; the way that she waltzed with the song, her arms elongated and her steps light but strong, hitting each beat with undeniable passion that she must’ve practiced with. riwoo isn’t able to do anything the day of, however — that would be even more unprofessional than how distracted he was during the performance. no, the real time he would be able to do something is when he holds a surprise pop up class with a limited number of students able to attend, and she’s one of them. when checking their form, i feel like riwoo’s eyes would subconsciously stay on her form for a little longer compared to the other students, and if she had a question, he answer it to the best of his ability, and then some. riwoo doesn’t strike me as the impulsive type, but with her in the room, i feel like he would change the choreo that he's teaching to a pair dance, choosing her in the room to dance with.
boy #3: myung jaehyun
god, myungjae would be the loudest guy out there once he has a crush. he definitely strikes me as the type of guy to go shouting in the group chat, saying that he just spotted the “goddess” of their school while walking around. he probably also wouldn’t waste any time beating around the bush; the very next time he spots her, he would probably go up to her and say some cheesy pick up line (“so, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?”) although the girl would definitely be surprised, and maybe even annoyed at his seemingly insincere ways of telling her, myungjae would do everything he can to regain her trust in him (aka. making her fall for him, according to his boasting). whenever he spots her on campus, myungjae makes sure to make himself known. he often waves at her from hundreds of meters away, running to her from wherever he saw her from (and ditching whoever he was with, which, most of the time, is poor woonhak) just to strike a conversation with her. he asks her about all kinds of things, like what she’s doing today, how she’s feeling, if anything happened to her in the past 16 hours which he hasn’t seen her, anything. (once, she replied back that she was going to go meet a long distance guy friend, and myungjae immediately got sooo jealous. he would ask all kinds of things, like what he looks like, how tall he is, whether she’s ever liked him in the past or if she does now, how long she’s known him for, etc. she would definitely tease him for being jealous before leaving in a flash, purposely mentioning that she needs to “get ready” for her hangout with the said guy. myungjae is absolutely distraught, to her delight.) but, if she’s feeling down, he’s there for her always, giving her a shoulder to cry on if needed. he provides lots of advice for her if she opens up to him in that way, glad that he was able to be of help to his one and only.
boy #4: han taesan
boy oh boy, han taesan. definitely the type to fall for the girl working at the lp shop that he’s a regular at. taesan was just walking around the shop, seeing if there were any albums that were recently added that he hadn’t seen the last time he was there. that’s when he spotted her listening to the legendary nirvana album (in his opinion), bleach (1989), and she was humming the melody to “about a girl” when he couldn’t help but be intrigued about her. the lp shop was old; taesan was close with the owner of the shop, since the old man had cared for taesan like his own son. taesan would definitely ask about her the next time he sees the man (which is very soon), surprised when he mentions that she’s working at the shop now; taesan came to the shop almost everyday following that short encounter, often staying at the shop much longer than necessary when she was around (and leaving the shop quickly when he wasn’t able to see her at her usual spot at the counter), trying to get a better look at what she was doing or if she was listening to anything else that he enjoyed listening to, too.  the first time that taesan would actually make a move is when he catches that she’s sick from the rapidly changing weather. he spots her erupting into small coughing fits, which she suppresses quickly with a quick drink from her practically steaming tumbler. the next day taesan walks into the shop, his pockets are a little heavier than usual; he’s carrying with him some cough medicine and tylenol, packaged nicely in a clear bag, perfected with a clean note inside (which he definitely didn’t take 15 minutes to write two lines of). when she’s not at the counter, cleaning something at a different end of the shop, taesan slips over and places the bag of medicine containing the note next to her tumbler so she can’t miss it, smiling a little as he exits the shop.
boy #5: kim leehan
would it be a surprise if leehan falls for the girl working as a docent at the aquarium? she's all he’s been looking for; an expert on fish that shared the same love for marine life that he did. i feel like leehan would meet her coincidentally at his local aquarium; usually he likes to stay home and just look at his own fish tank, but that day, he felt like going out. it had been too long since he left the house, anyway; the last time he’d left was a few days ago, when he went to go find some new fishies for his fish tank (if leehan has his fish tank and his phone, he could probably stay at home for a whole month without leaving it once).  usually, leehan is the type to walk around the aquarium by himself; he already knew a lot about most of the fish there, and if he didn’t know anything, he was the type to stand in front of the description for a while in order to read everything about the new fish. but, something about her voice stroke a chord in him; her voice was different from the other docents that he had walked by, and he saw himself just trailing the crowd that was following her, listening to her words that were flowing out of her like she was telling the story about the fish for the first time. after the entire tour, when she seems to go on break, leehan would call out to her according to her name that she had mentioned at the end of the tour, letting the people know that she was always happy to talk about fish if they ever spotted her around the aquarium another day. he would then proceed to question her about some of the new species that had recently been added to the aquarium tanks, piquing her interest in him as well. i think they would meet a couple more times at the aquarium itself before leehan would ask if she would like to see his own fish tank at his house ;)
boy #6: kim woonhak
woonhak is the epitome of boyish love. there’s no denying it… he just reminds me so much of the type of guys that would endlessly tease and poke fun at you just because he doesn’t know how else to express himself. i think the person that he would do this to would definitely be a somewhat calm person… like a student volunteer at his school’s library!! he would definitely fall for her when he’s checking out his textbooks at the beginning of the year — he’s never stepped into the textbook room prior to this (since this was all a new system that the school implemented) and woonhak just saw her working hard, interacting cordially with the kids she knew and genuinely looking like she was enjoying her job there. her genuineness sparked something deep inside of him, and after that day, i feel like he would visit the library all the time. he’s going to memorize the days and periods that she’s working at the library and get out of class during those days just to go to the library and try to see her. because he visits her so often, i just know that they would start to talk and that would just make woonhak fall even more for her — she’s such a passionate individual, always working hard for what she wants to achieve in the future. whenever she talks about her ambitions, woonhak just can’t help but be mesmerized about everything around her; her pretty, sparkling eyes, the soft breeze from the window that tickles her hair, being able to easily tune out the bustling of the students around them as if they were alone, and her voice, making him truly wonder if she was born under the extensive care of angels. at one point, though, i feel like she would ask him why he always visits her but never actually looks at any of the books or the library in general. woonhak’s ears would burn a bright shade of red before he clears his throat, finally asking her out on a date (“actually, speaking of which… do you want to, uh, go out this weekend?”)
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated ! © luv-y0urself / 2024
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taesanluv3r · 8 days
coming home.
park sungho x reader
another beabadoobee song inspired sungho fic because he's just so fit for it </3 also in honor of coming home coming out so soon! established relationship, domestic sungho TT so cute :3 lowercase intended, excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors. enjoy <3
wc: 1,552
"i wonder if she's even still awake..."
park sungho sighs as he stares out the window of the taxi, a yawn escaping his mouth as he looks over at the time on the screen of the radio. it was almost midnight. you might be wondering where the idol boy was headed to so late like this, and to entertain your guesses, he wasn't on his way to a music show, nor was he on his way back to his dorms. in fact, the boy was just leaving from there, and he was on his way over to her. to her small one bedroom apartment that they shared when he had his days off of work.
those kinds of breaks were quite rare for a rising star like him, but he makes sure to come home to her every chance he got. back home to his girlfriend, yn ln, and their pet cat, cheese. yes, his name is really cheese. no, this is not a joke. yes, yn and sungho are fully grown adults. leave them alone! cheese is a cute name!
the park guy arrives at the foot of the building's entrance, he made sure to tip the taxi driver before getting off and bidding the man a good night. sungho takes the lift to the fifteenth floor, making a turn to the left and walking straight to the door at the very end of the dark, and almost ghostly, hallway. he doesn't ring the bell in fear she might be asleep. reaching for his keys inside of his bag, the boy unlocks the door as quietly as he can before entering the warm apartment. the lights are off and not a noise can be heard. well, apart from the soft purring coming from the sleepy feline curled up on the living room couch. sungho smiles at the sight, bending down to level with his pet and beginning to stroke at its white and orange fur. cheese woke up from his sweet dreams, nuzzling into his dad's hand, the ticklish feeling of his hair causing a light giggle to escape the guy's lips. "is your mother asleep?" he whispered, asking the clueless kitty about his girlfriend he was yet to see. laughing at himself for conversing with the animal, the boy places a peck against its head before getting up to make his way over to the bedroom, and his girlfriend, that awaited him.
the door isn't fully shut, it was never fully shut. the girl always kept it open slightly just in case their cat wanted to enter, or in the case that her boyfriend had spontaneously come home- like tonight. it creaks a little as he softly pushes against it, a loving look washing over his face when the girl he'd been longing for was finally in his line of sight. yn sprawled out on her bed, her feet sticking out of one end of her blanket and her head stuffed comfortably against her silk pillows, her arms wrapped tightly around the plush teddy-bear he had gifted her for valentine's day that year. to the outside eye the girl did not look her best at the moment, her mouth hung opened and soft snores came right out of it as she basked in her slumber. but to the boy, she always looked beautiful, like an angel that had fallen from the sky and came down just to grace him with her presence.
sungho stares for just a moment longer before fully entering the room, a peppermint scent flowing in through his nose from the essential oils she had dropped into the humidifier plugged into the socket in the very corner of the space. the smell calms him, sighing in content as he walks closer to her, a single finger grazing against her skin as he tucks the messy strands of her hair behind her ear. the boy presses a kiss against her cheek, smiling when her face scrunches up and her body turns to snuggle deeper into the sheets. he straightens his back, stepping out of the bedroom and into the bathroom across from it to wash up a little and get into a more comfortable set of clothes. he re-enters the sleeping space once he's done, jumping slightly at his cat's glowing eyes in the darkness, cheese had let himself in. sungho crawls under the sheets, holding his breath as he pulls yn into his chest, careful not to wake her up.
and then he, too, falls fast asleep.
yn ln wakes up to the sound of water running and a clinking of plates being moved around from the kitchen. she gets out of bed, walking sleepily with her eyes still half-closed into the main space of her little apartment. her bed-ridden face disappears when she catches a glimpse of her boyfriend for the first time, sungho scrubbing away at the dishes in the sink, the water bubbling up into foam from the soap. the girl speeds over to him, hugging him tightly from behind. "you're home! i missed you so much" she whispers, her voice still raspy from just waking up. he chuckles, "i've missed you too, my love" the boy grins, leaning down to the side to press a sweet kiss on her cheek, her nose scrunching up as she leans in to place one on his lips. a soft meow interrupts their moment, the couple's gazes turning towards the cat that had begun circling the floors of the unit. his head was tilted off to the side and somewhat of an angry look had been displayed onto his face, so as to say, 'i'm hungry! feed me, human!" yn laughs, finding her pet's person-like gestures hilarious, and she opens up the cupboard above her head, sungho's eyes following as she pulls out the bag of cat food. he smiles happily as he watched his girlfriend bend down, patting cheese's fluffy little head before filling up his orange bowl with the fish-shaped treats.
"darling?" he called out, causing her to turn and face him, a hum in response. "could you help me put away the clean dishes, please?" his voice was just so sweet, it never failed to melt her heart, no matter how many times she's heard him speak before. "mhm" she says, walking over to stand beside him near the sink, carefully picking up the plates he had rinsed clean of any soap, wiping them dry with a cloth before returning them to their designated spots in the cupboard. sungho hums along to a familiar tune, you're here that's the thing by beabadoobee, one of her favourite songs. the sound of his voice makes her blush a little, she sings along with him as they continue their conversation-less tasks. the boy rinses off the remaining soap in his hands, wiping them dry after passing her the final set of clean cutlery. he kisses the top of her head, a giggle escaping her lips at the fuzzy feeling that began to grow in her stomach.
"i'll take out the trash" he says and she nods, "but don't take too long, i might miss you too much" yn coos, shooting him a little pout and a pair of silly doe eyes that just turns him into mush. "i'll be back before you know it, love" and he kept his word, leaving and re-entering her apartment unit just in time for her to finish putting away the clean dishes. "ah!" she squeals when both of his large arms pulled her towards his chest, moving to grab at her shoulders and spinning her around to face him. the girl sighs, sticking her face deeper into the cotton material of his plain white t-shirt, breathing in his scent. the boy's fingers twirl in her hair, peppering about a billion kisses all over it. she looks up at him, chin still pressed against his chest. "what's for breakfast?" yn asked, eyes closing momentarily when his lips leaned against her forehead. "hm..." his eyes wandered upwards, as if he were thinking so very deeply. "what if we just..." sungho begins, both his hands intertwining with hers as he began to walk forwards, guiding her as she did so backwards. "let's just go back to bed for a bit and think about breakfast later" yn laughs at her boyfriend's suggestion, her back pushing against the door and her elbow on it's handle, bringing the couple back into the cold bedroom.
as usual, the door remained open, allowing for their grumpy little cat to crawl onto the covers with them. the couple laid down in each other's arms, her head against his abdomen and his hand grazing against the exposed skin of her arm, mindlessly doodling imaginary images onto it. the white and orange feline purred quietly, snuggling himself in between his parents. sungho moves his hand to pet his fur, laughing when yn grabs onto it to return it into her hair. "i love you so much" she whispers, turning on her side slightly so that he was fully in view. he smiles, tucking away the strand of hair that fell against her eyes. "i love you too, darling..." the boy trails off, scooting closer to hold her tighter into his grasp.
"and i'm sorry if i keep coming home too late"
the end.
i'm crying i love sungho so much </3 also i can't wait for coming home to be released i'm gonna listen to that song like CRAZY!! anyways, hope u guys enjoyed this!! also, i made the text smaller this time cause it looks so pretty, lmk if it bothers u tho. reblogs n feedback r always appreciated!! love, kona.
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minkkumaz · 1 year
hey! would you consider making a fic for any bnd member about that bf lipstick trend on tiktok? if it can be so fluffy it's sickening i'd dedacate my wedding vows 2 u 🙈
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you lazily cuddled up with sungho, scrolling through tik tok together. when you came across a cute lipstick trend, you wanted nothing more than to try it with him!
PAIRING park sungho x fem!reader WC 0.9k TAGS established relationship. fluff. lots and lots of kissing! OMI NOTE hi cutie anon!! i think this lipstick trend is so cute and just imagining sunghos pretty face all marked up adhfksdkafakjhfadf brain malfunction...
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when sungho asked you out, he swore to do all of the little things for you. hopelessly in love with the way you rain delicate hands through his hair, the way you fought back sleep during movie nights, everything about you. any sacrifice, big or small, he’d do it in a heartbeat if you asked him to.
he was perfect for you, like key to the lock on your heart. nights like these especially reminded you about how amazing he was. 
you both lay cuddled up on the couch, surrounded my fluffy pillows and fuzzy blankets. basking in the warmth of eachother, skin against skin. your fingertips traced the outline of his pretty abs, while you scroll mindlessly on tiktok with the other hand. 
sungho watched peacefully from above, grinning at your hushed giggles from tiktoks you found funny. if he could sit and stare at you forever, he’d create the most beautiful portrait (however it wouldn’t compare to your real self at all).
a couple videos and laughs later, you scrolled upon a video of a girl applying lipstick and messing it up. her boyfriends hand came into frame to wipe it off, only to pan to his face covered in kiss marks. you quickly looked up at sungho and held the phone up to his face.
“sungie we should do this!” you beam, thinking about how cute it would be to try.
“anything for you my love, as long as we sleep afterwards, okay? don’t want you to be tired tomorrow.” he strokes your cheek gently.
“deal! i’ll be right back i need to find a good shade!” you scramble away from your portable heat source to grab a color that complimented you nicely.
when you returned, sungho sat criss cross atop the comfy cushions, waiting for you patiently. seeing you running back down the hall excitedly made him fall in love a thousand more times. he’d truly do anything for you.
“i’ll use this one you bought for me on my birthday, it’s one of my favorites.” you told him while waving around the gold case with a colored dot on the top. it was more fancy than you were used to, but sungho was always spoiling you so you promised to use the shit out of it.
“i’m glad you like it, it looks beautiful on you.” he opens his arms out to you and you gladly accept, welcoming yourself into his lap. the scent of laundry detergent still clung to his shirt.
“can we just hug like this forever?” you mumble into the crook of his neck.
“but you wanted to do the trend right? let’s finish up and we can hug all night cutie.” he gives you a smooch on the top of your head.
“you just want me to kiss all over your face, silly.”
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t.”
“okay fine i suppose i can do that since i kind of sort of love you.” you dramatically sighed, taking the cap off the lipstick and applying it to your lips. 
he watched you intently as the applicator dragged a creamy pigment over your lips, he wanted to kiss it off of you already. you popped the cap back on once you were finished and set it to the side, bound to get lost in between the couch cushions. 
“prepare yourself for the best kisses of your life, sungie.” you promise, cupping his face with both of your hands. “all of the kisses you give me are the best, what ever do you mean?” he jokes, interrupted by your lips pressing quickly against his.
“just shush and let me do my job.”
you admired him for a second, making sure he didn’t have anything else to say, before you placed soft kisses on his forehead. you trailed down to his cheeks, nose, chin. you could feel his lips pull into a smile the closer you got to his mouth. 
after rewarding him with a peck on the lips, you pull away to admire your artwork. by far this sight was the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen. living proof that he was yours, and you were his.
“you look so good sungie, i wanna gatekeep this sight for myself.” you pout your lips, the lipstick fading already.
“how else will everyone know i’m yours, my love?” he pulls you closer into his lap, until he’s almost looking completely up at you.
“that’s true, can’t have any girls looking at you funny. you’re too handsome for your own good.” you grin, taking out your phone and pulling up the sound.
the recording goes according to plan. his hand wiping some of the messed up lipstick from your face, looking at you with so much love that he barely accounts the camera facing towards him. many comments flooded in after you posted it
omg when will i get someone that looks at me like that?!
my fav couple on this app yall are so cute.
you guys look so happy, this trend makes me feel so single!
you leave your phone to collect notifications while you wipe the lipstick of sunghos face with a wet cloth. he was a little hesitant at first, not wanting to get rid of your innocent markings.
“all clean now.” you squeeze his cheeks together cutely.
“you’re so precious love, can i have more kisses to make up for all those ones you washed away?” he puckers up his lips.
“you don’t even have to ask.”
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blissfullsvn · 15 days
between the lines
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pairing. academic rivals!taesan x reader genre. fluff word count. 1.3k warnings. reader is sick, reader calls taesan a prick, he is kinda a prick (but fluff triumphs all 🙏) a/n. it's necessary for their dynamic but no actual rivalry is emphasized here... (for my fellow academic rivals-to-lovers enthusiasts... ill cook up sth soon) pt.2 | masterlist
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taesan is flustered.
you and taesan had never really had an amicable relationship. to put it into perspective, you'd rather spend hours editing the mess of a report your equally-messy groupmates wrote, than spend hours working together with han taesan—the student well-known for submitting flawless and only flawless pieces of work.
it wasn't always like this. of course it wasn't. who in their right mind would prefer to add 'babysitting adults' onto their plate that's already filled to the brim, instead of making their life easier by grouping with an academic weapon?
but working with han taesan is not for everyone.
actually, scratch that. working with han taesan is not for you.
you don't know what you did, but you're almost 100% sure he has a personal vendetta against you. for such a pretty face, his mouth only spits out the nastiest of things, at least to you.
actually, scratch that again. han taesan only does that to you.
because you shared all the core modules with him, you had foolishly decided to group up with him for all the assignments you had in your first semester of university. to put it simply, that was probably the worst decision you’d made in your life.
why? for every idea you gave, he'd step over with another. for every suggestion you offered, he'd pinpoint every aspect to shut it down. sure, he may have had better ideas, but you didn't think it was necessary to stomp at your input so readily. you definitely didn't think it was necessary to smirk like he'd won a battle after every instance.
you thought you'd be able to escape his belittling remarks and irritating smugness after that one semester, but why did he have to share the same plans as you as well? the day you stepped into the student council office and saw him sitting in the seat next to yours, you already felt dread clawing at you.
fast forward to the present, you're both running for student president for the next year. you had already lost the role of vice president to him this year, so you're determined to not let him pick at you again. not that he could even if he wanted to, because you practically transform into an iron shield whenever he enters your vision (which is more times than you'd liked, considering you share the same environment with him everywhere. he seems to enjoy this, though).
you've been preparing diligently for your student president pitch, but that's also on top of having 5 tight assignment deadlines and planning the biannual festival happening in the next month. for the past weeks, the student council office had turned into your place to work, eat, and even sleep, though the last was never intentional.
today, again, you're sitting at your desk, your laptop opened in front of you, but it’s unlike usual—a cup of hot-turned-lukewarm tea next to you, a pile of tissues scattered around the table, an oversized hoodie draped over your frame, your sniffles echoing across the empty room, and your body which felt heavier than usual.
you've tried your hardest fighting the urge to fall asleep, the dimness of the room not helping, but when the clock struck 3, you decide to give yourself mercy and lean forward, resting your head on your arms over the table. it's far from comfortable; your back is aching, your neck is sore, your nose is uncooperative, and the screech of the door is hurting your head.
you open your eyes briefly at the intruder by the door. they're frozen for a beat, as if surprised to see you there, then they’re tilting their head in what seems to be confusion. soon, they're taking small steps towards you. you should be alarmed, but your defenses have shut down from the fatigue, so all you can think is that if you die, you hope you die a climactic death.
the intruder, thankfully, does not appear to have any intent of killing you. they are, however, intent on disturbing you.
“y/n?” there's a soft tap on your shoulder. you squint, trying to decipher the blurry face in front of you before deciding against it. your act of protest comes out as a small whine that unintentionally escapes the back of your dry throat.
the figure stands there in shock, hand hovering your back. they blink a few times, as if trying to register what they just heard, before they decide to squat next to you, patting your shoulder again.
“y/n? don't sleep here.” the voice is familiar, but uncharacteristically soft. and fond. why is it fond?
you open your eyes again. seeing han taesan mere inches away from your face is something you'd never expect, but you're too tired to even be shocked. instead, you blink slowly, as if you're a newborn reacting to stimuli you've never experienced before.
“han taesan,” you mumble against your arm. your voice comes out nasally from your cold and as a result, more whiny than usual.
“y–yes?” he ignores the stutter and moves his hand to brush away the strands of hair covering your face. it comes so naturally that he freezes when he realises and quickly pulls his hand back to himself.
“prick.” you shut your eyes as you say this, missing the widening of his eyes. “annoying.”
he frowns, “i'm annoying?”
“very.” you don't miss a beat to reply. “why do i have to see you everywhere . . . .” you trail off, your voice decreasing in volume as you speak.
taesan is silent for a few moments, during which the only sounds that can be heard are the tick-tock of the clock and the whirs of the air conditioner. he takes one glance at your hoodie and the tissues around you before promptly turning off the AC.
“fine,” he huffs as he stands up. “i’ll be annoying for a bit more.” he taps your shoulder again. “go home. you can't sleep here. it's so late.”
the deprivation of sleep is getting to you, because your immediate response to him is to let out another whine that would immediately shatter your image of the cool senior and president-to-be if anyone heard you.
which, of course, brings us back to the first line.
taesan is flustered.
he's never seen you this… babyish before. ever since the first semester, all you would entertain him with were glares, furrowed eyebrows, and the occasional roll of your eyes if you were really salty. you had never been this defenseless around him, to which he feels something tug at his chest.
he stretches his lips into a line and squats down again. “what do you want me to do then?” his voice is soft. too soft. “i’m not letting you sleep overnight here.”
you slowly open your eyes, sniffling as you look at him in disbelief. “if you're not willing to carry me home, just go.” you shut your eyes again.
it's silent once again. at this, you dig your face deeper into your arms, having zero expectations. you furrow your eyebrows slightly when you hear shuffles above you, followed by the clash of stationeries, the crackle of the plastic bag used as your trash bin, the sudden cease of the whirring of your laptop fan, and finally the sound of a zipper.
you open your eyes in time to see taesan cupping your face in one hand and pulling your arm with the other to make you sit up. you let yourself be handled without evident resistance, though your confusion is blatant. once he sees that you're up, he quickly squats down in front of you, back facing you.
“climb up. this annoying prick will carry you home.”
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a/n. this may or may not be insanely self-indulgent due to a cold i may or may not have. i also may or may not have thoughts about a pt. 2. (edit: pt. 2 is out!)
anw, first post! just fitting for it to be about han taesan bcs this man (read: bnd as a whole) has been living in my brain for the past month (case in point: me literally writing this note at 3am when my headache is killing me).
i hope this was as enjoyable to read as it was for me to write <3
© blissfullsvn 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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taesanrot · 4 months
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⋆♱ masterlist ♱⋆
wips can be found here!
01. boynextdoor
park sungho
i. twenty questions (2.3k) coworkers to lovers, e2l, college au, s
han taesan
i. from the start (4.0k) classmates to lovers, a/s, personal fav !! ii. soothe (1.9k) body worshipper, established relationship, s/f iii. thinkin bout you (5.8k) e2l, fake dating, childhood friends to lovers, f/s iv. moved on (0.7k) fwb, implied college au, a/s
02. riize
song eunseok
i. love these days (3.3k) best friends to lovers, f/s/a
jung sungchan
i. found you; one two ... three coming soon! brother's best friend, f/s
lee anton
i. i.m.y.s.m.; teaser ... full fic coming soon! classmates to lovers, f
03. misc
shinyu (tws)
i. untitled (0.2k) drabble, implied college au, s
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. fluff. crack. fake texts. warnings. uhhh some swearing in 1 pic i think. alchemy of souls jokes so sry if u haven't watched it yet (no spoilers tho). pairing. sungho x fem!reader. wc. n/a. request. no. a/n. w bonedo's cb soon i thought i should write some more fics for them <3
jaehyun ver | riwoo ver | leehan ver
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↳ boynextdoor taglist: @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,, @wccycc,, @seunghancore
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hoony2k · 10 months
A Loser's Guide to...?
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MEMBER: Park Jongseong
Life his hard when your friends have a degree in tomfoolery, your crush has a master’s in cluelessness and you aim to achieve a phD in love.
Or in which, jay plans to impress and confess to you before the summer ends.
CW/TW: none/no curses/ swf -> minors can interact/
NOTE: hii<;3 my first piece so i'm realllyy excited about this! This is the teaser for it and I'll be posting the final draft once it's finished and revised.
I will be making a taglist if anyone wants to join. There's no specific date or day when this will be released but this is an upcoming fic and will be posted after a niki drabble.
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Throughout his entire life, people chastised Jay for his patience or lack thereof. Yet patience was not a virtue. It never was fruitful and never would be. Had it been, Jay wouldn’t be trapped in his current dilemma.
He didn’t count but it had been fifteen minutes since you followed Heeseung and Sunghoon into the eldest’s kitchen and from the blessed mirror image being engraved in his brain thanks to Heeseung’s ginormous ceiling-high mirror, Jay could easily see how you giggled as the two boys joked around instead of microwaving popcorn and getting soda. Hell, at this point your giggles and his laptop overheating a few feet away were the only sounds flooding his ears.
He wished-prayed even- that the couch would swallow him whole when his unmoving eyes were cursed with seeing Sunghoon pat your head after a joke didn’t land successfully. Jay knew that both of them knew that you didn’t know about his not-so-small crush on you and he knew that they knew he trusted them not to break the code. Yet, a more minor and less significant voice spoke in his head when he saw your glittering eyes stare up at Heeseung.
Heeseung’s got way more rizz than you, Jay”, said the voice that sounded awfully a lot like his own. He imagined a small Jay inside his head speaking to him, giving unsolicited statements. Statements and not opinions because, well, statements were factual information while opinions were just opinions. Heeseung did have a talent for flirting like an expert and if the boy was aware of his actions when he pulled heartstrings was not known to Jay but he knew Heeseung would never try to be more than friendly with you. Sunghoon?
Sunghoon was a completely different story. Best friends since birth, they discovered life together. Sunghoon saw him when he was locked out by the world and supported Jay as the boy created himself into what stood tall before him today. However, Sunghoon was also undeniably and incredibly attractive. It was a fact, scientifically proven and all. He had the most followers on every social media despite his barely two posts per three months agenda. And besides, Sunghoon would lean over your shoulder to smack the old rickety microwave every time it buzzed off. Too close…
Jay was never insecure about himself, he was confident with what he had and knew what he lacked in order to work on his flaws (like patience). So there was no need to feel less compared to his friends because he was more than enough. All he had to do was stuff the little imaginary Jay in his mind into a box and lock him in forever. Yeah, that would work well.
In the midst of his thoughts, Jay had lost count of the minutes. He blinked his eyes into focus and his laptop had fallen asleep, the tv screen dark with the HDMI symbol glaring at him. He loosened his grip on the tv remote and sighed through his nose.
His ears perked like a cat’s as he heard your silky voice float through the space.
“Heeseung, I think that’s enough.”
Heesung laughed loudly. A smack delivered on the pitiful microwave top. The poor thing was almost denting at this point.
You spoke again, calm and patient (God, Jay adored you). “Heeseung, really we can order in. Let’s call Sunoo to bring the popcorn, yea?”
Heeseung didn’t respond, preoccupied with a telepathic conversation with the pathetic machine. it was Sunghoon’s turn to sigh. “It’s been a bit wonky ever since we forgot a spoon in it.”
From the corner of his eye, Jay observed how the reflection your eyes widened comically. “I’m sorry-you what?”
Heeseung had finished his conversation and placed a warm hand on your shoulder.
“He meant what he said,” he replied sadly.
You turned to face Heeseung but Jay was unable to see or hear what you said because Jake, sitting on the other end of the couch, had poked his leg.
Jake, sweet friendly Jake, stretched his lips into a honey smile but his worried eyes told Jay what was really going to happen in a few. If Jay felt his body was glued to the leather couch, Jake was much worse, like he was melting into the couch.
"Ya good, Jake?” Jay asked like a nice friend.
Jake laughed uneasily. He opened his mouth, then hesitated. He would say something so rotten it might offend Jay, so he tries to sugarcoat it but has trouble finding the right words.
Jay watched him squint. Then his expression returned to his usual bright one when the answer dawned upon him.
"Yeah! You just looked real pissed is all," is what Jake settled with after a few moments.
Jay felt his face warm up but he maintained his usual expression. He quickly turned his head in front to hide any visible signs of embarrassment.
Like a nice friend, Jake mimicked. Both of them silently stared at the tv. They watch as the HDMI symbol transitioned into darkness as the tv automatically clicked off.
Oh, Jay was holding the remote, right? He saw Jake stare at him from the corner of his eye. So, he did what came to him naturally, he pulled his lips into a stiff smile, all wrong and sharp at the edges.
If Jake noticed how constipated he looked, he chose to ignore it. 
They heard footsteps approaching and Jake turned over the couch and somehow, at the sight of food, he appeared to glow even brighter than before. 
He dapped up Sunghoon for some reason and the other boy responded enthusiastically. Their smiles and excitement made Jay’s heart swell and he found his lips tug upwards out of genuine feelings.
Then, he stopped as soon as he saw Heeseung.
Heeseung seemed busy engaged in conversation with you and the idiot made you hold both popcorn bowls.
You unconsciously walked an extra foot to avoid the second couch and towards the empty space on Jay’s left. Heeseung was quick to notice and paused the conversation to slip in a subtle smug smirk at Jay. He ignored his friend’s expression as always and automatically, like an instinct, he moved slightly to create space for you beside him.
He felt your body heat as the couch dipped and he feels like a middle school girl. Your shoulder brushed against his and he felt like the same middle school girl was giddy and nervous while confessing to a soon-graduating senior.
But it's when you offered him a smile and a bowl overflowing with popcorn that he sensed his brain short circuit and a fuse pop.
The tips of his ears were scarlet. "Thanks." He mumbled taking the bowl from you.
you smiled sweetly at him, shy and bashful for some reason. “I know how much you love popcorn so we made one bowl for you.”
Jay ignore how his heart did backflips at your usage of singular first pronouns and ignored how his heart clenched when you switched to “we”.
The moment was cut short as Sunghoon barked,” I bet he likes a lot of things. Way more than popcorn.” He stared at Jay, eyes pools of mirth. Jay should have uninvited him, told him the government abolished weekends or some other lie.
You nodded. “Yea, he likes corn as well.”
The raven-haired cackled,” He likes sweet people that make popcorn as well. So sweet, kind of like caramel popcorn.”
You squinted at Sunghoon,” I didn’t know he liked sweet popcorn as well.” Then you turned your head to look at Jay, your ponytail swished and slapped his cheek from how close you had turned and Jay could feel his lungs begin to give out. Where was the damn remote.?
 He felt too vulnerable, too naked under the gazes that preyed upon him. He shrugged unknowingly.
You turned to Sunghoon once more and though he expected it, Jay did not move his face away from your hair smacking him. So what if he loved how good it smelt, sue him.
Perhaps Jay was in debt because suddenly Jake and Heeseung joined the conversation
Heeseung called out your name in a tone of false anger, he raised an accusing finger at you. Jay felt offended at the action even though it wasn’t even pointed at him. Heesung really let go of manners when he pulled out the “hyung card”.
“How can you be so careless! You keep hitting poor Jay with your hair.”
Instantly, you turned to Jay and once again, hit him and Jay didn’t even mind when your strands grazed his eyelids.
“Oh my God, I didn’t even realise! I’m so sorry, Jay,” your voice was like a freshly blossomed flower under a soft drizzling of dancing raindrops, like the first cold shiver in an endless abyss of water on a scorching day. Your expression was so heartfelt, eyes so apologetic. Jay hated seeing your lips frown.
“I can move,” you quickly followed with after he gave no response. He heard someone tsk loudly and then a loud voice that cracked in the air.
His brain whispered how it was his own voice and his body burned under his clothes. The air was still and silent, he had no idea what faces the other three were making but he was hypnotized by your eyes and how they changed from worry to hesitance to accept and then finally, your eyes curved as you revealed your gorgeous smile to him. He stared as you got comfortable once more, your thigh brushing against his.
Air didn’t reach his lungs properly, he sighed loudly. He forced his body to relax.
It was fine. It was you. He had sat next to you a billion of times, on the same couch, in restaurants, and in class-he was always next to you so why was he acting like this?
“You’ve never been so close to her,” Little Jay giggled. When the hell did he get out?
Just when Jay felt ease seep back into his bones, you decided to pull the ground beneath his feet.
“I know, I can untie my hair. That way it won’t be in the way when I have to talk to those two,” you said flicking your wrist at Sunghoon and Heeseung on the other small couch. You looked so proud of your ingenious idea. In a quick motion, barely giving Jay time to prepare you slipped the hair tie out of your hair and rolled it on your wrist.
When the first “hair theory” reel popped up on his page, Jay thought it was garbage. Fashion had a much larger and more vital impact on one's appearance compared to hair. But seeing you now, Jay felt a coil tie around his throat and his heart beat wildly in his ears. He wanted to run his fingers through your hair, he wanted to brush it out of your face and gently tuck it behind your ear. Your hairstyle complimented your face cut so well, despite it not being styled it looked so elegant and graceful, of course, you would look so ethereal either way. It was you and you were beautiful. It was a statement. A fact. A firm notion according to Jay.
Jay swallowed dryly. “yea..that’s pretty-I mean that’s literally so smart.”
Heeseung wheezed and Jake slithered a comforting hand on Jay’s leg. No one bothered to switch on the tv or check on his laptop. Movie night be damned, their boy was trying to impress.
 You glanced at Jay, eyes fluttering between looking at him and downcast, lip pulled between your pearly whites to stop from smiling.
“Thank you.”
Mentally, Jay’s brain took a screenshot of your current expression and saved it with the other billion pictures of you to remember and giggle at like a lovestruck fool at night.
The air finally returned to the room. He took a deep breath. Gave you one of his killer smile, the one that always made the older ladies tell him about their daughters his age. He was rewarded with your flustered face, shoulders hunched as you leaned into the couch as if it were a shield.
This time when he spoke, he was confident, voice deep. “What are we watching, guys?”
At that very moment, Jay came to a conclusion. He would confess to you before the end of summer before everyone got too busy with their own lives. He had to confess and enjoy summer with you-spend it with you in a more than friendly way. And he had the perfect plan.
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