#part of my intelligence is my curiosity and capacity for deep emotions and my capability to learn quickly
noxtivagus · 2 years
i wna write
#🌙.rambles#just abt anything n everything really#even if it's not particularly good or just a dump from my messy head#i've always loved to write#yeah i've always been an open person in terms of how i express myself#i loved painting as well when i was a kid >.>#n i learned the piano too yeah music#but then aside from creatives i also performed well in school#i rmb it was mostly just probably a lack of recitation that maybe pulled me down a bit#bruh i've always been generally quiet but loud when i'm comfy huh#hmm one thing i like about myself is my intelligence#it's pretty balanced out just the way i've grown to like it. one way i love myself#i'm far from the smartest. i'm no genius. but i am naturally smart#part of my intelligence is my curiosity and capacity for deep emotions and my capability to learn quickly#but i'm somewhere in this weird clash of still 'fitting in' and feeling so out of place#it often feels like i don't belong in this world. with societal expectations n all that#i still perform well. i can't deny that. but it weighs me down n makes me do worse than i would have otherwise#i'm gna read n write more again. of all sorts of things#there's no end to what i want to learn from all aspects of life.#from stories to games to sciences to peoples to . everything#wah i have sm to do perhaps it wld be a waste to regret when i cld allocate that time for the future instead#costantly confused with an abundance of dilemmas and questions#it's interesting though. that's why i keep on going. there's so much more left to see and experience and learn and understand#i will not leave anything undone until i accomplish all that i can. i will not lose.#n along the way i hope to find more of myself. more meanign each n every time. people and memories. lessons and stories.#the vast depth of life intrigues me. even if i feel like i'm not a part of it then oh well i can observe from afar for now#someday i hope somewhere in myself i can finally allow myself to accept all that for me as well. properly. wholly#idk i have a habit of ending up treating things like work;; my innate sensitivity makes me overthink n overanalyze easily n. help wait#im doing that to myself again >.> idk i think i want to read more to see from other's perspectives#bcs most of what i know isn't actually from idk informative books. nah this is from my life n my thinking n emotions
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boy-in-red-dress · 1 month
HEAR ME OUT, so I made a list of Ford and Bill's character traits and how they compliment each other. Ford and Bill's relationship is a rather interesting and twisted dynamic which is one of the reasons why I like them a lot. So let's start with my interpretation of the two characters...
Stanford Pines
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He a deeply intricate character, shaped by a life that have left him both brilliant and broken. Born as one of two twins, Ford’s life has been a constant struggle with self-worth and identity. His intelligence and curiosity set him apart from others, but they also isolated him, creating a sense of loneliness. This isolation was only deepened by his complex relationship with his twin brother, Stanley. Ford’s need to prove himself became a driving force in his life. Yet, it was never simply about proving his worth; it was about escaping the deep-seated feelings of jealousy, shame, and guilt that had haunted him since childhood.
Ford's brilliance, however, is matched by his flaws. His obsession with knowledge and understanding the unknown led him down dangerous paths, often pushing away those who cared for him. The rift with his brother, born out of both love and rivalry, is a central part of his character. Which is why (if you've read some of my work on ao3) I put the fact Ford thinks about Stan often.
Despite his vast intellect, Ford’s emotional intelligence often lags behind, making him susceptible to manipulation and leading him to make decisions that are sometimes cold and calculating. He is a man who is willing to risk everything—even his own humanity—for the sake of discovery and the pursuit of what he believes is right and what could do good for the world. This single-minded determination, while admirable, also reveals his vulnerability. His self-imposed isolation and his relentless drive to prove his worth have left him with a fragile sense of self that is easily shattered when confronted with his own limitations. Speaking of his limitations, that's where Bill comes in. To make Ford go beyond the limits of his human capabilities.
Bill Cipher
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He's a being of pure chaos and malevolence, contrasts Ford's character in almost every conceivable way. Where Ford is driven by a desire for knowledge and understanding, Bill is driven by a desire for power and control. Bill’s complexity lies in his unpredictability and his capacity for manipulation. He is a master of deception, able to twist the desires and fears of others to suit his own ends. Unlike Ford, who is bound by his human emotions and flaws, Bill is unrestrained, reveling in the chaos he creates. He lacks empathy, seeing others only as tools to be used or obstacles to be destroyed. His lack of morality and his enjoyment of others' suffering make him a truly terrifying entity to come across.
BUT. They have similarities, too. Stay with me.
1. Intellectual Curiosity and Ambition
Both Ford and Bill possess an insatiable curiosity and a relentless drive to uncover the secrets of the universe. For Ford, this curiosity is rooted in a genuine desire to understand the unknown, to push the boundaries of human knowledge, and to make his mark on the world. His intellect is one of his defining traits, and it’s what led him to explore other dimensions and study the mysteries of Gravity Falls.
Similarly, Bill is driven by a desire to know and control everything. His curiosity, however, is twisted by his malevolent nature; it’s less about understanding and more about exploiting knowledge for his own gain. Bill’s intellectual prowess is evident in how he manipulates others, devises complex plans (or impulsive plans), and navigates the multiverse with ease. His fascination with the workings of the universe mirrors Ford’s own, but where Ford seeks to understand, Bill seeks to dominate and corrupt.
2. Rejection of Limitations
Both characters reject the limitations imposed on them by their respective worlds. Ford’s entire life has been a struggle against the boundaries set by society, by his family, and even by his own humanity. His six-fingered hands marked him as different from a young age, and this difference fueled his determination to transcend the ordinary. Ford’s rejection of these limitations led him to create the portal, opening a gateway to other dimensions, and ultimately, to his fateful encounter with Bill.
Bill, too, rejects any form of limitation. As a being from the Nightmare Realm, Bill refuses to be confined by the rules of any single dimension. His very nature is one of rebellion against order and constraint. He sees limitations as challenges to be overcome, often through manipulation and force. This shared disdain for boundaries creates a unique parallel between the two: Ford, the man who defied his world to expand his knowledge, and Bill, the demon who seeks to break the rules of reality itself.
3. A Sense of Superiority
Ford and Bill both harbor a sense of superiority, though it manifests differently in each. Ford’s superiority is intellectual; he knows he is smarter than most people around him, and this often leads him to act alone, believing that only he can solve the problems he encounters. This mindset can make him seem arrogant or dismissive, particularly when dealing with those who don’t share his level of understanding.
Bill’s sense of superiority, on the other hand, is rooted in his power and knowledge. He views himself as above all others, not just because of his intelligence, but because of his status as an interdimensional being. Bill sees humans as insignificant creatures to be toyed with, and he revels in the chaos he can create among them. His superiority complex is part of what makes him so dangerous; he genuinely believes that no one can match him, which drives his desire to control and manipulate.
4. Isolation and Loneliness
Both Ford and Bill are, in their own ways, deeply isolated figures. Ford’s intellectual pursuits and his strained relationship with his brother have left him lonely, often feeling like he is the only one who can understand or solve the mysteries he uncovers. This isolation is both self-imposed and a consequence of his choices; Ford often distances himself from others to protect them or to keep them from slowing him down.
Bill, despite his power, is also a fundamentally lonely being. His existence as a demon is one of isolation; he is a creature of chaos in a universe that generally strives for order. His interactions with others are almost entirely manipulative, and he lacks genuine connections. This loneliness could be a driving force behind his desire to dominate and destroy—if he cannot be understood or accepted, then he will make the world bend to his will instead.
5. Obsession with Control
Control is another trait that both Ford and Bill share, though their methods and motivations differ. Ford’s obsession with control stems from his fear of the unknown and his need to protect those he cares about. After his experiences with Bill, this need becomes even more pronounced, as Ford understands the dangers that lurk beyond the veil of reality. His attempts to control situations, however, often lead to unintended consequences, and his desire to keep everything under control can sometimes cause more harm than good.
Bill’s obsession with control is far more malevolent. He doesn’t just want control—he wants total domination. Bill thrives on bending others to his will, on twisting reality to suit his desires. His manipulation of Ford is a key example of this; by gaining control over Ford, Bill was able to bring chaos to the world in ways that would have been impossible otherwise. For Bill, control is both a means to an end and the ultimate goal itself.
Conclusion: A Complex Relationship
The similarities between Ford and Bill make their relationship all the more complex and tragic. Ford’s intellectual curiosity, his desire to break free from limitations, his sense of superiority, and his isolation all made him an ideal target for Bill’s manipulation. At the same time, these shared traits create a twisted mirror image between the two—Bill literally represents the dark potential of Ford’s own qualities, turned towards destruction rather than discovery. That is if you look at it that way.
Together, they form a complicated pair: Ford, the man who seeks to protect and understand, and Bill, the demon who seeks to control and destroy. Their similarities make them more than just adversaries; they are reflections of each other’s strengths and flaws, locked in a struggle that is as much about their own identities as it is about the fate of the world. This dynamic is what makes their interactions so compelling and their conflict so deeply resonant, as each tries to outmaneuver the other while grappling with the very qualities that make them who they are.
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I want to lick these senior citizens— WHAT WHO SAID TJAT
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OC Enneagram types!
@nade2308 I haven't been able to stop thinking about doing this since the Enneagram conversation came up in the Discord, so here it is! My seven main characters (sorry, Rowan, I'm not confident enough to type a tree just yet) and their Enneagram types, plus a short explanation and some quotes about their basic type and wing!
Robin - 4w3 As a basic type of a 4, Robin sees himself as fundamentally different from other people. He isn't sure how to fit into the world, since his dual fae-human nature leaves him feeling on the outside of all of it. He feels broken and incomplete, and keeps trying to create a place that he fits. The 4 tendency to imagine a world where they can belong led him to idealize the hunter world and want to join it like his father, despite his grandfather's warnings against it. The 3 side of his personality is also involved in the effort to fit in, to make himself into an acceptable version that people will like. “Fours feel that they are unlike other human beings, and consequently, that no one can understand them or love them adequately. They often see themselves as uniquely talented, possessing special, one-of-a-kind gifts, but also as uniquely disadvantaged or flawed. More than any other type, Fours are acutely aware of and focused on their personal differences and deficiencies...Healthy Fours are willing to reveal highly personal and potentially shameful things about themselves because they are determined to understand the truth of their experience—so that they can discover who they are and come to terms with their emotional history. This ability also enables Fours to endure suffering with a quiet strength. Their familiarity with their own darker nature makes it easier for them to process painful experiences that might overwhelm other types.” “Threes learn to perform in ways that will garner them praise and positive attention.” John - 6w5 John is deeply tied to his roots, following the family tradition of becoming a hunter with no question of whether or not that was what he wanted to do. To him, duty is the highest thing to seek after, and individual personal goals must always be secondary to what has to be done. the 5 side of his identity comes into play in his work; John feels a sense of pride in working from the shadows, knowing about vampires but hiding that secret from the larger world for its own protection. Like his great-grandfather, he's the sort of person who seeks out a person to be devoted to. Until his brother died, Gabe was the tethering force in John's life. After his death, John drifted away from his home, searching for a new connection, but struggling to find it. “Sixes are the most loyal to their friends and to their beliefs. They will “go down with the ship” and hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types.”Wanting to feel that there is something solid and clear-cut in their lives, they can become attached to explanations or positions that seem to explain their situation. Once they establish a trustworthy belief, they do not easily question it, nor do they want others to do so. The same is true for individuals in a Six’s life: once Sixes feel they can trust someone, they go to great lengths to maintain connections with the person who acts as a sounding board, a mentor, or a regulator for the Six’s emotional reactions and behavior.” “Investigating "unknown territory"—knowing something that others do not know, or creating something that no one has ever experienced—allows Fives to have a niche for themselves that no one else occupies.” Kira - 5w4 Knowing she would struggle to fit into normal society because of her deafness, Kira seeks to make herself important to others by making discoveries and creating new things. She often called on the 5 tendency to rely on their knowledge and curiosity in her classes, and made a name for herself as the smart girl, not just the Deaf girl. Her passion for strange and new fields of study allowed her to keep an open mind when she first learned of the existence of vampires, and also helped her delve deeply into the lore surrounding them when she became a vigilante hunter. As she's grown, Kira has become more in touch with the 4 side of herself as well, accepting her uniqueness and seeing that as a gift. “Behind Fives’ relentless pursuit of knowledge are deep insecurities about their ability to function successfully in the world.  Fives “take a step back” into their minds where they feel more capable. Their belief is that from the safety of their minds they will eventually figure out how to do things—and one day rejoin the world. Fives are not interested in exploring what is already familiar and well-established; rather, their attention is drawn to the unusual, the overlooked, the secret, the occult, the bizarre, the fantastic, the “unthinkable.” ” “Fours maintain their identity by seeing themselves as fundamentally different from others.” Cody - 2w3 Cody is at heart a giver. He grew up being the friend Robin needed, and that was such a formative part of his identity that when Robin left Rowan House to become a hunter, Cody felt adrift. As the youngest child of his family, he'd relied on his friendship with Robin as an outlet for his need to be useful and needed, since his siblings didn't seem to want the nurturing. Since then, he's channeled that into his work, where he enjoys helping people find the information or books or other help that they need at the library. While he's very selfless, Cody is also ambitious, deeply driven to create stories that he can share with the world. His drive to become a published, successful author is the main evidence of his 3 wing. "Being generous and going out of their way for others makes Twos feel that theirs is the richest, most meaningful way to live. The love and concern they feel—and the genuine good they do—warms their hearts and makes them feel worthwhile. Twos are most interested in what they feel to be the “really, really good” things in life—love, closeness, sharing, family, and friendship. Healthy Twos are the embodiment of “the good parent”: someone who sees [people] as they are, understands them with immense compassion, helps and encourages with infinite patience, and is always willing to lend a hand—while knowing precisely how and when to let go." "Threes are often successful and well liked because, of all the types, they most believe in themselves and in developing their talents and capacities. Threes want to make sure their lives are a success, however that is defined by their family, their culture, and their social sphere. No matter how success is defined, Threes will try to become somebody noteworthy in their family and their community." Maira - 9w8 Maira's basic 9 type has allowed her to navigate her world by finding the paths of lesser resistance. She's wise enough to know when to back down and seek another route to her goal, and this has gotten her far in her world. People respect her shrewd 'chess match' movements, but also like her as a person since she has managed to maintain a reputation of being even-handed, understanding, and willing to seek negotiated solutions. But making the mistake of thinking Maira is a pushover is a dangerous one. Her 8 side is strongest when she encounters an injustice or cruelty. Maira has her breaking point, and woe to the person who pushes her over it. "Peacemakers are the skilled mediators and counsellors in a group of friends or coworkers. They work hard behind the scenes in order to keep the group harmony steady and flowing. As children, they knew how to get along with each classmate, making them a great addition to any group project. They can easily see the many different sides to an issue and tend not to jump to conclusions quickly, if at all. Complacent and humble, Peacemakers are stable and gentle, willing to go the extra mile to avoid rocking the boat. Soft-spoken yet firm in their personal stances, they make an effort to neutralize tension and restore group harmony." "Eights have enormous willpower and vitality, and they feel most alive when they are exercising these capacities in the world. They use their abundant energy to effect changes in their environment—to “leave their mark" on it—but also to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting them and those they care about. At an early age, Eights understand that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that they develop in themselves and which they look for in others." Emma - 5w6 Emma's 5 tendency to acquire esoteric knowledge is one of the reasons she's risen so rapidly in vampire society since her turning. She's learned a great deal about herself and her fellow vampires, and she uses that knowledge to her advantage. She's well known for being not only on the cutting edge of knowing what's happening in the city, but for being able to analyze that information and interpret what it will mean for the vampire community and the wider city population. Her 6 side is evident in her formation of a coven that accepts vampires who were not turned by its own members, giving outcasts or vampires who broke free from their sires like her a place of safety. "Fives think, “I am going to find something that I can do really well, and then I will be able to meet the challenges of life.” They therefore develop an intense focus on whatever they can master and feel secure about. Depending on their intelligence and the resources available to them, they focus intensely on mastering something that has captured their interest. Much of their time gets spent "collecting" and developing ideas and skills they believe will make them feel confident and prepared. They want to retain everything that they have learned and “carry it around in their heads.” " "Sixes rely on structures, allies, beliefs, and supports outside themselves for guidance to survive. If suitable structures do not exist, they will help create and maintain them." Arion - 7w8 Arion is perhaps the poster child of the dangerous side of the 7 type. A hedonistic pleasure seeker, he's driven by filling his life with whatever he enjoys. He has acquired a wide range of talents and interests. But his vampire bloodthirst is his most intense drive. Unlike some vampires who control and manage their impulses, Arion embraces them. He revels in the pleasure of drinking real blood, and sees nothing wrong with seeking it out. His 8 side makes him truly dangerous, because in addition to his craving for a life of comfort and ease, he has a powerful drive to do whatever it takes to attain that goal. While he is fully capable of luxuriating in his pleasures, he is also willing to temporarily put them aside in pursuit of one he believes will be even greater." "Sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. They approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure, like “kids in a candy store” who look at the world in wide-eyed, rapt anticipation of all the good things they are about to experience. They are bold and vivacious, pursuing what they want in life with a cheerful determination. Sevens are compelled to stay on the go, moving from one experience to the next, searching for more stimulation." "Eights do not want to be controlled or to allow others to have power over them. Much of their behavior is involved with making sure that they retain and increase whatever power they have for as long as possible. They often refuse to “give in” to social convention, and they can defy fear, shame, and concern about the consequences of their actions. Although they are usually aware of what people think of them, they do not let the opinions of others sway them. They go about their business with a steely determination that can be awe inspiring, even intimidating to others."
Taglist: @nade2308 @cmvorra @bands-space-and-monsters-oh-my @catwingsathena @asloudasalone @anguishmacgyver @flowing-river24 @myhusbandsasemni @floh673 @teddythecat1234 @bkworm4life4 @viawrites-andacts @amarilloskies
If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist for Magic & Silver stuff, just let me know! (Type description references taken from https://www.enneagraminstitute.com and https://www.truity.com/enneagram/9-types-enneagram) 
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nicholasmeyler · 5 years
More Great Careers
Wingate Dunross, Inc. is the leading California boutique Retained Search Firm for 36 years, setting multiple World-Records in the field. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION: Scientists and Engineers Brand new search in Birmingham, Alabama with a pre-IPO Biotech/Pharma company focused on Age-reversal technology. (1) PRINCIPAL RESEARCH SCIENTIST, DRUG DISCOVERY My new Client is seeking an exceptional drug discovery scientist to drive the development and incorporation of new approaches to identify candidate agents to enhance mitochondrial function. Along with an associate scientist, the team will be responsible for designing, developing, and executing in vitro and in vivo assays to support progression, optimization, and mechanism of action of mitochondrial therapeutics. The ideal candidate will possess leadership abilities to direct and manage a lab and coordinate activities across multiple drug discovery initiatives and platforms. Prior experience in the mitochondrial biology and genetics field is a plus. The candidate must work well in a growing organization, make clear decisions in a fast-paced drug discovery environment and be highly proficient in both verbal and written communication to audiences with diverse scientific, professional and drug discovery backgrounds. Independently performs scientific experiments with a predefined goal, including developing new strategies. Qualifications • Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology or related field with minimum 2 to 3 years post-doctoral experience or industry experience • Experience and demonstrated excellence in early phase drug discovery, target identification, and validation and project team leadership. • Strong strategic scientific and technical leadership in the design, execution, analysis, and interpretation of a broad range of mitochondrial assays to drive identification of compounds leading to progression and elucidation of the mechanism of action. • Experience in preparing clear technical reports, publications, and oral presentations: independently communicating results; presenting clearly and effectively and defending own work at internal & external meetings; delivering updates to management in the context of overall project goals. Keeps abreast of relevant literature relevant to research projects and competitive landscape. • Understanding of classical pharmacological principles and drug discovery process, in order to support an assessment of potency, efficacy and contribute to predictions of human efficacy • Ability to critically analyze and interpret data and effectively document and communicate results • Has a demonstrated ability to apply a variety of state-of-the-art biochemical and genetic methods related to cell proliferation, apoptosis, cytotoxicity, and molecular pathways related to therapeutic agents. • Has solid hands-on experience in handling mice and basic cell culture / genetic manipulation techniques as well as molecular and cell biology approaches. • Strong working knowledge of computer software including Excel and PowerPoint and additional scientific analysis software including Prizm GraphPad, SpotFire, XL-Fit or comparable scientific data applications. Additional/Preferred Qualifications • Experience in leading a group in a pharmaceutical or biotechnology setting. • Mitochondrial assay development expertise, including biochemical and cell-based assays • Experience in development of innovative translational in vitro and/or in vivo models that predict human efficacy My repeat-client is the World's leading connectivity company.  They have retained me to find a Robotics/Automation/Machine Vision expert for their Harrisburg, PA location
(2) Automation  Innovation Engineer, Staff Engineer My client has an opportunity for an Automation Manufacturing Technology (AMT) professional with strong technical and team working capabilities. The Automation Innovation Engineer will work to develop new machine, processes and automation concepts as part of a multi-functional Global Innovation Team. The individual shall be an expert to deep dive into and to develop integrated robotics and electro-mechanical systems for the next generation automation. This is a rare opportunity to join a high performing organization in a global role, reporting to the AMT Innovation team manager as part of a Global Operations team. This position will have the responsibility for establishing next generation Mass-customized Automation platforms at various Company manufacturing sites worldwide. Key Responsibilities: 1. Innovate and develop key robotics, electro-mechanical structures, programs and software for next generation automation platforms and processes. Identify levels of technologies which should be sourced internally or externally. 2. Interface with customers to collect voice of the customer and project requirements to ensure innovation meets business needs. 3. Conduct the Design of Experiments (DOEs) to prove the concepts and layout plans and timeline to convert them into production machines. 4. Present and report on areas of innovation to peers, managers and executives in a compelling, clear and concise manner. 5. Conduct creative automation concept design and make proposal options to customers. Simulate the processes and generate data to support the concept design. 6. Assess opportunities for process innovation in multiple areas of the company and determine synergies to determine platform level opportunities. 7. Develop and apply focus technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital instrumentation, vision guidance and inspection to integrated innovation solutions. 8. Continually learning and leading automation technologies and market trends. Match business strategies to seek new system design opportunities that may be appropriate for TE. 9. Working with intellectual property (IP) managers and legal teams to innovate and to strengthen TE IP strategies and portfolios in Automation Manufacturing Technology. Key Requirements: 1. At least 7 years for bachelor’s degree or 5 years for master’s degree or 3 years for PhD, technical experiences in manufacturing automation with a detailed knowledge of current automation technologies. 2. Deep know-how of automation process. Experience in automation machine development, including concept design, system proposals and process simulations to generate supporting data. 3. A strong technically oriented automation engineer with clearly demonstrated experience and a track record of deploying robotics, machine vision and new automation technologies. 4. Understanding of the machine vision systems and lighting selection is strongly recommended. 5. Competence and/or willingness to learn in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technologies. 6. Experienced in the development of specific automation manufacturing systems incorporating flexible and modular automation. E.g. Flexible feeder with vision guidance. 7. Ability to communicate technical ideas, vision and inspire people at every level to deliver and execute automation platforms. 8. Excellent commercial and business acumen with deep experience in analyzing current technologies and capabilities on the market. 9. Experience with implementation of automated equipment in a production environment. 10. Know-how in Industrial and System Engineering fundamental, and the performance parameters of the industrial manufacturing systems. 11. Experience in programming with C, VC++, C#, and/or Python language etc. 12. Experience with Yaskawa, Allen Bradley and/or Omron PLC and HMI programming is preferable. 13. Experience with Epson, ABB, UR, and/or Fanuc robots is preferable. Minimum Professional Background Desired: 1. A demonstrated track record of successfully and effectively driving step change in today’s manufacturing through technological improvements. 2. Solid mathematical background, in particular, vector operations and matrix operations. Solid background in statistics. 3. Rich experience in robotics, electro-mechanical design, analysis, and electro-mechanical parts selection. 4. Rich experience in automation concept design, proposals and process simulations. 5. Willingness to travel frequently, and as necessary, to support a global technology organization with a significant presence in China and other regions. 6. Advanced engineering degree (MS or PhD) preferred plus industrial engineering background is highly preferred Personal characteristics of the individual: 1. High level of initiative and drive with a strong sense of urgency and accountability; energetic, proactive, and hardworking so as to lead by example. 2. Strong communications skills; must demonstrate an open, honest, and transparent communication style with excellent interpersonal skills; ability to explain complex topics concisely to a non-technical audience. 3. Curious in, and eager to learn new technologies. Embracing new challenges and willing to solve problems in different ways. 4. Excellent judgment and experiences in an environment which requires emotional maturity, politically savvy, and the personal ability to interact with all types of personnel at varying levels. 5. Keen business judgment; demands excellence and sets high standards for self and others; high-level of intellectual curiosity combined with strong problem-solving and analytical skills. 6. Willingness and personal style to be a team player and foster a team environment, with the capacity and aptitude to serve as a leader in motivating and inspiring others. 7. Skilled in English speaking and technical documents writing.
My new client is in the vicinity of Boston, MA and is a very promising leading startup in 3D Printing of metals.  They have retained me exclusively to search for a VP of Materials.  Relocation assistance and stock options are available, as well as competitive salary. Another Client is America's leading manufacturer of lab-grown diamonds.  They have multiple outstanding openings at this time for which I am intently focused upon finding world-class candidates. (3)  Equipment Engineer (Wenatchee, Washington) We are looking for an industrial equipment focused equipment engineer to install, maintain and troubleshoot plasma reactors. You'll be working with an experienced team of process engineers, maintenance technicians locally and collaborating with mechanical, electrical, and software engineers in San Francisco. Your goal will be to install new production tools, achieve maximum productivity for our production line through improving equipment capabilities and troubleshooting problems on the line. The job will be hands-on, installing and maintaining tools in a manufacturing environment. You’ll be: • Install, upgrade and maintain plasma reactors (CVD tool) • Troubleshooting for industrial control/electrical systems including high voltage power supplies, controllers, sensors, pumps, PLC’s, valves, and other devices • Tracking and reporting on equipment uptime/downtime, root cause analysis, OEE, MTBF and the like • Working with manufacturing technicians, plan and execute upgrades and retrofits to improve tool reliability and process capabilities • Writing procedures and checklists, assisting and training maintenance • Working on multidisciplinary teams to solve complicated problems Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in EE, ME or similar engineering discipline • 3+ years of hands on engineering experience • Experience with manufacturing equipment A qualified candidate will have a subset of these skills: • Semiconductor plasma deposition or etch tool experience is a big plus • Ability to read and edit control schematics and P&ID drawings • Experience troubleshooting a variety of electrical systems from three phase AC power to low voltage DC board level signals. High voltage power supplies and microwave related experience is a bonus • Operational knowledge of programmable power supply, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, and other common benchtop testing tools. • Hands on fabrication: soldering, electrical assembly, mechanical assembly, basic metalwork (drill, saw) (4) Director, Process Engineering  (South San Francisco, CA) We are looking for an ambitious and hands-on manufacturing expert to manage process engineering in our factory. You will manage a small team of skilled engineers to solve day-to-day manufacturing problems, track and improve key production and quality metrics, run experiments to test new ideas, and design and implement improvements. The job will require some knowledge of vacuum deposition equipment, manufacturing technology, chemistry, physics, and material science. A desire to lead a small nimble team is a must.
Ownership of manufacturing hardware technology development projects
Support for introduction of new technology to the manufacturing line
Troubleshooting for difficult problems brought by other departments
Project management from concept development, prototyping, testing, and deployment
Identifying new engineering or technical needs, recruiting talent where needed
Consult for the production team on best methods for use of equipment to improve production metrics
Effective management of engineering time and funding
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Science
Experience managing an engineering team
10+ years of hands on experience in high tech manufacturing
Self starter, capable of identifying needs and implementing solutions without help
Effective communicator: must provide information to a variety of parties, from guidance and documentation for manufacturing technicians, to high level reports for the executive leadership team
Team Player who will work with equipment and manufacturing leads to jointly operate an effective factory
Knowledge of UHV manufacturing, especially PECVD
Software: JMP, Tableau, or other statistical analysis package
Experience working hands-on with semiconductor style manufacturing equipment
Experience with crystal growth
Experience with design of experiments
(5) Director, Hardware R&D  (South San Francisco)
We are looking for an experienced manufacturing technology expert to manage development of new technology for our factory. You will manage a small team of skilled engineers to develop new capabilities for the most advanced diamond manufacturing facility in the world. The job will require a diverse knowledge of including all disciplines involved in high tech manufacturing, such as chemistry, physics, control systems, mechanical and electrical engineering, and material science. A desire to lead a small nimble team is a must.
Ownership of manufacturing hardware technology development projects
Support for introduction of new technology to the manufacturing line
Troubleshooting for difficult problems brought by other departments
Project management from concept development, prototyping, testing, and deployment
Identifying new engineering or technical needs, recruiting talent where needed
Consult for the production team on best methods for use of equipment to improve production metrics
Effective management of engineering time and funding
Bachelor’s or higher degree in Engineering or science
Experience managing technology development teams
10+ years of hands on experience developing new technologies
Self starter, capable of identifying needs and implementing solutions without help
Effective communicator, must be comfortable transferring knowledge to other teams
Knowledge of UHV manufacturing, especially PECVD, thin film deposition techniques, or crystal growth
Software: 2D/3D CAD (Solidworks, Autocad, etc.), Statistical analysis software, business productivity suites
Experience working hands-on with semiconductor style manufacturing equipment
Experience with design of experiments
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