#partially stars game
partiallystarsif · 2 years
Might I ask what the difference between Social and Insight are? (Feel free to talk about Physical too, if you would like!)
sure, I can do that! 😁 putting this under a read-more as well, for folks that don't want (minor) spoilers:
so there's four main "skills" in Partially Stars, which represent how your character prefers to approach situations and overcome obstacles. Physical, Mental, Social, and Insight.
Physical is pretty self-explanatory. this is strength, dexterity, constitution. choosing a hands-on approach to solving problems. when faced with a locked door, someone with a high score in Physical would try to kick down the door or climb in a window. Sun and Smith both prefer Physical choices to solve their problems.
Mental is also pretty self-explanatory. this is logic, strategy, and intelligence. you prefer to think before you act. you're the person with the plan. when faced with a locked door, someone with a high Mental score would try to pick the lock, or to find a key. Mack and CJ generally try Mental methods first.
Social is interpersonal skills and charisma. it's being able to charm other people into helping you, or at least talk them into looking the other way. someone with high Social skill would talk someone else to open the locked door for them, either as a favor or by convincing others that they were supposed to be there the whole time. Ahmed and Harper are both Social engineers, and use charm (or intimidation) as their first option.
Insight is intuition, perception, and going with your gut. it's looking for a less obvious, and often easier, solution. noticing details that others don't. when faced with that locked door, a person with high Insight might look for another entrance to the building, or they might inspect the door and find that one of the hinge pins is loose enough to remove it from the frame entirely. Captain Akina and Q are both very Insightful, and are aware of a lot more than they let on.
over time, as you start to build up different skills, there will be differences in what you notice in certain situations, depending on what you tend to lean toward, but just because you have a preference for one skill or another doesn't mean you can't choose one of the others once in a while 😉 maybe a physically-skilled stowaway wants to try a more subtle approach and try picking the lock this time. maybe an insightful character looks for a different entrance, then decides they'd prefer to kick down the door anyway. nothing has to be set in stone
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animatedjen · 27 days
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I think they'd be friends 🥰
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meamiiikiii · 1 month
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wanted to do a proper lineup of everyone with the shades i usually use :]
and also partially so i can also just grab the img from here in a pinch as a ref instead of looking for the file LMAO
regular bw and some extra tests under the cut! (expect below to be sporadically edited if i test more palettes out LOL)
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^ literally just a test to lean more grey lol.
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kryptickrow · 1 month
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"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This experiment viewed this way is described as a paradox." - Wikipedia
(textless and original mspaint version under the cut)
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
heartbroken yet deeply entertained by julian's repeating pattern of 'all I want is to be close to someone and for them to truly know me :(' and then whenever it threatens to actually happen he goes 'oh that's too close to knowing me actually I uh. need to skip town/planet/galaxy/dimension right now immediately very sorry about all that my bad goodbye'
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have you done your daily click
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speakergame · 10 months
I just love tall strong/buff and mean women.
I know this is a copy/paste that a lot of other writers got too, but A)
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and B) this made me realize I don't have any characters (yet) that fit all those criteria. I have buff ladies, tall ladies, and mean (or at least rude) ladies, but none that are all 3. I'll make sure to fix that in the future 😉
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lyriumsings · 3 months
i just keep thinking about manny jacinto killing all the jedi like im kicking my feet for real like DKAJS he’s making some good points i swear it has nothing to do with arms
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corvidscreams · 1 year
“you’re being way too nice to me.” for kesettin?
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TFW you’re mid ass-kicking and you see the bounty hunter trying to kill you this week has your soulmark.
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fuckmaster-unlimited · 8 months
smash or pass: bee beeandpuppycat
y’see i put bee too much in the “just like me fr” category for me to smash if that makes sense. i do think smashing a robot would be interesting but idk if i’d be into her in that way (although if she asked i’d probably say yeah)
Send me a fictional character and I'll tell you if I'd Smash ✅ or Pass ❌
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partiallystarsif · 2 years
im a patreon-user who just played the demo recently and just ahhhhhh, i fucking love Sun lmao thank you for their creation, their sharky grin keeps making my toes curl like Right, Right, Right, I Forget I Have A Type Sometimes lmao rip
(which btw, ive gotten into bfe (boyfriend energy) videos recently, and this one made me think of male!Sun with how ive experienced him in-game with also how you said Sun in general is clingy and very pda when romanced, and this felt very Sun×My Specific MC to me from what ive imagined from that ♡)
also, a bit unrelated, but i wanted to ask in regards to the backgrounds bc i have dsycalculia and chronic memory loss, i couldnt seem to parse through via the summaries (bc dyscalculia makes me avoid stat stuff usually) which option is high Intelligence + Charisma at the cost of Physicality? the best i could process was the Extranet Background or maybe the Professor?? but i cant be sure without processing the stats i have been avoiding (and even then, i process numbers unreliably and misprocess values all the time, so i doubly would want to confirm even if i did confront the stats and then try to write shit down so i didnt have to remember them mentally while comparing) bc a charismatic snd smart but physically weak MC would best fit the personality id want to play that is still malleable enough that i havent decided on much else to be set in stone (like. yknow. a background occupation lmao)
thanks so much for the help and the fun ♡♡♡
hi, I'm glad you're enjoying Sun! 🥰 They're a delight to write, very cuddly but in a dangerous way. like a grizzly bear. with a gun
I'll go ahead and make the notes in the game for each background more specific about what stats they increase to hopefully make that less confusing for you and anyone else who has the same issue, but I can go ahead and list them here too!
SPOILER WARNING under the cut for those who want to avoid them:
Farmer: +2 Physical, +2 Insight
Criminal: +2 Physical, +2 Insight
Professor: +2 Mental, +2 Social
Carapace Racer: +2 Physical, +2 Mental
Extranet Personality: +2 Social, +2 Insight
Mercenary: +2 Physical, +2 Insight
Doctor: +2 Mental, +2 Insight
Rock Star: +2 Physical, +2 Social
Retail Worker: +1 to each stat
so if you're looking for intelligence and charisma, that would be the Professor!
I'm also realizing as I look at it like this that I have 3 of them with Physical/Insight, so I may rebalance that and change mercenary to Physical/Social instead 🤔
I hope this helps! and like I said, I'll adjust the wording in game for the next update to make that clearer as well
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dairine-bonnet · 9 months
It occurred to me that if Carth hadn't talked to Saul and then got into a heated argument with Bastila, they might have managed to escape Darth Malak...
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grim-echoes · 4 months
i'm so glad that keeping production art is much more common within the gaming industry now because i'm utterly enthralled not only by the preservation of people's work and old ideas that might be revisited one day, but by imagining what some of these ideas might have been used for and if there's any traces of them left in the final product. it's the type of information you won't get from a dime a dozen cut content youtube video, but instead what you can reasonably draw a connection between based on what's in-game, and what you can only speculate on and i know that there's so much more we never get to see so i'm constantly left wondering, "what else are we missing out on that wasn't considered worth compiling, and will it ever surface one day?"
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
top five ds9 moments
1. uhhhhh 4x5 rejoined women kiss
2. the part in nor the battle to the strong where sisko is talking about when jake was young and scraped his knee and he was the only one in the world who could fix it but also honorable mention to every siskos moment in the visitor they are so important to me
3. dax knocking dukat out and kira throwing a cup or whatever at dukat and winn killing dukat and sisko killing dukat again for real. get fucked.
4. s5 when we hit the darkness and the light and I got to experience the euphoria of good kira episodes again. she was my favorite in s1 but by s5 it had been so long since they’d done anything truly interesting with her that I was in a state of despair half convinced they never would again and then we got multiple bangers and I felt alive.
5. last and the farthest thing in the universe from least. you are the dreamer and the dream. I mean literally all of far beyond the stars but if I’m gonna pick One Moment….augh. augh.
ask me top 5 star trek anything
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c0nnverse · 1 year
i've made gaming history. i can actually play super mario 64 and kind of deal with the controls. i have 19 stars
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sniperct · 10 months
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