#parvati river
hmtholidays · 4 months
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The Parvati River is a picturesque waterway originating from the Man Talai Glacier in the Himalayas. It flows through the stunning Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India. It is adorned with lush forests, quaint villages, and towering mountains. The river is revered for its tranquil beauty and is a lifeline for the communities living along its banks, supporting agriculture and sustaining livelihoods.
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jannattravelguruhp · 4 months
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guidetourme · 7 months
Parvati Valley: A Tapestry of Nature, Culture, and Adventure
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, Parvati Valley stands as a testament to nature’s grandeur and cultural richness. This enchanting destination has become a haven for travelers seeking an escape from the mundane, offering a tapestry of experiences that blend seamlessly with the valley’s breathtaking landscapes. Geography and Location 2.1 Overview of the Valley’s Geography Parvati Valley,…
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mysterioushimachal · 11 months
Harinder Mountain in Manikaran: A Serene Escape Amidst Lush Valleys and Parvati River
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh, Harinder Mountain stands tall as a hidden gem, offering a tranquil haven for nature enthusiasts and travellers seeking a serene escape. With its lush green valleys, the mesmerizing Parvati River, and snow-capped peaks, this mountain has rightfully become a popular tourist destination. A Picturesque Retreat in…
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bharatdarshantours · 1 year
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greport2018 · 2 years
Chambal Floods: 80 Villages submerged in Madhya Pradesh
Chambal Floods: 80 Villages submerged in Madhya Pradesh
Heavy release of water from dams in Rajasthan puts Parvati and Chambal rivers in spate in adjoining MP’s Gwalior-Chambal region. The water level of Chambal has crossed the danger mark due to the continuous release of water from the Kota barrage. Around 80 villages in Morena, Bhind, and Sheopur districts are affected by floods in these two rivers. In the Gwalior Chambal region of Madhya Pradesh,…
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 Kasol Manali Volvo Tour Package
Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state. It has a reputation as a backpacking center and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley. It's also a jumping-off point for paragliding, rafting, and mountaineering in the Pir Panjal mountains, home to the 4,000m-high Rohtang Pass. Kasol Manali Volvo Tour Package is one of the top-selling holiday packages in India.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Chidambaram (Cidambaram) is an important Chola temple site in Tamil Nadu, southern India. Most of the temples at Chidambaram were built in the 12th and 13th centuries CE. The site is dominated by the huge gateway tower of the Nataraja temple but Chidambaram also boasts the first Devi or Amman shrine, the first Surya shrine with the distinctive stone chariot wheels which would adorn many subsequent temples, and the first large Siva Ganga tank. In this respect Chidambaram is something of a transitional site, linking elements of the old and new styles of Indian temple architecture.
The name Chidambaram, one of several from antiquity, derives from the Tamil Cirrambalam, meaning 'little hall'. The site was chosen because according to mythology it was the precise spot where the Hindu god Shiva had once danced in a grove of tillai trees. The dance was, in fact, a competition between Shiva and Parvati and naturally the great Shiva won. The story became a popular subject in Hindu art over the centuries.
The site is enclosed within four perimeter walls and covers a rectangular area of 55 acres. Within the compound are shrines, halls, temples, ornamental gateways, and a large ritual bathing pool, known as a Siva Ganga tank, which is surrounded by cloisters. Inscriptions claim the site was built by various Pandya kings and local rulers but none are contemporary with the dates the buildings were actually first constructed. The walls and east gopura (gateway) may be ascribed with greater certainty, and were probably built by Kulottunga III, who reigned from 1178 to 1218 CE.
The Nataraja temple was constructed between c. 1175 and c. 1200 CE. The actual temple shrine is relatively modest as by now in Indian architecture the gopuras had become the most important structures, at least in terms of aesthetics. The twin sacred chamber was, however, adorned with copper sheets covered in gold by successive Chola kings. The shrine is preceded by a dance hall and large entrance porch with columns (mandapa).
The massive granite and brick east gopura dominates the site but there are three other gopuras on the north, south and west sides (the earliest). The corbelled roofs diminish as the structures rise and are finally topped with the usual barrel-vaulted roof (sala), the eastern gopura also having a row of 13 decorative finials. The east gopura has a proper interior floor at each of its nine levels and there is an interior staircase which climbs to the very top of the building. All four gopuras have false windows on their facades, typical for this kind of structure, and pairs of pilaster columns set at regular intervals. The second floor of each gopura also has a passageway which worshippers ritually walked around. The entrance archways all have coffered ceilings decorated with relief panels.
Of particular note at Chidambaram are the thousands of sculptures adorning its buildings. In particular there are many statues of women in a wide variety of dance postures. Many statues are accompanied by quotations from Hindu literature which provide an invaluable reference for scholars. There are also figures of the four dvarapalas (guardian demons), the dikpalas (cardinal directions), many figures of Shiva performing heroic deeds, various other deities such as Vishnu, Devi, Sarasvati, and, unusually in southern architecture, river goddesses.
Finally, Chidambaram is also famous for its 17th century CE Nayaka ceiling paintings which decorate the Shivakamasundari shrine of the Nataraja Temple. More than 40 panels depict scenes from the life of the saint Manikkavachakar, a devotee of Shiva.
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be11atrixthestrange · 4 months
Bathroom Light
It's been two years since I've written anything, but I heard the song Bathroom Light by Mt. Joy, and this story wrote itself. Rated M for Ron's thoughts. <3
Find me a lane to drive through
In a Halloween costume
I'm an astronaut without you
As usual, the Three Broomsticks was bursting with Hogwarts students on a Saturday night. Echoes of conversations bounced off the walls, cluttering Ron’s mind like a cloud of wrackspurts,  which made it even harder than usual to focus on his date. Lavender had been chatting about a new beauty charm she learned from Parvati. Or was it from Witch Weekly? Honestly, Ron didn’t know, but apparently it had something to do with volumizing curls. Maybe. 
Ron stared into his half empty butterbeer. Although he was tempted to chug the rest of it, he just knew that if someone in particular saw him gulping it down like a river troll, she’d disapprove. He shouldn’t care what that someone in particular would think, as they weren’t even on speaking terms, but for some reason he still did. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
Ron’s skin prickled at her question, and his fingers clenched around his glass of butterbeer. “Yes, of course I’m listening,” he lied. 
“Then what did I just say?” asked Lavender, one eyebrow raised. 
“Something about beauty charms…”
Lavender’s eyes narrowed.
“Beauty charms that you don’t even need.”
Ron’s shoulders relaxed when Lavender’s face softened into a grin. “Aww. You’re sweet.”
He smiled back at her and took in her features. She wore a different color lipstick than usual for their date, and it had taken Ron by surprise when he first saw her. Lavender had seemed hurt by his reaction. He tried to assure her that he didn’t think of her lipstick color as good or bad, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say. 
Truth be told, he didn’t actually know what Lavender looked like without all the effort, but he knew better than to mention that. She took great pride in her appearance and wanted validation — that Ron could understand. Some guys equated makeup and beauty charms with deceit, and Ron really didn’t want to be one of those guys. But was it wrong to want to know what your girlfriend really looked like? 
And honestly, he’d love to go on a date that had the potential of ruining someone’s perfectly curated hair. Lavender wouldn’t even watch one of his Quidditch games if it was raining for fear of ruining her appearance. Even though that would mean so much more to him than finding a never-before-seen shade of lip balm just for him. He couldn’t shake the image of someone else sitting in the stands at a particularly stormy Quidditch game, her curls soaked down to heavy waves that stuck to her face, completely unbothered by the fact that she looked like she’d nearly drowned in the great lake.
As if reality read his mind, those same curls caught his eye, bouncing along the edge of the pub toward the loo. His eyes immediately followed Hermione until the light of the bathroom hallway illuminated her. Who was she here with? Harry or Ginny? Neither had mentioned anything about going to Hogsmeade tonight, and the thought made his stomach feel as heavy as a bezoar. Was she on a date? 
The persistent thought, the one that he was usually pretty good at keeping at bay flooded into his mind like a dam had broken. What would happen if he followed her?
We're twisting our way to the back of the bar
Yeah, locking the door, falling into the stall…
Maybe she would respond positively. Those canaries meant something. No one would attack a person for kissing someone else if they only held platonic feelings. Ron definitely wasn’t wrong about that. It was possible that she’d welcome a grand gesture from him. 
Was following her into a bathroom stall in a crowded pup a grand gesture? It surely wasn’t on the same level as hiring a string quartet or writing a romantic poem. But if memories of a rogue mountain troll served him correctly, it wouldn’t be the first time their relationship changed in a bathroom.
Suppose he got up, followed her, and she invited him in. Then what?
That would never happen. But it didn’t hurt to imagine, right? 
Stripping you down to your jewelry
You're breaking the rules just for me
What a life under big stars and a good woman in charge
Got me falling in, got me falling in hard.
Would she want him to kiss her the way he kissed Lavender in the common room that first time? Because honestly, he probably couldn’t. It would be so different.
If he kissed Hermione in that bathroom there would be no hesitation. His mind wouldn’t freeze and turn on autopilot without a moment’s thought about the fallout of his actions. He’d kiss her not in spite of the consequences, but because of them. Could a kiss ruin their friendship? 
So be it, ruin the friendship. Sometimes things needed to burn down to grow back stronger. 
It wouldn’t just be a kiss. If the scars on his arms meant anything, she had passion. Sure, that manifested poorly sometimes, but it wouldn’t in that bathroom. He could just imagine her tugging at his shirt while he plucked at the buttons on her blouse, pieces of clothing hitting the floor one by one, until all she was left wearing was that perfume he got her back in fifth year. 
He’d run his fingers through her perfectly voluminous curls that needed no beauty charms, and maybe she’d bite down on his lip as her bare legs wrapped around his waist. His fingers would dig into the skin of her thighs, and she’d groan her approval, which would have a similar effect to setting Ron on fire. 
Something Ron loved about Hermione was her relationship with rules. She knew the ins and outs of every rule in the book, so when it came time to break them, she was the one to ask. She could get away with anything without risking her perfect reputation, especially for someone she cared about. Setting a professor’s robes on fire? Check. Blackmailing and transfiguring a nefarious journalist? Check. Jinxing the D.A. sign up sheet? Check. That one time she snuck a flask of firewhiskey on a prefect round, and they skipped patrol to drink in an empty classroom? Check. Harry didn’t even believe Ron when he told him about that last one, and honestly, Ron preferred it that way. It made it seem special. 
If breaking rules was Ron’s love language, Hermione was fluent, and she only spoke it for him. 
So even though he was on a date with someone else, and maybe she was too, it wasn’t difficult to imagine her fully letting him in under the dim bathroom light. He’d prop her up on the sink; she’d tug on his front zipper and slip him out of his trousers. And despite the fact that they were in a dingy stall in the bathroom of an overcrowded pub, he’d do to her what he’d only ever imagined in his dreams. Fuck the consequences.
Shag her best friend in the bar bathroom? She definitely would. Check. 
So, come on, baby, let's do this right
I think I like falling in love in the bar bathroom light
I won't question it, I won't mess with it, if it's there go grab it
Tell your friends you love who they are
“Ron, are you okay?”
Lavender sat with her elbows on the table, head cocked to the side, a look of concern on her face. 
“Yeah. Why?” he asked, trying his best to hide the resentment creeping up from the fact that she yanked him from the most beautiful daydream. 
“You seem distracted.”
Ron immediately felt heavy with guilt. What was wrong with him? He was here with a gorgeous woman, and couldn’t control the trajectory of his fantasies. 
“I’m sorry. Just tired,” he lied. In fact, he was more energized than ever. “Can we go back?”
“Yeah,” said Lavender, with a brief flash of disappointment on her face. “Want to finish your beer first?”
Ron glanced at his butterbeer, still half empty. Hermione obviously wasn’t looking, so he put the glass to his lips and chugged it. 
“Let’s go,” he said. The pair stood up to leave, and Lavender reached for his hand. Who was he to think of makeup and beauty charms as deceit when he was the one imagining shagging someone else in the bathroom?
Yet, on the way out the door, it took everything he had to avoid stealing one more glance toward the bathroom at the back of the bar. 
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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"Om Gajananaya Namah"
Ganesha Sharanam Mantra Meaning
There are a number of mantras to Ganesha. This video is a variation of one of the more common ones: Ganesha Sharanam, Sharanam Ganesha (2x), Sayisha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam (2x). Meaning: I take refuge (sayisha) in Ganesha. I surrender (sharanam) to Ganesha.
Qualities of Ganesha Ganesha is associated with success, wisdom, learning and writing. Ganesha is a patron of the arts and sciences. In the natural world, elephants are known for high intelligence. In fact, they have the largest brain of any land animal.
Ganesha as a Mentor In addition, elephants are artistic, can use tools and mimic human speech. In keeping with these things, Ganesha is a very curious and intellectual god. Thus, he holds great meaning in Hinduism as the god of intellect and wisdom.
Ganesha as a Spiritual Teacher In contrast with his reputation as the remover of obstacles, Ganesha is occasionally thought to place obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked to establish a stronger foundation before moving further forward.
Role of Ganesha as Guru Obstacles help the student to stay focused on immediate challenges in life. This is sometimes the role of an archetypical guru: to place obstacles along the path of the student to help them gain mastery. Thus, Ganesha meaning can include both help and hindrance.
Origin of Ganesha The symbolic and psychological meaning of Ganesha primarily centers around his role as the lord of new beginnings and the overcomer of obstacles. He is thought to bring good luck. Mantras and prayers to Ganesha are often used at the beginning of an undertaking. Ganesha is an unusual and beloved part of Hindu tradition.
How Ganesha Was Born Tales of Ganesha’s origins differ widely. In some stories, Parvati created him from clay. Another legend says that Parvati created Ganesha from the soap suds in her bath. Another myth claims that Shiva’s laughter created him. In yet another tale, Ganesha simply appeared mysteriously and was found by Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha also has a brother named Kartikeya, the god of war.
Malini, Elephant-Headed Goddess In a simple version of the story, Ganesha was born from Malini. Malini is an elephant-headed goddess. She drank bath water that Parvati had thrown into a river. Subsequently, Ganesha was born. These stories do not necessarily explain Ganesha meaning completely. The longer version of Ganesha’s origins below involves the separation and eventual reunion of Shiva and the goddess Parvati. --Ganesha Meaning & Symbolism
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radiantlight9 · 4 months
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the first sun ruled nakshatra
26:40 degrees Aries - 10:00 degrees Taurus of the sidereal zodiac
According to the mythology, there was a time when demons were destroying the world. They were too powerful to be stopped by the gods. The demon Taraka had done a great penance to Brahma and cleverly asked for the boon to not be defeated by anyone but the son of Shiva. As Shiva was a celibate yogi, he was unlikely to have a child.
Different accounts exist as to how it came to be, but the gods found a way and the seed of Shiva was obtained. Being too powerful to be contained, it found its way to the Ganges river where it was born as a divine child, Kartikeya, who was then nursed by the Krittikas (The Cutters; also known as the Pleiades in western astronomy). Kartikeya, on the seventh day after his birth, was able to defeat the powerful demon, Taraka, using his ability to wield Shakti (the feminine principle of divine energy) like a knife.
In some versions of the myth, six children were born and nurtured (six babies, six Krittikas) and only when embraced by their mother, Parvati (also an embodiment of Shakti), did they become one being- the six headed Kartikeya.
So.. this nakshatra is associated with immense spiritual power - which has to be nurtured effectively to reach its full potential.
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List of The Weirdest Births in Mythology and Legend
In Mythology and Legend... We have readed and being surprised, by all the stories about The Gods and Goddesses; Monsters, Heroes and Heroines; including their loves, troubles; sufferings, and personal sacrifices. Now, as an homenage to all the lovely Pagan, Wiccan and Witch Mothers; outhere, (And, as an act of devotion to the Gods and Goddesses...); I made this post, which I hope than you like to read it: You will see names and stories than are already known, to all of us; and others, than aren't than known, but are included; because this list, is not as wide as it should be; for The Pagans, Wiccans and/or Witches Mothers, and for all the fans and knowables in Mythology and Legend!
(Note: This list, is incomplete; but, I will expand it regularlly; until is complete, so... You may need to check it once in a while; and... Don't despair: I'm planning to ended it, in a few months; Okay?... Thank you for your understanding!)
Have fun in reading this list, and... Be prepaper: I classified this stories, from the least to the most weird story of all, according to my own perception! (...You may be in, for one; or more surprises!)
Apollo and Artemis: Artemis (immediately, after been borned), helped to her mother; Leto, to birthed to her twin brother; Apollo, who was borned... Nine days, after her!
Heracles and Iphicles: Hercules, was supposes to born first; but Hera... (or, her daughter; Eileithyia, The Goddess of Childbirth) went to the house of Alcmene, sitted with crossed legs and with ropes over her dress; to avoid the birth... For seven days, Alcmene was struggling in pain, and close to death!Galantis, than was one of Alcmene's servants; tricked to Hera (or, to Eileithyia), to made her believe than the birth already occurred, which stop her to continue to crosses her legs; by the immpression. Heracles and Ificles, could finally born; but... Zeus promised to Hera, than the child of the House of Perseus than will born that day; will be king, and Hera; made than Hercules's Cousin, Euristeus; borne before than Hercacles, so that was why... Heracles, never was a king!
Athena: Was borne from Zeus's forefront, after her father swallowed to his wife; Metis (turned into a fly); to avoid the profecy than she will birth a son, than could dethroned him... Unknowning than Metis, was already pregnant!
Hephaistus: Hera, (jealous to see than Zeus birthed a child, on his own...) focus in do the same procedure; and gave birth to Hephaistus, who... Was borned limp, with an humpback and unactrative; which causes than his mother trowed him of Mount Olimpus, for having an ''Imperfect Child''. (For the ones, than doesn't know: He eventually backed to Mount Olimpus, as a grown man; get his revenge of his mother, and... Gained his place, between The Gods!)
Erichthonius: Hephaistus, made undesire advances to Athena; (when she went to his workshop for weapons) and, in the struggle; Hephaistus's seed, fell over Athena's thighs: She wiped out her thigh, with a piece of wool; trowed it to the earth all disgusted, and; where the stained piece of wool, fell... Erichthonius, was borned. (Gaia, gaved the baby to Athena; telling than she didn't want to raised him, so... Athena raised him, as her adoptive and only son!)
Kartikeya: Parvati, couldn't stand the weight of the baby, so... She transfered him from her body, so he could be birthed, by... Ganga! (The Goddess of The River Ganges: The most sacred of the rivers of India)
Huitzilopochtli: Coatlicue ended pregnant, when she grabbed feathers than felt from the sky; put them in her bosom, (some legends said than was in her waistband) and... PUM!... Pregnant! Her 400 sons, and her daughter; Coyolxauhqui (believing than the child to borne, was product of a relation with a stranger...) they decided to kill her, but in the moment they arrived... Huitzilopochtli, was birthed by Coatlicue; fully grown and armed, to defend to his mother. The rest of the story, well... Is too bloody and violent, to be wrote here!
Perseus: Perseus's Mother, after been bathed in a rain of gold; (Courtesy of Zeus) gave him birth in the tower, where her father put her... Without nobody's assistance, during the childbirth!
Asclepius: Coronis, beloved by Apollo; concieved to Asclepius... But cheated to Apollo with a mortal, while pregnant; and she was killed by Apollo (some versions, says than was Artemis), and Apollo; made the first C-Section in history on Coronis's dead body, to saves to his unborn child, before the fire will consummed her body!
Dionysus: His mother, died when she saw to her lover; Zeus, in his real form (after Hera tricked her in telling to Zeus to show his real self, as a probe of love to her; and to get rid easily of her rival); and Zeus had to rescue the baby from the body of his mother, and put it inside of his thigh: When the pregnancy was complete... Dionysus, was born, AGAIN! (...That gaves to ''Trauma by birth '', a whole new level!)
Garuda: He was born... Out from an egg?!
Phanes: According to the Orphic Mythology... He was the first Deity, created by Chronus (The Time); and he emerged with helmet, with broad and golden wings; from... An cosmic silver egg, entwined by a serpent?
Helen of Troy and her Siblings: She and her siblings, were birthed by her mother; Leda... Of one of the two eggs than she laid, after her encounter with Zeus!
Arcas: His mother, was Callisto; and he was borned, after his mother was turned into a bear. ( A bear... Giving birth... To a baby!)
Adonis: His mother, gave birth to him after she was turned; into... A tree?!
The Kauravas, and their sister; Duhsala: The mother, was pregnant for two years; and when she finally gave birth... It was a very big piece of lifeless meat. That piece of meat, was cut by a sage; into 101 pieces. The pieces, were kept in jars of oil for two years; and each piece... Grew into a child: The Kauravas, and their only sister!
Brahma: From the navel of Vishnu, emerged a Lotus Flower. And, when that same flower opened... Was Brahma, sitted on it! (...Strange, but... A very lovely myth!)
Virabhadra: Was born from Shiva's hair. (If you have seems Shiva's Images... I could believe that could have happen: He has a very abundant, and beautiful hair!)
Ganesh: Parvati, modeling a child from turmeric paste; and... She gave him life!
Sambha: Krishna's son, gave birth to an iron's mace, by the curse of a sage. (...Is one of the few stories than I put here, than makes 100% total senses...)
Jarasandha: Erhm... I only can say, than this story involve two queens eating the halve of a divine mango; and... It gets weirder and a bit disturbing, after that!
Tityos: Elara, was Tityos's mother; and she was hid by Zeus under the earth, to avoided her being the victim of Hera's wrath: The kid growed so big inside of her, than her womb split in two; killing her, and after nine months... He sprungs from the earth. (...Poor Elara!)
Pegasus and Chrysaor: Pegasus and Chrysaor: The Winged-Horse and his brother, couldn't born, because his mother; Medusa, was cursed to never be able to gave birth to her sons; and they finally came into existence, when Perseus killed to Medusa: There is not need, to put the graphic story, here! (...Poor Medusa!)
The Giants: They were borned after Uranus's Blood, fell on Gaia; (The Earth) causing than these very tall beings... Came into existence!
Aphrodite: She was created product of the foam of the sea, caused when Cronus castrated to his father; Uranus, and trowed his parts into the sea.
Heimdall: He was birthed, no from one mother; no... He was birthed, by nine Jotun sisters; which conceived him, with Odin!
Loki: The story about Loki's Birth, says that Farbauti (Loki's Father); hitted to his wife, Laufey (Loki's Mother); with a lightning bolt, and; a time later... She gave birth, to Loki!
Teshub, Tigris and Tasmisu: They were birthed by a male god, after he fighted against another male deity; and... He ended pregnant in a very inusual, and bloody way! (If you want to search that story... Go to the Hittite Mythology, search the names in this paragraph; and readed during daylight, many hours before to going to sleep; 'cause is a very disturbing story: You can thank me later, than I don't describe it; here!)
Fenrir, Jorgmugand and Hel: An story says, than Loki gave birth to these children (I refuse, to call them monsters: Thank you, very much); after he devoured Angrboda's Heart, when she was burned while she was already pregnant, so... That was why they were born! In other stories, they were birthed by Angrboda herself, but in almost all the stories; they were borne in the form known to all of us: Fenrir, as a wolf; Jorgmugand, as a serpent; and Hel, as an half alive-half dead baby girl!
Quetzalcoatl: Three myths, points than he was birthed by a virgin princess: In one myth, after his mother had a dream with the Supreme Deity; Ometeotl, in other myth; his mother ended pregnant, after she swallowed a jade stone, and... In another myth, the same princess gave birth to Quetzalcoatl; after she had her belly pierced ... With an arrow! (AND... There is a myth, where he was miraculous conceived by Coatlicue; after a ball of feathears, fell over her!)
Gaia: She was birthed (presumably, and now; totally accepted), by Chaos: A great formless and empty abyss, made of infinite space!
Uranus, Pontus and The Ourea: Were birthed by Gaia, which conceived them... Without a father: This unusual birth, is call Parthenogenesis (a pregnancy and birth than ocurrs, without intimacy: A virginal birth, than is a very uncommon way to have descendents!)
Atabey: According to Taino Myth, Atabey; who is the Primordial Goddess of Fertility, and The First Being to came into existence; she birthed to... Well... To herself!
And, (For ending this list...) Guabancex and her Siblings: Atabey, one day in the middle of the emptiness and totally alone; she fell deeply asleep (after an uncountable amount of time), and a time later; she waked up, to found out, than... She was PREGNANT! And... She gave birth to six twin babies, without a father, and of diferent sex: Boinayel (God of the Rainy Weather), Marohu (God of the Dry Weather); Itiba Cahibaba (Goddess of Childbirth), Hurakan (God of The Destructive Winds and Enemy of Yocahu), Yocahu (God of Vegetation and of the Cassava's Bread) and... Guabancex (His sister, Goddess of the Wind; of The Rain, of The Breeze and The Hurricane). A virginal birth... Of multiple babies, of different sexes; and twins! (...This myth, gives to the phrase ''Being extremelly fertile''; to AN ENTIRE WHOLE NEW LEVEL!)
This is all, in this list; and... Congrats to all the Mothers of the Pagan, Wiccan and Witch Communities! (AND... Of course: To all the Mother Goddesses around The World, specially to Ma'at, Athena; Aphrodite, Atabey, Guabancex, and... To Gaia!)
Blessed be all of you, always!... So Be It!
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mysterioushimachal · 11 months
Sar Pass Trek: Explore the Enchanting Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh
Unveiling the Serene Charms of Sar Pass: An Unforgettable Trek in Parvati Valley Nestled amidst the mighty Himalayas, Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh offers a multitude of natural wonders and adventure opportunities. Among the many enchanting treks in this region, the Sar Pass trek stands out as an exhilarating and awe-inspiring journey. With its captivating landscapes and moderate difficulty…
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ramayantika · 1 year
–✦– 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨, 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 –✦–
Usha Lakshmi Gargi Ratri
I wonder why don't I ever concentrate on the pooja whenever I am in a group. I love to sit in front of my deities alone in a room in dark and let my thoughts and words wander. I know they they hear my inner thoughts as well as the words that project out of my mouth. It feels as if I am home with them only when I am the only one in a room.
It's the same even today. Today it is Basant Panchami. Dadi, my brother and I are doing pooja day. Dad is in another city and mummy has periods so she did not join for the aarti today. She had specifically asked me to keep a few pens and my RD Sharma Maths book near Saraswati maa's moorti.
Funny, how I call Devi Lakshmi as my sakhi and Devi Saraswati as Maa. As a child of five years, I used to watch this animated movie called Omkara on TV. Shivji and Parvati Devi had taken abode in the holy city of Kashi with Ganesha, Karthikeya, Lakshmi and Saraswati as their children. My mother would always tell me to be like Saraswati -- affectionate, kind, wise and simple.
Years flew by, and for a while, my connection with the deities dwindled even with my dearest god, Krishna. But, don't they say that the goddess of Knowledge sits on Vishnu's tongue. Won't the same goddess guide the one who has strayed away from its path?
I stare at the small moorti of the goddess. It took me back to my examination days. I always carried an examination board that had a photo of Devi Saraswati. She always looked so elegant and benevolent. I usually performed well in subjects like English, Hindi, Social Studies and Biology with her photo on my exam board, so I considered her as my lucky charm during exam days.
The Saraswati moorti looks beautiful. I stare at the veena in her hands and the large pink lotus on which she sits. For the first time, I get a tingly feeling running down on my spine -- the feeling that arises each time I am about to meet a goddess in person. Dadi is probably chanting Saraswati chalisa and my brother as usual is randomly mouthing the words and staring at the sweets.
Warmth engulfs my body, and I hear rain fall outside the balcony. My eyes close on their own accord, and for the first time I am given a divine vision.
The goddess is seated near a river bed that is brimming with fresh brightly coloured green grasses, and a few wild flowers. The river looks clean, completely transparent. It sparkles a little under the sun. Her fingers skillfully run on the strings of the Veena, producing the most beautiful tune I have ever heard in my life. Her eyes are closed, but I know she sees me. She knows that I am watching her.
After what feels like an eternity, she stops playing her instrument and opens her eyes. She smiles and gently calls her swan from the river. I turn back and see a large but majestic swan emerge from the crystal clear river with a string of pearls on its beak. The swan turns its head at me and nods. I gawk at the beautiful bird which causes the goddess to giggle. She composes herself and pats the swan's head. "It's a beautiful bird, isn't it?"
"The most exquisite looking swan, devi," I say as the swan gently lands the pearls near my feet. Frowning in confusing, I look at the goddess and ask, "Why did it give the pearls to me? They are yours."
"What do the pearls signify, my child?"
"Wisdom, purity, innocence, serenity and protecting, Maa."
Devi smiles. I see her face shine like the full moon. "Very good. That's true. Now let me tell you something." Her lovely fingers pick a delicate pearl. "Pearls are very difficult to find. They lie deeper and hidden in dark waters. Only the ones brave into the embrace the darkness of the ocean. You have to delve deep and have patience to look for them. There will be many obstacles on your way. You might feel tiredness seep into your bones. Sometimes you will see your companions getting these shiny pearls quickly while you barely find a shell on the water bed. You must remember that to get the best, sometimes you have to wait for long and keep persevering. One day, your hard work will pay off, and these pearls will be yours. Now, pearls also represent wisdom, don't they?"
I nod my head eagerly. She continues, "The quest for diamonds teaches you lessons of immense hard work and the sight to never consider any piece of coal or a stone to be ordinary. The journey to seek pearls gives you lessons of patience and the strength to take bold decisions to get the best of your life with grace, kindness and knowledge."
Her swan nuzzles on my thigh and I feel my legs stiffen which causes the goddess to chuckle. "Don't worry, my swan won't bite you. The worse it can do is drench you in river water to indulge in some mischief."
I nervously laugh and touch the swan's head with my index finger. My eyes then travel upwards to gaze at Maa's face. Her face softens with a knowing look. "You have a question, don't you?"
"There are nights, I hear a song far away from my house. It makes me wonder who I am. There's a lake near my house. Each time I peer at my reflection, I see a woman decked in red and dazzling jewels. For a man, she would be sensuality personified, but to me she appears divine. She has a sharp gaze that would make tongues stutter to make any remark at her. Then, the red clothes and gold jewels disappear. She then appears dressed in white with pearls and flowers around her wrists and legs. She looks lovely but in a different way. She radiates pure love. She looks at everyone with the eyes of a charmed lover, speaks words that would boggle the mind and make you question everything you have ever known. Later, she smiles knowing only a choice few would understand her language and her words. After a while, their faces morph into my reflection and I have never found myself look that divinely charming even in the mirror. Should I know who these women are? Are they me or will I grow up to be them?"
The goddess closes her eyes once again. Her form starts expanding to the skies. Golden efflugence effuses from her being while her fingers start to play the veena once again. She answers.
"You are them, yes, my child. You will grow up to be them. But remember, don't consider them to be separate from each other or from you. Red is for passion, energy and love. Men in your time will confuse this form as lust. You must build yourself in such a way that no man with a narrowed vision can hurl abuse your divinely form. Many are going to speak against you, even for the way you carry yourself and move. You, my child, are going to rise than them. I shall not speak much about your appearance in red. You will have another goddess tell you more, a goddess who often is misinterpreted and shunned today. Let me tell you about the woman in white."
Maa plays a beautiful set of chords that make me feel as if I am floating in air amongst twinkling stars. It feels blissful. Is this how sat-chit-ananda feels like?
A melodious laughter from Maa fills my ears. "Now, that's something for you to find out. I will not reveal everything to you. But for now, let me tell you about the second woman."
"She has the gaze and a hear of a lover. She will fall in love with everything life will give her, be it thorns or roses. Books are her companions. She is going to be a wonderful being of light, love, kindness and wisdom. She wears white to represent the holy and divine knowledge she has learnt in her life and other lifetimes to come. The pearls on her body stand for the important lessons on patience, beauty, virtue and serenity. She is a very mysterious woman. Some say she has the most complex thoughts about life, while a rare minds get through her way of flowery words and poetry to understand one simple Truth -- this Truth is again your quest to realize and understand. You cannot tie her to relationships and desires in the mortal sense. She will love you dearly, do everything that is best for you, but do not expect her to write ballads and love songs for you. Her love songs and poems speak about a different Lover. Who is that Lover is another question whose answer you must find yourself. She will be your guiding force in life and until you transform into her. As I said, you, we, them are all One."
Tears flow out of my eyes. Perhaps, I did find my answer to my questions. Maybe, I will grow and transform myself in the best way possible and help others in the same. Just like Maa said, we all are One, we all can help, learn and grow together.
"Jhia lo prasad ta ne kana emiti thakurani ku dekhuchu." (Daughter, have the prasad. Why are you staring at the goddess like that?"
****** ***** ******* ******** ******** *********
This is the longest in the series. I am really grateful for your comments and the amount of love you have poured out for this series. A lot of it is personal in these tales that happened to me in dreams and in some of my worst days. Maybe that's why it connects you all too. I promise, once I am done with this series, I will reply to all of your comments and reblogs.
And here you can make a guess about the next goddess as Maa said she will tell you about the woman in red, do you all have any guesses who will she be? This is a very easy answer 👀
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mneel · 21 days
Shiv Tandav Stotram - Lyrics and Meaning:
With his neck consecrated by the flow of water that flows from his hair,
And on his neck a snake, which is hung like a garland,
And the Damaru drum that emits the sound "Damat Damat Damat Damat",
Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava. May he give prosperity to all of us.
I have a deep interest in Shiva
Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial Ganga river,
Which stir in the deep well of his hair in tangled locks.
Who has the brilliant fire burning on the surface of his forehead,
And who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his head.
May my mind seek happiness in Lord Shiva,
In whose mind all the living beings of the glorious universe exist,
Who is the companion of Parvati (daughter of the mountain king),
Who controls unsurpassed adversity with his compassionate gaze, Which is all-pervading
And who wears the Heavens as his raiment.
May I find wonderful pleasure in Lord Shiva, who is the advocate of all life,
With his creeping snake with its reddish brown hood and the shine of its gem on it
Spreading variegated colors on the beautiful faces of the Goddesses of the Directions,
Which is covered by a shimmering shawl made from the skin of a huge, inebriated elephant.
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artemisia-black · 3 months
Thanks for the tags @tracingpatternswrites and @blitheringmcgonagall.
So many Hozier lyrics and the summer feeling opressive. I had to use the first few lines as I always seem to open with a very short statement. If anyone sees any patterns let me know :D
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern
1.So much of the livin', love, is the being unknown (Dumbledore/Grindlewald)
It was a hot summer. The air was unmoving, yet it quivered with the droning of bees, whose wings seemed to be locked in a perpetual battle against the treacle thickness of the atmosphere. 
2. And I've never loved a darker blue, than the darkness I have known in you (Sirius/Bellatrix)
She was seven years old when she first held him. She remembers it vividly, recalling the biting November chill that made her shiver as her mother's house elf forced her into a dress with a starch-stiffened collar that chafed against her neck.
3. A moth to a Flame (Orion/Walburga)
Orion Black had always had a predisposition towards order and neatness.
4. Pietas (Sirius Black/OFC and the black family/dysfunction)
The heat pressed against him, leaving sticky rivers of sweat wherever it touched.
5. There are some people who are better unknown (Unrequited Peter/James)
"Pete…" The call had stopped him dead in his tracks, frozen on the leaf-strewn path, caught in the liminal space between the warmth of the Potters' living room and the gate leading to the world beyond.
6. Nothing like a cup of Chai before a battle (Pavarti Patil)
Hidden in the store cupboard at the very top of the Astronomy Tower, Parvati stirred her cauldron, her heart pulsing against her ribs.
7. Familia Ante Omnia (Orion Black/Emotional repression)
Bathed in the cold, grey light of dawn, Orion wakes, wrapped in the shroud of sheets soaked in the vinegar perfume of his sweat. 
8. The son and heir of nothing in particular (Tom Riddle)
London was burning. 
Trapped beneath a dome of humidity and pollution. Imprisoned in the type of heat that wrapped itself around you, like the smog that blanketed the city each winter, smothering the city’s frenetic energy. 
9. Gingercake (Sirius/Kingsley).
To the outside world, Serena Shacklebolt was best described as a dragon in well-cut dress robes (made from the finest silks).
10. Starcrossed Siblings (Andromeda and Bella)
The searing agony of the curse metamorphoses her smile into a scream as she falls into blackness.
Tagging: @merlinsbudgiesmugglers @annabtg @ashesandhackles and
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