#pasadena o possum
dimxncixnezzzz · 1 year
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Crashito banicot :D
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kickasscentral · 1 year
What Crash Bandicoot characters (that I can think of) I think would see Barbie and which ones would see Oppenheimer
————————————————————— Barbie
N.gin - this is mainly due to the fact I hc that he collects barbies lol
Crash and Coco - I think that Coco was gonna see Oppenheimer BUT she thought it would be a lot nicer to see barbie with Crash
Aku Aku - he’s just keeping an eye on Crash and Coco
Dingodile - he doesn’t even know what barbies are he just thought it looked funny
RipperRoo - broke out of the mental asylum just to see it
————————————————————— Oppenheimer
N.brio - I feel like he has a weird distain for barbies
N.trophy and FemTrophy - they actually just had a intense make out session during the entire movie
Nina - she snuck into the movie theatre
Ebenezer Von Clutch and Pasadena O'Possum - Von clutch took Pasadena to the theatre because she got employee of the month
alternate universe Tawna - she pirates movies
Uka Uka - doesn’t like movies or Tv shows in general
N.Cortex - he couldn’t pick so he just went to both
Nitro Oxide - he was too busy racing and getting therapy to watch anything
Tiny Tiger - just didn’t wanna go see anything
Pinstripe - too busy robbing banks and general breaking of the law
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iwander12 · 5 years
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Same voice actors
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mileenadumbass · 5 years
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miharuthefox · 5 years
Where are all the women??
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curious-shadow-cat · 7 years
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I love these two, when is Pasadena coming back?
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Motion & camera/Movimientos y cámara: Flutternya Audio: ProZD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOCjrwJLx_A Crash mmd: SAB64 and/y CRASHARKI https://www.deviantart.com/sab64/art/MMD-XPS-Model-Crash-Bandicoot-CNK-Download-764387074 Pasadena mmd: SAB64,CRASHARKI,BetaM and/y NeoKesha https://www.deviantart.com/sab64/art/MMD-Blender-Model-Pasadena-O-Possum-Download-790718409 Tawna mmd: MrPr1993 and/y SAB64 https://www.deviantart.com/sab64/art/MMD-XPS-Model-Tawna-Bandicoot-Download-763990753 N. Gin mmd: SAB64 and/y CRASHARKI https://www.deviantart.com/sab64/art/MMD-XPS-Model-Dr-N-Gin-Twinsanity-Download-666766179 Stage/Escenario: Shiremide1 Video: Me/yo
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zawazawanightmares · 3 years
Pasadena O' Possum & Clay
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Pasadena o' Possum: "🔥?"
The bandicoot smiles and nods his head, sticking his tongue out a little at her. He mutters something unintelligble as he gives her a thumbs up and a wide smile.
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crashynews · 5 years
DestinationMarc: Next 3 Grand Prix Revealed! (Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled)
DestinationMarc: Next 3 Grand Prix Revealed! (Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled)
Start your engines; the next Grand Prix is here!
Not only do we have a good look at the upcoming Halloween-themed GP, named the Spooky Grand Prix which will feature Nina Cortex, but we can see the next two as well! These are the Neon Circus GP, which will feature Pasadena O’ Possum from CTTR, and the Winter Festival GP, which will…
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komodo-bros · 6 years
((Part 3! This time with the masks, trophy girls, and Motorworld staff.))
((Large wall of text incoming))
Aku Aku
Joe: Can come off as this righteous figure of virtue who speaks too much about being good and kind. He thinks it’s all false gospel, and that the witch doctor probably has done some wrong in the former past. At least Joe’s grateful to not be kicked from islands.
Moe: Thinks about how cool the feathered mask can float the ground. He even tells great stories about when he was alive many eons ago. 
Uka Uka
Joe: A pain in the neck who’s even less bearable than his twin brother. Whenever he pops up during a race, Joe takes the opportunity to insult his inept behavior, and how he’ll never work for a manchild baby like him ever; especially when the mask has two scientists under his employment he dislikes. Cue the petty insults and death threats.
Moe: Is waiting for Joe to give him the signal to turn the angry mask into firewood.
Elementals (Rok-Ko, Wa-Wa, Py-Ro, Lo-Lo)
Joe: Has heard from Aku Aku how powerful they were, once being spiritual shamans like him who used their magic to wreck havoc across the world. Sure they might cause another apocalypse if released again, but they’re nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Although, rumors spread about they are free, but now work for someone else. At least that’s what Joe got from some washed-out tourist down by the beach.
Moe: Their names sound like words he’s heard before.
Velo Mask
Joe: A flying mouthpiece.
Moe: Tries to catch it so he can use for Halloween.
Trophy Girls
Joe: Figured that she’s friends with the bandicoots for being their trophy girl. Other than that, he doesn’t know what to think. Maybe she’s close friends with this Tawna character he’s barely known.
Moe: Has watched her in the show, Bay Waters. She’s probably the best part of it when considering the overall, “so bad, it’s good” quality of every episode.
Joe: Only knows her for handing out his trophy whenever he wins. Other than that, he doesn’t pay much attention to her. However, as soon as he heard she was getting into kart racing, Joe’s interest sparked. Seems like he’s got another upcoming rival who’s willing to make the tracks burn aflame.
Moe: Kind of reminds him of Joe with her fierce attitude and defiance. Wonders if she’s their lost long sister who became a bandicoot.
Joe: Must like cute animals if she’s the tiger and bear’s trophy girl. Now that she’s super rich, she must have bought some exotic pets to accommodate her lavish lifestyle. Maybe the bandicoots can hand over the two pests to her once they’ve fully grown.
Moe: Thinks she likes stuffed animals and owns a large collection of them.
Joe: Is associated with Team Cortex, so that makes him automatically not like her that much. Also, her perfume makes him wanna choke the life out of random carnivorous plants.
Moe: Despite Joe’s opinion, Moe thinks she isn’t bad despite handing over trophies to the evil scientists.  She seems really smart, and he loves the perfume she made.
Motorworld Inhabitants
Ebeneezer Von Clutch
Joe: Never in a million years would he ever find someone who was a genuine fan of Dr. Lame-O Netflix. Guess that would explain why some of the attractions were barely functional.
Moe: These bionic produce are getting out of hand, now a lima bean has been brought to life through science and owns a large park. It seems the invasion has only just begun.
Pasadena O’Possum
Joe: Is impressed by this daredevil racer’s tricks when it came to burning rubber in the demolition arena. However, he soon realized she wasn’t the smartest when she mentioned about never seeing two walking gators around the park before. He’s still yet to determine where this possum fits on the stupid idiot scale.
Moe: An avid fan of hers. Has a couple of merchandise in his desk, along with an autographed photo shot.
Willie Wumpa Cheeks
Joe: Never thought he’d find fruit uglier and rotten as this former mascot, not to mention callous to the core. He and Moe have been hired once by Willie to assassinate Von Clutch for ruining his life. In return for killing his boss, the brothers would’ve gotten a power gem as a reward. However, they failed for whatever reasons, thus the partnership ended much like the bitter aftertaste of wumpa whip.
Moe: The dude scares him, so much that he hides behind Joe whenever he shows up. Also, the fruit beverage wasn’t that great to drink.
Chick Gizzard Lips & Stew
Joe: Their voices are grating and annoying. The one who changes hats often seems to like juvenile humor way too much.
Moe: Free chicken stew.
Farmer Ernest
Joe: Has never seen him in person. The bird was most likely traumatized after Cortex shot him with his gun, forever locked up in his home in paranoia. Although, the fields are being taken care, so maybe he only comes out during nighttime.
Moe: Wait, they had a emu neighbor this entire time? 
Joe: Apparently up in the North Pole, there lies a mutant polar bear who terrorizes nearby areas with mechanical bears. Likely will never come in contact with him, as the environment is much too cold for the lizard to bear.
Moe: It’s Polar’s papa!
Carbon Crash
Joe: Splendid, another dumb clone of Crash that’s just as braindead, except with leucism. How it never got eaten by any predators is beyond him.
Moe: Another cryptid he likes to look for just like Fake Crash.
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dinoeggnog · 7 years
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meet Pasadena O’ Possum 
  a spirited gal who is also a race car driver for some reason; when it comes to character traits all you can do is dribble and shoot am i right? 
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iwander12 · 5 years
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My part for brainyxbat's MEP
Yes I'm one of those rare people who ships Crunchadena and not Crashadena.
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Finally Tumblr let me submit this video. I already post it on youtube but I still wanted to have it here (not only as a link xD)
Lower quality but still
Por fin Tumblr me ha dejado subir este vídeo. Ya lo tengo posteado en youtube pero aún así quería tenerlo aquí (no solo como una liga xD)
Con más baja calidad pero aún asi
Pasadena mmd: Waleed Hashim & Lolwutburger
Tawna mmd: SAB64 & JawSFM
Motion/Camera/Movimientos/Cámara: MLAOA
Video: me/yo
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Motion & camera/Movimientos y cámara: Runa Tanpai
Dance reference/Referencia de baile: Waveya2011
Wumpa whip mmd: CRASHARKI
Pasadena mmd: SAB64,CRASHARKI,BetaM and/y NeoKesha
Evil Crash/Crash malvado mmd: NinjawsGaiden and/y Waleed Hashim
Power Crystal/Cristal de poder: OscartheChinchilla
Song/Canción: PSY - I Luv it
Video: Me/yo
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