cherishingstydia · 2 years
Going feral because Patrick is literally proposing and then you have Eddie who just confessed he put in his will for Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian if he dies…..what the actual fuck….it’s the same look. Eddie is so in love.
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Also still completely feral (as I should be) over Patrick telling David he loves him vs Eddie telling Buck “there’s no one in this world I trust with my son more than you”
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murphels · 5 years
everyone talks about how david is so dramatic but patrick really climbed a whole ass mountain on multiple occasions just to stare contemplatively at the vista and be like “I Am Very Gay”
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birdy-lady · 5 years
Behind the Episode : Dead Guy in Room 4
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
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😍 David looking at Patrick 😍
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wanderyears · 5 years
holy schitt it’s a fic rec
for anyone and everyone (but @im-here-sammy​ the most)
---The Boy Who Doesn’t Exist by falconeggs
To ensure that Patrick never falls in love, he thinks up an impossible boy and casts a spell to tie their destinies together. He doesn’t exactly know that, though, because he’s just a kid when he does it.
---Tonight I'll Drift In A Dream With You by torakowalski
“Patrick is sleeping,” Alexis says helpfully. “I’m not really sure what David is doing, but earlier he was just sort of smiling dopily at the top of Patrick’s head. It was really gross.”
---In Tea Leaves by taelynhawker
It isn’t just about the tea. Or wanting it to be perfect. It is about those things, but David might also be freaking out a little bit about what he just said to Patrick. Maybe he just needs to see that what he told Ted is true. Sometimes it does work out.
---One Week by lettered @letteredlettered
Every day of the first week of David and Patrick's relationship.
---All the Things You are to Me by hudders-and-hiddles @wild-aloof-rebel
After accidentally calling David "babe," Patrick spends weeks trying to find the perfect pet name for him.
---Memorial Weekend by another_hero 
David shook his head again, brought his hands up to his face. “I know, I know, okay, but you,” he said, “are easy to love. And I—” Patrick opened his mouth, but David fluttered a hand in front of him for silence.
---Hide Your Diamonds by helvetica_upstart
“I’m going to work on wedding planning,” Patrick says, smacking a kiss onto David’s lips, “And you are going to reconcile with your sister.”
David wrings his hands. “But — you can’t tell the difference between eggshell and ivory!”
“Better make up quickly, then!”
---Of All the Riches. by falconeggs
Patrick Brewer is an actor and music superstar, with millions of adoring fans worldwide. David Rose is a pioneer in social media influencing, with a successful reality show chronicling the life of him and his family. One ostentatious evening, the two celebrities meet.
---Keep Me in Your Glow by goingmywaydoll @brewerspatrick
David and Patrick take a trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond.
--- As Fate Would Have It by bytheseas @davidrosed
There’s coffee in one of David’s hands, and a bag of fabric in the other, and he’s rushing down the hallway because he’s running late, and he might not make it, but there’s a hand that holds the door for him so he can slip in, just in time.He knows who it is before he even sees their face.
---You've Got Me Feeling Emotions (Deeper than I've Ever Dreamed of) by wardo_wedidit 
“Um,” he tries, suddenly concentrating very hard on his shoelaces. “I have what is probably a very, very stupid idea. What if… I pretended to be your boyfriend?”
---As Seen By by taelynhawker
David And Patrick through the eyes of others.
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startswithhope · 5 years
incapable of faking sincerity...
Because Saturday mornings are perfect for ficlet writing and I wanted to try my hand at writing Stevie... (AO3)
He should probably look away, but it’s quiet and there isn’t much else to do, so staring at his boyfriend across the store as he meticulously checks that every label is facing out on every bottle seems to be the best use of Patrick’s time. David is in a zone, his mind probably elsewhere (thinking of new vendors or what sweater he’s going to wear to dinner) as he doesn’t seem to notice Patrick’s fond gaze.
“You’re gross,” he hears from behind him, startling a bit as he’d completely forgotten that Stevie was there, leaning against the wall behind the register with a bottle of wine she’s most definitely not planning to pay for.
Knowing what she’s referring to, he decides to play dumb, because bantering with Stevie is one of his favorite things.
Stevie steps around him to lean her hip on the counter, her head swiveling to David and back to Patrick with exaggerated flair. “You love him so much it makes my teeth hurt.”
“And that’s gross why?” Patrick questions, hiding his smile behind his hand as he leans down and props his chin into his palm.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she harrumphs under her breath. “Because....because cavities are bad and going to the dentist is...uh…” Her words trail off...
“You lost the plot a bit, eh?” Patrick chides, raising his eyebrow as she just shrugs and begins to peel at the label on the wine bottle with her short nail.
A companionable silence falls between them and Patrick’s eye search out David again, this time catching his gaze and they share a sweet smile.
“You’re gonna marry him, right?”
Stevie’s voice is quiet, but her words are loud, hitting him square in the chest like a wave hitting a taut sail.
Stammering a bit, he whispers, “Hopefully, yeah, but I’m still figuring out the moment to ask so if you could keep your voice down…”
“Oh come on,” she interrupts, “he’s planning his outfits for the week and isn’t hearing a word we’re saying. So...yeah...good. I just needed to make sure you were making that happen.”
Stevie looks back down at her wine bottle, frowning at the edge of the label she’s ripped off as if it is responsible for its own destruction.
Concerned, Patrick leans a bit closer, nudging her hip with the back of his hand as he asks, “You okay?”
Patrick watches as Stevie straightens, the mask he’s seen her put on during Cabaret rehearsals when she’s uncomfortable sliding into place. He’s thankful that he’s had time with Stevie to get to know her better outside of her friendship with David, as he now feels like he’s her friend, too, in his own right.
“Fine. I’m fine. I just want you two to be happy, that’s all.”
Straightening, he decides to take charge of this situation. “Hey David,” he calls across the store, smiling as David seems to shake himself out of his internal world to look up. “We’re gonna go grab some tea from the cafe, want anything?”
“My usual, thanks,” David replies with a flourish of his ringed fingers, a big smile his thank you before he’s back to counting scarves on the rack on the wall.
Patrick walks around the counter, leading a confused and very prickly Stevie by the elbow out the door. She shakes him off as soon as they are outside.
“Did I say I wanted tea? I don’t remember anything about tea.” She holds her now stolen bottle of wine in the air as if to make a point of her drinking preferences.
“Yes, Stevie, you can take that bottle of wine. You are very welcome,” Patrick jokes, hoping to lower her hackles a bit so he can find out what’s really going on.
A small smile cracks through her facade as the wine bottle finds its home in her shoulder bag and she falls into step beside Patrick. Time to prod a little.
“You wanna tell me what that was all about back there?” he asks, voice quiet and reassuring, or at least he hopes it is.
He’s learned over these past few weeks that Stevie can be really closed off, but not all the time. When she’s comfortable, she can be quite direct. Unnervingly so.
She stops when they reach the sidewalk outside of the cafe, her eyes narrowing at him slightly as if she’s trying to make a decision. When her hand wraps around his elbow and she’s dragging him to the side of the building, he guessing that decision has been made. When they’re fully out of sight of passersby, she lets go of him and digs her hands into the flannel at her hips.
“I thought I was in love with him once,” she states, “...got all emo about it and everything. It was embarrassing. But I figured out that it wasn’t love, not that kind anyway, but I do still love him. A lot.”
“I know, Stevie,” Patrick murmurs, his affection for this woman growing ever stronger the more he gets to know her.
Stevie continues as if Patrick hasn’t spoken, as if this is a monologue she’s memorized (which is rather ironic considering she can’t get a single one of her lines right in Cabaret).
“I don’t know what love really means, but I see you and David and it makes me feel hopeful. Not necessarily hopeful for me, really, but hopeful that sometimes fate might be real and maybe that perfect person is really out there.” She stops and gives him a pointed look, waving her hand in his face in a way that reminds him so much of David that he finds his lips curling into a smile as she continues. “And before you get an even bigger head than you already have, I am not calling you perfect. You’re just...perfect for David.”
“He’s perfect for me, too,” Patrick replies, having known this truth since he listened to David’s rambling voicemails back on the first day they met.
“Hi. Yeah, I know that,” Stevie grumbles, “thanks for paying attention. So, I’m gonna need you to put a ring on that asshole over there, despite all the the antiquated and hetero reasons for marriage. Not just because you guys deserve to be happy, but because we’ll be doing karaoke for his bachelor party and I’m getting it filmed this time for blackmail purposes.”
Patrick laughs out loud at that, pulling Stevie in for a hug that she fights for a second or two, her hands then gripping at the back of his shirt as she hugs him back. It’s brief, but meaningful.
As they walk together into the cafe, Patrick leans in to whisper, “You know I’ll be needing a copy of those videos, right”
“Oh, we’ll be playing them at the wedding.”
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nerdybookfangirl · 5 years
ok but if David and Patrick dance to Tina Turner at their wedding i can guarantee that i will just bawl the entire time
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language-of-love · 5 years
a welcome change...
Summary: There’s still a dead guy in room 4 and David can’t stay at Patrick’s, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go on a second date. And kiss in David’s car. Part 5 of my missing kisses series...that’s now out of order episodically, but this just had to be written. (AO3)
“You know,” David finds himself admitting aloud, “this is actually only the second real date I’ve ever been on.”
It’s an odd thing to realize considering the number of people he’s dated in the past.
Obviously thinking the same thing, Patrick looks over at him from the passenger side of David’s car with a questioning look.
“Uh, does that mean that last night was your first one?”
Clenching the steering wheel a bit harder than necessary, David nods, trying to find the least offensive way of explaining that his previous life was full of a lot of emotionless sex and ridiculous pining for relationships that never really existed.
“Let’s just say that I tended to do things a bit out of order. So, this is a welcome change.” He can feel the blush blooming high on his cheeks at that admission, but there’s something about Patrick that has him wanting to be just a bit more vulnerable than he’d normally allow.
In what feels like a reward for his honesty, Patrick’s hand reaches across the car with his palm facing up and David spares a quick glance his way. He’s pretty sure he knows what Patrick is silently asking for, but it’s been a long time since he’s done this and he kinda needs the reassurance, which he gets immediately when he sees the warmth of Patrick’s smile. So, he drops his right hand from the steering wheel into Patrick’s, feeling warmth spread from his toes to the tips of his ears as Patrick weaves their fingers together and lets their joined hands fall to his thigh.
“Well, it’s been a fun night,” Patrick says, parroting the same sentiment David had said the night before. God, this man is cheesy, and so different from everything David has ever been drawn to in the past. But maybe, just maybe...he’s making better choices now. And he’s right. It was a fun night. Really fun actually.
They’d driven into Elmdale and found a little pizza place that had tables outside. Patrick hadn’t complained that it took a half hour to get their pie thanks to David’s very particular requests, instead using the time to play with the rings on David’s hand as they chatted about everything and nothing. They’d shared a scoop of limoncello gelato after, with David protesting that it was too sour before eating almost all of it, including the sticky syrup still left on Patrick’s lips as they leaned against David’s car in the darkened parking lot. Eventually though, they’d both reluctantly admitted it was probably time to head home.
Giving Patrick’s fingers a light squeeze, he feels a tinge of annoyance creep in as Ray’s place comes in to view. He isn’t ready for this night to end yet. But, he promised Patrick they’d take things slow, so inviting himself in just isn’t an option. Even if that means sleeping on a cot in his parents’ room tonight, he’s not going to do anything to mess this thing, whatever it is, up, at least not on purpose.
Pulling up in front of Ray’s, David realizes he’s going to need his hand back to put the car in park, which has him hesitating with his foot on the brake. He doesn’t want to let go. There’s a chuckle beside him and before he has a moment to question Patrick as to what’s so amusing, Patrick is reaching over with his right hand to pull the gear shift into park. Is this guy a mind reader or something?
David doesn’t have any time to really wonder about that though. Patrick, who is still leaned in, makes a move so suave that David feels a tiny part of him fall in love right on the spot. The hand that had been on the gear shift is now on David’s jaw, turning his face to meet Patrick’s soft, but not at all tentative kiss. Since when does kissing feel this good?
Dropping his left hand from the steering wheel, he lets his fingers curl around Patrick’s forearm, thankful that Patrick had rolled up his sleeves during dinner leaving his warm skin free to be touched. Obviously emboldened by David’s response, Patrick gets bolder with his kiss, his lips coaxing David’s open to welcome a languid sweep of his tongue.
Fireworks. There’s goddamn fireworks going off behind David’s eyelids and popping in his ears.
And it’s too much, but not enough, so he finds himself wrenching his hand free of Patrick’s so he can grab at his neck to make sure he doesn’t stop. Because this is the single best kiss of his life. Sliding his tongue along Patrick’s, he groans softly into his mouth, sinking into the wet heat and humidity of their shared, shallow breaths. When Patrick’s teeth pull slightly on David’s lower lip he can’t stop himself from swearing, “fuck…” as his hand drags Patrick even closer, wishing desperately there was room for him to crawl over into his lap, but knowing somewhere in the back of his brain that there isn’t...and they are supposed to be taking things slow.
Patrick is pulling back now, but not far, his hand bracing himself on the window as he takes a few ragged breaths through a rather blinding smile. “Wow,” he declares on a soft gasp, his eyes dropping down to David’s mouth as if he’s counting down the seconds until he can get another taste. It’s the single sexiest thing David has ever seen.
Reaching up, he swipes his thumb across the sweat that has gathered above Patrick’s top lip, not sure at all of why he’s just done that. It triggers something in Patrick though, something that has his breath hitching and his hand on the window sliding down the glass. When his head turns to catch David’s thumb between his lips, David knows he’s in serious trouble. It’s probably because his mind has begun to conjure things far from the “taking things slow” realm that has David not protesting in the slightest as Patrick drags their mouths together again in a wet and dirty kiss. This time, it’s David being dragged across the car with Patrick’s hands framing his face, the seatbelt stopping his forward momentum and ripping their lips apart.
David grunts and Patrick mumbles in confusion, his eyelids taking a long moment to flutter open and see what has happened. The man is completely lust drunk and David has never felt more proud. And annoyed. Because as much as it is going to pain him to do so, he’s going to have to be the one to bring this night to an end. Patrick wants to take things slow. He’s just forgotten that temporarily, in spectacular fashion. And as much as David wants to rip off this seatbelt and show Patrick all of the things he’s been missing while lost in that very blue closet, tonight just isn’t the night.
Instead, he leans back, making sure to smile warmly at Patrick as he unclips the seatbelt and climbs out of the car. Patrick hasn’t moved, so David crosses over to his side to open the door, reaching in with his hand to coax Patrick out.
“Is something wrong?” Patrick questions as he unhooks his seatbelt, gingerly taking David’s outstretched hand that David uses to help him out of the car. As soon as he’s on his feet, David crowds him against the door-frame, kissing him soundly in hopes of erasing any lingering doubts of his thoughts on the evening’s events. Patrick chases his lips with still closed eyes when David pulls back and he’s just not strong enough to resist, so he lets Patrick catch him, stifling a moan when he feels Patrick’s erection straining against his jeans where he’s now leaning into David’s thigh. It would be so easy to drag him inside, let wants overtake needs, but he won’t. But god does he want to.
Stepping out of the circle of Patrick’s arms, he reaches down for his hand and laughs as he has to drag an uncooperative Patrick away from his car.
“You wanted to take things slow, remember?” he teases, bumping Patrick’s hip with his own as they walk together towards Ray’s porch.
“Since when do you listen to what I say?” Patrick grumbles, but he’s smiling and he’s gazing over at David with such warmth that David feels his knees wobble a bit. This man is going to take him apart, he just knows it.
“I’m turning over a new leaf. But don’t get too excited, this only applies to our relationship, not anything else…” He’s rambling, but Patrick’s used to that by now.
When they reach the front door, Patrick steps in close, the tip of his nose nudging David’s so sweetly he has to grab Patrick’s elbows to keep himself standing.
“Goodnight, David,” he whispers, kissing David so softly you’d never know they were minutes away from ripping each other’s clothes off back in the car.
It’s in that perfect moment that the porch light over their heads suddenly beams to life and the front door swings open wide.
“Gentlemen, nice to see you!” an overly friendly Ray exclaims in greeting, his already wide eyes bugging out for a brief moment as he registers the embrace David and Patrick haven’t pulled away from. There’s no judgment there, only surprise, his expression turning quickly back to his usual welcoming smile. “I’d worried that perhaps there was an issue with David’s car, but now I see that you two were just having a private moment. That’s very sweet.”
And now David is mortified.
“I’ve just put a kettle of tea on, do come in...come, come…” Ray’s now ushering them both through the door, David nearly tripping over Patrick as they find themselves standing somewhat awkwardly inside with hands still clasped.
And that’s how their date comes to a close, sharing a cup of herbal chai tea with Ray, feet hooked around the ankles as Patrick fills Ray in on the happenings at the store. It feels a little full circle for David, sitting here in the place where they first met, realizing that maybe the reason he was all off kilter that day was he’d finally met the person who, in time, would set everything in his life right.
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missmarionmac · 5 years
Schitt’s Creek Patrick/David headcanons
Patrick never deletes the voicemails David left him. In fact, he has them backed up in about seven different places so he never loses them.
Patrick also ends every phone conversation with and voicemail to David with “Ciao.” David pretends to hate it.
They also give each other something framed for their anniversary. Within a few years, David is incredibly frustrated about the “extremely cluttered, disorganized, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey effect” on the walls of their apartment.
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cherishingstydia · 2 years
I’m going to jump off a cliff now ✌️
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murphels · 5 years
whenever david and patrick go to bed david is always the little spoon, but when patrick wakes up in the morning to get the coffee started their positions have changed and he has to detangle himself from the limb cocoon david has wrapped him in during the night, much to the sleepy irritation of david who will just double down on his aggressive big spooning
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We have posts with all of David’s best sweaters but has anyone ever just made a post of all of Patrick’s button down shirts?
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
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😍 Patrick looking at David 😍
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aokayinspace · 5 years
I took a break from Schmico fic and rewatching Girl in a Coma to read Malec fic then rewatch Housewarming. What can I say I love my boys.
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startswithhope · 5 years
squared off at the toe...
Just dipping my toes into writing some David x Patrick fic. Consider this a coda to “Rock On!”. Waves to the Schitt’s Creek fandom...Those in my old fandom who read this will not be surprised to find kissing...cause kissing is my fave. (AO3)
The fuzzy fibers of David’s sweater are tickling his nose, his lips warming from his breath getting trapped in the shoulder of it, but he’s happy where he is. Not wanting to admit it, he needs this hug as much as David as each second releases little tendrils of the anxiety that had been wrapping around his insides ever since he called Ken. Not that Ken wasn’t appealing in his way. He’s cute and friendly in all those super accessible ways, but, Patrick apparently likes his men complicated, and exhausting, and only in the form of David Rose.
Alexis gives him a wiggle of her fingers as she slips out of the hotel room, the door closing behind her prompting David to loosen his embrace and look over his shoulder at her retreat.
When he looks back down at Patrick, his lips are curled into his signature “amused, yet slightly uncomfortable” smile and Patrick leans in to kiss him again, wanting to feel that smile widen as soon as their mouths touch. It’s one of his favorite things. He loves knowing he can make David smile. Knowing he makes David happy makes him happy in return. It’s a simple thing really, love. Well, not really, but in times like this is feels that way.
David deepens the kiss and Patrick leans into it, relishing this rare moment of privacy in David’s room, knowing it could be over at any second. His fingers tighten on the back of David’s sweater as he feels David’s right hand push into the back pocket of his jeans…
His mouth leaves Patrick’s abruptly as his hand stops moving, fingers barely inside the pocket.
“Are you sure you didn’t want to date Ken?”
His eyes have the same mischievous glint to them as when he was ribbing Patrick over his jealousy after the housewarming party, so Patrick just cocks his head and looks at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“100%. Why?”
Patrick sucks in a sharp breath as David’s left hand mirrors his right, fingers blatantly groping his ass from inside his back pocket.
“Well...these jeans are so tight I can’t get my right hand in your pocket past my rings. Seems someone was trying to make an impression,” David teases, steering them both towards his bed as he shuffles a few steps backwards.
Unable to hold in his amused smile, Patrick shuffles along with David, leaning his hips forward as David gives him another meaningful squeeze. “I thought you said my jean choices were too square for your liking.”
“While I’m completely comfortable being the fashionable one in this relationship, I never said I don’t like your choice of Wranglers. They fit you. This pair, perhaps a bit too well.”  Unsurprisingly, he punctuates that last statement with another meaningful grope.
Realizing David’s knees are at his mattress, Patrick gives him a gentle shove, sending him down onto the bed with a very loud squeak of bedsprings. David’s teeth push his lips together in that way of his and Patrick moves his hands to his belt buckle, watching closely as a pink blush begins to creep across David’s cheeks.
“Perhaps I should just take them off if they are causing you distress?”
“I mean...if that’s what you think, I’m fine with it…” David jokes, leaning back on his elbows as Patrick begins to work the woven leather strap from the buckle.
“David, have you seen your sister...OH!”
Mr. Rose, having just burst in the adjoining door from his room, is now standing stock still, cheeks even redder than his son’s with his eyes fixed to Patrick and his almost state of undress.
“John, I haven’t spent an hour putting this outfit together to spend the evening in our room. Can we please leave for dinner...oh, hello Patrick,” Mrs. Rose singsongs as she breezes into the room, not seeming to notice the scene unfolding around her.
Looking down at David, Patrick sees that he’s taken to hiding his head beneath his pillow, muffled screams barely audible over the blood pounding between Patrick’s ears. Turning towards the door, he does his best to discreetly re-buckle his belt, desperately searching for something to say to break the embarrassing tension.
Mrs. Rose saves him the trouble.
“Patrick, has David been letting you into his closet? Those trousers look simply divine on you.”
Sitting up straight as a board and sending his pillow onto the floor, David looks at his mother in absolute disgust. 
“Mother, those are mid-range denim, I would never!”
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