#payday 2 john wick
what-yadoking-likes · 9 months
What the heisters do on Boxing Day:
Clover: begins shopping for Christmas Day the following year in the online sales. She meticulously tracks her purchases, money spent AND 'saved' (i.e. money off) on a comprehensive and colour-coded spreadsheet.
John Wick: walks the dog. Plays fetch with the dog. Goes on a jog with the dog. Gives the dog a bath. Naps on the sofa with the dog.
Rust: he attends one of those biker runs where they collect gifts and distribute them to needy children throughout the capitol.
Hoxton: nurses his very sore throat after carolling and karaoke-ing various Christmas Classics the night before (and the night before that, and the night before before that-).
Duke: reads various Christmas-themed stories or poems aloud. In previous years he read A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens).
Dallas: avoiding eye contact with/answering his phone to Vlad, because he always gets sent on those wacky Xmas heists for the Ukrainian and he has had it, nope, not this year, not this time - "Dallas speaking, who is i-" "MY FRIEND!!!"
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gladoswantscake · 1 year
Made this in nearly a whole day
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walterfartzroy · 1 year
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got payday on pc because it's free on the epic launcher... maybe i will get good at pc games.
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stinkman007 · 1 year
guess who played payday 2 for the first time today
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biframes · 2 years
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I was inspired by https://s-citrus.tumblr.com/post/662014127114469376/ive-been-thinking-about-these-fuckers-all
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manekinoodle · 1 year
unexpected payday friendships to explore (1/?)
john wick and bodhi.
i mean sure, basement gang, but i think we can do better than that.
keanu reeves was john wick and johnny utah... would bodhi not be reminded of that one fbi dude when looking at john?
john is obviously not bothered by the heist thing so their dynamic would be way different. but i think these two could connect pretty well spiritually. john doesn't express himself well but bodhi can just tell what kind of guy he is.
bodhi is named after the bodhisattva. buddhism is a philosophy that requires you to know the self but also realise that it is an illusion. lose yourself and know yourself. sound familiar? and john wick is a character known for not really having a self. do we know what he's thinking deep inside? not really. john wick is marked by the boundaries of those around him.
and the idea of john wick learning to surf is pretty sick.
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rabbit-of-the-sun · 1 year
Honestly I know nothing about Payday 2 but I’ve always wanted to get into it because what do you two of my favourite movie characters and my favourite video game character are all in the same game together
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Organizations/Groups I think the Payday heisters would be in.
Duke would definitely be a Kingsman agent. Im listing this first cause its what inspired the whole post. Dallas and Houston would be Statesman agents. Hoxton would be considered for Kingsman because of Aldstone, but whether or not he makes it in is up in the air.
Jacket would be buddies with the Unholy Trinity from GTA or part of the Creeps from RUINER.
This isn't like. An official group but I think Wolf and Joy would be survivors in Generation Zero.
Wick would be a Dark Brotherhood assassin when the Brotherhood was in its prime (Oblivion Era)
Jimmy is a citizen of the New Sheoth in Shivering Isles on the side of Mania.
I could see Bonnie as a crewmember aboard the Black Pearl.
More to come, feel free to add on :0
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kyriathanatos · 1 year
man how the fuck are they going to explain payday 3 with how payday 2 ended.
do y'all even know how payday 2 ended??? the fact that you're all reincarnated ancient babylonian trickster gods and the virus from left 4 dead kills bain in an underground mayan ritual alter while you fight ancient alien shadow people and giancarlo esposito yells at you and then after you kill the shadow aliens bain does a time reset but also gets reincarnated as the president of the united states of america??? and all of this ancient mayan alien conspiracy was uncovered by john wick, jacket of hotline miami, and some british guy?????
how do you come back from that??????
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sentientgopro · 1 year
If there's one thing I wanna bring with me from Reddit, It's r/legoguns.
Now that I'm getting off reddit, there's one thing I wanna bring with me and it's this subreddit and idea, it doesn't seem to really exist on Tumblr. Here's some of my designs, and some of the best of other people's, with credit. All of mine can be realistically built with full functionality (mag release, charging handle, etc.)
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MK18 of mine
Okay, when i first posted i forgot a "keep reading" button lmao. Heres 1 image as an eyecatcher though. 29 more to go.
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Different kinda M4 built on same reciever
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Onto other people's far superior stuff.
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"3rd version of my AUG" by u/vipeDoesStuff
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"Messed around with the idea of a Nine- Tailed Fox issued M4 rifle" By u/Foxlegofirearms
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"glOwOck" by u/VipeDoesStuff. Pure perfection.
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"Lego AWM!" By u/JimsLegoGuns. Also on YT under the same name, has some tutorials that are a great place to start when learning the general conventions of designing these things.
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"The Stoner Family" by u/FoxsLegoFirearms
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"My custom UMP-45 haven't posted the irl version" By u/_xMr__
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"4 generations of Aks" By u/FoxsLegoFirearms
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"Sig Sauer M18" By u/VipeDoesStuff
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"Finally made my 3a1 Carbine IRL" by u/JimsLegoGuns
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"Glock 17" by u/VipeDoesStuff
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"Glock 19 gen 5 MOS and a custom knife. Kinda EDC- ish." By u/jacqo_B
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"Family photo (yes I like John Wick)" By u/FrostTGA
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"TTI Pit Viper" By u/FrostTGA
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"Contractor .308 from Payday 2" By u/VipeDoesStuff
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"You want to see what 4 years of researching, time, effort, learning and pain looks like? Here you go." by u/FoxsLegoFirearms
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"Lego P90" by u/edups2
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"Some BO2 builds from a while ago" By u/edups2
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"The 7 Gun" By u/BallsHD4K60fps
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"Cock 19, sadly no balls" By u/BallsHD4K60fps.
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"Lego Call Of Duty Zombies Ray Gun" by u/NickBrick
Aand thats image limit. Damn, I got carried away with that. Ive been picking very specifically too, there's ALOT of better stuff than just this that ive missed. Just take a little look through the r/legoguns sub. Anyway, I'm hoping these are gonna get some new people interested in this sorta thing, or increase the amount they're being posted on Tumblr. Lego guns sounds ridiculous but once you see how good they can be, it starts making more sense. So, I'm gonna tag this with #Lego guns in the hopes that it catches on. Thanks for reading. Including all Migration tags too, and 196 bc why not.
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heather-x3 · 7 days
Which Payday 2 character do you think would work in the coal mines for below minimum wage?
Jimmy, no further answer needed. maybe John Wick cause he is also in fortnite so he already has a pickaxe.
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Payday 3 theory for New Character Designs
This is hella long, so the rest of it is under the cut, but if you want to see why that "Collar" is on Wolf and Dallas, from a lore and character design perspective, please click the "Read More"
Alright, you clicked, so you wanna know, what do I think the metal collars on Wolf and Dallas's necks are. For Wolf, you might think he was committing to the Dog Bit TM, but then you see an identical one on Dallas's neck, and he has no associations with canines of any sort in all of his years of being The Face of the Payday Gang (except for, of course, liking dogs on a casual level, he was on a team with John Wick after all, which could be counterargumented (Not a real word I know) by "but Jacket was on that team as well, and in his games, he is known for killing a good score of Doberman Pinschers" which is a bit of a theory for a different time) So the next thing you can assume, as you dirty minded Tumblr users, and as I've seen some other people say, is that they're just kinky bitches, to which I say BEGONE THOT! But in all seriousness I don't think Starbreeze would intentionally add something so noticeable to two of their most beloved characters and their only reason being "The tumblr and 34 community can logically go ApeShit now) Oh no no no my friends, if I can entertain your eyes for perhaps a paragraph longer, I'll tell you why that kinky shit in that google doc for Payday 3 with WolfHox using that collar thing would quickly devolve into more of a bloody angst story, logically.
You see, in short, these collars are helping them breath. Weird, right? But let me explain! Because, when you think about it anatomically, it will actually make a lot of sense. Lets take a look at our heisters in question real quick:
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Wolf and Dallas respectively. Now, do you notice anything? (Besides, Dallas being bugged, this game works as intended) The collar is on the same place on both of their necks, right in their jugulars (yes you have 2, one for each side) Right on the Interior Jugulars/ Internal carotid arteries, though, considering the circumstances, probably the carotid arteries. This is common place knowledge, but for those who don't know, Wolf is very close to Hoxton, shown in game through various nicknames they give each other, and Dallas is the oldest of the OG four, being 44 at the time of Payday 2 (since I don't know the exact gap in time from 2 to 3, but if it is 10 years, like rumored, that means he is 54 as of "today") For reference, the other oldest character, Chains, was 37 at the time of Payday 2, Wolf 34, and Hoxton being a fucking child at 32. So, Dallas is an old man, and he's been smoking since... well the first game (that is 100% confirmed.) so his lungs are fucking WRECKED. But, why is this related? If Dallas's lungs are heavily damaged, running, vaulting, sneaking around, and doing normal heistery stuff, his lungs wouldn't be able to keep up with the oxygen needed to run his brain/other body functions. So, Dallas's lungs are wrecked, yeah, duh, but why would Wolf, the second youngest little man, need this "collar"? Also simple, he's a heartsick bastard.
Wolf lost his best friend, Hoxton, for 2 whole years, do you really think that this man, who basically lost everything, his company, his wife, his kids, his sanity, and now his best friend, wouldn't take to some pretty destructive habits? 2 years of chain-smoking and drinking and doing whatever he could to get his mind off it (be it committing violences or building machines) wouldn't take a toll on him? His lungs would be 100% destroyed, even after only 2 years, because, if I had to take a guess, he started those bad habits when he initially lost his job and went on a rampage. That man has probably been smoking for at least 2 years casually (with periods of mental breakdown chain-smoking) and then 2 more years of hard chain-smoking, non stop, destroying his body. Though, statistically, it takes 15-20 years to fuck up your lungs as bad as maybe Dallas's would be, so whatever Wolf was doing to get himself on that collar device thing must have been pretty hard core.
BUT I'M GETTING OFF TRACK!!! You clicked read more because you wanted to know what I thought the collars did! My thoughts? They artificially pump oxygen into our beloved heisters blood streams, to give them the stamina and brain function they used to have, but still probably being cheaper than a lung transplant. (A quick google search will show you that, for both your lungs transplanted, it would be $1,295,900 in America. Crazy shit, especially for 2 people. Also, if the lungs and heart were damaged, the collar things would be basically a necessity if the guys wanna run around as much as they do in game (don't ask me why you can sprint for like a minute in a half straight in a light ballistics vest when they are all old men, I couldn't tell you). Why doesn't Hoxton have one? Probably because he's a stubborn bastard. Why doesn't Chains have one? He's just built different. The fact that these things are adding extra oxygen to people's blood would mean that the collars are imbedded in their necks, which means if some pulls on them, major ouchies (plus theirs a lot of nerves there and it's really just a whole mess of a time)
THERE YOU GO! This took me 4 days to write, off and on, so for the love of god I hope I got everything right. My area of expertise is reptiles, not humans, but story writing and character development were my first things studied. But this is all head cannons, nothing concrete yet! Anyways, thank you for sticking with the ramblings of a mad lad, and have a wonderful day/night!
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e3khatena · 11 months
so whats the deal with overkills the walking dead?
I'm glad you asked! (approx. 2,300 words)
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So our story starts during Payday 2's first anniversary, the Fall of 2014. Players had to attain certain community goals to get new things to play with during their first annual Crimefest event, and the last two prizes were secret. They wound up being John Wick as a playable character, and the trailer for a new game Overkill was working on, based in the world of The Walking Dead comics. The premise was simple: it was set in the same part of the world as Payday 2, Washington DC, and would involve players trying to keep themselves and their camp alive during the zombie apocalypse made popular in Robert Kirkman's graphic novels and the AMC TV show. Given the fact that Payday 2 had proven to be a tremendous cultural hit around this time, getting the likes of Giancarlo Esposito and making cameos in the Wick movies at the height of their popularity, and given how at the moment it is very possible to argue that Payday 2 might have sold more copies than Super Mario Brothers 3, it would seem that OTWD was in good hands.
The problem, though, was their CEO. Bo Andersson used pressure he conjured up in Varvtre AB, a holdings company he was on the board of directors for, to become the CEO of Starbreeze when they acquired Overkill Software, the makers of Payday: The Heist and Payday 2. This also moved Bo from a role within the games industry alongside his brother to being his brother's superior and putting him in a firmly business role. This was good for Bo, because it would allow him to scrape capital from Overkill on their pursuit into superstardom to fund his own dream project: Storm.
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Storm was a concept that Bo had been working on since 2008, the idea of bringing virtual reality back from being a curious novelty we played with in the 1990s into a mainstream competitive eSport. Players would wear tactical vests with computers built into them and a 5K resolution HMD that Acer would develop with the aid of Starbreeze in a massive bespoke arena, and using a combination of LIDAR scanning, realtime texture mapping, and the Valhalla game engine Starbreeze paid $8 million for, their physical arena would turn into a sci-fi deathmatch where players would cooperate to eliminate the enemy team and seek victory.
Bo Andersson was paying tens of millions of dollars to invent Laser Tag.
But how does this tie into The Walking Dead? Well, as a proof of concept, the work that Overkill had done in their in-house game engine, Diesel 2.0, would be ported into Valhalla to bring Overkill's The Walking Dead to life. Overkill's employees had long complained that Diesel could not compete visually, and even incorporating proper normal maps and bumping up the texture quality could not shake the appearance of a Source Engine or early Unreal 3 title. Despite releasing in 2013 and with the game now moving into 2016, onto the 8th generation of consoles, Payday 2 was not a looker and Overkill's The Walking Dead faced the same fate.
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The problem, though, is that Bo Andersson bought the Valhalla Engine, which was being designed for VR first and foremost, much too early. The engine was literally incomplete, and the programmers had to write tools for the engine before they could write any code for the game itself. After nearly a year of work, they did bring Valhalla into a usable state, and used its VR prowess to power Payday 2's VR version. Bo also proposed a VR demo of Overkill's The Walking Dead to be hosted in Dubai, at VR Park (now titled PlayDXB), to demonstrate the game, the headset, and the VR technology to Middle Eastern investors who could free Bo from the shackles of Scandinavian game development and make him the worldwide name in VR. This delayed their actual non-VR Walking Dead game, which had serious funding from Skybound Entertainment and Robert Kirkman, past its intended 2016 street date. The game was nowhere near finished as Overkill staff were pulled back and forth to so many different projects within the studio. They received an extension to their deadline, Fall 2017, and work continued on the Valhalla Engine and the VR demo.
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Fast forward another year. Starbreeze puts out Raid: World War II, a Diesel 2.0 title in which four players steal from the Nazis in almost exactly same manner as in Payday 2, starring John Cleese as the handler for the crew, and some trailers commissioned for their Walking Dead game using virtually zero actual in-game assets, and Skybound makes them an ultimatum: if the game is not out by November 2018, then they lose the rights to the license. They have wasted the rights holder's time and money for too long, and the project is dragging its heels with a CEO seeing it as a low priority to get their contractually-obligated co-op FPS for PCs and consoles out versus his ambitions of filling an entire space in Dubai with his name, his brand. Overkill developers, who had been clamoring for years to use an actual engine that makes sense for FPSes, finally get their wish, and Bo Andersson invests in commercial licenses for Unreal Engine 4. The problem now, though, is that the staff have a year to make the game in Unreal, with the caveat that they have zero experience in the engine. If they had made this move two years ago, they'd have the time to commit to learning the ins and outs, but they don't.
Overkill goes into crunch, with staff sleeping in the offices and working 100-hour weeks to learn Unreal and take what the documentation and tutorials offer them and implement it into their Walking Dead title, reverse-engineering the concepts they had implemented into the Diesel and Valhalla versions of the game and dropping them into Unreal. Bo Andersson, all the while, is going on vacations and not coming in on the regular, spending his time playing zombie games for inspiration and coming to the staff with his own ideas for the game based on them. Glory Kills, Special Infected, robust base maintenance mechanics and the ability to command teams of non-player survivors on missions all wound up in the game with little actual regard for how these pieces fit together. By the time that he realized he should be more actively hands-on, he only had a scant few months to spend with the staff at the final mad dash to make a playable product. The game was playable at E3, with two demo levels, and one of them playtested so poorly that the staff had to pull it from the rotation, but when Bo heard this feedback he would not tell his staff. He told them the game was testing great at E3, that people loved it.
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Overkill's The Walking Dead released on the 7th of November, 2018, a week after Payday 2 ended support by letting players kill fallen angels and solve a giant puzzle wheel about the in-game lore in order to turn Bain, the player's main contact, into the US President via a body-swapping artifact used by the ancient kings of Kataru, who were gifted immortality at the same time common man was gifted the knowledge of good and evil at the Garden of Eden. While the clown-themed robbery game ended on a confusing note, Overkill's The Walking Dead was getting started to a whole heap of roughness. The game's combat was frustrating, with hordes of walkers that had to be put down one clumsy charged melee swing at a time and human enemies who fired off AKMs and MP5s with reckless abandon. Their noise would draw hordes, which would need to be contended with via your own noise, as dealing with a few dozen enemies with melee combat was awkward and difficult.
Being grappled by a zombie cost a health bar and a half in a game where your starting character had on average four healthbars to their name, and the underlying gameplay, despite being completely linear missions in level and objective design, were just Payday heists at the end of the day. Hell or High Water involved you raiding a camp owned by The Family, an antagonistic gang your camp is at war with, and stealing their supplies. In turn, they arrive at your camp and you kill five waves of them in Worse Than Walkers, in a move no different than Payday 2's Safe House Raid mission, with no zombies in sight. The camp-building mechanics, which were tied to player level and their ability to tend to the needs of their workers, were a confusing mess of UI elements that did not mesh together, and all weapons were earned in a gachapon-style case system and would degrade over time, requiring the player unjam them, fix them with the supplies they need to keep camp morale up, or watch them fall into disrepair. There was also no tutorial mission, with the game opening with The First Shot, the E3 demo mission that tested so poorly they stopped running it.
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Overkill's The Walking Dead performed poorly, both critically and commercially, and Starbreeze went right into damage control. The game's high price tag to low gameplay ratio was combatted with a $30 version that required paying for the missions $60 players got for free. Season 2 went into production very quickly, with fixes to the base game, new weapons, and new survivors being promised within the coming months. Unfortunately, this was too little, too late, as Skybound issued a cease and desist to their business partner after just three months of sale, and by February 2019, Overkill's The Walking Dead was just as much a corpse as the undead shamblers present in the video games.
Perhaps what sealed the fate of the game wasn't its overall quality, as The Walking Dead is home to a large number of subpar games, but its tone and gameplay. Overkill's The Walking Dead is a very staunchly libertarian take on the franchise, pitting the player with the idea that they are to be a colonizing force, destroying an antagonistic camp and treating the other people just trying to survive as cannon fodder not unlike if they were just walkers with guns. This is no surprise given another face at Overkill, executive producer Almir Listo, having a robust fascination with libertarianism and the cult of personality that surrounded fringe Right-wing groups. Almir himself is not a conservative, but he has proven time and time again that he thinks the way Donald Trump talks is funny and has an interest in American conservative viewpoints and conspiracies as an outsider looking in, likely not helped by an unnamed comics writer taking over Payday 2 in its final year to turn the game about robbing banks into one with an ancient conspiracy and Nephilim to mow down with your MG42 or M16.
The Walking Dead is a story about its people and how they're shaped by the conflict, by the apocalypse that surrounds them, and while Kirkman expressed early interest in the sound-based horde gameplay encouraging quiet takedowns and swift, accurate gunplay, it is very possible that the idea of not just a bad Walking Dead game, but a bad Walking Dead game from a popular studio that fundamentally misunderstands the world of The Walking Dead and needs to fall back on generic bandits and raiders to fill its spaces a la Bethesda's open world titles was a bad look. We'll never know for certain, though, as the game has been pulled from sale for ages.
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But this brings us to sometime last week. September 21st marked the launch of Starbreeze Studios' (formerly Overkill Software's) Payday 3. The game features a lot of the stuff they had worked on for The Walking Dead (weapon models, a rework to the Shield enemy, armor working exactly like health in OTWD) but also a ton of its own ideas, and in general the gameplay is very solid. The issue, though, is the progression and a number of bugs that hamper the experience, alongside requiring a Starbreeze Nebula account and online connection to play, with no offline mode to speak of, which caused problems when the servers for the game were down for its first three days after launch. Starbreeze promised a patch was coming shortly thereafter, but on October 21st, a month after the game released, someone with ties to Starbreeze, fed up with the Starbreeze Nebula account requirement and persistent Internet connection to play a game with obvious issues and no Patch 1 release date in sight, released the final build of Overkill's The Walking Dead. This featured a proper tutorial, made the original The First Shot into an optional random encounter a player could take on for additional resources, a slew of new weapons, a wandering trader who could sell you blueprints to the DLC's guns, and the rest of Season 2's missions. The leaked build is not playable online but is DRM-free, running just fine completely offline and preserving the game for future generations to point and laugh at, albeit without any help to ease the difficulty for a game that expected four human players at a time.
Perhaps the weirdest part of the leak is that it brought out a handful of fans from the woodwork who view Overkill's The Walking Dead as an underrated gem buried before it could truly shine, individuals who feel the game could be one of the studio's best with enough polish, and as a result Robert Kirkman has been once again inundated with people asking about the now five year-old game, hoping to give it another chance. I, personally, feel that the clumsy pacing, questionable storyline bearing little similarities to the graphic novels it's based on, and the over-reliance on generic bandits voiced by Payday regulars Josh Lenn and Joseph Balderrama prevent the game from being anything but a really weird footnote in a company's confusing, convoluted history.
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Spoilers for payday 2 secret ending and cyberpunk 2077 base game, maybe
SO let’s talk about the dentist for a second
A reincarnating kataru king, identifiable by a distinctive piece of eyewear in most of his reincarnations. And we only know that the dentist’s last name is Hellmann.
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Now we know his plan is to use the ancient alien relic known as “Balwin’s Lament” beneath the White House to transplant his spiritual being into the body of the US President.
Now, assuming he was successful, the payday gang would almost certainly be hunted down and defeated, but we don’t know what else he’d do. The implications, however, paint a picture of a complete dystopia of his own design.
And speaking of dystopian nightmares!
In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, corporations have more power than the government. And a piece of technology called “The Relic” designed by Anders Hellmann transfers the engram (digital spirit) of Johnny Silverhand into the body of V.
Anders Hellmann
A scientist with a pair of distinctive Glasses
Theory time
The dentist’s own nightmarish running of the country directly caused the downfall of America, the takeover of corporate interests, and the dystopian hellscape of Night City. And now that the government doesn’t have as much influence, The Dentist uses the lament to again implant himself into the body of a scientist under the employ of Arasaka to develop a new method of brain transfer in order to take over the mind of whoever the chairman of Arasaka may be at the time in order to regain control of the country through corporate means.
Cyberpunk and Payday crossover confirmed babeyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
This also means that (provided the poser gangs from the original ttrpg are canon to 2077) Johnny Silverhand might be a John Wick poser, which is fucking hilarious if true
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New intro! Were the tarotcardcollective, but we use archangel and vernon as like a collective name (but we prefer you use our individual names, if you know whos fronting ofc. if not arch, archangel, or vernon is fine!)
you can find me on Discord (archangel_101), Tiktok (hoxton_couture), Instagram (archangel_1001), and pronouns.cc (https://pronouns.cc/@TarotCardCollective) , Twitter (VERNON / ARCHANGEL (@111ARCHANGEL) / X)
My interests
- Penguinz0 / Moist critical
- Cyberpunk 2077
- john wick series
- payday (the heist, 2, 3)
- Hotline miami
-John constantine, my absolute silly -Scarface 1983 -Gravity falls
My current set DNI/ people i do not welcome into my space
-Those against the LGBTQIA+
-non-traumagenic systems (and those who support them!)
-andreas rönnberg defenders.
- Defend Mspec lesbians, bi lesbians, pan lesbians, etc.
-biphobes n panphobes
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