#pb rod
pulpitude · 2 months
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coltkaneko · 9 months
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i don’t have words to describe this rn so give me twenty minutes
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monaownsmyass · 9 months
Are any Mona lovers still alive here?👀 I’m writing a lil snippet of how I’d picture RoD2 to go down, more specifically, Mona and MC meeting again for the first time. I think I’ll be posting the fic soon so keep an eye out and lmk if you wanna be tagged 😙
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yourqueenb · 2 years
Saw some fellow RoD haters in the tags, and my question is where have y’all been all this time? Didn’t know you existed on here, but it’s nice to see you 🫡
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oh ma Gad, RoD MC is straight out of wattpad I don't know if I can do this
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metalalloy · 2 years
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im-a-puma · 2 years
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Mona 💞💞💞
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lady-arc-art · 7 months
THEORY: “Welcome Home, my son…”
For a while I wondered why puppets are used specifically to help tell the story of this ARG? Then it was brought to my attention from another Welcome Home fan that maybe there are some parallels to the story of Pinocchio. In versions of the story, Geppetto had a real son that passed away and from his grief he created a wooden puppet that looked like his son, who would later become Pinocchio.
I also think it kind of is that way because there’s a big emphasis on family and children/babies in this update. With Howdy’s family coming over for the Homewarming, Julie and Frank trying to get everyone to be quiet so they don’t wake up the flowers and bugs that are hibernating (which is something parents do when they don’t want any loud noises that could wake up a sleeping baby), and the commercials targeted towards children, also Frank singing a lullaby and Wally singing a song about children going to a place called Toy Land and never leaving.
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Then it hit me, sorry if any of this sounds fanfic-y or if I’m reaching a bit, but this is what think could be going on.
In the early-mid 60s, Ronald Dorelaine was a children’s entertainer, specializing in puppetry. He ran a troupe with some of his other puppeteer friends called “The Playfellow Puppets” and they would put on little puppet shows as part of the children’s theater slot at the local community centers.
The cast of characters included (and in order of creation): Julie Joyful (she was the first created since she’s a simple hand rod puppet), Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, Sally Starlight, Howdy Pillar, and Poppy Partridge.
Since a part of me feels like almost everyone else was created before Wally and Home also it would make sense if Poppy was kind of “new” since she’s the most complex puppet to operate.
Ronald Dorelaine had a young son who would often tag along during his father’s performances, and his son’s named was Walliford, but sometimes his dad would call him “Wally.” Walliford was very fascinated with his father’s work and the characters he created, and one of his favorite things to do was draw and paint, hoping that someday he would create something when he grows up just like his father. Walliford even helped Ronald come up with a new character for “The Playfellow Puppets.” Barnaby B. Beagle. A blue dog that was inspired by one of his son’s drawings.
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Which would explain this.
Ronald’s puppet shows started becoming so popular that it even started gaining attention from producers of a local tv station (sort of similar to PBS) where they offered Ronald the idea to turn his puppet show into a television series. Ronald took up on the offer, and the show began to develop. However a tragedy would soon happen….
Ronald was a heavy smoker (hence why there is a a big emphasis on cigarette ads in the recent update):
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One day when trying to discard a cigarette before Ronald had to leave the house (possibly to go to a last minute meeting with the producers that would be helping him develop his new tv show). However he was unaware that the cigarette was still lit, and it set a fire to his home. Ronald was safe because he wasn’t in the house at the time of the fire, but his son Walliford was nowhere to be found and his body was never recovered so he’s presumed dead.
(Probably hinted at when Home’s eyes turned red in the commercial compilations)
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I also think maybe Eddie’s puppeteer was a witness or somehow involved with this incident (possibly because he agreed to watch Walliford while his dad went out) since I noticed during his breakdown, everything turned bright red and Eddie looks like he feels guilty about something, hence why he’s sweating and Home appears to be starring him down as if he did something.
From his grief and in order to cope with the loss of his son, Ronald created a new character as a tribute to him. Wally Darling, and from there the plot of the show changed. The show would now be about a neighborhood, all of the previous characters would be neighbors with Wally Darling, who would now be the lead of the show. Ronald also added some traits that were present in Walliford, such as his love for art and his friendship with Barnaby (who was Walliford’s favorite of the group) for the new Wally character.
Then for a last minute edition, Ronald included a sentient home for Wally to live in. The Home was meant to keep Wally the puppet safe and to watch out for him, which was something he wasn’t able to do for his son.
Hence why the title of the show changed to “Welcome Home,” since to him he wanted it to feel like his son now has a second chance at life and he’s finally back home where he belongs. Almost like saying “Welcome home, my son.”
However none of this was enough for Ronald, even though he created a new character to keep Walliford’s memory alive, it was hard for him to find a puppeteer to play Wally because it wasn’t the same. All he really wanted was his son back and he would go to whatever means necessary even if it means going to the extreme. He later came across “the entity” and made a wish for Wally Darling to become real (like how Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be real and The Blue Fairy brought him to life). And with that his wish came true. Wally was now sentient without the use of puppeteer.
I kind of believe this to be the case because Wally to me feels like the odd man out, everyone else feels lively and zany since they’re real people, while Wally just feels like a blank slate, with the way he speaks sounding very monotone. Here there was a bit of an innocence to Wally since he’s always learning things for the first time and asking questions about certain concepts and feelings, since he was literally a puppet brought to life and “the baby” of the group. However the producers, and parents watching the show didn’t think it was odd since they thought Wally was like this since he was meant to be a character that children can project themselves onto.
However what everyone didn’t know is that the entity that helped bring Wally to life manifested it’s way into the show possessing The Home puppet, and since Wally had no one attached to a real person playing him, the entity used Wally as a vessel to carry out their agenda. Day after day, the show started to go more and more off the rails, but what was really happening was through Wally the entity started to brainwash each of the puppeteers into believing that they were the actual characters, possibly by using the sleeping pills advertised in the commercials, or there was foul play on Ronald’s end and he gave all his puppeteers the sleeping pills to “put them out of their misery.”
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By 1974, Ronald tried to put a stop to the entity, and he had no other choice but to end the show and destroy all the evidence that it ever happened. Ronald himself also began to slowly disappear from the public eye and he hasn’t been seen since then.
For years “Welcome Home” has gone on being a lost media, until now.
That’s not the end of story, because it turns out the real Wally Darling, Walliford Dorelaine, is actually still alive, but he has amenesia from the incident and he was no memories of his previous life. Doesn’t know what his real name is (it probably started with a W) or who his parents were, which is why he was never brought back to Ronald. By the time Walliford grew up, his friends started talking about this mysterious puppet show that was on TV years ago called “Welcome Home” which was kind of like Sesame Street, but they all thought it was some kind of urban legend. Then suddenly Walliford started getting all these tattered artwork and pictures of merchandise from the show they were talking about, and he showed it to his friends and together they formed The Welcome Home Restoration Group to try and uncover the mysterious Welcome Home show.
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Walliford however started experiencing strange feelings both physically and mentally. There were times when he doubted if the show was even real, but whenever he did have any doubt, he had dreams and hallucinations of Wally Darling trying to communicate with him through the phone and he also starts seeing all these strange video clips from the show itself sprinkled throughout the website that he and the team built. The team however started growing concerned for Walliford thinking that he “lost his mind” so they kindly tried to distance themselves from him while they are trying to rebrand the site after seeing that Walliford was trying to communicate with what he believed to be Wally Darling haunting the site, before they shut it down.
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This only caused Walliford to create his own website with his own evidence, since it seems like his own restoration team is starting to mistrust him, and now he’s going to get to the bottom of this all by himself.
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But what they all don’t know is that Walliford’s connection to “Welcome Home” goes much deeper than that, as it’s in his blood.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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The Origin of Honeybee
pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader (OC: Bea Clark) word count: 3.5k warnings: angsty, smutty, language, teen pregnancy, religious trauma themes Bob & Bea Masterlist | Opposites Attract Masterlist
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It was a fairy tale love story. The two high school sweethearts who were never seen apart. But, it had started before that fateful day in junior year when Bob found the bravery to ask you out officially. He knew you were going to be his from the first day you walked into his father’s 5th grade classroom. You had started the school year late, beginning in October. Your mom had taken over for a teacher who decided to quit during the school year. Mr. Floyd had introduced you to his class, and Bob couldn’t take his eyes off you. 
You were mesmerizing, your eyes hidden behind a pair of blue glasses, your hair in pigtails which you had fought your mom on saying that they made you seem too little kiddish, and the most noticeable, a bright pink cast on your right arm. You had taken the only open seat, right next to Bob, by his father’s desk. You two didn’t say anything, paying attention to the math lesson his dad was teaching. It wasn’t until you went to lunch, you sat at the only empty table, opening your purple lunch box and pulling out the PB&J your dad had packed. Bob walked over to you, you looked up at him,
“Can I sit with you?” He asked shyly and you nodded. He sat across from you, opening his Superman lunch box. The two of you sat in silence for a couple moments, eating your home lunches until Bob spoke up. 
“I’m Bobby,” Bob introduced himself softly.
“Beatrice, but everyone calls me Bea,” You said.
“What happened to your arm?” He asked.
“Fell off a four wheeler at my grandma’s house,” You said wiggling your fingers, “They had to put a metal rod in,”
“Are you serious?” Bob asked, his blue eyes wide. 
“So serious,” You said with a smile. The two of you didn’t separate for the rest of the day, getting to know one another. At the end of the day, Bob walked over to you, he didn’t say anything but held up a black magic marker. You nodded and held out your casted arm, and in very scribbly handwriting Bob wrote his name.
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It was from that point on, the two of you were inseparable. No one ever saw Bob without Bea, and vice versa. They had moved on from playdates after school, to begging parents and older siblings to take them to the roller rink, to sneaking sips of alcohol at Bob’s older brother Ben’s legendary bon fires. You were lucky to have someone by your side to battle that awkward first of high school, where everyone was starting to change, but they never seemed to change. The only change was that Bob’s father had died your freshman year. You sat by his side the whole time during the funeral, holding his hand and occasionally wiping a tear from his face. 
“Have you been asked to homecoming?” Ben asked you, as he sat on the couch in the Floyd family basement. 
You shrugged, you were shy, no one had noticed you outside of your friends. You had gotten braces over the summer, and were constantly checking the wires on your teeth in the screen of your phone. You had also started the joyous life of being a woman. Puberty had hit both you and Bob. You guys had now started to move into that awkward phase of life, where you were trying to figure out what was happening and if you found someone else attractive or if it was just the newly released hormones.
“Well since it’s your first homecoming, I’ll take you. . . and Bob.” Ben said and glared at his younger brother who was setting up his model train set. 
Bob was thankful that Ben had asked you to go with both of them. It made it easier for him to suppress his feelings a little longer. The only person who he confided in about how he felt was Ben. Bob wasn’t jealous of your relationship with his brother, your and Ben’s relationship was brother-sister. You constantly butt heads but would make up with a joke or buying the other food. Ben had purposely ditched the two of you at Homecoming to dance with Megan Stevens, making you and Bob have to not only talk to each other alone, but dance with each other too.
Freshman year fall faded into the summer, and the boys were busy working on the ranch. You hardly saw the two of them unless you were helping their mother Elizabeth cook dinner, or they needed your help with something. While Bob was sweating in the sun every day, you tried out for the cheer team and made it. You had fallen in love with the varsity quarterback, Logan Brooks, and had decided to join the cheer team. You got your braces off and had figured out a good hair care routine. Your new found confidence was radiant, and the boys could see it.
Much to Bob’s dismay, you had started to slip away from him, spending more time with your new cheer friends and boyfriend. Bob had fought his shyness and stood next to his older brother in the front row of the stands during every football game. Ben knew that Bob didn’t care much about the team, but was there to watch your bright smile as you cheered along the side lines. 
“I don’t even understand football,” Bob said.
“It's easy,” Ben said, explaining the game to him, but Bob absent mindedly nodded along, his eyes looking at you cheering in front of him. 
“If you don’t ask Bea to prom this year, I’m gonna ask her,” Ben said, snapping Bob out of his daze.
“What? Why would you do that? And what makes you think she won’t go with Logan?” Bob said.
“Cause Logan’s eyes aren’t staring at Bea’s ass right now,” Ben said and pointed towards the quarterback, who’s eyes were looking at another girl. 
Bob grimaced and frowned. He saw the way you smiled and hugged Logan’s sweaty frame as he walked off the field after winning. Bob also saw the way Logan was looking at another girl from the other team, as you talked to him about how good he did during the game.
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“I don’t even know what I did wrong?” You cried, rubbing your nose with a crumbled up Kleenex. Ben was standing in the doorway to his and Bob’s room, as you sat on Bob’s bed. Some sad song was playing on the record player and Bob was handing you more Kleenex. 
Logan had started to be secretive and distant. He was constantly on his phone, hiding it from you. The nicknames and PDA had stopped, and so did most of the daily conversations between the two of you. It wasn’t until you went to deliver him some cookies for his birthday that you had spotted the white BMW in the driveway. He opened the door, shirtless and light bruises covered his abs and collar bone. He didn’t even have to say anything, but you knew. Logan had called out to you as you threw the cookie dish at his car and flipped him off walking away.
“We should go egg his house,” Ben said, “Or go all Carrie Underwood with a Louisville slugger,”
“Ben,” Bob said and shook his head no, “He’s an idiot, honeybee.” The nickname that Elizabeth had given her years ago fell so easily from Bob’s lips, “He didn’t even realize how lucky he was to have you,” You looked up at Bob, those E/C that he had fallen in love with wet with tears. He sat next to you on your bed, his arm thrown around you, while Sam sat in your beanbag chair, “You want to watch a movie?”
“Tommy Boy?” You asked, it was your favorite movie, you could almost quote it word for word.
“Well, thank you both for the invite but I gotta go pick up Olivia for our date,” Ben said, winking at his younger brother. Ben came and kissed your forehead, “It’ll all be okay, Bea. But if you wake up and see my face on the front page for egging or slashing a hole in all four tires, it was for a good cause,”
You laughed at the boy and Bob said goodbye to his brother. You two settled in, watching the movie. At some point in time you had both fallen asleep, but when you woke up, Bob’s arms were wrapped around your waist and your head was on his chest. It was then that you realized that you were falling in love with your best friend.
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There was an obvious shift between the two of you. Everyone could see it, Bob’s siblings, Ben, your parents, Bob’s mom. It was just a matter of time until you two could see it. You both felt the love you had for each other, but both were too stubborn and scared to act on it. It wasn’t until you brought home another boy that Bob knew his window of opportunity was closing. So while you were walking around, pacing the basement floor ranting about whatever his name was, Bob stood up.
“Bea, he doesn’t deserve you. None of them do,” Bob said, “Does he even know your favorite flower? Or what color do you prefer of your favorite flower?”
“No but-“
“It’s orange roses,” Bob said, “You said you hate the cliche white and red, that you prefer orange but will settle for yellow. You fell in love with them when your grandma accidentally planted an orange rose bush when she got sick with dementia. She tried to dig them up, but your grandpa told her that they were unique and beautiful just like she was. You said that was the moment you believed in true love.”
You looked at Bob, his honey brown eyes staring into yours. Your body moved quicker than your brain, and you grabbed his face, connecting your lips together. He grabbed your hips, pulling you into him as you both melted into the kiss. It was like time stopped, and fireworks exploded behind you.
“Ah!” Ben yelled, opening the basement door, “Mom! It’s happening!” He smiled and ran over to go get his mom, leaving the two teens who now had deep red blushes across their cheeks.
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You and Bob seemed to be even closer than ever before. Like always, where anyone saw Bob, you were surely to follow. When they told their friends that they had finally started dating, everyone let out a sigh in relief followed by a “finally”. It seemed as though you and Bob were the only ones who were oblivious to the love that you both had for each other. 
Prom was supposed to be the most important night of a young girl's life, but you were absolutely terrified. You had been hyper fixating on your dress and thinking of all the things that can go wrong when you put it on. Your mother did your hair, deciding to curl it and leave it down. Your dress was black, you went for simple (partially because it was what you could afford). Bob was just as nervous as you as he sat on your couch, your dad staring him down. He held onto the plastic box with your corsage with all his might. He was sure that he was sweating through the rental tux. The moment he heard your mother come down the stairs and he stood up, his blue eyes going wide. 
“My god, honeybee,” Bob sighed out and your father glared at him. Bob walked from the couch over to the bottom of the stairs and held his hand out for you. You smiled and took his hand, “You’re gorgeous.” 
“Thank you,” You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “You clean up nicely.” 
“Oh, Bea, be nice to that boy,” Your mom said, “Get close for pictures!” 
You probably took a thousand pictures in front of your fireplace. Your face was hurting from smiling so much. Bob had spent all morning cleaning his truck so you didn’t get your dress dirty. He helped you get into the old Ford, making sure that no part of the dress would get stuck in the door. Your mom smiled fondly at the two of you as you drove off. 
“They’re going to get married someday,” Your dad muttered and looked at his wife, “He looks at her the way I look at you.” 
“I know,” Your mom said and kissed her husband. 
You and Bob danced until your feet hurt and he ended up carrying you in his arms back to his truck at the end of the night. There was too much excitement in the air to just go home and go to sleep, so instead, Bob drove you out to the old Oak tree in the middle of his family’s ranch. The night was clear and you could see all of the stars from where you laid in the back of his truck. He put a blanket down so you wouldn’t dirty your dress and you would be somewhat comfortable. 
Though stargazing only lasted so long, and soon enough you were in a heated make out session in the back of Bob’s truck. His hands were grazing all over your body as if he couldn’t get enough of you. Your hands tugged on his long locks, his curls curling a bit under his ears. You loved his longer hair, you thought it made him look perfectly older. 
“Bob,” You moaned as he kissed your neck. 
“Yeah?” He asked, grinding his hips into yours. 
“Make me yours,” You said barely above a whisper. Bob pulled away from you and looked at you. 
“Are-are you sure?” He asked, caressing your cheek, “We don’t have to do anything just cause it’s prom night. Hell, that’s such a dumb-” You cut him off by kissing him. 
“Bobby,” You said, holding his jaw with your hand, “Make me yours.” 
“Don’t gotta tell me twice, honeybee,” Bob said, his voice a bit raspy as he leaned back in and kissed you. You guys fell into a frenzy of roaming hands and kisses, stripping each other of your clothes. You guys looked at each other, having to see each other naked and being intimate for the first time. You laid under Bob, eyes roaming all over his body, “You are even more perfect than I imagined,”
“You imagined me?” You smirked and Bob blushed.
“Once or twice,” He said and leaned in to kiss you, “Do you want to do this?” He asked you again, his blue eyes full of love.
“Make me yours, Bobby.”
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You had been sicker than a dog for nearly three weeks. Bob was starting to worry when you missed yet another day of school, but you were just too weak to even climb out of bed. He had gathered your homework and planned on stopping by to give it to you after school. But the frantic text from you had him rushing into the parking lot and speeding to get to you. 
You were sitting on the couch in tears when he arrived, your mother and father sitting across from you. Bob felt like he just walked into the middle of an intervention, the air was thick with tension. He called out for you, but you shook your head and your father stood up from his chair. 
“Robert Floyd,” Your father’s voice was gruff and all Bob could do was nod, “You got my little girl pregnant?” Bob’s head snapped to you and you seemed to be crying harder than before. 
“I’m so sorry,” You cried and Bob looked back at your dad and nodded. Your mom let out a gasp and left the room quickly, not being able to look at you any longer. 
Your father ran a hand down his face and then put his hands on his hips. His eyes looked at you, “Get out of my house, Beatrice.” 
“Daddy,” You stood up from the couch.
“Wait, Mr. Clark-” 
“You disobeyed the bible!” Your father’s voice was loud and rattled you to your core. Bob watched as you began shaking like a leaf in the wind, “I will not have a sinner and a bastard child under my roof! Look what you did to your mother!” Your dad pointed to the direction your mother went crying, “Gather your things, and get out of my house.” 
Your father stormed out of the room, leaving you and Bob alone. Bob quickly rushed to your side and wrapped you up in his arms. You held onto him tightly, afraid he might disappear on you. Sobs racked your body as Bob tried to shush your tears. 
“Shh, honeybee, breathe,” Bob said, rubbing your back. He couldn’t help the tears welling up in his eyes at the sound of your cries. He wasn’t 100% sure what was going on other than the fact that you were possibly pregnant and your parents had just kicked you out. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” You said and Bob pulled back from you. He gently held your face in his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumb, “I didn’t mean for this to happen, Bobby, you have to believe-” 
“I’m not blaming you for anything,” Bob shook his head, “Is what your dad said true? You’re pregnant?” 
You nodded and sniffled, “I haven’t been feeling good for weeks, and I missed my period. I drove to Davis to the drug store and got a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, quit apologizing, alright,” Bob said and kissed your forehead, “We’re gonna get through this, together. I’m not leaving you.” 
“What about the Navy? Bob, you have been dreaming of that since you were a kid.” One of  the first things Bob had told you back in the fifth grade, while you dangling upside down from the monkey bars was that he wanted to join the Navy. His dad had been in for a couple years to pay off his student debt, and he loved it. Bob had grown up watching air shows in Virginia beach during the Fourth of July. 
“I’ll figure it out. Whatever you want,” Bob said, and took both your hands in his, “You and this baby are my future, okay,” You nodded and bit your lip as brand new tears threatened to spill. 
“I have no place to go,” You cried and Bob shook his head. 
“Yes you do,” He said, “What do you need? I’ll go get it.” You rattled off a couple items that you can think of off the top of your head and Bob ran up to your room and packed you a bag. Your parents were hiding in the kitchen, far away from you and Bob. They must’ve really been ashamed of you if they couldn’t even say anything as Bob guided you out to his truck. 
The ride to the Floyd ranch was painfully silent. You looked out the window the whole time, resting your hand on your stomach. Bob would steal glances over at you every once in a while. You had stopped crying which was a plus, but your cheeks and nose were still red. When you pulled up in front of the old farmhouse, Bob jogged around to your side of the truck and helped you out. He held your hand the whole time as you walked into the house, the smell of dinner hitting both of your noses. You both could hear Elizabeth Floyd yelling at her younger kids, and the squeals of children running around. 
“Allison Floyd, if you don’t stop messing with your sister!” Elizabeth’s voice was firm as you and Bob walked into the kitchen. She took one look at you and knew what was going on. Call it a mother’s intuition. 
“She needs a place to stay. . . for a while,” Bob said and Elizabeth nodded. 
“You can take Benny’s room down in the basement,” Elizabeth said. You nodded and took your bag from Bob’s hands and made your way down to the familiar room that the eldest Floyd child once inhabited. When you were out of ear shot, Elizabeth looked at her son, “Her parents found out?” 
“Yeah,” Bob said, placing his hands on the back of the chair in front of him, “Kicked her out. I didn’t even know until I got there”
“And what are you gonna do? You gonna step up?” 
Bob nodded, “Of course. That’s my baby. I’m not gonna leave her high and dry. I’ll do whatever she wants to do.” 
“You better not, Robert Floyd. I raised you better than that. Now,” Elizabeth said and walked over to the pantry. Bob watched her a bit confused until she walked out with a sleeve of saltine crackers and a ginger ale, “Go give these to her. Poor girl looks like she hasn’t kept anything down in days.” 
Bob nodded again and took the items from his mom’s hands, “How did you know?”  
Elizabeth sighed, “Cause I had that same look on my face when we told your grandparents I was pregnant with Ben. Now go on, no time for questions.” 
“Thank you,” Bob said and went downstairs to find you.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 9 months
PB is so funny </3 because what do you mean you have the angstiest most deliciously intense plot for RoD 2, and you just...didn't pursue it? Huh? It's not like Platinum (RIP bestie you deserve so much more) where they had to make the music so what's stopping them 😭 we were robbed
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the-unconquered-queen · 7 months
Because PB sure loves giving MCs catty rivalries with female characters! 🙃
(I was gonna include more but I feel like the line between rival and full-on villain would get blurry, so I'm putting it in your hands)
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pulpitude · 3 months
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top row — amethyst grimes & euphemia labelle (ilw) ✦ middle row — moi kujaku (es) & elias bellamy (ds) ✦ bottom row — raida pearce (bb) & maya minobe (rod)
inspired by @choicesmc ♡
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colon-tf-colon · 2 years
The MinecrAvenger situation.
Preface: I run a little MCSR News stream once a week/fortnight which gives credit to small streamers who have got a PB. This is usually pretty fun, lighthearted - but we also cover serious topics, including cheaters. I try to stay as neutral and unbiased as possible, but I have no media training, and if I mess something up - I'm sorry.
Recently; MinecrAvengerYT 's first ever 1.16.1 Minecraft Speedrun PB was found to be Spliced. This means he cut two different runs together - he had already played the seed, and recreated it, while removing the loading screen. On inspection of frames, it's clear to see - notice the timer discrepancy, and mouse movement in these subsequent frames.
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However, the initial suspicion didn't come around from his Random Seed times, as this 22 minute PB was good for the time, but not impossible. This was because Eric wasn't a master of Random Seed Glitchless, instead specialising in the Set Seed Glitchless category, where runners play the same seed over and over to improve micro-mechanics, such as fast looting chests, crafting and placing blocks.
MinecrAvenger held the World Record multiple times in this category, with one peculiar run standing out, labelled "the fastest perch ever witnessed", where the Ender Dragon perched to the fountain in an abnormally fast time.
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To ensure I don't get into too much technical detail that I am probably not qualified enough to talk about, the perch was seemingly impossible due to the height of the node that the dragon circles, and has yet to be recreated without the use of commands in-game. It has however, been replicated through command blocks; but this suspicion never really arose to anything - as this run was 2 years ago.
Recently, however, the Minecraft Speedrun moderation team had felt suspicious of his recent Obsidian rates from chests in the Set Seed Glitchless categories, for 1.15 (an older category).
On this older version, chest loot was different everytime a seed was recreated, and speedrunners had to obtain at least 21 obsidian in Blacksmith chests to be able to have a chance to complete the run, as well as have a good dragon perch time.
This chest loot, when analysed was shown to generate a higher rate of obsidian than normal for Eric; similar to Dream's pearl and blaze rod rates 2 years ago. The mods have calculated a figure in the region of 1 in 27 billion for this, however Minecravenger claims that this may not be fair - due to the "cherrypicking" nature of the runs. There are only 290 chests opened in a 37 minute VOD, making it a small dataset.
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On the topic of Dream - MinecrAvenger was the first person to publicly call out Dream's modified luck, sparking many to now label Eric as being a hypocrite, calling Dream out, after having already cheated himself.
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The final hard piece of evidence comes from the mod team's confusion regarding Eric's seemingly increased obsidian rates. In 1.15, all of the loot is generated according to a specific "Structure Seed", which is replicable - of which there are 2^48 possible layouts of chests. Matthew Bolan, a head mod from the Minecraft Speedrun community was able to code a program to check each structure seed against previously suspicious chest loot from MinecrAvenger's streams, and there were two anomalies.
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This chest is NOT generatable in Vanilla Minecraft on the seed which was being played, which has lead the mod team to revoke MinecrAvenger's access to the Speedrunning Leaderboards. Eric still claims that the only cheated run was the splice from 2 years ago, assumedly putting these other discrepancies down to glitches in software.
Hopefully that explained in some more detail (with pictures - to help with the text wall), I'm happy to explain anything in replies and stuff because I'm always open to trying to help people understand more about the Minecraft Speedrunning community :) mcsr is super friendly and I urge anyone who's interested in this stuff to come and check us out! we dont bite :)
TL;DR - Eric, who called out Dream, cheated 2 years ago, and potentially still is.
> edit: i've been seeing little screenshots of chat messages from my chat today which have all been pretty damn funny - i've definitely given my opinions on dream in the past, and i've apologised for my fair share of bozo takes. we grow - and i hope im growing too :)
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monaownsmyass · 1 year
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PB is mocking me
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angelasscribbles · 5 months
I don't know if we follow eachother, but... Hello, I'm a Choices Blogger and recently RC Blogger too. Nice to meet you. What are your favorite books on Choices & RC?
My top fave Choices currently: Nightbound, Perfect Match, BOLAS & COP
My top fave RC currently: Heaven's Secret, On Thin Ice, LOTW [& maybeeeeeeeeee SOSF]
I am following you! 🥰
We have interacted a little but you probably don't know it. You have submitted fics for events on @choicesprompts and/or @choicesholidays because I remember reblogging and adding you to the master list! (I run both of those prompt blogs).
I've been writing for a long time. I was writing original fiction before I discovered fanfiction. I started playing choices during the pandemic and was unhappy with the way PB teased polyamory in TRR and then didn't deliver. Someone pointed me toward fanfiction. I didn't find what I was looking for, so I started writing it!
My fave choices books are: TRR, Bloodbound, Ride or Die, Queen B and ACOR.
I have written fanfic for TRR and RoD.
I just recently started playing RC games thanks to @harleybeaumont. My favorites so far include HS, OTI, VfV, Soulless, and Hell and High Water.
I have written one-shots for HS and VfV so far. And, as you see, have started a HS and a OTI rewrite.
Here are all of the things that I have on Tumblr.
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argyleheir · 7 months
What are your top 5 television shows of all time?
Thanks for the tag @rottenlaertes, this was fun <3 Just going to count regular shows, not miniseries.
1. Twin Peaks - Like little else. So many great performances, genuinely weird story, alternate realities and pandimensional demons, beautiful PNW setting... the good parts are so good that the bad parts seem better.
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2. The Twilight Zone - Big fan of short form storytelling. Rod Serling was a master of the art and also a literal madman; top writing credit on every episode, Hollywood activist, smokes five packs of cigarettes a day, working 90 hour weeks, dead at 51. Awesome show though.
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3. Doctor Who - I remember the old show playing on PBS back in the day (and my familiarity with og DW canon is limited) but like a lot of people picked it up for real with the Davies run. Really enjoy the Doctor (and the Master, who I ship with him) through every incarnation :)
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4. Hannibal - Delicious eye-candy. I'm surprised I never got into writing Hannigram - probably has to due with my fear of casefic ;) Love it though. I'm due for a rewatch.
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5. The Good Place - Everything is fine. My fave show of the last decade. Characters, writing, plot. Pretty much a perfect show.
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Low pressure tags for @0nelittlebirdtoldme @livesonthebside @rabbit-exe @nightmarist @beevean and anyone who wants to play 🖤
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