#mona fanfiction
monaownsmyass · 8 months
Book: Ride-or-Die (2)
Pairing: Mona x MC (Ellie Wheeler)
Genre: ANGST (and just some general fluff)
Rating: PG13, Mona has a colourful vocabulary
Word Count: 3,930
A/N: So since we now know what was supposed to happen in Book 2, I HAD to write Mona reuniting with MC again for the first time in 5 years. The idea of them seeing each other after so long, the tension, mhmm! Since I'm working with the bare bones, I'm only guessing how most of the plot was suppose to go down. So if there's any plot holes in my own story, just ignore it :3
I never thought I'd be posting a fic again. And yet, here I am, years later writing for Mona cuz we were ROBBED of Book 2. I feel like I've come full circle cuz my very first fic was for Mona and I'm pretty sure this is gonna be my last. At least for a while. The last fic I posted was the last time I think I properly wrote anything so forgive me if I'm rusty, but anything for my baby Mona <3 Lmk whatcha think of this fic!
Ellie stared unblinkingly at the still face looking back at her from the screen. Her jaw clenched as her mind raced. Five years, it's been five years since she had seen her, five years since she's heard anything about her and there she was. And tomorrow, if everything goes to plan, she'll be right in front of Ellie. She'll actually be there, with her in the same physical space and not the one she had shared with her in her mind over the past half decade.
Just the thought alone was enough to make Ellie want to throw up, either from excitement or nervousness or both, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she had been imagining this moment constantly ever since she last saw her. Ellie always thought about what she would say, what she would do, but she could never quite figure out what that would be. And for the longest time, she thought it wouldn't matter. She thought she would never see her again.
Until now, that is.
Ellie inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath, trying to get her thoughts in order. But she never seemed to be able to whenever she looked into those sly brown eyes and at that infuriating smirk on that gorgeous face. It was no different now, apparently.
She slammed her laptop shut. She'll worry about it when she's there.
Ellie was hyperaware of everything around her. The heat emanating from her coffee into her palms, the espresso machine whirring, the music in the background, the grains of the wooden table.
Suddenly, she heard the shop doorbell ring and her heart fell to her stomach.
She just knew.
Ellie didn't turn to look, she just couldn't bear the weight of it. Instead, she heard, she felt.
She heard the familiar footsteps of boots walking towards her that awoke distant memories. She felt her eyes shut on its own accord. She heard a soft sound of curiosity coming from where the footsteps had stopped. She felt her heart drumming so hard in her chest, she could hear it in her ears. She felt a presence looming over her. She heard a hand slap against the metal backing of the chair across from her.
And then nothing.
Ellie slowly opened her eyes and gulped. When did her throat get so dry?
The first thing she saw was a perfectly manicured hand gripping the chair in front of her that lead up to a familiar fully tattooed arm. She forced her gaze upwards, finding it exceedingly difficult, feeling as if she was fighting against an invisible force, as if the more she dare to look up, the more her own eyes were denying her.
She took in the other hand resting against the waistband of dark pants. She noticed a black tank top covered by a black leather jacket and the way the necklaces worn rested against it. Her breath hitched and her heart stopped when her gaze finally met the one of the woman she had been dreaming of for 5 years now.
And goddamn, was she just as stunning as Ellie had remembered, even more so maybe.
"Mona," she softly breath out as if she was hoping it was true. The name sounded foreign yet familiar against her lips. Oh, how she had missed saying that name.
There Mona was, a hand on her hip and the other propping herself up by the chair, a brow raised and the corner of her lips quirked upwards, as if fighting a smile back. Her pretty brown eyes gazed down deeply into Ellie's and Ellie felt as if she was losing an unspoken uphill battle.
"Well, well, well," Mona whispered and Ellie nearly laughed in relief at being able to listen to her voice again. It was surreal. "If it isn't Ellie fucking Wheeler. Hello, princess."
The entire situation was so overwhelming for Ellie, she didn't know what to do with herself. She was between a constant push and pull state of fidgety and paralyzed. It was like a dream and a nightmare come true and Ellie wasn't even sure if she wanted to be woken up if it was one.
But it wasn't, and Ellie still wasn't sure what she'd say or do now that she was face to face with the woman that had been haunting her thoughts since she met her.
Ellie took in Mona who was now sitting opposite her. She was leaned back with her arms crossed and her lips pursed. Everything about her posture would suggest to Ellie that Mona was being standoffish. The only thing that was making her second guess herself were those damn eyes. Mona made no effort to hide the fact that her eyes were blatantly flickering up and down Ellie's form. They finally settled back on Ellie's and she swore she saw Mona's gaze soften just the tiniest bit. Ellie had no clue if she was assessing her as well or checking her out.
Despite her many psychology classes on body language and facial expressions, she still couldn't read Mona. She never had been able to. It was something that Ellie had appreciated every now and then, she liked that Mona kept her on her toes. But now wasn't one of those times.
"I didn't think you'd come," Ellie blurted out and finally broke the silence, not being able to stand the way Mona was looking at her anymore.
Mona cocked an eyebrow at her and shrugged a little. "It's not everyday I get a letter from a girl I took a bullet for 5 years ago. Had to see for myself." Ellie had no idea how to respond but she didn't need to because almost immediately after, Mona leaned in forward and glowered at her. "How did you find me?"
Mona was so near, Ellie could smell her perfume and she'd be lying if she said it didn't make her a bit heady. Ellie leaned back into her chair, feeling the need to put some space between the two of them. She saw the corners of Mona's lips twitch in a flash as she did.
Unlike Ellie, Mona always could've read Ellie very much easily, probably even a bit too easily.
Ellie shut her eyes tight, trying to think of an easy, gentle way to break the news to Mona. There was no easy, gentle way.
"Look, Mona," she sighed and looked up at her. "I was hoping to warm you up a little before I jump into it but since you asked...," Ellie drifted off and paused for a moment to try and figure out the best way to phrase her next sentence. "I'm working with the FBI and I need your help."
Just as Ellie had predicted, Mona was mad. Her hands gripped the armrests of her chair and leaned in even closer to Ellie, her eyes wide in disbelief.
"What the fuck, Ellie?!" Mona whispered angrily, her voice low. "If you're working with the cops, then you know that I fucking broke out of prison, right? You're basically leading them back to me!"
"Mona, listen," Ellie leaned forward and placed a hand on Mona's, not knowing how else to reassure her. It was a mistake, Ellie's breath hitched being so close to her. Both their eyes flickered down at their hands before meeting each other's again. Mona jaw unclenched just the slightest bit and didn't pull away so Ellie continued. "They agreed to clear your remaining offenses and even your criminal record if you cooperate with them."
Mona finally pulled her hand away and she folded her arms again, leaning back into her seat. Ellie leaned back as well, thankful for a way out. She knew she was on the verge of doing something stupid.
Mona considered what Ellie had told her. "What makes you think I want that? If you're working for the pigs you'd know that I'm still involved."
"I'm working with them, not for them," Ellie corrected. "And from what rumors I heard, your current situation is more of a necessity than a want, it's transactional."
Ellie looked at Mona expectantly. If she was honest, she was hoping Mona would fill in the gaps for her because that was all she knew. She hadn't gotten any details. Instead, Mona asked, "Why are you working with them, anyway?"
"There's a heist crew that Logan was in that obtained list of important informants and the FBI thinks I can help 'cuz I have ties with him."
"And where do I fit into this?" Mona questioned, unamused.
"Your current... involvement... appears to have connections to them, so we need your help to gather intel," Ellie put it plainly, no point sugarcoating it and wrapping it up in a pretty bow, especially since she knew Mona would appreciate the directness more.
"Hm," Mona squinted at Ellie and Ellie tried her best to maintain composure which was proving to be very hard in Mona's presence. "Very bold of you to assume I'd risk my neck by going behind the backs of one of the most dangerous crime families just to helps out a bunch of cops. Very stupid, but very bold too. I'm not sure if I'm impressed or disappointed."
Ellie couldn't help but grin. It was the most Mona-like thing she had said and just for a little while, it felt like old times. She decided to push her luck a little further. "Can you... is it okay if you explain to me why you're with them?"
Mona glared at Ellie and then let out a huff, running her fingers through her hair, clearly frustrated. Ellie just watched in silence, unsure what to make of it.
"After all this time and you still can make me want to talk, it's embarrassing," she mumbled and Ellie had to strain to listen to her. Ellie felt her heartbeat start to pick up again at Mona's words. "I'll make it quick. Escaped prison, cops chased, crime family protect, work for them, safe from cops." She gestured with her hand lazily, explaining with complete disinterest as if she's told this story a million times which was ironic since this was probably the first time she told this to anyone.
"Well, think about it this way," Ellie had offered in response after taking some time to ponder. "If you help the FBI, you'll help bust them and clear your offenses, which means you'll be free, Mona."
Ellie could practically see the gears turning in Mona's head, or more like, she could practically see her weighing out the pros and cons on a scale. Mona's eyes flitted from staring at her table up to meet Ellie's and Ellie forced herself not too look away, daring to challenge Mona to accept her offer.
Mona sighed and unfolded her arms to gesture with her hands. "It's a very tempting offer, believe me."
"But there's a reason they're the biggest crime family," Mona said in a hushed yet hurried tone. "If they haven't gotten caught for this long, I doubt me throwing a wrench in their plans and schemes would do jackshit!"
Mona was frustrated, but Ellie could tell it was more so about her situation than at Ellie which kept Ellie at least a little calm for now.
"Not to mention, law enforcement fucking sucks, I don't exactly trust them to catch every single member."
Mona's eyebrows furrowed and her lips were set in a displeased line, the wrinkles at the corners of her mouth prominent with her scowling. Ellie found herself missing it.
"I know, I know you're not their biggest fan and I know what I'm asking of you-"
"NO!" Mona slammed her palm against the table, not loud enough to attract unwanted attention but that didn't stop Ellie from jumping in her seat at her sudden outburst. "I don't think you realise exactly what you're asking me to do, princess," she spat out the nickname venomously and Ellie fought hard not to flinch.
"Listen, I took a bullet for you, I went to fucking prison for you. You get in touch with me again after all this years only to ask me to die for you." Mona paused and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. Ellie watched in silence for a moment, her heart beating a mile a minute in realisation.
"You're right, I didn't think of it like that, I'm sorry." Mona snorted but Ellie continued. "But that's not the only reason I wanted to get in touch with you, I promise."
Mona opened her eyes and looked at Ellie. Ellie could sense she was trying to read her expression, decide if she was being sincere. She was.
It was quiet for a moment.
Mona crossed her legs at the knees and leaned forward. Ellie could see the anger in her expression dissipate into subtle smugness. Mona whispered, "What's the other reason then?"
There it was. Ellie knew Mona knew just from the slight pull of her upper lip and the way she was gazing at her with such intent. Over the past 5 years, Ellie had so much she wanted to say to Mona. Far too much to condense into a one sentence answer, but she tried anyway by saying, "I missed you, Mona."
"After all this time, and you still haven't learnt to save yourself." Mona let out a short, soft chuckle and shook her head. She stood up and tugged at the collars of her jacket, fixing it before shoving her hands in her pockets and turning around.
"Where are you going?" Ellie stood up in alarm, dumbfounded by Mona's actions.
Mona turned to face Ellie again, shrugging slightly. "I have to go, I came here on borrowed time."
"Will you consider it? At least?" Ellie was pleading at this point, but mostly because she knew if Mona said no, this would be the last time she saw her. She was very desperate for it to not be.
"I'll find you," Mona said and started to walk away again.
Ellie sighed softly, relieved that she's got Mona's word that she'll at least hear from her. But Ellie couldn't help herself, she had to ask, she had to know.
"Did you miss me?"
Mona stopped and and turned her head to the side to quickly glance at Ellie at the corner of her eye over her shoulder. She faced head on again and exhaled, as if the question itself exhausted her.
"I haven't learnt either. If I did, I wouldn't be here."
Mona walked away and left Ellie standing there speechless, mind and heart racing.
Ellie looked around cautiously as she walked down the dingy back alley. Only a singular, dim streetlamp illuminated the street. Every small sound or movement caused Ellie to whip her head around in it's direction.
Leave it to Mona to pick the most unsavoury, suspicious place at the darkest hour of the night to want to meet up.
All of a sudden, she spotted a car headed in her direction. The headlights so bright, it temporarily blinded Ellie. She would've ran if she didn't catch a glimpse of the familiar purple of the car in the midst of being rendered sightless.
The car stopped right beside her and the door popped open to reveal Mona looking expectedly at her.
"Well, c'mon, get in."
"Mona! You still have your car?"
She rolled her eyes. "Questions later, get in now."
Ellie silently obeyed. As soon as she slammed the door shut, Mona sped off, leaving Ellie clumsily grabbling for her seatbelt. She managed to click it into place before turning to Mona who had a smirk on her face.
Mona looked at ease as always behind the wheel. Leaned back in her seat with one hand on the steering and the other on the shift stick, Mona was definitely in her element. And definitely looked hotter driving than Ellie remembered.
"Not used to the speed anymore, princess?"
"It's been a while," Ellie reminded and looked out the passenger's window, watching the buildings whip past them. "Some things never change though."
Mona drove in silence, not even humming along to the hip-hop music she had playing on the radio. Ellie cleared her throat and decided to speak up. "So, are you accepting the offer?"
"We'll talk later." Mona looked at Ellie briefly before averting her eyes back on the road.
Ellie looked around outside, roughly recognising their surroundings but not exactly being able to place her finger on it.
"Mona, where are we going?"
"You don't remember?" Mona quirked an eyebrow at her as they pull into an open area where a bunch of cars were parked. A video was projected onto a huge display screen right at the front. Ellie's eyes lit up in realisation.
"The drive-in theatre! The one we came to with Mercy Park Crew!"
"The one and only," Mona confirmed as she put her car into park and pulled the hand break up. "Literally."
She pulled the lever of her chair and leaned so far back, she was almost laying down. She raised both hands behind her head and stared at the projection in front of them.
Bewildered at Mona, Ellie's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at her. "What are you doing? What are we doing?"
"We're watching a movie, duh," Mona replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Mona was being difficult, Ellie had enough experience with her to at least know that. And lucky for her, she also had enough experience to know how to annoy Mona into talking.
Mustering up the most gushy and enthusiastic voice she could, she said, "Aww, Monaaaa!" Ellie grabbed Mona's knee and Mona looked at her, with both brows raised, clearly confused and maybe even looking a little weirded out by her sudden change in tone. "If you wanted to take me on a date you could've just said so!"
"Pft! A date?" Mona sputtered, taken aback. "You wish, princess."
"What is it then? Are you feeling sentimental?" Ellie cooed and Mona lightly slapped her hand away, the one that was on her knee.
"Hah! Definitely not."
"It's okay if you are, it's actually so cute of you."
Mona gasped and sat up straight as if it was the most offensive thing to mankind.
"I am not cute," she glared at Ellie and Ellie fought hard to hide her bubbling laughter.
"Then what is it?"
"Fine!" Mona threw her hands up in defeat. "I just wanted to relax before we got down to business but since this is so much more stressful let's just talk now." Mona leaned back against her seat and motioned Ellie to copy her seat position.
Ellie smiled to herself as she adjusted her seat lever. "Why are we leaning back?"
"'Cuz it's less suspicious. Also it's more comfortable."
"So," Ellie turned to face Mona. "Why are we here?"
"Because, we needed a private place to talk in public at 9 p.m. and this was what I thought of. They have eyes and ears everywhere, this is the safest bet." Mona looked at Ellie. "I need to know the exact terms of this agreement before I give my answer."
"Yes, yes, of course," Ellie replied eagerly, hopefully that Mona was considering the offer.
"I will be exempted for all my crimes, correct?"
"And my record will be a clean slate?"
Ellie nodded.
"The leak must be anonymous, the gang won't know the mole was me. And I don't want the FBI to be tailing my every move either."
"Okay, that can be done."
"While working with them, I want the FBI's word that I'm under their protection and I get full immunity. I know it'll get messy. I need all of it in writing."
Ellie saw a flicker of emotions pass Mona's face. They both knew how dangerous this proposition was for Mona. Ellie gentle placed her hand on Mona's thigh and Mona stiffen at the soft contact, not daring to even look at it.
"I'll be with you the whole way, Mona. I promise, I-"
"Don't," Mona interrupted, sounding pained almost. "How many times must I tell you. We don't do promises, we don't do loyalty. It's each man for themselves, if you need to run, you run."
Ellie was quiet, letting out a shaky breath and squeezing Mona's thigh. Mona finally looked down at the contact and winced as if she was hurt, as if she could tell what Ellie was going to say next.
"And yet, you're still here."
Mona stared deep into Ellie's eyes, her gaze so intense it was hypnotising.
"I'll do it," Mona said softly. "I'm in."
Relief washed over her. Ellie smiled a little a nodded. As she did, a strand of hair came loose and fell in her face. As if on reflex, Mona's hand came up to brush the hair away, tucking it behind Ellie's ear. The gentle touch of Mona's fingers against her face made her sigh in contentment. Ellie had missed Mona's touch so much, she thought she could cry. It felt like an oasis after years of being parched.
Ellie thought Mona would pull her hand away, but she didn't. Instead, she let it rest on Ellie's cheek. Mona's warm hand cupped Ellie's cheek and Ellie leaned into it. She closed her eyes, reveling in the comfort and familiarity of it after 5 years. She moved her hand that was resting on Mona's thigh up her wrist, holding Mona's hand there, afraid Mona will move, afraid of missing the contact. But she didn't move. Instead, she whispered her name.
Ellie's name coming out of Mona's mouth sounded so intimate, so precious. Ellie opened her eyes and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Mona staring back at her. She had never seen Mona look at her like that before. She looked soft, conflicted, as if she was fighting back. Ellie's lips parted and she noticed Mona's gaze look down at her mouth.
Ellie breathe her name out slowly, a praise, a hope, a gift. Silently wishing Mona would do what she'd been dreaming of for the past half decade. She was so close to getting what she wanted- no, what she needed. The touch, the gaze, the shallow breathes, it was all too much to handle. Ellie was ready to burst out of her skin, it was all too overwhelming.
"Fuck," Mona cursed, her resolve crumbling. She leaned into Ellie while pulling her closer as well. Their lips met halfway in a gasp and Ellie arms immediately wrapped around Mona's neck, her fingers playing with the baby hair on the nape of her neck. Mona moved her free arm around Ellie's waist and securely held her close.
Ellie could help but whimper at how good it felt to be in Mona's arms again, to be kissing her and holding her and savouring her. She had waited years to be able to do this again and it was beyond what she had hoped. She had forgotten how good Mona felt, she almost laughed at how she ever wondered why no one else could make her feel even a fraction of what Mona did. How could they when Mona made her feel like this.
Their lips moved in tandem and their grips on each other tightened. Even though Ellie had been waiting for so long for this, it was hard to believe any time had even passed between them with how in sync they were with each other.
Mona moaned softly into Ellie's mouth when she grabbed Mona's hair in her fist. Mona reluctantly pulled away and rested her forehead against Ellie's. Their hold on each other never ceasing as they tried to catch their breath.
Ellie felt delirious, she thought she would ascend at any moment. Mona softly brushed her thumb against her cheek. Ellie hummed softly at the touch and turned just the slightest bit to kiss the palm of Mona's hand. Mona sighed.
"I can't believe I'm still here."
23 notes · View notes
actiniumwrites · 2 years
synopsis: how they react when they find out you’ve never had a date on valentine’s day
based on the prompt: “you’ve never had a valentine’s date?”
characters: diluc, kaeya, mona, zhongli, xiao, kujou sara, kazuha, itto, tighnari, cyno, and childe x gn! reader (separately)
warnings: fluff, a bit of angst in some of them, these are meant to be pre-relationship but you can interpret them how you want
notes: releasing this a day early because i know i’ll forget about it tomorrow lmao. also i was gonna do more for this than just a bullet scenario, but then i realized there was only like a week left until valentine’s when i wrote this so i couldn’t do anything big 😭 but i did really like this prompt so enjoy!
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his facial expression contorts into one of confusion as he wipes the inside of the glass in his hand
you’re sitting in front of him, legs crossed one over the other as they dangle over the barstool you’re on. your head rests in your hand innocently, as if what you had just said hadn’t affected you at all
you’ve never had a valentine’s date?
no. diluc just can’t accept it, at least, that’s what he decides as he puts the glass down and starts to remove his apron
before you know it, his hands are gripping yours, pulling you out the door and into the now sunset painted city you called your home
valentine’s wasn’t over yet, and diluc was sure as hell going to make sure you got that date
he laughs, his smile wide and his eyes teasing as he blinks through his tears
but then he sees the way you grimace and your eyes look anywhere but at him. he sees a sense nervousness and embarrassment wash over every inch of your face
he feels awful
kaeya hadn’t meant anything bad by his laughter. truthfully, he thought you were joking with him because, how could someone so utterly beautiful in every which way, someone so full of life, someone so perfect never have been asked on a date on valentines?
you were all he had ever wanted and more, and yet you weren’t even his
apologies come flying out of his mouth for a solid two minutes before you assure him it’s okay and, as expected, that stupid smirk appears on his face again
his hand is latching onto yours as he leans in close, asking you to join him on a date so he could make it up to you
and although he seems rather nonchalant on the outside, his heart is beating rapidly on the inside, begging you to accept so he could finally make you his
her mouth falls open at the sound of your response to the question
then it shuts…and then it opens again
meanwhile, you have to keep yourself from laughing too hard because of the way she currently resembles a fish
she huffs as she ignores your muffled laughter and tosses the pen she had been writing with to the side and gathers her papers on her desk
you’re still laughing, but her face is as serious and determined as ever
and before you know it, you were getting dragged out of her room and into yours. and your best friend tells you to get ready, as glammed up or as comfortable as you want
she was going to take you out on the best damn date of your life and maybe, just maybe, finally confess her feelings to you
his eyes widen in shock and he immediately sets his tea down to clasp his hands together
he’s silent, thinking carefully about what to say to your response to his question. honestly, he looks like someone had just murdered his grandma
deep down, he wants to ask why
but he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad never having a date on valentine’s
his hand aches to reach for yours and hold it tight in his. secure it with all his adoration and love for you, make you realize he’d do anything to take you on a date — valentines or otherwise
slowly, his eyes reach back up to meet yours and he stands, unclasping his hands and extending one out for you to hold
“if you do not mind, i would like to have the pleasure of being your first valentine’s date. and, perhaps if you enjoy it, you would consider allowing me to take you out again.”
he scoffs — why were you even telling him this anyway? he didn’t even like valentine’s day so what does this have to do with him?
yet, he doesn’t miss the way his heart seems to skip a beat before pounding furiously against his chest
was he angry? upset? emotional? sad? he wasn’t sure but, whatever it was, it was not a good feeling
he masks whatever emotion it was and displays the most neutral expression he could come up with
because, no, xiao is not jealous and most definitely does not care
yet, as much as the adeptus claimed to hate valentine’s day, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit interested if it means he gets to spend the day with you
his eyes avoid yours and a small blush crosses his face as he offers a proposition:
“if you would like…maybe you could spend the day with me?”
kujou sara:
her arms cross as she leans sideways against the wall, staring directly at you as she scoffs
“who wouldn’t want to take you out on a date?”
the general definitely did not mean to say that out loud
suddenly, she’s standing upright and stuttering left and right as you stand in front of her in shock
her hands are waving in front of her face sporadically as she desperately tries to explain herself
but then your silence turns into laughter and it feels like the world around her completely stops as you reassure her that it’s okay and that you’re actually quite flattered
embarrassed as she is, sara sighs and stares at anywhere but you, “i know it’s your favorite, so meet me at uyuu restaurant at 7 tonight. please don’t make me regret this.”
he offers a gentle smile and covers your hand in his own
“that’s okay, neither have i.”
you’re quick to ask him why, but he’s quick enough to ask you the same
you’re dumbfounded, but argue that you asked him first. and he explains, saying that he’s always preferred the wind and spending his time in nature rather than out on silly dates
and your eyes loose their shine a little, not only upset because you have to talk about the fact that no one had ever asked you on a valentine’s day before, but also because it meant you likely wouldn’t have the chance to ever go out with him
and he notices, because that’s just how kazuha is
“just because i said i don’t prefer to go on dates, doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy them. in fact, i would greatly appreciate it if you would join me at chinju forest later today. perhaps we could have a picnic and enjoy the scenery together?”
he gasps loudly, almost as if he’s in a horror movie and the killer just found him
it scares you at first, thinking that his sudden expression was not in reaction to your response, but then you realize itto was in fact reacting to you
it’s just his dramatic nature
his hand is over his heart and his eyes are shut, acting as if he’s in pain
“oh no! no, no, no! this just won’t do!”
and you laugh whole heartedly at him. a smile irresistibly tugs at your lips and your eyes are all wrinkled
and when you recover, itto’s looking at you with the brightest, most fondest look you think you’ve ever seen in your life
and it hits you: he was trying to make you laugh so that you wouldn’t feel bad
and then he’s all serious, but you can tell he’s really just nervous, “uh, hey listen, i can take you out…but only if you want! not that you have to or anything — no, no that would be uh…yeah!”
“valentine’s day is a rather trivial holiday. there’s no need to be so upset about never having had a date.”
your eyes fall to your hands as he says those words. not that he sees of course, seeing as he’s turned around at his desk, writing away at some papers
“yeah, no! i get it, you’re right,” you say. but your words don’t match your tone, and you hate how quick tighnari is to pick up on it
he sighs and turns around, still fiddling with the pen in his hand, but you don’t meet his eyes
you knew he didn’t mean it in a bad way, that’s just who he is, but you couldn’t help the hurt you felt when he spoke
and then he sighs again. although, this time a small, but genuine, smile graces his expression, “if a date is what will make you happy, then i would happily take some time off from work.”
he’s hesitant to respond
not because he finds it appalling that you’ve never had a date on valentine’s day, but because he’s simply not well versed in relationships or emotional comfort in general
his eyes stay focused on the ground and his fingers tighten against the barrel of his polearm
he’s so quiet that you’re not even sure he heard your response
and he continues to think for a few more moments before huffing and just saying everything outright
overthinking wasn’t the mahamatra’s style
so he asks you out to dinner that night. not out of pity either, just simply because that’s what cyno wanted
sure he wasn’t a fan of the holiday, but his feelings for you are certainly enough to make him want to celebrate it
his hand is intertwined with yours as you walk together down the streets of liyue
“wait so, you’ve never had a valentine’s date before? as in, this is literally your first one ever?”
you don’t respond. instead, you stare at the buildings around you and all the other couples adorning the different restaurants and gift shops
childe isn’t stupid. he sees the way you get uncomfortable and instantly regrets making the comment
he speaks softly, “i’m honored, you know? besides, you couldn’t get a better first date than me.”
you’re slapping his arm in a matter of seconds, trying to hold back your laugh, but acting angry nonetheless
but then you’re laughing together and you realize, yeah, it really couldn’t get any better than him
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sweeneydino · 6 months
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He's getting a scolding 😔
Mona, Raph, and little Y'thcorrin from @lieutenantbiscute Shellshocked au <3
I love their Mona sm 😭 She's so pretty
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whatthefishh · 1 year
C*ck Therapy
Therapist Steven Grant x patient!camgirl!female reader
Warnings: 18+, taboo relationship, therapist-patient sexual relations, c*ck warming, p in v, unprotected, mentions of cam girl activities, mentions of masturbation, mentions of oral (f rec), umm.. how else do I tag this. Brat taming Steven.
Just 1.8k words of horniness I’m sorry. Beta’d by the lovely @melodygatesauthor
“I’m not moving until you tell me what’s got you so angry, love,” he said while gripping your hips down onto his, not letting you roll them the way you longed to.
See, Steven used to be your therapist. He used to be your kind, respectful, and attentive therapist for about 4 months but that quickly changed when you decided to divulge your secondary income source – your premium content. Subscription based content. Adult modeling. Your camgirl side hustle. Whatever you wanted to call it.
He didn’t take the information as well as you were hoping, stuttering and blushing and not meeting your eyes, and you felt uncomfortable, thinking he was judging you for it. In actuality, Steven had found your profile a few weeks prior to your confession, and couldn’t help but palm himself to your entire content library. He’d never come harder than he had on the first night he stumbled upon one of your videos. It wasn’t long before he became addicted to the way you fell apart on camera.
He knew it was wrong, he knew it was probably against some rule about him being your therapist but he couldn’t help it. You were so intelligent in your sessions with him, always providing great insight on your own issues. You were one of his favourite patients. He was really happy with the progress you were making, and well… Steven couldn’t deny that you were beautiful. He was sure you were well aware of your beauty, so he never fancied himself someone you’d find attractive, especially considering the nature of your relationship. It was sort of forbidden. No, it was forbidden. The guilt didn’t stop him from subscribing to you though.
In your sessions, he never made you feel uncomfortable, he never gave away that he knew about your secret side gig, and he honestly wanted to help you. Steven was genuine in his career, he loved listening to you open up to him. He didn’t think his guilty addiction to you was hindering your growth until you mentioned your videos and apparently it showed on his face. He began stumbling over his words, trying desperately to explain that he wasn’t judging you. When you told him he was making a ‘cringe face’, he was forced to admit that he was actually cringing at himself, not at you. It was a painful few moments for you both.
Long story short, he couldn’t keep seeing you in his office, and decided some private sessions in his home were more appropriate. They usually started off with him bending you over the couch and then asking you how your day went as he righted your clothing, or kissing you messily the second you walked through the door, only to ravenously eat you out on the closest surface he could find. He was insatiable. Half your sessions were him just whining and whimpering about how delicious you were and how he couldn’t believe you were really letting him do this to you. Steven still let you talk, still listened to your issues and still tried to therapize you. It was just after he fucked your brains out.
You came over with an attitude today, irritated by external factors and you were looking forward to Steven fucking it out of your system. When you tried to initiate it with him, to get him to give you what you needed, he pulled back to look at you in concern. He offered to talk first, and you got angry and scoffed in his face, ripping yourself from his grasp. He conceded, telling you to take your frustrations out on him as he sat on the couch you usually laid down on in your sessions, patting his thighs in invitation. You were supposed to ride him, putting all your energy into it and watching his brows furrow as he watched his length disappear inside you again and again.
Today, he was hell-bent on you cockwarming him, claiming it was supposed to get you talking quicker but you were highly doubting the validity of his statement with the way his cock was twitching inside you every few minutes. Your slick was coating your thighs and the hairs at the base of his member, flowing more freely the longer he sat unmoving inside your hot channel. Infuriatingly, he held your hips down with his impossible strength, looking up at you with those sweet brown eyes of his as he repeated his question. Shit, what was the question?
“Hmmm?” you managed, after another unsuccessful attempt at rolling your hips.
“I said, what’s got you so angry today, love? Talk to me. I’ll make it worth it, I promise, but first you have to be good and tell me what’s wrong,” he urged, nudging your chin with his shapely nose.
You had inhale deeply, your breathlessness making it hard for you to speak. God, he really was so thick, wasn’t he? He was filling you up so perfectly, stretching you out at this angle and you had to close your eyes to even think about what you were going to say.
“That girl at work… the one I told you about who leaves all her shit for me to clean up after her shift–”
“Mhmm, keep talking, love,” the vibrations from his chest felt like an electric shock through your body, your back arching at the sensations.
“Ahhh, she-she made a mistake, and blamed me… and, and then I got reamed out by my stupid manager,” you were close to crying now, the anger subsiding slowly, and the feeling of being denied by Steven taking over.
“Ohh, sweetheart, s’not right, is it?” He brushed your hair back and rubbed your cheekbone with his thumb, and you couldn’t help but lean into his palm like a cat needing affection. “S’not your fault. Tell you what, maybe you should quit.”
“Maybe you should fuck me, come on, Steven, just–just make it go away, I need you,” you were whining pathetically, ready to let your fists land on his chest in a rage.
Steven tutted at you. He tutted, like you were a petulant child, like you were just having a tantrum, like a teacher gently disciplining a student, not like you were sitting on his cock, leaking all over him and the couch, staining the taupe suede material with your juices. Leaning forward to softly mouth at your neck, he whispers against it and lets his lips graze your skin.
“I wouldn’t be a good therapist if I didn’t let you talk about it first, would I? That’s not very ‘healing comes from within’ of me,” he laughed at the end of it, his hot breath burning you even further.
Oh, you hate him. You tightened your core when he laughed against you, the rumbling causing his cock to shift slightly and you let out a soft moan at the smallest amount of friction it granted you, and he unwillingly thrust upwards at the feeling. Oh, you knew how to get back at him.
Clenching around him again, you wait for his reaction as your lips touch the shell of his ear, whimpering, as he garbled out a choked out groan against your neck. Steven’s hips unwittingly thrust upwards again, knocking into your cervix just that small amount, enough to make you dig your nails into his shoulders where your hands were resting. You were both moaning now, and you think you can tease him like this until he finally gave in and fucked you from under you. You needed him to, therapy be damned.
Dragging your hands up into his hair, he shuddered when your nails scraped across his scalp. He licked his lips, the edge of his tongue grazing your neck before he pulled back to look into your eyes and the previous soft look he was giving you was gone, replaced with a heady look, eyelids low as his mouth was open and panting.
“No, but considering that you’re inside me right now, I’d say you’re halfway there,” you gasp as his hand shifts down to your ass, squeezing, fingers splayed wide and pulling at the flesh there.
You lean more into his chest, your breasts pressing into him now, his mouth sitting just so, dipping down to mouth at them through your top. Steven’s control was slowly slipping, his idea failing spectacularly as he pulled your hips to roll and grind on his. You squeezed your muscles around his thick and throbbing cock again, trying to entice him to pull out to the tip and buck up into you like you wished he would. You were gripping him so tight, and your slick was more than enough to make his movements smooth and yet Steven was holding back from giving you his all, his logic lost on you.
“Steven, please, I’m sorry for being short with you, I’m sorry, okay? Please just–”
You were cut off from your helpless begging when he decided he’d had enough, that you had suffered enough, that you learnt your lesson and that the anger you walked in with was gone, along with his restraint. Steven gripped your ass even tighter, his fingers pressing divots into your skin as he thrust up into you mercilessly, bouncing you on his length as you cried out for him.
His hands were squeezing you, keeping you wide open for him as he rendered you incoherent, pathetic moans and whines leaving you. With your mouth still close to his ear, your noises began spurring him on as he grunted with each pass of his cock into your hot cunt, desperate to reach his end. Your hands began bunching his blazer lapels, angry in the back of your head that he didn’t even take off his jacket when he sat you on his thick shaft. Your soft walls began fluttering around him, signaling that you were almost reaching your end, his relentless teasing having caught up with you now, hurtling you towards the edge quicker.
“Ohh, ffffuck, Steven I’m gonna–gonna come, yes,” you shouted, so close to your euphoria that you were desperate to reach. The way his cock was punching up into your cervix was just perfect, his smell overwhelming you, his hands squeezing you just right, everything was leading to this and you couldn’t help but whine when his thumb swiped at your clit once, twice–
You were coming hard.
His grunts and groans were muffled into your chest, his thrusts getting sloppy while he chased his own release, pulling your hips down to his so hard it almost hurt. Steven bucked his hips one final time before you felt the telltale pulsing inside of you, the warmth of his cum slowly trickling out from where you were still sheathed around him. He pulled back to look at it with brows raised, almost impressed at his own mess while still catching his breath.
“How are you feeling now, love? Still angry at me?”
“I wasn’t angry at you, Steven,” you sigh dazedly, shaking your head at him. “Silly man. But to answer your question, I’m feeling much better now that you’re done torturing me.”
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killershrike · 9 days
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I don't have any funny jokes or things to say just... wow... @karritakar has truly outdone themself! Look at how absolutely BEAUTIFUL So-yin is and how HOT Ghost is, I mean... just wow.. and So-yin is holding her weapon, the bō she named Nightshade... it's so perfect...
(and that height difference oh my fucking god)
Please go check out @karritakar and commission them!!!
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ishomieokay · 4 months
Idolatry (Chapter 3)
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18+ 5.3k homelander x hispanic oc, age difference, manipulation, breaking and entering, stalking, obsessive behaviour. part 3/?. AO3 link. part 1, part 2
Homelander's fooling around with a perky Latina almost twenty years his junior. She's looking for a daddy. He just wants a good fuck, and maybe to mess with Maeve's head. It's not going to end well.
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The day after, it was as if nothing had happened. They were cordial but not overly friendly, maintaining a professional distance while shooting, careful in case they were overheard. From time to time, Aura María caught a glimpse of Homelander staring in her direction, but she couldn’t be sure if it was real or just a trick of her mind. She returned home late with a pounding headache, the lack of sleep and the long hours on set taking their toll.
It was Friday night, and she had no plans, which wasn’t unusual. Her party girl days were firmly behind her. Aura María felt a mixture of thankfulness and regret that things had never spiraled out of control even back then. Now, her routine was only occasionally interrupted by meetings with friends at overpriced coffee shops or the occasional night gala. Despite being relatively young, she sometimes felt inexplicably old.
She retrieved a pair of pajamas from her closet, laying them neatly on the bed next to her folded underwear, then made her way to the bathroom. She contemplated sending a text to Homelander as she sat in the tub, softly lip-syncing to a Ricardo Montaner song. Surely, permission had been granted when he provided her with his number. While his infatuation lingered, she reasoned, she could have some fun, even if that was all he wanted from her. She had no other prospects, after all.
Three years after arriving in the United States to work for Vought, Aura María still lacked a social life outside of her workplace. This was partly due to her commitment to warding off her many admirers. Cultural differences made it much more challenging to establish friendships, something she’d never excelled at even back home. She had been alone for a while and wasn’t particularly interested in changing that, especially when it came to romantic relationships.
Aura María had begun to question her sexual orientation when her 21st birthday came and went without a lover or even a fleeting interest in physical intimacy. It had occurred to her that she might be a lesbian or asexual. Homelander had proved her wrong in that regard. She did have needs, and now that they'd been satisfied, however briefly, she was aware of them in a way she'd never been before.
She took hold of her breast, retracing the path Homelander had drawn with his tongue the night before. It felt like a dream now. She decided that the barely concealed erotism of the lyrics was probably just getting to her and turned the music off. When she went back to her room, everything seemed the same at first glance. It was unusually cold, though. She turned around and realized that the window was open, but she couldn't remember whether she had closed it or not. The clothes she had neatly folded before getting into the tub were now in disarray.
She had trouble falling asleep and felt uneasy throughout the rest of the night. The cold seemed to seep into her bones. She tossed and turned, her mind replaying the events of the previous night and the strange occurrences in her room. The sense of someone having been there, the disordered clothes, and the open window gnawed at her. As she finally drifted into a restless sleep, Aura María couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
She dreamed of Homelander's intense gaze, the sensation of his touch lingering on her skin. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, filled with half-formed images and unsettling whispers that left her feeling more exhausted when she finally awoke.
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Aura María texted Homelander in the end. They had agreed to meet at one o'clock for lunch, but it was well past two when he finally arrived. He descended from the sky like a rocket, landing thunderously on the pavement. The impact shook the ground, sending a ripple of excitement through the crowd that quickly gathered around him. He handled the attention as gracefully as always, giving fist bumps, patting shoulders, and signing autographs. Over twenty minutes passed before he made his way to the restaurant door. The crowd didn't follow, thanks to the timely security’s timely intervention.
When he reached her table, he was smiling broadly and unapologetic. Although she couldn’t bring herself to be mad, Aura María put on a show of irritation anyway.
"So, you're the fashionably late type, huh?" she said, crossing her arms.
"Ah, not all the time. Only when the world needs saving," Homelander replied nonchalantly, taking a seat beside her.
"How convenient for you."
Aura María had more than a few sassy remarks at the tip of her tongue, but something at the corner of her eye caught her attention. The crowd had not dispersed yet. They were standing on the other side of the window facing their table, and there were news reporters and paparazzi among them. Word always traveled fast when it concerned Homelander.
Aura María felt her lips turn downward. This would probably reach Stan Edgar and the other executives at Vought. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. She had always valued her privacy and hadn't had much of an issue protecting it even after becoming a renowned filmmaker. No matter how good her work was, almost no one seemed to be interested in the personal life of a documentalist.
"Just so you know, if you were planning to keep this, whatever it is, a secret—that's not gonna work out. Not anymore."
"Who said I wanted to keep it a secret?" Homelander replied, smiling slyly at her. He took her hand then, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Aura María felt a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth but was quick to suppress it.
"Explain it to me, won't you? Why in the world wouldn't I want everyone to know I'm dating such a dang brilliant, talented, and beautiful woman?"
'Dating,' Aura María thought, a bit bewildered. 'Am I dating Homelander?'
Assuming one was generous enough to consider meeting for drinks after work a date, this hardly counted as their third time going out. However, Aura María guessed that was the right word to describe their situation—dating. Even in the privacy of her thoughts, it sounded wrong. Never in her wildest dreams would she have dared call it anything other than a hookup or situationship at best.
"I mean, you do have a mirror at home, right? This is the kind of thing most guys would be shouting from the rooftops."
"Mmm, you're coming off strong today, aren't you?" Aura María replied, pleased but unwilling to let him have it so easy. "Sorry to say, but I think bootlicking looks awful on a man, especially if he's just doing it to get laid."
Homelander blinked at her, then laughed, seeming oddly delighted by her rudeness. He had one thing in common with all the men who've tried to woo her in the past. The banter was half the fun for him.
"O-okay, the lady's not into sweet-talking, then," Homelander leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "That's fine. I think I could change your mind about the bootlicking part, though. Maybe, mmn, broaden your horizons?"
Aura María blinked, then arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "You're not serious."
Homelander looked her up and down, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips. "If I was, would that freak you out?"
Aura was already aware of the fact that Homelander was not exactly the pedantic goody-two-shoes he pretended to be for the sake of his image. Apparently, he was into having sex while having verses of the Book of Revelation read to him. As if that weren't blasphemous enough, Aura María also had the feeling that she'd awoken in him a virginity kink. Still, this thinly veiled insinuation came as a surprise. Not for the first time, she felt oddly flattered that he would share this part of himself with her—one that he usually kept hidden under wraps.
Smiling and unwilling to back down, Aura María met him with the same energy. "I'd say I'm open to new experiences."
Homelander whistled. Then he lifted the tablecloth and made a show of leaning down to take a look at her shoes.
"Oh, shucks," he said in a disappointed, cartoonish voice. "Nah, it wouldn't work. You're wearing high heels."
"What a pity," Aura María deadpanned.
"I wear boots all the time, though. Leather," Homelander replied, dragging the 'L' obnoxiously and then winking at her. "I'd let you borrow 'em, just this once."
"I feel tricked. You're not the serious man I was led to believe."
"Chica, I walk around all day long wearing a skin-tight spandex suit and a cape. I am the very definition of an unserious man."
"Well, I can't argue with that," Aura María said, then gestured at the window with her head. The crowd was still there, although there were fewer of them now. "I think you should be more careful with what you say when out in public, though. You know what would happen if any of those news reporters found out that the Homelander is into dominatrixes? The internet would explode."
"I think you're exaggerating."
"Maybe. Parents wouldn't buy their kids those cute Homelander dolls Vought just released, though. That's for sure."
Homelander tilted his head to the side, then said very slowly, "action figures."
"They're not dolls," Homelander corrected her with a serious face. His every word was emphasized by the tapping of his index finger against the table. "They're action figures."
After a beat, Aura María burst out laughing.
"Coño, este pana es un caso," she said, covering her face with one hand.
Homelander blinked at her, then parroted back her words but in an awful American accent, mispronouncing every syllable and clearly unaware of what he was saying. Rather than offend her, the sound of the leader of the Seven mercilessly butchering her mother language only made her laugh harder.
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Once they left the restaurant, Homelander gently scooped Aura María into his arms. He sensed her hesitation, her body tensing slightly as they rose. To keep her at ease, he flew slowly and close to the ground, weaving through the cityscape with the grace of a shadow. Aura María clung to him, her arms around his shoulders, holding tight enough to dislocate a lesser man's neck. Homelander, with his superhuman strength, barely seemed to notice.
The cacophony of the city was soon replaced by the serene whisper of leaves as they reached a secluded clearing in Central Park. The moonlight cast a silver sheen over the grass, the stars twinkling faintly above. The distant hum of traffic was a mere murmur here, overshadowed by the rustling trees and the occasional chirp of crickets. They decided to take a stroll, savoring the rare peace away from prying eyes and the relentless noise of the city.
"It's unfair, to be honest," Homelander began, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Sorry?” Aura María replied.
"You know almost everything there is to know about me. I mean, it'd be strange if you didn't, I guess, after directing a 40-minute-long documentary on me. I don't know the first thing about you, though. It's unfair, it's all I'm saying."
"What do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from? Originally, I mean."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aura María's tone sharpened, her hackles rising defensively. Homelander, rather than offended, seemed amused by her reaction.
"Don't get me wrong, missy, you speak English better than many people who were actually born here. The accent gives it away, though. So, Venezuela, am I right? What city, though? What's it like there?"
"Oh." Aura María relaxed, her tension dissipating.
She had thought he was questioning her heritage, a common and hurtful experience. "I'm from Caracas, born and raised. It's loud and dirty and full of weirdos, like any capital. It's in the middle of a valley, though, so there's also nature and trees, lots of macaws. I grew up in the East, which most would say is the fancy part of town. Like, uh, American suburbs, I guess."
"I don't find that surprising at all."
"Please, like you don't have Old Money written all over your face."
"I should hope so. You've no idea how much Vought spend just to make it this pretty," Homelander replied, smiling teasingly down at her. His smile faltered slightly, as if he just realized he'd said something he shouldn't have. Aura María laughed it off, unsure what he meant. Had Homelander just confessed to her he'd had plastic surgery?
"My dad's a native, from a small town called Alto Orinoco. That's in the Amazonas. We look nothing alike. His maternal grandparents were from a tribe called Wayú, and apparently their Spanish was very bad," Aura María said. Although she most definitely took after her mother, someone educated in the matter could glimpse a few ethnic features in her. She had eyes dark as night, larger than average and almond-shaped, a round face with plump lips and thick hair of an intense black shade.
"My mom's from a town not far from the capital called Valencia. Her parents were Italian immigrants and racist as fuck. They disowned her when they found out she wanted to marry a Wayú. When I was little, they often came by the house, though. Once I was old enough to understand that they wanted me around because I only looked 'a little Indian,' I told them not to come back," she said, wrinkling her nose.
"Uh," Homelander said, ever so eloquent. He was staring at her strangely. "That's a... very colorful background."
"You think? Not very different from my friends' back home, though. We are all a weird mixture of something over there."
“So, interracial marriage is normal in your country?”
“I guess? I mean, we don’t really have a concept of it. To us, it’s just marriage. Obviously, there are racists, like, well…”
“Like your grandparents?”
“Yeah, like them. People from different races marrying each other is usually not a big deal for us, though. Not nowadays. I was surprised to see how much of a taboo it still is here, to be honest. You would think citizens of the so-called first world would be more open-minded.”
Homelander actually sniggered. “There’s people in this country who think the Earth is flat, María. Give us a break.”
“I guess you would know a lot about that,” Aura María replied, a glint in her eyes. “I’m pretty sure flat-earthers make up most of your fanbase.”
Homelander stared at her gravely. “There are flat-earthers among my fans. They are not the majority of them.”
“Oh. So, you would say it’s an insignificant amount, then?”
“So, if tomorrow you were at a rally and openly said that the Earth is in fact round, everything would be fine? Is that what you’re saying?”
“…no,” Homelander said, reluctantly. “It would affect my ratings. Like, a lot. Stan would have my head on a plate.”
“I thought so.”
“If I tell you something, you promise not to laugh?”
“For the longest time, I thought Venezuela was a country in Europe.”
Aura María halted to a stop. “Please, tell me you’re joking.”
Homelander shook his head, pursing his lower lip.
“I mean, I can’t say I’ve met a lot of Venezuelans. The ones I have only dressed in designer clothes and threw 100$ bills around like they were pennies. That did not scream Third World country to me.”
Aura María frowned. “When was this?”
“Uh, 2008, I think? I was hosting a beauty pageant with Melanie Brown. You know, one of the Spice Girls? Your candidate won; I forgot her name.”
“Ah, Dayana Mendoza. Yeah, people who work at those pageants have lots of money. I should have known you only ever heard of my homeland because of Miss Universe.”
“Well, look at the bright side, chica. I may think Venezuela is a Third World communist hellhole, but at least I know that you’ve got A-tier women and not everyone’s brown. Better than a flat-earther by a long shot.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole.”
Aura María’s voice carried a mix of frustration and amusement. Homelander chuckled, a low, amused sound that rumbled in his chest. “Anyway, I guess that means we’re even,” he said, his tone casual but his expression unreadable.
“Mmn, I don’t think we are,” Aura María replied, her brows knitting together as she looked away, gathering her thoughts.
“What’s that?” Homelander asked.
“You said you wanted to know more about me because I already knew everything about you. That’s not true, though. I think most of what we filmed for that documentary was bullshit.”
Homelander’s expression shifted abruptly. The playful glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by a serious, almost steely gaze. His jaw tightened, and Aura María could feel the tension radiating from him. She realized, belatedly, that this might be one in the long list of questions she wasn’t supposed to ask.
“What makes you say that?” Homelander asked, his voice low and measured.
Aura María hesitated, feeling the weight of his stare. She forced herself to keep going, her heart pounding. “I could see it that day when we were filming the childhood segment. You know, back at Maryland?”
“Okay?” he responded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to read her.
Aura María smiled awkwardly, her cheeks flushing. She could feel the heat rising to her face. “You’re gonna think it’s weird that I noticed. But, uh, during a recess, I heard you asking Madelyn where the restroom was. You also got lost a couple of times when we were filming the house tour.”
“Oh,” Homelander said, his face going blank for a moment. He looked away, his gaze focusing on the horizon as if searching for an escape from the conversation.
The trees rustled softly in the breeze. The sky was painted with hues of blue and black as the moon rose higher, casting long shadows across the grass. Aura María felt a knot in her stomach, regretting her boldness. She had hoped to pierce through his facade, to understand the man behind the mask, but now she feared she had pushed too far. The vulnerability she had glimpsed in him earlier seemed to retreat, replaced by a cold, impenetrable wall.
Homelander’s face softened slightly, though, as he met her eyes again. There was a flicker of something—maybe understanding, maybe resignation. “Aren’t you a clever one?” he said quietly. “Not many people notice those things.”
Aura María relaxed a little, relieved that he hadn’t shut her out completely. She offered a small, tentative smile. “I guess it’s my job to notice things.”
“Yeah, I suppose it is.” He nodded, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You’re right, of course. A lot of what’s out there about me is…curated. For the public.”
Aura María nodded slowly, feeling a pang of empathy despite her wariness. “I understand. Image is everything, especially for someone like you.”
“It’s more than that,” Homelander replied, his voice unreadable. “It’s about control. About making sure people see what Vought wants them to see.”
“And what about what you want?” Aura María asked, genuinely curious.
Homelander looked at her, his eyes searching her face as if weighing how much to reveal. “What I want doesn’t matter as much as what they need me to be.”
They continued walking in silence for a few moments, the sounds of the park around them feeling comforting despite the tension. Aura María could see revelation before her eyes, a glimpse of truth in a world of illusions. Although all of her instincts were telling her to change the subject, she would herself digging for more. “You know,” she said softly, “I was thinking about what happened that day. With the blanket.”
Homelander's face tightened, a shadow passing over his usually composed features. "Right. You were there."
"When you got Randy fired? Yeah, I was there." Aura María's tone was gentle, trying to tread carefully on what was clearly a sensitive subject.
Homelander didn’t look sheepish at all. He raised one eyebrow, his gaze unwavering and intense, as if waiting for a reaction.
"Relax," Aura María was quick to say, sensing his defensive stance. "He was a shitty producer. I was glad to see him gone."
"Ah, see? I was looking out for you, even then," Homelander said with a smile, pointing at the tip of her nose with his index finger in a playful gesture.
"Sure you were," Aura María replied, flashing him a teasing smile. She knew what he was doing—trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. She decided to press on, determined to get to the truth. "What was it?"
"Uh?" Homelander feigned ignorance, though his eyes betrayed a hint of unease.
"What got you so upset that day? I mean, if it was just about Randy getting his crusty ass hands on your blanky, I understand. I don't like it when people touch my stuff either. But I got the feeling that there was something else going on."
Homelander stayed quiet, his jaw clenched.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it," Aura María said softly, trying to give him an out.
"It was nothing, really. It just... brought back bad memories," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm gonna ask you a question. Can you promise to answer it truthfully?" Aura María's voice was steady, but her heart pounded in her chest.
"It depends on the question," Homelander replied, his tone guarded.
"Did you really grow up in that house?"
"No," he said simply, the word hanging heavily in the air.
Aura María remembered Homelander talking about his mother's perfect cake, eyes full of love and reverence, only for him to go completely blank-faced the minute the cameras stopped rolling. A void formed in the pit of her stomach, though she wasn't sure why. "Was anything of what we filmed that day real? Anything at all?"
Homelander just shook his head, his lips pulling downward. He looked like a child being scolded, vulnerable and exposed.
"And the blanket?" she asked gently.
Homelander hesitated, then. Aura María put her hand over his, waiting patiently. He stared at their joined hands for a strangely long time.
"Only real thing on that set," he said finally. "It pissed me off that they would put it there without even asking."
Aura María understood then. It had angered him to see something real among all the fakery. She tilted her head to the side, considering him. There were only a few reasons she could think of to completely fabricate the background of a world-renowned celebrity, and none of them were very nice. What was Vought trying to hide?
"You come from a bad place, don't you, John?" she asked softly, using his real name for the first time.
He raised sharp eyes to look at her, the vulnerability in his gaze taking her by surprise. She had never seen him like this—so hesitant and out of his depth. "I don't want to talk about it."
"That's okay. You don't have to," she replied, her voice soothing.
Homelander stayed quiet, something about his expression making her heart ache. The tough facade he usually wore seemed to crack, revealing a glimpse of the man beneath the superhero persona.
"Aw, I'm sorry, papi," she murmured, kissing his cheek gently and laying her head on his shoulder. "I wasn't trying to make you sad."
"It's fine," Homelander said, though his voice lacked its usual confidence.
The embrace was tentative at first. Aura María could feel the tension in his muscles, the residual wariness that made him hold back. But as the seconds ticked by, he seemed to relax into her, his grip tightening. She pressed her cheek against his chest, the warmth of his body radiating through the thin fabric of his suit. She could hear the steady, powerful beat of his heart.
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the park and turning the sky into a canvas of deep blues and purples. Homelander and Aura María walked side by side, the cool evening air brushing gently against their skin. The city’s distant hum was a comforting background noise, reminding them that despite the surreal peace of the park, the world outside continued to churn.
"You followed me that day," Homelander said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Uh?" Aura María glanced at him.
"When I walked out, you went looking for me. No one else did. I mean, there was Madelyn, but she... she only wanted me to keep filming, yaknow? She didn't really care about me."
Aura María had heard the rumors about Madelyn Stillwell's involvement with Homelander. Although it didn't seem like the right time to ask, she couldn't help but wonder. It had always seemed odd to her that America's most-sought-after-bachelor would set his eyes on a woman known around the whole metropolitan area to be a moody two-faced narcissist. Aura María was certainly not glad to learn about her sudden passing, but in all honesty, she much preferred to deal with Ashley Barrett. Despite her often-neurotic behavior, at least there was something human about her.
"You, though? You walked up to me when I was going back to the set, and you said... you said that you were sorry if your crew did something to upset me. That I didn't have to keep going if I didn't want to."
"Oh, yeah. I remember." Aura Maria’s expression softened, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
"It's not common, you know? For people in this industry to be kind. Genuinely kind, no ulterior motives."
"No, I guess it's not," she replied, her tone thoughtful.
Aura María understood what he meant at once. Entertainment was not for everybody. She'd learned that the hard way and she'd already been a full-grown adult when she started working for Vought. Homelander had made his debut when he was only eighteen years old. She couldn't even imagine what growing up in that environment would do to a teen. Aura María wondered if that was the reason he asked her out—a small act of kindness she barely even remembered.
She could still recall that day vividly. They had been filming at a grand estate in Maryland, a faux representation of Homelander's childhood home. The house was opulent, with perfectly manicured lawns and an aura of artificial nostalgia. The set was bustling with activity, lights and cameras everywhere, creating an atmosphere that was both chaotic and meticulously controlled.
He had felt overwhelmed at some point, though at the time she had not been ablet o certain why. After what had been labeled by the crew as The Blanket Incident, he’d walked out into the expansive backyard, seeking a moment of solitude. Aura María remembered the feeling of the cool grass beneath her feet as she followed after him, the way the breeze had whispered through the trees, offering a fleeting sense of peace.
Then, out of nowhere, she spotted Homelander coming back from the barn. His presence, normally so commanding, had been almost sullen that day. A look she hadn’t expected from someone so larger-than-life. She had approached him with a concerned look in his eyes, and although her words had been simple, apparently, they had stayed with him. She had offered him an out, a rare moment of empathy in an industry that often lacked it.
Aura María had wondered awhile back if it was a good idea to go out with such a high-profile celebrity, even if only for one night. With a man so different from her, both in social and economic standing. It had been so very intimidating and still was. She was happy she said yes, though.
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It felt strange to let him into her bedroom. She'd had people over before, but it was not quite the same. As Homelander stepped inside, Aura María suddenly became acutely aware of every little detail she'd never given a second thought to before. The stuffed animals she brought from Caracas because she couldn't bear parting with them, the Studio Ghibli posters that lined the walls, the TikTok LED lights she bought during an online shopping frenzy and never took down.
She cringed inwardly, realizing for the first time that her room could easily belong to a middle schooler. Homelander didn’t comment on it, though. He just stared down at her, eyes intent and gleaming in the low light of the room.
"I think we are overdressed, aren't we?" he said with a half-smile, a playful glint in his eye. "Take it off, come on."
Aura María bit into her lower lip, then proceeded to remove her dress. She crumpled it into a ball and threw it on the bed. Homelander was having none of that, though. He tsked at her, shaking his head slightly.
"Ah-ah, pick it up," he said, wiggling his finger. Aura María frowned, feeling a mixture of annoyance and curiosity, but still did as she was told. "Fold it, then put it in the drawer."
"You're into very weird stuff, you know?" she muttered, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and nervousness.
"'Course not. I just don't like making a mess."
"Sure, that's all this is," she said, rolling her eyes as she took off her underwear and folded it along with the dress, placing them neatly on the bed.
"That's better."
Homelander approached her slowly, his gaze roaming over her body, making her skin prickle with anticipation. He put both hands over her breasts and squeezed them lightly. Aura María took a deep breath, already feeling the first stirrings of pleasure run through her. His touch was firm yet gentle, sending waves of warmth through her body.
His hands traveled down, caressing her sides, then her hips, and finally stopping at her ass. He squeezed her buttocks, then pulled her closer so that they were chest to chest. Aura María put her arms around him and leaned forward to kiss him. The apartment was deadly quiet, only the soft noises of their kissing and the erratic beating of her heart could be heard. It was embarrassing, really, how worked up she'd gotten after he'd barely touched her.
It made sense in a way, though. He was, after all, her sexual awakening. Aura María found it weird and sort of embarrassing that it would finally happen in her mid-twenties. Talk about a late bloomer, she thought wryly. But there was no denying the chemistry between them, the way his mere presence seemed to ignite something deep within her.
As their kiss deepened, Homelander's hands continued their exploration, making her skin tingle with every touch. The LED lights cast a soft, colorful glow around them. Homelander pulled back slightly, his breath warm against her lips. "You’re beautiful," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
A shiver ran down Aura María's spine. She felt exposed, vulnerable, but also incredibly alive. She looked into his eyes, seeing a mixture of lust and something deeper, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
"Thank you," she whispered back, her voice barely audible.
They moved to the bed, Homelander guiding her gently. As they lay down, he continued to explore her body with his hands and mouth, each touch sending sparks of pleasure through her. Aura María's mind was spinning. She felt a connection with him that went beyond the physical, a sense of understanding and mutual need. In the quiet of her bedroom, surrounded by the remnants of her past and the promise of something new, Aura María let herself be swept away by the moment. She surrendered to the sensations, the intimacy, and the overwhelming feeling of being seen and desired.
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atlaskrr · 8 months
dont you hate it when you ship a rarepair and most of the content is ooc and/or horny cause nobody understands their actual dynamic. yeah me too.
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carryonthroughtheages · 2 months
Mona Baz would like to remind you that COTTA is happening.
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Yup. That's what he's smiling about. Mystery solved.
Carry On Through the Ages is happening. November 3rd through the 9th, specifically.
(You can learn more about it through our handy-dandy FAQs.)
(Also there's a Discord server.)
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xbellaxcarolinax · 1 year
Hi babessss congratulations again I’m here to request Marc Fuck-Me-Hair Spector + “do you want my fingers” 😫😫
I will literally devour this however you decide to write it 😈🩷
Dbf!Marc Spector x f!reader
Word Count: 988
Warnings: Language, smut, fingering (female receiving), hidden relationship, reader obvs younger than Marc but of age, Marc's teasing.
Hey bestie, gonna give dbf Marc a try, okay? Sorry if it’s shit! Hope you like it <3
Marc knew precisely where to find you.
His eyes gleamed when he’d disrupted your hiding spot: the old treehouse in your backyard that he'd helped your father build an eternity ago. It was weathered and old, rotting from years of rain and snow, but it was yours. 
And sometimes, on summer nights when the heat was tolerable and you were a needy, wet mess underneath him, it was Marc’s too. 
Heat pooled between your legs when Marc crowded you up against the wall, snatching the book you'd been reading from your hands and tossing it carelessly to the side.
"Everyone’s lookin’ for you, sweetheart.” He muttered over your lips before giving you a proper kiss, the kind that had your knees weak and your hands flying to tangle in his hair. 
"Yeah?" You whimpered, feeling his hands ghost over the hem of your skirt, his calloused fingers digging under the soft fabric and carefully skimming over your slit through your panties. "Dad sent you to find me, didn't he?"
“Mhm." Marc hummed, nibbling on your ear, "You’re missing your own party, baby.” 
You really didn’t want a birthday party this year, but your dad had insisted, saying it was your last year of truly being his little girl. But he said that every year.
You sighed when Marc slipped past the barrier of your silky underwear, gently teasing your soaked slit.
"I-I don't wanna go." You complained, gently throwing your head back as Marc explored your wetness, the sweet sounds of your slick pussy loud in the quietness of the treehouse. 
"Your dad went through all this trouble to throw you a party, and you’re not gonna go?” Marc tutted, the tip of his finger circling over your sensitive bud. “Bad girl.”
You moaned, tugging desperately at his dark curls. He knew what he was doing—knew that his words alone could make you putty in his hands. 
“M-Marc,” you pleaded, your voice wavering as he continued to play with your clit, “p-please.” He chuckled, keeping you firmly pressed into the wall, the wood warm for the blazing sun. He placed his brow against yours, relishing in your little pants and mewls.
"Do you want my fingers?" It was a question that promised trouble. He knew exactly what you wanted. 
You nodded, worrying your lip, “Yes, fuck—”
“You gonna behave and go to the party?” He pressed the tip of his middle finger into your hole, quickly dipping in before circling your entrance. 
“Yesyesyesyes, I’ll do whatever you want just—” He cut you off by capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss as he plunged two fingers into your sopping cunt without warning.
It was blinding. The way Marc's thick fingers expertly stuffed your tight cunt was always so fucking blinding.
You whimpered into his mouth,  and he proudly swallowed all of your moans, licking into your mouth as if to devour you. Your eyes fluttered, your hands flying down to grip his toned biceps—muscles earned from his time in the Marines rippling under your touch.
"Shhh, baby," Marc cooed, shifting to press his mouth against your ear as he moved his fingers skillfully in and out of your tight channel, "I’ll give you what you want but you have to stay quiet f’me, mm? Can you do that?”
“Mmmm, y-yeah.” 
You could hear his own breathing quicken, feel how his other hand had a firm grip on your hip, his fingers digging into your skin whenever you squeezed the fingers he had deep inside your sopping cunt.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, pressing his erection against your thigh, “dripping all over my hand, baby.” He closed his eyes for a moment savoring your tiny mewls as he worked his skillful fingers inside. They were nothing compared to his cock, but they always reached deep enough, and right now, they were brushing against something that had you seeing stars.
“M-Marc, I’m close.” Marc hummed his approval, stuffing you good till your eyes rolled back, a loud moan ripping past your lips.
You gushed all over his hand but he didn’t let up, continuing to plunge his soaked fingers into your tightening channel, pressing hot kisses over your shoulder and neck.
“That’s it,” he praised, “you came so good, hm?” You tried to hold back your cries as your body flopped against his. Gently, he pulled his fingers out to examine them. They were pruned up and thickly coated in your slick. He smirked before tapping them against your pouty lips.
“You know what to do.” He said, his eyes lidded as he continued to press his clothed cock against you for some relief. You obediently open your mouth, your tongue darting out to lick his fingers clean before taking them completely in your mouth with a moan. 
“Fuck,” Marc groaned, biting his lip, “you’re dad’s gonna fucking kill me if he finds out.”
“Then don’t let him find out.” You pant, still coming down from your high as you slurped at his fingers, making sure to lick up every drop of your tangy essence. 
Marc grunted, pulling his fingers from your mouth to press a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Marc!” You could hear your dad call from a distance, “Did you find her yet? I’m about to start grilling!” You both looked out the makeshift window, watching your dad turn on the grill before heading back into the house.
Marc sighed, gently giving your pussy a light slap before adjusting your skirt. 
“Let’s get outta here before he starts suspecting.” He tried to step away from you but you stopped him, gripping his wrist. You fluttered your lashes for him.
“Will I see you later?” You asked, ignoring the wetness between your legs. “I wanna take care of you.”
Marc chuckled, taking your hand and kissing the inside of your wrist. 
“Yeah, baby, I told your dad I was staying over. Keep your door unlocked for me.”
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acernusaurus · 1 month
Legends' Gifts For The Avalance Baby's First Birthday
I was thinking about this for fic reasons but it quickly evolved into its own thing. Let me know if you've got any other ideas.
Ray and Nora
They would give a useful invention and/or magical charm. I'm thinking something that would make parents' lives easier without being an untested, potentially dangerous device around an infant/toddler.
Kendra and/or Carter
Separate or together (I'm not really a fan of the comics direction) I think they would get the most normal gifts as the people who have been parents many times.
Crème brûlée torch. 'It's for food' is his only explanation when anyone questions it.
Custom made plastic throwing stars
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(Curse AI for being evil and forcing me to Photoshop my own dang nonsense)
Nate and Zari
A set of funny/cute shirts. Stuff like: 'Future ninja', 'My favorite uncle is a Historian', gamer stuff, etc. And maybe something from the ancestors that they say every baby should have.
I feel like he would write the baby a song as his gift. And when it ends up on his first album in his own time the kid can't tell anyone about it being hers.
I think he'd stick with simple: stuffed octopus. Or go way too wild and try to buy everything.
A trinket from his travels.
Mithra Merch. Zari doesn't even need to bring it from the future. She happens to know a certain influencer's passwords and promo codes and puts the baby on the list for a very large Dragon Girl fan package.
Bass guitar. 100% stolen from someone famous.
A ton of kids books
Astra would waffle over what babies want for their birthday and then finally just settle on giving her money.
Mushroom plush. It was supposed to be a joke but it becomes the kids main lovey because kids are delightfully unpredictable.
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(I didn't expect to have a picture for this one but I stumbled across this while shopping and it was perfect)
Haunted doll (not intentionally). Zari lends Gwyn $50, which already freaks him out (inflation calculator says it's ~$900). And when he tries to go to the mall he walks into the Macy's (a name he recognizes) but enters through the underwear-section door and he instantly turns back around to walk out. Eventually he finds an antique store with this perfectly acceptable children's gift and she is 100% haunted but the ghost is chill.
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(I cruised through the doll aisle at a thrift store to find one I liked for this)
Gideon has only known one baby personally so I think she'd go with some hot 22nd century or historic toy that was Jonas' favorite as a baby. Or she'd pick the toy with the best reviews at the exact time of the birthday.
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monaownsmyass · 9 months
Are any Mona lovers still alive here?👀 I’m writing a lil snippet of how I’d picture RoD2 to go down, more specifically, Mona and MC meeting again for the first time. I think I’ll be posting the fic soon so keep an eye out and lmk if you wanna be tagged 😙
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fabuloustrash05 · 13 days
WIP of my upcoming TMNT 2012 fanfic When Worlds Collide (Rewritten)
As G’throkka waited for his lieutenant, he couldn’t help but overhear nearby conversations of his other fellow soldiers. He could tell they were the newer troops, seemingly all close to around Y’Gythgba’s age along with their more advanced armor they wore compared to the Commander’s old outdated attire. G’throkka is often not one to pry on private conversations, but this one caught his attention regarding the subject at hand.
“Once again, Y'Gythgba proves she’s the best,” one soldier says to the small group. “No wonder G’throkka picked her to be his second in command.”
G’throkka humphs with pride at that comment, assuming he would continue overhearing more indirect praise for his Lieutenant, but another female soldier gave a snicker that caught the commander off guard.
“I beg to differ,” she tells them smugly, leaning closer to her comrades, her voice more quiet, but thankfully G’throkka’s metal eye can not only enhance his eyesight, but his hearing as well. Helping listen in more clearly without them suspecting a thing as he sat many feet away from where they stood.
“Did you hear the rumors about Y'Gythgba?”
“I did,” the third one said.
“What rumors?” the first one asked, very intrigued.
“Apparently, a nexton ago she was courted by an outworlder,” the female tells them.
“Y'Gythgba?!” the soldier gasps. “You must be joking.”
The female shakes her head, giving a snarky smile, “I heard he was from a low level planet, so far behind on its technology that its own inhabitants are completely unaware of other planets beyond their galaxy, let alone life on their neighboring planets.”
“How embarrassing,” the soldier snickers, “I can’t believe she’d stoop that low.”
The commander sighs, he’s heard enough.
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3ic95id864pg · 4 months
Here are some details about my version of the Mona Lisa in my Rottmnt AU (the drawings presented are not mine).
(Artist credits: 1 Art = Pateuqe.tumblr.com) (2 Art= tamersworld deviantart) (Art 3= @harusketchz tiktok)
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Oxford Comma
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Rydal Keener x f!Reader
Summary: You got into Harvard, based on your own merit. Rydal was a legacy kid and pissed you off every chance he could get. AKA the 90s University AU I spent two full days working on.
Words: 7k+
Warnings: NSFW, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v, cream pie, Rydal is a cunt lmfao, a lot of run on sentences and overly describing situations because you just had to be there
Series Masterlist
It all starts during homecoming. 
Well, sort of. 
That’s when you met him.
“I didn’t even want to go to school here, you know. Fucking bullshit,” you heard someone say. 
You bristled at the thought that someone would want to turn down the posh ivy university that you somehow managed to get a scholarship to. You had busted your ass for your grades and extracurriculars, balancing being on the school paper and being top of your class just for the chance to apply to Harvard. And here this prep kid was, complaining that this wasn’t his top choice. The privilege was pouring out of him like a faucet.
“Didn’t your dad bribe you though? He bought you a new car. Like, the exact car you’ve been whining about,” the taller boy said.
“It wasn’t a bribe–”
“And! Didn’t you get a custom licence plate? Something that had to do with Greek mythology or some shit–”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” the snooty boy sniffed. “He chose the plate. Wanted everyone to know who it actually belonged to.”
“Well– yeah. Still, we’re legacies. May as well use it to our advantage.”
You were listening so closely that when someone behind you in the crowd of students bumped you too hard, your drink spilled on the taller boy’s shoes. Not a lot, but enough to embarrass you in front of the clearly well-off duo. They both turned around to look at you at the same time, the shared weight of their accusatory gaze shrinking you even further, if that was even possible.
Chester, the taller boy whose name you had come to learn after hearing the snooty boy refer to him as such, threw a fit about the now dried cranberry stain on his crisp white Sperry’s, which he had apparently just purchased. 
The other boy, the one who didn’t want to go to school here, was watching you amusedly the whole time, his lids low as he slowly took in your appearance while you were stuttering out an apology to Chester. You didn’t notice how he was watching you until he interrupted you and said that it was fine. That he’d buy his friend another pair, to which you did a double take, catching his winning smile. That ten kilowatt smile probably got him out of a lot of situations, and he was aiming it at you now. For what, you didn’t know. He was genuinely very handsome. In a classic, old money kind of way. Sweaters around his shoulders, Ray-Ban wearing, summer in the Hampton's kind of way. To be honest, it just made you dislike him more. The uncomfortable feeling spreading over your body in goosebumps under his stare, most likely manifesting into a cringe-worthy blush across your cheeks. 
You needed to get away. Hopefully, this was a one-off and you’d never have to see or speak to them ever again. After an uncomfortable ten or so seconds of silence, you turned on your heel and walked into the crowd, not bothering to catch the other boy’s name.
The distinct smell of his expensive cologne hit your nose before you saw him again. 
Looking up from the list detailing the books you needed for your semester, you stopped short as someone cut in front of you in the aisle of the campus bookstore. The back of his head rang familiar but you couldn’t place him, until he grabbed something off the shelf – the last copy of The Communist Manifesto in his hands – and turned to give you a smug smirk when your eyes connected. You couldn’t help but flick your eyes back and forth between his eyes and the title in his hand, the same book you needed for your Perspectives of Politics course. And he’d just taken the last copy available.
“I…I was going to buy that,” your voice came out weaker than intended.
“Were you?” he was still smiling at you, infuriatingly. 
“Yeah, right before you jumped in front of me. It’s the last one in stock.”
“Hmm. Didn’t see you reaching for it. Guess you’ll just have to order it online then.”
You grit your teeth together, trying to go for polite but by the way his eyes lit up at your jaw clicking, you were having a hard time keeping it together.
“Come on, they’re like double the price online, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt daddy’s wallet. Let me have this one!”
You grimaced as soon as the words left your mouth. They were ugly and not the way you wanted to carry yourself at a prestigious school such as Harvard, especially not to someone whose parent was a faculty member. 
He arches a brow and takes a deep breath in before tilting his head back and staring down his nose at you. He wasn’t much taller than you, not really, but he held himself with such distinction that you couldn’t help but feel three feet shorter. 
“Listen, I don’t know what backwater town you came from, but we don’t use those words around here unless you’re moaning about it.”
God, you hated him. You wanted the floor to swallow you up so you could disappear from this awkward fucking moment. 
Narrowing your eyes at him, your tongue once again got you in trouble, “Motherfucker,” you whispered incredulously. 
“No, my name is Rydal. But you were close.” 
He shook his head, the smug look back on his face as he walked away from you, leaving you to gape at the empty aisle trying to rewind time. 
You only realize he’s in your class when midterms come around, seeing him show up to write an exam for a course he’s never attended in person.
You avoid him, casting your eyes downward until you pass by him, too ashamed of your last conversation all those weeks ago to even look him in the eye. 
He finishes the exam quicker than someone should be able to for someone who hasn’t attended a single lecture. It’s almost questionable. Until you see several other students get up around the same time as him, leaving a good two thirds of the lecture hall still full. You’re still around the halfway point of the exam, and trying your best to remember what it was you read about capitalism and Marx, and but the moment from the bookstore comes to mind, your thoughts unintentionally drifting to Rydal again. His deep set eyes watching you from atop his aristocratic nose, lips parting curiously, temptingly–
You’re writing an exam, for fuck’s sake. Shaking your head and blinking rapidly to get rid of the thoughts (read: thots) you were having, you shifted your attention back to the papers in front of you. 
You double checked everything before handing it in, well before the last third of students finished. A small part of you bitterly wondered how he had managed to finish so quickly, but you again didn’t let yourself brood for too long.
You didn’t see him but you saw Chester in the library once, kicking the printer in an attempt to make it work after jamming for the umpteenth time. 
You made eye contact after he had just done so, your body freezing at the exact moment your eyes met inadvertently and making your library trip last half as long as you initially intended. If you were being honest with yourself, which honestly you were, way too often and mostly to your detriment, you high-tailed it out of there out of fear of running into Rydal. If Chester was around, you could safely bet that he was probably nearby, the two frenemies often spending their free time together. 
Planning on finishing your paper in your dorm, you made your way back, secretly hoping your roommate wasn’t there. You had no problems with her, she was actually really nice to you and often wordlessly gave you snacks if she saw you skipping meals. The thing was…
Your roommate started smoking weed and thought she was being slick about it. She wasn’t.
The smell of it followed her in the dorm, leaving its teeth marks in the sweaters she left around, in the bathroom where she would spend an hour in the shower washing it out of her hair, and in her bed sheets when she’d come back from god knows where smoking up. 
There was one night when she came back with some gummies for you to share, since she noticed you being on edge and wanted to help, bless her. You kindly refused, since you were in the middle of crying about your grades, but appreciated the thought nonetheless. 
Your midterm came back with a lower grade than you expected. Your project partner didn’t finish their part of the assignment, forcing you to do most of it yourself. You were going to get a lower grade than you wanted, than you needed to keep your scholarship. You had to get at least a 90% on the final to keep your average where it needed to be. How the fuck were you supposed to accomplish that? What with the stress of managing your finances and trying to blend in to this stupid crowd, most of the kids around you not having to even think about any of the shit that was on your mind. 
You couldn’t fail, you weren’t allowed the same slip ups half of the students around you were allowed. Not only could you barely afford your meals on campus, but you were skipping dinner some days, desperate to make it to the end. It’s not like you could ask anyone at home for help, that was a write-off. You were here off your own merit and volition. You and you alone. You thought about all your peers who had help getting here, jealousy rising like bile in your throat. You needed this more than them. And yet you felt hopeless when you thought back to the pre-requisite course you were failing.
Okay, fine. Not failing, just falling below the mark you needed.
Which you tried explaining to your roommate. Her casual suggestion made you stop crying immediately, turning to her in confusion.
“Why don’t you just buy an answer key?”
What. The. Fuck.
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah, like the answer key to the final. I’m sure someone has it.”
“Like… you mean like someone’s selling the answers to the exams we’ve been writing? Like… a student? Isn’t that against school rules?”
She laughed and looked at you like you’d grown two heads.
“Of course it’s against school rules, that’s why you have to be careful who you ask. Honestly, how have you been getting by this whole time? Don’t tell me you’ve actually been doing every single reading?” she asked you as if the mere thought of it was ridiculous.
You just stared at her in stunned silence, a little bashfully when you had no reason to be. 
“Oh honey, go ask Rydal, I’m sure he has it.”
Now you were going to scream.
“W-what?” you were struggling to wrap your head around it. The same Rydal whose father was a professor at the school, the same Rydal who left the exam early for a class he never fucking showed up for – that scumbag was cheating and still had the audacity to steal the last copy of the book you needed right out of your stingy hands. 
The sound of your roommate talking faded into noise as you were thinking about all the times you felt less than, and all the times you stayed up late in the library studying, trying to prove yourself to your professors and peers when all this time half the student body was probably buying their way through school and doing the bare minimum.
You realize she’s been droning on about how cute he was today, and how kindly he offered to roll her weed for her when she bought the dime off him and it occurred to you that she was still talking about Rydal. Her weed dealer, Rydal. 
A thought occurred to you. 
“Where’s his dorm?” you adopted a fake tone of cheerful curiosity. 
She adapted to your change in diction better than you could’ve hoped for really, giving you the information you were looking for and feeling altruistic about herself in the process.
He opened his door with an air of boredom, masking his surprise at finding you there – your eyes probably red from crying, hands wringing in front of you – and leaning against it with his arms crossed, looking you up and down before asking, “can I help you?” with a twist of his lips.
Taking a deep breath and trying not to literally twiddle your thumbs, you start explaining how you need at least a 90 on the exam to keep your GPA, trying to skirt around the topic of maintaining your scholarship. For whatever reason, you felt the need to hide your financial status in front of him, and you were already here groveling for his help. You didn’t need to hand over your dignity on a silver platter for him. 
Halfway through your monologue, he opens the door more fully for you, signaling for you to enter with a slight tilt of his head. Looking around his dorm, you take in the frames and posters lining his walls; the stack of books next to his extremely comfortable looking bed; his mostly cleared desk; an acoustic guitar half hidden behind it; and a hefty looking filing cabinet with a lock. It was much loftier than yours looked, even with the lived in state. His worn but expensive denim jacket hung off the chair at his desk, and you briefly wondered what the hell his deal was. Why was this rich kid with daddy issues acting out in a clear violation of several campus rules and regulations, pulling out a spliff from behind his ear to rest between his lips and light it up lazily in front of you? 
“D’you wanna hit?” he asks, blowing the smoke out as he watches you gingerly look around for somewhere to sit. You shake your head ‘no’, tugging at the hem of your Harvard t-shirt. 
“Take a seat, I have to find the copy,” he says gesturing to his unmade bed. 
So you do, you sit in the same place his body had been prior to you knocking on his door and you can tell by the traces of cologne you pick up as soon as you sit down.
You try not to stare as he’s bent over the heavy duty cabinet, rifling through the folders - criminally organised, this one – until he finds the one he’s looking for and turns around to catch you staring at his bum, your eyes widening as they meet his a second too late. 
"Y'know, you look good like that,” he says, leaning his hip against the cabinet and looking at you down his nose again, his lids laying low over his brown eyes. 
"Like what?" you ask, despite you already having a feeling where he was going with this. 
Rydal smiles, like you played into his hand exactly like he wanted you to.
"Sitting on my bed."
"Just give me the photocopies, Rydal."
"Alright, alright,” you stood up to grab them from his outstretched hand, more than ready to leave his cave of horrors. 
Except he doesn't let go when you grab them. 
"How much?"
He still hasn’t let go; you’re at an impasse with how to proceed. Looking up at him with a slight panicked look, he concedes, finally releasing the paper from his grip.
"For you? Nothing, for now.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“Means you owe me one,” he said with an unethical twist of his pink lips. 
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"I have a feeling you'll like the way it feels,” he was ushering you out now, his hand on the small of your back raising goosebumps in its wake. Once in the hallway again, you turned around poised to dish it back but he didn’t give you the chance. Rydal winked at you before swinging his door shut in your face, leaving you half confused and half flustered at his blatant flirting and somewhat generosity. 
The next time you see Rydal is at a frat party that your roommate somehow convinced you to go to. She had insisted you needed a night out, a normal university experience she had called it, ever since she found out about your long study hours. Apparently, she had thought you were seeing someone and that’s why you were out late, not because you’d been holed up in the library this whole time. So she took it upon herself to throw some of her clothes at you, more expensive than anything you owned, albeit shorter and tighter. 
“This isn’t my size,” you tried to tell her from inside the bathroom you shared. 
“Yes, it is, stop being dumb and let me see,” she was being nice, you reminded yourself.
Groaning, you opened the door to reveal the kitschy micro pleated skirt she had lent you with the thigh high socks, to go with it. You felt ridiculous, but by the way her eyes lit up at the sight of you, you were made to believe that it was a good look, despite the irony of the academia look gone wrong, all things considered. 
Before she could drag you out any further, you managed to swipe your oversized denim jacket to throw on top for the chill November air, letting her drone on about how she wants to find you a guy tonight. 
The party was being held in a dated building on campus, hosting one of the many fraternities that Harvard has to offer, and of course, one of the many yearly gatherings where students come together to make terrible, horrible decisions together. The structure itself is historically beautiful from the outside, if one were to ignore the trashed students huddled together in swaying groups as the speakers from within the house blared out Hypnotize. There were shouts coming from inside the house, a constant stream of students going to and fro, and someone was most definitely throwing up in the hedge. 
Linking her arm through yours so she wouldn’t lose you to the throngs of people, your roommate pulled you through, ending up at the drinks table.
“Pick your poison,” she urged you, before turning and saying hello to a bunch of people you didn’t know, leaving you alone for a minute before he descended upon you.
“Step on me, would ya?” his soft voice was closer to your ear than you expected anyone to be. 
Your head whipped around and even his eyes widened at seeing your face, not having known it was you from behind. 
“Are you lost or something?” you scoffed at him. 
“Oh my god, Rydal! So good to see you,” your roommate swooped in at just the right time, stepping between you two to hug him, a hug that he returned though he kept his eyes on you the whole time. “You two know each other, right?”
He cleared his throat before smiling and nodding at her, answering all her socialite questions before seeing someone he knew across the room and taking his leave. You knew this outfit was a bad idea. 
“Babe, I’m gonna go dance with Sebastian over there, is that okay? He keeps smiling at me and– don’t look at me like that, I’ll be back soon, I promise, okay?” 
You felt bad, not wanting to keep her from having fun so you assured her you’d be fine, busying yourself with your drink and finding something to snack on. Which led you to search for the food table, it was bound to be here somewhere. Near the drinks is where they usually set it up, right? It should be here – 
He was already staring when your gaze landed on him, looking at you through his lashes from across the room, his index finger resting on his tongue as he licked off whatever food was leftover on it. You felt your cheeks heat as he didn’t look away, the pink of his mouth wrapping around his finger now and making a show out of cleaning it while he looked you up and down. 
Oh, fuck him, you needed some space. The back door was nowhere to be seen so you pivoted and took the stairs two steps at a time in your rush to find the bathroom. After brushing past some older, more inebriated students draped over each other in the hallway, you found an unoccupied bedroom, rather nondescript and clean to belong to this house, at least. Stripping yourself of your jean jacket, you tossed it somewhere near the door. Taking a few breaths to steady your racing heart, you tried to shake the tantalizing image of him and his perfect mouth out of your head, the way his lips wrapped around his finger and leaving behind a trail of spit–
The door swung open and you were about to apologize, presumably to the resident of whoever’s room you were occupying but the words died on your lips when you noticed it was him, closing the door behind him. 
You don’t have the energy to deal with whatever brand of crazy has him acting up tonight, his eyes drinking you in now that he has you cornered like a predator. Taking the moment to study the boy before you, to really study him, you notice he’s not really that tall and not really that imposing. The watch on his wrist looks old and worn, not like his flashy counterparts you thought he was similar to. His polo shirt, though obviously expensive judging by the material and the way it draped over his shoulders, was minimalistic in design. No logo, if any, was immediately visible, and you realized you wouldn’t have known about his ridiculous opinion of the institution if you weren’t eavesdropping that first day, and honestly? He’s probably someone you could have befriended upon first glance (or fallen for, but that’s neither here nor there).
You’re eyeing him with blatant distrust. He’s an asshole at times but his lips part as if he were about to speak and then thought better of it, cocking his head while searching for the right words and you’re waiting with baited breath, crossing your arms across your abdomen and inadvertently pushing your breasts up just enough, because why the fuck did he follow you up here?
He has the audacity to look a bit ashamed actually before deciding to press his fingers to his lips and not speak.
“You’re not going to say anything?” you manage.
He shakes his head and you can see the smile he's trying to hide behind his hand, “well I was going to, but I didn’t want to come off like a dick.” 
You narrow your eyes and sigh, “what? Just say it.”
“I wanted to cash in that favour, what with you looking like… well, like that.” His hand finally leaves his mouth to vaguely wave in the directions of your legs. 
So, you meant to put up more of a fight. 
You didn’t mean to give in to his stupid advances so easily, so wantonly, and you don’t even remember who moved first but you remember it being a damn good kiss. Rydal basically devoured your mouth, tongues fighting for dominance soon after your lips met with one hand cupping the back of your neck and the other pulling your body closer by your hip. You pushed his jacket off him while his hands reached under the hem of your top, fingers pressing into your skin. You finally had the opportunity to rake your fingers through his dark locks, causing him to moan into your mouth and bite your bottom lip in retaliation and you swore you could feel the vibrations in your fucking tonsils, your hips rocking into his and you could feel him–
Time seemed to blur, and suddenly you found yourself on your knees, his hands hurriedly unbuckling his belt while you looked up at him from below, his cheeks dusted pink. Massaging the head of his cock through his stupid corduroy pants, he whined under his breath, pushing your hand away to pull himself out of his briefs.
He’s so fucking thick. After unceremoniously pulling out his cock, he didn’t want to force you to do anything, his arms hanging awkwardly by his sides while you just blinked stupidly at it, watching the tip as it leaked out a drop of precum.
Rydal was watching you watch his cock, before you finally gripped the base and leaned forward to kitten lick the tip, and his hesitation flew out the window. His hand buried itself in your hair, not pushing but holding so gently, it was almost tender and it occurred to you that you wanted to wreck him.
Opening your mouth to let more of him in, you breathe in deeply through your nose until you feel him graze the back of your throat, hearing him stutter a breath when you do. Moving your mouth over him until the hilt, you repeated your movement, fingers tightly gripping his base and ignoring the way his thumb rubbed your cheek on every pass. You chanced a look up at him and saw his wild eyes watching you, groaning when your eyes met. His hips unintentionally thrust forward, hitting the back of your throat and causing you to swallow around the tip, both of you moaning at the same time. 
An ache is building in your jaw but you were determined to make him lose his shit, he drove you crazy and despite you being on your knees for him, you felt in control of the moment, taking pleasure from it. There was a throbbing between your thighs that you tried your hardest to ignore for the time being. 
He was whining now, and you continued to bob your head over his cock, obsessed with driving him further to the edge. Rydal made the prettiest noises, even his exhales were music to your ears and you were glad that you were completely sober enough to remember this, to remember how his head dropped back when you swirled your tongue around his fat tip, the sensitive spot underneath the head and you think he might come. You can't help but wonder if he'll taste any different having fed from a silver spoon all his life
Hes whining a lot now, please– so good j-just like that, God yes – you’re sure hes about to blow his load and you’re preparing yourself to take it as he starts bucking into your mouth but before he can the door swings open and none other than fucking Chester walks in and the moment’s diffused, dissolved, deflated, you’re on your feet faster than you realize and you grab your jacket from the floor as Chester guffaws at the scene. Your feet take you down the stairs and out of the house in a daze, you don’t hear Rydal calling your name behind you in your haste to leave and you see your roommate still with Sebastian, leaving her in his good hands as you make your way back to your dorm. 
Halfway through the Quadrangle you realize you weren’t wearing your own jacket, Rydal’s cologne wafting from it in the humid pre-rain atmosphere. Great, now you had a corporeal reminder of what just transpired. Out of everybody at that party to walk in on the two of you, it had to be his best friend, the one who he was probably going to dish all the dirty details to anyway. 
“Ughhhh!” you groaned once you reached your empty dorm room. 
The entire walk back was filled with images of Rydal, the way his hair felt between your hands, the way his thumb was softly caressing your cheek, the way he felt heavy in your mouth, the way his eyes looked at you like he couldn’t believe his reality. What a waste of your time, you thought bitterly. Neither of you even got the chance to finish what you started. 
Neatly folding the borrowed clothes on your roommates bed, you forced yourself to sleep, only able to nod off after several failed attempts to relieve the buildup between your thighs. 
The next two weeks went by uneventfully. Never mind you leaving your dorm for literally anything other than necessities. Classes ended a week before exams, the library was full at all hours, so you resigned yourself to studying in your bed and at your desk. Your roommate spent half her time at her desk and the other half at her new boyfriend’s dorm, Sebastian. That fateful night turned out in her favour, ironically.
She had actually asked you what happened and if you were okay, not having found you after your pathetic runaway stunt. 
“Uhh, I had a really bad acid trip. Ended up here, no memory of how.” 
She nodded at you solemnly, her hand coming to rest on your shoulder comfortingly as if you’d just told her someone in your family had died. 
Rydal’s jacket rests on the back of your chair, the smell of it lingering, both comforting and disconcerting at the same time. You’re bad at lying to yourself so you’ve come to terms with the fact that you enjoyed what happened between you two at the party and felt real regret that you couldn’t finish what you started, going home empty handed. Like a kid at the carnival with no prize, it was stolen from you at the last second and you had to leave before letting them see how badly you wanted it. 
And you did, you wanted him so badly. You almost hate yourself for acknowledging it but when you closed your eyes he was all you could see, his face moments before coming down your throat. Studying in a perpetual state of horniness wasn’t doing you any favours either. You had taken to going for early morning runs to get rid of the itch under your skin, having given up on trying to relieve it yourself. 
The answer key worked, flawlessly of course. You still studied, you weren’t completely undignified in your cheating. It’s not like you were behind in the course, so you did your due diligence and it turned out in your favour. You hung around after finishing, double checking your work and then handing it in with the first half of the class and leaving the examination room with a pep in your step. Once again your thoughts strayed to Rydal, and how you should thank him for his help but then memories of your thanks came to mind and you decided he already got his dues.
Still, you had his jacket. You should probably take it back, all things considered. You turned in your seat to check the tag, curious as to how much it cost him. No doubt that it cost more than half your closet – Balmain. 
Okay, upon first glance it was just a basic denim jacket, but now that you knew it was designer, you noticed the detailing, the strong hardware and clean top stitching that held it together. A quick google search told you it cost him nearly $3,000 and you’re rendered speechless that he hasn’t come knocking down your door and calling you a thief. 
Your leg starts bouncing under your desk, his cologne somehow more fragrant while the words on your laptop screen stop making sense, jumbling together as your mind screams at you to return the jacket at once.
Twenty minutes later you’re knocking on his door.
You speed walked here, his jacket in hand. Yes, it was cold outside, but you braved the wind and refused to put the denim on, based entirely on principle and fear that you’d be billed in case anything happened to it while you wore it. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you tried to listen to the shuffling behind his door. What if he wasn’t home? What if he was and didn’t want to see you? What if Chester was here? What if he had a girl over?!
Before you could drop his jacket and leave, the door opened to a shirtless Rydal, sweatpants hung low on his hips and he held a towel to his hair, drying it while looking at you with a clear question in his eyes. 
“Um, hi. I just came here to return this, since, well since I mistook it for mine. They basically look the same except yours cost you like, a lot more than mine did so it's okay if you don’t have it, I kind of ran away. Anyway, I’m gonna go–”
“You still owe me a favour, y’know.”
You pause in your turn, looking at him exasperatedly. He doesn’t even have the shame this time, there’s no pause in his words, no hand to cover his smirk, no, his mouth is twisted up crookedly and making his dimple jut out at you infuriatingly. Insultingly. You’re not staring at the water droplet making its way down his chest but you’re also not not staring. He’s gorgeous. 
“That’s not true, I think I remember–”
“Doesn’t count. I didn’t finish.”
Your eyes flash at his brazen response. Rydal licks his lips in response, staring openly at your mouth now. 
“If you wring my jacket any further, you’ll owe me two times–”
He didn’t get to finish his stupid threat with your mouth covering his, your body colliding with his almost violently and pushing him into his room in the process. He was quick to push you against the door once he had half the mind to close it, his body smothering yours and his hands ripping the jacket from your grip to toss it haphazardly behind him. It was somehow better this time, maybe due to him already being half undressed but you were enjoying the way his tongue was lapping at your bottom lip while your hands roamed his torso, running down his shoulders and lightly scratching him at the same time. His body shuddered and slumped against you as his forehead came to rest against yours, lips parting for air and sharing the same breath pointlessly. 
“This doesn’t mean anything,” you pant, his hands pushing your shirt up inch by inch as he explores your skin. 
“And what exactly is this, baby? Because it feels like more than a favour right now,” he said the last part while grinding his hips into yours causing you both to groan at the well-needed friction.
You glare at him, despite his face being mere centimetres away from yours and an irritating grin playing with his mouth, “You’re ridiculous.”
Flattening your palms against his bare chest, you push him back until the back of his knees hit and buckle against his bed, falling on it before your legs come up on each side of his hips, straddling him as your hands tangle in his hair again.
He’s volatile and sharp and unpredictable in ways that make you nervous and excited and you want to keep him you realize. Rydal’s hands rest on your hips, massaging the skin he can reach without pushing you for more but the desire is clear on his face, looking up at you with no mask. He presses your lower back so your hot core rubs his hardening cock through his sweats and you gasp and arch your back and press in a little closer, and his eyes are tracing your facial expressions. His hand comes up to cup your cheek again and you’re reminded of the last time he held your face like that, his thumb rubbing the same way as before and angling your face better for him to kiss you, stopping just before your lips connect.
You feel a little vulnerable until he says, “Yeah, I know.”
And then he’s kissing you and he’s not stopping and you’re grinding your hips down again, addicted to coaxing small groans and whines from him.
He takes a frightening amount of pleasure from seeing you come around his fingers, his lips wrapped around your clit and leaving behind a trail of wetness, just like you imagined all those days ago. His three digits curled and pressed on your sweet spot, your fingers tightening in his hair as he hummed into your mound, not letting up. 
When he rests the fat tip of his cock against your entrance, looking at you one final time before pushing in, you can’t bring yourself to plead with him so you kiss him instead, hoping your lips conveyed what you didn’t want to voice. He gets it, and enters you in one rushed thrust. Your nails dig into his meaty shoulders, eyes closing against the intrusion. 
You thought sex with Rydal would be competitive, as every exchange between the two of you usually is. You wanted to turn him inside out and devour the crumbs. It should’ve been aggressive, he should’ve fueled your violent tendencies, it should’ve been all bite and not soft brushes of his hand against your face, not him kissing your face as you gasp around a particularly deep thrust, not him religiously watching your mouth as you whimper and your cunt fluttering around his cock. 
He wouldn’t speed up. You already came twice, once on his fingers and once on his thick length as he stayed still inside you, holding off his own release until he reached some-inflicted goal to make you go cross eyed and cockdumb for him. He didn’t let you put your mouth on him before, claiming that you could ‘repay him for last time’ at another date, cheekily insinuating there would be a next time, without a doubt. 
You bite your lip to hold back from begging him to fuck you faster, harder, anything but this slow torture he was inflicting on your slick folds. There was no catch, he was gliding through you easily and he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about how wet you were. Pulling your lip free from your teeth, his thumb dipped into your mouth and caught your spit on it only to drag it across your cheek messily. You let out a high pitch whine at that, his cock hitting you deeply.
You turn your face to the side, scrunching your eyes closed as you feel your core building up again despite his agonizing pace. Rydal grabs your chin and turns you to face him again, holding your jaw in place.
“No, you look at me, wanna watch you come again,” he huffs into your face, lifting your leg to fold you in half. 
“I–” you start to choke, needing him to understand.
“What, baby? You owe me, remember?” he thrusts a bit harder at that, hard enough to make you snap and pull a guttural moan from you.
It happens before you’re ready; your spine feels exposed as your back arches into him, eyes unfocused and brain short-circuiting, and you gush around him. He’s still thrusting, albeit sloppy and irregular now, but he’s also talking a lot and you can’t focus on his words because your ears are ringing from how hard you just came.
“...fuck, baby, so pretty, love watching you come, fuckkkk, I’m gonna– ahhhh!” his hips buck wildly until you feel hot spurts of his come inside you and dribble out of your puffy pussy. His whole body flexes over yours as he all but empties his balls and slumps over you, your hands mindlessly running through his hair and petting his sweaty back. He had just showered before you showed up. Oh well.
The urge to keep touching him stays even past the time it takes for you to regain feeling in your legs, and Rydal has been nuzzling your neck for the time being. You don’t know how long you two stay like that, just basking in each other’s calm presence for the first time since knowing him. You feel like all the stress from the whole semester, let alone the past two weeks, had left your body, seeping out of you and into his sheets. 
You feel him smile against your skin and without thinking, you tug his hair to pull his face up to yours, wanting to see it. It’s not his regular smug smirk that he gives you, it's something else entirely. 
This smile is a bit gummy, not as dazzling as the one he turned on you on the first day you met, but sweet and genuine. His nose wrinkled a bit with it and you had to physically refrain yourself from kissing him silly.
Your bodies are sticky and clammy, no space to be found between you two until he pulls out of you, hissing as he does so. Taking a moment to slyly appreciate the mess between your thighs, he swiped a finger through it before you moaned in resistance, swatting his hand away. Rydal sniffed out a laugh, murmuring an apology before getting you something to clean up with. You were worried he’d be cold as soon as it was over, the tenderness he showered you with minutes ago was still present though and he seemed to share the need to keep touching. Useless and unnecessary touches, lingering hands and longing gazes hung around as he gave you something clean to wear, holding you close once you were decent. 
“Um–” you began.
“Can we talk about it tomorrow or something, for fuck’s sake, shouldn’t you be like super zen now?”
You choked.
He was right though, he had made you come, like, really hard. Plus, you did feel more relaxed so you let yourself laugh at his sassy remark, adjusting to his humour now that you saw how soft he really was. You tried to fake glare at him but couldn’t hold it since he was giving you the nose crinkling smile again, your own lips twitching at the whole situation. 
Burrowing yourself further into his chest, you remembered what you originally came here for.
“By the way… Can I keep your jacket since you lost mine?”
He burst out laughing at that. You find yourself loving the sound of it. 
tagging people who I think want to read this and if you don't kindly ignore lmao: @melodygatesauthor @360iris @xbellaxcarolinax @annautumnsoul @ninebluehearts @bit-dodgy-innit @moonknightly @luc-k-y @eyelessfaces @kittyofalltrades @romanarose @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings @fandxmslxt69 @missdictatorme @loonymagizoologist
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: the reasons why your relationship with them didn’t last, or in other words, the reason why you broke up
characters: albedo, kaeya, mona, yelan, zhongli, baizhu, itto, cyno, kaveh, and dainsleif x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: pure angst, hurt/no comfort, breakups, death, betrayal, etc
notes: um so nobody asked for this, but i needed to write something since it’s been awhile between writing posts. i did really enjoy writing the first part a while back and a lot of people liked it too. anyway, i’ve been busy with some oneshots, so enjoy this for now <3
(part one)
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alchemy mattered more than you
he had promised when you first got together that you would be his priority, and deep down, you believed it
now you just felt foolish
his time never involved you because it was always alchemy this and alchemy that
he’d disappear for hours on end to dragonspine and not even tell you
or the times where he would constantly talk about alchemy, and no matter how many times you had tried to tell him, you just couldn’t understand
you couldn’t help but feel lonely despite being with him
gradually, it all built up to be far too much for you to burden anymore
so one day, you wrote him a letter and gathered your things. if albedo wasn’t going to make time for you, you weren’t going to waste your time on him anymore
he could never fully be himself around you
for years he had avoided relationships because of his secrets and his history with the ragnvindr family
but when he met you, he thought he could give it a chance
he loved you, truly he did, but he just couldn’t open up
everything he wanted to say was always at the back of his mind, feeding into the desire to just spill all of his trauma and live freely
there was just always this unknown force, desperately keeping him from letting it all out — a fear of rejection and a mechanism to protect himself
secrets and lies weren’t what you deserved, and kaeya knew that
eventually he just let the distance grow, and when it got to be enough, he let you go
each and every day he regrets it, but he knows he can’t go back
she saw too far into the future
long ago she told herself she wouldn’t do it, wouldn’t ask the stars about you
but greed and curiosity got to her, and to her shock, mona was terrified by what she saw
no, you weren’t going to cheat or do anything bad. what she saw was worse
you were going to die and mona knew she wasn’t strong enough to witness it, especially not if she was emotionally bound to you
the relationship was relatively new enough that she was able to lie, say it “wasn’t working out.”
of course, you didn’t know any better and didn’t fight her on it. you were confused, but if that’s what she wanted, you weren’t going to waste your time
and for years after, she avoided you and any news of you like the plague
until one day, a newspaper landed on her doorstep
“mondstadt local found dead in tragic dragonspine accident.”
you weren’t who you said you were, and she found out the hard way
the two of you had been together for years
she had met you at a market in liyue one day, and the two of you clicked right of the bat
she loved you more than anything
well, up until you began getting more and more suspicious
coming back late, leaving at random times in the night while she slept, going on suspicious jobs, not telling her who you were meeting with
one day she trailed you without you knowing. it was then that she discovered you were a spy from another nation, and the entire relationship was a lie
instantly, she caught you and turned you over to the millileth in a heartbeat
no tears were shed on either side
you were dead to her
the age gap was too big
while you weren’t younger than his physical age, you were certainly mentally younger
naturally, you knew his true identity, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to be with him
though, over time, you noticed the things you once got along about didn’t matter
more and more disagreements and arguments occurred — far too many for either of you to handle
you didn’t understand him as much as you thought you did, and he inevitably felt the same about you
one day he sat you down and you talked for hours in an attempt to fix things
but in the end, the decision to break up was the only mutual decision you could come to
you couldn’t bear his obsession with immortality
there were countless times you had tried to talk him out of it, but baizhu was stubborn
what was going to happen if he truly did achieve immortality? where would that leave you?
you hated the idea of him staying young forever while you grew old
in your eyes, that relationship would never last
you ignored the issue for a long time. although it caused him health problems, you knew he wasn’t going to just die on you
you kept telling yourself everything was fine when, honestly, it was far from it
an argument broke out between the two of you during a particularly stressful week
insults were tossed back and forth, and soon enough he tossed aside your concerns again too
“i’ve had enough of you’re incessant complaining! can’t you see i don’t care?” baizhu said. he didn’t mean it, but in the heat of the moment, the words came out of his mouth before he could think
“fine! if that’s how it’s going to be, you won’t have to worry about my ‘complaining’ anymore. i’m leaving. maybe one day you’ll see that you’re only hurting more people than helping them.”
he took you for granted
his personality was one of the first things you fell for when you met him
his warm and boisterous laugh, never ending jokes, childlike excitement
it was one that was unique to only him and rare to find amongst the rest of inazuma; people you considered to be far too serious
although, his personality proved to be a problem as time passed
arguments were never taken seriously, he couldn’t read the room, and you hated the way he couldn’t seem to value you as much as the gang mattered to him
and as aformentioned, itto struggled to take serious situations well…seriously
he brushed you off when you told him it didn’t feel like you were even dating, that you just felt like his best friend
and when nothing changed time and time again, you left
shinobu helped you pack your things with a pained expression on her face, for even she knew you had deserved better
his work got in the way of things
cyno and you had a really great relationship with each other from the get-go
as stupid as they were, you loved his jokes. you loved how caring he was, even if it wasn’t always obvious. you loved his dedication and commitment to everything and everyone.
and he loved you equally as much, if not more
being the general mahamatra was not easy, however
he was constantly away at work and didn’t have a lot of time to spend with you
of course, he loved it when he could, but it wasn’t often, and that was hard on both of you
in the end, you both mutually decided to end things. it would be better to end things on a positive note than on a bitter one with hurt feelings, you decided, and he agreed
both of you were in different places in life
kaveh had a lot of leftover feelings to deal with from his early life, alongside his insane amount of debt and lack of stability in his life
you were still finding yourself, working toward your passions and always pushing upward
the relationship between you was one that had lasted for years. it felt like you had seen it all together.
but as you got older, things began to fall apart. you supported kaveh and he supported you, but neither of you were sure that a romantic relationship was something you could uphold at this point
there were no arguments or sour feelings at the end, just a bittersweet taste you both couldn’t shake
perhaps you could find each other again some day
he couldn’t bear to involve you in his life
not in the sense that he didn’t want you in it, but because he struggled so much on a day to day basis with his curse and eternal karma
he didn’t want you to suffer too, or to feel like you were suffering from a relationship with him
not only that, but he was immortal and you were not
no matter what, things were never going to work out in his favor
to be honest, you weren’t even officially together
the lasting glances were there, sped up heartbeats around one another, a feeling of home too, but dainsleif knew it wouldn’t last
he could trick himself into believing he could have you all he wanted, but in there was no ending that let you be together
in the middle of the night one night, he got up from where he laid next to you and found the letter he had stored. the letter that detailed his pain and regret over having to end things, but the inevitability of it all
he placed it neatly on the side table next to the bed and kissed your forehead one last time
if there was any chance in the future he could return he would, but for now, dainsleif knew you were better off without him
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gatoluva · 2 months
" Just a kiss. "
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Lisa x Shrunken Mona WLW, G/T, SFW, MAFIA AU?? 3637 Words, moves a little slow at the beginning. Forgive me if this isn't my best writing. Open for requests.
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It was a cold, rainy, dark evening. A day that the clouds swirled gray and the air was muggy from the rain, weather that anyone would find displeasure of- even those who claim to ‘love’ the rain. For Mona Megistus, it was also a hungry, hungry day, the mora-less girl hadn’t eaten- and the stars were not working in her favor this evening. She had low, long, dark purple-ombre pigtails, her outfit was mostly thrifted or donated to her, which was a black fluffy jacket, a black crop top, and purple denim jeans with black, platform boots. She walked the city’s empty streets, nobody was out because of the weather, but she had nowhere to go- bars didn’t want ‘homeless’ folks and she didn’t exactly have a home. All the girl wanted was something to munch on, but she probably can’t count on that happening this evening. So, she continued her walk, shuffling her tarot deck in her hands. 
That was until she passed by a shop with a blinding, neon purple sign that read ‘free samples’, she stopped in her tracks as she approached the shop’s window. It didn’t look like any food place, that was weird, but the sign next to the neon letters also read it was a new recipe that needed reviews, so maybe it was an up and coming business. New business or not, Mona was hungry and just reading the word ‘food’ had her stomach roaring, reminding her of the cavern she needed to feed. The girl pushed open the door to the store, a ringing sound immediately cued as she entered and a girl with short green hair, a purple, long-bell sleeved and ruffled skirt dress, with thigh-high black boots turned to look at her. Mona feels scrutinized by the lady, but as the door shut behind her and the bell stopped its chime, which was what properly greeted her instead of that staring lady, she decided to speak. 
“Hello there, miss,” she started and got closer to the supposed worker, “I am Mona Megistus, pleased to be here- I have an inquiry… is that sign still valid?” The moment Mona said anything about a ‘sign’ the green-haired girl looked pleased, appearing much more attentive towards the astrologist, Mona. 
“Ah! The free sample? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, a sample of our boss’s finest delicacy comes to you in a very, very short minute,” the green-haired lady spoke, patting Mona’s shoulder and quickly speeding off to a doorway with a beaded curtain- pushing through the beads making that oddly satisfying noise of beads clinking against each other, as she went to get the free sample…? The astrologist blinked, she hadn’t even gotten to respond to the strange worker before she ran off, huh, an odd-duck that lady was, and she spoke… uniquely… 
Mona looked around the shop, it was almost like a library- there were books everywhere, but the counter had cases of strange little potions, jewelry, and such. Almost like a magic shop… interesting. The green-haired lady came back out with a plastic container of a mysterious-looking baked good, if Mona wasn’t so hungry, surely she’d decline, but she hasn’t eaten for awhile and something like this would be fulfilling. “Our finest batch, just for you Miss Megistus~” The green-haired girl almost hissed Mona’s name, sounding almost snake-like, it was creepy in a way, but Mona bowed her head, “Why thank you, about time I’m shown some respect.” The purple-haired astrologist took the container, then the moment she looked up the green-haired girl was gone, Mona heard those beads clank- huh, it seems she went to the back again. 
Mona stared at the food, she didn’t have any utensil to eat this with, but whatever, it’s not like she hadn’t eaten with her hands before. She pinched out a piece of the food, forcing it onto her tongue and closed her mouth, chewing on it slowly. The texture was pleasing and the taste was impeccable- it was almost like it was custom-made to all her ideal likings. Of course, this made Mona only eat the dish quicker, it was so delicious, drool-worthy even, and soon enough the hungry astrologist scarfed down the whole meal. That was a free sample? It should be with a kazillion mora with how tasty it was, she lowered the container once she finished, rubbing her now happy and full stomach. 
Although that food was delicious, after a minute or so of consuming it- she started to feel ill… “Oh my, maybe I ate too fast…” she mumbled to herself because surely that was a logical explanation for eating the food. Mona looked around for a seat inside of the shop, oh lovely, in the corner of the store there’s a little corner couch with shelves surrounding, that should be a good spot to relax at until she feels better. The astrologist approached the couch, taking a seat with a hand on her stomach and laying the empty container on the floor. Mona starts to feel rather sleepy, normally she wouldn’t fall asleep inside of a place like this, but it was almost as if the food was laced with something to make her sleep almost immediately- before her eyes shut, the world was blurry but she did see a shadow of someone’s figure approach her, until everything went black and the astrologist fell asleep. 
Hours later, Mona felt her consciousness be regained- and could hear faint talking, until she felt a gigantic thud below her, recognizing she was laid on the ground and the thud shook her entire being! “Huuh, wha… happened…” she asks aloud, her speaking was slurred and slow, while her eyes slowly opened. The world was still blurry and she needed to regain her focus, looking around, everything seemed so tall, no, like really tall. The astrologist kept turning her head until she saw the green-haired girl by her, collapsed onto the floor, but the difference was the girl was humongous compared to Mona! The astrologist widened her eyes, quickly standing up but feeling herself get a little woozy once she stood.
“It’s alright, little one, that lady is all taken care of,” a feminine voice cooed from about a sky-scraper's height above. Mona slowly tilted her head back, looking all the way up, and realized the darkness was from being completely enveloped in a woman’s shadow, her eyes focused on the lady above, she was brunette, sort of long hair- at least a little below her shoulder, she was wearing black dress pants, black heels, a white dress shirt with a loose black tie, and a blazer over it. She wore excessive jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. If Mona wasn’t scared of this unknown lady, she would swoon from how beautiful she was, but she knew nothing of this lady- she didn’t know if there were any cruel intentions or what. Mona backed away a few steps, her brows furrowed, and she looked almost defensive. However, she looked over at the collapsed green-haired girl, and something tells Mona that it’s that lady’s fault she’s this size, and that the brunette saved her. Oh the little astrologist felt so conflicted. 
Suddenly, the brunette girl started squatting down, gah- just what is she doing! Mona jumped back another step, squinting up at the lady. “Not much of a talker, are you?” The brunette girl asked with a head tilt, her eyes were so full, a pretty green that reminded Mona of a tsavorite crystal, but they were full of untrusting curiosity, the lady seemed mischievous which raised the astrologist’s guard. Though, Mona can’t get away with silence forever. “I am Mona Megistus,” she introduced with a sharp, prideful tone, “I demand that you tell me who you are and what you’re here for!” The puny astrologist crossed her arms and turned away, closing her eyes, acting as if she threw a fit, but opened an eye that glared at Lisa, just to make sure her eyes were still on the lady. Just to watch out for any unpredicted movements, of course. The brunette giggled and that confused Mona, she felt like it was disrespectful in some way, but then the brunette softly spoke, “That is fair, miss Megistus,” she nodded toward the smaller and sighed. “I am Lisa, I came here originally to shake this lady down for something, but then I saw her over here standing over you, and I’ve met this lady before- she has nothing but cruel intentions, so I saved you, you should really thank me, cutie,” Lisa said and shot a wink at the astrologist. 
Mona arched a brow at the wink. Really? Thank her? The astrologist shook her head, “Alright, find out how I shrunk then, Miss Lisa.” The purple-haired girl ordered, facing toward the brunette again. “Trust me, I intend on doing that, but that’s the least of my concerns right now… Mona. I have other business I need to focus on.” The astrologist frowned, “Like what?” Lisa is taken aback a tad by the question, “That isn’t your business,” she assertively says. The lady seems secretive. 
The brunette seemed like she was about to get up, the purple-haired astrologist really didn’t want to be left here alone, and she’d rather be with someone she has somewhat made acquaintance to. “Wait!” Mona ran up a little closer to the lady, and the brunette paused. “Hmm, what is it, little one?” 
“I can’t help but feel my size could be fate, and if it is I’d rather be stuck with someone that the stars tell me I am safe with, and I think you’re the closest person I am safe with for the time being,” Mona quickly explained, placing her hands in front of herself, hand in hand, politely. Lisa grew a pleasant smile at the explanation, “Miss Megistus, it almost sounds like you’re saying we are fate,” she teased. The astrologist crossed her arms immediately, “That is not what I am saying, I would really just like to be with someone who can protect me, and seeing that that miss over there is on the floor knocked out, you seem like someone who can protect me,” she more specifically explained. Lisa seemed amused by the re-explaining done by the astrologist, she held back her giggle though and offered her hand to Mona to climb onto then. “Then come with me, Miss Megistus.” The astrologist stared at Lisa’s hand being offered, it was gloved and looked so inviting. “I- well, alright then,” Mona dipped her head in a bow, then approached the giant hand. This hand could have the strength to pin her down or hold her inside of its first entirely, it was sort of thrilling thinking of the power it had, the power Lisa had, and that the woman didn’t use it against the astrologist, she felt oddly safe. Mona climbed into the hand, centering herself in the middle of the woman’s palm then looked up at her. “Thank you, Miss Lisa, that comes from the stars and I,” she says softly. The corners of Lisa’s lips pulled into another pleasant smile, “Of course, anything for a little cutie such as yourself,” she replied which made the small astrologist blush, and then the brunette stood herself up. 
A small gust of wind brushed through Mona’s hair as Lisa stood, she looked around at everything, it was so high up and slightly amazing. Something in Mona’s gut and brain strike fear in her, being so high up, if she dropped… that surely would be death, but something about Lisa is so comforting, so ensuring that she wouldn’t ever predict being dropped, not even the stars could predict something that is surely unlikely to occur. What was it about this woman that made her feel so safe? While Mona thought Lisa had already walked out of the store and held Mona close to her chest so she was safe in her hold, Once the astrologist realized how quickly they’ve moved, she started thinking more about her own size than thinking about her carrier, Lisa. If Mona had to walk this distance on her own, surely it’d take like… a day or more. Mona couldn’t possibly survive at this size on her own, she’s already struggling at normal-sized… 
“Little one?” Lisa asked, noticing the smaller silence had taken up for quite a while, and the astrologist was staring off into the distance as if wrapped in endless thoughts. Yet, Lisa got no response, Mona was still thinking, the brunette blinked and raised her free hand, gently poking the astrologist. The purple-haired girl squeaked in surprise, scooting from the gloved finger and staring at it. “Little one…” Lisa called again. “Oh- huh, wha…?” Mona asks, looking back at the lady’s face with confusion. “Nothing, I wanted to check if you were alright.” The purple-haired girl’s heart doted on that sentence for a bit, she’d never been checked on before, being alone for a while on the streets- fending for food, shelter, etc. Nobody has ever cared for her until this woman came along, saving her and now allowing Mona to tag along with her for protection. Lisa was unaware of the sentiment she had just given the astrologist. 
Things were getting darker though and slightly began to reek as Lisa walked down an alleyway, Mona was confused, looking up at Lisa expecting an answer just by her glare. “Where are we going?” Lisa glanced down at Mona with the question, “Well, you should know that I am affiliated with a group… and I need to take care of some business, as stated previously,” she said, kind of circling around the question- not giving a direct answer, could she really trust this girl? While she might be small, it doesn’t mean she should doubt her capabilities of going out and about saying stuff, or maybe jumping into things that roar danger. 
Mona felt weird anxiety at that response and began looking around, “Lisa, tell me or the stars will-” she threatened weakly, and at that Mona shrieked in surprise as she was shoved inside of Lisa’s blazer pocket by her waist. Lisa’s gloved hand kept Mona pinned in there and the fabric silenced Megistus, “Give me a second,” she whispered for Mona to hear and approached one of her henchmen. “Hello Kaeya,” the brunette greeted, stopping before him. Kaeya was tall, somewhat taller than Lisa, and had brown skin. He wore an eye patch and had his long, blue hair tied back with some of his bang covering the eye patch. He wore a white collared shirt with a black vest on top, black slacks, and black combat boots. Kaeya tossed a coin up into the air, catching it in his hand and looking toward Lisa with a sly, catty smirk. “Hello boss,” he returned the greeting and slid the coin into his pocket. “So, what will I be up to today?” Kaeya requested for an order, always wanting to be on his feet doing something, it was boring if he had no heavy work to take care of, Lisa knew that though, always sending the blue-haired boy running around places. “Can you do some research on that magic shop run by Katarina, the mage? Something about that free sample is off, I want all the information on it, immediately…” Lisa sharply ordered. “You’ve got it boss, but why the sudden interest?” Kaeya was nosy, he tried to press on the subject and pray some more details out of Lisa, what is so interesting about that magic store? 
“Oh nothing~ I’m just as curious as always, Kaeya,” she said and stepped past him, raising her hand that wasn’t pinning Mona in the pocket to nudge him forward, “go along now, I want that information quickly,” Lisa forced him out then. The blue haired man was suspicious, but he’ll do as ordered.  The brunette waited for him to be fully out of the alleyway, she walked deeper inside to her base and brought Mona back out as she walked. “Hypothetically speaking, of course,” she winked, “I am hypothetically the ringleader of a mafia, but do not fret, Megistus, I don’t come in harm- to you anyways, you’re far too cute for me to want to hurt little old you.”  
Mona had no idea what to feel with Lisa’s words, the interaction she had to hear between some ‘Kaeya’ guy and the woman that she was in the hands of. Just what has Mona gotten herself wrapped up in? Some mafia clan? She furrowed her brows, not sure how to handle this, sure this woman helped her but is also involved in crimes. How can she trust a criminal such as Lisa? Her eyes become pupils that translate into terror, the terror of being clueless and unable to process what she’s going through. “Do you expect me to just trust you, Miss Lisa? I- forgive me, I need a moment,” Mona escapes into her thoughts, closing her eyes and thinking about the stars, the only guidance Mona really needs is from the stars, what she trusts to be true. What does fate have in store for the astrologist? 
Lisa understood the other’s hesitance to immediately trust her, if she were Mona- she’d feel the same, so the brunette is patient, pausing on her walk to the base to give Mona the time she needs. “I have given you thought, even though I, Mona Megistus, find it distrustful and disrespectful you didn’t tell me the truth of your identity sooner- I am willing to repair that tear in this friendship and allow you to regain my trust, If I’m honest, maybe earlier you weren’t far off- pairing us two as fate because the stars and my astrology tell me to trust you, even if what you do is… fairly immoral, there isn’t much I can do… being so… small…” she shivered at mentioning her size, just processing how big the world was compared to her again. The brunette arched a brow at that realization and also smirked, “Aw, really? Well if you say we are fate, miss ‘Astrologist’ then I suppose I should trust you, you’re the professional here in all things fate,” she says with assumption, daring to flirt with Mona, which brings the small purple haired girl to shock. 
Suddenly, Mona feels the hands below her raise her up higher, “Um- Lisa, what is it that you’re doing? I just said I trust you, don’t make me take that back…” Then, Lisa’s big lips came into Mona’s frame, they had a purplish-red shade on them, it suited Lisa’s face beautifully.Her skin was so clear, it looked so soft and Mona wanted to lay her hand on the other’s face, but she couldn’t. That’d be inappropriate, wouldn’t it? She had just met this lady, and she’s feeling intense emotions over her, maybe shrinking has driven Mona insane. Lisa brought Mona higher, to the waterline of her eye, squinting at her, “Forgive me if I’m mistaken, Mona, but weren’t you just admiring me?” She asked, Lisa is well aware that Mona was, but she likes seeing the little one falter. 
“Me?” Mona asks, putting a hand on her chest and referencing herself. “Please, Lisa, you suddenly raised me to your lips- of course, I’m going to look in confusion, that is far intimidating,” she responded. The brunette sighed, “What’s intimidating about them? Are they too chapped for you? Do you think I’m going to eat you? Aw, you really are bite-size, but I am not interested in making you a meal- that is… inhumane of me, Miss Megistus.” If this were a cartoon, Mona’s eyes would swirl and she’d faint with a beet-red face, however, her cheeks do pinken at the idea. “What?! This is absurd, Lisa, none of those options–” Lisa giggled at Mona, and that is when Mona realized Lisa was just teasing her. “What if I gave you a kiss?” The brunette proposed, and Mona furrowed her brows, a kiss? 
“I think I need you to provide me with more details than just that, Miss Lisa,” Mona said slowly, ensuring she understood Lisa correctly. The woman wanted to kiss her? What? Lisa smirked at the fact the astrologist didn’t exactly decline it. “I press my lips against you, a kiss, doesn’t exactly have to be romantic, it’s just an idea floating within my head, and probably yours with all your admiration,” she says with a little hum. The purple-haired girl sounds exasperated, obviously flustered with the accusation and the idea of being kissed by this woman. “Well, if you’re going to accuse me of wanting a kiss from you, then I guess… kissing me wouldn’t hurt, would it?” Mona gave in weakly, looking away from the giant woman. Lisa giggled, “What? You want me to kiss you, Mona? But we had just met,” she teased. “Oh- I thought you were rather… serious…” Mona trailed off, somewhat disappointed, thinking it was all just a pointless tease. The astrologist should’ve expected that from the brunette- she doesn’t seem the type to just give away kisses from those lovely, lovely lips, just like that… That was where Mona was quickly proven wrong. The little astrologist was lowered and brought towards a giant pair of soft, plump lips, that puckered around her entire body and smooched her. The astrologist squirmed at the quickness of it but leaned into the lips after a second, oh they were soft- and they were of a lovely and enchanting woman. However, it felt so wrong at the same time considering the reminder in her head that the two just met. If the brunette didn’t mind though, and Mona didn’t mind, then it should be okay for now. It was in fact, just a kiss.
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