analiavs · 1 year
HarperVerse: The Last Straw
PCxKylarXWhitney is finally here. Whitney wants to put Kylar in his place, but it backfires. And he ends up having the best night of his life, after some minor turmoil.
Words: 4074
I'm gonna also post just the smut for my pwp
If you don't want to read something this long in the app here's a link to ao3:
Lately he found himself ruminating. That loser Kylar kept encroaching on his territory, constantly  badgering his slut for attention. Even daily locker shovings hadn’t been enough to dissuade him. It was getting ridiculous, and while he doubted a wimp like Kylar could satisfy his slut she still entertained the creep. And he didn’t want to get pepper sprayed again trying to make her stop.   
His only solution was to take the fight to Kylar. He needed to beat him up so bad the freak never wanted to talk to his slut again. He planned  everything carefully. Even coming up with objectives to complete. 
Objective 1: Don’t let slut find out
Objective 2: Get Kylar alone
Objective 3: Put Kylar in his place
It was perfect. He took a drag off his cigarette. Kylar usually skulked around the school anyway, so getting him alone would be easy. And if he skipped first period slut would probably think he was skipping school that day and have no idea what he was doing. It was perfect, by the end of the day slut’s attention would be all on him like it should be.
He heard the bells ring from his hiding spot, he kept waiting patiently for Kylar to pass through the hallway. He felt like a lone wolf waiting for its quarry. It was pretty boring without his squad or slut there to accompany him, but he needed to do this alone. 
Finally, he spotted Kylar sneaking down the hallway. It was time. He got ready to pounce and the second his unsuspecting prey passed by he grabbed him, gagging him with his hand. He wasn’t that hard to drag away considering how short and weak he was. He shoved him into the abandoned classroom and locked the door behind himself. There would be no interruptions. 
“Uh… wha-  what do you want?” Even if he was trying to act brave, Kylar was hugging his arms to his sides. This was going to be too easy. 
“I fucking told you to stay away from my slut! So now I’m going to make you pay!” He snarled. Immediately Kylar’s demeanor changed; instead of cowering he puffed his chest out. 
“Don’t call her that!” He shoved him back with a surprising amount of force. When he fell he tried to grab for Kylar but missed. 
“My queen is mine! I’m the alpha male here, not you!” Kylar screamed, malice dripping off every word before jumping onto him and grabbing his neck. He tried to fling him off, but Kylar’s kicks kept hitting the back of his knees. When he tried to shout at him all that came out was a wheeze. He beat desperately at Kylar’s arms, but he wouldn’t release him. 
+++ pain  +++ stress
He couldn’t believe the freak was so strong, just yesterday he had shoved him into a locker. Besides the pain he felt shame and distress building within him. Kylar refused to let go and eventually he saw black. 
When he came to, he was tied to a desk. He struggled, his arms were tied together behind his back, but his legs were spread and tied to a leg of a desk. He tried to yell, but he was gagged with some weird tasting cloth. 
He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he tried to fight the panic. He couldn’t believe Kylar of all people had him in this position. 
He flinched when he felt a hand brushing the hair off his face.
“She’s mine. I’m gonna put you in your place, show you who the real alpha male is.” Kylar sounded cocky now. To his dismay he heard the sound of a camera shutter. Pictures! He’d turn into a laughing stock. 
He released a muffled cry and struggled harder.
“Struggle all you want, Dr. Magnum taught me everything I need to know about rope tying. Now I’ll show you a real man.” He heard Kylar getting on the desk and felt his pants being undone.
He hadn’t worn boxers in the hopes that his slut would let him get a victory hump this afternoon. His flaccid penis was now bare for Kylar to see. He snapped some pictures, but stared at his dick.
“That’s it?” Kylar grabbed his dick giving it a curious shake. He struggled even harder, trying to ignore the tears streaming down his face. So what if it was below average, he was still the boss. 
“My dick’s bigger than yours.” Kylar laughed, dropping his own pants. And saw Kylar’s disproportionately huge dick swinging around. 
+++insecurity +++stress
“I didn’t want to be on camera, but I think the comparison is important.” Kylar rubbed their dicks together trying to arouse him. Despite his resistance, it worked and Kylar’s towered over him. 
Kylar snapped some more pictures of the comparison and he tried to ignore the snot streaming down his face. Kylar snapped a few pictures of his face.
“I wanna completely dominate you, but our queen gave me strict orders. Don’t her panties taste good? Her pussy feels even better.” Kylar ranted excitedly. He cried into his slut’s panties. 
Kylar started masturbating over him. Grunting and muttering to himself. He tried to ignore it. Eventually Kylar came, covering him in cum. 
+++stress +++trauma ++arousal
He struggled halfheartedly, but it covered him nevertheless. It was an insane amount, ridiculous balls to match his ridiculous dick. Once he finished orgasming Kylar took some more pictures of him.
“That was great. I’ve claimed you now, so don’t worry. As the alpha I’ll protect you now too. Hehehe, I have to show everyone your mine.” 
- - - your dominance - - - status *love interest unlocked*
When Kylar untied him, kissing the rope burns gently he didn’t have the energy to fight back. He felt disgusted, but it was oddly comforting.
-stress -trauma
Before he left Kylar gave him a kiss on the cheek. When he heard the door close after Kylar he slowly sat up, rubbing his arms. 
He wiped the tears off his face roughly, and adjusted his clothes. His dick was still hard after that, but it’s not like he had to hide it.
But he couldn’t walk around in this state either. He waited till lunch time to sneak out of school and ran all the way home. Luckily no one saw him. He showered quickly and fixed his hair. Before grabbing a hoodie and a mask so he’d be unidentifiable.
He made his way to the hospital. He approached a plump receptionist demanding an appointment. She huffed at his tone, but put him in the system. 
He waited with his arms crossed, glaring at anyone who looked his way. He was finally called back and was led to an examination room. Not long after a tall young looking man walked in holding a clipboard.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Harper, nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
“Kylar. Let’s cut the crap, I want a bigger dick.” Even though the doctor started smiling, it filled him with a vague sense of unease. 
“Wonderful, for instantaneous results we can do surgery or I can prescribe you some pills that will increase your growth rate.”
“Surgery” He answered immediately. The faster it got bigger the faster he could say it was photoshop. 
“Ok, I must ask you to strip so I can take your measurements, that way I can see what we’re working with Kylar.” He said. Even if he tried to sound nice the doctor was still giving him the creeps. He tried to show that he didn’t care about dropping his pants. The doctor's face stayed blank though. 
The doctor came up to inspect him without even putting gloves on his hands. He resisted the urge to pull his shirt down while the doctor felt him up. Afterwards, he pulled a chart of penis sizes from his desk. "You're about here." He pointed at the picture labeled "tiny penis." He suppressed an angry response.
“Whatever, I want to be that size.” He said pointing at the picture labeled enormous. The doctor smiled, “Ah yes, that’ll be 20,000$.” He felt his heart drop, he tried to ignore the heat growing behind his eyes. 
“Um… small then.” He muttered looking at the ground. 
“5,000 then” 
“I don’t have that either.” The doctor’s smile didn’t falter. 
“Unfortunately, we don’t do payment plans for elective surgery. But if money is an issue we do have a revolutionary new drug that has been proven to increase penis growth exponentially. Only 150$ for 14 pills.” He nodded eagerly. Harper led him to the pharmacy and personally handed him the pills once he paid. 
“Ok young man, be well. Remember only once a day.” The doctor smiled, waving him off. He scurried home. Once he got home exhaustion set in, he figured it probably would be smart to find a guinea pig to test his pills on before he went all in. He went to bed early, so he would have enough time to get ready the next morning. 
He felt almost hopeful getting ready for school. Yesterday's events felt distant in his mind, almost like it had been a nightmare. He got ready for school and styled his hair perfectly. Hopefully he’d see his squad on the way. His followers usually showered him with compliments once they saw him and he could use the ego boost.
He didn’t see them, but he did see a crowd at the announcement board once he got to school. Some people turned to look at him and giggled. He growled out threats, shoving past everyone to see what they were looking at. Immediately his stomach dropped. Plastered all over the board were the pictures from yesterday, with he’s mine written in what he hoped was red paint. 
+ +  + stress  - - - - - status
He started yanking them off the wall, ignoring the raucous laughing echoing around him. Once he had all the pictures he dumped them in a trash can. Just when he’d started to relax he looked up to see the school was plastered with pictures. 
- - - - status +++ stress
He looked for his friends. When he finally found him they wouldn’t let him get close. 
“No way freak! Get away from us!” Someone screamed.
“Like we’d be caught dead with a bitch like you!” They cussed him out and jeered at him. He ran towards the locker room. A professor shouted no running in the halls after him, but he didn’t care. Forget the guinea pig, he was going to take the whole bottle now. 
But as he was running someone tripped him. He managed to land on his arms instead of slamming his face onto the ground. Then he heard the pills hit the ground and his heart dropped. He looked up to see them rolling  and saw somebody catch it with their foot, Sydney. He picked it up almost dramatically. Then he read the label aloud. 
“Maxziphallia? Triple the growth guaranteed? Darling, what’s growing, his height?” He asked his slut’s boring twin. Knowing that choir boy, he might genuinely have no idea. Everyone else in the hallway started laughing. 
“My love, you shouldn’t touch such filthy things. Let’s take the contraband to the infirmary.” She glared at Whitney. Like he gave a fuck what they thought, couldn’t they see they were ruining his life. He tried to ignore the tears building in his eyes. If he cried now, he would never be able to recover his reputation. He got up with his fists balled up ready to punch someone, anyone; but everyone knew to keep their distance. Not only that but he’d wasted $150 now too. 
He ran outside, unsure of where he was going to go. He tripped on a rock. Now people who were still walking up to school were laughing at him.
*You are overwhelmed*
Everything went black…
He woke up in a bed he didn’t recognize, fear pulsing in his chest. Whatever freak had captured him was going to pay for this. He sat up, whoever kidnapped him hadn’t even tied him up. He became viscerally aware of someone heavily breathing to the side of him. He looked to see Kylar standing next to the bed, staring at him. 
“What the fuck you freak! You better let me go or I’ll kick your ass!” He jumped out of bed ready to swing on Kylar. Instead of flinching, Kylar pulled out a can of pepper spray. 
“Well you would lose against me, the alpha male-” Before their fight could escalate, someone interrupted. 
“Kylar shut the hell up.” It was his slut’s voice. He looked around wildly, just to see her lounging in a chair. He had so many questions. She twirled her hair while she kept her eyes on him. 
“You’re both my bitches. Get along.” She spoke flippantly, waving a hand at them. Incredulous, he shouted back at her. 
“I’m not your bitch! What the fuck are you talking about!” She chuckled.
“Why did you think I saved you even after what you tried to pull? You're mine, I won’t let anyone else have you.” She would bring up that day again. He’d tried his best to act like it had never happened afterwards, even if he’d never really gotten to dominate her like he wanted they had gotten closer. He tried to ignore the whining noise that Kylar was making and focused entirely on his slut. She sighed and kept talking. 
“I’ve been keeping an eye on you, you know? Those people you were messing with aren’t the type to give up. I had to do some wicked shows, pay a lot of money, and commit some minor extortion to get them off your back. So by all accounts, I’ve claimed you as mine.” She winked at him. 
“But if you really don’t want to be with me that’s fine too.” She shrugged. “I’m not some incel that’ll take my protection away over a rejection.” After everything she was still giving the freedom to make his decision. The path to the door was clear after all. He wanted to storm out, and pretend nothing had happened. Leave and then next time he saw her try to shove her into a locker. Then she would inevitably pepper spray him and make him come in his pants. But she was making it clear she wanted more, or had already decided their relationship was more.
Could things even go back to normal? His reputation was in tatters, if anything he’d probably stop going to school after this. And even with everything that had happened between them, she still wanted him. Even if her love meant that he had to learn to tolerate that slimy fuck Kylar. It was better to have someone, then nobody at all.
“I’m yours.” He couldn’t stand the sappiness of it so he pivoted. “Are we gonna fuck now?” She smiled.
“If y’all want. I was thinking I teach y’all how to fuck each other. Since you’ve both fucked me, there’s no real novelty there. And I’m not gonna lie, you two made some pretty pictures.” Immediately Kylar started whining, 
“Noo mistress, I just wanted to feel you tonight, only you-” He saw his chance to gain favor and interrupted. 
“I think it’s a great idea. If we wanna get along, then we should get to know each other.” He smiled, she smiled, and Kylar turned red.
“Mmm, baby I love the enthusiasm. Let’s all get naked and hop to it.” She dug in her bag and pulled out a giant lube bottle. She moved seductively while she stripped down, while Kylar just threw his clothes off.  He followed after them, stripping eagerly. Maybe he could use this to reclaim dominance, he was already hard. With the lube it would be no problem to just slide into Kylar. 
She came up to kiss him. The two of them made out, tongues thrusting against each other eagerly exploring. He got a few good gropes in before they broke the kiss. With Kylar practically shaking with jealousy she took the time to kiss him too. The virgin practically came in his pants. He stifled a laugh, watching how pathetic Kylar was he could never feel insecure. His slut parted from Kylar and sighed. She looked back at him.
“I wish I was taller, then I could hold you on my lap. Whit, just roll over onto your belly for now.” He obeyed, a little worried about where this was leading. He felt her straddle his back. His fears were all but confirmed when she felt him spreading his ass cheeks. 
“So cute.” She cooed. “If I had a strap… Anyway Kylar, cover your fingers in lube.” She sounded cheerier than usual, but he felt nervous. He didn’t know what to expect, he felt something wet probing back there. 
“Uh wait! Oh?” With the lube Kylar’s finger slid right in. It wasn’t particularly pleasurable or painful. When he did it with his slut she had made it seem like the best thing ever but right now it didn’t feel like much. Relieved or disappointed, he couldn’t resist taunting Kylar. 
“Is that the best you can do? You fucking suck at this!” He laughed while Kylar started thrusting his finger in and out.
“I’ll show you…” He heard Kylar muttering to himself. Even though it didn’t feel like much his ass still welcomed Kylar’s fingers in. He almost wanted to tell Kylar to shove his dick in, but he wasn’t about to get his ass torn apart. As Kylar added fingers his ass accepted them easily. He was almost disappointed his ass wasn’t as sensitive as his sluts, when he heard her start instructing Kylar.
“He’s a guy, you need to find his prostate. Give him euphoria.” She sounded even more enchanting than usual. Even though he couldn’t see her he shivered like she was whispering in his ear. He felt Kylar start moving his finger around in different directions. He tried to ignore the pleasurable heat building inside him. 
“Tonights all about the two of you forming the ultimate connection. If you guys succeed, next time the two of you can have my pussy together. If not we’ll need more lessons hehehe, but I think y’all will come to love pleasuring each other.” She was really harping on him and Kylar building a relationship. He rolled his eyes. As long as his slut knew who to come back to he didn’t mind sharing. A slut was a slut after all. That shouldn’t mean making nice with whoever else shared her bed. 
“It’s not my fault Kylar sucks at this! He needs to practice on ah!” Shit, Kylar had hit a spot that actually felt good. Kylar started honing in on that spot, stabbing it with his fingers. Which while pleasurable, was also immensely overstimulating. 
He couldn’t really speak, any noises sounded more like whines. Thankfully, his slut was paying attention.
“Kylar no! Be gentle like, rub his prostate. Keep being rough and he’ll get to go first. Add some more lube! Warm it up first.” She chided. Immediately Kylar pulled his fin. Hopefully processing her words. When he started back up he felt a lot more lube. Once again, his body readily accepted the fingers. However, instead of battering his prostate, Kylar rubbed it carefully. 
Now this was enjoyable. He tried to move his hips back against Kylar’s fingers to try and increase the stimulation. 
“Sorry Whitney, Kylar’s learning to give pleasure instead of just taking it today. You’ll have to tell him what you want. Though it would be hot to watch you dom the shit outta him, this lesson’s very important.” He could only imagine what the freak had put her through. If he contributed to the lesson, then he could imagine a reward in his future. 
“Uh a little firmer. Not faster though, ah maybe go up to three fingers. It feels good when you rub it, yeah just like that, keep going.” He stifled his moans. The longer Kylar stimulated that part of him, the greater his sensitivity as a whole. Of course his slut noticed this and encouraged him,
“Yes, bask in the pleasure. See how good you're making him feel Kylar? Focus on his body, his desires.” She started massaging his hips, relaxing him even further. Well he wasn’t losing his mind or anything, but this did feel really good. He could feel his dick pressing against the bed, he rubbed it against the blankets. 
“Are we ready for the next phase?” 
“Yes!” He heard Kylar shout and felt the fingers inside of him trembling. On his prostate, that felt sublime.
“Oh yes!” He moaned, stars dancing in his eyes.  Abruptly the fingers were pulled out of him. He tried to chase them. A gentle slap on his ass chek stopped him.
“Lube up Kylar.” She laughed. “Yeah just like that, make sure you use enough, it’s the good stuff so you won’t need to reapply. But if you cheap out, don’t hesitate to reapply if you need it.” It really was a fucking lesson. He whined, shaking his hips as much as he could.
“Hahaha… alright alright, let’s not keep Whitney waiting hmm. Like I told you, push in gentle like, don’t just shove it in. I’ll slap the shit out of you.” He was glad she was directing Kylar. His dick was much larger than the fingers. 
It hurt a little as Kylar pressed in. He tried to relax himself to make it easier. With his slut watching he didn’t have to worry about Kylar hurting him. Once the head of Kylar’s dick popped in, the rest of it slipped in without a problem. His slut really was an expert. He moaned when he felt Kylar’s thighs hit his. 
“Wow, you took him in so well.” She rubbed his hair, praising him some more. He felt her slip off his back. He grabbed a pillow to bury his face in not wanting Kylar to see the effect he was having on him. 
“See how he’s ready for you to move now. Start off slowly, let his pleasure decide your pace.” He half expected Kylar to start ravaging him like he had a vendetta. But he listened to his slut, thrusting out gently. He moaned into the pillow. He let Kylar do all the work, enjoying the gentle thrusts. Soon he wanted more, he pulled off the pillow. 
“A little harder, ahh yeah just like that.” He ordered, Kylar obeyed without a word. He put his head back in the pillow. It was nice having someone focusing all their attention on pleasuring him.  He could get used to this. Kylar’s dick was big enough to stimulate his prostate with any adjustments, and since it had built up he could feel something coiling in his belly. 
He tried to stop any drool from leaking out his mouth. The creaking of the mattress, the perfumed pillow, it was all too much. He pulled his face out of the pillow.
“Harder bitch!” He felt Kylar’s hands grip his waist before his thrusts suddenly went into overdrive. He squealed, plunging his face back into the pillow. Kylar was grunting behind him, fucking as hard as he could. He could feel sweat dripping everywhere. 
Even with his queen off to the side cooing praises and orders, in that moment nothing mattered. He just wanted to feel more pleasure. Despite Kylar’s death grip on his hips he still pushed back as much as he could. He was practically screaming into the pillow. He’d half expected Kylar to be useless with his dick, but it seemed he was well trained. 
Even in the pillow he was seeing stars. His legs started shaking and his toes curled. He tightened his grip on the pillow and shook as he came. Good thing he was already in bed, his whole body was tingling. Luckily, Kylar didn’t last much longer after that, collapsing on his back as he came himself. He felt Kylar kissing and licking his back. It was kind of gross, but after what they’d just done together… 
“Amazing you two, simply spectacular! My darling lovers. Rest, both of you. I’ll clean you up.” Their queen spoke up from the side. He was still reveling in the aftermath of his orgasm, so he barely registered her leaving the room. He felt a warm rag on his thighs, before sleep took him.
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You feel light-headed and don't remember clearly how you left the school's party. The boys sure as hell offered you a little too much beverage. Somehow you feel sore all over your body.
What time is it now...
(1) Next
You open your eyes to... whatever this shit is...
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...Now what?
(1) Try to go back to sleep | Willpower: ??? | ++Stress (2) Escape the room | Athletics: Challenging 5%
(3) It is what it is... | Promiscuity 5 | +++Love | +++Lust
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ilovedarius666 · 1 year
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batwhisper · 13 days
I think I’ve held these hostage for a long time now so I’m dropping it off (Spoiler alert, I don’t draw on model consistently so idk what they’ll look like if I draw they again in the future :’’’DDD)
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Close ups
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Idk abt this but here’s some extra doodles with fem version.. I don’t think I did well with Kylar and Whitney (referenced Heather Chandler for Whit because bro would’ve been that type of mean girl fr fr), I like Sydney and Robin’s tho but I might change a few stuff overall.
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Also, reason for delays:
- college
- Roblox
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lyiuli · 1 month
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cloudsofteeth · 1 month
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Days at school
Many activities
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junjunjunko · 2 months
F!Robin x PC[?]
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roxy-o0 · 1 year
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shokujin-art · 2 months
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So... I started a side run with a new PC to add a top / defiant to the family ✨
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Barely 40 days in, beating whitney's ass to save him from dismissal and kicked away 3 people at the same time to save Robin. I can sense Lyra judging him from her save slots 😂
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sharkenedfangs · 3 months
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promise he didn’t mean to stupidly jack off to you , it was just hormonal urges acting up, yeah.
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Fuck, underneath this thin layer of pure impulsivity, he’s undeniably aware that he should’ve stopped things here the second it escalated— Hastily shut off the cheaply recorded clips hazily shown back towards him by the dimly lit monitoring of his screen. He had his tell-tale suspicions secretly simmering deep within, yeah, lil’ freak here knew you weren’t necessarily the most loyal of people ‘round town. Didn’t mean his skittish eyes to instinctively seek yours out in a crowded room, hidden amongst the numerous people he’d usually glance over in bare disinterest when in search for your own recognizable frame. A harmless crush, he’d initially call it to soothe the lurking urges annoyingly gnawing at the back of his mind, repeatedly whispering to him the instinctual need to fervently possess you further, sweetly leave his fair share of littered marks all around your unblemished skin so that the town may notably take notice of your cherished bond.
Still, this is— this is so fuckin’ unfair, y’know?? How dare you merely prove your brazen disloyalty to him time and time again and here he is, curled fist stubbornly snug around his leaking cock, tacky globs of pre-cum profusely dribbling out of his swollen slit as if he’s not crudely getting off to the sight of you— you, fucking getting your whorish boy hole ruined by another person. Desperate bucks of his hips, jeans carelessly slung down to his ankles below, rest of his sticky with cum underwear probably thrown somewhere along the scattered mess in his room. It’s sick, downright vile and he knows it, but fuck— it has started off with a familiar scowl making its way past his normally soft features when faced with your usually placate room devoid of anyone else but his watchful eyes carefully taking in the sight of your snoozing frame comfortably tucked away under the woollen covers.
Except, you’re not truly alone and ah, here goes.. Robin? Seamlessly sneaking himself into your room instead, not him, but that fucking friend of yours constantly sticking to your sides at school, outside of there too — yes, he’s checked, no he’s not a creep for it! — Affectionately nosing along the crook of your neck, muttering out wistful words, he, himself cannot possibly hope to discern considering his— well, namely cheap equipment he has to forcibly deal with, here. Subtle brush of your best friend’s palm sneakily disappearing underneath the thick blanket, though he can barely make out the outline of his hand dizzyingly slipping its way past your boxers, probably.. hah, feeling your cute cock up, sticky mess pervertedly staining the material already. The little, heated sighs collectively tumbling forth from both of your lips, discreetly obscured within the dark corners of your narrow room shouldn’t be affecting him this much. Yet, it is as proven by the burning flush heating his cheeks, teeth instinctively digging into the rosy flesh of his bottom lip. Inwardly seething at the pure display of love intimately being shown to him — without your aforementioned knowledge too, by the way — and that his cock itself is painfully reacting to it, stupidly tented against the front of his ripped jeans, craning his neck closer as if it might magically allow him to see your movements beneath.
Don’t need to wait all that long for it since you decisively do the honours for him of course, or unfortunately Robin here, whose hands and lips are busying themselves all over your originally untouched body. Supple fingertips coyly caressing rhythmic circles along your hips, thumb lovingly circling around the edge of your hot, drooling tip freed out in the air. Relishing in the hitched gasps, slightest shivers of your curled frame snugly pressed against his, adorably pleading for more with a needy whine of his name. A name, name that should be Kylar’s — not his. Repressed freak frustratingly chewing at his chipped nails, gaze not leaving your glazed over eyes for the briefest of seconds in favour of freeing his fat, throbbing cock from the tight of confines of his pants. It’s— It’s not bad! He’s just helping himself because at the end of the day, he’s nothing but a man too, just like you. A pathetic loser who’s wracked in a mess, stupidly fisting his cock at the bare sight of your figure being sinfully defiled by your best friend hidden beneath the haphazardly spread sheets. Swollen, pink nipples shown out in the cooling air for his eyes to breathlessly take in, soon also taken by Robin’s mouth hungrily latching onto one of them. Audibly suckling on the perky buds with noisy sucks, relishing in the muted gasps gradually being drawn out of you. Noticeable scrunch of your face, timid grasp finding its way entangled along the soft strands of your best friend’s hair in a shy mewl for more cuz’ shit, it must feel good, right?
He could make you feel way better than that, promise! Though that’s the very last repetitive protest on his blurring mind, dumbly shut off as he jerks himself off. Slippery slides of his palm gliding along his cum coated length in an audible squelch!, rhythmic up-and-down motion of fisting his cock raw against his palm, furiously humping upwards in time with each controlled thrust of Robin on the other end. Hah, wonder what you’d do if you truthfully knew what he’s currently doing, how that precious owl toy gifted to you on that faithful day wasn’t for innocent intentions and all that, wasn’t to kindly look over you to make sure you’re always at ease. He means, it is! But, not necessarily that, no— in fact, it’s for opportunities like this. Like a pervert, he’s shamelessly getting off to your tight, little fucking hole being stuffed full of your best friend’s fat cock, bobbing dick cutely swaying between the tantalizing spreading of your thighs. Legs deftly locked around Robin’s hips in a tentative beg to keep going! and feels so fuckin’ good! and oh, how he wishes he was the one stupidly balls deep inside of you. Subtle arch of your back, peppered kisses being repeatedly planted against your pouty lips, lolling tongue and rolling eyes and fuuuckkk—- it’s the second you make immediate contact with him, maybe not out of purpose. No, definitely not, but the split second of eye contact you both share, slightest flicker of your gaze settling upon the owl who’s flickering camera is blinking back, recording this all — that has his hips stuttering, head impulsively thrown back and whiny moans hurriedly spilling past his open lips as hot spurts of his sticky seed spurt out of his cock and into the air. Stiffening limbs wracked with his orgasm, quivering legs sat atop his creaking chair all the while milking every last drop of his cock, till it uselessly dribbles out in pitiful droplets onto the ground.
Ah, look at the effects you have on him that he embarrassingly enough, cums so quickly from a mere glance of your eyes in his direction. And really, how he should be properly blaming you for the coated mess on his wooden floorboards which he should be currently cleaning right about now, lest his parents find out again. Truly, he should probably go and.. grab a wet rag now.
..And some tissues for later.
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529 notes · View notes
0000xx10 · 3 months
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nuesora · 4 months
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That one tweet that went viral and everyone is redrawing
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dollya-robinprotector · 6 months
Silly icon of school LIs and my PC in Vivinos' Alien Stage style XD
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I'll put Vivinos' little drawing under the cut, please support her team and Alien Stage series if you want! Links under.
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Vivinos youtube / Vivinos patreon
Alien Stage Series
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zhoumofuhuo · 1 year
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This is a meme on Chinese social networks, called: Why is there no sound
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blackbrass · 1 year
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maybe it's good that PC doesn't have a phone...
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softmangoes · 6 months
how the LIs kiss
pure!sydney's kisses are sweet, mouth soft and his tongue warm. he kisses you in the same way he savors the hard candies you'd slide over the library counter, slipping them into his hands just so your fingers could brush. when he pulls away, his glasses are foggy, a nervous smile on his face. "was that..." he says, blushing. "was that alright?"
corrupt!sydney's kisses are hungry. he's got his hands under your shirt and his tongue deep in your mouth. he's been waiting so patiently, after all, and now he finally has you to himself. "you taste divine, beloved." he says, fingers slipping under your waistband. when you sigh against his mouth, he smiles. "but i think it's time i have my dessert."
whitney's kisses hurt. they're full of teeth and bruises and blood and his nails digging crescents into your skin. whenever he crushes his lips to yours, he always makes sure to leave you aching. and like every fight you've had against him, you never come out unscathed. "there," he says, marveling at the fresh marks blooming along your neck. "now everyone will know whose slut you are."
kylar's kisses are desperate. his hands roam your skin as his mouth murmurs endless promises into the hollow of your neck. "we'll be together forever," he says, drunk on the scent of you. he presses his body to yours, eager to get closer, to envelope you in his embrace. to never, ever, let you go. "nothing will ever change that."
eden wastes no time when he kisses you. he has known the lean months of winter and the lonely days of fall. you cannot deny him the sweetness of spring. he bites into the curve of your neck like the first fruit of warmer days, licks at your lips to drink in your sweetness. but a hunter is always hungry, always wanting. "it's been a long day," he growls, deepening the kiss. when he takes your shirt in his hands, the fabric rips apart easily. "too long without you."
robin's kisses are warm. they're fingers running through your hair, a smile against your mouth. sunny days and lips that taste like fresh lemonade. he always laughs when he kisses you, like he can't believe he's doing this. like he can't believe he's yours. when he kisses you, the world is a little brighter. softer. "it's a beautiful day to be with you," he murmurs after he pulls away, pressing a peck to your cheek before taking your hand in his.
there is no way you can truly describe how the ivory wraith kisses you, but there is a note of familiarity to it. your mind conjures memories of kisses whispered in passing, of lips locked in darkened halls. "as sweet as ever," he hums, licking your lips with his cool tongue. "as sweet as always." the passing of centuries have done little else but make him yearn. the wraith, with his great and terrible beauty, kisses you like he's been waiting for you all this time.
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