project-canada · 8 months
Hey just a heads up, if you ever need voice lines for Annie again in the future, just gimme a poke and I'll record when I'm free LOL I have a waaaaay better quality microphone than I used to too, so no more sound peaking for louder clips and growling and no more popping my Ps!
Yes!! :D <3
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Likewise for Kate and Bertie from me too :3 (although i'm not home for a few weeks and don't have a private space to record here but yknow in future) <3
--Admin Hapo
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wolfleblack · 5 months
God of War: Ragnarok will be announced for PC soon, it seems
According to the typically quite reliable bilbil-kun, Sony intends on announcing God of War: Ragnarok for PC, possibly within the month. The timing would fit with other insider reports suggesting that Sony may be planning a PlayStation Showcase during May. 🚨 UPCOMING RELEASE 🚨God of War Ragnarok is one of the next PlayStation exclusive titles to be ported on PCAnnouncement date is imminent.…
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allbeendonebefore · 8 years
Farewell Project Canada
To the Cast, Crew and Fans of Project Canada,
I think before I start rambling as I am wont to do, it's better to be clear and to the point and rip the band-aid off before I clarify further. I am leaving the Project. 
I intend to continue working as an admin until the Dominion Day episode is finished and will help out with anything expected of me until that episode is complete, but after that I am stepping down. Ideally I wanted to have that done before July, but it will get done when it gets done. Releasing it for July 2017 at the latest will be my final objective, but ideally it must be finished as soon as possible.
This was not an easy decision to make and I gave myself six months to make sure it was the right decision, to see if I still felt the same way after the immediate stress of the semester was over. It definitely was painful due to the amount of time and energy I had invested into the Project, which was one of the first reasons I had to make it in the first place.
As many of you know, I am a grad student. Next year I will be busier than ever before: I'm taking two dead languages and writing my thesis, attending lectures, possibly volunteering or even working at a museum, and possibly working as a teaching assistant. This is my full time job, this is what pays for my groceries and other expenses, this comes first and foremost in my life. In order to prevent myself from having a total breakdown, I need to start my studies during the summer. A few years ago this would have meant throwing myself into a creative work like the Project, but now things are a little different and I don't want to promise myself to something I can't guarantee.
The second reason is that I feel I have been putting way more energy into this project than I have been receiving back. I was reluctant to become a mod and then an admin, but I did step into those roles at popular request and I hope I did my job well. The responsibility was great and I was very happy to have earned everyone's trust and respect, and I hope that's something that won't change. I am not really sure if the work I put in was obvious, but I was actively involved in every aspect of the project's development and progress. This includes voice acting, illustration, writing, and editing on top of moderating, managing our gmail and tumblr, recruiting and reviewing auditions, chasing people down on deadlines, adding to the reference section, the creation of the audition faq, subtitling, and piles and piles of research that I still intend to finish in order to bring these characters to life and understand all thirteen of them a little more than I had before. I think it's an understatement to say that this was a lot of work- work that I did voluntarily out of my own time and energy while completing my gap year and my first year of my MA (in a subject completely unrelated to Canadian history, mind you!!).
On good days, the extra effort is something I don't mind and even enjoy. On bad days, it can be crushing, especially when my co-admins and other crew members are not available or equipped to help out. A lot of the times I am left feeling like I am trying to do everything at once, all the time, for no real reason than for myself. I've always found collaboration difficult, and I always worry that when I get overexcited about something, I burn myself out and my enthusiasm is crippling to others rather than contagious.
I joined the IAMP in 2009 and was delighted that Project Canada revived it in 2013-2014, particularly since it appeared at exactly the right time when I was going through a severe situational depression. I threw myself wholeheartedly into both projects and met and reconnected with a lot of fantastic people. However, there had been a more organic creative core in the IAMP that I feel hasn’t had place or time to seed and take root in Project Canada, and the pressure to produce content at the same rate without that natural flow of collaboration that was there in the old livejournal days has been too much for me. It was a decay that I struggled with in the old IAMP that I've noticed accelerated in the new project, and I think the stress of maintaining the means of production is really not helping us find the personal drive and inspiration we had at one point. The minor details have subsumed the major big picture, and I can't even say what our mission statement or goal is anymore.
The question is where to go next from here. As I mentioned, I intend on holding on to my admin position while working my hardest to finish the Dominion Day Ep: if not by July, then as soon as possible. The script really is my pride and joy and I'm so happy to be working on it with such talented crew members, and I would like to see it finished. After that, I would tie up any other loose ends that needed to be and take my leave quietly. I don't know what the fate of the project will be, but I will be around if you need me for anything- just on more of an emergency basis. I was not always accessible in the old IAMP either, I was there when I was needed and because I wanted to be there. But I have always known that I found skype calls and group chats exhausting, I find collaborating without direction exhausting, leading things exhausting, and I work best on my own. I think that's something I pretended differently to myself when getting involved with ProCan, and as a result I've burnt out.
I'm happy to collaborate with anyone who wants to independently of the Project if I have the time, energy, and most importantly the interest. I have an extreme soft spot for each of the characters and have been working like heck to understand them all a little better, and I'm more than happy to talk or gush about them all with anyone who has a few minutes to spare. If that leads to a collaboration, that's wonderful. However, I will no longer be actively forcing collaboration and continue on my own path; I think that's what's best both for my mental health and for others. I don't want people feeling like I am forcing their presence trying to recapture some feeling; I would rather have a level playing field and discussion among friends. I also intend to finish and polish up the age timelines I have been working on for the past couple years, as only three are left. If you need my words, my art, or my voice, you can call on me whether inside or outside the project. I'd be happy to help.
At risk of repeating history, I'll just say that this isn't a good bye, more of a "see you later". I want to thank all the people involved in both projects, the fans, and ctcsherry for all you have done over these years. You're all my inspiration and my driving force, and I hope to continue doing my best to make you guys smile. I love this concept, these characters, and everyone involved dearly, and I just want to continue on at my own pace.
And now according to an obsolete Alberta law, saddle up my horse, give me a gun with a single bullet, and I'll be outta your hair by sunset ;) -tips hat-
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project-canada · 2 years
Hi pals,
Just dropping by to let you all know that I’m going to be travelling in a few days back to the west coast best coast to spend time with family, so I might be even slower than usual about checking the tags. Please do message me here or @allbeendonebefore if I miss something that should get reblogged!
Remember: the #pcart and #pcfic tags are just for internal blog organization and I will not find them if you tag your own work as such, please use #projectcanada, #iammatthewian, #iammatthewianproject, #iamp, etc. and I will hopefully spot it!
Also want to say that the queue hasn’t been this full in literal years, thanks to everyone who’s been creating content recently, we love to see it :)
- Hapo
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project-canada · 4 years
I realized this morning I forgot to put all the blogs I run on the correct timezone, it shouldn’t make an enormous difference in this blog since it doesn’t typically have a big queue and because I was only posting from one timezone away for most of the last year, but I am now officially running it on Mountain Time :)
- Hapo
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project-canada · 4 years
You know the queue is about to run out when recent art by me pops up! I will be doing another deep dive into the tags to see if i can fetch some yet to be posted content up here.
While I’m doing that, I thought I’d ask how you guys feel about doing an event or a monthly challenge? Things are very quiet around here and eventually I will run out of stuff to post; I was wondering if anyone would like a prompt-per-month or something simple in order to share more art and writing of these characters and get some creative juices flowing in this little community again. 
There would be zero obligation to participate in any or all of the prompts, it’s just a little something we used to do many years ago when things were a bit more active. It’s a great way to practice and it’s a great way to find other artists and writers! Don’t hesitate to let me know if this is something you are interested in or have ideas for.
- Hapo
EDIT: also since the last tumblr update it feels like the tags are all jumbled up and harder to search, is this just me?? aaaa. If i dredge something up from the ancient past I take full responsibility.
EDIT 2: I have reached the point in the tags from 3 years ago (WOW) from when I stepped down from the project and moved to Toronto. That means we are all caught up, officially! The queue should be able to sate us for one more month before we are out of content. If there is something I missed that you'd like featured after the queue runs out, just tag me or send me a message on this blog.
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project-canada · 4 years
my bad, guys! i let the queue run out!
I have 40 more posts queued up for you to tide you through the month. which means going back and finding my older art and cringing sometimes and sometimes going wow that was pretty good, hey.
The tags update very slowly since the fandom is molasses right now and I’m sort of happy and sort of sad to say that i’ve reached the bottom of one out of the four tags i track, yippee! [sob]
as always if i miss something you’d like me to see, i do accept submissions and i do check if i’ve been tagged in something here about once a week. 
hope everyone is enjoying their summers as best they can given the circumstances, don’t forget your sunscreen and your mask, drink lots of water, and treat yourself kindly
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project-canada · 4 years
Hey guys, I doubt people look too much at them but I cleaned up the FAQ and other minor stuff on the blog pages to make sure there weren’t dead links or outdated information. Let me know if there’s anything else on there I should address.
Another thing I did was to make a list of recommended tags to use to get your work featured: we have internal tags that are for the blog but don’t work well for search results (like pcart), so here’s my recommendations on that:
If you want your works featured on this blog, we track the tags #projectcanada, #project canada, #iammatthewian, and #iammatthewianproject. We do not recommend using #iamp or #pcart on your works because the tags are not unique enough and thus works tend to get lost on tumblr. You can also submit works to this blog, link us to works, or tag us directly. 
Keep in mind that not everything shows up for me in the tags, even used in the first five tag slots. You can tag this blog in something I’ve missed and I’ll try to catch up when I can. 
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project-canada · 7 years
Hi all!
The Dominion Day Episode is FINALLY finished. I had it all uploaded earlier today and was halfway through subtitling when I discovered... ONE line was missing and I had to re-edit and save and upload the whole thing all over again! The subtitles are done and hopefully the file i saved from the first upload will work alright on the final once it has finished uploading (again).
I tried to get as many of the suggested edits in as I could- there’s still issues with panning and volume I was not able to fix due to time and the fact I have other responsibilities I actually get paid for, but I’m extremely proud of all the hard work everyone put in and excited to FINALLY see this come to fruition after like 2-3 years.
So hold onto your hats, guys, hope to see your lovely comments on and after Canada Day. :) It was a great ride and I will miss being your faithful administrator.
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Fan Art Final Deadline TONIGHT!
Hey everyone! This is your absolute final reminder that if you are planning on getting your fan art submissions in for the Dominion Day End Credits, please submit them here or by email to [email protected] by Midnight Pacific Time TONIGHT! Late submissions will not be accepted. Please include the name you would like to be credited by. 
Thank you!
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
In case anyone is looking for ideas and wondering what the current survey of characters covered is in the fan art submitted so far, here’s how the submissions per-character are stacking up. I put “All Characters” in a separate category.
ALL: 1
AB: 0 BC: 0 MB: 1 NB: 0 NFLD: 1 NS: 1 NWT: 1 NT: 1 ON: 1 PEI: 0 QC: 0 SK: 2 YK: 0 CAN: 0
TOTAL: 6 Individual/Group submissions representing 7/13 ps and ts, 1 All Submission representing 13/13 + Canada
As it stands we could use a few more provinces/territories represented :) NB. NS, ON, and QC as well as PEI and NFLD are pretty well represented in the episode itself and are therefore lowest priority, but it’s also definitely ok and encouraged to submit pics of them as well. AB, BC, and YK (haha all my homes) could use a little love too.
There’s no requirement to draw All the characters or to have them all represented, I just thought it would be nice. This just is to give anyone who is indecisive about who to draw a little nudge. :)
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Fan Art Deadline Reminder!
Hi all! There is a ONE WEEK until your time is up to submit fan art to be featured in the ending credits of the Dominion Day Episode. This will be your Final reminder until the morning of the 15th. Rules can be found HERE.
Thanks guys!
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Dominion Day Test is Up!
Cast and crew! I have released the test version of Dominion Day on the forum for you to critique and enjoy. I’m so tired of watching this that I’m unable to notice any glitches or glaring errors, and if I misinterpreted anyone’s panels or anything now’s the time to let me know before I release it to the public. The ep is a whole 20 minutes in length... so set aside some time for it! I’m hoping for any critique to be voiced by June 15-ish when I have all the fan art so I have another couple weeks for editing, but any grievances must be voiced before June 30.
Please go check it out, I hope you enjoy it. :)
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Call for Fan Art: 2 Weeks Left!
Hi everyone! I’m still accepting fan art for the Dominion Day ending credits until June 15th 2017. 
Submissions must:
- include one or more of the provinces and territories
- be tasteful; we can’t be getting flagged by youtube! 
- be in before midnight Pacific time on the night of the deadline
- be a single image; i am only accepting one submission per person.
Submissions can:
- be historical or modern, your choice!
- be explicitly about Canada’s 150th (or not)
- be submitted by fans, cast, or crew
- be in any medium, digital or traditional.
- be something you have already completed or published elsewhere
Please email me your submissions at [email protected] or submit them here on the blog. Include the name you would like to be credited by, please. If I haven’t replied to you yet, it means I have not received your submission!
Thanks gang,
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
Dominion Day Deadline
Hey everyone! Project Artists: this is your ONE WEEK COUNTDOWN WARNING for the Dominion Day Art Deadline. If you cannot get your scene art done on time, please get in touch by email ([email protected]), on tumblr (here or me personally: @allbeendonebefore), or on the forum. If I do not have your art by Midnight Pacific Time on the night of May 31st, it will not be featured in the video.
Fan Artists: you still have until Midnight Pacific Time on the night of June 15th to get me your pieces for the ending credits! Again, art can feature any province or territory or combination of those characters in any style, medium, time period, or activity. I’m especially still looking for art of Nunavut in particular, since her character was not featured in this episode. I am only accepting one piece per artist. Please email me at [email protected] or submit your art to this blog with a message/caption explaining it is to be featured in the Dominion Day episode, and please let me know the name you would like to be credited by. 
Thanks again, everyone!
Admin Hapo
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project-canada · 7 years
So... Do you guys need extra help on future episodes? If so, any specific area you need more people in? I'm just asking because you guys haven't uploaded anything on your channel in almost a year and a half now.
Ah, you’ve noticed! Glad someone is worried on our behalf.
It’s a complicated answer. There’s a certain irony that I’ve officially stepped down from the project (or will, once I’ve finished my final episode which should air in time for Canada’s 150th!) and yet I still seem to be hanging around answering all the questions... my co-admins and mods are all very busy individuals and we’ve come together out of our own passions and limited amount of spare time to try and get this project off the ground. As I’ve admitted before, a lot of this stagnation is the reason why I have left the project and I’m a little worried about its future after I do take my official leave.
Part of the answer is that we are severely lacking in direction- that organic core of writers we had in the IAMP, a clear outline of purpose and guidelines and canons that is accessible (something I’ve done my best to help along, I’ve always been overly invested in creating these guidelines and characterizations as I’ve been working on with the timelines)... it’s very difficult for us to get finished scripts, and once we do it’s very difficult to get enough artists coordinated or sometimes even interested in the work. Voice acting is in comparison the easiest job, but even there people do drop off the face of the planet and can be difficult to track down in time. (and i mean the usual stuff: school! work! travel! illness! we’re all human beings!) There are a lot of places where the gears are getting stuck, but in my opinion personally I would say it’s just we don’t have the same passionate fountain of ideas and enthusiasm there was for IAMP, and there isn’t the same discipline or interest there was in the earlier days of the IAMP. It’s like there are a lot of people watching from the sidelines but too shy to lend a hand or just don’t seem interested at all... 
In any case: if for whatever reason you want to read my farewell and reasons for leaving and what’s happening in my world it is here.
If on the other hand you are interested in speeding along production of the episode I’m currently throwing my heart and soul into (and i am very lucky to have such dedicated and fabulous people working on it with me so far!) I’m afraid there currently isn’t much to do but watch the pcdominiondayep tag and (at the risk of jinxing myself) see if there is any task that pops up that needs a new person or contribute to the fan art I’m collecting for the end credits. I’ve got all of the voices and most of the art, and I’m assured what remains is being worked on. If I hear nothing by mid-may I’m going to get a little antsy- the deadline for art is currently May 31st (which I have extended Several times over the last year). The deadline for fan art is mid-June-ish and will become more precise once I have the mental space to think about it further. 
Sincere thanks for your interest- feel free to ask any more questions,
Admin Hapo
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