#pd 48 confessions
kkuraissante · 4 months
✧ ultimate bias ✧
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In which y/n is a big fan of Sakura (ft. aespa!y/n)
[y/n confessing her love for Sakura during an interview]
“so, y/n who is your celebrity crush?” the radio host in front of her asked. 
hearing the question, the rest of her members looked at each other, sharing a knowing glance. “huh, well… I think some of the fans may noticed it based on my phone wallpaper, but my celebrity crush is sakura from le sserafim.” y/n admitted shyly, lightly scratching the back of her head.
“I actually became her fans during pd 48 and have been her fans ever since. You don’t know how happy I was when I heard that she will debut again into a new girl group after the disbandment. I cried so hard after watching the intro videos,” y/n confessed. 
karina laughed after hearing her comments, “yeah, you wouldn’t believe how crazy she is for sakura. she collected albums and merch, basically a hardcore fan”.
“no, but do you guys remember how she sneaked out of the dorm during our free time to attend izone fansign? It was legendary. She talked our ears off about sakura that day” giselle added, groaning at the memories. 
the host and members laughed hearing the remarks. 
“well, I mean, who could blame me, she was perfect. a literal angel.” y/n tried to defend herself. “hopefully I will be able to go to her fansign again” y/n sighed happily at the thought. 
“you heard it guys, you need to steal y/n heart from sakura” the host joked.
[y/n’s room tour during her vlog]
“hi guys, today I will be showing you my room” y/n waved at the camera, standing outside her bedroom door. 
“so, here is the entrance. this is a custom-made sign that I bought on the internet and essentials to keep my sanity,” y/n gestured to a red sign that read ‘yoo jimin do not enter unless permitted’ in the middle of the door.
opening the door, y/n waved her hand excitedly for the camera, “welcome to my sanctuary.”
“first thing first, this is my closet, it’s a little messy since we’ve been busy these past few weeks, but its usually not this bad, I promise!” y/n said seriously, raising her pinky finger up.
“here is my desk, with my gaming setup. I’ve been playing valorant and lol whenever I’m free. over there is my keyboard and guitar wall. the black guitar is a gift from jimin unnie and the white one is from taeyeon unnie. this is actually my first guitar that I bought with my money” y/n showed everything before raising a red fender Stratocaster, showing it proudly. 
“moving on, this side is the bed. it looks comfy right?” y/n shoot the bed before raising the camera upwards, showing the hanging shelf, filled with albums, mainly her senior and izone albums. “and here is my album collection. most of these are gifts from sunbaenim during promotion and the only albums that I bought myself are the izones one” y/n smiled proudly at the camera. 
“look, this one is signed by all members” she showed the bloom*iz album. “Sakura was so pretty during this era,”
“and this is my photocards collection” y/n opened a photo album. “it’s mostly Sakura but I have other people too. this one is my favorite,” y/n raised sakura perfect night pc, “she look so cute with the glasses right?  oh!  I also want to flex a little, are you curious? this is not sakura, but I really like it” y/n show off a chaewon photocard. “ I think this is one of the rare photocard and are sold very expensive, so i’m really happy that i have it. also, chaewon-ssi looks so pretty here"
“so, that’s all for my vlog. thank you for watching the video. I love you MY’s, byee” y/n blowed a kiss at the camera before the vlog ended. 
[karinanana]: y/n is literally one of us
[y/n_wife]: I never expect that I will finally see an idol that collect photocards
[fimmily222]: y/n is the biggest sakura stan. we have an idol piona!!
[amboya.amboya]: I know the rest of her members are tired hearing her fangirling over sakura. look how much she rambled about her throughout the vlog. 
[thirstyfory/n]: the rare chaewon pc is killing me
[y/n showing her things during live]
“hi! Welcome to my weverse live!” y/n grins at the camera in front of her before reading the comments on her phone. 
“unnie, what items has you bought recently?” y/n read out loud. she scratched her chin before standing up abruptly, “wait a moment guys, let me pick some stuff up” she apologized, moving out of the frame, towards her bedroom. after 5 minutes she came back, holding a bunch of stuff on her arms.
“sorry for the wait but I’m back! let me review all the things that I bought recently” 
“first thing! its a t shirt” y/n raised a white t shirt, “it’s very cute right? i bought it in Japan during one of our schedules”
“this hoodie is also bought in Japan” y/n raised a black chrome hearts hoodie, “now I have a matching hoodie with Sakura” she blushed slightly at the thought.
remembering that its live, she tried to change the subject, quickly picking up the next item which is a headphone accessory. “oh, I bought it because it look cool, like, why does sakura always wear the coolest stuff” y/n whined at the camera. “she’s just so perfect”
“and the last thing is this” y/n raised a big basket filled with knitting yarn and needles. “I’ve noticed that sakura has been knitting a lot recently and I want to also try it. maybe trying to give her a handmade beanie if i succeed later”
“this is the first thing that I make” y/n picked up what looks like a knitted leaf. “it’s for headphones, but I think I screwed it to the point its unrecognizable, it’s way too crooked and ugly. minjeong teased me the other day saying that a year old could do it better than me” y/n pouted, remembering the teasing that she has to endure from her members that day.
“let’s move from my bad knitting projects…”
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#411. “Ment bringing Chiyori and Wang Ke back for the sports day is just them admitting that all their most entertaining trainees have been eliminated”
91 notes · View notes
honeymoonjin · 4 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 9.3k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now!
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the Lady in the first season of The Gentlemen.
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: cursing, mentions of explicit sexual content, mentions of blood. the results of the fan favourite vote poll are at the end of this chapter.
banner designer @jamaisjoons​ | thank you sfhs babies i love you 3000
On the seventh Day of every Week in the game, Y/n’s elimination vote is released for 48 hours following the post of the fic. Please note, this is NOT the Fan Favourite vote, which has already happened.
Vote closed. Thank you for participating!
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There’s something exciting and indulgent about sitting apart from Taehyung and Jimin, yet sharing secret glances and muffled smiles.
You’d had to leave Taehyung’s room at different times, you and Jimin sneaking back to your respective rooms to change out of his clothes so it didn’t look odd.
As the eight of you gather in the lounge, sleepily curled up with mugs of coffee or lying back against the couch for a few more moments of peace, the familiar faces of the others send a pang of guilt through you. Like you were lying to them. Omission is a type of lie, you suppose, but you try and smother the feeling. You’re allowed to be selfish.
Especially when it made Taehyung and Jimin look so happy.
Taehyung, who was almost always cheerful much like the puppy you saw last night, now looks like he can’t even contain it, his toes wiggling and eyes gleaming. Jimin, who on the other hand tended to be a little stiff and wary during these meetings, seemed more at ease than he’s ever been in front of everyone.
Could the others really blame you for wanting to see them happy?
You bite down hard on your tongue as Sejin arrives, the final piece in the puzzle. Maybe they could. You count your lucky blessings you don’t have to pick a favourite as well as someone to eliminate. Staying objective and making a decision tomorrow would be hard enough.
“Are we all ready?” Sejin checks, consulting with his watch to ensure it was in fact nine on the dot.
Catching everyone off guard, it’s Jungkook that speaks up, sitting beside you with crossed legs. “Ready, PD!”
The rest of you go still for a moment of surprised silence. When was the last time Jungkook had sounded that chipper? You’d found it strange when, being only the third one downstairs after you and Jin, Jungkook had neglected the last empty couch in favour of sitting beside you. Still half asleep, he’d exchanged pleasantries and basically face-planted into a cup of hot chocolate, inhaling the steam like his life depended on it.
Now, though, he seems more alert than most of you, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he waited for the meeting to start.
As you glance around, everyone seems equally shocked and relieved, except Jin, who just smiles quietly. You send the eldest a questioning gaze, but he just shrugs.
“Alright, today we just need to cover the prompts, Y/n’s Bangasm Bomb, and then we’ll finish off with the audience vote for fan favourite. Sound good?”
At the mention of fan favourite, Jungkook straightens up, knee jiggling. Your heart goes out to him. Not only had he had a rough time lately, but he put so much effort in to his prompt, and you can’t help but hope he gets it. He could use some cheering up, though he seemed cheerful again all on his own. “I’ll cross my fingers for you, Doctor Jeon,” you promise with a soft smile.
He glances back at you, eyes glittering. “You will?”
“Of course.” Out of the corner of your vision, you feel two sets of eyes on you. “You did well.”
He wrings his hands, gaze dropping. “I wasn’t even top three last week.”
You shrug lightly. “Then you’ll be most improved.”
When he grins, teeth poking out cutely, your shoulders drop in relief. “If I win, I’ll take you somewhere really fun, I promise!”
“Alright,” Sejin cuts in, breaking off your conversation, “our theme was dynamics and roleplay. Just like with last week, we’ll go through each of the guys and get Y/n to guess. Should be pretty easy. And we’ll see if anyone will be taking over the bunkrooms. Namjoon and Hoseok, you’ll be returning to your rooms tonight unless you failed your prompt again.”
Namjoon and Hoseok, squished up on either side of Taehyung, lean over him to high-five after the older one cheers.
“I’ll miss it,” Hoseok confesses, “but I missed my own bed even more. Namjoon; you’re welcome for a sleepover anytime.”
“A sleepover sounds fun,” Taehyung answers quietly, but Hoseok trills and cups his cheeks, inviting him too.
Across the other side, to the left of Jin and Yoongi, Jimin stiffens and instinctively sends you a look of uncertainty. Your lips part, but of course you can’t say anything in front of everyone.
Instead, you give a minute shrug and lean back. Taehyung had already spent the past two weeks being relatively free with his affections, and it seems unfair to get upset by it now. Especially when you were still having sex with other people.
Like a bucket of cold water down your back, the decision you made last night comes into clarity. You couldn’t go out on dates. You couldn’t really kiss or hold hands in front of the others lest they find out. And you couldn’t even be faithful to them. What exactly made declaring your feelings and choosing to be together any different from how you were before?
Before you get too deep into your thoughts, you notice the room has gone silent, everyone staring at you. “Hm? Sorry?”
Sejin’s pointing to Jin expectantly. “Could you state your guess for what Seokjin’s prompt was, Y/n?”
Jin’s face is weirdly unreadable, eyes not really focusing on yours. You struggle to process enough to recall the answer. “Um, poolboy.”
Jin remains silent, making Sejin cough awkwardly. “Yes, poolboy and client was his prompt. Congratulations, Seokjin, you didn’t explicitly tell Y/n your prompt and successfully completed it.”
On the other side of the room, Taehyung’s eyes fly wide, before his shoulders slump, blushing as Hoseok quietly teases him.
You clear your throat, feeling weirdly strung-out, like your attention is in a million places at once. Get through the meeting, then you can chat with Min and Tae. Just stay focussed. “Yoongi was, like, an animal?”
“Predator and prey,” Yoongi explains smoothly, finally starting to look a little less zombie-like. “And I made sure we were in view of the cameras outside. The ones by the gazebo.”
Sejin nods, choosing to sit on the coffee table instead of just standing in front of you all. “Right. Congratulations, Yoongi, you also successfully completed your prompt within the rules. Jimin’s one?”
You’re pretty sure every person in this room could guess his without a second thought. “Stripper.”
Jimin blows you a teasing kiss with a wink, and you try not to look too endeared, heart leaping at the soft look that hides behind his flirty act. “I hope you all enjoyed the show.”
Beside you, Jungkook goes oddly stiff, face falling. But before you can ask him about it, he’s taking a deep breath and putting on a smile again, albeit a smaller one. You frown as Sejin congratulates Jimin before turning to your couch and indicating it’s Jungkook’s turn.
“Doctor and patient,” you hear yourself answer easily, but you find yourself still worried about him, remembering what he said about Jimin yesterday. Maybe he wasn’t as cheery as he was making himself seem today.
A similar look of worry flickers across Jimin’s face at Jungkook’s odd response, and you decide that once the meeting is done, you’ll ask Jungkook about it. Maybe get him to talk to you privately, or everyone so you’re all on the same page. Anything so that you can resolve the strange upset Jungkook seems to have.
“...his prompt. Now, Namjoon?”
“Husband and wife,” you offer up reflexively, grateful of the warm albeit shy smile Namjoon sends you in response.
“Now, Namjoon and Y/n, I’m aware you spent a significant amount of time together in the rec room. Of course, you can retain your privacy, but I do need to ask if Namjoon explicitly told Y/n his prompt in there.”
Looking like a teacher’s pet being told off, Namjoon’s eyes go wide. “I didn’t!”
Sejin lets out a quick laugh, holding a calming hand up. “That’s fine, that’s all I needed. Congratulations, Namjoon, you’re out of the bunkrooms.”
Taehyung looks nervous when Sejin’s stare rests on him. His eyes keep darting around to the other men like he’s waiting for their reactions. When Sejin asks you to guess the prompt, you hesitate. Something about how uncomfortable he looks gives you pause. “She doesn’t have to guess,” Taehyung offers up, “and you don’t have to say it. I already know I lost.”
Sejin gives him a look of sympathy. “The editing team did catch you telling Y/n directly which means you’ll have to stay in the bunks for next week, but unfortunately the nature of these meetings does require each prompt to be revealed to the group.”
You can see the puppy behind Taehyung’s eyes as he rounds them, pouting up at Sejin. “Really?”
“We don’t have to give details,” Sejin offers up shortly. “And none of these prompts will ever be things anyone has on their hard limits list, so please don’t think anyone hear will be in any position to judge it.”
This seems to ease Taehyung’s worry significantly. “Pet and owner,” Taehyung offers up shortly. “And I lost because I told Y/n. Time for Hoseok.”
Even as your heart aches to jump up and go to him, Jimin also shifting in his seat restlessly, you see Hoseok quietly wrap a hand around Taehyung’s elbow and Namjoon rest his head tentatively on Tae’s shoulder. You settle back, forcing yourself to remember you and Jimin aren’t the only ones that care for Taehyung.
Sejin clears his throat and gestures to Hoseok. “Lucky last, I suppose. What’s your guess, Y/n?”
You think back to Monday night. Hoseok teasing you throughout the day and then tying you up at night in the prettiest ropes, feeling entirely under his control. You’d called him Master. “Master and sss….sub?”
Hoseok smiles sweetly, his voice honeyed. “Almost. You and Jungkook were my pretty little slaves, princess.”
In perfect synchronisation, the others turn their heads around to you and Jungkook, sharing a couch. “I remember now,” you state weakly as Jungkook shifts on his spot.
Sejin looks distinctly uncomfortable with the sudden turn, wincing at Hoseok. “Well, congratulations because you also successfully completed your prompt. Anyways, that’s that done, time for the Bangasm Bomb. As you all probably recall,” Sejin explains, sliding off his glasses and wiping the lenses with his shirt as he goes, “the requirement was that Y/n had to stay in a different bed every night otherwise she’d be in the bunkroom. Luckily, she managed to do so, so Taehyung is the only one required to stay there.”
Taehyung shrinks, bottom lip sticking out in disappointment and Jimin watches him, stricken. Against your better judgement, you call out to Sejin. “But are we able to voluntarily go there?”
Sejin shrugs. “Sure, you already did so once this week. No rules against it.”
Jimin brightens up, but before he can say anything, Hoseok’s cheering, jostling Tae’s side. “Guess the sleepover will be back in the bunkroom, Tae!” Across the side of the room, Jimin visibly holds back his irritation.
“Can we do the audience favourite now?” Jungkook pipes up in a hopeful voice.
“Oh, of course.” Sejin fumbles to slide his glasses back on, lenses still smudged at the bottom, and clears his throat dramatically. “Alright, so I’ll just say the top three again. Third place this week was Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s eyes widen comically as he croaks out a, “Really?”
“Ah, I’m so proud,” Hoseok croons, reaching across Taehyung to pat Namjoon’s knee enthusiastically. “Young grasshopper learnt well.”
Namjoon still seems in disbelief, letting out a stilted laugh. “Wow, I- Goodness, that’s so nice of them!”
Beside you, Jungkook’s practically vibrating with nervous energy. He wasn’t even in the top three last time, and you can tell he’s feeling the pressure. Yoongi seems unbothered, even as his eyes keenly focus on Sejin; Jin waits patiently, not looking like he’s expecting anything. Jimin’s more focused on Taehyung than the announcement, his eyes locked onto the boy that’s sandwiched between Namjoon and Hoseok as they celebrate. Hoseok looks relatively uncaring about the favourite, lips still spread in a heart-shaped grin at Namjoon’s victory like it’s his own.
“Second place,” Sejin continues, “was Jungkook.”
You hear and feel his reaction rather than see it. Hear the exhale as he sinks, a mix of relief and disappointment making his frame go lax on the couch. Leaning over, you send him a warm smile. “Good job, Kook, you did really well.”
“Who’s number one?” he asks instead, leaning forward with his legs tucked up under him.
Sejin gives a small smile. “The highest number of votes this week went to Yoongi.”
“Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook questions quietly, but it’s drowned out by Hoseok’s excited woop and chirpy laughter as Yoongi’s mouth drops open, doing a double take at the news.
“Are you serious?” Yoongi exclaims, a disbelieving grin spreading across his face as Jin rubs his shoulders and Jimin congratulates him lowly. “Holy shit, who would’ve guessed?” His eyes find you suddenly, brightening with realisation. “I get to take you out tonight,” he declares.
A shock of thrill runs through you at all the possibilities of some private time with the enigmatic doctor, but you can’t help but glance over, wary of Tae and Jimin’s reactions. Though Jimin just looks a little stiff, Taehyung’s eyes are on you, sullen. Rather than jealous, it seems more like he’s disappointed he couldn’t be the one to take you out. It’s a relief he isn’t mad, but it only increases the unsettled feeling in your heart. You, Taehyung and Jimin sorely needed to talk.
“Well, then,” Sejin interrupts, breaking you out of your daze, “that’s your Sunday meeting, I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for elimination.”
Like clockwork, the seven guys turn their heads to look at you, even as Sejin bids you farewell and leaves out the front door.
“Do you know who you’re voting out?” Jin asks with a complete lack of tact, an easy smile hiding the concern in his eyes.
You cough awkwardly. “I have no clue,” you answer honestly. “I’m just… trying not to think about it until I really have to, you know? I still don’t want to vote out any of you.”
“That reminds me,” Jin speaks up, though he states it awkwardly, almost sounding rehearsed, “I think we all need to have a group talk. Set some things straight.”
Jungkook recoils like the comment was directed at him, letting out a light huff. “Can’t this wait?”
Yoongi grimaces. “With all due respect, Jungkookie, I think it would be best to just have a chat now and sort this out. If the therapist thinks we need to talk, he’s probably right.”
“It’s not like it’s urgent,” the youngest rebutts, “let’s just do it some other time.”
Jin sucks in a breath. “We’re all sitting here now, Jungkook, and clearing the air. Unless you want to go back to feeling uncomfortable.”
Jungkook’s eyes cast towards the ceiling like he can’t believe he’s stuck here. “Oh my god! I already spoke to you, just pass it on!”
“You know I can’t do that, Jungkook,” Jin says calmly, even as his eyes flare in ire. “We want you to be happy, and I’m sure you’re not the only one that has been struggling, and if we-”
“If you want me to be happy, fucking let me leave, Jesus,” Jungkook swears, and you flinch when he suddenly stands, rushing away quickly. “I’ll come back when I’m done.”
“Done?” Jin asks, looking completely lost. “Goodness, that kid gets angry at everything these days.”
“A talk does sound really helpful, Jin-hyung,” Namjoon offers up. “If you want, we can hang around and wait for Jungkook.”
Jin lets out a light sigh, smiling gratefully. “I figure it’ll be good for us. Hopefully. I just worry about everyone, you know? Just because this is a reality show doesn’t mean we need to be always fighting and throwing drinks in people’s faces and stuff. We need to communicate like adults.”
Yoongi frowns. “You don’t need to take all that burden on yourself, hyung. I’m sure they didn’t teach you to handle this kind of situation in your training.”
Jin goes to reply, but the moment his mouth opens, words are cut off by a dual ding, two phones going off.
You glance over to where Taehyung and Namjoon both instinctively check their phones, faces falling almost simultaneously.
“Oh,” Taehyung says shortly, face falling. “I should’ve remembered.”
“What is it?” Jin asks with knitted brows.
“It’s his stream,” Namjoon explains guiltily, “he normally begins it earlier than this, so he was probably trying to leave so he could start.”
“Why didn’t he just-?” Jin exhales roughly, Yoongi’s hand falling to his shoulder to anchor him. “Whatever. He’s angry now, I guess, let’s just wait for him to finish and once he goes offline someone can text him and ask him to come down. Is everyone fine with that?”
Although no one protests, the air is significantly stiff with tension; Yoongi makes another round of coffees, Taehyung opens the stream and watches it with the volume turned muted, biting at his fingernail. It feels like such a departure from the same time last week, and being tuned in just feels even more invasive than last time.
“The people in the comments aren’t happy about him being late,” Taehyung notes nervously. “He looks upset.”
“I don’t think you should be watching,” Namjoon admits, shifting in his seat as he tries to avoid looking at the screen. “Doesn’t it feel strange to you?”
“I’m just making sure he’s okay,” Taehyung insists hollowly, eyes locked onto it. “He’s trying to touch himself but he’s not getting ha-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Yoongi spits harshly, returning with four cups of coffee balanced precariously in his grip. “Watch it if you want, but respect that we’re choosing not to.”
Taehyung frowns, but doesn’t protest, returning silently to the screen. Alone on your couch, you take a cup of coffee from Yoongi’s outstretched hands and cradle the cup, feeling the warmth seep into your bones, your heart still as cold as if it were frozen in ice.
True to Yoongi’s command, Taehyung stays silent as he watches, and the entire room sits in uncomfortable quiet until, what can only be fifteen or twenty minutes later, Taehyung lets out a defeated sigh and locks his phone, setting it on the arm of the couch.
The implication is clear, and Jin sets his jaw, looking determined albeit regretful. “Okay, can someone text Jungkook? Let’s get this over with. Just remember it’s for the best.”
Though it seems like even Jin himself is unsure of that, everyone waiting in dread as Taehyung sends him a text, and he comes down the stairs a few minutes later, cheeks flexed with irritation.
You fight the urge to reach out to him when he collapses onto the couch beside you, hair messy but clean and in the same casual clothes as earlier. He seems restless and volatile, and you can’t help but wish the lot of you weren’t having this talk now, or wish you could just jump forward in time to when everyone was happy and alright again.
“Go on, then,” Jungkook starts, snapping the silence. His arms are crossed tightly and eyes piercing as they glare at Jin. “Start the group therapy.”
Though he’s been silent for a while now, Jimin lets out a tired groan. “Fucking hell, Jungkook, he’s trying to help you! Seeing you be upset makes us feel terrible.”
Jungkook stiffens, and you can just about feel the heat radiating off his body as he fires up. “Oh, I’m sorry, next time I’ll just be miserable in private!”
Jin looks stricken, rubbing at his temple. “Jungkook, you said you were going to try and seek out the things that made you happy.”
“And you said you weren’t going to reveal what I said to you in confidence,” Jungkook replies shortly, but before Jin can protest, he’s continuing, voice strained. “But- I do want to try and make things better. I’m sorry; I’m really stressed out and it’s frustrating not being able to leave this place. I thought if I got fan favourite I’d at least get a break.”
The rest of you fall silent for a moment. Your eyes sting, so you blink to ease the ache. “We understand. We want you to be happy. Can we all agree to try our best to just stay chill and talk this through?”
As the others nod, Jungkook scoots back like he’s trying to bury himself into the corner of the couch. “But talk what through? Do you not realise how shitty it feels having all of you sitting me down for an intervention right now? I don’t know whether to be offended or humiliated.”
Taehyung’s face crumples violently, like he’s about to cry. Hoseok, unusually solemn, clears his throat lightly as he pats Tae’s back. “JK, it’s not all of us gathering to dunk on you. I for one know that there are things I’d like to get off my chest. Things that bother me and stuff. I think if we all just front up to what we’re struggling with then we can work through these issues together. But it’s gotta be all of us. If we want to be happy here.”
Jin sends Hoseok a grateful look, sitting back in his seat when Jungkook begins nodding. “I can do that,” Jungkook agrees in a small voice. “Just… someone else can start.”
The concept of owning up about your feelings is clearly as paralysing to the others as it is to you. Everyone falls silent, looking around at each other’s faces and waiting for someone else to speak up. A thread of worry niggles in the back of your brain that Taehyung or Jimin would confess your closeness, bursting the bubble that was already so fragile.
In the end, it’s Yoongi that chooses to go first, heaving a great sigh to brace himself. “If I’m perfectly honest,” Yoongi admits, “I’m a little concerned that we’re going to be cornered into conflict no matter how much we avoid it. As nice as the producers are-” he pauses to glare at one of the cameras filming the interaction with an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture, “this is a reality show and reality shows are founded on drama. And look how much effort it took to get us to sit down and actually talk to each other? It would’ve been easier in some respects to just get angry and hateful and fight every other day, and I don’t think everyone is as aware of that as hyung and I are.”
Jungkook swallows. “I do worry about that, too,” he reveals. “I mean, not in the same way, but… If we wanted to, we could just all hate each other and only interact when we had to and then never speak again when we all leave. Which is weird because for now, we can’t go anywhere. We’re all gonna be really close and then we’ll just go our separate ways. And I don’t know what to do about it… If that makes sense.”
“But you did that exact same thing to us,” Jimin protests. “If you’re scared of us all acting like strangers then why push us away?”
Jungkook frowns stiffly. “That’s what you did at the start!”
“And it sucked,” Jimin retorts immediately. “It felt awful seeing everyone socialise and feeling like I had to stay out of it to protect myself. That’s why I’m not acting like a dick anymore.”
“Well, that’s up for debate,” Hoseok quips with a scoff.
Jimin sends him a withering glare, but Jungkook pays no mind to Hoseok’s remark, eyes still on the blue-haired man. “Everyone else was ignoring me anyway!” His voice is brittle, powered only by his frustration, and it feels like a pot ready to boil over. “Yoongi and Jin always do their own thing in the kitchen and never like me helping out, Namjoon and Hoseok have their whole teacher-student thing going on, and the only people my age are so up each other’s asses that they don’t even look at me half the time! Y/n has six other guys to sleep with so it’s not like I can even hang out with her that much. Everyone’s paired up and left me out of it but you all act like you haven’t. And then it’s all, ‘oh, why is Jungkook all grouchy?’ like I’m just making your lives difficult or something.”
Jimin winces. “We never tried to-”
“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t try to, you did! You and Tae fucking drool over each other all day long and even when I try and- and- talk to either of you, it’s clear that you’re just thinking about the other person.” Jungkook stands suddenly, whirling around to face Taehyung. “I thought that day in the confessional shed, Tae, when you said it wasn’t just Y/n… I thought you were talking about me. I thought we were having a moment, you know, and then it turns out it was just Jimin. It’s always Jimin.”
“Come on, that’s not fair,” Jimin cuts in, “he can’t help his feelings.”
Taehyung sends Jimin a confused look hastily before turning back to Jungkook. “Kookie, I’m really sorry. I don’t want to exclude you anymore. I’ll do better.”
“You shouldn’t have to apologise, Tae,” Jin pipes up tiredly, and a strangled cry comes from Jungkook’s throat, the boy almost hysterical.
“Why do you want so badly for no one to be on my side, Seokjin?”
“God, it isn’t about that-”
Jungkook seems borderline hysterical, bottom lip trembling violently as he points at the eldest. “Well, what is it about? You act so fucking high and mighty, Jin, yet you’re in the same fucking situation as me.”
Your eyes widen as Jungkook turns to you, knees almost bumping yours with how close he’s standing. Behind him, Jin makes a low noise of warning. “Don’t, Jungkook…”
Jungkook’s eyes are wild, two points of red on his cheeks. “Jin has feelings for you but he won’t say anything because he thinks you just see it as sex. And he has the fucking audacity to try and give me advice on my feelings for-”
“Jeon Jungkook!” Jin bellows, standing too. Beside him, Yoongi tugs at his wrist, but the eldest shakes it off. “You have no right to-”
You’ve had enough of sitting silently, wincing at Jin’s volume, the therapist so far from the pillar of emotional stability he usually was. “Just let him get it out, Jin, he’s frustrated.”
Jungkook scoffs even as Jin shakes his head in disapproval. “Are you serious?” Jungkook asks you incredulously. “I tell you Jin has feelings for you and you’re still trying to suck up to me?”
You reel back, brows knitted. “I’m defending you, Jungkook.”
“I don’t want you to fucking defend me, Y/n, I’ve had enough of you leading everyone on and then not returning anything. You have all the power here and you just toy with us and act all innocent.”
“What are you talking about?” you cry, throat aching with the effort it takes to keep your voice steady.
Jungkook’s eyes gleam, unshed tears reflecting the light. “Jin-hyung tries to be romantic and you tell him it’s just a scene to you, instead of just doing Namjoon’s prompt you take his virginity like it’s a 90s romcom, making it “special” for him. You want every one of us to fall for you so that you can get fawned over by seven hot guys, but you aren’t willing to take any of the responsibility that comes with it. You act like things are so hard for you having to choose, but you’re breaking our fucking hearts doing it!”
You open your mouth to retort, but a crashing wave of guilt overtakes you, and your cheeks are wet before you even realise you’re crying. Intentional or not, you rue all the times you complained about elimination, knowing that the guys must have been feeling so much worse. “I’m so sorry, Kook,” you make out, covering your nose and mouth with a hand to try and contain yourself.
From the other side of the room, it’s Namjoon that speaks up next, voice flat and reserved. It’s a stark contrast to the fire in Jungkook’s voice, but he looks no less affected by everything. “That’s not fair at all,” he says shortly, “Y/n isn’t in charge of our feelings any more than we are, and you don’t have any right to judge her for what I chose. I was the one who wanted my first time to be special, Kook.”
Namjoon’s low volume seems to influence Jungkook, taking his noise level down a notch. The words just hurt more. “Maybe you shouldn’t be here then, Namjoon. This isn’t where you come to have your cherry popped by a nice, young lady you can bring home to your parents.”
“Oh, my god,” Hoseok exclaims with a groan, “are we seriously just complaining about everyone now? Is that what this is? Good going, Jin, really fucking helpful.”
A whirl of dread rushes through you as the anger continues to flit around the room in an ugly cloud, everyone having a bone to pick with each other. Jin makes a noise of outrage, hissing back at Hoseok when he speaks. “I don’t see you coming up with any suggestions. Do any of you have any fucking idea how hard it is to have everyone expecting you to magically solve their problems and shoulder their burdens and not a single one of them gives a shit about you?”
“That isn’t true,” you protest, immediately regretting drawing attention back to yourself.
Jin scoffs. “You haven’t said a fucking thing since finding out I have feelings for you. Wait, no; you haven’t said a fucking thing since I got upset with you on Tuesday. Did you really never think to ask even once how I was doing?”
Your excuse feels flat even before you say it. “I was waiting for you to-”
“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!” he sings sarcastically. “Everybody waits for me to solve things and then complains when it’s not helpful enough,” Jin spits, glaring at Hoseok with the last few words.
A shuddering sob cuts into the silence that follow his words, and in unison you all turn to Taehyung, who has his face buried in Hoseok’s shoulder, Namjoon rubbing his back as his shoulders heave.
Jimin sucks in a sharp breath at the sight, body twitching as he fights the urge to rush over, and instead raises his voice to address the room. “Alright; show’s over. This isn’t solving anything.”
“Why should you decide?” Jungkook cuts in immediately. “I’m miserable and you don’t care, Jin’s miserable and you don’t care, but the second it’s Taehyung…!”
Jimin rolls his eyes, leaning back in his seat. “Why are you so bothered by it?”
Jungkook lets out a cry of frustration that sounds closer to a sob. “Because you’re taking him away from me! I can’t compete with you! Everybody’s obsessed with you, everybody wants your approval and you just drink it up, you narcissistic, selfish piece of shit!”
Around the room, everyone sucks in a wary breath, but Jimin’s already standing, features sharpened in anger. “Why are you acting like it’s my fault he has feelings for me? Maybe he doesn’t like you because you’re a whiny fucking brat who takes everything personally.”
“That isn’t true,” Taehyung hiccups out, “Jungkookie’s nice, Min. And you’re not selfish.”
Though the tension in the room just keeps rising and rising, you can see, behind Jimin’s standing figure, Yoongi sitting stiffly on the couch. He keeps glaring at the cameras expectantly, with one hand clutching his phone and the other latched onto Jin’s wrist, keeping him from interfering further. The two exchange words quietly, shaking their heads in disapproval.
On the more emotional side of the room, Hoseok holds Taehyung closely, soothing him as Namjoon looks up hesitantly at the others. “I really think we should stop, guys…”
“Let’s all take a chill pill,” Hoseok quips as Taehyung’s tears stain his shirt.
Jimin lets out a noise of disgust. “Oh, shut the fuck up, Hoseok.”
“Is no one gonna stop this?” Namjoon asks hesitantly, glancing up at the cameras.
“What did I say?” Yoongi retorts rhetorically. “They aren’t going to interfere. They know this drama gives their show more views.”
“Good for Jimin,” Jungkook states petulantly, “the more views he gets, the better he feels.”
“Coming from you,” Jimin says over the sound of Yoongi clicking his tongue in exasperation. “Maybe the reason you hate me so much is because you and I are the exact same, Jungkook, I just do it better.”
“Again with your superiority complex,” Jungkook huffs. “How long until everyone here gets sick of you, Jimin? How long until the novelty wears off and you’re left alone on your high horse again, huh?”
Jimin flinches like he’s been hit, but takes an accusing step closer to Jungkook. Around them, everyone shrinks back in their seats, Hoseok shielding Taehyung’s ears and Yoongi and Jin with a phone sandwiched between their cheeks as they make a call. Namjoon’s begun to cry, too, but he hides his running nose with a sleeve, eyes wide and shining as they watch Jimin and Jungkook square off.
The two of them are a few steps apart, now, not even the coffee table dividing them. Jimin, although physically smaller than Jungkook, appears to tower over the other as his face darkens. “At least I’m good at my job, Jungkook. Why did you come down so soon? Blow your load too quickly like an amateur?” When it doesn’t gain any more reaction than Jungkook’s face twitching in annoyance, Jimin grins wickedly. “Or could baby not even get it up, huh? Take your dick away, you’re not much of anything, are you?”
Jungkook lunges before Jimin is even done speaking.
The thud of impact and grunt of rage from the youngest echoes through the room sickly as Jimin reels back, clutching at his nose. Already you can see the intense scarlet pooling between his fingers, dripping down as his eyes tear up with anger and pain.
The urge to jump in, do something, almost overwhelms you, but you feel yourself paralysed, shocked and barely able to process anything like it’s a bad nightmare.
On one side of Jungkook and Jimin, Taehyung wails, struggling in Hoseok and Namjoon’s hold as the two of them keep him from interfering. On the other side, Yoongi stands up in alarm, keeping his voice calm as he splays his palms. “Woah, woah, that’s enough now-”
Jimin pulls his hands away, spitting out the blood in his mouth even as more streams to fill out. “You little fucker,” he hisses. “If you broke my nose, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Jungkook lets out a bitter laugh. “Take your face away, you’re not much of anything, right?” he mocks.
Sensing things turning for the worst, Yoongi widens his eyes and jumps forward, but his hands just catch on empty air. Jimin’s already launched himself forward, taking Jungkook off-guard as he shoves him with balled fists, using the full weight of his body to send the other tripping backwards.
Jungkook curses when he lands harshly on the coffee table, empty and half-full cups of coffee flung off, some smashing directly under him. He rolls off, instinctively curling his body away from Jimin.
Passing Taehyung over to Namjoon, Hoseok leaps up to tug Jimin back as the man continues to step closer to Jungkook’s prone body. The moment he gets a hand on Jimin, however, he’s met with an elbow to the cheek, stumbling back from the impact.
For a moment, everyone goes silent. Jimin stares wide-eyed at the red mark quickly blooming on Hoseok’s cheekbone, the dom looking shocked as he rubs at it.
That second of inaction is all it takes for Jin and Yoongi to descend on Jimin at the same time, an arm firmly grasped by each man as they drag him backwards. Jimin doesn’t even fight it, though, a strange clarity and sorrow in his eyes, even brighter than the red that’s beginning to drip down to his shirt.
When Sejin bursts in and rushes over to Jungkook, it’s too late to really solve anything. The combative atmosphere has dissolved into the sick, defeated aftermath of Jimin and Jungkook’s physical alteration.
Still, he directs Jin and Yoongi to take Jimin upstairs to ‘cool off’, crouching beside Jungkook and making sure he’s okay before he tugs the boy gently up. As he leads the youngest in the opposite direction, towards the front door, Jungkook twists in his grip, trying to look back towards the group.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he wails, “please don’t hate me, I’m so so sorry!” Jungkook babbles on almost incoherently, feet stumbling as Sejin tries to shush him, pulling him out the door.
The moment the door clicks shut, it’s like the emotions of the past hour or so hit everyone at once. Namjoon has joined Taehyung in crying, Hoseok trying to rub their backs at once with a pained face, his cheek beginning to swell slightly.
With your shoulders and chest heaving violently as you sob - the silent tears finally finding their voice - you blink away your blurry vision and heave yourself off the couch. The three of them accept you with open, albeit shaky arms, and without any care about exposing your relationship, you wind your arms around Taehyung’s waist and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“Do you think they’re okay?” Namjoon asks in a small voice, fiddling with the damp sleeve of his shirt.
As if to answer his question, you hear hurried stomps, followed by Jimin bursting briefly into your line of sight, rushing down the stairs and out the front door without even a second glance.
Even the split-second view of him you got sparks worry in your chest. He’d clearly made a minimal attempt to wipe away most of the blood, but there were still dried smears below his nostrils and down his neck, and the shirt he’s wearing looks like something out of a horror movie, likely the material he used to clean himself up.
Jin and Yoongi follow down, but not fast enough, the blue-haired man long gone by then. The two of them seem hollowed, clearly taking this on as their own burden, as their fault - especially Jin, who’s knitting his brows harshly to stop his own tears.
Taehyung’s straightening up immediately, wrapped up in the middle of the three of you on the couch as he calls out to the older men. “What did he say? Is he okay? It’s not broken, is it? His nose?”
“Tae, easy,” Jin soothes, voice thick with emotion. “Yoongi took a look at it, it’s not broken, just tender. Jungkook sure does know how to swing a punch, though. Jimin was lucky.”
“Lucky,” the masseuse repeats weakly. “I don’t know if anything about this was lucky, hyung.”
“Can we even come back from this?” Namjoon asks slowly. “If we couldn’t talk like adults without fighting, then surely we’re doomed to just-”
“Nobody is doomed,” Jin assures. “If I’m perfectly honest, it seems like Jungkook was so wound up that there was nowhere for him to go except this. He probably just needed to totally vent and get it all out. I should’ve seen it coming, I’m so sorry.”
Yoongi grimaces, a hand on Jin’s shoulder. “None of this is your fault, hyung. We’re all complicit and we can all learn from this, but let’s not play the blame game. I just hope Jimin and Jungkook don’t entirely despise each other after this. I actually thought the kid liked- Anyway. Best thing we can do now is give them some time.”
You suck in a deep breath. That whole time, you’d just sat there, too shocked or too cowardly to move, you don’t even know which one. And although it’s too late, at least there’s one thing you can do to help, rather than just waiting passively. You gently detangle yourself from Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon and get up off the couch.
When Yoongi - the most composed of the bunch - sees you kneel on the carpet, beginning to pick up chips and fragments of the shattered cup, he lets out a noise of concern. “Y/n, you shouldn’t-”
In your haste to help, and your shakiness from crying, it’s no surprise that your fingers are clumsy, grabbing onto a shard too harshly.
You see the blood welling before you feel it, a hot line of pain that opens up across the base of your palm and spills onto the carpet. Dumbly, you just watch it collect in the fibres. You’re sure when the showrunners rented this house, they hadn’t anticipated blood to be the fluid they’d need to be cleaning up. But in just one day, so much had been shed needlessly.
You’d probably sit there forever, numb to your own injury were it not for Yoongi rushing forward, his fingers gently prying away the sharp shard of ceramic, holding your hand so tenderly as he inspects it.
“You’re coming to my bedroom, now. Can you stand?”
Yoongi’s voice feels far away, inconsequential. You hum just to feel your throat vibrate. Letting out a sigh laden with worry, Yoongi lifts you off the floor slowly, waiting to see if you can get your feet back under you.
It seems you can stand, though it takes all of your focus. The others are talking behind you, voices fretting, but they reach your ears like you’re underwater.
It’s less than a second of eternity before you’re blinking away the cotton fog, slowly coming back to your senses.
The first thing you feel is a freezing solid surface against your legs and back. As it seeps into your bones, it wakes you up, and you fight to focus your vision, watching the colours swim sickly.
“...hear me?” The shapes and shades begin to settle like silt on a lakebed, revealing Yoongi’s round face as it crumples in contained concern. “Y/n, can you hear me?”
“I h-hear you, yes,” you slur out, coughing away the remaining thickness in your throat.
“Good, okay, stay with me,” he instructs, crouched in front of you. “What day is it?”
The more you tune back in to your surroundings, you become aware of a second person behind Yoongi. Hoseok’s long legs sprawl gracefully in front of you as he sits on the toilet seat lid, but his head is dipped back onto the tile. He looks totally devoid of any of the positive energy you’re used to seeing on him.
“Everything’s ruined,” you mumble lowly.
Yoongi sucks in a breath and tilts your face back to him, his fingers cold like ice. “I need you to not worry about that for now and stay alert. What day of the week is it?”
“Sunday,” you give after a beat.
“Good, and what’s my name?”
You frown, shifting in his grasp. “I’m not concussed, you know.”
Yoongi huffs, his hands falling from your jaw. “I’m trying to keep you distracted, you brat. What’s my name?”
“Min Yoongi. Doctor Min Yoongi I gue- Wait, why do I need to be- ow!” You automatically try to jerk your hand close to you when a searing, stinging pain explodes your nerves, but an iron grip around your wrist keeps you steady.
Glancing down, you see Yoongi deftly wrapping a bandage around the base of your palm, winding it around your thumb. Below, the burning ache of antiseptic makes you wince. “It hurts,” you whine.
“Unlike poor Hoseok, you did this to yourself,” Yoongi replies shortly.
You pout. “Do you bully all your patients?”
“Only the ones I like.” Clearing his throat with a tinge of pink in his cheeks, Yoongi finishes bandaging your wound. “You’ll live.”
Despite yourself and the events of the past few hours, your lip twitches. “Reassuring.”
Before the doctor can respond, Hoseok lifts his head and blinks down at the two of you balefully. “He hit me,” he breathes in a sullen voice.
“Jimin?” Yoongi begins to pack up his little first aid kit, slumping back against the vanity you’re propped up on. “You got in the way.”
“He didn’t just push me away, he elbowed me right in the face,” Hoseok explains meaningfully. The thought seems to bother him more than you’d expect. “I didn’t think he actually hated me like that.”
“Isn’t that your whole shtick?” you ask tiredly. All of your annoyance, frustration, anger and even your guilt seems to have been sucked away by the chill of the tile, leaving you feeling strangely hollow and detached. “Two sparring doms trying to outdo each other?”
The truth is, Jimin didn’t like to speak or hear about Hoseok, and you hadn’t actually spent that much time with the professional dom to hear his side. Hoseok shrugs with a sigh. “I know he doesn’t like me. And I think he’s an arrogant prick, but I’d never hit him. I thought it was just a bit of fun to play up the rivalry, you know? I guess not to him.”
Yoongi looks grim. “I don’t think it’s wise for us to make any judgements about each other based on any of the events of the past six hours. We all got caught up in it, and I’m sure we’ll be able to forgive and move on.”
Hoseok nibbles at a thumbnail, unassured. “Do you think they’ll send them home for aggression?”
“Who knows?” Yoongi answers honestly. “But hey; you’ll get to be the winner of your rivalry and outlast Jimin. That’s something, isn’t it? You always wanted to.”
A shiver runs up your spine at the despairing look on Hoseok’s face. “Not like this,” are the only three words he makes out before a sob bubbles up his throat. He claps a hand over his mouth, but the dam has burst.
“Hobi,” you coo, shuffling forward on your knees to avoid putting pressure on your injured hand. He lets out a shuddering breath when you take his hand and link in your fingers, providing some physical comfort. “Let’s go downstairs, maybe make some dinner, and wait for Jimin and Jungkook to come back in. We’ll say our sorries and go to bed on a warmer note, yeah?”
Hoseok pauses, bites his lip to cease his tears, and nods shakily. “Yeah, let’s do that. Even if he hates me, I… I want to apologise if I’ve contributed in taking things too far.”
You hum, standing up. Though you wobble for a bit, you feel far more stable than before, and you use your links hands to tug Hoseok to his feet too. “And I want to apologise for not being fairer with you all. But we can’t do anything until Jungkook and Jimin are ready to come back.”
Yoongi pushes himself off the floor with a grunt. “And Hoseok, I’m getting you an icepack for that cheek of yours.”
Though Hoseok protests, five minutes passing sees you in the kitchen, Hoseok slumped at the breakfast bar with a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel pressed to his face. You busy yourself with putting some rice on to cook and Yoongi and Jin work in their usual companionable silence, preparing a basic beef broth.
Both uninjured and not much help in the kitchen, Taehyung and Namjoon occupy their hands and minds with cleaning, following YouTube tutorials on how to get coffee and blood out of the carpet. They haven’t made all that much progress by the time dinner is served, but nobody comments on the dark patches, huddling on two couches in the lounge instead of the dining table. Though no one admits it, you need the extra physical comfort.
As you eat, you find yourself glancing back and forth between the two full bowls waiting on the kitchen countertop, and the front door. “Should someone go out and check on them?” you ask eventually, snapping the silence.
“I texted Sejin asking if they needed any medical attention,” Yoongi offers. “He just said no.”
“Minnie took his phone,” Taehyung said in a low voice. He’s barely touched his food, staring blankly into space. “But he only sent one text saying he was okay and he won’t reply to any of my other ones.”
“We wait,” Jin decides resolutely. “We’ll just sit here and wait for them to come back, and then hopefully we can all agree to put this past us. It was awful, yes, but I think it needed to happen. And hopefully nobody feels like they have anything weighing on their conscience anymore.”
Nobody protests and so, you wait.
The leftovers - god, when was the last time you’d had leftovers in this house? - are wrapped up and put in the fridge, the pots cleaned. As the sky dims, you turn the lights on inside. Nobody dares leave long enough to have a shower, but Taehyung darts upstairs to grab some blankets so that you can tuck up in two groups - Taehyung stays by your side with Hoseok, and the two eldest sandwich Namjoon.
Time passes stiffly, but it does pass. When the sun goes down, there are still only six of you in the house. Everyone’s so emotionally exhausted from the fight, and strung out from the anxiety of listening out for the door, that when it suddenly opens you all jump, Hoseok even cursing as he gets a fright.
The sudden spike of hope in your chest tanks violently when it’s Sejin that rounds the corner, a grim look on his face.
Taehyung frowns, his frame trembling as it leans into you. “Where are they?”
Sejin gestures back the way he came. “They’re in the production van.” Taehyung stands up immediately, but Sejin steps in front of him, hands splayed. “They just want to have some space, Taehyung,” he explains.
“There’s more space in here than there is in the van,” Taehyung protests weakly, even as he settles back down between you and Hoseok. “When are they gonna come back inside? It’s getting late.”
Sejin’s eyes flit around the six of you as he shifts, uncomfortable. “I’ve told them they’re welcome to stay the night there and use my bed. I came in to tell you that I’m going to go home now. Please don’t go out and disturb them. I’ve talked to them, but now they need some time to chat to each other and think about what they’d like to do.” The older man adjusts his glasses and gives you a pained smile. “Try and get some rest.”
A cold bolt of fear runs down your spine. “What they’d like to do?”
Taehyung swallows hard, hands beginning to tremble. “They aren’t going to leave the show, are they?”
Sejin’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. “Please try and get some rest,” he repeats, rather than answering. Taehyung shivers, and you feel the pressure of his forehead on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist.
The producer turns to leave, making Yoongi frown. “Hey!” he calls sharply. Sejin turns around to face him. “I was meant to be taking Y/n out as my reward for fan favourite.”
You bite your lip anxiously. Truth be told, the thought had slipped your mind, and you don’t fancy leaving the others now, certainly not Taehyung who was clinging to you like a frightened puppy.
Sejin curses under his breath, rubbing his temple. “I’ll call an Uber.”
Yoongi steps back a little like the response surprises him. “No, I- This isn’t really the time, is it? I want to ask if we can do it tomorrow night instead, or something? I’m staying here with my friends tonight. We’re staying together.”
“That’s fine,” Sejin allows, a weak smile gracing his tired features before he gasps. “Oh! That reminds me…” He turns so that he’s addressing the group. “I don’t think anyone is in the emotional headspace for eliminations, so… I’m pushing the Monday meeting to Tuesday. Nine in the morning like usual. Just rest up tomorrow.”
“Good to hear you care now,” Yoongi mutters bitterly.
Sejin winces. “I think we’ve had enough conflict today, Yoongi-”
“Something you could have solved,” the doctor accuses harshly, “if you’d answered my texts or my calls and come down when we were asking you for help. I won’t forget that.”
“It’s done. There’s nothing more for me to do beyond apologising.”
“Which you haven’t done,” Yoongi fires back immediately.
“I’m sorry.” The producer gives a stiff wave of farewell to the group. “My girlfriend is waiting outside. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.”
When Sejin leaves the villa, the group heave out a unanimous sigh of exhaustion. It’s been a long day, but the thought of splitting apart, of being alone with your thoughts, is more than you can bear.
“Could we…” You swallow down the croakiness in your throat as everyone turns to look at you. “Could we maybe all stay down here tonight? Together?”
Namjoon’s eyes soften. “I’d like that. I could grab some blankets?”
Taehyung looks up. “I’ll get pillows.”
One by one, four of you run upstairs, Yoongi and Hoseok wanting to get into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. Before you do the same, you turn to Jin.
He’s starting to push the coffee table towards the television, leaving more room in the middle of the couches. Stubbornly keeping himself busy.
“Jin,” you call out hesitantly, making him glance up in the midst of straightening the table against the wall. “I want to apologise. For relying on you for everything and not taking responsibility of the situation.”
His eyes soften, a pained smile. “You don’t have to.”
“I do and I am,” you counter, “I’m sorry. And for what it’s worth… Me calling it a scene, I… It wasn’t a grand statement. It was just a slip of the tongue. You mean more to me than just this game, than just sex, and I feel terrible that you’ve gone the whole week thinking that was the case.”
Behind you, you can hear footsteps descending the stairs. Jin glances up, then back at you quickly with a shake of his head. “To be honest, I’ve gotten over it. I’m fine; you don’t have to worry about me. I think it’s better just to keep it about sex.” He makes a vague gesture, indicating the day’s events. “Less messy.”
You blink, not expecting that. Had he gotten over being upset? Or gotten over his feelings for you? “Oh.” But Hoseok and Taehyung are stumbling down the steps, hesitating in the doorway, and you know you can’t dig deeper. For now, you’ll have to just be happy he doesn’t seem to be still bothered by it. “No worries. I’ll- I should go get into some pyjamas.”
That night, none of you really sleep the night. You lie tucked between Yoongi’s reassuring mass on one side, and Taehyung’s comforting warmth on the other, and try to steal whatever moments of respite you can. But a restless night shared with five guys who mean far more to you than they should is far preferable to a night spent alone, and you count your blessings for it. Although you’re all a little broken, you have each other’s support to stop from shattering completely, and hopefully you can stay together long enough to heal.
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On the seventh Day of every Week in the game, Y/n’s elimination vote is released for 48 hours following the post of the fic. Please note, this is NOT the Fan Favourite vote, which has already happened.
Vote closed. Thank you for participating.
Below is the screenshot taken after 48 hours of the fan favourite vote being open.
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778 notes · View notes
xxxrubytuesdayxxx · 4 years
If you wait to talk to Jeongguk about it instead...
Word Count: 3,181
Disclaimers: This is part (48) of a Choose Your Own Ending!
Check at the end for glossary of Korean terms*
Start here:
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“Mwoh?” he asks, wide-eyed.
“Never mind,” you mutter, unsure what to say. Jimin continues to stare at you, then understanding slowly dawns in his eyes and his mouth twists as he tries not to smile.
“Wait a minute...You and JK are banging each other aren’t you?” he realises. You avoid his eyes and his question, which confirms the answer for him. He hits the table with his open palm and giggles. “Oh my God - you totally are!”
“Okay, okay! Keep it down or Namjoon will have my head,” you hiss.
“But...I mean he already knows, right? Isn’t that why he’s mad?” Jimin asks, obviously confused. You grimace in acknowledgement of what he’s saying.
“Ne, but he probably doesn’t want the whole thing to escalate. Especially as they’re asking Kookie to do one of those stupid fake couple game shows right now,” you elaborate, unable to keep the venom out of your tone. Jimin’s eyes widen.
“He wouldn’t,” he negates you immediately. “He’s...well...no, never mind,” he imitates your reticence and looks down at his hands.
“Come on Jimin-ssi. You can’t possibly expect me not to insist you finish that sentence,” you worry, biting your lip. “Why wouldn’t he? He’s what? My God, is he okay?!” You jump to the worst possible conclusions straight away.
“No, he’s fine!” Jimin assures you, hurriedly. “I just can’t say anything else though,” he persists. “It wouldn’t be fair on him.”
“Ugh! Jimin!” you growl, but you let it go, aware he’s trying to do the right thing. You’re both attempting to return the conversation to less fraught territory when the door to the little room that serves as an office bangs open. Jeongguk exits and stamps across to his bedroom, looking mutinous, whereupon he messes around with the door rather fretfully before disappearing from view. He looks suspiciously like he’s been crying but, even if he has, they’re probably just tears of frustration you reason. Still, Jimin’s words play over in your head as you ponder. A few moments later, Bang PD Nim and Namjoon emerge, both looking tired.
“I thought you had told him,” the older man queries, looking puzzled. Namjoon sighs deeply, and raises his palms in a gesture that indicates his own bemusement.
“I did tell him. Late last night, I admit but he seemed fine with it. Or at least he didn’t raise any concerns or objections in my presence,” Bangtan’s leader responds.
“Something I should know then?” You address your question to them both, struggling to keep your expression neutral as you’re trying to look professional but also desperate to go see if your baby is okay without making it obvious to Hitman Bang. Namjoon’s jaw sets but he manages to speak calmly:
“Maybe go check on him,” he suggests, giving you the excuse you need. You nod, bow your head to wait for Bang PD Nim’s permission, and then make your escape. You tap timidly on Jeongguk’s door, with them all watching you, but there’s no reply.
“Kookie?” you try. “It’s your noona. Can I come in?” There is a pause, then the door slides open a crack and you slip inside. You catch a glimpse of Namjoon’s warning look before Jeongguk slides the door across, trapping you both in his room.
He looks miserable, but at least he seems to have composed himself, though you can see his eyes are still a little red.
“What happened in there?” you ask him softly. He doesn’t answer, but grabs your face in his hands, and kisses you insistently, transferring his attention to your jawline and neck when you’re too taken aback to respond.
“Kiss me, please,” he begs. “You’re not mad, are you? Kiss me!”
“Jeongguk, stop,” you whisper, urgently. “I’m not mad: why would I be mad? But they’re practically listening at the door - they’ll figure it out and then we’re both screwed! Jebal…hajima!” You push him, very gently, away from you. He does, but he looks a bit cut. You stroke his cheek with the back of your fingers. “I’m sorry, cheonsa,” you tell him. “But I’ll come see you later, when it’s not so dangerous. Now - are you going to tell me what happened in there to make you so frustrated?” you persist. He shrugs, pouting.
“I just don’t want to do it. It’s so…[he struggles for the English word, trying to help you understand] contrived?” he tries. You nod, smiling despite yourself.
“Yeah. Contrived,” you reassure him on his word choice. “But why would that upset you?” you press. He shrugs.
“Who says I’m upset?” he asks.
“Well I mean. You look like you’ve been…you look upset,” you prompt him gently. He looks shy, like he knows what you’re implying but doesn’t want to own it. He takes your hand from where it’s fallen to rest against his neck, and kisses your fingertips before placing it back on his cheek. You melt at his sweetness, but you’re still hesitant to tell him you’ve fallen for him hook, line and sinker, especially if it’s really just the contrivance that’s bothering him when it’s the whole set-up that’s bothering you.
“I thought. I mean I was worried they’d kind of – you know – that they’d be making a joke of me and hoping I’d do something dumb on the show cos I’m young and not…you know…super-smart like Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung,” he murmurs, self-conscious.
“I really don’t think they would,” you console him, but you feel terrible, as you’d never realised he was still so self-conscious, considering he plays up for the cameras so much and, as Hobi puts it, is “shameless” with his bids for attention these days.
“I’m okay now though,” he reassures you, seemingly reading your mind.
“Well then I’d better go tell them you’re okay,” you apologise. “Unless you want to come out and tell them yourself?” He shakes his head.
“Come back after, okay?” he requests, uncharacteristically meek.
“Okay,” you agree. He smiles and lies back on his bed, with his eyes shut.
“Well?” Hitman Bang prompts you, when you return.
“He’s upset because he thinks it’s contrived,” you explain, leaving aside his other concerns to explain to Namjoon later, if appropriate. Bang PD Nim looks bemused, while Namjoon remains justifiably skeptical.
“What fanservice isn’t contrived? he interjects.
“Something’s obviously bothering him,” the BigHit CEO muses, looking to you and Namjoon for confirmation. Namjoon looks uneasy. You look at the floor. “RM - What do you know that we don’t?” Bang PD Nim catches on to the exchange, but misses the implications.
“Nothing. I mean - he can be pretty temperamental sometimes. And he - out of all of us - is infuriatingly hot-blooded. Even Hoseok wants to strangle him some days, and he’s an angel when it comes to patience. Maybe we just timed it badly,” Namjoon, replies, choosing, for some reason, to save you and Jeongguk’s asses with his convincing rhetoric. He shoots you a look, letting you know that you owe him big time.
“What did he really say?” Namjoon asks you, much more gently, once you’ve all said your goodbyes and you and he are left alone in the main room.
“That’s exactly what he said,” you confirm, looking Namjoon straight in the eyes.
“He said ‘contrived’?” he asks, disbelievingly.
“Yes. He said ‘contrived’ and that’s precisely what he meant. His English is getting much better,” you point out. Namjoon raises his eyebrows, impressed despite the circumstances.
“Is that all he said?” he presses. You purse your lips, trying not to laugh.
“No,” you confess. Namjoon snorts and shakes his head, exasperated.
“And I suppose he wants you to go back in there?” he guesses correctly. You bite your tongue and sigh. “Well I don’t think I should make it too easy after what you two have put me through last night and this morning,” he teases, pulling out his phone.
“What are you…” you start. He just grins, waves your hand away and texts something, shoving his phone back in his pocket once he’s done. He crosses his arms and waits, darting glances across at Jeongguk’s door. “He might have gone back to sleep,” you try.
“Doubt it. Not if he thought he was about to get some,” Namjoon counters you. Sure enough, Jeongguk’s door slides across and he stalks out, looking surly. “How are you feeling Jeongguk?” Namjoon asks.
“Frustrated,” Jeongguk announces in convincingly American-accented English. Namjoon laughs briefly.
“You’re frustrated?” he replies. “How do you think I feel then? Do you have any idea how much your little tantrum potentially cost us?”
“Mianhamnida, hyung,” he apologises formally, bowing his head. Namjoon sighs, but acknowledges the apology with a tilt of his head.
“I just don’t understand why, Jeongguk. Is there something else going on that I don’t know about? Do you want to think about it, then come back and tell me when you’ve got your head sorted?” he suggests. Jeongguk nods, head still bowed. “Off you go then,” Namjoon dismisses him, then steps back into the kitchen.
Jeongguk tangles his fingers with yours and swings both of your hands back and forth, looking mischievous and totally unrepentant now that Namjoon has left the room.
“Come to our old park with me, noona?” he asks.
“Mwoh? Hakdong Gongwon?” you clarify. He nods, pulling you over to cuddle you from behind. He buries his face in your neck and purrs like a satisfied kitten.
“Okay, you are really pushing it with Joonie, you warn him, elbowing him gently, but unconvincingly, to try and make him stop tormenting you with his lips. “He just saved our asses with Hitman Bang and you’re gonna push his buttons again?” He ignores you, lifting your hair off your neck to continue his sweet misbehaviour. Anyway, what’s...ahh hajima Kookie, you tease...what’s wrong with Seoul-sup or Ttuk-seom all of a sudden?” you press him, trying to ignore the fact that your entire body is vibrating under his touch.
“Amu geotdo,” he answers your question belatedly. “I just want to go to Hakdong Gongwon with you. For a little adventure.” He makes the word ‘adventure’ sound like innuendo, which gives you pause for thought. You want to tell him you have feelings for him that go beyond the rush of illicit hook-ups, but you’re not so sure he’s in it for anything more than that and you don’t want to scare him off. You’re so busy mulling it over that you thoughtlessly allow him to turn you around, pull your top askew and start teasing a new love-bite at the base of your throat, dangerously close to your chest. Consequently, instead of stopping him like you know you should, you cradle his head with your hand, absent-mindedly, and let him go wild while your mind wanders over the possible outcomes of your two options.
Which may be why Taehyung voices his objection when he happens to wander past on his way to the living room, game controller at the ready.
“Mwoh?! Why are Jeongguk and Noona straight-up necking in the middle of the hallway?” I thought that wasn’t allowed,” he protests.
“It’s definitely not,” comes Namjoon’s voice from the kitchen. “In fact if I see anything I object to when I come out there in a minute, I may be forced to retract my earlier statement to Hitman Bang.” Tae glares at Jeongguk, who, after looking up from your cleavage somewhat guiltily, is admittedly now being a bit smirky. Tae continues to look totally unimpressed until Jeongguk tugs on your hand to get you to follow him over to the door out of the apartment, which you willingly do. Anything to avoid World War III. Besides it’ll give you time to make your mind up.
You and Jeongguk make it down to the underground garage quickly enough, where he guides you over to the sleek new car he splashed out on a week or so ago, and gestures for you to climb in the passenger side. Mistakenly assuming his desire to drive you himself, rather than call the car around, means he might actually behave with the requisite dignity and maturity, you acquiesce. The drive begins innocently enough, even though you swiftly come to the realisation that it’s the lack of a chaperone or any uncomfortable questions from staff or neighbours that has put this entire idea into Kookie’s head.
That is until you’re tearing over Seongsu bridge, at the pace only a boy Jeongguk’s age and temperament would drive at, and he turns to give you a wicked little smile and glances pointedly down at his lap. You feel your cheeks flush bright red.
“Aniyo, Jeongguk-ah!” you exclaim, feeling the warmth of your blush travel down between your legs. “You’ll crash the car,” you try, feebly. Ignoring your protests, he lifts his free hand to play with your hair, then, when he has your attention, he turns on the pouting. You sigh deeply and bite your lip, trying not to smile. He turns his attention back to the road to guide the car onto the off-ramp but still manages to get his jeans unbuttoned and his flies unzipped, releasing his erection from his knickers without breaking his concentration. His slender fingers toy with his dick, adjusting it so you’ll be able to reach it if you just lean across and lower your head.
“Such a pro,” you tease him. “Have you done this before?” It’s his turn to blush, as he turns those Bambi eyes on you again and shakes his head, innocent.
“I just always wanted to try it,” he confesses. “But I never had the opportunity. Too many people watching me. But yeah, I mean I practised that bit,” he admits. You lean across and lick him once, like an ice-cream, failing to notice that your top has fallen open so that he can see your black lace bra. “Unf…shibal...” he mutters, as a dribble of pre-cum leaks from his tip and the car swerves along with his hormones.
“Jeongguk!” you squeal, panicked. “Keep your eyes on the road, jebal!” He smirks and twists the wheel to adjust the car back into the dead centre of the lane as you struggle to readjust your top.
“Go on then...suck it babyyyy,” he demands, dragging the English word out deliberately. “You know you want to.” You roll your eyes, trying to hold back a snort of laughter.
“Tacky babe. Very tacky,” you tease him.
“Tacky?” he checks, his lips pursing and his brow furrowing as they always do when he’s concentrating. You feel bad. You’re always forgetting not to overuse slang when he’s studying his English so diligently.
“Um...like trashy? You know? Cheap? Cliche? Too obvious or predictable?” you fumble for explanations.
“Ahhh!” he gives you one of his cute bunny smiles; an indication that he understands and has now added ‘tacky’ and possibly ‘trashy’ as well to his ever-expanding English slang vocabulary.
“Gwaenchanhaeyo, though? I mean...it’s okay for...blowjob experiment?” he persists. The innocence sparkling in his huge eyes completely belies the words coming out of his pretty mouth. Somehow you imagine it would be much less unnerving if he asked you things like this in his native tongue, but you realise he’s trying very hard to learn ‘conversational’ English and relies mostly on you and Namjoon. Though this latest experiment is stretching the definition of ‘conversational’ to its extreme limit.
Pushing all of your reservations aside, you smile indulgently at him, tell him it’s fine and begin to gently stroke his erection, while keeping your own eyes on his face to make sure he’s watching what he’s doing, not what you’re doing. He does okay, though his steering is a little erratic at some points. Meanwhile his cock stiffens until he’s rock hard and quivering against your palm and his breathing is becoming laboured and shallow, punctuated by the occasional whimper or moan.
“Uh...ne! Yes...Oh God…” he gasps, as he twists the car through Gangnam’s streets. “Jebal...noona…” he begs you, his voice dripping with desire, as the fingers of his free hand thread themselves into the back of your hair, first inviting, then gently insisting that you lower your head. You smile, unable to resist this feeling that he wants you so badly. You give in to the insistent pressure of his lovely fingers and take him in your mouth, relishing the taste of him on your tongue and the illicit thrill of doing this in public. After a moment, you feel the autumn breeze lift your hair and tickle the back of your neck. That’s when you realise that the little exhibitionist has lowered the roof of his car as you rocket ever nearer to your destination.
You speed up your licks and your strokes, coaxing him towards his peak. The taste of his precum titillates you: the prospect of you both christening his fancy leather seats with the pearly results of his first road head causing the heat to rise between your legs again. You recognise the feel of the roads as he turns to crawl up the narrow hills approaching Hakdong so you deliberately give him all you’ve got, caressing the silky head of his dick with quick licks, hollowing out your cheeks and then wrapping his shaft in languorous tongue strokes. And he doesn’t disappoint. You’re just on the final block when he lets out an obscenely loud moan and your mouth is filled with his warm, sticky semen.
“Oh holy shit!” he gasps, his chest heaving as he finally stops the car, throwing his head back against the seat and closing his eyes with a tiny but wicked smile playing on his lips. You wipe your mouth and sit back up, carefully arranging your jacket over his lap to hide his depleted erection.
“Fuck,” he swears softly, his beautiful accent making even the muttered cuss word sound sexy. “We made such a mess…” he comments, awestruck at the leftovers of your feast festooning his leather seat and your velvet jacket. “Aish...your jacket…sorry...” he grimaces apologetically.
“Ah it’ll wash up fine. Just as well the weather isn’t too bad,” you tease him, sticking out your tongue. “C’mon then. Fix yourself and the seats up and let’s go play in the park.” He scrunches up his mouth, trying to figure out the best way to tackle the seats, while you scrounge in his boot for suitable rags. The best you can come up with is a lovely dark blue picnic rug in a red tartan pattern, which you hold up for his appraisal. He scrunches his lips even further and wrinkles his nose.
“Temporary solution?” you suggest.
“But I was going to use it so we could have a picnic in the park before we explore,” he admits, his voice anxious. “I got it the other day and I was keeping it in the car - just in case I could convince you to come here with me one day...” Your heart stops at the look in his eyes. Maybe you should tell him. Maybe you and he are on the same page. Or maybe you’re just reading too much into his tendency to carefully plan things.
If you tell him you’ve fallen for him If you’re too insecure to tell him
Glossary: (feel free to submit corrections for these ^.^)
Amu geotdo (아무 것도) Nothing at all
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drmgrljrny · 3 years
PD goals for the rest of this month
i.e. outside of my main goal :) - read 48 rules of power - complete a microsoft excel course and linkedin's excel exam - get savings up to $1000 - complete financial peace university and workbook - read 4 books ( I read: my best friend's murder, confessions on the 7.45, what lies beneath: a memoir and once we were sisters: a memoir, among others :)
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cyanidelegacy · 5 years
Episode 211 / Faust Files: part 120
During the night, Matias Delgato was woken up from his coma abruptly and confessed his role in the deaths of Alexander Goth and Natalie Faust in the presence of Oasis Springs PD officers. To get a handle on the situation, Artemis swiftly prepared to leave for Landgraab Medical Centre, but not before she had breakfast with the family. As they were about to start, Blythe reminded Artemis of her promise to summon Hayden Holiday, her cousin who died in the early morning hours of Tuesday in the summer (almost a week ago in Sim time).
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BLYTHE: Artemis. What time will you summon Hayden tomorrow?
AUDREY: [chokes on food]
ARTEMIS: Sundown 8pm. Audrey, are you alright?
AUDREY: [clears throat] Y - yeah, thanks. But... Ms. Reaper, you just got out from the hospital!
AURORA: Mom, I'll do it instead. With your consent. [nods at Blythe and Bailey]
BLYTHE: I think that's reasonable. [to Artemis, slightly embarrassed] You should rest.
BAILEY: I second that. But you seem dressed to go somewhere instead of -
LORENZO: - Should we cancel lunch with Jamie today?
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AURORA: Mom, you can't cancel on us again. Please.
ARTEMIS: I know, Ora. I'll do my best. But I will be late.
AURORA: What's your plan?
ARTEMIS: I'll meet you at the café direct, but if I'm late you should just get on with lunch without me.
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Across the table from Artemis, Audrey had wolfed down her food so quickly that her plate was already clean.
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ARTEMIS: Are you in a hurry?
AUDREY: Nah, um. I was... really hungry. I have to go. Excuse me.
ARTEMIS: (And she looks so tired. Something's up.)
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Audrey left the dining hall and jogged to her desk, where she had spent hours researching the Landgraabs in the early morning.
AUDREY: (There has to be something I missed... What has Sophie Landgraab's husband got to hide that I can't even turn up his high school?)
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She typed the name "Lewis Fox" into the search engine again, desperate for an answer.
As her eyes scanned lines and lines of irrelevant search results, she started to nod off at the desk.
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He tossed and turned under the covers. Desperately tired after the night before, he yearned to sleep in but his eyelids were no match for the sunshine streaming through the windows. Fred scrunched up his face in an effort to block out the light.
Beep beep.
That's Reaper, he realised. He had set his notifications so any messages and calls from her were instantly recognisable.
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He dragged himself upright and snatched his phone from the bedside. 4 missed calls and a text from Natasha, and Artemis's text. Meet me at 311, it read. Nothing more.
Ach nee. What's 311? 3:11pm? A place?
He scrolled to his sister's text. Fred, please talk to me. And let me know if you're going to see Mr. Delgato today.
Fred blinked. Natasha never used a full-stop at the end of her texts, never - unless it was something solemn, something serious. And who's this Mr. Delgato she's referring to so formally?
He checked his Simgle News app. A pit formed in his stomach when he saw the first entry at the top of the screen.
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Stuffed in her pocket, the muffled rings of Audrey's phone failed to rouse her from her nap.
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FRED: (Come on Audrey, pick the fuck up!)
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elliegoestodownton · 3 years
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I posted 1,049 times in 2021
310 posts created (30%)
739 posts reblogged (70%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.4 posts.
I added 1,025 tags in 2021
#chicago fire - 255 posts
#chicago pd - 172 posts
#trudy platt - 141 posts
#randy mouch mcholland - 111 posts
#pretties - 78 posts
#movies - 63 posts
#art - 56 posts
#christopher herrmann - 52 posts
#kim burgess - 49 posts
#cats - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#my headcanon is that at some point they have confessed each other about the freaking out and realised what idiots they are
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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emmettrobling · 4 years
1: How high is your libido? Its smoked more than its fair share of joints, my friend, I’ll tell ya what.
2: Rough sex or soft sex? Rough, soft, fast, slow, whatever floats my boat in the moment. Really that’s up to my partner though. I don’t care either way, I’m getting some.
3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes? I myself am an unusual kink or fetish. 
4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex? You mean me just having sex isn’t weird enough? Kidding, kidding. I guess the kitchens.
5: Favourite sex position? Any and all are just great. But, ya know, I do like to ride my partner. I’m hot like that
6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive? That’s for me to know, and only one person to find out. And, I’m pretty sure he already knows. I’d be happy to show him though, if he doesn’t. ;)
7: Have you ever had any one night stands? In the past.
8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor? Why limit myself? Expand those horizons. Sex anyplace, any time.
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place? Maaayyyyybeeeee
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? I sure have. I’m quite sure it was more of a shock for them than it was for me.
11: What does your favorite sexy underwear look like? Well you see, they’re a pair of boxer-briefs with a wolf’s face on them, and my dick goes in the nose part, so when I get a stiffy it looks like his nose is growing. Real fuckin’ hot, those are.
12: How often do you have sex? Normally about 6 times a week.
13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with? For sure. Yes. Without a doubt. Whenever he wants. Any time he wants. @pyreddiekaspryk
14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex? Giving, scout’s honor.
15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex? Cumming too quick. I’m talking 120 seconds quick. What can I say? Shit happens.
16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex? Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. 
17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex? The Titanic Song.
18: Are you into dressing up for sex? I don’t know if anyone has told you, pal, but you’re supposed to be naked for that stuff. It just tends to work better that way.
19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower? Shower.
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be? He knows who he is.
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you? Eh. I have. They aren’t all that great in my humble opinion.
22: Do you/would you use sex toys? I would, yeah. Sometimes I do. Depends on how adventurous I’m feeling.
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture? I have, I should do that more often though...
24: Would you have sex with your best friend? Nah, I don’t think @thomasmoorebhq could handle all of this sexy.
25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)? Oh, you know, the usual. Go for a light 15k, do some push ups, have a snack.
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny? Something? I can’t really say. I’m pretty easy to get going though. One person, however, will never fail. That I can promise. 
27: Early morning sex or late night sex? All the sex.
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex? Eyes.
29: Favourite body part on the same sex? I love me a real good, sexy set of ears.
30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find? I’m not going to go telling you all my secrets.
31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you? Nothing comes to mind. I’ve been in plenty of situations others might consider weird but, uh, have you met me?
32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?] I haven’t, oddly enough. I’ll have to make sure to change that.
33: Is it ever okay to not use a condom? That depends.
34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience? Salami, definitely.
35: Worst possible time to get horny? While you’re on the toilet.
36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans? Like it, love it, want a whole hell of a lot more of it.
37: What is the most amount of times you’ve ever orgasmed in a day? Like 8.
38: Best sexual complement you ever got: “Hey, that wasn’t that bad.”
39: Favorite foreplay activities: The three T’s: Tonguing, touching, and teasing.
40: What do you wear to bed? Nothing ;)
41: What is your biggest turn off? Anything bathroom related. Scrubbing toilets shouldn’t be a turn-on for anyone.
42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself? I might. Don’t know. I’ll have to go digging.
43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside? Outside of what?
44: Have/would you ever have sex in public? Okay, okay, you got me.
45: Have/would you ever had a threesome? I have, but I don’t know that I would again unless someone was, like, dying for it.
46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate? An empty laundry detergent jug.
47: What is your favorite type of porn? All porn is good porn. But...I don’t know. I really like watching people cum. I’m a creeper like that.
48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not) Who doesn’t? Don’t you? 
49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in? Tattoos can be cool and all, but they aren’t like...A fetish for me or anything.
50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity? Only one person I’ve ever and would ever. All of this just isn’t for everyone, not in that situation.
51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter? Anchovies.
52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute? You mean I’m not already both? Where the fuck have I been?
53: Do you watch porn? Do you breathe oxygen?
54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why? I have, for both sexual and nonsexual reasons.
55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”? Oh yeah, I frequently run out of underwear.
56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair? I give fewer than zero fucks. Negative fucks given.
57: If you could give yourself head, would you? Hell yes! What a fucking talent to have! 
58: Booty or Boobs? Ass, ass, ass, ass, ass...
59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?) Fuck no. I’m not a total douche.
60: What is your dirtiest sexual fantasy? I believe I’ve said this before. But, to be honest friend, I really just want to be fucked.
61: have you ever watched someone masturbate?
62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?
63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed? I sure have.
64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate) Whatever feels/looks/sounds good at the moment. Jerking it, humping it, fucking it, whatever.
65. What is your bra/penis size? I’m somewhere between a green bean and a $5 footlong.
66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus? I don’t generally put strange things in my anus, do you?
67. When was the last time you masturbated? This afternoon.
68. When was the last time you had sex? Last week.
69. When was the last time you watched porn? This afternoon.
70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do? Generally I like to steal all my sex toys. It makes the whole experience just that much more exciting.
71. Circumcised? Do you wanna see?
72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched? My neck is always a good place to start.
73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched? My dick.
74. Are you able to achieve orgasm just through nipple stimulation? I’ve never even considered that. Probably not. Maybe. Now you’ve got me thinking...
75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone? Maybe I have.
76. When was the last time you have had a wet dream? Shit, like three nights ago.
77. Which wet dream was your favorite? ;)
78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with? I have more than a friend who I’d willingly have sex with.
79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with? Nah, that’s just not realistic. I’m a pretty realistic guy.
80. Least favorite sexual position? Reverse Cowgirl. It robs my partner of the opportunity to see my angelic O face.
81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed? Maybe. So what?
82. Are you into any BDSM? I could be. 
83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why? Yeah, that used to be a thing. Not anymore though. 
84. Do you like dirty talk? Do you drink water?
85. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Masturbation? Do you really think I’m ever quiet? Ever? Like, literally ever?
86. Have you ever been interrupted during sex or masturbation? Who/what? I have been, gotta love roommates. And family. And friends.
87. What kind of porn do you not like to watch? Clown. Definitely clown.
88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them? Confessions aren’t my style. Don’t believe me? Ask the local PD.
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them? I’ve masturbated for more reasons than that.
90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them? I have, but nah.
91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial? I have in the past. No, they aren’t. Heartbreaking, I know.
92. Any kinks you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t? Maybe. That’s for me and him to know, and you to never find out.
93. How should someone who is interested in sleeping with you approach the topic? I’m off the market, pal, sorry to break it to you.
94. What are your absolute no-nos in bed? I’d prefer not to have my cock slapped. Don’t drink my blood. 
95. How do you feel about quickies? I feel just fine, how do you feel?
96. Have you ever tried roleplay in bed? Would you? I have, I would again if someone wanted to try it.
97. Describe the best orgasm you’ve ever had. What were you doing? Alone or with someone else? What made it so good? It was last week, and it wasn’t alone, and it was awesome.
98. Have you ever filmed yourself while masturbating or having sex? Not yet.
99. Lights on or lights off? I’m down for whatever.
100. What would you like to do more of in bed? At this point, whatever my partner wants to try, I’m all over it and all up in it.
0 notes
knets-on-baekhyun · 7 years
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Naver: Baekhyun - Kang Daniel - Ong Seongwoo etc ...confimed for SBS ‘Master Key’
[+4045;-655] OMG Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Baekhyun-ah, I’ll cheer for you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[+3497;-578] Baekhyun!!! Daebak daebak!! He’ll do super well
[+3435;-562] So EXO Byun Baekhyun will join!! I’ll definitely watch the broadcast
[+3326;-553] I support EXO Byun Baekhyun! Hwaiting
[+3233;-548] Baekhyun hwaiting!
[+2095;-401] Kang Daniel and Ong Seongwoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’ll watch the broadcast no matter what
[+1920;-380] Kang Daniel Ong Seongwoo. I miss OngNiel
[+1845;-372] I’m looking forward to Wanna One’s Kang Daniel and Ong Seongwoo
[+1621;-338] I’m looking forward to a combination of Kang Daniel and Ong Seongwoo
[+1039;-145] Ah daebak.. it’s EXO and Wanna One it’s a meeting of super stars all the cuties
(From here is Baekhyun related comments only)
[+1188;-276] I’m so looking forward to Baekhyun on variery shows
[+929;-191] So EXO Baekhyun appears on variety shows I wanna watch it faster
[+1113;-253] I’m so looking forward to Baekhyun. Baekhyun-ah! I’ll support you
[+1111;255-] Heol Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[+1029;-228] EXO’s Baekhyun who likes and is good at playing games..I’m looking forward to his performance
[+775;-159] Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ do well ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Naver: SBS, ‘Master Key’ EXO x Wanna One x Jun Hyunmoo
[+651;-52] Daebak daebak Baekhyun-ah!!! let’s be a fixed member
[+591;-44] Baekhyun-ah ㅜㅜ I’m so looking forward to it!!
[+572;-43] Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠ EXO Baekhyun is the best ㅠㅠㅠ
[+566;-44] I’m so looking forward to EXO Baekhyun!! Baekhyun hwaiting!
[+536;-43] So Baekhyun will be on a variety show
[+191;-16] Daniel, Seongwoo, baekhyun… casting is awesome… I anticipate an interesting and fun variety show… hwaiting to all~~
[+206;-25] EXO Baekhyun hwaiting !
[+196;-25] Our Baekhyun hwaiting ❤
[+187;-23] Baekhyun-ah ㅜㅜ I’ll look forward to it!!
[+156;-20] Baekhyun is full of variety sense!!  I’m so looking forward to this variey show
Naver: Baekhyun - Ong Seongwoo - Kang Daniel, confirmed for new variety show ‘Master Key’
[+502;-10] PD-nim and writer-nim! may God bless you! Baekhyun, Ong Seongwoo, and Kang Daniel, this is such a huge favor
[+389;-42] Byun Baekhyun, do well!
[+357;-40] Baekhyun hwaiting !
[+344;-41] Heol Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’ll look forward to it!!
[+318;-37] Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’ll watch the broadcast for sure
[+263;-48] Other variety celebrities praises and says that Baekhyun is a must-have existence in variety field. Finally, our Baekhyun is gonna appear on a variey show. Hwaiting
[+179;-26] Byun Baekhyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I wanna watch it faster
[+162;-23] Baekhyun-ah, I always support you ❤ do well!
[+153;-21] Baekhyun-ah, I look forward to you the most ㅠㅠㅠ
[+131;-15] EXO Baekhyun is full of sense, so I’m anticipating it
Naver: ‘Master Key’ from Baekhyun to Kang Daniel… “No.1 in gaming is me”
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[+2424;-381] Baekhyun’s there, so I’m gonna watch the broadcast. Baekhyun’s not only handsome, but also good at variety show. He’s already no.1 in my heart
[+2352;-370] I’m looking forward to Baekhyun  'ㅅ'
[+2312;-364] Baekhyun not only has good sense but he’s also good at playing games. His quick wit is good, too, so I think he will do well. I wanna watch it faster
[+2276;-361] Baekhyun is a master key
[+2263;-359] I’m so looking forward to Baekhyun! I wanna watch it now ㅠㅠ
[+1742;-279] Baekhyun’s a master key. Baekhyun hwaiting!  ~~♪( ´▽`)
[+1122;-174] Baekhyun-ah, I’ll cheer for you! hwaiting
[+1450;-291] I’m so looking forward to EXO Baekhyun! I think it’ll be fun
[+1391;-291] Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠ I’m so looking forward to it ㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠ star-nim! I support you
[+1123;-188] Because Baekhyun has all quick adaption, sense, wit, he’ll do well. I’m so looking forward to it. I’m gonna watch the broadcast to see Baekhyun! Baekhyun-ah, hwaiting
Naver: ‘Master Key’, Baekhyun, Kang Daniel...etc… 12 artists confirmed… first broadcast on Oct 14
[+1844;-328] Baekhyunie, Daniel-nim, Ong Seongwoo-nim, please have a good time filming~! I’ll look forward to good chemistry like Daniel-nim and Minseok.
[+1892;-406] I like Baekhyun so much! I love you
[+1825;-393] Baekhyun-ah I’m so looking forward to it ㅠㅠ��ㅠㅠㅠ
[+1363;-273] Kang Daniel hwaiting!!! I’m so looking forward to Ong Seongwoo’s first variety show. I’m also curious about Baekhyun-nim
[+1145;-245] I support Kang Daniel! I’m so looking forward to Seongwoo and Baekhyun-sunbaenim’s chemistry
[+629;-105] Baekhyun, Kang Daniel, Ong Seongwoo hwaiting! I’ll watch ‘Master Key’ broadcast
[+542;-88] I’m so looking forward to chemistry of Kang Daniel, Seongwoo, Baekhyun and Jinyoung
[+536;-88] I’ll look forward to chemistry of Kang Daniel, Seongwoo, Baekhyun and Jinyoung!! ‘Master Key’ is daebak
[+467;-85] I’ll look forward to chemistry of Kang Daniel, Seongwoo, and Baekhyun-nim!! I hope they will film safely and become close sunbaes and hoobaes. Hwaiting
Weibo:  EXO member Byun Baekhyun confirmed for “Master Key”. 
Scheduled to be broadcasted on 14 October, filming starts at the end of September. The program is based on escape room concept, 10 episodes in total.
Overall: [+3235]
- Ahhhhhhhh Baekhyun!!!!!! I’m so touched!!!!!!
- Looking forward to our Baekhyunie. Variety sense full points!
- F*ck what sort of good day is it today T_T Bobo finally has a chance to showcase his variety sense T_T Confessing my love to Byun Baekhyun
- Ahhhhhhhhhh my appa is finally going on variety show
- Baekhyun is coming, Baekhyun is coming
- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! SM is finally doing their job!!!
- Hyunie ah, i am so excited. Now that he’s going onto variety show alone, his solo won’t be too far behind right
- I slept for an hour but it feels like i’ve missed the whole world. Looking forward to Hyun baby.
- Ahhhhh there’s going to be 10 episodes! Totally looking forward to our variety Little Prince Byun Baekhyun. I’m sure he’ll surprise us. Hope you'll enjoy the games, since you love games so much~ Just nice that you can relax (while playing game on this show)~
- Worried for my Xiao Bo. The little boy that kept talking to himself when he was in the haunted house on Showtime. I hope there won’t be any horror escape room
- So will our Baekhyun be joining all 10 episodes?
- Ahhhhhh is it really you? Baekhyunie is it really you? Did mommy read it right??  I want to cry
- I’ve waited so long for you, Baekhyun
- Crying happy tears QAQ Last year autumn there was LoL, this autumn we will have Master Key. I love autumn so much T_T
- It feels like new year (t/n: fans are too happy about this news that they are having a big celebration like it’s new year)
- Will my Bo say ‘oh oh kkaebsong’ again
- Oh my god Baekhyun, I love SM
- 10 episodes T_T Will Baekhyun talk a lot hahahahahah, escape room sounds a little scary hahahaha. Super looking forward to this
- I can’t help but dance Three Little Bears on my bed
[Voting section] ‘Master Key’ Baekhyun
1. [+5442;-974] I’m looking forward to our Baekhyunie! hwaiting hwaiting
2. [+1799;-211] Baekhyun-ah, I’ll cheer for you! ‘Master Key’ hwaiting!!
3. [+1630;-186] Baekhyunie hwaiting! I’m already looking forward to Baekhyunie who does everything well. I’ll only die if I can’t watch the broadcast
4. [+1472;-140] Baekhyun-ah, you’re the master of everything. Already perfect
5. [+1296;-120] I support Beagle master Byun Baekhyun-nim
6. [+1186;-111] Isn’t Baekhyunie the best? Baekhyunie will do everything well. I’m totally looking forward to it
7. [+941;-87] Baekhyun’s good at playing games, so he’ll do this well too! hwaiting
8. [+866;-84] Baekhyun-ah, I support you and ‘Master Key’
9. [+815;-132] I love Baekhyun! hwaiting! Baekhyun has the master key in his hands
10. [+727;-73] Beagle master Baekhyunie hwaiting! You’re already the master! You’re already the best
65 notes · View notes
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#247. “I am so disappointed with the 2nd elimination results ranking or whatever. Kaeun’s rank dropped drastically. Sakura is 7th?? Jang wonyoung is first now? Lmao what a mess. I swear yall let the lackluster ones get all the votes when we have miyu who is 10x more talented than jwy at 30th. Rubbish.”
94 notes · View notes
minnesotaprelawland · 6 years
Alleged Attack On “Empire” Star Jussie Smollett
Stephanie Franco, St. Catherine University Class of 2019
March 7, 2019
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At about 2 am on January 29th, 2019 Jussie Smollett, an actor on “Empire”, was walking alone on the block of East North Water Street in Chicago, when he heard some voices behind him [1]. 2 people he did not know were screaming homophobic and racial slurs at him [1]. These two individuals also yelled “MAGA country” [1]. They then proceeded to punch Smollett in the face, pour an unknown chemical on him and wrap a rope around his neck [2]. The day after this incident Smollett received various messages on social media from people showing their support [2].
When Smollett went to the police, he was asked for his phone to corroborate some information, but Smollett refused [2]. Smollett was allegedly on the phone with his manager at the time of the attack and the police wanted to look at his records [2]. But the police did not think much of his refusal, they stated he was the victim not the suspect and they will not demand him to give up his phone [2]. Several days later Smollett came out and said that he was okay, acknowledging all the support he was getting [2]. Chicago PD has since released pictures of two people they believe could have been involved in the assault [2]. On February 11th Smollett handed over his phone to the police and stated that he did not want to initially hand over his phone because he had a lot of private information on it, like pictures, emails and songs [2]. Up to that point the police still were not suspecting any wrongdoing from the actor. It was later found that a text message on Smollett’s phone read “Might need your help on the low. You around to talk face to face?”, this text was sent to one of the persons of interest [4].
A couple days after Smollett handed over his phone, the persons of interest were arrested and identified as Obabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo, two brothers from Nigeria who play as extras on “Empire” and even spent time with Smollett [2]. The brothers were able to be identified in part through rideshares and cabs they took after the attack [4]. On the same day the brothers were identified, Smollett did an interview with Good Morning America where he says his attackers were White [2]. Unfortunately for Smollett, the brothers’ story did not add up with his statement. 47 hours into their holding the brothers confessed that the attack was staged [4]. If they would have waited another hour the officers would have had to let them go [4] and Smollett may have gotten away with the fake attack. At 48 hours the officers would have had to let them go because of the 48-hour rule. This rule means that after someone is arrested without a warrant, probable cause must be established and the person(s) has to appear in front of the judge to be charged with something. If probable cause is not established the person(s) must be released on the 48-hour mark. Moreover, when confessing, the brothers also told the police that Smollett has tried to gain attention before, he first sent a letter to “Empire” that had racial and homophobic language in it [4].
The police were suspicious of the attack already, as there was no video evidence of it on any surveillance footage [3], so the confession put all the pieces together. A couple days later the Chicago police reported that there were some developments in the case and that there were some follow-ups to be made which included talking with Smollett [2]. On February 20th, Smollett was classified as a suspect for filing a false police report [2]. Earlier that day video evidence of the two brothers buying ski masks, which were reportedly used in the attack, was released [2]. The next day Smollett was arrested for falsifying a police report and disorderly conduct [2]. Smollett reportedly paid the brothers $3,500 to stage the attack [4]. Moreover, 50 Cent who previously posted in his support, posted a picture of Smollett’s face with the words ‘all liez on me’ [2]. This incident has brought a lot of hate to Smollett, people/fans who supported him are now angry and disappointed for what he has done. People think that the actor took advantage of racism to promote his career and that he did this because he was unsatisfied with his salary [2].
Smollett was being held at Cook county jail and was separated from other prisoners because of his notable status [3]. According to Illinois law a charge of disorderly conduct, where the person falsifies a police report is a class A misdemeanor on a first attempt, but a class 4 felony on a second account [5]. But according to CNN Smollett faces a felony charge [4].  For a misdemeanor charge, Smollett could face up to 364 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $2500 [5]. If charged with a felony, Smollett could face 1-3 years of prison. The judge granted a $100,000 bail, and Smollett paid a $10,000 bond and has been released [4]. Smollett was ordered to give up his passport and he is to remain under supervision [4]. He is due back in court on March 14th [4].
0 notes
auburnfamilynews · 6 years
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Malzhan’s 2nd class was in fact his highest ranked class but was it actually his best?
Tuesday, the brain trust here at College & Magnolia took a stab at reranking Auburn’s 2013 signing class. I had planned to post a class a day this week but it appears neither my place of employment nor my daughters got that message.... So here we are Saturday taking a look at 2014.
Take what you can get people.
The 2014 class is actually Gus Malzahn’s highest ranked class coming in at #6 overall in the country. That really shouldn’t be a huge surprise considering Auburn was coming off a national championship appearance with a brand new head coach running an exciting offense. But this class actually ranks near the bottom during Malzahn’s tenure in terms of player average coming in at 0.8878. For comparison, last year’s class which was ranked the worst in the Malzahn era at #12 overall had a player average of 0.9022. That class had four less signees though which explains the difference in rankings.
So how did this highly ranked class turn out? As you will see, it was a little deeper than the 2013 one though not as top heavy. Here’s a rundown of where the 2014 signees fell upon a 2nd look. We did not include Jakell Mitchell for obvious reasons.
Consensus Five Stars
Only one five star this go around but there could have been a strong argument for a 2nd.
#71 Braden Smith
247 Composite: 4* | #63 OVR | #3 OG | #1 KS
Career Stats: 41 starts
C&M Composite: 5.00
Braden Smith was a late steal for Auburn in the 2014 class and proved to be a huge one. After working as the 6th OL as a true freshman he became arguably Auburn’s best offensive lineman over the next three seasons. He was drafted in the 2nd round by the Indianapolis Colts this past year where he was asked to bump outside and play tackle. That move out of desperation worked wonderfully and Smith now looks to be on the path towards an outstanding NFL career at right tackle.
Borderline Five Star
So confession time.... I was the only person to not vote Deshaun Davis a 5* which in hindsight was probably dumb so feel free to throw things at me online.
#57 Deshaun Davis
247 Composite: 3* | #479 OVR | #21 ILB | #15 AL
Career Stats: 262 tackles 29.5 TFL 7.5 sacks 6 PD 2 FR
C&M Composite: 4.83
Davis was basically out of football for three years. He suffered a nasty leg injury his senior year of high school, spent all of his redshirt year rehabbing and then was a forgotten piece of the depth chart as a redshirt freshman. Then Travis Williams was hired and gave Davis a shot. He did not disappoint. Davis morphed from undersized LB with no chance at being a starter to a three year leader and 1st Team All-SEC linebacker. He’s been the heart & soul of this Tiger defense the past 3 seasons and I wouldn’t be shocked if he beat the odds again in the NFL. Deshaun Davis has undoubtedly become one of my favorite players in Auburn football history.
The Four Stars
While this class doesn’t have as much top end talent as 2013, it definitely had a bit more depth. The next bunch of signees all had very productive careers for the Tigers.
#14 Stephen Roberts
247 Composite: 4* | #128 OVR | #12 CB | #7 AL
Career Stats: 136 tackles 7.5 TFL 2 INT 12 PD 2 FF
C&M Composite: 4.17
The Tigers flipped Roberts from the Tide that cycle and a lot of Alabama fans laughed believing Auburn was just picking up their scraps. I doubt they felt that way when Roberts cut the mighty Bo Scarborough down in the 2017 Iron Bowl.... Roberts needed time to mature but eventually became a two year starter at safety where he excelled at flying into alleys to stuff ball carriers.
#30 Tre Williams
247 Composite: 5* | #27 OVR | #2 ILB | #4 AL
Career Stats: 188 tackles 10.0 TFL 3.5 sacks 2 PD 2 FR FF
C&M Composite: 4.00
When healthy, Tre Williams was absolutely a 5* linebacker. However, the Mobile native battled shoulder injuries his whole career as a Tiger resulting in missed games or limited action. You can’t help but wonder what his career could have looked like if he could have stayed healthy. But despite those injuries he was still extremely productive and a key piece of Kevin Steele’s defensive turnaround.
#95 Dontavius Russell
247 Composite: 4* | #153 OVR | #12 DT | #11
Career Stats: 153 tackles 17.0 TFL 1.5 sacks 4 PD FR FF
C&M Composite: 4.00
Auburn is often unpredictable and you just don’t know what you are going to get year to year. But one thing you could count on each season is that Dontavius Russell would show up to work and do his job every single Saturday. Once an UGA commit, Rodney Garner stayed after the Carrollton, GA native and was able to get Russell to flip his commitment. After redshirting, Russell played in almost every single game over the next 4 seasons. He was as steady as any player as I can remember in recent Auburn football history. Don’t be surprised if 12 years from now you look up and he’s still got a job in the NFL.
#36 Kamryn Pettway
247 Composite: 3* | #391 OVR | #24 RB | #12 AL
Career Stats: 285 carries 1,529 yds 5.4 avg 13 TD 6 rec 58 yds 9.7 avg
C&M Composite: 4.00
Pettway was signed to play fullback and did so as a redshirt freshman. But after the RB rapture following the 2015 season, the Tigers just needed bodies in spring practice at the position and gave Chandler Cox and Pettway some reps. What they found was a bulldozer in Pettway. He wasn’t fully set free in 2016 until Texas A&M but once set loose, he became the engine of Auburn’s offense up until he suffered a freak injury running for what could have been a game sealing touchdown vs Vanderbilt. His story didn’t end as happy as we all would have liked but his play during the 2016 season plus his work as a fullback in 2015 more than qualifies him for 4* status.
Borderline Four Star
I think this guy might have been the hardest person to rank thus far.....
#13 Sean White
247 Composite: 4* | #150 OVR | #8 QB | #23 FL
Career Stats: 216-351 (61.5%) 2,845 yds 10 TD 7 INT 135.0 QBR 85 carries 198 yds 2 TD
C&M Composite: 3.83
White was far from the best QB to play at Auburn but he was also far from the worst. With Jeremy Johnson struggling to be even decent, the Tigers turned to White in 2015. He would win the job again in 2016 and when healthy, did a good job providing Auburn with some sort of steady play at the QB spot. But injuries ended both of his campaigns early and an arrest ended his career. This one was a tough one to grade because when he actually played I think it’s fair to give him a 4* rating. But between his inability to stay healthy and how his career ended, some of us just couldn’t pull the trigger.
Three Star-ish
What’s interesting about this group is the number of JUCO signees. Auburn has actually lessened their reliance on JUCO talent with the new era of graduate transfers but early in Malzahn’s tenure they were an important component to his recruiting.
#1 Duke Williams
247 Composite: 4* | #1 JUCO OVR | #1 JUCO WR | #1 JUCO MS
Career Stats: 57 rec 877 yds 15.4 avg 6 TD
C&M Composite: 3.33
Duke made Auburn’s offense even more deadly in 2014 when he was healthy. His game to open the 2014 season made us all not only dream of Jeremy Johnson throwing bombs but Duke catching them. But sadly, his career would end in disappointment after off the field issues resulted in him finally being removed from the team. It appears though that Duke has learned some lessons and developed into one of the best wideouts in the CFL over the past few seasons. This offseason he signed with Buffalo and we will see if he can stick around the NFL for awhile now. Go get em Duke.
#19 Nick Ruffin
247 Composite: 4* | #113 OVR | #10 CB | #8 GA
Career Stats: 95 tackles 1.5 TFL INT TD FR
C&M Composite: 3.00
Ruffin never really became the star DB that was expected coming out of high school. But he did become a productive member of Auburn’s secondary. His biggest moment came in 2017 when he blocked a punt against Texas A&M. kickstarting an Auburn team who didn’t look all that engaged through most of the first half that day.
#6 DaVonte Lambert
247 Composite: 4* | #6 JUCO SDE | #1 JUCO GA
Career Stats: 48 tackles 9.5 TFL 3.5 sacks 3 PD FF
C&M Composite: 3.00
Auburn’s sack leader in 2014, Lambert had a solid, not great career for the Tigers. However, he’s continued to improve since his time on the Plains and has even started some for the Tampa Bay Bucs.
#79 Andrew Williams
247 Composite: 4* | #232 OVR | #12 WDE | #16 GA
Career Stats: 71 tackles 8.5 TFL 4.0 sacks
C&M Composite: 3.00
Williams wasn’t a stat sheet stuffer but man has been an important part of Auburn’s rotation up front. The Georgia native’s move inside was huge for his career as he became Auburn’s third DT behind Derrick Brown and Dontavius Russell. There was very little drop-off over the past couple of seasons when Williams came into the game.
#94 Devaroe Lawrence
247 Composite: 3* | #133 JUCO OVR | #19 JUCO DT | #7 JUCO MS
Career Stats: 45 tackles 6.0 TFL 1.5 sacks
C&M Composite: 3.00
Although Lawrence never lived up to his own lofty expectations, he was a solid performer for the Tigers. He excelled as a short yardage stuffer in 2016 and has put together a nice NFL career to date. Not bad for a former JUCO walk on.
#53 Xavier Dampeer
247 Composite: 3* | #196 JUCO OVR | #2 JUCO C | #28 JUCO MS
Career Stats: 4 career starts
C&M Composite: 2.67
Dampeer was an important reserve lineman for the Tigers much of his career and even ended up a starter for four games in 2016.
The Two Stars
Injuries played a big role in who landed in this list.
#10 Stanton Truitt
247 Composite: 4* | #302 OVR | #29 ATH | #23 FL
Career Stats: 37 carries 215 yds 5.8 avg 2 TD 10 rec 126 yds 12.6 avg TD
C&M Composite: 2.50
If felt like every time Truitt was about to break out he got hurt. Auburn clearly wanted to use his elite speed and his biggest moment came against Arkansas in 2016. But he couldn’t stay on the field and eventually transferred out to North Carolina before the 2017 campaign. He never played a snap for the Tar Heels due to more injuries.
#9 Roc Thomas
247 Composite: 5* | #23 OVR | #4 RB | #3 AL
Career Stats: 86 carries 475 yds 5.5 avg 3 TD 18 rec 230 yds 12.8 avg TD
C&M Composite: 2.17
Thomas still has some of the best HS running back tape I’ve ever seen and heading into the 2015 season everything was on schedule. He entered that year as the Tigers’ starting tailback and was looking solid vs Louisville before missing the 2nd half with an injury. He would never regain that starting spot. He transferred out the following spring to Jacksonville State where he put up some strong numbers. I can’t help but think if he had stuck around things might have ended up working out but maybe he needed the change of scenery.
#24 Derrick Moncrief
247 Composite: 4* | #11 JUCO OVR | #1 JUCO S | #3 JUCO MS
Career Stats: 27 tackles PD FF
C&M Composite: 1.83
As you can see, 2014 was very JUCO heavy and for the most part they panned out pretty well. Moncrief was the exception. He was recruiting to play that “Talon” spot in Ellis Johnson’s 4-2-5 scheme but never really carved out a clear role. Frustrated, Moncrief transferred to Oklahoma State where he never contributed.
Los Unos
The least fun category of the day. There will always be a few each class that fall into this category but it still stinks to see.
#59 Raashed Kennion
247 Composite: 3* | NA OVR | #60 WDE | #164 FL
Career Stats: 9 tackles TFL
C&M Composite: 1.50
Auburn took a bit of a chance on Kennion and it didn’t work out. He impressed Rodney Garner at a camp and I have to think his measurables made him an intriguing prospect for the Tigers. But Kennion was never really able to see any meaningful playing time and left for Florida A&M following the 2015 season.
#11 Markell Boston
247 Composite: 3* | #NA OVR | #100 S | #103 GA
Career Stats: 6 tackles
C&M Composite: 1.50
Boston looked poised to be a starter at safety heading into the 2017 season but was dismissed before spring practice. He’s now a reserve DB for UTC.
#92 Justin Thornton
247 Composite: 4* | #120 OVR | #6 WDE | #6 AL
Career Stats: N/A
C&M Composite: 1.00
Teammates with Deshaun Davis at Vigor, it was actually Thornton who was the more highly regarded prospect. He was considered an elite pass rusher but the big question was could he put the weight on to consistently set the edge in SEC play. Turns out he couldn’t....
#41 Kalvarez Bessent
247 Composite: 4* | #126 OVR | #11 CB | #9 GA
Career Stats: N/A
C&M Composite: 1.00
Like Roberts, Auburn flipped Bessent from Bama. Unlike Roberts, Bessent never matured and transferred following his redshirt season. He had been arrested before even arriving to campus resulting in him starting his career in the doghouse. Sadly, he never got out.
#84 Myron Burton
247 Composite: 3* | #995 OVR | #83 WR | #88 GA
Career Stats: N/A
C&M Composite: 1.00
The king of the 2015 A-Day Game, Burton never saw the field after that strong performance. He gave up football to pursue a modeling career which is still one of the more unique storylines I think I’ve seen develop.
#46 Chris Laye
247 Composite: 3* | NA OVR | #49 TE | #90 GA
Career Stats: N/A
C&M Composite: 1.00
Laye was one of Auburn’s longest committed prospects in this class but never found his way onto the field. I believe he gave up football entirely and stayed on the Plains but I’m not 100% certain if that’s true.
It is still surprising to me this is Auburn’s highest rated class. There were some real flameouts in this group with so many not even finishing their careers on the Plains. But there were some really important pieces too and guys that carved out productive roles in their careers. Hopefully Monday we can take a look at the 2015 class and see how it stacks up to Malzahn’s first two.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/2/2/18203485/re-ranking-auburn-signing-classes-2014
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#05. “Nako really went from F to A and got 330 votes in one episode. She did THAT.”
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#324. “i miss chiyori and noe so much and i believed they had a good chance of being one of the 30 trainees left or in the final group”
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#357. “I'm so shocked about Heo Yunjin's impressive musical theatre background back when she was in the US!! and how she is professionally trained for opera.. The fact that she did not boast about this on the show, she didn't even once talk about it.... she is such a humble kid. if her musical theatre experience was highighted in one of the episodes, she would have easily gotten the main vocal title. EASILY. but no. YUNJIN WANTED TO START FROM THE BOTTOM. I LOVE HER.”
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#372. “I Am team is just a whole mess. Kicking out their best dancer (who also happened to be one of their stronger vocals) and then switching center to Ahn Yujin who has the stiffest facial expressions out of the whole group. It's no wonder the people who were in the audience said they had the most underwhelming performance. They pretty much set themselves up for failure.”
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