#peace and love on planet leandro
I love biting
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bipolarfeverdream · 4 months
"how are you doing?" my friend from Bali asks me over Instagram messages. I can't ever lie to her. We met in Paris and it seems that fate brought us together after crossing each other's paths at various fashion week shows and events we finally were seated next to one another front row at Leandro Cano. Instantly I felt that I never had to explain or justify myself to her, she just understands and even though we've lived a small lifetime already, I know that she is one of the few people in my life that can comprehend the essence of my higher self. At this point in time, how could I answer her question? I said that I think I'm experiencing a small existential crisis. Lately, I feel that I am not so sure I have the strong grasp on my identity that I once did. If I were to be alone and truly alone in that I had no communication with anyone, if no one were left on this planet, who would (or could) I say that I am? I don't know. My identity seems so dependent on being perceived and that I am performing whether I am aware of it or not. I feel sometimes as though I am that monster from Spirited Away, just eating and consuming all of this information to be better informed on who I am. It's like I'm listening and reading to my favorite artists and writers and appropriating the pieces of them that I like, the facets that I wish I had and just wearing them like a sweater. Is that why I always feel so misunderstood? Because I don't understand myself? We think we do, but philosophy would quickly tell you that's your ego. There are attributes about myself that I can say I know for sure, but I think I would be lying. I don't know. I don't know that I'm loyal, I don't know that I'm trustworthy, I don't know that I'm empathetic. Most of what I think I know, I don't. I just know that I feel so disconnected and that I'm like film that gathers on top of milk when you are warming it on the stove. I'm just floating on the surface. So, then I wonder why when I am with someone romantically and I can truly say that I am happy, do I feel okay? I read once that only love is real. It's the only real and true thing because it's what we are all born out of and its not from our parents but from spirit. If we're going with the notion that this is indeed true, then when I am feeling the feelings of love, and it's then when I feel "complete," is that when I am knowing myself for certain? Is this why I crave love so badly, because it's not even about the other person but about the opportunity to feel at peace with myself, to have that intermission of longing and loathing? Of course this calls into question my level of love for self. Understanding and exploring how I feel with myself as I am in this case, is showing love for myself. How can anyone understand me if I don't understand myself?
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Caramel Skin Under a Vanilla Sky prt 12 draft
Hitching a ride on a tourist shuttle out the Garrison, it was another hop skip and a jump over to Erathus. The ship docking station above the planet was something else. The sheer size putting the castle ship to shame as he was swept along with the visiting masses. Pulling out his communicator, he snapped a few shots before sending the photos though to his mother. She'd cried all morning as they triple checked he had everything. Rachel turning up at the very last moment with silly tourist trinkets so he wouldn't forget home. It would have been a nice sentiment if she hadn't followed up by informing him that she'd called Ronnie and told her he was heading out and to lock up all eligible women in the universe. Laughing at his sister, they missed the pain that flashed through his deep blue eyes. Lance fazing out for half a moment to come back in as Luis complained that Veronica should hurry up and ask Acxa out, suggesting Lance give the pair a push if needed. The pair had grown close. Lance was also silently hoping Veronica would ask Acxa out, purely so everyone else would leave his lack of relationship alone... that and Veronica needed to get laid. Not that he had experience in that. He'd never slept with Allura and as pathetic as it sounded, he was saving his first time for someone special. He'd wanted a future with Allura. He wanted the huge white wedding, children, growing old together. Yet as he looked back on his relationship with her, he could see all the ways it'd been lacking. Allura was still hung up on Lotor. It didn't matter to her that months had passed. He'd been her first great love. Her first choice. If he hadn't turned out to be such an evil dick Lance would never had a chance. It's fucking hurt. There hadn't been enough hours in the day to transfer the pain that weighed him down. He'd surrounded himself in junipers like a fool, and was forced to face the result each time he looked out the window of his families home. "Former Paladin Lance?" Lost in his own little world of sending photos through to his family, Lance blinked in confusion at someone calling for him. Dressed in black, three burly Galra were waiting for him. Lance swallowing hard as a lump of fear rose in his throat "Yep. Yeah. That's me" "We have come to collect you. The ambassador is most anxious to meet you" Oooooh. So these guys were also working security? They all looked hardy enough to handle anything thrown at the ambassador "Sweet. Thanks for coming to collect me. You can just call me..." He didn't want to be Lance. Lance was the loser on Earth who couldn't go without screaming nightmare more than few weeks at a time "Leandro. Leandro is fine" "Very well, Leandro. If you'll please come with us" The lack of introduction should have been Lance's first clue that something wasn't quite right. Taking the grav-elevator down to planet level, Lance tried not to gawk at the buildings so reminiscent of the "golden age of Hollywood". Even the cars were fashioned on long gone models. Keith would have had a field say. Especially when he saw the bikes. "Everything alright, Leandro?" "Yeah. I mean... yes. Just taking it all in, my dudes" Why did his anxieties have to flare up to make him sound like an absolute moron. "My dudes"?!? Seriously. What was that? God. He wanted this job so badly he could taste it, now he probably making the Galra wonder why their boss had ever hired anyone like him. His awkward sentence was only made worse when no one made any sort of reply. His mouth was urging his brain to keep talking, to somehow talk his way out of the situation. Lance would do that. But Leandro. Leandro was cool and sophisticated. Leandro would hold his tongue and not get them into any more trouble, or get them fired before he'd even met the ambassador. Waiting at the station at the bottom of the grav elevator, was a long slick black limousine with tinted windows. A forth alien also dressed in black gave a small bow as they approached "It's a pleasure to meet you. Please make yourself comfortable" Opening the door for them, Lance climbed inside first. Feeling incredibly small and grotty when compared to luxurious white leather seats, and flawlessly polished gold accents of the space "It's magnificent, isn't it?" Nearly jumping on fright, Allura popped into view across from him. Her form hovering for a second or two, before one of the Galra of the party took the seat she'd been occupying "Everything ok, Agent Leandro?" "Agent Leandro" he liked the sound of that. It was better than "former Paladin", or "Lance, the boy from Cuba" "Yes, thank you" "Excellent" Again, trying not to appear too eager, Lance watched the world outside the window as the limousine silently weaved it was through the traffic. It was both jarring and mesmerising to see this version of Earth, where they'd even put up large clocks all over the place with various Earth times and cities displayed underneath. Arriving at spacious mansion, it took everything Lance had not to gape as the door of the limousine was opened. A whole crowd of staff stood to order as their group made their way towards the front doors. Gripping the strap of his backpack nervously, Lance was mentally reciting every single prayer his mother had drummed into him in Spanish. He loved his mother, yet even at 21, he still feared her pink slipper that used to come out of nowhere when he'd stumble with his prayers. Many a time he'd dived into bed with Luis or Marco for protection from his mother's tough love. Walking through the group, he was blind to the looks and whispers cast his way, just as he was blind to the effect his trailing scent left in some of those. All he wanted to do was make a good impression, and you only had one shot at making a great first impression... The ambassador was a mammoth. Not a literal mammoth, though he would definitely rival one in size. He was huge. Bigger than Zarkon. Bigger than Sendak. He hesitated to use the word grizzled as his mind still associated it with Keith and ridiculously ripped physique. Buuut damn. He was one solid unit "Red Paladin Lance! Welcome, welcome! I am Klearo. Please come in" He was already inside. Though he was sure that if he was outside he would have heard him as clearly "He's loud, isn't he?" Goddamn Allura. He wasn't doing this "Thank you. I'm Leandro, Lance is my former name" Laughing, the large alien walked over and clamped a hand on his shoulder "It is most nice to meet you Leandro. Come let us talk. You drink, yes?" It was way too early in the morning for drinking... and he would have said "no" if he wasn't still working on creating a great impression "I do on occasion" "Then we drink! I fill you in on your mission details right? There are those out there who think they can kill the great Klearo! I laugh. Then they shoot at Klearo, so I call back the one they call the greatest shooter of Voltron!" Lance had to wonder if Klearo hadn't already started drinking before his arrival. It'd explain why the alien was so bloody loud. With his overly hairy appearance, he seemed like some kind of semi-intelligent ape rather than a diplomat. Having given his own peace talks, the kind of vibe he was picking up Klearo didn't match with what was expected. None the less. He'd come to do a job, and that he was exactly what he intended to do. * Klearo was awkward on stage. His jokes falling so flat that Lance felt a twinge of sympathy for the huge alien. He'd also learned that his presence at these kinds of things proved a hinderance more than a help. Totally not copying Keith or the Blades, Lance started employing the use of a full face mask, allowing the crowd to concentrate on Klearo rather than him. Not that Klearo seemed to care. The "warm" reception had faded the first time a person in the crowd called out of him to speak instead. He was on the outside of the rest of the team, leading to his anxieties only worsening. Part of him wanted to throw it all, go back home and play farmer, but the bigger part of him wanted to actually be useful. He didn't want go home as a failure all over again. He'd only been there for a movement before everything went quiznakking wrong. Forced to drink with an angry Klearo, it wasn't until his third of forth drink that he noticed something strange. His tongue was tingling, as were the tips of his fingers and toes. Standing beside the chair he was lounging in, Allura leaned in "Its drugged" Ignoring her, he drained the rest of his drink. What reason would they have to drug him? He was doing his job, even if he wasn't making friends. Struggling up, the world started to spin "Leandro?" "I think that's it for me" His words were slurred. Climbing to his feet, his legs wouldn't hold resulting in him landing ungainly on the floor "Did you drug me? Guys... come on..." Placing down his glass, Klearo rose "Bring him through. Don't damage him too badly" Hauled up by the arms, Lance tried to struggle against the drugs coursing through his system. Spluttering and mumbling weak objections, he was dragged along the hallway to Klearo's personal chambers. That's when Lance knew he was well and truly fucked. Thrown down on the bed in the middle of the room, Lance was flipped onto his back. His arms pulled upwards to be bound "No... let me go..." His slurred repeated utterances went ignored. The thin cloth of his casual shirt torn to pieces by a human-sized alien with four eerily green eyes. Blinking at him with his top two eyes, the alien didn't stop "Leave us!" Flinching at how loud Klearo's voice was, Lance "struggled" against his bindings. His eyelids drooping despite how hard he tried to hold open them. When the bed dipped under Klearo's weight, he screamed "Someone shut him up. His voice irritates my ears" Above him came a set of thick Galra arms, a gag shoved into his mouth causing his eyes to water. This... if this was a joke, he wasn't laughing "Do you have any idea how annoying you are? All we had to go through to get you? And you weren't even worth it in the end" That stung. Shouldn't it be a good thing if he didn't actually have to use the blaster he'd been provided with? Didn't that mean that the threats Klearo had received amounted to nothing? Feeling the aliens large hands on his hips, Lance whimpered as they were unzipped "You smell amazing. I've wanted to do this ever since I smelt you..." "Ngh!" That was the best no he could get out "And now I have my very own Paladin beneath me. I wanted your lion, but they say the lions left" He what now? What... oh... fuck. This was bad... twisting, he fought the numbness weighing him down. Trying his hardest to kick, he couldn't raise his legs off the bed "The Red Paladin. Affiliated with Fire. Show me why the people like you, instead of me!" The pain was nothing Lance could describe. The dull feeling of thick fingertips against his opening. The sharp rip as Klearo shoved a nailed finger inside, the swelling instinct to repel the foreign digit. The laughing goes Klearo as he shoved a second finger in. The moment of relief when the fingers slid out, the silent scream as his eyes shot wide when Klearo buried himself brutally between his legs in one sharp thrust. Screaming around the gag, his body rocked without his permission with each thrust Klearo gave, the haired alien taking his hips in his hands so hard Lance thought the bones were going to snap. Beside him Allura sat looking prim, a frown on her face the only sign that she felt something wrong with the situation. Vomiting into his mouth, Lance was torn a little further. Blood oozing over the blue sheets beneath him as turned red, spreading across his inner thighs as it smeared into Klearo's hair. The smell driving him into further hysteria. The sounds of wet slaps echoed in his ears. Picking up his pace, Klearo grabbed him by the hair as he grunted hard, tearing out a thick chunk as the man's dick pulsed, Klearo coming with enough force he felt as if the man was flooding him with a hose. Screaming in despair, choking on vomit and accidentally locking eyes with Allura, his body betrayed him. Dry orgasm from having his prostate pounded against incessantly rolled through him. The degree of shame was something he'd never thought possible. His employer had just raped him... and he'd come. Pulling out of him, Klearo hushed him as Lance's lower half spasmed with pain uncontrollably "My own Red Paladin painted with his own red blood... what a masterpiece" Clicking his fingers, a servant came forth. The moment the gag was removed, vomit spilt from his lips as he wretched and heaved "Pack him up. We leave tonight as planned. Make sure you don't let him die. We're getting that Red lion, and he's the key to it" The same arms came over his vision, Lance staring up at the ceiling as he was untied and gathered up onto the shoulder of a Galra. Carried out the bedroom, he could feel the cum and blood running down his thighs, the cold air of the manor slowly drying it into a crust as he bounced like a rag doll. He'd raped him and he'd come. Why?! Why did he come? He didn't want this... he didn't want any of this! Reaching a waiting vehicle, another hand came down to grab his hair, forcing his head up. Unable to raise his gaze, he stared at the red "y" shape on the arm. Was it a brand or a tattoo? He couldn't tell... he didn't know. Dropping his head, Lance's nose smacked against the fabric of his suit... a weird feeling bubbling up inside... he almost... wanted to laugh? Was it laugh? He didn't know what he wanted, his mind was foggy, slowly joining the uselessness his body held "He's still conscious. We can't have kicking up a fuss when drugs wear off. Put him under and keep him under until we arrive" "Yes, sir" * Stabled naked on the floor of a dingy room, Lance hovered in and out of consciousness as he huddled in the furtherest corner. Every few vargas someone would come in and he'd been dosed with a glowing yellow liquid. With each passing dose, a moment of euphoria would pass through him. A taste of life he'd never felt before. And one he was anxious to feel again and again, despite that with each passing dose, the effects would wear off faster and faster. On the quintants it felt like they'd forgotten him, when the doses were further apart, the feeling of satisfaction they supplied lasted longer when they did finally remember him. After he'd been initially transferred, Klearo had forced him to show his face as he gave another speech. His voice was too ruined to ask for help. His employer had promised to reveal him to the world for the disgusting pervert he was, if he didn't keep his mouth shut. How he was supposed to keep his mouth shut, and be tortured for information on the Red lion, he didn't know. When they'd realised he'd ruined his throat they finally locked him away. Left alone in the dark, Lance had all the time in the world to think. Shiro would have found a way out of here by name, his trade mark "patience yields focus" staying first and foremost in his mind. He was biding his time. Keith too would have found a way free by now. Hunk... Hunk was too fucking pure, the same went for his favourite Gremlin. If they'd gone after the other lions... god... he was almost grateful to be the one captured. He was the one stupid enough to leap right in. Hunk would have declined so he could spend more time with Shay. Pidge had never loved the limelight. Keith would have been asking questions from the get go... and Shiro.... Shiro was finally in a good place. No. He was the goddamn useless idiot who'd jumped at the job. He'd walked right into the stupid trap, and deserved all he got. Smacking his head against the wall over and over, he was so fucking done waiting for the right moment. Waiting until the drug doses came on the back of other. Waiting until they believed him too far out of it fight back. What did it all really matter anyway? Allura stood there and watched each time he was taken. She'd be there to sit beside him in the dark after they'd deposit his body back in the cold. He couldn't give them Red. He was long gone with the rest of the Lions. Lance was aware of how much Red had done to hold him together. How he'd shouldered Lance's burdens when Allura had died. How he soothed Lance with a gentle rumbling purr on the nights he woke up with no idea where he was. He didn't have Red anymore. Allura had brought him back wrong. His body was less and less his as the quintants passed, leaving him with a never ending boiling anger he could only direct inwards. Pain was the only thing that made things real. But whatever they shot him up with took away that pain... It could have movements. It could have even been phoebs, but as he'd expected his body adapted to the frequent injections. Lance now strong enough to hide the failings of their workings as he was escorted from his cell. He knew others were there somewhere. He'd heard screams night after night that attested to such. Dragged into Klearo's chambers, he stumbled as he was released and nudged towards the bed. Klearo insisted on taking him first, after him, the order didn't matter. Not moving fast enough, Lance was taken by the arm and forcible pulled across the space before being pushed down. His fingers itched to grab the blaster on his tormentors hip, yet he had to wait. He had to wait until Klearo was there, or none of this meant anything. Sitting like a doll at the end of the bed, he no longer flinched as the Galra by his side ran his hand down Lance's bare back. He no longer flinched when the beasts nails tore at his skin, adding to the already disturbing collection across his skin. Tucking a stray strand of hair back behind his ear, the Galra leaning in to sniff deeply "You smell so fucking good" Grinding his teeth together, Lance forced himself not to act. Patience yielded focus "Klearo wants you placid. Open your mouth" This was new. This wasn't in his plans. He couldn't let them force other drugs down his throat. Opening his mouth, the Galra pushed a hand flat against it, forcing tablets inside as he'd feared. They tasted as nice as the liquid they poured down his throat before they'd start whipping him for not being able to call back the Red lion. He couldn't keep waiting. He couldn't go through that again. The pain between his legs that never truly left. Biting the webbing between the thumb and pointer, Lance tore the flesh between his teeth. Howling in anger, the made it worse by tearing his hand way. Spitting out the flesh and tablets, blood ran down Lance's chin. His teeth and lips red as he smiled "You bastard!" Scrambling for his blaster, Lance snatched it up first. He felt nothing a he pulled the trigger. Nothing as he blood spurted from the shot to the neck. Firing again, he aimed for the groin, firing over and over until the Galra was dead on the floor. The piece of shit deserved it. They all fucking deserved it. Laughter bubbled up at the sight before him. The Galra's genitals shot to hell, a bloodied mess that couldn't even been called genitals. Stalking the halls of the ship Lance shot indiscriminately. He'd thought himself planet side due to the lack of the sounds of engines, and the constant streams of guests Klearo entertained. He knew the difference by now. Klearo's underlings all bore the same "y" like tattoo, Red in respect to their goal of taking the Red Lion. Despite being a largely Galra force, not all that followed Klearo were Galra. Lance's stomach had dropped when he'd learned the faction was made up of those who Voltron had failed. Klearo was indeed an ambassador. He was the ambassador of Voltron's failures. Lance no longer cared. He couldn't care. As he limped those halls, he was Leandro. Leandro got things done. Everyone associated with this fucked up... group deserved to die. So they did. It was that simple. Hunting them down as they ran, the ship's alarms blared dying the world red from the ship's flashing lights. Everything surrounding him was Red. Along the way he took clothes of smaller aliens closer to his size, at Allura's begging. Slipping them into place on his tender and bruised frame, his body was his. He was done with sharing his body without permission. It didn't matter that the clothes were bloodied, nor did it matter that the fabric was rough against his skin. They were best clothes he'd ever worn. Clearing all those he could find, Klearo had already left. Allura trailing behind him as he walked, pleading with him to take a pod and leave. Pleading with him to let those left live. He couldn't. If there was no trace of what had been done to him left, then it never happened. If it'd never happened to him, then he was just Leandro. Bodyguard and sharpshooter extraordinaire. Yeah. Lance was weak. Lance had been tricked. Leandro wouldn't be tricked. He wouldn't take mercy. He was going to track down Klearo and he was going to make sure that no one who knew what happened lived. His blue eyes were filled with humour as he strode through the bloodied halls. Laughter bubbled out his lips over how some bodies had slumped. Making his way to the control room, he strode over to the main computer, to find it locked. That wasn't very nice. He'd shown them such a good time with his body. Oh well. He was just going to have shoot the damn thing into submission. So he did. Destroying the control room with his blaster, thick acrid smoke rolled off the twisted metal as fire started to lick at the floor. It was tempting to stay, to let himself be consumed, but his mission wasn't done. His boss was out there unprotected and in need of his skills.
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owl-girl04 · 6 years
My take on Defenders of Tomorrow
So, the Voltron fandom is nuts, but I heard about this reboot thing and then I kinda loved the idea. I read some cute headcannons and ideas and things (not a lot, mind you, so if I get something wrong I’m so sorry) and this just popped into my head. Moral of the story is that I got this idea, typed it out, and if I get any good feedback I might continue this.
So without further ado, my version of when Leandro and Akira first met:
Leandro wasn’t even having a good night to begin with. He had waited for an hour for his date to arrive at his favorite restaurant, only for them to not show up. Sure, they were in the midst of a Hignua invasion and take-over, but that didn’t mean people could just forget about their love lives.
He vowed that he was going to forget her, and revved the engine on his hoverbike, flying through an intersection. His short brown hair fluttered around his goggles, longer in the front than the back. Usually, he sported a suggestive smile, but now his face was set with lines. Now, he was mostly angry.
He was making his way towards one of the many occupied parts of the city, where his house was located. The day the Hignua ships appeared in the upper atmosphere, everyone on planet Direx knew something was wrong. Visitors were a normal part of their lives, since their entire planet was home to one of the most modern cities in the universe. Sprawling on and on for thousands of miles, the entire city was unnamed, but there were multiple sectors within it. The only warning the planet had that these ships were not a peaceful people, was an odd, static message that the president’s office had released the day before. Leandro hadn’t really been paying attention, he never did to any of the intergalactic wars anymore.
But despite his stubborn drive to simply ignore the invaders and continue with his life, he soon realized that would not be the case. His sector, named Hilford, and nicknamed Hickyford, was one of the first taken over by the Hignua.
As Leandro neared the next stoplight, he slowed, before coming to a halt. As far as the eye could see, traffic was stopped dead in front of him. He sighed through his nose, looking for any way around the jam. His eyes lit up at one of the many simple, dirty back alleys that was located between towering buildings. Pulling off the road, and sparking some indignant words from pedestrians he sped into the alley. Just as he had guessed, it ran perpendicular to his road for about a mile, since the buildings it was squeezed between were so large.
Picking his way slowly around piles of trash and one lonely, lost hobo, he began making his way towards the distant street. He was just passing the halfway point when a dark shape came rushing out from behind the nearest dumpster. The thing -a person, Leandro realized- tackled him hard, causing both of them to hit the opposite wall and slide to the ground.
“Don’t move. Or I’ll stab you,” the person warned.
Leandro couldn’t conjure the energy to be too worried. Muggings in this part of the planet were common, and he carried two guns for this specific scenario. Now if he could just reach them…
“No man, no stabbing needed, really,” he announced, casually raising his hands in an ‘I’m innocent’ sort of way. His guns were camouflaged on either side of his legs, their holsters hidden by his baggy blue jacket.
His assailant stood, and unsheathed a sword from their belt. In the dim light of the alleyway, Leandro could see he was unquestionably masculine. His shoulder length hair was inky black and tied back, providing a clear view of his sharp features and violet eyes. He was wearing a cropped red jacket, and the sleeves were slightly too long, so they bunched at his wrists.
Leandro couldn’t help but admire the man as he took the opportunity to stand up. He reprimanded himself as he did so. Now was the time to focus, and not on how cute his attacker was.
“I said, don’t move.”
“Yeah, yeah, anyways, I’m Leandro, by the way, and would you mind telling me why you tackled me off my bike?” He was chatting now just to make noise, and hopefully distract the man… his fingers twitched towards his jacket.
“I don’t care who you are, I just need your ride,” the man shot back, forceful, but a little breathless. He began to back up towards the bike, and Leandro’s attention caught on a symbol etched onto his blade.
“Oh hey! You’re a rebel! You might know my sister then, have you ever heard of a Venus?” Leandro began to fumble in his pocket, not for his gun now, but something else.
“Is that like a sort of alien? And how did you know about the Notlov Coalition?”
He had stopped moving, and Leandro flashed him his famous smile, knowing he had caught his attention, “Nah, Venus’s my sister, she works with your group on other planets. My entire family does, actually, but most of them are retired- Aha! Found it!”
He held up a picture of him and his sister in her resistance uniform, the Notlov Coalition symbol proudly displayed on her chest. A pair of guns, very similar to his, hung from her belt, and she was rolling her eyes at the camera.
“So, does that mean you work with the resistance?”
“No, I’m the family disappointment,” he joked, but there was no smile, “Aaanyways, I may not be an actual rebel, but I owe it to my sister to give you a ride, if that’s what you need.”
The rebel’s eyes narrowed, suspicion written clear across his face, but he nodded.
“Fine. If you can get me to where I want to go, then hurry up. But keep quiet and don’t ask questions.”
“Yes sirree,” Leandro agreed, jogging over to his bike and restarting the engine.
The rebel climbed into the one seat behind him, and Leandro noticed he kept his sword unsheathed.
“So, I know you said no questions, but I have two. Where am I headed and can I get your number?”
The rebel rolled his eyes, “To the Hignua concentration camps on the east side of Florencent.”
Leandro sighed at the implied answer of his second question, before forcing a cocky grin onto his face, “Fine, then hold on.”
He careened out of the alley and felt a small jolt in his stomach when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his waist.
“You’re a terrible driver!” his passenger shouted as they whipped around a particularly tight corner. As Leandro had predicted, all the traffic from the last block had completely disappeared.
“Like you could do any better!” he yelled back
“I could actually, I’m literally a rebel fighter pilot.”
“Then what are you doing on the ground?”
“I’m rescuing my friends.”
At the rebel’s tone, Leandro risked a glance back. His passenger’s face was full of cold determination.
“They must really mean a lot to you- hey wait! I don’t even know your name!”
Leandro could practically hear the eye roll that was coming from behind him but nonetheless-
“Akira, my name’s Akira.”
“Well then, the hot and broody rebel fighter pilot has a name to go with his personality.” Again, Leandro glanced behind him, and this time he saw Akira’s face go bright red.
“Just, just shut up and drive, Leandro.”
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A New Beginning (Part 1)
(This is written based on the Dot U Voltron series)
(Also 80′s Lance has like three diferent names, I just went with Leandro and slapped McClain at the end. In my last fic with him was Leonardo so.. Yeah.)
Night consumed planet Arus, bringing peace and quiet over the land. The perfect time for unknown meetings to occur and people to sneak about. For the king of Arus, this was the same. 
He quietly made his ways down the stairs of the Castle of Lions, a cloak attempting to shield his body. A flash of light caught his eye as he reached the bottom. Quickly taking shelter beneath the stair well a slight noise caught his attention. The light flashed over him as he ducked down. “Sh,” he moved his cloak slightly to calm the hidden bundle of blankets in his arms.
As the light flashed back down the hall, he slowly made his way to the door. “Okay sweetie, we’re almost done with the hard part.” He bounced the lump under his cloak as he thought of a quick plan. The doors were locked, and would probably make too much noise to open. 
Even if he got them open there was still the matter of the draw bridge. 
He was risking a lot right now. The fate of himself, of his soon to be ex wife, and the planet it’s self. But he needed to do this. Akira Kogane was not a man to be locked away. He was a man of honesty, or morals. 
The woman his wife had become practiced neither of those. Allura was once sweet and kind. Yes she liked gossip, she didn’t always think things through, and she did make poor choices. But who didn’t? Well... minus the first one anyway. But the Allura he had just left a note beside was not his anymore.
She was nasty, cruel, and uncaring. She ruled with an iron fist, keeping her husband out of the spot light. Locking him in their bedroom or their daughter’s nursery. He didn’t care too much, it was nice to bond with their daughter as he was the only one of the two that was. 
But the last straw had taken place about a week ago. Allura had finished meeting with another planet that she deemed worthy of allying with. Most planets they were already allied with the queen had broke off from, deeming them weak and worthless to her planet. This included her cousin Romelle, and the planet of Pollux.  
Akira had been sitting in the nursery when she came up. That should have been his first red flag. She informed him that she had agreed for their daughter to marry one of the King of Charmians sons. He was a brute, a close second to Zarkon. Akira froze. Allura would normally flirt or work some kind of char on the rougher planet leaders, but selling their daughter? Yes this wouldn’t be until she was older, but she was one!
Nanny was directed to raise her to be a wife. Allura didn’t want her to be a child, she was nothing but property. She even tried to conceive a replacement heir the same night. That was the last straw, the love was gone. 
The king forced the feelings away. 
Quietly picking the lock, he opens the door slowly as to not gain too much attention. Making his way out of the castle he looked down to the lake that surrounded the castle. He could swim, but supporting heavy clothes and baggage wasn’t an option. 
“Shit,” he mumbled. No boat, no draw bridge, and there was no turning back. Taking a breath he tried to think. The bag on his shoulder would slow him down, as would the cloak. He could ditch those, but not the baby. “Alright Cassie, let’s see if daddy can get us out of here,” he grumbled as he walked around the area of the building. A ramp caught his attention. What luck!
Wait... why was there a make shift ramp out side the castle? Was someone here to harm his family? It didn’t matter, he had to remind himself. He took off across the long, shaky plank. Towards the end it dipped into the water, but he ran through it. As he ran countless possibilities ran though his mind. If someone was coming to attack them it would make a good cover up for him and Cassandra’s disappearance. 
He continued to run until he came across a familiar area. Breathless, and now trying to soothe a wailing infant, he felt as if he was going to faint. A smaller lake that held many dear memories to him was before him. To the east of the water was a small ship, a silhouette leaning against it. 
His eyes watered as his heart picked up it’s pace. He began to run once more, his lungs and heart screaming for him to stop. “Akira?” The figure pulled out a blade. The man stopped, the baby still wailing. Pulling back the cloak he looked into the other’s eyes.  
Dropping the weapon Leandro rushed forward to collect the infant from her father. “Shh, hey little one it’s okay. Your safe now.” He bounced her slightly as Akira loaded his things onto the ship. The other followed, sitting int the pilots seat. Passing the sleeping infant back to her father he leaned in. 
“I missed you.”
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irorny · 6 years
defenders of tomorrow headcanons bc im trash
(or just my ideas for a dystopian novel ill never write feat. voltron characters)
Defenders of Tomorrow
small bull city-based guerilla rebel force
goal: take down the three main monopolies exploiting humanity
SendTech Communications, Zarco Energy, L Motors, but more on them later
members: silicut, akira, leandro, heartbleed, ping, alzina, andrés, rowan, shuri, and ig corneilus? maybe?
methods: attack where tech companies can’t protect themselves, the real world. main method of travel is old abandoned subways. use “old-fashioned” weapons like guns, grenades, even a tank. L Motors is the biggest challenge since they’re more real-world-oriented
group of hackers, much larger than DOT but with less success
aim to take down monopolies by destabilizing the whole G.A.L.R.A.
name comes from ohm, unit of measuring electrical resistance
sorta rivals with DOT before eventually working together
akira, alzina, silicut, mendel, and ping have all worked with them in the past
symbol is basically BOM turned on its side bc it... vaguely... resembles an ohm symbol
technically stands for Globalized Asset Legitimacy Rate Appraisal but we both know that’s gibberish, pretty much just the stock market
The Honorable Virtua is president of the GALRA
manipulates stock value so the rich get richer and small businesses never gain traction
SendTech collects, monitors, and abuses almost all human interaction to increase profit. products microphones are always on and sending data back to company, which uses the data to find people with revolutionary ideas and eliminate them. also makes designer babies.
Zarco Energy is the parent company to end all parent companies. main product is EnerGenius, marketed as a clean energy source that “runs on life, to help life run right.” To public knowledge it runs on the user’s own energy, and it does partially, but the majority of EnerGenius is harvested by abducting homeless youth and draining them of their life force (you know that scream extractor machine the purple lizard dude from monsters inc had? yeah its pretty much that)
L Motors is a transportation company that designs spaceships, drones, and operates several underground expressways, produces some short-distance vehicles for the military and the elite. restricts mobility and ability to travel for common people
bastard son of zarco ceo (zoltar) and ohmen spy (kyung-hu) who was killed on a mission when he was little
silicut and ohmen took him under their wing after he narrowly escaped being abducted for EnerGenius
kyung-hu was a “defect” designer baby, usually die of genetic disorders before age 4, akira is the first person to have a “defect” parent. part of the changes in akiras DNA allow him to control tech with his mind (if you watched the last season of the flash, think killgore bc i have no original ideas)
wears silicut’s old jacket. for some reason it glows red when he wears it
ill have actual art for all these guys eventually i swear im just a really shitty artist so it takes forever
natural-born human (aka poor), extremely resorceful, adaptable, quick-witted, and hella sharpshooter
doesn’t like to talk ab his past, always plays it off well
trained to be an assassin for zarco from age 11 to support his family when he lived in cuba, mom was a sex worker and helped him hide on the underground express train of a wealthy client to get him away at 14. he hasn’t seen his family since.
wore same few outfits from when he first got to bull city for years, alzina eventually buys him new ones
old soul, loves 21st century pop culture
formed DOT bc he cant hack for shit but wanted to help somehow, team sniper
defect designer baby thrown away by parents
SendTech included listening and tracking devices on him at his parents request, used them to track ohmen, silicut willingly cut off his own arm so they wouldn’t be discovered
hardest-working and best-trained member of ohmen
part of his hair is naturally bioluminescent and violet
yes thats his name. his parents named him after a computer bug, but hes never been particularly good at software, just hardware. 
only one on the team with a family, kinda becomes the mom friend by default
wears grandfathers old garrison jacket and “primitive lumis” (theyre literally sketchers light up sneakers but dont tell him that)
team muscle and engineer, often poses as a security guard with shuri to complete missions in secure areas
honest-to-god android, used to be human girl but experimented on themselves to try to find a way to level the paying field bewteen humans and designer babies, but became really sick from being around toxic chemicals so much. after meeting shuri, becomes inspired by 21st century comics and builds arc reactor type thing that made them lose much of what makes them human
imperative that theyre not discovered by tech companies, would be killed for research in a heartbeat
team leader and software engineer, directs missions from base camp by using own tech so team can’t be tracked
the worlds first jewish robot
lost brother, mendel, to EnerGenius which their father helped create
has glowing circuitboard-looking veins!!!! 
useless senator in an obsolete government by day, super DOT spy by night. got into politics back when she believed in the system, but has since realized that all of her colleagues have been bought out and now shes willing to do whatever it takes to restore peace and justice.
afro-south asian designer baby, parents opted not to put tracking and listening devices on her, but hair and parts of her skin are purple and bioluminecsent. married to rowan.
originally worked with ohmen to bug sellout government officials, silicut introduced her to DOT and shes now team spy/liaison to big companies
comes from a rich, well-respected family and ends up using much of her money to buy nice things for the team
born into one of the few remaining middle class families, parents sold L Motors products for a living and hoped they would have a son whod be able to climb through the ranks and make a better life for himself. got a trans lesbian revolutionary instead. 
trying to bring back journalism, met wife alzina by interviewing her for her work. the instant chemistry made more than a few readers cringe.
team’s go-to for recon missions since shes highly observant, asks all the right questions, and can blend in with a crowd easily
named after black panther character, comes from family of miners in the mountains
hijabi, and often smuggles contraband or conceals a small weapon under hijab
sometimes heartbleed sits next to her when she prays in public to make sure no one walks in front of her
really sweet, but also the team muscle and could kill a man with her bare hands if she chose to
representative of planet earth
sold out to zarco when he was younger in exchange for being reelected every term
supposed to have a lot of power in his position but is really just a huge bobblehead
cant take anything seriously, as a result most of earths problems go neglected by the government
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Mourning in the electric trio and ax, with the death of Moraes Moreira
Moraes Moreira: eternal party in the countryside (photo: Marcos Hermes / Divulgao)
“The fight was not in vain / Contrary to the regime / Our plans did indeed work / With the face of a champion / A good team entered the field / Called Novos Baianos …” Someone with deep knowledge could speak, with so much property, of a group that brought an important contribution to MPB's evolutionary line, by merging Brazilian rhythms with rock.
This story was told in a cordel book entitled The History of the New Baianos and Other Verses, by Antnio Carlos Pires de Moraes, Moraes Moreira, born in Ituau, portal of Chapada Diamantina. The Bahian died early yesterday morning (04/13), at the age of 72, at home, in Rio de Janeiro, the victim of a myocardial infarction. Burial information will not be released to the press and the public to avoid agglomerations in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
“We had talked about Easter. He even commented that he would have cod made. We talked every day and asked how the other was doing. He was always fine, the exams were good and he said: 'The heart is good , the liver is good, I did it '. Of course he had some health problems and we are already a certain age. But we are Novos Baianos, we live intensely, and Moraes lived the music, the party, the joy and the carnival “, says Paulinho Boca de Cantor in a statement about his friend.
Along with Luiz Galvo, Paulinho Boca de Cantor and Baby Consuelo, Moraes formed the central core of Novos Baianos, which emerged in Salvador at the beginning of the 1970s. With Galvo, he composed classic members of the group, as It's over crying, The dancing girl, Beast you, Mystery of the planet and Black Pretinha.
“But what is really important is that we talk about this love that started 50 years ago, when I first met him, in addition to Galvo, and we thought that together I could do something. The music of Novos Baianos is alive and well Moraes Moreira was the great helmsman. That guitar player, that there is nothing like it … All Brazilian artists know about his ability to make a voice and guitar show and make everyone dance “, remembers Paulinho.
Son of Joo
Under the inspiration of Joo Gilberto, of whom Moraes was a devotee, the Novos Baianos launched, in 1972, It's over crying, the debut LP, which, later on, would be considered by the magazine Rolling Stones It is the best album of Brazilian popular music, after a poll made with critics and experts.
Moraes left the group in 1974, shortly after the release of the second album, the equally praised New Baianos Futebol Clube. His solo career began the following year, shortly after becoming the first electric trio singer in Salvador's carnival.
carrier pigeon, who composed in partnership with Osmar Macedo, was the song that leveraged Moraes Moreira's debut album in 1975. Over a 50-year career, he built a work with 45 titles in the discography and something around 500 recorded songs, in addition to two books, The poet has no age (2012) and the aforementioned The History of the New Baianos and Other Verses. As a poet, he occupied chair number 38 of the Brazilian Academy of Literature of Cordel.
Relationship with Braslia
The singer came to Braslia countless times to perform, initially with Novos Baianos and later accompanied by a band or by his son and guitarist Davi Moraes. The last shows he did here were of voice and guitar, when he paid tribute to Joo Gilberto, initially at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, for the Transcendência Festival, idealized and coordinated by filmmaker and musician Andr Luis de Oliveira; and then for two days at Clube do Choro, in the first week of December last year.
“When I think of Moraes Moreira I always remember Canta Brasil, music with which he insisted on opening the shows. He was a popular Brazilian artist who will be sorely missed. The compositions of Moraes and Galvo always talking about the interior of our soul “, recalls with affection the Bahian living in Braslia, Reco do Bandolim, producer of Espao Cultural Clube do Choro.
Moraes' last visit to Braslia was exactly in the cultural space located in the Monumental Axis. On that occasion, he celebrated the 50 year old repertoire and sang a choro that he made a few years ago for the concert hall. Reco doesn't quite remember the lyrics, but he remembers that in the end the musician sang “Clube do Choro mil”.
The recordings, at the moment, are stuck in the closed space as a function of the decree in measure the containment of the coronavirus. “He had such a beautiful connection with Clube do Choro. He always wanted to come and play at Clube do Choro, so much so that he composed a choro in our honor. He was an artist very close to our roots. A great Brazilian, a great poet. Far sorely lacking “, defines Reco.
all deceit
Moraes Moreira's relationship with Braslia was a two-way street, both he enjoyed being in the city and inspired local artists. This was the case of the Praga de Baiano group, created almost 13 years ago, with Tiago Cunha, Marcelo Lima, Leandro Morais and, until the beginning of this year, Cris Floresta. The band started taking inspiration from the album It's over crying, until he started to celebrate other Bahians.
Recently, the group created the Universo Baiano project. The first edition was attended by Paulinho Boca de Cantor. The idea was to call Moraes Moreira to participate in a new edition. “We wanted to bring him, but there was no time,” laments Leandro Morais. For the musician, the artist was an example of a figure that united popular music with other aspects, always with potency and joy.
“He was one of the greatest guitarists in Brazil. But people only value those who are soloists. Moraes Moreira managed to unite a rhythm of Recncavo Baiano with the sound of Joo Gilberto. Not to mention the compositions, which will remain forever in the memory of the Brazilian population” , he comments.
The idealized future
Moraes Moreira had some projects in progress. Reco do Bandolim, from Clube do Choro, says that he had revealed, in December last year, during a lunch, the intention of doing a show under the theme of envy, that “good envy”. The idea was to make a selection of songs by great authors, whom Moraes had a deep admiration for. “It would be a show in honor of envy, with songs he had the pleasure of singing, which he would have liked to have done”, he reveals.
The project already had the name: Praise envy, as he post office, in December last year. He would revisit classics from the work of traditional MPB masters, such as Noel Rosa, Braguinha, Ary Barroso, Erivelto Martins and Luiz Gonzaga and the contemporary Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Roberto Carlos.
Earlier this year, Moraes had revealed in an interview with Uol and the newspaper The globe who had a project with 20 indicas music, in addition to a book with poetry and cordis. It also confirmed in February that there was a contract for the recording of another Novos Baianos record and a new turn. In 2017, the group toured Brazil on a 45-year commemorative turn that even went through Braslia, with a show at Ginsio Nilson Nelson for more than 5,000 people.
Days before death, the artist showed that he was quite artistically active. On social networks, he shared that he was taking advantage of the isolation period to write and play. He even released a string called Quarantine, in which he said he feared the pandemic, he took the opportunity to mention other ailments in Brazil and weave criticisms in the potent and popular way that he always showed in musical and literary works.
Repercussion on the web
“Boy from the backlands of Bahia, he listened to the music of the world with delight and made it his expressive universe. He misses it and is a great work”
Gilberto Gil, singer
“My admiration comes from cradle. What talent, how easy it is to compose and write – and that guitar? And the cordis, which led him to Academia Brasileira? And those texts? Huge in feeling, indignation, in love for his country, his culture “
Maria Rita, singer
“He was always our carnival poet. The first to put a voice in an electric trio. Owner of a unique carnival repertoire, already at the beginning of my career he gave me the song Living monument, A masterpiece. And I was able to sing his songs many times in my almost 40 years as an electric trio. Moraes is a great master of Brazilian music in the world, a master for me and for all who love music. The electric trio is in mourning. Ax is in mourning “
Daniela Mercury, singer
“Very sad to hear about Moraes Moreira's departure. I recorded so many of his songs, including Interior party, which was a great popular success and was played throughout Brazil. May he be at peace, be in a beautiful and wonderful place. We lost a wonderful person and a musician, composer, incredible “
Gal Costa, singer
“Sadly sad, without believing, without wanting this to happen! Dear friend, great artist who sealed, sealed a historic level in Brazilian music! To be remembered for so many beautiful songs that have marked our lives! We will miss you! Now, accomplished, rest in peace, friend! “
Elba Ramalho, singer
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dramatologia · 8 years
Want to know me better? 1: My name? Alícia. 2: Do I have any nicknames? Ally, Alicinha, Lilicia, Mirsthy 3: Zodiac sign? Libra ♎️ 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? Zelda, League of Legends, Just Dance. 5: Book/series I reread? Many. 6: Aliens or ghosts? Aliens. 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Poe, Ursula Poznanski, Stephen King, Kafka, JK Rowlking, Patricia Cromwell, George R.R.Martin, Tolkien, Thomas Harris, Charles Bukowski, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dan Brown, Colleen Houck, Ginsberg, Amis, Fernando Pessoa, Palahniuk, Linspector, Welsh, John Fante. 8: Favourite radio station? 88.9 (?) 9: Favourite flavour of anything? Chocolate. 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Top. 11: Favourite song? Currently: wanderlust - blackbear 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? Idk 13: Favourite word? Saudade. 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? Yes. 15: Last song I listened to? Blackbear - 4U 16: TV show I always recommend? The Blacklist. 17: Pirates or ninjas? Ninjas. 18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? Hector and the Search for Happiness. 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? Naive - The Kooks. 20: Favourite video games? Overwatch. 21: What am I most afraid of? Not living. 22: A good quality of mine? I'm honest and loyal af. 23: A bad quality of mine? Way too patient. 24: Cats or dogs? Cats. 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? - 26: Favourite season? Autumn. 27: Am I in a relationship? No. 28: Something I miss? Someone: Dad. 29: My best friend? Marcelo Carrara. 30: Eye colour? Dark brown/black. 31: Hair colour? Dark brown/black. 32: Someone I love? Celo. 33: Someone I trust? Celo, Lara, Motta, Toninho, Jojeta, Luísa, Eloisa and Karina. 34: Someone I always think about? Dad. 35: Am I excited about anything? Studying abroad. 36: My current obsession? Overwatch! 37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Invader Zim, Winx, Courage, Scooby-Doo, Drake & Josh, Wizards of Waverly Place, Zack & Cody and the list goes on. 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? Celo and Guga. 39: Am I superstitious? Slightly. 40: What do I think about most? Traveling. 41: Do I have any strange phobias? Trypophobia (nk) 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both. 43: Favourite hobbies? Writing, reading, playing, watching movies and listening to music. 44: Last book I read? Coletânea - Bukowski. 45: Last film I watched? Ruby Sparks. 46: Do I play any instruments? Used to play guitar. Not anymore. 47: Favourite animal? Tigers. 48: Have I ever dated someone older than me? Nah. Not exactly. 49: Superpower I wish I could have? Wish I could teleport. 50: How do I destress? Music and cinema. 51: Do I like confrontation? Depends, not always but sometimes it's necessary. 52: When do I feel most at peace? Under the water. And cuddling. 53: What makes me smile? Anything. 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Ye. 55: Play any sports? Nope. But I'm a great volleyball and handball player. 57: Favourite drink? Coca-Cola, kek. 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? Can't remember. 59: Afraid of heights? Kinda, but I usually forget about it ahhahaha 60: Pet peeve? Drama (lol). 61: What was the last concert I went to see? Lady Gaga??? Idk. 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? Nah. 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? Astronaut. 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? I do not have enemies. 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Harry Potter’s Wizarding World. 66: Something I worry about? The well being of those closest to me. 67: Scared of the dark? Absolutely. 68: Who are my best friends? Answered. 69: What do I admire most about others? Their sense of humor. 70: Can I sing? I try my best. 71: Something I wish I could do? Get excellent grades hahah 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Move out, leave school, invest, travel and donate. 73: Have I ever skipped school? Yes. 74: Favourite place on the planet? Manly. 75: Where do I want to live? Dunno. Used to be Australia but I'm trying to change my mind since Aussie is too isolated. 76: Do I have any pets? 1 cat and 1 dog. 77: What is my current desktop picture? A Japanese dancer. 78: Early bird or night owl? Night owl. 79: Sunsets or sunrise? Sunset. 80: Can I drive? Hell no. 81: Story behind my last kiss? There were so many people there and we were under blankets hiding ourselves from them. 82: Earphones or headphones? Headphones. 83: Have I ever had braces? Yes. I'm going to take them off this year. 84: Story behind one of my scars? - 85: Favourite genre of music? Pretty much anything. 86: Who is my hero? Professor Euzébio. 
87: Favourite comic book character? Dunno. 88: What makes me really angry? When people lie to me, cut me off/or talk over me when I’m talking and when someone disrespect one of my friends. 89: Kindle or real book? Real. Duh. 90: Favourite sporty activity? Badminton. 91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? How to actually live. 92: What was my favourite subject at school? History. 93: Siblings? 4: Jorge, Adriane, Alexandre and Leandro. 94: What was the last thing I bought? Food. 95: How tall am I? 5'3. 96: Can I cook? +-. 97: Can I bake? Yes sir. 98: 3 things I love? My friends, coke and traveling. 99: 3 things I hate? Someone who's a douche canoe. Fish. Being late. 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Boys. 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Boys. 102: Where was I born? Brasília - Distrito Federal, Brazil. 103: Sexual orientation? Love. 104: Where do I currently live? Brasília - DF, Brazil. 105: Last person I texted? A unknown. 106: Last time I cried? A few days ago, my friends won an important match and I cried like a baby. 107: Guilty pleasure? Getting a new notebook and smelling the blank paper; something about the smell of paper just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. 108: Favourite Youtuber? Liza. 109: Favorite salad?
- 110: Do I like selfies? Sometimes, if I feel like pretty that day. 111: Favourite game app? Uhhh, Scream Go. 112: My relationship with my parents? Dad was ok but mom is complicated. 113: Favourite accents? British and Australian. And Argentinian. 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? South Korea :) 115: Favourite number? 13. 116: Can I juggle? Yes! 117: Am I religious? No. 118: Do I like space? Not sure if that means outer space or mental space… I guess both 119: Do I like the deep ocean? Hell no. 120: Am I much of a daredevil? Kinda. 121: Am I allergic to anything? Beach and dust. 122: Can I curl my tongue? Yes. 123: Can I wiggle my ears? Yes. 124: Do I like clowns? Idk. 125: The Beatles or Elvis? Elvis. Obvious. 126: My current project? Growing professionally. 127: Am I a bad loser? No, not really. 128: Do I admit when I wrong? I'll be the first one to do so. 129: Forest or beach? Beach. 130: Favourite piece of advice? What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? 131: Am I a good liar? Lmfao yeah no. I can’t lie to save my life. I'm terrible. 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Slytherin, Erudite and District 1. 133: Do I talk to myself? Yeah. 134: Am I very social? Yes I am. 135: Do I like gossip? No. 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? Sometimes. 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? Every math test ever put in front of me. 138: Do I believe in second chances? Absolutely. 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? Try to find the owner of the wallet and turn it in; I’m a big believer in karma. 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? Yes, most people are I believe, except in certain situations. 141: Have I ever been underweight? Idk. 142: Am I ticklish? Yes. A lot. I hate it. 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? No; I don’t think I want to. 144: Have I ever been on a plane? Yes, many times. 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? I have no freaking clue, honestly. 146: Have I ever been overweight? No. 147: Do I have any piercings? Not anymore. 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real?
Hmm, idk. 149: Do I have any tattoos? No. 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? I started being myself. 151: Do I believe in Karma? So much yes! 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? No. 153: What was my first car? I've never had one. 154: Do I want children? Hell fucking no. 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? Euzébio - he's wise. Costacurta - he knows everything about anything. He's amazing. 156: My most embarrassing memory? Can't remember, srsly. 157: What makes me nostalgic? Frank Sinatra. 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yes. 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Brains. But what I most value in others? The contents of their heart. That makes up all the rest, at least for me. 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? Black. 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? I guess so. 162: What do I hate most about myself? I should study more. 163: What do I love most about myself? My aura. 164: Do I like adventure? I'm always up for a good time! 165: Do I believe in fate? Yes. 166: Favourite animal? Answered. Another one? Whale. 167: Have I ever been on radio? Yes. 168: Have I ever been on TV? Yes. 169: How old am I? 17. 170: One of my favourite quotes? The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them. 171: Do I hold grudges? No; I forget. 172: Do I trust easily? I do, unfortunately, but that’s because I don’t lie. People who lie to one another walk around thinking everyone’s lying to them, people who tell the truth make the 
mistake of believing everyone is being honest. 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? Yes. 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? A bracelet from a hipster I had just met. 175: Do I dream? Yea, they're really weird. 176: Have I ever had a night terror? Ye. 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? Yes; it's too long, won't right it down. 178: An experience that has made me stronger? My entire fucking life thus far. 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Become wealthy and travel to every single place on Earth. 180: Do I like shopping? Yes. 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Probably commit a bank robbery. 182: What does “family” mean to me? People who love you for who you are unconditionally, without limitations; people who encourage and support you, and who are there for you even if you can’t do much in return; people who can comfort you when your sad, tell you what you don’t want to hear when you need to hear it, laugh and cry with you,people who would love to see you succeed and be happy, and who will actually do what it takes to help you get there, and people for whom you can be and do the same. Merely sharing a Bloodline doesn’t make a family; sharing love and trust and loyalty do. 183: What is my spirit animal? Tigers. They're big cats but savage. 184: How do I want to be remembered? As someone who helped a lot of people in one emerging community. 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? Becoming an amazing violinist or writer. 186: What is my greatest failure? I should have traveled with my father. 187: What is my greatest achievement? Not dying. 188: Love or money? Love. 189: Love or career? Love. 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? No idea. 191: What makes me the happiest? My friends and my achievements so far. 192: What is “home” to me? It's a feeling. 193: What motivates me? The unknown. 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? "Finally". 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? Depends. Are they good? 196: A movie that scared me as a child? Saw. 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? Beer. Don't tell my friends. 198: Zombies or vampires? Vampires. 199: Live in the city or suburbs? City. 200: Dragons or wizards? A wizard that can become a dragon and change back at request. 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? Don't wanna talk about it. 202: How do I define love? Confidence exchanged and trust built. 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? Literally? Yes i do. 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? Ugh. Yes. 205: Do I like my handwriting? Depends on what day it is. 206: Sweet or savoury? Both. 207: Worst job I’ve had? - 208: Do I collect anything? Harry Potter wands. 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? Necklace. 210: What is on my bucket list? What is not would be a better question. 211: How do I handle anger? Very. Fucking. Carefully. 212: Was I named after anyone? Nope. 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? Yes. 214: What TV character am I most like? Amu Hinamori. 215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
I can sleep anywhere, even standing up.
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I love showering its the literal best thing in the world so much joy peace and love on planet leandro
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CSUAVS prt 12 update
Hitching a ride on a tourist shuttle out the Garrison, it was another hop skip and a jump over to Erathus. The ship docking station above the planet was something else. The sheer size putting the castle ship to shame as he was swept along with the visiting masses. Pulling out his communicator, he snapped a few shots before sending the photos though to his mother. She'd cried all morning as they triple checked he had everything. Rachel turning up at the very last moment with silly tourist trinkets so he wouldn't forget home. It would have been a nice sentiment if she hadn't followed up by informing him that she'd called Ronnie and told her he was heading out and to lock up all eligible women in the universe. Laughing at his sister, they missed the pain that flashed through his deep blue eyes. Lance fazing out for half a moment to come back in as Luis complained that Veronica should hurry up and ask Acxa out, suggesting Lance give the pair a push if needed. The pair had grown close. Lance was also silently hoping Veronica would ask Acxa out, purely so everyone else would leave his lack of relationship alone... that and Veronica needed to get laid. Not that he had experience in that. He'd never slept with Allura and as pathetic as it sounded, he was saving his first time for someone special. He'd wanted a future with Allura. He wanted the huge white wedding, children, growing old together. Yet as he looked back on his relationship with her, he could see all the ways it'd been lacking. Allura was still hung up on Lotor. It didn't matter to her that months had passed. He'd been her first great love. Her first choice. If he hadn't turned out to be such an evil dick Lance would never had a chance. It's fucking hurt. There hadn't been enough hours in the day to transfer the pain that weighed him down. He'd surrounded himself in junipers like a fool, and was forced to face the result each time he looked out the window of his families home. "Former Paladin Lance?" Lost in his own little world of sending photos through to his family, Lance blinked in confusion at someone calling for him. Dressed in black, three burly Galra were waiting for him. Lance swallowing hard as a lump of fear rose in his throat "Yep. Yeah. That's me" "We have come to collect you. The ambassador is most anxious to meet you" Oooooh. So these guys were also working security? They all looked hardy enough to handle anything thrown at the ambassador "Sweet. Thanks for coming to collect me. You can just call me..." He didn't want to be Lance. Lance was the loser on Earth who couldn't go without screaming nightmare more than few weeks at a time "Leandro. Leandro is fine" "Very well, Leandro. If you'll please come with us" The lack of introduction should have been Lance's first clue that something wasn't quite right. Taking the grav-elevator down to planet level, Lance tried not to gawk at the buildings so reminiscent of the "golden age of Hollywood". Even the cars were fashioned on long gone models. Keith would have had a field say. Especially when he saw the bikes. "Everything alright, Leandro?" "Yeah. I mean... yes. Just taking it all in, my dudes" Why did his anxieties have to flare up to make him sound like an absolute moron. "My dudes"?!? Seriously. What was that? God. He wanted this job so badly he could taste it, now he probably making the Galra wonder why their boss had ever hired anyone like him. His awkward sentence was only made worse when no one made any sort of reply. His mouth was urging his brain to keep talking, to somehow talk his way out of the situation. Lance would do that. But Leandro. Leandro was cool and sophisticated. Leandro would hold his tongue and not get them into any more trouble, or get them fired before he'd even met the ambassador. Waiting at the station at the bottom of the grav elevator, was a long slick black limousine with tinted windows. A forth alien also dressed in black gave a small bow as they approached "It's a pleasure to meet you. Please make yourself comfortable" Opening the door for them, Lance climbed inside first. Feeling incredibly small and grotty when compared to luxurious white leather seats, and flawlessly polished gold accents of the space "It's magnificent, isn't it?" Nearly jumping on fright, Allura popped into view across from him. Her form hovering for a second or two, before one of the Galra of the party took the seat she'd been occupying "Everything ok, Agent Leandro?" "Agent Leandro" he liked the sound of that. It was better than "former Paladin", or "Lance, the boy from Cuba" "Yes, thank you" "Excellent" Again, trying not to appear too eager, Lance watched the world outside the window as the limousine silently weaved it was through the traffic. It was both jarring and mesmerising to see this version of Earth, where they'd even put up large clocks all over the place with various Earth times and cities displayed underneath. Arriving at spacious mansion, it took everything Lance had not to gape as the door of the limousine was opened. A whole crowd of staff stood to order as their group made their way towards the front doors. Gripping the strap of his backpack nervously, Lance was mentally reciting every single prayer his mother had drummed into him in Spanish. He loved her mother, yet even at 21, he still feared her pink slipper that used to come out of nowhere when he'd stumble with his prayers. Many a time he'd dived into bed with Luis or Marco for protection from his mother's tough love. Walking through the group, he was blind to the looks and whispers cast his way, just as he was blind to the effect his trailing scent left in some of those. All he wanted to do was make a good impression, and you only had one shot at making a great first impression... The ambassador was a mammoth. Not a literal mammoth, though he would definitely rival one in size. He was huge. Bigger than Zarkon. Bigger than Sendak. He hesitated to use the word grizzled as his mind still associated it with Keith and ridiculously ripped physique. Buuut damn. He was one solid unit "Red Paladin Lance! Welcome, welcome! I am Klearo. Please come in" He was already inside. Though he was sure that if he was outside he would have heard him as clearly "He's loud, isn't he?" Goddamn Allura. He wasn't doing this "Thank you. I'm Leandro, Lance is my former name" Laughing, the large alien walked over and clamped a hand on his shoulder "It is most nice to meet you Leandro. Come let us talk. You drink, yes?" It was way too early in the morning for drinking... and he would have said "no" if he wasn't still working on creating a great impression "I do on occasion" "Then we drink! I fill you in on your mission details right? There are those out there who think they can kill the great Klearo! I laugh. Then they shoot at Klearo, so I call back the one they call the greatest shooter of Voltron!" Lance had to wonder if Klearo hadn't already started drinking before his arrival. It'd explain why the alien was so bloody loud. With his overly hairy appearance, he seemed like some kind of semi-intelligent ape rather than a diplomat. Having given his own peace talks, the kind of vibe he was picking up Klearo didn't match with what was expected. None the less. He'd come to do a job, and that he was exactly what he intended to do. * Klearo was awkward on stage. His jokes falling so flat that Lance felt a twinge of sympathy for the huge alien. He'd also learned that his presence at these kinds of things proved a hinderance more than a help. Totally not copying Keith or the Blades, Lance started employing the use of a full face mask, allowing the crowd to concentrate on Klearo rather than him. Not that Klearo seemed to care. The "warm" reception had faded the first time a person in the crowd called out of him to speak instead. He was on the outside of the rest of the team, leading to his anxieties only worsening. Part of him wanted to throw it all, go back home and play farmer, but the bigger part of him wanted to actually be useful. He didn't want go home as a failure all over again. He'd only been there for a movement before everything went quiznakking wrong. Forced to drink with an angry Klearo, it wasn't until his third of forth drink that he noticed something strange. His tongue was tingling, as were the tips of his fingers and toes. Standing beside the chair he was lounging in, Allura leaned in "Its drugged" Ignoring her, he drained the rest of his drink. What reason would they have to drug him? He was doing his job, even if he wasn't making friends. Struggling up, the world started to spin "Leandro?" "I think that's it for me" His words were slurred. Climbing to his feet, his legs wouldn't hold resulting in him landing ungainly on the floor "Did you drug me? Guys... come on..." Placing down his glass, Klearo rose "Bring him through. Don't damage him too badly" Hauled up by the arms, Lance tried to struggle against the drugs coursing through his system. Spluttering and mumbling weak objections, he was dragged along the hallway to Klearo's personal chambers. That's when Lance knew he was well and truly fucked. Thrown down on the bed in the middle of the room, Lance was flipped onto his back. His arms pulled upwards to be bound "No... let me go..." His slurred repeated utterances went ignored. The thin cloth of his casual shirt torn to pieces by a human-sized alien with four eerily green eyes. Blinking at him with his top two eyes, the alien didn't stop "Leave us!" Flinching at how loud Klearo's voice was, Lance "struggled" against his bindings. His eyelids drooping despite how hard he tried to hold open them. When the bed dipped under Klearo's weight, he screamed "Someone shut him up. His voice irritates my ears" Above him came a set of thick Galra arms, a gag shoved into his mouth causing his eyes to water. This... if this was a joke, he wasn't laughing "Do you have any idea how annoying you are? All we had to go through to get you? And you weren't even worth it in the end" That stung. Shouldn't it be a good thing if he didn't actually have to use the blaster he'd been provided with? Didn't that mean that the threats Klearo had received amounted to nothing? Feeling the aliens large hands on his hips, Lance whimpered as they were unzipped "You smell amazing. I've wanted to do this ever since I smelt you..." "Ngh!" That was the best no he could get out "And now I have my very own Paladin beneath me. I wanted your lion, but they say the lions left" He what now? What... oh... fuck. This was bad... twisting, he fought the numbness weighing him down. Trying his hardest to kick, he couldn't raise his legs off the bed "The Red Paladin. Affiliated with Fire. Show me why the people like you, instead of me!" The pain was nothing Lance could describe. The dull feeling of thick fingertips against his opening. The sharp rip as Klearo shoved a nailed finger inside, the swelling instinct to repel the foreign digit. The laughing goes Klearo as he shoved a second finger in. The moment of relief when the fingers slid out, the silent scream as his eyes shot wide when Klearo buried himself brutally between his legs in one sharp thrust. Screaming around the gag, his body rocked without his permission with each thrust Klearo gave, the haired alien taking his hips in his hands so hard Lance thought the bones were going to snap. Beside him Allura sat looking prim, a frown on her face the only sign that she felt something wrong with the situation. Vomiting into his mouth, Lance was torn a little further. Blood oozing over the blue sheets beneath him as turned red, spreading across his inner thighs as it smeared into Klearo's hair. The smell driving him into further hysteria. The sounds of wet slaps echoed in his ears. Picking up his pace, Klearo grabbed him by the hair as he grunted hard, tearing out a thick chunk as the man's dick pulsed, Klearo coming with enough force he felt as if the man was flooding him with a hose. Screaming in despair, choking on vomit and accidentally locking eyes with Allura, his body betrayed him. Dry orgasm from having his prostate pounded against incessantly rolled through him. The degree of shame was something he'd never thought possible. His employer had just raped him... and he'd come. Pulling out of him, Klearo hushed him as Lance's lower half spasmed with pain uncontrollably "My own Red Paladin painted with his own red blood... what a masterpiece" Clicking his fingers, a servant came forth. The moment the gag was removed, vomit spilt from his lips as he wretched and heaved "Pack him up. We leave tonight as planned. Make sure you don't let him die. We're getting that Red lion, and he's the key to it" The same arms came over his vision, Lance staring up at the ceiling as he was untied and gathered up onto the shoulder of a Galra. Carried out the bedroom, he could feel the cum and blood running down his thighs, the cold air of the manor slowly drying it into a crust as he bounced like a rag doll. He'd raped him and he'd come. Why?! Why did he come? He didn't want this... he didn't want any of this! Reaching a waiting vehicle, another hand came down to grab his hair, forcing his head up. Unable to raise his gaze, he stared at the red "y" shape on the arm. Was it a brand or a tattoo? He couldn't tell... he didn't know. Dropping his head, Lance's nose smacked against the fabric of his suit... a weird feeling bubbling up inside... he almost... wanted to laugh? Was it laugh? He didn't know what he wanted, his mind was foggy, slowly joining the uselessness his body held "He's still conscious. We can't have kicking up a fuss when drugs wear off. Put him under and keep him under until we arrive" "Yes, sir" * Stabled naked on the floor of a dingy room, Lance hovered in and out of consciousness. Every few vargas someone would come in and he'd been dosed with a glowing yellow liquid. With each passing dose, a moment of euphoria would pass through him. A taste of life he'd never felt before. But with each passing dose, the effects would wear off faster and faster. On the quintants it felt like they'd forgotten him, when the doses were further apart, the feeling of satisfaction they supplied lasted further. Left alone in the dark, Lance had all the time in the world to think. Shiro would have found a way out of here by name, his trade mark "patience yields focus" staying first and foremost in his mind. He was biding his time. Waiting until the drug doses came on the back of other. Waiting until they believed him too far out of it fight back. What did it all really matter anyway? Allura stood there and watched each time he was taken. She'd be there to sit beside him in the dark after they'd deposit his body back in the cold. He couldn't give them Red. He was long gone with the rest of the Lions. Lance was aware of how much Red had done to hold him together. How he'd shouldered Lance's burdens when Allura had died. How he soothed Lance with a gentle rumbling purr on the nights he woke up with no idea where he was. He didn't have Red anymore. Allura had brought him back wrong. His body was less and less his as the quintants passed, leaving him with a never ending boiling anger he could only direct inwards. Pain was the only thing that made things real. But whatever they shot him up with took away that pain... It could have movements. It could have even been phoebs, but as he'd expected his body adapted to the frequent injections. Lance now strong enough to hide the failings of their workings as he was escorted from his cell. He knew others were there somewhere. He'd heard screams night after night that attested to such. Dragged into Klearo's chambers, he stumbled as he was released and nudged towards the bed. Klearo insisted on taking him first, after him, the order didn't matter. Not moving fast enough, Lance was taken by the arm and forcible pulled across the space before being pushed down. His fingers itched to grab the blaster on his tormentors hip, yet he had to wait. He had to wait until Klearo was there, or none of this meant anything. Sitting like a doll at the end of the bed, he no longer flinched as the Galra by his side ran his hand down Lance's bare back. He no longer flinched when the beasts nails tore at his skin, adding to the already disturbing collection across his skin. Tucking a stray strand of hair back behind his ear, the Galra leaning in to sniff deeply "You smell so fucking good" Grinding his teeth together, Lance forced himself not to act. Patience yielded focus "Klearo wants you placid. Open your mouth" This was new. This wasn't in his plans. He couldn't let them force other drugs down his throat. Opening his mouth, the Galra pushed a hand flat against it, forcing tablets inside as he'd feared. He couldn't keep waiting. He couldn't go through that again. Biting the webbing between the thumb and pointer, Lance tore the flesh between his teeth. Howling in anger, the made it worse by tearing his hand way. Spitting out the flesh and tablets, blood ran down Lance's chin. His teeth and lips red as he smiled "You bastard!" Scrambling for his blaster, Lance snatched it up first. He felt nothing a he pulled the trigger. Nothing as he blood spurted from the shot to the neck. Firing again, he aimed for the groin, firing over and over until the Galra was dead on the floor. The piece of shit deserved it. They all fucking deserved it. Laughter bubbled up at the sight before him. The Galra's genitals shot to hell, a bloodied mess that couldn't even been called genitals. Stalking the halls of the ship Lance shot indiscriminately. He'd thought himself planet side due to the lack of the sounds of engines, and the constant streams of guests Klearo entertained. He knew the difference by now. Klearo's underlings all bore the same "y" like tattoo, Red in respect to their goal of taking the Red Lion. Despite being a largely Galra force, not all that followed Klearo were Galra. Lance's stomach had dropped when he'd learned the faction was made up of those who Voltron had failed. Klearo was indeed an ambassador. He was the ambassador of Voltron's failures. Lance no longer cared. He couldn't care. As he walked those halls, he was Leandro. Leandro got things done. Everyone associated with this fucked up... group deserved to die. So they did. It was that simple. Hunting them down as they ran, the ship's alarms blared dying the world red from the ship's flashing lights. Everything surrounding him was Red. Along the way he took clothes of smaller aliens closer to his side. His body was his. He was done with sharing his body without permission. It didn't matter that the clothes were bloodied, nor did it matter that the fabric was rough against his skin. They were best clothes he'd ever worn. Clearing all those he could find, Klearo had already left. Allura trailing behind him as he walked, pleading with him to take a pod and leave. Pleading with him to let those left live. He couldn't. If there was no trace of what had been done to him left, then it never happened. If it'd never happened to him, then he was just Leandro. Bodyguard and sharpshooter extraordinaire. Yeah. Lance was weak. Lance had been tricked. Leandro wouldn't be tricked. He wouldn't take mercy. He was going to track down Klearo and he was going to make sure that no one who knew what happened lived. His blue eyes were filled with humour as he strode through the bloodied halls. Laughter bubbled out his lips over how some bodies had slumped. Making his way to the control room, he strode over to the main computer, to find it locked. That wasn't very nice. He'd shown them such a good time with his body. Oh well. He was just going to have shoot the damn thing into submission. So he did. Destroying the control room with his blaster, thick acrid smoke rolled off the twisted metal as fire started to lick at the floor. It was tempting to stay, to let himself be consumed, but his mission wasn't done. His boss was out there unprotected and in need of his skills.
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