#peafowl masterpost
kedreeva · 3 days
I love bug's little yellow patch under her eyes do your other birds have them too? Also is there a name for it and does it come in other colors or just yellow? Sorry I'm not that informed about peafowl though I do love your birds and what you post about them lol
It doesn't have a name because it's just a phenotype indicator of a hybrid. Bug has a low percentage of green peafowl blood in her lineage (pretty much all "blues" in the USA are actually low percent Spaldings, and likely Europe and Australia at least as well by now, hybridization is wreaking havoc on peafowl genomes everywhere, including wild green populations being found with blue DNA because people release hybrids to their native ranges). Wild blues may have a VERY small yellow star at the rear corner of their face mask, behind their eye and above their ear, but the green blood can cause this to spread due to the yellow and blue face mask on greens.
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Compared to blues where the yellow is nearly or actually non-existent (and may even be a sign of hybridization in wild populations as well!) and the face mask is white, with blue only immediately circling the eyes
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It's pretty, but the yellow isn't actually a good thing, due to what it indicates. Still there's not really a way around it at this point, considering the state of the genetics pool across the world, so it's one of those things I aim to decrease but am not going to complain about since it can't be helped except maybe by time travelling to slap the person that started hybridizing and the people who supported it at the outset.
Which is sort of an answer to your other question- yes most of my other birds have it to some degree or another but not nearly as drastic as Bug's is.
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myauthoughts · 1 year
Gotham daemon au MASTERPOST
Alice Tetch - cottontail rabbit, Modra
Barbara Kean - fancy rat, Typhon
Bruce Wayne - lioness, Meena
Butch Gilzean - english mastiff, Lilian
Carmine Falcone - sooty falcon, Corregia
Fish Mooney - siamese fighting fish, Nentelang
Harvey Bullock - bulldog, Alphonsa
Ivy Pepper - paper wasp, Valerius
Jack Buchinsky/Gruber / The Electrocutioner - electric eel, name unknown
Jeremiah Valeska - Guatemalan palm viper, Quinzel
Jerome Valeska - yellow anaconda, Harleen / Harley
Jervis Tetch - green peafowl, Nesmisel
Jim Gordon - wolfdog/terrier mix, Herais
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow - american crow, Stosci
Lazlo Valentin / Pyg - unknown
Liza - stag beetle, Mörker
Selina Kyle - black cat, Nechtan
Silver St. Cloud - luna moth, Lovelace
Sofia Falcone - pearl kestrel, Quistelli
Tabitha Galavan - tiger, Lucifer
Theo Galavan - tarantula, Minerva
Vanessa Harper - sparkling violetear hummingbird, Kiko
Links to original posts:
Selina, Bruce, Ivy
Jerome, Jeremiah
Gordon, Bullock, Harper
Tabitha, Barbara, Butch
Galavan, Silver, Electrocutioner
Falcone, Fish, Liza
Sofia, Pyg
Jervis, Alice, Scarecrow
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timothy-haye · 6 months
Section 3 / Continent: Asia
General Layout:
Section 3 has a large wooden bridge instead of a pathway, with rows of enclosures along the banks of the lake it stretches across. The lake itself is sectioned off into eight parts for different aquatic animals. There's also an aquarium and a petting zoo on both ends of the bridge that allows for a closer, more hands-on experience with some of the animals.
Along with using the bridges, guests can use the ziplines, boats, and trains to get around the section.
Guests can also visit the section's restaurants, gift shops, and amenities, including viewing points with binoculars and telescopes, cafes, and art and pottery stations.
The Animals:
Amphibians: Frogs and Salamanders.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Dolphins, Dugongs, Otters, Seals, and Whales.
Birds: Cranes, Eagles, Herons, Hornbills, Junglefowl, Kingfishers, Openbills, Owls, Peafowl, Pheasants, Pittas, and Tits.
Fish: Barbs, Betta fish, Carps, Catfish, Eels, Mudskippers, Perches, and Sharks.
Insects: Ants, Beetles, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Mantises, Moths, Stick insects, and Stink Bugs.
Misc. Carnivores Animals: Leopards, Linsangs, Pangolins, Tigers, Weasels, and Wolverines.
Misc. Herbivorous Animals: Antelopes, Bats, Bears, Buffalos, Camels, Deer, Elephants, Pikas, Porcupines, Red Pandas, Rhinoceroses, and Serows.
Misc. Omnivorous Animals: Badgers, Bears, Binturongs, Boars, Hamsters, and Squirrels.
Primates: Gibbons, Langurs, Loris, and Macaques.
Reptiles: Alligators, Crocodiles Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals:
Misc. Carnivores Animals:
Misc. Herbivorous Animals:
Misc. Omnivorous Animals:
[The Section Masterpost Link]
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marystulips · 2 years
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Part 8 of The king and the peafowl!
The tale almost ends here, which means the next part will be the last one. On the third slide I included an illustration from my first post about this AU. I started working on this idea almost a year ago, and I’ve come a long way. Stay tuned for the final part! Previous Masterpost
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] ORIGIN -Dark and Light- Cast Presentation: The Twin Wizards Lico & Gli ver.
This is the last of the last! I’m finally done with Origin! Expect to see a masterpost soon after this. I’m glad I was able to translate the info regarding my favourite stage-play and right now I’m actually in the middle of buying the physical version of the pamphlet.
Special thanks to @clearui and @ryota-kunstranslations for assisting and proofreading this~
Please don’t repost/reuse my translations!
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☐ LICO ☐
Story data: 10. Malkuth 【Kingship】 Pink 「One fragment of sweetness and affection」 Traits: The supreme good, The Lady Warrior of Destroying Stress, Fascinating singer
The older sister from a pair of twin [familiars], whom is considered to be rare. Incidentally, they’re not the only pair of twins within [ORIGIN], and Koi apparently has an elder twin sister too. She’s cheerful, lively and hates to lose by nature. She detests malicious and twisted things. Since she’s a busybody, she can’t help but to help people in needs. The world she protects seems to be overflowing with sweets and smiles.
Cast comment: Lico (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
Li~co’s here! Are you ready!? Fufufu~ I’m gonna share happiness to you all with everyone from the [ORIGIN world]’s stage play. Yess!! Hm??? Your voices are too quiet, I can’t hear you? Yesssssss!!!! The [world] will become more and mooore enjoyable ♪
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⬛ GLI ⬛
Story data: 7. Netzach 【Victory】 Green 「One fragment of sweetness and sincerity」 Traits: The supreme virtue, Harmonic being (low), Contradictory
The younger brother of the twins, which is considered to be rare. In contrast to his older sister, Lico, he’s a superior [familiar]. He follows his older sister’s unintended failures almost every single day. Gli is quiet and serious. He’s the prodigy type who grasps the situation calmly and thinks about the solution. He constantly protects and maintains his [world]’s equilibrium.
Cast comment: Gli (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
I think many haven’t recognized me yet, so pleased to meet you, I’m Gli. I’m sorry for the lack of greetings from my elder sister. We have performed together with our seniors during lives, but this is our first time co-starring in a stage-play, which makes me nervous. I wonder how am I supposed to support my elder sister’s, Lise’s and… Bis-sensei’s ad-libs (sweat).
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☐ BIS JR. ☐
Story data: 6. Tiphereth 【Beauty】 Yellow 「The Leader and Instigator of Heavenly Blessings」 Traits: the one who oversees the restoration of sun, astounding
Despite being Lico and Gli’s teacher, he’s a hopeless individual who’s always jesting and simply loves causing troubles and uproars. He’s supposed to guide the two juniors, but instead he stirs troubles and meddles in others’ affairs. He has a very elusive personality, shrouded mystery. However, it seems his abilities are ranked among the highest of [ORIGIN]. The [world] he protects must be undoubtedly filled with wonders and excitement.
Cast Comment: Bis Jr. (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
Yo! It’s Bis Jr. I know my students are performing together with me too, but I can’t help being excited to co-star with those interesting guys. Each round of rehearsals brings surprises. By the way, there’s a secret behind our wings’ delicate movement. So make sure to come at the theatre and keep your eyes on our smooth moves! With these wings we’ll fly to everyone in an instant~ ♪
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⬛ DIA ⬛
Story data: 2. Chokhma 【Wisdom】 Aqua 「One who watches over the world」 Traits: Purification hand, Wonder of Star Ocean Desert, Healing abyss
He is a well-mannered person, who has a preference for things with soothing colors. He likes sweets and cocoa, and he can help make people feel relieved. He’s a good listener, therefore he’s asked for advice abundantly. It seems he always has sweets or cocoa prepared when the others approach him. Dia is dexterous and has pretty hands, however when he’s praised for that, it seems like it makes him feel embarrassed? There’s no doubt that the [world] he protects is overflowing with serene colours and kindness.
Cast comment: Dia (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
Nice to meet you, I’m Dia. The [ORIGIN] stage play has been made successful and enjoyable by everyone’s performances. Hopefully we can meet everyone’s expectations.. Even without magic, I feel like the production was amazing in many different ways. No, wait. I believe I could feel the presence of magic sometimes though…?
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☐ LISE ☐
Story data: 8. Hod 【Glory】Orange 「A challenger led by supremacy」 Traits: Collapse of the law of causality, Elusive existence, Seeds of Sanctuary
He’s everyone’s favorite, especially thanks to his friendliness and charms. He’s more or less a prodigy in both studies and sports, he’s the kind of person who finds excitements as difficulty rises. He and DIA are childhood friends, and adores him like he would adore an older brother. Since he seems like he could sleep anywhere, he often catches colds accidentally during his naps. The [world] he protects is filled with new discoveries and challenges.
Cast comment: Lise (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
Yahoo Lise here! I memorized the script so quickly, it was really fun! There were a lot of actions scenes where our wings were fluttering and whooshing~! If you love extravagant performances, you’ll find this amazing!! I’ll be gliding over everyone’s heads ★
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Story data: 3. Binah 【Understanding】Turquoise 「A pure black young nobleman」 Traits: One who supports the world’s guardians, One who manipulates scents, Peafowl eggs
He’s a shy and taciturn person, whose aura is similar to a cat’s. Despite being usually a person of a few words, he was raised by a good family, thus it explains how he adapts manners skillfully. He likes coffee. Knowing that he’s also good at making it, SHIKI seems to look up to him differently now as a fellow coffee lover. The [world] he protects must be engulfed in a fascinating scent.
Cast comment: Stein (The twin wizards Lico & Gli)
Ni…...nice to meet you, I’m Stein. During rehearsals I had to speak loud, but it was hard to get used to it…....I caused a lot of trouble for my seniors. I think that thanks to the abdominal training, my delivery got better. I am…… happy that my voice can be delivered to everyone in the audience. Please look forward to the play.
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sayatumbles · 7 years
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Chinese Dragon Marinette!
As requested by @imthepunchlord. Sorry this took such a long time! 
I’m proud of this one. I think I did an awesome job on the design and the background. It’s not perfect, but I’m still proud of it.
Once I get around to drawing Ladybug, you can expect a nice masterpost of all the official miraculous. If you want to send in a request for an original miraculous, though, feel free! 
Vulpes Velox
Carpenter Bee
Chatte Noire
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kedreeva · 1 year
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Did you know that peafowl are born with a full set of flight feathers? It only takes them 3-4 days to remove the sheaths and put a little length on them, and then they are capable of flight!
It's very obnoxious!
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kedreeva · 4 months
This is Eris (left, 2020) and her younger half-brother, Bismuth (right, 2023)
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This is Citrine (left, 2023) and her full brother, Bismuth (right, 2023)
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I've talked a lot about how breeding and care matters so hugely to these birds, but I think this is a really obvious example.
When it comes to choosing breeders, 99.9999% of breeders I've seen and spoken to are mainly looking at the males and how pretty their colors are, and largely ignoring the hens. "Any" hen will do- I RARELY see people being choosy. Maybe they don't know how to be, maybe they think it doesn't matter - the hens are not as flashy, so what difference could there really be? - maybe they just don't care, maybe it's hard to find nice ones anyway because people don't care. I don't know. Once in a while I see people going gaga over a nice spalding hen with a lot of color on her, but by and large, they're ignored.
These three birds share a father. Indie is a beautiful boy, and he held his color very well, but honestly his train carriage left a lot to be desired and he was pretty small compared to my own birds. Regardless, he made a few really nice kids, including Amber (Bug), Bismuth, and Citrine (The Trio). He also fathered Eris, Opal, and Onyx, though not with my hens and not on property.
And here's where we get to the point. This is Eris' mom, Sasha:
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And here is The Trio's mom, Aurora:
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Sasha was itty bitty, with a small head, and very short legs. She also didn't have particularly good color- almost none, if I'm being honest, and her train carriage was Not Great. Aurora, on the other hand, while not as leggy as her offspring (which is partially due to feed... I raised her from 3mo old 15 years ago when 'game bird feed' didn't exist and the recommended "best" feed option was chicken layer feed mixed with kitten chow... atrocious by today's standards), still has pretty good type and excellent color. She typically carries her train high, she's spurred, she's Big. She's also an EXCELLENT mother and broody.
On top of having Sasha for a mom, Eris was raised in a brooder, and later in a small pen, and on feed that was 18% protein (instead of the 26-30% they should be on). She didn't have the space early on to use her leg and wing muscles, and it shows in her type. Even though i got her when she was just a couple of months old, those first few months are crucial to their development. Feed and environment can only go so far though.
Anyway, you can see the difference in breeding and care here. Eris is short, stout, short necked, and her rump curves down. Her face, particularly her beak length, is short like her mother's. It's hard to see in the photo, but I assure you her neck lacing is thick/muddy. In contrast, Citrine has thin, clean lacing, she's nearly as leggy as her brother, her neck has richer and more purple color, and her rump does not curve down- you can see the bend where her tail begins and is held down. She's also quite slender/racy in body type, like a good game bird should be, rather than heading toward the stout body type of domestication.
I can tell people that hen choice and care/environment matters until I'm blue in the face, but honestly, I think having comparison photos really brings it home.
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kedreeva · 4 months
Polaris putting his train up and then wiggling it. It always surprises me how flexible the feathers are!
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kedreeva · 3 months
Thank you for your time, whether or not you entertain my questions. I really appreciate it!
1.) Do you have to be careful about things like aerosols around the birds?
2.) How would you determine body condition in a bird without a keel? Or a small one?
3.) Where is a bird’s center of gravity? Around their hips?
4.) Do birds in general have stiff spinal columns?
1) yes they have very delicate respiratory systems. They have a super weird respiratory system actually. It is looped and goes one way. If you don't know about this I highly recommend looking it up, it's fascinating how they make use of air sacs to just. always have inflated lungs.
2) a small one is the same, as long as they have a keel, you just have to be more delicate about it. As for ones without a keel, I've never kept ratites, so I can't give you an actual answer, but my assumption would be by leg condition (even in flighted birds you can look at legs and tell when they're losing weight- there's not a lot of meat on their legs but it can still change shape when it's bad) and still by chest/rib palpitation. But you'd have to talk to someone that does ratites to know for sure.
3) my guess is that it depends on the bird. A penguin's center of gravity will be different from a sparrow's. Birds don't really have the same kind of hips you think of when you think of hips. This is a drawing so you can see better:
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There are a bunch of fused bones there, and it takes up a huge portion of their body just like the keel. The center of gravity for peafowl is about where the blue mark is.
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I want to point out that birds may not share this hip bone structure with dinos, even the ones that are bird shaped, so it may not translate. A dino with a heavy tail would probably balance more over the hips, as they have more weight on the back end. You're generally looking for where the midpoints laterally and dorsally meet up, not necessarily a structure like "hips."
4) I can't answer about birds in general, but peafowl in general do not have spinal columns. Or any other bone.
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In seriousness, I guess it really depends on what you mean by spinal column, and how much neck they have. The length of spine over the keel is pretty stiff for obvious reasons, but overall peafowl are pretty bendy and loose limbed. I think some folks who animate large birds tend to animate them more stiffly than they actually are. I don't know if dinosaurs would lean more toward that or toward lizards, and if skin type makes a difference- birds generally have pretty thin skin on their bodies, until you get up to the ratites, so it moves very easily. I know people CAN make leather from fowl legs but. also why. That's so much work for so little. But, anyway dinos would likely have thicker skin than most birds and larger dinos might have stiffer necks than peafowl or other birds like them do. Depending on the size you want you may need to find a ratite keeper to ask.
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kedreeva · 3 months
Green peafowl (Pavo muticus imperator) in their native habitat. Taken in the Ban Hong Lamphun district, northern Thailand, by Freidrich Esser. Esser has studied and worked with green peafowl nearly his entire life, including raising them for a long portion of it. He now studies and records them in the wild to share them with others, and works toward their conservation in the wild.
This video is fairly long (13 minutes or so), but close to the start it has a really good example of how different the muticus call is from cristatus. MUCH deeper and with different notes. It also has instances of them flying off (which looks VERY impressive and explains why they are also called dragonbirds) and both males and females displaying together.
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kedreeva · 2 months
Little clippy of some of Aris' babies when they were super little. I clipped the longer video short to show an Australian friend the difference between bs and bs pied, since they don't have them in Oz.
BS moves to the front and then moves to the right, bs pied starts right and ends up left. You can see (if you look very closely) on the bs, where the white/yellow secondary covert feathers edge the secondaries, there's a line of rusty tan color (more like beige at this age) just barely visible that spans all the way from top to bottom of the wing as it is held folded. For the BS pied, you can only see a little of that color toward the top, where the "elbow" of the wing is.
This is the outstretched wing of a baby BS who is a couple of weeks old, when the rusty tan has come in more fully:
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That hard line between white and tan is where the coverts (white) meet the tan secondaries (and primary feathers, but those are behind the secondaries when the wing is folded)
Here is a still from the video, clean and with pointers
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Red arrow shows the tan line + beige-y tan secondaries, bs. Purple arrow shows the elbow line with tan leaking through, but at the purple x there would be tan and there's not. Also the area circled by purple you can see is plain white, not beige (I know it's hard to tell but I swear it is).
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kedreeva · 5 months
Aris made a nest in the corner of the barn and set it with 6 eggs.
Corona decided that this was Her nest, NOT Aris' nest, and has been bullying Aris off of it about the same time I am out filling quail waters and doing health checks. I have been trying to get a recording of the sound Aris makes, because she won't fight her daughter, and finally got it today.
I also removed Corona from the corner, and Wendy who was also bullying Aris, and let Aris set again. Then I closed off that portion of the coop for her so she can brood in peace. The others will have to pick different locations. It's not like there's nowhere to nest!!
This is where Aris chose:
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These are the other nesting sites in the coop:
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Bonus video of Corona being a jerk before I ousted her.
Anyway I said I wouldn't be hatching this year because I'll have babies coming up from NC in the fall, but I had more people asking for babies than I'll be able to bring up with me, so I'm letting Aris have a nest.
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kedreeva · 1 year
The little crown (?) of feathers on Bug is just too adorable
I love their silly little baby crowns. Did you know that (like puppy ears!), they don't stand up right until they get older? Hers flops to the side right now.
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This is actually a great shot of how the crown does manage to stand later. It's actually not just 1 line or group of feathers, it's 2 spots, and they grow up slightly angled toward one another. This presses them together and helps the crown as a whole stand up. As babies the crown feathers don't grow in evenly and there's no previous base to hold it in place like a molting bird might have, so you get to see all sorts of funky hairdos.
Bug's flops to her left because the right side is growing faster and pushing the left side over.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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Every year in the chicken groups we get people who find this "bump" on their chicks. They're freaking out, thinking it's a growth. I've even seen people who tried to pick it off!
Which no one should ever do, because this is the nipple for the bird's uropygial gland, colloquially known as the preen gland! It produces oil that they use in maintaining their feathers. They use their beaks to pull oil from this gland at the base of their tail, and then spread the oil around as they put their feathers in order.
It's neat to see it in a peafowl. Admittedly, I was only like 99% sure they had one (MOST birds do but not ALL, like ostriches don't have them), but despite looking through a lot of scientific journals about anatomy and preening behavior in peafowl, I couldn't find reference to one that would confirm it. Since she's so small, I thought to look while she was having a nap in my hand, and there it is!
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kedreeva · 1 year
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I was trying to explain to someone today that her new bird's beak was malformed, after she sent me the top photo, so I made a little comparison to show her a normal bird's beak.
I've actually seen this particular deformity a lot recently- I don't know if it's because it's popping up more or if more people are getting into peafowl and posting pictures or what, but it's a concerning trend. I've even seen one person call it "cute" and it absolutely is NOT. This flat "duck bill" look means they can't keep their beak ground down, and as it grows like a fingernail, it generally has to be cut and shaped by hand, or it can be harder to eat since food can slip out the front and they can't grasp small objects (like seeds) easily. Birds like this should NOT be bred forward, as it's likely a genetic issue.
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