#peak ''haha just a funny guy [five minutes later] it has come to my attention that this funny guy can level a building''
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
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can't believe it took me this long to realize i could lean into this problem for naomi, considering i came up with the limb regen thing in like, june
(aforementioned limb regeneration ability:)
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Chapter 58 - The deal, the name and the prince (Part Two)
In the previous chapter: Angie has a weird nightmare about her future, where she becomes the author of fantasy-themed chick-flick novels, and she’s awakened by a phone call by Eddie. He reminds her it’s finally Friday, that is the day they’ll finally tell their friends about their relationship. Ater disappearing for some time, to think about what Grace had told him, Stone shows up at her workplace to and they talk things out. Angie and Eddie kiss in he streets outside her condo and they believe Jeff, Mike and Dave, who were in the van waiting for them to go to the Ok Hotel for their show, saw them and now are surely talking about them. Once they get to the van though, they find out they’re discussing the latest episode of Twin Peaks.
Pink. They're turning pink. My purple highlights are slowly but inevitably waning into sad off-brand bubble-gum pink, whereas the blue dye is fading out completely to my old boring dark brown. I'm here, squatting over the toilet, examining the locks of hair falling in front of my face, lightedy by the buzzing light of the Ok Hotel's restroom. I flush the toilet and pull up my pants and then I can hear the sound of the club's music going up and down straight away, followed by chattering and laughing sounds of female voices. Somebody else got in so I'll just stay here some more. I don't know why but I don't like meeting other people when I get out of the bathroom, it makes me nervous. I have nothing against going to the bathroom in three, five, ten girls all together, but if I have to pee, I'm the one who always goes last and tells the others to go first and that she'll meet them later outside. I can't use this system with strangers, especially in public toilet rooms in clubs with never ending queues outside the door. What do I do then? Either I hold my pee or I give up, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl getting in after me, who surely doesn't give a damn about me and just wants to fuckin' pee. This time though, it's early, the show has yet to start and the restroom was empty, at least until these people got in. Who knows how many are they? From the voices they seem three, I won't have to wait for that long. I just hope none of them will start wondering why the door of my stall is locked.
“Have you already heard these Pearl Jam guys play?” my ears don't miss the question asked by one of them since I'm focusing on their conversation, until now only to understand when they'd leave, but now even more interested.
“Not yet, but Emma did, right?” another voice, a little higher-pitched than the previous one, replies.
“Yeah, and the singer is so fuckin' hot!” the third voice has a vague Boston accent, I can't decide if it's a real accent the girl's trying to hide or a fake one she's putting up on purpose, I don't know why. And the accent is the first thing that catches my attention, more than what she actually says.
“Well, you don't need to hear him sing to say that, you just need eyes to look” the first voice chuckles.
“Yeah, he looks fine if you just see him around but on a stage? He's much sexier. You'll see and you'll agree with me”
“He's not bad but I'm more oriented towards the bass player” voice number two chimes in again but her friends immediately drown it out.
“We know, we know!”
“You've been oriented like that since Green River, maybe it's time to change your orientation since you've been getting no chance in hell, what do you think?”
“He'll be single once again sooner or later, won't he? He won't marry Miss Perfection, I mean...” the harmless, and after all kind of flattering, nickname these chicks just gave my friend bothers me a little, unlike their appreciation of Eddie. Actually I'm almost... pleased? By what they say? Yes, pleased. Am I normal or what?
“Aim for the accessible single ones in the band, trust me” Emma-maybe-Boston tries to discourage her friend from her crush on Jeff.
“That is the guitar player only”
“Who? Stone? Hasn't he recovered from his fucked up relationship with Psycho Valerie yet? Or you mean the other one?”
“The other one. Stone has a girlfriend, he must have found a new trust in women”
“Or he's just keeping this girl at a safe distance from his guitars hehehe”
Ok who's Valerie? I must remember to ask Meg.
“So the only ones left are the lead guitar and the singer. You're taking the guitar player”
“The singer isn't single”
“Isn't he?” “Really?” the other two ask at the same time.
“No, he has a girlfriend back home waiting for him or who's about to come and move out here with him, it depends on how it goes with the band”
“Where is he from?”
“California, don't know where exactly”
“Los Angeles”
“Shut up. Do you believe someone who wants to make music for a living would leave LA, which is like the center of the world where everything happens, and come to fuckin' Seattle? I've heard he's from near San Francisco”
“NO, SAN DIEGO” in the heat of the moment I almost can't understand who the fourth voice belongs to, then here comes the realization: it's me, coming out of the stall, basically screaming.
“And you... how do you know? Who are you?” now that I look at the trio I see they're nothing like I imagined. Voice number one, who's sort of the gang leader to me, is as tall as me, skinny and all eyes, big beautiful green eyes, dark hair pulled up in a tight high ponytail, giant loop earrings. Boston girl looks like she just came out from an episode of Baywatch, blonde, blue eyes, body of a model squeezed in a black mini-dress. Jeff's fan with the high pitched voice is the tallest one, a swimmer's body with broad shoulders highlighted by a strapless tube top, dark eyes, hook nose that gives and exotic and charming air.
“I know because I know him” I shrug as I bend over the sink to wash my hands, focusing my whole attention on the fuckin' pink strands in my hair in the mirror.
“Wait... yeah, I think I saw you with Stone and Jeff's friend, the blond chick who works at Roxy's... how is she called?”
“Meg, she's my roommate” I answer to the boss looking at her through the mirror.
“Do you know Jeff? Does he still have a girlfriend?”
“Hehe yes, I'm sorry”
“See, I told you!”
“I'll fall back on the singer then, his girlfriend is in San Diego, it's an out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation, she'll never know”
“He's not with that girl anymore, they broke up when he moved here” I stop here before adding any more intimate and unrequested details, although I have a senseless and sudden will to give them all out to these girls.
“I knew that”
“Actually... he's dating another girl, a girl here in Seattle” and that would be me and it's like I'm desperate to tell them, but why? What's happening to me? Am I becoming jealous? I told Eddie his jealousy towards Jerry made no sense but at least that had some factual basis. After all Jerry's my ex, he came over looking for me and we spent some time alone in a small enclosed space. These are just some random girls who've only said Eddie's cute. Thanks a lot. He is. It's only natural they like him. Why am I talking then?
“And who's she?”
“Well, dating someone is not like putting a ring on their finger”
“What's his name anyway?”
“Yeah, right, what's his name?”
“And what's Eddie like? I mean, as a guy, is he nice?”
“He's...” he's sweet, sexy, funny, shy, crazy, romantic, goofy, protective, quiet, clumsy, smart, passionate, practical, loyal, honest, reliable and other 800 adjectives more, which come to my mind and I keep to myself”... he's ok, he doesn't talk much, but he's cool”
“A hot guy who doesn't speak much: the perfect man” the blond girl states and all three of them laugh.
In the meantime I keep on washing my hands and if I go on like this I'll get webbed fingers soon. I turn off the tap and shake the water off my hands in the sink before heading up to the dryer hanging on the wall next to the door, feeling three pairs of eyes on me.
“Can you introduce us to him?” the beanpole asks me when I already have one hand on the door handle and I'm about to leave.
“Sure!” I smile at them and I'm still trying to decipher my behaviour when I get out of the bathroom, followed by the gang of three, and who do I find standing right there, one hand in his pocket and the other one holding a full glass?
“Hey, there you are finally! I was getting worried. Was there a queue?” he asks, noticing I'm not the only one coming out of the restroom. I walk up to him, my hands are still kind of wet so I rub them on the legs of my jeans, I'm conscious I have the trio's eyes still on me and then I do something honestly uncomprehensible: I throw my arms around Eddie's neck and kiss him like I had last kissed him last month and not twenty minutes ago, backstage, trying to get some kind of reaction out of Stone and Dave, who right at that moment were not looking at us though. What's wrong with me? Have I become a showoff?
“I was chatting with the girls” I back up from his lips, steal the beer from his hands and take a sip, then I turn around to face the trio of dropped jaws behind my back.
“He doesn't talk much but makes himself clear” the leader is the one who breaks the ice and makes her friends, and me I must admit, giggle.
“Very clear, I see” the tall girl adds.
“Haha come on, let's go. Bye Eddie, good luck with the show!” Boston vamp takes the other two by the hands and they all say bye and leave.
“Bye Eddie!”
“God, we made fuckin' fools of ourselves”
“Why? We said nothing bad after all”
“It was embarrassing though...”
I follow their conversation as long as I can and when the girls are out of my radar, I turn back around and find Eddie's perplexed eyes staring at me.
“Do you know them?”
“More or less. Come on, let's go, you're up next soon”
Eddie and I part ways after a kiss right in front of the stage, after we noticed Meg coming our way. Anyway when we end the kiss we see she's more focused on cursing against a guy, who's guilty of bumping into her and almost spilling his drink on her new t-shirt, rather than looking at us and noticing our public display of affection. Eddie shrugs, nods at Meg and goes backstage to get ready for the concert.
“You can stop pretending you know nothing about Eddie and I now”
“Really? Ok but that jerk really wasn't even looking where he was going!” she searches for the stranger in the crowd but he's already gone and disappeared.
“Yeah, we decided to tell everybody. I mean, to let people know. Stop hiding, you know”
“Uh! So is that why you're randomly making out all around the club?”
“Shut up!”
“Right, maybe you didn't stick your tongue into his throat right under the mixer station. And not even in front of the restrooms”
“Hahaha stop it! Anyway, ehm, it actually happened in front of the restrooms, also”
“Talking about that... I need counselling... with Dr Meg”
“You know I don't like to take advantage of your psychology studies”
“Very poor studies”
“And of your great and not academic only enthusiasm for the subject but... I'm weird and I need you to tell me why I'm weird”
“Ok so, first of all thank you for your surely mistaken trust in me, because it must be huge if you think what I know is enough to solve the Angelina Pacifico's enigma”
“I'm being serious”
“And I'm also flattered, 'cause usually it's me intruding your private life trying to analyze you and make you reason BUT this time it's you asking me spontaneously. I feel tears coming out of my eyes”
“I acted strange earlier and I can't say why”
“Ok, shoot”
I ignore her sarcasm, even though I appreciate it, and tell her everything about the three girls I met at the bathroom, while she listens to me in unnatural silence. Unnatural both for her, 'cause honestly I don't think I've ever heard her keeping her mouth shut for so long, and for the place, a crowded bar full of people, voices and sounds, I mean, pure chaos.
“So? What's wrong with me? Am I jealous like Eddie? Is jealousy contagious? Or have I just become a bitch?”
“Is Eddie jealous?”
“Yep. Well, yeah, a little” I don't wanna talk about this right now, maybe next time.
“Healthy amount of jealousy”
“Healthy... I mean, what's healthy? Jealousy is not healthy, it's stupid. And it looks I'm getting stupid too”
“I don't completely agree with you about that. Anyway your scene has got nothing to do with jealousy, my dear”
“OH no, that's not jealousy, I'll tell you what it is. It's three things”
“Number one: you're pedantic”
“Romantic?” I can't hear shit in the noisy crowd with the loud music on.
“I said PEDANTIC! You're pedantic, you can't help it. If someone says a wrong thing you gotta correct them, nothing can hold you back, not even your pathological shyness. Had it been a matter of jealousy, you'd have jumped out immediately, insulting them and telling those three to keep their hands off your man. Instead you just stayed there, locked inside that stinky stall listening to those girls drooling after your boyfriend until they've started churning out incorrect facts. That's when you lost it, you had to speak up and give them the truth”
“So I put myself at the center of the attention only to lecture them?”
“Not just that but also for that. In this you and Stone are the fuckin' same, let me tell you. You're scarily the same”
“Shut up, you give me the creeps!”
“Number two: you're seeking approval”
“Everybody wants to be liked, but someone wants it more than others, especially those with a wobbly self-esteem”
“What's self-esteem?”
“If you were jealous, you'd describe those three like sluts or ugly monsters of both, but you didn't. It almost seems like you liked them”
“Because I did, I liked them”
“Exactly. Three nice funny girls who shared a common interest with you, without knowing. You told them you knew Eddie because deep inside you wanted them to accept you and approve you”
“Number three... well, number three is my favourite”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Because, Angie, my friend, I'm glad to tell you that at the venerable age of 18”
“And a half”
“Eighteen and a half...” she corrects herself rolling her eyes “... after all this time, you finally learned one of the main concept of life, as well as one of the most pleasurable feelings”
“That is?”
“Hahahaha showing off, of course”
“Showing off? I've never shown off anything in my whole life!” maybe just a couple of seconds, that infamous unlucky night, with the waitress of Canlis restaurant, waiting for Jerry. And see what happened next.
“That's why I said it took you a few years to get cocky...”
“Getting cocky for what then?”
“Because Eddie's your boyfriend!”
“And what's with me? It's not like I did anything, it's not a merit, it's not something one merits and shows off like a medal!”
“That's what yo say but your subconscious thinks differently. Think about it, you found approval from your new friends and when you saw Eddie you could have just introduce them to him briefly and just leave with him, but you didn't. You aimed right at Vedder and kissed him right in front of them, knowing exactly you'd have made their jaw drop. And don't even try to tell me it just came out like that and you didn't think for a second about their reaction because I won't fuckin' believe you”
“Well, actually, ok, yeah, I thought of it, a little...”
“You're with the guy they all liked, that's the ultimate approval, almost a consacration”
“I show off for no valid reason, what have I become”
“Don't overreact now, please!”
“I'm a horrible person!”
“Angie-drama starting in 3, 2, 1...” Meg counts down with her fingers inches from ny nose.
“Can't you understand? It means I treated Eddie like an object, like a bargaining chip”
“You're with a cute guy and you rubbed it in those girls' faces a little, it's not like anyone died or something!”
“A trophy to nurture my self-confidence”
“You're making it worse and bigger than it actually is. That is, as you always do”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about me and my head gets big all of a sudden?”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about you, you're a couple and you don't have to hide for any reason. When was the last time it happened to you?”
“Err... quite some time?” a normal relationship? I'd say it's been years. Anyway, have I ever had a normal relationship at all?
“You're with the singer of a fucking cool band everybody's talking about in town, I'd scream it at the face of everyone I meet. Listen to me: aren't you proud of Eddie and what he's doing with the band?”
“So you're proud and your showing, like you showed those three”
“Sucking face with Eddie right in front of them?”
“Exactly. By the way, considering you're sucking face with him in every corner of this place, they'd have seen you anyway sooner or later”
“Not necessarily, especially if they're as watchful as our friends, who haven't noticed yet”
“Or maybe they noticed but just want to be discreet”
“Discretion? Stone?”
“Well, thinking about it...”
“Talking about Stone; who's Valerie?”
“It's so weird to me that everybody hates the Kingdome. I mean, that's your stadium!” since I came here in Seattle I've never met a single sports fan who hasn't complained about the stadium or easily dismissed it as a simple location that's not so much loved by the citizens. Jerry is no exception, as we talk at the bar waiting for our drinks.
“It's not like we hate it, it's just it could be better, you know? Surely it doesn't suck as much for footbal as for baseball. Or maybe it's just a matter of different point of views: if the Mariners didn't play like shit, it would be the place of the heart, like Wrigley Field for Chicago hehe”
“Sacrilege! I've never been there yet, I gotta go and see” I playfully push him away and grab the glass the barman has just given to me. Cantrell does the same and says thanks with a nod since I buyed him the drink and keeps on talking.
“I walked into the field, actually I ran on it! Six years ago, no, seven, when the Seahawks beat Raiders 13 to 7 at the Wild Card Game and the supporters stormed the field at the end. The following week we'd fuck it all up and Miami would destroy us but in that moment we believed we could make it! Anyway the people is what makes the Kingdome good”
“The twelfth man, right?” I nod and as I look around I casually make eye contact with Angie, who's not so far.
“Yep, other than that and the adrenaline, the field itelf sucks, it seemed to walk on concrete covered with green carpet”
“Wrigley though, I'd sleep on that field...” I look the same direction as before but I can't see my girlfriend anymore “On the bleachers too”
“At the Kingdome you can sleep well too, the roof protects you when it rains. Some parts of it might break and fall onto your head but how bad can it be?” Jerry chuckles and sips his whiskey but he almost chokes on it, and I do too, when someone casually appears between us from out of nowhere and basically yells into our ears.
“Jesus! Hey Angie, uhm yeah, sure” Jerry gives her a perplexed look whereas I instinctively put my arm around her shoulders.
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean, uhm, you know, what for? What are you talking about?”
“Baseball” I answer probably with star-shaped eyes, just like every time I think about my favourite sport.
“And football” Cantrell adds then drinks up his whiskey with one last sip.
“Sports uh? A typical conversation between male friends...”
“Not necessarily betwe-” I'm about to argue with the idea sport is an exclusively male interest when my colleague interrupts me.
“Now I think I gotta go and find Sean. I saw Layne with Demri before so I think they made up and he'll go to her place so I probably have to go home with my drummer. See ya!”
“See you!” I say bye as he leaves with his hands in his pockets and Angie does the same but in a louder voice.
“BYE! Ok, what's going on? What's wrong?” she addresses me right away with an extremely serious expression on her face.
“What's going on? Nothing's wrong”
“What were you talking about for real?”
“What do you mean? Sports, we told you”
“Sure. And I'm Doris Sams” she folds her arms and gives me a side look.
“Are you a secret baseball player as well by any chance?” I let go of her, I fold my arms too and look at her suspiciously.
“I can't believe it! We gotta go out and throw a ball sometimes”
“I can't play! But I know the game and I know a couple of history facts, I remind you my dad is a fan of basically all the sports”
“I don't know... you're very good at pretending not to be able to do things, aren't you?”
“And you and your friend are very good at pretending nothing's happening and changing the topic of the conversation at the right time, aren't you?”
“My friend?”
“Jerry... well, friend, sort of...”
“We were really talking about the Kingdome”
“Sure. And the debate was so animated you even shoved him”
“Haha I gave him a little nudge, as a joke”
“Oh you were just kidding, of course”
“Angie, I don't know what's going on in your head and I don't know what you saw but really, we were just making small talk”
“Small talk?”
“You and Jerry talk?”
“Yeah. As you know, human beings are social animals, they interact with each other and-”
“Cut the crap! You know what I mean...”
“It's not like we're best friends or something but we know each other so we happen to have a chat from time to time” I shrug and on one hand I find it funny that Angie came here running, fearing for an upcoming duel between me and her ex, on the other hand I think he'd actually deserve a couple of punches after all.
“And you didn't talk about anything else?”
“No, what would we talk about?”
“I don't know, maybe you told him something about the other night...”
“Why would I?” I thought Angie would tell me to fuck off after that fuckin' scene I made but we made up the next day instead, problem solved. Why would I rock the boat?
“Well, I don't know, maybe because you threw a fit at me!” she retorts and suddenly she almost looks disappointed.
“That's different, I'm with you, not with him...”
“Ok but you almost ate me alive on the phone. And with him? Nothing? He just gets away with it like that? A chat at the bar like two old friends?”
“Sorry Angie, I don't understand. One second ago you were all alarmed because you thought I had told him something and now you're offended because I didn't. Is it that I'm limited and I just don't get it or does it make like no fuckin' sense at all?”
She opens her mouth as if she's about to answer, then she shuts up and looks around like she's looking for the right words through the crowd. In the end she admits, almost mortified: “It doesn't make fuckin' sense at all, I don't even know what I mean honestly”
“Hey, it's alright, ok? Jerry and I are on normal decent terms as two colleagues. And who gives a fuck about Jerry anyway” I take her face between my hands so she's forced to look at me as I smile to reassure her and let her know she's getting worried for nothing.
“Ok. But how do you do it? I mean, like, when you talk about me”
“Easy: we don't talk about you. Do you want something to drink?” I answer straight, turn back towards the bar to get the bartender's attention and order another round for me only, since Angie shakes her head no.
“Ok, right, but what if it happens?”
“It doesn't happen. Not even coke? Or juice?”
“No, thanks. But how can you be sure? What if my names comes up during a conversation, what do you do?”
“We don't do anything because that can't be, Angie... Windbreaker?”
“Wrong answer. Anyway the fact it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean it can't happen in the future” Angie smiles at my casual attempt at guessing her second name but doesn't let go on the topi.
“I'm 100% sure it can't happen. Jerry and I don't talk about you, we just don't”
“Never. We have a deal” the last bit slips out of my mouth and I regret it one second later, as soon as I see Angie's face as she registers this piece of information.
“You have... WHAT??”
“We made a non-aggression agreement that satisfies both parties” ok, I'm not 100% satisfied, and Jerry neither for sure, but it's working now.
“You made a deal with Cantrell? About me? And when?” after every questions she takes a small break that lasts a couple of seconds, in which I shake my head yes. But the third question requires a more articulated answer.
“In San Diego” kind of articulated.
“SAN DIEGO? You told Jerry about us when I left?”
“Actually, before that...”
“And it wasn't me telling him anyway, it was the other way round” Angie doesn't look convinced or maybe she's just confused. So I tell her about the little quarrel Jerry and I had at the Yates Club, about how Jerry had figured it all out and got mad at me for not telling him.
“Wait, correct me if I'm wrong: you mean he did everything he wanted when he was with me but he had the nerve to get angry because you hadn't let him know on advance that you were interested in his ex girlfriend? The ex girlfriend he treated like shit? Why would you show him this courtesy? And how did he understand we liked each other anyway?”
“Maybe he's a good observer.” or maybe I just suck at hiding what I feel but I don't say that because she sucks as much at understanding other people's feelings and I don't wanna hurt her “Anyway he was right to some extent, we were on tour together and from time to time he asked me about you and confided in me and I could have told him or just talk about something else. Instead I just stayed there listening to him. So I was kind of an asshole too”
“He confided with you?”
“And what did he say about me?”
“Why do you care? Is it important? And then, well, can't you imagine?” if I got so jealous the other night is also because I know he's still into her.
“No, but I'm curious to know: 1) how he's still alive, 2) how you held back throughout the tour”
“I don't know, maybe it's just because of a certain promise I made to a certain special person about not kicking the ass of a certain ex and keeping a certain secret and not starting any trouble in general”
“Wow, you're a man of his word then”
“I'm someone you can trust”
“Will you make a deal with me too then?”
“Sure, anything you want princess”
“The deal is... we won't talk about Jerry anymore”
“Like never, ok?”
“Well, I mean...”
“I won't mention him to you and you won't mention him to me. It's not like we can erase him from our lives, we simply won't actively have any more conversations about him, what do you think?”
“It's not that simple...”
“Well, if you can make an agreement with him, I can't see why you can't make the same kind of deal with me, since I'm also your girlfriend” she folds her arms once again and from the look she's giving me I know I won't get out of this alive if I don't accept this fuckin' agreement. The only thing I can do is trying to get the most out of it.
“In fact I can do it. I'm in...” I hold out my hand for her to shake it “on one condition”
“What is it?” she lets go of my hand and looks suspicious, I think she really don't know where I'm getting at.
“That you finally tell me your second name” she rolls her eyes and barely hides her smile, maybe she was expecting something worse.
“Ok, agreed” she shakes my hand again and I'm all ears.
“You know I'm giving you the most powerful weapon, right? You'll make fun of me as long as I live for this”
“I bet it's a beautiful name, I can't wait to know, I'm super psyched”
“Just like my parents when they chose my second name, like I'm pretty sure they were literally under the influence of psychedelics when they decided to call me like that”
“Call you what?”
“Angelina... Something Wind Pacifico”
“But if you're a W. it can't be-”
“The other half of the word starts with a W too”
“Whirlwind!” I say straight off and for an immediate word association the lyrics of Like a hurricane by Neil Young start running in my head and I can already picture her as the perfect main character of that masterpiece of a song.
“No, it's all together but actually it would be a separated word”
“Oh” are you sure? Because that name was pretty perfect.
“It's an adjective” she points out while, in my daydream, I leave the hazy bar and close the door behind my back.
“Windy Wind?”
“Hahaha fuck you, Eddie!”
“Ok, I'm serious now. Warm wind?” I think about the warmth of her hugs and her presence in general but she shakes her head no.
“My mother was... is a fan of Nina Simone. So?”
“Maybe I can help you a little more if I tell you Station to station by David Bowie”
I mentally run through the album's tracklist until I get to maybe one of Bowie's best vocal performances ever, right at the end of the record.
Wild is the wind
“Angelina Wildwind Pacifico”
“Guilty as charged”
“It's fucking cool!”
“Ok but... wild wind? Me? Can you picture me with a name like that?” she blushes and shakes her head and hides her face behind her hands.
“Actually it suits you perfectly”
“Sure, it suits to the most boring and average person on the planet”
“No, it suits to the strongest and most unpredictable and most breathtakingly beautiful person in the world. At least, in the part of world that I know, which by the way is the only part I care about because you're there” Angie removes her hands from her face and looks straight into my eyes without opening her mouth and for a minute there I get the illusion I managed to leave her speechless or, at least, in the condition of being forced to take a fucking compliment for once.
“Hahaha well, it really is a shitty world!” she cracks up all of a sudden and hugs me, so tight.
“How fuckin' stupid are you from 0 to 10?” I hold tighter.
“I don't know but I'd say we have a deal now, right?” she looks up and gets free from my embrace just to stretch her hand towards me and seal this agreement for good.
“Right, deal done” I shake her hand, then pull her back to me to kiss her and seal this pact my way.
Time to take a ride, time to take it in a midnight eye
And if you want to go, get on below
“Ok, where the hell are those two now? Dave and I have to unwrap our presents!” we all more or less managed to bunch up around a couple of tables at the Ok Hotel. I tap Krusen on the shoulder and he suddenly awakes. He zoned out completely when the Sonic Youth's song started. Or maybe when the whole evening started.
“I kind of saw them earlier at the bar” it's the drummer's wild guess and considering he basically spent the whole time at the bar, before and after the show, he could have seen Angie and Eddie any time. They could as well be in Mexico by now.
“They're not at the bar anymore, that's where we're coming from” McCready and Staley join us with two fresh beers in their hands, talking of people who should tone it down a little.
“Huh they must be tongue-kissing around here somewhere” Stone is sitting right in front of me, keeping one hand on Grace's shoulder and waving the other hand in the air while he speaks, as to brush it off like an unimportant thought.
“Who? Eddie and Smurfette?” Cornell Gazette from the other end of the table couldn't miss the breaking news and both Stone and Grace nod.
“They've been doing nothing else all night, they're on the edge of public indecency” Mike enriches the gossip story some more, followed by Ben and Kim, who put up a show and got us all bent in laughter.
“I've never seen anything like that”
“At some point we timed them”
“We were bored”
“Twelve minutes and a half of tongue”
“Contjnuous, uninterrupted tongue. I mean, with no breaks whatsoever”
“They looked like two fuckin' 14-year-olds”
“Well, Angie's still a teenager after all, it makes sense”
“Ok but what about Eddie? And how... just on a practical level, I mean, I don't get how they could fuckin' breathe through all that”
“They must have gills, fuck if I know”
“Hahahaha you're such assholes!” my girlfriend scolds us all but only slaps me on the nape.
“Well they're just making up for lost time and you're just jealous” Meg joins her in defending the two lovebirds.
“I get it but TWELVE MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS” Kim repeats punctuating every single word about the record timing.
“Jealous and peeping Toms!” Graces chimes in too.
“They were on top of the stairs, it was impossible not to see them” the guitarist shrugs and his bass player nods.
“From every view point and corner”
“Twelve minutes and a half on the stairs?” I playfully add fuel to the fire, the two musicians look at me and their arms flap out.
“Then the record is that Angie didn't fall down the stairs on anybody, given her history” Chris snickers under his moustache.
“God you love that story so much!” Layne almost chokes on his beer then laughs at Cornell's face.
“Ok ok, anyway, you're shit guys, this all mess for some P.D.A.s? Just because they loosened up a bit, it doesn't mean they're living 24/7 connected at the mouth li- Oh wait, yeah, there they are, they're kissing next to the door” Meg abruptly interrupts her speech and it's kind of comic because we all turn around together at the exact same moment and among those in the back there's someone standing up, getting closer or stretching their neck to give a better look at the not-so-new couple. Even strangers passing by turn the same direction to see what the fuck we're looking at.
We don't know if it's been more than twelve minutes and a half since the beginning of their laters make out session, but those two break away from their kiss and Eddie looks right towards us. We turn the other way around and in a second we're back at talking, well, pretending to talk as if nothing happened, as if he hadn't caught us red handed. Out of the corner of my eye I see them coming over and I casually lift up my voice.
“Alright, I love Goo too, it's a hell of a record, it goes without saying. What I meant is that putting it on in a club and just playing it front to back for two or three times, letting it go, it just gives me a sense of... sloppiness? That's how you call it, right? I'm not saying you have to pay a dj or some fucking guy just to put records on and select music, but they could at least take some time to make a fuckin' mix tape or something and put that on, even on repeat, it doesn't seem so difficult to me. Oh hey guys, where have you been?” I address Stone and Dave first, who look at me weirdly, then to Andie and Eddie walking up to the table.
“Round here. Have you already opened your presents? There's mine left!” Angie rummages into her bag looking for something, then picks out a not so small package.
“Cool, a new brush set, thank you!” I cheer as I unwrap it.
“A little bird told me you needed new ones...” Angie looks up playing dumb, exactly like the bird I know very well who's standing beside her. These two fuckers belong together.
“Oh and this is mine” the little bird sticks his hands into his girl's bag and takes out another package, which turns out to be Subway art, a photobook about graffiti art I've been wanting to buy for ever.
I can say this was a lucky birthday for me, with strings, cords, tool kits, acryic paint set, a couple of gift cards for Easy Street Records, which I loved quite as much as the supermarket voucher Meg gave to me. All useful presents but I loved the (apparently) less useful ones too, like the Marshall jack rack key holder with four plug key chains: thanks to the Alice guys!
During the whole presents and wishes exchange, Eddie and Angie are sitting in a corner and basically being the special observed ones, since everybody watches them like you watch a documentary about animals during the mating season. The couple takes part to the conversation and just ignore the rest, yet they whisper something to each other from time to time.
“By the way, Angie's got something to tell you” Eddie comes out of nowhere with this, in a moment we were all silent, catching our breath after a joke by Stone, who suggested Touch me, I'm Dick as the title of the stand out song of our fake band in Cameron Crowe's movie. By the way, who knows if Chris has already wrote something for the songs of Cliff's solo demo? I gotta remember to ask him.
“What?” Meg asks first, since nobody's speaking, not even Angie, who first gave Eddie a nasty look, then turned pale as she looked at us one by one.
“Is it about the movie?” Layne asks.
“No, it's not about the movie”
“Are you quitting college?” Dave tries.
“No! Why should I?” Angie denies it firmly.
“Is it personal?” if I didn't know him, I'd say Stone is trying to put Angie at ease and help her spit it all out. But since I know him too well, I can say without a shadow of doubt he's just enjoying himself playing with the poor girl.
“Well, yeah, but... mmm... it's not just about me, you know”
“Who else then?” I inquire.
“Eddie” “Me” the two lovebirds reply at the same time.
“Oh fuck, are you pregnant?” McCready stands out as usual for his caution and sensitiveness.
“OH MY GOD, NO! WHAT THE HELL, MIKE?” Angie stands up in shock while Eddie simply laughs.
“So? What's the news?” Cornell is all ears and right now I'm picturing him armed with a pen and notepad as an old-time reporter.
“What Angie's trying to say is that-” Eddie wipes his eyes with he sleeve of his shirt and tries to give an answer but the girl is faster.
“We're together”
“Eddie and I, we're together”
“We've been for a while”
“Almost a month” he suggests to her in a low voice.
“Almost a month” she repeats and she looks into our eyes searching for something she can't find and apparently she's just concluded the best thing to do is to keep adding details or to repeat the same concept with different words until she'll find it. Or until any of us opens their mouth.
“Something more than three weeks”
“We're basically a couple”
“I mean, he's my boyfriend and I-”
“And she's my girlfriend” Eddie ended the sentence for her.
“Wow, what a coincidence!” Stone can't hold back and I hide my face between my hands not to show I'm laughing.
“What do you mean?”
“Ok. You're together... and?” Mike tries to investigate some more and if he asks her if she's pregnant once again I swear I'm gonna laugh so hard that I'll fall out of my fuckin' chair.
“And nothing, that's it” Angie replies and sits back down.
“And that'd be great news?” Kim asks keeping a straight face.
“Why? What's wrong with it? Is it because you think I'm too young for him? Look, I know, we know. We talked about it actually, I understand tha-” Angie's about to launch herself into a hornet's nest with no way out but her roommate stops her and we all finally crack up.
“Totally unmotivated Angie-drama in 3, 2, 1...”
We all, but Angie of course.
“Why are you laughing? Is ther something I don't know?”
“What you don't know is that now everybody knows that what you believed none of us knew was actually well known by everyone” Stone answers in his style and Mike's face tells me he didn't understand shit.
“Huh?” exactly.
“He means we're laughing because we already knew what the news were about” I explain and the lightbulb in his head lights up.
“You saw us then, I mean, tonight? Because, well, you didn't say anything...”
“Who do you think we are? We're discreet people!” Cornell states and it almost looks like he believes it.
“We knew before tonight anyway” Ben adds without thinking.
“You knew before? How? MEG?? You told them, right??” Angie stands back up and roars against her friend.
“How could she tell if she didn't know?” Eddie asks puzzled his now official girlfriend.
“No! Right! She didn't know! But... I don't know, maybe she figured it out. DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT?”
“I figured it out” Meg confesses.
“But I didn't tell anyone, I swear” she holds up her hands, Angie believes her and looks at us one by one, before aiming straight at her boyfriend.
“No, I can assure you I kept my mouth shut, as you asked me”
“How did you know then?”
“Stone told me” McCready's voice of innocence out of nowhere.
“Stone told me too, because I was there as well that night. And Dave too” I confess and the drummer nods.
“Stone told us too, but it was some other time, at least I think so” Chris looks at Kim and Ben who shake their heads yes.
“For obvious reasons, he told me too” Grace raises her hand and shyly admits.
“Jeff told me because Stone told him” Laura chimes in.
“Is there someone Stone didn't tell anything to?” Angie blurts out.
“Me! I figured it all out by myself! I'm a genius!” Layne raises his hand and waves it around, as happy as the winner of a tv quiz.
“And you, how did you know, genius?” Angie turns to Gossard snarling at him but he answers calmly.
“I believe I knew even before you that you'd end up together, Smurfette”
“What do you mean?”
“That you both suck at playing the oblivious lovers. You're made for each other” I translate it all in Jeff-language and everybody nods in agreement, Eddie included.
“Were we so obvious?”
“Not that much”
“It's not that”
“It's just Stone's a very good observer”
“It's just Stone doesn't mind his own fuckin' business”
These are just some of the answers we give in no particular order just not to make her feel little Angie like shit.
“Come on, it was clear from the beginning they had a connection. Since the first time they met at the Off Ramp, I realized it at my own expense since I had bet on it, do you remember Mikey?” I like the fact that Stone, just like me, remembers old memories based on bets we placed.
“Right! I lost ten bucks too because I thought you wouldn't talk to each other, yet you got along immediately, it looked like you already knew each other”
“I'm gonna ignore the umpteenth bet you made over your friend's head but... actually we already knew each other somehow” Angie reveals and the alarm goes off in my head.
“Jeff?” Stone calls me immediately as I keep on trying to disguise the truth clumsily.
“I had met him at Roxy's the previous night, he came over to eat”
“So you didn't know about it Jeff?” Stone doesn't let go and by now it's obvious I got caught, I'm fucked.
My shit show at least has one merit: the following little bickering between Stone, Mike and I about the twenty dollars, which they think I owe them back, moves the attention away from Angie. Now she's finally free from the awkwardness and can sit back and enjoy the show of our friends kicking my ass, holding hands with her new boyfriend.
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unlocktxt · 4 years
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↬ prompt: #38 “are you jealous?”, #46 “if we get caught i’m blaming you.” ✧˖° find the other prompts here
member: beomgyu
warnings: suggestive content, language 
if there was one thing you weren’t expecting, it was the empty classroom that you stood in all alone. you could’ve sworn the class was transferred here, at least that’s what the paper said on the door. the confusion was evident on your face as you looked around the room. where was everyone? maybe you just happened to read the notice wrong.
after waiting about five minutes, there was still no sight of anyone. the halls had started to get empty, leading you to decide to leave the small quiet classroom. you turned towards the door- hopping off of the desk when you met eye contact with the brown orbs of the mischievous boy. you preferred to call him dickwad, but his name was famous around the school- beomgyu is so funny others would say.
you disagreed profusely, he was an awful trickster- getting caught in the act right this instant. your eyes narrowed whilst his grew in size from watching you run towards the door. as quick as you were, it wasn’t quick enough. the door was shut right in your face, the clicking of the door telling you that he had locked it.
you clenched your fists, bringing one hand to the small window that beomgyu could see you through. he stuck his tongue out, laughing while pointing at you.
“haha. so funny beomgyu. now let me out.” you crossed your arms, glaring at the boy. you were clearly unamused, but the boy on the other side of things could only smile widely- enjoying every moment of this. you could see him exaggerate his motions as he looked at his watch- tapping it before waving at you.
“fuck you! just wait until i get you back for this!” you wanted so bad to punch through this window and strangle that brat, but it would’ve proven unworthy because he had already started walking away.
considering the past, you knew he wouldn’t come back. the two of you had gone back and forth, pranking eachother in order to have the last straw. although he annoyed the fuck out of you, he did bring some excitement to your life, but you would never admit that to him.
you didn’t have much to do in the classroom, contemplating how to get out without breaking a window. you could’ve tried phoning a friend, but everyone was in class by now. at this point you weren’t worried about missing class, you were already late. there was no point stressing because there was nothing you could do about it, however, that didn’t stop you from fretting beomgyu would lock you in here past school hours. it was something he would do, so you couldn’t put it past him.
you took this free time to scroll through your social media- coming across a picture of beomgyu at your favorite park with the caption “i like the green grass, but i like you even more.” you couldn’t help but chuckle at his stupid caption. what did that mean?
the door opening caught you off guard- instantly pulling you away from your thoughts. your classmate, junghoon, opened the door wide.
“how did you get the door opened?” you asked, propping yourself off of the desk, leaving your phone with beomgyu’s post behind.
“beomgyu left the key behind and i heard from other students that you were stuck in here.” junghoon smiled as he approached you in a gentle way. you happened to see beomgyu peaking from the hallway, but you wouldn’t let him know. it was your turn to turn his prank against him.
“junghoon i can’t thank you enough! my hero!” the two of you laughed together, pushing eachother a bit as you joke around. you could see beomgyu slowly grow confused, trying to get closer to hear what was going on.
“well... you know what you could do for your hero?” junghoon had to look slightly down at you, his eyes showed a bit of lust. you knew what he meant, but you decided to feign innocence.
“and what’s that?” you asked, stepping closer to junghoon, making sure beomgyu could see you before you walked your fingers up to junghoon’s chest. a flirty smile was plastered on your face as you stared into junghoon’s dark eyes.
junghoon managed to shock you, leaning in to kiss you as if he had just gotten back from war. the kiss wasn’t filled with love, that was for sure. when you started to kiss back, you took notice of how his lips were everywhere- not knowing what they were supposed to be doing.
luckily, his lips were torn away from yours, but not from what you thought. beomgyu stood infront of junghoon now, his eyes were filled with rage as he sized junghoon down. you could tell beomgyu ripped the poor guy away from you.
“get the fuck away from y/n before i beat your ass.” beomgyu spat his words out, you could’ve sworn some spit was shot at junghoon’s face. junghoon didn’t seem to want to stick around after that, scoffing as he walked away, but not before flipping beomgyu off.
“what’re you doing back dickwad?” you crossed your arms as you raised your brow at the fuming boy infront of you.
“what am I doing back?” his voice was raised, glaring at you before he continued. “i wouldn’t be back if it weren’t for you making out with junghoon.”
“wow... i knew you’d be upset because your prank was ruined, but this is a whole new level of upset.” you smirked. beomgyu has just given you something to tease him about.
“you know... junghoon is pretty hot. i’m glad he came around to get me out of the mess you started.” you were leaning against the teachers desk now, paying close attention to the vein in beomgyu’s neck that started to protrude.
“so you’re just going to make out with any guy who helps you out?” beomgyu was glaring at you. why did he sound like he was going to lecture you?
“are you jealous?” you smirked, watching beomgyu carefully. his cheeks became a bit flushed and he started moving around. only a second later did he regain his composure.
“and what if i was?” beomgyu was wearing a similar mischievous smile as before, but this one seemed a bit different as he walked towards you.
“we’re not in middle school anymore gyu, you have no right to be jealous. i can kiss whoever i want.” you were testing him at this point. it didn’t take long for him to place his arms on either side of you. beomgyu ended up leaning so close to your face that you could feel his soft breathing- seeming to only grow uneven as time passed.
“you’re right we’re not in middle school, so i can do something like this.” beomgyu crashes his lips against yours. unlike when you kissed junghoon, this held passion and it helped that beomgyu knew what he was doing. the kiss became aggressive as he bit your lip, pulling away right after.
you were a hot red mess, your cheeks were on fire. you don’t know why you felt like this or why beomgyu was different than the other boys you’ve hooked up with. beomgyu was radiating confidence, he didn’t want to stop there.
“now look who’s flustered. junghoon couldn’t make you feel like this huh?” beomgyu was smirking as he came down to crash his lips on yours once more.
“why don’t i show you just how much i can do for you? you won’t be able to think of anyone else after i’m done with you.” beomgyu whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. your heart was racing now, you knew you wanted more. you wanted beomgyu.
you had glanced at the open door, not wanting to get in trouble for what was about to occur. beomgyu, who noticed this, slowly led the two of you to the door, before he closed it.
“are you ready now?” at this point beomgyu couldn’t wait any longer. before you could even answer him, he was placing soft kisses on your neck. the kisses felt good on your sensitive skin, causing you to bite your lip.
“if we get caught i’m blaming you.” your remark was met with a smirk before you were pinned against the door.
“i chose this room for a reason babe.” beomgyu didn’t hesitate to grab your waist tight, but not to the point where it hurt. not once did you ever think that you would be in this room lusting for beomgyu, but here you were. what could you say... you were enjoying every second of it.
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toeil · 4 years
summer is over, and so are we. [2] ↠ jung jaehyun
[pt.1] [pt.3]
➹ jaehyun x reader x doyoung ➹ genre: angst, fluff ➹ word count: 3,343
➹ summary: He introduced you to a warm summer you thought you would never have to leave. Yet, here you are, in the middle of a ruthless winter which’s ending seems to be nowhere in sight.
a/n; totally forgot to ever post the part 2 for this...i was going through my google docs and i found this and the part 3 so im just gonna post it now LOL it’s old so my writing is kind of funky but i tried to fix as much as i could without rewriting the whole thing smh 
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“Are you going to go on another date with Doyoung?” You could feel Johnny shift his gaze from his phone screen over to you. 
“You already know the answer to that.” You sounded disinterested as you continued to scroll down the current page you had opened on your laptop. 
“Let me rephrase. Go on another date with Doyoung.” You sighed and turned your body towards him on the couch, “Johnny, sometimes just understand things, alright?” 
“You make me really sad, y/n. It’s been a year, when will you allow yourself to move the fuck on?... Jaehyun has.” He mumbled the last part to himself, hoping it would fall on deaf ears. But of course it didn’t. 
Your shoulders stiffened up, “Jaehyun’s dating someone?” 
Johnny offered you a sympathetic look, “yeah. She’s the daughter of one of his mom’s friends. You don’t know her.” You looked away from him and nodded, returning back to your laptop screen. 
Johnny tried again after a few minutes, “Doyoung said he had a lot of fun at the bubble tea place you guys went to. He really likes you, you know? I really think you should consider going out with him again. Maybe you guys could go to the carnival.”
The mention of the carnival piqued your interest, “the carnival?”
“Yeah! You know the one that comes every year and sets up at the river?” You knew it well. That carnival was one of Jaehyun’s favorite things and he went every year. You knew because he used to tell you stories about it all the time, you never knew such crazy things could go down at a carnival. You were supposed to go with him last year, but because of work you had to cancel and promised to go with him the next year. Oh, how foolish you were then.
“Never heard of it.”
“Really? It’s a lot of fun. You’d enjoy it, especially if you went with Doyoung!”
If you went would you see Jaehyun? “Alright...I’ll go.” 
“With Doyoung?”
“With Doyoung.” 
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Next week rolled around and although you admit you weren’t extremely excited for today, as soon as you stepped out of Doyoung’s car you felt yourself start to feel a little bubbly at the sight of the carnival in the distance. It was dark enough for the owls to nestle into their homes up in the trees, but the stalls and booths and the rides that were still set up all vibrated with brightly colored neon lights that the moonless night was soon forgotten by everyone. Since it was so late, not a single child was running rampant with parents chasing them around, and that definitely was a plus. You looked around and watched people's excitement seemingly increase with each step they took towards the entrance, laughing and shouting next to their friends about what the night ahead them was going to hold.
 As soon as you got in, you noticed the carnival was a lot bigger than you had pictured. There were two roller coasters, big ones with loops, a drop tower, a ferris wheel, and even bumper cars. They had also set up, what looked like to you, a thousand booths. Ones where you could play games and win prizes of various sizes and values and ones where you could get palm readings and such. You wondered how difficult it must be to move this stuff around from place to place. 
Your eyes found their way back to the rollercoasters and you felt that tiny ounce of excitement start to fizzle out with nervousness and regret. But as soon as you looked up towards Doyoung you felt your fizzled out excitement being replaced with something else you couldn’t decipher. It wasted no time in spreading through your chest. His eyes were shining brighter than the lights ahead of you, and you swore you had never seen someone smile so big; he was practically glowing from the inside out. 
“Where do you want to go first?” He asked, practically bouncing.
You couldn’t help but smile back at him, “wherever you want to!” 
“Should we ride the rollercoaster first?” He watched your face drop and he miserably failed at trying to stifle his laugh.
“Oh haha, yes very funny,” you rolled your eyes, “you know what? Let’s go ride both of the rollercoasters right now! I’m not scared! And I refuse to ride them after we eat funnel cake.”
“I was just joking, we really don’t have to ride them! Like at all, if you don’t want to.” You straightened yourself out, “I want to. C’mon! Let’s go.” You two paid for the red wristbands which would allow you to ride any of the rides, and made your way over to the first roller coaster. The line wasn’t long so in no time you two found yourselves getting buckled into the ride. Your arms were heavy, your knees were weak, and your palms were sweaty. You could practically feel your soul leave your body and the ride hadn’t even started moving yet. Doyoung, on the other hand, already had his adrenaline pumping. He looked over and noticed your stiff body language and asked if you were okay. 
“I’m fin- oh god, it’s moving.” Your body jerked up as soon as you felt the roller coaster car start to slowly inch forward. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Doyoung move his arm over to you, “you can hold onto me if you’re scared, y/n. It’s okay.” At this point, the roller coaster car was at the peak of the ride, and as soon as the chains released the cars you wasted no time in grabbing his arm and stuffing your face into his side, screaming.
Doyoung has his free arm lifted up in the air and he’s happily screaming. His heart’s thumping loudly against his chest and he can very clearly hear it in his ear, and maybe it’s because of the ride or maybe it’s because you’re wrapped around his arm. Probably both. Either way, he was enjoying it. 
Once the ride was over you finally let go of him and let out a sigh of relief. You slowly ask him, “should we go on the other one now?”
“Maybe we can save that for next time?” Next time?
“Yeah, next time, that works for me.” 
“Look at that flamingo!” Your eyes followed Doyoung’s finger towards a ring toss game. There was a giant fluffy pink flamingo hanging at the top attracting everyone's attention. “Let’s go try to win it!” 
Doyoung paid the staff member and got a bucket of rings for five dollars and within seconds he had used up all the rings. He huffed, “what the heck?...Excuse me,” he pulled another five dollar bill out of his wallet, “can I try again?” The staff member collected the rings he had just thrown and handed them back to him, “good luck!” Doyoung tried again and got only one ring which earned him one of the smaller prizes on the bottom shelf. He clicked his tongue out of annoyance, “keep it. I want to try again for the flamingo.” You silently chuckled to yourself watching him get frustrated over a ring toss game. He tried again and failed...again. He turned to you in disbelief, “oh my god??? y/n this game is rigged! Let me tr-”
“No! Doyoung, let’s go walk somewhere else and then we can come back okay?” You could tell he wanted to protest but he bit down on his tongue and decided to follow you away from the ring toss game. “Oh, look. The balloon dart game looks a lot easier.”
“But the prizes suck.” 
You hummed, “yeah, they aren’t as cute at the flamingo. Let’s go get funnel cake and then let’s go on the drop tower and then we can go back to the ring toss and I’ll give it a shot this.” 
“The drop tower?? Are you sure?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“Yes! I actually really like the tower drop! And it’s not even that high here.” 
He looked back at the tower drop peeking up over all the booths, “I don’t know...that looks pretty high to me.”
“Are you scared of it?”
“No! I’m just curious as to how you’d want to ride that but be scared of roller coasters that don’t even go up as high as that.” He retorted.
“The world works in many mysterious ways, Kim Doyoung. Now come on, let’s get in line for the funnel cake.” 
While you two shared a plate of funnel cake at the seating area under a tent, without noticing, Doyoung had gotten quite a bit of powdered sugar all over his jeans. When he stood up you couldn’t help but double over in laughter, “how’d you get all that on your pants!?” You tried to say between breaths. His face turned a light crimson color as he turned his back towards you and tried to wipe it off around the crotch area of his jeans. “It’s not my fault they put so much of that stupid sugar!”
After you had calmed down from your laughing fit and Doyoung had calmed down his racing heart, you two made your way to get on the drop tower. When you got off,  you complained about how it wasn’t as climactic as the one at the amusement park. 
Soon enough, you guys had come back around to the ring toss game, just like you had promised. This time, you gave up five dollars for the bucket of rings but just as you were about to toss the first one, Doyoung stopped you. “Wait, let me try one more time.” You gladly handed it over to him and felt your heart warm up at the sight of him closing his eyes to try and prepare himself. 
A few seconds later your ears caught on to a boyish laughter coming from behind. You knew exactly who it belonged to. That was a sound you could never forget. Every nerve and cell in your body told you not to, but you turned around anyway. And there he was, laughing with some unfamiliar girl next to him. She gave him a little flirtatious shove, which only egged on his honey-like laughter even more. He looked down at his feet as he stumbled a few steps away from her. As he brought his gaze back up, his eyes fell on you standing a short distance away from him. His smile began to falter as he froze in his spot, watching you with a sort of surprised and confused look. This was the first time you had seen each other since the break up and it felt weird. You felt like your lungs were being compressed and there was no room for you to breathe. 
He looked different. The clothes he was wearing were different from what he’d usually feel comfortable in. His natural silky black hair was dyed a soft brunette color. The earring you had gotten him a while ago was replaced with another silver one that dangled from his ear. This wasn’t the Jaehyun you were used to seeing everyday. You had him memorized, but staring back at him now, it was like you knew nothing. He just felt different. 
The longer you stared at him the more you felt your brain wanting to reminisce about what you two had shared. And as soon as you felt your eyes start to sting, you swung back around. Doyoung felt your arm brush against his and he looked away from the ring toss game down at you with a grin, “y/n! Did you see how clos-...y/n?” He quickly set the bucket of rings down and his hands instinctively flew up to either side of your cheeks. His eyes had gotten wide with worry, “are you crying? y/n? Why are you crying? Wh- what happened?” His voice didn’t do well to hide his panic. 
You shook your head and sniffled, allowing your lips to form a weak smile, “I’m not crying! I had a sneeze coming, and it was so close so my eyes started to water. But now it’s gone.” Doyoung’s face instantly flushed a bright red and he removed his palms from your cheeks so fast, as if he had just touched a burning pot or something, “O-oh! Sorry! I didn’t- I just- I thought you were crying s-so I got worried.” 
You grabbed the bucket he had set down and pulled out a ring. You cleared your throat and allowed yourself to let out a soft chuckle, “It’s fine....Can I try?” He enthusiastically nodded and moved to the side to give you some room before grabbing a ring for himself, “I think if we both throw some at the same time then we might get a few in and finally win.” 
He was right. You two had won the game and watching Doyoung become so ecstatic for a stuffed toy had you quickly forgetting about that small encounter with Jaehyun. Doyoung had wanted to give you the flamingo, claiming he wanted to win it for you, but you insisted he kept it because he was the one who got in the last ring that won you guys the game. And after a short amount of back and forth bickering, he had accepted it. Now you two were seated on the ferris wheel, looking up at the sky and taking in the beauty of the stars that were scattered perfectly across the night. 
“Hey, can I give you something?” 
“Sure.” “Hold out your hand.” You obliged and held your hand out, palm facing up. Doyoung reached in his pocket and brought it back out, closed in a fist. He hovered his fisted hand over your open one, and when he opened it, nothing fell out. Before you could allow yourself to feel confused, he had grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Your breath got caught in your throat at the feeling of his warmth spreading to your hand, slowly traveling up to the rest of your body. He let your now enclosed hands fall down to his side and leaned over the ferris wheel car to look below to try and act unbothered, but you didn’t miss the embarrassment creeping up his neck. Your eyes traveled back down to your hands and you felt a shy smile begin to form on your mouth. 
That night you laid in bed having trouble falling asleep because of this new feeling that was forming in the pit of your stomach. Because of this weird burning feeling that you felt on the same hand Doyoung had held. Because of the uncontrollable beating of your heart. Because of your thoughts running wild with Doyoung’s name. Because you couldn’t think of Jaehyun even if you wanted to. 
Maybe you were finally ready to move on. 
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5 years later
Today was the day you had always dreamed of for yourself ever since the first time you had led the wedding ceremony for your barbie doll and her other half, Ken. Today you were marrying your other half too, Kim Doyoung. 
You dated him four years, and was engaged to him for one. When Doyoung first asked you to be his girlfriend, you had yes because you realized you deserved to be able to find a loving person just like everyone else. And Doyoung was exactly that. At first you were afraid you’d be wasting his time, but when you realized that you never once compared Doyoung to Jaehyun, or even thought about Jaehyun when you were with him, you knew you weren’t using him or anything like that. And after that was when you realized you were in love with him and his bratty attitude. 
You were currently waiting in your bridal suite, completely ready since half an hour ago. The crowd of your friends and family that were helping you had finally left to give you some space, so now you were seated in front of your mirror in an empty room, trying to calm your racing heart and shaky hands. This was a huge step in your life and you couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous. 
You heard two soft knocks at your door and exhaled, “come in.” The door hesitantly creaked open.
“J-Jaehyun? What’re you-”
“...Hey?” It’s not like this was your first time seeing him after that day at the carnival. You had seen Jaehyun at gatherings and parties you went to plenty of times. But you two didn’t talk often, and weren’t really friends or anything, so you’re surprised to see him here. He was invited to the wedding but why is he here alone with you right now?
“You’re getting married today.”
“I am.”
“How do you feel?” His face was extremely hard to read.
“Jaehyun...do you need something?”
“I just wanted to talk...about what happened.”
“What happened?” You scoffed, what the hell is he thinking? You had imagined this scenario in your head many times before, when you would finally be able to talk to him about your past. But you didn’t ever picture it being on your wedding day. Quite frankly, you didn’t want to talk about it now, or ever for that matter, anymore.
He sighed and sat down on the chair a few feet away from you, “Just hear me out, okay?” He took your silence as an okay for him to continue.
“I broke up with you because I thought it was for the best. We were getting really serious, and I knew if we stayed together for any longer it would be harder for me to break it off. From the very beginning of our relationship we had an expiration date. I knew we couldn’t be together for a long time, but I was selfish and didn’t consider your feelings.”
“What do you mean?”
Jaehyun’s eyes were starting to water under the room lights, “I’ve mentioned to you before how much my mom has done for me, right?” You nodded, your face softening at the mention of his mother who had sacrificed so much for him. “Well, I promised myself I’d do anything and everything in my control to make her happy and have her never worry about me. She liked Jisoo a lot and always mentioned her to me. She never said it to me directly, but I knew she wanted us to be together. So I was going to do just that, I’ll admit I did harbor feelings for her, but I knew once we started dating, she would be the one I would have to settle down with. Because of that, I dated a lot of girls for short periods of time that I liked. And you were supposed to be the same. But as our relationship progressed I would find excuses to just date you for a little while longer.”
“Jaehyun, stop, please? I don’t- I don’t need this right now, okay? I’m about to get married in less than an hour.”
“I know...I’ll stop...I just- I need you to answer one thing for me. And you have to be honest.”
“What is it?”
“Do you love me?”
“...What kind of game are you trying to play with me?”
“I’m not trying to play any game with you, y/n. I just need to know.”
You didn’t reply for a while, and just stared at him. Trying to figure him out. When you finally decided to reply, you released a heavy sigh “I think I’ll always love you, Jaehyun.” 
He gave you a sad smile. “...The day we broke up, I told you it was because I didn’t think I could always love you, right?...I wasn’t lying. Because y/n, I don’t think I’ll always love you,” the tears he was holding back began to trickle down his face, “I know I will.”
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2004
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15 to 16 years old. A chaotic year for sure, but with a high quality soundtrack. So here’s a top ten list in which, as usual for that decade, several painful cuts had to be made.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
To provide the usual personal context, that year, being that-weirdo-in-the-back-of-the-class suddenly became great when OTHER people were also considered weirdos-in-the-back-of-the-class, and together, with a guy who kept falling asleep in class because he had insomnia, another guy who had elocution problems, and a girl who arrived directly from Cameroun in the middle of winter and was kinda depressed, we formed some sort of losers club and suddenly things weren’t so bad anymore. Unfortunately I completely lost contact with these people after highschool and that’s one of the biggest regrets of my life.
And then in September I once again ended in a completely different class in Terminale (equivalent of Senior Year in the US unless I’m mistaken) and made another great friend. So while life at home was still pretty bad, at least it was much better at school.
At this point my parents also stopped checking what kind of singles I was buying, which means that instead of this madness from 2003 where I had to hide some purchases with other ones...
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...I only bought this in 2004 and the rest were actual albums.
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Also, I found some old tapes and oh my goodness look at the label on this one. Late 2002/early 2003 at its finest right there. Kyo written with a typo, next to Eminem, next to Mylène Farmer. Love it.
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With all of that out of the way, here’s a list of honorable mentions first. A very, very long list.
Yeah (Usher feat Lil Jon & Ludacris) - Thank goodness I thought this song was pretty cool, otherwise I’d have been miserable while listening to the radio in 2004.
Milkshake (Kelis) - Ooooooh daaaaangerously close to the So Bad It’s Good category.
Let’s Get It Started (Black Eyed Peas) - Don’t have anything to say, it’s a lot of fun.
Dragosta Din Tei (O-Zone) - This took like four more years to chart in the US but we heard it all summer here. And it wasn’t unpleasant at all to be honest?
Heaven (remix) (DJ Sammy) - Hang on, wasn’t this on the 2002 honorable mentions? Yeah but it took two years to chart here so it was elligible for 2004 as well.
Turn Me On (Kevin Lyttle) - A quality earworm that somehow isn’t annoying? Sign me up.
Call On Me (Eric Prydz) - Hey, look, another repetitive dance track in my collection of repetitive dance tracks!
What You Waiting For? (Gwen Stefani) - I think this is the only Gwen Stefani song that never made me turn the radio off after a minute. Pretty good.
It’s My Life (No Doubt) - Love the original. This version, not so much.
Parce Qu’on Vient de Loin (Corneille) - Favorite artist of my best friend that year. That song was so moving and well-written. Never got tired of it but never actively listened to it either. If I had better taste it would probably make the list.
The Reason (Hoobastank) - I thought this was ok and pretty nice if a bit bland, and didn’t deserve the success nor the hatred it got. However, thanks to the rock journal I was buying at the time which was like “hey, please listen to the album itself, it’s great!”, I followed that advice, listened to the album at the cd store and bought it instantly. If you dislike this song, please listen to the rest of the album, I swear you’ll enjoy it. Here’s the first track, Same Direction, to get a general idea!
Don’t Tell Me (Avril Lavigne) - Her second album was very good, wasn’t it? What happened to her in recent years?
Je Saigne Encore (Kyo) - This was the last cut (HA, get it? cut?? ok sorry that was terrible) from the list. While I loved it back in the day and while I’m willing to ignore how cringy some stuff I loved as a teenager can be now, I'm not willing to ignore how this is basically a song about a white boy being dumped for the first time and hurting himself because he can’t deal with the mere concept of jealousy. And I’m like “holy shit calm down dude and please drop that knife”.
And now, the actual list.
10 - Hey Ya! (Outkast)
US: #8 / FR: #41
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Who’s surprised. Come on. Everyone loved it. I even bought the single! And to think I almost considered leaving it out of the top 10 to put friggin Kyo on it, of all things. The indignity. But yeah, I genuinely loved this. The only thing I can say against it is that it’s a bit too exhausting to be listened to on a loop.
9 - 100 Years (Five For Fighting)
US: #77 / FR: Not on the list
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I only heard this a couple of times that year and never paid much attention.
Then I heard it again in 2018 right in the middle of a very, very bad year, after losing my grandfather, and it absolutely destroyed me.
It’s very, very good.
8 - Face à la Mer (Passy & Calogero)
US: Not on the list / FR: #11
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Very overplayed that year. A delight every single time it was on the radio, though. Don’t have anything else to say about it.
7 - Modern Times (J-Five)
US: Not on the list / FR: #26
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A hiphop song sampling a scene from Modern Times with Charlie Chaplin. It peaked at number 1 here! Not kidding! I bought the single after hearing it exactly once. It’s fantastic and I’m really sad time buried it like it did. If you’ve forgotten about it or simply never heard it before, please give it a listen, it needs more love.
6 - Hit My Heart (Benassi Bros)
US: Not on the list / FR: #74
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Remember last time when I said I was a major sucker for Benassi Bros? Well this isn’t an exception. That is a killer drop right there. It looks great and dark and glittery all at once and, by the way, the sunny and summer-y music video completely contradicted how the song looked like in my ears, haha.
5 - My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne)
US: #54 / FR: Not on the list
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I’m not entirely sure what went wrong and when in Avril Lavigne’s career the shift happened, but a couple of years after that song her music got a lot less interesting. I may have enjoyed her first album Let Go a lot, but this song might just be her best one ever.
The sudden shift from “YOU WERE everything” to “HE WAS everything” near the end, in particular, is great writing. Love that.
4 - Left Outside Alone (Anastacia)
US: Not on the list / FR: #76
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Usually, voices, good or bad, have zero impact on me except when they border on unlistenable, or when they are physically painful to hear/look at. The guy from Muse for example has a voice that looks like the equivalent of a flashlight in the dark and it hurts, and I’m like dude. Can you please tune that down a little bit. Please.
This lady’s voice right there is fascinating though. Her voice is green and dark and it’s such a strange, rare voice I’m charmed whenever I hear it, and in this song in particular. This was on SO MANY of my tapes it’s not even funny. And the chorus is fantastic and a joy to sing along with even if you don’t have a good voice yourself.
3 - Orchestra (The Servant)
US: Not on the list / FR: #97
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So we were on vacation, and they were giving away free cds at one stop. And I put the one I got in my portable cd player, and wasn’t that excited by the first tracks.
And then the fifth one started. And I was instantly captivated.
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You already know I absolutely adored Placebo at the time (sadly, Protect Me isn’t elligible here either), and that guy from The Servant had a similar voice and the song was roughly in the same ballpark, and the lyrics were so, so weird.
There's an orchestra in me, Playing endlessly I even hear it now They play in the devil's key, An endless symphony I even hear it now And I listen to the music, Beautiful music Yes I listen to the music, Beautiful music
And, again, I’m terrible at describing sounds but the colors are so disquieting and there’s an unpleasant vibe except the song itself isn’t unpleasant? It’s so damn weird. And that band never struck gold again after that.
I still don’t know what happened or how all of this works. It’s a mystery. A very beautiful and curious mystery. This would have had a good shot at winning the #1 spot if it hadn’t been for [shakes fist] these other guys.
2 - Breaking the Habit (Linkin Park)
US: #79 / FR: #89
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Only #2? Does... does that mean Linkin Park isn’t going to top my lists three years in a row? Holy shit, dodged a bullet there.
Should I really repeat my whole speech about Meteora. Should I really. Come on. It starts with the sound of a closing door, then broken glass, and then guitars explode in your face. The first line of the album is “sometimes I need to remember just to breathe”! Somewhere I Belong is one of my favorite songs from the band! I was trying to match the flow of Faint even if my English was still extremely shaky and my accent terrible!
And then there’s Breaking the Habit, which sounds almost pleasant compared to the levels of aggression displayed by the other songs. But it’s weirdly tense and stressful for that exact reason, because this relative calm sounds like a menace.
It works even better out of the context of the album, where it sounded a tad more aggressive than the average pop song, but still tense and stressful. And the music video is fantastic. I had it on a giant poster. I know I’ve kept it folded somewhere. If I only knew where it was, I’d show it to you. Covering up the (bright pink) walls in my room back then was a lot of work.
Edit: Nevermind. Found it:
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Gotta say one thing though. At least they aren’t #1 for the third year in a row. What’s left of my dignity has been saved.
1 - Enjoy the Silence 2004 (Depeche Mode, Mike Shinoda remix)
US: Not on the list / FR: #89
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Waiiiit a second. This was remixed by Mike Shinoda, wasn’t it. Mike Shinoda. From Linkin Park.
I guess Linkin Park IS topping my lists three years in a row in the end sdfghjhgfdfghjkjhg end me
But yeah. So. Enjoy the Silence tops a second list of mine, then. 14 years after the first one. I’m not gonna repeat what I’ve already said about that song. It simply got a brand new coat of paint, but still, even if it’s basically street art painted over a framed painting, what a masterpiece. Was genuinely gawking the first time I heard it on the radio.
And then Depeche Mode released one of their best albums ever the very next year, and it was the album of the year for me, and I became a big fan. So yeah, thanks for introducing me to their music, Mike Shinoda.
Bonus: I noticed my trusty old radio/cd player was in the background of a pic my brother took around that time! I miss that radio. It was pearl-colored and I had added stickers of birds and insects on it. So everytime I say “on the radio” in these posts, just picture this round little thing which was at the center of my universe back then.
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Next up: Not the best song of the decade but pretty close
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loucifieri · 6 years
To Hell and Back (v3 HPA AU)
[Part 1]
It’s a bigger hot mess than the previous one lol
04/21/18 09:21PM
ShirogaNYEH: welcome back! previously, Akamatsu-san creates a group chat, Ouma-kun uses it to stir some shit and in the end, a subtle confession was made!
starlord: shirogane what the heck weve been chatting continuously
Maki Roll: yeah what are you even going on about
ShirogaNYEH: but it's not the same case with the audience
starlord: what audience??
Lord Panta: can we go back to my moment
chaotic lesbean: no go away
Lord Panta: ANYWAY
Lord Panta: is it true Saihara-chan??
Lord Panta: do you find me irresistible?
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I wouldn't use that adjective but yeah
The Only Hope For Me Is You: you're hard to ignore
Lord Panta: !!!!!!
The Only Hope For Me Is You: since you constantly demand attention
The Only Hope For Me Is You: You're like an annoying itch that just won't go away
starlord: ooooh SHOT DOWN
Treblemaker: Damn Shuichi-kun, didn't think you would be a harsh heartbreaker
Do You Believe In Magic: lol rip........
Maki Roll: good job saihara
Lord Panta: I
Lord Panta: …
Lord Panta: that's hot
dumb blonde slut: haha the purple twink is obviously a bottom
Lord Panta: bitch it takes one to know one :)
dumb blonde slut: eek n-no im not
starlord: he didnt even deny it
Robot Rights Activist: I backlogged and I seem to recall you express dissatisfaction over your assigned nickname, Iruma-san
Robot Rights Activist: Why haven't you changed it yet?
Lord Panta: coz she actually likes it, duh
dumb blonde slut: piss off cockichi
dumb blonde slut: awww kibs ur concerned!! i always knew u were in love with me
Robot Rights Activist: I do not.
Treblemaker: yeouch
starlord: so many crushed hearts tonite
Treblemaker: Hey! No attacking!
Imma meme: you literally attacked me moments ago smh
Kork: This is a mess.
dumb blonde slut: dont get ur panties in a twist, idiot virgins
dumb blonde slut: the great iruma miu is too gorgeous 2 be affected by this shit
dumb blonde slut: im hella gay anyway
chaotic lesbean: you go Iruma-san!!
Robot Rights Activist: Still, I apologize if I came across as rude in any way! It was not my intention.
dumb blonde slut: dont beat urself too much over it kibs
Treblemaker: Aww Iruma-san really has a soft spot for Idabashi-kun
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Uh, Kaede-san, I assume you have your headphones on because I've been knocking on your door for awhile now and you haven't shifted from your position to indicate that you will answer the door.
ShirogaNYEH: truly a detective,,,
Treblemaker: oh shit sorry!!
Treblemaker: It's fine Chabashira-san!! Shuichi-kun usually comes over so we can gossip or whatever
chaotic lesbean: WHAT??? USUALLY??????
Maki Roll: wow Saihara, you managed to sneak past chabashira several times already, im impressed
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Thank you Harukawa-san! I feel validated.
Lord Panta: is there really NOTHING going on between you two
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Kaede-san is my bestfriend??
Treblemaker: Yeah, why does that bother you so much Ouma-kun?
Kork: He likely feels envious of your relationship.
Lord Panta: lol no
starlord: sure jan
Lord Panta: quick question what are yall sexual orientations
imma meme: im fabulously gay
chaotic lesbean: isn't it obvious
dumb blonde slut: dont have 2 repeat myself
Do You Believe In Magic: ace...... sexual attraction is tiring.........
ShirogaNYEH: same!!
Kork: as am I.
Treblemaker: Actually, I'm Bi but I tend to prefer girls
starlord: well since were being honest ok im bi too
Maki Roll: same
Gokuhara Gonta: Gonta loves all!! And Hoshi-kun says he's Ace!
Treblemaker: Gonta-kun, it's getting really late. You and Hoshi-kun should start heading back here.
Gokuhara Gonta: Of course, Akamatsu-san!
Imma meme: spoken like another mom
Treblemaker: >:(
Robot Rights Activist: My attraction is not affected by one's sexual orientation
bitch I am the WAY: Angie is pan!~
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I'm gay
Lord Panta: YES!!!!
Maki Roll: wow he was not subtle AT ALL
Treblemaker: What about you @Mother Knows Best?
imma meme: why do you want to know (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
Treblemaker: It wouldn't be fair to leave out someone from a question addressed to everyone!
Treblemaker: also, another word amami and im bashing your head with a shot put ball
ShirogaNYEH: go get em Akamatsu-san!
imma meme: im having war flashbacks
Mother Knows Best: Thank you for your consideration, Akamatsu-san. Apologies for not replying the soonest as I had to attend to some last minute errands. To answer your query, my preference is of the same sex.
Lord Panta: okay cool thank you for your input everyone!!!
Maki Roll: you only wanted to know one person's tho
dumb blonde slut: how about bull balls what do u think his orientation is
starlord: are you referring to great gozu??
dumb blonde slut: yea dumbass
dumb blonde slut: oh fuck those huge man tits,,,
dumb blonde slut: annsd heds a wretslerr he g ets all sewaTYyna d
chaotic lesbean: OK TENKO HAS HEARD ENOUGH
Maki Roll: Iruma shut the fuck up
bitch I am the WAY: Angie hears moaning again and it is very disturbing~~
Treblemaker: To think our rooms are billed as soundproof...
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I am effectively traumatized tonight.
ShirogaNYEH: we need to take this up with the headmaster!!
imma meme: uhhh its kinda weird to explain how we discovered the walls arent entirely soundproof
imma meme: “our classmate was masturbating too loudly to thoughts about our homeroom teacher's man boobs”
Kork: Let us not prolong this discussion. Can someone take care of that horrid excuse of a human being.
bitch I am the WAY: oh, she has stopped
bitch I am the WAY: Ah, Angie hears loud noises of struggle
bitch I am the WAY: then some shuffling outside the hallway
bitch I am the WAY: it is dead quiet now
chaotic lesbean: what just happened
chaotic lesbean: Tenko was terrified to peek outside
Treblemaker: Harukawa-san we talked about this
Maki Roll: what? I didn't kill her
Hoshi Ryoma: yo
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Hello Hoshi-kun
Hoshi Ryoma: just got back in the dorm with gokuhara
Hoshi Ryoma: he want back to his room but
Hoshi Ryoma: im still in the lounge room rn
Hoshi Ryoma: im seein tojo with a gagged and immobile iruma wrapped in a blanket being dragged across the room to the front door
Hoshi Ryoma: tojo just dumped her out
chaotic lesbean: :O
imma meme: what an ICON
Treblemaker: woah thats hot
bitch I am the WAY: she is doing Atua's work~~
Mother Knows Best: I was merely disposing of the trash.
Do You Believe In Magic: …..tnx mom........
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Best mom!
starlord: shouldn't that include ouma tho
Lord Panta: suck my dick spaceman
Robot Rights Activist: Language!
Lord Panta: da hell keeboy it wasnt even that crass
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh no! What has been going on here, friends?
starlord: hey gonta, buddy, do me a favor and dont backlog
Gokuhara Gonta: Alright, Momota-kun!
ShirogaNYEH: Gonta-kun should not be tainted in any way!!
ShirogaNYEH: we should probably let Iruma-san inside now though
Lord Panta: are you in league with the DEVOL
Maki Roll: not like you're any better
Mother Knows Best: Very well. I suppose she has learned her lesson, at least for this moment.
Imma meme: well this was wild
Treblemaker: Let's not talk about this ever again
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Group chats tend to spiral down into levels of insanity the longer we spend time in it
Kork: Might I suggest a more... family-friendly topic?
Treblemaker: What is it, Shinguji-kun?
Kork: Ghosts in Hope's Peak
starlord: FUCK NO
bitch I am the WAY: hmmm what about nicknames for Gonta and Ryoma!~
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Good idea, Angie-san
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh yes! Gonta is excited on what name friends will gift him!
Imma meme: okay we better not fuck this up then
Lord Panta: allow me~
Maki Roll removed Lord Panta from the chat
starlord: lol sniped again
imma meme: DEADT
chaotic lesbean: noone must ruin this special moment!!
Do You Believe In Magic changed Gokuhara Gonta to Good Noodle
imma meme: yumeno-san is our name-changing cryptid
Good Noodle: Thank you Yumeno-san! Gonta loves this nickname!
ShirogaNYEH: im,,, CRYING
chaotic lesbean: you're doing amazing, sweetie
Do You Believe In Magic changed Hoshi Ryoma to quail egg
ShirogaNYEH: s m o l  b e a n
quail egg: NO
imma meme: hoshi-kun can literally punt us to the sun let's not baby him
starlord: not to mention that hes got a deeper voice than the rest of us guys
starlord: its so manly
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Momota-kun, your gay is showing
Treblemaker: Yay! Now everyone's got a nickname.
Treblemaker: We should probably add Ouma-kun back here.
quail egg: respectfully disagree
chaotic lesbean: you are too nice akamatsu-san!!!
ShirogaNYEH: funny how we somehow end up kicking Ouma-kun out the chat then add him later towards the end of the chapter...
starlord: ????
Treblemaker added Lord Panta to the chat.
Do You Believe In Magic changed Lord Panta to notto disu shitto agen
notto disu shitto again: i feel loved
Maki Roll: fuck go back
Kork: This is the 10th Circle of Hell.
Mother Knows Best: I would like to inform everyone that the time is now five minutes past eleven in the evening. I believe this is the ideal time for all of us to get some rest as we have a class on Physical Education early morning.
Imma meme: omg I hate PE
notto disu shitto agen: but moooooom
Mother Knows Best: All of you go to sleep or I will not make breakfast for everyone tomorrow.
notto disu shitto agen: okay okay jeez
dumb blonde slut: yes mommy
starlord: aight mom
bitch I am the WAY: Apparently, Angie must postpone here sacrificial ritual tonight~~
ShirogaNYEH: awww I wont binge watch anime tonight then
Do You Believe In Magic: ….....good nyt...................
chaotic lesbean: Sleep well yumeno-chan <3
Do You Believe In Magic: …...........nyeh <3
Good Noodle: Goodnight everyone!
quail egg: night
dumb blonde slut: nyt cocksuckers
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Good night, all!
notto disu shitto agen: hey saihara-chan are you back at your room can i come over :v
The Only Hope For Me Is You: nah I'm sleeping over Kaede-san's tonight
notto disu shitto agen: WHAT
chaotic lesbean: WHAT
Mother Knows Best: Saihara-san, I am afraid I will have to escort you out. Now.
Imma meme: oof
nickname guide notto disu shitto agen: Ouma The Only Hope For Me Is You: Saihara Treblemaker: Akamatsu bitch I am the WAY: Yonaga starlord: momota shirogaNYEH: shirogane Mother Knows Best: tojo imma meme: amami Maki Roll: harukawa Do You Believe In Magic: yumeno chaotic lesbean: chabashira Kork: shinguji Robot Rights Activist: idabashi dumb blonde slut: iruma Good Noodle: gokuhara quail egg: hoshi
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