#peeks out from under large rock to do things I was tagged in
but-first--tea · 5 months
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Name: Ferthur Venator
Nicknames: none, unless aliases count. If they do, a lot of them. Notably, her most commonly used aliases for the past couple years have been Omori Kaya and Kasasagi.
Age: adult (I don't like to define characters by specific ages, especially with how wonky the passage of time in RP can be. But logically she's probably in her late twenties or early thirties by now. I created this character 4 years ago.)
Nameday: in game it's the 2nd sun of the 5th umbral moon. I've never RPed it.
Race: well she looks like a xaela
Gender: Female (cis)
Orientation: hetero/demisexual (eternal bonded to Eligos Venator, monogamous)
Profession: "I do what I want" (and try not to get caught). She owns an auction house now, though. That probably counts as an official job! Except it was more like the world's most over-the-top impulse buy while trying to shop for Starlight presents. She's suffering from a case of "asset rich, cash poor" at the moment as a result. That's probably going to suck when she has to pay taxes on the Omori Estate. Oops. Next BBEG: property taxes.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: White, and rather long. She doesn't wear it in a consistent way, and is instead adept at styling it many different ways to suit the outfit or occasion.
Eyes: Slitted gold
Skin: very fair, which can be a point of frustration for a lizert who would very much like to bask in the sun
Tattoos/scars: For most of her life, the very idea of any sort of permanent identifying feature was anathema to her, a potential threat to her anonymity and survival. However Eligos has slowly begun to erode these fears, and even managed to talk her into getting tattooed. A mixture of dragon scales, geometric patterns, and stylized florals now grace her right shoulder and arm, and curve along part of her hip and leg. So far she's managed to avoid any permanent scars, mostly by pulling a vanishing act when things get out of hand.
Parents: She was raised by a Doman shinobi named Harue, who told her that her father was a samurai who had perished fighting a voidsent. Unbeknownst to Ferthur, neither of these people are her birth parents. Harue is now recently deceased, and thus unable to tell her the truth of her origin.
Siblings: None that she knows of.
Grandparents: Harue's mother taught Ferthur her foundation in the arcane arts when the girl began to show an aptitude for them that Harue herself never had. Her grandmother passed away when Ferthur was a teen, leaving her to continue her arcane studies on her own. The lack of guidance went about as well as one might expect.
In-laws and Other: Eligos's parents are still alive, but they do not know Eligos is still alive, and so Ferthur has never met them.
Pets: None
Abilities: Ferthur was raised by her shinobi mother, and thus was instructed in the shinobi arts from early childhood on. As she grew older, her affinity for the arcane began to show, and her focus quickly shifted to the arcane arts. Her obsession with magic brought her to some very dark places, however, and lately she has fallen back to her roots, relying mostly on the teachings of her mother to survive.
Hobbies: Dance, collecting clothing, theft and general mischief.
Most Positive Trait: Highly adaptable and quick thinking on her feet, very protective of the self agency of others
Most Negative Trait: Obsessive and prone to spite beyond reason when something upsets her
Colors: Yes. Though to wear she prefers black and white, sometimes blue. (Why yes I did give her a magpie color scheme.) Even though she's not typically superstitious, she'll often wear red 'for luck' when she's about to do something particularly dangerous.
Smells: Jasmine, osmanthus, plum blossoms. Waterfalls and the sea. The spices and scents of the kitchen while Eligos is cooking. Sun-warmed skin and coconut.
Textures: Being buried in fuzzy blankets. Submerged in water. The touch of skin. Tracing anything with patterns or edges. The smooth softness of petals and leaves.
Drinks: Spiced tea, which she grew very fond of during her time in Ul'dah
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope.
Drinks: Tea, water. Wine occasionally with dinner. The most ridiculous-sounding drink on the menu if on vacation or traveling.
Drugs: On purpose? Not usually. She's too paranoid and always needs to feel in control. Eligos has talked her into experimenting with alchemy on a couple rare occasions in a very controlled environment.
Mount Issuance: Unless a very tall viera picking her up and carrying her around because she's smol counts, not really. She doesn't own a chocobo or horse, though she does know how to ride.
Been Arrested: She came close once, but she chose murder over capture. Things got rather dicey after that for a while.
Tagged by: @wpip-raham and @starforger Thank you! Sorry it took me forever!
Tagging: anyone who wants to do the thing! This was going around maybe a month ago but I wasn't feeling well
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sarawritestories · 4 days
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Summary: Plagued by the Nightmares from the war, leaving Nesta in a state of panic; Cassian does the only thing he can think of to calm her down...sing.
A/N: Happy @nessianweek! I'm super excited to partake in this as Nessian is one of my favorite ships! And note I will add story tags later!
Happy Reading!
Divders by @tsunami-of-tears
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"I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta."
Nesta's sobs caused her body to uncontrollably shake as she gripped the General of the Night Court's armies' hand. The carnage of battle widdled down to background noise to the overwhelming grief she was feeling. Cassian's hand lossenrd slightly, and her silver eyes darted toward his undeniable handsome face that was quickly losing color. His eyes once vibrant morphed into muted color of Hazel, lips dried as he tried cracking her a smile. "Nesta, I..." He coughed blood, trickling down his mouth, his siphons were beginning to dim.
Panic crept into the eldest Archeron's system as she furiously shook her head. Her heart rate began to quicken as she gripped his large calloused hand tighter, as if she could will the life back into his body. "No! I forbid you to die." He sputtered once more as he reached out with his free hand, cupping her cheek, lightly catching tears she didn't know were falling. "Please. Don't go. I want to do things differently.
"I will find you in the next life, Nes. We'll do things differently. We'll get that time." He pressed his lips to hers, and she clung to him, hoping the air from her lungs could keep his from stopping.
Cassian's grip on her loosened completely, and as she pushed away, he was falling back to the ground his eyelids remained shut, never to show Nesta the vibrant Honey color she had grown to yearn for. His chest was no longer rising, and the realization settled into her bones.
Cassian, The Lord of Bloodshed, General of the Night Court's Armies, Her Friend was dead.
The scream Nesta unleashed rattled the ground before her, and she continued until her voice was raw. She laid down upon his chest as the grief threatened to pull her under. She shut her eyes, ready to succumb to the darkness.
"Nesta!" The low timbre of his voice rattled in her skull, and she squeezed her already shut eyes tighter. "Nesta, wake up!" His voice proceeded to get louder and more panicked. She refused to obey his command, afraid of what she would see.
Then she felt it, the sharp tug against her chest. She dared to peek to see she was in a dark void alone. However, the gold string emerging from her chest was glowing brightly, leading her away from the darkness and into the light. Finally, Cassian called out once more, "Sweetheart! Come back to me! Wake. UP!"
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The Archeron sister awoke with a jolt, no longer was on the bloody battlefield of Hybern or the dark void that plagued her mind. She was in her room face to face with the one person she thought she lost forever.
"Cassian." Nesta whispered as she took in her mates face. The General's face had a look of concern, but his eyes held that beautiful color of Hazel she had grown to find comfort and love. Stubble covered the lower half of his face as his lips help a firm tight line. His hair was up in a bun, and a few strands framed his face. Panic was still racing through Nesta's body as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the side of his neck.
Cassian was quick to grip her hips the cool silk of her night gown now warm by Nesta's rising temperature. He instinctively wrapped his wings around the two of them like a partition. "Nes, talk to me, Sweetheart."
Her voice was muffled between the sobs. But the words "You" and "Died" could be made out with his fae hearing.
Rubbing soothing circles in her back, he began to rock her. "I'm right here. It was a bad dream." He attempted to pull away to look at her, but she gripped his night shirt tightly. Cassian closed his eyes and took a deep breath as Nesta's anguish flooded him through the bond. He hadn't seen her this rattled in a decade. He couldn't recall the last time she had a night terror like this.
An idea formed in his head. Adjusting his grip on his wife, he hoisted her in his arms and moved from their shared bed to the chair that faced the window. He began to hum as he took a seat, placing her back gently on his lap. Her sobs slowed for a moment so Cassian continued.
After a moment, the words poured out of him, a sweet melody in his voice. The song discussed being safe in his arms, that he would be her shield in the face of the dangers of the world. That his life is better because she was in it. That what she gave him was enough and would always be enough for him.
Nesta's sobs had stopped, and she slowly began to lift her head to listen to him better. She never known him to be a singer, but there was a comfort in his voice that instantly soothed her. Made her feel less afraid, no longer alone.
Cassian continued to sing as Nesta laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes beginning to flutter shut as her mate lulled her into a peaceful slumber. Dreaming of the life they would share together and the safety of being in his arms.
For in the Lord of Bloodshed's Arms, his Lady Death would always be Safe and Sound.
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20 / waterfall / 907 words
Regulus was pissed.
Not only was he forced to go on a fucking hike for Sirius’ birthday to look for some elusive waterfall, but he also had to tag along with James while Sirius and Remus fell all over each other.
“This is perfect weather for a hike,” James said, stupidly. Regulus was well aware of the temperature, just as much as he was aware of the sweat making his shirt cling to his back and the sun burning into his flesh.
“Shut up.”
“Are you excited to see the waterfall?” James asked next, never one to get a hint. It didn’t matter that he looked sickeningly good with his shirt off, tan skin glowing in the sunlight, long legs muscular under his gym shorts, ass spect—
Those things didn’t matter, because they weren’t friends.
“I’m sure there is no waterfall,” Regulus replied.
James laughed softly. “This hike was my idea, I’ve been there before. There’s a waterfall.”
“Do you take all your dates to this waterfall, or what?” Regulus asked, trying to make it a barb — something about how cliche and ridiculous James is — but the second the words left his lips, he wanted to suck them back in, swallow them all whole so they’d never see the light of day again.
“Are you saying this is a date, Reggie?” James waggled his brows, and Regulus had to look away to avoid the smile trying to crest his lips at how adorably stupid James could be.
“Fuck off, James,” Regulus replied, once his breath was back.
“Let’s bet on it,” James suggested. “If we find the waterfall I win. If sirius gets tired and wants to turn around before we ever find it, you win.”
“If I win, you don’t talk to me the entire way back to the car,” Regulus said, glaring up at James.
James laughed again. “Fine, but if I win I get to kiss you underneath the waterfall.”
Regulus sputtered. “Wh-what? Absolutely n— are you crazy?”
“You don't seem so sure of yourself that we won’t find the waterfall now,” James teased, a wide grin on his face. Regulus suddenly felt overwhelmed — blinded by the sight of James smiling at him like that, and only seconds after propositioning him for a kiss, to boot.
James is stupid and reckless, but for just this split moment, Regulus feels like he might want to be just as stupid and reckless.
“It’s a bet,” Regulus said, flashing his own soft smile back at James.
It took another hour, but there was a fucking waterfall at the end, blissfully devoid of people but full of rushing water, a shallow pool of water at the base of the waterfall. Sirius and Remus ran off the second they caught sight of it, giggling like school girls and making out in the water for anyone to see.
“Time to pay up, love,” James said, pulling Regulus’ disgusted attention away from his brother.
“I just need to get away from — from that,” Regulus said, pushing past James on the narrow trail, weaving his way to the edge of waterfall, hoping there were alcoves or caves behind it for him to hide away in.
The second Regulus passed through the overspray of water behind the waterfall, his breath was punched out of him. The rock face was so large, several wide cave openings leading back in various directions. Regulus walked slowly along the edge closest to the water, jutting his arm out so his fingertips could run through the cold spray.
Suddenly, there were hands at Regulus’ waist, and he wanted to protest — wanted to whip around and scowl and scream and rage, but… he felt steadier. He felt like he wouldn’t slip on the slick rock, like it would be impossible to fall through the sheet of water beside him, as long as James’ hands stayed where they were.
After several long moments, they reached the far edge of the waterfall, and Regulus stepped away from James and down to some dry rocks. He wanted to walk along the rocks and past the cave entrances, peeking his head inside to look for animal tracks or pretty rocks, but the second his feet hit dry ground, he was spun around, James hands firmly on his waist once more, only this time from the front.
“Right, right, time to pay up,” Regulus sighed. He reached up onto his tiptoes, content to give James a peck on the cheek just to get him off his back, so he could finally move on to exploring, and James could do whatever it was James did.
Regulus leaned in quickly, but James reached his hand up almost instantly, fingers hooking under Regulus’ chin as he guided Regulus’ mouth to his own. Just like when James settled his hands along Regulus’ waist, Regulus wanted to protest. He wanted to sputter and push James away, and tell him to stop, but god, James’ mouth. His lips tasted even better than they looked, his tongue firmly pressed inside Regulus’ mouth — a presence he wasn’t sure he could ever live without again.
“I think,” James said, pulling away, “that your dues have been paid.”
Regulus cleared his throat. “Good, then leave me alone,” he said, smiling, blush spread across his cheeks.
James smiled back at Regulus before following him into the caves, kissing him up against the rock walls in each and every one.
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Laisse tomber les filles 5
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: That slow creep, tho
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You looked down at your body and fidgeted. The skirt was so short you pulled on a pair of stockings in an effort to hide your legs, and it was tight like the blouse. Both pieces seemed to be just a size too small. The boots were higher than any heels you’d worn before and you felt awkward in the get-up.
Noon. That was when he told you the night before as he kept stalling you from leaving. Every time you were ready to push open the car door, he had something else to say. You agreed to noon just to appease him so you could run and hide in your dorm.
You pulled on your long pea coat and stuffed your textbooks into your canvas bag with the leather straps. You hiked it up on your shoulder and slung your pocketbook from your other. You stepped out into the hallway and wobbled on the heels. You clung to the handle as you kept yourself upright.
“Wow, you look special,” Gina remarked as she peeked through the kitchen door.
“Um, thanks,” you pulled your coat closed and buttoned it, “it’s… new.”
“It’s cute,” she said as Lisa came to peek through the doorway as well.
“Where are you going?” the second girl asked.
“To study,” you said as you carefully made your way to the heavy door that led to the stairwell.
“Oh, study, huh?” she teased, “can’t be alone then.”
“I’m gonna be late,” you kept your chin down.
“Don’t let us hold you up,” Gina said as you opened the door and stepped out.
“I didn’t know she had anywhere to go,” Lisa’s trilled and her voice slipped into the hall just before the wood slid back into the frame.
You exhaled through your nose and braced the railing for your slow and treacherous descent. As you got to the bottom, you teetered and pressed yourself to the wall as two girls came through the door. You watched them flit up the stairs and scurried out into the spring air.
The weather was as bitter as before. It smelled like wet grass and mud. The sun beamed down warmly and made you sweat in your jacket. You gripped the strap of your bag and cleared the single step to even ground.
“Honey,” the voice drew your eyes up from your boots and you blinked. 
The sheriff stood by his cruiser as he watched you. He didn’t wear his uniform, instead a pair of grey slacks and pure white button-up under his usual leather. He smiled and came to the end of the walk as you hesitantly closed the gap. Your heel caught in a crack and you stumbled. He caught you and gave a soft laugh.
“You okay?” he asked as he held your elbow in one hand and his other went to the small of your back.
“I’m fine,” you righted yourself and parted from him, “just didn’t see the crack.”
“Here,” he tugged on your heavy knapsack, “let me take this.”
You let him, unsure what to say. He was early. Your watch assured you he was a whole twenty minutes ahead of schedule. Your own timing was purely habit as you hated to keep others waiting.
“Thank you,” you squeaked as he put the bag in the back seat.
“So, can I see it?” he asked as he shut the door.
“What?” your brows knitted in confusion.
“The clothes,” he said lightly, “that is what you’re hidin’ under there, right?” he pointed at a large round button on your pea coat, “it’s too warm to be wearin’ all that.”
“Can I wait… until we’re at your, um, place?” you clutched the round collar of your coat anxiously.
“Oh, for my eyes only, huh,” he teased with a wink.
“No, I just… can we go?”
“Course, honey,” he brushed by you and opened the front door, “get in.”
You sat and pulled your legs in, hooking them around the edge of the seat stiffly as you crossed one over the other. The door closed and you picked at the metal clasp of your pocket book and chewed your lip. Why were you doing all this? You were an adult, he said it himself, you could say no…
You glanced around, his sheriff’s hat sat on the dashboard and you shook your head. No, you couldn’t. He was a cop and your discomfort wasn’t a reason to be uncourteous. Your mother always told you to push yourself out of your safe zone. She hated how you always held yourself back because you were scared. It was difficult enough to get you out of the house and into a dorm.
Once he was in the car, there was no turning back. You coudn’t lie about feeling sick or claim a forgotten study group, you were on your way and suddenly you were filled with panic. What if he wasn’t taking you to his house? Did that star on his hat really mean he was a good person?
“Um,” the syllable slipped from you nervously.
“What is it, hon?” he asked as he gripped the grooved wheel.
“Um, I don’t…” you stuttered as you searched for words. You couldn’t let him know what you were really afraid of, “so, uh, I would’ve thought that… you have a wife?”
His brows flicked up as you peeked over at him. He pushed his bottom lip out and hummed. He clicked his tongue and sighed.
“Well, I did,” he admitted, “but I don’t like to talk about it too much. She, er, she’s married to my deputy now.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quietly, “I didn’t…”
“It’s all over now,” he shrugged, “you know, I’ve moved on. We’re both happier for it.”
“That’s… good, then,” you murmured.
“Must be, I met you,” he smiled, “huh?”
“Well, I…” your hand shook and hid it up your sleeve, “I don’t know, I’m a bit young, aren’t I?”
“Young?” he said, “you don’t act it. You’re a lot more mature than lots of ladies I know. The way you carry yourself… you work hard I can tell. I don’t see your age, just a good woman.”
“Hmm,” you pursed your lips tightly.
“I mean it,” he insisted, “you got character beyond your age.”
“Thank you, but I… I don’t know,” you picked at the cuff of your coat.
“You brought your books?” he said, “must’ve. That bag sure is heavy. I got a place for ya all set up.”
“I’ll be workin’ on supper, I hope you don’t mind the noise,” he drawled, “you know, I don’t cook often so I might be a bit… lost.”
“You don’t have to cook for me,” you offered, “really, it’s… too much.”
“I wanna, honey,” he said, “ain’t it special? A fellow cookin’ for his lady?”
“Uh, oh,” you frowned, “sure.”
“And you can turn the radio on if you like,” he continued, “it’s new.”
You nodded and listened meekly. Every argument you had for him was quickly shot down. He was so good at telling you how you were wrong or what to do while making it feel like good advice. Each demand, each want, was presented as common sense. It was impossible to argue with him because deep inside, you couldn’t argue with yourself. 
While your gut told you something was off, your head assured you of your paranoia. You didn’t know any better, did you? You didn’t know how these things worked, how men and women got along, so of course it would feel strange to you. But he knew and he was so confident about it, he must be right.
Lee’s house was nice, just outside the city limits. It reminded you of the suburban homes you passed on your way to high school in your hometown. You only ever lived in an apartment with your parents and so found the place extravagant compared to boxy until attached hallways noisy with troublesome neighbours.
He led you onto the porch, the wood painted white, and opened both the screen door and thicker wood one ahead of you. You were forced to brush against him as you entered. He was quick to trail you, the screen snapping shut behind him. He hung his leather coat and tugged on the back of your collar as he plunked down your bookbag.
“Go on then,” he said, “let me see it, honey.”
You closed your eyes and steeled yourself. You forced a smile as you undid the first button and slowly turned to him. You unhooked each until the coat fell open and you let it fall down your arms. You quickly swept it up and he took it to hang beside his own.
He faced you and gripped your shoulders as he looked down at you. You shied away as his eyes roved down your body and you took a step back as you crossed your arms.
“They’re a bit tight,” you said.
“You look mighty fine,” he slithered, “look like they fit just nice.”
“Erm,” you rocked on the balls of your feet.
He smiled and knelt to untie his shoes. You unzipped the boots and stepped out of them, stretching your arches as before you brought them flat. You pushed them beside his shoes as his strong cologne tickled your nose.
“Just in here, honey,” he waved you through a doorway, “come on.”
He went back to grab your bag and pointed you in ahead of him as he returned to you. He went to the sofa and dropped the bag on the cushion. 
“You can get settled in,” he sidled away from the coffee table, “the radios there,” he gestured to the console table along the wall, “record player too.”
“Thanks, I should be fine,” you neared and sat on the edge of the couch.
“I’ll be through there, in the kitchen,” he peeked over at another door, “you need anything, just holler.”
“I will,” you twined your fingers through each other, “thank you.”
He smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets as he lingered on the other side of the table, “you do look nice in that,” he looked you up and down again, “you don’t even need the stockings with how warm it’s gettin’.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled and brought your fingers to tap your lip, “guess I should get started.”
You reached for the flap of your book bag and slid out a heavy textbook. You sensed him watching you before his feet slowly turned away and he strode from the room. You opened the book and flipped through the pages mindlessly. 
This house was far enough from the city, far enough that you were stranded, and much of the area was new to you. The realisation made you tremble as you counted the page numbers.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sandy cheeks
warnings: language of course, nipple talk??, dream being a fanny pack dad for .2 seconds, an admission of Love
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 1115
A/N: wrote this in like an hour.. not sorry!
“Jesus Christ,” you breathe, shoulders tensing as you pull your hands up to your chest. The water is fucking cold. Like, shrink-your-balls-cold. Like, my-pinky-toe-fell-off-cold.
“Come on,” He teases, grabbing your wrist and tugging you towards him. You just stumble like a newborn deer, slamming into his chest and gasping at the splash of water rising to your hips. “It’s not that bad.”
“Tell that to my rock-hard nipples,” you sputter, crossing your arms tight on your chest and letting yourself get swayed by the current.
It’s a surprisingly windy day in Florida, sun out every once and a while to warm up the scattered groups of people on the beach. Sapnap insisted you two go down to the beach (“we don’t even have to swim!”) for dinner and to waste some of the day away. It’s summer, so you can do that. You still put on a swimsuit, deciding that relaxing would be more comfortable in less clothes anyways.
“Tell your nips to chill, then.” A large hand catches you around the waist and tugs you forward. His chest is surprisingly warm on your skin and you shiver. You press even closer, hiding your face in his neck to steal some of his warmth. “You are cold,” he murmurs, in awe, and slides his hands up and down your biceps that prickle with goosebumps.
“No shit,” you whine and shuffle closer. Gravelly sand works its way in between your toes and makes you shuffle your feet, disgusted look pulling at your face. “I hate the beach.”
Sapnap reaches to brush your windswept hair out of your face and his hand drops to thumb at your pout, brows pulled together.
“No you don’t. You just hate being cold.” His hands tug at your elbows and lift your arms to loop around his neck. “Just hug me,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. Your pout softens and you silently agree. He is warm. He also smells like sunscreen and something musky you attribute to that cologne he says makes him “smell like David Beckham’s butler”. Whatever the hell that means.
Your attitude shifts as soon as you stop trembling. The sun peeks out of the clouds and warms your shoulders. The water lapping at your abdomen seems calm and warm instead of rough and piercing. And the boy in your arms is patient instead of the devil reincarnate who wants you to become a human popsicle.
“Better,” you decide, sliding a hand to the nape of his neck and tracking your fingers through his silky hair. He just hums, content. The arms slung around your waist grip tight as you two sway together to no tune in particular.
A gruff voice shouts from the shore and you peel yourself from his chest, turning. It’s Dream. Waving like an idiot from the place where your bags and towels lay in the fine sand. He must’ve just got here after finishing up a plug-in at home, too busy to come with you guys when you left but apparently not too busy to leave ten minutes after. You just lift a hand, grinning at his excitement. Everybody likes beach day.
“You hungry?” You ask, voice quiet and sweet, and Sapnap just stares back at you with a blissful expression. You blink. He shakes his head, licking at his bottom lip.
“Uh, yeah.”
You pass him a weird look.
“Is the heat getting to your head?” You suggest with a mocking tone and lift a hand to press to his forehead. He bats you away with a smile.
“I will hold you under,” is all he says before he’s letting go and walking back up to the shore. You just gape, pausing, before wading after him.
“You wouldn’t.” You sound scandalized and he just laughs, waiting until you’re shoulder-to-shoulder with him so he can take your hand in his.
“Try me.” His lip quivers with a held-back laugh. You just roll your eyes and shove his shoulder. Brat.
The sandwiches and fruit he packed are well-needed replenishment. Well, however much fruit you get—Dream is a cantaloupe fiend. And he steals like half of the bag of jalapeño chips. This is why you can’t have nice things.
But the rest of the late-afternoon swings by quickly. The wind dies down with no protest and the beach gets less and less crowded as time drags into sunset territory.
“Go stand over there,” you order, gesturing to a lump of sand right next to what used to be a sandcastle.
“I don’t want a picture, Y/N,” Sapnap complains, not very go-with-the-flow.
“Too bad, baby.” You lift your phone and snap a few pictures of a grumpy looking Sapnap in front of the beautiful sunset.
“Smile like you love me,” Dream suggests, standing to the right of you with his hands on his hips. This feels like two parents forcing their eight year old to take pictures with the Mickey Mouse statue at Disney World. Your boyfriend pulls his face into what looks like halfway between a grimace and grin, but it’ll have to do. A smile stretches your lips subconsciously at his cute face.
“So cute,” you coo, and step forward to squeeze at his cheeks. He can’t help but chuckle and lean to press a kiss to your mouth. Okay, two. Would be three if Dream didn’t make a vomit noise and stomp back to your things like a petulant child. You just shake your head.
The ride home is perfect. Sapnap has the windows down, allowing you to lean your head out and feel the wind in your hair with closed eyes. Music different to his usual modern taste drifts lazily out of the speakers and makes you uncharacteristically sleepy for 9 pm. The second he parks in the driveway you jerk awake, blinking wildly around in the night air. A yawn splits your face and you lift a hand to cover it, turning to Sapnap with watery eyes. He just gazes at you, looking somewhat in a trance.
“I love you.”
You freeze, palm dropping from your mouth. The water in your eyes stills.
It’s the first time.
First time he’s said it.
And he doesn’t sound nervous. No shake in his inflection, no quiet tone. He says it like it’s the easiest thing, deciding to love you.
You love him too. Of course you do. Who wouldn’t?
“Really?” You ask, shy grin creeping onto your lips. He just nods, cheeks pink. You wait a beat, still processing. The wind slides gentle and easy, lifting the hair up off your neck. “I love you too, you know. You have to know.”
He just nods.
Of course he knows.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
Cloud 39
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Pairing: Aran Ojiro x f!eader
Tags; big strong greek god aran (like 7ft tall in his human form), sacrilegious undertones(?), oral sex f!receiving, body worship f!receiving, possessive tendencies, size kink, anal fingering spit, snowballing, dacryphilia, choking, kinda angst at the end
a/n: happy birthday to my man!! And thank you for help with the header pic !!! @selfishwitch​
18+ Minors DNI
Your body splayed out across his, arms wrapped around his neck while his large hands held you close, leaning into him as you didn't care anymore, finding comfort in his warm body and cozy scent.
The warm air putting you at ease, eyes peeking out to see the many flowers bloom before you. If you were to die you'd rather do it here than the place you called home. So dark and dreary, always so foggy and gloomy, but here the sun was always shining though the clouds, golden light shining alluringly onto his skin, a place fit for a king.
“Aran, sweetheart.” His honey-like voice breaking you out of your trance. “That’s my name, so why don't you say it? His tall frame leaning into yours, head craning down into your neck as his eyes meet yours before you could look away. “I already told you that you could, are you still scared of me?
“N-no, i ju-. I'm just…. nervous.” You softly stammered out, quickly divertering your eyes from his, afraid you'd get lost in them as you adjusted yourself on his thigh. Legs dangling on the other side as you tried your hardest to ignore his almost naked body. His ivory robe wrapped loosely around one of his broad shoulders, and tied around his slim waist, not looking like he cared if it fell off.
“You okay? You look a little dazed. Don't worry love, m’not gonna eat you up like they said I would.”
“wh-” As if he read your mind, rumors spreading around your town. Never thinking you would get selected to be his yearly offering, your ‘family’ quickly throwing you away to appease the gods. 
His hands covered in gold up to his arms rested on your back, taking up the whole space as his thumb worked its way up and down, not knowing if he was making sure you wouldn't fall from so high up, or reassuring you.
”So,” you started, halting your words. Anxious feeling filling up in your chest as reality set it, remembering you were a sacrifice and not just his companion.
“So what?” he continued, leading you on. Summery eyes still set on you as if he was watching your every move, feeling so little and insignificant under him. Clinging onto him like a child as the fact remained in your head, ‘he could drop you if he wanted’. His realm towering over your city and town, trees looking like grass as you finally got the courage to look down.
“What are you going to do with me?”
“What am i going to do with you?” He lightly chuckled into your temple, teeth smiling white as the clouds his throne was resting high above, skin glowing as his eyelashes fluttered so heavenly, the most beautiful thing you've ever laid your eyes on. 
 He looked like an angel.
“Whatever you want love, m’not going to make you to do anything you don't want to.”
“What do you mean ‘don't want to’?
“I mean sex pretty girl, fornicating. You ever heard of it?” He joked as your face curled up into his chest.
“Y-yes I have!” you stated loudly, quickly trying to cover up. Embarrassment rising in your face at the thought of doing it with him, not wanting to make a fool out of yourself even more.
“So what happened to the others?’ You said trying to get your mind off of it, hoping he didn't notice the way you were squirming on his lap.
“The others?....” Seeing what you meant click in his head as he tilted it. “They can choose whether they want to or not, then I send them on their way. Why my love?” A smirk appraising on his face, heat rising in your body at the word ‘my’.
“You thought I drained them dry and burned them up? The tease in his voice had you flustered, “Unfortunately, humans' heads always come up with the worst thoughts, fear always plaguing in the back of their mind. Even going as far as to do this.” knowing he was referring to you.
“Probably because they're not immortal.” You muttered under your breath, remembering the first time you've ever seen a god in real life. Playing with them as a child, not knowing the difference until one day you were running around in a storm, no one caring to tell you that the violent winds would knock your tiny body off its feet. 
Meeting them at the usual place, the cliff on the coast of the ocean, dancing in the rain with no cares in the world until they stumbled, fear replacing the untroubled, joyful look in your eyes as you saw them fall off the rock. Body moving on its own before you knew it, reaching your hand out, but it was too late, both of your bodies falling many meters down onto the jagged waves and rocks below. 
Grateful that you loved the water, as your body once again moved on its own, muscle memory making you break the surface of the water, voice immediately screaming out for your friend as soon as you caught your breath. 
Not even knowing you were injured until you saw the red stain surrounding you, eyes burning from the salt and the heavy rain drops landing in them as you tried your best to keep them open. Catching a glance of your only friend washed up on the shore, head bloody as they were limp above the sand.
Doing your best to swim up to them as your leg could barely move, finally crawling up to them with all your strength, almost gagging at the sight before you. Head cracked open as your trembling little hands did their best to put it back together, shock overtaking you as their eyes suddenly opened, standing up like nothing happened. Comforting you as they saw you were a shaking mess, asking why you were still bleeding , not knowing the divide between you until that day.
Coming home to your family berating you, saying at least it wasn't your face, knowing they could still marry you off for money. Afraid of death due to that day along with heights, never going above sea level again. Scared by just the thought of it, the reminder scaring you mind, but of course fate would turn out this way, sadly laughing at the thought.
Again as if he could read your mind, his hand traced your damaged skin, understanding your thoughts and comforting you at the same time. Lucky you got sent to such a man, no, a god. Glad to let him use you as he needed, the only one who's ever cared enough to listen to you in your life. 
Letting a little whine out as his hand brushed your inner thigh, involuntary jerking in his hold, grinding against him as you felt him grow harder against your back. "Can I?" he asked, eyes laced with need.
Remembering that this was the usual for him, remembering that you were just his plaything at the end of the day. Lip quivering as your eyes fluttered closed, unsteady hands moving towards your hips, pushing your tiny little makeshift skirt to the side, almost matching his.
You froze in place. His hands meeting yours, pushing them to the side. Standing up as he took you off his lap, setting you back down. Him resting below you as he gently grabbed your jaw, burning cheeks cooling down. "Look at me, " His soft voice said in a tone that didn't take "no" for an answer. “Look me in the eyes while I undress you.” 
Letting go of your jaw as you listened, his hands moving; pulling off the sash around your waist, the ghost of his touch making you shiver. Eyes locked with his as his head rested on your chest, undoing the knots on your shoulders, the sigh of the top melting off of you. Clothes pooling around your ankles, nipples growing hard at the open air.
"-don't hide yourself."
HIs soft voice coming out in a command, not knowing if you even had control over your body anymore. Shyly lowering your arms, body exposed. The feeling being new, the first man to ever make your heart race this violently, his touch lingering on you.
He was the god and yet here you were getting worshiped, on his knees before you as you were on his throne, large calloused hands resting the weight of your legs as he spread them open, placing open mouthed from your ankles up to your thighs, lips following the scar, almost trying to prove a point, that this was the only difference between you two.
Trying to muffle your moans, skin so sensitive to the touch. His hand feeling like fire moving up to your cheek, thumbing it before tracing his finger over your lips. Freeing them from your teeth, wiping away the blood as he brung it back to his lips.
Not knowing that you were the only one could ignite such reactions from him in such a short time, making him the greediest he's ever been. Defying his own logic, becoming a hypocrite by wanting to snatch you up and lock you away, keeping you all to himself. Not even asking if you were anyone else’s before his hands roamed all over your body, not even waiting to find out. Knowing right now he'd probably snap and take their lives for touching something that was his.
The thought sounding nice in his head, spreading the rest of you short lived life with him. Waking up to see your pretty, entrancing smile every morning, knowing he could easily get his way. Wanting to hear his name fall from your pretty lips, your voice so sweet and soft, wanting to make you feel relaxed enough to not call him the formalities that he's never believed in.
Stopping before your entrance, wanting to drag it out to make you completely crumble into his arms, working for it as he should. 
His hands encompassing your tits, soft lips following him as well taking your nipple between his teeth after leaves countless kisses on them. Groping and squeezing the other one as his tongue flicked your nipple back and forth, so hot and wet, finally getting you to release those pretty whimpers he knew you had as he once again towered over you. 
His free hand resting on the side of your tummy making it twist, feeling so small and puny under his lust filled gaze as his cold eyes turned warm after meeting yours.
Lowering himself onto his knees once again, releasing your tit with a lewd, wet pop sound, body shaking as he placed his face right in front of your aching cunt. The tip of his tongue parting your slit, kissing it so passionately. Kissing everywhere but your clit, licking and sucking every part of your body but the part that needed it most, so neglected that just his breath could make you cum, not even being touched. 
 Hips trying to best to grind, to get any kind of friction as his hands held you down, not even seeing him flex his muscles to do so, remembering that the only thing you were ever told you were good for had all the attention of a man of power that could take out as many people as he wanted. Sitting back and relaxing the best you could, wanting to be good for him as he'd been to you.
Letting out a squeal as his nose touched your clit, trying your best to not cum as he let out a chuckle, sighing as he pulled away.  “Guess I need to move further huh? Needy little thing.” He whispered into you. The soft tease from his voice making you clench around nothing, ashamed that you got off on the power difference, referring to you as a thing, as humans were just pests in the gods eyes. 
Knowing he definitely saw as he was still on his knees, hands moving to cover your face. Not knowing if his ego could get any bigger but he swore it did, having you right  in the palm of his hand. Thumbs parting your folds as his fingers teased your entrance, whimpers leaving your cracked lips as you tried to muffle them with your hands, teeth sinking into your flesh once again.
“You want my fingers, pretty girl?” he asked, voice thick and deep from arousal as he watched you lift your hips, unable to answer as you face contort in a whine. 
“....Got it.” 
So pliable as you easily gave way thanks to him. His middle finger stretching you out, the feeling so hot as he was curling it inside of you, finding out your body with ease like a second nature to him. Growing uncomfortable as your thighs were getting sticky and wet, feeling spaced out and dizzy at just his finger. Worried about how you were going to take him, pushing it to the back of your head because you were here for his pleasure, not yours.
Rubbing your clit in circles faster until you're coming all over his hand, dripping onto the seat under you. A sob escaping your lips as he doesn't stop, fingers continuing to thrust into you, stopping once he's had his fun with you.
“Came so pretty for me.”  He cooed, admiring your already so blissfully fucked out state.
Raising his soaked lips to yours, spitting your own cum into your mouth as he pushed his tongue in there. Lapping it up as your mind went foggy, legs beginning to tremble while he wrapped his other arm around you, pulling away.
“Just hang on, you're being so good, so good for me, ” Moaning as his fingers replaced his tongue.
“Shh, don’t worry, I’ve got you,” He murmured, trying his best to control his voice while looking at the sight of you lying there, eyes fluttering as they rolled back.
“Its getting dark, love.” he said breaking the silence. Picking up your limp body, bare as the day you were born, muttering out, “I'm taking you to my home.” The sun shining less, sky getting a deeper shade. Seeing the marble and stone pillars surrounding you while he closed the sheer curtains, slightly blocking your view as he set you down on the plush bedding.
“m’gonna make it dirty…” you whispered, legs shifting as you thighs slid together.
Not being able to care less, wanting you and your body so wet and needy for him that he'd need a new one. “I don’t care, my love. Just lay there for me, okay?”
Watching as you crawled to the center of his bed, letting your body collapse. Legs opening as your back arched as, face landing in between the soft ivory pillows. Gritting his teeth moving lower, lifting your thighs up. Moving them out of the way to bury his face into the softness of your ass. Running his thumb down your clit, so swollen as you twitched underneath his finger.
Placing kisses across your ass, the tip of his fingers making their way into your holes, trailing his mouth over your slit. Choking out with a whine embarrassingly loud as you arched your back even more. “Not today my love, wanna see your pretty face right now, wanna see it twist and turn.” 
Flipping you over, placing featherlight kisses all over your face down to your shoulder.  The jewelry was the only thing remaining on his skin, his robe discarded to the side. The gold complementing his perfect body on display for you as he reached over to the stand, grabbing a jug of wine. 
 “C’mere”, wrapping his arm around your middle, pulling you up chest to chest with him, feeling his heartbeat as your head looked up to him. “Drink some,”
Your head resting on his hand as it was tilted back, taking a slow sip from it, some slipping past your lips, falling down onto your chest. The burning feeling making you antsy and jitterish.
“Don't worry, I got you.” Not giving you a chance to respond as he pulled the bottle back.
Tongue tracing the red and purple liquid, lips taking their time moving up from your stomach to your chest, kissing every part of your body that was stained. Taking your nipple into his mouth once again, sucking the wine off of your breasts while you were squirming under his touch.
He grins, sucking and rolling it between his teeth, his fingers teasing the other. The stinging feeling he left behind as he moved on from your neck, finally reading your mouth, thumb tracing them before pouring more wine into your mouth, this time catching it before it spilled, lips meeting yours as he kissed you drunk.
His smile was thoroughly charmed, not just the liquid he was savoring, but your nerves and humiliation were being swallowed up too. “You trust me?” His teeth shining under the moonlight, the glow looking like a halo around him. Nodding out a simple “yeah.”. 
The heat radiating off of him as he hovered over you, your skin erupting in goosebumps as the warmth grew in the small space between you two. His lips meeting yours slow and controlled, still full of greed and passion while his hands roamed over your body with need.
“S’gonna hurt, love.” he muttered, trying to hold back a groan as his tip barely made its way in, legs spread as far as he could get them. Locked around his waist as he wanted so desperately to bury himself in your soft chest, but the thought of missing your face pulled him away.
The feeling of finally sliding his cock into you is unlike anything he's ever felt in his long life. Letting out a gasp of breath as he groaned above you, sinking you down pitilessly onto his cock. His hands ‘gently’ gripping your waist, your knuckles turning white as they clenched onto the fabric underneath you. “...hurts”
“Shh… s’okay. You’re doing so good, feel so good. So wet for me, gonna fuck you so good, love. Gonna make you cum over and over again, gonna fill you up.” he cooed, hands finally settling onto your thighs, resting there as he waited for you to get used to his length. The burning feeling quickly growing numb at the thought of not being enough for him, tears welling up in your eyes at the pain and need.
He leans in closer to you, pride blooming in his chest, pressing your sweaty and slick covered body into his. “Hm, love. You okay?”
Nodding hesitantly while your eyes look over his shoulder. “m’not gonna break. I- wa-. No… I need you.”
Kissing your forehead to control himself. “I know you won’t, what d'ya you want?” Wanting to confirm what he thought he heard, hands getting impatient.
“Want you to fuck me, want you to use me,” The needy whine of your voice going straight to his cock.
White shining through his lips. “ I got you, love,” he said leaning back, taking a firmer grip on the top of your hips so he can slam back into you. Voice shattering as you squeal, back curving while your body tires to run away at his brutal pace. The sound of his balls wetly slapping against your ass and his hot breath are the only things you could hear.
“Ah, ara- cant , I-I-, can--”  His face beaming at the incoherent words coming from between your lips, knowing he was dumb fucking you dumb. One of his hands moving from your thigh, up to the base of your neck pushing your head down into the pillow. 
“Feels good? Gonna tell me how much you love my cock?” He groaned, hips getting faster.
“I--ah, hngh, ara-, I-- it f-feels so good, ah, so good--”  Your eyes fluttering shut, trying to stop your tears. “Hngh, p-please,...ple-!” 
“Please what baby? ya’ gotta tell me, or i won't know.” he taunted. Slowing his thrusts down with his pent up effort, making you miss the feeling of his cock bruising your walls.
“please, wanna cum, ple-, ngh, w-wan-, please, I--” You whimpered, hands reaching up to his chest, nails leaving imprints behind, nervousness overcoming your face that you left a mark on a god
His eyebrows furrowing as he leans into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna make you mine,” he breathed heavily into your ear. “I’m gonna show everyone, show the whole world below us who owns you. Who’s the only one who can fuck you like this baby, who can have you cross eyed just from the tip, huh? Tell me.”
“You!” you sobbed, more focused on meeting him halfway, more desperate for his cock, than answering him.
His tight grip on your hips, keeping you from kicking and jerking. “Huh? What was that?” He whispered, fucking you like he was competing for you. 
“Im gon-, m’gonna cum.” Body jiggling under him as his frame blocked your view, the only thing your eyes could see was him.  
“You just take it, don’t you love? You take my cock like that's all you were made for. You gonna cum for me, pretty girl? Gonna cum on my cock? You gonna let me stuff you full? 
Vision going black and starry, head drowning as your body felt like it was floating. Feeling him shove himself into, whining as he let out a sinful moan. “Fuck. m’so close. So close because of you, such a good girl, ” Body shaking as he fucked you into overstimualtion, grinding against your clit with each thrust.
“Mine, all mine.”
Hips stuttering and stalling as his balls were flush against your ass. Spilling inside of you and digging your fingers into his arms. Cock still hard even after you clenched around it, cumming onto him again and the bed sheets beneath you with a choked out moan. 
Thighs trembling as your body was so eased, sleepy and content. Focusing on the feeling of him stretching you out, and the internal feeling as making him proud. Slowly relaxing until he flipped you over on top of him, laying down. His cock slipping slightly out, the feeling of his warm cum escaping leaving you painfully empty.
Collapsing on top of him after your body gave out entirely. Only being able to breath as you felt his hand rest on your lower back. Turning your head to see his eyes closed, seemingly as worn out as you. The night sky being painted in the background, wondering how long you've been at it. 
But as your mind came back to yourself, you realized that you would never be his no matter what the circumstances. Closing your eyes one last time after admiring his face for what sempt like hours, the comfortableness growing as you drifted off to sleep in his big warm arms. Knowing that he'd be more than likely gone when you woke up, wiping your tears one last time.
 You’d done your part.
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Chatterbox (Hidan x Reader)
Synopsis: With the plans of the Akatsuki continuously getting foiled by the shinobi of the Great Nations, the remaining members attempt to regroup at a hidden location. With his partner missing, Hidan is determined to outdo the only stuck-up Jashinist he’s ever met.
Word Count: 1,762
Tags/Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader, Blood and Ingestion of Small Amounts of Blood, Language, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Language Pertaining to Violence, Hidan refers to Reader as a “bitch” (take that how you will in terms of gender), 
Notes: The “hi babe” gives off major Hidan vibes. I already did Hidan x Jashinist!Reader Headcanons here and I couldn’t get in touch with you, Anon, so I hope that this satisfies your request
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The Akatsuki seldom all gathered in the same place at the same time, but desperate times called for desperate measures. The shinobi of the Great Nations seemed to be one step ahead nowadays, making missions difficult and causing previously abundant resources to be scarce. Kakuzu had disappeared somewhere in the chaos and now Hidan found himself having to regroup with the remaining members a ways west of Sunagakure.
The sand sank under his weighted stride, a burning tightened the muscles in his core as he swung his other leg up and forward. His boot once again became encased by hot sand, causing him to groan out to no one in particular other than the unyielding sun above. Hidan’s complaints were comparatively softer than normal now that he no longer had an audience to protest to. He trudged on, but found that grumbling to himself about how dismal the journey was didn’t feel the same when he wasn’t dumping his opinions onto someone else.
A large shadow flew overhead, the shape distorted by the heat in the air. Hidan looked upon the silhouette with tired eyes, the new wind above doing little other than blowing around the warm particles that had risen up.
“Need a lift?” Hidan peeked up from under the brim of his sunhat. He squinted, crinkling his nose at the large bird above him that just barely blocked the sun. Deidara stood at the base of its neck. Hidan always found Deidara a bit annoying and all in all he they cared very little for the same philosophies, but with the state of the desert heat, Hidan croaked an exasperated,
“Fuck yeah.”
The current created by fast travel felt significantly better than the stagnant air down below. Deidara seemed to have missed having a partner as well, for the moment they took off Deidara quickly began babbling into the wind. Hidan, of course, picked up on none of this, quickly deciding that Deidara was far too chipper in the middle of a heatwave. The fact that Deidara had grown up in the Land of Earth and surrounded by desolation was yet another thing that Hidan did not pick up on and so the very little that he could hear, Hidan tuned out.
The meeting place was carved into a plateau, or as Hidan saw it, a brown speck in the distance. Admittedly, the speck grew larger as Deidara’s bird approached, but Hidan, once again, had no one to voice his silly thoughts to. The blond weaved a series of hand signs and a slot opened in the side of the rock face just long enough to allow them passage in.
Hidan’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, a stark contrast to the merciless sun outside. Small torches lit up the cold cavern with an orange glow and Deidara landed the two of them. Itachi and Kisame were the only team that still remained intact.
Hidan never imagined that the ‘meeting’ part of having to attend a meeting would be his favorite, and yet you were here in front of him, blood splattered across the whole of your body and frowning as usual. He let out another groan, having hoped that you had disappeared in your last mission instead of your partner.
When he first found out that you also followed the way of Jashin, Hidan had been ecstatic and when he actually saw you he immediately hounded you. You battled and sacrificed with rigor: cold, brutal, and the creepiest human spell doll that Hidan had ever seen. And he realized that he had fallen for you as soon as he saw the wild smile you wore as you began to lick the blood off of the back of your hands. But you didn’t seem to notice him at all and Hidan hated to be ignored. Rather, you were quiet, calculating, and all the others seemed to praise your ruthless work. And what Hidan hated more than being ignored was doing outdone.
“Out of both of you, I would have expected your partners to be here instead,” Kisame laughed. You stood among the team of two, eyeing Deidara and Hidan as they dismounted.
“What can I say,” Deidara shrugged with a nonchalant laugh, “My man Sasori’s never been a wiz with directions. I can’t speak for Hidan though.” Hidan huffed, glancing in your direction for the briefest second before puffing up his chest.
“Well Kakuzu isn’t here because I’m clearly the best out of the two of us,” he bragged, causing you to roll your eyes with a scoff. Hidan matched your scowl. “What? You have something to say?” You hardly look at him, opting to lap some of the dried blood in the crevice of your nail.
“I like your partner better. I’d rather him over some dimwit who can’t even get his rituals correct,” you nearly yawned as you stopped the swing of Hidan’s scythe with your bare hand. “Uncivilized, per usual… This is why your kill count is so low. Lord Jashin deserves the best but you’re so… predictable…”
“Well where’s your partner, huh?” Hidan took another swing but was swiftly blocked by Samehada.
“Knock it off with the infighting. Leader should be here any minute.” You glanced up at Kisame, almost as if to tell him that you didn’t require defending. He knew. Hidan strained against the sword for a second longer before retreating. Deterred, but not intimidated, Hidan peered around Kisame to where you were still casually grooming yourself.
“I asked you a question, bitch,” he spat and you crinkled your nose.
“I killed him and Lord Jashin was grateful for the sacrifice. But you have a hard time killing your partner, don’t you?” Kisame turned around, giving you a once over. He didn’t appear overly concerned.
“You killed一?”
一“There is clearly a traitor among us.” You cut him off before he could even finish his sentence. Itachi glanced up with subtle irises. No one seemed to notice. You crossed your arms across your chest, your decorated weaponry hanging from a wide chain across the width of your torso. “I deemed him untrustworthy.” Kisame let out a hearty laugh, returning to his partner in the darkness.
“Remind me never to double cross you.”
A violent tremor went through the cave. You each looked around towards each other as if waiting for someone to explain. And suddenly you received the message. Another echo, even louder this time, resounded through the rock.
“New location, this hideout has been compromised,” Itachi summarized aloud. Deidara had already summoned a new flying creature out of clay as you heard the wall bust down in the near distance. “We’ll regroup at the new location.” And through Itachi’s jutsu, he and Kisame were gone.
“Let’s go.” Deidara motioned Hidan onto the bird, but he turned to you.
“What are you going to do?” he asked and you adjusted the chain of your weapon with a small, self-satisfied smirk.
“Someone has to fend them off to make sure that the two of you can get away.” You eyed him, the slightest bit of mischief in your dead eyes. Hidan’s jaw clenched and he turned back to Deidara with clenched fists.
“Get out of here, I can handle this.” Deidara raised a sceptical brow as he tried to look to you for approval. You shook your head and started off in the opposite direction. Another action missed by Hidan.
“Are you sure?” Deidara questioned slowly. The sound of battle raged somewhere in the distance.
“Hell yeah, I’m sure. We’ll see you at the new place if一” Hidan began to gesture at you, only to realize that you were no longer next to him. And so without another word to Deidara, he rushed off. The wings of Deidara’s bird flapped behind him, sailing ahead to the large, open crater just a distance away.
You were already there, double-ended kusarigama slicing across the battlefield with reckless abandon. And among the sounds of pained screams of agony, you laughed. You laughed as blood spattered across the walls of the cave, ecstatically calling out praises for Jashin. It was a massacre. It was probably the most beautiful sight Hidan had ever seen. A giddy battlecry left his lips as he swung his own weapon, swiping at the remainder of the squad before there were no opponents left.
And as he began to drag his select few corpses into position, you prayed in the middle of it all, holding your own amulet as you muttered to your god. Hidan knelt down next to you, performing his own praises to Jashin. If not for the surrounding context, the sight of the late afternoon glow hitting your religious paraphernalia might have looked beautiful. Hidan glanced over at you, peeking from his prayer. This had to be the closest you ever allowed him and he took in the way the color of rust looked against your skin. But his lids quickly shut as you stood. Hidan gurgled, impaled on the ground. You looked down on him in disgust.
“Self-inflicted pain isn’t a necessary or required part of prayer,” you frowned and Hidan’s irises rolled to study you with an expression that you wished you could erase from your memory.
“But it’s so good though…” he drooled. Your nose wrinkled as you gathered your things, ready to venture out into the desert. You didn’t make it too far before you heard trudging in the same behind you. Hidan followed you and you turned. He dribbled blood onto the uneven ground below.
“I was planning on heading to the new meeting spot alone.” Your face had since reverted to its usual, stoic expression and Hidan couldn’t help but feel disappointed. You were the pinnacle of what a follower of Jashin was. He hated you. He knew that you were even wilder and more dedicated than he could ever care to admit. But at the same time, he was so in love, he had to see more. He was obsessed with watching you kill again.
“Well since we’re the only ones left, it’s almost like we’re unofficial partners.” A pause and a slight breeze took up the time allotted for you to give an enthusiastic answer. You waited for Hidan to explain the joke, but he never did.
“You’re going to give us away if you keep dripping blood like that.” You struggled forward and Hidan followed.
“Hey did you notice that this cave place looked so tiny before it got all big?” You gave a reluctant hum.
“Yeah, that’s how getting closer to things works.”
Notes: Speaking of blood, I had mine stolen from me today. This was fairly unedited but all in all it’s not the worst I’ve done.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
dakimakura | reader x jisung
Pairing: self insert, female reader x han jisung 
Genre: smut, pwp 
Tags: softsub!jisung, harddom!reader, friends to lovers, pillow humping (m), masturbation (m), cumshot, begging, piv cowgirl, praising, dirty talk, corruption kink (f & m), degredation 
Word count: 2.4k 
Inspo: i blame you @jisungsplatforms (but I also love you *mwah* hehe thank you for this inspo! the realest friends introduce you to new kinks lolll) 
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When the lights turn off, or in the dead of night, Jisung can’t help himself. 
How can something that feels so good make him feel so guilty? 
It had been a gag gift from some holiday or birthday--he can’t remember at this point. Sure, he thought that it was real funny at the time--what was even funnier to him was the fact that one of his friends had actually seen the thing, thought of him, and then spent money on it. Their loss, not his. 
By comparison, it wasn’t much larger than he was. Jisung knew that the large, body sized pillow could fit him well and he could fit it smushed onto his twin sized mattress when he pushed it up against the wall. It could almost be like it wasn’t even there. 
Jisung didn’t even know the character’s name, but he had tried to look it up once. The search yielded no results and he gave up easily after that too. All that he knew was that she must have been from some sci-fi thing--the very kind of anime show that he didn’t often watch. He really was one for the softer, cuter, more romantic ones that would leave him wanting something like that. 
She had red hair and a red outfit that had been illustrated to look as if it shone. She had cute features: a thin waist, a tiny nose and a pleading brown eyes with fingers hooking into the waist of her pants suggestively. Her thighs were perfectly shaped; unrealistically so--as they often were. Naturally, her breasts were humongous: a stark contrast to the rest of her body which was thin and lithe. 
The other side of the pillow, or the the side which he kept face down, ridded her of all of her clothes. The character wore baby pink lingerie which was nearly sheer. It left little to the imagination: her perky nipples protruded the fabric, and her glistening pussy slicked wet on her thighs and between her hairless folds. On top of it all, her orange hair had strewn everywhere onto the mattress-like image she was placed on, and her tongue dripped with in saliva that dripped down her neck. 
“Real classy.” Chan had called it. 
Jisung said that he was going to throw it out after it spent one night in his room when he was too tired from the festivities. 
He had heard that these things were comfortable, so he didn’t see the harm in trying. 
Jisung wrapped his leg around the body pillow to cuddle it, and the action itself was embarrassing enough to send a blush to his cheeks. The large mass did feel comforting, like another body in his bed which had only even been home to him. In the dark of his room, he could barely see the design, but knowing that it was there was something else. To save himself even further shame, he flipped it to the side where she was clothed. Even though no one had seen him do so in his sacred single-room, he still felt a cringe creep across his mouth. 
Just once. Just once I’ll look at it. 
He promised himself before turning the pillow over. 
Sure, her breasts were gorgeous: perfectly plump looking and doughy to play with...just as he had often fantasized about. His mind wandered to even more crude thoughts: what would she taste like, how would she sound if he had fucked her: would she be loud of soft? Would she be tight? 
Between his legs, he felt the heat rising, and jerked his hips at his wandering thoughts against cushion of the pillow. 
The blankets of the bed shifted, the frame creaked, then he found himself looming over her orgasmic face and all he could do was run wild with even more questions. Perhaps she would be soft, she would squeak, she would mix his name with her moans. 
Jisung straddled with pillow in his boxers and sighed out at the pressure of his hardening erection against her waist. He rolled his hips once, twice, a third time... 
He pressed his full weight against the pillow as he wetted the insides of his underwear with his dripping tip. His shaking fingers clawed out at the corners to hold himself steady, and with his unstable breaths he looked down at her. Tiny and stifled moans bit at his lip where he rocked his hips, slowly growing addicted to the friction. 
“F-fuck.” He cursed to the empty room again.  
Jisung didn’t know that he would enjoy edging himself so much, but with that first night, he was learning plenty of new things. 
After all, the pillow didn’t end up in the garbage, but rather the laundry. 
You had known of his little secret. 
While Jisung had thought that he could keep himself quiet, the steady creak of his bed during the late hours of the night gave him up obviously. 
You thought that it was cute. 
In fact, you had often imagined what he would’ve looked like desperately grinding himself over that pillow until he could take no more, or how he would milk his cum all over fabric and let it string between his fingers. Some nights, he would even go for more than one round. He must’ve been so agitated, so untouched, that he could do something like that to himself. 
You wanted to see it. 
The floorboards betrayed your steps to his room where the thumping had started near the hours of 2 or 3 in the morning. He had even left the door cracked open a little; as careless as he was. 
From the other side of his door, his breathy little moans were unbelievable. The fact that he could do something to himself was remarkable. He could work himself up to the point of overstimulation all on his own, and he would do it multiple times. 
“Mm.” He whimpered out, and the sound of his sheets crinkling followed. 
It was undeniable that you felt a similar heat below your waist, and it wetted your panties and clit so obviously it ached for you bring a touch for relief. Your thighs rubbed together to find some kind of sensation, but you wanted to wait the longest you could. You would save it all for him. 
“Jisung? Are you still awake?” You asked softly with a knock on the door. 
He scrambled with a tiny yelp and the sound of the pillow getting thrown to the floor poofed. 
“I can’t sleep, I’m coming in.” 
He had done somewhat of a good job covering it up...if you had ignored his discarded boxers also on the floor. Jisung pulled up his blanket all the way up to his nose. The light from the hall flooded, and you could still see the rosy blush to his cheeks. 
“I-I’m awake. Come-come in.” 
“You okay?” You asked, trying not to eye the evidence on the floor. 
“Yeah! Yeah! A-HEM! Yeah. All good here.” 
Under his thin sheets, his legs wiggled and you wondered if he had been close, and if you had just ruined his orgasm. 
“What can I help you with?” He timidly asked with legs still impatiently twisting. 
“Oh...I just couldn’t sleep, so I was wondering if you could help me?” 
His eyes widened, “How so?” 
“Well, for starters, you could show me something.” 
“Show you?” Jisung’s nervous eyes flicked from you to the discarded pillow, which had embarrassingly even landed on the scantily clad side. 
“I hope that I didn’t interrupt you.” You teased him further with a growing grin. 
“I-interrupt me? I wasn’t...I wasn’t doing anything? I was sleep--” 
“--Jisungie, I think that the both of us know that you definitely weren’t sleeping.” 
Jisung stammered, and you could tell that he had tried with all his might to not look back down at the pillow. 
“Was-was not? I was sleeping.” 
You strode confidently over to the rejected pillow, not even surprised to feel that it had been lightly wet from some kind of body fluid. You waved it in his face with an even more smug grin. 
“You’re terrible at keeping secrets Sungie. You don’t have to be so shy about it. Not when I know already.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He said, becoming defensive.  
“Don’t pretend like you fuck this cute little pillow of yours and ruin it. I’m not blind Jisung. Also...there’s no shame in that...” 
“I do not!!” 
“If you don’t then would you like to explain why I can see your cute dick bouncing under this blanket?” 
Jisung yelped out even louder and threw his hands down his body to cover the obvious area, nearly hitting himself at the same time, then hissing out at his sensitivity. He shied, finally realizing that he couldn’t hide it any more. 
“...It’s embarrassing.” 
“Awww you’re so cute Sungie.” 
“Can you not tell anyone?” 
You laughed, “I think it’s a bit late for that. If I know...likely everyone else does.” 
“Ah shit.” 
“I could...help you, if you’d like?” 
Jisung appeared to crumble into a shy little ball. “What do you mean? This is embarrassing enough.” 
You asked permission to peel the sheets back, and he let you do so with a shocked little glisten to his big brown eyes. It was just as you had expected: his cock was pink and hardened furiously with his tip that flared and bubbling with precum. It was deliciously thick with a considerable length, the kind that you knew would’ve felt amazing in your throat. 
“Look at you...so worked up...you did this all yourself?” 
Jisung nodded with his face in his hands. 
“I-I can’t help it sometimes. It just feels s-so good.” 
“Can you show me baby? Show me how you grind into this pillow of yours? Wouldn’t that feel nice?” 
You brought the redheaded anime girl back to his bed which he peeked at through closed fingers. 
“When you look at her, what does it feel like? You wish that you could fuck her? Feel her warm pussy around your cock that only gets tighter and tighter...”
Jisung whimpered at your coaxing and nodded to every word. “ ‘Want to know...want to know what it feels like...” 
“Show me how you do it Sungie, cum all over your dirty pillow for me, soak it. Ruin it.” 
The adorable boy nodded, then shifted to straddle it once more now facing you. He swam in his oversized tee, and he was looked just as soft as you had expected. 
“L-like this?” He said, sinking over the cotton with his throbbing dick. 
“Just like that baby. Keep going.” 
Jisung dug his fingernails into the pillow as he thrust over it and flicked his hips nearly directly over the character’s waist and stomach. He couldn’t meet your eyes at first, but focused only on the way that he fucked it, but as soon as your praises started to fill his ears, he wanted you to watch him. It felt pathetic, but he loved it. 
“That’s it Sungie. Does it feel good? Fuck, look how cute you are. You’re that desperate that you would fuck this pillow? You want to know what it feels like?’ 
“Mm-yes.” Jisung muttered with even more broken gasps, “W-wanna know...what it feels like...inside...please--” 
“If you cum for me first, maybe you can find out.” 
Jisung looked up to you, pleading.” “R-really? You’ll let me?” 
“You want to fuck me Jisungie?” 
“Fuck--yes.”  The small boy nearly growled. 
“Cum for me first.” 
He huffed out in his focus, but nodded, while thrusting his hips harder. 
Everything about him was a sight to behold that sent your arousal straight to your clit which twitched just for him. As badly as he wanted to fuck you, you wanted to fuck him too; fuck him until he couldn’t make sense of his words, or until he had begged you to give him a break. 
Jisung continued at his face, and the longer he went, the more whiny his moans became. Pre-cum pearled at his tip which turned even redder against the fabric, and his back arched when he found an angle that he preferred. When he got closer, his eyes screwed shut, and his eyelids fluttered when he brought out his orgasm. 
“F-feels really good...” He said with a tiny euphoric smile. “C-close.” 
“Cum for me baby, just like the dirty baby that you are fucking that pillow. Is your dick that desperate to feel a cunt? This is the best that you come up with?” 
As your words turned dirtier, Jisung appeared to loose himself further, groaning out louder, and drawing his hips in deeper and collapsing over the length of the pillow. 
“M’ gonna cum, f-fuck, please wanna feel you, so, so bad.” 
“Prove it.” You challenged him further. 
With a strained little grunt that was much too cute for his own good, Jisung came over the design of the anime girl on his pillow, and he splattered her with white. His whole body shook with his high, and he shivered as he milked himself over her till his dick twitched with nothing more left to give. 
He gasped out and looked to you for approval, which you gave him overwhelmingly seeing the way that his thighs even trembled too. 
“Did I do good?” He asked while jerking himself further, not even caring that it made him flinch. 
“Of course you did babyboy.” You praised, and leaned over the sticky mess to give him a quick kiss. “I’d make you go longer, but I’m feeling impatient.” 
Jisung watched when you striped your bottom half of your sweatpants, and nearly drooled seeing you dip your hand between your folds to rub slowly at your swelling clit and swirl your fingers with your own cum. 
“See what you do to me Jisungie?” 
He nodded vehemently and threw back his beloved pillow to make more space for you. 
“Oh my god...this is really happening.” He whispered out. 
Your hand slid over to his dick lathered with his cum and you twisted around it with your own hand, then roughly toyed with his slit. After, you took your own slick to mix and rub around his length. He collapsed to his back overcome with the pressure from your hand. 
“Oh god.” He hushed with legs still trembling. “Please fuck me, I-I can’t wait...hurts...”  
“Oh I will Sungie.” You returned, and positioned your hips over his, and teased at your entrance with his pink head. “It’s my turn to ride now.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @lunarskzzz
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but-first--tea · 5 months
✦ nine people i'd like to know better ✦
tagged by @captainqster and @lavender-fields-xiv Thank you!
last song i listened to: Uh. My Spotify "Liked Songs" list currently has 1,547 songs on it. I have absolutely no idea which one it left off on last.
favorite color: I am an artist, so this question basically results in my brain erroring out. That's not how color works for me. The best I can narrow it down to is blues and greens for things like clothes and my environment.
currently watching: Just finished Shogun. Streaming Farscape with a friend, which I think I've watched about 5 times over the years. Put on the Dresden Files last night for the hell of it to watch on my own while doing random stuff in ffxiv. I kind of want to start reading those books again now. Urban fantasy is fun.
sweet/savoury/spicy?: Yes? But overly sweet will make me feel ill, and my spice tolerance is embarrassingly low for someone with partial Korean heritage. I prefer to taste my food, not just feel like I am experiencing the burning wrath of a plant who developed this stuff because it didn't want to be eaten but humans are just like this.
relationship status: Married
last thing you googled: Osmanthus. Sadly I cannot grow it in my area. Too cold :-( Seems I will have to stick to lilacs and my precious baby vanilla spice bush for lovely smelling flowering bushes that will thrive in my garden.
current obsession: Look. I am neurodivergent, but not the kind that has "current" obsessions. I have permanent obsessions. Lots of them. I collect them like houseplants. I have 14 of those. Once they're there they stay and I nurture them like children. Also, given any sort of motivation and a reasonable amount of energy I will research something enough in one weekend to probably pass some kind of professional examination for certification. Most recently, it was some specific aspects of biochemistry, cytochrome genetics, and amino acid synthesis pathways because I have an invested interest in not dying. My doctor asked me if I was a chemist for a living after one conversation. I am not.
tagging: I was tagged in this, uh, *checks notes,* ... 18 days ago. If anyone wants to do this and bring it back around again, go for it!
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dc41896 · 4 years
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Pairing: EZ ReyesxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, just fluffy fluffness☺️!
Sat on the edge of his full sized bed, your knee bounces unconsciously as you toy with the hem of your boyfriend’s white tee at your thighs, trying to let the sound of the running water from his shower calm your nerves. It was the first time you’d be sleeping over at EZ’s place, and you were a bit nervous.
Not because of the cramped camper, or that he stayed a mere feet from the clubhouse and its multiple adjoining engines that rumbled and revved all day and night as they came and went. For personal reasons, you just hoped you didn’t do anything to mess up the relationship before it even had the chance to really start.
“Y/N?” You slightly jump hearing his smooth yet deep voice making his golden brown eyes turn concerned. With your mind worrying about tonight, you hadn��t even realized EZ had finished his shower and was standing in front of you passing the towel through his dark hair.
“Hm? I’m sorry what did you say?”
“I was asking if you needed anything,” he answers squatting down to place a hand on your knee and stop its bouncing. “Hey if you’re not comfortable I can always drive you home, it’s no problem.”
“No, I’m fine. Really. I-I guess I’m just nervous about messing up something.” Lips curling into that soft, wide smile that always made your heart skip a beat, his free hand takes yours as his thumb gently rubs back and forth against your skin.
“You’ll be fine dulce.” Standing up, he leans in brushing his soft lips against yours before letting them passionately connect while the hand that once held yours moved to caress your cheek.
“Mhm,” you nod crawling up from your spot at the foot of the bed as he turns out the lamp at his bedside. His tattooed arm securely wrapped around your waist pulls you closer until your head finds his bare chest and leg naturally crosses over his.
“Goodnight,” he lowly whispers kissing the top of your head.
His fingers dragging up and down your back along with the drum of his heartbeat are a soothing enough pair to have your eyelids already drooping feeling relaxed. “Maybe this time will be different,” you thought soon feeling your eyes shut completely and his movements gradually slow.
Your hope would soon be crushed though, as your body seemingly jolted awake and head suddenly rose leaving you out of breath. Luckily, your actions didn’t wake EZ, who was still softly snoring under you. You tried to will yourself back to sleep, but like clockwork every time you felt yourself really begin to drift, your body would display the same reaction leaving you frustrated and on the edge of tears.
This last one being strong enough for EZ to notice making him stir and shift in the squeaky bed.
“Bad dream?,” EZ groggily asks with eyes barely open. “I could feel you jump a couple times.”
“N-No, I’m fine. Just um trying to get comfy.”
“Oh, you need me to move? Switch sides?”
“No, it’s okay.”
From your shaky voice and watching you wipe your eyes in the beam of light breaking through the window landing perfectly across the both of you, he sits up holding your face in his large hands to thumb away the remaining drops of salty water from your skin.
“What’s wrong? Dime.”
“I can’t sleep,” you whisper.
“Don’t cry, that’s okay. Tell me what I can do to help.” It wasn’t the desired result, but his caring nature only makes more tears fall as you become more upset with yourself and why your mind, body, or whatever inside you had to be like this.
“It’s not that simple. Ever since I was young, whenever I’m in a new place it’s like my body or brain won’t let me sleep and I just keep waking up.”
“Oh..like, a comfort thing?,” he asks. You could see the bit of hurt in his eyes that he felt this was all his fault. After your date, he was the one to suggest you stay with him for the night, not quite ready to see you go.
And although you excitedly agreed, now he felt that he might’ve rushed you.
“No, it’s even happened while I was with my parents, so please don’t think it’s anything you’ve done. I’m just the weirdo that can’t sleep.”
“Don’t say that,” he states kissing your temple before sitting up to rest his back against the chipped wall. Patting his chest, you move to situate yourself between his legs pressing your back to his muscular chest while his arms cross in front of yours, holding you close, and cheek rests on the side of your head.
“What’s your funniest memory?”
“EZ you don’t-,”
“Funniest memory dulce,” he repeats kissing your temple once more. A small smile forms on your lips as you think, your hands gently grasping his forearm.
“Me and my friends almost got attacked by a flock of seagulls at the beach once. Pretty sure they had some type of vendetta,” you explain making him chuckle.
“They are a bit aggressive.”
“Your turn Reyes.”
“Alright...when we were kids, Angel and I tried hopping this fence. I got over fine, but he got caught at the top and ended up flashing his underwear to everyone who walked by.”
“What did you do?,” you laugh, leaning back more so on his shoulder to look up at his face.
“There was nothing I could do really but laugh. This guy was nice enough to get him down though. He tried not to laugh but he couldn’t hold it in.”
You two stayed that way the remainder of the night, telling stories that had you both laughing until your cheeks hurt and talking about anything that either of you could think of. At those moments of comfortable silence, your eyes would sometimes shut and you’d begin falling asleep again only to awaken with a jump, making your heart race.
This time though, EZ would hold you a bit tighter as he gently rocked you back and forth whispering in your ear, “Relax, you’re okay. I got you.”
You’re not quite sure how much time had passed, but soon loud knocking and the bright, golden sun shining in your eyes become an unwanted alarm causing both you and your boyfriend to groan as you stretch the best you could in your positions.
“Oye! Wake up sleeping beauty we got places to be!,” Angel shouts banging his fist against the camper door.
“Give me a minute!,” he yells. “Sorry about that, I know you just got to sleep.”
“I did?,” you yawn rubbing your eye.
“For about an hour or so.” Sitting up, a small smile spreads across your lips, proud of yourself that you’d finally been able to sleep and feeling like you were falling even more for the softer Mayan who chose to forfeit sleep to make sure you were okay.
“You want me to drop you off now or when I get back?,” he asks fastening his belt buckle before going to brush his teeth.
“Um actually, if it’s okay, I was thinking I could stay here. Maybe get some more rest,” you shyly smile setting off EZ’s signature one as he finishes at the sink.
If only you knew how you wanting to stay and now being able to sleep comfortably at his place made his heart nearly burst.
“That’s alright with me,” he answers bending down to sweetly capture your lips with his. Calloused, yet soft, hand on the side of your neck and thumb grazing along your jawline.
“Aye you turn deaf overnight or- ohhh now I see what the hold up is,” the older Reyes smirks peeking through the small window to see the both of you shyly pull apart. “Heyyy dulce.”
“Hi Angel,” you laugh waving with one hand while the other shields your eyes from the light outside. Grabbing the nearest item he could find, EZ throws a balled up towel towards his window making Angel flip him off before disappearing to get on his bike.
“I’ll be back in a couple hours. Then we can go eat at that diner you like,” he smiles, thumb tracing just under your bottom lip.
“I’d like that. Now go before you get in trouble, and be careful.”
With a chuckle, he leans in for one last kiss. First on your forehead then your waiting lips he could never seem to get enough of. “Si mi dulce.”
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals-writes @fumbling-fanfics @honeydulcewrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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Title: Caution to the Wind PART 2 
For PART 1 Click HERE
Pairing: Yoongi x reader  
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, a lot of first times, tension, Solo/ mutual masturbation (m) (f),  mentions of virginity and losing it (friendship pact)
*AUTHORS NOTE: Warnings will update per chapter as things get steamier*
Permanent Tag List: @mochilicious-yoongi @heyimtavia ​
Rating: 18 and over
You wake to the sun peeking through his curtains, rolling to find Yoongi gone. You stretch your body out before sitting up and looking about for your phone. Yoongi soon enters, coffee in hand, once you send an all is well text to your mother. He hands you the mug with a smile, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” “Morning. I did, thanks. How about you?” He nods, taking a seat at his desk. “Do you want to talk about last night?” He murmurs. You sip your coffee, shrugging at his question. “Do you?” “I mean, I'm sorry about ruining the kiss. I'll try to control myself more.” “No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have, uh, you know, touched you.” You look away from him, your face heating. “I mean, I understand but also…. it's ok if you did…. or if you wanted to…. uh…. No pressure.” He stutters, scratching at the back of his neck. You can't help but giggle, your nerves kicking in heavily. “Why?” He chuckles. “I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you. I'm just, this is just a bit awkward to talk about.” You reply. He nods, covering his face with his hands. “How can we make it not awkward?” He asks from behind his hands. “Maybe let's not talk about it beforehand. We should just let it happen naturally.” You explain. He lowers his hands, nodding at you. “Ok, you’re right let's just move on then. What do you want to do today?” “Let's just chill out, watch a movie or play a video game. We can head back to my place.” “Ok, well let's do that early. I don't want to hang around here too long.” “Okay, let me just shower and get dressed.” “Same.” He says, jumping up to grab clothes from his dresser to pack.  
You watch as he neatly folds his things and places them into his duffle bag. He soon turns to you. “You can shower first Y/N, it'll give me time to get my stuff together.” You smile, grabbing your duffle and heading into the restroom. You exit fully dressed and ready to go, frowning when you hear Yoongi arguing with his mother. “You are never home!” “You never make it so I want to be home!” “How happy then you will be to move out and into the dorms? Finally, away from your terrible mother.” “I’m counting down the days!” He shouts, stomping up the stairs and into the bedroom. You lock eyes and he just shakes his head. “I'll be quick.” He grumbles, heading into the restroom.  
You both head down the stairs to leave, Yoongi’s mother in the kitchen staring at you. “Have a good day.” You wave at her. She simply nods, turning away as you both walk out. “You know you don’t have to try so hard. She doesn’t care.” “I’ve known her since I was a little kid. Of course, I have to try. My mother would kill me if she found out I was anything but respectful to your mom.” “My mom loves you Y/N, things have just been tough at home.” “I know Yoongi, you don’t have to explain. I’m sure things will blow over soon enough.” He nods, taking a seat at the bus stop. “I feel bad that she and I have grown so far apart.” He says finally. “Well, you are both pretty prideful. Someone has to give in and say I’m sorry.” “It won’t be her that’s for sure.” “Then it should be you.” He shakes his head at your suggestion. “Maybe one day but just not today.” You nod, not wanting to press anymore, luckily the bus arrives.  
You make it to your house and figure out a quick dinner, your mom texting to say she'll be working late. Yoongi, always being the kind guy he is, packs a plate for your mom to eat when she arrives home. You both clean up and head to your room. “Go kart?” You smirk at Yoongi, who nods. “You’re going to lose.” “Whatever, we shall see. Set it up, I’m gonna change into my pajamas.” You instruct, heading into your bathroom to change into a black tank top and sleep shorts. When you emerge, Yoongi is sitting on the rug at the front of the TV, the video game on, cheerful music filling the room. “Ready to lose?” He chuckles, his smile turning into a cough when he looks you over. He hands you a controller and you take a seat next to him.  
You smirk to yourself, watching from the corner of your eye as Yoongi eyeballs you, and you wonder to yourself if you will always have this effect on him. “Better keep focus Min.” You tease, getting the one up on him and taking the lead. Your avatar zooms quickly, your heart beating fast, your knuckles aching from how tightly you hold the controller. Soon your avatar passes the finish line, the game whistling to inform you both the level is over. “Woooooo!” You scream, dropping the remote and lifting your arms in the air. Yoongi rolls his eyes, nodding calmly. “Best 2 outta three.” He wagers. “OK but let’s make it interesting.” He scoffs at your remark. “Interesting how?” You feel your body heat. Getting the one up on Yoongi has your core needy. You go to set your terms when your mother bursts through the door, startling you. “Hey, thanks for dinner. I’m going to crash. It was a long day. Try to keep it down ok.” “Yeah mom, sorry.” “Night.” She winks, closing the door.
“What was I saying?” You look back at Yoongi. “You wanted to make things interesting.” “Oh yes! So, since you lost this round, I want your shirt.” You smirk. His brow furrows and he looks down at his t-shirt, laughing nervously. “I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug at his comment and feel your face heat when his Adam’s apple bobs with his hard swallow. He chuckles again and grabs the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. He tosses it to you, his gorgeous skin on display, and you drop it in front of you happily. “Next round is mine.” He warns, grabbing his remote. You begin the next round and find yourself hyper focused on winning. Your hands are aching, not as large as Yoongi’s who can grip the control with ease. You squeal excitedly, in the lead. Yoongi grumbles under his breath, “I’m not going to lose this one!” You giggle at his words, taking your eyes away from the screen for a moment. Suddenly, Yoongi’s eyes light up and you whip your head back to the screen to see a computer player shoot a bomb at your avatar, knocking you out of first place. “No!” You whine, watching your avatar spin out of control. Yoongi whoops over and over beside you, his avatar quickly taking the lead. He leans up onto his knees, happily making noises under his breath, his avatar zooming over the finish line. He tosses his controller, throwing his arms up before pointing at you. “Told you I’d win. Take those shorts off.”
You scoff, a fit of adrenaline riddled giggles soon taking over you. You stand, tucking your thumbs into the waistband of your shorts and drop them to the ground, using your foot to kick them over to him. He holds them for a moment in his arms, staring at you in your lacey black thong. You adjust the straps higher up on your full hips, slowly squatting down and sitting on your feet, your ass on full display for him. “Next round is mine.” You point at him. He doesn’t speak, unable to pull his gaze away from your plump behind. His eyes tracing your every outline, making your core burn with desire. “Focus Min, I want to win fair and square.” You say, grabbing the controller and setting up the next round. He grabs his controller, his eyes still taking you in. You’d be lying if you said that having his eyes on you wasn’t the best feeling in the world right now. You felt your arousal push pass your slit, wetting the fabric of your thong. You start the level and chuckle to yourself at the fact that you both are barely putting in an effort.  
You see Yoongi's avatar speed up suddenly and so you decide to slow down, letting him win! “Ha,” He exclaims, “I win!” “I guess you do.” You shrug. His excitement soon fades, and He looks over your body again. “Um, well there’s not much to ask for.” He whispers, scratching the back of his neck. “You sure? Maybe you aren’t being creative enough.” You tell him, crawling over and locking lips with his. He moans, melting into the kiss. You pull away briefly to take in his needy look. “Don’t stop." He almost begs, leaning forward to kiss you again. You deepen the kiss, straddling him. Your cunt aching when he swirls his tongue around yours. His hands find purchase at your lower back, his fingertips fiddling with the fabric of your tank. You break the kiss again, “Do you want me to take it off?” His eyes widen and he stutters over what to say but the twitch in his pants give him away.
You sit up a bit at the feeling of his member pressing into you, his cheeks reddening, “I’m sorry.” He whispers. You shake your head, “It’s ok. I like how it feels.” You rock a bit in his lap, watching how his mouth falls open and his grip on your back tightens. “Is this, ok?” You ask in the hopes he’ll say yes, the friction against your yearning sex just what you need. He doesn’t speak, just nods, his hands falling to your hips. He tucks his slender fingers under the straps of your thong, gripping at your flesh before aiding you back and forth across his clothed erection. You mewl at the amazing feeling that slowly builds deep inside you. “Do.... do you like this?” He pants. You nod, moving your hips faster. He lets a soft moan escape and you’re quick to shush him for fear your mother will hear.
He bites his lower lip to keep from being too noisy and you find yourself trying hard to grind against him. You groan annoyed at how difficult it is to keep a good pace on the floor, your knees digging into the rug. “Let’s move to the bed.” You urge, standing. Yoongi hops up and follows you towards the bed. You sit down watching him approach, his erection creating a tent like effect at the front of his jeans. You swallow back you lust for him, rubbing your thighs together. “Do you want to take your jeans off?” He looks down at himself and back at you, his face and neck reddening. “Do you want me to? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You nod, feeling so overwhelmingly horny that you reach for his belt and begin to undo his pant. “Fuck Y/N.... I.... this has never happened before. I’m freaking out a bit.” “Me too,” You reassure him, “If you want me to stop at any time, just tell me.” He shakes his head, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he watches you tug his jeans down.  
“Lie back.” You instruct. Yoongi shakily does as he’s told, groaning when you straddle him again. You moan lustfully at how amazing his clothed manhood feels against your clothed womanhood, so much better than any pillow. You want so badly to wildly grind against him, desperate for release. He has his hands on your thighs, his eyes fixed on you, waiting for your instructions. You lick your lips, an even naughtier thought coming to your mind. You slide back a bit, palming him gently, mewling at how incredible he feels in your hand even clothed. He releases a deep breath, his eyes closing shut at the feeling. “Do you like this?” You question even though you know his answer. He simply nods. Your body shivers at the sounds of his moaning. A surge of needy lust coursing through you. You grip his heavy manhood before nestling yourself into his lap again. You roll your hips into his. “Oh god!” He almost yells. “Shh! Try to be quiet.” You lean in to whisper in his ear. “Pl-please, go faster.” He begs and you nod, moving your hips in quick flicks across his erection.  
“Do, do you like this?” He groans. “It’s nice. I like watching you.” You admit. He smiles seductively, wrapping an arm around your waist and flipping you onto your back. “I want you to like it too.” He whispers, shoving his erection into your soaked center. You can't help but hitch forward, dry humping your needy bud into his length. You moan quietly into his ear, reveling in the gentle kisses he traces along your collar bone and neck. Your skin begins to goose at the feeling of his soft lips against your hot skin. Your body burning as it nears your climax. “Yoongiiii, touch me.” You cry out. He stops completely, hovering over you and staring at your face. “Oh, Y/N, I want to, I’m just nervous. Maybe if you don’t mind, we can we try something else? If you don’t like it, we can stop.” “OK, yeah, what did you have in mind?” He bites his lip and you’ve never felt more turned on. “Show me how you make yourself cum.” He whispers. “Are you serious?” You giggle a bit. “Yeah, um, it’s a fantasy of mine. Like I want to see you touch yourself. I'll do it to. If you want to.” He whispers, his eyes fired with lust as he leans in for a kiss. You nod, running your hand into his hair. Your tongues swirling around one another in desperate fury.
“Should I stay lying back?” You ask. Yoongi shrugs. “Are you comfortable this way?” You nod in response. “Ok. I can do whatever.” He explains, leaning back on his heels, still nestled between your legs. You both watch each other. One waiting for the other to make the first move. You bite your lip, dying for release. “Show me your cock.” Yoongi's eyes widen, and he chuckles nervously. “Fuck, that's so hot. I've never heard you talk like that. I'm so horny right now. I want you. I want you so bad. Show me too. Um, I want to see your…uh….” “Pussy.” You finish his sentence. He groans deeply, palming himself with a needy nod. You let out a shaky breath at the sight of him already touching himself. “You’re so beautiful Y/N, do you know that? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.” He confesses, gripping your thigh. “Oh Yoongi.” You whimper, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his sweet pout. He takes over the kiss immediately, suckling on your tongue and soon your lips.  
You can't take it anymore and reach into his underwear. You wrap your hands around his length, swallowing the desperate whine that leaves his throat. You begin stroking him from root to tip ever so slowly. You’ve watched porn before and had always seen the women in them start this way. You break away from the kiss to look down at his member, never having seen one up close before. He’s long, thick, and veiny. The tip the same pink as his lips. Your mouth hangs open as you watch yourself work and you soak yourself even more. Yoongi looks down also, his breathing erratic, soft moans leaving his kiss swollen pout. “Just like that, that’s so good.” He praises, reaching back to squeeze your ass. You marvel at the sticky pre-cum that spills from his reddening tip, licking your lips when it’s dribbles down onto your hand. “Fuckkkk.... this feels so amazing. You sure this.... is.... your first time doing this?” You nod at his question, your chest filling with pride. “Lie back, Y/N.” He instructs, grabbing his cock from your grasp. You nod, doing as your told and lying back. You release a shuddered breath at the sight of him stroking just his tip. His head falls back and he’s a moaning mess. His chest rises and falls so fast, you wonder if he'll hyperventilate. “Take your thong off Y/N.” You do as your told, bending your knees to your chest to remove the sticky fabric from your saturated core. You chuck the material to the side, parting your legs slowly on either side of a knelt down Yoongi.
“Fuck....she's gorgeous. Sss- So fucking wet. She’s practically glistening.” Yoongi stutters. You bite your lip, lowering a hand to glide your fingers through your slit. “I’m so wet for you.” You pant, grinding against your own hand. He shudders, watching your fingers maneuver through your slick folds. He begins to stroke himself in slowly, his eyes fixed on your core. Your mouth falls open and you widen your legs to give him more of a view. “Oh, fuck Y/N! You’re so wet. Watching you is so fucking hot.” He breathes desperately. You glide a finger through your slit, collecting your juices, and rubbing soft circles on your swollen nub. All the while Yoongi continues stroking the whole of his length, focusing on his tip with quick circular motions. You both moan out loud, unable to keep your eyes off your respective roaming hands.
You begin to pick up speed, rubbing larger circles against your clit, eliciting a long low moan from your lips. “God, Y/N. Watching you is better than any porn,” He whispers, hitching his hips upwards into his clenched fist at the same pace in which your fingers move, “I love watching you. I can’t take my eyes off of you. You’re so gorgeous.” “Ah, Yoongi. I’m so close.” “Shit baby. This feels so good, so fucking good. I’m not going to last much longer either.” You lock eyes with him and soon begin rocking against your fingers. Yoongi tightens his grip around his length and you watch his expression of lust turn to desperation. “Fuck Y/N, I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum baby.” Something about him announcing his climax brings about your own climax. “Yes, cum Yoongi, cum. Cum on my belly. I’m going to cum too.” You mewl, lifting your tank to expose your belly. “Oh, fuck! Really? That so fucking….” He is unable to finish his sentence, your orgasm striking you like a ton of bricks. His eyes widen watching you bite your lip hard to keep from screaming, never having cum so hard in your life. Your back arches, looking up just as Yoongi moans out, spurts of white shooting from his tip onto your expose tummy. You gasp at the amount of fluid one person can produce but at the same you are so turned on by it.  
He soon slows his movements, leaning in to kiss you. “That was just, wow. Are you ok?” “Yeah, are you?” Yoongi chuckles at your question, kissing you again. “It was so great.” You both find yourself giggling. “Good thing your mom didn’t pop in, or we’d be dead!” “No shit!” “I made a mess. I’m sorry. Let me grab a towel and I’ll clean all this up.” Yoongi offers, kissing you again. He gets up, tucking himself away, walking towards your bathroom. You look down at your messy belly thinking of how girls in porn love the taste of cum. You swirl your finger in his seed, bringing your hand up to your nose to smell it. The scent is distinct, almost reminding you of cake batter. You drop your hand immediately when you hear Yoongi come out of the restroom with a wet washcloth. “You sure you ok?” He asks again. “Yeah, I’m good. I was just so overcome by like hormones I guess.” “That’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with that. Besides we are supposed to be here to help each other out so don’t feel weird or anything. You can always ask me to you know.” He smirks, wiggling his fingers in front of his face. You slap his arm, laughing out loud. He carefully cleans his mess from your abdomen, folding the towel up and chucking it in your laundry bin. “I think I’m going to shower actually.” You tell him. “Ok sure.” He plops back on the bed. “Wanna join me?” You offer. His eyes pop open and he leans up quickly. “Uh, seriously?” You start heading off to the restroom, turning to face him. “Well? You coming?” He leaps off the bed and runs into the bathroom after you.
53 notes · View notes
renegadewangs · 3 years
Van Zieks - the Examination, part 7
Warnings: SPOILERS for The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles. Additional warning for racist sentiments uttered by fictional characters (and screencaps to show these sentiments).
Disclaimer: (see Part 1 for the more detailed disclaimer.) - These posts are not meant to be taken as fact. Everything I’m outlining stems from my own views and experiences. If you believe that I’ve missed or misinterpreted something, please let me know so I can edit the post accordingly. -The purpose of these posts is an analysis, nothing more. Please do not come into these posts expecting me to either defend Barok van Zieks from haters, nor expecting me to encourage the hatred. - I’m using the Western release of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for these posts, but may refer to the original Japanese dialogue of Dai Gyakuten Saiban if needed to compare what’s said. This also means I’m using the localized names and localized romanization of the names to stay consistent. -It doesn’t matter one bit to me whether you like Barok van Zieks or dislike him. However, I will ask that everyone who comments refrains from attacking real, actual people.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Back to the second game we go for The Return of the Great Departed Soul! (Part one, this is another two-parter case)
Episode 2-3: The Return of the Great Departed Soul
So now, chronologically, six months have passed since The Unspeakable Story. Susato returned to Japan at the end of the first game and hasn't returned yet. Ryu was reprimanded for all the perjury and the questionable McGilded defense, so he had his right to stand in court revoked for now and instead had to focus on studying English law some more. He's done so quite patiently and now he feels he's ready to return. He just needs to get Stronghart's permission first. Meanwhile, the Great Exhibition is happening in Hyde Park, pulling in visitors and scientists from all over the world. Exciting! (S)Holmes hands Ryu a newspaper with an article on the exhibition, talking about how the brighter things shine, the darker the shadows cast behind them. By now, Ryu is fluent enough in (S)Holmes speak to know this means he should flip over the newspaper. There, we find an article of an entirely different sort.
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So not only was Van Zieks apparently attacked, Ryu shows horror and concern at the notion. No hard feelings from our wholesome boy! (S)Holmes explains that London's finest criminals often find ways to get acquittals from trials through bribery, threats, sham witnesses... We saw this in McGilded, of course, so we know all too well how dangerous that can get. But since the Reaper and his curse are immune to such tactics, when a ringleader or fellow ends up being 'taken' by the curse, retaliation can occur. So it's established that this isn't the first time Van Zieks has been attacked by a group of thugs. Fortunately, Van Zieks is an “accomplished combatant” who doesn't take these attacks lying down. Unfortunately, the thugs were carrying guns this time. Uhoh.
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This warms my heart, it really does. Van Zieks has been a terrible scumbag, but Ryu doesn't think he's gotten his comeuppance at all. He's genuinely concerned for this man and intends to find out more about his condition. So since he was planning to meet with Stronghart and ask for attorney permission anyway, it's the perfect opportunity to also ask about Van Zieks! Iris decides to tag along because she wants to visit the Great Exhibition. Let's shove the newspaper in Stronghart's face as soon as the game allows it.
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The phrasing of “number one prosecutor” is interesting, but then... We never learn of any other (living) veteran prosecutors in this country, so of course Van Zieks would be number one. Stronghart says there's no need for concern; Van Zieks would not be so easily dispatched. Street ruffians are no match for him, since he's a very capable fighter. Seems like that sword he carries around isn't just for show after all. As for why he was attacked this time... Well, a month ago Van Zieks prosecuted a leader of a criminal organization. Nice to know he didn't just return to retirement and instead got back to work like a normal person without cherrypicking his cases based on what Ryu's doing. The defendant was acquitted, no doubt thanks to large sums of money being shifted around behind the scenes, but he still met a dramatic end just yesterday during an accident at the Great Exhibition. The man in question was Odie Asman, and the one now being detained on suspicion of murder without a defense attorney is Professor Albert Harebrayne. Albert's case has just been assigned to Ryu, so we're sure to find out more about Asman as we go. As as final touch, Ryu asks Stronghart why he continues to use Van Zieks as a prosecutor. Since the criminals are becoming fearful of the curse and attacking him, it's dangerous to Van Zieks himself. Stronghart explains that he has two reasons: Firstly, Van Zieks is the best prosecutor in the capital, bar none. And secondly, any deaths that have occurred outside the courtrooms after his trials have nothing to do with him. (S)Holmes alluded to the same thing, saying that Van Zieks had a rock-hard alibi for each and every mysterious death.
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“So he will continue to prosecute on behalf of the Crown. ...Unless he wishes otherwise, of course.” With that, Stronghart admits he needs to get going since he's already 11 hours late to his next appointment (fsdkjfls). Ryu asks where he might be able to find Van Zieks and is told to head to his office. So even after being told that Van Zieks is just fine, Ryu is still concerned and wants to discuss the matter with the man himself. Let's gooo! Naturally, the first thing out of Van Zieks's mouth when he catches Ryu and Iris in his office is to wonder what the heck they're doing here.
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So there's several things of interest in the office, with the game automatically addressing the biggest one: Van Zieks has an apprentice now! It's a mysterious, rigid dude wearing a hood and a mask who is absolutely not familiar to us, nope. We don't know him. Gosh, what a mystery. Van Zieks doesn't seem to know who he is either, instead just referring to him as his apprentice and nothing more.
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Ryu sees this as an opening to ask about the attack on the Reaper that was in the newspaper. Van Zieks admits that he too is very interested in the true identity of the Reaper. “Assuming, that is, such a fabled fiend genuinely inhabits our great courtrooms.” The conversation halts for a moment so we can examine the office and this is the best opportunity for humanizing traits we've gotten so far, so LET'S DO IT! The enormous portrait in the back is the first thing to peek at.
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Iris says whoever painted it exaggerated the subject's handsomeness, which in turn is reminiscent of Napoleon ordering the painter to make him look more attractive. That's super vain and not an attractive quality in a person at all. I laughed the whole way through that bit of dialogue and Van Zieks, who was in earshot the entire time, gets his feathers ruffled.
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When Ryu asks who it is then, Van Zieks doesn't reply. BACKSTORY ALERT! Examining the chalices and bottles on the left leads to Van Zieks explaining the hallowed bottles are filled with the finest grapes from the finest vineyards he visits (so it is grape juice!!!) and he personally oversees the chalices being made by the finest crystal craftsmen in the world. Right, so not only is he filthy stinkin' rich, he's a perfectionist. Iris points out that Van Zieks throws the chalices and bottles around like they're worthless, to which Van Zieks says:
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“Before you open your mouth next time, you should consider the poor artisans whose work you defile.”
As it turns out, passive aggression is contagious now. Ryu replies with a “So it's my fault? Silly me! How could I ever have thought otherwise?” and honestly I love that he's got enough guts to say this out loud. Our boy is growing a spine. Examining the wine casks has Ryu and Iris theorize about how there might be dead bodies in there, which once again ruffles Van Zieks's feathers.
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Snrk. Examining the big diorama in the middle of the room has Ryu and Iris wonder whether Van Zieks can't go to the Exhibition in person and this is his way of dealing with that, which has Van Zieks snap that it's obviously an investigative aid.  He even has pets of sorts in his office, in the form of a couple of bats hanging from the curtains. Alright, so the game's definitely humanizing this poor man now. No matter how many crazy stories Iris and Ryu come up with about him, there's usually a very innocent explanation to debunk the eerie myths. Something particularly interesting happens when Ryu shows Van Zieks his defense attorney armband. Van Zieks asks what the reason is for showing it to a British prosecutor, to which Ryu admits that he doesn't quite know. Van Zieks is silent for a bit, then says that he understands. “There's merit in reminding yourself of who helped you become what you are today.”
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As he says it, he reaches for his prosecutor's badge and if you're aware of the backstory, you'll know he's thinking of Klint. More importantly, this conversation puts Ryu and Van Zieks on the same level. Ryu is always thinking of Kazuma, who 'helped him become who he is today' and the armband signifies this, along with the sword. Similarly, Van Zieks lost someone very close to him and he's walking the path of prosecutor in his brother's memory. Ryu thanks Van Zieks for understanding and it's very significant that Van Zieks understands in the first place. Remember, in the first game he was under the impression that a Japanese person could never understand a British person and vice versa.
Showing Van Zieks the newspaper article has him looking a bit embarrassed, pointing out that a reporter must've been nearby and he'd been careless to let himself get photographed. Either way, all the thugs responsible have already been apprehended. The investigation into Odie Asman's activities meant that their arrests were already imminent anyway, and some hoped to kill Van Zieks before that happened. Much like McGilded, Asman used his wealth to buy his way towards an acquittal in court, but “he got his comeuppance in the end.” Which is strange, right? Very suspicious. Van Zieks asks whether Ryu believes he has some sort of divine ability to make an accident like that happen. Ryu admits that would be far-fetched, and thinks to himself that even if Van Zieks were the Reaper, he'd have to be innocent of this particular death. We also learn that Van Zieks is familiar with Professor Harebrayne, the suspect in the Asman incident. When told that Ryu will be taking on the defense, Van Zieks is shocked.
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Van Zieks goes on to explain that he knows Albert quite well. They were at university together. While he's lived in Germany for quite a few years, Albert is actually from a respectable British family. And despite Albert being in the science faculty and Van Zieks in law, they got along quite well. Now he's in pretty hot water for that Asman accident.
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Hm. I don't quite know what to make of this reaction. I think what's going on here isn't that Van Zieks is rattled because Albert is being defended by a Japanese person, but because he's being defended by a rookie attorney who was just disbarred for six months for accidentally encouraging perjury, false witness and crime scene tampering in a court of law. Yes, Ryu has won his trials every single time, but it came at a price. Aside from this, there's one other thing Van Zieks knows about Ryu: he'll pursue the truth, no matter what. This means that if Albert indeed didn't succeed at inventing teleportation, it'll be revealed in court because exposing shams is Ryu's whole deal.
We learn that Van Zieks will be the one to prosecute Albert tomorrow, which is curious to say the least. Ryu wants to know why he'd do something like that, with Iris pointing out that so long as the Reaper is the prosecutor, Albert is doomed. Van Zieks replies that he's a Crown prosecutor and a mortal like any other; he's no demigod. In other words, he doesn't believe the curse to be a real curse. Iris points out that everyone who's been prosecuted by Van Zieks has died (which is already objectively wrong), to which Van Zieks replies that he usually prosecutes the vilest wretches of society.
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… Harsh. Ryu points out that Soseki wasn't a vile wretch though, with Iris chiming in that Gina's also turned her life around and she's working very hard now. Van Zieks admits that things have changed ever since meeting Ryu- which of course has to do with Van Zieks's need to face Ryu in court even in mediocre trials rather than pursue his usual corrupted targets- but the point is that if any of those vile wretches died in mysterious circumstances, it was “at the hand of their own kind”, not Van Zieks's. So basically, he believes that they were killed because they were dubious people engaged with dubious activities, not because of the Reaper's curse. Not only that, but ever since the rumors of the Reaper began, the number of serious crimes in London has decreased significantly. Even the most hardened criminals can be made fearful of their lives. Therefore, if his pseudonym of the Reaper can serve a useful purpose, he'll “adopt it gladly and with honour”. Ryu repeats that which he already told Stronghart; that it's putting Van Zieks in danger.
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He really is a prosecutor on the edge with nothing to lose, huh. So what Van Zieks is basically saying is that he doesn't care if he dies, so long as he spends the rest of his life serving the 'useful purpose' of carrying the Reaper moniker to intimidate the vilest of society. But is that really all there is to it? (Spoilers: It's not)
There's a bit more talk about the mysterious apprentice here, with Van Zieks explaining the man was placed in his care under Stronghart's orders. He's wearing a mask on Stronghart's orders and also doesn't speak to anyone from outside the office on Stronghart's orders. HM. Van Zieks claims that Stronghart isn't one for “meaningless follies”, therefore he must have a good reason. This implies that Van Zieks believes in Stronghart's judgment almost blindly. To round up the conversation, Van Zieks asks about “that Nipponese man. The one arrested twice in succession six months ago. With the stoop. And the moustache. And the jitters.” Looks super offensive at first glance, but I gotta admit, after six months I wouldn't remember Soseki's name either. Better to describe him than to guess the name and get it wrong. Still though, just because it's not super offensive doesn't mean it's not offensive. Just saying “the one you defended six months ago” would've done the trick. Either way, Ryu says he's doing just fine and a letter from him arrived by post just the other day.
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So this is interesting. Earlier, Van Zieks claimed in his own words that he doesn't believe in the curse and those who died had it coming to them, but he's still inquiring after Soseki. Perhaps not so much because he's worried about Soseki himself, but because he's curious whether this man has successfully escaped the curse so far. He would know that for a fact about Gina, but the only way to verify Soseki's status is to ask Ryu about it.
Time to leave this glass cage of exposition and meet the defendant in person! Albert spouts a whole lot of dialogue about how his machine is treated differently depending on whether the case is treated as an accident or as murder. If it's murder, it can be examined up close and that's what Albert doesn't want. It has to be treated as an accident so that it'll be protected from prying eyes through The Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act (wow that's a mouthful). Of course, that's not entirely what we're interested in. Let's ask about his friendship with Van Zieks! Ryu asks what he was like back in his university days and the answer surprises him.
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HAH, wonderfully written exchange, this one. Albert goes to describe him as “the little darling of the Van Zieks family, with all its great aristocratic origins”. So Van Zieks has some very noble blood in him. We could've already guessed this from his title of Lord, but apparently it's a bit more serious. I could derail here with wild theories about his family originating from the Netherlands and having migrated to the UK around the time the first king of the Netherlands, Willem I van Oranje Nassau, rose to power in 1813. Willem changed the way nobility works to some degree in the country and not all noble families would've agreed with his way of doing things. But anyway, point is, Van Zieks is a big shot. Albert says that it was kind of a shock to him when he came back to Britain and discovered 'what Van Zieks had become'. He heard that there was 'a very big event' that completely changed Van Zieks after his graduation, but doesn't know what it was because he was already in Germany at the time. So here we have some more traces of that backstory and we have enough pieces to start sticking some things together. We know Van Zieks was once betrayed by a friend and we now know he was a very modest, pleasant gentleman when he was young. Whatever happened must've been very harsh indeed to turn him into such a sour lemon. Either way, Albert doesn't seem to know yet that Van Zieks will be the prosecutor and Ryu doesn't have the heart to tell him.
So let's investigate the crime scene! Here, it's confirmed that Gina Lestrade is indeed just fine and now in training to become a detective with Gregson. Cute! So eventually we get to talk to Gregson about Van Zieks and how he's acquainted with Albert. Gregson is overdramatically shocked to find out that the two of them are old buddies.
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Remember when Van Zieks took a five year hiatus and nobody had to mysteriously die from the Reaper's curse? Those were the days, eh Gregson? Now he's even prosecuting his own friends willy-nilly. Gregson states he has no idea what goes on in Van Zieks's head  (a sentiment we've heard before in 1-4) and goes on to bring up the newspaper article about Van Zieks being attacked. When told that our good old pal the Reaper is just fine, Gregson utters a very uncomfortable “glad to hear it” which honestly had me wondering whether he'd preferred Van Zieks to die.
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Up until a certain someone gets killed and stuffed into a suitcase, I'd reckon. Gregson says that Van Zieks is a top class prosecutor, but not even he can always push the right verdict through. “Sometimes justice can't win.” Gregson explains that naturally, Scotland Yard suspected Van Zieks at first and assumed he was taking matters into his own hands. There was a very thorough investigation and the outcome was that Van Zieks was in no way related to the mysterious deaths. So that's three people now who all insist Van Zieks couldn't possibly have committed the murders. Gregson says he's willing to stake his reputation on it, even. Of course, Gregson would know for sure, wouldn't he? But the narrative is telling us over and over that Van Zieks himself isn't the Reaper, with even Van Zieks himself implying he'd like to know just who the Reaper is. There's a conspiracy happening that Van Zieks is the centerpiece of, with the narrative really pushing the mystery aspect of it. The writers want us to care about the truth of the Reaper for sure.
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OOOH that's meta! Ryu, being nosy and overly invested in Van Zieks's life, asks Gregson whether he knows about the 'incident' which changed Van Zieks after graduation.
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Okay he clearly knows. Even a first time player can tell from this single reaction that Gregson's lying. The mystery thickens! At the end of the conversation, when Gregson's gone off, Iris recommends asking (S)Holmes about it instead. Safe bet, since (S)Holmes continuously knows more than he's letting on. To the house of wax we go! When asked about it, it's clear that he does know something (and is described as suddenly clamming up), but before he can explain there's a distraction in the form of Madam Tusspells and we have to sit through a mostly-unrelated Joint Reasoning segment. It leads into a conversation about a mass murderer known as the Professor. Ten years ago, there was a series of murders which rocked the capital right around the time Van Zieks graduated from university. Five people were killed before the man was caught and executed. This fifth victim was Klint van Zieks, Barok's older brother.
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I really, really dislike this phrasing because Van Zieks was already studying law to begin with. He'd just graduated as a prosecutor; his brother's death had nothing to do with him pursuing that path. Anyway...
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OOOH that's meta! So remember way back in the first essay when I said the backstory is optional? Well, here it is. The Great Ace Attorney is going all in for it. It's being tied to the ongoing plot, just as pretty much all the main prosecutor backstories are. Edgeworth's backstory is tied to Von Karma being the final boss, Godot's backstory is tied to the Fey lineage, Klavier's backstory (I say this lightly) is tied to Phoenix's disgrace... Now Van Zieks's story is tied to the serial killer who ruined so many lives a decade ago. And technically, we already have all the puzzle pieces we need for the next twist; we know Van Zieks was betrayed by a Japanese person who was his friend. So really, we can now say with absolutely certainty that the man arrested and executed back then was a Japanese buddy of Van Zieks.
The investigation segment is pretty much over, but the game has one more scene for us. This is something Ryunosuke won't witness, but the scriptwriters deemed it so important that we're ignoring Ryu to focus solely on the two characters involved. And cutting away from our main character is something that usually doesn't happen in Ace Attorney. Even when characters like Phoenix or Ryu are out of commission for whatever reason, a new 'main character' takes over for a second and we see everything from their point of view. I can think of only one other scene viewed without Ryu there, which happened in 1-5 just before Susato had to leave London. So what we have here is a very private moment between Van Zieks and Albert.
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AWWW... The scenes in the office were great and all, but this right here is perhaps the most humanizing exchange we'll ever see with Barok. The reason for that, I think, is precisely because Ryu isn't there. He's alone with an old friend now, which means he can let his guard down more than he usually would. Even so, it's worth noting here that he doesn't look directly at Albert. He stands with his back to him the entire time and I'm certain this is intentional, because they could just as easily have rotated him into that sideways view that's often used in dialogue and courtroom scenes. He made his way down to the gaol to speak with his friend after ten long years, but is reluctant to look right at him. The conversation itself feels rather distant as well. Albert is delighted to see Van Zieks, but the sentiment isn't returned vocally. Van Zieks points out that they're meeting again “in prison of all places” and that the court will decide Albert's fate tomorrow. When Van Zieks raises a warning, Albert says he already knows his friend will be prosecuting and doesn't appear bothered at all at first. He does try to raise a question in the form of “Are you really...?”, but ultimately drops it and says that he knows Van Zieks has his best interests at heart. Van Zieks says he wouldn't entrust the trial of his friend to anyone else, and Albert thanks him for that. So my first guess upon taking in that dialogue is that Albert wonders for a brief moment whether Van Zieks really is the Reaper/really is cursed, only to shake it off because he considers the man his friend. Van Zieks seems to know it's risky to prosecute Albert, but deems it more important to handle the case himself than to let someone else do it. This, as we learn later, has to do with the Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act and the protection of Albert's scientific secrets.
Next day, we're at the Old Bailey! In the defendant lobby, Ryu is once again told by Albert that the true goal to aim for in this trial is to protect his scientific hypothesis. So hypothetically speaking, the ideal outcome here would be to prove the death was accidental and that the kinesis was a success at the same time. (S)Holmes and Iris don't believe Albert's theory to be sound though, instead saying it couldn't possibly be done. In the courtroom, Ryu faces off against Van Zieks once more for the first time in six months! The judge is quick to point out that Odie Asman is a name familiar to him; a man who was prosecuted only a month ago by Van Zieks. When he asks whether this death is the work of the Reaper, Van Zieks instead describes it as “divine retribution”, but also “a direct result of the actions of the accused, Professor Albert Harebrayne”. The prosecution asserts that the instantaneous kinesis demonstration was a success. He himself can't say for certain whether it's a sound theory, but it's being investigated by the British government since it was deemed to have potential and the prosecution's case aligns with the notion that there was indeed instantaneous- You know what? Let's just call it teleportation. That's easier to type.
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Unfortunately, Van Zieks doesn't want to follow the accident angle. Instead, he outright accuses his old friend of murdering Asman using the totally-functional-teleportation-machine-which-totally-worked to be the sole benefactor of a scientific grant. Harsh. Very harsh. I don't entirely understand why he didn't pursue the accident angle instead, but then, I don't quite know enough about law. My guess is that as the prosecution, he's not allowed to. Scotland Yard found enough evidence at the scene to substantiate a murder plot, especially that damning screwdriver that Ryu so graciously handed to Gregson, so that's what the prosecution has to go with, maybe? It's up to the defense attorney to debunk that down to an accident, then, so in essence Van Zieks is counting on Ryu to 'defeat him' and prove the murder aspect wrong. It would align with the conversation Albert had with Van Zieks in prison, where he said that 'it was a terrible accident and the young Eastern man acting as his defence assured him that he can prove it'.
So speaking of that screwdriver, Albert tries to discredit it himself by saying that if he had stabbed Asman on the stage, there would've been a whole lot of blood. Van Zieks pours himself a glass of wine and 'congratulates' his friend on a good rebuttal.
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“Here's to you, Albert!”
Albert laughs it off sheepishly, saying he's nothing compared to “Barok” (awww, first name basis), but a chalice is immediately flung. Van Zieks says Albert neglected to mention one crucial possibility, which is that the lack of blood is explained by the notion that the screwdriver remained in the victim's chest to plug the wound. Therefore, since the demonstration was totally a success, the screwdriver was teleported along with the victim. Ryu thinks to himself that he had no idea the victim had been stabbed and wonders whether Van Zieks kept that information to himself to keep the upper hand on purpose. This whole thing jars me a little, because the screwdriver is brought up relatively early in the trial during the very first cross-examination. Is not mentioning it during the opening statement and waiting for Gregson to bring it up three minutes later really the same as 'keeping it to himself to gain the upper hand'?
Either way, Ryu counters, saying that the screwdriver was found at the stage and therefore didn't teleport at all, with Gregson serving as an official witness to this location. It's pretty clear from the next dialogue that Gregson never told Van Zieks where that screwdriver was found.
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“That you contravened the Special Dispensation for Scientific Equipment Act?”
Gregson is immediately up in arms, but it's fine. There was no investigation needed to find a screwdriver lying in plain sight. So now Ryu decides to tighten the screws. He claims that if the prosecution can't explain the inconsistency (the screwdriver being found on the stage but no blood being there so clearly it must've plugged the wound), the testimony is unreliable. Van Zieks doesn't reply and Ryu thinks to himself that he looks stumped, but uh...
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He just looks annoyed to me. The person to object next is not Van Zieks, it's Albert. He says that metal can't be teleported with the machine, so it only makes sense the screwdriver stayed behind and there's no inconsistency at all. Van Zieks suggests: “Clearly we should hear the accused's explanation. … Or should I say, this brilliant scientist's explanation?” And I think here in these two sentences we have the crux of the issue. Albert wants to be treated as a legitimate scientist above all else. Even if that means he's branded a murderer, so long as his hypothesis is protected and the confidentiality stands, it makes no difference to him. This was likely discussed with Van Zieks the night before as well. Albert is apparently willing to die for the sake of his scientific principles and... Well. I'm sure Van Zieks can understand. He's willing to die for the sake of serving the Reaper purpose. In a way, this means the defendant and the prosecution are in cahoots together, which is another first in Ace Attorney history. The two of them are fighting to keep the hypothesis of teleportation intact and if Ryu manages to prove that it was an accidental death, then great! Unfortunately, the second that screwdriver was discovered, the chances of that became slim to none. It was murder, plain and simple. On a sidenote, I found this little gem:
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I'm counting this as humanization, because the underlying sentiment here is that despite his haughty better-than-thou attitude, Van Zieks is still friends with someone so very scatterbrained, his name is forgotten sometimes. Even Ryu is taken aback by the purity of the friendship.
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Heh heh... Time to cause some more havoc by informing the court that Asman's metal-rimmed glasses were still on his face and since Albert already said metal can't be teleported, his hypothesis is a load of tosh. The jurors go up in arms about it, saying the machine should be stripped down and examined. The game gives Ryu the option to either raise an objection or 'wait and see', but this is another one of those fake choices. Waiting and seeing just leads to a bit more dialogue between the jurors before Ryu steps in of his own accord. He says Albert would have no reason to build such an elaborate fake machine and put on a public display for murder, but Van Zieks counters with the very good reason: Money. The jurors are even more outraged, calling him a fake scientist who's only in it for the guineas, and Albert begs them to believe that his science is built upon a sound hypothesis. Van Zieks comes in to 'save the day' (sort of).
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“The fact remains that the victim was transported instantly to the Crystal Tower. Which means that the experiment... was a success.”
And I gotta say, this next bit is just very enjoyable to me. The way it's written is so great.
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HEH HEH.... Van Zieks has some more witnesses to summon who saw the incident from some 'very special seats', but let's end the essay here for now and pick it back up next time!
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 7
Word Count: 6,020
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Smut
Notes: We’re getting closer to the end. Just one more part left to go. This has been such a fun series to write for you guys. Hope you enjoy these last two little bits. As always I love your feedback, your reblogs, your tags and your likes! Happy Reading!!!
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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You weren't sure what time it was, all you knew is that moonlight was streaming through the windows, which meant the storm must have passed. The one thing you did know was why you woke up. It would actually be quite comical if it wasn't giving you such intense pleasure. You were curled into Jamie's side, his cock now hard inside you. Every so often his hips would flex into yours, hitting the spot you loved so well, which is what jolted you awake. At first, you thought he was purposely trying to wake you up with how he softly rocked into you, but then you heard his light snore and realized he was asleep, which is what made the whole thing laughable. "Mmm," Jamie moaned out, as his cock moved deeper into your core. His facial features were so relaxed, that you knew he had to be dreaming as he fucked you in his sleep.
 You dropped soft kisses to his chest, in hopes of waking him gently, yet they worked to no avail. Part of you was curious how long this would keep up before he would either spend inside you or wake up, though there was the other part that was too turned on to wait and see how it would end. Your unsated appetite won out finally, and you reached up to capture his lips. His mouth was slightly parted in sleep, so it was easy to dip your tongue inside and tangle with his. At first, his eyes remained closed, as he kissed you back and you were having trouble determining whether he was awake or not, but then they slowly opened as you pulled back from the kiss; his lips chasing yours. You watched the whole scenario play out across his face, his mind slowly coming into focus and realizing that you were in his bed, to the look of pleasure from being buried deep inside you, to utter shock that he was fucking you without any conscious thought. "Jesus," he hissed out, then went to pull out of you, only you locked your leg around him and pulled him closer to your body.
 "Don't stop, Jame."
 "I..um…" he was still in a brain fog, his body running on pure instinct at the moment as he thrust in and out of your aching pussy. You kissed him again, halting any words that he wanted to say. You knew just how close he was to cuming, as he'd worked himself into a frenzy even in sleep, but you weren't quite there yet. Jamie somehow sensed this. Running his hand between your bodies so that he could toy with your clit.
 It was your turn to moan with pleasure, as he rubbed your little nub back and forth. It didn't take long to get you to that edge, the one that would have you soaring and screaming out his name. Your pussy started to quiver as the orgasm hit, and with a few well-timed thrusts, Jamie was following you down that blissful path of ecstasy.  
 You both lay there panting, his eyes searching yours curious to your reaction of what just played out. "Did we just? Was I..?"
 "Yes, and yes, you were asleep," you laughed.
 "Oh my god, I thought I was dreaming."
 "Well, I don't have to guess what it was about." There was a teasing note to your voice, which made Jamie relax a bit. "I'm just hoping it was me that was in that dream."
 His face took on an all too serious look and you regretted the words you just jokingly said. "It's always you, (Y/N). It's always been you, though I'm glad it's now a reality."
 "Me too, Jame," you breathed out and you really were glad that this right now was your reality. Emma had been right, you needed to find out if your girlhood fantasies of your first time had been just that or if it really was everything. Now you knew for sure that it was everything and so much more. The only scary part was hoping Jamie wouldn't hurt you again. You pushed past the part of your brain that wanted to dwell on that thought and tried to focus on the here and now. "What time is it?'
 "Um…" he peeked his head above you to look at your side of the bed, where you assumed a clock was. "Just after one."
 "Mmm, good. Then let's go back to sleep."
 His lips came down to give you the sweetest kiss. "I'll try to keep my lustful dreams under control and not wake you up." There was a little smirk on Jamie's face and you were glad he was finally able to laugh about his little wet dream turned reality.
 "Hmm, I'm not opposed if it happens again."
 His eyebrows shot up, before you kissed him one more time, then snuggled back into his embrace. You were asleep within minutes.
 This time you weren't woken up by Jamie and his hard cock inside you. Instead, it was the light from the bright shining sun. You checked the time for even though you didn't have to be in the office until later today, you didn't want to get too carried away with Jamie and end up being late. Thankfully, it was only seven, which meant you had plenty of time for what you had planned. You looked over at Jamie, peacefully sleeping, though still in a state of arousal and you wondered if he was having that same dream from before, as his cock was pressed up against his stomach. You wet your lips, before pulling back the sheet farther so you could dip your head down to his erect member.
 Darting your tongue out, you licked up the length of his shaft before twirling it around the head. Jamie moaned out in pleasure, his body coming alive with just that brief contact. Your hand went to the base, as your mouth sunk down to devour his cock. Jamie's hand threaded into your locks and now you knew he was fully awake as you worked him in and out of your mouth. You peeked through your lashes to look up at his face, his pupils blown wide both from sleep and the things you were doing to him with your mouth. "Mmm, fuck baby that feels so good." You pressed your tongue against the underside of his cock, a move he'd always loved when he was younger and apparently still did, as he bucked his hips into your mouth. You worked faster, bobbing up and down on his member, taking him all the way inside so he's hitting the back of your throat. "(Y/N), I'm gonna…" he groaned and you knew he was close, you could feel it. His hands were trying to get you off his cock, but you want to taste him, feel him lose control because of what you were doing just the way he did to you last night. It's when you cupped his balls that he went over the edge, spurts of hot cum shooting down your throat as he screamed out your name. You licked him clean, before taking the back of your hand and wiping your mouth.
 Jamie's was already reaching for you before you could do anything more. He had your body sprawled on top of his, and his mouth was kissing you, probably tasting himself on your lips. "I'm never going to let you leave if you keep waking me up like this."
 You kissed him back hard, before pulling back to stare into his large brown eyes. "Sorry hun, I've got patients today, so you have to let me go." Jamie's hands were roaming up and down your spine and you felt yourself melting back into him, which can't happen because you do have patients to see today, though not that many.
 He cupped your ass, squeezing the globes and making you moan. "I can be your patient if you want."
 "Oh, so you want to play doctor huh?" you asked resting your head on your hands which were laced together on his chest.
 "Mmm," he hummed. There's a little smirk that crosses his face and you can see he's intrigued with the idea. To tell the truth, so are you, but not this morning. Your legs are a bit sore from their workout last night and you still need to get to Jessi's to get your things. Reluctantly, you lift yourself off of Jamie and out of bed. "Where are you going?"
 "To the bathroom," you say rather sheepishly and pad your way into the en suite. Jamie stayed in bed and you know he's hoping that you'll be back for round three or does giving him a blow job make it round four. Either way, if you get back in that bed you may not get out, because being with him is everything you knew it would be and so much more, and that scares the hell out of you. This is all moving much faster than you anticipated but is that a bad thing. It's just so much easier because there's this familiarity between the two of you. You're trying not to overthink everything as you wash your hands in the sink, it's only then that you look up and see yourself in the mirror. "Jamie Randolph Benn!" you yelled.
 Jamie came running from the bedroom, naked and out of breath. "Are you ok?..."Did you fall?" he asked because you never called him by his full name, well maybe one time when you were really mad you did and you're pretty close to being that upset at the moment.
 "No, I'm not ok…" you told him motioning to your reflection in the mirror. "Did you..are these…" you're sputtering your words because really you're not sure what to say.
 "Hickies?" He supplies the word you couldn't seem to push past your lips. There's a smirk on his face and he looks quite pleased with himself, but he's also a bit red in the face at leaving marks on your body. God, that hasn't happened since you were in high school.
 "How am I suppose to go to work with these?" Your hands are trying to rub them out, get some sort of circulation so that the blood will flow a little better, and lessen the marks, but you know they're not going to go away magically. "What are my patients going to think?"
 "That you made someone very happy last night and that maybe he did the same for you?" Jamie slides his arms around your midsection in an attempt to soften you. You're not truly mad, so you relax against his chest, as he props his chin in the crook of your neck.
 "Well, that's true." There's this shy smile playing on his lips again and you have the urge to kiss him senseless, but then you'll end up with more of these marks on your body and you can't have that, there's already three that you're going to need to cover with makeup, plus another that you can hide under clothing. Thank god, for good concealer. "Last night was actually amazing." You thread your hands with his around your middle, loving the feel of his arms wrapped around you.
 "Then why don't we go continue it this morning." His cock has recovered from earlier as you feel its semi-erect form pressing against your backside. He's kissing your neck and then your shoulder blade and the image in the mirror of the two of you like this is making you wet again.
 "Nope," you say, then pull out of his arms, but he's already grabbing you back towards him. You go easily. "I need to shower, Jame. I'm a sticky mess, and I need to go to Jessi's and get my stuff."
 "You could shower here, with me." He's back to kissing you again and it's so distracting. "It would save on water." He kisses your collarbone. "And it would be faster." Your lips are next and you're beginning to cave, as he dances you back against the sink counter.
 "Ok," you finally give in, knowing that you have plenty of time, but not for the three-hour session you can tell Jamie has in mind. "But we have to be quick."
 "Mmhmm, sure," he tells you, before lifting you up on the counter and spreading your legs. "Just let me get you a sticky mess one more time before we rinse all this off." He winks and drops down to his knees before diving right into your pussy. Before you know it, you're coming apart sitting on his bathroom sink and then again one more time when you're in the shower, which was supposed to save time, but instead takes twice as long then if you were by yourself.
 "Jame, where's a brush?" you ask after he toweled you off, and was now drying himself.
 "Right-hand side."
 You're brushing your hair and you swear you hear something downstairs but you know Jamie locked the doors, so you must be hearing things. It's not ten seconds later, that you hear someone shouting for Jamie. "Hey, Chubbs!" A voice yells and you look at Jamie through the mirror to see if he knows who it is.
 "Shit! I forgot Tyler and I were supposed to work out." Flying back into the bedroom, you start searching for Jamie's sweats that you had on last night. "Be right down Segs," Jamie screams back. He's much calmer than you are, as you whip his sweatshirt over your head.
 "Where did you throw my panties?" He shrugs as he puts his boxers on as casual as if there isn't one of his teammates downstairs waiting for him. "Nevermind. I'll find them later." You grab the sweats and pull them on.
 "Mmm, commando huh?" You shake your head and roll your eyes at him, all while throwing your wet hair in a messy bun.
 "Would you go down there before he comes up here?"
 "He's not going to come up here. It's Tyler. He knows better than that." Which means he knows Jamie has a woman up here, so there's no way of getting out of Jamie's place without Tyler seeing you.
 "Just go, I'll be down in a second."
 Jamie comes up behind you, grabbing you quickly and kissing you. "Stop worrying about Tyler," he tells you when he finally ends the kiss because he knows you and knows that you just feel like you were caught by your parents instead of one of his friends. "I'll see you in a few seconds." You went back to the bathroom, to make yourself a bit more presentable, so you didn't hear the interaction between the two.
 Tyler was at the bottom of the stairs when Jamie got there. "What took you so long man? You got someone up there?" Jamie answered with a broad-ass grin that gave him away, without him even saying a word. "No shit! It's (Y/N) right?"
 "Of course, it's (Y/N). You know there's no one else for me." Tyler knew this but needed verbal confirmation from his best friend, before slapping him on the back.
 "Congrats bud, I don't know how you did it."
 "Fuck man me either." You chose that moment to head down the stairs.
 Jamie has his back to you, so it was Tyler that saw you first. "Hey Doc," he greeted you, with a little wink and your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You could see him take in your attire and the fact that you were wearing Jamie's clothes, which told him you'd spent the night, even though he didn't need to see your outfit to know that.
 "Hi Segs," you said using the nickname Jamie had used moments ago.
 "So…you kids have fun last night," he teased and now it just wasn't your cheeks that were turning bright red but Jamie's as well.
 "Shut up," Jamie told him, as he curled you into his side.
 "What? I was just asking. You know trying to be polite and all." No, he was fishing for information and you were not going to bite on that hook and supply it to him.
 "I really have to go." You told the two.
 "I'll grab my keys and run you over."
 "Jesus, Chubbs she only lives two doors down. I think she can make it there without you driving her."
 "Hardy har," Jamie faked chuckled. "I need to take her to Jessi's to get her purse, asshole." Tyler's face formed an 'O' comprehending why Jamie was offering to drive you.
 "It's ok. I can just run into my house and get my spare set of keys. You boys go workout." You made a move out of Jamie's embrace but he tightened his grip, pulling you so that your body was facing his.
 "You sure?"
 "Yeah, it's no biggie. I need to change and stuff anyway. I'll just stop on my way to the office."
 "I could take you now though if you want." Jamie insisted and you knew he was reluctant to let you go, probably scared that you wouldn't come back.
 "Jame, it's fine."
 "Yeah, Jame," Tyler mocked. "She's fine. You can watch her from the front porch while I make the protein shakes. I mean someone has to make them." Jamie glared at him.
 "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, or I'd kick your ass when we get on the ice."
 Tyler made a pretend scared face. "Oh, look at me shaking." He headed towards the kitchen and you had a feeling Jamie was going to check him into the boards hard during drills for that. "See ya tomorrow, doc."
 "Bye Tyler," you called then headed for the front door. "Why will I see him tomorrow?"
 "Oh, annual team picnic. I thought I told you."
 "You did, it slipped my mind." You probably would've remembered the minute you checked your schedule on your phone, which you needed to get. "What do you want me to bring?"
 "I want your cake," Tyler yelled from the room over and you heard him snicker.
 "You're not getting her cake," Jamie emphasized the word her and you realized they were no longer talking about the chocolate cake you took to Jordie and Jessi's. You buried your head in Jamie's chest.
 Tyler couldn't resist egging Jamie on. "But it's so sweet and moist and…"
 "I swear to god, Seguin, if you finish that sentence, you'll regret it." You tugged on Jamie's arm and headed toward the front door, hearing Tyler cackle as you made your way there.
 Jamie grudgingly opened the front door then for you to leave, stepping outside with you.
 "So, will I see you later tonight?" His hands were at your sides, sliding up and down under your shirt so he could feel your skin once last time.
 "I think that can be arranged. I'm thinking pizza, maybe a movie, maybe a little something else." You knew you were teasing him but then again after last night, it was going to be torture for you as well.
 "Sounds like heaven. My place or yours?"
 "Your place, there are still boxes everywhere in my house." It wasn't quite perfect yet, and it seemed like it wouldn't be for quite some time with how much you were over at Jamie's now. "I'll call you on my way home."
 "Ok." He pulled you closer to him, dropping kisses to your forehead and nose before, stealing your breath away with one to your lips. Thank goodness you both lived in a secluded neighborhood, and there weren't cars driving by watching this public display of affection.
 You ended the kiss sooner than either of you wanted. "I really have to go."
 "I know. I'll see you soon." He pecked your lips again, as you took a step back from his embrace, yet not completely out of it. "Tell Jessi I said hi."
 "I will." You gave him just one more kiss. "See you tonight." You started to walk away, your hands still laced until they were stretched so far you had no choice but to let go, only Jamie pulled you back one last time, his mouth hot on yours.
 "Bye baby," he finally breathed out and let you go. You could feel his heated gaze on you across the expanse of the lawn as you headed back to your house. This time you punched in the right code, opened the door and gave Jamie one last wave before heading inside.
 You threw on some makeup and then headed to Jessi's, where you knew that it would take longer than fifteen minutes, as she wanted to know exactly what happened with you and Jamie. Needless to say, she was ecstatic that the two of you were willing to give your relationship another chance. After an hour with Jessi, you took off for the office, telling her you'd see her tomorrow at Jamie's house for the Star's picnic.
 Fortunately, work went extremely fast and before you knew it, you were seeing your last patient for the day. After making a few last minutes notes, you headed to the hospital. Another doctor had done morning rounds, but since you were in the vicinity you decided to check up on some patients, including Noah. He was your first stop and you could hear laughter coming from his room, as you reached the nurse's station. "Someone sounds like they're in a good mood today." You commented to Shelly, one of the nurses that day.
 "Noah has a special visitor today." Laughter again filled the air, only this time you recognized more than just Noah's. "One of the big-name hockey players is there. You probably know him, or will soon enough." Oh, you knew him alright, had actually just left him earlier this morning. "I'm having a hard time keeping the other nurses out of Noah's room. I don't know how you do it being around all those gorgeous men."
 You gave her a little wink, as you headed to Noah's room. "It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it." Shelly was right, there were three other nurses in Noah's room watching him play a video game with Jamie. "Well, someone seems to be doing pretty well today." It was kind of funny to watch the nurses scramble out of the room as if they'd been caught drooling over a hockey star.
 "Hi, Dr. (Y/LN)," Noah said with a huge smile on his face. "Look who came to see me. It's Jamie Benn, the Jamie Benn. You know from the Dallas Stars." He was rambling and it was really quite cute, but what was even more adorable was seeing Jamie sitting there having a blast with him.
 "I see that. Hello Mr. Benn. I'm surprised to see you here."
 "Hey (Y/N)…I mean Dr. (Y/LN). Thought I'd stop by and visit one of the Stars' biggest fans." Jamie winked at you and your heart melted that he would be so considerate to drop by and spend time with Noah.
 "Jamie brought me a signed jersey and a puck, oh and the latest Xbox system too." Had you not already consigned yourself to giving your relationship with Jamie another chance, this alone would make you do it. The man knew the way to your heart. He could buy you all the flowers in Dallas and they would mean nothing compared to what he'd just done to brighten this little boy's day. "Oh, and he said when I get out of here, I can watch him play. Like, go to a real game and everything."
 "Only when Dr. (Y/N) gives you the ok," Jamie added, scoring yet another point in his favor. At this rate, he'd be the Conn Smythe trophy winner of your heart in no time.
 "Well, if you keep healing as well as you are, you'll be at that game in no time. Now, do you have a minute so I can check you out, and then I'll let you get back to that game." You examined him rather quickly, but everything seemed to be healing perfectly. Another week or so and he would be out of the hospital, though it would be quite a bit longer before he was heading to a hockey game. "Alright, well I'll check back in with you on Monday. Now, make sure you don't go easy here on Mr. Benn."
 "I won't. See you soon."
 You stepped out of the hospital room, only to hear Jamie tell Noah he'd be back in a minute. "Hey (Y/N), we still on for tonight?"
 "Of course," you told him; how could you not be after everything he did for Noah. "Jame, I…I don't know how to thank you for everything you did for him. That was…" You felt yourself getting choked up. Last night, you told him that you were willing to give him a shot and now today you wanted to jump in with both feet first, because damn if you didn't feel like you were falling in love with him.
 "It's really nothing. I honestly didn't think you'd be here." Did he think that you wouldn't find out? If so that made you just love him a little more. "He's a good kid, and it was a sucky thing that happened to him. You're the one who did all the hard stuff."
 "Don't discredit what you did. It means a lot." He slid his hands to your waist then, yet stopped for fear you'd not approve. Instead of reprimanding him though, you looped your arms around his neck. "And I plan on showing you just how grateful I am when I get to your place."
 His eyebrows picked up, making his eyes like huge silver dollars. "Well, I won't argue with that." You kissed him quickly there in the hospital hallway before you could change your mind and you knew that not only Shelly, but the other three nurses had to see you, but you didn't really care.
 "I've got a few more patients to see then I'm heading out. See you soon."
 "Yeah, I'm just going to play one more game, then I'm going too." Pulling him down, you pecked his lips one last time, before letting him go. "I'll see you at home, babe." He released you then headed back into Noah's room, as you made your way down the hall to stares from all the nurses. You simply shrugged then kept on going until you were at the next patient's room.
 Two hours later, you were standing on Jamie's front porch ringing the doorbell. "I thought I said to just come in, the door would be unlocked," he told you as he opened the front door, yet made no move to let you in.
 "I know you did, but it…" you didn't finish the rest as Jamie's hands slid down the globes of your ass to grab it. "Jame," you shrieked and jumped into his arms exactly as he planned. He lifted you so that you had no choice but to wrap your legs around him, then he kicked the door closed.
 "I missed you," he told you before his lips found yours and he carried you into the living room.
 "You just saw me a couple hours ago."
 "Mmm…doesn't mean I can't miss you." He was kissing you again as he sat down on the couch and really who were you to complain about it when you'd been missing him as well. Which is how you found yourself kissing him back. It was a half-hour before Jamie's stomach decided that food took precedence over making out. You ordered pizza just as you promised Jamie that morning, then put on a movie, which ended up being background noise as neither of you could keep your hands off the other. It was just like being back in high school all over again. Only this time, there was no one to interrupt you, as Jamie led you upstairs to his bedroom, where you spent the rest of the night and the next morning in a mess of naked bodies and tangled limbs.
 It wasn't until late in the morning that you finally headed back to your house to get ready for the picnic. Jamie had called you three times, while you got ready asking when you'd be back over, but you didn't want it to seem like you'd been there all day and all night, even though you had, so you waited until a few teammates had shown up before heading over. There were actually more people there than you thought, and you had a hard time finding Jamie when you first got there.
 Jessi spotted you first. "Hey (Y/N)," she said embracing you in a big hug. "I'm actually surprised you weren't here when I came."
 "Thought I'd let a few people get here before, so it didn't look too bad."
 "If you're worried about his teammates, don't. They're all really great." She must have sensed there was something more, because she added, "And they won't care that you're dating. Actually, they'll all probably be as excited as I am for you two."
 Her words made heat rise to your face. "I'm just worried being the team doctor and all. Plus, I don't even know if we are dating. We haven't really talked about it."
 "Oh, you're dating. He practically said as much when I asked him."
 "When did you talk to him?" You had to know since Jamie hadn't said anything to you and the two of you had spent the last sixteen hours together.
 "When I came here early, hoping that you'd be here and I could drill you both together." Jessi was grinning ear to ear though you knew behind that smile she was dying to play twenty questions with you and Jamie together. You'd have to ask how Jamie faired on his own. "The man is smitten with you, (Y/N). I've known him for a long time and I haven't seen him this happy…ever." It had honestly been a long time since you'd been this happy as well. She grabbed you in a hug then whispered to you. "Stop worrying. Jamie's not going to do anything to screw this up. Trust me." Strangely, you did trust her and would definitely miss her when she headed off to Vancouver.
 "Thank you."
 "And quit worrying about the team. They all love you and it's not like there's some rule against them dating anyone in the organization. I know for a fact Tyler's dated one if not two of the ice girls, before what's her name." Why did that not surprise you. Jessi looped her arm through yours then. "Now, let's go find a drink. I feel like drinking tonight." Which is exactly what the two of you did. The shot of tequila Jessi made you do at first, definitely had you relaxing a bit more. You met almost all of the guys; who were all incredibly sweet as were most of their significant others. The only reason you said most was because Sara was there with Caitlyn in tow. Their disdain for you was quite obvious, as you saw them whispering anytime Jamie was around you.
 Jamie, for his part, kept things at a lower key, thank goodness. His touches were subtle, just a hand at the small of your back every now and then, or entwining your fingers together every so often when he thought you needed a small reassurance with one of his teammates. Just those tiny gestures sent chills up and down your spine. Though you both kept the PDA to a minimum, Jamie was still attentive, always making sure that you had a drink in your hand or something to eat.
 The party was in full swing within a few hours of starting. You made your way to the downstairs powder room, only to see one of the younger players, Hintz you thought, push through people to get there first. You didn't need to have the letters MD behind your name to know that he'd had one too many shots and was currently throwing up the contents of the barbeque as well as the alcohol he'd drank into Jamie's toilet. Hopefully, the kid had good aim, as you did not want to be cleaning up that mess later, for though you'd taken an oath to treat the sick it did not include wiping up puke from the bathroom floor. Giving him an IV full of fluids in the morning was more your speed.
 You turned on your heel and headed upstairs to Jamie's en suite. The second floor was much quieter than the downstairs as no one seemed to be venturing up there. You were just heading out of the bedroom when you heard voices outside the door.
 "I'm not really sure why you dragged me here to this party Sara." You'd recognize Caitlyn's whiny voice anywhere.
 "I thought you were interested in Jamie."
 "I am…I mean I was…but he's not even paying attention to me." You could almost see her arms crossed as she pouted even though you were on the other side of the door. "Who cares. Everyone knows that he doesn't eat pussy. He's probably lousy in bed." You clamped your hand over your mouth to stifle the laugh that threatened to bubble out. Jamie most definitely went down on women, in fact, it was just this morning that he had eaten you out not once but twice.
 You should've made yourself known, but instead, you listened as you heard Tyler's girlfriend respond. "That was just some silly tweet from years ago. He's probably changed since then."
 "It doesn't really matter either way. He seems to only be paying any attention to that doctor." She fairly spat the word doctor out as if it had some disgusting taste on her tongue.
  "I'm telling you Tyler told me himself that Jamie is just using her." Wait, what had Sara just said? That Jamie was using you? "Jamie told him yesterday that he's just pretending to be into her so that he can get her fired. He even went to the owner to talk to him about it." Bile rose in the back of your throat and suddenly you wanted to join Hintz in offering up the contents of your stomach. Was Jamie really just using you again? Had the last forty-eight hours all been some elaborate scheme just to get you out of the Stars organization? Jessi had mentioned earlier that there weren't any rules against dating but maybe she'd been wrong. "He told Tyler that he was just going to do what he did in high school to get rid of her." Well, he'd certainly done that, only this time he'd slept with you more than once before discarding you. How could you have been so blind to trust him again?
 "Really?" It was Caitlyn's question but the word was also running through your brain. Would Jamie really do this?
 "Yes, really! Now come on, let's go back downstairs so you can flirt with Jamie." With a click of their heels, the two set off.
 Tears started to roll down your face, just as they had all those years ago. Only this time you angrily swiped them away. You tried to tell yourself that it didn't hurt, that you'd guarded your heart against a moment just like this, but as the tears seemed to keep flowing you had to admit that it felt just as bad at this moment as it did fourteen years ago. Wrong again. It felt worse. For somehow in just this short amount of time, you'd let your heart get attached once again. You needed to get out of here. You couldn't be in this house any longer. Everything was a blur as you flew down the stairs and out the front door. You didn't stop for anyone or anything as you headed for the safety of your home.
117 notes · View notes
kiirokero · 3 years
Redamancy (OT7)
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Redamancy: The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
Part of the Protect the Village! Oneshot Series.
Pairing: BTS x Reader (Yes, all seven,)
Genre/Warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, strangers to friends to lovers, a lot of mediocre humour, 
Note: The multiverse in this world just got more complicated. But I did it!
Summary: Seven men, all from different walks of life. Then there’s you, their best friend. Nothing good ever comes from loving those close to you a little too much, that’s what you think. Apparently they have another idea.
Word Count: ~12k
UNEDITED please forgive my illiterate ass. Might edit it at a later date. 
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It started with Jimin. 
     Having just moved to the village, you were just barely on your own two feet. You thought moving to the small town full of, what? 200 people? Would be enough to give you that cottage lifestyle you always wanted. Away from others, on your own, nothing but you and the forest. Of course, living in seclusion wouldn’t be as amazing as the stories make it out to be. You knew this, so you settled on moving to a small village. 
      You grew up in the city all your life. And you hated it. You hated the sickly smell of trash and cigarettes. You hated the constant buzz of people no matter the hour of the day. You absolutely despised the people who lived there too. You never thought people could get so narcissistic. Yeah, there were friendly people there, but the selfish and rude ones drowned them out. 
     So because of your less-than stellar experience with people, you didn’t plan on making many friends. Maybe becoming acquaintances with the lady who walked her dog every day or being on a first name basis with the barista at the local coffee shop. You planned to keep to yourself. Stay confined to your house and small garden, work from home. But the universe, or a stubborn blonde-haired delivery boy, had other plans. 
Because it started with Jimin. 
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     Today was like any other day in the oddly cheery village. The sun was out, there wasn’t a cloud in sight, and it was way too hot for you. “Ugh,” You groaned, flopping face first on your dusty couch that was fresh out of storage. You felt like you were sweating off pounds of your body fat. You were sticky and uncomfortable. But that wasn’t even the worst part of the day.
      It was only the third day of moving into your new cottage, and you were already done with it. You’ve sneezed more times than you could count, your muscles were begging for mercy, and the movers broke your bookshelf. You swear you could kill a man. Now you had a box full of books and no bookshelf to organize them on. 
      Sure, maybe it wasn’t as serious as you were making it out to be, but adding on all the additional stresses from the past week, it felt like someone just kicked your cat. Not that you have a cat... But the point was made. You were on the verge of a breaking point. 
     Reluctantly, you went to your bedroom and opened your laptop, searching the internet for a new bookshelf. You tried to lift your spirits by telling yourself that you could get one that matches your mahogany coffee table, but one look at the price tag quickly brought you back down. “This better be an heirloom for my great-grandchildren,” You grumbled, going to checkout and typing in your credit card information. 
      The new bookshelf showed up in 2 days. You would think that would be enough time to get your shit together, but it wasn’t. The past 2 days made you even more stressed as you found important things were either missing or hidden deep in odd boxes they had no business being in. Now you're not a sentimental person, not a lot of items you own hold much sentiment to you. But if there’s one item you treasure dearly, it’d be your mother's necklace. 
      It was an old silver necklace that wound around a small teal stone. The chain was chunky and a bit rusty. Though it wasn’t falling apart, just old. It was a centuries old heirloom. Your mother said it used to be painted gold, but that was when your great-great grandmother had it. How she knew that? You didn’t know, you never asked either. Your mom was always just an oddball. 
      But that wasn’t what caught people’s attention the most. It was the teal stone itself. It was an unnatural shape. It looked like it was split in 2 pieces down the middle, almost looking like a pair of doors. They were trapezoids laid on their sides, wider edges together. You asked your mom why they were carved into such a shape, but she always said the same thing. “Honey, the stone isn’t carved, it’s natural. You’ll understand one day.”
To this day, you still don’t understand. 
      And now you never would, because the priceless family treasure was missing. You could practically hear your mother tsking from her grave as she watches you upturn everything in your apartment looking for it. You were currently bending yourself in half, peering under the couch, when the doorbell suddenly rang. You jumped, bumping your head on the coffee table. “Ow...” You groaned, standing up to answer the door. 
      Opening the door, you saw a blonde man standing on your porch with a large box standing upright next to him. “Hello! I have a package for, um... Y/n?” He said with a smile. “That’s me,” You chuckled, trying your best to at least look like you had your life together. “Is that... Heavy?” You asked cautiously, intimidated by the box that was almost as tall as the man in front of you. 
      “Yeah... A little bit... Would you like me to take it in for you?” He offered, to which you graciously accepted. “You can just put it by the tv stand,” You said. He gave you a determined nod, carrying the box over to the living room while you snuck away to the kitchen to get him a bottle of water. It was a hot day; it was the least you could do. 
      “Hey, um, is this yours?” He asked you as you walked back to the living room. In his hand was the silver necklace you were painstakingly searching for. “Oh! Yes! Thank you, where’d you find it?” You asked, quirking your brow. “It was peeking out from under the tv stand, and I don’t think you meant to put it there,” He chuckled, his eyes upturning into crescents. You couldn’t help but thinking that it was cute. 
      You held the necklace to your chest, basking in the sense of relief it gave you. “Yeah, I was looking everywhere for it. Odd that it was in such a visible place,” Your browns knitted together as you asked yourself how you missed it. You almost upturned the entire house looking for it. “Mystery solved!” The blonde man chuckled, “I’m Jimin by the way. I couldn’t help but notice all the boxes... Did you just move here?” Jimin asked, expression showing nothing but friendly curiosity. 
     You sighed, looking around at the mess that was your house currently. “Is it that obvious?” You joked, causing Jimin to chuckle. “Well, welcome to Bangtan! Not many people move out here.” He pointed out. You shrugged, “It seems nice out here. Peaceful,” Jimin gave you a soft, kind smile, one which you reciprocated. “I hope you like it here,”
     As soon as he left, you’d quickly unclasped the necklace and put it on, vowing to never take it off again. It was the only thing you had left of your mother. You didn’t care if you weren’t a jewelry person; you were now.
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It started with Jimin. 
     After that day, you would see him often. Whether he was zipping around main street, delivering inventory to the various shops, or he was bringing you a package. You once asked him if he’s the only delivery personnel in the whole village, worrying that whoever was employing him was running him ragged. “No, but we have our designated areas in the village. I deliver for main street and the forest houses. Aka the houses that boarder the forest... Aka you!” Was his explanation. 
      Besides the occasional run-ins, you and Jimin never really hung out. Until he came bouncing up to your doorstep, asking if you wanted to go to the arcade with him on his day off. You almost said no. Well, you said no... But Jimin practically begged you to come, so you gave in... Eventually. So, one Sunday afternoon, you got dressed and went to the arcade that Jimin was so excited about. 
He showed up, but he wasn’t alone. 
Because next it was Taehyung. 
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      It was a nice day. Perfect temperature, lovely breeze, clear skies. You would’ve loved to sit in your garden, enjoying a nice glass of lemonade, but no. Here you were outside of an admittedly pretty, arcade. Waiting for Jimin to show up so you could kick his ass at some air hockey. 
      You picked at the invisible lint on your jeans. Tapping your shoes against the concrete. You don’t know why you dressed nicer than you usually do. Maybe it was because Jimin always saw you in sweatshirts and sweatpants and you wanted to prove that you weren’t the humanized version of a dust bunny. Maybe it was because he always looks like he walked off a runway, even in his work uniform. But now you're regretting it. Your jeans are a bit too tight because you haven’t gone clothes shopping in a while and your black shirt was attracting the heat of the sun. 
      “Y/n!!!” A voice yelled, and you instantly knew it was Jimin. Looking at the end of the street, your suspicions were confirmed when you saw his blonde hair flowing in the wind as he ran to you. It was odd to see him dressed in day clothes, but it was a welcome change. He had on light washed jeans and a plain white shirt hidden underneath a denim jacket. It was a simple look, but he rocked it. 
      He stopped in front of you, hands on his knees, gasping for air. “I wasn’t going anywhere.” You chuckled, patting his head patronizingly. “I huff was just puff excited to see you.” He choked out, taking a few more deep breaths before sitting upright again. You felt your cheeks heat up at his enthusiasm to see you, but you shrugged it off. “Well, you coming?” You asked, pointing your thumb towards the building behind you. “Taehyung’s not here yet.” Jimin said, nonchalantly. 
      You tilted your head, Taehyung? “Who’s Taehyung?” You asked, poking Jimin’s side. “He’s one of my friends! Best baker in town! Well... Only baker in town, but still. He has the day off too, I thought it would be nice for you to meet him,” He shrugged, “Is that okay?” His tone was a worried one, as if he was just now realizing that you could be uncomfortable with meeting others, but you just sighed. “It’s fine, Jimin. If he’s friends with you, I’m sure he’s pretty cool,” You said, and Jimin’s eyes lit up. 
      The two of you continued to talk about random things. What you did yesterday, your plans for the coming week... Jimin was currently telling you the story about one of his other friends being attacked by a giant squirrel when a deep voice called his name. “Jiminie!” The two of you turned to see a man waving at Jimin from the end of the street, jogging over to meet up with you. 
      You could tell that this man was a bit taller than Jimin, but not by much. He had short, light brown hair, like a honey blonde color, that almost reached his eyes. He had slightly tanned skin that seemed to glow in the sun and a boxy smile that showcased his perfect teeth. You wondered if all of Jimin’s friends were model level attractive. 
      The man, who you assumed was Taehyung, and Jimin hugged each other once they got close enough. It was a short but sweet one, and you could tell that they’ve known each other for a long time. “Tae, this is Y/n! Y/n, this is Taehyung!” Jimin introduced the two of you, and you gave him a friendly bow. “Nice to meet you! Jimin’s been blabbering on all the time about you,” Taehyung snickered, earning an elbow to the arm from Jimin. 
     “Oh, really? Only good things, I hope,” You raised an eyebrow towards Jimin, and he raised his hands in defense. “Only good things! Only good,” He chuckled, and you nodded your head in satisfaction. “It’s nice to meet you too. Taehyung,” You smiled, turning your attention back to the man next to Jimin. “Alright! Game time!” Jimin clapped, racing inside the arcade with Taehyung hot on his tail. You snorted at their actions, following after them. 
      When the 3 of you paid for your tokens, you instantly agreed on going right to the air hockey table. “Okay so... Tae and I will face off with each other, then the winner plays you, is that alright?” Jimin asked, looking between you and Taehyung. Taehyung nodded while you gave him a thumbs up. 
      The two of them went to opposite sides of the table, putting in their tokens and grabbing the strikers. “You're going down,” Jimin threatened, glaring at the man in front of him. “Jimin, you’re about as frightening as a newborn puppy,” Taehyung snickered, earning an exaggerated gasp from the blonde. “Asshole,” He murmured to himself, picking up the puck and starting the game. 
      To say watching Jimin and Taehyung play was funny, is an understatement. Every time Taehyung scored a point, Jimin would whine louder and every time Jimin would score, Taehyung would start the game as quickly as possible, cutting off Jimin’s little victory dance. “Come on, Jimin!” You encouraged, looking at the 3-point difference on the overhead scoreboard. “It’s only three points!”
      Jimin tried, maybe a little too hard, but ended up losing in the end. Jimin pouted, his lower lip protruding exaggeratedly. He came over and laid his forehead on your shoulder, whining to you about Taehyung being a try-hard jerk. You just chuckled, giving his back a light pat as you gently pushed him off and went up to the table. 
      “You ready?” Taehyung asked after you put your tokens in. You nodded, waiting for him to start the game. Immediately, Taehyung hit the puck hard and fast, the plastic disc ricocheting off the sides in a zig-zag pattern. It was too fast for you to properly stop it from going right into your goal. Taehyung laughed from the other side of the table, holding his stomach as he bent over, wheezing. 
      You looked at him, unimpressed, snatching the puck from the space under the table. “You looked so helpless,” He wheezed, and you quickly put down the puck and hit it right into Taehyung’s goal, making the score even. “Oh no, you looked so helpless,” You snickered, mockingly. Setting off a competitive fire between you and Taehyung. 
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After Jimin it was Taehyung. 
      That day was full of laughs and friendly insults thrown back and forth in the heat of a competitive moment. After you won that air hockey game, Taehyung challenged you to everything after that. “I bet I can score higher on this!” or “I bet you can’t beat that,” To which you proved him wrong about 50% of the time, Jimin being your cheerleader for every game. Besides DDR. Nobody dares to go against Jimin on DDR. Unless it’s Hoseok. 
      But your interactions with Taehyung and Jimin didn’t stop there. Now Jimin felt more comfortable inviting you out, usually to Taehyung’s bakery, so you could get to know each other better. Sometimes you’d even go to Taehyung’s bakery (Aptly named “Kim’s Confections”) on your own, just to talk to him as he made his stock for the next day. 
     Jimin and Taehyung said they had other friends that would love to meet you, but they were just busy, so it would take time. They also told you that 2 were on a business trip and wouldn’t be back for another week while another was swamped with work and the others were just shy. You didn’t mind much; you’d meet them when you met them. 
Which apparently was soon.
Because then it was Namjoon. 
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      It was a nice day out today. It was slightly overcast and there was a cool breeze blowing through. Perfect for you. Not so perfect to the sunshine people of Bangtan. Nobody was out and about today like usual. People were treating a slightly dim day like it was snowing. It was amusing to you. When you first got here, you’ve never seen so many sunny days before. It was disorienting. The chilly day was a blissful blessing. 
      But going out on a lovely day was only fun when other people were out on that lovely day. Despite your previous woes, you actually wanted to get to know the community that lived in Bangtan. Jimin said that they didn’t get many outsiders, but everyone here was delightful to you. There was even this old lady how gave you a Snickers! A whole Snickers!
      Instead of letting the lack of people get you down though, you opted to go on one of the nature paths that went through the forest that surrounds the village. Putting on a pair of jeans and a jacket, you grabbed your small backpack off the counter and headed straight for the forest that was behind your house. 
     When Jimin said you lived in a “forest house,” He really wasn’t wrong, the tree line was only a 2-minute walk from your backdoor. You love the fact that you can look out your window and see the wildlife running around, even if some of them look oddly larger than normal. But that was probably just your imagination. 
      Stepping onto a well-worn path, you began your walk. Listening to the songs of the birds and breathing in the earthy smell that surrounded you, it was like heaven. Maybe it was because you lived in the city for most of your life, but you really felt drawn to this place. The vibrant green trees, the lively wildlife, the calm atmosphere. It was all so... Nice.
     The way the wind blew through the trees, rustling the leaves in a peaceful harmony, made pleasant shivers run down your spine. You would playfully wave at the squirrels and birds that you encountered on your path, and they would oddly look back at you, making you chuckle. “Cuties,” You whispered to yourself, your shoes crunching against the dried fallen leaves that covered the path. 
      About 20 minutes into your walk, however, you felt goosebumps rise on your skin. Like a second sense you weren’t aware about. Curiously, you stopped, looking around the empty forest. Nothing but trees, fauna, and flora as far as the eye could see. But it was also deathly quiet. You didn’t notice before, too trapped in your own thoughts, but the birds stopped chirping, like the entire forest had gone still. 
      Shivers ran their way up your spine, and you didn’t dare move a muscle. Suddenly the once refreshing forest air turned dry and suffocating, and it felt colder than before. The rustling of leaves caught your attention, and you whipped around in search of the source. Nothing moved as it went silent again. Scared, you started walking down the path again, eager to get away. 
      You could hear your heart pounding in your ears as your palms became sweaty from tightly clutching onto your bag. But then the rustling came again, this time it was closer. You whimpered, picking up your speed into a brisk walk to a jog, the rustling still following you. You took the risk of looking behind you, and what you saw made you gasp. There behind you was a grey wolf, briskly following you like it had all the time in the world. It wasn’t necessarily threatening you in any way, but it was a wolf, and all you were thinking about was getting away. 
     You broke out into a run, trying to get as far away from the animal as you could. You logically knew that it could easily run faster than you, but you were running on pure adrenalin at this point. Well, you were. Until you slammed face first into what felt like a brick wall. You fell backwards with a thump, groaning at the shock of pain that ran up your ankle. 
    “Oh! I’m sorry!” A deep voice apologized, kneeling next to you. All thoughts of the animal chasing you vanished from your mind when you looked up to see a tan, muscular man. He had sandy blonde hair that was swept to the side and chestnut brown eyes that were filled with worry. His grey shirt was tight, leaving little to the imagination. He was very well built. “Hello? Oh no, did you hit your head?” His voice spoke up again, waving his hand in front of your face. 
    You blinked a couple of times before lightly shaking your head. “No- I’m okay,” You answered, and the man let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good, can you stand up?” He asked, you tried to stand up, but a piercing, sweltering heat shot its way up your ankle and you groaned in pain. “I think I twisted my ankle...” You whimpered, bringing one of your hands down to support it. 
      “Oh no, um... Think Namjoon think...” The man, who you presumed to be the Namjoon he was referring to, paced back and forth in front of you. You brought your backpack around in front of you, looking through it until you pulled out the mini first aid kit you carried. You opened up the small plastic box and got out the bandage wrap that came with it. “Um, can you help me wrap my ankle?” You spoke up, getting the worried man’s attention. “Y-Yeah!” He nodded, kneeling in front of you. 
     “I’m so sorry... Um, I can, uh... Carry you back to my home? I think I have an ice pack in the freezer,” He offered while he wrapped the bandage snuggly against your ankle... You raised your eyebrow suspiciously, not quite trusting the random woodsman you just met. 
      He caught on to what you were thinking, quickly holding his hands up and smiling awkwardly. “I promise I won’t do anything! And if I make you uncomfortable, you can like... Punch me or something,” He said, and you relented, knowing that he was likely your only way out of this forest since you seemed to have strayed off the beaten path. 
“I’m Namjoon, by the way,” He smiled, revealing a pair of deep-set dimples.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/n,” 
     After Namjoon wrapped up your ankle, he picked you up bridal style (After getting your permission) and carried you back to civilization. You made small talk along the way. Namjoon told you that he was the town’s mechanic and he lived in an apartment that was above his shop. You told him that you were new in town and you worked as a translator. 
      Soon, you arrived at a small store that looked very much like a smaller version of AutoZone. Namjoon carefully carried you up the stairs and set you down on his living room couch. “I’ll go get that ice pack,” He said, giving you a soft smile as he disappeared into what you assumed to be the kitchen. 
    You ignored the blush that made its way onto the tips of your ears, searching through your bag until you found your phone. Opening your messages with Jimin. 
Hey. I know I said I’d meet up with you later but I kinda messed up my ankle...
Chim: What?! How?
I went on a nature hike and ran face first into this dude Namjoon
Chim: Namjoon? The mechanic?
Yeah, he brought me back to his house and is treating it. Seems super worried. Chill guy though!
Chim: Sounds like Joon. Stay there, okay? I’ll meet you there. I’ll bring Tae too.
You know him?
Chim: He’s the guy I told you about, the one that knocked over the can display.
Oh yeah! lol
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After Taehyung it was Namjoon.
      After you texted Jimin about your predicament, him and Taehyung showed up to gage how bad it really was. In reality, it wasn’t that awful. You only had to wear a brace for 3 days and stay far away from Namjoon’s clumsy tendencies for another 2. 
      Namjoon was surprised at first to find out that you knew the two men, and then they enthusiastically informed him that you were the Y/n that they’ve been telling everyone about. You don’t know if it was more embarrassing for you to find out you're a regular conversation topic, or for Namjoon who didn’t connect the dots earlier. Maybe it was both. 
     But besides your rocky first impressions. You and Namjoon bonded quickly. But instead of bonding over competition like Taehyung or frequent meetings like Jimin... The two of you bonded when you found out his love for books, especially old classics. It was only 2 days after your initial meeting. Jimin and Taehyung were busy, and you didn’t feel like being alone, so you visited Namjoon. (Much to his surprise)
      You were keeping him company in the garage while he worked on a car when you referenced a scene from “The Odyssey,” Namjoon had shot his head up and looked at you wide eyed, asking if you were a fan of literature. When you said yes, he couldn’t help but talk animatedly about his favorites as you playfully indulged him. Not minding one bit. 
      The two of you frequently met up to talk about books. Whether it be a debate about whether “To Kill a Mockingbird” Should be as hyped up as it is or deep philosophical conversations about the meaning of “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” But there was one day when you visited him that he asked if you wanted to go shopping with him. 
Which is how you ended up in a grocery store with cans rolling around on the floor. 
Then you met Hoseok.
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      “Shopping?” You asked incredulously as you watched Namjoon emerge from his room with a fresh set of clothes on. “Yeah! It could be fun! Also, Jimin begged me to go with him and I don’t want to go through that alone,” He blurted out, and you laughed, hiding your face in the arm of his couch. 
      Namjoon huffed at your amusement, whining out a “Please?” That you just couldn’t exist. You sighed, getting up from the couch and slipping on your shoes. “Let’s go then, you know how Jimin gets,” Namjoon quickly followed suit, not wanting to deal with a nagging Jimin alone. “You’re right, let’s go!” He rushed, and you giggled, following him out the door. 
      It was another sunny day in Bangtan, meaning more people were out and about. You smiled as people on the street waved at you, becoming more used to your presence in the town. “How different is the city life to this?” Namjoon asked from beside you, hands stuffed in the pockets of his leather jacket. “Much different. People would usually bump into you, then sneer at you like it was your fault,” You snorted, earning a wide-eyed look from the man beside you.
    “People were that rude?” He asked, exasperated. “Yep,” You nodded, finding his distaste for people he’s never met somewhat amusing. Namjoon scoffed, mumbling a “Dumb people,” Under his breath, causing you to chuckle. “Namjoon, there's no need to get so worked up about it,” You poked his shoulder. Namjoon looked at you with pursed lips, “Nobody should be mean to a person like you,” He declared, looking at you with deep intensity. 
    “Guys!” A voice called, breaking through the moment you and Namjoon were having. You cleared your throat, wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans before looking up at Jimin. He was standing in front of the grocery store you often frequented. “Hey,” You greeted once the two of you got close enough. Jimin engulfed you in a hug, squeezing you tight, and you couldn’t help the giggled that bubbled their way up and out of your throat. But you missed the look of jealousy that crossed Namjoon’s face. 
      Once Jimin let go, he gave both of you and a cheeky smile. “So... I know Hoseok technically banned Namjoon from here after last time... But! Today is the day they restock the junk food” Jimin exclaimed, enthusiasm painted on his face. You forgot that living in such a secluded town meant that things like brand-named food went out of stock and stayed like that for longer than you were used to. It was one of the downsides to living here, but like, one out of five.
      “Hoseok? You mean the manager that seems to avoid me like the plague?” You asked, earning a sympathetic look from both of the men. You’re heard about Hoseok plenty of times from Jimin, Taehyung, AND Namjoon. You’ve even seen the dude when you shopped here sometimes, but he always hid away in the backroom when he noticed your presence. Not coming out until you were gone.
    You were convinced that Hoseok didn’t like you for whatever reason, but everyone told you it was just him. He was shy at first, then the loudest person you’d ever meet. “Y/n...” Jimin whined, and you playfully rolled your eyes. “Yeah. yeah. He doesn't have some sort of weird vendetta against me, I get it,” You groaned, walking past both of them. “Let’s just go, yeah?” You pressed, looking over your shoulder at the both of them. 
    The two of them looked at each other, then back at you before they followed you into the store. Jimin quickly took the lead as he guided you and Namjoon towards the candy and chips section of the small mart. “Ah, it’s beautiful,” Jimin sighed, grabbing a pack of spicy potato chips. “It’s unhealthy,” Namjoon mocking him, mimicking Jimin’s dreamy sigh.
    Jimin whipped around to glare at the taller man, not caring that Namjoon had to look down to maintain eye contact with him. “Look, not everyone eats leaves like you Joon,” Jimin hmphed, turning back to the shelf. You snickered, earning an exaggerated gasp from Namjoon. “I’m offended, Y/n,” He said, and you chuckled harder. 
    “That’s it, come here,” Namjoon threatened, reaching out for you to which you immediately turned and ran away. You say run, but it was more like a jog. You and Namjoon were laughing with each other while he tried to catch you. “Weak sauce, Namjoon,” You teased from the opposite end of the aisle from him. “You wound me,” He chuckled, lunging at you yet again. 
    But this time, you narrowly dodged his grasp. You jumped out of the way quickly enough for him to miss you, but he wasn’t quick enough to stop himself from running headfirst into a display of cans. How ironic. The cans sounded a huge crash as they fell to the floor in conjunction, Namjoon falling with them. He let out a groan of pain as he landed on a can, one of them hitting him on the head. 
    You let out a pained hiss, almost feeling the headache incoming. “Are you okay?” You asked, kneeling beside him. This situation feeling familiar before. “Yeah... I’m good,” Namjoon whimpered out, wincing at the pain in his back. Suddenly, the two of you heard rapid footsteps approaching you. “You idiots,” Jimin sighed, kneeling on the opposite side of Namjoon. “This is why Hobi banned you,” Jimin flicked Namjoon’s nose, the elder letting out a choked “Ack” sound. 
     Soon, you and Jimin helped Namjoon back up to his feet, the taller man resting a hand on his back for support. “Of course it was you, Joon,” A new voice spoke up, sounding amused. The three of you focused your attention on the approaching man coming down on of the isles, his eyes trained on Namjoon. 
     He was taller than Jimin but shorter than Namjoon, somewhere in between. He had brunette hair in a mocha-like shade that was a similar hairstyle to Taehyung. He had deep brown eyes and heart-shaped lips that were upturned into a slight smile. You recognized him as Hoseok, the store manager who avoided you like you had a flu and he was immunocompromised. 
    “Well... This situation seems familiar,” Namjoon chuckled, wincing when he realized that made his back hurt worse. “Yes, it is,” Hoseok sighed, looking at the dented and disorganized cans that were scattered on the floor. “Sorry about the mess,” You spoke up, Hoseok’s eyes finally registering on you. He seemed to freeze up, a nervous smile plastered on his face. 
    “It’s fine!” He said a bit too enthusiastically. Jimin snickered from the other side of Namjoon, giving Hoseok a teasing smirk. “Hobi! This is Y/n! The girl I’ve told you so much about!” Jimin smiled, and Hoseok’s cheeks reddened as he avoided eye contact with you. “Nice to meet you,” He coughed out. “You’ve seen me before... I’m not exactly shopping for food anywhere else,” You pointed out. 
     Hoseok looked up to you for a brief second before looking back down at his shoes. “Yeah! Yeah... Sorry you’re just, new,” He nervously chuckled. “I get it, I’ve heard not many people come to Bangtan. You just don’t hate me, right?” You asked cautiously, not knowing what you would do if the answer was yes. “No! I don’t hate you; I swear.” Hoseok cleared his throat, fiddling with his fingers. 
     “What Hoseok is trying to say is he doesn’t know how to approach new people. Like I’ve been telling you,” Jimin interrupted, giving you a “I told you so,” Look. “Whatever Jimin. But um, Hoseok? Could you do me a favor?” You asked, turning your attention back on the brunette. “Hmm?” Hoseok hummed, urging you to continue. “Could you take my place supporting Namjoon? He’s heavy...” You chuckled. Getting a laugh from Jimin, a complaint from Namjoon, and a soft smile of agreement from Hoseok. 
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After Namjoon it was Hoseok. 
     When all of you arrived back at Namjoon’s apartment and threw him on the floor, you and Hoseok made quick work of getting him an ice pack and medicine. You got Namjoon comfy on the couch with some blankets and pillows, an ice pack on his back, while Hoseok got him some water to swallow the pills he gave him. 
     Namjoon fell asleep shortly after he took the medicine. Whether he was already tired or the pills knocked him out, it didn’t matter; he was out like a light. All three of you chuckled at the snoring man, even if he sounded like a train in the distance, you thought he was cute. Jimin eventually had to clock into work, giving you a wink as he waved goodbye and rushed out the door. Leaving just you, Hoseok, and a sleeping Namjoon. 
    At first, the air between you and Hoseok was quite stale. The two of you exchanging basic words of pleasantries to keep an awkward silence at bay. But “How old are you?” and “Where are you from?” can only get you so far. So when the conversation died down, Hoseok suggested that you should put on a movie. 
    You didn’t pin Hoseok to be a superhero nerd, but he totally was. If his simping over Spiderman was anything to go off of. You weren’t necessarily a Marvel or DC guru, but you let Hoseok talk your ear off once he got comfortable. 
    Jimin wasn’t wrong when he said Hoseok was shy at first, then the loudest person you would ever meet. Because after a few minutes into the movie, he couldn’t hold in his excited soliloquy anymore. Once he got more comfortable in your presence, he would make comments here and there on what was happening and eventually you joined in, asking questions about anything you were lost on. 
    Hoseok was very sweet about your lack of knowledge about the universe and even offered to switch to an earlier movie in that confusing connected universe. That kicked off an entire movie marathon of Hoseok explaining everything to you and you intently listening, genuinely interested in the weird, bizarre world of super heros. You even picked your favorite out of the enormous bunch. Ironically, it was Spiderman... He’s just so lovable. You couldn’t help it, he was too charming. 
    Eventually, after 3 hours of a lesson on superheros and some villains, Namjoon woke up, still sore, but better. He even joined you on your marathon, mostly because he didn’t want to get up from the couch, but he did pay attention! You, Namjoon, and Hoseok laughed, talked, and bickered over the lore and more trivial things for hours, but it was all in good fun. “You’re cool, Hoseok,” You remember telling the brunette. Hoseok sought out to be a friend you could have endless amounts of fun with after that. 
But the eventful day didn’t end there!
Because then Seokjin burst through the door.
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      “Okay so... You’re telling me that there’s this ex-surgeon turned mystical time lord, and that’s canon?” You asked Hoseok incredulously, the brunette trying not to laugh at your disbelieving attitude. Because in this world radioactive spiders, literal gods of thunder, and a whole, invisible kingdom named Wakanda exists... But no! Time lords are too much! “Yes, Y/n. Doctor Strange is canon,” Hoseok chuckled. 
     You furrowed your brow, leaning back into the couch more and (unintentionally) leaning into Namjoon more. He doesn’t mind though, you’re warm. “What are like... The rules of this world? Things like time manipulation opens up a whole new can of worms,” You pointed out. Hoseok shrugged, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. “I try not to like about the logistics. I mean, it’s superheros Y/n! Not exactly a philosophical conversation starter about the possibility of multiple timelines and aliens.” 
     Namjoon chuckled as you nodded, seeing his point. “It’s like those fantasy books you like to read, Y/n,” Namjoon said. “I guess I can see your point. Guess I’ll have to discuss the possibility of a multiverse with someone else,” You playfully sighed. Hoseok snorted, opening his mouth to say something before Namjoon’s front door burst open violently. 
     “Joon! You are so dead!” A masculine voice shouted. You shrunk into the couch while Hoseok and Namjoon looked towards the source of the ruckus. “Jin? What are you-” Namjoon speaks up, only to be cut off by this “Jin” person. “Oh you know why I’m here! You were supposed to help me organize files tonight!” The unfamiliar voice complained, and you slowly looked over the back of the couch. 
     Standing in the doorway was a man about as tall as Hoseok, dressed in a pristine grey suit with a green tie. He had dark brown hair that looked almost black in the low light of Namjoon’s apartment in a similar hairstyle to Taehyung. He had thin-rimmed circular glasses that enhanced his pretty brown eyes, that were currently wrinkled in annoyance. He was strikingly handsome with his plump lips and smooth-looking skin. You were seriously wondering what was in the water at Bangtan that made all these men seriously attractive. 
    Namjoon gasped, sitting up to get a better look at Jin, swallowing the wince as the pain from earlier in the day hasn’t quite dissipated yet. “I’m so sorry! It slipped my mind... I kinda... Got occupied,” Namjoon scratched the back of his neck nervously. Jin quirked a brown, still not acknowledging your presence even if you were right next to Namjoon. “What?” Jin asked, crossing his arms. “I... Ran into a can display,” Namjoon muttered out, looking down at his hands. 
     “Before you say anything. Yes, he did it again,” Hoseok spoke up, giving Namjoon a cheeky smirk. “But he got hurt this time,” Jin looked Namjoon up and down, taking in the bump on his forehead and disheveled appearance, finally letting out a sigh. “Alright just, text me next time, okay?” Jin said. Namjoon nodded giving him a thumbs up before he turned to you. 
    “Oh! Jin, this is Y/n.” Namjoon smiled. Jin’s head now turned to look at you, his eyes widening. “Y/n? Oh yeah! The girl you texted me about!” Jin walked closer to you, holding out one of his hands. You awkwardly took it, giving it a shake before Jin smiled. “I’m Seokjin. But please call me Jin because Seokjin makes me feel old and like I’m back at work.” He declared, and you chuckled at his practiced introduction. “Nice to meet you, Jin,” You replied, giving him a smile. 
    Jin’s attention then focused on the mess of junk food that sat on the coffee table, his upper lip furling in disdain. “Have you guys eaten any real food yet?” He asked, looking at all three of you briefly before he started cleaning up the mess. “No... And stop cleaning. It’s my apartment, I’ll get it,” Namjoon whined, only to get brushed off with a “You say that every time. What would you do without me?”
    Jin continued to clean while you watched him and Namjoon bicker back and forth, turning to Hoseok for some sort of escape from how awkward you felt. Hoseok noticed your uncomfortable aura and chuckled. “it’s fine, they bicker like that all the time.” That made you feel a bit better. Knowing that you weren’t witnessing a rivalry go down right in front of you. 
     “You guys stay there and I’ll cook something that will actually give you nutrients, okay?” Jin called from the kitchen, but you quickly spoke up. “Oh no, you don’t have to count me in! I’ll just head home,” You said, standing up. jin quickly tutted you like a scolding mother with a “Nonsense! It’s nothing, really. Besides, I want to get to know you. What better way of doing that then over dinner?” You looked towards Namjoon and Hoseok, both of them shaking their heads, silently saying “There’s no use in arguing”
    You surrendered, sitting back down on the couch. You missed the smile that crossed Jin’s face when he saw you give in, declaring to himself that he’d make an extra tasty meal. You, Hoseok, and Namjoon continued to watch Doctor Strange while Jin clanged around in the kitchen. The scent of what seemed to be bulgogi wafting through the air. 
    Soon, Jin called all of you over for dinner, Hoseok helping Namjoon to the dining room while you helped Jin set the table. Once you all sat down, everyone grabbed their bits of food, the three of them putting more food on your plate when they thought your plate was too empty. Using the excuse of “Leftovers are a hassle,” to subtly shrug off their doting over you. 
    After the first initial bites of food were on everyone’s stomachs, Jin piped up to ask you questions about yourself, offering information and embarrassing stories about him and his friend in return. It was easy to talk to Jin, his dad jokes and open personality meant that you felt it was easy to open up to him. Never once did he make a face of judgement or disgust at anything you said and it made you feel welcomed. (Not that the other didn’t make you feel welcomed, it was just that Jin was easy to talk to,)
    “I love your necklace, by the way. Where’d you get it?” Jin asked, pointing to the old family heirloom that still hung around your neck. “It’s an heirloom, I have no idea where it came from,” You chuckled, fidgeting with the cool, teal stone. “Well, it’s beautiful. Seems oddly familiar too,” He commented, getting nods of agreement from Hoseok and Namjoon. You shrugged, stuffing the last bit of meat into your mouth. “Thank you for dinner. Jin,” You smiled. 
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After Hoseok it was Seokjin.
    That night you went home with a full stomach and new contacts in your phone. All the boys you met so far sending you a goodnight text. Some filled with emojis, others declaring that you should hang out with them more. It made you feel all warm and gushy inside. The prospect of having friends that cared about you enough to send you goodnight texts was a dream a few months ago. Now you could send goodnight texts back. 
    The chirping of crickets and rustling of leaves narrated the walk back to your tiny cottage. Now that you were alone, you thought back to when you met Namjoon. That grey wolf you were chasing seemed to suddenly disappear once you bumped into him. Namjoon is tall. Maybe that scared it off? You didn’t know, who knows about the behaviors of wolves? Nature nerds. So probably Namjoon.
     Then again, it didn’t seem aggressive, just curious. What if it saw you and got curious? Just wanting to see what you were all about. That made you feel somewhat guilty. You probably scared the poor thing by breaking out into a sprint. That didn’t mean you’d walk up to one the next time you see one, but it just meant you’d probably be a bit less anxious. 
    And you were right, the next time you saw one you were very calm. Whether that was because the wolf was surprisingly domestic or it was the man you found petting it that made all sense of danger blank from your mind. But the calm wind that blew through his hair as he looked you up and down was something you’d remember forever. Because now, in the strangest way...
Yoongi entered your life.
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      You decided to try a nature day again. A run in with a wolf and one sprained ankle isn’t going to stop you from admiring the beauty that is the forest of Bangtan. You were either brave or stupid. Probably a bit of both. Nonetheless, you grabbed your bag, slipped on your sneakers, and set off into the woods with a new sense of determination. 
    You don’t know what your end goal is; you didn’t plan that far ahead. All you cared about was appreciating nature, alone, with no interruptions. Today was a hotter day than before. The skies with nothing but blue as the sun beat down on the world below it. Luckily, the forest had a good canopy of trees to block you from being directly hit by the sun's rays. 
    It was another calming day of birds chirping and small animals scurrying about, no ominous rustling this time, just you and the odd animals of Bangtan forest. You kept up the joke of waving to the animals that would stop and stare at you, some of them taking a few steps closer, some of them tilting their heads, but none of them running away. It made you feel like a forest fairy that could talk to them, even if that was a ridiculous idea. 
    This time you were able to venture deeper into the forest, the trees getting thicker, and the animals seemed to get bigger. Not paranormally so, but enough to notice. “They probably just eat better deeper in the forest,” You observed aloud, continuing your walk as you stopped occasionally to smell the wildflowers that lined the path. 
     While you were busy admiring and smelling what looked to be chicory, a bump against your leg caused you to look down. Down at your feet was a large squirrel. The critter looked up at you with big beady eyes, its small hands holding an acorn. “Aww, hello!” You cooed, not moving in fear of startling the fuzzy creature. It ran laps around your feet a couple of times before stopping, looking back up at you once again. 
    You quirked your head to the side, chuckling at the squirrel's odd behavior. It did that routine a couple more times before you moved, taking a step back onto the path. The squirrel turned and ran a few feet down the path, turning around to look at you once again. The two of you stared at each other before it came back, circling your feet then heading down the path at the spot it was previously in. 
    Curious, you walked towards the squirrel. The fluff ball kept goes a few feet down the path every time you caught up to it, waiting for you before it continued that routine. You questioned yourself whether you were really blindly following a squirrel in hopes of it leading you somewhere important, but you just felt like you had to. 
     Soon the squirrel detoured off the beaten path, turning to look at you from the thick brush. “I’m not moving off the path, little guy,” You said, drawing this goose chase to a close when you felt like it could possibly endanger you. The squirrel didn’t let up though, it just went back to circling and bumping your legs, it’s eyes silently pleading with you. 
    Sighing, you decided that if it stayed straight, then you would follow it, thinking that it would be easy to turn around if this was really useless. The squirrel continued to lead you through the forest, staying on its own straight path before the forest opened up into a clearing. 
     The grass was a vibrant green and there was a thick oak tree standing on a hill, just slightly off center. But it wasn’t the odd natural phenomenon that caught your attention. It was the man and the wolf that were sitting under the tree. The squirrels bumped against your leg again, trying to get you to walk toward them, but you refused, slightly nervous. 
    But the wolf didn’t seem to give you a choice as it spotted you and bolted right towards you. You felt your heart jump to your throat as you tripped on your own feet, falling backwards on the ground. You prepared for pain. A bite. A scratch. Anything. But you only got the cold wet touch of its nose while it sniffed you and the soft tickle of its fur when it rubbed its head against your head. 
     Slowly, you lifted your hand up and the wolf took the liberty of putting its head under it. You pet the large animal with wide eyes, not noticing that the man from before had gotten up and walked towards you. The wolf curled up next to you, whining whenever you stopped petting it. “He’s a baby,” A sleepy voice spoke up beside you. 
     You whipped your head up to see a man with brass blonde hair and brown eyes. He seemed about as tall as Jimin, and he had a flower sticking out of his pocket. His face was stoic, looking at you with subtle curiosity. “W-What?” You asked, still a bit blown away by the sequence of events that just played out. “Holly, the wolf you’re petting,” He said, pointing down to the wolf that was now asleep. 
    “O-Oh... Yeah,” You said, perplexed, looking down at the sleeping canine. The man sat down next to you, petting Holly alongside with you. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He asked, looking you right in the eye. “Not really... I just moved here... I’m Y/n,” You answered. “I know. The others like to talk about you,” He shrugged, catching you off guard. “I’m Yoongi,”
    Ah, you’ve heard about Yoongi. The others described him as a quiet, old man, and you could see what they mean. Yoongi looked like the kind of person that knew all of life’s secrets but wouldn’t tell you because you “Didn’t ask,” He had an aura of mystery around him, but everyone else insisted he was a kind soul who you could tell all your problems to and he’d instantly make it better. 
“They really talk about me that much?” You chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Yeah, I’ve been excited to meet you,” He said, sounding very unexcited, but you believed him anyway.
“Have you been too busy to?” 
“No, I had to wait for the right time,”
     You tilted your head, furrowing your eyebrows. “The right time?” You asked. “I knew we’d meet, eventually. You’ll meet everyone eventually,” He responded cryptically, and you decided to drop the subject. The two of you sat together in silence, but it was a comfortable one. Neither of you felt to need to talk over the chirping birds or snoring Holly. 
You didn’t quite notice how Yoongi kept stealing glances at your necklace or the hopeful gummy smile that crossed his face. 
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After Seokjin it was Yoongi. 
    After that day, Yoongi would invite you over to his flower shop more, insisting that you take a flower home every time you left. The two of you didn’t hang out as often alone as you did with Jimin or Namjoon, but you still became friends. Whenever you were upset, Yoongi would walk with you to that clearing, sitting with you under the tree while Holly rested his head on your lap. 
    The docile wolf used to weird you out, even if Yoongi explained that all the animals in the forest were friendly. You just couldn’t understand that an apex predator could shrug you off and even demand cuddles from you, but Holly was a sweetie, so you didn’t complain. Yoongi would often say weird and bizarre things, most of them very cryptic, but you learned it was normal and everyone just went along with it. 
    Yoongi would often ask about your necklace and your family. Asking where you got it, where your family was from, if they’ve even been to Bangtan. It was a bit odd, but you just chalked it up to Yoongi wanting to know more about you and your weird looking necklace. Besides, it’s not like the two of you didn’t have fun together.
    Sometimes he would sit and talk to Namjoon with you, he’d bake together with you and Jin, get dragged along to the arcade with Jimin and Taehyung, or put up with you weekly movie nights with Hoseok. Yoongi became a friend too, never failing to be a rock for you to lean on or a shoulder to cry on, and he didn’t seem to mind. Not one bit. He even soothed your worries about the youngest of the bunch not liking you. 
Cause then you finally met Jeongguk.
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    “Are you saying you don’t like my cream puffs?” Jin gasped, pointing his spatula at the 5 of you currently lounging in Namjoon’s living room. Yoongi shrugged and Jimin stuck his tongue out in disgust, earning another gasp from Jin. “Don’t worry Jin! I like them,” You spoke up, giving the elder a smile. “Thank you, Y/n. You’re the only one I can rely on,” He playfully sighed, getting an eye roll from both Namjoon and Hoseok. 
    You watched Jin move around the kitchen for a few more minutes, “Why are you baking so much?” You asked. Jin lifted his head to look at you, giving you a small smile. “Gukkie’s coming home from the academy!” He exclaimed excitedly. After hanging out with all of them for more that a month, you came to realize that “Jeongguk” “Guk” and “Gukkie” was the same person. “The academy?” You questioned. 
     “Yeah! He had to go for his yearly training, but some seniors asked him to help train the rookies, so he stayed. He’s coming home today!” Jin continued his ministrations as you let out an “ohh” understanding why you’ve heard so much about Jeongguk but he never seemed to be around, even if Yoongi said him, Jimin, and Taehyung used to go to the arcade often. 
     You let out a sigh, laying your head down on top of Taehyung’s lap, closing your eyes. You failed to see the red that painted Taehyung’s face or the way he looked up to everyone else to see if they were seeing what he was seeing. They were. And you all wished they were Taehyung right now. Hoseok pouted, Jimin gave Taehyung a sly smirk. The eldest looking at your tired form with soft worry. They knew you had a long night; it was written all over your face. 
    You don’t know when you drifted off to sleep, but you were awoken with a start. The sound of happy cheers pulled you out of the sleep realm, Taehyung running his hand through your hair to ground you. You looked up with dreary eyes, burying your face into Taehyung’s stomach in an attempt to hang onto the threads of sleep that were slowly slipping through your fingers. 
     “Sorry,” Taehyung whispered to you, feeling his heart pound against his ribcage at how cute you looked. But his efforts of lulling you back to dream land were thwarted and Jimin dragged you off the couch, rambling something about Guk and backs. You didn’t know, you could barely stand at this point. 
     “Guk! Meet Y/n!” Jimin chipped while you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You opened your eyes to see a tall man with brown hair like Jins. He had brown eyes like the others, but his skin was tan like Namjoon’s, a little lighter, probably because of working out in the sun. 
    He gave you a shy smile that showed off his bunny like teeth. “H-Hello,” He stuttered out, the tips of his ears reddening. “Hi, nice to finally meet you,” You smiled sleepily, leaning your head on Jimin’s shoulder for support. “You too... You’re very pretty,” He chuckled out nervously, his bluntness caught you off guard. “Thank you,” You giggled, cheeks heating up before he got whisked away by his hyungs so they could catch up. 
    Jin stuffed Jeongguk full of the food he made while Jimin and Taehyung pulled him into annoying Yoongi. It was amusing to watch how well he reintegrated into their group, like he wasn’t gone for 3 months. The boys fit together so easily and naturally, like a perfect ecosystem in play. You wondered if you could get to that point with them. 
    Jeongguk was obviously influenced by his hyungs a lot. He had the love for superheros like Hoseok, the mischief of Jimin and Taehyung. He was physically built like Namjoon put had a soft nature like Yoongi, The only influence that wasn’t overtly obvious was Jin, but you could see the subtle caregiver tendencies like putting extra food on Yoongi’s plate. 
    All 8 of you talked over dinner, everyone else trying to push Jeongguk to talk to you. Which you did. Jeongguk told you about his time as a police officer and some of the odd stories that came along with it. The others occasionally butting in to embarrass him. 
    By the end of the night, Jeongguk and you had gotten to know each other well, with the help of the other, as all 8 of you feel asleep in Namjoon’s living room. Infinity War playing on the tv. You laid on Jeongguk’s shoulder and he laid his head on top of yours; the others cooing at the two of you. 
That was 2 years ago.
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     It was a normal day in Bangtan. Sunny, clear skies, and a whole lot of ruckus. The boys decided to visit you for the day, saying that they needed a day to hangout with everyone together. You didn’t mind though; you were more than used to the impromptu visits that any (or all) of them would make to your house. 
    Jimin, Tae, and Guk were sat in your living room playing a game of Mario Kart while Yoongi and Jin helped you make dinner. Hobi and Joon talking to the three of you while they sat around your kitchen island. “Alright, Hobi. Time lords were right on the line. Purple alien dilf? Crossing it,” You laughed, cutting up some radish for the kimchi Jin planned to make with you tomorrow. 
    Hoseok gasped, while Namjoon wheezed with his forehead on the counter. “Okay I’ve heard a lot of things about Thanos. Purple alien dilf is a new one,” He cackled, his lips stretching into the heart-shaped smile that make your face hot. “She’s not wrong,” Yoongi shrugged, throwing some beef into an already prepped pan. “Just because she’s right doesn’t mean she should say it!” Guk called from the living room, obviously hearing every word that was spoken despite him being in another room. 
    You giggled, offering a piece of carrot to Hoseok and one to Namjoon when he whined about you picking favorites. In these past 2 years you’ve grown to really care about the boys who slipped into your life so abruptly, some more oddly than others. (Cough. Yoongi.) But they all just stayed. Every day you would learn more about all of them and they would learn more about you. I mean, you wouldn’t have guessed that Jin loved stuffed animals. But he does. 
    The only problem that came with leaning more about them was slowly turning that care into admiration. What you're trying to avoid saying is the word “love” because you refuse to let yourself feel something that could be detrimental to the carefully crafted friend dynamic all of you have built. But deep down you knew that what you felt for them was anything but platonic. 
   Friends don’t want to cuddle with each other under the stars. Friends don’t look at each other's lips and think about how soft they’d be against your own. Friends don’t think about living in a house together and eventually growing old while you watch your kids carry on your legacy. Friends don’t do or think about that. 
    However, it’s not that you have a crush on one of them. It’s all of them. That’s what confuses you and makes you push your feelings away. How was that possible? Loving all of them? How was is possible to think about getting morning kisses from both Jin and Joon? Was is weird to think about holding hands with both Jimin and Jeongguk while you went to go meet up with Taehyung for a quadruple date? What would they say if they found out you thought about having a picnic out at that clearing with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Holly by your side under the tree while the others play around? The possibility of them being grossed out by you was scary. So you suppressed your emotions.
     You ignored the way you would shiver when their skin brushed yours. You suppress the dreamy sighs every time you got stuck in a daydream. You forced a smile whenever jealously would bubble up in your stomach at the sight of other happy couples, wishing you could have what they have, but with all of your best friends. 
    “Our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow,” Yoongi spoke up randomly, very in character for him. “Random,” Hoseok snorted. “2 year anniversary?” Yoongi nodded, not taking his attention off of the cooking meat. “2 years since Y/n became our friend. We should celebrate,” Yoongi suggested, getting hums of agreement from the rest of the boys. “Wait a minute, I met you all on different days. Except Hobi and Jin. So technically there’s no date to pinpoint,” You pointed out. 
    But Yoongi merely chuckled, turning to you with a gummy smile. “I’m saying that the day you met Guk is the day that we all became friends,” Yoongi declared. “I don’t see why not,” Taehyung spoke up from behind you suddenly, wrapping his arms around your waist. You had to swallow the squeal that threatened to spill out of your mouth. “Maybe we can go to that clearing you and Yoongi are always seeking off to,” Guk said. 
    There was no room for arguments apparently since all of them eagerly agreed and they even gave you puppy eyes so you physically couldn’t say no. Soon enough, Yoongi and Jin switched to prepping food for tomorrow while Hoseok and Guk went to Hoseok’s mart to get some snacks. Namjoon pulled you away from the kitchen with the excuse, “We need to pick books to read tomorrow,” which made you playfully roll your eyes since Namjoon has raided your book collection 2 times already. 
    But you indulged them, letting them do their own things for tomorrow until eventually nightfall came and they had to go home. “We’ll pick you up and 8!” Hoseok called to you as they walked down your driveway. You watched them go from the doorway, heart in your throat as you thought about how amazing they were. 
    The youngest were always willing to cheer you up whenever you needed it. Yoongi was a shoulder to cry on. Namjoon and Jin were overprotective caregiver types that made your heart swoon. Hoseok could always whisk you away from stress and worries by distracting your overactive brain with silly movies and late night rendezvous star gazing. You wanted to cross that line between lovers and friends so bad. But you couldn’t. Because it was all or nothing and you’d never choose. 
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    “Holly!” You cheered as the 8 of you broke through the tree line into the familiar clearing where the cheerful wolf was waiting for you. He always seemed to be waiting for you. Holly tackled you onto the ground, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck before he got up and playfully jumped around you. 
“I still can’t believe you domesticated a wolf, Yoongi,” Jin commented.
“I didn’t,” 
    At this point everyone learned to shrug off Yoongi’s weird speech blips, filing them down as “Random Yoongi Things,” in your brains. Soon, a blanket was set up underneath the sturdy oak tree, you and Yoongi laying down on it, basking in the sun rays that peaked through the leaves. Jeongguk and Taehyung were playing with Holly while Namjoon read and the other three ate, the atmosphere one of comfort and content. 
     “You’ve been thinking about something recently,” Yoongi spoke up from beside you, turning his head to look at you. “You know everything, don’t you, Yoongs?” You snickered. continuing to watch the clouds blow by. “I’m serious Y/n. You seem... resistant. Are we making you uncomfortable or something?” He asked, looking at you with slight worry. “No... It’s not you,” You sighed, turning to look back at Yoongi. 
“Is it work? You know Jin told you about overworking yourself,”
“Nono, please don’t get eomma Jin over here,” You laughed, getting a chuckle from Yoongi.
“Then what’s up? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
    Anything? You thought. How am I supposed to admit to you that I’m in love with seven men when I can barely admit that to myself? You wanted to keep your mouth shut. You wanted to turn away and change the subject to the cloud shaped like a pizza roll, but you were trapped in the sparkling brown of Yoongi’s mocha eyes.
    Just as you opened your mouth, a giggly Jimin tackled you. He hugged you close, hiding you away from everyone else. “Chim!” You giggled, trying your best to wiggle out of his grasp. Soon, Jeongguk and Taehyung joined in on the dog pile, making sure not to crush you but also not afraid to wrestle you a little bit. “Hey! Cut it out! You’ll hurt her!” Jin spoke up in his eomma voice, successfully getting them to stop. 
    Your earlier conversation with Yoongi is forgotten as all 7 of them pass you around for a day full of them. You play with Holly and the youngest, then Namjoon sits and reads with you, Jin makes sure you eat, why you take a quick power nap on Hoseok’s lap, missing the very serious conversation they had with each other. 
“But what if your wrong Yoongi? What is she doesn’t want to be with all of us,” Jeongguk whined.
“She does, I can feel it,”
     “Yoongi, we’re your best friends and you do have freakishly good intuition. But Jeongguk’s right, What if you’re wrong and she leaves?” Hoseok sighed, petting your hair unconsciously. “Trust me, it has to turn out like this,” Yoongi declared. “Or what? The world will end? Yoongi, sometimes I wish you’d speak less like a story narrator,” Taehyung snorted, earning an eye roll. 
“Okay so, we all decided to man up and ask, problem is, how do we do that?” Namjoon questioned, an awkward silence following after.
“We just... Ask...” Jin suggested.
“Brilliant plan Jin. 10/10.” Jimin said sarcastically. 
“I’m serious! What if we sit her down and just talk out our feelings?”
“That could work, alright that’s the plan,” Namjoon settled, the rest of them nodding and planning what they wanted to say in their minds. 
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    You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, looking at the men who were lined up, sitting next to each other in front of you. “Okay, so. What’s going on?” You sleepily drawled, letting out a yawn. “We have something to tell you,” Namjoon choked out, fiddling with his hands. “Alright, go on,” You pressed, giving them your undivided attention. 
    Nobody spoke up, all of them either avoiding eye contact or finding the blanket really interesting. Suddenly they all blurted something out at the same time, looking at each other before trying again and doing the same things a second time. “Oh for goodness sake,” Yoongi groaned, lurching forward to connect his lips with yours.
    You gasped, eyes wide as the feeling of Yoongi’s soft lips clashed with yours. Your eyes eventually fell closed as you savored the feeling of Yoongi’s tongue dancing with your own, him sucking in your bottom lip, giving it a bite as you let out a small whimper. Your body felt feverish as your mind turned into slush. Nothing but the smack of your tongues and the warmth of his plush lips filled your thoughts as everything was solely just Yoongi. 
    “Yoongi! We were supposed to talk, not show!” Jimin complained, tugging at Yoongi’s sweatshirt. Yoongi reluctantly pulled away, giving you a chance to gasp for air, eyes lidded as both Yoongi and Jimin looked down at you with admiration in their eyes. “W-Wha..?” You gasped out, mind still struggling to pull itself back from the depths of passion. 
    Namjoon pushed them both to the side and he cupped your face in his hands. You leaned into his touch, looking up at him with flushed cheeks and swollen lips. “What we wanted to say was... We... We really like you. All of us. All seven. And I know it’s not the most traditional thing ever but we really want to be with you, all of us.” Namjoon spluttered out, trying his best to get his point across.
“How do you feel about seven boyfriends?” Jin asked over his shoulder.
     “Sounds like heaven,” You sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. All of them broke out in smiles, pulling you into a big group hug full of kisses and sweet words that promised to take care of you and be the best boyfriends they could be. Soon, the enthusiastic hug settled more into a cuddle, all of you eventually laying down on the blanket, looking at the setting sun. 
      You slowly felt sleep clawing at your body, the eventful day mixed with the secure warmth of the cacoon the boys wrapped you in. “Does this mean we can hold hands, kiss, and cuddle now?” You spoke up hopefully. “Absolutely” Hoseok sighed, pulling you closer to him. “Um... Y/n?” Jin spoke up. “Hmm?” You hummed with your eyes closed. “Is... Is that normal?” He asked and you opened your eyes to see him pointing down at your necklace. Which was now glowing. 
From that day your life got a lot weirder.
And Yoongi made a lot more sense.
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 2 of Stillness || Ch. 1 || yokai hunter!Suna x fem!Kitsune!reader || wc: 3.2k ||
Synopsis: When Suna gets himself into trouble you make a decision that will change your life, be it for better or for worse.
Warnings: violence, graphic descriptions of blood and wounds, mentions of death and corpses, characters get beat up, swearing.
a/n: in case you're unfamiliar with yokai here are some basic information. if you want to be tagged in future chapters let me know and as always feedback is greatly appreciated!
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You curse. Silently. You curse the dark clouds covering the sky, you curse yourself for oversleeping, but most of all you curse that damn Mr Witch for slipping from under your nose.
After an hour of running around the forest trying to find him you have to begrudgingly admit he's damn good at covering his tracks. Too bad you know the area like the insides of your pocket and once you catch the trail of his scent you know exactly where he's heading. You have to hurry.
You take a shortcut by the hot spring heading to where you know Mr Witch will come up the hill. You're right and just in time for him to turn the corner, out of breath from the long climb and hours of walking through the woods. You attack, but even caught off guard Suna manages to block you; a sling of his arm allows you to catch a glimpse of an exorcising charm scribbled on his palm beginning to glow. A trick so old it needs a cane to walk. One swipe over it and the ink smudges and it becomes useless. That is what you do but the ink doesn't smudge and the last thing you see is blinding white light.
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Opening your eyes alone hurts. You blink trying to get rid of the blurriness. Are... are you dead? The hammering in your head is unbearable. You feel like throwing up. Very slowly you manage to pull yourself up, the trees around you spinning. You look yourself over. No visible wounds. You carefully touch your neck. Untouched. It doesn't seem Mr Witch did anything else than knock you out. Terror washes over you. He didn't kill you. Why? Isn't that why he's here? The hammering in your head makes you screw your eyes shut.
You don't know how long it takes you to get back on your feet and pull yourself together enough to start searching for him again. Whatever he did dulled your senses. Unfortunately for him you know exactly where he's heading.
The northern part of the forest is one you stay away from if possible. It's inhabitant is too quick to pick a fight for your liking, and no doubt the one Mr Witch is looking for. You should've noticed sooner. That damn man, he led you astray with his snooping, making you overlook the trap of daily routine and he took full advantage of it. Crashing sounds from the distance let you know you're close.
What moves between trees is a mountain of a creature, tall as the surrounding trees, red skinned and clad in loincloth made of pelts. A pair of horns grow from his head, hair wild and ruffled, swaying with his movements as he fights the one you're looking for.
You're too late and now Mr Witch will have to pay the price.
Unlike Suna the Red Oni takes immediate notice of you. “Young Inari servant!“ he shouts after launching Suna over the small forest clearing.
“I'm staying out of this." With your vision still occasionally going blurry and your knees shaking you couldn't stand up to the red demon even if you wanted to. Better take this opportunity to see the full extent of Mr Witch's abilities. Still bitter over Suna catching you off guard you make yourself comfortable on a rock standing on a safe distance, thinking a good beating is what he had coming anyway.
Mr Witch's eyes linger on you, distracting him enough for Red Oni to almost land a finishing blow. But Suna is fast, nimble on his feet. He keeps dodging Oni's attacks and casting spells before his opponent can recollect himself. But you see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His breathing is fast, shallow, you can almost hear his rapid heartbeat from across the forest clearing. His eyes keep jumping between you and the oni. Is he waiting for you to join in the fight? He's nervous. You grin.
Mr Witch is scared.
Your arrival has distracted him just enough for Red Oni to get the upper hand. Mr Witch fails to dodge a spell then Oni grabs him and starts throwing him around like a rag doll. You smell blood. Suna is thrown against a tree trunk and it takes a worryingly long time for him to get back up. He's trying to catch his breath, tripping over a tree root while dodging Oni's club. Suna doesn't get up anymore. Red Oni raises the club again, all three eyes fixed on the man at his feet-
“Aka-sama. That would be enough.“
Red Oni's club stops in the air. “Do not interfere young Inari servant!“
You jump from the rock to stroll closer to unmoving Suna. “He's barely conscious.“ A large gush on his forehead is bleeding profusely and if the uneven breathing is anything to go by at least one of his ribs must be broken.
Red Oni crouches and brings its enormous face closer to where you're checking on Suna's pulse, all of his three eyes fixed on his unmoving body. “Young flesh.“
“He's not for eating.“
“Not? What else is it good for? Once it's old flesh it's bad flesh.“
“That's a poignant observation and I'll keep it in mind Aka-sama but this one lost already. He won't bother you anymore. I'll make sure of it.“
Red Oni's club crashing into the ground causes a small earthquake. “A human dares appear. In my home! Challenge me! Me, the great Red Oni!“ No other wound hurts as much as the one inflicted on pride.
“Well sadly this human is part of the Inarizaki clan and I'd very much prefer to not get in trouble with them,“ you sourly reply.
“Let them come! Great Red Oni will crush them into dust!“
He could. You are sure most humans wouldn't stand the slightest chance against his power. But he is one. Clan's hunters are many.
You hoist Suna on your shoulders. Fuck, your head hurts so bad. He isn't nearly as heavy as you expected him to be but you still feel unsteady on your feet. Damn beanpole. You turn to leave but a club blocks your path. “Leave the human here young Inari servant.“
The club doesn't budge. Red Oni's eyes flare with fury and his thunderous voice shakes the surrounding trees. “You dare oppose? Me? Me the-“
“The great Red Oni, yes, yes I do.“ Suna weakly moans in pain. Barely noticeable magic prickles around him. Even drenched in blood he's still trying to fight. With a finger to his forehead and a simple spell you knock him out before turning your attention to the furious Red Oni.
You don't have the time for this. You don't have nearly enough strength for this. A debt hangs over your head and you'd like to repay it as soon as possible. Your tails spread like a fan, not a very impressive feat since you only have three, but the flames appearing on and around their ends make up for it. “Do not stay in my way.“
Red Oni stares back. You both know this is not a fight you can win. Not even if Suna wasn't dead weight on your back. He slings the club over his shoulder. “It's a dangerous path you're stepping on young Inari servant.“
“Don't worry, I have a map.“
“A map for this path does not exist.“
On the way towards the town you realise you can't sneak into Suna's house since there's nothing you can do to disguise the bloodied hunter in your arms. He just had to fight Red Oni in the middle of the day, didn't he? At the edge of the forest you consider leaving him there.
You set him down beside a tree. He doesn't respond when you pinch his cheek. The deep wound on his forehead is still oozing blood and it's metallic smell is starting to attract others. Perhaps it would be better if they got him before he causes more trouble. You should leave him. Your debt is repaid already. You owe him nothing anymore.
Were he only a lonesome hunter the decision would be easy. But he isn't. Oh no, he has his clan, he has people waiting for him, he has someone looking out for him. He has someone who will seek retribution should anything happen.
Dead Mr Witch is more trouble than living Mr Witch.
He slides and falls to the ground, his breathing shallow and barely hearable. You notice he's bleeding from a deep gash on his arm too.
With no other choice left you pick Suna up and head towards the temple. He's getting heavier with each step and the staircase leading towards the entrance proves to be a treacherous terrain.
When you finally reach your room, panting and sweat trickling down your forehead, you carefully lay him on your bedroll. Humans, so delicate. Red Oni didn't even hit him that hard. You grab a bucket of water and a cloth to wipe away the blood to check his wounds. The one on his forehead looks worse than it actually is. You fish up some bandages and patch him up to the best of your ability.
Koda and Chochin peek from behind the corner but keep their distance. You aren't sure if the the smell of blood or the hunter is scaring them more.
Suna stays asleep for the rest of the day. You sit beside him, weighing over your options. Right now he doesn't seem much of a threat. Leaving him alive is your best bet even if the uneasy feeling only grows stronger.
Once the night falls you take him back to his home. Just as you lay him on his bed a loud sound makes you jump. It's coming from Suna's pocket and you fish out a rectangle with a glowing screen that reads 'Miya'. Suna stirs and slowly turns his eyes to you. You drop the glowing screen and flee.
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That night you walk around the forest bustling with uneasy rattling. Other yokai are worried. They wrongly believed Suna would only do some exorcising and soon leave as all previous hunters did. Instead he went after the most powerful yokai in the area. It seems he'll sooner have more than just you and the Red Oni on his list of enemies.
When you check up on him the following day he seems to be doing better already. He's slowly walking around, having to stop and lean on the wall every few steps. All things considered he could be doing worse. You leave some stolen medicine on his porch.
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It's not long before you get a visitor and it's one sure to make your night worse. “Yaku,“ you say without a trace of friendliness and not even bothering to look up from teaching Koda how to form clay into a tiny cup.
“Your human is asking questions,“ purrs the nekomata.
“My human?“
“You saved its life, did you not? It's as good as yours now.“ You never liked the snide look in his eyes, but now especially it's coated with poison and something akin to malice.
Nekomatas never were very fond of you. It was your Grandfather who commanded respect of the other yokai. In their eyes you've always been only a baby fox trailing behind him. And after the Nishikawa incident... well, that was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
"Trust me, if I could left him to die, I would have.“
“You could've easily done that. Truly unfortunate you have always wanted to protect others.“ Yeah. you've always looked out for your own kind. But why should the damn cat care? It wouldn't be the nekomatas dealing with the clan should it come seeking revenge. The one to get their hands dirty has always been you.
“I don't remember any complaints when I saved your ass all those years ago,“ you grumble, vividly remembering how much trouble that old hunter caused. It's always the old senile looking geezers that are the most troublesome.
“I am more than grateful for your help. Which is why I came all the way here to say goodbye.“
You close your eyes and slowly exhale. One by one till nobody else is left. “Not enough corpses around for you to feed on, eh? Where will you go?“
“You robbed us of an especially delicious one. We'll head to one of the big cities. One with a big fish market.“ He licks his whiskers then stretches and turns to leave. “Do take better care of yourself in the future Inari’s servant. Your human got visitors and they do not seem pleased. Farewell.“
Strange emptiness forms in your chest as nekomata leaves. One by one till only you will remain. Koda hugs your trembling fingers.
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With the rising moon you leave the temple. It has been days since you checked on Suna and if what Yaku said is true, that others like him have arrived, then it's past time for you to snoop around. This time you take precautions to keep yourself hidden, disguising yourself as a sparrow and watching from far away. You doubt any of the yokai would risk their skin to help you should you stumble into trouble.
Two hunters are visiting Mr Witch, which is two more reasons for you to worry. One has golden hair and a smile that seems anything but sincere, the other is shorter, with dark, spiky hair. The mischievous gleam in his eyes makes you uneasy. Just like Suna they smell like hunters. But they feel different. All are winding rivers appearing calm on the surface, one hides rocks, others hide whirlpools that will pull you in their depths, drown you if you let your guard down.
They don't stay in town long, apparently only stopping by Mr Witch's house because they were passing by during their own mission. There isn't much you learn, except that Mr Witch likes seafood ramen. Only a day passes before they're on their way again though the weight on your mind remains.
The same day they leave Suna visits your temple. You hear him approach wile sitting at the top of the stairs, wondering if you should scrape away the moss. When you were still little, long before your second tail sprouted, long before you learned how to disguise yourself as a human, monks used to keep the stairs moss free. But Koda seems to really like it. Sitting on it he rattles contently.
Suna ascends the stairs slowly, often stopping to catch his breath. He's still pale, his face bruised. He should be resting, not bothering you.
He stops on the step below you. Does he enjoy looking down at you? “You saved my life.“
Not even a 'hello'? How rude. “Worry not, it won’t happen again. You seem to make enemies at every turn Mr Witch. You keep going like this you won't last long.“
“I can take care of myself.“
“Hm.“ Yeah, you’ve seen how he holds his own against yokai. Judging by him avoiding your eyes he’s aware that statement doesn’t carry much weight. “I guess running into the Red Oni was just an unfortunate slip up then. No doubt you’d be able to take him any other day Mr Witch. If you're here to thank me don't bother.“
“Thank you.“ 
Some gratefulness, insulting you to your face. “Why are you here? To pick a fight? You're not much of a threat, you know?“
Suna steps on the next step, throwing you a side glance. “I'm here to pay my respects to Inari. Not everything revolves around you Miss Kitsune.“  
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To your annoyance Suna makes it a habit of visiting the temple every other day. He doesn't always speak to you, the previous day he only came around to leave offerings and get startled by Chochin. The possessed lantern laughed almost hysterically and so did you. Seeing Mr Witch jump brought you immense satisfaction.
Chochin has been with you for almost a century now. You recall in detail the day the lantern became conscious. One moment it was just a lantern, the next an eye appeared and the paper split into a wide grin. Your loyal companion. If only it could talk too.
You wake up in the late afternoon and brush your tails with the golden comb that a long time ago belonged to a noble travelling through your forest. Koda sits on your shoulder, enamoured with the sun rays reflecting on its surface. Promise of a quiet night is ruined by all too familiar footsteps.
Annoyed you watch Suna wash his hands by the basin and offer up mochi and a bouquet of flowers he must've picked on the hike through the forest. You've seen flowers just like these growing down where the path leading from the town splits in two. He looks a bit better, though the wound on his forehead is still surrounded by a nasty bruise.
When he approaches Koda slips in your pocket.
“Hello,“ he says, awkwardly, his hands shoved deep inside his pockets.
You don't even spare him a glance. “Do not waste my time Mr Witch. Get to the point.“ Oh how that calm, deadpan face tickles you the wrong way.
He clenches his jaw. “Listen Miss Kitsune, you don't particularly like me and I don't particularly like you either-“
“- but I think we can learn from each other.“
You stop brushing your tail. Is he joking? “There isn't much for me to learn from someone like you."
“Oh really? So you don't want to know why you failed to stop this little charm?" he waves his palm with the black lines on it. It takes all your restraint to not throw the comb in his face, but his small smirk tells you that isn't something he'll let you forget. "It's a tattoo," he tells you. "There, do you believe I'm being serious now?" He doesn't wait for your answer and pulls out his phone. “Don't you want to learn how to use this? How to get unlimited access to entire human knowledge? Do you even know how to use a rice cooker? I doubt it. And riding trains-“
“Hey I know how to take a train! I do it all the time!“
“And let me guess you get busted for not having the right ticket all the time too? I can teach you how to use the ticket machine.“
“Or I could just make my own ticket.“ To prove your point you change the leaf on the ground into what on the first glance looks like a perfectly ordinary train ticket.
Suna sighs. “No one will be fooled by that. It's a sloppy fake.“
“My point is, we can help each other out.“ He offers you his hand. “Truce?“
You eye him carefully. Suna isn't someone who fights with weapons that would leave callouses and rough dry patches behind. He uses magic. And magic in the hands of humans is dangerous. Life has taught you that much.
Against better judgement you take the hand he's offering.
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tag list: @blurring-stars​ @lsqueezlimel​
40 notes · View notes
oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Two More Bedrooms
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The baby is on his way and who better to help you through slow labor then nurse Paige!
Warnings: Swearing, Graphic birth sort of?, Terribly Written Birthing Scenes, Fluff! and humor
A/N: So this is the last one of these for a while guys got a few other things I want to concentrate on however I did enjoy writing this one had a right laugh! any way I hope you enjoy as always xx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​
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Henry opened the boot of the car with a groan. It was go time. Well not really he had finally got back from filming late. It was late October and he was running around doing his fatherly duty of putting together the furniture for his sons nursery. His son. Each time he said it he got a huge wave of fatherly pride. He was having a little boy, he would be here in a matter of days! Well he was due in just under ten days. Henry was ecstatic. And behind he had a lot of things to get done. Starting with the cot. You had been terrified that he wouldn't be home in time and it was to late in the pregnancy to fly out to him either and you'd already sorted out your birthing plan here! To say you'd got yourself in a state was an understatement especially with the drama at the nursery, but Henry was here now he had taken care of everything!. He heaved the first heavy box up the stairs you and Paige watching from the sidelines neither of you had let him see the nursery on the phone wanting to keep it a secret. As tempting as it was to do a dc theme you'd decided against it.
Paige wanted a 'zoo room' and well to be honest it was a better idea then your 'generic pale blue'. He walked into the large room smiling you'd both done a hell of a job...so some of the mural was tilted and out of line, he didn't care it was Paige's first time helping to hang wallpaper and he was damn proud of his little nugget!
It was incredible the largest back wall was a custom wallpaper mural it was a white background with strategically placed palm trees jungle vines an 'life sized' elephants, giraffes ,zebras you name it! In the trees there was monkeys and various brightly coloured parrots perched and in flight. The floor was sanded leaving it a lighter oak and the rest of the walls painted a very light sage colour. There was boxes and boxes of toys, soft furnishings and essentials packed n the far corner including  a five foot tall giraffe teddy that Paige had wanted to buy the baby...That was just one of her many gifts to him.
Henry loved it and had praised the both of you for what you had achieved. Finally four trips later he had retrieved all of the furniture and it was now time to assemble. Moving he quickly unclipped his drill box flipping it open then turned when he heard the door open and saw Paige peeking in, she had a bowl of cut grapes and apples with her, he smiled you must have gave her snacks to come an watch.
"Hey Nugget..You want to help?" She nodded and walked over to him and sat down next to him still in her pajamas even though it was two in  the afternoon. She had been relaxing with you on the sofa watching tv She watched carefully as he began to pull out the flat packed crib from the box.
"Hold the box for me okay..one..two..three....there we go!...see can you guess what this is?" She looked at it skeptically humming.
"Cot?" Henry chuckled nodding.
"That’s right this will be the cot and we have a changing table a wardrobe  and chest of drawers to make....then We have to get the rocking chair from the snug in here....Do you know where everything is supposed to go in here?" She nodded popping another grape in her mouth then offered hi one. He smiled plucking a red grape from the top.
"Good because mummy isn't allowed in here until we are done!" She giggled at him and began the hard task of supervising him.
Remarkably everything was much easier to put together then last time ...though he didn't wing it this time and read the instructions which Henry has decided he will do in the future, everything ran smoothly. Paige was giddy as she got to help make the furniture. Henry had held the drill a few times letting her pull the trigger and she was over the moon. Henry had given her a little lesson on drill bits and proper safety showing the little girl how it worked and she had loved it, he thinks it was less about the lesson and more about having one on one time with her dad. It was nearly three hours later but finally the room was done he and Paige had even unpacked the baby clothes. You had broke down in tears seeing the finished room, it was beautiful and calming. The wood of the furniture was all a mix of white painted and oak that was only one shade darker then the floor. 
It was now four days to go. The nursery had been moved about every single day. You were nesting, it frustrated you, you needed to clean but the 'cavillry' had been on your case not letting you do anything. You just couldn't explain it, you wanted to hoover,mop,dust, clean, wipe! You wanted to nitpick! You just... you was on edge you could feel it, he was close so close to being here but you couldn't settle. Thankfully though Henry being home meant you didn't have to worry about much you were all ready!
Henry gulped...well shit if you wasn't on edge before you would be now if you found out. 'She'd be raging' He had just realized he hadn't packed a bag. Fuck. He now had to covertly pack this thing without you finding out he had forgot...he needed a sneaker.
"Paige! Can you come here a moment poppet?!" The little girl came into your Shared bed room.
"Yes Daddy?"
"Right...Daddy messed up....and i need your help can you be sneaky for me today?"
"Sneaky daddy?" He nodded
"Yes we need to get mummy's hospital bag ready! And daddy forgot so i need you to help me get all the things we need for when your brother gets here....can you do that poppet?"
"Okay daddy whats first?” and so began a morning of creeping around the house trying to pack the bag he had said was packed three days ago. Paige he been caught stealing the baby wipes but finally everything was laid out on the bed.
"Right nugget it looks like we did it now the final check okay."
"Tag on the bag? Check, wet wipes nappies-"
"Wow daddy will he be this tiny?" Henry chuckled nodding as Paige placed the tiny nappy in the bag on top of the others
"Yes nugget so tiny and cute...I truly can’t wait for him to get here, your going to love him! And hold him and snuggle him"
"I-I get to cuddle?" He nodded sitting beside her on the bed
"Oh yes baby girl! You can have as many cuddles as you want! You are his big sister...When he grows up he is going to learn a lot for you, you get to play with him  teach him your games and how to grow the fruit in the garden and teach him to walk and talk, your going to be so close baby girl...your- your baby brother wont be just a brother...But a best friend for life!" She grinned wide still smoothing her little fingers over the small pamper.
"Now what else-ah bottles, formula, cool scarves check check check....reusable sanitary pads witch hazel check double check...wheat cushion and sports bottle..where the - Paige is Mummy’s sports bottle in there?" She dug around to the bottom and nodded
"Uhuh its there daddy and juice!"
"Good right then its just the baby grow! And I know that's in the front pocket! Woohoo we are all done!" Paige shook her head frowning
"No-No daddy wheres the snuggy! He will need his snuggy I got him A snuggy daddy!" Henry smiled at her.
"I know baby girl but Mummy and I think its better if you gave it to him when you meet, then he knows its from you" at that Paige calmed down...
"Really Daddy? I can give it to him...will he like my snuggy?" Henry nodded to her zipping up the bag and picked her up placing her on his hip.
"Absolutly baby he will love it...Its the wolf one mummy showed me isn’t it?" She nodded as Henry moved out of the bed room and down the stairs.
"I thought so a very good choice nugget, so soft and small enough he will be able to hold it straight away, you keep it close to the door when me and mummy go and daddy will come and get you when he is here. You remeber what we said?"
"That-that you and mummy go to hospital and get him out then I can see him in the hospital after!" Henry placed the bag by the front door so he just had to grab it on the way out when the time came.
"Forgot the chargers" Henry jumped up
"What-hey sweety what are you doing up and about thought you were in the den reading?"
"You think I wont notice my own husband and daughter skulking about the house all day collecting things?..... Come on move knew you hadn't packed idiot..." you moved over to the bag placing two chargers in the side pocket then stood up right kissing him on the cheek as he blushed at being caught out.
"Daddy does Mummy know everything that happens...." he chuckled watching as you waddled back towards the kitchen muttering something about pickled eggs.
"Yes baby yes she does...we are...bad a sneaking I think"
"We need to get better at it daddy" he nodded to his eldest and followed you to the kitchen hoping you wasn't angry, but by the soft giggles he doubted it
"I can hear you two you know! There will be no more sneaking about now come have some lunch!"
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Lunch was a bad idea! You groaned holding your stomach rubbing the taught muscles, sure you had twitches but fuck! You thought they were braxton hicks! You had them for three days none stop about a week before Paige was finally born. But no you were slowly realizing that this might be it!
You rolled onto your side holding your tummy as another slightly powerful contraction pulled Kal had just left the room barking and you could hear henry stampedeing throught the house to your side Paige running in a few moments behinde...Dressed as a nurse...Oh for fuck sake...Why the hell did he get her the nurse set!
"Babe! Oh god babe are you? is it time?!" You shook your head and held out your hands signaling him to help you sit up he did kneeling before you
"Is...Is it the baxtons again? Have they started?" You took a deep breath.
"I...I don't think so had them on and off for the past few days but they are getting worse...I think I'm in slow labor can't do anything yet, gotta wait it out!" Paige interrupted by putting her 'baby headphones' on which was her toy stethoscope on your tummy and nodding
"He wants to come out got to hospital" you and Henry laughed at her.
"Oh my god haha! Paige-y Poppet!"
"Nurse Paige Daddy...I'm a nurse today!" you calmed down
"Well your right nurse Paige he is on his way...But we have to wait until he is just about to come out until we go to the hospital...A few more hours at least..Not only that I'm not leaving this house till I’ve fucking pooped! And have a coffee Henry...don't need to falling asleep again!"
"Again...Mummy have you did this before?" You and Henry shared a look.
"Yes baby with you....You were in my tummy and we went to the hospital and got you out..daddy passed out cos he looked
"I did not look woman! It was stress! And low blood sugar!" Paige meanwhile was quiet trying to process the fact that she had come out of you....The little girl knew she was in your tummy at one point but never gave it much thought....
"You-you I'm not poop am I? You didn't poop me out did you mummy?....Rose still says you poop out babies I don't want to be a poo!" You smiled at her and chuckled.
"No poppet your not poop? You were a baby just like your brother will be...but mummy does need to try poop before she leaves"
"You want a coffee mummy? You can't poo until after coffee...Daddy make mummy a coffee so she can poo and go get my brother" Henry chuckled and saluted
"Yes nurse Paige...do we still have decaf love?." You nodded to him smiling
"Yes thank you love I'm gonna get changed then I will be down" he hummed
"Nurse stay with your mum...come get me if anything happens okay poppet?" She nodded and 'helped' you up towards the stairs.
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The coffee did not work as time ticked on it became clear that you was definitely in labor, the pains were bad and contractions worse then you remembered. You sat there on the toilet determined that you would empty your bowels before leaving but you were cutting it close. Your waters were slowly trickling now, but your adamant you can last you are not shitting yourself during birth! You held the side of the tub cringing at the harsh tugs of your muscles as your body tried moving the baby lower. You squinted trying to forget the pain and focus on the task at hand it was hard to go with Paige standing at the door with Kal.
"Paige?...Can mummy poop in peace?"
"Yes" you gasped as another wave started and curled over on yourself.
"....Alone maybe?" Her face lit up and she smiled
"OOOH alone? no"  your face dropped what?
"Paige please?" You begged really needing her to understand and leave you to it like Henry was, though you suspected he was at the top of the stairs listening out
"...No mummy you need a nurse here in case...Me and Kal are nurses" oh for fuck sake
"Incase of what baby?"
"..If you push to hard you might poop out the baby..." you sighed rolling your eyes trying to control your tone not wanting to scream at her but at the same time you wanted a fucking shit in peace!
"Paige I promise I wont poop out the baby"
"But daddy said he's coming" you growled fisting your hands having just about enough as another contraction began pulling at you, really you should be on your way to the hospital already.
"Paige honey...I promise you I will not poop out your brother...But mummy really really needs to go and your putting me off..."
"Okay mummy..." she turned around and patted Kal
"Come on Kal turn around mummy can't poop when your watching"
"Paige please go downstairs"
"No mummy...Just poop already! Its okay if its smelly...I've been to the toilet after you before...And we got this see?" She waved a small can of air freshener that you failed to notice until then okay right that's it!
"Oh for fuck sake-BABE! COME COLLECT YOUR OFSPRING!" Paige blinked confused as Henry came in and collected her, scooping her up sheepishly.
"Come on nugget! Lets got double check the bag...Micah and his mummy will be here soon..."
"But daddy mummy needs me! I'm a nurse!" He shushed her and turned to you.
"Their five minuets away babe might want to wrap this up-"
"GET THE FUCK OUT I NEED A SHIT!!!" You swear for a second you really was married to Clark kent at the speed he left the bathroom as you flung a bottle of bubble bath at the closed door.
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What felt like a few moments later you were being ushered out of the door by Fran giving Paige and Kal kisses promising to see them soon. You and Henry pulled away from the house in silence tense and excited.
"You ready?" All he got was a loud groan in reply as you gripped the door and dashboard you had left it to late
"H-henry put your fucking foot down! He is comeing fast!" Started by the change in tone he did as asked flooring it, the hospital was only five minutes away thankfully livjng on the same side of town was ta god send.
"Fuck babe are you- why didn't you say anything inside!? It he that close?!"
"Do-did you go for the epidural? Can they?-"
"ITS TO LATE! JUST OHHHHH FUUUCKING HELL NO!" your groans got higher and louder as the pain and awful need to push became almost to much to bare.That did the trick. Henry soon realized that you were in the middle of active labor.
"What the fuck? babe why didn't you say something?! breath breath remeber-"
"I AM FUCKING BREATHING!!! IF NOT ID BE FUCKING DEAD....oh fuck me- sorry babe these things hit hard...I didn't ant to worry you or Paige be he wants out now- OOOHHH GOD NOO FUAUHGK JUST FUCKING TOOT THAT CUNT GO AROUND HIM HENRY?! GET OUT OF THE WAY ASSHOLE! PUSHING A BABY OUT HERE!!"
"Babe the windows open-"
"FUCK THE WINDOW MY FUCKING CERVIX IS OPEN!!oooh and done wow...You know I'm done after this one...Fucking done" You pressed back into the seat taking deep breaths laughing in delight as the hospital came into veiw patting your tummy
"okay...okay breath this is it baby boy~ fUUUCK ME! Auggghhh! no don't that's whats got us here", Henry tried not to laugh but he couldn't hold it he chuckled as he sped past the barriers and skidded to a stop by the maternity unit swearing
"Fuck fuck fuck HELP HE'S COMING FAST!!! okay bag bag and plan- we have the birthing plan- whats the birthing plan babe?!" he panicked as you both made it into reception you doubled over legs spread wide baring down as the contraction built in strength.
"TO GET HIM OUT- THAT’S THE FUCKING PLAN FUCK THIS WAS SO MUCH BETTER WITH A FUCKING EPIDURAL-!" suddenly seeing what was happening you were whisked into a room by midwives that already knew this baby was coming much faster then expected.
You were quickly placed on the bed legs spread and a midwife checking she swore and pressed a button above you on the bed raising an alarm. she turned to Henry asking him questions
"Dad? this your first baby?"
"No second, our second" he lifted your papers as you screamed out again he was panicked
"Okay right was it a natural birth last time?" Henry nodded to the woman then suddenly there was two younger women in the room
"Shes crowning fast, the baby will be here in a matter of minuets okay...I need a bassinet, blanket tools the lot, get those notes off dad and get a ecg in here I want baby's heart rate!...Right dad you with me? good up here hold her hands there's no time for pain meds this baby wants out now!" you groaned holding Henry's hands tight swearing panting
"Its-He's coming! he will be here soon" you had a holter monitor on your tummy and there was another alarm pinging you looked to one of the younger women who had brought in the .
"What-whats that? is everything okay? is he okay?"
"Yes ...Your baby is just a little stressed out okay? nothing to worry about love its just that your in the end of labor already " she quickly moved around
"Right Mrs Cavill take some deep breaths for me darling...Okay in...Out good and again....Good right your baby is right here...Can you feel my fingers? Yes? that’s their head right there sweetheart now I need you to push okay? on the next contraction as hard as you can its really important okay-" you pushed with all your might but noting he didnt move, the woman tensed.
"Okay...Right Mr Cavill she doesn't have any blood condition's does she? hiv? anemia?" Henry shook his head
"No-no she hasn't why?"
"Right okay get them over here...Right Mrs Cavill I’m going to have to cut you my love" you screeched shaking your head
"N-NOO PLEASE-please don't I can do it- please" henry tooka few secons to catch up...They were going to cut you? cut your-Oh god! he moved forward holding you tight trusing the midwives to do their job, they new more about this then the both of you.
"Shh shh I know its not nice but the baby is stuck honey their shoulder is trapped my love if you keep pushing you could hurt him so just one tiny little snip and he will be here okay?" you whined crying into Henry nodding who relayed the message as the woman was already poised with the...Terrifying scissors between your legs.
"Yo-you pro-mise?"
"I promise, you wont feel a thing it will be so quick, and after we will get you a nice morphine drip how does that sound? but right now the baby needs to be out asap, you left it to long to get here, if they wasn't stuck you'd have had them in the car on the way here in the car!"
"She wouldn't leave the house till she went a loo... Didn't want to poop giving birth" the midwife rolled her eyes.
"oh sweet pea we have seen it all before, okay now ready, as soon a this contraction it over you will have your little baby I promise you love" you nodded reaching for Henry who curled over you holding your hands kissing your face
"Henry I’m scared! don't pass out-don't fucking pass out Henry! I need you please please stay with me!"
"I'm here! I'm with you love...I'm not going anywhere just think our little boy!" you nodded and screamed loud as your final contraction came on building then- nothing the burning pain was all you felt then a loud sigh of relief as your son was born.
"There we go I told you! Well done! A little boy! congratulations!" you wept as the midwife held him higher for you to see and burst out crying. Henry couldn't believe it! his son his little boy was right there! he could see him hear him!
"Dad...ready here cut just there" Henry held the scissors cutting the tiny baby from his mother the room was full with the cries of the newborn.
"C-can I pass out now?" you slapped at him watching as the midwife called out time of birth.
"And that is Cavill, male, born at three minuets past seven pm October thirtieth..ooo nearly a halloween baby~"
"He was due November third...Four days early" Henry added wiping tears from his eyes watching as they washed him up and measured and weighed him.
"Well no wonder you had to be cut lovey! he is a big boy! 9lb 9 ounces! and 22 inches in length...definitely going to take after his daddy!...Okay okay here we go fussy little monkey~" Henry was handed your son first as you were being stitched up and a morphine drip being inserted, you didn't feel anything other then shock. he was here...your baby your little man! Henry froze looking at the bundle.
"He is so...Perfect! I-I can't-love he is" you nodded leaning over as Henry sat down shushing him rocking the boy gently. The nurse who had finished putting in the canular and started the drip came over.
"Would you like me to take some pictures? first cuddles?" you both nodded handing her Henry's phone and posed with your son...Son you had a son he was here...and a noisy little bugger if you did say so yourself. Henry handed him to you pressing kissed you your head
"Thank you so much my love! you've made me the happiest man on the planet!" the nurse took some more photos then you were left alone. You both sat in awe of the little boy as you held him steady feeding him quietly rocking.
"you want a coffee love? and I will call Fran get her to bring over Paige" you nodded then looked to the bag
"Did you bring?"
"Yes I did they are in there wrapped up and ready I will be back in when they get here...Want some snacks to?" you nodded
"A coconut late with extra syrup...Double shot oh and some milky bar! the big one and some monster munch!" he nodded already on the phone to Fran to deliver the good news.
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Twenty minuets later there was a knock on the door and in came Henry Paige was uncharacteristically hiding behind him unsure of herself, he must have told her to keep quiet. she tiptoed in and stood at the bed on tip toes trying to peek."I-Is he here? where is he Mummy?" you moved the blanket letting her see the blue bundle.
"Henry lift her up-Oh hi Fran?" you nodded smiling noticing she was filming the siblings meeting. Henry hoisted Paige to sit next to you she was scared stiff just looking eyes fixed on her brother. she looked to you then the baby.
"He's mine? my baby brother...He is so small daddy look at his little fingers" Henry smiled to her nodding getting all choked up already.
"Y-yes baby girl he is very small...The nurses said he is going to be tall tho...Well aren't you going to give him the snuggy you got?" Paige bit her lip and tentatively crawled over you him crouching
"I-I can touch him...He wont cry" Henry chuckled at her worried expression.
"He shouldn't do baby and if he does its just because he is a tired little baby!" slowly she made her move, moving to give him the toy placing it near his tiny hand, once he felt the softness his hand clenched around it.
That was when Paige lost it, almost as if realizing that he was a real baby, not a toy the flood gates opened and she quickly moved in over her brother crying softly into his blanket trying to cuddle him softly you rubbed her back as she was overwhelmed sobbing quietly to herself rocking slightly.
"H-hi B-baby...I-I'm you b-big sister" you and Henry smiled to each other knowingly tears welling up fast any doubts you'd had vanished as Paige coddled the tiny boy. You moved nodding for her to come sit on your side.
"Come on poppet time for his big sister to get a cuddle!" she gasped looking up wiping her eyes.
"R-really I can ho-hold him? but I th-thought dad-dy just said that to-to make me fe-eel better" Henry shook his head moving to stand beside you both so Paige as in the middle
"No of course not sweet pea...now here this is for you  little lady" she blinked looking from you to Henry
"Yes love a present's from the baby to you see? here open it see what he got you". you watched as she opened the gifts, one was a small wolf teddy that looked a little like the snuggy Paige had just given her brother, the other was a worlds best big sister t-shirt. she looked around stunned
"Daddy- Mummy look- look he likes wolves...Just like my snuggy I got him- see its almost the same daddy look look!" Henry smiled at her chuckling
"I see that princess..not what about this one here~" she tore open the paper holding the t-shirt
"A-a T-shirt daddy whats it say?"
"It says worlds best big sister! see he already knows your going to be the best big sister! want to put it on?" she nodded already having he top half off before he even asked once dressed in her new top you decided it was time for cuddles and pictures you both moved her little arms so she could support him properly.
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You all smiled as Fran stood by and took a few snaps with Henry's phone tears streaming. Paige looked down in awe as the child wriggled she looked up alarmed.
"No- Mummy I didn't-"
"shh shh its okay see he is just waking up...It must be your snuggy he wants to have a look~" Paige watched in fascination as her brother opened his eyes yawning at her.
"Soo? what the little ones name?" Fran finally asked buzzing with excitement
"Silas...Silas Cavill" Paige quirked a brow and shook her head.
"No-no Daddy I don't like it" you and Henry burst out laughing.
"Well I'm sorry nugget that's on his birth certificate nothing we can do now-" Henry tried to explain but was cut off
"Rub it out you did it in pencil didn't you?"
"I'm afraid not Paige, He is called Silas" Paige huffed looking down at Silas bouncing him a little.
"Oookaayy but the next one is a girl and I’m naming it" you and Henry blinked
"W-what Paige-y?"
"The next baby is a girl and I wanna call it Pearl...so its Paige and Pearl." Henry waved his hands in the air exhausted by his eldest.
"Unbelievable- Paige how about we see how you and Silas get on-"
"No daddy go have sex I want a sister- there are two more bedrooms at home!" you burst out laughing as Paige said this whilst rocking Silas slowly before kissing him on the cheek.
"My baby brother...I love you and cant wait for you to meet Kal...He is a bit like a wolf...And bear so your going to love him!...He is loud sometimes but he is a good boy" you tilted your head before going to take Silas back but Paige whined and twisted him away.
"N-no mine my brother! I want to hold him longer" you and Henry shared a look and sighed choosing to let her hold him until her arms were tired.
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Fran walked over taking a quick peek at the baby before handing Henry his phone giving him a quick hug which he returned.
"Here I best be off congratulation the two of you, I'm so happy for you all"
"Thanks again for watching Paige...You sure you don't want a cuddle before you go?"
"No no let Paige have her snuggles I'm sure I will get a cuddle soon see you soon" Henry moved sitting at the bottom of the bed watching his family happily. Before flicking through the pictures readying one for twitter and family. He chose one that melted his heart Paige staring down at Silas with you and Henry staring at each other smiling, glowing with pride, Silas' face was partly hidden. he posted the photo announcing to the world he was the proud father of two healthy children, life couldn't get any better then this! Henry was on cloud nine...But Paige did have a point...There was two more spare rooms, Henry will give it a few months before bringing it up. But for everything he was worth he had a feeling you'd be pregnant by the end of next year. Paige was spoilt in a sense and he just can't refuse his little princes and Sister was now on the list he would try not to disappoint.
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