#peep the Minecraft creeper face on the right arm
mutant-moonzz3 · 4 months
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been rotating adult Donnie in my brain
just some outfit sketches w/messy dramatic lighting lol, OFC I had to include an infinite singularity sweatpantello for @desceros!! base colors and just shading under the cut cause I like how they look :)
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
heyoooow congrats on 500 followers 🥳 first off i wanna say my appreciation to your blog. thanks for letting me hang here! i only interact with a few blogs (4), and you’re def one of the peeps who made my quarantine and mental stuff bearable. your writing def gives me comfort considering my current state, so thank you sm for existing :) anyw i wanna participate in your event sooo
for character, i really cant choose between mikasa and annie so you choose for me 😂
starters: can i get hcs of gn gamer!reader who plays all the time, and their s/o complains bc of it, so reader kinda teaches them but s/o kinda sucks... 💀
main: maybe character gets jealous oneshot?
dessert: fluff text messages
again thank you soooo much ♥️
Hey there, I'm extremely overjoyed I have been of some help to you and that you like it here. Thank you for your kind words and I appreciate you so much 💕
Comin' right up ☕
Annie -
Annie doesn't mind so much that you play your video games. She likes the quiet time where she can read while you run through a virtual world doing your thing.
If you get too carried away though and get raged or agitated, she'll tell you to quiet down.
If you don't - she'll get up to a different room with a deep sigh.
One day she asks if you could teach her and she could play with you sometime. It'll be a good way to spend quality time together.
You start her off with something easy and a two player. Mario Kart.
You can't help but laugh as she constantly drives into the walls and comes in last - her annoyed pout just the cutest thing.
"This is dumb..." She'll sigh. She won't stop playing though.
"Annie. Press down the A button just before the go light."
"I am and I keep skidding out!"
"Because you're hitting it too early."
"You're lying. There's no such thing as a start boost."
"...I'm not lying."
Mikasa -
Mikasa likes to watch you play your games. She likes how excited and happy you get when you do something you're proud of.
"Well done." She'll smile when you finally kill the Blood starved beast.
But she doesn't like doing it for too long. She prefers it when you're doing something together. So you suggest to teach her so you can play together.
You decide on playing Minecraft with her - a nice peaceful game for her to start off with.
She gets the controls pretty quickly. What she can't understand are the physics and other rules.
"How is that tree floating up there?"
"It's just how the game is, babe."
"How is it possible this bridge isn't falling down?"
"I... I don't know. Try not to think too much about it."
Accidentally burned down your house you built together. She teared up with guilt.
Always. Always leading creepers to you asking you to save her.
Will die under collapsing sand and gravel. A lot.
"Babe, I died again! All my stuff is down in that cave..."
*sigh* "Alright. I'll go get it..."
"Hey babe." You smile, delighted to see your girlfriend after a long day.
Her bright blue orbs look right through you - dead eyed and a frown tugging at her lips.
"Annie?" You frown, removing your jacket. "Everything okay?"
"Fine." She mumbles with venom underlying her tone.
"Annie." You arch an eyebrow, obviously not convinced by her weak attempt of a lie.
She doesn't have time to reply as the rest of your comrades walk through the door after a hard day of training. Sasha's laughter rings out loudly, breaking the uncomfortable silence between you.
"Connie fell flat on his ass!" She continued her conversation with Mina who is giggling behind her hand.
"I'm not surprised. Sounds like Connie "
"There they are!" Ymir smirks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "I've been looking for you, good lookin'"
"You've just seen me like an hour ago." You laugh, oblivious to Annie's blazing glare.
"That was too long ago." She teases, placing her cheek against yours.
Annie's brow furrows and she snapped. The band of her jealousy wound too tightly around her ego as she grabs Ymir by the neck and pushes her off you, right across the room and against the wall.
"Annie!" You gasp.
"Woah!" Sasha exclaims, stopping her conversation.
"What are you doing?!" Ymir snarls in her face as Annie holds her still.
"Go anywhere near them again, and I'll snap your neck like a twig. Got it??"
Ymir smirks. "Oh? I should have figured you as a jealous type."
"Annie, that's enough!" You call, the authority in your voice surprising everyone in the room.
Annie loosens her grip, but her warning glare doesn't leave Ymir as she runs her throat - a red mark already appearing on her skin.
"I'm with you, Annie. I want you. No one else. Now give your head a shake and get back in the game." You hiss, pulling her to the side as the room slowly and awkwardly begins to re-errupt into conversation.
"I'm sorry..." She mutters.
You were pretty surprised at Annie. You had no idea she could be insecure in you and your relationship. You spoke all night about a lot of things. But mostly how she should never ever fear that you would want anyone else other than the beautiful Annie Leonhart.
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aziraamane · 5 years
Human AU - Part 3
(Previous) - (First)
The memorial dinner hadn’t gone too badly, in hindsight. Everyone had been too preoccupied with wistful remembrance of that prat Lucifer that Crowley had mostly been left to his own devices. He’d exchanged brief words with a handful of reporters, doing his best to “stand there and look pretty,” as Mother often hissed at him, then proceeded to do what he did best, swallowing down enough wine to kill a man.
It was the oysters that did him in, in the end. Shellfish never sat right in his stomach. Indeed, it didn’t sit there very long at all - which was what led to the morning after the night before, with a shivering, sickly-looking Crowley, gaping, open-mouthed at Anathema as she recounted her experience at drop-off.
“Ezra?!” he sputtered, incredulous. “He’s called bloody Ezra?!”
“I don’t know why you’re surprised.” Anathema, kneeling on the kitchen counter, threw a box of paracetamol at Crowley; it bounced off his very flushed face to land on the table. “Posh-looking guy like that,” she carried on, “of course he’s got a posh name. Now take those and go back to bed, you’re sweating all over the place.”
“Don’t wanna,” Crowley mumbled, but swallowed two tablets nonetheless. Damn girl was worse than his mother.
“You don’t want to go back to bed? Who are you and what have you done with Anthony Jo-”
“D'you wanna keep your job, Anathema?”
“Alright, no more full names, got it. Can I go now?”
“You could have gone ages ago.”
“Well, someone needs to look after you when you won’t do it yourself.” She went to reach for her coat, then looked back and winked. “Maybe Ezra can take my place.”
Crowley threw the paracetamol at the closing door with a groan, and let his head thunk to the table before falling asleep right there in a fevered, hungover haze.
By some divine miracle, he woke up with twenty minutes to go before pick-up. He was fairly sure he’d told Anathema to take the rest of the day off, so he reluctantly wrapped a scarf around his face to cover his running nose, jammed on his sunglasses, and staggered into the Bentley, making it to school two minutes after the bell.
I look a complete mess. Papers will be all over this if I - oh. A flash of tartan in Crowley’s wing mirror had him glancing into it with raised eyebrows.
Well. That’s a thing.
Said “thing” was Ezra, walking down the school steps, hand-in-hand with both Warlock and Adam. Both boys were chatting animatedly, the man looking between them with a dimpled smile on his face. A heat flushed Crowley’s cheeks that he was sure had nothing to do with his fever.
He found the energy to exit the Bentley just as Ezra drew up beside it. “Hey, Adam.”
“You’re late, uncle AJ,” Adam chided.
“I know, I know. Sorry ‘bout that.” He took Adam’s hand from Ezra with a bleary nod. “Cheers, Ezra.”
“You’re welcome, Anthony.”
He couldn’t help but smile, hearing his name from Ezra’s mouth. “You, er…you met Ana, then?”
“I did. Lovely girl. Very vintage, isn’t she?”
“Er, yeah. Could say that.” He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his nose underneath the scarf.
Ezra frowned. “Are you still feeling unwell? You look a bit peaky.”
“Nothing a bit of kip won’t fix,” Crowley insisted, waving the concern away. “Right. I’d best get this one home. See you tomorrow?”
Ezra chuckled. “Tomorrow is Saturday, dear fellow.”
“Oh, yeah. Course. Idiot, that’s me.” He bundled a perplexed-looking Adam into the car and jumped in after him. “Cheerio, then,” he called through the open window, speeding off before he could make himself look any more of a prat.
“Can I play Minecraft?” asked Adam.
“Kid, you can do anything you want, so long as I can pass out on the couch the whole time.”
“I’m gonna build a fort.”
“And I’ll laugh when the creepers come blow it up.”
“That’s mean.”
“That’s life, Adam. Life is mean.”
Adam was a good kid. Quiet, for the most part, and always found something to occupy himself with, but prone to meltdown if he didn’t understand why something wasn’t happening the way he expected it to. Thankfully, he’d mastered Minecraft, and Crowley heard barely a peep out of him, bar the occasional distracted growl, as he lounged on the sofa, floating in and out of a peaceful, Benadryl-induced drowsiness.
It wasn’t till Adam started talking, rather non-stop, that Crowley cracked open one reluctant eye and slurred out, “huh?”
“Oops, I woke uncle AJ.” Oh, Adam had his headset on. He whispered “sorry” to Crowley before turning back to the screen. “Um. Yeah, I can ask - but there’s a skeleton, so let’s-”
“Who’s online?” Crowley rubbed his eyes and forced himself to sit up. He glanced at the clock. Six thirty.
“Warlock. His dad wrote it down for me.”
“Wrote what?”
“Warlock’s PlayStation name. I added him - skeleton! Skeleton! No!” Adam dropped his controller and scowled. “Hey, uncle AJ?”
“Can we get pizza?”
Crowley chuckled, reaching for the Benadryl. “Now you’re talking my language. Sure thing.”
“And can Warlock come to play tomorrow?”
“Ngk.” The medicine nearly sputtered out of Crowley’s mouth. He clapped a hand over his lips and forced himself to swallow.
Anathema was off for the weekend, staying with her boyfriend, and she usually took over any playdates Adam had in his schedule. Other parents freaked Crowley out, he hated how they all stared at him, and he’d certainly never had other children in his home before.
But this was Warlock, and Ezra, and Ezra never made him feel uncomfortable.
After a moment he made a noncommittal noise. “Gimme the headset, will ya?” Adam handed it over, and Crowley eyed it for a moment before speaking hesitantly into it. “Warlock?”
A brief burst of shuffling movement tickled his ear. Then, “H-Hello?”
“Heya. ’S Adam’s uncle. Is your dad around?”
“He’s in the living room.”
“Can I talk to him?”
“Um, okay.” There was a short clatter of Warlock putting his headset down, and Crowley heard him shout for Ezra to come. Then a gentle laugh made itself known.
“This is most unorthodox, speaking in this manner. Hello, dear fellow. Warlock says you wanted a word with me?”
Crowley’s throat went dry. Probably the medicine, he figured. “Um. Yeah. Hi. Listen, um, Adam was wondering if Warlock wants to come over to, uh…play? Tomorrow?”
Ezra paused a moment. “Oh, really?”
“Well, that sounds lovely - and I should tell you, Warlock is nodding rather enthusiastically next to me, so I believe he’s on board. But is that alright with you?”
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“You are rather a celebrity, my dear. I don’t imagine you go around giving every parent your address.”
Crowley rolled his eyes. “’S not like I live in a mansion or anything. No, seriously, ’s just a flat in Mayfair. So?”
“I’m not working tomorrow, so it works fine with me.”
“Great. Uh, yeah, great. I’ll - I’ll text you the address. Wait, do you have a mobile?”
Ezra huffed down the headset. “I’m not a complete dinosaur, Anthony.” He rattled off a series of numbers, which Crowley scribbled down on his forearm. “I daresay that will be easier communication than this ghastly thing.”
“I dunno, I kinda like it,” grinned Crowley. “Right. See you tomorrow, Ezra.”
“I look forward to it, dear fellow. I’ll be handing this back to Warlock, now.”
Crowley passed Adam’s headset back, grin still on his face. He pulled out his phone, looked at the numbers on his arm, and began writing.
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