#people from both sides need calm down & logoff for a while
softpadawan · 1 year
Dear Sabezra shippers,
I see you frantically searching for evidence and desperately analyzing dialogue and poring over body language and tone and microexpressions, basically turning yourselves into that Charlie Day meme as you battle to prove this ship might not be platonic despite Ezra referring to Sabine as his "sister" and—
Hey. Listen to me.
It's okay. Relax. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Just ship it. Ship it like FedEx. It's okay. I promise. You have shipped them for all these years and loved it. Keep on doing that. Write your fics. Share your headcanons. Draw your art. Make your gifs. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Don't be anguished or dismayed by new canon. You can ignore it. Don't feel like you have to prove to the world that your ship is canon before you can ship it. Ships are not automatically better or more powerful just because they're canon, and you don't have to justify your reasons for shipping anything. Your ship doesn't have to be canon in order for you to love it.
Sure, it's awesome to see two characters you've shipped for years end up together in canon. But it's not going to be the end of the world if they don't. And it shouldn't stop you, either.
Are certain people going to be mean to you because you ship Sabezra? Maybe. Block and ignore them.
Are certain people going to accuse you of shipping a "badwrong ship" because they see it as "problematic" or it doesn't fit with their character headcanons? Possibly. Block and ignore them.
Haters are gonna hate. Should you correct them, try to change their minds? No. It's a waste of time and energy, and you have better ways of spending both. Like enjoying your ship, no matter what canon delivers.
Don't let canon ruin the fun you've been having in this fandom. Because at the end of the day, it's all just a bunch of space wizards and light swords anyway.
Someone whose ships are never going to be canon but that hasn't stopped me yet
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