#go pet your lothcat
softpadawan · 1 year
Dear Sabezra shippers,
I see you frantically searching for evidence and desperately analyzing dialogue and poring over body language and tone and microexpressions, basically turning yourselves into that Charlie Day meme as you battle to prove this ship might not be platonic despite Ezra referring to Sabine as his "sister" and—
Hey. Listen to me.
It's okay. Relax. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Just ship it. Ship it like FedEx. It's okay. I promise. You have shipped them for all these years and loved it. Keep on doing that. Write your fics. Share your headcanons. Draw your art. Make your gifs. It doesn't have to be canon for you to enjoy it. Don't be anguished or dismayed by new canon. You can ignore it. Don't feel like you have to prove to the world that your ship is canon before you can ship it. Ships are not automatically better or more powerful just because they're canon, and you don't have to justify your reasons for shipping anything. Your ship doesn't have to be canon in order for you to love it.
Sure, it's awesome to see two characters you've shipped for years end up together in canon. But it's not going to be the end of the world if they don't. And it shouldn't stop you, either.
Are certain people going to be mean to you because you ship Sabezra? Maybe. Block and ignore them.
Are certain people going to accuse you of shipping a "badwrong ship" because they see it as "problematic" or it doesn't fit with their character headcanons? Possibly. Block and ignore them.
Haters are gonna hate. Should you correct them, try to change their minds? No. It's a waste of time and energy, and you have better ways of spending both. Like enjoying your ship, no matter what canon delivers.
Don't let canon ruin the fun you've been having in this fandom. Because at the end of the day, it's all just a bunch of space wizards and light swords anyway.
Someone whose ships are never going to be canon but that hasn't stopped me yet
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sokkadora · 6 months
we can’t be friends — crosshair x fem!reader
inspired by: we can’t be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande
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summary: a clinic on pabu offers to erase the pain that came along with crosshair leaving the batch, but how will he react once he gets back and sees you with his brother?
a/n: crosshair and the reader never had an established relationship for this fic, but reader had a deep love for crosshair! also NO hunter hate on this page that is my man :P also i might make a part 2 but idk
wc: 2,078
warning(s): angst, no happy ending for this couple bb, flashbacks, memory wiping, reader has poor self/body image, kinda smutty but it's crosshair so, friends with benefits, unrequited requited love for hunter
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
‘You have given extensive thought behind your decision and give “Brighter Days Inc.” the exclusive permission to remove this person from your memory:’
Stopping your pen under the last word, you hesitate.
‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ you think with a soft sigh, glancing at the woman in the room across from you; one seat for her, and another for her box of memories. Yours sits beside you, the weight of what you’re about to do hits you quickly, and suddenly any notion of even looking at the box makes it feel like a ticking time bomb.
The woman across from you strokes a thumb across what must be her late pets collar, and you quickly revert your gaze down to the sheet of paper again. The tip of your pen hovers over the “No” option, but drifts over to the “Yes” box, checking it off, and finally, signing your name at the bottom of your page.
The necklace dangling over your neck feels like iron against fae skin as a nurse comes out of the back room, door quietly creaking open as she calls your name. You stand quickly, handing her the paperwork and the pen with trembling hands before grabbing the box labeled “Crosshair” and walking inside.
“Please, Crosshair?” You beg sweetly, dragging him across the arcade to a claw machine, finally having a bit of free time on your shore leave. 
You’d been trying to convince him to have a break together with the both of you for a while now, away from the boys and the riff raff of the military, but per usual, he was stubborn about it. He’d offhandedly said how childish it was of you to want to play games with him at an arcade instead of your usual… activities, on shore leave. But you got him to agree, seeing as he can barely ever resist how cute you look when you beg.
“Hellcat, this is ridiculous,” Crosshair crosses his arms and glares down into the machine at the plethora of stuffed animals inside. Your eyes had been on the small lothcat in the middle since the both of you had arrived, and you’ve bugged him about it enough that he considered it. “Even Wrecker knows these are rigged.”
“Where’s that overcompensating confidence?” You tease, pulling out a few tokens and placing them in his hand softly. You glance up at him with a soft and pleading look, one that you don’t yet know (and will never know) gets him weak in the knees. “Please, Crosshair? For me?” 
At the sight of your big doe eyes, he scoffs, loading the coins in and barely holding back a smile at your excited squeals and the hand shaking his shoulder gently. It takes him a minute to get a hold on the controls, but after some peeking around the corner of the machine and some naturally perfect aim, he lowers the claw and catches the lothcat.
You gasp, watching excitedly as it stays in the claws grip as it moves over to the prize dump, and as Crosshair retrieves it for you and holds it out.
“Happy now?”
You grin down at the stuffed animal and then at Crosshair before lunging forward, arms wrapping around his shoulders with an breathless laugh, “Thank you.” You grin, nuzzling into the side of his head, and pulling away before he had to chance to hug back.
Overwhelmed with the happiness of the moment, you barely notice the room going dark before the feeling of Crosshair’s surprisingly warm gaze leaves you. You look up, eyebrows furrowing at the sudden void of the arcade.
“Am I ugly?” 
Crosshair’s gazes narrows, glancing at you as you lay under the covers of your bed. He lifts his arm to hold up the blanket better, glaring at you, but not angrily as tears begin to well in your eyes. He shakes his head firmly, grunting.
“When I was a kid I thought I was,” You started, having his full attention from the second you walked in the room. You scoff softly at yourself, “I can’t believe I’m crying already, sorry.”
Crosshair doesn’t reply, but instead simply reaches over and wipes your tears; a gesture he never would’ve done in the first months of the arrangement the two of you had, but things had changed. You’d changed him.
“I was so lonely as a kid,” You say softly, the words just pouring out of you. “I don’t think anybody realizes how lonely kids are, even after growing up. We just sort of stop paying attention. Like they don’t matter.”
You sniff, and Crosshair doesn’t seem to want you to stop, so you keep going; relishing in the feeling of his warm hand covering your cheek.
“So, I’m like… eight or so. And I have this really pretty girl doll, that I named after myself that I’d just get so frustrated with,” You wipe your nose with the back of your hand, expecting the embarrassment of sharing the personal memory to rise, but it never comes. “It was some standard I’d hold myself to and whenever I’d find myself not liking myself, I’d look at her and it’d get me so mad. I made it to encourage myself, but it was just a constant reminder of my shortcomings as a person. It’s weird. Like… if I can make myself that pretty, maybe people would finally like me,” You finally glance up to meet Crosshair’s gaze, finding that it’d softened into something unreadable to you. 
He leans over and plants a firm kiss on your mouth, his hand sliding down to grasp the sides of your neck before he pulls back. His hands start wandering down with his mouth that keeps peppering you with kisses, softly murmuring the word ‘pretty’ between each kiss. You writhe under his touch, a hand rising to cover your mouth as a warmth shoots down to your lower stomach. You relish in how safe you feel under him before he… he…
“Why won’t you come home?”
Your voice echos through his head as he stares out into the vast horizon where Tipoca City used to stand; where the home he grew up in with his brothers and met you in used to stand. He scoffs, glancing back at you from over his shoulder.
“That is not my home anymore,” He says in a low tone; a warning to anyone else, but you knew you had a bit more leeway with him. Fists clenching at your sides, your gaze narrowed into a glare. “Now leave. Hunter’s staring after you like a kicked dog,”
You don’t bother to glance back at the man you already knew was waiting for you, but at the mention of his name he seemed to back further into the ship to give you some privacy, trusting that Crosshair wouldn’t hurt you, of all people.
“This isn’t about him, Crosshair,” You snapped, “Come home. Please. I need you, and so do your-”
“I don’t need you,” Crosshair says sternly, pivoting on a foot to turn to face you with a cold glare. You reeled slightly at the look; you’d seen it before, but never aimed at you. “I never had and I never will. And if you were as smart as you made yourself seem, you’d join me on the right side of the battle. Just like how I thought you and Hunter didn’t have anything going on,” You open your mouth to correct him; he knew there was nothing happening between Hunter and you. He was your best friend, but Crosshair beat you to the punch, “But I guess looks can be deceiving, huh?”
It felt like a clear blow to a vulnerable moment you’d shared with him— only him — and it nearly sent you to tears. You reached up, taking the necklace and snapping it off your neck with a harsh glare in the sniper’s direction; another look that had never been sent directly at him from you, but one that he found made his heart break.
“Fuck you, Crosshair.”
The sense of overwhelming dread that filled your chest and sank down into your belly had you jolting awake, eyes darting around the mundane white room as the panic of what’s happening begins to set in.
The heart monitor picks up its speed, and the two nurses rush to your side as your hand shoots up to grab and fidget with your necklace. You’d fixed it from when… when… 
Why did it need to be fixed? Who broke it?
Who gave it to me? What was his name? Cross…
The nurse grabs your shoulder as your throat tightens with your hands grip on the jewelry, “Can I keep this one? Please?” You sob, managing to smile through tears at the nurse to your right, “Please let me keep this one.” 
‘Crosshair!’ You think, another sob scratching it’s way out of your throat. ‘What am I doing?’
The nurse glances to her coworker and nods gently. She comes to rest her hand over yours, and you let the necklace fall against your chest, but you rest a hand over it protectively. If you couldn’t save your memories of him, maybe this could be the one thing that you do save.
You can feel yourself being jolted around before finally landing in another memory, your head resting on a warm, firm shoulder and your hand gripped in a strong one in your lap. The person you’re resting your head on… they sit up, and hand you a box which reveals a necklace that relates to your namesake. 
You grin, but the figure in front you shifts which causes you to look up.
He’s smiling at you softly, they way he almost always had; save for the first time he met you. You grin back to him, leaning forward on the couch from your kneeling postition to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
He returns your embrace without hesitation, and you allow yourself to feel how perfectly the both of your bodies meld together. The warmth of his body under the civvy clothes you held for him in your personal dormitories on Kamino sank under your own, causing you to pull away. 
You barely notice how the room around you starts to shift, any objects affiliated with C4!@#??? begin to disappear, whatever holds your mind in it’s grasp seems determined to keep your attention on the sergeant sitting before you on the couch when you pull back from the hug.
‘Hunter gave it to me…’ You look up at him and smile lovingly, ‘of course he did,’ before leaning over and slotting your mouth over his.
The nurses gently help you up out of the chair, removing the device from your temples as the doctor comes to greet you. Another nurse holding a box hauls it out of the room as you shake the doctors hand and thank him profusely, grinning at the light and happy feeling on your chest as you turn to embrace the nurses in thanks. The woman at the front desk hands you an envelope of slips to give to your family and friends, and you thank her on the way out.
After leaving the office, you enter the outside of Pabu to find Omega waiting for you. Grinning you sneak up behind her, lifting her up and spinning her around. She shouts your name, but you can hear the smile in her voice as you set her down.
“How are you feeling?” She checks you over, and you smile dotingly down at her. 
“I’m alright,” You ruffle through your bag, the feeling of the necklace against your chest making you feel giddy. ‘Why did I feel so bad about it before?’ You think, but quickly shake it off and pull out the envelope. “The secretary said to give this to family and friends, but I don’t think I’m supposed to see.”
Omega curiously takes the large orange envelope from your hands, opening it and reaching in to find a ticket that said that you had:
‘Y/N L/N has erased Crosshair (CT-9904) from her memory. Please never mention their relationship to her again.’
Omega glances up to where you’re walking off with an arm looped through Hunter’s and feels a sense of dread fall to the pit of her stomach.
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voidartisan · 2 months
Rebel Dashboard Simulator
🦎 lekkuhaver
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
this galaxy is so humancentric it hurts. "humanoid" this "near-human" that. don't care if they're the most abundant species overall they make up less than forty percent of sentient species. i hope you all realize how kriffing stupid you sound
🙍 steela-gerrera-lives Follow
i mean op makes a good point but aren't they also an order 66 apologist???
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
when will you idiots realize the Jedi were created to uphold the status quo. they were no better than stormtroopers and the galaxy is better off without them. fks
🚀 podracing-analyst Follow
the Jedi were a religious order???? not law enforcement???? stop spreading misinformation if you want ppl to take you seriously
the Jedi did have powers of arrest but that was because they were diplomats and bodyguards. they were arresting assassins, corrupt officials, mercenaries, slavers and crime bosses (y'know, people who were actually actively upholding and profiting off of oppressive social conditions), not shoplifters or protestors. the only reason that they came under Senate authority in the first place was because they were actively attempting to prevent themselves from becoming too powerful.
they were also second-class citizens in many ways (unpaid for their labor, no rep in the Senate despite depending on it for support, etc). stop slandering minority religious groups.
🦎 lekkuhaver
also here to say that even if the Jedi were law enforcement, the purge was still a genocide. they had centuries (if not millennia) of history, art, religious practice, and other culture that's just been completely erased. not to mention that literal CHILDREN were slaughtered during knightfall. kids incapable of what you're attributing to them.
#i mean I pretty much agree with the first point being a twi'lek myself #but can we stop misrepresenting the Jedi for two minutes??? #also don't go in the notes it's a bloodbath in there #tw:genocide #tw:child death #discourse tag #lekki talks
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
thinking about dyeing my hair again but there are too many options
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
😺 jabba-calrissian Follow
help how do I spumblr
🎨 spectre-spraypaint
this my little brother btw. you should welcome him with your bestworst anon hate
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🐈‍⬛ tooka-pics-daily
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#tooka #lothcat #cute #photography
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🏔 queenofthehills
🏳‍🌈 gay-holofilm-society Follow
idk maybe i've been archiving suppressed clone wars records for too long. but. is it just me or is this shot of the Jedi general of the 3rd systems army kinda 👀
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🌛 gungan-conspiracy Follow
holy force are there rebels young enough to not know who kriffing. obi-wan kenobi is
🎤 rebotastic Follow
great maker this image is giving me flashbacks to the jedi rpf discourse
🤖 protocol-droid-rebellion Follow
remember when that one spiktoker got investigated by the GAR during the clone wars for apparently including part of a classified holovid in one of their edits? those were the days
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
#FRRRRR #i still remember when rpf with him got popular #all of stewjonblr was flooded with asks about pet names in "stewjonian" #as if there's just one language and clan kenobi isn't incredibly large #encompassing multiple dialects #like girl even if i wanted to help you i couldn't #are u even sure he speaks his native language anymore. he was inducted as a toddler #anyway its too bad I got sick of his face seeing as he's a planetary treasure and all
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🥫 redrationbars
🔫 shabuir Follow
does anyone even like jogan fruit tho
🐐 tauntaunonhoth Follow
hey op who did you have to kill for that url
#mando heritage post #queue
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⚔ snips-in-space
ngl I totally forgot this account existed
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🦎 lekkuhaver
🌆 coruscant-official Follow
Don't forget to visit the lower levels during your time with us! The garbage piles and casual violence due complete neglect by the planetary government are part of the charm!
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🥫 redrationbars
hey so what's up with this empire thing
#outer rim posting #this is satire to be clear
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
people on here really need to learn how to use a readmore link. I don't want to have to scroll past your entire bail organa x reader fic to find posts about the man's politics
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👬 clone-posting-central
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
if I didn't want clones fraternizing with civilians then I simply would not clone the hottest man in the galaxy. rip to the kaminoans but i'm different
🌄 tatooine-sunsets Follow
hey bez not to kill the joke but. do you know what happened to kamino
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
what do you mean. what. what happened
🪙 keepingupwiththepapanoidas Follow
investing at twenty notes
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
#we are pretty good looking huh :)
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🙈 bytenebrousthiscantbehappening
🌌 hyperdrive-engaged Follow
look. i've worked in a shipyard for a long time. i've seen a lot of stuff. but what the KARK is this
Read more
🔎 identifying-starships-in-posts Follow
looks like a YT-1300 light freighter. older correllian model, highly prized but not super common. it does have some uhhh interesting mods
#i LOVE yt-1300s #too bad you have to be either rich or a chronic gambler to get one these days
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
anyone else seen this recording of palaptine tripping over his own robes yet
🏵 rebel-scum Follow
omf no that's hilarious
📕 hero-with-a-lot-of-fears Follow
old prune had it coming
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captainpains · 1 year
Baby Lothcats (Hardcase x reader)
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I'm still going! I think this is the most I've ever posted! For the @clonexreaderbingo. Enjoy this trash for Hardcase ❤️
Prompt: Animal
Warnings: gn reader, intoxication mentioned, animals (injured animals), Def more platonic but kinda like realizing you have a crush,
Your tiny tattoo shop was located right next to the clone bar.
Meaning you got a lot of drunk clientele. 
Obviously, you would turn away those that were too drunk to really be lucid. However, 
You were willing to do tats for the republic's finest, even the more tipsy of them. It was really funny to watch the shinies stumble in and ask for ridiculous tattoos, the start of their individuality. Your favorite ones to do were the meaningful ones, to honor fallen brothers or important moments. You were happy to do it for them…
“Hey! We are closed!” You heard Quint, the only other person in the shop, yell towards the door.
“I need to talk to Tats!” An excited voice that you know well called from the front door.
You put down your stylus, this design could wait until tomorrow, as you stood up to see what the commotion was in the front room. When you entered, you saw Hardcase, a client that slowly became one of your closest friends. He was excitedly standing there, holding a box in his arms.
“Why don’t you headout for the night. I can lock up alone.” You suggested.
The other artist begrudgingly agreed to leave, with a look of discontent shot towards Hardcase as they left the room. 
“Alright, Casey, what is so import-” 
A soft meow came from the box. Then another. Then another. Until a chorus of meows flowed from the box.
“I found ‘em on the way over here. Poor things were just left out there.”
You looked into the box to find three small Lothkittins inside. The little guys had matted fur and were far too skinny to be healthy. All three of them looked up at you with large eyes.
“Oh, the poor things,” you said, reaching your hand into the box. You gently patted one of their heads.
“What do ya think we should do with ‘em?” Hardcase asked.
“Well, we should start by taking them to a vet. There is an emergency animal hospital on the way back to my apartment.”
“Alright! Lead the way Tats.”
“Okay, it looks like all three of the Lothkittens are in good health.” The vet said. “It’s a very good thing you brought them here, disease is rampant and who knows what these little guys would’ve caught.”
“Thank you so much,” you said to her as she handed you a carrier that held the kittens.
“All is good. Remember to only feed them soft foods for now, kibble is too hard for kittens so young.”
“Got it. Thanks again, doc,” Hardcase waved as you both left.
You walked in silence towards your apartment for a few minutes. It was a nice bonding experience with your friend. Although looking at Hardcase, you felt some sort of admiration in your chest and not the kind you felt around friends. He was a friend that always knew how to cheer you up, and he was very kind. And, had he always looked this handsome? The lights of the street were bright and highlighted Hardcase’s jawline and made his tattoos glow almost.
“So, what are we gonna do with them?” Hardcase asked. “I mean there is no way you could keep all three of them.” 
“No, I’ll probably just keep one. But we can worry about that later. For now, we should just find something to feed these little guys.” You replied.
You made it back to your apartment and managed to find something that the kittens could eat. Hardcase happily played with them while you set up an area for them to sleep and play safely. He was petting them and let one crawl across his back. He was laughing as the little one bapped his head. It was an undeniably sweet moment. You laughed a little as the kitten hopped onto his head. It was so cute. 
You could see yourself getting used to it.
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hellonoblesky · 1 year
ok . here is what I need (thankyou a million times btw)
what planet would be most habitable (ie you can walk around without fear of dying from . sandworms or something
follow up question. is there an active war going on Anywhere as far as you know. not as broad as alliance vs galactic empire but something more specific almost?
what are the medics called . like if people get hurt in war or something do they just fucking Leave them or is there a system worked out for medical purposes
what is the most "modern" planet (modern as in. as close to earth as you're gonna get in star wars)
this might sound silly. do you know what year star wars is set in
could there be any little tameable animals. like. pets almost
is there. a calendar. like how do they measure time or days or months or anything like that
thats about as much as I have rn but I think I will be coming back lots when I actually get this started 😭😭 rip
HORRIBLY HARD QUESTION considering that there are A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of planets in star wars that could fit this description, a handful of which are just My personal favorites (Csilla, Shilli,,)... but Alderaan has a relatively colorado-eq environment, so I'd point to that one for you just so you're familiar with the actual environment of it!!! It's also one of the planets that has like really really pretty architecture :3
Ohgod. That is a really hard question because like??? Yes??? But they're all very very specific between very very specific groups? Like there's pirate gangs that wage sieges on planets for resources, whatever the hell is going on the Unknown Regions between the Chiss and the Grysk, the eternal rivalry between jedi and sith, Twi'lek's seemingly eternal rebellion for Rylothian freedom,,,, honestly take your pick there's a ton
Ok so if you get hurt it depends on the degree to which you're hurt. Simple injuries (small cuts, bruises, etc) just treat with bandages and such. Something more severe than that gets treated with medpacks (which are like. medicine you just inject it and it takes care of most simple injuries in a pinch)(Like a pulled muscle or something). And then if you get (lethally) shot or whatever brother you better hope you're within running distance of a bacta (crazywild healing bacteria goop they put you in) tank or actual medical help
Ummmmm "Modern" as in close to Earth ... off the top of my head, Alderaan maybe? That could just be because I litearly just did a mission set there in SWTOR but it's relatively earthlike. "Modern" as in like any other term? Coruscant or Nar Shadaa (super heavy urban planets. like to the point that only one big old rock from Coruscant's original surface remains visible, everything else is built on top of each other)
Their years are different from ours because they use a standardized Galactic system with different historical points. so ... no I do not know what year it would be in
Ok horribly complicated question actually because like YES but also NO?????? Like in Rebels, there's this thing that the mc does once where he???? Sort of travels between worlds and clips through time to bring save Ashoka from Dying but it's so convoluted I still don't understand it,,, also iirc he was only able to do that like Once and in a specific Lotahl Jedi temple, and only could do it because he was deranged (with the Force. I mean. Kid's crazy strong with it, as much as I don't like him)
YES. My favorite are Lothcats and Tookas,, and I'd actually commit several crimes just for Yaslamir because they're ADORABLE but Here's a list of domesticated creatures :)
YES!! They use the Galactic Standard Calendar!!! Here's an image for you :)
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hhike · 2 years
“Did you get into another firefight? Didn’t I tell you to stop doing that?” Peli asked. Without even waiting for an answer, she started probing the engine of the N-1, listening for who knew what, never taking her eyes off the turbulence modulator’s missing tip.
“I already said I didn’t.” Din said, unloading one bag after another from the cockpit, then setting Grogu on top of the resulting pile. “Are you two going to be fine?”
“What kind of question is that, of course we are! I promised not to use him to cheat at cards and I’m keeping that promise okay?” Peli said and waved at Six to get the toolbox. “So what was it if not a firefight, huh? Did you back into something?”
“No. An… Associate of mine, she recently picked up a pet, and it seemed to have developed a taste for pointy things.”
“A pet? What did you associate get, a kriffing Rancor?”
“A lothcat.”
“Mhhm. Alright, so I’m going to bill you for a firefight package, got it.”
“Just pulling your leg, Mando. I’ve seen the teeth on those gremlins. You’re lucky the ship still has a wing.” Peli made a face at Din’s obvious relief. “Now go, do what you gotta do, and don’t you show up until tomorrow!”
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Hear me out: SSK having canon Obi-Wan’s Disney Princess abilities and being absolutely furious about anyone discovering this.
He is being swarmed by lothcats and seven different kinds of space strays he helped while Anakin was watching.
“Not. A. Word,” the Sith Lord says through gritted teeth as the purring starts to sound like a jet engine.
(He could use them as spies, Sidious suggests, with recording devices, perhaps training them to steal things, even…to which Obi-Wan dryly says, “Are we that desperate?”)
I am DYING imagining SSK knowing the fear and terror he inspires is immediately over if an animal is around, because he knows the loth-cat is going to rub against his legs and the varactyl will nudge his head against him until he pets them ("you could just ignore them and push them away," Sidious says one day as a gobbler rests his big head on Obi-Wan's lap to get pets, which is still to this day the most confusing sentence Obi-Wan has ever heard)
also him trying to convince Anakin that he's a big bad Sith while still being a Disney Princess, like: "I'm a Sith Anakin! I will never be nice and good, the Dark Side is all I know and I'm cold and ruthless!" "A bird just landed on your shoulder." "This has nothing to do with I'm telling you!" "You're literally petting it as we speak." "Leave Trila alone, she's been waking me up for the past 3 years and you can always rely on her to be right on time." "You use A BIRD as your alarm clock?"
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jgvfhl · 3 years
hmmmm "baby girl" with Fives? I think that would be good 👀
YOU KNOW MY WEAKNESS AND HIS NAME IS FIVES 💙💙💙💙💙 I love him so much. He needs a hug. SO HAVE SOME FIVES FLUFF ✨💙✨ it's short but sweet. Also love how you came up a pet name I didn't think of 😂
The Prompt List is Here! Please feel free to request a drabble (fluffy or spiceh) with one of the Pet Names there. 💖 or make one up I guess
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Your eyes cracked open to find your bedroom still dark. Well. As dark as Coruscant got, even with your curtains drawn. What had woken you? You rolled over, rubbing your eyes, and you had your answer.
“Fives, why’re you awake?” you mumbled, squinting at your boyfriend sitting up in bed next to you.
His head lifted from where it had been resting on his bent knees to look at you. “Hey, baby girl,” he said, keeping his voice low. “Could ask you the same question.”
He reached over to graze the back of his knuckles over your forehead, and you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes briefly. “Yeah, well, you started it,” you replied. “Why’re you awake?”
“Don’t worry about it, okay?”
You took his hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Not gonna cut it, handsome. Gotta talk to me or let me help.” You’d been with Fives long enough to know when he was deflecting the conversation away from what was bothering him. He never wanted to worry you, never wanted be a “burden” on you--which he never was, thank you very much--but that usually meant coaxing him like a feral lothcat into telling you what was on his mind.
Fives sighed, passing his free hand over his face. “Just a bad dream,” he said eventually.
Just, okay, sure. You let go of his hand and reached farther up his arm. “Lie down.”
There was a second of hesitation, then he sighed again, stretching his legs out to lay down. You kept your arm outstretched, and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck, wrapping one arm around your waist to hold you against him. Your outstretched arm curled around his neck, your fingers dropping down to massage his scalp.
“You know you’re safe here, right?” you said, turning your head as you could to kiss his hair. “You know we’re safe here?”
He hummed a response into your neck, his breath lighting across your skin before his lips pressed against it. “My baby girl’s so good to me,” he murmured into your neck.
You smiled, closing your eyes and relaxing back towards sleep. “Because your baby girl loves you, Fives.”
You felt his smile on your skin before another kiss, warm and soft. “Yeah, she does.”
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cutelittleluckysoul · 4 years
hello!! i just discovered your blog (it’s super lovely!) and was wondering if you could ship me with someone from the PT and the OT please?
I’m around 4’10 and weigh around 56kg, with dark brown eyes, curly hair, and a tanned skin color. I’m the type to follow the rules and also think rationally without bias. I love animals and hope to get a cat one day! I’m definitely more of an introvert, though I’m fun around my close friends, I’m also very lazy and prefer to stay at home and binge watch either youtube or an anime. I also really love languages and traveling, I currently speak 3 and am in the process of learning more. And I love music! I listen to it a lot and adore attending concerts. Finally, I’m a very empathetic person, and despise corruption. I wish there wasn’t so much poverty and suffering in the world, especially with the way it is right now.
I hope that was clear enough, it’s my first time asking one of these 😅 Thank you so much and have a lovely day! Stay safe darling 💙
hi! Oh thank you 🥺 it always melts my heart when someone says they like my blog. Also 3 languages? You have my utmost respect! And yes it was! Thank you for your request! I hope you like it.💖
For the Prequels I would ship you with Obi Wan Kenobi
shared animal love!
would find it adorable if you manage to adopt a Lothcat
slightly concerned but loves your new pet nevertheless
he also thinks it is good company for when he is gone
which he sadly is very often
but he spends as much time with you as possible
how can he not?
you are lovely
he doesn’t mind staying in with you 
especially when he comes from a tiring mission
he loves cuddling with you while the two of you watch a Holomovie
sometimes he will take you on missions with him 
because your knowledge on languages could be very helpful
(and he just wanted to)
and so you can see another planet from time to time
Cody knows! 
which is nice considering you have no one else really to talk to about relationship problems otherwise
oh he gives great advice
but more to Obis disadvantage
though he does help him more often than not cause he has all the insight thanks to you
but most of the time Obi is a really great boyfriend
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For the Original Trilogies I would ship you with Luke Skywalker
the guy is so smitten with you
tries to be a bit cheeky with you but gets rather awkward real fast
it gets better the longer you two are together though
loves to cuddle with you
very affectionate no matter what
he loves to put a smile on your face
which he perfectionated as well
he loves how smart you are 
especially when you speak another language with him
even when he doesn’t understand it
thinks it is also kinda hot
it also comes in handy when you join Leia and the others from the Rebellion
he is very proud  of you
sure things get a bit complicated when things start to go down
and you miss him deeply when he leaves for Dagobah
cause he forgot his comm
but it makes the reunion so much sweeter
you stand by his side through thick and thin
and he makes sure you know how glad he is to have you
although he still thinks you are way cooler than him 
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fulcrumstardust · 4 years
mostly I'm in awe of your title game... they're all so intriguing! let's go with "trust fall"
Funny enough... I usually have the title birthing the idea of the fic, I think it’s not quite supposed to be in that order but oh, well. So, “trust fall”.... did I already express my love for hurt/comfort? 😂
Cassian bent behind her and gathered her hair out of her face as best as he could. Listening to her choking gasps as she emptied her stomach over the toilet physically pained him, knowing that he couldn't do anything to make her feel better. 
It truly was the first time he had seen her so sick. His level of concern went up a critical notch. 
Jyn took a forced inspiration, arms crossed in front of her as her head hung low. Nausea seemed to have momentarily subdued. A hand behind her damp neck, Cassian grabbed one of the cantinas and handed it to her. 
“Drink. You can’t be dehydrated.” 
She shivered, a light sweat covering her burning skin.
“Cassian—” she groaned.
“I know. Drink. I’ll figure something out.”
“Don’t leave me here,” Jyn muttered, trying to pull herself up to rinse her mouth. Cassian tensed. She had brought that up for the second time already. Something of great significance was buried underneath and he did not like it.  
“I’m not leaving you.” 
“I fucked up your schedule,” Jyn sighed, a strain in her voice. 
“Yeah, you did.” 
“You have a backup plan, right?” 
“Yes,” he lied. “Come on, don’t stay on the floor. It’s cold.”
“I like it,” Jyn mumbled. 
“No, you don’t,” he growled, “come on.”  
Cassian gathered her up without effort, sliding an arm under her knees and the other behind her back. He carried her all the way to the bed and watched her settle down with a deep frown creasing her forehead. Hovering over her, Cassian extended an arm to retrieve the medkit. He forced Jyn to swallow another pill and let her fall back on the linen pillow. Her cheeks were bright pink, dark brown hair sticking to her sweaty temples. He brushed it away and sat next to her, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
She blindly searched for his hand, which he gave to her the next second. 
As he watched her without a word, his brain started to draft a handful of scenarios. They should have been off-planet five hours ago. That window had been ripped off—which meant street patrols would be nearly impossible to evade once they would take a step outside. Their fake idents had been burned down over a stupid mistake, hurrying their departure and increasing the risks of being picked out from the crowd. 
Cassian considered waiting for another day to move. After-dark hours provided more cover but they also painted them as an easy target, since fewer people would pace the streets. A paranoid part of his brain urged him to get Jyn off that place without delay. He made a conscious effort to remain objective. Picking the wrong approach wouldn’t help her.
Jyn weakly tugged at his hand, as to demand his attention. She didn’t put words on it, usually acting like a lothcat in need of petting when she wanted something from him. He had no means to know if he would be rewarded with a sting of claws somewhere down the line, but he always went willingly. 
Tonight was no exception. He bent over her, resting on his elbow, and placed his free hand on the side of her neck. Her hands stayed trapped between them, clutching to his shirt. She forcibly exhaled, and it was probably all she could do not to show any more signs of weakness (even in front of him, this woman was more stubborn than the worst criminals he had ever met.)
“I’m glad you’re here,” she said. 
The words felt warm inside his chest. 
He brushed his lips on her forehead and whispered words of love and reassurance into her ear. She nodded a few times, holding him close.
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tup-ika-5385 · 4 years
Tup is Feline Fine: A fanfic in which Tup meets a lothcat
//Finally finished my 100 follower “Tup meets a lothcat” fic. Sorry for the long wait; it ended up being about 1500 words, and I hope you like it! 
“Perimeter on the East side of the camp is clean, sir. Sweeping around now to the North side.” Reporting into his comlink, Tup glanced around the quiet base, just nearing twilight on their current planet, Lothal. There had been a few skirmishes involving a minor Separatist invasion, and since the 501st was on their way back from picking up supplies, they had been sent here to clean up droid activity. 
As far as battles went, Tup had been told that this one was one of the better ones, but the paint on his armor was still relatively fresh, so this was only the third planet he had ever visited, besides Kamino. Now they were just hanging around the planet for a couple more days to make sure the Separatists didn’t send reinforcements. Tup, along with a few others, had been assigned a shift doing perimeter sweeps, and his was almost done. While this campaign hadn’t been too bad, he was definitely looking forward to getting some sleep. 
Rounding the final corner of their camp, Tup took a moment to look out at the grasslands of Lothal, the horizon a beautiful grey-purple that hinted at stars. Pausing for a moment, he was startled out of his thoughts by a rustling noise to his left. Whipping his blaster towards the noise, Tup’s heart thudded in his chest. 
“Always pay attention when on duty, your life could depend on it.” Captain Rex’s words repeated in his head as he internally berated himself for losing focus. “Who’s there?! Show yourself!” Managing to keep most of the panic out of his voice, he steadied himself and pointed his blaster at the swaying grass, preparing to fire.
After another rustle, Tup was half a second from pulling the trigger when a squeaky (meow) responded to his questioning and a blue lothcat pushed its way through the grass towards Tup. 
Having never seen one before, Tup looked at it in confusion, lowering his blaster slightly when it became clear that the lothcat wasn’t about to blast him. “Well, hello, little guy. What are you doing here?” Crouching briefly to hold out a hand to it, Tup was pleasantly surprised when it approached his hand, sniffing lightly before pressing its head into his hand, purring. 
Smiling under his helmet now, Tup ruffled its fur carefully, wishing he could take off his glove to feel how soft it was. “Are you one of those lothcats we’ve been told about?” The lothcat purred in response, leaning into Tup’s hand encouraging him to pet him more, which Tup happily obliged to do.
“Tup, is everything alright? You haven’t checked in for the North side yet.” Briefly startled by his comm’s staticky question, Tup realized he hadn’t checked in for this side of camp yet. “A-All clear sir, just got distracted by some of the local wildlife. Perimeter sweep finished, sir.” 
A mildly exasperated sigh came from the brother behind the comms. “Don’t let it happen again, shiny.”
“Of course not, sir. Sorry sir.”
“Head back to your bunk soon, Tup. Don’t stay up all night appreciating the wildlife.” 
With a sheepish grin to the lothcat, Tup sat down in the grass, removing his helmet now that he was off duty. Taking off a glove, Tup ran a careful hand through the lothcat’s fluff. “I should head back soon, sorry.” He whispered to the lothcat, now comfortable enough with it to pet it all the way from its head to its tail, which it curled in a friendly motion. 
Letting out a chirruping meow, the cat began to circle Tup curiously, sniffing at his utility belt. “Oh, you’re probably smelling my rations, huh? We had some animal jerky today…” Opening the pocket, he offered a small piece of jerky to the lothcat, who sniffed at it before grabbing it in its mouth and racing back into the tall grass, leaving Tup sitting alone on the edge of camp.
“… bye, I guess...” Tup sighed, throwing his glove inside his helmet and heading back to camp now that his friend was gone. Walking through the rows of tents, Tup’s head was slightly downcast, disappointed that the lothcat hadn’t stayed longer. 
Pausing briefly on the way to his and Dogma’s tent, Tup nearly jumped in surprise as he felt something brush against his leg. The lothcat had apparently returned, and had followed him into camp. “You came back!” Tup grinned, giving it another pet as it layed on the ground. Stretching happily, the lothcat rolled over, revealing its fluffy belly with a purr. Taking that as his cue, Tup obediently moved his hand to rub its belly, marveling at the amount of trust the lothcat was placing in him. 
In training, he had learned to never leave himself exposed, except for when he was surrounded by his vode. Yet here was this tiny predator, without any vode around him, and trusting Tup to rub his belly. ‘Wish I was as bold as this cat…’ Tup thought to himself.
Distracted by his own musings, he didn’t notice the lothcat’s expression turn annoyed, nor its tail starting to flick. He did notice, however, when the cat finally had enough and latched onto his hand, tiny claws sinking in as it bit his hand as a sharp warning. 
“Ow! S-sorry, I’ll stop now…” Sighing as he shook out his hand to make the stinging go away, he looked at his hand with a put-upon frown as he noticed a few scratches deep enough to draw blood. 
“That wasn’t very nice, you little biter.” Tup glared lightly at the lothcat, who was now sitting up, quite happy with itself and licking one paw. 
“Hmm… regs say animal bites of any kind need to be taken to a medic… so I’ve got to go, little guy.” Hesitantly approaching the cat with his uninjured hand, he gave it one last pet. Receiving a contented purr for his efforts, Tup sighed and headed towards the medical tent. 
“What is it now?” Looking up from a patient’s holopad, the stressed-looking medic on duty, Tup thought his name was Kix, gave him a quick once-over, making sure he wasn’t actively dying before asking. “What seems to be the problem, shiny? I don’t think we’ve met yet.” 
“I’m Tup, sir. And it’s just… a lothcat got a little too friendly, and got tired of me touching it…” Holding up his hand, Tup could see a few of the scratches turning pink in irritation, and the ones that were actively bleeding were small but painful. 
“Just Kix is fine, Tup. You’re the fourth one on this campaign that’s come in with this issue, but as long as we clean them off, you’ll be fine, vod’ika.” Grabbing a few antiseptic wipes, Tup turned back to the entrance of the tent, straightening when he heard a brief scrabbling noise followed by a blue face poking through the entrance. The lothcat had followed him all the way to the medical tent, its tail curling happily and a purr rumbling out at having found its friend again. 
Coming back towards Tup, Kix almost tripped over the lothcat, who had taken up residence in the middle of medical. “What the..?! Is this the one responsible for those scratches, shiny?” 
Tup grinned sheepishly, motioning for the cat to move out of the way, surprised when it complied, choosing to lay across his feet instead, making it impossible to move while Kix quickly cleaned off his scratches and gave him a few multicolor bandages to both cover them.
“Yeah, that’s him. Told you he was friendly…and I’m not a shiny anymore. I got my paint on our last mission” 
Kix sighed, nodding. “Yeah, that was a rough one, brother. Glad you made it out of there.” 
“Yeah… me too… lost a couple good vode there.” Tup said quietly, his posture becoming tighter as he curled in on himself for a moment before moving on. 
Rubbing the new bandaids lightly, he stood up. “Thanks for your help, Kix.”
With an amused smirk, Kix responded, “Anytime, Tup. And a word of advice, never rub a lothcat’s belly, even if it looks like they’re asking for it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time, thanks.” Tup smiled back as he left the med tent, a pattering of tiny feet hot on his tail. 
The 501st stayed on Lothal for another 48 hours, and Tup had to leave his friend behind, but if he had a little companion following him around and sleeping on his bunk for the rest of the campaign, nobody said anything. (And if it followed Dogma around for a little while too, that’s Dogma’s business).
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A Fix-It Fic: 30 Years After the Liberation of Lothal PART 2
Where an entity that resembles Kanan surfaces 30 years after the Lothal fires consume Kanan Jarrus. He calls himself “Dume” and he finds a peaceful Lothal, with Hera, Ezra, Jacen, Jacen’s three children figure out what to make of him from there.
Part 1
Part 2
A wolf bellowed a distant howl, so far yet so potent it seemed to quake the bedroom. Hera listened. She kept thinking about the ghost in the crowd on Liberation Day. The ghost that had his eyes. The ghost that Ezra Bridger might have seen with her. Her hands and nails closed on the coarse fabric of the Rylothian blanket, a habit whenever she had an intense dream.
She yanked the covers over her face. When she drifted off, she was small again, as tall as her mother’s waist. Her mother was next to her, face buried in the Ryloth soil, muttering praying to the Gods. Hera, Small Hera, was so bored, exhausted of the prayers that skinned her knees and scratched her face rather than answered her wishes. Still, Small Hera prayed hard, bowed low, and out of her lips came his name. Her mother prayed for the war to end. Small Hera prayed for Kanan Jarrus to come back.
Kaleb was dying to see a Lothwolf up close. She had always begged her father, grandmother, and Ezra to go see them, up close because she wanted to pet them. She had seen their packs sprinting from the distance, scampering across the Lothal fields. She marveled at Sabine’s paintings of them. Her grandmother and Ezra told her that Lothwolves were friends to the land, although they were not to be approached closely. “Lothwolves approach you. Otherwise, you’re the one bothering them.” But this confused Kaleb. In the stories, their stories, those Lothwolves seemed fairly friendly around them, and comfortable with them in Sabine’s mural.
At the siren of its howl, she tiptoed out of bed, careful not to wake her twin and the younger sister, and stole down the stairs. Her grandmother said she was so nimble and quiet that she remarked to her father, “Kaleb would make a great spy.” She smirked. She was going to test her grandmother’s words.
She found herself in the cool night air. She could have sworn she heard something shifting, as if someone had detected her escapade. She froze and waited. After ascertaining that no one was awake, she made a beeline for the fields, into the fog of Lothal. The howls pulled her forth, like a siren song, like the Star Spirits in the tales. 
But when the fog cleared, she could not see the city. She did not see her grandmother’s house. The Ghost was gone. She was lost. In a panic, she scrambled out in the plains, calling for her father, her grandmother, for Ezra.
She could hear the skittering of Lothwolves, but she wasn’t so mesmerized now. She was frightened and shivering. Why did this had to be the night she choose to wander out? Why did this night had to call to her? Now the potential consequences were sinking in. Her father would scold her and forbid her. And now she really wasn’t ever going to see a Lothwolf up close.
She shook when a noise emitted from the grass. It was a pearly white Lothcat meowing at her. A creature this tiny and benign offered some relief. She decided she would make her way home, hopefully jump back into bed before anyone detected she was gone.
“Well, what are you doing on this land?”
She flinched. A tall shape a few yards away was staring at her.
“Where are your parents?” The stranger’s voice was thick with an unidentifiable accent.
She could not see the man’s face but she shivered because the reproach cut through her.
Then he asked her again, his voice softening, “Where are you parents?“
She felt so ashamed that she did not even bother to answer.
What was this child doing out there in the night? What were they looking for? He deduced that they were likely not a stray. The way they froze, they had the behavior of knowing a caretaker. It was just his luck that he was stuck with some random kid, some random responsibility Lothal decided to thrust upon him.
“You ran away from home?”
He could hear the wave of her head.
He held out his hand. She did not take it. 
“Show me where your home is.“
He withdrew his hands.
“Will they come looking for you?”
He heard the wave of their head.
“Yes or no.”
Another wave of their head. It seemed to be a yes, but he shouldn’t assume.
He realized. “I am blind. Please say it aloud. Yes or no.”
A “yes” squeaked out.
He simply dropped himself to the grass, whipped out some firewood from the knapsack attached to his back.
“Guess you’re my trouble for the night. I’ll just wait with you then. I hope your family doesn’t take too long.”
She knew her family would find her sooner or later. Still the consequences scared her. She wanted to just leave this stranger and go back to bed. But there was something about this stranger.
He was methodically rubbing too stones together to emit sparks. When the spark flicker onto the wood, the firelight spread across his heavily bearded face and the whites of his eyes, all the fright faded into curiosity. This stranger seemed familiar.
Check out my other fanfic on AO3
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This piece will evolve later for an Archive of Our Own version.
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kyberled · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
headcanon: pets 
There are two ways I can think about this. The first is, obviously, does Braig have any pets, what his opinion on pets is, and so on, so we’ll tackle these first. 
I think he likes the concept of pets, but he doesn’t have any of his own. The Order has some animals, in the Menagerie, in the gardens, things like that, and some sources indicate that Jedi who live away from the Temple (in satellite locations) have pets of their own, but Braig doesn’t have any. (There are some timelines where he winds up with a lothcat or two, as well as some more– Exotic, pets, but in the ‘main’ timeline, he has none.) The closest he comes is helping out in the Menagerie as part of his chores, or playing with friends’ pets. He likes animals! And canon has shown us that Jedi can basically Disney Princess their way into animal husbandry (I’m not going to go into an explanation of the Force with this, since that’s not what this is about). 
I think a big part of the reason as to why he doesn’t have a pet - aside from that he’s Temple-based, and that’s not necessarily conductive to traditional pet ownership - is that he doesn’t really feel he has the time to properly take care of one. During the war, he’s always busy - fighting, running mercy missions, diplomatic missions, training, you name it. He barely gets any time for himself. He can’t take care of an animal, too. (And, again, he lives in the Temple. He doesn’t want that to change.)
But it does change. 
Order 66 comes about, and he loses his home and his family. Everything is gone. I suppose, in this time, he could have a pet, but he doesn’t take one. For one, he travels a lot, so it’d have to be an animal that’s okay with that. He doesn’t want to put unnecessary stress on an innocent creature. Also - especially in timelines/verses when he’s on his own - he has a hard enough time taking care of himself in the early years after Order 66. The PTSD and Empire and chronic Force pain make it hard. He’s not sure he wants another dependent life in his hands. … Especially since he might get literally killed at any moment. The Empire’s quite literally gunning for him. It’s also costs he can’t necessarily afford. He’s got to make money while staying under the radar, and that sometimes means having to go underground for periods of time. He has to save every credit he can in case he needs to ‘vanish’ for a bit. 
There are some timelines, of course, where he winds up with a pet of some sort - usually the ones where he has a security net (read: people he loves and a safe place to try and process trauma) to fall back on after the Purge. Aside from these, I don’t think he gets a pet until he retires to Inusagi. Probably some local feline, or a Tooka cat / Loth cat of some sort. I like to think it naps on the store counter, near the little cup of tea and incense he always sets out for his master’s spirit at the start of the day. It’s peaceful. 
The other way to take this is head pets. Braig LOVES getting his head petted, but only by VERY SPECIFIC people. He’s very particular about who gets to touch his hair. It’s essentially limited to his childhood best friends, his favourite parental figures, and his significant other. Beyond that, chances are you’re out of luck. However, if he puts his head in your lap, you essentially have carte blanche to pet him to your heart’s content. Don’t pass up that chance.
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ncfan-1 · 7 years
Star Wars: Street Food on Lothal and Mandalore
Alright, so after seeing a post about street food on Dromund Kaas, I got it into my head to do a head canon post about street food in Sundari (Mandalore’s capital city) and Capital City on Lothal. I’m always wanting to know more about food culture in fictional settings like this, so this gives me a way to flesh out the Star Wars-verse for my own fic writing. These two lists are by no means exhaustive; they’re just ideas that I had.
Since warfare has left it so that Mandalore no longer has any arable farmland and the ecosystem has been completely destroyed, Mandalore has to import all of its food, either from other worlds in Mandalorian space or from outside of Mandalorian space altogether. Some people consider it unpatriotic to use foodstuffs that weren’t grown on a Mandalorian world, but at the same time, there are plenty of people who find it easier to be pragmatic about it.
Fresh meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables are all extremely expensive on Mandalore. Cargo containers for food do have stasis fields to help keep these foods fresh, but they’re still incredibly expensive to haul across the galaxy. Cargo containers with stasis seals tend to be larger and take up more space in the cargo hold of a freighter, and they have to be carefully maintained in order to keep the seals from being compromised. You’re most likely to find fresh meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables in upscale restaurants and grocery stores, the homes of the elite, and Imperial facilities. These foodstuffs are prohibitively expensive to everyone who isn’t a member of Sundari’s elite; it’s literally less expensive to buy the parts needed to construct a bomb from the black market than it is to buy a dozen meilooruns from the grocery store.
Meat isn’t commonly served in food stalls and dives. When it is, it’s almost invariably been preserved in some way, often jerkied.
Grain is somewhat less expensive than other foods, so a lot of the street foods served involve grain products somehow, often in the form of sweet or savory buns. They can be served plain, or with honey, or with fillings, such as dried fruits or vegetables, or bean paste. Yot and denta beans, jogan fruit and chando peppers are especially popular fillings. Jam made from Mandalorian oranges (though at this point ‘Mandalorian’ is a bit of a misnomer, as the trees, along with every other plant life originally native to the planet, no longer grow on Mandalore; the oranges are imported from nearby Concordia) is another popular filling/topping.
It’s not uncommon to look into the back of a food stall and see a multitude of jars of fruits, vegetables, and sometimes eggs suspended in brightly-colored pickling solutions, syrups, or honey, along with jars of dried beans and (rarely) dry pasta. In fact, the display rack of jars is considered almost as important to the stall’s status as the food prepared itself.
There’s a healthy underground trade in unsanctioned mushrooms and other edible fungi in Sundari, since mushrooms and fungi are among the few edible products that can be grown on Mandalore, albeit under heavily controlled conditions. Psychedelic and non-psychedelic mushrooms are both grown, and both are considered restricted substances by the Empire and the Imperial Supercommandos. Someone from the ISC catching you growing mushrooms in your basement can land you with a stiff fine, or even a prison sentence if the mushrooms happen to be of the psychedelic variety.
Despite the legal risks inherent in growing and consuming mushrooms, they are still popular street fare, especially among those less than enamored of the powers that be. Of the non-psychedelic varieties, three are especially prized: Kalevalan cave fungus (delicate and slightly bitter in taste), little red tree (bright, almost peppery in flavor), and above all, Chandrilan Morel, known for its full, nutty taste. Kalevalan cave fungus is often stir-fried; little red tree is eaten both raw and sautéed; Chandrilan Morel is often either sautéed or used as stuffing for buns and cakes. Oftentimes the non-psychedelic mushrooms are considered even more valuable than the psychedelic variety.
Though they are often eaten whole and raw, psychedelic mushrooms can also be found chopped up and baked into dense grain-based cakes. There is no official name for these cakes, but I believe the most popular colloquial term for them is “Fuck the ISC.”
Tea is the most commonly-consumed caffeinated drink on Mandalore, far outstripping caf and the like. Tea shops are more upscale and associated with the elite, whereas tea stalls and certain dives cater to the lower classes. Tea made from powder is looked down upon; instead, tea is often made with loose leaves or flower petals, and additionally flavored with dried fruit. Tea made from the florets of the Cassius tree is popular but rather expensive. Ithorian rose, Star-mist, and Sun-dew flowers are often used for teas, as are Mandalorian oranges, cloudberries, starberries, and Ithorian jewel-fruit.
It’s semi-common in tea stalls for small, sweet buns to be served floating in tea, occasionally with candied orange rind.
Few people in Sundari outside of the upper class can afford to keep pets, but those that do, if they let their pets roam outside (and sometimes even if they don’t) run the risk of coming home one day to find their pet missing. It’s generally better not to ask what happened to it.
Capital City on Lothal:
According to Wookieepedia, Lothal underwent a severe drought during the Clone Wars, as well as a plague that wiped out a large portion of its livestock. These two things did a number on the population of both tame and wild large herbivores on Lothal, to the point that in the age of the Empire, meat from large herbivores is often extremely expensive, and hunting is heavily restricted.
By order of the Empire, no food stall vendor can do business without a license. That wouldn’t be a problem, except that licenses are expensive and can be otherwise difficult to obtain, especially if you have at any point offended the Empire in any way. This just leads those who can’t get licenses to get clever about it. A popular tactic is to serve food straight out of your kitchen, and invite ‘guests’ in to eat (And pay for what they eat).
Lothrat is sometimes served deep-fried in food stalls, but it’s not the most popular choice, and is consumed largely by the desperate and the destitute (Ezra’s eaten lothrat more than once. He doesn’t care for it.).
Large insects are often served whole, fried or sautéed or steamed. It’s also common to mash the insects into paste and serve them as a topping or as a filling inside of a roti cake.
Scorpions are also consumed; they are typically lightly-fried and served on a stick, their stinger removed before hand.
Since Capital City is located by the seaside, seafood is for a long time an indelible part of Capital City’s street food. Shrimp, mussels and small fish are the most popular (seeing as they are also the least expensive) and can be found steamed; lightly-fried or deep-fried; chopped up and baked into small pies; steamed, then chilled, then served suspended in a thin fruit juice (typically a tart juice); or served in soup.
Speaking of soup, soup’s pretty popular on Lothal. In addition to seafood-based soups, there are sweet soups whose bases are seasonal fruits, and more savory soups whose bases are seasonal vegetables. The seafood- and vegetable-based soups typically include fleshy tubers and beans; the fruit-based soups typically include dumplings. All three are commonly thickened with cream and flour, and fruit soups are sometimes served with a dollop of sour cream.
A popular cold dessert soup often prepared in summer has blue milk as a base and is made with pureed jogan, sliced shuura, and sometimes includes chopped nuts as a garnish. Whether the nuts are included depends on their availability, and the exact type depends on what the vendor can get their hands on.
Shaved ice flavored with fruit syrups is another popular summer treat.
Jogan cakes are another popular treat.
Fruits and vegetables are commonly sold by farmers and food stall vendors alike. These fruits and vegetables are sometimes sold whole and raw, but more often they have been prepared in some way. You can find them sliced and deep-fried in a crisp, slightly sweet batter. Fruits might be coated in caramelized sugar after being deep-fried. They might be chopped and mixed into batter for griddle cakes, or into a patty with ground beans, egg batter, spices, and sometimes shellfish
Deep-fried bean cakes stuffed with shrimp puree are often sold by unlicensed vendors.
After the Empire kicks things into high gear and Lothal becomes the ecologically-ravaged hellhole we see in Season 4, there are some changes. The vast majority of people’s food is the rations served by Imperial facilities. All fruits and vegetables are off the menu.
It’s common for stolen Imperial ration packs to be cut into slices and deep-fried in batter made from whatever someone can get their hands on. The batter doesn’t lend a great deal of flavor to the ration packs, but it does lend a little flavor.
Backroom, unlicensed food shops feature communal bowls of stew with meat of indeterminate origin floating in a thin broth. It is considered unwise to ask exactly what type of meat it is.
The lothcat, which was previously regarded widely as a potential pet and a hunter of pests, becomes viewed more as a viable food source. It becomes more common for lothcats to be killed for their meat, and it’s easier than usual to catch them, because the few wild lothcats in the area that survived the burning of the plains have moved to the city, scavenging people’s trash for food, and have grown weak enough to be killed fairly easily.
Few people have pets anymore, and it’s common for those pets to go missing.
One night, a group of teenagers, destitute and desperate for a meal, decide to try to catch one of the loth-bats that have been driven to Capital City to try to scavenge food. It takes some doing, but they catch and kill one. One of the teens goes to slice the loth-bat’s stomach open, only for several pounds of garbage to come spilling out. One of the teens throws up. Another starts crying. They all agree this was a horrible idea and head to one of the backroom food shops to get a bowl of the terrible, terrifying mystery meat stew.
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Late Rex (minific)
When Fives and Echo walked in the mess hall to get their breakfast, only the higher ranks had gotten there yet. Commanders and ARC troopers were supposed to be up earlier to inspect the troops and take care of their affairs, not to mention they should set an example - Fives wasn’t particularly happy with this aspect of his job. Lucky shinies and lower ranks got to sleep a little longer and he’d always envy them for that.
“Hope the caf is decent today.” he yawned “Wait, no. I actually would love to play the Dogma.”
“Won’t you leave the man alone already?” Echo raised an eyebrow at him
“When he manages to unclench his ass, yeah.” Fives snickered, grabbing a tray “Now wait a second. Commanders Cody, Wolffe, Fox, Gree, Bly... where the kriff is Rex?”
Echo looked around as Cody approached the two of them.
“Huh. Odd.” Echo agreed “Where is he?”
“Fives, Echo.” Cody nodded at them “Where’s Rex?”
“We don’t know, sir.” Echo shrugged “We... expected him to be here about now.”
Fives stroked his beard.
“Hm. Okay. Okay, we manage it until he arrives, all we have to do is not alarm the men about his tardiness and...”
Cody was drawing in a deep breath. Oh no.
“Captain “Follow the Codes” Rex is late for the very first time ever!” he boomed in the silence of the first hours of the day “What do you guys think that happened?”
Wolffe didn’t even look up from his coffee, grumbling something about “here comes that little shit again”. Meanwhile, Cody erased the board with today’s food menu and wrote in large aurebesh letters: THEORIES FOR WHY REX IS SIX (6) MINUTES LATE. Wolffe groaned, but Bly snickered as Fives and Echo facepalmed.
“C’mon, you guys, i’m waiting!” Cody demanded “Fifty credits to the man who gets it right!”
Bly shrugged.
“Uhhh... He had a massive hangover and is still asleep.”
Cody wrote “massive hangover” on the board.
“Real nice, but not very plausible. That asshole can drink like a full bucket of beer and can still shoot a clanker dead in the face. Next?”
Gree was supporting his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand, visibly still a little sleepy.
“Eh... He slept through his alarm.”
“All three of them?” Cody raised an eyebrow as he wrote it on the board “Hardly. C’mon, be creative. Let’s get the 501st opinion here, Fives, Echo.”
Echo put his hands up, backing up.
“Uh, sorry sir, but to talk behind our Captain’s...”
“He picked up a twi-lek at the bar,” Fives theorized, furling his brow “took her somewhere and is still there getting some.”
Cody threw his head back and goddamn cackled as Echo smacked Fives on the back of his head with a muttered “dude!”.
“Stars, yes, we’re getting somewhere!” Cody wrote ‘Gettin Some’ as he wiped genuine tears of joy off his eyes “Okay, next?”
Fox shrugged.
“He’s in sick, poor sod couldn’t even leave his bed.”
Cody wrote that and practically swayed his way to Wolffe, sitting right next to him and raising one of his arms.
“Wolff, my good friend...”
“Put your arm on my shoulders and you’ll lose it.” Wolffe growled, eating his breakfast like nothing was happening; Cody slowly put his arm back down
“Oookay.” he sighed “C’mon Wolffe, be a good boy.” Wolffe glared at him “Okay, no dog jokes. But please. I must know.”
Wolffe sighed too, rubbing his forehead.
“You won’t let me eat in peace, will you?”
Wolffe shook his head to then cross his arms over his chest.
“Fine. I think Rex has been having an affair with a civy for like 1 year. He just managed to get someone to make him a new ID under the name “Wrecks”, which honestly sounds just the same so he won’t have problems getting used to it. He got a facial surgery not to look like a clone anymore and he took the opportunity to give himself the chin dimple he always wanted. He and his secret partner just had their secret wedding and are heading to live in hiding in a small farm in the countryside of Lothal. They even have a pet lothcat named Hissyfit, and Rex plans on having four children with his secret partner. The men who gave him the new ID and the facial surgery? Dead. Can’t leave any evidence. The man is off the radar. We’ll never see him again.”
Silence followed the sound of Wolffe’s theory as he took another sip of his coffee. Echo hesitated.
“Uh. Uh, Commander Cody, what... What was your theory again?”
Cody was just staring at Wolffe like someone looking at a black hole inches from obliterating your entire ship - in awe, shock and a good amount of fear.
“I...” he cleared his throat “I just thought he did got drunk yesterday and ended up sleepin in the wrong dormitory, like” he gestured vaguely, still stunned “the 104th, and is taking long because his locker and his uniform are all the way in the 501st building. Like, ha ha. Classic. But... But I don’t know anything anymore now.”
Wolffe put his cup down and gave Cody a terrifying smirk.
“Maybe you never knew anything, vod.”
“Stop scaring me!”
That was when a voice came from the doorway:
“What is going on here?”
Everyone turned to see Rex standing there, and Rex looked from his brothers to the chalkboard where Cody had placed the bets. The entire place when completely silent and Rex walked in. His steps echoed in the silent room - if one of Tup’s many hair clips were to fall on the floor, they’d be able to hear it, so silent it was - Rex walked past the long tables, past the piled up trays and closer to the board. Without uttering a word, without moving a single muscle of his face, Rex grabbed the piece of chalk and placed a single tally mark right beside “massive hangover”. He took a step back and frowned like he used to when he’d consider military strategies with General Skywalker and then he placed another mark by “gettin some”.
He put the chalk down, wiped his hands and turned to the men to then politely nod and walked out without a single word. Although it seemed impossible, the silence was even thicker now. Slowly, very slowly, Cody got up and reached for the pocket of his blacks. He walked to Bly, placing fifty credits on his hand and then he walked to fives, placing fifty more on his hands. The soldiers looked at each other, unable to break the silence, and finished their breakfast without another word.
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sleepingobsidian · 7 years
Beeing yourself
Thorn was watching as his brothers put the unconscious crew of the unity, the star destroyer orbiting coruscant, into the escape pods. Capturing the ship was fairly easy, especially with two squads of ARC-Troopers. With a wave of his hand he motions for Captain Snow to launch the escape pods. He activates his commlink, „Fox, we launched the escape pods. All personal has been removed from the ship“. „Good, the others allready commed. We are ready to leave. Head to your bunks, your company will take gamma and delta shift“, Fox answers him and with an affirmative noise Thorn ends the call. He looks at the troopers around him and grins, „You heared the commander, of to your bunks“. Cheering the troopers leave, joking with each other, playfully shoving the brother next to them, just having fun with each other. Walking next to Captain Snow they share an amused smile, rarely have they seen their brothers acting so carefree. „Snow and Blizzard Platoon take delta shift“, he says and leaves for the private quarters he had been given. The quarter right next to the admirals cabin. He quickly punches a code into the control panel and walks in his room. As the light slowly goes brighter he notices the odd shape on his bunk. „Damn you Lothal“, with a sigh he pets the Lothcat the medic had left on his bed. Quick he removes his armor, black undergarments and switches into a thick and comfy pajamas. Picking up the cat, which immediatly snuggles closer, he climbs in his bed. Under his blanket he lays the little cat down next to him on the pillow. He take the remote control and sets the temperatur for his electrical blanket. Setting his chronometer to wake him for gamma shift, he pets the cat one last time falls asleep to the purring of the animal.
With a cup of caf in his hand he watches as they drift trough space, the little Lothcat brushing against his legs. According to Jek they had made some random jumps through hyperspace in beta shift, to shake off any potential persecutors, before they ended up in the Malastare system in the Mid Rim. „Anything on the sensors?“, he asks taking a sip of his hot beverage. One of his brothers looks at the monitor before him and shakes his head, „No, sir. Nothing“. A chorus of groans errupts on the bridge. Yeah, they were safe. No one was dead and they had succesfully deserted, but they currently were bored. Clones are used to an active life, this was the opposite of that. „Is there anything nearby, even if it's just an asteroid field?“, he asks hopefully, drowning the rest of his drink. The brothers from the guard aren't used to being stuck on aship. They rarely left Coruscant and than only for missions planet side, which means that some brothers aren't used to or comfortable with space travel. „Sir, we're not far from Malastare. Only 30 klicks“; Peak answers, glad that there is anything. Anything from keeping him bored that is. A bored Peak is never a good idea. A plan forming in his head Thorn turns grinning to Jonez, „Set course for Malastare. Let's give our brothers something to do“. Nodding Jonez sets course for Malastare.
Silent the brother look at Malastare. „Well, it ain't the prettiest planet but it ain't the ugliest either“; comes it from Mist, sipping on his still steaming cup of tea. Ignoring how his brothers beverage is still hot, even if it shouldn't be, he turns to Swerve, his current communications officer, „Contact Rayboo and Tauntaun squad. Let's give those boys some time for flight training“. At the mention of their names the two Massifs raised their heads. With a little pat on the head from their handlers, they settled down again.
Over the next few hours they orbit Malastare he sents his brothers, in two gunships, through various flight drills. After their flight drill his brothers were whining and groaning, cursing his name, while walking of to the showers and than to their other various activities. „You're evil Thorn“, chuckles Flake while petting one of the Lothcats he had pulled out of the vents. Shrugging his shoulder he motions fo Swerve the lead the last squad inside. Accepting another cup of caf, Mist is offering him, he leans at the durasteel wall and looks at his brothers. Snuggles and Plates, sitting next to each other, each a Lothcat in their lap, talking and laughing. Dream and Jonez looking over the monitors before them, a Lothcat napping between their feet, and whispering to each other. Branch and Powder looking a vid on the holonet, Powders legs in Branchs lap. Mist and Flake standing before the viewport each a steaming cup in their hands, silent shoulder by shoulder. Ice had joined Crevasse and Hoth, talking animatedly and gesturing wild. Swerve silent at the comm unit Froze leaning over his shoulder and gesturing at a monito nearby. Glacier had sat down in Csillas lap, petting Tauntaun and Rayboo, while talking to Mygeeto, Csillas arm around Glaciers waist, napping against Glaciers back. „It's good to see them so relaxed“, murmurs Peak as he leans next to Thorn. Sighing Thorn takes a large sip of his caf, „On Coruscant we were unter the constant observation of the natural borns and the antagonizing and painfull looks and actions of our Brothers. This is the first time ever they can savely be themselves“. In silence the two watch as their brothers enjoy their time beeing free. He wasn't joking when he said that this was the first time they could savely be themselves. On Kamino individuality was seen as a crime and every brother who acted more like a person than some kind of flesh droid was culled. On Coruscant the natural borns just looked at them strangely when they acted even just a little bit like a sentient being. The only ones beeing accepting of the brothers beeing themselves, were some of the Jedi and a handful of Senators and the children. The children of the civillians were allways easier to get along with. Probably because children are more adaptable than adults. So watching his brothers just beeing themselves is a relief and he is so glad that Fox had decided to grab for freedom eventhough the trigger was more than repugnant. He hopes that never again something like what happend to Rys happens to any of his brothers again. Peak turns fully to him, „Sir, there is a rumor going around. About Sergeant Rys and Sergeant Slick.       How true is it, Sir?“. Cold fury runs through Thorn at the mentioning of that name. Seeing the rage in his commanders eyes Peak swallows, „I see, Sir. I'll make sure that the rumor dies down and no one speaks to Rys about it. Until he is ready to talk to one of them that it“. Sighing Thorn slides to the ground, letting the peskering cat in his lap, „Thanks, Peak“. Confused his brother looks down at him, „For what, Sir?“. Smiling Thorn looks at Peak, allways considerate Peak, the allways reliable Peak. Peak who was like an ironrock in Kaminos water. A constant caring brother. „For beeing yourself“, he mutters and drinks his caf. Looking at his brothers.
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