#people just took straight cis man and ran with it. in the worst way possible
confier-boyfriend · 9 months
People are just really gross about their exes. Actually no I don’t think you getting vindication for an ended relationship is a good idea, you’re being an asshole. Just because you’re hurt, doesn’t give you the clear to hurt others.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Fearless Chapter 18 - The Other Side Of The Door
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Summary: Chapter 18/19 - Kim and Adam have their first big fight since moving in together. Kim's afraid she's ruined their relationship, but Adam makes her realise she hasn't. The final chapter will go up at the normal time of 7.30 tonight. Series Masterlist
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Arguments
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“Ugh, Adam, I can’t do this right now. I’m going out.”
“Kim, don’t walk away. Talk to me about this.” Kim closed the door behind her, Adam’s words ringing in her ears.
It was a stupid fight. Stupid, stupid jealousy and annoyance and she was mad at herself for walking out. But her pride wouldn’t let her go back in, so instead she got into the car, driving aimlessly around Chicago. What the hell had she just done?
She’d told Adam she was walking away. Told the best man she’d ever known she was gone. And she knew it wasn’t his fault, which was the worst of it.
He’d been meeting a CI, and they’d nearly been made. To avoid anything happening he’d made out with her, keeping the cover and making it possible for the team to get an arrest. But all Kim had seen was the man she loved grabbing another woman the same way he’d grab her. Holding her close the way Adam held her whenever someone tried flirting with her.
Her phone buzzed again, Adam’s name appearing as he called. He’d been calling nearly constantly since she left, but she couldn’t answer. Her stupid simmering anger was too much, and if she picked up she’d tell him to leave. And she didn’t really want that.
It wouldn’t hurt so much if she wasn’t so in love with him. But she’d left the two halves of her heart, her man and her daughter back on the other side of the door as she ran out. Running away from them again and again.
She’d found an open Starbucks, and got a decaf coffee while she sat in the car. Adam had given up calling after the twenty second call, instead sending a text.
I’ll be here when you come home. I love you.
She flicked through her camera roll, watching as it went from few photos of them to more, to most of her photos being of the three of them laughing and playing. Se knew he wouldn’t hurt her. She knew it. She knew she’d misread what had happened. But even that knowledge just cut her like a wound.
Kim drained the coffee, her mind flashing through everything they’d been through. The break ups, the make ups, the engagement, dating other people, the miscarriage. And it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The most loved she’d ever felt was that night she miscarried, Adam carrying her down the stairs to the car, siren and lights going to get her to the hospital, to make sure she was ok.
Adam was the man who would do anything for her. He had done anything for her. He always would. And it was her turn to arrive home and make it right.
Going up in the elevator her stomach was in knots. She knew he’d be there, knew Makayla would be in bed. But she was terrified she’d walk in to him packing a bag and going to Kev’s. Her thoughts continued to spiral until she put the key in the lock, twisting and opening it.
Adam was on the couch, his hair falling over his face. As soon as she walked in she felt relief hit her, and from the way his shoulders eased he felt the same way. He stood, and Kim walked straight over to him, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close.
It took Adam a second to react, but he followed suit, holding her close. Kim felt his fingers through her hair, and she held her head against his shoulder. It was Adam and she was home and he was there and he was safe. That was the only thing she could think of. He was safety and love and everything she needed.
“I’m sorry. I over reacted and I stormed out and I’m sorry, Adam. I never should have done that. I just…I got so scared. I watched you and I saw how you react with me, and I got scared you’d realise that you’ve decided to move in with me and my bandwagon of issues. Cause Adam, I need you. I don’t know when it happened or how it happened, but I need you in my life. I can’t imagine a life without you in it.” Her tears were falling and she stared straight up at him, but his kiss caught her by surprise.
“I love you. You, Kim. And I feel the same way. You are the only woman I ever want to kiss again. And I know with our jobs there’s a chance one of us will be UC and have to, but I swear to God I’ll never willingly kiss anyone else in my life. I’ll never sleep with anyone who isn’t you. I’m yours, Kim. I always have been, it just took a few years for us to get on the same page.”
They stood in their embrace, holding onto each other until Kim needed water. Adam stayed holding onto her arm as they went to the kitchen, not willing to let her go. Even as she drank from her glass she leaned against him, his arm wrapped around her waist. It wasn’t until she went to put the glass in the sink he let go, and when she turned he was on one knee.
“I love you. And you love me. And I know I’ve proposed before and we haven’t gotten married, but God, Kim, you are the love of my life. I’ve kept this ring since you gave it back to me because I knew we just weren’t at the right time. But I think right now is the right moment to put it on your finger and not let it leave again.” She watched as he opened the familiar red box, and her ring from all those years ago shone in front of her.
“I thought you got rid of it…” She couldn’t stop looking at the piece of jewellery she regretted parting with the most in her life.
“I couldn’t. I’ve had it in a safe deposit box for years. I just knew that you were the one, and this ring is meant for you. I asked Makayla how she’d feel about us getting married and she’s all for it, so Kim will you please marry me?”
“Yes. Adam, without a doubt yes I’ll marry you.” He slid it on her finger, and it felt like home. Kim’s tears came unbidden as she kissed her fiancé, grins on both their faces, their fight forgotten.
The next morning when they told Makayla the news she jumped up and down, excited for it to happen. Driving her to school was like putting salt back in a shaker, she kept popping up with ideas about their wedding and wanting to see it happen. They kissed her goodbye before driving to work, Kim admiring her ring as they went.
“I don’t want a long engagement. I just…I want us to be married. Neither of us has family we want to be there, and I just want it to be us and the unit. Maybe the week after Makayla’s birthday so we can get everything organised?” Kim had been mulling over the ideas for when to get married in her head, but Adam’s words felt right. Wait until the worst of the winter was out of the way, and maybe they’d get lucky and get a day without snow.
“I like it. Are we announcing to everyone today? I can take the ring off if we want to—“
“We’re saying it. You don’t want to take it off, and I don’t want you to take it off. I love you. They all know. We’re good like this.” Kim smiled, squeezing his hand before they got out of the car together. Once they were out they became their work selves, nodding and smiling.
Platt was the first one to notice Kim’s ring, and Kim saw the nod and smile from the older woman. Trudy had been like her mother for years, and she knew she’d be downstairs later to gossip about what happened.
When they got into the bullpen things were quiet, everyone stuck in on paperwork. Kim made it to the break room, and Hailey followed shortly after. They sat in the quiet to drink their coffee, before Kim decided the perfect way to break the news.
“Hailey? Have you ever been a bridesmaid before?”
The blonde woman stared up from her mug. “No. Why, is a friend of yours getting married? Who is it?”
Kim smiled. “I was hoping you’d be mine, actually.” The laughter from the break room caught the hearing of everyone else in the unit, staring where the normally stoic women were hugging.
“Either of you know what’s going on with them?” Jay asked, looking at his coworkers.
“I’m gonna assume Kim told her our news. We’re getting married in March.”
Chapter 19>>
Taglist: @aruzlover @abbyscameron @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @lizlouisebrown @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog
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thereislifeafterhq · 5 years
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Quinn Fabray is 27 years young with a birthday on June 1st. She hails from Lima, Ohio but now lives in Upper East Side, New York. She is an Actress and looks a bit like Dianna Agron.
Full Name:
Lucy Quinn Fabray
3 Positive Traits:
+ hardworking  + benevolent + adaptive
3 Negative Traits:
- manipulative - dramatic - sarcastic
triggers: abuse, dubious consent, pregnancy  alcoholism, cheating, eating disorder
Lucy Quinn Fabray just wanted to be the perfect daughter. Except no one bothered to tell her perfection was overrated and that she’d never be happy trying to obtain such. So, for a long time, she strived for it anyway. By the time she started high school, she’d gotten a nose job, lost a lot of weight, and started going by Quinn instead of Lucy. However, it never particularly won her Russell’s favor. It was the appearance he wanted but really, appearances change so quickly. And it’s not like it ever stopped his wine drunk abusings. The almost nightly fights with her mother, when he bothered to be home at all. Always claiming he was going away on business.
When Noah Puckerman talked a rather drunk Quinn into having sex with him, Quinn didn’t entirely view it as the end of the world. Sure, it hadn’t been a great time and she had been saving herself for marriage and had definitely cheated on her boyfriend, but it wasn’t a problem. At least not right away. The missed period and the positive pregnancy test, however, made it a problem. She was sixteen, a sophomore in high school, the head cheerleader, and was about to lose everything she thought she loved. Except, even as she was kicked out, all but disowned by her parents, lost her spot as a cheerleader, and also her boyfriend, Quinn gained even more. She gained friendship in a way she wouldn’t have otherwise, a newfound appreciation for the idea of found family. And by the end of it, she had a daughter, someone who would love that daughter and raise her as her own, and her own mother back. As well as learned just how bad a man her father truly was.
The rest of Quinn’s high school career was a drama filled and chaotic as sophmore year had been, if not even worse. There was a lot of scheming and heartbreak. Cheating and lying and just plain being a bitch. Pink hair, a nose piercing, and a really bad tramp stamp of Ryan Seacrest. An attempt to sabotage Shelby, for Beth. And a car crash that landed her in a wheelchair for not nearly as long as it should have. However, through it all, Quinn had her friends, her makeshift family. The very people that would see her through just about anything.
In college, Quinn learned a lot, but also did a lot of stupid shit. Lying to boyfriends, seducing married men, it was the same kind of chaos she’d seemingly found herself in from the moment she started going by Quinn. Of all her chaos and stupidity, fucking her best friend wasn’t actually one of those things. It was rather eye opening and while she’d claimed it to be a one (two) time thing, it sparked something in her she wouldn’t understand until much later. It did, however, push her somewhat haphazardly into more and more relationships with men that would almost all end horribly.
Dating Puck, after Finn’s death, was, unbeknownst to Quinn, a last ditch effort to conform to a sexuality she had no place trying to be in the first place. He was in the military and often deployed, leaving Quinn home alone with her thoughts. Thoughts that she eventually bothered to go to a therapist about. Something she, admittedly, probably should have done long before then. No matter how late it came, therapy really helped Quinn work through trauma she didn’t know she had. An eating disorder that flared up more often than she realized, especially when trying to land specific roles. The emotional abuse suffered at the hands of her father. The uncertainty and chaos that surrounded her and why. She also explored her sexuality, what each failed attempt at relationships with men actually meant for her. The ways she’d sabotaged everything just to feel something. How the only time anything had ever felt remotely right was the night she’d spent with Santana. This, added to Quinn’s distaste for long distance, is ultimately what ended her relationship with Puck. Her honesty, along with his own, an admission of having cheated on her while deployed, meant their relationship ended well and without the chaos of prior relationships. 
In therapy, Quinn also learned how to forgive and started to make amends. When she was 19 her mother broke the news to her of her father’s other family and Quinn had been angry. Angry at her father, angry at the woman and her other children, even angry at her own mother. In a lot of ways, it was unnecessary and irrational. A response born out of chaos. A chaos Quinn was starting to get under control. So, she decided to make amends. Four years after their initial meeting, Quinn reached out again. First to Flora, the woman her father had lied to more than he had lied to anyone else. She was simply looking to apologize, to make amends for the way she’d acted. It wasn’t Flora’s fault, nor was it her children’s. In connecting with Flora, Quinn gained a second mother, whether she’d been expecting it or not. It was a welcome change and while she didn’t know what to expect upon reaching out to her half siblings, she knew one thing: it couldn’t hurt to try. Because she wasn’t looking for a relationship, she was just looking to say sorry. Everything else was pure bonus. While she managed to strike up a relationship with the youngest of Flora’s children, she seemed to strike out with the twins. Not that she could blame them, of course.
Around the age of 24, long after she’d learned, and committed to heart, that her father was not a man to be trusted, Russell Fabray walked back into her life. He grovelled and begged for her to forgive him, saying he would do anything. So, after talking it over with her mother, Quinn showed just how much of her father’s daughter she really was. She took every bit of pain and anger she’d been saving and laid it all out. Hitting every possible wound she could find, and exploiting that pain. Then, she lied straight through her teeth, told him if he paid off her student loans and financially supported her, no matter how much she asked for, she’d keep him around. Well, it wasn’t lying, per se. She did keep him around, but only for as long as his money was worth something to her. Within a years time she’d managed to not only financially support herself, but also her mother and Flora, sending the women a large portion of the money he’d given her. And like that, she was done with him, threatening legal action if he ever thought to come near her again.
Due to her father’s money, Quinn was able to set herself up in the Upper East Side and got to choose what films and jobs she took on as an actress. This led to doing a lot of indie and smaller films she found herself passionate about. Eventually, she’d land the role of Tess Larson on Conviction. It was her first proper break in the business and seemed to be the real start to her life, not just as an actress, but as a person. 
Quinn had never meant to fall for the lead on the show, Elizabeth Sutton, a British woman who lived in Vancouver and was a number of years Quinn’s senior. Then again, she never imagined Elizabeth would fall for her right back. The pair had made quick friends, sharing a love of dad jokes and rainy days, among numerous other things. And soon enough, what had started out as friendship had blossomed into something more. They decided to keep their relationship private, only telling a few people, because neither woman was ready to come out of the closet, much less take their relationship into the public eye for all to see. Elizabeth was coming off a bad break up and Quinn just wasn’t ready for the added pressure of the press to her first properly healthy relationship.
The older Quinn became, the more her body started showing signs of the trauma she’d endured in senior year. The car accident had done lasting damage, something Quinn had known. The slight limp when she walked, no matter how much she tried to correct it. However, the chronic pain was something that, while it didn’t appear out of nowhere, definitely got worse. It had been minor, more related to weather or having slept in the wrong position, but by the time she graduated college, Quinn found herself in pain, daily. Some days were nothing, a couple tylenol and she was on her way. Other days were harder. The pain was bad enough that even with painkillers she still hurt. And then, the worst days would come, the days where she couldn’t even breathe without hurting. Where she stayed curled in on herself, unable to move for fear of possibly blacking out because of the pain. So, she went to doctor after doctor until someone bothered to realize the damage that had been done to her body in the accident was still heavily present and likely exacerbated by her lifestyle. She was told to cut back on when and how she exercised. She was prescribed strong painkillers and muscle relaxers. The only problem? Quinn knew addiction ran in her family and didn’t want to rely on painkillers for everyday use. So, she went to more and more doctors until they found her something topical that worked for everyday use and when combined with the medications actually helped her function on her worst days. 
Quinn knows it’s only ever a temporary fix, that in time it might get worse. That she might lose her ability to walk again, either due to damage or to pain and that even if she retains it, the pain will never go away. It’s a frustrating fact of life and one that very few people in her life actually know about, but learning to live with. Learning to make the most of her life, no matter what it throws at her.
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corie-the-writer · 7 years
Warnings: kidnapping, torture-ish, death, angst-ish?
You weren't sure what had drawn you to him. It could have been a number of things, but you couldn't pin point the exact reason. Maybe it was his gravely voice, his protective demeanor, the way he rarely smiled but when he did, it made your heart flutter. 
Hank Voight.
The man was fierce, manipulative, untrustworthy, and held a darkness that caused most people to steer clear of the man. Even though he did questionable things within his intelligence unit, you had never questioned his love for you. You knew the type of man he was before getting involved with him, but he had shown you a different side of him that no one else saw. You were okay with the fact that he didn't show much PDA, most people outside of the unit didn't know that you were dating the older man. 
Being a Detective in the same unit as the man you loved was a little tough. Hank had been able to keep your relationship outside of the station for the most part, unless you had done something close to dangerous. He would pull you into his office, slamming the door shut and threatening to take you off the team. That would result in you ignoring him for the remainder of the day, depending on how much he had yelled at you. 
"Listen up, we have a case." Hank's voice caused you to look up from your computer and to the board where he began placing pictures. He had explained that there was a gang related killing due to money laundering and had sent Halstead and Lindsay to the crime scene of the murder. 
You looked to Hank's face to see that he was holding something back, his steely eyes kept glancing to you and gave you a small nod before walking into his office. You waited for a moment and glanced around the desks and then pushed herself away from the desk to walk into Voight's office and shut the door. 
"What's going on?" You questioned. 
"I need you on desk duty." Hank stated as he sat down and ran a hand over his face. 
"What? No way. You're not benching me." You stated with narrowed eyes. 
"I'm not asking, I'm telling you." Hank stated, "For once in your life, do not argue with me about this." 
"What aren't you telling me?" You questioned with a hand on your hip as you stared your boss and boyfriend down. 
"Just...give me some time." Hank stated, "I'll let you know if I figure it out myself."  You couldn't help but to roll your eyes as you stormed out of the office and slammed the door shut behind you. 
- - - - - - Hank had left to talk to several of his CI's because he knew the man that was murdered. He had worked with him several times in order to take down a few gang leaders over the years, and had found out what he had suspected was true. Whoever had killed the man was aiming to make a statement to Voight. He was thankful that he had placed Y/N on desk duty, because he couldn't risk someone using her to get to him, because he would stop at nothing to make sure that she was safe. 
Walking back into the prescinct, he needed to see Y/N just to have a peace of mind. She was his light and was able to keep him grounded by just a simple touch. As Hank walked up the stairs, he stiffled back a yawn as he looked to Y/N desk to see her bright smile, but she wasn't there. Hank looked to her partner, Alvin Olinsky, one of his best friends, "Where's Y/N?" Hank questioned to his long time friend. 
"I don't know. She told Platt she was running out to get some food." Olinsky stated and Hank furrowed his eyesbrows before turning around and walking back down the stairs, "Everything okay?" He questioned. 
Hank knew that Y/N was upset with him because he had benched her, but she had never gotten lunch without him once they had started dating. It was their time during the work day to keep each other grounded from the chaos around them. He was aware of Al's footsteps behind him as he walked through the caged door and straight for Trudy Platt's desk. 
"When did Y/N leave to get food?" Hank questioned. 
"How am I suppose to know?" Platt questioned back. 
"Trudy." Hank stated in a stern voice, his eyes narrowing and watched as she glanced towards her watch on her wrist. 
"I'd say about an hour ago." 
"Get a track on her phone." Hank stated to Alvin as he rushed back up the stairs, knowing that something wasn't right. 
- - - - - The restraints on your wrists were too tight as your arms hung above your head on a metal pipe, your head was spinning as you tried to raise it to figure out where you were. You could tell that your feet were barely on the floor, and there was pain radiating through out your body. You had tried like hell to fight back when you felt a hand go over your mouth at the station as you were getting out of your car, but the gun pointed to your back had stopped you. 
"Well look who decided to wake up." The voice was unfamiliar and caused you to blink your eyes to try to find a face to the voice in the dark basement, "It won't be long now." The man let out a throaty chuckle.
"Who are you?" You found yourself questioning, "Do you realize what you have done?" You found yourself laughing, because you knew that Hank would stop at nothing to find you, "You stupid..." You were cut off by a punch to the mouth and you instantly winced but refused to cry out in pain. 
You felt the liquid on your bottom lip, realizing that the kidnapper had busted your lip, and tasted the familiar liquid in your mouth, causing your mouth to water and without thinking twice you spit the blood on the ground. 
"Why are you doing this?" You questioned, pulling at the restraints on your wrists as you saw the knife in his hand, "If you tell me what's going on, I can help you." You tried to reason but knew it was no use. 
"Hank Voight took something from me, so I'm going to return the favor and take something from him." He stated causing you to furrow your eyes. 
"What did he take from you?" 
"You see, a few years ago, he got my little brother killed while I was locked up. I was the only person he had and I couldn't do shit about it." The man explained, "When I got out of prison, I knew that I had to do something to honor my kid brother, and I didn't know what to do until I realized you and him were together." He stated and then let out a laugh, "How could someone as pretty and young as you be with an old man?" He questioned. 
"Maybe I have daddy issues." You mouthed off, "Using me to get to Hank isn't your best option, because when he walks through that door, and he will, you will be carried out in a body bag." You added confidently which had gotten you punched again causing your head to lower as your world went black. 
- - - - - As you started to come back, you swore you heard the voice of the man you loved, begging to let you go. You tried to focus on his gravely voice, but it seemed so distant, like he was miles away. You felt a sharp pain radiating against your stomach and tried to scream out, but nothing came out. The feeling of the warm liquid caused you to blink your eyes opened as you tried to pull on the restraints. 
"Stop!" You heard Hank's voice as the man who held you captive laughed. Your eyes frantically searched for your boyfriends, you found his eyes burning with rage in front of you, his hands handcuffed to a radiator across the room. You saw that his forehead was bleeding, his lip busted and his eye beginning to turn black and blue. 
"Hank..." Your voice was barely a whisper. His eyes locked to yours, silently telling you that you were going to be fine. He was going to make sure of that. You felt the tears pouring down your cheeks as you looked to the ground. You saw that your white shirt was cut in half and there was blood splattered all over the material. 
"I'm going to make you watch as I drain the life out of her." The man stated as he gripped Hank's chin with his, "I want you to know what it feels like to lose someone you love and not be able to do a thing about it." He taunted. Hank had managed to head butt the man, hoping to keep him away from you, but it only seemed to anger him more. 
"Please, this is between you and me." Hank pleaded, something he had never done before, "Let her go, she has nothing to do with what happened to your brother." 
Hank's pleas fell on deaf ears as the man approached you, his eyes were glowing with rage as he took the knife an ran it across your cheek. You tried to turn your head but he had grasped the curve of your neck to keep your head still. You felt his hot breath on your cheek causing you to shut your eyes tight. "It's such a shame that this pretty young thing loves you." The guy stated, "I mean, does she know the type of man you are? There's guys her age that would show her just what it's like to be with a real man..." His hand ran down your chest, cupping your bra covered breast causing you to flench and he chuckled. 
"I'm going to kill you." Hank growled, "I'm going to make sure that you die slower than your brother did." Hank taunted, hoping to get the man away from you. Hank's eyes were glued to your face as he spoke to the man, trying like hell to get him to step away from you but was having no luck. Hank's eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched the man drag the knife from the top of your chest down to your stomach, causing blood to appear within seconds as you cried out in pain. Hank yanked against his cuffs trying to get free as you continued to cry at the pain the man was causing. 
He watched as your head began to fall, knowing that you were losing too much blood and prayed like hell that the team would show up before it was too late. He had vowed to himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure this man would die the slowest death possible. 
It seemed like a life time before Voight heard the car doors shut. His eyes were trained on you, making sure that you were still breathing. The small rise and fall of your chest had him fearing the worst and knew that there wasn't much time left. He couldn't help but to silently pray that you would hang on for just a few more moments, knowing that things were about to end. 
The sound of the door being kicked in caused the man to tense and moved to Y/N and held a knife to her throat as his hand locked into her hair. Hank froze at the sight as the team rushed into the room, guns drawn on the man who was holding Y/N. Hank was thankful Al had rushed to him to uncuff him from the radiator and took Alvin's gun and pointed it at the man. 
"Let her go. It's over." Hank stated, moving closer, knowing that he wasn't going to allow Hank to have his wish. 
"It's not." The man insisted. 
Hank watched as your eyes began to flutter open, your bright E/C staring at him with tears pouring down your face. He felt his heart clench when you mouthed you loved him before whipping your head back to headbutt the man, giving Jay Halstead enough time to get a shot off, going straight through his head. It was the last thing you remembered before you fell limp against the restraints and your entire world going black. 
- - - - - "She lost a lot of blood, her shoulder is dislocated from pulling on the restraints and she has a concussion, but she should be fine. The cuts shouldn't leave scarring, but she's going to be quite sore for a couple of weeks." The doctor had explained to Hank as he held Y/N hand as she laid in the hospital bed, "I suggest that she speak to a therapist to avoid PTSD, she should be waking up soon, so I'll give you two some privacy." 
"Thanks." Hank didn't take his eyes off the woman in the bed. He heard the door close and then moved his chair closer to the bed and pulled your hand up to his mouth and placed his lips on your skin, "You scared the hell out of me." Hank commented lowly, "Don't know what I'd do without you." 
"Good thing we won't have to find out." You croaked out giving his hand a squeeze, "I told him that he'd be carried out in a body bag. Guess he didn't believe me." You tried to joke and saw Hank's lip twich up for a split second. 
"How are you feeling?" Hank questioned. 
"Like I was kidnapped and tortured." You grumbled, "I'm alright, just in a lot of pain. How are you feeling?" You questioned reaching to cup his cheek, to run a thumb across his stubble. 
"I'm fine." Hank stated, "I thought I was going to lose you." Hank admitted, "When you get healed, we're going to discuss this career of yours." Hank added, causing you to crack a smile, knowing that he was going to try life hell to get you to step back from work, "I need you to be safe for my sanity." 
"I'm always safe when I'm with you."
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artificialqueens · 7 years
The Lost Princess {Biadore} Chapter 4 - C*NT
A/N: So I’m back back back at writing super long chapters! This is a whopping 6k+ chapter filled with all sorts of goodies. Today there will be some talk about different sexualities (bisexual, pansexual etc.), which as a pansexual myself, I hope I classified it correctly. We also have a new character coming into the mix ;) Bianca/Roy is bisexual in this AU, Courtney is pansexual, and Adore herself is starting to realize she is not cis. TW: Alcohol consumption, a heavy make out scene and vomit near the end (i don’t go into too much detail but just in case)
“So how did you guys meet?” Courtney grinned as she brushed Adore’s long wavy hair.
It had taken her around 30 minutes just to pick out all of the twigs and various debris from her hair. Now she was doing some elaborate hairdo that Adore wasn’t familiar with, she had referred to it as a braid or something. She was begining to feel bad for Courtney, because it was taking a lot of effort to move all of the strands of hair over each other over and over again. But she was thankful she could feel cold air on her neck again, instead of the long strands sticking to her sweaty body.
“It’s a long story.” Adore laughed nervously.
“Well, we have plenty of time seeing as your spending the night tonight. Don’t be so bashful.” Courtney teased.
“He kinda just fell into my life. He was climbing the bricks to get up to the window of my house, and then he fell. Then I helped nurse him back to health, and in return he’s sneaking me out for my birthday to see the- oh god I can’t remember what they’re called.” Adore paused, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to remember. “Oh! The lanterns. He’s taking me to see the lanterns!”
“Aw that’s nice of him. He’s usually not very kind to people, you must be something special.” Courtney murmurred smiling as she finally got the last strand secured in the long braid.
“I’m starting to sense that. Maybe hitting his head made him become a nice person.” Adore drawled, taking another sip out of her mixed drink. This one was fruity, tasting like sweet summer peaches and coconuts. The alcohol was still there, but it was masked by the sweet flavors of the fruit juice. Courtney had been kind enough to get her a more mild drink, which was awfully kind of her. Adore wasn’t really fond of the taste of alcohol, but everyone here was drinking and she didn’t want to seem lame.
“He didn’t fall from too high up did he?” Courtney asked concerned as she wrapped the elastic around Adore’s hair.
“I’m not sure. He was bleeding like crazy though. It was probably my hair that helped him the most.” Adore shrugged, polishing off her drink.
“Y-your hair?” Courtney stammered dumbfounded.
“Yeah, sometimes my hair does this cool thing where it glows and it can heal people!” Adore exclaimed excitedly.
Before Courtney could say anything, Bianca fappeared after what seemed like eons, opening the door to the musty backroom.
“Hey Court do you have an elastic?” Bianca asked, keenly eyeing the transformed Adore. “Well don’t you clean up nice!”
Adore had changed into one of Courtney’s dresses, a short lavender dress made out of satin. It was slightly low cut, but thankfully Adore wasn’t well endowed so her bosoms wouldn’t run the risk of hanging out. The dress hit her knees and was very lightweight, which she was surprised about. She silently wondered why her mother never let her wear dresses like this as she studied the strange woman in front of her.
Adore was staring at Bianca completely puzzled. Her makeup was very theatrical, it wasn’t done nearly the same way as her mother’s or Courtney’s. She had to have been wearing every color under the sun on her face, dark harsh lines contoured her cheeks and forehead; and her plump lips were painted a candy apple red.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Adore blurted out.
Bianca let out a hearty cackle that rang throughout the small dressing room. Courtney bit her lip, amused at the younger girls confusion.
“My god, you are horrible at this. It’s me, Roy. I told you I’d show you Bianca right? Well here I am.” Bianca twirled proudly, flashing her white smile.
Adore was a bundle of mixed emotions at this point. First off, she was confused because before today, she had no clue men dressed up as women for fun and were so convincing. Did they still like women if they dressed up as them? Or were they exclusive to dating men only? She could feel all of the questions bubbling out, trying to make sense of what exactly drag was and what it’s purpose is exactly.
Maybe it wasn’t that serious? Maybe it was literally just as simple as being just drag.
Secondly, she had just snuck out on her own merely hours ago now and was still feeling the repercussions of leaving the tower for the first time. When mother goes home and realizes she’s not there, she will most likely have a heart attack. Would she come looking for her? Would she find her somewhere along the road? She never knew exactly where her mom went during the day, so there was a good possibility that she could run into her. Anxiety was following her like a dark cloud, and she was trying to do everything in her power to push it back down and enjoy herself.
Thankfully Adore had discovered the wonders of a good buzz. But now that it’s been a few hours, Adore was starting to feel the alcohol churning inside of her stomach. Not in a good way either. She needed another drink, not just to help her stomach but to stop thinking about all of these problems and relax.
However, looking past her jumbled up thoughts in her head at the moment, she took a second to really study Bianca.
She was dressed with an incredibly real looking red wig, almost the color of her mother’s hair. It was slicked into a tight bun that rested on the side of her face, accenting her dimples. Her eyes looked huge with all of the white eyeliner in the waterline, and the lid was clearly overdrawn as well with shades of blue and silver. Adore wasn’t too impressed with the makeup, probably because she didn’t really understand makeup herself. The thing that mesmerized her about Bianca was the dress.
She was dressed in a form fitting sequin gown, that glittered in the light every time she moved. It was an emerald green color, and had long sleeves showing off her long arms and lean frame. The dress hit the floor, but you could still see the bottoms of Bianca’s black high heels, that were as shiny as an oil slick.
A man could dress up in an expensive gown, put on makeup, style hair, wear high heels and Adore had never even walked in a pair of kitten heels. To say she was jealous was an understatement.
“You-look fucking amazing.” Adore shrieked, pulling Bianca into a big hug.
Bianca, shocked, pulled Adore in closely and hugged her back. She wasn’t too sure how she was going to handle her being in drag, especially since it was considered weird in this day and age - and it was deemed illegal by the king. Most people didn’t find drag artistic or beautiful, they thought the outcasts and the mentally ill were the ones to do it. Usually the club was filled with perverts or other men that did drag. Very few “straight” people ever ventured in, for fear of being ridiculed if they were caught.
“You don’t think I’m weird?” Bianca questioned, still not entirely convinced. Adore couldn’t take her eyes off of her, clearly studying her immaculate padding and breasts.
“Well,” Adore pressed a finger to her mouth as she paused to think, a cute habit of hers that Bianca was growing to love, “I don’t think you’re weird but I have questions.”
“Such as?” Bianca pressed, bracing herself for the worst.
“We’ll answer any questions you have for us Adore.” Courtney piped up. Adore had actually forgotten that she was even there, she was so fascinated by Bianca’s appearance.
Bianca eyed Courtney quizzically, who then mouthed ‘I’ll tell you later. I need to talk to you.’
“Great! So like, do you still like being with women or do you like..men?” Adore asked meekly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. She ran her fingers through her hair, suddenly finding it the most amusing thing in the world as she awaited a response.
Bianca groaned and shot Courtney an annoyed look. The last conversation she wanted to have right now was this one.
“So you’re asking about our sexuality?” Courtney queried.
“I mean, yeah I guess.” Adore shrugged.
“What if I were to tell you that I could end up with anyone? I don’t discriminate, I’ll love you whether you’re a boy, girl, drag queen, or somewhere inbetween. That I didn’t care if they were a guy or a gal, and I just loved them for being themselves?” Courtney challenged.
Adore thought it over. That didn’t seem like a bad thing to her. What was wrong with loving people for what they have inside instead of just their outward appearance? She didn’t even know that was a thing. In fact, she was realizing now that her and her mother never talked about different sexualities, let alone her getting married or falling in love. So how could she have possibly known?
She really respected Courtney for feeling that way about others. In Adore’s mind, that meant she truly fell in love with someone’s soul and not necessarily just their outward appearance. That was something special.
Bianca was nervous for whatever answer Adore was about to give them. Sexuality wasn’t really a big topic, you either liked the opposite sex or you were considered an outcast. No one ever talked about the other areas of it unless you were a drag queen yourself, or well, an outcast. Adore most likely has no grip on all of the different facets of sexuality, which could make her just as bigoted as the rest of the society. Who know’s what her mother has told her.
“I think that’s really great.” Adore smiled, eyes half open half closed. “What about you R-Bianca?”
Bianca was continuously being surprised by Adore and her answers. She smiled to herself as she realized she was even trying to correctly identify Roy as Bianca, which most people who knew him would just call him whatever - regardless if he was in drag or not.
“I like men and women, exclusively.” Bianca simply said. She didn’t feel like explaining bisexuality to Adore, but she figured her blunt answer would be enough.
Bianca’s answer made Adore’s heart flutter.
Good, that means not all hope is lost Adore thought.
She smiled a toothy grin and rubbed her eyes as she leaned back in her chair.
“Good, that’s great. I’m really glad you like women.” Adore slurred.
“And that’s your cue blondie.” Bianca started to help her up, but Adore swatted her hand away.
“No. I’m not ready to sleep yet. Don’t you put on a show or something?” Adore asked.
Bianca shooted a knowing glare over in Courtney’s direction.
“What? We had to talk about something while I was picking the twigs out of her hair.” Courtney objected playfully.
“You’re really trying to fucking kill me aren’t you.” Bianca replied dryly. “Fine. I’ll put on a show. But Courtney, you’re opening and Willam better be on after you.”
“Who’s Willam?” Adore asked.
“My crazy other half.” Courtney said sweetly, fluttering her eyes.
“Crazy is an understatement don’t you think?” Bianca muttered.
“I need to get our little guest another drink before she hits the hay. Go get Willam, and I’ll make sure she’s near the stage.” Courtney ordered as she took Adore’s hand gently.
“She has no idea what she’s in for.” Bianca uttered.
“Neither do you.” Courtney murmured.
Courtney had opened the show for a small crowd of men, and a few women peppered in here and there. Most of the men Adore suspected were also drag queens, due to the makeup they were wearing. It was a very loud and rowdy audience, despite Courtney singing slow ballads on stage.
Her voice was really pretty, Adore kept forgetting that Courtney was a man underneath all of that makeup; especially since her voice was so feminine. It was endearing to listen to, and near the end of her set she sang a more upbeat song to make way for the next act: which was Bianca.
As soon as she came on stage, the crowd grew wild. It seemed like Bianca was a big deal in the drag community, everyone knew who she was and the energy of the room shifted completely when she began to speak.
“How the fuck are you idiots doing tonight?” Bianca roared, holding a glass of white wine.
Classy, Adore thought. She would’ve thought for sure Bianca would be a whiskey drinker, or at the very least a beer drinker.
Bianca was very funny, Adore realized. She had sort of a love/hate relationship with the world, but she could tell that there was something sincere underneath all of that comedy. Maybe it was the multiple drinks she had, or the fact that she was actually letting herself really relax for the first time since leaving home, but she was a joy to watch on stage.
Such a joy, in fact, that Adore was finding herself more and more drawn to Bianca. Or Roy. Both? At this moment, she didn’t know which part exactly, but she was drawn to them.
Was this what having an infatuation for someone was like?
After having a couple of different sexualities explained to her, she was now at a crossroads about her own. She had always assumed she only liked men, but she thought Roy dressed in drag was really sexy. Bianca was beautiful, in lieu of the harsh makeup; the comedy and personality really shined through for her. Did that mean she was like Courtney?
“Now I’m gonna bring one of my favorite queens to the stage, she’s a good bitch; please welcome Willam to the stage!” Bianca yelled.
The bar cheered as a thin blonde walked out onto the small stage. Willam looked more like a woman then Bianca, with makeup similar to Courtney’s albeit a bit messy. She had bright blue glitter smeared across her eyelids and glossy pink lips that Adore realized she was fixating on. She left little to the imagination in a short risqué dress made out of thin pink satin, exposing her long tanned legs. Strappy crystal heels completed the look, and Adore found herself eyeing her from head to toe.
Willam was hot, and Adore was now confused as ever.
“Hey you old broad, what do you say we bring up a newbie?” Willam wiggled her eyebrows.
“Who are you thinking of?” Bianca asked cooly, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. She was silently hoping she wouldn’t bring who she was thinking of up on stage. The last thing the bar needed to see was a drunk girl hanging onto Willam.
“I’ll get her!” Willam looked straight down at Adore, sending a chill down her spine. “Everyone, it’s her first time at a drag show, please welcome Adore to the stage!”
Bianca sighed, instantly regretting talking about the young girl to him in the dressing room. She had filled Willam in all about Adore’s innocence and how she had no idea what a drag queen was. Willam had thought that was hilarious, and Bianca had made a joke about bringing her on stage in front of everyone.
She didn’t think Willam would actually do it.
Bianca made eye contact with Courtney for a second, who had been basically babysitting Adore the whole night other then when she was on stage herself. Courtneys lips were pursed, which meant that she was upset.
Courtney glared at Willam as she clenched her glass angrily. She hated it when she brought up people on stage, because that usually meant she would make out with them and/or have them take body shots off of her. She was all for free love, but when she was in a serious relationship, she got very possessive very quickly.
Willam shrugged and winked back at Courtney, hoping she wouldn’t be too upset with her later. She had to know by now that her sexual nature was just part of her act, it wasn’t serious. The only thing that was serious about her was her feelings for Courtney. She just wished she wouldn’t get into such a jealous rage after every single performance.
There was scattered applause as Adore froze in her seat. She was way too drunk to be going on stage at the moment. The last thing she wanted to do was embarass herself, but she decided she would live in the moment. Willam was sexy and she wanted to impress not only her, but Bianca as well. With a shrug, she handed a shocked Courtney the remnants of her drink, and climbed up onto the stage, taking Willams hand to help her up.
“How you doin?” Willam asked with a toothy smile. Her makeup was much messier up close, but still gave a convincing illusion of a woman. Her hair was a similar blonde to Adore’s, and had that effortless beachy look to it.
“Good man! You have to teach me how to do my makeup like you.” Adore slurred, admiring the glitter and long eyelashes.
“Oh god you have to be really drunk to think that my makeup is good. Which is why this next part of the show will be perfect for you!” Willam exclaimed. “Can I get two shots and a table pulled up here?”
Fuck, Bianca thought. Clenching her fists, she watched on as Courtney meekly grabbed a small table and pushed it onto the stage.
This was not going to end well, Bianca thought.
A couple of moments later, a waiter came by with two clear shot glasses filled to the top with a golden liquid.
“Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna lift up my dress, set the shot glass on my stomach snd you have to take the shot without using your hands. Think you can handle it?” Willam challenged playfully.
Adore wanted nothing more to impress everyone in the bar so she excitedly said,” Fuck yes!”
“You’re a good sport.” Willam smirked, climbing onto the table. As soon as she lifted up her dress, the crowd went wild with cheers and cat calls. Willam was wearing a matching pair of satin underwear that covered her privates. Once she placed the glass onto her stomach and made sure it was secure, she motioned for Adore to come to her.
Adore strutted confidently over to Willam where she saw the shot glass balancing perfectly in the contours of her muscular torso.
Take the shot without your hands, but how? Adore thought confused.
She leaned over and clenched the shot glass with her teeth.She grazed Willams stomach with her lips in the process, feeling her shudder underneath her. Lifting her head up slowly, she clamped her teeth down harder and suctioned her lips around the glass, making sure she wouldn’t drop it. She could feel the liquid burning the back of her throat already, so to keep herself from gagging on it she tilted her head back, draining the glass of its contents efforlessly.
Bianca was clenching her teeth in anger as she looked on at the scene. Adore was being very sexual with Willam, she didn’t realize she had it in her. Maybe Adore wasn’t as innocent as she had once assumed.
It shouldn’t bother me, she thought. Adore isn’t mine.
But in the short amount of time that they had already spent together, Bianca had grown fond of her. She was protective of the girl, and thought Willam had taken it a little too far for someone who had just found out what a drag queen actually was.
Maybe Bianca was just bitter that it wasn’t her that Adore had just took a shot from.
Willam hopped off of the table with ease as the crowd cheered for Adore. Adore grinned and bowed, earning more applause from everyone.
“I’m impressed,” Willam admitted. “Give me a smooch!”
“Party!” Adore exclaimed drunkenly as she leaned in, giving the queen a peck on her plumply glossed lips. Adore had never been kissed before, but she thought she had done a good job at kissing for her first time. Willam tasted sweet like cotton candy, so yummy. She let her tongue slip into his mouth as Willam dipped her low, deepening the kiss.
Bianca and Courtney looked on mortified as the audience erupted in a roar of applause. Willam gently grabbed Adore’s braid as he held her low to the ground, eliciting a small yelp out of her.
Bianca was furious. She was seeing red as the two of them kissed longer and longer, lipstick smearing all over Adore’s porcelain skin.
Why was this bothering her so much?
Courtney was crossing her arms across her chest now, looking as red as a tomato. Bianca had never seen her so mad. Courtney motioned to her to do something about the makeout session from the audience.
Bianca cleared her throat loudly, breaking the two apart from their embrace. Willam grinned sheepishly and Adore was brought out of her trance, and right back to reality where she met Bianca’s cold brown eyes.
Adore had just had an amazing first kiss, but she felt weird all of a sudden. She wasn’t spoken for, and she really enjoyed the kiss with Willam but for some reason she was feeling guilty about kissing her in front of Bianca. She wasn’t even feeling that guilty that she had made out with Courtney’s boyfriend. She assumed Willam did this all the time as a part of her show, so she wasn’t too worried about it. What bothered her more was that she couldn’t tell what Bianca was thinking at the moment. She tried to read the older queens expression, but she kept her face so neutral it was hard to tell exactly what she was feeling.
Once their eyes met however, Bianca’s eyes were a blazing brown and telling a different story then what her facial expression was. Adore couldn’t tell exactly, but it looked as if she was hurt. Right now, they were an intense deep brown and frankly a bit hard to look at, as Bianca stared her down. Adore looked away in shame and out into the audience, where she noticed Courtney was more openly showing her emotions as she glared at Willam.
Fuck, Adore thought. The last thing she had wanted to do was upset Courtney, especially after how nice she had been to her.
“Anyway, that was some nice entertainment but I think our lovely audience member is done here.” Bianca snapped, trying to keep a smile on her face.
Adore took that as her cue to exit the stage, and once she got back to her table with Courtney; she asked a nearby waiter for a water. She needed to calm down.
Bianca and Willam said goodbye and went backstage, leaving Adore confused and Courtney angry.
“I didn’t realize you were into drag queens Adore “ Courtney snapped breaking the silence.
“I didn’t know either.” Adore confessed. “Hey, you know I’m not into Willam like that though right? It was just fun, like a kiss y’know?”
Courtney audibly sighed in relief as Adore stumbled over her words nervously. She reached out and touched her arm softly, nodding her head.
“Of course. I’m sorry I got a bit snappy.. it’s just. I think Roy is really fond of you. I’ve never seen the great Bianca Del Rio get so angry on stage before,” Courtney giggled.
“I don’t know.” Adore shrugged, sipping on her drink.
“No Adore, he really is. I’ve known Roy for 10 years, we lived in the orphanage together and he’s never treated a lady the way he treats you. Trust me.” Courtney urged. “Anyway, I get really possessive of Willam. I know it’s not your fault that my boyfriend is a bit of a whore, but next time could you maybe cut off the kiss after awhile?”
Adore frowned at the thought of Roy and Courtney living in an orphanage. Courtney was such a nice person, she can’t even begin to fathom how she was able to stay so sweet after living in one for 10 years. Her heart filled with sadness as she realized that Roy was in the orphanage because his parents had died. She wondered how long he had been in there, and if he still remembered his mom and dad. Just that one detail that Courtney had given her about Roy’s life explained so much about him; the dark humor, the intelligence, everything. It broke her heart, and she wondered about his life now in the present. What was he doing now that he was out of the orphanage? Where did he live?
On a more positive note, the thought of Roy being fond of her made her smile, even if it wasn’t true. He was handsome as a man, and beautiful as a woman. But she wasn’t going to believe he was attracted to her until Roy told her his feelings himself.
“That I can do. Hey Court? Thanks for helping me out tonight. I’m sorry I kissed your boyfriend, I really am.” Adore apologized. She was really appreciative of Courtney, especially after giving her more details about Roy and his past.
Courtney knew that Adore was most likely being sincere with her apology, she seemed so young and naive so she nodded her head.
“It’s okay. I’ll just have to punish Willy later.” Courtney laughed.
“I love that, Willy is a cute name.” Adore giggled.
“Speaking of Willy, we should probably go backstage and see what they’re up to. Hopefully Roy isn’t strangling him.” Courtney joked, getting up from her seat. “You coming?”
Adore felt a sharp pain go through her stomach as she got up. Her stomach churned and bubbled. She realized she needed to go to the bathroom. Now.
“I’m not feeling very well.” Adore moaned, clenching her stomach.
“The bathrooms upstairs sweet.” Courtney gestered to the wooden staircase in the corner. “Take all of the time you need.”
Once Courtney had entered the dressing room, Willam jumped up from his station.
“Hey baby,” Willam grinned. “What did you think of the show?”
Courtney returned his question with a firm slap across the cheek. The sound echoed across the room, and Roy looked away embarrassed.
This was going to be something, Roy thought.
“Ow! What the fuck Court?” Willam felt his cheek, already swelling up from the hard slap.
“I hope you know you just made out with a 17 year old on stage.” Courtney shouted angrily.
“Cougar.” Roy mumbled.
“Shut up Del Rio, you know you’re trying to hit that! Pot calling kettle.” Willam shot back.
Roy felt his cheeks flush and turned back towards the mirror.
“I knew it!” Courtney squealed, momentarily distracted from Willam’s antics. “Are you going to ask her out?”
“No! I’ve just met her, give me some time. What did you need to talk to me about anyway?” Roy asked annoyed.
“Oh that’s right!” Courtney exclaimed. Looking around, she went to close the door and lock it behind her.
“Whoa, she has some serious gossip. What is it babe?” Willam asked.
“This cannot leave this room. Promise?” Courtney hissed looking between the two men.
“Whatever.” The two said in unison.
“Adore told me earlier that her hair is magical, and that it healed you Roy! She said you had been bleeding heavily when she first found you, and didn’t know what else to do but to use her hair.” Courtney exclaimed.
Roy felt his heart stop cold. He knew when Courtney was fucking with him, and when she was telling the truth. This was definitely a time where she was telling the truth.
“So that means..?” Willam questioned.
“That Adore is the Adore.“ Courtney blurted out exasperated.
“Holy shit.” Willam marveled.
“Guys, she wants to see the lantern send off. But the palace guard is after me for stealing the crown. We have it with us, but if I told them we had found the king’s daughter do you think that they would waive my punishment?” Roy asked worriedly. Stealing the crown was enough to have him hung, especially if he was caught.
“They would have to.” Courtney encouraged. “They’ve been looking for her for almost 18 years.”
Roy nodded as he removed the last of his makeup. Willam shared a look with Courtney and then cleared his throat. Roy looked up confused as he saw the two of them whispering.
“What?” Roy questioned.
“Good. I have your attention. Me and Courtney have decided we want to go with you guys to the city.” Willam announced.
“Why the fuck would I let you two come with us?” Roy asked.
“Because we just saved your asses by giving you a place to stay.” Willam pointed out.
“We want partial credit for finding the lost princess. A reward from the royal family would help me and Willam buy a house instead of having to live above the bar.” Courtney explained.
Courtney and Willam had been Roy’s partners in crime for years. When they first got the bar, Roy crashed there for many nights often times when he was hiding from the royal guard. They had done more then their fair share of helping him, he didn’t mind returning the favor in the slightest.
“We’ll make sure that the royal guard doesn’t see you.” Courtney promised.
“And we’ll bring along food and booze so we don’t die.” Willam shrugged.
“You guys can come with then. But you have to promise me something.” Roy started.
“We wont hit on her.” Willam groaned annoyed.
“No, I want you guys to promise me that I’ll be the one to tell her who she really is.” Roy finished.
“I think that’s fair.” Courtney agreed. “Deal.”
“Where is Adore anyway?” Willam asked confused, looking around the room.
“She’s not feeling well.” Courtney frowned. “She’s been in the bathroom awhile now-”
“I’ll go check on her,” Roy interuppted, getting up from his station. When he left the room, Willam and Courtney shared a look.
“He’s got it bad.” Courtney muttured.
Adore had been ill in the bathroom for a couple of hours now, on and off. She now understood why in some of the books she’d read, people wouldn’t have too much to drink. On and off she had been vomiting in the small toilet, and had given up standing after awhile. Now she was slumped down on the cold wooden floor in a ball.
There’s no point in leaving the room, if all I’m going to do is be ill, she thought.
Suddenly she heard the door rattle behind her.
“Who is it?” Adore groaned weakly.
“Can I come in?”
Shit. It was Roy.
Adore pulled her dress down so that it covered her modestly enough for Roy to see.
“Um, sure.” Adore croaked weakly. She pulled herself up, feeling her stomach curdle as she moved from her comfortable spot on the floor. Her hair being in a braid had been a huge help, thankfully she hadnt gotten any vomit in her long blonde strands. She didn’t know when she would have time to wash her hair again, so it truly was a blessing that it had stayed clean.
“It’s unlocked.” Adore whispered, clenching her stomach as she curled back up into a ball on the floor.
Roy opened the door slowly, not sure of what he was about to walk into. He saw Adore, a small ball of blonde near the toilet. It had smelled like bile, but much less like it then he had expected. His heart clenched at the sight of the girl, she looked incredibly pale and sucked up.
“Sit up. You don’t wanna fall asleep and throw up.” Roy ordered gently as he closed the door.
“I can’t. It hurts too bad.” Adore whined.
“Here.” Roy kneeled down, placing his arms underneath the girls back to sit her up slightly. He pushed her slightly backwards so that her back was against the wall. He then gently moved her chunky braid from behind her back so that she wasn’t leaning against it.
“Better?” Roy asked once she situated herself. He sat down next to her, examining her braid for any vomit or debris.
“Yeah, thank you.” Adore shyly answered, surprised by his sudden kindness. It felt good to have her hair played with, she had always loved it when her mother brushed her hair at the end of a long day.
My hair that healed my mother everyday.
“Oh my god, my hair! Duh!” Adore exclaimed, sitting up all of a sudden, whipping her braid away from Roy.
“Your hair?” Roy asked, not putting it together for a second.
Adore sighed and began singing her song that she had learned by heart.
Flower gleam and glow Let your power shine Save what once was lost Bring back what once was mine
Adore’s blonde hair began to glow a vibrant yellow, illuminating the small bathroom of Courtney’s bar. She pulled the braid against her stomach, hoping it would help heal the horrible illness she was feeling. She grabbed Roy’s hand and pulled it towards her so that he was touching her braid as well. He gasped as Adore’s hair began to glow even more vibrantly, and for a second he swore he felt a jolt of energy enter his body before the light finally faded.
Adore sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. “Finally.” Adore breathed, feeling like she was actually able to get up from the bathroom floor for the first time in hours.
Roy was flabbergasted, not only did this confirm what Courtney had told him earlier, but he had never seen magic do anything good for anyone. All he knew was that magic was evil, that people fought over the very idea of it and risked their lives for just a tiny bit of it.
The power Adore now harnesses was what his mom had sacrificed her life to get all those years ago. Now that he had seen the magic from the flower being used for something good, he felt oddly at peace about the situation.
Now 18 years later, he was on the floor with the lost princess, who didn’t even know who she was, and was most likely into men and women after that kiss with Willam. What surprised Roy the most wasn’t even the kiss between them, it was her ability to be so open to different facets of society, and she approached it with an innocence that only a child sheltered from the world could approach it.
How was he suppossed to tell her that her ‘mother’, wasn’t even really her mother? That everything she had been told was most likely a lie? How would someone as fragile and vulnerable to the world as Adore, take such serious news like that?
Sure, exploring sexuality was one thing. That is a personal journey every 17-18 year old adult (most people even younger) goes on. But finding out that you were kidnapped as a kid and were then manipulated by a stranger for years, would probably take more then an open mind to handle.
“Roy, are you okay?” Adore asked, her voice dripping with sincerity and worry. She was clutching her hair still, a nervous habit of hers that she had done since she was a kid.
“I’m fine blondie. That…was the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever seen.” Roy admitted, trying to distract himself from his internal monologue.
“My mom used to brush my hair all the time and I would help her feel better after a really long day. She taught me that song.” Adore confessed, brushing her fingers through the ends.
“Yeah? Tell me about your mom.” Roy leaned in intruiged.
Adore chattered on and on about how her mom was an experienced witch, and often went out of the tower to help people. She described how fatigued she would look after she got home, and how singing and getting her hair brushed helped her feel refreshed and young again.
Adore talked as if she had a great relationship with her mom, other than her not letting her out of the tower for her 18th birthday. But Roy could tell by the little details she would let slip, that whoever this woman was had actually been very manipulative to Adore her whole life. She was only allowed to read certain books that were brought to her, not anything that her mother didnt approve of. She also couldn’t ever leave the tower, and Adore never once even thought of it which was so bizarre to Roy. But it just confirmed even more that this was the Adore.
Roy decided maybe now wasn’t the time to tell her what he was thinking about, especially with how passionately she had been speaking about this woman. He didn’t even know how to go about telling someone such a serious thing, and he didn’t have any proof to back up his claims that she was the lost princess. He needed something in writing, maybe an old missing ad or something. Something that would back up his claims so that she wouldn’t hate him when he did tell her.
He knew for sure what he did want to to do; he did want to help her see the floating lanterns, but now he also had a new goal in mind.
He wanted to bring her to her real parents.
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