#into anti masculinity
confier-boyfriend · 9 months
People are just really gross about their exes. Actually no I don’t think you getting vindication for an ended relationship is a good idea, you’re being an asshole. Just because you’re hurt, doesn’t give you the clear to hurt others.
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auti-starshine · 2 months
Can we please stop it with the “the only transmasc music is whiney ukulele shit”??? Like first of all just say Cavetown we know you mean Cavetown. Second off, Cavetown is a good artist and shaming people for liking his music is weird and gross. Third off, there are way more transmasc artists out there yall just don’t care enough to look. (Ex. Ryan Cassata, Noah Finnce, The Oozes, just to name a few).
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gor3sigil · 1 month
One evening, I was at the LGBTQIA center for a trans committee and I was the only trans man in attendance. One trans woman told me she never understood how I could want to be a "disgusting man".
Later that evening, she told me she'd love to swap bodies with me (I was pre T, pre op and didn't bind). I told her I didn't understand why she'd want to have the body of a "disgusting man".
She called me transmisogynistic.
Oh, the irony.
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opossumanon · 1 month
"Transandrophobia isn't real"
A few years back my grandparents and I wanted to see a gynecologist for reasons, I was under 18, but every gynecologist that worked with minors refused to take trans boys. I haven't had a single bit of medical transition unless you count birth control. I have a vagina and boobs. Everything about my body is female but I was denied care because my hair was short and I had a deeper voice.
And when I tried explaining this to a transphobe they went "Well yeah they don't want mentally ill people"
My exclusion was based off of me being too masculine. Y'know, the thing that transandrophobes claim doesn't exist?
Transmascs go through the same shit transfems do. Transandrophobes need to stop shitting on us to feel superior and get a fucking life.
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agendercryptidlev · 27 days
We need to talk more about the transmasculine suicide rate.
There's a common saying that every transgender suicide is a murder, because it is the lack of acceptance in society that leads transgender individuals to commit suicide at such a high rate, this is true of trans men who have the highest suicide rate across all gender identities:
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[image ID: a stylized graph depicting the percentages of considering & attempted suicide for different gender experiences.
Cisgender boy/man: 28% considered suicide, 8% attempted suicide
Cisgender girl/woman: 37% considered suicide, 10% attempted suicide
Transgender boy/man: 59% considered suicide, 22% attempted suicide
Transgender girl/woman: 48% considered suicide, 12% attempted suicide
Nonbinary/genderqueer: 53% considered suicide, 19% attempted suicide
Questioning: 48% considered suicide, 14% attempted suicide
end ID] ID by @tstomboy
Trans men are not receiving the support they need, and many of them are not surviving because of this. We need to make sure that mental health support and suicide for transgender individuals is as inclusive as possible for these transgender men who are at the highest risk.
We need to ensure trans men feel safe and welcome within the queer community as isolation is one of the more exacerbating factors on one's mental health. We need to make sure resources for victims of sexual violence are inclusive of transmasculine individuals, who face the highest rate of sexual abuse and yet often have to recloset themselves to find support. We have to love trans men because society shows them nothing but hate.
Check in with the trans men in your community, you may just save a life.
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fagdykeposting · 29 days
“Why would you want to be a man?” Stop projecting your body issues onto transmen/transmascs!
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Holy fucking shit queer people really fucking hate masculinity
Like, I know anyone following me has seen me talk about this shit but fuck
This queer movie review podcast is talking about 70s glam rock fashion (a favorite of mine) and the one host says "an effeminate man is his true self, because masculinity is fake, the only way to be real is to be feminine"
Like, what the fuck? First of all, way to discount generations of queer people, and displays of queer masculinity, great job. Second, tell me you've never spoken to a trans man or a butch or literally anyone who's ever been forced into a feminine social role or feminine presentation without telling me.
I hate how pervasive this attitude is. I hate how it makes it uncomfortable, at best, to exist in queer spaces as someone who is not, can not, and does not want to be sufficiently feminine.
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ngl, I'm beginning to take issue with how in conversations about anti-intellectualism almost automatically, the face of girls and women will be slapped on the problem.
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genderstarbucks · 3 months
Acknowledging that transandrophobia exists is not us denying that transmisogyny exists
If you believe in transmisogyny but not transmisandry, why? Give me an actual GOOD reason
Transandrophobia is just a word to describe the shit that us trans men and transmascs go through, it says nothing about our thoughts on transmisogyny
I am a "transandrophobia truther" because I believe that transphobia specifically directed towards trans man and transmascs exist.
Yes, I do believe in transmisogyny because trans women and transfems DO face transphobia specifically for being women and fem
But I also believe that transandrophobia exists, because it fucking does
Yes, we're both trans but we face different kinds of discrimination
Transandrophobia is literally just a word describing the hate that trans men and transmascs face, just like transmisogyny is literally just a word describing the hate that trans women and transfems face
I'm tired of you people believing that trans men and transmascs don't face any oppression and are generally accepted
Trans men and transmascs are not seen as the "more acceptable" way to be trans
We're told:
- testosterone is a poison and will make us bad pepple
- we're transitioning to the "bad side"
- we're just little girls making "bad" decisions
We're also:
- treated as little white twinks
- treated as fucking babies
- seen as "transtrenders" if we're still femme in any way
- seen as dangerous if we're too manly or masculine
- treated as "not real men" if we menstruate, get pregnant or do anything of the sort
We're told time and time again that our identities aren't important and that the discrimination we face isn't real and that our existence just means we're transmisogynistic
How do you think we feel?
It's even worse when shit like this comes from our own community
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auti-starshine · 2 months
Transmascs being made invisible is NOT A FUCKING PRIVILEGE‼️
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maniackllrr · 5 months
The fact i tried to mention transandrophobia on a live panel I was on, and was not listened to in the slightest and Ran off the live by multiple non-transmascs, one of whom flat out lied abt transmasc murder stats, and how transmascs are treated under the patriarchy, and by another person who flat out stated the belief that transmascs face similar levels of violence as transfems was "unreasonable" speaks fucking volumes.
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gor3sigil · 1 month
One day, I'll talk in depth about how it felt to be the only trans drag king in my local scene surrounded by radfem cis kings who only wanted to make fun of masculinity and how it led to me giving up because I faced more transphobia and misgendering in the few nights I performed, by cis queers, than ever in my life.
It was AWFUL. I just never wanted to perform anymore because the TOXICITY of it all was disgusting.
And I love drag with all my heart, but when you get she/her'd IN DRAG KING, spend your time being belittled because you're a drag king (because let's face it drag kings don't get the credit they deserve) by other performers or because you're transmasc by cis drag kings and you can't find any place in the scene if you do anything else than mocking masculinity, fuck it. I hope I can perform in the future but it won't be in this scene.
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faggypuppywhore · 3 months
If there is only one side that is good and one side that is bad, then we are back to models of thinking that are singular and non-intersectional. Similarly, this model of thinking also paints masculinity with one simple brushstroke as “bad” and antithetical to feminism. If our model of feminist critical practice privileges a singular mono-linguistic identity only (gender), then so be it; FtM trans-sexual men have betrayed the cause. But, within the intersectional models of identity—where we understand power is distributed through a matrix of identities simultaneously—then this criticism of FtMs cannot hold.
What this criticism actually reveals when it seeks and thinks it finds privilege accruing to gender is, first, its own inability to think intersectionally and, second, its complete erasure of whiteness as a mark of power. Let me phrase this differently: When we think we’re seeing FtM trans-sexual male privilege, I suggest that what we’re actually seeing is whiteness modifying masculinity to give it power. If, for instance, trans-gendered “women” of colour transition into FtM trans-sexual masculinity, we’d be quite remiss to suggest that this FtM is transitioning into a privileged gender position in our culture. There’s absolutely no way that we can say, in good conscience, that a trans-sexual man of colour has more power than a White, born-female, heterosexual feminist, can we?
- Sons of the Movement: FtMs Risking Incoherence on a Post-Queer Cultural Landscape
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agendercryptidlev · 26 days
now post the homicide statistics for trans demographics
Alright I'll post some violence stats o7
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(From: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2022/assets/static/trevor01_2022survey_final.pdf)
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(From: https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2015/07/23/op-ed-trans-men-experience-far-more-violence-most-people-assume )
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(Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-day-remembrance-advocates-honor-lives-lost-violence-n938401)
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(Stats above relate to fatal violence in 2023, source: https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-expansive-community-in-2023)
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(Source: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/research-briefs/sexual-violence-and-suicide-risk-among-lgbtq-young-people/)
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(Source: https://dailybruin.com/2021/04/08/ucla-study-finds-transgender-people-face-greater-rates-of-violent-victimization)
Most stats show the biggest indicator of a trans person's likelihood to be murdered in the united states is race, with Black Transgender Women having the highest rate of murder by far.
Of course murder is not the only form of violence that affects the transgender community, sexual violence is most commonly experienced by transgender men which is likely a leading cause of the disproportionately high transmasculine suicide rate.
Violence against transgender people of all kinds is under-reported, especially since if a transgender individual was misgendered by everyone in their life and got murdered there is no one around to affirm what their true gender identity is.
I will never, ever say any transgender identity has it easier than the others, because what makes life "easy" is defined by so many different factors, what we need is solidarity within the trans community because across the board transgender people face violence and discrimination at higher rates than cisgender people.
What we need as a community is to have the space to combat all forms of bigotry and oppression than trans people face, no matter which transgender identity faces that bigotry and violence at the highest rate.
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fagdykeposting · 28 days
Some of ya’ll just traded bioessentialism for gender essentialism and called it a day.
You are not progressive for your bigotry against trans, gay, and other queer men.
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500mlinjection · 5 months
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