#people on the internet want to be seen as cool and tough that they restrict themselves on enjoying more ‘’childish’’ or ‘’weird’’ things
bruhstation · 4 months
My pet peeve is when people shit on fandoms they don’t get because they’re perceived as childish since they’re cartoons usually for children (looking at people I know giving me guff for my Lego Ninjago fixation even if it’s a less obscure example) so honestly even though I don’t get TTTE I followed for the art and designs because that kind of passion is something that inspires me!
lego ninjago’s awesome…. I don’t go there but from what I’ve seen it looks rad. glad to see that my artistic endeavor inspires you XP let’s all have fun!!!
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southparkrpg · 4 years
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Howdy, partner! Welcome to SOUTHPARKRPG. Please find the accepted application for LEOPOLD “BUTTERS” STOTCH below:
Name/alias: Emma ( admin )
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/her
Triggers: ( removed )
Name: Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Age: 19 (September 11, 2000)
Gender ( pronouns ): Male (he/him). Butters has a very fluid view of gender but isn’t educated on the terminology, nor confident enough to explore it whilst under Linda and Stephen’s roof.
Living situation:  Living with parents. Butters isn’t just trapped in South Park, he’s trapped in adolescence. As assumedly the last ‘kid’ left with a bedtime, Butters still suffers with parental restrictions on his web-access, daily chores, and regular groundings for evading any of prior mentioned limitations to growing up.
Occupation: Mailman! What better job for a growing boy than one that gets him up at sunrise, guarantees exercise, and allows his parents to snoop for town gossip. Outside of this, Butters is allowed to study for a degree part-time (completing three-years later than his friends) if he continues to work, abides by his parents’ regime, and doesn’t get any “funny, liberal ideas” whilst on campus. He’s majoring in Music and Drama, and was thoroughly shocked when his parents approved an arts course instead of something more practical. In truth, his parents have an ulterior motive because, “honey, no-one’s going to hire someone with a Music and Drama degree. Butters will stay right here.”
Sexuality: Pansexual. Butters has gone from confused to confident in his sexuality – it’s one of few things he feels comfortable asserting (whether that be to authority or his friends). He don’t see nothing wrong with someone loving whoever the fudge they want. 
Self-critical: it’s no wonder that, after years of being told he’s not good enough, Butters believes it. He often whispers insults to himself as he works, affirming the notion that he’s a “no good lazybones who ain’t getting nowhere in life.” This constant self-deprecation means that Butters is incredibly studious, always volunteering for extra credit projects: one, because it ain’t right to say no when someone asks for help and, two, because he needs to be at the top of the class or face the consequences at home.   Naïve: whilst academically intelligent because of his work-ethic, and surprisingly wise beyond his years, Butters’ stubborn optimism and good-heart mean that he is easily manipulated into helping with malicious schemes or baited into danger. He’s programmed to believe the best in people, despite years of evidence to the contrary, and is always disappointed (but ever-forgiving) when he’s proven wrong.   Caring: the world should have hardened Butters, but instead if made him kind blah, blah, blah. Sometimes his kindness is aggressive, shouting at unjust nastiness. Most of the time it’s in the little gestures; a blanket around your shoulder, a cup of soup in your hands, and a happy tune to cheer you up.   Innocent: Butters has seen some shit. He’s been a pimp, a pirate, (tw: eye trauma) maimed by a shuriken and wondered through post-apocalyptic Earth. Despite this, innocence still sticks to him like a band-aid over immoral wounds. He knows a fair amount of curse words but will rarely say ‘em, preferring a “heck” or a hamburgers” unless the moment really calls for it. He’s seen porn, he’s seen war, but he remains altogether kinda clueless to how the world works.   Assertive: whist Butters’ other traits suggest a complete walkover, this isn’t the case. Once he’s got a (usually wrong) opinion in mind, it’ll take a lot for Butters to cool his righteous fury. As a kid, this frequently made him the antagonist in South Park’s many moral conundrums, i.e. Chaos. He’s better now – more aware of the evils of the world– but he’s still easily swayed into stupid beliefs and unwilling to let them go without a fight.
Butters had tough time growing up, but his sunny disposition might trick you into thinking otherwise. Fuelled by naïve optimism and a stubborn trust in the well-meaning of those around him, he frequently found himself suffering at the hands of his friends’ money-making schemes, his parents’ manipulative whims, and a pawn to the powers-that-be. This has left him physically and mentally scarred, (tw: eye trauma) the most prominent being a slice down his left eye. Despite this, Butters can’t hold a grudge for very long – even when viciously empowered to a cause. Forgiving, forgetting and then being fooled again is his daily routine, particularly with his parents, Linda and Stephen Stotch. Linda and Stephen are not good people, though they – and consequently Butters – believe their actions justified by love. Unjust groundings, suffocating rules and curfews, as well as an actual bonified murder attempt have left Butters with a rotting self-esteem, immature world-view and corruptible innocence.
Nowadays, Butters is a little older, a little wiser, and a lot more whimsical about the world outside his bedroom window. He still has a curfew (10pm on weekdays, 12am weekends) which, if he breaks, means sleeping in the back garden. He has a strict study schedule designed around doing the dishes, washing the car and shining his dad’s shoes. Worst, his internet and phone are heavily restricted and constantly monitored. Still, his morning mailman duties – singing with the birds, saying howdy to his neighbours and getting to stretch his legs in the rising sun – keep his spirits lifted and his tushy firm! Being able to study music and drama, as well as engaging with his other creative hobbies, distract Butters from his crippling self-doubt and life-long barriers. Just like Rapunzel, he knows escape is on the horizon: he just needs to get the god-damn balls to do somethin’ bout it.
Butters loves mom memes (and I mean really awful mom memes). He will absolutely overshare minion, impact-font, family-humour photos online to the point where it’s lost all possible irony.
He also loves to bake! His dream is to open his own bakery in South Park one day, filled with personalised cupcakes, ice cream cakes, and hot cocoa towers. 
Butters is a man of many talents! He’s sworn off tap-dance for good, but he’s big into musical theatre, writing, drawing, baking, gardening - anything creative to improve himself and the world around him.
He definitely still makes up his own lil tunes and hums them as he goes about his mailman duties. 
In short: I love Butters Stotch.
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We Did It Bois!
WE GOT DAT ANON HATE!  I actually had to double-check cause I wasn’t sure if I turned on asks for this blog, apparently not.  Fuck, man I’ve been missing out!  This mad lad had to go over to False Idol to leave a comment anonymously.  And since I don’t want that blog getting cluttered let’s respond to it over here  shall we?  Let’s see what this man has to say.
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Oh I’m sorry, was my use of the “N-word” inappropriate?   I thought it was quite clear, I was making reference to a joke that’s been a part of the public conscious and internet culture for like a decade now. And I’m absolutely certain if I used that old artifacted to shit meme you wouldn’t be offended!
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Oh wait, no. 
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There we go.  That cool?  You get the joke? 
I mean, it’s literally the same words, same usage, same context, and demeanor that’s meant to be conveyed!  I actually shy away from using slurs in a purely derogatory way, because that’s not fun or funny.  And if you didn’t catch on, the whole point of these rants is to have fun, while tearing into the comic where it deserves!  But oh no, I can’t say the N-Word even if its clearly done as reference to a popular meme!  Even if it’s done in a positive sense, in approval of a character and their actions!  How dare I as a brown man use the N-Word!  That’s only for black people!  I should stick to the slang words of my own culture that no one gets or would interpret as a joke, right you fucking cuxika haoli?!
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And as for the cocksleeve comment, oh sure.  I’m sorry, did I hurt the feelings of this fictional teenage girl?  By calling her a shameful lazy plot device?    Forget the fact I was carpet bombing these “kids” with F-bombs like LBJ in ‘nam, calling a fictional girl in a comic a narrative cocksleeve is just too far!  Even though I clearly stated what the term represented, and how it’s not actually a sexual term in the context of the rant, this is clearly me calling this fictional girl a sextoy.  How dare I?  I should use a softer word, or descriptor in this instance, to lessen the impact of its use, make it less intuitive as to what it means, like all the words you people come up with! But oh don’t worry, I know what you’re saying.  Alright!  Fine!  It’s a harsh word!  I even stated as such in the rant, I should’ve used softer words.  Kinda like how my friend says I shouldn’t call Paulo a Cop-Out Gay, but instead use the term “queerbaiting” because that definitely has the same impact and gets the point across so much better.  
And while we’re on the subject of fictional character ages, you do realize Sam (the cat I use to represent myself in these rants) is like 13, right?  And hell, in the rant  I’ve not only battered her to a broken pulp.  
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Bu I also shot this fictional 13 year old girl in the face!
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drink alcohol
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and attempt suicide! (although Taeshi’s done that too...)
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Oh man I actually forgot where I was in this ask, what’re they going on about now?
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If you’re talking about the reaction images, you do realize that these are all speed sketches right?  
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I literally made this whole page of reaction Sams in like an hour.  Thus the lack of polish, or that much detail.  This entire series is just a fun side thing to break up monotony (and punish myself for when I start to slack off).  Not to mention, if being good at an art medium was the only way you could be a good critic of said medium, then I guess Red Letter Media, Doug Walker,and Brad Jones are all hacks.  Not to mention all the other independent movie, music, and art reviewers too.  
(although I’m sure you’d probably be the guy who’d argue that RLM are all hacks anyway)
and I like how you’ll insult my art and writing, but the only actual complaints you have are on the words I’ve used.  And a lame insult to my art.  And you say I don’t know how to write a story, but you don’t insult any part of my story or writing.
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You don’t even have to look at all of it either!  I had a little snippet right in the rant!  It’s right there, you think I can’t write a story, or character?  Why don’t you criticize these scenes I pulled from my own comic?  And don’t worry, I’ll let you critique it even if you draw worse than me!  Cause I’m just a nice guy like that~
But I see you’ve written more, so let’s see what that’s about. 
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Excuse you!  I’ll have you know I’ve been drawing these fancomics for almost FIVE years now!
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And yeah, guy.  It’s called perseverance and dedication to the craft.  It’s what happens when you have a hobby that you love, and spend time working on.  It’s how  you can go from this 
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to this
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From this
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to this
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I know 4 years seems like a long time to progress, and it is.  But y’know what?  That’s nothing to be ashamed of.  I’ve spent 4 long, straight years on this stuff, and that’s a feat that too few artists are able to accomplish. I’ve seen so many astists and webcomics, fan projects, fall apart and not even reach one year before they burn themselves out or give up.  Artists much greater than me, who honestly deserved to have their stories told, and visions seen.  And you can say whatever you want about me, but y’know what? I can proudly say, I finished a long-form story comic.  I said what I wanted to say, I made the comic I wanted to make.  And that’s something that too many artists don’t live to see.  And hell, that’s something Taeshi can’t say!
I still have work to do, (clean up my lines, work on backgrounds more, be better at plotting scenes...) but I know that if I keep pushing at this rate, and bear in mind what I should improve; the next 4 years will only get better.  The only reason I’m not better now, is because of my time on the forum and being pressured by people like you to give up and not pursue what I love doing.  Instilling a sense of insecurity and self-doubt I didn’t have before.  But then again, it’s because of that, that I learned to look so deeply into my own stories to figure out what’s wrong and work on it.   To look at BCB and see its own flaws and to call Taeshi out on that, and to not make those same mistakes myself.  
and even better
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It’s what’s made me smart and tough enough to not just take a punch, but throw it back at you. 
But now to the final comment!
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“No note Joe”?
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Oh my god, what do you even say to something like that?  Is that really the best insult nickname you could come up with?  Is this the kind of lame ass insults you make when you restrict what words you can use?  Jesus!  That doesn’t even make sense!  I know what a one-note person means, I can assume what a no-note person means, but I don’t know what that would have to do with however many people actually care about my art.  Dude are you okay?  I mean this in a serious way, I don’t mean to insult really but...
Are you mentally deficient? are you actually retarded? If so, I admit I do feel a little bad about this.
but also 
> Only you, and what, three other people give a shit about your stank artwork and attitude. 
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SuitCase WISHES there was only 3 people who are like me. 
But that’s the problem isn’t it?
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You really believe that I’m the only one who thinks this shit.  You honestly think that I’m just a random outlier who is just bitching on the internet.  Let me tell you, I’m not alone.  And for a long time, I thought I was.  When I started doing comics almost 5 years ago, fully believing I was alone.  But what I learned from those 4 years making comics, working on the canon, and now doing these rants was that I wasn’t.  That there are people who feel these frustrations.  Not all of them, maybe not to the same degree as me, but they are there.  And what’s sad is that I’m probably the first and only person they’ve heard talk about this shit.  To say the things they’ve been thinking to themselves, and hiding from people like you, because they know if they tried to voice their opinions they’d get shut down the same way.  I’m not championing anyone, I’m not trying to be a role model, or want to be some icon of controversy or dissent.  
I just got no more fucks to give, and a lot of shit to say.
I’d also like to mention, because someone brought up the point that this person is probably just a troll.  And I shouldn’t respond, but calling/assuming someone’s a troll and ignoring them is exactly what SuitCase does, and if there was someone I’d like to think I’m better than, it’d be fucking SuitCase.  Besides, I’ve already got the next update for False Idol colored and lined, and ready for words, and the next update after that sketched up and ready for lines.  So I can spend the time to meme the hell out of an asshole.  And if you think I ain’t gonna take the opportunity to make fun of a guy who can’t properly criticize, argue, or even insult me.  
Then you really.
on some shit.
(Part 2 of the rant will be coming soon)
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darlingnisi · 7 years
On Napster, the NPG Music Club, and the Nature of Internet Commentary
No artist has battled the music industry quite like Prince. With the help of the Net, no artist has a better chance of winning his war
By  Bilge Ebiri Yahoo Internet Life June 2001
Y-LIFE: You’ve been very outspoken against the music industry, going so far as to change your name and write slave on your face in protest.
PRINCE: I don’t have any hate for these people. Ultimately, what people don’t know is what they end up focusing on and misunderstanding. If I’m changing my name and writing on my face, they assume I’m crazy. And then they’ll say that I’m not capable of distributing my own materials. My first Warner Bros. contract was huge—full of terms, restrictions, that sort of thing. We need to stay out of the way of that. If it’s the music business, then the musician should get the lion’s share. And when artists figure that out, there’ll be an uprising. Right now, if you resist their kind of thinking, what do they do? They’ll kick you out to the curb. Y-LIFE: Aren’t all industries like that, to a certain extent? PRINCE: At least in the movies, a successful actor can get $20 million. It’s not like that in the music business. Destiny’s Child brought in $93 million last year. How much do you think they themselves actually got? It’s totally unequal. Record executives will say, “Destiny’s Child made $93 million last year.” You ask them, “Why did Destiny’s Child themselves only get $4 million of that money?” I mean, have you heard Beyoncé sing? Puh-leeze! She ain’t even 20, and she’s got a voice like that! Let’s kick it up to $30 million. Is that fair? They won’t answer. They’ll say, “You don’t understand....” When you talk to record executives, you’ll hear an arrogance that’s astounding. They’re under the assumption that artists don’t know the way the industry works. Sheryl Crow has this saying; she refers to people as having “no Midwestern common sense.” So they’ll say something like, “We have 85 percent failure expectations on new acts,” meaning they expect the vast majority of them to fail. You’ve got 85 percent failure expectations, and you��re signing them to long-term agreements? “Well, they might not fail.” What does that mean? This system makes $40 billion a year. And it’s all based on this type of logic. Y-LIFE: What’s your position on Napster? PRINCE: I always ask people, “Are you pro- or anti-Napster?” Now, the record companies see Napster as troublesome. Napster is a mirror. How you see Napster says more about you than it does about Napster. The fans visiting Napster, they would want everything the artist puts out. They wouldn’t want to pay for it. What’s up with that? But the same goes for the recording industry. How you see the recording industry says more about you and your priorities than it does about the recording industry. Napster was inevitable—a file-sharing program that allowed the user to be a part of the process—especially given the general arrogance of the music industry as a whole. I mean, $18 a CD. Where are they getting that? The production costs aren’t going up, that’s for sure. People are getting hip to that. This is a wonderful time, because everything is shifting. Everybody can be an artist—and there are good and bad consequences to that. But people who control their own work will succeed. Look at Bill Gates. The man is unstoppable. He never sold out. He never sold the rights to his software. Y-LIFE: Have you ever used Napster? PRINCE: No. Of course, I’ve had people go on to see if they’ve got our stuff, and they definitely did. Now, NPG Music Club is a subscription club. If the songs we put up on the club end up on Napster, is that copyright infringement? Y-LIFE: You asked your fans that same question on the site. What do you think? PRINCE: I’m asking you. The record industry said that Napster caused them to flat-line. Are you pro- or anti-Napster? Y-LIFE: Personally, I’m pro. PRINCE: Now, why is that? That’s interesting. Y-LIFE: I discovered more new music through Napster last year, and I bought the CDs. I’ve paid for more music last year than I’ve ever done, thanks to Napster. And I think people will still buy CDs; we like objects. PRINCE: Do you think individuals who spend all day on the computer will care about CDs? I’m trying to see if I can sway your opinion. How many users does Napster have—60 million? Do you think all those people are buying their CDs? Y-LIFE: Probably not. PRINCE: See, there you go! Now we’re coming to some kind of agreement. I’m not pro- or anti-anything. I just sit back and watch the whole thing. We’ve got an institution here at Paisley that cares for the artist. And that’s the way it should be. I’ve spoken to Shawn Fanning. He’s just a kid. It’s a real shame what has happened to him. He’s in a lot of tough water. He’s scared. When Fanning got up onstage at the MTV awards, the audience started cheering and booing. First they were booing Metallica; now they were booing him. And he’s thinking, “Why did this happen to me?” If I was worried about booing, I’d think I had to change. So you sign up with one side or the other. And Napster, BMG—these people aren’t musicians. Shawn knows the deal. [A month after this interview was conducted, Prince reached an agreement with Napster to release a new track from an upcoming album on the file-sharing service. —Ed.] Y-LIFE: In February, you started the NPG Music Club on your site, a paid subscription service that allows fans to receive new songs from you every month. Was the club an alternative, or a response, to the Napster controversy? PRINCE: Napster had nothing to do with the NPG Music Club. Anybody who has followed my career knows how much technology has meant to me. When it was three o’clock in the morning, and I’d try to get [Revolution drummer] Bobby Z to come out to the studio, sometimes he’d come, sometimes he wouldn’t. But I’ve had this Roger Linn drum machine since 1981. It’s one of the first drum machines ever created. It takes me five seconds to put together a beat on this thing. So from the very start, technology gave me a direct result for my efforts. I’m a very simple person. If somebody wants my music, I’ll give it to them. Y-LIFE: Don’t you worry that if your music is distributed only on the NPG Music Club, you’ll lose potential new listeners? PRINCE: Why would a 13-year-old be at my concerts? There’re tons of them there. One night I asked them, “How many of y’all have seen me before?” Half of them cheered. “How many have never seen me before?” The other half cheered. So I see how this is going. Somebody old brings somebody new. Things get passed down—it’s like oral history, the way it’s supposed to be. Like you and me talking right now. I’ve wanted to have a direct one-on-one with people for a long time. If you see the Net as a tool to eliminate the middleman, you define it. And that reflects your personality. You get in and say, “I want to use it to get to more people"—that says something about you as well. NPG audio gives you something new. We’ve called the NPGMC “the experience for those who know better.” Because right now, if you listen to the radio, all you’ll hear is packaged pop stars. Sometimes I want to ask those people, “Do you even know a D-minor chord? Come here, play one. Good. Now step away, please. There’s nothing to see here.” (Laughs) Y-LIFE: Will you still release albums from now on, or stay digital? PRINCE: I’ll probably release albums, but what’s cool about the club is that the shows and the tracks change every month. So if you go in every month, you’ll get to storehouse all these tracks, and by the end of the year you’ll have enough for maybe three albums. I could probably release five to seven albums every year if I wanted to-polished stuff that I’m really happy with. But the market can’t deal with that. So this seemed like a natural alternative. Y-LIFE: How did you first get online? PRINCE: Instantly, the thing that attracted me to the Net was the idea that I could reach a lot of people without going through a matrix. Unfortunately, the Net is a reflection of what’s going on in the world. School shootings, things like that. It reflects that kind of violence. That’s why I don’t live there. Here in Paisley, it’s a very isolated environment. You can’t just see all that pornography and deceit and mendacity all the time. That’s what the world has become. There are pockets of beauty out there still, though. Y-LIFE: Where are those pockets of beauty on the Net? PRINCE: That’s a tough one. I’m not one to judge what is beautiful. I do know what isn’t beautiful. Everybody’s a critic. People are flaming each other without any knowledge of the effect it has on others—the kind of physical, psychological effect it has on them. Y-LIFE: Have you been in chatrooms devoted to your work? PRINCE: A couple of times—not much. When I first started, I tried one time to unify a group splintered by whether I was still “funky” or not. That question still goes on, obviously. But what ended up happening was that I got a webmaster out of it—Sam Jennings, who runs the NPG site out of Chicago. But I guess what I find beautiful on the Internet is wherever I find agreement. That’s beautiful even to people who are full of hate. Y-LIFE: There was a quote on your site recently, saying “Beyoncé can sang!” Was that from you? PRINCE: The tidbits of information on the site don’t come from me. Sometimes people will ask me a question, and I’ll give them a quote. My end is shipping out the music. But it’s evident that Destiny’s Child is an industry act. We want to keep the focus on why they’re successful. And that’s because of the people in the group, not because of the label and the marketing. That’s why you’ll see tidbits like that, about Beyoncé and other performers. The people that are here at Paisley with me—we’re all like-minded. They stay free—and free means free. And that’s what the club is about. It’s a haven for anybody who’s got their music and is free. We’re all very down-to-earth. No matter what the press likes to write about me. Y-LIFE: So what kind of Web sites do you like to visit?
I go to the educational ones. I like to study history—especially Egyptian history. I don’t want to start endorsing any sites right now, but I like the ones that go back the furthest. ’Cause I’m interested in how we got in this predicament in the first place. You can talk about symptoms all day long. But I like to talk about solutions. (Source)
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electricoutdoors · 5 years
Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier – Which is Best for You?
Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier
Choosing between a chest rig and a plate carrier can be pretty easy in some situations and difficult in others. It all depends on how much protection you need, where you think you’ll need it, and when you’ll be wearing it.
What’s the difference between a chest rig and a plate carrier? A chest rig normally refers to webbing or panels that you can attach to your chest to hold magazines, first aid kits or other gear. A plate carrier is designed to hold body armor plates over the vital organs in the body. Sometimes they also hold magazines and other tactical gear.
Just being able to tell the two apart really doesn’t do us much good. Let’s take a closer look at the two and the benefits and disadvantages of both. [wc_toggle title=“Table of Contents” padding=“” border_width=“” class=“” layout=“box”]
Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier
Chest Rig or Plate Carrier
Chest Rigs
Whats a tactical vest?
Is a tactical vest bulletproof?
What is the best chest rig?
Plate Carriers
Where should a plate carrier sit?
What size plate carrier do I need?
How much do plate carriers weigh?
What does a Jumpable plate carrier mean?
How long do plate carriers last?
Are plate carriers legal?
Are plate carriers bulletproof?
What is the best plate carrier?
What size plates do I need?
What size are armor plates?
What are the best armor plates?
Can civilians own Level 4 body armor?
What does Level 4 body armor stop?
How is a bulletproof vest supposed to fit?
How long do AR500 plates last?
Chest Rig or Plate Carrier
Chest rigs and plate carriers are popular topics on the internet, but I’ve seen some confusion between the two. Sometimes people swap the two terms interchangeably, and other times they’re looking for a plate carrier when a chest rig may be a better option for them and sometimes they’re looking for chest rigs when they probably should be looking for some level of body armor instead. Let’s try to clear that up.
Chest Rigs
What is a chest rig? Normally, when someone is talking about a chest rig, they’re talking about a panel of nylon (or similar material) that is held on the chest and is designed to hold tactical gear like magazines and sometimes pistols, knives and other things. Chest rigs can be put on over body armor but they usually don’t have any kind of armor inside of them.
Whats a tactical vest?
A tactical vest (or tac vest) can be considered to be a chest rig. They’re certainly in the same kind of family as a chest rig, but it isn’t what I normally think of when I first hear someone talk about a chest rig.
Tactical vests fully wrap around the body and are worn like (you guessed it) a vest. A tactical vest usually has pouches for magazines and molle webbing to allow you to attach more pouches or holsters if you feel like it.
Is a tactical vest bulletproof?
It seems like it should go without saying but Tac vests and chest rigs aren’t bulletproof. They don’t have body armor, or any place to put body armor, in them.
Don’t put a chest rig on and expect it to stop a bullet or a knife.
What is the best chest rig?
Choosing the best chest rig is more a personal thing than a cut and dry this is good and this is bad. Any chest rig that fits you well, can hold everything you want to carry, and is constructed to last is a good chest rig as far as I’m concerned. The two suggestions below are a good place to start looking if you’re in the market for a chest rig.
Condor Tactical Rapid Assault Chest Rig - Don’t look down on Condor Tactical gear. Their stuff is usually well made and pretty tough. This chest rig isn’t going to win you any best operator awards but it holds 6 AR mags and it’s low profile so it isn’t going to get in the way if you have to go prone. 6 mags are a little more than what I like for most chest rigs, but this is great if you need to carry a full combat load.
Haley Strategic Partners D3CRX Chest Rig - This Haley Strategic chest rig is a lot more expensive than any Condor gear out there but it’s also built better. It has mag pouches for 4 rifle mags 2 larger pouches and 4 spots of flash-bangs or pistol mags.
Plate Carriers
What is a plate carrier? A plate carrier is designed to hold a piece of armor (usually a level IIIA, III or IV hard armor plate) over the heart, lungs, and other vital areas in the upper center part of the chest. Sometimes they have pouches for magazines and other things attached to them and sometimes they don’t.
Plate carriers also normally don’t have any soft armor in them. You should only wear plate carriers if the threat you’re worried about is rifle fire. If you’re worried about pistol fire as well then you should go for full body armor with soft armor.
Soft armor doesn’t limit mobility or increase weight in a significant or meaningful way. If you think you’re going to come across pistol fire as well then suck it up and wear it!
If you think you’re going to come across IEDs and other explosives then you should wear soft armor too. Soft armor stops frag so protect yourself as best as you can.
Where should a plate carrier sit?
Wearing plate carriers in the wrong spot is the number one thing that I see in both civilians and military personnel when they wear them.
You want to cover as much of your vital areas with the plates as possible. I’ll say that one more time, plates protect your vitals, not your belly.
Position your front plate centered and level on the front of your body. The top of the plate should sit level with the top of your sternum where your collar bones connect to your ribcage. The rear plate should be even, or just slightly higher than the front plate.
A lot of people let the rear plate drop down too low even if the front plate is positioned in the right place. Make sure you have it positioned correctly!
What size plate carrier do I need?
First, figure out how large you need your plates to be and then choose the size of your plate carrier, making sure that it will fit a plate of the dimensions that you need.
It’s said that you should buy a plate carrier based on the size of your plates. This is generally correct if you’re buying plates and a carrier from the same manufacturer, but not all plates are made to the same size. A large AR500 plate isn’t the same size as a large issued military SAPI plate. Just make sure that the carrier will fit your body and the plate will fit in the carrier and you’ll be okay.
How much do plate carriers weigh?
Plate carriers are pretty light on their own. Some weigh as little as 1 lb! As you add more material and pouches the plate carrier by itself can weigh as much as 5 or 6 lbs (or more) all on its own.
What does a Jumpable plate carrier mean?
Jumpable plate carriers is a term coined by Crye Precision for their lightweight plate carrier that is designed to be as small and light as possible while still covering your vital areas. It’s more of a product name than a true distinct type of plate carrier.
Any plate carrier that fits into that description would effectively be the same as Crye’s Jumpable plate carrier.
How long do plate carriers last?
Plate carriers normally last for quite a while. As long as the material is still intact and all of the fasteners are still working, then it’s still technically good. After a while, all of your gear starts to stink and get stained if you use it long enough, but it’s not there to win a cool guy contest. It’s there to keep you alive.
Typically, the better something is and the better that material, the more expensive it is. This isn’t always the case though. You can sometimes find great gear out there! Just look around, try to touch things yourself before you buy them or, if that’s not an option, read reviews from people that have bought that item.
Are plate carriers legal?
This is not legal advice. Please check with a lawyer if you have any questions about the legality of body armor in your area.
Body Armor Legality in the United States: In the United States it is illegal to possess body armor if you are a convicted felon. In Connecticut, it is illegal to ship body armor meaning that all sales must be made face to face. Many other states have made it a felony to commit a violent crime while wearing body armor. Others have made it illegal to wear body armor on school grounds. Check your local laws to be sure!
There has been some talk among politicians in the U.S. about making body armor illegal.
Body Armor Legality in Canada: In Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia a license is required to possess body armor. In the remaining provinces, there are no restrictions.
Body Armor Legality in the UK: In the United Kingdom, there are currently no legal restrictions on the purchase and ownership of body armor.
Body Armor Legality in Australia: In Australia, it is illegal to possess body armor without proper authorization in South Australia, Victoria, Northern Territory, ACT, Queensland, and New South Wales.
Are plate carriers bulletproof?
Plate carriers by themselves do not stop bullets! You need to buy plates for them in order for them to be “bulletproof”.
What is the best plate carrier?
Choosing the best plate carrier is really a personal thing, much like choosing the best chest rig. These are a couple of my favorites.
AR500 Armor Veritas Modular Plate Carrier - The Veritas is one of my favorite “slick” plate carriers. It’s tough, comes in a bunch of colors and it’s cheap compared to a lot of similar plate carriers.
AR Freeman Plate Carrier with Armor Package - If you’re looking for a super minimal plate carrier that is light and pretty cheap (it’s about $150 with plates) then give the AR Freeman a look. It only comes with 9x9" plates so you’re losing a couple inches of cover over your vitals for a package that’s about 10 lbs total.
Spartan Armor Systems Leonidas Plate Carrier - For a full military-style plate carrier I like the Leonidas from Spartan Armor. It’s very similar to a lot of issued armor.
Plates are what actually stop the bullets when they hit your plate carrier. There are a lot of different types of plates out there so make sure you read our body armor guide to find out all about them.
What size plates do I need?
Plates come in a variety of sizes and they vary a little based on the manufacturer so take that into consideration. One of the best suggestions I’ve seen is to cut a piece of cardboard to the size of the plates that you’re going to buy and hold it up to your chest. If the cardboard covers all of your vitals and doesn’t restrict your movement very much then you found the right size.
What size are armor plates?
Military armor plates come in the following sizes:
Extra Small - 1.27 kg (2.8 lb) | 184 x 292 mm (7¼ x 11½ in)
Small - 1.59 kg (3.5 lb) | 222 x 298 mm (8¾ x 11¾ in)
Medium - 1.82 kg (4.0 lb) | 241 x 318 mm (9½ x 12½ in)
Large - 2.09 kg (4.6 lb) | 260 x 337 mm (10⅛ x 13¼ in)
Extra Large 2.40 kg (5.3 lb) | 280 x 356 mm (11 x 14 in)
Other manufacturers have plates in a lot of different sizes. Check with the different manufacturers to get their current sizes and the different cut styles they’re offering.
The most common size is 10" x 12".
What are the best armor plates?
There are a lot of companies out there making body armor these days. I think Spartan Armor Systems and AR500 Armor are making the best plates right now.
Can civilians own Level 4 body armor?
Civilians can own level IV body armor in many places across the world. Check here to see if level IV body armor is legal in your area.
What does Level 4 body armor stop?
The NIJ requires level IV armor to stop up to a .30 caliber Armor Piercing round moving 2880 ft/sec. This means that it is capable of stopping almost any rifle round out there short of extremely large caliber weapons.
Level IV armor is capable of defeating most rifle rounds .30 caliber and smaller.
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Body Armor Level Effective Against These Calibers III .308 Winchester Full Metal Jacket = 7.62 X 51 mm NATO rounds at ~ 2,750 fps IV 30-06 Armor-Piercing .30 M2 AP One round at ~ 2,850 fps
How is a bulletproof vest supposed to fit?
Your vest should fit tight enough to not move around a lot when you’re moving, but not so tight that it overly restricts your breathing.
Try doing some jumping jacks and push-ups in it. When you’re done doing that, it should be pretty much in the same place and not be choking you out. If not, then adjust it accordingly.
The best way to get your vest fitting perfectly is to wear it in the real world and adjust it until it’s right.
How long do AR500 plates last?
AR500 steel plates last for 20 or more years! Their composite plates are good for 5 years.
The plate carrier and the chest rig are sometimes confused when people are talking about them. The chest rig is primarily made to carry gear and make it easily accessible and the plate carrier is primarily designed to hold hard armor plates over your vital areas to protect you from gunfire.
Chest rigs are pretty straight forward. Just look for a well-built piece of equipment that has the number of mag pouches and add-ons that are right for you.
Plate carriers are a little more difficult if you don’t understand armor levels and know what you’re looking for. Just follow the info here and check out our armor guide if you need help figuring out the different armor levels.
The post Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier – Which is Best for You? is courtesy of: https://readylifestyle.com
Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier – Which is Best for You? published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
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endenogatai · 6 years
The Zennström manifesto
At almost 86 degrees Fahrenheit, London is enduring a mini heat wave by traditional British summer standards. News reports at the weekend had relayed findings from the Met Office’s latest “State of the U.K. Climate report” confirming that the country is officially warming. Perhaps the first two industrial revolutions have finally taken their toll on the planet, just as the World Economic Forum argues that we are ushering in a fourth industrial revolution based on emerging technology such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, biotechnology and quantum computing.
Knowing full well that the office building housing European venture capital firm Atomico happily pumps out air conditioning on a day like today, I’ve arrived 30 minutes early for an interview scheduled with founding partner Niklas Zennström. Prior to becoming a venture capitalist, Zennström co-founded Skype, the internet telephony company, which he famously managed to sell twice — first to eBay in 2005 for $2.6 billion, then to Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 billion. A known environmentalist, with his wife Catherine, he is also the founder of Zennström Philanthropies, a nonprofit that supports organisations combatting climate change and promoting human rights and social entrepreneurship.
Located in Mayfair, one of London’s most expensive districts, Atomico sits within walking distance of the London offices of Accel Partners and Index Ventures. If Balderton Capital, the other of the “big four” early-stage VCs in the U.K., hadn’t moved to the trendier Kings Cross area in North London, Mayfair would be the closest thing the country has to Silicon Valley’s Sand Hill Road, renowned for its high concentration of venture capital.
I’m greeted by Atomico’s hard-working and always jovial head of communications, who seems slightly on edge, which I take as a compliment and has the converse effect of helping me relax. After taking the lift to the third floor, we find sanctuary in an empty and cool meeting room, and I remark that it feels like I’ve been reporting on Atomico for nearly as long as I’ve been a journalist. A quick count that morning revealed that I’ve covered just less than half of the companies in the current portfolio, as well as interviewed numerous members of the now 30-plus investment team. Yet I’d never met or spoken to Zennström.
The Atomico founder doesn’t give as many interviews as he used to, preferring to share media duties with the wider team, even though there remains a feeling within the organisation that the VC firm is sometimes misunderstood. Despite being in its 12th year and on fund four, Atomico is still considered to be the upstart compared to Accel, Index and Balderton, and amongst entrepreneurs and the press there are often a number of other misconceptions:
Atomico is a late-stage investor. Wrong. The majority of investments from fund four are at Series A, although the firm does invest at Series B, too, and typically follows on.
Atomico is mostly Zennström’s own money. Wrong. LPs in the fund do include Atomico partners, but mostly span the usual gamut of family offices and institutional investors such as pension funds, funds of funds and the EU taxpayer backed European Investment Fund.
Atomico only invests in consumer technology. Wrong. The firm is largely sector agnostic and places bets across B2C, B2B, software, hardware, deep tech and more.
What is perhaps better — and accurately — understood is that Atomico is one of the few European VCs to have developed a penchant for making “moonshot” investments: putting money into a number of genuinely groundbreaking companies and exploratory technology that isn’t expected to generate revenue for many years to come and will either change the world or fail spectacularly.
The best-known is probably Lilium, the Munich-based startup developing an all-electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet. It plans to use the aircraft to power a “flying taxi” service that wouldn’t be out-of-place in a Sci-Fi movie. Another is Memphis Meats, the San Francisco-based company growing meat in a lab by harvesting it from cells instead of animals. Then there is Graphcore, the Bristol, U.K.-based startup that is designing chips specifically for artificial intelligence, and which has its sights set on Nvidia. Lilium and Graphcore have raised more than $100 million each, while all three are yet to launch a product.
A few weeks prior to the interview I called various mutual contacts Zennström and I have to get a sense of what he is like as a person. Ambitious was a word that came back repeatedly. One entrepreneur who has taken investment from Zennström tried to convince me that there is no venture capitalist equal to him in Europe based on sheer ambition levels, which they said he always tries to instill in the startups he backs. I was also told that he is renowned for being an extremely tough negotiator (A partner at Atomico is rumoured to have asked one of the firm’s portfolio companies to have a pair of brass balls made as a present for Zennström in homage to a deal he recently got over the line.) Paradoxically, others said he can sometimes come across as shy or a little awkward, especially when talking publicly.
Atomico’s Niklas Zennström at TechCrunch Disrupt London 2016
I’m told Zennström isn’t short of entertaining stories, both from his time building Skype and before that through his association with the peer-to-peer file sharing application Kazaa, whose technology was licensed by Joltid, another company he co-founded. The success of Skype, which for millions of people made international calling effectively free, saw him become a major adversary to the incumbent telecommunications industry. In the early 2000s, following in the footsteps of Napster’s Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, Zennström might well have been considered the entertainment industry’s enemy No. 1 due to the way Kazaa was used for music and film piracy, which led to multiple lawsuits.
As fun as I’m sure those anecdotes are, tales from a bygone era would have to wait for another day. With the interview restricted to just an hour and no red lines agreed upon, I had other things on my mind. Tech, it seems to anyone who tracks the industry for a vocation, is having a “moment,” and not always for the right reasons.
From the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal and social media’s reluctance to stem the flow of hate speech and misinformation, to bad behaviour, including sexual harassment and assault, bullying and racism, if ever the tech industry was in need of finding its moral compass, not only to remedy the problems of the past, but more so as we head into the future, it is now.
With $1.5 billion of capital under management, and its fourth fund totaling $765 million, perhaps more than most European VC firms, Atomico is well-positioned to help shape what that future looks like and play a significant role in determining how the technology industry evolves over the next 10 years and beyond.
ennström enters the room in an upbeat and relaxed mood, and we exchange a few pleasantries — no social awkwardness detected. He thanks me for making the effort to visit Atomico (I have a reputation for conducting the majority of interviews remotely, partially because of the extra time and energy traveling consumes as a wheelchair user). Not wanting to waste any time, I switch on my iPhone’s recording app and fire my opening shot: “Why did Atomico need to exist when you first founded this VC firm, and probably more to the point, why does it still need to exist today?”
People told me there is no ambition level in Europe. Niklas Zennström
Zennström laughs, having seen the second half of the question coming a mile off, and then launches into a precursor to the Atomico pitch. He says that when he was building Skype (and before that Kazaa and Joltid), he always had people tell him that you can’t build tech companies in Europe, and that if you want to build a tech company, you need to be in Silicon Valley.
“People told me there is no ambition level in Europe, there’s no development, no talent, nothing,” says Zennström. “Certainly what was true, what I learned firsthand, [was that out of] the VC firms back then in Europe, most of them were very risk-averse. They’d rather bet on a copy of something they’d seen in the U.S., deployed in a small market. And there was also much more of a mentality back then about making a quick buck and exiting early instead of building companies for the long-term.”
He says that when he pitched Skype to European VCs many said they didn’t dare invest as they hadn’t seen anything like it before and they didn’t understand why he and co-founder Janus Friis would want to take on the whole telecoms industry. Instead they asked if he could create telecoms enterprise software, which, the VCs argued, would feel a lot safer. In contrast, many VCs in Silicon Valley thought Skype was amazing and liked the sheer level of ambition, leading them to ask when the London, U.K. and Tallinn, Estonia-based company was planning to relocate. Zennström’s reply: “Well, actually, we’re not moving here.”
“The Skype exit, I think, was a big milestone for Europe. We showed and proved you could build a [European] company that had a big value,” he says. “The thesis that we developed was that if we could do it then a lot of others can do it because we’re not that special; there’s a lot of people who are a lot smarter than we are. So we had the thesis that Europe will produce a lot of great companies in the future and that the existing VCs were risk averse.
“As an entrepreneur — and of course being rejected so many times — it was clear to me [that] my next industry to disrupt needs to be European venture capital.”
This led to the realisation that the reason why many European VCs were so risk-averse and “asked weird questions” was because they had never run companies.
“You need to build a VC firm with people who have also built businesses, because you can build a better rapport with founders if you have done it yourself,” says Zennström. “And of course if you’ve been a successful founder, you probably have a competitive advantage to get access to founders because they’d rather take money and advice from someone who has done it themselves.”
Even at larger venture capital funds, he says that founders tended to only deal with one partner and perhaps one associate, who may or may not be that great. To mitigate this risk, he decided he needed to build a team at Atomico that could help with core aspects of scaling, such as entering new markets, recruitment, marketing and strategy, long before it was fashionable to do so in Europe. The result is Atomico’s “Growth Acceleration Team,” staffed by former operators at major tech companies, from Skype and Google to Uber, Spotify and Facebook.
Adds Zennström: “The mission was to prove and to help to build the tech ecosystem in Europe. And that was important because, at the end of the day, this is innovation, and if you don’t have innovation in the future technologies, you’re gonna be a stagnant region. As a European citizen and someone who wants to live in Europe, I thought it was important.”
The Atomico team
To part two of my question — why Atomico needs to exist today — Zennström says that although we are seeing an inflection point of accelerated growth in Europe, as evidenced by Spotify and Adyen going public, we are still behind the U.S., and it isn’t mission accomplished just yet. More profoundly, he says there is now a second aspect to Atomico’s mission: backing founders who are building technology “that can actually have a positive impact on society.”
“What we’ve seen over the last few years is more and more founders who are building companies to address world problems, whether that is sustainability problems, trying to fix education, trying to fix healthcare, using AI to massively improve the detection of diseases, or treating mental illness, fixing transportation, fixing the food chain that is broken. If we can support those entrepreneurs who are going after these big opportunities, bigger problems, and if some of those companies can be successful, that can be a positive impact on some pretty urgent challenges we have in this world.”
We might be destroying our planet because of tech. Niklas Zennström
Zennström says that some of those urgent problems have their genesis in our parents’ generation, who didn’t understand that certain things would become a problem because it was assumed that the world had infinite resources. “But we know very well now that was not the case,” he says.
It’s a theme that the Atomico founder returns to throughout the interview: the idea that the non-digital technology of the last century has had a lot of positive benefits, such as cars, airplanes and combustion engines, which have been instrumental in driving economic growth and productivity, “but has had a tremendous impact on our society in terms of the environment.”
“We might be destroying our planet because of tech,” he says, before reiterating his belief that digital technology and innovation can fix some of these problems. The examples he cites are electric transportation and technology that can help us become less reliant on animal farming — an indirect reference to two of the VC firm’s moonshots.
“If we are leaders and we are people with the ability to have an impact, then it’s not only an obligation, it’s obviously the right thing to do… But we also think that those companies are also the ones that can become some of the biggest companies in the next 10, 15, 20 years, because these problems are really, really big.”
At this point I’m reminded of something Zennström said onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt London in 2016: that politicians are no longer the changemakers. But what exactly did he mean?
“Well..,” he says, breaking out in laughter and rowing back temporarily in reference to Brexit. “Some politicians made change in this country, unfortunately, although it was a referendum and ultimately it was the people who voted, but I think some politicians mainly messed up.
“But what I’m saying with this is, as we’re living in a world which is very dynamic, and whether we have a better world or a worse world than before can be debated, there’s a big paradigm shift that is happening in many ways…
“Not all of them but most politicians are tactical and they seem to be more focused on optimising for the sake of winning the election rather than doing the right long-term thing for the constituency, that’s why they’re not really leaders. A real leader is also someone who goes out and says, ‘these are things we need to do, because we need to pave the way to a better future.’
“In that way, they’re not as great leaders as some of the politicians we had from time to time in history.”
Zennström believes that this is where entrepreneurs can and are taking up some of the slack through tech’s ability to drive change, coupled with a millennial mindset that is seeing consumers “actually thinking about purpose and mission and trying to do the right things.”
I push back a little and suggest there is also a climate where too many startups overstate their missions when at the end of the day they’re building for-profit businesses that will eventually come under pressure to prioritise returning value to shareholders. Recent history is full of examples of tech companies that have seemingly lost their way in pursuit of growth and I wonder if this is something the Atomico founder spends much time thinking about.
“Yeah, big time… We think about this a lot,” he says, and then goes on to offer what can only be interpreted as a diagnosis of Facebook’s recent woes, even though neither of us has mentioned the social network by name.
Compared to when Zennström was building Skype — a time when there weren’t as many feedback loops available — online companies are now incredibly data-driven, he says. And although this “has been amazing,” there are also downsides.
“If you’re a company based on advertisements, all your engineers, your rank engineers who are working on the ranking and how content should be displayed, they are trying to optimise for engagement, right? It’s like, what is our North Star, we try to get people to engage, to click more and come back more. Then they have basically black box algorithms, lots of data points, and out of that comes the content and advertising that is displayed so that people come back. And that becomes the model.
“And then it’s like, ‘well, we are just trying to optimise our business, we’re not doing anything wrong.’ That’s kind of how most engineers in some of these bigger companies are thinking. They may not necessarily think at all that they’re losing their way: ‘We’re doing really well because our algorithms are awesome.’ But then when they take a step back and look at the consequences, it’s like, ‘wow, that didn’t go so well, did it?’ ”
As companies become big, they also become “big machines,” especially if they’ve gone public and where the expectation from the stock market is to continually drive growth. “If you don’t drive growth, guess what, your share price is plummeting and people lose money relative to what they had the day before. So they all want to fuel that growth, without having really thought about some of these consequences.”
Zennström on stage with former U.S president Barack Obama at Nordic Business Forum
This is where Zennström, aged 52, sees a role for industry veterans like himself, and Atomico more broadly. He says the VC firm encourages young founders to grapple with these kinds of issues early, as well as helping them build in company mechanisms “to make sure we have the right backbone so we don’t lose our way.”
“Those are conversations we are having with founders,” he says. “What is the culture you are building, how do you think about the ethics of your business, so that when you become successful, you’re gonna be a company you can be proud of.”
When entrepreneurs and VCs in Silicon Valley talk about “changing the world” through technology, there is always implicit assumption that it is for the better. Does the Atomico founder view tech as agnostic or is tech inherently good?
“I think most people who are in tech believe that ultimately tech is positive,” replies Zennström, although he says that it is not a new debate.
“Let’s take tech from the beginning, the industrial revolution and the first pieces of technology. It’s a philosophical question: before we had the plough, the hammer, were we happier? If you read Socrates, maybe we were happier when we were hunter-gatherers, I dunno,” he says, laughing. “Now we live in a society because of technology.”
Zennström recalls how users of Kazaa sometimes shared “really bad content,” which he says was horrible to see but that tech and the internet is simply a reflection of humanity and turbocharges connections.
“Of course it’s a positive thing that people can connect with each other. Connectivity is better than isolation, I think, as a starting point. But when people connect, it can also be misused.
“We cannot just say, ‘it’s not our responsibility’ and everyone else who is involved in tech. We need to have conversations about this and say, ‘what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.’ And those conversations did not happen…”
But are they happening enough now?
“Not enough, but they’re happening… We certainly have a lot of those discussions, both internally but also with other people we know in the tech industry. I’m sure also within the big tech companies they’re happening but it’s harder for them to move because they’re so big. But I think they’re not happening enough, we need to have more of those conversations.”
A diverse decision group makes better decisions. Niklas Zennström
Zennström says that the challenge for anyone running a large tech company is that lawyers will often dictate what can and cannot be said, which stifles debate and prevents an open discussion. CEOs are advised to toe the party line “and then that party line becomes truth.”
“It’s easier if you’re not running a big tech company to have discussions about what is right or wrong,” he says.
If big tech is prone to adopting a PR “line” as internal truth, I wonder what role Zennström sees the tech press having in reinstating much-needed checks and balances, and if he were to score the press, how good or bad are we doing?
Careful not to take the bait, he says the press has a “very important” role to play in highlighting issues facing the technology industry and tech’s broader impact on society, even if he believes the discourse could benefit from going deeper.
At the same time, we both agree that in some sections of the press, the discussion has gone from an overly simple narrative of “technology is amazing” to “technology is awful,” and Zennström says in some ways we are already in the midst of a public “techlash” that is only going to get more intense.
“I think there is risk for that to become much bigger, because of the strong impact and growth of tech and the development of algorithms and AI and [the] adaptation of that,” he says.
“In many cases when you’re applying AI and machine learning to something, you have biases and then you get a biased outcome. And of course it’s a very interesting thing for the press to write about… so I’m sure you’ll have more and more of these stories. Then you add the risk of more people losing jobs because of tech. Of course there will be a bigger backlash. That’s why it’s so important to have even more discussions.”
Asked what stage AI is in its overall development — since a lot of the technology is overhyped and under-delivers — Zennström says we are still at the beginning, but that AI/machine learning is being used every day to influence what news and what content we are exposed to. “It’s deployed at a massive scale already. And it has impact. It’s not in the future, it’s here,” he says.
“The amount of engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians spending time on machine learning and AI today is just massive compared to about five years ago. There’s so much focus on innovation in AI… it’s probably going faster than many people expected.”
As a journalist who has steadfastly stuck to covering European tech (even when it was detrimental to my career), when I look at AI companies in the U.K. and the number that have already exited, I can’t help feel like they are selling out incredibly early. Zennström doesn’t entirely disagree.
“I think that maybe some have,” he says, although there are several other AI companies in the U.K. and Europe that are looking promising and that have certainly not sold out. “Just like when people told me [that] maybe we sold Skype too early… you also have to think a little bit in the context of the times. If you are early in the cycle and you don’t really see a future in how you can get funding, then maybe it is okay to sell.”
At the same time, he thinks that with more and more funding coming into AI companies, investors in the U.K. are realising that the country is building “really good AI companies” and are encouraging startups to stay independent for longer.
With our allotted time together coming to an end, I hastily turn the topic to diversity, one of tech’s liveliest and at times divisive topics. I wanted to know what diversity actually means to Zennström, and — playing a little devil’s advocate — if it is something early-stage startups should even care about.
He says the way Atomico thinks about diversity — and something that is actually stated in the VC firm’s internal principles of how the organisation should operate — is that “a diverse decision group makes better decisions,” which he says is also borne out by the available research.
“If there’s a bunch of people who are coming from an exactly identical background then each person is not going to add as much,” he says. “For us, because that’s the core thing we do, we make investment decisions, we think it’s important for us as investors. So diversity in that broader sense is people with different backgrounds.
“And of course everyone talks about gender diversity, that’s one dimension. There’s so many other diversities, there’s faith, there’s cultures, there’s age, there’s disabilities, there’s sexual orientation, there’s if you’re introvert, extrovert, if you’re a business person, if you’re an engineer, if you’re someone coming from an unprivileged geography. It’s like, there’s so many different dimensions on this.
“So we think it’s important… we think that we as an investment firm need to be much better, to be diverse, but we need to think about it in the broadest context and we’re striving to do that.”
Atomico almost certainly does better than most VC firms in Europe or elsewhere in terms of gender diversity: Counting the entire 51-person team, 53 percent are male and 47 percent are female — although it is less clear how well it does by other measures.
For startups, especially consumer companies, Zennström argues that they also should have a diverse team because that will likely better reflect their consumer base. “That’s just being a better business,” he says.
“When we are investing in a company, we are talking to them about this. These are conversations we are having, it’s like, ‘how do you think about diversity?’ If they say ‘I couldn’t care less, I just want to build a good business,’ we say ‘if you want to build a great business, you probably want to think about diversity and be active about it.’”
I think that when you have an issue, you first need insight that you have a problem. Niklas Zennström
It is noticeable that the case Zennström makes for a more diverse workforce, either in venture capital or at technology companies in general, is largely a business one, which prompts me to air a view I’ve held for a while as I’ve watched diversity move further up the tech industry agenda: In Europe we have blindly imported Silicon Valley’s version of diversity and as a result there doesn’t seems to be nearly enough emphasis on how diversity relates to European and British progressive notions of social mobility and building a more equal society.
“I feel like if tech treats diversity as the way you described it, it misses a trick,” I tell Zennström. Tech is a great enabler and therefore should also be a vehicle for social mobility. If we are creating this brave new world, with lots of money being generated or value being captured based on new technologies, and not employing a workforce of all the talents, by which I really mean class as much as gender or ethnicity, then something is going badly wrong.
Zennström says that of course tech has a role to play in promoting social mobility, although at first I’m not sure he entirely gets it, even if he undoubtedly thinks about these kinds of issues more than most VCs.
He says there are already initiatives trying to tackle this problem, such as Zinc.vc, the London-based company builder that wants to solve “huge societal issues,” and which counts Atomico as a backer. Zinc’s latest cohort is being asked to focus on people living in places that have been hit hardest by automation and globalisation over the last 20 or 30 years as traditional industries have declined.
“What’s interesting about these things is that what drives an entrepreneur is some kind of hunger: if you’re very privileged you might not be that hungry,” says Zennström. “But if you’re underprivileged you’re probably going to be hungrier to create change. So I think there’s also an opportunity to find entrepreneurs among groups of people who might be less privileged in society.”
“And in a word, so far,” I ask, “the U.K., Europe, Silicon Valley, are terrible at doing that, aren’t they?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “I think that when you have an issue, you first need insight that you have a problem… It’s very early but I think what is good is that there’s an awareness and there’s a lot of initiatives and discussions about these things, which did not happen 18 months ago.”
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dogenlaw-blog · 7 years
Dogen Law
Why Do You Need Immigration Lawyer
There isn't any situation which absolutely requires a private immigration lawyer. Watch out not to misread that. I didn't say that immigration legal professionals aren't helpful; they only aren't required.
The very fact is that hiring an immigration lawyer is a matter of choice. As an immigration attorney myself, I can safely say that some immigration matters most likely don't need the attention of an immigration legal professional. If a person must renew her green card, there is a kind for that that can simply be found on USCIS's website online, and she will fill it out herself and pay the price. It is that straightforward. Do not waste your cash on an immigration attorney to do that for you.
Other immigration matters, whereas seemingly easy to the untrained eye, can flip into an immigrant's worst nightmare if she omits something in her paperwork or admits something that gets her into immigration bother that she would not have in any other case been in. For instance, an individual with a legal report (similar to a conviction based upon shoplifting a pack of gum 5 years ago!) who applies for naturalization could possibly be put into elimination proceedings. Please don't let that happen to you.
Then there are the incredibly tough immigration issues that people often have absolutely no idea methods to handle, equivalent to submitting complicated waiver purposes, navigating all the various kinds of employment-based visa categories, or (heaven forbid) being positioned in removal proceedings which necessitates at the very least several hearings in Immigration Court.
That being mentioned, there are several very good the explanation why folks hire immigration legal professionals:
Immigration law is complex. In 2005, the Congressional Analysis Service reported: "The statutory scheme defining and delimiting the rights of aliens is exceedingly advanced. Courts and commentators have stated that the Immigration and Nationality Act resembles 'King Mino's labyrinth in historical Crete,' and is 'second solely to the Internal Income Code in complexity.
Discovering somebody who can navigate the complicated immigration laws can mean the distinction between being able to stay and work in the U.S. and being pressured to go away. Legacy INS Spokesperson Karen Kraushaar said that "immigration law is a mystery and a mastery of obfuscation, and the legal professionals who can figure it out are value their weight in gold.
There are, nevertheless, some immigration attorneys who both can't or no less than haven't but figured it out. In a regulation assessment article written by Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh Circuit Court docket of Appeals and Northwestern University Law Professor Albert Yoon, it's famous that a panel of judges were requested which space of the legislation had the lowest high quality attorneys. The judges "agreed that immigration legislation was the realm wherein the quality of representation was lowest."
The lesson from all of this? Yes, immigration legislation is complicated, but it is important to discover an immigration legal professional who can figure it out.
Immigration attorneys can fend off future immigration problems. Due to the complexity of immigration law, it is troublesome for individuals making an attempt to deal with an immigration case by themselves to rise up to hurry on the immigration laws. That is especially vital if time is running against you, which it almost all the time is in immigration matters. Retired U.S. Supreme Court docket Justice John Paul Stevens has said within the context of detained immigrants that "the need for legal representation for immigrants has grown so acute and the implications so drastic that something should be finished." If immigration attorneys are useless, then a U.S. Supreme Court docket Justice would never have made such a comment.
Individuals generally assume they do not want an immigration lawyer as a result of they have no immigration problems. For lots of people, that may be true. However for some people, it is not that they don't have immigration issues, but it surely's that they don't know that they have immigration problems. "Oh? You mean that if I depart the U.S. right now I won't be able to come again for 10 years?" Sure, I'm sorry. If that individual had seen an immigration legal professional a 12 months in the past, there might have been one thing the legal professional would have suggested so as to forestall her current immigration predicament. Not seeing an lawyer when unsure may end up in a number of "could have, would have, should have" statements.
Are you a foreigner planning to calm down in the United States and develop into its citizen? Then you need to find an immigration lawyer in New York to advise you on what needs to be carried out. For an immigrant to cool down in any nation it's vital for them to know all of the authorized nuances associated to immigration. An immigration lawyer is the most effective person to give you advice and guide you in the fitting manner for doing all the things appropriately. Your immigration lawyer will likely be your legal representative that can assist you to in settle down in a rustic.
Discovering out an immigration lawyer that can assist you out is under no circumstances a troublesome course of. The internet is the best source so that you can find out one of the best and essentially the most capable immigration lawyer in New York. The web is a storehouse of data and it's all as much as you to utilize the information in the very best method. You possibly can seek for immigration attorneys from a lawyer listing. Also you could find a great immigration lawyer in New York by talking to individuals who have already used the services of the lawyer. Be sure you hire the services of the very best immigration lawyer in New York.
There are lots of points that need to be taken care of while you need to immigrate to United States. A number of the issues that have to be taken care of are authorized rights of immigrants, duties of immigrants and obligations if there are any for immigrants. The work of the immigration lawyer is to principally make their shoppers naturalized citizen of the United States. It's the obligation of the lawyers to make it possible for their clients are fully aware and have complete knowledge about what they're purported to do, what they aren't presupposed to do and what rights they've within the nation as immigrants residing there.
It's not an absolute necessity to rent the companies of lawyer, nevertheless it always better to hire lawyer's companies so you can have a transparent image about your rights and duties. Also a lawyer will be able to let you know precisely what authorized rights you will have canada immigration lawyer and what things it's essential to do. Basically the lawyer will likely be able to help you out with every part legally associated to the issue of immigration. It's always better to have an excellent knowledge about all of the authorized features related to immigration.
Immigration legal guidelines preserve changing and are sophisticated. So it turns into all of the extra essential for immigrants to seek the providers of an immigration lawyer. Immigration legal professionals maintain updating themselves always about all the changes that are being made within the immigration legislation within the United States. The immigration lawyer will ensure that you are never caught unaware about something related to your immigration to the United States.
Immigration has been making many headlines in recent times. Globalization has resulted in a rapid inflow of individuals from one country to another. Presently, there are an estimated 191 million immigrants, with the final 50 years seeing an almost doubling of the immigrant population.
With an rising quantity of immigration come growing challenges and points surrounding immigration and naturalization laws. One needs to think about many things as a way to get hold of and maintain the right immigration status, together with: processing requirements and timelines for work permits and visas, completely different laws from one nation to the following, and the ever altering elements of immigration legislation. It is always advisable to rent the providers of visa lawyers so that careful immigration and visa compliance planning can minimize issues and delays.
It is right here that the service of an immigration lawyer comes into the image. The trendy day complexities have shifted the main target to legislation corporations specializing in immigration issues and nationality laws. There are a variety of firms that deal in niche areas akin to US immigration laws.
Permanent immigration is the final word goal of many individuals getting into or planning to enter the United States. However earlier than that is possible, it is probably one will need a visa.
Immigration legal professionals can present the liberty many people search to stay and work permanently within the U.S. Additionally they can present the specialised know-how and answers to many questions of their designated area of immigration regulation.
There are two sorts of visas someone attempting to immigrate to the U.S. can get. One is a everlasting visa whereas the other is the short-term visa. An individual who acquires a everlasting visa does so without any restrict on the variety of years they'll keep. A person who receives a temporary visa is topic to a yearly limitation. Most non-immigrant visas require you to show that you do not intend to migrate permanently. For a non-immigrant visa, it's a must to show that you've got a everlasting residence in your home nation that you do not intend to abandon. Some visas are also of "dual intent" which means you may also try and obtain everlasting U.S. residence by way of a green card.
Immigration attorneys assist multinational corporations within the legal and orderly movement of their global expertise across worldwide borders. They also assist acquire the mandatory work permits and visas for U.S. home employees who have to be transferred abroad each temporarily and permanently.
Nevertheless many corporations choose to keep a retainer immigrant lawyer, these attorneys may also be consulted on an hourly price for their authorized companies whenever the need arises. Whereas hiring an immigration lawyer, examine that there may be additional costs similar to postage, courier fee and lengthy distance fees.
An immigration lawyer may be employed through a reference. You can also contact a State Bar Lawyer Referral Service in your state. Another technique to find an lawyer could be to consult a yellow pages or advertisements in newspapers nonetheless these may not be the best choice as the very best of attorneys do not promote their companies. One of the best ways to discover a certified lawyer is thru referrals from trusted associates, family, and different members of your community.
You too can search for a lawyer on the American Immigration Legal professionals Association (AILA) website. AILA is a national association of lawyers and attorneys who train and apply immigration regulation, so that you may be reasonably sure you're dealing with someone who understands immigration laws and insurance policies.
Regardless of the method you employ, make it a point to interview a few earlier than making the final choice. Check if the lawyer is a member in good standing of the American Immigration Attorneys Affiliation. Final but not the least, verify the credentials of the immigration attorneys you converse to. Contact your native state bar to seek out out if your lawyer is licensed and in good standing, and if she or he has ever been subject to disciplinary action.
As an immigrant in a brand new nation, you will have to adjust in a whole lot of issues. There's culture, the individuals, the weather and even their lifestyle. Adapting is a hard process particularly in case you are unaware of the necessary changes you'll have to make. Nevertheless, the transition process might be easier with the assistance of an immigration lawyer.
So how can these legal professionals help you?
The very first thing an immigration lawyer will do is assist an immigrant adapt to the culture. The lawyer will let you know what to expect in the country's tradition. That features the similarities or variations in contrast together with your country of origin. He will even enable you develop accustomed within the new culture you reside in and aid you construct new routines. Although adapting may be tough, the lawyer can give you advises each step of the way.
Legalities and paperwork are important for every immigrant and that is where immigration attorneys are good at. For an immigrant to grow to be a formal settler, she or he will need a permanent resident card or any document that will assist his or her residence. Lawyers will help immigrants from the application process to its completion. After all, the lawyer will help the particular person in understanding the method in addition to in knowing how much must be paid. Apart from residency permits, the lawyer will assist the immigrant in getting all the mandatory requirements and paperwork the immigrant would possibly want like a driver's license.
In some nations, their authorities gives health care companies to its residents and that may include authorized immigrants. Since it isn't simple to get the precise healthcare insurance coverage coverage, these attorneys may help individuals discover the best policy for them. Nonetheless, it may rely upon town or area the place one is staying.
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Learn How to Draw Endless Gobs of Hair
There are different types of women's hair: long, curly, thick and so forth. No marvel cutting a lady's hair will be tough especially when you've gotten little experience. If you are about to start your lesson, it's worthwhile to understand some fundamentals on learn how to reduce girls's hair. Trim and layered are two widespread hair reduce for women. In this article, you will uncover primary hair cutting steps that can be utilized to all kind of ladies's hair. So, how you can cut girls's hair? Lets find out.
What's the first step? Some people will say you need to determine which style to choose before you narrow a girl's hair. That is true but how will you select the most effective hair cut for her? It is simple; ask your shopper what she wants because it'll make your work loads easier. Nevertheless, you want your creativeness to select which coiffure match to her face shape. Nicely, some ladies want simple hair style and a few prefer trendy hair model. The later is a bit tough compared to the former. Be taught totally different girls's hair type as many as you'll be able to significantly profit you.
Combine all your tools. Remember, be sure to use sharp hair chopping scissors, a hand-held mirror to let her see her back hair, and a sprig bottle to moist the hair. Don't forget to make sure all your tools are clean.
Then, this is step one: comb her hair and wet it if crucial . Do not over moist her hair as it would trigger messy to her. Use a twig bottle to moist the hair evenly. After that take some hair clips and produce some of her back hair to the front. Begin chopping a girl's hair from the again. Never do the opposite. That's the rule. After end reducing her again hair, now could be the time to regularly reduce the front hair to whatever chosen type.
If want to success on hair cutting lesson, you could eliminate your doubt and revel in cutting somebody's hair. The more you take pleasure in doing it, the extra you'll learn. You are making folks look good and smart, so it's best to feel happy about it.
Whether it is men or women, all are nervous about their hair. Nicely it sure is one thing to worry about as a result of it is likely one of the most noticeable elements of an individual's appearance. Anyplace you go, your hair will certainly improve your look. That's why everybody wishes to have hair good and stylish enough to hold. This may also be one reason why many individuals are discovered visiting the hair salons often with a purpose to get their hair styled.
"Who wants hair salons" is out of the question, effectively most often. It isn't only a place meant for getting the hair styled but additionally a spot the place hair are lower after all. The importance of the services of a hair salon certain is tough to disregard.
With an elegant and stylish hair style, you can change your complete look. A hair type can make or break your seems. When you've got bought an ideal hair fashion that fits you effectively, then you are going to look good. However for getting a nice hair style, you will need to go to a good hair salon from the place you may get promising providers.
With an honest hair lower given by knowledgeable stylist you can deliver change in the entire appearance. That's why we see many women searching for a reputable hair salon to enhance their hair reduce and get an enhanced look. It is not solely females who look for a nice salon, males do the identical.
It is not that you will have to go to the hair salon every time it's worthwhile to get your hair styled. Once you have received a nice haircut, you can always ask the professional stylist to present you some styling advices. Once you have discovered those ideas, you possibly can manage to carry out the best in you with out having to go to the salon many times.
You may not wish to go to the salon for getting your hair trimmed or styled only, you might even visit the place to get hair coloring providers. That is one other manner you can enhance your looks further.
It is not at all times necessary to go to a hair salon. If you already have a nice hair cut then there are plenty of hair styling tips, strategies in addition to tutorials which you could study from the internet. You too can look for hair care remedies online to deal with your hair at house with out spending cash on visiting the hair salon.
There's really no restrict to what you are able to do with lengthy hair.Hair Style Tutorial Straight flowing hair, lengthy curly hair, wild and messy strands of hair, curving factors, and many others. These hairstyles come with bangs, strands, flips, curls, and dos. These styles are prevalent as a result of they look so darn cool. Regardless of all this variety, cartoon hair actually falls into considered one of three classes (ignoring reasonable hair)
1. Angled hair
This is hair that's made up of angles. Most of these angles are curvy, though some are straighter. These angles can have a variety of action happening with them, which is why they're used usually for somewhat wild characters like the rugged hero and the mischievous imp.
This sort of coiffure seems intimidating, however anybody can learn to draw it. Really, this style is way easier than attempting to accurately draw thin, realistic strands. The back of the hair may be drawn like the gobs of hair by drawing flowing traces that extend down from the edges of the hair. But what's extra frequent is for artists to draw extra of the same all the way down the character's shoulders. Both seems to be nice, although they're types that will likely be discovered on totally different sorts of characters.
2. Gobs of hair
This is the actually girly and romantic coiffure. The hair flows like a river down the character's shoulders. This is one of the easiest hair types to draw since artists actually only have to attract the define. Oftentimes extra traces are drawn throughout the gob of hair so as to emphasize texture. The gobs of hair have four elements, which are the bangs, back, sides, and high.
The highest typically solely requires a comparatively easy half-circle, though you may get extra crazy and draw strands of hair that creep up on the top of the top. Adding a small image that looks like fireworks near the top of the top can emphasize the roundness of the head. Normally the back a part of the hair can only be seen because it descends below the top. This may most likely be the most important a part of this hairdo.
The again of the hair is simple to get confused with the perimeters of the hair, which are related to the again of the hair but are just a little more complicated. The sides are the hair that connects to the front of the hair.
The back of the hair is the part of the hairdo that gets outlined as a gob of hair. That is where you only draw the define of the hair and presumably some lines throughout the gob of hair. Do not overdo the strains or else the hair will start to look more real looking and you will be losing time.
When drawing the back of the hair, you may have the strains in the middle come together like two rainbows. This emphasizes how the hair goes around the head where it connects to the scalp. As soon as the underside is reached, you are able to do no matter you need. Some artists draw a perfectly horizontal line, other artists draw triangles or curving lines. You may even get actually crazy with a wide range of different angles.
The sides of the hair are drawn similar to the back of the hair, solely shorter. If you'd like, you'll be able to throw some angled hair within the sides of hair to offer the character a extra distinct look. With gobs of hair, the edges of the pinnacle of hair can be completely omitted. If that is so, the bangs seem to relaxation on the front of the pinnacle without being propped up by anything.
Bangs are the place an artist can actually showcase his creativity. There are few limitations for bangs aside from that they normally are usually subjected to gravity. But a little hair gel or a scrunchie can break even that rule. The one factor that is almost always the case with bangs is that they are usually considerably curvy.
Bangs are meant to observe the form of the top, which makes straight bangs appear somewhat unnatural no matter the kind of hair that the character has. Bangs are often parted down the front, which creates an area on the top of the forehead. Hair that has not been reduce for awhile can cover the complete face. Thick bangs commonly clump up and drawing this clumpiness is usually a enjoyable challenge for artists.
3. Out of control triangles
This is nearly identical to the first one except there's more straight triangles and the strands go in every single place. These are widespread hair styles for the hero of an anime or online game. Artists can get really inventive with this hairstyle. There might be other styles, however I cannot concieve of them. Perhaps you possibly can provide you with different ways to explain these hairstyles. Clearly, when you get into the realm of practical hair, all of this goes out the window.
As I mirrored on essentially the most sought out love scripture passage within the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13: four-7, I used to be amazed how these same descriptions for love can apply to our natural hair. Listed below are 5 methods you, my sister, can show your hair some love this Valentine's day and on a regular basis.
1. Love is patient...As your detangling your stunning tresses, be affected person in the process. Don't rush through it, as your hurriedness may lead to extra tangles and damage. Schedule time to detangle, activate some good "lady" music, and be affected person.
2. Love is variety...Show kindness to your natural hair by giving it a lavender scented scalp therapeutic massage (or choose a scent of your selection) and a deep condition with honey added for shine. Your strands will love YOU for this! For an added bonus, why not mild a candle and for those who choose to take a seat underneath a dryer for deep conditioning, watch some YouTube tutorials to see which types you want to bless your hair with subsequent.
3. It doesn't envy...Today just isn't the day to say "I wish I had hair like _____." God gave you exactly the type of hair He wished you to have, and He did not make a mistake as a result of when He created you, He said "It is rather good!" So get within the mirror and tell your curls, "You go woman! Rock on with your bad self! Even though typically you don't at all times cooperate, I don't need anybody's hair but you." Sounds silly I do know, but there's power in what you speak.
4. At all times protects...Sisters, if your hair bonnet (your pure hair protection) has not been washed in over a month, please take the time to clean it tonight! You probably have just a few extra dollars, purchase your hair a satin pillow case or a new bonnet if you know it's well go time to get one. Lastly, find a protective type that matches your persona and rock it like no other this Valentine's day!
5. At all times perseveres...I do know typically you feel like giving up, slapping on a hat, and pray that overnight your hair will transform. Sisters, don't surrender. Present your hair how a lot you find it irresistible by not dropping by the wayside (or utilizing one for that matter) if you're having a bad hair day. Instead, put some love within the hair by adding a flower, a scarf, or an awesome beanie or head wrap. Pure hair styling is limitless! Persevere! The outcomes might be price it.
Quick hair is a brave assertion for in the present day's feminine and sometimes the reduce of selection for a lot of of these women with very busy lifestyles. These are the females who require the minimal quantity of styling time in their on a regular basis hair regime, one thing that fully compliments their on the transfer life-style.
Brief hair can be extremely horny, as it's a kind of few kinds that enhances a lady's neckline. The neck as it curves to the shoulder is one of those neglected however very desirable options of the feminine body, a feature that's commonly met with heat. Such hairstyles undertaking confidence and youth and might be dressed as much as look very lavish.
The usage of color on such cuts can amplify visual impression, whether or not it's one color, multicolor or highlights. Coloration can let you experiment and with such an enormous range of colour alternative available immediately, you're certain to search out something to suit your present mood. Quiffing your quick hair will improve your sideways profile and venture very daring visible appeal. The same would apply to the pixie crop however it can also improve the total profile.
The use of holding sprays, wet look gels and finger styling on brief hair types adds to that wild passionate look, such kinds indicate the temper of the wearer which can be fairly intriguing. Adding a brief back and sides to a short hair reduce is usually a visual assertion within itself particularly when the sides and neckline are sculpted with the usage of the shears. Layering adds quantity and bounce to the hair and helps in framing the face.
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/apple-doubles-down-on-china-as-rivals-pull-ahead/
Apple doubles down on China as rivals pull ahead
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) – Apple Inc (AAPL.O) is binding itself more closely to China as its share of the world’s biggest smartphone market slips and it becomes more reliant on selling services which require government approval.
A flurry of recent action by Cupertino-based Apple underlines its push to get on the right side of China’s notoriously tough tech regulators, as it looks to revive sales there.
This weekend it moved to block apps used to evade the country’s internet censors, a decision that fits with Beijing’s recent crackdown on unapproved online content. And Apple has announced it will establish its first China data center in the politically important province of Guizhou, and has created the new position of a managing director for Greater China, reporting directly to CEO Tim Cook.
Apple’s China revenues have stalled, falling for a fifth straight quarter in January-March, when sales grew in every other region. China recently slipped to Apple’s third-largest market, as consumers have switched to newer domestic offerings. The buzz around new launches has also cooled since the iPhone 6 in 2014.
When it unveils quarterly earnings later on Tuesday, Apple is likely to report another dip in China smartphone sales. Its once coveted iPhone has slipped into fifth position behind offerings from local rivals Huawei [HWT.UL], Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi [XTC.UL], analysts said.
The iPhone’s share of China’s smartphone shipments fell to 9 percent in January-June, from a peak of 14 percent in 2015, according to consultancy Counterpoint.
Having China’s government on-side will certainly help.
“Because others have eaten away at Apple’s market share in China, it now has to pay more attention to regulation from government,” said Beijing-based tech analyst Li Chengdong. “China is such a key market for Apple that it has to listen.”
Apple declined to comment for this article.
Apple, like other U.S. tech brands including Facebook Inc (FB.O) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google, has looked to woo China’s leaders to give it greater access, especially as it pushes services such as its App Store and Apple Pay.
Services were Apple’s rare bright spot in its struggling China business and logged double-digit revenue growth in Greater China in January-March.
And maintaining momentum is crucial, as device sales may come under pressure again until Apple unveils its new iPhone, widely expected later this year in a milestone launch that will be key to winning back Chinese buyers.
FILE PHOTO: An Apple logo is seen at an Apple store in Pudong, the financial district of Shanghai, China February 29, 2012.Carlos Barria/File Photo
Friendly Signal
The services push, however, comes with risks.
China is tightening regulation of what it sees as its cyberspace, including online media, live streaming and gaming, and brought in a new cyber security law on June 1, pushing firms to store user data inside China’s borders.
Apple has made swift moves to comply, despite concerns by overseas business groups who say the law’s strict data rules and storage requirements are overly vague.
The new data center – part of a planned $1 billion investment in Guizhou province – has a potential political upside too. Beijing wants to turn Guizhou into a tech hub, while President Xi Jinping himself has close ties to the region as a delegate for the province at the Communist Party congress.
“By setting up a data center and pulling VPNs, (Apple) is sending a friendly signal to the Chinese government,” said Liu Xingliang, head of the DCCI Internet Research Institute.
Apple said at the weekend it would remove virtual private network (VPN) services from its China App Store – systems that allow users to bypass China’s so-called “Great Firewall” aimed at restricting access to overseas sites.
Beijing has targeted VPNs as it bids to tighten control over the domestic internet, a drive that is ramping up ahead of the Communist Party Congress later this year.
Some said the recent moves jarred with Apple’s stance in the United States last year, when it opposed an FBI court order to break into an iPhone of a gunman who fatally shot 14 people in San Bernardino in December 2015, with Cook saying it would be “bad for America”.
The U.S. firm’s gamble here is clear: making moves to appease Chinese censors may prompt criticism outside China, but the firm will hope that local consumers are rather less fazed.
“It’s normal that Apple wants to get along well with the Chinese government,” said Wang Siyue, 27, a marketing professional in Shanghai, who is a long-term iPhone user.
“I will buy the next generation (iPhone) when it comes out. I’m just used to it,” Wang said, adding she doesn’t use VPN much, and Apple’s move to take down the app wouldn’t impact her decision to buy a new iPhone.
Reporting by Adam Jourdan and Pei Li; Editing by Miyoung Kim and Ian Geoghegan
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stacieshaleen-blog1 · 7 years
Easy Methods To Become A Aggressive Zynga Poker Hack
From the events of joysticks to today's movements-sensitive video gaming equipment, video games are continually acquiring more technically superior. If you wish to continue to be on top of the most up-to-date devices, you need to know what you're carrying out. Keep reading to find some advice on many different online video video gaming subjects.
If you are choosing a handle system hard to use, maximize the adjustments with your Zynga Poker Hack . The go into default handle scheme may not be for all. A lot of people prefer a better display, a set of much more vulnerable control or even an inverted structure. In numerous video games, you can management these inside the setting's region.
Before purchasing a game to your personal computer, generally consider the platform. In the event you individual a personal computer made by Apple inc, as an example, you are unable to run a Personal computer activity in your process. Specifically, if you aren't paying attention, you can easily get this mistake. Invest an additional second within the buying process to ascertain you have the correct version in the activity.
When you get discouraged using a particular video game, leave from it for slightly. When you continue to be before the screen, odds are your frustration will get the very best of you, and also you won't make any advancement. Nonetheless, having a quick split will allow you to very clear your mind, and you could give back rejuvenated.
Read the cheat guide, well before taking part in a fresh Zynga Poker Hack Android. Most game titles use a guide you can buy individually. You might like to look at accomplishing this and looking at it before you perform, or even when you are actively playing. This way, you can find the most out of your online game perform.
As soon as your kid gets into midst university, you might allow them to have a little bit more freedom in terms of games. It is very important be mindful, specifically when it comes to multiplayer games. Pay attention to make certain the language is appropriate. Take off the possibility for on-line play or even.
It can be tough to opt for what method you want to buy. Assess your expections carefully, and then take a look at the numerous consoles for the greatest go with for you personally. Check out the video games methods on the Internet. Testimonials from the diverse techniques can be simply discovered. grow to be informed before buying a gaming console.
Understand that some Zynga Poker Hack Iphone consist of multi-gamer options, which may reveal your children to other people on the net. In such a case, you need to be monitoring who your young ones are talking with, as you may not desire them to acquire too included in total strangers. This will help to to put your kid from the most trusted situation probable.
Before you get cheat codes, consider taking part in the game for quite a while. The Internet makes it definitely simple for you to find out almost everything in regards to a game prior to play it. Should you be went by way of every step, but how could you completely take advantage of the game! Attempt taking part in it for a few days well before trying to find on the internet help.
Preorder deals provide a terrific way to have an successful computer game acquire. Sometimes, preorders are done at discounts for that video game publishers might have even bigger opening up day phone numbers and excitement. More regularly, premium developments or additional content articles are chucked in at no more cost therefore you get more online game to savor.
Utilize the maximum level online video connection readily available. Cabling which include a program typically offer you different connections. Which cable connections would you use for your personal certain unit? For that clearest and best photo, select sometimes a HDMI or DVI relationship if your television facilitates it. Composite, S-Video and RCA cabling are excellent alternatives too. Co-ax cabling are incredibly well-known but tend not to give a obvious image. If that's all you could have, only use them.
Use lists to maintain your information exclusive when taking part in social online games. Interpersonal Zynga Poker Generator such as the several on Facebook are gathering popularity at a speedy amount. These video games need assistance, and they are not meant to be enjoyed alone. This could make progression hard in the event you don't have several friends. Can depart your details in jeopardy, even though introducing friends only to try out online games with is a great way to get more within these games. Create a list of your game playing close friends, and make use of the personal privacy options seen on Facebook or twitter to restrict the accessibility this checklist has to your information.
Should you be investing in a game as a present, seem behind the package and read what it really states. Particularly, when the activity is for a kid, look for something that you imagine could indicate doubtful materials. There also need to be several images that give you an idea of what you are actually acquiring also.
Ensure that you invest some time exercising every day. Video games are often very harmful for the human body and might trigger weight gain. For that reason, you must make sure that you just do some sort of exercising one or more times each day in case you are a serial computer game player.
Be really wary of all things free of charge on earth of on-line Zynga Poker Free Coins. Most often, should you be supplied something for absolutely nothing, you will see a find. You may well be exposing your laptop or computer to harmful software program or opening your finances without realizing it. Be smart and play it cool with game freebies!
Every time a specifically preferred online game is engaged, you might want to acquire add-ons and enhancements once you start to try out. This could be costly! Instead, try and workout some discipline. Thoroughly check out the information and game play you've already given money for before you go shopping for much more.
Start with the only player method. You might not wish to take the time with online or multiplayer settings, considering they are generally harder, should you have a hard time getting via one-person setting. In the event the video game you purchased is simply too difficult, buy and sell it for an much easier video game. Will not spend time spinning your tires.
From little ones to grown ups, Zynga Poker Free Chips can be a exciting activity which enhances the lifestyles of numerous. As you now have a few tips under your buckle, you should be able to advance together with your interest in ways which can be beneficial to yourself. What this means is successful, and who doesn't wish to accomplish a greater portion of that?
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Online Marketing and SEO Tips for Startups
If you are strolling a startup, search engine optimization and on-line advertising have to be a concern. Startups gain reputation on-line. Plus, considering your restricted finances, you may not be capable of a hotel to standard sorts of advertising anyway, as a minimum now not but. So, right here are numerous useful SEO and virtual marketing pointers your organization can gain from without spending too much money:
Develop a search engine optimization Strategy
First of all, your advertising plan wishes an excellent SEO strategy. This refers to growing standards and strategies for a way to do both on a page and rancid page SEO. You may also set goals to your SEO approach. For example, what does your campaign want to do? Do you need to attract greater traffic to a domain or get greater humans to shop for a certain product? Only SEO techniques will allow you to attain those goals in a sensible and value-powerful way. So get your crew collectively and begin planning right away.
Use Local Keywords
Using key phrases is one of the most simple search engine optimization and digital advertising techniques to be had these days. However, the usage of keywords is not as clean as finding a trending keyword and plugging it into web content for your website. Keywords have to be researched thoroughly. You should goal to apply keywords and key phrases your target audience is maximum possibly to type right into a search engine. If you’re a startup, do not forget the usage of local keywords in preference to typical key phrases. Aim to capture a nearby audience with geographically unique key phrases.
Increase Page Load Speeds
It may not arise to you at the beginning, but web page load speeds rely upon loads for SEO. Google set of rules can understand slow loading websites.
Consider Hiring a Local search engine marketing Company
Use Social Media Vigorously
Do no longer forget about social media to your online advertising strategy. In fact, social media is probably the most critical factor.
The Basics on Becoming an Online Merchant
Online selling is the upward thrust because of the converting buying behavior of brand new consumers, those beneath 30 years old who had been both enterings into their teens or have just graduated from the university while the Internet bloomed within the mid-nineties.
This is the era who spend most of their time reading and sending Twitpics, shout-outs, reports or JJ speak on their FB, Flickr, Tumblr, and Blogspot pages, of their preference to be seen and look cool at the Internet (now broadband and an effective tool for enterprise) that has come to be collaboration-friendly, thanks to Web 2.0 technology.
Fast forward to a fab question
Do you need to enroll in the sector of Internet retailing as a pure participant to earn extra income out of the Net Geners whose disposable profits will stay ‘super’ at a minimum until 2020? Do I hear a resounding ‘yes’ out there? That method you’re entering into a prevailing ambit.
Online retailing poses the largest opportunity for all Internet users to earn from the web. After all, you spend more than 4 hours earlier than your PC monitors doing any or all of those: gaining knowledge of, running, playing games, online chatting or instant messaging, Skyping.
Caveat: you may now not right away strike gold out of your Internet selling, however, to start with it’s going to give you additional earnings and one so as to develop in the due path.
Consider this fact from the March 2010 ITIF (Information Technology & Innovation Foundation) report.
For the closing 10 years, most of the world’s top 10 Internet firms are the ones that have been effectively promoting products and services like Amazon, eBay, Expedia, TD Ameritrade (into trading services), and of path Yahoo, Google and AOL, which together earned $58-B in 2006. Countries main in e-trade are UK, US, Sweden, and Denmark.
E-commerce is growing in Asia too, in which total B2C sales in Japan, China, Korea, and India are predicted to attain $a hundred and fifteen-B this 12 months. At fifty-two% (in Asia), Japan has the very best percent of online consumers, followed through Korea at 45%. China, the arena’s 2nd largest Internet population with its 210 million Internet customers, is anticipated to look large increase in its on-line retail sales – $18 billion in 2010.
In other parts of Asia like the Philippines, approximately 90 percent of the 28-M Filipinos with getting entry to the Internet visit social networking websites to speak, play games and sell commercial enterprise and civic activities. Social media has grown to be a ubiquitous device in any business advertising marketing campaign.
To cut your mark in online retailing:
Number 1 – you should have products or services to sell
Variety 2 – observe the basics like on-time deliveries and packaging (you do not need the products getting squashed or broken)
Quantity 3 – you should recognize a way to use new media.
  Viral and Direct Marketing
  The marketing approach strategies are infinite. There are many ways to the method the capability client. There are two marketing approaches which can be very interesting, because of their specific strategies. They are viral advertising and direct marketing.
The Viral Marketing is an advertising method that is using the social networks, both online and offline, for transmitting the message or commercial, thru self-replicating viral technique. This manner resembles spreading computer viruses or biological viruses.
Almost something may be the situation of viral advertising and marketing effect: records, internet hyperlink, video clip, e-Books, and many others.
Methods of viral marketing growth may be:
Word of mouth – simple communique between people who is aware of each other.
Social Media such as Facebook are the suitable examples of viral media. The quantity of folks who are using those offerings is large. The individuals of those social media environments are connected thoroughly, considering that every user has many contacts. Finally, the approach of sharing idea or message is quite simple, thru exclusive sharing techniques.
“Invite Your Friend” calls from different e-services. These messages that provoke the movements are shifting extensive part of the populace who desires to share the message, however, they’re not willing to make investments attempt.
The advantage of viral advertising is that it takes little or no or no funding. The viral advertising system is powered through the will of transmitters to bypass the message further. The electricity of exponential increase is fantastic. If absolutely everyone is distributing the records to five humans and further, this gives are three.125 informed humans after 5 tiers from original message switch. The viral advertising experts recognize this method thoroughly, therefore, the viral advertising is a part of advertising techniques portfolio.
The disadvantage is that viral advertising and marketing is not reliable as a widespread approach of records switch because it isn’t always possibly that each idea could be transferred at the equal price. Simply, the outcome of the viral advertising and marketing campaign is unpredictable, for the reason that electricity of marketing campaign depends on many parameters.
On the alternative hand, Direct Marketing is an income approach wherein advertisers approach potential clients at once with commercial, services or products. The maximum common strategies of direct advertising are phone income, solicited or unsolicited emails, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, direct visits etc.
  Keep Your SEO Company Working for You
Don’t transfer from one business enterprise to the next in relation to your search engine optimization wishes. Locating a professional seek engine marketing is your hidden gem. They are the behind the curtain company that maintains all of it shifting forward. You have products or services and there may be a market available for them. They are the bridge that brings you to each other.
Unfortunately, now not all is honest with regards to what you may get from this kind of employer. They can promise you this or that, however, if it is not in writing, it is able to no longer materialize. It can also be tough to the degree the extent of success with what they offer. They can give you reports, however, you have to make sure they’re unbiased and credible.
Do your homework and be diligent in your search for professional search engine marketing. Learn approximately agencies and what they ought to offer. Find out about the level of understanding and creativity flowing thru it. The size of the commercial enterprise can also be an aspect to take a look at. You want to recognize those operating for your account are going to remain prompted.
Be Clear together with your Expectations
Don’t let the lines of communique come to be blurred while professional seek engine advertising is worried. Remain clean about what you can count on from them and the way they’ll provide offerings in your enterprise. Don’t wander off within the shuffle, you have to get reports from them at regular periods.
It is also an amazing concept to speak with your expert search engine advertising enterprise often by means of the smartphone or with an in character assembly if possible. Such meetings may be a remarkable time to percentage with them what you have on the horizon. You may be expanding your line of services or products and they could use such details to help them create extra outreach with your area of interest market.
Learn About in House Tactics
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