#people still think it’s a hint to season 2 tho 😅
writerownstory · 6 months
Madison putting out pop rock music soothes the place in my heart that misses JATP 🥹🥹🥹
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jedinightsister · 7 months
also keen to see how river/sid is done in the show! in the books it's kind of like "here's a pair who have a very vague flirtation" to boom undying love when she shows up again lol. saw someone post an interview with the showrunner on reddit where he was asked if they're going to do anything with river/louisa and people were VERY against that lol. while i don't love it there might be more of a basis for that in the books that river/sid (...until river/sid actually happens). they're like the only 2 who seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company (since we were robbed of an emma/louisa bestie era :( )and there's some throwaway lines like louisa wondering how she should feel about river choosing to stay with sid, and if she had a right to feel anything, etc. anyway i'm good with anything as long as olivia cooke comes back, i know she's booked and busy but can't imagine a recast working as well
My response under the cut to avoid spoiling from the books!
first of all...BIG SAME TO LOUISA/EMMA BESTIES ERA please. She was one of the best parts of the books, and they did that really cruel cold open in Joe Country that led to...well... 🥲🥲🥲
Cuz I really like when the Slow Horses have interactions among each other, but also outside of it. And I love that she is the more uhm "stereotypical" beauty type (at least as described in the books) but she is so much more than that.
Emma Flyte my love 💖
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You officially have me even more excited for s4 now 😆 (She and JK Coe are the ones I'm looking forward to most. I hate Claude but I am keen to see him because of James Callis haha)
Okay,,,, back to the topic at hand.... I also agree with the book hinting more of the River/Louisa bond, and truthfully, when I read those parts, I can't decide if I ship it romantically or platonically, or maybe both idk??? But I just like that they are both the "capable" and "level headed" and closest to normal in Slough House haha. I think this is especially highlighted in London Rules, when they attempted to have that "stable" "normalcy" by having River go with JK and Louisa with Shirley. I literally cannot get over the pairings in that book, actually, but maybe I should reserve that for a different post haha
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I absolutely hope we get Olivia back again! Considering s5 has been greenlit, and we get our first hint of her being alive in this book, there is a lot of ways they can setup her reappearance. I certainly think it will help boost our chances for a season 6 if we get a powerhouse like her return to the show 😅🙈
They also have a potential (if they really want to establish some kind of romance on the show) to have a better build up for those two. The only thing I gripe about it, it is they weren't able to sprinkle some of that in River for s2&3. I wish they did, but you're right anon, Liv is booked and busy, so I feel like it can go either way...
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All in all tho, I'm just really happy at how the show adapted the books. They don't necessarily have to keep each story detail beat by beat, but they really captured the essence of how "useless" they all are, but still somehow manage to be involved with, and even solve, the biggest MI5 cases, not even the Park can handle 😆
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Thank you so much for the fun question!! It makes me so happy to talk to someone who loves both book and show like I do 🥰💖
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beepboop358 · 3 years
Hello ! How are you ?
I am actually sending you this because I have some scenes in stranger things that really make me doubt that byler is endgame and I am going to tell you those scenes I am really interested in hearing what you think about them
So the first scene is the end of the battle of starcourt when mike is running to el and then he’s hugging her and she is asking him if he’s ok … I hope you get wich scene I mean haha I am really bad at explaining 😂
Next scene is the end of season 3 when el is kissing mike and telling him she loves him . I know everyone is always saying mike was sooo shocked and clearly didn’t like the kiss but if you look close to the end of this scene you can actually see mike looks happy ( at least that’s how I remember)
Next scene is mikes and wills crazy together scene.Yep i know that’s a byler moment actually but you can see in that scene even tho will has problems and he’s being honest and kinda romantic with mike , Mike is still thinking about el you know when will said “ please don’t tell the others they wouldn’t unterstand “ and mike says “ eleven would “ ( could this also hint will and El’s connection ?🤔)
Next scene is the reunion in season 2 and the fight mike has with hopper right after . As soon as Mike recognizes el he is almost crying and you can really see that they are both really happy to see each other again ( I know that that’s also how you would react if a friend that was missing for almost a year but still kinda makes me doubt ) than after that scene Mike and hopper get into … wills room I think , and mike is yelling at hopper for hiding el almost a year. So some byler shippers think he yelled at him because of self hate but to be honest I don’t think so …
Next scene is the scene where Karen is telling Mike to throw away some of his old stuff . He is grabbing his one Star Wars thing and his dinosaur that had obviously reminded him of El and that’s why he didn’t throw it away
Next and last scene that makes me doubt ( I have way more but it would be way to long if I added them 😅) the goodbye hug . Mike and el have hugged twice ( I think ) and their hug seems like they are together again and it also seems to be romantic
That’s it I am really sorry my question has turned out being so long and just to clarify I love byler and I love your blogs I just don’t think byler is endgame ( btw sorry for every grammatical mistake I made I am actually from Germany 😅😂 ( and sorry I didn’t add any punctuation marks I was in a hurry ))
Hope you have a weekend ! ♥️:)
Hi anon! I'm in the middle of finals for the next 2 weeks but things are going well! :) I hope you're doing well! <3
I love answering questions like this, thanks for the ask! Also your English is so good, I love learning where people are from! And thank you for the sweet comment about my blog 💜 I hope it's okay I numbered the scenes you mentioned just to keep track when I was writing this :) Also sorry this is gonna be a long post LOL
1. The first scene you mentioned is s3 ep.8 right before Billy dies. The conversation is:
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This is right after Billy sacrifices himself to save El & everyone else. Previously, Billy knocked out Mike, Max & El and took El away, seperating the 3 of them. Mike knows Eleven is a target for the mindflayer because of the conversation when El looks into Billy's memories & then talks to him in her mind when the mind flayer says he is after her. It's a very sweet scene, and it makes total sense. Mike is concerned for El's safety, she disappears after they all get knocked out, he wakes up to her missing & knows something is wrong, so seeing her again, alive, is a relief. It is really important to remember that Mike & El do have a special bond, although it isn't romantic, it does not mean that they don't care about each other because they do. They're friends. He was the first person to treat her like a human being, and he took her in to save her life. Mike would do anything for his friends, he jumped off a cliff ready to DIE for Dustin's teeth not knowing El would save him. He's a very compassionate person at heart. This little clip doesn't diminish byler in any way, just shows Mike & El's friendship, and their concern for each others safety, because before they see each other here, they don't know if the other is okay, or even alive.
2. The "I love you too" scene.I know you mentioned Mike looking happy at the end of the scene, but I don't see that. He seems confused at first, and then shocked. Here's the full clip of the kiss and his reaction (sorry there is no sound):
I talked about this scene in-depth in my byler proof master slides, here's the link to this scene's specific pages :) But just to quickly summarize; He doesn't smile or anything when Eleven says she loves him. He stands in front of an open closet, but she doesn't. They're in Will's room, it's will's closet, and Will's teddy bear she is holding - in between them during the kiss. His eyes are open, he doesn't touch her or reciprocate the kiss, but she does close her eyes and touch his face.
Another important thing to remember is this scene is after the Mike & Will "not possible" scene...He shares a cute moment with Will that indicates care & loyalty and then El says she loves him and he is unresponsive. It's very telling.
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3. The "crazy together" scene. When Mike mentions El in this scene, it's partially because he misses her as a friend and wants to do if she is okay, because again he is portrtayed ads kind of this "angel friend" kind of person when crisis strikes. But also because at this point in his life, he is not aware he is gay. This moment is clearly romantic & intimate, they're wearing the ghostbuster costumes, & the subtext of crazy = love, is all hugely significant, and Mike mentioning El doesn't undermine this. Mike is aware he cares for Will, but he is determined to like El. Part of him mentioning her is out of concern for her, but also to remind himself he is supposed to like her. He's young in this scene, and it's early in the season so a lot of these thoughts are just instinct, before he even understands why he is doing it himself.. He hasn't processed his sexuality at this point in his life yet. Bringing up El here partially shows the beginning of Mike's suffering from serious heteronormativity in s3. It may also be a little nod to El & Will's connection because Mike implies that El would understand Will. I don't see Mike bringing up El here as a genuine romantic thing at all.
4. Mike & El reunite in s2, & Mike and Hopper's fight. Of course Mike is happy & relieved to see her, he hasn't seen her in a year and they are friends! Also just moments before she returns, Mike tells Max she's dead.
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As far as Mike's fight with Hopper, I think he is mostly talking to himself, taking his anger out on Hopper. Because of the subtext of the words, stupid, lying and bullshit. I also think he is yelling at Hopper for hiding her, because he believes El was around him during that year, he would be 'normal' and like her like he is 'supposed' to.
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We also need to compare how Mike reacts to El and Will's respective disappearances. He gives up on El, and he doesn't give up on Will.
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4. When Mike doesn't want to throw out his dinosaur. It's partially because it reminds of El, and again they are friends and he cares for her, and at this point in time he doesn't know where she is or if she is okay. When he holds the millennium falcon in this scene, it's yet another reference Mike & El are non-romantic, because it's a Star Wars reference.
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There's also a Star Wars reference in s1 during the D&D game (that Mike wrote) where Mike plans out that he wants King Tristan to give him a medal, not Princess Leia to symbolize how he wants a king instead of a Princess. Cheesy I know but still valid. He wants Will to award him the medal and to be his hero.
5. The goodbye hugs at the end of s3 😭 Again, they're friends and it's hard to say goodbye to your friends, especially when you have such a strong connection to them, like them saving your life several times. All the hugs are during Hopper's letter, which is very byler centric. I would suggest checking out this section in my byler proof slides since this post is already so long LOL.
And Mike & El only hug once here, but Mike & Will are shown hugging twice.
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And El is the one initiating the movement of his forehead onto hers during the hug. El also initiates all of Mileven's physicality. In the opening s3 kiss, she puts his hands on her, and he takes them off of her & breaks away to start singing, and once they resume kissing he puts his hands back in his lap, and El reaches for his face again. If Mike is straight & likes her so much, why doesn't he ever want to touch her in a romantic way? Because he isn't straight & he's not romantically in love with her. I don't see this as a romantic hug because Mike doesn't reciprocate the romantic touch or anything with her as usual, and there are plenty of hugs like this in this scene, but people do not say the other characters hugs are romantic, because it's between friends :)
I also don't think we can assume just because they hugged they are back together. We never saw them get back together on screen, so as far as we know, they are still broken up. But again, they are deeply bonded and care for each other, so that's what the hug expresses. And then we also have Eleven's whole issue of her idea of romantic love coming from purely soap operas she watches, so her idea of romantic love is warped. She has very little real world experience at this point, and she may not realize they aren't back together since in soaps the couple always ends up together, even after they break up.
Thanks for the ask!! I hope I could answer your questions :) ♥️ I hope you have a good weekend too!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 years
Are u still an Army? Were u ever dedicated kpop fan voting, streaming, buying every album, light stick, merch? I was army for a brief period in 2019 but then something happened and I couldn’t associate myself with the fandom anymore. Last song that I liked was Black swan... (what’s your favorite bts songs by the way?) I still closely follow Jimin and JK tho. I met army in real life and for some reason I said I knew about BTS but I wasn’t a huge fan lol but while talking with them I realized I knew about songs, comebacks, personalities of every BTS members more than them. I just think It will be easier for me to stan them individually than as a group. J-hope made interesting NY post on IG, he sounded like it’s the end of era (of bts?!) (((«Maybe a year like the brilliant flames of a finale for both j-hope and BTS». “This is what it really means to have time just for me,” that’s how I feel now.””The midpoint between a great end and another beginning. “))) How about you?
I mean, I guess in the technical sense I am an army. I have never felt comfortable calling myself that , tho 😅 I used to be a fan of one direction too but I didn't call myself a directioner either, as well with other people I was and am a fan of. I just say "I'm a fan of BTS". I love Taylor Swift, I've loved her since 2009 but I've never called myself a swiftie. I just don't think those names are necessary.
The first couple of years after I became a fan, 2017, 2018, yes I used to vote for everything all the time. After that I stopped a little but not entirely, I mean I have voted but not as much as I did in 2018. The fandom is so big, honestly... Even if everyone voted only once, they would win. Back in 2017 people were ten times more motivated because the fandom wasn't as big as it is now and they were just breaking in the US so we needed everyone's efforts. Nowadays, they're pretty stablished I think, and the fandom is so huge, literally ten times bigger than what it was in 2017. I mean, when I became a fan they had like 5 million followers on Twitter.
I don't buy anything tho. I have bought festa 2018 and bon voyage 2 & 3 to watch on vlive+, because the economy here wasn't as bad as it is now and it was an easy process to buy. I could afford merch and albums if I wanted to, but honestly I have more important things to spend money on. Those things are really expensive here in my country. I mean, the last season's greetings is worth like one month of rent for me?? It is incredibly expensive like that to buy things that are priced in dollars.
What happened that you couldn't associate anymore with the fandom? What do you think about Jimin and Jungkook?
Last song I liked was dynamite. I love it so much. I have watched every live performance at least 5 times each. Everything that came after dynamite was a disappointment for me, especially Butter and PTD. A few weeks ago I was talking here about 2021 content and I wanted to say that it was such an underwhelming year for BTS as artists and I didn't say it because I didn't want to be a bitch so I deleted that part. But a few days after in PTD LA Jimin said how they feel they could've done more and in his end of the year message in that bangtan bomb, he also said there weren't many memorable things this year. Thanks to him for keeping it real 🙏🙏 so now I feel I can say that it was disappointing because I know I wasn't imagining things. Namjoon too kinda hinted that it wasn't especial for him either.
If I had to choose one favorite song, it would be If I Ruled the World. Naming all the songs I like apart from that, it would be a really long list. But when I think BTS, I think If I Ruled the World. 
Do you mean it will be easier for you to stan Jimin and Jungkook individually or all of the members on their own? I personally LOVE when they release solo stuff, and I think Taehyung specificially is dying to like, be a proper solo artist (actor or singer), but I don’t really have a strong opinion on them “going solo”. The idea of disbandment actually scares me and makes me sad. But I would love it if they wanted to, or did their own things alongside BTS. That would be extemely time consuming, tho. 
Someone else has asked me about Hoseok’s instagram post (maybe it was you?) and since it was New Years and all I haven’t had time to read it again. I will say what I think after I’ve read it once more, if that’s okay with you. But I don’t remember anything suspicious about it. I think tho, that the end of an era for BTS already happened, and that was 2019. I think 2020 and MOTS7 was supposed to be the end for them (some kind of an end), but covid happened and they’re kinda just hanging in there until anything regarding enlistment and touring is decided, and frankly almost everything they do nowadays is out of their hands. It seems like covid and bighit/hybe are making all the choices and some of the decisions hybe is taking, are actually about branching out from BTS and about keeping distance between BTS and the fans. For business purposes. 
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
Doreen! Firstly, hope u r doing well 😊💖 Secondly, whats ur thoughts on the LBC2 producers/writers deciding 2 completely ignore the fact TinCan even met in S1 & having them start from scratch again?! 😫 Apparently they announced it but I'm sure I would of rememberd sumthin that important. The trlr didnt hint at it either 🤷‍♀️ The fact that int-fans (who watched illegally on yt 😬) r more pissed about storyline being changed than having 2 wait an extra week 2 watch on Viki is hilarious tho 😅😂
-> The whole concept of restarting TinCan when everything else moved linearly is ridiculous to me. How do the people in charge of these shows come up with this nonsense? Just tell the story better if people were upset with the end of season 1. Isn't that why season 2 exists?!?!??!?! Sorry. LBC2 is just stretching the bounds of believability for me.
-> LBC2 is confusing me a bit. I get why Saint isn't there cos of all the drama but they had so much time to come up with a good story regardless and I feel so... let down? I don't think I'll keep going after ep 1 but I'm glad so many people are happy it's back.
-> This tincan reboot thingy... Either they didn't even feel like trying to salvage the storyline (more dramatic but still doable) or they're trying to induce a mass amnesia, both of which make me go mehhh. Still, I'll give it a go because I'm curious how they'll manage this mess. So far, the continuations (s2g, lbc2) seem a bit underwhelming to me (sadly). Let's just hope my engineer and tharntype don't disappoint.
hellooo there all!!! 💕😙 I’m doing well, thank you, @randomfrigginwords!!! 🥺
okay SO I finally found the time to watch the full 1st ep and I have.. some thoughts lmao. I collected a few reactions so it doesn’t get too repetitive 🙈Also I’m trying to word this as well as I can and this is just my personal opinion so don’t come for me please. 
So I went into the ep the first time right after it came out, not knowing anything about the story or the timeline etc. and I just kind skipped through it bc I was curious and wanted to see what was going on lol. But just from the snippets I saw I got a little confused bc??? what up lol.  
After I read some first reactions by ppl who were pissed af about the timeline rearrangement etc. I was initially very disappointed bc I had waited so long for this and now it seems like they messed everything up??... So when I actually watched the episode for the first time just now I was obviously biased, thinking it was gonna be horrible. But in reality.....it wasn’t?? lol. 
Like,,,, tbh it was super weird seeing all of it again and getting back into the characters & stories after more than 2(!!!) years; but after I rewatched LBC1 a few days ago, I realized that regardless of the timeline etc., everything is just completely different?? And not just because of the TinCan situation but just like,,, the whole thing in general. Idk if I’ll be able to articulate this well enough but I tend to judge a lot of things based on the vibes I’m getting and the vibes this season compared to the last one were... something else lol; the characters all have changed a lot, especially Ae like hell I barely recognized him. They all seem much more mature which I’m guessing probably wasn’t intended. But!!! I like it!!! :)
Though with the different vibe I was getting during this ep, I honestly couldn't imagine a sequel as in “picking up where we left off”, set just a few weeks/months after ss1. That would’ve seemed even more off than it does now. At least to me. Maybe I’m the only one. idk. 
So the fact that the TinCan story is being retold from scratch basically makes it a reboot of ss1, just with a slightly different setting and more mature characters AND we get to see their story unfold again; maybe even into a different direction. Which?? I like?? a lot?? 🙈 like yes, it was a little confusing at first but after accepting the new concept for what it is, I really enjoyed it.
So yeah sorry if i’m rambling but I’m just thinking out loud. I understand where the critical voices are coming from though; We were all anticipating a sequel to ss1, but looking at it as a reboot/new edition-kinda situation, rather than a messed up continuation makes it better imo. So yeah. I guess it’s an unpopular opinion but. I like it ;) Let’s see how the season continues!  
Sorry this got so long...
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