#per albin hansson
atsvensson · 3 months
Lika goda sossar som S
Vill Dadgostar bara vara gammal sosse, suckar Aftonbladet efter Nooshi Dadgostars Almedalstal. Nej, säger Nooshi, ni har inte fattat nått. Det är ni som är vänsterpartister. ”Branting när han genomförde rösträtten; Per-Albin när han bekämpade arbetslösheten på 30-talet och talade om folkhemmet, Erlander när han byggde ut den sociala tryggheten och ATP … Visst skulle de alla idag varit…
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samhalletsuger · 2 years
Han hänvisar återigen till historikern Mattias Tydén som visat att jämlikhetsreformer i välfärdsstatsbygget till slut slog sönder rasbiologins steriliseringspolitik. – Det är sådant som gör att de här idéerna – att vissa människor är bärare av snusk och fattigdom och måste bort – tappar fäste i verkligheten. Märk väl, de tidiga rasbiologerna sa rakt på sak: Demokratin och jämlikhetstanken är fienden, den är farlig, den förstör rasen.
Artikeln “Den moderna rasbiologin föds i USA efter inbördeskriget” i Sydsvenskan
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norsesuggestions · 7 years
please tell me about which swedish rulers I should fight, why and if I would win over them or not
because you said “ruler” and not monarch, i am going to take some liberaty and also discuss prime ministers, nobility and such like, which for the majority of swedens history often of equal influence and power than the monarch, or even during certain epochs, actually much more important to the rule of sweden than the monarchs:
Axel Oxenstierna, Lord High Chancellor of Sweden during the reign of Gustav II Adolf and Queen Christina (in office between1612–1654):
this dude was basically the actual de-facto ruler of sweden during Gustav II Adolfs wars, and during the youth of Queen Christina.
he famously given the credit for laying the foundation for the modern adminstative state appartus of sweden. among things he did, was creating the adminstrative län in sweden, a system still in use today.
was also a TOTAL DICKHEAD. during his rule, particulary the oppression of sami people increased. obssesed with starting wars. wanted to create and then uphold the swedish empire created by the conquering of Gustav II Adolf. in general a bad dude.
FIGHT HIM. if you will win? idk, but like, it your damn duty to fight axel oxenstierna if you are face to face with him.
(not saying that Queen Christina and Gustav II Adolf were blameless or something, but this dude is very much the one who held the reign for the practical politics of the swedish state during in particular the epoch of Gustav II Adolf constant warfare).
Per Albin Hansson, Swedish Prime Minister 1932–1936 and 1936–1946. leader of the socialist democratic party of sweden 1925–1946.
dude most famous for popularizing the concept of “det svenska folkhemmet”, a concept which was…. extremaly influential on modern sweden. and which i do not have space to explain here.
BUT, crucial to the ideology of folkhemmet was the the stable heterosexual couple. well amusingly so, Per Albin did actually have two seperate families, and two seperate wives, of which he never told anyone in the public eye about.
so please fight him, do it by mentioning this fact, and you will win i promise. do it!
Olof Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden 1969–1976, 1982-1986, leader of the socialist democratic party of sweden 1969-1986.
this dude was famous for being quick-witted and have a sharp tongue in political debates. so yes fight him, to make him happy, because political discoure was his fave thing.
then hug him, and tell him from me, and a large majority of swedens population, that we miss him very much ever sense he got murdered in 1986, and that we wish he was still with us (because then he could yell at the politics of the current socialist democratic party among things)
do not fight him seriously. just play fight with him, and then give him a loving hug (also perhaps ask who murdered him, we still have no idea in sweden to this day….).
Jean Baptiste Bernadotte [royal title, rarely used today in sweden: Karl XIV Johan], King of Sweden 1818–1844
the replacement for the heir of Gustav III, of which the parliement also disliked. found in a bar by the swedish ambassador by chance according to legend. the ancestor of the current royal family of sweden.
also, forced norway in a union with sweden, which was a major dick move. fight this dude, he was a general in napeolons army, so you will most likely lose, but do it anyway.
Oscar II, King of Sweden 1872–1907and King of Norway 1872–1905
some nobody swedish king who tried to win back the power for the royalty over the parliement. pffft. a doomed project! he was alive during the rise of the working class movements in sweden, which demanded seats in the swedish parliment, and also when it became totally clear for all that Norway would not be that damn forced union that Bernadotte forced them into, anymore.
of which the different dates he ruled sweden and norway gossips about.
old-fashioned grump, fight him. you will win, just like the dissolving of the union of norway and sweden, and the march of democracy won during his lifetime. you might say, why fight with someone who is already laying down? well, he has a very punschable face.
do it!
honorable mention: different irrelavant monarchs of sweden during the 20th, 19th century, 18th century who we do not even learn the names of in school, because they were tbh mostly, or entiraly irrelevant to the actual politics of sweden:
fight them. they are laying down i know. but do it. you will win (just as the politicans of sweden won over them in life).
Gustav III, King of Sweden, 1771–1792:
tried to not be irrelavant as the majority of the 18th century swedish monarchs were. well, he was not irrelavant, but failed entiraly in bringing back the power to the monarch, because he got ya know
murdered by the parliement because of it
but, well, because he is going to get murdered, it feels like a over-kill to actually fight him. look at a play with him or something instead! he was a fan of the arts, so just trick him into believing you are totally on his side.
then join the murder conpiracy i guess *shrugs*
Karl IX, King of Sweden 1599– 1604:
this is the father of Gustav II Adolf, which is what is mostly known for today in sweden. He was one of the many sons of Gustav Vasa, who fought among eachother for the swedish throne after Gustav Vasas death.
also known for, according to legend, dying because of the pure rage of seeing the danish army in the distance (or well heart-attack brough upon by rage at seeing the DANES).
this dude is therefore clearly very ready to fight, but you should not, because you will lose. he did after all win that power-battle between the sons of Gustav Vasa and ended up on top. so, WELL, he is clearly terrifying.
avoid Karl IX at all costs.
Göran Persson, Socialist Democratic Party, Prime Minister of Sweden 1996–2006,
Carl Bild, Moderate Party, Prime Minister of Sweden 1991–1994,
Fredrik Reinfeldt, Moderate Party, Prime Minister of Sweden 2006–2014
the triangle of evil and in general horrible swedish prime ministers of my own life-time. please fight all these guys and their neo-liberal reforms of swedish politics!
FIGHT THEM! (well not with violence literally, because these guys are all still alive, and saying such things would be threath according to swedish law i think. but you know, fight them with words and politics).
(our current prime minister, the socialist-democratic Stefan Löfven is not listed because i have not yet made up my mind about him as a person. these other 3 dudes i have a personal vendetta against!!! we will see with Löfven, if he ever shows enough personlity for anyone to figure out who he is).
Final words
so that was some of them! making this kind off list is hard for sweden, we have existed as a nation for several hundreds years. when we should start count the start of sweden remain in debate, but well, often we calculate the state of sweden from the reign of Gustav Vasa, with start in1523, but ALSO, we often include medieval sweden in our calculations and and…. its complicated? yes?
my point, there are so many people to list in the category of “rulers of sweden”, so haha, this is just a selection of some of them. we are missing the majority of them on this list!  
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sprint95 · 7 years
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wien (j)
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perkamperin · 3 years
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The functionalist-style townhouses were designed by architect Paul Hedqvist and built by Olle Engkvist in 1929-1932. They later became known as Per-Albinhusen after Engkvist’s friend, prime minister Per-Albin Hansson, who moved into Ålstensgatan 40 soon after they were built. Today the popular townhouses are listed buildings due to their national architectural importance.
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vintage-sweden · 4 years
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Prime minister Per Albin Hansson, 1885-1946, Sweden. Photo from 1940.
“Per Albin Hansson was a Swedish politician, chairman of the Social Democrats from 1925 and two-time Prime Minister in four governments between 1932 and 1946.
Forging the Social Democratic grip on Swedish politics that would last throughout the century, Hansson left an astounding legacy on his party as well as creating the idea of Sweden to become "Folkhemmet", "The People's Home". This remained intact until the early 1990s, including a strict policy of neutrality, a wide-stretching welfare state through parliamentary legislation, and reformist social corporatism rather than Marxist socialization of the means of production.
During Hansson's fourteen years as Prime Minister of Sweden, a wide range of reforms were realised, such as subsidised dental care and income-tested child allowances.
Per Albin Hansson is often seen as the most successful Prime Minister in Swedish history.” (Source: Wikipedia.)
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mathias-tegner · 7 years
Högerextremismens framväxt i Sverige just nu av Patrik Björck
Högerextremismens framväxt i Sverige just nu av Patrik Björck
För att förstå högerextremismens framväxt i Sverige ”just nu”, som är frågeställningen jag blivit inbjuden att tänka kring, så blir det naturligt att börja fundera på varför inte högerextremismen har växt fram tidigare i svensk historia.
Om man med högerextremism menar fascistiska och nazistiska politiska yttringar så är dess storhetstid i Europa från 1920 till 1945. I Italien, Tyskland och…
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osapixi · 6 years
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Per Albin Hansson Siedlung | . . . #wienliebe #peralbinhansson #gradient #archidaily #vienna #igersvienna #igersaustria #vienna_city #favoritenfavourites #favoriten #archilovers #wienmalanders #myfeatureshoot #cloudporn #cityscape #lightzine #moodygrams #agameoftones #lekkerzine #street_focus_on #fujixt2 #fujifeed #myfujilove #banalography #aboutlightmag #ig_onstandby #dreamermagazine #fivesixmag #hashtagphotomag (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BswF9cZAgPT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=399cj6247dyi
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rundumadumumwien · 3 years
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Pfarrkirche zum heiligen Franz von Sales (Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung)
1963, Georg Lippert. Betonrelief von Josef Troyer. 
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martinzetherstrom · 5 years
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Utmed Ålstensgatan i Bromma uppfördes 1929-32 en serie funktionalistiska radhus, utformade av arkitekt Paul Hedqvist. Det populära området har synnerligen högt kulturhistoriskt värde, och är blåmärkt av Stockholms Stadsmuseum. Radhusen uppläts redan från början som bostadsrätter, och omfattar 86 kvm boarea fördelat över två våningsplan – ytterligare 42 kvm källare finns under jord. Byggmästare Olle Engkvists vän Statsminister Per-Albin Hansson bosatte sig på Ålstensgatan nr. 40, som är ett gavelradhus något större än andra hus i området. Byggnaderna kallas därefter Per-Albinhusen.
 Omfattande sättningar i lerjorden har medfört att flera radhuslängor idag lutar ut mot Ålstensgatan. Uppdraget under 2016 innebar en total renovering av ett gavelradhus i västra delen, där lutningarna är påtagliga. Bjälklagen riktades upp och försågs med nya golv, men trapplöp kunde bibehållas på ursprungliga nivåer i husets mittdel. Skräddarsydd inredning utvecklades anpassad efter de välstuvade ytorna fördelade över tre våningar. Specialsnickeri tillverkade kök och klädförvaring – inredningen formades med respekt för- och i samklang med den ursprungliga arkitekturen. Entréhallen löstes om med ny funktionell förvaring och glasskjutdörrar i smide. Våtrum uppdaterades med ny inredning och utrustning i tidstypisk anda.
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hgfnynas · 5 years
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Löfven efterlyser rejäl samhällsförändring — Nyheter (Ekot) Statsminister Stefan Löfven talar under Järvaveckan.Lyssna: Löfven: Det krävs en rejäl samhällsförändringStatsminister Stefan Löfven efterlyste en rejäl samhällsförändring för att komma tillrätta med flera "skriande orättvisor" när han talade på Järvaveckan.I sitt tal lånade statsminister Stefan Löfven retoriken från sin företrädare för snart 100 år sedan, Per Albin Hansson. – Dessa skriande orättvisor måste bort. Alla… via Löfven efterlyser rejäl samhällsförändring — Nyheter (Ekot)
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kaffegoken · 6 years
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Per Albin Hansson hade en vision om Sverige. Stefan Löfven har en vision om Stefan Löfven.
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perkamperin · 4 years
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The functionalist-style townhouses were designed by architect Paul Hedqvist and built by Olle Engkvist in 1929-1932. They later became known as Per-Albinhusen after Engkvist’s friend, prime minister Per-Albin Hansson, who moved into Ålstensgatan 40 soon after they were built. Today the popular townhouses are listed buildings due to their national architectural importance.
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airborn64 · 7 years
Aviso - 8.11 - Ludwig/Franz: Modernisierungsoffensive Per-Albin-Hansson-Stadtteil
Aviso – 8.11 – Ludwig/Franz: Modernisierungsoffensive Per-Albin-Hansson-Stadtteil
Die Ergebnisse der großen BewohnerInnen-Befragung; neue Stadtteilwerkstatt; erste Planungen/Maßnahmen Source: Veranstaltungen
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mathias-tegner · 7 years
Lag och ordning, en vänsterfråga!
Lag och ordning, en vänsterfråga!
Ibland argumenterar människor med hjärtat till vänster att hårda trygghetsfrågor, som satsningar på polis och höjda straff är högerpolitik. I mitt tycke kan ingenting vara mer felaktigt.
I grunden är Socialdemokratin en frihetsrörelse, där målsättningen är alla människors frigörelse eller som Per-Albin Hansson uttryckte det, alla människor måste få möjlighet att “förverkliga sina bästa…
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seongsilkang-kbs · 7 years
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복지국가 스웨덴( #Sweden)의 비밀 , #비그포르스(Ernst Johannes Wigforss) ‘페르 알빈 한손’( Per Albin Hansson) - 뉴스타파 #김진혁PD의 미니다큐 #Wigforss #페르알빈한손 #PerAlbinHansson https://youtu.be/76Si3WJKodc 평범한 국민과 소통할 ‘대중 정치인’의 필요성 국민들과 가깝고 국민이 원하는 걸 알아내고 무엇보다 국민의 ‘언어’로 말할 수 있는 ‘대중 정치인’이 필요했다. 그때 눈에 띈 한 명의 정치인 ‘페르 알빈 한손’(Per Albin Hansson) 1885년 10월 28일 생 - 1946년 10월 6일 비록 학력은 초등학교 4년이 전부였고 사환.점원으로 살아온 최하층 노동자 출신이었지만 오히려 그런 점이 대중과 호흡할 수 있는 이유였다 최하층 노동자 출신이자 열렬한 축구팬이었던  그는 추상적 용어로 자본주의를 비판하는 대신 모든 국민이 이해하기 쉬운 말로 복지국가를 설명한다. 스웨덴의 길 2부 ‘국민의 집’ 훌륭한 집에는 “독식하는 사람도 없고 천대받는 아이도 없다.” “다른 형제를 얕보지 않으며 그를 밟고 이득을 취하지 않는다.” “약한 형제를 무시하거나 억압하지 않는다.” 그리고 이는 “국가도 마찬가지다” 국가를 가정에 빗대어 설명한 ‘국민의 집’ 사람들은 한손의 설명에서 ‘가정’처럼 포근한 복지 국가를 떠올리다. 급진적이고 모험적이며 추상적인 이론만 앞세우는 무능한 이미지 대신 든든한 장남의 이미지로 거듭난 사민당 대공황의 절망 속에서 사민당의 복지 정책들은  국민들의 마음을 파고들기 시작한다. 그리고 얼마후 치러진 총선(1932년) 국민들로부터 선택받는 한손과 사민당 이제 ‘총리’ 한손과 ‘재무부 장관’ 비그포르스로 본격적인 사회복지 정책을 펼칠 기회를 얻게 된다. 하지만 사민당에 맞서 똘똘 뭉치는 반사회주의 정당들(보수당, 자유당, 농민당) 사민당 정책의 핵심인 대규모 재정지출과 공공근로사업 한가지 방법으로  반 사회주의 정당의 가장 약한 고리인 농민당 끌어안기 사민당 수출산업의 급격한 발전에 맞춰 산업 전반의 합리적 조정이 시급했던 당시 스웨덴의 현실 전투적 대립이 아닌 ‘노사 협조’ 사회  민주당과의 신뢰 속에서 자체적으로 건설 노조의 파업을 중지시키고 무엇보다 기존의 영향력을 굳건하게 유지하는 LO(스웨덴 노동자총연맹)그리고 1936년 당당히 재집권에 성공하는 사민당 사민당은 5년간의 수많은 토론 끝에  ‘노사분쟁은 정부의 개입없이 노사간 해결키로 합의(살트셰바덴 협약) 산업 평화 스웨덴의 경제는 급성장하기 시작한다. 이후 무려 44년간 집권하며 ‘성장’과 ‘분배’라는 두 마리 토끼 모두를 잡는 사민당 ‘복지 국가’의 모범이 되는 스웨덴 비그포르스(Ernst Johannes Wigforss)(1881-1977) ‘이념’이 아닌 ‘사람’이 목적이다. “인간이 자신들 생산도구의 주인이 되어야 하며 노예가 되어서는 안 된다고 말입니다.”
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