#percy jackson is still my number one ❤️
percy-the-dark-one · 3 months
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Hiiiiii Nat 👋🏼🥰 can I request number 19. Trying to make them laugh for Buddie from that prompts list? If it sparks joy ❤️ love you xx
eeeee Meegs!! I took so long to come up with an idea for this, but i found a video on my phone of my friend with grapes up their nose, and then this fichappened 😅 ilysm!!! consider this a gift as congrats on doing your thesis presentation!! thanks for requesting something, I hope you like it!! ❤️
Read on AO3
Dad’s phone rings just as they’re finishing up breakfast, and Chris not-so-subtly leans over the table to try to glance at the caller ID—something he picked up from Buck, who is doing the same across the table—before his father picks it up. Chris is unsuccessful, but judging by the shadow that has fallen across his dad’s face, he’s pretty sure it won’t be a happy call.
Eddie answers cheerfully though, before pulling the phone away from his ear when the caller—Chris recognizes the tinny voice that he can hear even from his seat as his abuela’s—starts yelling through the phone. Eddie winces, and Chris sighs, hoping this doesn’t ruin their day as he begins to pick up their dishes from breakfast to take them into the kitchen and load the dishwasher.
Chris loves his grandparents, really, but he’s not dumb. He can see how they hurt his dad, how they say mean things. His dad tries keeping that stuff away from him, but kids know—they still pick up on it, and Abuela and Abuelo aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are. Through the years, Chris has overheard more than enough conversations to understand that his grandparents never seem to think that his father is doing a good enough job. And Chris hates it.
He doesn’t hate them, but he hates what they do and say to Eddie. He loves his dad, and he loves living in LA, their 118 family, and his school. He couldn’t imagine ever going back to Texas, and he hates that his grandparents always try to take him from his dad and his Buck. Especially now that he’s a teenager, it seems far too late to uproot him from everything he’s ever known—they always say that they’re a “constant in his life” and that he “needs to be somewhere familiar,” but it’s been years since he and his dad left Texas, and Chris can barely remember that part of his life anymore.
His dads usually wipe down the table and tidy up the dining room in the morning, but they’re nowhere to be found when he returns. He can hear his father’s tense voice from his and Buck’s bedroom, and he tries not to eavesdrop—he doesn’t want to know what his grandparents are complaining about this time.
It doesn’t take long for the call to end—Eddie’s voice gets louder, and Chris hears Buck say something in a soothing manner, and then there’s a thump before they both emerge from the hallway. His dad’s eyes are glassy, like he’s about to cry, and Chris rushes to his side to hug him tightly. He might be a teenager now, but he still loves his dad’s hugs and knows that one will comfort them both.
He and Buck play video games for a bit—he usually isn’t allowed to play them on Saturday mornings, and while he’s excited to play his newest game with Buck, this means the phone call really shook up his dad, and Chris hates it.
“Hey, Dad?” he calls after a while.
“What’s up, bud?” Eddie’s voice carries from the kitchen, and Chris has to force himself not to roll his eyes at the moniker and remind Eddie of his age.
“Do you think we could go for a picnic today?” It’s something they’ve done a lot the past years, since he and Buck started dating five years ago, back when his dad had an accident on a call that they still won’t tell him about—all he knows is that it was storming, and he’s not allowed to Google anything related to firefighters and wells.
“Sure!” Buck answers for him. “I’ll go make us some sandwiches and maybe a potato salad?” He pauses their game before stretching and heading towards the kitchen.
Chris works on homework for a bit before settling onto the couch again with a book—one of the Percy Jackson novels that he’s rereading—for a few hours, and then it’s time for their picnic. 
Like usual, they walk to the park closest to their house, and Chris picks the spot to lay their blanket down. He lays the quilt down half underneath the shade of a tree, half sun-filled so his dad can soak up the vitamin D and hopefully feel better after the morning’s phone call.
Chris leans up against the tree, giggling when his dads lie down next to each other, Buck pointing out some clouds and telling them wild stories about whatever he thinks they look like. Chris keeps an eye on his dad, whose smile hasn’t reached his eyes since breakfast, even when Chris tosses his tightly plastic-wrapped sandwich his way, hitting him in the face and eliciting an indignant grunt that causes Buck to burst out laughing.
Chris pulls the bowl of potato salad out of the picnic basket, Buck grabbing the fruit salad he’d made the day before, and they dig in while talking about random things. Chris tells them about his latest science project—despite already having done so earlier in the week—since he knows it’ll be a good distraction, and Buck rambles about all the different facts he knows about quasars and pulsars.
The conversation lulls after that but in a peaceful way, and Chris sighs contentedly while serving himself more potato salad. He takes a couple bites before the silence is broken by his dad’s loud laughter, which echoes across the hills of the park and causes a few families to look their way. Chris blushes at the attention, and looks towards his parents to scold them.
Eddie can’t keep his eyes off Buck, continuing to chuckle while Chris says, “You guys are so embarrassing.”
“Who, me?” Buck says, but his voice comes out nasally, and Chris furrows his brows in confusion before Buck turns towards him, his eyes crossed and grapes sticking out of his nostrils. Chris bursts out laughing at the sight, realizing that Buck must’ve shoved them up his nose in the hopes of cheering up his dad, and it seems to have worked.
“Buck!!” he wheezes, while his dad continues laughing at Buck’s antics.
“What?” Buck asks. “Is there something on my face?”
“You sound like Spongebob,” Chris laughs, setting his plate aside. He crawls towards his dads and settles in between them, lying down and wrapping an arm around Eddie’s side. “I love you, Dad.”
Eddie makes a sound, and Chris can’t quite tell what it means, but his dad looks at him with so much love in his eyes and a wide smile. Chris grins back before turning to Buck and repeating the sentiment.
“I love you, too, Chris,” Buck says, and then they all erupt into laughter once more at the sound of his voice. “Okay, I better take these out, huh?”
Chris shakes his head, but Eddie mutters, “Please, you goof,” and Buck reaches up to pluck the grapes from his nose. He laughs the first time he fails to grasp either of the fruits, but when he blows through his nose forcefully to try to dislodge them and they don’t budge, he becomes serious, turning towards Eddie with a questioning, almost worried look.
“I don’t think I can get them out, Eds,” he says dejectedly, eliciting another uproar from the older man, and Chris laughs along too—though he hopes Buck won’t be stuck with grapes up his nose permanently (that’d be gross).
“Idiot,” his dad says after another minute passes and Buck still has the grapes up his nose. He shakes his head before sitting up and sliding closer to him. Eddie presses gently on Buck’s nose, unsuccessfully attempting to dislodge the grapes, so Chris begins packing up their picnic, understanding from the stories they bring home from work that they need to head to the ER.  His dad stands, holding a hand out to Buck and smiling at him when he takes it. 
Chris beams at them while they walk home, laughing quietly to himself whenever Buck speaks in that nasally voice. He can’t believe that of all the things Buck could have done to help his dad out of a slump, he chose to shove grapes up his nose. Sometimes, Chris really is the most mature Buckley-Diaz, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Relationship prompts <3
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the-kestrels-feather · 5 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @gyokujyn, thank you friendo!!
1. How did you get your nickname (or url)?
There's nothing especially deep to it tbh, my name is Kestrel and my go-to username is kestrelfeather (yes I know its a Warrior Cats name it haunts me every day) but it was taken already
2. What's the last thing that made you cry?
Not to trauma dump on this here Tumblr post but tbh I need to get better at actually feeling my feelings, because I don't remember the last time I cried, and it's not because I'm living my best life or anything it's because I bottle my feelings like a fine wine 😅🙃
3. What's your latest guilty pleasure?
I try not to feel guilty about things that being me joy but it is absolutely my shameless Self-insert OC created to date Bucky Barnes and is almost definitely the Nonbinary equivalent of a Mary Sue but they make me happy GOD DAMMIT Cringe culture is DEAD
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
So despite not being a sporty kid I've actually played a few! Itty bitty baby Kes played soccer, Tee Ball, and Softball at varying times, and did Ballet, jazz, and tap for like a year or two. But that all stopped when I turned 7 and FINALLY talked my parents into letting me take horseback riding lessons, and I did that for 11.5 years. I absolutely LOVED riding, and would ABSOLUTELY still be doing it, but unfortunately it's time and money I don't have so I just stare longingly.
5. What are your pet peeves?
People who don't chew with their mouth closed talk with their mouth full my mother even though she denies it, kids who come into the textbook distribution room I work in and go "I need a book" but when i ask them for a title, class, teacher, literally any information that woukd help me get them the correct book they just say "I don't know".
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes. I suck at eye contact but if someone has pretty eyes I take notice
7. What is your eye color?
Great question tbh. Somewhere between blue and green, like a sort of teal-y color.
8. What super specific trope or genre is your kryptonite?
In non-fanciction settings: Gothic and Cosmic horror, action is fun, the fact that Librivox audiobooks of novels in the public domain are easy to find and extremely accessible, it's given me a strong love for classical literature, Picture of Dorian Gray is my favorite.
In Fanfiction settings: inject that Hurt/Comfort directly into my VEINS--. I'm also a big fan of any and all forms of Nonsexual intimacy.
9. What is your superpower?
As a Props Artisan I can make anything out of anything. I love making props from found objects, especially weapons. I was on a production of Romeo and Juliet and got to make all sorts of fun found object weapons because it was a post-apocalyptitc world
Some examples:
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10. Which fictional world would you be happy to call home?
I know I would like. Instantly die. But I would love to live as a half-blood in the Percy Jackson world tbh.
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to audiobooks and video essays, writing, learning to draw, video games, and crafting.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have one Dog, an 11 year old rat terrier mix named Peanut who owns my heart ❤️ I used to have pet land snails too, but unfortunately they have all passed on.
Bonus Peanut. Look at this little face how could you see this and NOT want to hand over all your worldly possessions to her:
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13. What is your biggest toxic trait?
Oh jeez. I have a stubborn streak, but can also be really selfish.
14. Is there anything you're afraid you won't accomplish?
Oh BOY is there. My dream is to work Props for a Marvel movie and I worry I'll never get there. Also I'm just in general worried I'm never going to get a job in theatre/film which is my dream because it's the job I want, what I love, and what I went to school for and I'm scared I'll never get there.
15. What's number one on your bucket list?
The aforementioned dream of working on a Marvel movie!
@bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @navybrat817 @feraljazzpunk @buckybuckyboo and anyone else who wants to!
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? Thanks....
The "..." is so ominous LMAO yeah of course! Gosh, of all time?? That's a big ask, I'll do my best to remember, but I'll inevitably forget one or two. This is a really great question though!
1) Sun Wukong from Journey to the West - is THE number one, like the rest of this list isn't a ranking except for this! I had this disc set of an animated series based on him that was only ever aired in China that I loved to death as a kid! Looking back, I definitely had gender envy towards this androgynous trickster/shape-shifter character even when I couldn't quite put it into words. I'm not one to kin characters, but he'd be the only one that comes close to it.
The rest in no particular order:
2) Percy Jackson - Very rarely do I find a main character that I absolutely adore! I love my demigod son and only want him to be happy
3) Kakashi and Rock Lee from Naruto - this is cheating but you knew Naruto characters were going to be on here and I can't choose between the two aogdkahaalval
4) Kikyo from Inuyasha - Listen. I know she's annoying as hell. Like every time Kagome and Inuyasha make any romantic progress she shows up and Inuyasha loses his shit. I get it. But I found her story beautifully tragic and really fell in love with the quiet strength she exuded. I cried when she finally passed away and got closure with him.
5) Midoriya Izuku from MHA - I've kinda fallen off the series lately, but he still remains one of my favourite protagonists! Such a kind and compassionate soul!
6) Arya from Eragon - does anyone remember the Inheritance cycle? Because that was my favourite fantasy series as a kid! Loved the badass elf lady and Eragon's hopeless crush on her lol
7) Zuko and Toph from Avatar - cheating again, I think this one's pretty self-explanatory
8) Hiccup from HTTYD - Ahhhh these movies are such a treasure!!
9) Jack Frost from RotG - this film was super formative for my understanding of what I value in storytelling! And I love how nuanced of a character he is. All of my favourite scenes are with him bringing joy to others despite his own sadness!
10) Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens - these two NEED to be a package deal, I literally just started watching the show and am already in love with their relationship. @everyone don't you dare send me spoilers rn 😭❤️
No dn characters made it onto the list but that's just because I enjoy more uplifting shows and books. Thanks for the fun ask!
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
fic writer tag! ❤️
@aliceu thank you so much for the tag, but also you’ve exposed me so bad, oh my god. i can’t believe i’m outing my old teenage self’s fanfic like this.
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
ha. ok.
published: harry potter, victorious, percy jackson, one direction, wrestling (wwe), descendants.
unpublished: stranger things, black sails, far cry 5, game of thrones, house of anubis, the riot club, the hunger games, labyrinth, the mortal instruments, mansfield park, twilight, pokémon, jem and the holograms. and that’s just the files i can access. pre-2016? no clue, those are lost to dead laptops.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
stray kids and bts are the ones currently published. I also have ateez, nct/wayv, itzy and mamamoo fics in the process of writing 👀
3. how long have you been writing?
a long time. i have very vivid memories of being about 7-8 and using my families ancient desktop computer (like, think a huge BOX of a monitor) to write stories. i also used to scrawl story ideas on the cardboard backing of colouring books, on scrap bits of paper. i think the first fanfiction i wrote was secret of moonacre fanfiction when i was in year 4 - so i was about 9? but yeah, at least 13-14 years. two-thirds of my life 👀
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
tumblr and ao3 currently. i do also still have my fanfiction(dot)net profile open and public with all my old stuff still online. we’re talking old 2011 harry potter oc fanfiction. it’s a cute little time capsule. i also had a onedirectionfanfiction(dot)com profile back in 2014 i posted on before the site died.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
romance! fluffy, warm romance. i guess specifically alternate-universe romantic comedy?
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
i bullet-point plan = specifically i write out how the main couple get together, the twists in relationship, the general push and pull. and a general overview of the plot.
but i always end up changing things when i write - the characters always have a different feel when i write, so decisions i’ve planned for them to make now seem contrived, and i end up veering off script a little. that’s also the stage i add in sub-plots, foreshadowing, all that. so...both? 50/50?
7. one-shot or multi-chapter?
i used to be a big multi-chapter girl. everything was a big grand epic in my head. but by the time i got to tumblr, i started writing oneshots more and now it’s usually “i get an idea for a oneshot premise, i plan it out and either it grows and expands and becomes a multi-chapter or it just stays a really long oneshot”
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
depends on how often it’s updated. for multi-chapter, about 5-7k for weekly/fortnightly updates. 750-1k for daily updates. as long as you want for non-regular updates 😊
9. what is your longest published story?
ahhh ok. ok. there is a 77k wwe fanfic on my ffn account that i updated between 2016-18. however, there’s an extra two and a half unedited chapters on my desktop that i never posted - which brings the grand total of words to 84k.
for tumblr/ao3, of course it’s instinct. 53.4k of pure self-indulgence 🥰
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
the obvious answer is instinct 😂 but i really liked working on solace, way back when. and hypothesis was really therapeutic, just bc it’s so warm and strangely comforting. oh, and consort was very fun to try out a different style of writing
11. favorite request you’ve written and why?
ooh, ok the only requests i’ve written for are way back in my descendants days. probably the request for the first part of “if your heart’s still open”. that series has a big place in my lil heart.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
bisexual main characters, friend groups that roast each other with affection, side character ship tease, romantic epiphanies.
13. current number of wips?
HA so many. only counting the wips with more than 250 words written? 18. wips over 1k? 9.
the longest wip is currently over 16k. it probably won’t ever see the light of day - it’s a bts fic i started over a year ago and it already feels kinda immature. but we’ll see 🤷‍♀️
i actually got curious and added the word-counts all together. i currently have 37,116 words of unfinished kpop fic.
14. three things you have noticed about your writing?
the emphasis is almost always on dialogue and expressions/body language of characters - very little on scenery
short, sharp, snappy sentences to draw attention in.
endings are almost always cliffhangers - but the nice ones, i guess. the couple always gets together first.
15. a quote you like from a published story?
i’m a total sap, so let’s go for the super soft ones:
His hand slips down from your wrist, taking your hand and squeezing it gently. He smiles up at you, calm, confident.
“Please can you kiss me again?” Changbin asks, softly. - hypothesis
When you open your eyes, Chan is staring at you with just…the softest look, and it takes your breath away. There’s not a single ounce of caution in his eyes, no reluctance, no fear.
And your heart just melts. - instinct 07
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
here’s two because why not:
“Yeah. All through high school, it was me, Mark and Donghyuck. We were, like, our own little trio.”
“Really? That’s…honestly, that’s kind of bizarre to think about.”
You wonder how she’d react if she knew the whole truth – if she knew about that last year of high school, when Mark had graduated and left the two of you behind.
and for the second, well...some of you might be able to guess which this one is from 😈😈:
“We’re open to sharing.”
Changbin winces at his packmate’s choice of words, and the rest soon follow when they see the thunderous expression on your face.
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
i’ve got a shitload of words to write and i promise i’m working as hard as i can on them 😂 i’m so beyond happy to hear that you guys are enjoying my stuff, and i hope you’ll continue to enjoy my future writing. thank you!
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