#this is shivani btw
percy-the-dark-one · 6 months
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
@tothemoonandbacklove me when I saw the pics you sent me
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h0bg0blin-meat · 5 months
What hindu gods/deities are lgbt (I'm sorry if this is rude or ignorant I just wish to learn as I've heard some are)
Dw it's neither rude nor ignorant. Now before I start I do wanna say that almost all the queerness we see in Hindu mythology is highly subtextual most of the time, which is like pretty obvious cuz these were the ancient times. So this might lead to a varied number of interpretations, and I can only offer the same. But most of them are pretty convincingly queer, so let's get into it cuz why tf not. (This is gonna be a loooooong post so buckle up)
This fella is probably the most pan-coded deity in the entire pantheon. Extremely comfortable with both his masculine and feminine side, Vishnu can sometimes be considered one of the peak genderfluid icons out there. His avatar, Krishna, despite being referred to as the Parampurush (in other words the manliest man in the entire universe), his physical appearance (which is what is considered to be a very feminine body for a man today, i.e., slender and soft) breaks the stereotype of what masculine man should look like. There are paintings of him and Radha where I've stared for like a hot minute trying to figure out which one is Radha (mostly in grayscale cuz otherwise their complexions are a dead giveaway) and yet, he slays it like a badass.
Then we also have Mohini, the goddess of beauty probably the best seductress out there, and the only female avatar of Vishnu. Through her having a union (yk what they mean by that) with Shiva (AHEM subtext amirit), Vishnu gave birth to Ayyappa, and wouldja look at dat he has two dads, which was actually prophesized. Mohini in one of the versions of Mahabharata (not the original one) ALSO slept with Iravan (Arjun's son) the night before he was gonna offer himself as a sacrifice for the Kurukshetra war. Reason was that Iravan had a wish to get married and spend the night with his wife before dying, and wishing his wife would mourn for him after his death. So Krishna felt bad for him, turned himself into Mohini and married him. The next day she held her husband's body and mourned for him like any wife would. We can also go back to the time where he sported (make of that word what you will) with Arjuni (female version of Arjun) as well as the female version of Narad (for a year in the latter's case).
In short, we can see how chill Krishna is with his fluidity with sexuality and gender, so much so that it's hard to put a label on him sometimes, which is fine. But yes interpreting him as queer wouldn't necessarily be a preposterous claim after all.
Tbh Shiva is also pretty queer-coded, given his union with Mohini (and yes he specifically ASKED Vishnu to turn into her and hence he KNEW it was his best friend after all), and him turning into a woman to join Krishna's leela that one time, which also denotes that he's pretty confident in his gender fluidity as well, to some extent. He also has a sort of female avatar, who's actually very underrated. I think it's called Shivani. Also no one can deny the tension between Shiva and Vishnu let's be real here. They even have a ship name- Harihar, PLUS that "Vishnu is in the heart of Shiva and Shiva is in the heart of Vishnu" line. Btw this was a joke, but now you know why they're one of the popular ships of Hindu mythology. I personally have very neutral stance to the kind of bond they share, whether you call it platonic or something else.
(Note that I personally do not consider Ardhanarishwar and Vaikunthakamalaja as any genderfluid thingy because I just see them as literal fusions of the two couples, but yes many consider these two fused versions of Parvati-Shiva and Lakshmi-Narayan respectively to be gender-nonconforming, or non-binary of some sort.)
Why did I add her here? Because I have a feeling she might be bi, given the fact that her husband is also technically her wife, considering we take Mohini into account, who I'm pretty sure she loves just as much as she loves Vishnu. But again, that's just my take on it.
Now he's one of the more popular queer-coded Hindu gods, specifically known for his implied poly-esque relationship with his wife Svaha and Soma (the wind god). Now many sites on Google have claimed Soma to be his husband, but I am yet to find a scriptural evidence for that claim, so I suggest you to take their words with a grain of salt. But what IS true is that these two guys do share a pretty profound bond. There was also this one instance where Soma went to a mountain and Agni followed him. Then both of them at the top of that mountain, 'became one' (what does that mean? not sure but it sure as hell sounded romantic. anyways). Also Soma is considered the "seed" and Agni the "progenitor" hence releasing the "seed". Now again what does that mean? Idk but that's sus as hell for sure.
Plus, Agni is also very well-known to be the (oral) receptor of Shiva's (and sometimes Soma's but not sure about the second one) semen, which he then flung into Ganga cuz it was too hot to bear for him, and that's how Kartikeya/Murugan/Skanda (Shiva and Parvati's son and a God of war) was born. So yeah.
These two.... are another pair of popular queer-coded Hindu deities. They're almost always summoned and worshipped together, and you can say they have canonically.... well had a union, and good news is none of them became a woman for the deed. Their union is recorded in the Shatapatha Brahmana, where Mitra is said to have "implanted his seed in Varuna" (hmmm nothing homosexual going on here) during the waning moon. Many people consider this a metaphor for the cyclic nature of celestial phenomena so it's upto you to interpret it however you want.
Now they also give off that sunshine x grumpy vibe, with Mitra being the god of friendship, sun, daylight, dawn and stuff while Varuna is the god of the waters, moon, nighttime, dusk etc. Plus, the latter has anger issues but he has a bubbly Mitra (pun intended) to calm him down for dat :D.
They are also known for siring two sages, Agastya and Vasistha after they accidentally released and mixed their semen into a pot as a result of getting enchanted by Urvashi (one of the apsaras or celestial nymphs).
Budh and Ila
Budh is technically an AMAB non-binary (or intersex) deity (and technically the planet Mercury) born to Chandra (who's also synonymous to Soma most of the time) and Tara, to put it simply, and got cursed to be neither male nor female because Chandra had an affair with someone else's wife -_- (Tara was the wife of Brihaspati, or Jupiter, who was also the guru of the gods).
Ila is another genderfluid deity. Some versions of the myth says they were born a woman, some say they were born a man called Sudyumna, while some say they were born a woman, but since their parents wanted a son, Mitra-Varuna (who they preyed to) changed their gender and Sudyumna was born (but then there was some issue with the rituals, which led to the duo to turn him back to a woman, which is when they took the name of Ila. Ik, too much gendershifting going on, bear with me). Anyhoo they got this genderfluidity from Shiva's spell and every month they'd change sex from Sudyumna to Ila and back to Sudyumna and so on. Budh got enchanted by Ila and married her, and bore the Pururavas with her.
Later on, some versions say Ila permanently turned into a man with Parvati's boon. But personally interpreting, Budh was technically still married to Sudyumna so..... idk what happened to them afterwards tho. I hope they were still spouses...
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ask-cas-hoppe · 4 months
Hey Cas!!! What do you want to eat today??? I'm kinda use to making food for you but I never really asked what you want to eat, so what do you want??? It can be sweet stuff btw :D
- @ask-rinny-shivani
Hey girl, I’m at home and grounded so that won’t really work but still, thank you so much!
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, not bothering to be spoiler free since both of us decided episodes ago that way insanity lies. I guess I'm just happy it's over and it didn't actually sink below expsctations. Max getting to be "impulsive" while Michael gas to reign it in? Checks out. Liz having a character arc about her and "the science" vs. her morals and common sense? That ship sailed seasons ago. Alex being no one's priority despite being gone for days without any guarentee he's had food or water? I
guess Michael got his allotted 5 minutes if caring so that's quite enough of that. M*ria giving some sort of BS "seize the day" advice to Isobel despite the awkward timing (her brother dying before her eyes)? Makes sense, seems like her only programmed response to interpersonal interactions, including her own relationship. Hell, even Heath appearing for no good reason isn't a shock, they had some missing guest stars in the episode, had to fix that ya know (love the justification that they needed him cause Michael wasn't good with medical knowledge, like he didn't help develop the serum to cure Iz or a pacemaker for Max at some point). Admittedly the "family" Liz chose was a new low as was Michael chillin' with M*ria instead of going back to feral mode but not unexpected. If anything I was pleasantly surprised that the preview shows Kyle actually being allowed to care about his best friend for a scene or two!! What a gift writers, you guys spoil us 🙄🙄.
Hello friend! I really played myself by saying I was getting off early because my meeting ran over half an hour late, and I had to go to the store so now I’m running about 2 hours behind where I wanted to be 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I got to all my new anons, and I will probably get to dinner before I watch the episode so I don’t have to stop or I might never get going again. 🤣
Wait, there is a double standard on how Max is allowed to act about Liz vs how Michael is allowed to act about Alex?! Color me shocked 😑 (btw, this emoji is called “expressionless face” and accurately depicts my level of shock at that statement). Heaven forbid anyone care about Alex for more than one scene every 8 episodes 🙄 Love that m*ria is for some reason working both sides of the Isobel/Kyle relationship like he’s not her doctor, and Isobel isn’t the woman she hated for a decade until they decided that genetics made them sisters so they’re besties now. Don’t Kyle and Isobel have ACTUAL friends they can talk to? Oh wait! Kyle’s is in a hole, and Isobel isn’t allowed to talk to or rely on Michael and Max anymore, and her new buddie Dallas is...also in a hole. Maybe she could talk to ol’ teach Tezca about her love life? But then what would m*ria do? And while I liked Heath and though they could have used him better last season (less screentime, more focused on Dallas), I’m currently baffled AF why Rosa is just besties with her sister’s ex. But you’re right, their guest star quotient was clearly lacking. (Is Shivani around or is she in a coma/mindscape with Liz too? Maybe they focus so hard on saving Liz that Shivani doesn’t make it and it solves their problems on that front? I doubt it, but hey I can dream!) Also, maybe if they hadn’t shipped Kyle off to Mexico he could be around to be their alien doctor, you know, the role he’s had since the pilot? (yes, I know Trevino directed and maybe didn’t want to pull double duty, but that’s something they would have worked out when scheduling and easily could have scheduled him to direct an episode where Doctor Valenti wasn’t needed) The only good thing that will likely come out of the ending is the memes about Liz’s family and Michael’s desperation to get to Alex taking a backseat to chilling with his ex. The writers really took two of the actors who hyped up the show the most and just hung their characters out to dry.
At least Kyle can finally care about Alex but I think I saw m*ria is still fucking involved so that just tanks any excitement I have about that 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway, cheers to us, only 4 episodes left and then the nightmare can end!
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breaniebree · 3 years
you just really LOVE cliffhangers do you? btw thanks for the early update, it was a wonderful surprise! 💗- Shivani
Hi, Shivani!
Yes, I do. I hate reading them myself but still…
So many questions…
Are any of them alive?
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triviareads · 2 years
So I know the show writers gave Kate an Indian name (and it was freaking terrible 🤮). What names do you think the show runners (or you) would give their children if they were to be included in the show?
You know what, I'd love to see if the show had the balls to give Kate and Anthony's kids proper Indian names. I assume they'll keep Edmund the same, and maybe Mary as a tribute to Mary Sharma. But lets see about Miles and Charlotte, because the fan theory goes that they were named for Kate's parents, and I really hope they don't spin some bs about Char being named for Queen Charlotte.
So, for Miles, Maadhav/Madhav/Madhava is a very traditional South Indian name (it's another name for Lord Krishna). That being said it's a very Vaishnava name (it's actually my grandpa's name lol; and we are, in fact, Vaishnavas) and ik most Tamilians are Shaivas, but also, is Kate even Tamilian anymore? At any rate, Madhav or Manav/Maanav would be nice for Miles, I think.
As for Charlotte, I do like the idea of her being named Charitha, Chithra, or even Charithra tbh. But I was taking about it with @viscountesskatesharma and I thought since "Charlotte" is pronounced with that soft "ch" sound (since it's French), why not give her a name that begins with "Sh"? So Sharmila (my fave of the lot), Shreya, Shilpa, Shivani (eyy another Shaiva name) are all names I'd love to see for Charlotte.
All of these names, btw, have proper Indian meanings, some religious, other cultural, and most of them have Sanskrit origins.
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aavanireads · 2 years
The Risk (Briar U, #2)
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-by Aakanksha and Shivani
Rating- 3 Stars
This is the second book in the series and can be read as a standalone. But if you have read the first book in the series which is The Chase
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then you already know about the tension btw Brenna and Jake , it very palpable so I was quite excited to read this one, so, while I enjoyed the book overall, it wasn't exactly the hit that I was hoping for.
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Brenna Jensen is the daughter of the hockey coach at Briar University. She was tough, snarky, and determined to succeed but sometimes it felt like she was too headstrong for her own good.
Jake Connelly is captain of Harvard’s hockey team and just like any of the hockey players, has no problem with getting women. But he has no interest in a relationship. His focus is always hockey. But, there is something about Brenna which is different.
Now Briar U’s team is Harvard’s rival. She’s the coach’s daughter. She’s definitely trouble. So the conclusion she couldn’t be more off-limits. But does that stop him? NO. Did I enjoy the chase? definitely YES.
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Brenna wants to bag an internship and when she knows that her would-be boss is a fan of Jake, she just randomly throws that she might be his GIRLFRIEND. So now, she has to request jake to play the role of her Fake boyfriend at an event and in return he asks for a real date, which was unexpected but also cute!!.
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They start spending time together and realise that they don't wanna kill each other and maybe they actually enjoy each other’s company. Their bond grows stronger with time, trust is beginning to form, secrets are shared and when she reveals her vulnerabilities to him and how he treats her after shows that he actually cared about her.
But then what, comes in the devil (well not actually) his best friend, Hazel, who is actually in love with jake but is waiting for him to realise
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she says certain things to him due to which doubt crept in and what does he do? Breaks up with her and all of this is the day after Brenna reveals her deep dark secrets
But then things get better, problems are solved and apparently, his best friend was not actually the she-devil. So if you are looking for steamy enemies to lovers sports romance with hilarious banter and red hot rivalries you can give it a go.
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explode-a-pult · 5 years
Gordon, telling Shivani about Teen Wolf because she hadn’t watched it and he loved it: It was about a kid who got bit by a wolf, so he became a teen wolf
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critic-corner · 4 years
Important Announcement!
Hey guys,
I have decided not to continue using the url critic-corner.com for the blog. It’ll be going back to critic-corner.tumblr.com because well, I just didn’t wanna pay for the domain anymore.
That does not mean I’ll stop posting or anything. This blog isn’t going anywhere. I think we all need this frivolous escape from our crazy reality right now.
Also, I know I have been a bit inconsistent with my updates (what’s new lol). Believe it or not, I do try to update as much as possible. I know a lot of people suddenly have a lot of time in their hands due to quarantine (how’s that going, btw?), but for me it’s the opposite. I work as a translator for a grassroots news organization, Khabar Lahariya, that works in bringing forward the often-ignored voices of rural India to the forefront. So, because of all the non-stop reporting, I’m finding myself to the most busy I’ve ever been. 
So, new posts will keep on coming at the unusual pace that has now turned into my trademark. Until then, do take care of yourself.
If you aren’t feeling well in these times, keep on reminding yourself that even though the pandemic is making you anxious or hopeless about the future, this will go away. That is a fact. This pandemic is not here to stay and we will get the answers to all our questions in some time. I’d urge you all to stay updated with the news cycle, but also make sure to take a break. Hold your elected representatives accountable - constantly ask them questions, make a conscious effort to let all the healthcare and essential service workers know that their sacrifices are appreciated and overall, just stay safe.
Shivani x
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 19.12.18 lb
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......... okay???? this is a very jarring. he just woke up from a nightmare about his dad being murdered and is now jumping around all happily? AND NANI AND DADI (WHO BTW, HE ABANDONED AT THAT PARTY, TO LET THEM TORTURE THE UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC THERE WITH SHIVIKA'S DUMBASS ISHQBAAZI STORIES???? HE JUST LEFT WITH HIS STAFF???/) ARE STILL AWAKE????? poora ka poora khaandaan is into coke, i'm sure of it now.
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man he has no fucking upper lip. that's what's sooooo off about his face since the beard is gone. the beard hid that and made his face look 40x better. now i have to look at this dumbass hair and his weird upper lip-less face and I DON'T LIKE IT.
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“kitna cute hai mera PP.”
oh he looks like a peepee alright.
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ugh dadi's crying again. not only is this stolen from k3g, it's also highhhhhhhhhhly annoying.
yeah well shivaay got murdered in front of this poor kid, so safe to say, you don't have the monopoly about thinking about him every day. he has to do it involuntarily too.
25 july - the date shivaay was murdered. wasn't that the date they mentioned in yest's ep for something aditi-related?
yup it's the date whatever kaand happened with her dad and he "went missing". ohhhh boy, is this another KM type scene ki her dad murdered his or something. abbe yaaaaaaaaar.
ugh what terrible acting. he's samson or what, saari shaktiyaan baal mein thi?
no srsly how old is he supp to be, he's acting like a damn childddddddd.
ugh yeh shivika puraan bandh karooooooooooooooo. they're dead and gone, let them be. TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK RIKARA ARE.
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lmaooooooooooooooooo ofc. pregnancy mein poora din govinda ki picturein dekh dekh ke yeh haal hua hai ladke ka. who knew ~~dhinchakness~~ was congenital?????
nani still living her best life, getting flowers from admirers. i love her.
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yeah yeah yeah we get it you’re both very caring individuals who love your family.
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ugh aa gaye yeh dono. i do notttt like them. only that jr. khanna is tolerable in this bandaron ki toli. that too coz of nostalgia for the shivaay/khanna brotp.
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arre bhai samajh gaye na parallels.
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man she’s all kindsa hair and jawline goals.
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lmao why's she randomly doing karate in the middle of this crowded park????
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nice smile too.
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behen, dheere. maana superwoman ho, but don’t go hulk-tearing curtain rods off the damn wall.
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shivaay ki rooh tadap rahi hogi apne bete ko aise aalsi hota dekh.
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blah blah blah sooraj tabhi ugta hai jab main uthta hoon. also isn’t this scene stolen from OSO? (om shanti om, not omkara singh oberoi.)
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why does she have this one rando tap in the middle of her house? 
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pool ka heating system??? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU NEED A HEATED POOL IN FUCKING MUMBAI????????????  aur yeh pool mein nahaata hai roz???? 
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why is there a purse in her fridge???????// matlab, dono hi pagal hain kya?
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stop harassing your sister about her speech impediment, aditi. abhi woh T nahi bol sakti toh nahi bol sakti! 
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blah blah blah we get it you don't like bollywood. badiiiiiiiiiiiii cool ho aap.
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i honestly do not understand a single thing this dumbass manager says, nor do i have any interest in what he’s saying. i’m just here watching shivaansh being fed a banana like a trained monkey in a zoo, and looking as confused as the rest of us at this bs.
khanna bal brahmachaari hai. saara jeevan sso 2.0 ki seva mein hi guzaar denge.
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this is the only brotp i can somewhat support rn in this show. mild shivaay/rudra feelz. the mildest. i think i’m just desperate.
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eating habits baap pe gaya hai. but outta majboori of pesha, not liking.
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shivani? who shivani? jo ajmer mein chaddar chadaati hai shivaansh ke liye????? WHOOOO?????? 
par like, shivika ki beti hai, ya rikara/ruvya ki? JO BHI HAI JALDI LAO SHOW MEIN!!!!!!!!!!
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mannnnn, she's hot. like objectively so. can’t believe this trash fandom is hating on her and calling her all sortsa horrible things. die in a fire, every single one of you terrible ppl.
lol her codename in the station is "kadak chai".
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baap ka phone pakadne ka style kisi tarah jhelte aa rahein the, abhi iska yeh dekho.
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he has no male audience coz loverboy image it seems. called it, fucking callllllllllllllllled it that this is gonna go the main khiladi tu anari way. he'll wanna change his image to action hero and start shadowing her for that.
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“main inke channel ke award mein nahi gaya toh inhe michmichi mach rahi hai.”
will i ever get over the face of shivaay speaking anika-ese? idk. it’s very weird and jarring.
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oooh female commissioner boss. i like.
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aditi's constant eye-rolling at every mention of shivaansh is honestly the most relatable part of this new season.
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autograph for BETI. “main uski fan-wan nahi hoon.” LOL SURE MA'AM. WE’LL SEE.
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vamosleomessi · 7 years
im really liking the show so far, especially loving chandni’s character. it’s just a nice change to see a calm, mature, level-headed female lead. fingers-crossed gul doesn’t regress her character in any way :/
barun and shivani have great chemistry too, that height difference *__* my only complaint is the use of rabba ve in their scenes which AREN’T EVEN ROMANTIC BTW and also i feel this couple deserves it’s own bg song! :/
something tells me tho that gul’s gonna do what she wants and this is kinda her ‘eff you!’ to the certain portion of sarun fans who were slating the show and lead actress before it’d even begun lol
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wholewheathowell · 7 years
Hey, congrats on 600 followers! Sure, I'll take a blograte. I like dnp, Harry Potter, and The Flash.
Thank you!  You like some cool stuff (btw what house are you in??)
sky: rainbow // sunset // clear blue sky // mist // storm clouds // sunrisebiome: forests // aquatic // deserts // grasslands // tundraplanetary: mercury // venus // earth // mars // jupiter // saturn // uranus // neptune // pluto // sun // moon // starselement: earth // air // water // fireseason: spring // summer // autumn // winterweather: sunny // windy // cloudy // warm // cold // humid // rainy
additional comments:  Shivani I love being mutuals with you!  Thank you so much for being a gr8 pal
hell yeah blogrates
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mukhtaleef · 7 years
IPKKND 3: My thoughts
Ooh who is this cutie winking at advay!!
Lol advay face at his good job!!
OMG Advay is making calculations!!
Allahabad hai ka kya matlab hai? Waha log ganit nahi padhte!! Bevkoof! Btw how does he know advay is making calculations!!
OMG!! Advay is superman!! Lol! What a South movie style kick!!
I love devdas theme!!
That other guy is me!! Complete fanboy/girl of this superman advay!!
Oh girl!! You stepped out!!
He saw her!!! OMG!! Sobti’ face!! Anger, hurt, pain rage!! It’s all there!
Man this is a really good shot!! She is speaking to both shivji and advay!! The dialogue is on point!
Hawa me udd rahi Thi!! Kon udd rahi Thi?!
Ok sobti is pronouncing advay differently!
Oh man!! It’s surprising people so traditional making fun of kinnar!
Her father is a mahant!! This badki jiji looks shady to me!! Cunning woman!! She knows how to play her cards well!
Wow!! They are comparing advay to sakshat bhairav!! Interesting!! And I like this shot too!! Him walking with all the mini shivjis! Sabka bura wakt chalu ho gaya hai! Teesra netra khulne wala hai!
shut up aunties!!
wow advay!! How much hatered do you have inside!
he removed his sunglasses. Teesra netra khul gaya.
baat ruki hai khatam nahi hui!!!
Is that young advay in flashback? Hain!! Who dances to aaja we mahi during pooja?!! Though it does suit dev chandu storyline! Ngl I like this dev chandu thing!
8 years older!! Damn! Gul loves paring sobti with very young girls!
Aa gaya Mahi!!!
the young chandni is so cute!!
Same old, same old. Jhoote aansu and all that crap.
Ooh she learnt English and that surprises him!!
he is not keeping is identity secret is he?
Damn! Third episode se he aag lagana shuru!! How can she not realise it was him? There is literally nothing/no one else there who could do that!
Tum duppatte ke bina zada achhi lagti ho 😳He doesn’t mince his words! He is charging in with all guns blazing!!
I love her attire in this scene though!!
Side eying the use of rabba ve!! It’s going to take me a while to not see sanaya while rabba ve!!
That doesn’t mean I don’t like shivani though! I quite like her so far. Specifically her dialogue delivery. And her measured acting!
This sure has piqued my interest!!
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Couples In Loving Relationships Tend To Gain Weight More Than Single People Do, Says This Study
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/couples-in-loving-relationships-tend-to-gain-weight-more-than-single-people-do-says-this-study/
Couples In Loving Relationships Tend To Gain Weight More Than Single People Do, Says This Study
Shivani K Hyderabd040-395603080 July 3, 2019
Being in love is said to be one of the most overwhelming feelings in the world. Every single person experiences it in a different way which makes it all the more special. No two couples would ever have the same love story, would they? Everybody’s Jab We Met story is unique and as adventurous as the others’.
So, how does it feel to be in love, folks? There are songs written about it, there are exceptional pieces of art dedicated to it, there are monuments erected in the name of love, because love is a strong emotion that pushed people in love to extreme limits. We know when love hits us, we feel like we’re struck with sensations of pure joy and bliss. We find ourselves smiling at the wall, we start recalling all the special moments spent with our loved ones — be at the roadside eatery or the cafe on the corner of the road. We feel lucky; we feel like somebody just gave us a shot of glee for a lifetime.
All that being said now, if you are on a relationship, here’s a completely random question — Have you ever considered going on a weighing scale and seeing how much weight you’ve put on ever since you’ve been love-struck? (BTW, don’t just check for yourself, but get your partner’s weight checked too) You’ll be pleasantly shocked to see that both of you have gained a few extra kilos. Don’t panic because dearies love does this too! We’ll tell you why.
This whole idea about happy couples gaining weight because they’re truly, madly, and deeply in love with each other can sound a bit far-fetched, but shockingly, there are pieces of evidence that support the same. Of late, several studies have reported that happy couples, the ones who are satisfied and are happy in their marriages and relationships do gain weight (1).
We followed up with such studies in an attempt to understand how these researches led to such conclusions. You don’t have to do what we did. Because we’re explaining them right away for you, just read on.
Research Says Happily Married Couples Gain Weight
Saying, “I do” isn’t just about agreeing to be with someone. It’s also about agreeing to a major change in your life. Your lifestyle and food habits aren’t going to be just yours now. You start connecting every little thing that happens in your life with your partner too. And after a couple of years of togetherness, the habits don’t just remain yours, they became a mutual habit’.
A research conducted by the University of North Carolina took into observation the weight measurements of nearly 8000 people. They kept track of the weight gains of both men and women of single status, committed status, and married status. This research’s conclusion came up with stats that showed that on an average, a woman gains around 24 pounds in the initial 5-6 years of marriage. Whereas an unmarried or single woman gained 2 pounds less, that’s 22 pounds.
Coming to men, the study showed the weight transition on a higher end when men’s status changed from single to married or committed. Men likely gained around 25 pounds.
The conclusion of this study was that there is indeed a strong association between obesity and long term romantic relationships (2).
Newly Wedded Couples
The National Institute of Health conducted more research just to examine and understand if the weight gain among the newlyweds was a positive or a negative outcome of their happiness. For this, the study took into consideration the observations made on newly wedded couples and those couples who were already married for at least a span of four years.
This study reached a conclusion that just-married couples were happier and gained more weight as they don’t really have to put effort into keeping each other attracted (3). Whereas couples who have been married for long and are unhappy and not so-in-love did not gain weight because of the stress they faced.
Weight Gain Among Married Couples Is Contagious
Happy couples are happy because they spend quality time with each other. One partner’s eating habits can influence the eating habits of the other. So, if one gains weight, chances are that the spouse might gain weight too. The New England Journal of Medicine conducted a study that proved that weight gain among couples is a contagious thing.
After analyzing the habits, activities, and the social environment of the couples, the study concluded that the mutual increase in weight is a result of both the psychological influence of both the partners on each other, with their respective eating habits (4).
The above-mentioned details are the results of studies done by professional health experts. And it definitely doesn’t apply to everybody, there are exceptions too. But the thought here is that couples need to understand that it’s vital to influence each other with good habits and lifestyle choices. This will help them love each other more and live longer with each other.
What do you think of the above-mentioned results? Let us know in the comments below.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/couples-in-loving-relationships-gain-weight/
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serenityinsolitude · 7 years
Night out for Akhil’s birthday
Indy showing his insecurities:
Telling me and Shivani that we clearly only came for Akhil
He literally tried to get out of the picture after he figured out we also wanted Akhil in the photo. I dragged him back in. Akhil stepped in between next to Indy and Shivani and Indy moved hahaha so I was in between Akhil and Indy. Sometimes, I wonder if I over analyze these situations or if it is actually the way it is hahaha.
When Akhil had gone off in an uber, we were hanging outside the club with Puja’s brother, Steve, and Indy came. He wanted to make sure we were going to get home okay and literally said, “Akhil’s not here and he would have done this. So I’m going to do it”
Indy being unnecessarily sweet:
- Telling us time and time again that he was really glad we came
- Making sure Shivani and I were okay in the uber!
- Thanking me for the pad thai :P
Akhil calling me (when we were in line @ the google popup LOL) and asking if I was coming, with who, and that he was glad.
Getting invited to Jaspreet’s birthday hahahahaha “I literally just met you today but you should come next week HAHAHA”
Getting asked by Steve if I’ll be at Jigar’s house HAHAHA
Confessing to Akhil’s brother that it was me he was talking to on snap
Talking about Mumbai nightlife w/Akhil’s cousin LOL
Walking literally across NYC with Shivani from 4 till 4 in the morning HAHA
Drinking rose while people are getting turnt
Akhil around every 25 minutes or so coming by and thanking us for coming
Hugging Akhil every similar interval w/my arms around his waist and his arms around my shoulders. Hugs are great btw. 
When Akhil literally had a meltdown when we told him we weren’t going to the club, then asked maybe 70 times. One time I literally looked him in the eyes and was like “you don’t really care if I’m there or not...there’s so many people”
When I was an awk turtle
When Akhil introduced me to his friends and then just screamed “TALK!” with an overzealous grin
Going on a date w/Shivani to a super nice Thai restaurant
Trying to lie down while Qusai and Shivani were like “um.NO”
Trying to convince Steve that I had been to clubs before, trying to use Akhil to add to my rep (NOT HELPFUL “Peruvian clubs don’t count”). Steven “Why don’t you remember the names of any of the clubs you’ve been to?” “Aren’t you supposed to be drunk when you’re at the club, why would I remember the name?” “Aren’t you in med school?”
Doing a tequila shot…:O (Lowkey my fave but…)
Drinking more wine than Shivani
Being convinced SO HARD by freaking Jaspreet and his brother to go the club (again, literally met them last night)
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