#perfect pier
sexymikayla2 · 3 days
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every friend group should have (re6 edition)
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lmk if you want me to do this with the other games lmao
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karda · 8 months
went to san francisco with my family last weekend :-] some pictures for you <3
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drawbudd · 1 year
so i watched the finale and. i just woke up and was like wait that Actually Happened
like i don't remember how i got into the owl house but i dont think in a hundred years i couldve expected:
-accurate depictions of abuse and the effects thereof
-openly neurodivergent main character
-exploration of "less known" lgbt identities (nb character??? canonically aroace character?????? thats insane)
-just generally open displays of mental health issues as the story happens (im so happy that it wasnt like oh no. anyways off to do this thing now- like you saw how it affected them and i am so happy abt that)
-literally all those horrifying moment. i am as much of a horror fan as the next but i swear every time monster belos is on screen im like wow okay how did they allow this. what is the target demographic again
-also very clear depictions of physical disabilities (more noticably eda's lost arm but more subtly Dell's nerve damage and eda's curse)
i could probably go on for ages and ages but what i really wanna say is
Thank you, Dana and everyone else that made it happen, for one of the most amazing shows ive ever seen.
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ubourgeois · 8 months
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The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini
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Guess who finally drew a Tinimmy Kiss?? :D
Yes!! I was actually unsure about how this one was turning out at first, because the pose seemed a bit awkward for some reason? But then I decided it actually looked really cute and soft as I kept going and polishing it up.
I wanted to draw a Tinimmy Kiss because I don’t draw them muppets kissing enough!! Tina and J Ju are two characters I definitely need to draw more of.
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midnight-blogs · 2 years
heres a reminder
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leefi · 11 months
growing up by chicago has spoiled me rotten. i visit any other major metropolitan city and my reaction is always …oh! is that it?
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Sometimes. You gotta be a lil cringe at a nature reserve bc you LOVE THINGS and being cringe is actually cool
Anyways. Here's my face
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araneitela · 8 months
Me: Talks about the significance and intimacy (not automatically romantic, folks, but also there's an inherent romanticism) of hands, and touch and who you let into that space of comfort. Pinterest: Did you say hands? Here, we've adjusted your home feed you so that you. cannot. possibly. escape. them. you're. welcome. Me: I just wanted— what did I want, again?
... Did I end up rambling about anything but hands in my tags? Yes. Welcome to me, this is what you sign up for. Not my portrayal, not my writing, my tag rambles.
#[ ooc. ] don't try to make it logical or edit your soul according to the fashion. rather; follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.#[ i literally don't remember what i went on here for. ]#[ i thought it was an icon but it was not. ]#[ instead i'm now thinking of the importance of her gloves. ]#[ and how they're a barrier between her and humanity. or everything inherently human; more so. ]#[ they're an aesthetic. yes. of course-- but it's more than that. in characters made by hoyo? everything always has 5 more layers. ]#[ at the very least. ]#[ ugh. i wish i could organize my thoughts and talk about the 'versions' of rather-- layers of kafka herself. ]#[ without it being 24 paragraphs long. ]#[ it's just gotten so complicated because you see her presenting herself in such way for so long. ]#[ voice. attitude. indifference. playfulness. and all of those remain except they falter more when she's around two individuals. ]#[ i can't even include sw and elio in this yet. because while kafka seemed to lean a little towards her more normal voice... ]#[ in the pier point dialogue with sw; it was only sometimes. it was so inconsistent. ]#[ same with sam. granted there's only one exchange between them so far. ]#[ but i digress-- then i get her story quest and in it she softens not even a little. but decently enough. ]#[ is /that/ the pretense? no you don't fake that. you don't fake how she says '...you're not leaving?' that delivery is vocal perfection. ]#[ but /that/ plays so well into all these other very human elements that she has. ]#[ i swear-- part of me truly believes she's already /on/ the path of 'learning' to feel a semblance of what fear is. or better yet... ]#[ what it /stems/ from. ]#[ because we say 'she has no concept of fear' but what does that MEAN. does that mean across the board? ]#[ concern stems from fear. you need /care/ and investment to feel fear. she /shows/ concern actively. she risks a lot to-- ]#[ be concerned about blade. and yes; she lacks the fear of them getting caught. but she's concerned for him. ]#[ and she's also practical and analytical; she knows if they get caught-- blade worsens. ]#[ and while it also endangers the 'future' a bit; she harps on blade. she also confides in the MC about her concern. ]#[ i just. ]#[ this is so much more complicated than i thought it'd be. ]#[ and also this whole concept of what humans fall into when they lack fear. how they become metaphorical 'demons'... ]#[ that pursue pleasure and thrill. but she became a /hunter/ of them. and yet she shows a lesser shade of it herself. ]#[ i just. think she's so inherently and stupidly interesting. HI GUYS. HANDS. i totally went on a tangent. ]#[ ... not about hands. ]
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piers-official · 1 month
Pull My Strings, by the Dead Kennedys? Gotta look at the classics, right
( @lunalaapunk )
Fuck yeah mate, gotta look at the classics. 8/10 Solid fuckin' song, ya got excellent taste~
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stoneshipper · 2 months
💕👀🌙⚡️📸 for Piers ?¿ ^^
Bold of you to ask about someone I don't even have listed... you're taking advantage of the fact you know all the silly guys rotating in my head. How dare you. (/j /lh)
💕 - What’s your f/o’s favorite love language to give/receive? what’s yours?
For Piers, I think the love language he gives the most is gift giving. Especially with jewelry and clothing - anything that I can wear on a daily basis and think about him with. In terms of receiving, he'd love quality time. Since I'm on the Isle of Armor a lot and we can't see each other face-to-face super often, anytime we can spend time with each other is very precious. As for me, my favorite one to give him is physical touch! When we're together, I'll basically never stop holding his hand or hanging off his arm. I also like giving quick, casual kisses on his hands or his cheek. To receive, ours sync up, as mine is also quality time. I can definitely see myself having a rough night, and no matter what time it is, finding a taxi (or just taking my own Talonflame) from the Isle of Armor to Spikemuth just to see him. His company would be a much-needed source of comfort on rough nights.
👀 - What’s your favorite physical feature on your f/o?
Definitely his hair. It makes him stand out, and I think watching all the different ways he could style it is facinating. It would be super thick, so it would be a little hard to run my hands through (I love playing with people's hair, oops) - but it would not stop me from trying.
🌙 - What is your f/o doing late at night when they can’t sleep?
Writing music. I think Piers has a lot of late-night writing sessions - whether it's playing music until the sun rises or working on lyrics, he could be so focused on the task that he doesn't even realize how much time has passed until the sun is rising again. He definitely doesn't sleep as much as he should because of it.
⚡️ - What is your f/o passionate about?
Other than music, I think Piers is passionate about fashion! He could throw a cohesive outfit together in seconds, and I imagine most of his own wardrobe is hand-made. He probably made a lot of Marnie's clothing when she was younger, too. He'd design jackets, sew on patches to bags and other clothes, fasten studs... he makes a lot of things by hand. None of it is haphazardly placed, either - everything he makes is very intentional.
📸 - Post the most recent photo of your f/o that you saved!
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Laughing. I can't believe this is the last screenshot I took of him back in February. Honestly kind of iconic.
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starlitdumbass · 2 years
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he huehue~
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theinsatiables · 3 months
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AP: Why do you think you were compelled to go to the trial [of Fabienne Kabou, who one night in 2013 left her 15-month-old daughter on the beach to die]?
DIOP: I went to the trial because I had a very strong intuition. But for a very long time, I didn’t know what it was about. I didn’t think, ‘Oh, I’m going to go to the trial and make a film about it.’ I think as a woman, as actually many other women around me, I was completely fascinated by this story. I really went as a woman. What struck me was a sentence that the defendant said to the police. When the inspector asked, ‘Why did you kill your daughter?’ she said, ‘I laid my daughter on the sand because I wanted the sea to take her away.’ For the French, it carries a very profound, psychoanalytic dimension because in French, the mother and the sea are the same word (mère and mer). In my head, I had the fantasy that she offered her daughter to a mother that was more powerful than she felt. It is this imagery of this mythological concept that became a magnet for me. But during the five days that I listened to this trial, I had no idea that it was going to draw me to the deepest, darkest place of my being.
AP: Having a child myself viscerally changed how I processed movies and stories about children in distress. Did you have an experience like that too, as a mother thinking about a story like this?
DIOP: I can’t exactly say that. But it is true that my partner was very concerned by my obsession with this story. Even for me it was a complete mystery. I did not understand why me, as a Black woman, could be so fascinated by this story of a Black woman that had killed her child. That was incomprehensible to me. I’m going to tell you something very personal, which I never talk about. I actually had a very deep postpartum depression when my child was a baby. And I believe that this trial is what helped me heal out of that depression. I not only forgave myself, but I also forgave my mother. It’s as if this trial was helping me, killing all this trauma.
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onii-pamn · 1 year
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Reiterated how I draw my precious little dnnz <3
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actnormalsalome · 7 months
Trick-or-treat! 🎃
Oh no! I'm late! Please enjoy the cover of a very odd graphic novel from the library. (Before anyone asks, no. It's a different John Green.)
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