#perhaps if i do my responsibilities
thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Jason's feelings about Sheila Haywood
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Batman #427 (1988)
"God, it must have been hard for you."
"...I'll save you... Mom..."
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Batman: Gotham Knights #44 (2003)
"...I love..."
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Batman #428 (1988)
"He threw... himself... in front... of me... in front of me... He took... the main brunt... of the blast... Such a... good boy... Must have... really... loved his... mother..."
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Deadman: Dead Again #2 (2001)
JASON: "It's weird--she betrayed me to the Joker. Got us both blown up--but I'm not mad at her. It wasn't really her fault--her whole life was screwed up. Things just... happened. [...] You gotta tell me--is she going to make it?"
DEADMAN: "She's fading pretty fast, kid--"
JASON: "No, I mean-- her soul. What's going to happen to her... afterward?"
DEADMAN: "That's not for me to decide."
SHEILA: "Jason tried to rescue me... We almost... made it... So close... He turned out to be such a good kid..."
JASON: "Thanks, Mom..."
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Batman Annual 25 (2006)
He remembered most of what happened. The search for his mother. Her betrayal. Joker. And his own murder.
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Task Force Z #8 (2022)
"I died trying to save someone I cared about."
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sarioh · 2 years
this saga is. bonkers . did bdubs ever say etho’s stance on shipping ?
not explicitly besides basically conveying etho's general shock at the fact that people are talking about him in these kinds of ways LMAO. he did say etho's just glad to be in the loop though. but regardless i think we as a community need to learn to put less emphasis on what ccs think about the content we make and should stop feeling the need to seek their validation on what is okay to write/post/make art about. this is our space at the end of the day and ccs who visit are doing it on their own volition knowing this. it shouldnt really matter what their stance is on stuff like character shipping in my humble opinion
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lesbiancarat · 1 month
want to give my two cents on the AI usage in the maestro trailer--
i think seventeen doing a whole concept that is anti-AI is very cool, especially as creatives themselves i think it's good that they're speaking up against it and i hope it gets more ppl talking about the issue. i also understand on a surface level the artistic choice (whether it was made by the members, the mv director, or whoever else), to directly use AI in contrast to real, human-made visuals and music in order to criticize it. i also appreciate that they clearly stated the intention of the use of AI at the beginning of the video
however, although i understand it to an extent, i do not agree with the choice to use AI to critique AI. one of the main ethical concerns with generative AI is that it is trained on other artists' work without their knowledge, consent, or compensation. and even when AI generated images are being used to critique AI, it still does not negate this particular ethical concern
the use of AI to critique also does not negate the fact that this is work that could have been done by an actual artist. i have seen some people argue that it's okay in this context because it's a critique specifically about AI, and it is content that never would have been done by a real artist anyway because it doesn't make sense for the story they're trying to tell. but i disagree. i think you can still tell the exact same story without using AI
and in fact, i would argue that it would make the anti-AI message stronger if they HAD paid an artist to draw/animate the scenes that are supposed to represent AI generated images. wouldn't it just be proof that humans can create images that are just as bad and nonsensical and soulless as AI, but that AI can't replicate the creativity and beauty and basic fucking anatomy that's in human-made art?
it feels very obvious this was not just a way to cut corners and costs like a lot of scummy people are using AI for. ultimately it was a very intentional creative decision, i just personally think it was a very poor one. and even if some ethical considerations were taken into account before this decision, i certainly don't think all of them were. at the very least i feel like the decision undermines the message they want to convey
i would also like to recognize that i myself am not an artist, and i have seen some artists that are totally on board with the use of AI in this specific context, so clearly this is not a topic that is cut and dry. but generative AI is still new, and i think it's important to keep having these conversations
#melia.txt#also want to add that as musicians svt are more directly threatened by AI generated audio than they are by AI generated images#and yet AI generated images is what was used in the video#and i guess the MV director/production company are the ones directly responsible for putting that in there#whether it was their initial idea or not#and they work in a visual medium so perhaps that makes it more 'fair' but idk it just feels like#the commentary is around music. which makes sense. and using human produced music/sound#but then taking advantage of AI images#idk just feels weird#i mean i don't like it either way#like i said in the main post i understand the intention behind the creative decision#and i'm still happy svt are speaking against ai at all i do think overall they're doing a good thing here#i just don't agree with the creative decision they/the production company/whoever made#edit: deleted the part about not boycotting svt over this bc ppl were commenting about boycotting bc of the 🛴 stuff#i meant specifically /I/ am not calling for a boycott because of specifically the ai stuff#was just trying to make a general point that im not making this post bc i want to sabatoge svt or whatever#bc kpop fans love to pull that catd whenever u criticize anything#so yeah just removed that bit bc i dont want ppl getting confused what im talking about#respect ppl boycotting because of scooter/israel stuff but thats not what this post was intended to be about#edit 2: turning off reblogs bc im going to bed and having asomewhat controversial post up is not gonna help me sleep well lol#may or my not turn rb's back on in the morning
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
obligatory intermittent post once again requesting more people make pjo askblogs. pretty pretty please. they're very fun I promise and askblogs are a dying species. i'm very sad that for like the past 6 years there's usually only been one or two riordanverse askblogs active and I'm one of them.
"but i can't-" there's options! text-based askblogs! illustrated/drawn-response askblogs! cosplay askblogs! voice acting askblogs! combinations of the above! whatever else your heart desires! get funky with it! getting funky with it is really cool!
also do your local askblogs a favor and send them some asks sometimes. here's a list of illustrated pjo askblogs I have curated, and a list of other formats of pjo askblogs. I'm also working on another list of general askblogs so if you have any other askblogs you should tell me about those ones too.
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fluffydancer618 · 5 months
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Doodles from old notebooks I liked enough to put in my sketchbook
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 1 month
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"Cuhut it out- you guys!" "Nu-uh, not until you're all perked up first! You don't want those gym challengers meetin' with an ol' mopey leader, do ya?" "Whitney's right, dear friend. No need to hide that beautiful smile of yours, alright?~"
What it takes to cheer up Johto's beloved ghost boy 👻💕
#some incredibly self-indulgent fluff for my own sake SKJDFSNDFS#Morty was having one of Those days where the weight of his responsibilities as leader and expectations as someone meant to bring back Ho-Oh#-felt a little too heavy to handle (more so than usual)#luckily his best friends (and mayhaps crush of nearly an entire decade) are here to take a stand against his low mood 🤼#I've been having brainrot of Whitney's dynamics with these two alrighttttt they all deserve to be silly with each other#best wingman award goes to this girlie for putting up with these two's mutual pining antics for years sdkfjskjdfh#the way I see it Morty and Whitney were besties way back before they had even become leaders (with Morty being the older between them)#there were definitely rumors going around between their towns about how they're an item#when the reality is that Whitney's more focused on winning the affections of the other cute girls she hangs out with#while Morty's a repressed gay lad burdened with religious guilt SDJFHUISJDNFS /LH /LH#the second Whitney caught wind of Morty actually developing a crush on someone you just Know she was on his ass Immediately#asking about aaall the details--who he is- what he does- how he dresses- if he could even conceivably pass her standards of how a--#--fitting partner for her best friend's meant to be#to which an incredibly exasperated Morty struggles to answer because Eusine is just beyond his comprehension /affectionate#when Whitney does eventually get to meet him in person the first time she most certainly takes a jab at his fashion sense SDKJFSDFNS#BUT they do end up getting along a lot better than Morty braced for- which was a huge relief to him#it soon reaches that point where Eusine's secretly asking her for details on the things Morty likes and how to possibly impress him#all the while Morty's asking her for advice on how he could cope with his feelings when he's still unsure on whether they'd be requited#Whitney finds the whole ordeal simultaneously very funny and perhaps one of the most frustrating things imaginable SDKJFSKDNFS#enough of me yapping thouuughhhhhh I should save that for its own post 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#pokemon tickle#gym leader morty#morty pokemon#gym leader whitney#whitney pokemon#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#eusine#lee!morty#ler!eusine
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wundrousarts · 9 months
im wondering if the great wolfacre expansion and the massacre are related because squall is scared of maud who's the only person who seems to be his superior for some unknown reason. i mean i know she looks young but we don't know a lot about her
I personally don't think Maud is immortal or long-lived, but I do recognize that we don't know much about her.
I'm not sure if you are referring to something else, but afaik, the expansion of Wolfacre/the Wintersea Republic is connected to the Courage Square Massacre (in a way...). Squall has been exiled for ~100 years, the Republic has existed for ~90.
In Chapter 34 of Hollowpox, he says this:
“The Wintersea Party wants to take Nevermoor, and they will. They will take it just as they reached out their iron fist from Great Wolfacre and took Prosper, and Southlight, and Sang. I know, because I helped them do it. "
Squall has a prominent role in the Wintersea Republic as the second most powerful person because he had a hand in creating it. I do wonder if perhaps he used to be more powerful, whispering in the ears of politicians, but after he attempted to gain even more (ultimate?) power, being stopped by Maud (something he references) is what put him in the situation he is in now, where he has less influence.
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
Ok I'm posting for accountability, to myself: Today I need to sleep a lot, and make a lesson plan I've been super avoiding, and go to an organizing meeting I want to stay coherent and calm at, but in between? In between I can try starting at least one of the five DFF fanfiction ideas hippity hoppitying around my brain. I really think, if I'm trying to rest my brain, one of the kindest ways to do that is to ease some of the intensity of what's happening in there about these terrible 20yos. Just untangle some of the rubber bands from the ol' rubber band ball so to speak. See I am not in a place where I should try to do words. But I'm gonna.
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glitteratti · 2 months
like look. i am NOT defending the people i am going to talk about here. but there is soooo much more anger put towards female bigots than men. it is always, in every case, easier for people to vilify women. women like margaret thatcher, anita bryant, phyllis schlaphly, jkr, or nearly any other woman in that same sphere are no more evil than their male counterparts, but they’re often treated with far more anger. this is not a defense and i’m not saying they don’t deserve our anger, but jesus man.
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karinyosa · 3 months
okay the website of my local church w the pride flags out front actually really slaps they have like 5000000 choirs and a page on their specific beliefs that is pretty slay actually, unfortunately for the part of my brain that thinks choosing to do this is insane for me
#like to be honest it seems very tailored to the things i would like to get out of going to church if i were to actually follow through on#this#particularly their attitude toward doubt and sin#doubt is welcome and even an expression of faith? intriguing!#sin is a part of what makes us human? thats what i think!#i however relish in sin and this may make me incompatible with ANY church#perhaps their response would be that what i was taught was sin is not actually sin and we will see if that sticks to me or not#i dont really like the concept of sin regardless of whether god is forgiving about it or not but i guess that would lead me to the last tag#like if we can agree that certain things are bad then sure i guess theoretically i can get on board with the concept of sin#there are some reads of the bible that lean more leftist or queer that intrigue me but which i don't know much about#if anywhere's gonna be open to that it'd probably be this church#they've got a food pantry as well which is nice. like as a church you SHOULD be doing mutual aid i think but you know#i think i would always relish in being a little blasphemous though. thats the spice of life thats why im alive#im rereading this. who the fuck says relish#thank god for the industriously cautious part of my brain though because i'm doing so much fucking research before even daring to step foot#in there#on the sect and on the church itself#i think this would be very much a me reading the bible to shape it to my life and beliefs thing rather than the opposite#maybe the real reason i want to go to church is so i can dom god#karinyo.txt
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ohitslen · 9 months
You won’t believe this but ✨Chapter 8 of Easy to Care, Easy to Love is up as we speak✨
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It is called “Eventualities” and I wonder Why That Is.
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bi-functional · 2 years
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In response to this ask to @tswwwit you know I love a good meme redraw
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ailinu · 4 months
okay now i need nothing else to happen for the rest of the week
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snackugaki · 5 months
i'm just saying
it should be obvious artists and writers talk to and are friends with each other on here, if indicated no less blatantly than us chain reblogging each other
please, go ahead, make and take alllllllllllll the implications of that little phenomenon
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lunaremy · 8 months
I can't help but feel a little frightened when outsiders dislike the game. I think I've found my weakness.
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fortyfive-forty · 2 months
genuinely surprised that ppl did not know abt navratilova’s transphobia bc that was literally one of the first things i encountered after becoming a tennis fan 😐
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