eldritchw1tch · 11 months
Preliminary Gayeties: Preparatory Materials for Interested Parties
Greetings, all! As you may be aware, @barricadescon​ (x) is happening this weekend. Myself (x), @shitpostingfromthebarricade​ (x), and @grantairelibere (x) will be hosting one of the social night panels, and we are BEYOND excited! Below, I’ve got a bit more information for you:
As you may know, Preliminary Gayeties is one of the chapters of the Brick, in which Grantaire, Joly, and Bossuet get a bit trashed while they wait for Lamarque’s funeral to reach the riot stage. The three of us have a fairly longstanding personal tradition of reading this chapter aloud and playing a drinking game whenever we’re together, and it is to this custom that we would like to invite all of you. Now, in order to fully participate, you may need some supplies! All versions of these supplies are equally valid, and certainly it can be played with simple water and any snackie of your choice. However, we find it is MOST amusing when you have a specific bev or snack to stand in for each one specified. To that end, we provide a guide below so that as many people as possible may be prepared to participate fully in our game!
First of all, we need some bevs:
The primary drink is (usually red) wine. For substitutions, we suggest: any wine you personally prefer, a wine cooler, grape juice, grape flavored gatorade/sports drink, any kind of purple drink mix, some water with red/purple food coloring in it, Just Straight Up Water, whatever speaks to you!
In much smaller quantities, the activity also calls for beer (specifically stout), brandy, and absinthe. 
For beer, we suggest: any beer of your choice, a nonalcoholic beer, some lemonade, Just Some Bread, ginger beer, ginger ale, any kind of cola, etc.
For brandy, we suggest: brandy, whiskey, any dark liquor, Just A Shot of Maple Syrup, tea, a shot of coke or pepsi, etc.
For absinthe, we will do The Ritual, in which you put a small amount of absinthe in a cup, put a sugar cube in a strainer above it, and slowly pour water over the cube until it has dissolved. For substitutions, we suggest: any violently green energy drink, mountain dew, sugar water with green food coloring, Just Eat Some Licorice, ouzo, a straight shot of lime juice, or anything else unhinged that your little heart desires!
For snacks, we suggest you have some bread, along with…
Oysters. For substitutions, consider: smoked salmon/lox, any shellfish or seafood of your choice, some nice oyster mushrooms, oyster crackers, gummies shaped like shells idk do they sell those, frankly Swedish Fish, etc.
Brie. For substitutions, consider: any kind of cheese or faux-cheese, any kind of Bread Spread you prefer, butter, flavored butter, jam, marmalade, etc
Ham. For substitutions, consider: bacon, turkey bacon, turkey, any kind of cold cut you prefer, thinly sliced vegetables, veggie burger, etc
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Thank you to @themandilorian for thinking of me!
Three ships: God, I am not feeling romantic ships lately.  Uh, Enjolras/Justice, JVJ/a sense of peace, Favourite/the room for some personal introspection.
Last song: I was trying a new Spotify playlist and gave up mid-song, so คิดถึง by Chatchai Sukkawadi
Last movie: Probably Fire Island again, hahahah.
Currently reading: If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio (and, as always, Les Mis)
Currently watching: Star Trek: the Original Series.  I keep picking it up and putting it down, there are so many episodes.  ^^;
Currently consuming: water
Currently craving: Sleep and a return to my current knitting project and audiobook
@perihelionicarus , @eldritchw1tch , @thepiecesofcait , @cynical-sirius , @almondmisery , @thecandlesticksfromlesmis , @racetrackthehiggins , @the-march-hair : if you are up for it, please give me a life update! (but also, no pressure/rush)
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adorablecrab · 4 years
i would also like to know your #1!!
oh god.. it’s Babel by Mumford and Sons. Guess what my top artist is yet again 
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megab · 3 years
(I couldn’t figure out how to embed it properly on tumblr so here have it on AO3)
The Last Day of Daycare by @bethanythemartian
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sharpestasp · 2 years
Last Line
Tagged by @rhubarbdreams
I'm Ted Kord, or Blue Beetle when one of the others convinces me to put the suit on.
tagging: @aniseandspearmint @brighteyedjill @capondi @dressesandcapes @electricbluebutterflies @fuyunoakegata @giallos @harpergetsfannish @ilthit @jazzforthecaptain @kandrakelsier @laufire @missed-oblivion @nicholaslucien @outshinethestars @perihelionicarus @queenofmalkier @rubynye
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Les Mis Holiday Exchange 2021 Post-Deadline Pinch Hits!
Hello all! We have three post-deadline pinch hits available right now. See below for more details.
If you are interested in claiming either, please contact us at lmexchangehq [at] gmail [dot] com or send an ask or DM including your AO3 username and which pinch hit you’d like to claim.
All pinch hits will be due at December 22 at 11:59pm EST (what time is that for me?)
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Pinch Hit 1
Cosette Fauchelevent/Éponine Thénardier; Courfeyrac/Marius Pontmercy; Combeferre/Joly
Pinch Hit 2 - CLAIMED
Courfeyrac/Marius Pontmercy; Enjolras/Grantaire
Pinch Hit 3 CLAIMED
Courfeyrac/Cosette Fauchelevent/Marius Pontmercy; Combeferre & Courfeyrac & Enjolras; Combeferre & Enjolras; Combeferre/Courfeyrac; Combeferre/Courfeyrac/Enjolras/Grantaire; Combeferre/Grantaire; Bahorel/Bahorel's Laughing Mistress/Jean Prouvaire; Bahorel/Jean Prouvaire; Feuilly/Jean Prouvaire; Bahorel & Jean Prouvaire; Grantaire & Joly & Bossuet Laigle & Musichetta; Grantaire/Joly/Bossuet Laigle/Musichetta; Joly/Bossuet Laigle/Musichetta; Les Amis de l'ABC
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pilferingapples · 3 years
after Too Long I have finally  started watching Black Sails (thank you perihelionicarus), spoiler--free Opinions: 
-It’s amazingly non-flashy/spinny for the sort of show it is? or at least balances light/dark contrast well and consistently?  I still only watched two episodes to start, bc I am Careful with my seizey brain, but after those two eps I felt Fine?   Which is a huge relief, since being a seizure trigger is the one thing that, obviously, will  stop me from being able to watch a show
- I don’t have a favorite character yet , a bit to my surprise, but so far Silver is the funniest and by far the most memetic 
- love the costumes and the humor in general 
- I don’t know how they’re gonna keep raising the stakes over several seasons at the pace they’ve established so far but it is hilarious  and I love it 
-never seen a show with so many people who are both Incredibly Clever and rampagingly  dense at once, they’re all exactly the sort of people I would expect to end up in piracy, it’s great 
- my one complaint is that this show seems to suffer from the foolish idea that naked people are more exciting to look at than people in pirate outfits and this is just tragically  wrong, a horrible flaw in an otherwise nigh-perfect Programme alas 
- honestly kind of surprised that my brain hasn’t already gone into the Spin cyle on this because it is kind of perfect?? maybe there’s just not enough found family vibes yet?? IDK but we’ll see 
-really glad there’s a lot of this to watch because even so, eeeeee :D
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I was tagged by @captainenjolras — thank you btw, these are always so fun!
Note: I just saw that this was literally from almost two years ago and, for some reason, tumblr decided to tell me about it Today.  I'm still doing it, because I want to.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d love to know more about!  (I will tag, like, five)
Name/Nickname: Shitposting, SftB, Shitty, Shits, Barri
Gender: N/A (agender)
Star sign: as if the stars would be so insolent
Height: 165cm
Time: 17.30
Birthday: bold of you to assume I was born
Favorite bands: The Score?  Skillet?  The Supremes???
Favorite solo artist: Adele, Hozier, Etta James, Frank Turner, etc.
Song stuck in my head: “Scarlet Welly Boots" by the Amazing Devil
Last movie: Fire Island
Last show: Derry Girls
When did I create this blog: this blog was made May 2018, but I've been on tumblr since Oct 2010, technically
What do I post: shitposts
Last thing I googled: Wales movie Disney
Other blogs: 21
Do I get asks: yes
Why I chose my URL: I feel like this one is self-evident
Following: 571
Followers: 0
Average hours of sleep: 6
Lucky number: 2 or 72
Instruments: I play flute and would like to learn cello and some basics on guitar
Dream job: Christ, I dunno, something intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling that doesn't follow me home and pays enough to live comfortably and help my loved ones
Dream trip: visit all of my Europe friends and my Aus wife and hit up some of the great ancient cities
Favorite food: good cheesecake
Nationality: US-ian
Favorite Song: changes constantly
Last book finished: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: idk, all of them seem to have fucked up shit going on in them
20 people you'd like to get to know better: lol no @perihelionicarus @eldritchw1tch @thepiecesofcait @cynical-sirius @jehnt @museinabsentia @annabrolena
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adorablecrab · 4 years
oh my god I just realized your URL is just an anagram of your name?? I thought you were just a fan of crustaceans fjgjgkdg
refhrey I love it when people realize that. A lil secret.
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