#periphery jetpacks was yes
sleepanonymous · 10 months
Another piano cover Ves did for Periphery's Jetpacks Was Yes. More info under the break.
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Again, same as last week's Periphery post, the music link is incomplete and wasn't saved properly. Still 95% positive it's something I've already posted or will post later on. Also, I got the screenshot below from another source (since I checked through all the Periphery cover links I had and didn't see this comment on any of the archived videos). Not sure which video it was under so I'll stick it here 🥹🖤🙏
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He's a fanboy just like all of us, for real.
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stolenhead · 7 hours
Reaching for a way out of this dream
I waste my breath ascending
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thelonewildgirl · 5 months
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theartofmany · 5 years
“As the title suggests this is an orchestral arrangement of Periphery's Jetpacks Was Yes” From Youtube channel Lee Hind: Jetpacks Was Yes (Orchestral Arrangement) This is so epic \m/ Enjoy...
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst Characters: Scott Tracy
Hello, new challenge! (not that I’m done with irrelief; I am still determined to reach 20 fics on that one.)  For @gumnut-logic‘s SensorySunday: See.  I was going to be mean and leave it at this but I decided that that was maybe a little too cruel so there is more on the way.  Little bit of Scott!whump, just because I can.  There will be more.
Was space supposed to be this black?
The silence was probably not a good thing.  Nor was the ever-encompassing black all around him-
Oh, his eyes were closed. That explained that.  He sent a sharp command to his eyelids to open, but they refused to do any more than twitch.  He ordered them again, clenching his jaw, and with a spike of pain lancing through his head in furious complaint, they obeyed.
It was still black. That was odd.  He forced his protesting eyelids to close and re-open in a painfully slow blink.  Still black.
Panic gnawed at him, settling in his bones and suffocating his lungs.  Black, all black.  Blind the voice in his head wailed, hysterics already trying to set in as his chest heaved, trying to find air that just wasn’t there.
That prompted another thought, a memory that slammed the panic back into its box at the back of his mind.
Of course there wasn’t air. He wasn’t blind.  He was in space.  A mission with a giant freighter in distress and crew in need of evac.
He was in space and it was silent.  Well, that made sense.  Sound didn’t travel in space.  He forced another blink and this time a dark blue fuzz invaded his periphery.  His helmet.
His helmet was on.  That was a good thing.
So why was it so silent?
“Thunderbird Three?” he croaked.  “Alan?”
Nothing.  His own voice bounced around the confines of his helmet, but there was no ­click to indicate a connection from his comms. No static to inform him the unit had taken some damage.  Nothing.
He was floating, weightless and helpless.  No communications.  No way to stop his movement, and nothing except that endless void of black.
Where were the stars? Where was Earth?  The Moon?  The Sun?
Oh, he’d closed his eyes again.  With a groan, he forced them open again.
It wasn’t black anymore. Chunks of rock surrounded him, some no bigger than his palm, some bigger than Tracy Island.  Asteroid belt that little voice whispered, and the panic burst back out of its little box, straining against his attempts to reign it in.
The freighter hadn’t been anywhere near the asteroid belt.
Asteroid belt has a buckle, Uncle Lee’s voice told him, but Uncle Lee wasn’t here and he didn’t know where one went about finding it.  That was John’s job.  Or Alan’s.
Not Scott’s.
All right, let’s take it from the top.  Logic was John’s thing, but panic was breaking through every defence he was raising against it and John would be telling him to start from the top, just like all those times he’d helped him with his physics after little brothers were gone to bed. Their little secret.  They had a few secrets, actually.  Big brothers united against little.
His thoughts were drifting. Back on task, Scooter. Scooter.  He didn’t hear that much anymore.  Scotty, when one or more of his devilish brothers wanted something, but Scooter had been used by Dad just as much as his brothers.  They’d all stopped using it after the Zero-X.  Whether that had been a conscious change or not, he didn’t know.
Maybe he should ask.
You’re drifting again.  He was, and vaguely he realised that that was a bad thing.  Take it from the top.
Freighter in distress. Somewhere midway between the moon and Mars.  Something-something fuel tank, risk of explosion, “we’re on our way, John.” Thunderbird Three left on standby, Alan complaining it was too dangerous to jetpack across.  Grappling across.
No sound; no sound in space. But light, bright, searing light that burnt his eyes.  Light that blurred everything out, the black of space, the white of stars, the grey of the freighter.  No blue and green marble.
No red.
Alan?  Thunderbird Three?
What had happened next? He didn’t remember.  There was bright and then there was black, and nothing in between.
Now, there was light again. Dark grey rocks, with hint of brown and shining crystals of ice and all the things that made up an asteroid whirling around in front of him.  A flash, light catching on metal.  Torn metal, the bland grey of a freighter.  Twisted, snarled all around itself like a work of art.
A memorial to the dead.
He still couldn’t hear anything.  His back slammed into something, hard.
That was probably bad. The voice in his head said something about did the suit tear?  That was important.  Why was it important?
Oh yes.  Air.  Did he still have air?
Red caught his attention in front of him, an unclear fuzz.  Scott blinked, his eyes staying closed for several moments before remembering that a blink required the eyes to open again.
The red was still a fuzz. It was right in front of his nose, reminding him of Gordon shoving something too close to his face and his vision going funny as he tried to focus on it even as it got too close.  Alan did that too, sometimes, when he was excited.
Alan.  Red.  Thunderbird Three.
Was that Thunderbird Three? Why would Thunderbird Three be right in front of his nose?  Thunderbird Three was too big to make him go cross-eyed.
He closed his eyes again, letting them rest for a moment before demanding that they open again, and stop being so fuzzy.  It wasn’t funny.  He needed to see Alan coming.  Needed to know Alan was alright.
Twisted grey flashed by him again and fear clutched at his heart.  What if it was so close because it wasn’t all of Thunderbird Three?
He felt heavy. Funny.  He was in space.  He didn’t weigh anything.  He shouldn’t feel heavy.
The red in front of his face halved in size suddenly, abruptly.  Then it expanded, blurring out his vision until all he saw was a red mist.  He couldn’t breathe, his lungs tried hard, tried so, so hard, but nothing entered.
The red mist distorted, dispersing and being strangled by the black.  No, Scott didn’t want the black.  He wanted the red.  He wanted Alan and Thunderbird Three and-
Part II
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paeanoakingi-1 · 4 years
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jeffpackswasyes · 7 years
Answer them all
1. 3 Fears - open spaces, getting kidnapped and tortured, uhh spiders but spiders are kinda dope now
2. 3 Things I love - Music, girls, animals/nature
3. 2 Turn ons - Lip biting, being wanted in return
4. 2 Turn offs - Manipulative behavior, arrogance
5. My best friend - Regan for sure
6. Sexual Orientation - Straight
7. How tall am I? - Like 6ft tall
8. What do I miss right now - My friend Scott who moved away :(
9. Favorite color - Teal
10. Do I have a crush - I don’t think so
11. Favorite place - My apartment
12. What am I listening to right now? - Modest Mouse is on right now (The Lonesome Crowded West is a fantastic album) 
13. Shoe Size - 11
14. Eye Color - Green
15. Hair Color - idk is that like brown or blonde or what. dirty blonde maybe
16. Meaning behind my URL - Dumb pun that I would tell my friend Jeff every time Jetpacks Was Yes! came on
17. Favorite Song - Lmao there are way too many songs
18. Favorite Band - The Dear Hunter!!!
19. How I feel right now - Tired and lazy and mopey
20. Someone I love - my bff regan is an angel
21. My current relationship status - Single as heck
22. My relationship with my parents - My dad and I are on pretty good terms, don’t care for my mom
23. Favorite Season - Autumn of course
24. Tattoos and piercings I have - NONE cause I’m a broke bitch
25. Tattoos and piercings I want - I could go on and on about the tattoos I want all over my body but I’m not gonna do that here. I only want one piercing, a nose ring. 
26. The reasons I joined tumblr - There is cool shit on here and it’s good to browse when you are high 
27. Do I ever get good morning texts or good night texts? - sort of? I only text one person
28. Have I kissed the last person I texted? No but I’m workin on it
29. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Like 6 minutes
30. Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days? - Nope
31. Where am I right now? - In my bedroom
32. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - When my roommate isn’t home I play my music loud af
33. Do I live with my mom and dad? - No
34. Am I excited for anything? - Damn, not really
35. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - Definitely 
36. How often do I wear a fake smile? - Often 
37. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Maybe Casey Crescenzo I really don’t know
38. What do I think about most? - Probably music
39. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind it
40. What was the last lie I told? - “Nah everything is cool dad” 
41. Do I prefer talking on the phone, or video chat? - Phone
42. Do I believe in ghosts? Aliens? - Aliens exist, and I’m convinced ghosts or some sort of spirit entity is out there
43. Do I believe in magic? - Somewhat yes actually, still on the fence about it
44. Do I believe in luck? - I like to think that the universe looks out for some people, whether or not that is “luck”, I’m not sure
45. What’s the weather like right now? - It’s like 85 degrees and sunny out
46. What was the last book I read? - I’m in the middle of Game of Thrones right now and yes, it is fantastic
47. Do I have any nicknames? - I go by James, my middle name so I guess that counts
48. Do I spend money or save it? - I need to be a little more careful with my money I spend so much
49. Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - I’m sure I can touch it with A tongue, but not my tongue
50. Favorite animal? - Damn this a tough one. A sloth? A bear? Deer? Mantis Shrimp? 
51. What was I doing last night at 12 am? Smoking and watching Bojack Horseman
52. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Mr Blue Sky by ELO, no contest
53. What is my favorite word? - Honestly fuck this question 
54. My top 5 blogs on tumblr - They are all good I can’t rate them
55. If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - uhh please stop killing each other 
56. Do I have any relatives in jail? - Nope not that I know of
57. What is my current desktop background? - Overwatch shit
58. Had sex? - Nope
59. Bought condoms? - Who needs em! /s
60. Gotten pregnant? - God I hope not
61. Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - Yes
62. Had a job? - Yes
63. Smoked weed? - Too much, gotta chill on it 
64. Smoked cigarettes? - Yeah
65. Drank Alcohol? - Yes
66. Am I vegetarian/vegan? - Nope
67. Been overweight? - No I’m skinny af
68. Been underweight? - Definitely
69. Gotten my heart broken? - I wouldn’t classify it as heartbreak
70. Been to prom? - Nah, not my thing
71. Been in an airplane? - Nope :( 
72. Learned another language? - Not fluently
73. Wore make up? - I have not, but wouldn’t be opposed
74. Dyed my hair? - Yep, I really wanna die it again
75. Had a surgery? - Nope, I’ve had stitches though
76. Met someone famous? - Never
77. Stalked someone on social media? - Nope
78. Been fishing? - A couple of times
79. Been rejected by a crush? - I didn’t have a lot of crushes so no
80. What do I want for my birthday? - A livable income 
81. Do I like my handwriting? - Yeah, I don’t hate it I guess
82. Where do I want to live when I’m older? - Probably somewhere in Europe
83. Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing something bad? - I got caught doing LSD a few years ago
84. What I’m really bad at? - I’m not the best with my words, bad writer and bad conversationalist
85. What my greatest achievements are - ...uhhh Sean and I wrote an album last summer and it was pretty dope but it never got rerecorded and released so does that even count
86. The meanest thing somebody has ever said to you? - I don’t remember off the top of my head
87. What I’d do if I won the lottery - Go visit Regan and get us out of our shitty towns 
88. What do I like about myself? - My hair, my hands
89. My closest tumblr friend  - damn that is a good question
90. Any question you’d like? - What, i only answer the questions fuck this 
91. Are you outgoing or shy? - Definitely shy
92. What kind of people are you attracted to? - The kind that I can click with and talk to and have fun with 
93. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - Nope
94. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - Nah, it is a very interesting subject
95. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Last night with my friend Cody about this life being a simulation 
96. What does the most recent text you sent say? - “right, fuck you james”
97. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - Damn gimme a few minutes to look 
Cowboy Dan - Modest Mouse
The Old Haunt - The Dear Hunter
None Shall Pass - Aesop Rock
Absolomb - Periphery 
Open Up - Dispatch 
98. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - Yes I love it
99. Do you think there is life on other planets? - There’s gotta be 
100. Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t taken a bubble bath in years so idk
101. Do you like your neighbors? - Most of them
102. Where would you like to travel? - I wanna travel everything but that is vague and generic so I’ll say Innsbruck, Austria. The name means Inn by the River and it is a cute magical looking town
103. Favorite part of your daily routine? - I don’t have a daily routine but I play overwatch everyday so i”m gonna say it’s that
104. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - Probably my skinny fucking legs 
105. What do you when you wake up? - Lately I’ve been reading a chapter and smoking a bowl  
106. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I’ve never really thought about it tbh
107. Do you ever want to get married? - I mean not particularly but if my partner wants to get married then yeah sure 
108. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail? - Yep
109. Would you rather live without TV or music? - TV, duh
110. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - Probably
111. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - There’s a bunch of thrift stores in this town so those are always pretty neat
112. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - Yes
113. Do you smile at strangers? - Sometimes
114. Have you done anything recently that you hope no one finds about? - Nope, I’m clean
115. Ever wished you were someone else? - All the time
116. Favorite makeup brand? - Sephora, BH Cosmestics, idrk
117. Last thing you ate? - Cereal 
118. Ever won a competition? - Nope
119. Ever been in love? - Yeah
120. Facebook or Twitter? - Neither, but you can follow my insta @jeffpackswasyes ;)
121. Twitter or Tumblr? - Definitely  tumblr
122. Are you watching TV right now? - Nope
123. What color are your towels? - Mostly white, I have a blue one though
124. Favorite ice cream flavor? - Vanilla, cookies and cream
125. First person you talked to today? - Regan or Cody
126. Last person you talked to today? - Regan
127. Name a person you hate? - The guy who made the kid put his laptop in the oven on twitch. 
128. Name a person you love? - My bff Regan!!
129. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - Nah
130. Do you tan a lot? - Nope
131. Have any pets? - None of my own, none in my apartment
132. Do you type fast? - Yes
133. Do you regret anything from your past? - I try to let go of any regrets, still trying to let go of some. But I’ll get there
134. Ever broken someone’s heart? - Yes
135. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt? - Lmao yeah 
136. Is cheating ever okay? - No, but I do think that it is forgivable, depending on the situation of course.
137. Do you believe in true love? - What is TRUE love? Love is just love, we don’t understand it
138. What’s your zodiac sign? - Cancer
139. Do you believe in ghosts? - This question is on here twice, very suspicious
140. Get the closest book to you and open it page 42. What is the first line? - Egyptian Wheels and Dimensional Travel  
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signals-of-anxiety · 7 years
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#AlbumOfTheDay #NowSpinning #NowPlaying "Periphery" (aka "P1") - Periphery - Lawd, it's so pretty. I was first exposed to this album close to the beginning of my junior year by a good friend of mine, @vkw619. Prior to this record, I was not a big fan of the heavier side of metal. I mainly listened to Metallica, Slayer, Queensrÿche, etc. and considered anything heavier to be too much. For a while, I kinda wrote this album off, stopping after hitting "The Walk" since it was nothing but harsh vocals. I would go back and listen to a few songs off of it that I enjoyed, like "Jetpacks Was Yes!" and "Icarus Lives", but that's it. But after I graduated high school, I sat down one day and listened to it from front to back and it all suddenly made sense. To this day, this record remains to be one of my all-time favorites and is the album which introduced me to modern progressive metal. It's just so damn good. - #Periphery #PerryFairy #PureRiffery #PERFery #Prifiry #P1 #Periphery1 #selftitled #music #metal #progressivemetal #prog #progmetal #djent #vinyl #LP #record #records #analog #turntable #Sumerian #SumerianRecords #SpencerSotelo #MishaMansoor #JakeBowen #MarkHolcomb #MattHalpern #AlexBois #TomMurphy #AdamNollyGetgood
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multiple-nerdery · 7 years
Heck thas too many
nvm ill doitt
Mercury: What’s your full name? jasper dean [eldritch horror noises] [last name omitted for privacy reasons]
Venus: What’s your first language? it english my dude n i speak it bad as shit
Earth: Where’s your home? i live in the gorgeous new york city
Mars: What’s your sexuality? im ace as hell but my gf is really hot and the closest thing i feel to attraction is towards her
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? thank god, no
Saturn: Any pets? i wish
Uranus: What’s your hobby? idkfk dude smtimes i mak music
Neptune: When’s your birthday? it was three weeks ago (on a sunday)
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 105 am
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? math phys ics dude
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? ummmmmm i get fukd up on th weekly
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? not yet but looks likemayb soon
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? yeyeyeye
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? umm yeah ofc because gotta escap/ coolest place ive been was s africa. i can no longer afford even intranational travel tho rip
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? happiness
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? in a positive way, daniel. in a negative way, ahngst
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? all my friends
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? nah but i tore a ligment once n had t get a cast
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? ive been asked too never forced tho
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? only to time and awkwardness, never to death yet
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? ahngst
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? i like halloween ok
Orion: Favourite month? september
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? rn its either anything by bukowski or twentieth century harmony by vincent persichetti
Delphinus: Favourite study? field of? its physics my guy
Hercules: Favourite instrument? my flying v guitar specifically
Gemini: Favourite song? rn its either omega by periphery, instinct by arch enemy or faded heart by borns
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? in my gfs arms
Libra: Favourite colour? purple
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? clothes that r confy
Aries: Favourite movie? inside llewyn davis
Cygnus: Favourite weather? not apolcalypticy
Hydra: Favourite sound? sheas voice
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? my friend jake in the coast guard. i’ve known him since we were one
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? i can be if needed. I am not naturally
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? nah. lve is a process n a choice that takes understranding n work
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? i was 16, it was a school dance, february. turned out to not be the best experience apparently which im sad about
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? anytime i miss my gf i just text her baaaaaaaaabe n thats the extent of my skills
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? i’ve never been the one to leave. ever
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? it was my gf so.............. ye lol
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? oh shit guys, guess what, i might have a crush on my girlfriend shealyn dont tell her its too embarrassing
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? if so, they did a real good job keeping it secret
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? nah.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? i’ve denied frinedships before. Actually, i’ve also denied relationships before
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? my first one I sobbed a abit once i got home. The second one i didn’t parse, the third one i just kinda accepted. The fourth one i didnt cry but i spent the next month begging her to take me back. The fifth and last one i also didn’t parse but for different reasons.
Comet: What’s your big dream? be a physicist n musician, have a dececnt apartment with my gf, be content
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? lots of jetpacks n guitars
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? i wish i could tell when people like me. Or if the spirit is different, I wish i could tell y’all about my ukrainian friend she’s fuken cool.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? ahngst ahngst ahngst ahngst in a fuken second i’d undo all the stupid shit i thought said and did with that.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? goth style
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? die (jk jk i mean get my doctorate)
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? I really want to go to space.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? I have to say my girlfriend. I swear I could live with her forever and never grow bored.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? i wish i could be like kira from death note but with nonfatal injury not just death and then i’d break the legs of my political enemies.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? before i die? hell if I know. But the LAST THING i want to see again is ahngst
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stronza-comeilmondo · 8 years
Una canzone che ascolti spesso?
Jetpacks was yes - Periphery
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sebashoning · 5 years
Songwriting stories: #2: Equisa - Strange Release
Before we dive into Songs of Seas and Oceans I wanted to deconstruct Strange Release, the title track of Equisa’s debut album. My personal favorite track of the record. Sometimes it just happens. You are at a random location and inspiration strikes. In this case, I was showering and the line “Strange release of your anger” came to mind first, picturing someone who keeps all inside and finally flips out in the strangest ways. Next came the vocal melody in the chorus paired with the chords. Personally I have the luxury of perfect pitch so I could immediately transcribe the chords in my head as I G#m I Bsus2 I Esus2 I C#7sus2 I. Shower off, Pro Tools on and demo time. I knew with the concept of someone holding everything in and flipping out at the end the song needed a sudden climax after a fairly calm half-song in which nothing seems ‘wrong’. There was my structure. One of the songs that really inspired me around that time was Periphery’s “Jetpacks was Yes”, especially the clean guitar which runs throughout the whole song without really noticing it. I also wanted a melody running through the entire song to bind everything together without getting boring. I wrote that rhodes intro first, as we were working with a keyboard-player at the time who was capable of such parts. Skills of my fellow bandmates often inspire me. It was an easy move to fill it with the chords on clean guitar and bass as it makes it very soft and comfortable. For a verse I wanted something even chiller so I decided to play the melody on a muted U2-ish delayed guitar and keep the bass steady on the G# throughout the whole chord progression. I took the intro as a chorus and copy pasted up until the bridge. There I wanted the flipout, so I put the melody in a leadsynth so I could put open distorted chords underneath. Petra, Joost and I sing great in harmony and it has become a staple in Equisa’s sound, so stacking our voices in these harmonies where all of us pushed our limits would make it sound like a great flipout! I also changed the Bsus2 to an Asus2 to create a more dark and sinister undertone compared to the first half of the song. As final choruses I wanted the drums to kick back in and placed the melody once again in the synths. It took a while for me to find a cool sound for it and after experimentation I settled on pizzicato strings. With 80% of Equisa’s music this is where I hand it over to Petra to write lyrics and the remaining (often all) vocal melodies. And in some cases, such as this case, Petra’s approach demands rearranging of the song. For example: her verses were twice as long, so I doubled them and put the guitars only in the second half to create a tender build up. Then she wrote a pre chorus on my initial chorus and saved my vocal melody for a chorus after that, which didn’t exist at that time. It had to be bigger than the pre chorus but the flipout still had to be big! After some headaches I came up with the ‘transistor-distorted’ guitar, the strings and the open hi-hat to tense things up without giving it all away. Lastly Petra wanted Joost and me to sing the regular chorus in the end while she put ad libs in between. I love the outcome of this song. As I said: it’s my favorite of the album. I also really like its story: I had a great start and felt really strong about it, then along came Petra to throw everything around and after my stubbornness finally gave in the song really blossomed!
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harrisnovick · 6 years
Periphery - Jetpack Was Yes 
Bobbythepanda666 posted this to r/Metalcore at 2018-05-19 13:57:31 UTC
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halvamet-blog · 7 years
Periphery - Jetpacks was Yes!
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cristianperezmusic · 7 years
New strings, new me 🤘🏽 i’ve been working on this riff from @periphery Jetpacks was yes (en Boston, Massachusetts)
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ebihn14 · 7 years
Not the best quality, but I finally taught myself the solo to Jetpacks was yes by periphery! Love using misha's actual tone on my axe fx, theres nothing better! #espguitars #axefx2 #fractalaudio #periphery @mishaperiphery
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signals-of-anxiety · 7 years
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#NewRecordDay! I know, again lol "Periphery" (aka "P1") - Periphery Repress | Limited 500 copies | clear w/ blue/white splatter | Sumerian Records - This has been an amazing week for me, considering this is number 4 lol this album is one that's meant a lot to me for quite some time, being my foot in the door for modern progressive metal, so when I heard it was being repressed, I didn't hesitate. This album is chalk full of legendary tracks, such as "Insomnia," "Jetpacks Was Yes," "Icarus Lives," and "Racecar." This pressing is absolutely gorgeous, easily my prettiest record. I'm so happy I got this, omg 😁 @mishaperiphery, @mattperiphery, @markperiphery, @jakeperiphery @nollyperiphery, @thespencersotelo this thing is amazing! - #Periphery #P1 #Periphery1 #metal #music #progressive #progressivemetal #prog #progmetal #djent #jitterbugtodjent #vinyl #LP #record #records #analog #limitedpressing #repress
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