#song jetpack was yes
sleepanonymous · 10 months
Another piano cover Ves did for Periphery's Jetpacks Was Yes. More info under the break.
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Again, same as last week's Periphery post, the music link is incomplete and wasn't saved properly. Still 95% positive it's something I've already posted or will post later on. Also, I got the screenshot below from another source (since I checked through all the Periphery cover links I had and didn't see this comment on any of the archived videos). Not sure which video it was under so I'll stick it here 🥹🖤🙏
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He's a fanboy just like all of us, for real.
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setaripendragon · 1 year
Sunlight by Hozier - in Mando'a
If you remember this post where I translated I See Fire into Sindarin, you probably won't be all that surprised by this. I've fallen head-first into the Star Wars fandom (admittedly second-hand, but still), and of course, being me, I went straight for the conlangs. Mando'a might not be the most fleshed out language of the GFFA, but it is the one with the most Culture, at least in the fandom, so it's the one I gravitated to. And honestly, I really like how... brisk it is? It drops unnecessary pronouns and verbs, barely bothers with tense at all, and contracts everything. It's so much fun to play with.
Sunlight isn't the first song I started translating into it (that would be Born For This from the Spiderverse movie), but it is the first one I've finished, because matching Mando'a to English scansion is hell. It struck me as a very Codywan song, which is why I picked it to translate (yes, I do imagine Obi-wan composing/singing it in honour of Cody pretty much every time I listen to it).
I did have to make up a couple of words because the dictionary I use didn't have even a near-equivalent to the concept I was looking for, and those will be marked with a * and I'll add the 'etymology' of them at the end. (If anyone knows any other Mando'dictionaries, throwing me a link will win you my undying gratitude.) I also had to get creative with my interpreations of the meaning of certain lines, since, just to pick the most obvious example, Mandalorians probably don't have the myth of Icarus like we do.
Any feedback, advice, or just general linguistics flailing is always welcome. Now, without further ado, here it is:
Tran'nau* (Sunlight)
Ni ru'nevor nau (I shunned the light) Ru'medinui naak be ca'tra (I shared in the peace of night) Ni nu'mirdi ba'slanar (I wouldn't think to leave) Par tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tion'ad karta nu'redal (Whose heart doesn't dance) Dar'shekemi tra be ca'tra (Wouldn't abandon the stars of night) Sha solyc hettyc haa'it (At first burning vision) Be tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Ni r'echoyla ba'gar, tran'nau (I was lost to you, sunlight) Ru'miy sa kisen* ba'gar, tran'nau (Flew like a moth to you, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gehat'ik arasuum (The tale remains the same) Ru'rejor bal ven'rejor (Told before and told again) Runi ru'got* lo ciryc pitat (The soul that's born in the cold rain) Kar'mir tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Mar'e lis dinuir gai (At last I can give a name) Ba tracin haaranovyc (To a hidden flame) Sa kar'tayli darasuum (As love/knowing forever) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
An tengaana ba'ni, tran'nau (All that's displayed to me, sunlight) Ratiin kar'mir ba'ni, tran'nau (Is always known to me, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight)
An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight) An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight)
Antuur* mhi cuy tome (Everyday we exist together) Kar'mir gar ner shereshoy (Know that you're my reason for living) Ner oya bal kyr slati* gar (My life and death belong to you) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Narbatir* sen'tra (Wearing a jetpack) Kyr'nayl'gam* briikasyc (I'm death-trap clad happily) Galar carud ni trattokor (Spilling smoke I fall) Chur tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight)
[*tran'nau = tra (star field)/tranyc (sunny) + nau (light)] [*kisen (moth) = kih (small) + senaar (bird)] [*ru'got (born) = ru- (past prefix) + goten (birth)] [*alii'gai (identity) = aliit (clan)/aliik (sigil/symbol) + gai (name). This is technically already a word that means 'colours', but I took that to mean specifcally the colours one wears on their armour, the 'face' they show the world, i.e. their identity.] [*antuur (everyday) = anay (every) + tuur (day)] [*slatir (to belong to) = slanar (to go) + ti (with). I took the inspiration for this from the etymology of the word 'belong' in English.] [*narbatir (to wear/to put on) = narir (to put) + bat (on)] [*kyr'nayl'gam (death-trap-skinned) = kyr (end/death) + gaanaylir (to trap) + 'gam (skin). Since beskar'gam is literally 'metal-skin' and the word for skin literally translates to 'soft-skin', I figured it could also be poetically used to mean 'clad in']
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steakout-05 · 10 months
i was having a peek at the JJ discord's messages, and one of the users posted about this website that has music from the PSP version of Jetpack Joyride that includes this seemingly unused track, simply titled 'Music_Casino'. it's apparently meant for the slot machine, and it sounds a lot like one of the many early drafts for the JJ main theme. it's a really cool find that i want to share here!
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blooming-cecilia · 3 months
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IM AWAKE OM ALIVE AND OHHH GY GODDD I FEEL SO SOOSOSOS NORMAL BAOUT THIS. WHY IS IT SO STUPIDLY DOMESTIC!!!! hyv just giving me the brainworms and settint the scene for me like yes ur still in bed and yes hes sitting in the vanity getting ready for the day and hes going to make breakfast for the two of you and you both are going to spend the day just relaxing and having fun together by racing each other on makeshift jetpacks using your gliders and his winds and you will end the day watching the sunset together and eating sunsettias and he will sing you a NEW SONG he just thought up of so YOU are thebfirst one to hear it and oh i feel so ill. why would they do this to me. they set up a date for us
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astranite · 6 months
CH2 of Where was he? Pancakes.
Behold, a second chapter!! Thanks for everyones lovely comments and encouragement! I did not quite mean to stay up until midnight finishing this, but ADHD and I'm excited about this!! Enjoy!!!
@idontknowreallywhy yes im going to sleep now.
@edutainer2022 The rest of this, as you've already seen the first little bit!
Tumblr part 1 :)
Instead of pulling away from his brothers and getting to work like drill sergeant at the back of his mind nagged that he should be doing, Scott sunk into the group hug. Just a while longer. He needed this.
"What do I do now? I don’t know what to do now," he asked, or rather mumbled into John's t-shirt where he'd smushed his face. 
There. He'd admitted it even to himself. And his brothers. 
His voice was small where he'd meant it to come out as a demand or at least a question, not a pitiful cry for help.
Gordon gripped him tighter and so did Alan, and Scott was already leaning into Virgil's enveloping embrace at his side and John's fingers were still in his hair. 
He didn't actually know what to do with the mess he'd made of the kitchen or the unfinished pancake batter. The useless bowl of ingredients couldn't even be put back in their respective packets because he'd mixed them together because he hadn't thought further ahead than throwing them in. They were wasted. 
The idea of sifting apart flour and sugar and the baking powder that was possibly in there until it was like nothing had ever happened buzzed in his brain. Every solution he could come up with to undo it all was summarily discarded as they were impractical, impossible or simply ridiculous. Life didn't work like that. You didn’t get a do over on your mistakes, and even if anyone could it certainly wouldn’t be him getting the chance. 
But he didn't want to give up. What Scott wanted was to eat pancakes with his brothers, to get to laugh together without the pressing weight of the entire world on his shoulders.
Alright, at this point he would definitely prefer to jump out of One without a jetpack than face the kitchen, or y'know go cry in the shower. He had such great coping mechanisms. 
Just it was easier to think in the middle of a crisis. The present moment swallowed up all the mistakes of the past as the only thing that mattered in the universe was the next several seconds in the now. Doubt didn't have time to eat him alive; there wasn't time for vegetables to go mouldy in the bottom of the fridge. 
Maybe he'd dissolve into a puddle of suspicious goop too. Ugh, then someone would have to scrub the floor, which he'd be responsible for doing given it would be his fault if he liquified into hypothetical ooze. 
Gordon interrupted his thoughts, sing-songing out his name, "Scott, Scotty, Scooter, what can we do to help?" 
If he knew how they could help, that'd solve a lot of problems. 
Scott shrugged. Caring too much left him in the same place on the outside as caring too little. 
His brain steamrollered over Gordon's clarification of whether Scott wanted suggestions for what they could do.
The batter needed to be finished except that needed the eggs and other whatever it was that they didn't have, the fridge stuff needed to be dealt with by putting it in a place that wasn't the fridge, but those containers would have to be cleaned—
When A plus B equals C, you've still got to work out what bloody A is to find C.
"None of you deserve to have to clean up my messes," Scott burst out, "I should be able to do this on my own if I can just get my act together."
I don't need help. I've totally got this, I'm fine. I'm so completely fine, not that any of you would believe me if I said that. Not that he was doing a particularly good job of lying to himself right now either.
He was barely managing not to yell. 
His mind ran at lightning speed even as he knew he was missing out on the looks the others were throwing each other over his head.
He kept going, "I'd been meaning to do this for you guys, you know, as a nice breakfast we could enjoy on our day off..." Scott's voice jammed in his throat.
His brothers were here supporting him, but he still couldn't fix any of these problems because he was the cause of them.
"Scott." Virgil was as always his rock, there for him when Scott couldn't figure out which was was up. "You. Are. Allowed. To. Ask. For. And. Accept. Our. Help."
With how awful he was at remembering that no matter how many times everyone told him, he should let them permanent marker it onto his forehead and be done with it.
"We all need help with stuff. It doesn't make you incapable," Gordon said.
Scott never begrudged fetching Gordon heat packs when his back was bad so he didn't have to get up or rubbing at the sore muscles after missions or assisting with the physio exercises Gordon still had to do.
Alan butted in, “I mean I don’t like chores, ‘cause who does, but Scott, that’s totally unfair if you have to do everything!”
"Sprout, it's alright, I don't do everything," Scott reassured automatically.
Alan gave him a look of utter teenage incredulity. "Yeah, but you try to."
John’s arms tightened around him as he rested his chin on Scott’s head and said simply, "We help each other, on missions and at home. That’s who we are.”
Scott could hear the smile in John’s voice as added, “So, how about breakfast?”
He took a deep breath, filling up his lungs before letting it out, allowing his brothers’ presences steady him. “Breakfast.”
"They're Scott-special pancakes but that doesn't mean we can't all help," Gordon ruled firmly.
"We'd all rather that than you having to do it all on your own." John hesitated then added, "Scott, you remember when we used to cook with Mum and Dad? Sunday mornings, all of us crammed in the kitchen in our pyjamas, covered in flour, everyone helping out?"
Of course he remembered. It had hurt too much to think about for years and the ache of loss was still there, but now he had a chance to make new memories with his brothers right beside him. His small smile matched John's.
"It makes them more special, not less," Virgil said, "Because we get to spend the time together."
"Yeah Scotty, we want to hang out with you," Alan finished, and that was that.
The group hug transformed into a mission planning huddle, though John and Gordon remained propping Scott up on either side. 
Gordon was bouncing on his toes in anticipation, the fins on his clownfish towel flapping. "Okay. Where were we? Oh yeah, suggestions for us helping if you want us to give suggestions, because I don't want to stomp on what you're doing and take away your control over it 'cause that's really not actually helpful. But I do know how hard the 'thinking up what people should be doing' is when your brain is—" Gordon waved a hand about to complete the sentence. "So, yup."
Scott pressed his shoulder to Gordon's in silent appreciation of his thoughtfulness in the face of Scott's overwhelm. That's what he was, overwhelmed. 
"Having some ideas would help. Please."
"We'll clean up the kitchen together. We've all had a part in leaving stuff in the fridge too long," Virgil said calmly, like there wasn't any shame in it. Scott filed that away in the back of his mind for later consideration.
"Alan can take One to Aotearoa and get the eggs and blueberries. He needs the practice flight hours anyway," John put forward.
Alan’s face lit up as he immediately shook off Virgil's arm around his shoulders to jump to the ready. “Can I? Scott. Scott, please? I promise I won’t scratch her, I’ll be as careful as I am with Three, in fact I’ll be carefuller! Wait is that even a word? So can I?”
"Nope. Not quite a word," John chipped in affectionately when Alan had to take a breath.
"Alright, alright." Scott held his hands up. "But you'd better bring her back in one piece or you won't be getting any pancakes," he joked. Mostly. As long as One didn't end up wedged in the swimming pool...
One last moment was spent in the huddle with his brother as Alan darted back for a goodbye hug, no matter how short the flight would be. 
Putting their hands out in the centre in a stack, grinning at each other, they yelled in unison, “Tracies are go!!!”
Alan ran towards Scott's launch chute entrance, tossing over his shoulder, "Don't let Gordon eat them all before I get back!"
Gordon's indignant, "Hey!" was lost as the painting swung around, taking Alan with it.
"He does know that we need the eggs to make the pancakes which he is getting, right?" John asked as an aside.
"Eh, he'll work it out." Scott was looking after where Alan had gone wondering when their undeniably littlest brother had grown up so much. That applied regardless of continued brotherly taunting ‘cause wasn’t like he, John or Virgil had ever grown out of it.
Finally, the rest of them returned to the kitchen. Scott steeled himself as he stepped over the imaginary threshold separating it in the open plan design from the lounge.
The containers of spoilt food were sitting out on the bench where he'd left them, condensation dripping from the outsides in the subtropical heat. Unfinished pancake batter loomed from its bowl. Where would he even start? The multiple frying pans he'd need to cook such a big batch with were languishing in the bottom of the sink too.
Gordon set his hands on his hips, in a stand off against the mess. "Okey dokey. Scott, would you rather do dishes, begin emptying out the containers or make coffee so the Virge doesn't keel over? We'll split up the rest between us."
Scott found himself wandering over to the coffee station before he answered. It was the easiest, most straight forward task right now.
He bit his lips guiltily. "Can I?"
Virgil was already standing beside the sink, putting on an apron. He waved a pink rubber washing up glove at Scott in a 'go ahead' gesture, idly chewing on the corner of his flannel shirt collar.
That was about as much as he'd normally get out of Virgil before coffee, excluding missions and brotherly crises as this morning.
Scott inspected the array of coffee types set out in the cupboard next to the overly complicated, super fancy coffee machine Virgil insisted they have. It had more knobs and dials than Thunderbird Two's console he swore and that was already far too many, but Scott couldn't deny it made the best coffee.
None of that mattered though because above the machine was a laminated sheet of paper covered in Virgil's blocky handwriting outlining exactly the steps he had to follow in the order he had to do them, the same as a pre-flight checklist. Scott relaxed. Like a math problem, if he took it bit by bit he'd eventually end up at the right answer.
He'd make a cup for himself too. Not that it would wake him up, thanks ADHD, but he enjoyed the taste and it might do something for his focus.
Virgil's favourite coffee brand came in an electric green package with its name written in an indecipherable font most expected on a death metal album cover. Though at the strength Virgil drank it, it was pretty fitting. Scott had tried a sip once. Only once, as drinking undiluted tar was not his cup of, well, coffee. But Virgil loved the stuff.
Scott made the coffee and got out their biggest mug with the silly, absolutely tiny in proportion Thunderbird Two perched on the handle for his brother.
After passing Virgil his coffee, his brother turned it this way and that then grinned up at Scott. "Did you draw Two in the middle of the froth for me?"
Scott fetched his own coffee, before standing next to Virgil to squint into his mug. A lighter blob of foam floated in the centre. Those bits on the side could be the stubby wings. Though maybe Virgil was kidding, but he might not be so if he saw the Flying Turtle, the Great Green Bathtub, Thunderblob Two, who was Scott to protest artistic genius?
"Happy accident?" Scott told him as Virgil rolled his eyes and nudged his side.
Gordon stood on tip toe to look too. "It's not green. I mean, I could make it green!"
Virgil hunched protectively over his coffee. Do not get between Gordon and food dye was wisdom learned early.
"I think it looks more like Four," John deadpanned to significant outrage.
Scott cackled as Gordon attempted to mess up John's hair in revenge, both of them laughing at each other.
The coffee was warm going down as he took the moment to lean on Virgil as they both quietly sipped theirs, watching the others' antics.
His own mug had a comic of a Boeing aircraft crashing then bouncing down a runway, captioned 'boing.' Scott had giggled when he saw it in amongst the other mugs in the cupboard as he always did since Gordon and Alan had gifted it to him on his birthday, and decided he needed that today.
He held up for Virgil to inspect, along with John and Gordon glued together in their tackle hug. 
Laughing, he read the text out loud, complete with sound effects.  
Several hilarious minutes followed of them all repeating the sounds between them, bouncing around, echoing and playing off each other. Scott grinned so hard his cheeks ached. He needed this. 
Maybe it was the placebo effect or the time spent freely messing around with his brothers, but with the coffee in him Scott was starting to feel a little better about the world and possibly himself too. 
Better enough that he could face approaching the counter of suspicious containers to help Gordon.
Gordon was currently inspecting them with equal parts fascination and repulsion. He poked at the box Scott had found wedged at the very back of the fridge. 
"Do you reckon that's last month's meatloaf? Or maybe it was the stew. I think it's got its own ecosystem!"
Nope, nope, nope. It looked like it was about to crawl away. "Do not open that, Gords!"
Virgil and John gathered behind him, peering over his shoulders. Scott could tell without seeing exactly which utterly icked out face John made.
Come on, Scotty, he told himself, you've dealt with grosser things on rescues. And in raising very little brothers; he certainly did not miss some stuff. 
"We can sacrifice one container, right?" he said. Right? You had to know when to call it in the hopeless cases.
Unanimous noises of agreement were rapidly made. The container was summarily carried over to the bin with caution equivalent of handling radioactive waste. Scott wouldn't be surprised if it set off a geiger counter.
The punnet of blueberries he'd meant for the pancakes joined it. They were well beyond salvage. 
Scott tugged a hand through his hair, trying his best not to let the guilty regret swallow him up. The frustration surged, as even though they'd finally cleaned out the fridge and dealt with the stuff, he hadn't been able to prevent the waste happening in the first place.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he and Gordon wiped out the shelves so they could put back all the non-archaeological bottles of lurking sauces that he'd also taken out to get at the other stuff. The patch of mystery sticky substance probably didn't require as much scrubbing force as he was putting into it.
...it wasn't a mystery. It was the strawberry smoothie leftover from a morning Gordon had made too much that Scott had spilt while getting it out midnight to fuel his deadline induced frenzy of report writing. That had been only after he'd realised the reason he felt so shaky and sick was that he'd forgotten to eat all day despite several heavy, exhausting rescues.
After wiping up the last of it, he tossed the cloth into soapy sink with a splash. Immediately he was apologising for startling Virgil as the cloth flew past him as he did the dishes. 
There went Scott and another stupidly impulsive action. No one even had to tell him off for the gaping hole to open up in his chest. He stood in middle of the room, feet rooted to the floor, frozen as he resisted the urge to storm off to One's hanger or some other darker, damper crevice to curl up and probably sob about such a dumb mistake, so he wasn't abandoning his brothers.
Gordon's much smaller hand slipped into his own. 
"Do you wanna take a break, Scotty?"
Silently, honestly, Scott nodded. 
He followed Gordon's lead as he tugged Scott over to the patch of clear floor in the lounge by the full length windows.
Then, because this was Gordon, he just lay down on the ground with an exclamation of, "Floor time!"
Scott got down next to him and flopped onto his back staring upwards. At least attempting to work out where Gordon's offbeat schemes were going was a distraction from his thoughts tearing him apart. 
Virgil and John were still working away in the kitchen. The guilt gnawed. Scott screwed his eyes shut then rubbed the heels of his hands over them, hard enough to see spots before he opened them again as he really shouldn’t do that. He wound his fingers through the hem of his shirt, fidgeting.
Blue sky stretched above them, framed by the edge of the roof. Beyond the glass, sun shone through the cloudless expanse. Scott let himself relax into the floorboards.
"See, it's all good if you need some time out. We're proud of you, big bro." Gordon edged closer to press their shoulders and sides together.
"Thanks," Scott whispered.
He fixed his gaze back on the sky outside, on the wide, open, beautiful sky.
 "How did you know this would help?"
The fish nudged him. "Sometimes a change in perspective is what you need, getting in the ant's eye view if you will. You're too tall, the air gets thin up there."
"Like you'd get the heights, fish sticks," Scott joked.
Gordon's impression of mock offence, complete with hand clutching at his chest and shocked gasp, was ruined by his giggles.
For a moment he grew serious again, amber eyes taking Scott in. "And like literally it’s also a break so the rest of you can catch up with your brain. I get when there's so much going on up there anything extra tips you overboard."
Slowly, the world felt less like it was about to end as he briefly met Gordon eyes then turned to the blue above.
Scott bumped their heads together. "Thanks, again for everything."
"No problem, I'm always happy to help my bros."
It was impossible to miss the emphasis that this very much included Scott, despite him being the eldest.
Lying on the floor with Gordon in a pool of sunlight streaming in cut through the frantic spiralling he had been nose diving into again. 
Scott calculated the windspeed outside from the movement of the small branches at the tops of the pōhutukawa trees he could see upside-down at the corner of his vision. Little bits of leaves and debris, a constant pain to clean up on their heavily vegetated island danced across the concrete patio outside. 
"You reckon it's blowing about twenty, twenty-two kays per hour out there, Gords?" he said.
Gordon levered himself up and leant towards him to get a better look over to the ocean. "Yeah, thereabouts. Twelve knots."
They heard Virgil's hum from the kitchen before he chipped in, "Closer to twenty-four or so kays, I'd say."
"Bets all in?" The mirth in John's voice was obvious as he pulled up a holo, though Scott didn't doubt he had his own number in mind. "Our weather system puts Tracy Island local windspeed at twenty-two—"
Scott pumped a fist in the air.
"—Point nine kilometres per hour." 
Gordon cheered. "AKA twelve point four knots, boom!"
Scott rolled his eyes and high-fived Gordon in celebration.
With several more breaths of watching the sky, he sat up, stretching his arms above his head.
"Ready to go, Scooter?"
Scott stood before giving Gordon a hand up from the ground. "Yeah, I am." 
Coming back to the kitchen, the first thing Scott did was fall into Virgil's offered hug before he, Virgil Gordon and John gathered in a circle to work out what was next. When John got too wobbly on his feet to keep standing, he hopped up on the counter, sorting through the papers that had been stuck under the fridge magnets as Scott handed them to him. Categorised piles formed from the sticky note and post card debris heap before his eyes.
Alan's holo popped up on the com. "Hey everyone!"
Scott jumped at the sudden noise before grinning at his little brother. 
"I swear I was listening but what am I supposed to be getting, again?" Alan said, twisting one of his hoodie strings up before tucking the end into his mouth to chew on.
"It's alright Alan. Get a dozen eggs, actually make that two dozen if we want to have any for breakfast another day. The blueberries, a couple of packets. Bananas, while you're at it. Maybe more maple syrup, I don't know if we're out," Scott listed as he wandered over to the pantry to check. "More cornflakes!" he yelled back.
Scott returned to the kitchen proper to stick his head in the fridge to find out about their milk situation. He turned back to his brothers after determining they were probably two days from running out.
Alan on the holo glanced up from inspecting the bottle of caramel sauce that had materialised in his hand. "Uhh guys, I kinda missed everything after how many eggs?"
Scott winced. He should've noticed Alan was distracted by the overstimulating hell of a supermarket, and that as ADHDer number three he probably wasn't going to remember all the points on Scott's rambling list, hell, Scott didn't ever remember half of them and he was the one who'd just said them. He hadn't thought—
"Scott, I've got it." John waved his phone in the air before resuming tap-tapping out Scott's dictation. "Allie, I'll send you the list once I'm done.
"Awesome, 'kay thanks! Hey, can I get ice cream, it's half off?"
"Get the one with the marshmallows and the little fish!" Gordon exclaimed as he shoved his way into view. 
Alan hung up before Scott managed to get a word in edgeways. The fish of Gordon's favourite flavour were made of chocolate, not actual fish as Scott had feared the first time he'd tried it.
Alan would have the written list to refer back to, it was all alright. Scott didn't need to worry. Even if Alan had spent a while wandering the shops as One must've gotten there fast, his littlest brother had been more sensible than Scott had been in the past in calling them up for clarification. Or in the present.
It hadn't been the first time and it definitely wasn't the last, but Scott remembered getting sent out to the local shops to get bread as a teen and how he'd made sure to get everything from John's bagels, to the type of cereal Virgil liked and all the other stuff to go on sandwiches for school lunches, except he'd forgotten the bread and Dad had just sighed disappointedly, going back to his way more important work. Scott had barely managed to put everything away before bursting into tears, hiding in the kitchen by ducking below the cupboard level so no one would see at a glance. Damn, he hoped he was doing better than that with Alan.
"Thanks for the save, John," he murmured, approached to lean against the counter next to John.
Typing one-handedly, John reached out to squeeze Scott's hand with his other.
Instead of throwing himself back into the fray with frustrating emotions ready to boil over like he usually would, or joining in with whatever the fish and the tank were getting up to that involved overly loud whispering near the pantry, Scott boosted himself up to sit on the bench with John, carefully avoiding all the papers. With a quiet question so as not to surprise his brother as he was focusing, Scott ended up leaning his head on John's shoulder for a bit to rest. John leant into him too. 
A change of perspective did help. Scott was doing okay. Not perfect, but well enough, no matter how hard that was to admit that when he spent too many nights up worrying about all the things he should've somehow done better. As well, some part deep inside him nudged that maybe, possibly he also deserved the kindness he gave everyone else but never himself. 
Gordon spotted him taking the moment out and they shared a smile. Gordon being Gordon also gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up. See? Scott told himself, Progress.
Shortly, Alan's holo popped up again, back in Thunderbird One.
"Groceries are stowed, enroute to Tracy Island now!" Alan chirped.
"FAB," sounded off from all of them.
Everyone was now listening out for the sound of One. Several stomachs growled.
Soon, soon they'd finally have pancakes.
The minutes passed in suspense. Scott put the organised papers back on the fridge, filed them over at the desk or chucked them in the recycling as John directed.
They discovered the fishtank plan in the form of the opened bag of chocolate bits being squabbled over.
"Can we make some choc chip ones too?" Virgil was practically vibrating with excitement. 
Gordon unrepentantly stole a chocolate chip. "What he said," Gordon campaigned, despite Scott knowing that Gordon actually preferred the blueberry and banana pancakes as his top pick.
Finally rockets arrived with a roar, as the pool slid open and One disappeared into it.
Then the elevator dinged and Alan triumphantly stumbled out carrying far too many bags for one person. 
"Good work!" Scott cheered, as he and Virgil rushed to help.
"Thanks, Scotty!" Alan lit up. "Also I'm starving."
"Well we'll soon fix that problem!"
Scott took the eggs and cracked them one by one into the bowl of dry ingredients for his pancake batter. Just to show off, he did it one-handedly. The blueberries were washed and he added them in, popping a couple in his mouth too for good measure. Someone needed to taste test, it was tradition, all the way back to the ranch and small hands trying to sneak around Mum before she bopped them playfully with the sticky wooden spoon. The berries were the perfect ripeness, sweet with that tiny edge of tartness cutting through right.
"The baking powder," Scott began, "I don't—I've got no idea if its in there or not."
The pancakes wouldn't rise it he had forgotten,  they'd fall flat as unfortunate, failed pancakes. But in reverse, if he had put it in and added more—he'd made that mistake before. The resulting puffy ooze resembled a science experiment more than an edible food.
"I found the box of baking powder open on the bench, if that helps," Virgil gave him.
"Yeah, it was right next to the bowl. Looks like it had just been sat down." Gordon confirmed.
Alan's eyebrows were crumpled into an incredibly serious expression as he contemplated. "I think you probably did put it in, Scotty."
There was no guarantee. But he could take the leap, having faith in his brothers and the best guesses they all had.
"Okay, alright. The batter is done then!" he said, putting as much enthusiasm into his voice as he could muster.
Virgil shooed Alan out to set the table , following with plates so there wouldn't so many cooks in the kitchen with the potential to bump the hot stove.
Gordon set the several pans to heat, guarding over them as he added butter, melting and bubbling.
Scott lingered, beating the last lumps out of the mix with the whisk. He bumped John's dangling legs out of the way of the drawers so he could dig out a ladle. 
"Worse case scenario, we will make another batch. We have enough ingredients," John said quietly, just to him as the others danced about preparing things to eat the pancakes with, Gordon pretending he wasn't listening to them also.
Scott could always trust John to think through all the possibilities on missions, even, especially the hard ones. It was more reassuring to know that they had a plan if stuff all went to hell, than pretend it simply wouldn't. Biting experience had taught him better than that. 
This though was just making pancakes for his brothers, not saving the world from high stakes catastrophe. His brothers, who no matter how badly he messed up would always love him. 
Scott ladled batter out into the pans, flipping the pancakes over once they grew bubbly and cooked at the edges.
Even when the first one fell apart and turned out rather burnt on one side as he attempted to salvage it after flipping too soon, they all tore it to pieces and ate it anyway as a snack before the proper ones.
The next turned out golden brown, speckled with the blueberries.
Scott grinned happily, joy bubbling up inside his chest.
He made sure to make some blueberry and choc chip ones, and blueberry and banana ones, separating out the mixture. Then some all of the above ones too for good measure.
Virgil and Alan were singing along to a boppy pop song Scott would probably find stuck in his head later. Gordon twirled around the kitchen, dancing along with his wonderfully ridiculous clownfish towel swirling. John kept him company, nodding his head with the beat before he joined in the singing, swinging his legs slightly out of time, carefree. Scott flipped the pancakes, tossing them recklessly high in the air, waving the spatula and moving his whole body with the music, wiggling his hips and bouncing on his toes in excitement. 
Scott ate pancakes with his brothers, closer to noon than to breakfast time but everyone swore this lot were the best they'd had. They laughed together and the weight of the world pressing on Scott's shoulders didn't feel so heavy.
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The Mother We Share • We Sink • Gun • Tether • Lies • Under The Tide • Recover • Night Sky • Science/Visions • Lungs • By The Throat • You Caught The Light • Strong Hand • Broken Bones • Gun (KDA Remix) • The Mother We Share (We Were Promised Jetpacks Remix)
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faggotstump · 3 months
American beauty/American psycho
dude ab/ap was my first fob album . Forever a special place in my heart.
Twin Skeleton's (Hotel In NYC) - this is the second time i've used synesthesia as reasoning BUT this song is very vibrant gold and also a religious experience to me. No i dont know why the title is spelled like that youd have to ask pete wentz
Centuries - YES it is their most popular song BUT I DO NOT CARE shes like a daughter to me Centuries honey they could never make me hate you
The Kids Aren't Alright - very visceral emotion from this one it's heartwrenching in the best ways. In the end id do it all again, i think youre my best friend, etc. You get it.
Novocaine - ALSO CRUNCHY TO ME. like getting sand stuck in my teeth /pos . First song i heard when i got into fob Very much a catalyst
Jetpack Blues - VERY YUMMY SONG . Very deep blue with little flecks of red and green because of the little beeps and boops in the background. Very yummy.
Special shoutouts go to the title track (American Beauty/American Psycho) and Fourth Of July ^_^
Send me an album + i'll give you my top five songs ^_^
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pentechnics · 2 years
Here Comes the Rain
Chapter 17 of Of Love and Time
Summary: As the rain falls on the world around you both to wash away the last of your woes, after having to keep your feelings closed away for so long, your love has come back to you.
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!teacher!Reader
Series Content: teacher/parent AU, fluff, slow burn, lots of mutual pining, mild sexual tension, mentions of past trauma (tagged in detail for specific chapters), depictions of violence (nothing explicit, no gore), angst, a dash of hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, Grogu is at the equivalent age of a human 4-year-old and can speak
Notes: Here we are, my loves. The final chapter of the main story. And yes, I did cry while I wrote it. Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now. This fic is my entire heart and soul, it's the one that started this whole shebang, and so many of you have been avidly supporting it since the very beginning. And so so many of you have just found it and continue to give it so much love!! No matter when you joined the fam, I can't tell you all how much I appreciate you with words alone!
Now, I've said this before but I'm gonna say it again: I'm not done with these two! While their main story is now wrapped up, I still plan to write more snippets from Din's POV, and I am always welcome to asks about these two. Don't be shy sending those my way, okay?
Also, it never occurred to me that I haven't shared this fic's theme song with you all. It's right here. I can't find this version anywhere else but it's this one specifically lol. From beginning to end, this song has been one of the main driving forces of the narrative. So listen, think about them, and enjoy!
I love you all so so SO much and I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you all again for coming with me on this ride, it has truly been one to remember! ❤️
‘Of course! So happy he’s okay. Excited to see you.’
Din had spent much of the night in Grogu’s room, ensuring he slept through at least the first half of it. 
The rest of it was spent staring at that message, imagining the way your eyes shined when you told him the good news. He couldn’t wait to see you. 
When the light of a new day finally began to seep through the window, Din looked up to find an overcast morning outside: several gray clouds, some darker than others, coated the sky in every which hue they had to offer, many threatening to spill their moisture. He suited up in a flurry, running to gather himself before making his way downstairs. 
As usual, Fennec was already up. 
“You look like you’re in a rush,” she chortled. “I thought you didn’t have work today.” 
“I don’t,” Din said. When he told her he was going to see you, Fennec grinned. 
“Good. We’ll look after Grogu.” 
“Swear you’ll call if he needs me,” he said, voice dropping an octave while he pointed a gloved finger at her. Fennec waved it off. 
“Yeah, yeah, for sure, just go.” 
With one last glance down at himself, Din made his way out of the house and ignited his jetpack. 
You hardly slept the night before. Receiving that message from Din sent a wave of anxiety through you. But not a negative one – no, this was the type of anxiety that came before something exciting. Some sort of thing or event that was taking much too long to start happening. It reminded you of how you felt before Grogu’s birthday party: impatient, happy, and hopeful. 
When the grayed-out daybreak hit your room, you decided you were done waiting. You got out of bed and washed up in a flash, throwing on the first clothes you could find and making your way downstairs. Sure, Din’s house was twenty minutes away, but if you walked fast enough you could be there in ten.
You flew down the stairs, your heart already flying out of your chest at the notion of seeing Din. Nothing was going to stop you this time, and the freedom of that knowledge was overwhelming. 
You threw on your shoes just as the sound of rain hitting the roof reached your ears. You flung your door open, only to stop dead in your tracks. 
As the cool morning air bit painfully at the skin of your exposed cheeks and hands, your breath coming out in visible puffs, the smell of moist terrain penetrating your nose, a sudden heat surged through your veins. 
Din was standing at the tip of your walkway just beneath your porch steps, a hand behind his back while the other hung limp at his side. Rain cascaded down every curve of his helmet, pools of it dampening his cape and flight suit, but he didn’t bother to move from his position. 
“H-” you let out a laugh. “How long have you been here?” 
“Just got here,” he said, “Did you really think I was going to waste any more ti- wait-!” 
You cut him off by flinging yourself off the steps towards him. He caught you with a grunt, arms coming around to hold you against his chest. He spun you around, securing his grip on you. You hardly registered the fact that his armor was poking at your chest, or that its collected moisture was soaking through your clothes on impact; you squeezed your arms tighter around his neck. 
One of his hands came to rest on the back of your head, the other keeping its firm hold on your middle. His modulated sigh vibrated against your eardrum. It was pleasing, like a gentle caress. 
Time was lost on you; all you could focus on was the fact that Din was here, and you were finally in his arms. You buried your face into his damp shoulder, relishing in how his body heat rose above it and thawed your frozen nose. 
“Shit, you must be freezing,” he said, “I can feel your face through the suit!” 
You laughed out loud, letting him set you down. You didn’t hesitate to grab him by the hand before leading him inside; he removed his drenched cape before dropping it onto the porch and following you. You laughed at the squelching sound it made. 
The two of you walked into the living room and settled on the couch. Din nodded at your outfit: a pair of leggings and the first sweater you could reach in your closet. 
“Were you seriously going to walk all the way in just that? In this weather?” 
“You didn’t think I was going to waste any more time either, did you?” you asked through another laugh. 
He chuckled and shook his head before letting out a sigh. 
“I, um-” He cut himself off and cleared his throat, moving his gaze to his hand and bringing it around to reveal an ornate brown box. 
“I have something for you.” 
You furrowed your brow as confusion, elation, and wonder mixing together in your head. You glanced between him and the box before he placed it in your lap. 
“Go on.” 
You gulped and looked down at the box, stomach alive with tangling vines as you slowly lifted the lid. You gasped and pressed your hand to your mouth when the object was revealed: 
A single, glowing purple amulet. 
You turned to Din, who was already holding the other one up from where it was strung around his neck. 
“Wha- y-” you scrambled to find words, your brain recalling the small shop and the story you’d heard all too rapidly. “The Ugnaught sold them to you?” 
“He did,” Din tucked his amulet back underneath his cowl. “When I went back he actually already had them behind the counter, said he knew I’d be back for them eventually.” 
“That’s kind of cryptic,” you said with a grin. 
Din shrugged and held out his hand.
“May I?” 
You nodded and gave him the box, turning around so he could put it on for you. Your breath hitched as he eventually reached around your head, arms now devoid of gauntlets and gloves. The small caress of his skin on the back of your clammy neck set you aflame.
You touched the amulet that now sat just below your collar bone, turning back around as you admired it. 
“Thank you, Din,” you whispered, “It’s beautiful.” 
You looked up and stared into his visor, warmth rippling from your system. 
“Listen, I need to tell you something-” 
“Wait,” Din held up a hand to stop you. “I think you’ll want to… see me, before you say that.” 
Your jaw dropped. Was he… he couldn’t be serious. 
“Din, you don’t have to do that-”
“We’re way past that point, Missy.” he gave an exasperated tilt of his helmet. “I’ve… I’ve been wanting to do this.” 
You couldn’t help the way your heart squeezed at his words. You bit your lip and took one of his hands into yours. 
“I’m touched,” you said, “I really don’t know what to say.” 
It was true. You’d been wondering to yourself what those eyes might look like, but no clear picture ever made its way into your head. And now you were about to see them.
He was about to show them to you. 
Your throat began to dry out, your hands suddenly damp with sweat instead of rainwater.  
“Do-um…” Din paused and scratched his neck before putting his palms out. 
“Give me your hands.” 
His words were wobbly. If you were falling apart inside, you couldn’t even imagine what it was like for him. You nodded and placed your hands into his waiting ones, letting him guide them up to the sides of his helmet. You swallowed thickly and tried to take a deep breath, steadying your hands as much as your nerves would let you. 
With Din’s hands on top of yours, you began to pull upward. 
A small hiss sounded through the living room just before the beskar began to give way. The helmet was heavy, even with Din supporting part of its weight. More and more of his true essence came into view the higher it rose.
A rounded chin, pink lips – one plumper than the other – pulled into a tight line, scattered brown stubble. Vaguely familiar from the small glimpse you got of them after Grogu’s party. 
The helmet rose higher. Your breaths grew shorter. 
Defined cheeks, with bones that jutted out just a bit at the apple. A strong hooked nose, and-
Nothing could’ve prepared you for those eyes. 
All the air left your lungs as the rest of the helmet fell away, Din’s gorgeous brown eyes staring into yours, his wavy hair sticking up in a few places, brows pinched together. 
Your throat fell apart like scattered sand. All you could do was smile as you stared between each eye, memorizing every little crevice you could find within them. 
“Din,” you managed, “You’re…” 
You set the helmet down and gently placed your hands on either of his cheeks. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
He let out a huff, as if he’d been holding his breath, and a small smile sprouted on his face.
His stunning, stunning face. 
You were frozen, your heart ready to burst out of your chest the deeper you stared into his eyes. He stared right back, a dazed sort of excitement aligning his features. 
When his gaze trickled lower, something in you snapped. 
Time seemed to slow as you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. He sharply inhaled through his nose before a hand came up to the back of your head, gently pressing you closer. His lips were soft against yours, warm and welcoming. You ran your thumbs across his cheeks before situating your hands on his shoulders. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his other arm coming to rest on your waist. 
Your entire body and soul were exploding with affection, wanting desperately to pour it all into him from your lips. The heat he emitted wasn’t helping, instead serving to make you dizzy. The sensation made you smile against him.  
When you broke the kiss to come up for air, you stared at his now flushed face. He was all the more beautiful like this: disheveled features and heaving breaths, dilated eyes, a beautiful pink sheen on his nose and cheeks. 
“I love you, Din,” you said, the words tumbling out of you without a second thought. “I love you so much. I am terrified, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I swear I’m going to love you with everything I am.” 
Din’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, his eyes widening at your words. He blinked his now glossy eyes and took a sharp breath, hands coming up to cup your cheeks in his hands. He brought your face closer until his forehead could rest against yours. It blazed onto your skin, but you couldn’t help leaning in. 
“I love you, my dear.” he said, voice cracking. “And I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
He pulled you in for another kiss. This one deeper, more urgent, filled with the almost unbearable weight of his love. You fell into his embrace and wrapped your arms around his neck, desperately trying to give that same weight in return. 
His arms closed you in, holding you impossibly close. He engulfed your senses; all you could feel, think, or smell was Din. And you never wanted that to change. You pressed yourself even further into him, refusing to let even the slightest bit of distance find its way between you.
You could’ve stayed right there forever. And now, nothing could stop you from doing just that.
Grogu plopped down one stair at a time, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. He stretched his arms up just as a yawn protruded from his mouth. When he reached the kitchen, Fennec picked him up and plopped him onto the counter. 
“You ready for breakfast, little man?” Boba asked from his position at the stove. Grogu gave him a nod and looked around. 
“Where’s Papa?”
“He went to go tell Miss he loves her,” Fennec said with a casual sip of her caf. 
“Wait… Really?” Grogu’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropping and ears perking up. Fennec nodded. 
“FInally,” he cried, “it took him so long!” 
Fennec and Boba laughed. 
As breakfast was served, the three of them moved to the dining area to eat. In the middle of his meal, Grogu looked up with a contemplative expression.
“Uncle Boba, does this mean Miss is gonna come live with us?” 
He choked back a laugh while Fennec gave Grogu a smile. 
“Well,” Boba started, “I’m sure we can talk to them about that at some point.” 
Grogu nodded in satisfaction and went back to his meal. 
“It’d be so much fun for Miss to live here. Then Papa can tell her he loves her whenever he wants!” 
Boba bit his lip and looked at Fennec, giving her a pouty face. 
“He’s so cute,” he whispered, “I can’t take it!” 
‘Let’s get married. Here. Tonight.’
Din pulled you in closer to his chest as the credits began to roll, giving you a wide-eyed glance. 
“Wait, are they seriously going to?” he asked. You giggled and squeezed his hand.
“You’ll have to watch and find out!” 
Din’s armor was now fully removed, giving you access to poke at his side. The two of you had been settled on the couch watching Parks and Rec for at least two hours, the rain still providing your ears with its backdrop. Conversations were had in between, along with many additional shows of affection. Your lips were swollen from how much he’d been kissing you all morning. But you wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything.
The next episode rolled on and the two of you watched Leslie and Ben frantically pull a wedding together. 
“I feel like our wedding would be like that,” Din said, “We’d just decide it’s going to happen one day.” 
Your brow jumped up as a small wave of shock flew through your system. You looked at him. 
“Wow, you’re already thinking about that?” 
“Of course,” he said as if it were obvious, turning to look at you. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I wasn’t wasting any more time.” 
Warmth engulfed your chest as you looked into his eyes. No more guessing what was hiding there – now you could see the honest, devoted, loving gaze that accompanied his words. You leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.
“I like that.” 
The two of you returned your attention to the wedding just in time for Jamm to throw his second stink bomb. 
“Except we won’t have anyone like that guy remotely near it,” Din scoffed. You laughed.
“It’s weird,” he went on, “their universe seems so simple. Their problems seem… small. But ever since I came to this planet, I feel like the problems here are just like theirs.” 
“It does take some getting-used-to,” you said with a nod. “I felt so strange for the longest time when I first came here. Being on constant alert and always on the run, it becomes a habit.”
He nodded and ran his finger up and down your arm. 
“How long did it take for you to adjust?”
“A while,” you shifted to get a better view of him. “For the first few years I was still pretty alert wherever I went. Sometimes it just felt too good to be true, you know? Like all of this newfound safety could just disappear in the blink of an eye.”
His brow scrunched as he gulped. He must still be thinking that himself. You gave his hand another squeeze. 
“But the more I worked, and the more I guaranteed safety to the kids and their families, the realer it felt. And at work I feel like I have a part in that, like if something bad were to happen that I’d have the power to do something about it. I don’t know if that makes sense,” you shrugged.
“Perfect sense,” Din said, slouching a bit more into the couch. “That… that really helps.”
You smiled and snuggled into his side. When your eyes returned to the holofeed, Ron and Leslie were about to walk into the Parks office. You glanced at Din’s face as Donna began to sing and Leslie walked down the aisle. You felt his chest rise as he let out a small gasp, a sweet smile making his cheeks pop out. 
How lucky, you thought, how lucky am I that I get to see this. 
The scene went on with Ben and Leslie saying their vows, followed by music and gifts. The surrounding flowers caught your eye and made you gasp as a memory resurfaced in your mind. You rose into a full sitting position and stared at Din.
“That plant in the garden,” you started, “it bloomed!” 
“Oh-” his eyes went wide with recognition. “Yeah, I saw it!”
“Saw it?” you asked, “when?” 
“Last time I was here, I stopped at the garden on the way home. That’s actually when I decided to go buy the necklaces, too,” he let out a little chuckle. 
“How funny,” You shook your head. 
The two of you settled back down and finished the episode. This one had always been a favorite of yours; the ending satisfied the suspense, and left behind a honey-sweet feeling of warmth. You let out a breath through your nose and sank into it. 
As the credits rolled, Din sat up straight.
“Wait, you said you’d tell me when it bloomed!” 
“I just did,” you said, putting on an innocent face. 
“You know what I mean, Missy,” he gave you a playful glare.  
“It’s not like I didn’t want to,” you said with a shrug. “Plus, you didn’t say anything, either!”  
The two of you continued your back and forth, eventually falling into laughter. It was surreal to see Din laugh – you’d heard it a few times, but it was always masked, filtered, hindered by his helmet or by other sounds around you. And now not only did you get to hear his pure, uninterrupted joy, but you also got to see its evidence in his features: little crinkles beside his eyes, a small dimple on one of his cheeks, and a big, beautiful smile that made your heart flip flop in your chest. 
Having access to all of Din would be an adjustment – one for which you were more than ready.
Epilogue: One year later… 
After the last student gave you a handshake, you rose from your spot at the gate and looked out to the courtyard, smiling as a familiar helmet came into view. Din walked forward and took your hands in his, giving them a squeeze. 
“How was your day?” he asked, voice low and soft. 
“Good!” you said as you led him inside the gate by the hand. “And yours?” 
“Fine,” he shrugged. “Fixed up another droid.” 
“Look at you, droid expert in the making!” you said with a smirk, buffing him with your shoulder. He chuckled. 
“I’ll go get Grogu – meet you after?” 
“Yeah, come to the classroom. I still need to finish up a few things.”
He nodded and gave your hand a squeeze before walking towards Grogu’s classroom, where Din now waited just outside the door for him. 
You were sitting at your desk when the two of them walked in just minutes later, Grogu throwing his backpack on the ground and making an immediate beeline for you. 
“What did you do today, bud?” you asked after wrapping him up in your arms. 
“We did lots of math today,” he said, “It was hard but I liked it!” 
“That’s awesome!” 
You booped his nose before letting him go and returning to your tasks. Din had taken a seat on the other side of your desk. You grinned at the sight as check-in memories flashed through your mind.
“Do you have any meetings today?” he asked.
“Nope,” you said as your fingers glid over the datapad, “Just need to send out a few things, and then I’m all yours for the weekend.” 
“I like the sound of that,” he said, his voice laced with a sultry hum that had heat rushing into your face. You stopped typing mid-word to gawk at him.
He gave a small shrug. You scoffed and shook your head. 
“You’ll just take any chance to talk like that, won’t you?” you leaned in to whisper, “Even in front of Grogu.”
“Hey, we both know you wouldn’t have it any other way, Missy.”
You tried to bite down your grin as you stared him down, searching your mind for a suitable retort. You leaned forward and rested your elbows on the desk.
“And what makes you think it’ll be easy to get me?” you asked, a teasing glint in your tone. He matched your movement and rested a gauntlet on the wooden surface, his helmet now invading your space.
“Oh, I have my ways,” he rasped, “and you know they’ll work.” 
You tried to ignore the shiver sent down your spine as you leaned back and returned your attention to your datapad. 
“We’ll see.” 
There it was. A crack in your voice. All Din needed to ease back with a cocky sigh that made your hands ball into fists of playful annoyance. 
A knock at your door preceded Gila’s entrance. She greeted Din and Grogu as she approached your desk. “Just picking up your reports,” she said. You smiled and handed her a folder from one of your drawers.
“Can you believe the year’s almost over already?” you asked, “It seems like yesterday I only just met this bunch, and now here you are picking up my last report bundle.”
“Time is whacky like that,” Gila said with a nod. With a few more parting words, she made her way out of the classroom. 
“I’m just glad this time around has been better than the last,” Din said. “I still want to punch that guy.” 
“I know,” you said, reaching out to place a hand over his gloved one. “But we don’t need to worry about that anymore. Everything this year has been as safe and normal as any other.” 
Din’s fingers wrapped around yours and squeezed. His chest rose and fell in slow motion as he released a breath. 
You smiled as you recalled the beginning of his ritual of asking about your day. It was laced with a tinge of concern, an alertness that you weren’t expecting. After it went on for those first couple weeks of the new school year, you’d asked him about it. 
“I just want to make sure nothing like that happens again,” he’d said. “And… there’s not much else I can do other than ask if it did.”
The sentiment was a warm blanket around your healing soul. Having someone look out for you, who encouraged sharing your burdens – it refreshed you. By then it wasn’t brand new, but after having Din in your life for more than a year it was still something you acknowledged every day. 
“Yes, it’s all done!” 
Both of your heads turned towards Grogu, who had taken the liberty of decorating your whiteboard with various drawings of all kinds of creatures. Your smile grew as you took it in while he stood before the board with the brightest grin, his little arms pointing out towards it. Banthas, Blurrg, lizard-monkeys, and more of all shapes and colors adorned every free space Grogu could reach. And in the center of it all was a purple Mudhorn. 
“Oh that’s wonderful, Grogu, the kids are going to love it!” 
Grogu beamed and ran over to Din’s side of the desk, who bent down to give him more praising words.  
“Okay, boys, I’m all done,” you said, pressing one final key on the datapad and shutting it down. 
Grogu cheered while you collected your things. Din stood and scooped him up before taking your hand with his free one, leading the way out of your classroom.
You and Boba were on dinner duty that night, spending at least two hours cooking one of Boba’s signature stews. You tasted a small sample from his offered spoon, humming as its warmth spread through your body, your tongue bursting with its savory and spicy flavors. 
“I swear, this stew gets better every time you make it.”
“Like many things, it matures with time.” 
You grinned and helped him scoop out each serving before carrying them to the backyard patio.
“Dinner’s ready!” you heard Boba call, followed by three sets of eager footsteps. 
When everyone was situated outside with their meals, each of you shared a memory or story from the week. Fennec spoke of a funny incident at work, Boba of helping and befriending a neighbor. Din recalled the droid he fixed coming to life earlier that day and endlessly shaking and beeping with joy. 
“It kept following me around,” he said as he took a bite, “I had to babysit it until the owner came back since it wouldn’t stay in the lobby.” 
“Oh, come on, it liked you!” you said, “I bet you enjoyed its company.” 
Din glared at you through his lashes, but didn’t refute your claim. Boba let out a chuckle before pointing his spoon at Grogu. 
“What about you, kiddo,” he said, “What did you do this week?” 
Grogu swallowed his mouthful before beginning. 
“In class today, we did a lot of math,” he spread his arms out for emphasis. “It was hard, but it was cool! Finn and Rey were really good at it, and Ben got mad because he didn’t get it.” 
You chuckled, recalling other instances in which those three had been brought up in Grogu’s stories. Grogu got along great with Finn and Rey, though Ben was a different story. It said a lot that Grogu didn’t even want to invite Ben to his birthday party a couple months prior. 
You took a look around as Grogu continued, relishing in the moment. Din was hanging on Grogu’s every word, as were Boba and Fennec. 
This was your new normal. It had been for quite some time now, yet it still caught you by surprise. You had dependable, near-constant companionship, and you’d grown so closely with the rest of Din’s little family that somewhere along the way they began to feel like yours as well. 
You never thought such connections were still an option for you just a year ago. Yet here you were. 
You smiled and continued to listen to Grogu’s tale, taking in more mouthfuls of stew as you did while the slight breeze caressed your face. 
“And then- hey, look! A grasshopper!” 
Grogu popped out of his seat and ran after the sizeable insect. 
“Grogu, no!”  
Din’s spoon clattered into his bowl as he rose to follow. You pressed a hand to your mouth to keep your amusement in while Fennec and Boba cheered Grogu on through their laughter. 
The four of you relaxed with a few board games in the living room after dinner, fits of laughter filling the room. Once Fennec had won yet another round of Heads Up, she and Boba rose from the sofa. 
“Okay then, we’re heading out,” Fennec said as she made her way to give Grogu – who was situated in your lap – a hug. 
“You two sure you don’t want to join us?” Boba asked. You and Din shook your heads. 
“We’re staying in tonight,” Din said, squeezing you closer with the arm he had wrapped around you. You grinned and squeezed Grogu in turn. 
Boba nodded before the two took off. You looked down to see Grogu grinning at you, his cheeks popping out like two sweet little cherries.  
“Is it time now?” he asked. 
“It sure is!” 
You set him down and he ran off without a moment to spare. You rose from your spot beside Din, causing him to look at you with confusion. 
“What’s going on?” he asked. 
“You’re gonna love this,” you said with a grin. “Grogu and I planned a little surprise activity for the three of us tonight.”
He glanced around before returning his skeptical, slightly concerned gaze back to you. 
Grogu’s giggling announced his return as he scampered back to you with a large box in his arms. Din squinted his eyes to read it before his brows furrowed even further. 
“What the hell is Twister?” 
“It’s a game!” you said through a laugh. “We’ve been wanting to show it to you for a while, haven’t we, bud?”
Grogu put down the box and ran to his father’s side. 
“It’ll be so much fun, Papa!” 
Din looked at you with an unconvinced gaze. You shrugged and waved him towards you. 
“At least give it a try.” 
He looked between you and Grogu before releasing a defeated sigh and standing. 
“As long as I don’t have to do any actual twisting.”
“Right hand, red!” 
You and Din scrambled to reach the red dot without moving your other limbs. 
This was the third round of Twister, and you and Din were currently sprawled in all directions on the mat while Grogu took on his favorite position: spinning the wheel. Your fingers hardly reached the red circle, while Din’s hand came towering over and covering it with no issue. 
“How are you so good at this?” you laughed, trying to keep your twisted torso from collapsing. 
“I honestly have no idea,” he breathed with a smile. 
“Left foot, yellow!” 
You and Din glanced at a giggling Grogu before attempting to follow the direction. You wound up propped into a table position facing upward while Din now had to twist around above you to get to the circle. Just as he nudged your foot with his, you felt the mat slip before crashing down onto your back. 
Din’s arm had given out and sent him careening into you, the two of you now a pile of limbs and laughter on the floor. 
“What do you think, kid, who won?” 
“Miss did, of course!” Grogu threw his hands into the air. “You’re the one that fell, Papa!” 
You let out a triumphant ‘ha!’ before giving Din a knowing look. He shook his head with a chuckle and helped you off the floor. 
“Okay, pal,” Din turned to face Grogu. “That was the last round. Bedtime.” 
Grogu’s ears fell as he looked between you both. 
“But this is so fun,” he pouted. 
“And we can do more later, but I have to stretch, and you have to sleep.” 
His pout only grew as he looked at you for confirmation. You gave him a nod. 
“Your eyes are getting heavy, bud, I can see it.”
As if on command, he let out a yawn. Din nodded and scooped him into his arms. 
The three of you made your way to Grogu’s room and Din tucked him into the covers. As per your new bedtime routine, you joined Din at the bedside and gave Grogu your hand to hold while Din wrapped his arm around his little frame. The hammock slightly rocked from the movement, making Grogu’s eyes droop. 
You couldn’t help smiling. He was too cute when he was sleepy. 
Din spoke softly to him and ran a thumb over his arm until he drifted off, a sweet smile forming on his little face. When Din stepped away you came forward and planted a kiss on Grogu’s forehead. 
“Sweet dreams, Grogu,” you whispered. 
When the time came for you and Din to retire as well, he flopped onto the bed beside you with a huff. 
“All Twister-ed out?” you giggled. 
He responded with a muffled grunt before straightening himself out. You mindlessly twirled your amulet between your fingers while you watched. 
Once he settled into a lying position, you took him in: thin white shirt, shorts, his matching amulet resting in the middle of his chest, and his helmetless face that looked calmer with each breath he took. Eyes closed while he stretched his arms into the air before letting them fall to his sides. 
All this time, yet he was still a vision. Your heart grew warm and you reached for his hand to hold in yours. He turned to you. 
“Everything okay, love?” 
Your head still swooned every time he called you that. You smiled. 
“Everything’s perfect,” you said as you switched off your lamp and laid down beside him. 
Under the darkness, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close until your head was resting on his chest. You sighed as his body warmth engulfed you, the firmness of his embrace melting away your worries. 
“You know, I’ve been thinking,” he whispered.
“What if you… moved in full time?” 
Your brows rose as you looked up at him. 
“I-I mean, if you want to,” he continued, “The weekends you’re here are always the best, and…” 
He brought a hand up to cradle your face, his thumb sweeping over the apple of your cheek. “I hate watching you go. I hate waking up without you. This place feels… emptier without you.” 
You smiled and leaned into his hand, pure joy drowning your heart with each word he spoke. 
“But if it’s too soon or you don’t want to, or if you’d rather we get a different place-”
“Din,” you gently cut him off. “I would love to.” 
He blinked a few times as he stared at you, a tiny smile pulling up the corners of his lips. 
“... You would?” 
“I hate leaving you,” you whispered, running your fingers over where you could feel a small patch of chest hair through his shirt. “All of you have been so wonderful to me, you make me feel like I belong here. I miss you all so much during the time I’m away.” 
He let out a cross between a sigh and a huff, his chest deflating. Even through the dark his eyes betrayed relief and joy; you couldn’t look away from them. 
“Guess it’s settled, then,” he breathed. 
You nodded with a grin before he leaned in for a kiss, which you immediately melted into. 
When the two of you settled down to sleep once more, you glanced up. 
Above you both, pinned to the wall, was an updated family portrait Grogu had drawn. A scribbled version of you now stood beside him, holding his hand while Din held the other, Boba and Fennec flanking either side. 
You gazed at it with a smile before closing your eyes and tucking yourself into Din’s chest, letting your mind wander and comb over how the two of you got to this point.
From the moment you met him, there was a series of walls surrounding you both. Walls that had been built from years of turmoil, mistrust, and pain. And you were surprised to be weaving your way through his as you got to know him. 
But the moment you noticed him tearing yours down… it seemed too good to be true. Yet it went on until he was a breath’s distance from you. And now here you both stood, in the rubble of your previous fortresses, adding each other to the foundation of a new structure that would house the future: the good, bad, and every moment in between. 
Now, you’d face the galaxy together, and protect each other. 
Now, you had love and time on your side. 
as always, if you enjoyed this, please support your content creators with reblogs! ✨
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octolingkiera · 10 months
5, 15, 16, 29
hi!! thanks for your ask!! :3
(the list)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
so on the one hand, my danny phantom fics always get a lot of attention and it always leaves me a little surprised, but on the other hand, that fandom is very fic focused, so at the same time it Doesn't really surprise me when i get a lot of kudos for them. what surprises me more is how much other fandoms DON'T comment or bookmark or follow fics lol. i was seriously spoiled with those lol
as for a fic that's gotten more feedback, uhhhh hm. a couple of my dp fics have done better than i thought they would, yeah, but i also have this bleach fic that's in second person that seems to have come across really well, so i guess that one's the most surprising lol
aftershocks has done really well, but that's not surprising considering the talent that went into it, the fact we updated every week, and the word count, but it still baffled me as we were updating it how well it was doing lol
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
definitely my rottmnt separated au (chapter 1 is posted on ao3 as sunset hues, jetpack blues (SHJB)) lol. ive been putting a lot of effort into it, more than i give most of my fics, tho i'm realizing now as i'm working more on planning i may have jumped the gun a bit and posted it a biiit early?? but also i wanted to post it on my birthday so i'm not so concerned about that kdshbfhdsf
when i post chapter 2 (which is basically done except for the final revision i need to give it), i'm gonna reread chapter 1 as well and make sure it's up to date with the minor stuff i left out bc i hadn't nailed down some specifics yet (but dw, it'll be Very minor and won't effect the plot lol)
besides that, i have oneshot prompts i wanna fill out and i have a fic in the works i'm calling Fallout, which is inspired by fall out boy songs (which ive been thinking about since like february/march when "love from the other side" dropped lol)
i also lowkey wanna try to get a fic done for danny phantom's 20th anniversary in april but idk how that's gonna go lol. i'm still very focused on ninja turtles
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
of my 54 works on ao3 Fluff seems to be my most used tag with 10 times, which is. lowkey a surprise LOL. Hurt/Comfort comes in second with 7 (tied with "not beta read" and a tag for a danny phantom fic event) and Angst is in third with 6 (barring the two that i'm not counting lol)
going by just my rise fics, first place tag goes to Donatello and Leonardo are Twins (TMNT) with 6 of my 8 fics (ao3 says 9, but one of them is aftershocks, which i won't include bc it's a collab) and only reason it's not all 8 is bc i didn't tag it in fics where it's not a main focus lol
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
hmmmm let's see.... okay what have i written this year....
oh god that's a lot more than i thought, uhhhh
i have a lot of stuff i Really enjoyed tbh. there's a fun little action sequence i wrote for a later part of SHJB that i liked (that i'll prolly have to rework a little), there's a few Other parts of my prewritten SHJB stuff i enjoy, there's a bunch of stuff in my rise august fills i really liked...
but i think for a single line/passage, i'll go with this bit from the beginning of my fic what's in a name? (which is also posted here on tumblr!!)
Donnie, not bothering to look up from his phone, flaps a hand in the air dismissively. “I keep all my anger bottled up in here,” he taps his chest, “and hope one day it will just kill me. Like a normal person,” he adds, as if what he just described is unequivocally a universal experience.
this entire piece was a lot of fun to write and there's some more silly lines in this i really enjoyed but i think this is the one i think about the most, like the exchange directly after this lol
Leo purses his lips and steeples his hands, holding this fingers to his mouth. “So that’s a yes to the mad, then.” “Or it could be, like, the coo-coo for cocoa puffs type of mad!” Mikey chimes in, crossing his eyes and swirling a finger beside his ear. “Y’know, like British people say.” “Ew,” Leo says, because that’s all that needs to be said about that.
and this line a little bit down from that
Raph’s next exhale is heavy, the burden of Atlas in his eternal torment. “Pizza Supreme, I wish.”
thanks again for your ask!!! these were a lot of fun to answer. i love talking about my writing dfjghbdfg get me started and i'll never shut up lol
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hbxplain · 2 years
WIP Song Tag
this is a tag game created by @writingforevren, i thought it looked fun so i'm trying it out!
Rules: Pick 5 songs that you feel represent your WIP and describe how they do so (or don’t and just leave it at the song) and then tag as many people as you’d like.
i'm just taking songs from my monthly playlist (my taste in music flip flops all the time asdflkj) so that's why a bunch are by the same artist. i also ended up scrapping some ideas i had for some Daisy the Great songs... but overall i think these are the best five choices for Seven Lovely Sins!
Rule #7 - Angel Tango by Fish in a Birdcage
ohhh this is SO perfect for izzy!! first of all, he's Sloth, so THIS:
You pushed me down / From the race / Was content with / Second place, yes its true / 'Till I heard you.
its so perfect. he was really just fine to hang out in the circle of sloth forever... until he meets mdj.
My lucky coin / Showed its tail / A light through rags / Silver veil, thats been chewed / By the wolves that prey on you.
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
not all of this song matches... but a lot of it is pretty damn good for vice! she's young, a rebel through and through... but that rebellion had big consequences when she was alive. like, big consequences. and now she still feels so closed off sometimes, and she's afraid of her new friends/family leaving her behind...
I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crises / Tale as old as time
What's Wrong by half-alive
ok, so this song is PERFECT for vatana!! i could genuinely just copy-paste half the damn song here and it would all be accurate. she is so obsessed with her goal that she won't let herself see the truth, even when it hurts her and the people she loves. she's trapped in a sunk-cost fallacy in terms of finding her long lost daughter--she's been searching for centuries. how can she give up now? but, as the song says... "the time's always right to fix what's wrong."
The whisper in my heart, it could never speak up / The message in my chest gathered too much dust / I can't afford the truth even if it's unjust / Keep it top shelf, keep it all locked up
I'll Stop by half-alive
another great one for vatana at cliff... and parts of it kind of work for vice and eli too? the main line, i think, is "i'll stop trying to make you better; there was nothing ever wrong" which is such a lovely concept born of such a hurtful mistake, you know? the whole thing of "i loved who i wanted you to be... but that was cruel. and so now i will love who you are."
I kept the feeling down, I think I made you up / All I see is a blurry dream of / Who I wanted you to be and / To make you into her would never help
Fat Chance by We Were Promised Jetpacks
another song for you-know-who; guess i'm in a vatana mood lmao. this is good for vatana because for so long she was telling the defected demons, "take care of cliff when i'm gone," like she could go through with tempting cliff and he'd just be fine afterwards, like she could ask forgiveness instead of permission, and... that's just not how it works.
I'll calculate the odds, they aren't in my favour / So I'll carry on like this, and I can make amends later
i'm tagging @aquil-writes, @vsnotresponding, @aohendo, and @regalserpent! this is a no-pressure tag (i mean, they all are, but this one really takes some time, so i extra get it 😂)
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Anyways I even came up with a stand lately. It's name is INVOKE a song made by T.M. Revolution. The song is also the first opening of Gundam seed. (Yes, I plan to create stand OCs that were named after the various openings of the Gundam franchise.)
The main gist of INVOKE is that it has three different modes when merged with the user. Aile mode, sword mode and launcher mode. On default it shows up as strike mode, which is your run of the mill close range fighting stand.
Aile mode: The stand will transform into a jetpack with wings, when combined with the user, it will grant the user the power of flight and by extension high speed and agility. Within the backpack contains a pair of beam sabers which enables the user engage in close range combat. This mode is best used for scouting and escape purposes.
Sword mode: The stand will transform into armor to protect the user and a massive sword to cleave down enemies with. This form is suited for close range encounters. The blade of the sword is formed with plasma witch allows the user to cut down virtually with its high heat. And the armor should be tough enough to be highly bullet resistant.
Launcher mode: The stand will now take of what can be described as a weapon pod mounted on the right shoulder and a massive gun slung behind the left, this current form is designed for long range combat. The gun fires massive blasts of plasma, wnablig the user to eliminate virtually every enemy with one hit. However because of the high fire power of this form, it consumes massive amounts of the users stamina. Henceforth it is not recommended for extended periods of use.
Because all these forms whether merged with the user or not is a stand, therefore it should be able to affect stands in anyone of those forms. The forms can be swapped out on the fly with a vocal command from the user.
God... I worked so hard on this...
Oooooooooooo 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
a Gundam Stands sounds so much fun to play with, and honestly Stands that give you the power of Big Fucking Sword and G U N are always great
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haus-of-wu · 2 years
not me listening to some fob after a shit day at work and immediately thinking "hmm this would be great for a wangxian playlist"
yes the song was jetpack blues
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lunarmoves · 1 year
no fuckin way U LUCKY DUCK!!!!! enjoy that concert jfhsjf
alright now i did not expect the tables to turn on me like this and also im very bad at lyric matching, me making character playlists are always and forever purely vibe based, and ur choices are really really good. ok. uhhh
number one SUN! love from the other side mostly because of
"You were the sunshine of my lifetime
What would you trade the pain for?"
and all the other sun imagery gdgsjd
two MOON mmmm i like centuries for moon because of the whole like. relentlessness of the song, it just makes me think of esp glitch moon on the hunt yk? idk i think that feeling matches moon a lot do NOT read into the lyrics, again, vibes only
three ECLIPSE jetpack blues. canon or fanon eclipse i just think of them with this song just. the sadness of it. yk?
ANYWAYS hope this made sense love from fob anon
HAHA YEAHHHHH i cant wait!!! it's gna be my first concert ever and its for fob too like!!!!! i'm living the dream!!!!!! gonna wear my fob shirt and everything!!
LMAO yes i will always turn the tables for these kinds of questions!! i like seeing what other people think as well!! it's just fun yk? i too went somewhat based on vibes!! ur choices are very good omg love from the other side for sun does fit him!! i like these lyrics for him as well: I saw you in a bright clear field / Hurricane heat in my head / The kinda pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end
oooh for moon yesss. wait i love centuries for him ur so right. Mummified my teenage dreams / No, it's nothing wrong with me / The kids are all wrong, the story's all off / Heavy metal broke my heart and then there's also The darkness that you felt / I never meant for you to fix yourself. i like ur vision fob nonnie!!
for eclipse!! gah!! i went to listen to jetpack blues and damn... ur right the sadness does fit with them. particularly: And I'm trying to find my peace of mind / Behind these two white highway lines / When the city goes silent / The ringing in my ears gets violent. phew!! angsty stuff for them!
thank u for sending ur own songs for the lads back LOL!! this was fun!! sorry it took me a hot min to answer sdhsfdkf. hope ur having a good day/night!!
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persimnon · 1 year
Games on my phone and iPad breakdown because I’m sick and procrastinating
Phone first:
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Yes all four flow free games. I had them all completely beat at some point during quarantine but not since they’ve added some new levels. I still have my data saved from when I started playing on my mom’s phone in elementary school
DragonVale obviously. My main bitch. I play every day and I still have the same park I started 11.5 years ago. My DV sideblog is @malefice
Blades of Brim is by the Subway Surfers people. I don’t play much anymore but I’m afraid to delete it because I went through a LOT to restore my progress that I made in high school from an old backup of my phone
I Love Hue is very nice and calming. I like to play it while I listen to audiobooks
DUAL is one of the few apps I’ve spent money on (for the full version). Basically if someone else has the app you both play on your phones and shoot at one another’s spaceships. Good and simple fun
NYT games is self-explanatory. I still do Wordle daily and the mini whenever I remember to.
Yes all four geometry dash games. This is because the three spin-offs don’t back up secret coins to your main GD account and I only have them on there. I have been told this will be fixed in 2.2, which is miraculously coming out next month. Haven’t really been into GD since 2020
Subway Surf I had a brief but very passionate fling with, and I keep it on my phone to play very occasionally and because I can’t back up my progress on cloud (I’ve tried)
Covet Fashion is a game I played a lot in 7th grade and have regrettably picked back up on the last year. It’s essentially competitive dress-up with actual real-life fashion brands and their clothes.
iPad (ignoring duplicates):
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Blockheads I should really delete. It was my minecraft growing up but I lost all my old worlds and all the multiplayer servers have been sundowned. Very sad. Amazing soundtrack, I now have nostalgic associations with extremely popular royalty free songs you’d recognize from vlog-era YouTube as well as a few good classical pieces—as opposed to minecraft music.
Fluid is just a fun little liquid simulator. Lots of cool customizations. Entertaining when high.
I regret buying BTD6 on my iPad because I play it almost exclusively on my laptop. Enough said
BubblePop I took up this summer to play while listening to TMA. It gives me the Tetris effect pretty bad so I don’t play it as much as I did.
I have not touched Among Us for years, but I would like to again someday with friends.
I don’t remember exactly why I redownloaded Jetpack Joyride, but I think it was to play while I listened to or watched something long. It’s as fun as it was when I was a kid.
I redownloaded Plants vs Zombies in summer 2020 and beat it in its entirety. I keep it to preserve my progress.
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 years
13, 18, 41, 71, 97 for the unusual asks? :3
thank you beloved <3
13. any siblings?
nope! only child, to my equal dismay and relief
18. favorite tv show?
technically it's mlp:fim, for the sheer amount of time in my life that has been in some way related to it, because it's a damn good show and my first taste of fandom and yadda yadda yadda
but i feel like this is cheating since i've almost never watched an episode on actual tv
so if we're going by that metric and bypassing every tv show i have watched on my puter on a on-demand basis, my favorite tv show is law&order: svu. when my internet used to cut out around 11pm/midnight, i'd have nothing to do at night but watch tv so i had my path fucking memorized, and it always started by more or less three episodes of law&order that i'd catch in the middle and follow until they changed programs around 2 or 3 am. my favorite part of the evening because i love me a good copaganda crime drama. my favorite main character is the blonde lady with a gambling problem in the mid-to-late seasons i think.
off-topic but yeah, i liked this one
41. top 10 favorite songs
i'm going to forget too many of them oh god
in no particular order
Come on Eileen - cover by Save Ferris cause i decided a few years ago that instead of hesitating when someone asks me my favorite songs i'd just say this one, because even if it might not be my forever number one favorite i still really love it (yes it's because of captain hoers
How We Kill Starts - by Shaka Ponk upbeat
Candy - by Robbie Williams also upbeat
Forward! - by Anaal Nathrakh listen despite it being my url i have to admit i don't listen to that much anaal nathrakh. but. this song. this song is so good.
Demon Speeding - by Rob Zombie because of course
Rattlesnake Shake - by Motley Crue because it's basically horny circus music and that's right up my alley
Six Shooter - by Coyote Kisses yeehaw
The Devil You Know - by Blues Saraceno yeehawx2 (honestly i really like most of the Blues Saraceno songs I've heard so this counts as a double entry for Devils Got You Beat, Skin 'Em Up, Kicking and Screaming, etc)
Legendary Enchanted Jetpack - specifically the Sozos version listen. i am boycotting their new releases, i stand by that. but that specific cover of this specific song............ speaks to my soul. with all the respect i have for winkler's vocals, legendary enchanted jetpack specifically was fucking made for sozos it's unreal.
Armata Strigoi - by Powerwolf but it's so difficult to pick, they have so many insane songs that i listen to all the time, i almost picked The Evil Made Me Do It, i almost picked We Drink Your Blood, i almost picked Incense and Iron, i almost picked Venom of Venus, i almost picked Mother Mary is a Bird of Prey, i almost picked Nighttime Rebel, i'm totally cheating the "10 songs" rule...
special mentions to La Danse de l'Ankou, Monster, Mr. Torture, Hypa Hypa, All Dolled Up, Disease, Metal Health (Bang Your Head), and i'll stop there before i reach ten as well
i eat through a lot of music every day even though i tend to replay the same songs so...
71. tea or coffee?
so this is embarrassing but i've never really drank coffee
i've been theoretically meaning to try but if it does make me hyper god knows i don't need to be hyper, and i'm a bit afraid of whatever it might say about my hypothetical adhd so.
but so far, i've hated every actual tea i've tasted (which isn't a lot, i'm sure if i tried some real, proper arabic mint tea it'd be a lot better, but kitchen tisanes are a no for me), and i like coffee-flavored and other caffeinated things, so i know which i'm betting on.
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
milk chocolate, obviously
i don't mind dark tbh, even the high percentage bitter ones i've tasted for the sake of the experience, but i'll pick milk over it any day, and i'll pick no chocolate at all over white chocolate any day as well
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Glory or Gold • Best Band in the Universe • Settle it With a Swordfight • Hyperspeed • Army of Tigers • Storm the Castle • Starship Velociraptor • Man the Cannons • Jetpack Race • 10,000 Light-Years • Final Frontier
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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