visitalonissos · 2 years
The island of #Alonissos, has chosen to celebrate its connection with the sea this year by organising a symbolic underwater decoration of a Christmas Tree, posting a video of the event on Youtube!
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unknownmusing · 2 years
Dark Anthology Pictures Fanfic: 'The Crow's Lover'
A backstory about the mysterious man known only as the Curator, who collects stories of intrigue, mystery and death.
But this is not a backstory about those stories, instead it is about the daily life of the Curator and another person who came into his life.
This person is sometimes seen, but most of the visitors who are visiting the Curator's residence believe that the person is a figment of their imagination.
You see though, Dear Reader, in fact this person is very real and this is their's and the Curator's tale - one which shows a different side to the mysterious man that you may find interesting to learn can possess feelings for another like ourselves.
Inspired by the wonderful artwork of the Curator by the Artist @yayoineko (https://www.tumblr.com/yayoineko/tagged/Dark%20Pictures%20Anthology)
Have not played the games, but have watched playthroughs on Youtube of all four games.
Relationship: The Curator/Female OC, with some hint of Jason Kolchek/Salim Othman relationship in the background as characters who the Curator trusts to help when a mysterious figure from Peristera's past begins to appear
Prologue - The First Page
Peristera's P.O.V:
I don't really remember when exactly I arrived at the large Mansion the Curator stays in, just waking up in an attic converted into a bedroom with a circular window overlooking a abandoned garden:
Various Greek-like statues dotted here and there, most of them having fallen over and left lying in their place; some cracked and chipped in places covered in by a combination of ivy and moss bearing small flowers.
A fountain choked up with autumnal leaves coming from the barren sketetal trees meaning that harsh winter was coming in. 
Thinking about this particular memory, it makes me wonder whether the garden had been beautiful in the past or had it always been like this. From what I know of the large garden from exploring it when I had time, it shows signs in various different areas of it, that someone had made sure to keep it well-tended to and cared for in those particular areas:
the rose garden with rows of trellis for the climbing roses; a sitting area where a sunhouse is located, though the paint of the sunhouse on it is now faded and cracked in places due to years of weathering and finally, located way back of the large residence an tall onimous looking clocktower, with just close beside it an outdoor swimming pool which must have been a joy and delight to enjoy during a hot summer.
A sudden interruption of the Grandfather clock down below on the lower floor below the mezzanine balcony where above it I'm busy sorting out some books on one of the long row of bookshelves reminds me that the Curator will be returning from wherever he goes sometimes. 
He never told me precisely where he went all the time and I never asked him. I respected his privacy as he respected mine.
Reaching up to place a book on the bookshelf from the library trolley, it's the sound of the double doors to the large repository openin makes me flick my gaze down over the mezzine library railing to see it is the Curator has returned.
Though something doesn't feel right, it's like he's been heavily ruffled by something with the way he's struggling off his coat to place on the clothes rack-stand, along with his hat.
He moves away to walk over to the large study desk, lighting a solitary candle in the ornate black metal candle holder on the desk, before going over to the lower bookshelf to collect a long journal book placing it under the crook of his arm as he goes to return back to his desk.
Concern for wanting to know what's wrong, only to realise I really don't know what to say so go back to placing a book on the bookshelf when on of them on the trolley in the process of picking the one to place on the bookshelf falls off the trolley to down below.
The thud of it echoes loud in the respitory, hearing him pause in walking over to his desk turning to flick his gaze to the source of what made the 'thud' noise.
"Hmm? What this?"
The Curator asks to himself, going over to the fallen book which he bends down to pick up, turning it over to look at the cover.
"How convenient just the book I'm looking for."
Still standing in the mezzanine library, part of me feels ashamed because I had not caught it from falling down below and other knowing that it is just a small accident that happened.
Why though was I ashamed? Was it because I could caught the book and not let it fall?
"Peristera (Dove), is something wrong?" I'm suddenly asked, it startles me that nearly fall backwards when his arms catch me, before I can hit my head on the wooden mezzanine floorboards.
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shalomniscient · 4 months
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"An Aeon that presides over the Path of Adoration. Known by THEIR devotees as the Pandemos, or 'one who is common to all people', they are the personification of 'love', having ascended an unfathomable amount of time ago after realizing the 'truth' of life." - Loading Screen: Amatory
◆ Name: Amatory ◆ Title: Aeon of Adoration, The Lover ◆ Path: The Adoration
Amatory is a fanmade Aeon in Honkai: Star Rail, representing the Path of Adoration. THEY are known to be among the kinder Aeons, and by virtue of the broadness of THEIR path, often has a hand in the dealings of mortals. It is rumored that THEY even walk amongst mortals at times, and was once a key figure on the Astral Express until Akivili's untimely disappearance.
◆ Appearance Amatory often appears in the form of a feminine human, with iridescent skin and long, pink hair. THEY are dressed in a loose, white robes resembling an ancient Greek chiton, the hem lined blue with doves embroidered in gold thread. THEY wear a crown of gold laurels as well as various pieces of golden jewellery, including earrings and a necklace. THEY sit upon a seashell throne, and in THEIR lap is THEIR familiar, Peristera, the drake-dove.
◆ History -> Ascension An unknowable amount of time ago, a (suspected) human on the planet of Agora ascended to Aeonhood and became the Aeon of Adoration, after realizing the 'truth' of life.
-> Swarm Disaster The range of Amatory's influence is unknown during the Swarm Disaster, though it is noted that Peristera the drake-dove fiercely and successfully defended Agora from attacks from the Swarm. It is assumed THEY watched, alongside Xipe and Aha, as Qlipoth stripped Tayzzyronth's power and sealed the other Aeon.
-> Present Amatory is noted to be active in the current time, hiding their divine form to walk amongst mortals. This information has been confirmed by the Aspects of Adoration, as the Sanctuary of Kitheryia remains empty.
◆ Followers & Factions -> Agora, Planet of Doves Agora is the birth planet of Amatory, and the foremost seat of THEIR following. The planet is known for its romantic, dreamy atmosphere, with permanently pink-hued skies thanks to a specific concentration of minerals in the atmosphere and the angle of Agora to its sun. Agora is also known for it's stunning beaches, which are also popular pilgrim destinations due to the belief that Amatory gained THEIR enlightenment whilst standing on the shore of one of Agora's beaches, part of THEIR body submerged in the sea-foam. Agora is blessed with mild weather across the planet, thanks to the direct influence of its Aeon.
Temples to Amatory are scattered across the planet, tended to by Devotees. The largest temple complex, the Amatopolis, is also the name of the planet's capital city. Amatopolis is the residence of the Aspects, and the location of other universally famous sites, such as the Museum of Peristera, The Sanctuary of Kitheryia and the Akropoils to Akivili.
-> Devotees of Adoration The Devotees of Adoration are the primary followers of Amatory, and are found in the largest numbers on Agora, although they are also well distributed across the universe. The Devotees can choose to be active participants upon the Path, tending to Amatory's shrines and temples, or they can choose to be passive participants simply by loving and being loved. To Amatory, loving is quite the same as worshiping.
-> Aspects of Adoration The Aspects of Adoration are Amatory's six chosen Emanators. They are chosen by the Aeon as role models, in a sense, to each specific branch of 'love'. Hence, the six Aspects are Agape, Eros, Philia, Storge, Philautia, and Xenia. Each Aspect has their own hall within the Amatopolis, branching off from the temple's main hall which leads to the Sanctuary of Kitheryia. The Aspects are functionally Amatory's high priests and priestesses, and offer advice on behalf of the Aeon to pilgrims and devotees who visit the temple.
-> The Dove Poets Society Contrary to its name, the Dove Poets Society does not solely consist of poets. Instead, the Society is open to all manner of creatives, including artists, writers, sculptors and many others. Joining the Society is not too dissimilar to joining the Genius Society; to do so, one must draw the gaze of Amatory THEMSELF. Creatives who use love or themes of love as their muse are blessed with a dove-feather pin, and are later cordially invited to Agora by administrative devotees. They are then given free lifelong board and housing, subsidized by the Devotees, and are allowed to pursue their art without worry.
As a result of this, many famous and popular works have been produced by the Society. They can all be found within the Museum of Peristera, making the museum a must-visit for those interested in the arts.
-> Peristera, the Drake-Dove Said to be the beloved companion of Amatory, Peristera is a legendary, almost divine beast blessed by the Aeon THEMSELF, and tasked with eternally protecting Agora. The drake-dove resides within the Sanctuary of Kytheryia, ever-slumbering until danger rouses it, or its master returns from THEIR journeys. Several proposals were made by the Intelligentsia Guild to access the Sanctuary and collect biological samples from Peristera; all these proposals were promptly rejected by the Aspects, citing the sanctity of the Sanctuary as Amatory's home, not to be entered by mortal bodies unless invited by the Aeon THEMSELF.
Although Peristera's awakenings usually herald danger, it is often followed by a frenzied scramble by Devotees eager to get their hands on some of the drake-dove's fallen feathers. Much like Qlipoth's Divine Amber, Peristera's feathers are sacred items to the Devotees and followers of Amatory. However, these feathers fade over time, and as a result are often cast in gold and made into jewellery such as bracelets, anklets, armbands, crowns or earrings to preserve them. They are said to bring love to the life of the wearer, hence their popularity.
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Developer Notes:
I'm worldbuilding out here like I'm a part of the HSR Writing Team LMAO this OC isn't even playable but I feel like I've fleshed them out the most out of all my OCs lsdfhjsdlfjsdjlf. But frankly I'm surprised and Aeon of something like love doesn't exist, given how (not to get too into philosophy) central it is to humanity or arguably consciousness in general.
Obviously, Amatory is heavily inspired by Aphrodite, as referenced by both their sacred animals being the dove, and their ascension occurring while they were submerged in sea-foam, similar to how Aphrodite is said to have been born from sea-foam, in certain mythological accounts. And the whole love thing. -> You could argue that the Paths of Harmony and Adoration could collide, and honestly, I too can see it happening. Though I would counter and say 'love' is less clear-cut lawful than Harmony; if we're sticking by the Ancient Greek themes, we look no further than the story of Troy, or the response of Demeter to Persephone's abduction. This could turn into a whole back and forth, but truthfully, I'm just here to fuck around and play with HSR's worldbuilding so I'm not going to get into too much discourse about it LMAO. These are MY delusions and I call the shots 😌😌😌
Agora as a planet and culture is heavily based on Ancient Greece. I felt inspired after running around in AC: Odyssey's discovery mode. Say what you will about the game, but as an open-world exploration enjoyer it is SUCH a treat.
Peristera is named after the eponymous nymph who was transformed into a dove by Aphrodite and made her sacred animal. Although Amatory's Peristera is also a dragon, because I'm a sucker for dragons. Appearance wise, it looks a lot like Cinderella from Burn the Witch [image below].
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Making a neka for Amatory was hard as fuck, mainly because they end up looking too human and normal and not as godly as I'd like, but I guess they can get a pass because Nanook looks pretty normal too.
Neka of Amatory, as close as to what I can envision in my brain:
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neka link: https://www.neka.cc/composer/11939
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Franz Caucig (Slovene, 1755–1828) Venera, Amor in Peristera, by 1810 National Gallery of Slovenia
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inkyself · 11 months
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people 🎶
Tagged by @the-tenth-arcanum (ily)
Life has been crazy this is the first one I’m doing in forever let’s goooo (sorry there is a lot of Calcutta he’s making me cry these days (Italian indie singer))
1 - Vitamin T by KERA
2 - As It Was by Harry Styles
3 - Ophelia by The Lumineers
4 - Intermezzo3 by Calcutta
5 - Eat Your Young by Hozier
6 - Controtempo by Calcutta
7 - Turn by The Wombats
8 - Cigarette Daydream by Cage The Elephant
9 - Merry Go Round from Howl’s Moving Castle
10 - 2 Minuti by Calcutta
Tagging @what-am-i-outside-my-google-tabs @emostudent @haljathefangirlcat @peristera-aurantias @xyrnys @shiggyzz @cowsmoopolitan @xorax @girlitalocalvino @the-one-who-died-at-the-end
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
I've just realized that Dove Cameron is Peristera Cameron 😭.
Is this a direct translation of her name which shocked you? 😂 I can't imagine her called Peristera, omg!!
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scapularius · 2 years
i know what you're thinking 
and my heart is beating so fast it might explode 
but i can’t stop you
it is like a secret there is no guilt in keeping
between you and i and our drunken bracelets
you are so quiet where everything is loud
such a comfortable quiet. a comfortable touch
and every time i want to see exactly how brave i could be i want you to do it, dig into my back and my hips and pull me inside you 
i think about lots of things
like what if you were chained in a dusty arena and the only thing that stood between you and a lion was me
you know id make a sword of teeth. you know id cover your body with mine
and if they made us kneel and speak with red dripping lips offering ourselves you know id seal your lips shut so they would take me
you know this
i bare you in the white and i clothe you in the black 
my lovely sweet gentle boy
with your curves and your edges
once upon a time you might have been a limestone geode
and they let some god artist at you , with tooth and nail and tongue
and there you emerged, sleek Galatea
drink your wine and fill the storm
and i will kneel at your feet with my cup
dash the spit from your lips
i will knead at your back with my teeth
i will bury my face in your neck
and nothing else will be there
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
what if we got blind on a bus
we drove for hours
and we got out on the side of a dirt road
no rain or anything (there hasn’t been for years)
and we danced and our long long limbs flailed and stretched
blue and orange clay people dancing a rain dance waiting to melt
our shoes could slick in the mud
your beautiful white shoes
my too-big leathers
and we fall and roll around like dogs left in the dust trails and exhaust fumes of this empty highway
id borrow your glasses to see the stars
and we’d bury ourselves in the sand
like an opposite ostrich, panting with tongues lolling waiting for the rain
swapping what moisture we can between us, back and forth, breathe and swallow
but the rain hasn’t been here for years
and neither has the bus
what if we were primal and screaming
and we fought in the mud, we wrestled and sparred with old tapered bones and the remnants of my plastic fingernails
what would you do then if all we had was a trail and a single weathered bench with spacers to stop us sleeping
would you let me lie on you until everyone was gone?
would you let me lie on you until the bus came back?
would you climb out of the sand and shake yourself off?
would you get in the bus?
would you get in the bus
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
by god you are my refrain 
my uninflammable bridge
from the forested side of this ravine
to the singing sky canopy at the other
and if i look down and see the mother of pearl and amethyst dancing with the fish
quavering their sweet blue lullaby 
i won’t be scared
because i’ve heard this song before
and the shellfish white wine sucker sea foam sticky worms can cushion my fall as well as any net
as any shibari rope that cuffs your wrists to your thighs 
leaves you open and pearlescent for me
but we would fall upwards, my love
we can fall into the sky together
winged, soft and gilded, gentle curls and silver bands
Peristera and Aphrodite, preening and purring
into the clear grey air
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pige0nskull · 3 months
Krāníon peristera
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visitalonissos · 2 years
“'Parthenon of shipwrecks' helps reboot tourism in Greece”. 
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narcissaslave01 · 7 months
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the-hem · 1 year
The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. From Matthew 18: 1-7.
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In Judaism, the Greatest is called Efes, or "The infinite zero." It is empty of all traces of anything but what God put within each of us on His own. All spiritualities were written to help us make perfect use of these.
The Greatest get to attain to Salvation and the World to Come, engineered by a process known as Mashiach: the last and final departure from Egypt, a never ending Shabbat for all mankind for all time.
The rest, "ravine dwelers", get "weeping in the darkness" and the "gnashing of teeth." Before we scare you with good it's going to be let's terrify you with how bad it could get.
To weep and gnash teeth is 1547, ahdaas " to pass up all the knowledge in the Torah, which means ignorance, which means there is no hope.
Heaven is, and always has been a contest between the intelligent and the unintelligent, the gentile and the violent, deluded self, and Pure Self.
Jesus warns over and over, not to be ignorant of the Torah: do not harbor violence in your heart, do not wish ill on other people, instead use the assets of civilization to put an end to all the superstitions that have caused man and the Holy Spirit to divurge from one another, to become unfamiliar if not altogether unrecognizable to each other.
God said He made us in His Image, we need to be able to make this Image fully visible to the Self and all Selves if we expect to be of the Greatest.
The Gematia for verse 4 is 6238, ו‎בגח "and ran away". The prophet that ran away was Jonah, which means:
Assumed root יון (ywn) yields the noun יון (yawen), meaning mire or swampy, boggy ground. Mire's signature failure to provide secure footing is often used proverbially. Note that in the Bible dry land often signifies factual and consensual certainty, whereas water (seas and rivers) denote liquidity, growth and potential. This is why in the Bible the great cultures are always associated with their respective great rivers.
From the same or identical second root יון (ywn) comes noun יונה (yona), meaning dove. In the Bible the dove serves both as a symbol of weakness or indecisiveness, and of vast abundance (as well as being the bodily form of the Holy Spirit). Apparently, in antiquity doves were everywhere. They were recognized to show no resolute dedication to an ecological niche (like, say, the eagle), and to flutter about in uncertain circles, much unlike the straight paths of, say, ravens.
Ravens are associated with hearing and doves with sight. The Greek word for dove is περιστερα (peristera), of which element περι (peri) indeed describes both a broad circle and ubiquity.
Curiously similar to the word for dove, the verb ינה (yana) means to do someone wrong or to oppress or vex someone. Perhaps the two have nothing to do with each other but where the great leaps are most celebrated, it's the little irritations in life that provoke the most massive progress. Or in other words: for every one brilliantly engineered iPhone there are hundreds of staples, paperclips and rubber bands that tie much more of life together.
The noun יין (yayan) is of unclear pedigree but is obviously similar to the previous. It means wine; either simply fermented grape juice or mankind's culture at large, seeing that in the Bible humanity's cultural world is often depicted as a vineyard: many separate grapes make much liquid wine, and many separate minds make much liquid culture.
Now read the verses from the Book of Matthew:
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 
3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 
4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
What is that time?
It is Mashiach.
Ma=what is your name
shia=peace maker
ch=who shines on me? Like raw gold metal that has been refined in the furnace of intelligence:
Modern humanity's celebrated sapiens is based wholly on language, and language emerged slowly from very large populations interacting and imitating each other's expressions and getting into each other's heads.
Language is very similar to money, as both congeal like mists in the ever turbulent atmosphere of the actual economy (see our articles on the nouns ανεμος, anemos, wind, and νεφελη, nephele, cloud, and note that the words ψυχη, psuche, soul, and πνευμα, pneuma, come from verbs that mean to breathe).
Language relates to human minds the way wine relates to grapes; see our article on αμπελος (ampelos), vine. But words are like silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times (Psalm 12:6). Iron, likewise, covers the whole of the dynamic collective, but is not purified but rather violently smithed into modular objects that can easily be replaced. Iron means legislation and violent enforcement, but is utterly corruptible and quickly rusts away.
Gold does not react with anything, and represents nature's eternal laws, which can't be corrupted (MATTHEW 5:18). The Greek word for gold, χρυσος (chrusos), is Semitic, but doesn't stem from the regular Hebrew word for gold, which is זהב (zahab), but rather from the word for processed and finely crafted gold, namely חרוץ (harus), which makes a gold artifact like a natural truth crafted into human language to form a pleasing piece of eternal profundity.
The noun חרוץ (harus), crafted gold, literally means to discern, decide or split things apart. Our English word "science", likewise, relates to the verb σχιζω (schizo), to break, split or divide. Unlike silver and iron, gold is specific, like wisdom, mastered by the most elite craftspeople only.
Who is the little child?
She is Eve, a commitment to the welfare of humanity.
What does it mean to become Eve, or being a child to Christ?
Women in the Torah are patterns that result from desires. When desires accumulate and become a way of life without a trace, a Eve, a commitment is born. If the desires are the proper ones, this is good, as God proclaimed according to His Desires In the Beginning.
If the desires are impure and ritual impurity results, a dirty, dirty discharge spews right out. Sin is a sign the entire process is ignorant of the Torah. Eve is a sign the process had its origins in ritual purity.
Now we know Adam and Eve had some things to work out, but they were the product of ritual purity. Greatness therefore is ritual purity, of the very caliber of the Spirit when the universe was created. When He saw Himself.
This is why the Gematria for Mashiach and the weeping and gnashing both suggest a reflective surface.
How do we reflect the Image of God? The Torah and the Gospels explain exactly how to do this.
Causing to Stumble
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 
7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!
What is the greatest stumbling block? Violence. This we drown in the depths of the sea, just like God warned us in the Book of Genesis.
Woe to anyone who has violence in their heart or inflicts it or teaches it to a child.
The Gematria for the final two verses is way cool.
=10448, אאֶפֶסדד‎‎ח, aepsdadh, "God judges by the love in one's heart."
pesh= interpret
dadah= affectionate, evolved sufficiently to show praise through love
The final term in the molecule "dadah" is very close to the word "David" which means how beautiful or beloved one is, and how good a lovemaker in bed. Lots of people going straight to hell.
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year
Velejador alemão resgatado com "inflamação abdominal" nos Açores
Um homem de nacionalidade alemã foi resgatado enquanto se encontrava a bordo do veleiro ‘Peristera’, a cerca de 220 milhas náuticas, o equivalente a 396 quilómetros, a oeste da Ilha das Flores, nos Açores, devido a uma “inflamação abdominal”.
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Em comunicado, a Marinha esclareceu que o resgate foi levado a cabo através do Centro de Coordenação de Busca e Salvamento Marítimo de Ponta Delgada (MRCC Delgada), em articulação com o Centro Coordenador de Busca e Salvamento Aéreo das Lajes (RCC Lajes) e com o Centro de Orientação de Doentes Urgentes – Marítimos (CODU-MAR), tendo sido coordenado desde as 18h03 (horas locais) do dia 30 de maio.
Isto porque o homem “foi avaliado com uma inflamação abdominal, havendo a necessidade de cuidados médicos hospitalares imediatos”.
Nessa linha, o velejador foi “resgatado pelo navio da Marinha Portuguesa NRP António Enes e foi transportado, posteriormente, pela a aeronave EH-101 da Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP), para o Aeroporto da Lajes, na ilha Terceira, onde aterrou às 17h30 (horas locais) do dia 31 de maio”.
O homem foi, entretanto, transferido para uma unidade hospitalar na Ilha Terceira.
Estiveram envolvidos nesta operação o MRCC Delgada, o RCC Lajes, o CODU-MAR, o navio NRP António Enes, um helicóptero EH-101 e a aeronave C295 da FAP, uma ambulância do Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil dos Açores e o Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras.
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
What does the adjective 'peristeronic' mean?
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The word 'peristeronic' means of or relating to pigeons. It comes from the Ancient Greek 'peristera', meaning dove or pigeon. The earliest documented use of the word dates to the mid-1800s, which coincides with the formation of the National Peristeronic Society.
The National Peristeronic Society was formed in 1868 after two other pigeon-loving groups, the National Columbarian and the Philoperisteron, merged together. Pigeon clubs were popular in Victorian Britain, particularly in towns and cities. Among the regular attendees of such groups was Charles Darwin, the author of 'On the Origins of Species'.
Most of the pigeon clubs were fairly exclusive and required members to pay a subscription fee. A typical meeting began with the President greeting the group and the Secretary taking the minutes. After this, members took turns to exhibit different breeds of pigeon, such as Carriers, Outers Dragoons and mixed breeds. The birds would be sold, exchanged or borrowed by members for the purpose of breeding more pigeons.
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birds-of-a-fallout · 2 years
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Babe wake up, new fallout oc just dropped
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elladastinkardiamou · 3 years
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The underwater archaeological site off the island of Alonissos, the Peristera Shipwreck, will open to visitors on June 1, 2021, the Greek Culture Ministry said in a statement.
The first underwater museum in Greece was inaugurated off  the coast of the island of Alonisos, Sporades, last summer.
The Shipwreck Peristera is now the oldest marine archaeological site that can be visited.
The site with more than 5,000 intact antique amphorae.
The water museum of Alonisos with the famous amphorae shipwreck of 5th century BC opens its water gates for amateur divers and free diving divers in the summer months.
The underwater museum is located on the site of the ancient shipwreck off the islet of Peristera, off its rocky shore on the West and at a depth of 28 meters.
The shipwreck was discovered by a fisherman in 1985.
The large merchant ship, probably an Athenian one, sank around 425 BC. It was loaded with wine amphorae from Mendi, an ancient city in Halkidiki, and Peparithos, today’s Skopelos. Both regions were famous in the antiquity for their wines.
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imperium-romanum · 5 years
By Philip Chrysopoulos
“One of the oldest shipwrecks in the world, the Classical-era shipwreck at Peristera, off Alonnisos island, will start to operate as a museum in the summer of 2020.”
“The pledge was made on Thursday by Regional Governor of Thessaly, Kostas Agorastos, and the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities Director, Pari Kalamara.”
“The two officials spoke at the inauguration of the Citizens Information Center on Ancient Submerged Shipwrecks established by the region of Thessaly, at a former primary school building on the island of Alonnisos.”
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