#person a: I was stabbed. LIGHTLY stabbed. I didn't want to frighten you
steel-and-fire · 2 months
✵ You start, I can't copypaste the list from the phone @undyingmedium  
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  (sorry im late, I was on phone too xD)
Their first impression of your muse: "When i first met Anika...it was a rather peculiar and difficult time in my life, not to mention the reason we met was not the most pleasant. People were going missing, accounting a friend of mine, a kind soul that had offered me shelter. In all that....chaos, she was a ray of light. She was cheerful, intelligent and witty, brave and strong even at the face of ridiculous danger. She didn't shy away from the cruelty of the world, and had tremendous empathy. A free spirit...and yet she was kind. I helplessly fell for her before i had even realized it."
Current impression:    "Anika has gone through a lot. She already had when i met her, and i didn't know, and more even since....both before and after our separation. She has hardened...She is...closed off, and focused on her mission.", the blacksmith left a deep sigh. "She is no less the person i always knew, just everything took their toll on her. I wish i could help her in any way, but considering im part of the reason for her difficulties... i can do very little. Just wish i could see her genuinely smile."
Are they attracted to your muse?:   "Needless to repeat, we have a lot of history...Might not be in stretch of time so, but it is in depth and intensity. Am i attracted to her physically? Of course, she is a beautiful woman. Am i attracted to her personality? Also yes, she is strong willed, free spirited, driven and ambitious...it's my type. But...emotions are more complicated than that. Pain...can be a thorn for both sides, and it doesn't have to be anyone's fault. There are more important things to fix and think between us than attraction right now."
Something they find frightening about your muse: "Ah- hahaha...Yea...yea a lot of things.", Ferenir laughed kind of awkwardly, scratching his neck lightly. "One might think it's when she unleashes her power or calls down her patron, or when she goes all killer mode....And i mean, she's scary, don't get me wrong. But when she gets angry at me...Oh boy, words stabs deeper than any blast of magic could."
Something they find adorable about your muse:   "Umm...also a lot of things, and honestly probably too many to count. It's when she interacts with children, or when she discovers something new and silly...she's like a child, so excited..hehe... Or when she pets Woofers and i see her softening her gaze...Or when she discovers some new powerful ability and show cases it.."
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:   "I would. Despite everything...Even if cant put a name on the bond we have....I dont want a world without her. If i could stop it, if i could do something.... .... She already saved my life more than once. I wouldn't be so selfish as to let her go just to keep what she helped me have."
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:   "Another difficult question.", he breathed and exhaled heavily. "Romance is beyond complicated for us. But platonic, yea, absolutely. Even now, i love hanging around with her."
One word my muse would use to describe yours:   "...", he struggled, any single word felt incomplete. Yet, despite it all... "....Caring...."
Would my muse slap yours if they could?:  "Unless it was to help her out of some spell, no. My feelings will not be told through violence to her, it has no place in them."
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: "Yes. If she needed it, if it was okay with her, i would gladly hug her. I'm...not much of a hugger, but it's different with her."
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mirrors-rigor · 1 year
Thrills and Chills: Short Stories
Mechanical K.
Drag, drag, drag. A bag about the size of a large carpet, but heavier, was being dragged down the hallway of a deserted factory. The thing holding the bag was not human, nor was it a beast holding the bag. It was a huge, ten-foot, rustic machine that somewhat had the body of a human with broad shoulders and round gears like joints. It had blue eyes that glowed, sharp rusty teeth that could bite a head off, and hands that could rip a person in half. The machine dragged the bag all the way to the end of the hallway and opened the last door. Behind the door was another machine made of bits and scraps it found. It threw the bag onto the conveyor belt that was attached to the machine it built and flipped a lever. The conveyor belt started moving; a gasp came out of the bag, struggling. The bag started shouting for it to let it out. As soon as the bag was in the machine, a short, but a loud scream erupted and all struggling stopped.
Sudden Death
A dark night, the cold misty air presses against my skin. Walking down a heavily wooded path, snow everywhere lightly touching the ground. Step, step, step. The wind blows softer and softer, then it stops. There was not a sound other than each step I took. Hearing low pitched growls behind me, I walked faster and faster. The growls turned into howls and barks as my feet were growing heavy to the ground, running. My scarf suddenly ripped off my neck. I fell to the ground in fear. The cold, snowy ground touched my bare hands melting between my fingers as I let out a loud screech of terror. Everything went black and silent.
The Cold Knife
All I remember is thinking, I don't wanna die. Feeling the cold blade against my neck, my hands tied behind my back and my eyes covered with a black cloth. Sitting on the ground, I was so terrified of the boy behind me that I couldn't even speak. But at the same time, his hands were gentle and kind. It didn't seem possible for this boy a little younger than I am, to hold a knife against my neck. I had no idea where I was. I could only tell is that I was outside in an almost deserted area. I could feel the wind and hear the crows above me. I felt leaves between my toes in the dirt, we were definitely in a wooded area. Tears streamed down my face as I clenched my teeth, preparing to have my throat sliced open by the blade he was holding. He whispered something in my ear that I couldn't make out over the frantic thoughts of dying in my head. A moment later, all I could see was blackness and everything was peaceful.
Hide and Seek: Tag You're It
Heart beating fast, the thrill of a wild goose chase, and a victim to catch; my favorite game. I walk through the night in this deep forest, looking to pounce upon my prey with the element of surprise.
I yell into the darkness with a giant smirk on my face, "I can hear your breath, it's a shame you won't hear it for long! You can run and hide all you want, but I am the ultimate player, and I will get you!"
Hearing running footsteps, I let out a psychotic laugh and start to follow the sound of heavy breathing and frightened feet. I run closer and closer into the darkness, hopping over every tree root that stuck out of the ground and ducking every branch. I laugh and laugh as I come in close to my horrified prey. I jump on them, pushing them down on the cold, dirty ground. They struggle to get free of my grasp.
"Look at your face! It has the look of terror written all over it, I love it! Oh, please scream! I would love it so much if you screamed!" I grab my knife out of my back pocket and stabbed them in the shoulder.
They scream out as they filled with fear. I let out a laugh, "Yes! That's it!" I grab a fist-sized rock, blood dripping from my hand. I repetitively hit them in the face with the rock laughing louder and louder. Silence then came upon the dark forest as I dragged the body with a large grin on my blood splattered face.
I walked out of my neighbor's house-warming party furious. That couldn't possibly be true! I screamed in my head, My sister wouldn't do that!
My one and only love I had ever known fell from a ten-story building a few weeks ago. The police thought it was suicide at first, but I encouraged them to look more into it. I immediately regretted coming to the party after one of my friends in the police force told me they were going to arrest my best friend for the murder of my fiance.
The alleyway I walked into was dark, and it was calming. I started to calm from the thought of the party. I had called my sister to ask her one question, "Where you ever jealous of me?" When she hesitated, I started to feel uneasy, but her voice quivered when she said yes. I ran out so quickly that I ended up walking here to calm down. I guess I always had an instinct to go to dark places to sooth myself; I was always called the "odd child" because of that.
This time was different though. I felt the darkness seeping through my veins as I started laughing murderously, "Is this really what it's like losing my sanity?" I saw that my friend's house was close by, so I headed over there. It wasn't hard getting inside; they always left the door unlocked.
My heart started pumping faster and faster; I couldn't handle it, it was throbbing so bad I wanted to stab something. I ran into the kitchen downstairs to grab a knife and went to my friend’s bedroom. She was so peaceful in her bed, her eyes closed so elegantly, that is until I stabbed her to death. She woke up screaming for a moment and then went dead silent.
Her parents ran into the bedroom to see what was going on. They screamed as soon as they saw me on top of her, her blood splattered on my pure white blouse. I hopped off the bed with a huge grin, my heart still throbbing, thirsty for another kill. They were too slow for me, I stabbed her mother in the back several times before jumping onto her father to stab him in the head.
It was midnight by the end of it. Down the long hallway, on the top floor, was the bedroom of her baby sister. I had no longing to kill the little baby that was sleeping so peacefully in the crib. I took the baby with me and ran into the forest before the police came to find the murdered family.
A young girl walked down the hallway to her room only to see a small child in her room standing at the foot of her bed. "You nearly made me jump out of my skin."
The boy didn't say a thing but stare at her with a blank expression. He didn't seem like an ordinary boy, though he was certainly real. His eyes were black as the night sky and his skin was like a porcelain doll, but his lips were cracked. His clothes were very old fashioned compared to the clothes that were in the current pop culture.
Not wanting to break eye contact with the boy, she reached for the intercom beside her door to call her mother from the kitchen. “Hey, mom, can you come up to my room real quick?”
“One second, hun, I’m fixing your sister’s lunch.”
At this point, her heart started beating in long hard thumps gradually getting faster each second her mother was gone longer. She knew her mother would most likely not come up for a few minutes, so she started to figure out a plan to get rid of the child standing in her room. She couldn’t even fathom why a boy such as this one would be in her room at this time of night. Taking a few steps towards the boy, she tried asking his name, but he wouldn’t answer. The boy just kept staring at her dead in the eyes without blinking. She couldn’t help but think that the boy was trying to stare into her soul. Creeped out, she turned around to leave the room and get her mother. Before she could, however, the boy jumped on her back pressing a knife to her neck giggling in her ear, “I won.”
Authors note: I wrote these in high school. It’s been a while since I’ve actually wrote a finished story. Maybe that’s because I don’t have a deadline anymore.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Knives & Calls (Dean Winchester x Reader)
A/N: Okay, first I just wanted to do a phone themed thing + incorrect quote of b99 here, but the idea just kept going and I decided to go with it. That format — phone text — was already used by some writers on Tumblr, and I decided to give it a shot. Feedback is encouraged.
Summary: You decided to check on Dean after a hunt, but it's easy to notice that something is missing. A video chat might be needed for you to make sure that he's okay.
Warnings: sexual insinuating, very slightly angst, not beta'd.
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You smiled for no one but yourself when the picture of a grimacing Dean popped up. You remembered telling him to smile for you to take a photo, and his first reaction being to turn around and make a face at your phone.
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You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused about his answer. Of course, Sam always tends to be more careful, check everything twice and analyze more than anyone else. But not even his slight hunter-like paranoia would somehow trick him into telling Dean to stay one more night in a cheap motel after they got comfortable in the bunker.
Although, you could be exaggerating. The boys could'vee been looking for a brother time, which would still be unlike. After all, spending a weekend with your brother would be way better somewhere away from a random, probably stinky motel. Perhaps for the shake of the good old times?
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Dean's next text confirmed that you weren't overthinking, and there was no such thing as your hypothetical brotherhood reunion. You had known him for years. Either it was after a sex marathon in the backseat, 5 hours of driving to the repeated sound of his old rock tapes, or even the apocalypse itself, he would always drive. Not even once had Dean Winchester said that he didn't feel like driving his beloved Impala.
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The second message came when your quick fingers were dancing against the keyboard to question if they were all right. You signed in relief as another message arrived.
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Yet, you asked anyway. After all, you were talking to Dean Winchester. You had tones of emergency kits for him and Sam's weekly wounds.
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Leaning forward, you glared at your phone as three tiny balls shook, indicating that Dean was typing. He was clearly avoiding talking about himself, but there was no subtle way of getting out such a direct ask from you. The texting indicator would stop and start again, as if he was writing, erasing, and repeating a few times.
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You narrowed eyes at the glowing phone. On the other side, Dean could almost hear the way you said his name, not putting up for his weak excuses. If he closed his eyes, there would be facility to picture you crossing your arms and giving him a worried, yet half annoyed glance.
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You didn't wait any further minute, slipping from the text messages application to the phone one, and calling him.
''Dean Winchester, what the fuck is lightly stabbed!?" Your furious tone englobed the obvious concern. You didn't need to see him to know that probably wasn't even one of his worst injures, but you were still worried. You always were. It just seemed so close to losing him everytime.
He didn't miss his humoristic trait to attempt lighting up your behavior, "I was stabbed, but it wasn't deep. You should see the other guy, sweetheart. Demon barbecue."
Although his voice wasn't near shaking, you could notice a glimpse of fragility there, as if he had just left a combat and wanted to keep up the strong warrior facet, while going through a terrible pain. It was lower than usual.
God, you just wished he was home.
"(Y/N), I'm okay. Don't worry. I'll be home tomorrow." Dean said softly; he knew that you didn't enjoy being a part from him when he got hurt. But you couldn't come with them since you had another case in the opposite direction. In fact, you had got home about fifteen minutes ago.
Squeezing the cellphone against your ear like it held your sanity, you nodded, "Or you could just let Sam drive and come home now, so I can take care of you."
The suggestion was laughed off by both of you. Of course he wouldn't.
A bit more relaxed, you pulled your phone away from your face, looking for a certain button before clicking there.
Just like that, Dean's face saw yours through a screen.
"Told you it wasn't that bad." He arches his eyebrows. Truly, his face was barely hurt. Just a few bruises that would go away within a few days. Rolling your eyes, you answerd:
"Very funny, Winchester. Let me see your--" Dean's smirk at this caused you to shake you head from side to side. He was unbelievable. 42 years, injured by a knife, and he would still manage to have a mind of a 25-years-old. "--Wound. Let me see your wound, Dean."
He huffed but moved the phone towards his main injure of the day anyway. Dean lifted his flannel shirt a little, showing the wound that was localizated near to his ribs.
You had to admit, it didn't apparent great profundity, at all. Away from the top five hurtings you had seen grabbed onto him.
"Are you sure it's not too much pain?"
His camera was fixed on the celling for a brief moment before Dean's face was lined to the screen again. Your own unnoticed tense muscles relaxing to the certainty that he was all right.
"Yeah, I've gone through worse. Besides, magic pills." Dean smiled wryly, grabbing the orange bottle and shaking it before putting it somewhere the video call didn't catch. "Your hunt--"
"The easy but necessary kind of job. Sault and burn." You shrugged, adjusting the phone on the table beside your shared bed.
"So, Sammy is not here." His eyebrows raised in insinuation. You pretended not to know where he was going with you, offering a simply agreeing noise in response. "We could play a bit."
"Maybe..." You purred and glared at him. Interrupting his next words before he could even push them out of his sinful mouth, abandoned your shirt. His eyebrows raised, slightly surprised and very appreciative to the view. You grabbed the phone, allowing the camera to travel from your lips, to your neck, then shoulders and collarbone. Dean's eyes glared at your distant skin in anticipation, his cock starting to tremble from excitement. Fuck, he missed touching you.
Unfortunately, the eldest Winchester didn't get to see his favorite part -- your boobs. You just switched the camera from the frontal one, causing it to show the floor of your and Dean's room instead. A complain was on the tip of his tongue, but it didn't come to the light when his eyes glanced at your red bra being thrown on the ground.
"Sweetheart, let me see you, come on." He whimpers, pressing his teeth to his lip. If Dean couldn't touch you right way, he could at least see your wonderful body; perhaps even watch you play with yourself, while screaming his name.
Your answer came to the light in a soft hearted laughter. Dean winged his eyebrow, very well aware that wasn't your playful, teasing laughter.
You aligned the mobile once again, which focused mainly on your face, well fixed above your collarbone. Dean let out a frustrated sigh as your smiled devilish at him.
"Next time, you better tell me when you get stabbed and not make up excuses, Winchester. Then maybe you would get some tonight." You shrugged, enjoying the small pout on his lips. "You have to rest. Guess I'll go enjoy myself and imagine you here. I'm already wet anyway. See you tomorrow!"
" What the--" You hang up the phone without any further warning, leaving a incredulously surprised Dean Winchester glaring at his mobile as if it had just started flying across the room or anything extremely shocking. "WOMAN! COME BACK!"
Dean screamed at the phone as if it contained you. He tried to call you up a few times, but you just laughed about it from the bunker. Groaning, he stared at his semi erect and clothed member.
His phone made a noise again, indicating a new message. He leaned in and opened it as fast as humanly possible, only to let an exasperated howl escape again. You were one of a kind. Specifically, his kind.
Goodnight, babe. Try not to scream too loud when you are thinking about me and touching that delicious cock if yours. ;)
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arsonaetcuh · 3 years
Hetalia Incorrect Quotes Part 7/? RIP Lithuania's sanity (long)
Hi! This is just a Lithuania/Jazz Trio appreciation post. Link to part 6
America: [draws a line on a piece of paper] Is that straight? [tilts paper up] No it isn’t. God, that’s even less straight than I am. Romano: Are you gay or do you have scoliosis? Lithuania: Probably both.
America *holds the door open for Romano*: After you. Romano: No, after you. America: I insist, after you. Lithuania *pushes past both with a look of annoyance and through the doorway*: After me!
Romano: [Hoarsely] I’m losing my voice. America: Haha, guess that means you can’t yell at us anymore. [Later] America: Turns out, Giac is scarier when he’s quiet. Lithuania: *facepalms*
America: You’re so polite! Lithuania: Thank you, I have anxiety.
America: I wasn’t injured. I was lightly stabbed. Lithuania: I’m sorry. You were stabbed? America: Only lightly stabbed. I didn’t want to frighten you.
America: I accidentally ate Giacomo's pasta. How long do you think I’ll live? Lithuania: Ten America: Ten what? Lithuania: Nine
Romano: What happened? America: Well, remember when you guys told me not to burn down the house? Romano: You burned down the house? America: No! I had the fire put out almost right away! This is a success story! Lithuania: *screaming* MY ROOM! Romano: *glares* America: Uhm, about that-
Lithuania: Why would you give a knife to Giac? America: He felt unsafe Lithuania: Now I feel unsafe. America: I’m sorry. America: Would you like a knife?
Lithuania: I want to be a caterpillar Romano: Explain. Lithuania: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. Romano: You know that they have a lifespan of like 2 weeks right? Lithuania: That’s another highlight. America: TOLYS NO!
Lithuania: I’m going to sing a song for you all. It’s called “My Life So Far”. *inhales and plays a chord”. *SCREEAAMSS*
Lithuania: I just slept 7 hours, which is twice as long as I usually sleep, so I’m a little disoriented.
Lithuania: I’m good. Lithuania: I haven’t slept in a solid 83 hours, but I’m good. Romano, screeching in horror from a distance: SLEEP CHILD!
Romano: Good night bastards.  America: Sleep tight!  Lithuania: Don’t let the bedbugs crawl into your ears and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself.  America: Tolys, what the hell?
America: Truth or dare. Lithuania: Truth. America: How many hours have you slept this week? Lithuania: …Dare. America: I dare you to go to sleep. Lithuania: …I don’t like this game
Romano: Girls are hot. Romano: But guys are hot too! Romano: WHY ARE THEY BOTH SO HOT?! Lithuania, nodding grimly: Global Warming.
America: Today I saw Tolys crying for 5-6 minutes and then an alarm went off and he just...stopped crying and went right back to work??? Lithuania: It’s called time management, Alfred.
America: *Puts his hands over Lithuania's eyes* Guess who! Lithuania: It's either my boyfriend or the cold clammy hands of death. America: It's me! Lithuania: Damn it.
America: What in life do you relate to most? Romano: Blenders. America: Why- Romano: Because I also scream while doing my job.
America: There is only one thing worse than dying... *he tears off paper to reveal ‘Tolys dying’* Lithuania, nodding: Myself. America: No!
America: …Almost....got it.... Lithuania: You've been trying to open that jar for nearly 2 hours. Romano: See, tall people aren't stronger. They just keep trying longer than any sane person would.
America: Did you notice how hot your brother has gotten? Romano: *Glares.* America: I'm joking, don't worry.
America: I accidentally poisoned one of our glasses and can't remember which one. Lithuania: Romano: Lithuania: From the way this dinner is going I hope it's mine.
Lithuania: Gentle reminder, don’t drink too much coffee before setting down to sleep. America: I do what I want. Lithuania: This was meant to be a gentle reminder, Alfred, but your defiance makes me want to wrap a chair around your thick skull.
Lithuania: Did you HAVE to shoot him Romano: You weren't there, you didn't hear what he said America: What did he say? Romano: "What are you gonna do? Shoot me?" Lithuania: …… America: That's fair
Lithuania: It costs $100 to see a therapist. However it costs $0 to tell myself "it be like that sometimes" A very concerned Romano: Tolys, no.
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charliedawn · 3 years
Pennywise 1990 X Reader X Pennywise 2017 "The Joke's On You" part 1
Part 2: https://charliedawn.tumblr.com/post/648205835225415680/the-jokes-on-them-part-2
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"Ssssooooo..Why clowns ?"
Both of them look at you with a frown of incomprehension on their faces..
" Because of the fear."
They answer at the same time. Funny, its the first time you see them act so..alike. You mean, of course, they are big scary child-eating monsters..But they never seemed to be agreeing on anything, so when you ask the question, their looks and answers are so similar that it makes you think of another question.
" Also..Are you like brothers or something ? Related ? Father and son, or that can't happen with your kind ? You just eat children and do not produce them ?"
Penny, the tall ginger clown only crouches like a frog while the other one only looks at him with disgust.
" Yeah..Right..As if I would ever be related to that one..Nah. We're just hunting together now..Normally, he would not wake up at the same time as me, so we wouldn't really meet. But the idiot messed up his schedule while overstaying in order to kill some dumb kids and he woke up the same time I did !"
He glares at Penny who doesn't seem concerned at all by the way the other one is describing the situation. Even though it's quite offensive..The older one continues and looks at me with a repulsive snare at the idea.
" We don't produce children. Although, we never tried. We are mostly made of pure fear materialized only by the decaying flesh of our victims..We're supposed to be impossible to kill and we don't even know when we were born nor where. But, I remember that the first time I saw a human, many centuries ago, people mostly called us "Wendigos".."
You open your eyes wide in surprise at the news.
"Wendigos ?! So, that means you were humans before ?!"
The young one snickers and his yellow eyes glare at me.
" Humans ?! Ah ! What a joke ! They cry, love, betray, they only crawl on an endless path until they become old, ugly and die. This is why we eat them..They are of no use..They are dancing on a ball of dirt that they squeezed so much that it has no more to give..And you know what is the most ironic ? Is that they prefer to blind themselves more than face the truth..There is no beauty or originality in humans..Doves fly, dogs bark, dears run and even dolphins are more intelligent than you..Now tell me, why would the world need you, when we have the exact same talents in every animal that comes with the letter D ? I didn't even have to go out of my favorite letter to find every good thing you've ever done in animals that are not destroying their own habitat. What makes you so special ? What makes you think that you deserve living when all you do is destroy and hide the truth ?!"
It is the most you have ever heard Penny speak and even Pennywise seems shocked by his sudden outburst. Penny is so close to you that you can see his anger reflecting in his eyes. You try to not let fear show but, it's hard. You gulp and look at the ground in shame. He was right..What did you bring that no other living being ever did ? Humans were parasites and he smirks before returning at his crouching position.
" That's what I thought."
He whispers and Pennywise smiles almost proudly before hitting him in the back a little too hard since Penny growls.
" Wow. Didn't know you had it in you ! In all honesty, I never even thought about why I eat humans..I mean, we both know that human and animal food taste the same..But, for some reason, I always hated humans..Never really knew why and never cared enough to ask !"
He answers with a grin.
You frown then gasp in horror which both of them seem to notice since they turn their heads towards you in frightening synchronization.
" Wait ! Does that mean..You chose to eat humans ?! That you can perfectly live without their meat and just eat like normal people?!"
Pennywise answers with a grin.
" Come on..You should have figured it out by now..We don't really care about what we're eating, as long as it has flesh and fear : which animals and humans both have in common. But, as he said before, why choose them over you ?"
He looks at you up and down before adding with a large grin.
" Now that I think about it, if it wasn't for your rare quality of blood, you would already be a past meal.."
You shiver and he bursts out laughing.
Yeah..You remember..The only thing that kept you alive was you blood type..O- was, from what you had understood, sweeter ? Like some kind of cake or candy..This is why they wanted to keep you alive.."Saving best for last" as they had said.
Ah ! How lucky am I ?! You think.
You sigh and turn the other way to face anything else but the two clowns. At that moment, your foot hits something. You look down at the ground and are surprised to see some pencils. You glance behind you, but the other two don't seem to care about you anymore..for now. You get the pencils and look around for a surface to try them on and when you've finally decided, you walk towards it. You stop and close your eyes to visualise what you want to draw..Then, inspiration hits you and it's like your hands are dancing on the hard surface. You're so concentrated that you don't even notice the two creatures stopping whatever they were doing to look at you with confusion written all over their faces. You continue and seconds, minutes, hours pass. The two clowns, curious of what you are doing, now stand next to you silently, as to not break your concentration. They just look at your drawing from each side of you, their eyes wide, surprised and unable to find words to describe it. You are breathless, exhausted, but don't want to stop. If it was the last thing you would do, then let it be beautiful..Even if the only living things that would ever see it would be two nightmarish clowns that didn't give two shits about art or expression of oneself. When you finish, you are surprised to find two gloved hands on you drawing..You look at each side of yourself and see the two clowns, weirdly still and their eyes glued to your work. For a moment, you almost laugh at their, surprisingly, childish faces. They look like your young Art and Crafts students that you teach, always awed by whatever you would do.
But, what makes you smile the most, is that the first reaction they had was to touch it with their hands, as if the drawing had called them in. You sometimes had students like that, that could only understand Art by touching it. This is why whenever you would bring one of your works, you told the kids to do the first thing that came to their mind with it (as long as it wasn't tearing it apart or painting on it of course) Everyone had different reactions. Some liked to look from a far, some liked a closer angle and, as you had witnessed, some preferred touching it..But, what surprises you next is your own reaction. You grab one of the pencils and trace the shadow of your own hand on your drawing, as a proof. Then, you gently take Penny's hand that looks almost frightened by your touch, but he lets you hold onto his hand and do the same thing that you just did with your own. He giggles slightly as the pencil lightly "tickles" him and, to your surprise, his claws get out. He wants to retract them, nearly in shame, but you make it clear that it doesn't bother you while tracing the contour of his claws as well. When you are finished with him, you turn towards the older one that had already taken his hand off with a snicker.
" If it is a trick to impress us, it will not work, your hocus-pocus will not stop us from eating you..Anyway, I'm sure you have a knife hidden somewhere and only wait for me to let my guard down to stab me in the back."
You only answer with a sad smile of silent resolve while reaching for his hand.
" No trick. No hocus-pocus. No knife. Only me, your hand and a way to make you remember that, for a minute, I managed to make you feel something else than anger, hate or hurt.."
He frowns, visibly hesitant, before finally giving in with a childish grumble.
You finally trace his fingers on your colorful drawing, mixing the color of the rainbow and the greyish color that composed the colors of their suits. And, at the middle, all those colors forming one gigantic tree, that tree being your own personal touch..A tree that, maybe, will learn Penny that, even though humans destroy, they also create and Pennywise that, even though he lost any hopes concerning humanity, the particularity of the humans, the thing that makes them truly special are their hope. Because, even if animals are better than you in every aspect, they do not hope..And they do not have the imagination to create any other outcomes than eat or be eaten. This is maybe why the two clowns seem much more appreciative of those creatures than the humans ? Because they are much easier to understand ? You smile proudly at your little discovery. Like this tree, humans are made of so many different colors that it is difficult to find a pattern..Both of them said that they hated Humanity, but if it is true then..
" I may have understood why you chose to be clowns.."
They turn towards you : Penny with a side smile and Pennywise with an arked eyebrow.
" Oh ? And why is that ? You're gonna tell us that it's because we liked making people laugh when we were "humans" ?!"
The older one says, putting humans between brackets mockingly while the other one is cackling behind him. You smile again and shake your head while they come down to a sitting position; one on his favorite worn out leather chair and the other one on the dirty floor. They both look up at you expectantly, as if they are expecting you to read them a bedtime story..
" Well..I don't think it is about the form in itself, it is more about the colors and the fact that it symbolizes things that you never had when you were "humans".."
You say between brackets as to imitate Pennywise that is looking at you with another one of his signature mocking smile.
" What are you talking about ?! I am funny ! The funniest in town if you ask me !"
He says proudly, while Penny only rolls his eyes at his comment.
You shake your head again with a smile and even answer with a little laugh.
" No. Not that. You feed only from fear..Correct ?"
They both nod in unison and then, you ask a question that they had never even asked themselves before.
" Why only fear ?"
They want to answer that it is obvious, that it is stupid to even ask. But they have to admit it at the end, they do not know themselves. After a while, you answer for them.
" You do not feed on fear. But on faith."
They frown and Pennywise asks, confused.
" What do you mean ?"
You try to find words to explain your thinking and finally sigh, as it is no easy task.
" You feed on the only thing that you do not have, and that humans are the only ones to possess..Our faith and beliefs. We believe that there are monsters under our beds, then you take their appearance. In fact, I don't even know if you can transform in anything else than scary things, can you ?"
They look at each other before looking back at you and Penny is the first one to answer you.
" We never tried..and what for even ?"
You smile and get up, dusting your knees.
" Humans are afraid, but what they fear the most is losing their most cherished things. Try with me. Try to guess my most cherished thing on Earth.."
The two clowns seem interested by the idea and you can feel them trying to find your most precious memories. They already know your biggest fear..And in all honesty, after having seen it so many times, you aren't that scared of insects anymore. Now, let's see if they are as powerful as they say they are..
Penny transforms into a puppy and you smile tenderly while extending your arms in order to take him in your arms. But then, another head appears, then another, then another..
He returns to his normal appearance, almost as out of breath as you were before.
" I..I can't..stay in this form very long."
You nod understandingly and then, turn towards the oldest that only shrugs at the odd reaction of the young one. Pennywise seems to look at you with a little bit more seriousness, his hand scratching his chin in silent observation. You know that he is trying to figure you out and is taking the dare to heart. And, suddenly, his smile widens and his eyes brighten as he has a sudden epiphany and you frown in worry. What did he see ? Suddenly, he gets up and slowly walks towards you with a weird crooked smile, looking more smug than usual.
" If I have learned something about your kind is that you have one thing that you always bring up.."
You frown in incomprehension, what does he mean ? Suddenly, Penny smiles creepily and you shiver, he must have understood some kind of hidden message because you sure as hell didn't get the memo ! You smile awkwardly, your pulse racing and cold sweat start to form on your skin. Whatever he has in mind..You sure as Hell didn't know what it is, and that scares you more than anything..Pennywise backs you up against the wall of your drawing and smirks.
" I..I think we played enough..I'm tired..We can maybe continue tomorrow..?"
You ask, your heartbeats quickening and both clowns looking at you with bright yellow eyes. However, suddenly, both of them shout at the same time.
" Money !"
" Food !"
You open your eyes wide at Pennywise that gets out some coins from his pocket and you then turn towards Penny that just shouted food like it was some kind of good answer at a test. Tears start building up at the corner of your eyes and you sigh in relief before biting your lips shut, trying to contain your laughter.
Penny frowns at your expression and says in a small, almost childish, voice.
" Wasn't the point of the game to say one of the things you cherish the most ? Don't you cherish food ? Why are you crying ? Did I win ?!"
Suddenly, you start laughing uncontrollably and Pennywise answers him in a really angry voice.
" No! You didn't, big dummy! The game was transform, not yelling the answer at the top of you lungs like an idiot!"
Penny frowns and crosses his arms while pouting. But you answer through each giggle.
" You're wrong! Both of you!"
They look at you with wide eyes before growling.
" Then, what is the answer ?! "
Pennywise yells, frustrated and you answer.
" Love ! We value love ! Family, friends.."
Penny frowns and scoffs.
" Well, you're funny ! How do you transform into something you don't even know ?!"
You gasp, this is why he couldn't stay in the form of a puppy ! He didn't know how they truly acted towards affection ! You could have almost felt sorry for them if it didn't mean alerting their fear senses for food..But, you could try to find a way to get them to learn more about the true meaning of love. 
Pennywise lets you go and sighs in defeat while turning towards Penny.
" Boy ! You don't have to transform into love ! You just had to take the appearance of something she wanted to love, dumbass ! Like I don't know, a human she know ?!"
You suddenly open your arms wide and they both look at you with widened eyes.
" What the heck are you doing ?"
Pennywise asks with a scowl and Penny only frowns, his eyes diverting on strange angles. You try not to think about the fact that you're going to try to hug two interdimensional demons and just wrap your arms around them. At first, you really thought one of them was going to shred you to pieces, but they become as still as statues.
" This is what humans call a hug. It's super effective and it is the first thing in affection."
Penny is still as a rock, and you even ask yourself if he is even breathing..Before remembering that he surely doesn't even have a heart. Pennywise is the first one to move and gets you off harshly. His eyes are of a wild red color and he looks in pain. He clutches his heart and growls animalistically at you. He then runs towards the exit and glances at you one last time.
" I am hungry. I'm going hunting..Penny, keep an eye on her ! If she even moves a muscle, eat her."
Penny seems to get back from his shock and only nods quietly.
When Pennywise is gone, your focus comes back on Penny that, you had noticed, had taken more distance between himself and you after your attempt at affection. As if he was..scared ? You try to approach him, talk or even apologize, but he only growls warningly at you and shows you his really sharp teethes..making you reconsider.
You tried to make them look at humanity from a different perspective, like at your drawing, but looks like nothing could be done..You'd die here. Anyway, the joke's on you since you were the one who thought you could change them..Silly you. Monsters will always remain monsters..Hope ? Who are you kidding ?! You lost that the moment you ended up in that damned sewer ! You start crying and, for some reason, your sobs catch the attention of Penny. He looks at you, then at his pile of toys, then back at you. He then begins climbing it and that makes you wonder what he is doing ? Is he leaving you ? Eat a rotten piece of child ? You have no time to wonder more as he quickly gets back on the ground and, with measured steps, approaches you with the same wariness as a wild animal. He then throws you something and gets back into his corner with a piece of a child's leg in his other hand.
He starts chomping on it and you look at what he threw at you..A music box ? You look at him quizzically and, after swallowing, he answers your silent question.
" Don't read anything into it. Your tears make me uncomfortable, so I got you something to keep you from doing that..If I eat you now, Pennywise would be angry at me for not sharing, and I have had enough of his loud voice for one day. Now, make this thing work. I want to listen to it, it has a nice sound and you have nothing else to do.."
You stay still for a moment before smiling softly at him.
" Sure..Thanks.."
You start playing the little music box and are surprised to see that it is the moonlight sonata of Beethoven..A beautiful music that invades the whole sewer with its melody echoing on the walls. You smile widely, at least something to remind you of the outside world.
Outside, Pennywise has his mind set on finding his next meal, but, suddenly stops in the forest and, weirdly enough, hears the song..Then, the pang in his chest that he felt before comes back and he can suddenly hear the words that an idiotic turtle called Maturin once told him before dying..
" Just because you bury something, that doesn’t mean it stops existing, Robert Gray. You can hide your heart, but someone will one day dig far enough to find it.."
Robert Gray..It had been such a long time that he had heard this name. At the time, he had only laughed mockingly at the old senile turtle..But now..Even Bob had felt it. No..Not Bob..Penny. They had chosen to never speak of those disgusting human names again. But then, she had showed up..They could eat her, never talk about it again, continue hunting children and living until the end of the world..She was human..They both knew that, she would grow old..tired..cumbersome and then die. But then, something else that the bothersome turtle had said comes back in his mind. One time, Pennywise had dared ask why the turtle loved humanity so much ? And he had answered something strange that Pennywise had not expected.
" Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential. Someday, you will understand why Humanity is so important, Robert.."
" My name is Pennywise ! The destroyer ! The eater of Worlds ! I have no sympathy for humans ! Whoever they are or whatever they do !"
He kept telling himself that, trying to convince himself but then..Why can't he believe his own words ? What was bothering him ?! Why did he feel this way after only talking for a few days to a simple human ?! Or..was it the tree ? The tree she had drawn ? Yes, there should have been some kind of trick behind it ?! She had tricked them as he had firstly assumed ! But then, why did he feel so out of control ? As if he was wrong ? Did the words of the turtle, for once, really made sense ? He closes his eyes and sighs before punching a tree and making it fall..No ! He wouldn't allow it ! He wouldn't allow the old turtle to make a fool out of him even after death ! He was going to kill her ! And that was a promise ! He was not going to let her question everything anymore ! He would shut her up ! No more idiotic questions: no more opportunities to manipulate his feelings ! Yes ! That would be it ! The idea of going hunting out of his head, he walks back to the sewer with a determined smirk. Yeah..We'll see who'll be the fool at the end..Maturin..
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shizuku1303 · 4 years
In a certain world like Dreamtale but not Dreamtale either.  This place is like paradise, hundreds or thousands of flowers are always blooming in this place.  If you come from other AUs, you will think these flowers are simply two ordinary flowers, but these flowers are cared for and protected by two beings.  These two beings seem to have known and understood their duties from the moment they were born through the light of the flowers.
Sharing is a gentle and quite shy boy who always hides behind Selfish.  But he always feels warm and happy when he is beside Selfish, to him Selfish is like an older brother (these two characters are twins).
As for Selfish, when you hear the name, you think he's a hateful person, right?  But no, he has a kind and warm heart with an elegant, calm appearance, he is very quiet and quite hates noise but Sharing is the exception.  Besides Sharing he feels he needs to be more mature, he sees Sharing as a loving and warm little brother.  Selfish always takes care of Sharing from his clothes to eating and sleeping.
The flowers that they must protect and take care of are Selfish Flowers and Sharing Flowers, Sharing is in charge of taking care of the Sharing Flowers because whenever someone is sad or desperate he cuts a flower for someone who is feeling sad and hopeless. Flowers are like Echo flowers that can make voices, but Sharing Flowers emit words of comfort and encouragement that make others feel energized so everyone loves Sharing and wants to be friends with him.  And Selfish, he is in charge of Selfish Flowers, this flower helps those who feel hate, hate themselves to feel better through the provocative words of flowers that make people feel more effort and effort.  But almost everyone misunderstands the meaning that flowers bring, so they always throw back and say Selfish is bad guy, evil, witch,... many bad words are on his head, making him depressed. And of course Sharing will not know because he was led by everyone to go out leaving Selfish in the middle of a lonely field with so many harsh words.
Sometimes Sharing saw a lot of wounds on Selfish's body, he asked:
_What the matter with you, Selfish?  Sharing bewilderedly asked
Hearing Sharing ask, Selfish's tears seemed to spill out, but he still managed to hold back and proved himself fine:
_No, I'm okay!  I just tripped while taking flowers ... - Selfish smiled wryly.
_Moh ... You are too careless!  - Sharing hug Selfish
Seeing Sharing like that he wanted to hide in his heart more because he was afraid he would make Sharing worry too much, just like that and every day that passed, he was bullied, beaten again and again when Sharing was absent. After each bullied, he held his face and cried painfully ... Alone, alone and lonely with no Sharing beside.
Leaning towards Sharing, everyone loves him, yes, they love him because of his innocence and easily taken advantage of.  And of course, no one wants to be friends with him, they just use him to get the Sharing Flowers.
_Hey Selfish!
_What's matter Sharing?
_Someone invites us to a tea party tomorrow!  Do you want to join?  - Sharing was excited.
_ Um ... I'm not going anywhere ... I'm pretty tired ...
_ Moh ... You should be more sociable!
_ I think ... You shouldn't trust them too much ... - Selfish hugged the book tightly.
_What do you mean !?
- I don't think they are good ... They are using you ...
_You must stop that selfish thought!  - Sharing shouted cut Selfish.
_Sharing ....?!  - Selfish panicked.
_I ... I'm sorry ... Selfish ... - Sharing embraces Selfish.
It seems that Sharing is crying, because he hurt Selfish?  Selfish was also quite surprised because this was the first time he saw Sharing cry.  Not bothered that Sharing hurt him, he patted his head and comforted Sharing.
_No okay ... But promise me one thing ...
_Is what...?
_What is the matter ... Please always be by my side, don't leave me anymore ....- Selfish burst into tears like a child.
Sharing was also extremely surprised, as it was also the first time he saw Selfish cry.
_Ukm!  I promise !  - Sharing hug Selfish.
After that promise, Selfish thought Sharing would fulfill his promise ... But no ... Sharing a little later and his bullying higher and higher might be like L.O.V.E.  His mind grew darker ... A crazy think appeared from his mind.
"I hate you, I hate you Sharing!"
_Are not !  No ... I don't hate Sharing ...- Selfish cries and sobs.
Selfish increasingly depressed, he felt he was no longer himself ... But he still did not blame Sharing but tolerated him because he loved Sharing ... Probably ...
_Oh ... See what this exhausting monster is!  - From far away a stranger is approaching him.
_Who are you ?  - Selfish looks up at the sticky guy.
_How cute!  You reminded me of that disgusting past!  - He strangled Selfish with a tentacle.
_A ... Are you a Nightmare !?
- Surprised?  Your negative emotions excite me!  Want to join my group Bad Guys?
Seeing Nightmare's smirk, Selfish laughed contemptuously.
_Ha ha ha!  Sorry but I want to be a better guy than make a mess like you!
Nightmare was angry at hearing that but he caught his thoughts, and said:
_Then you forgive it?  That promise is broken.
Hit black heart but he still forced a smile to justify.
_Selfish I have always believed in my Sharing!
_Lie !  - The tentacles strangled his tighter_ He abandoned you!  He broke his promise to you! - He grabbed the Soul of Selfish.
_ Get out ... You hateful octopus!
_Let's see - Nightmare leaves.
It seemed he sensed something so he just left like that.  From afar, a group of people brought a variety of tools such as knives, cutters,... to the flower garden.  They looked sure they weren't good people, so Selfish defended a small knife in his body.
_Oh ... Looks like a monster like you is still trying to live too much?
_ Get out of this flower garden now!
They ignored him and proceeded to exploit the Sharing Flowers, seeing that he pulled a knife and stabbed the destroyer in the throat, killing him from blood loss.
_You ... Are you bored of living !?  - They shouted loudly
_I am bored of living!  Come here if you dare!
As for Sharing, he was still happily having tea with his friends, his Soul felt insecure.
_What's the matter, Sharing?
_ I'm okay ... But my brother doesn't seem so well ...
_Do you mind that autistic guy!  Life or death has nothing to do with you, right?
Hearing that, he understood more about Selfish's warning before, he clenched his teeth and frightened eyes and ran towards Selfish.
Selfish is working very hard right now, he alone cannot win against those five tall and muscular men, at first there were 6 but he already killed 1.
_Kill it and go on with your work, fools!
_Wait big brother ! We still have fun with that_ He looked at Selfish with lustful eyes.
Selfish tries to dodge them and runs quickly to where his corpse tries to pull out the knife but unfortunately gets crushed by one of them.  He struggled fiercely and the knife in his hand stabbed them in the stomach of the adulteress, injuring him.  He was trying to get puberty and was hit by someone who was holding a large log and broke a skull in his left eye, causing him great pain.
_That is a fool!  - They trampled you.
_I won't let you guys steal the flower garden!
Then he tried to reach the Sharing Flowers, he only lightly touched the petals and the flowers turned blood red and a little black until scared.
_W... What did you do !?
_I ... I don't know ... It can't be ...
_Kill it !
Luckily Sharing stopped those thugs.
_Do not harm my brother!
_What did you guard him do?  Look at the flower garden that was polluted by him!
_W... What ...- He panic.
_N... No ... Please listen to me Sharing ... I didn't do it on purpose ...
_You shut up!  You are too excessive Selfish ... Flower garden like this ... Not by you, but by whom?  Selfish!
Selfish's heart was broken into a hundred pieces, his heart was torn by thousands of knives, he laughed, a savage laugh.
_Hahaha!  I'm wrong!  I am wrong to trust you Sharing!  You break your promise!  Now dare to blame me !?
Selfish greedily ate those defiled flowers like a hungry devil, feeling great but also extremely painful.  His body gradually became extremely painful, and his eyes and fear of being lost poured out a red-and-black fluid that was as clear as blood and a very disgusting smell like the smell of a corpse that looked disgusting and scary.  Sharing and many people died.  Above him, his Soul turned into a ragged Selfish Flowers.  The sky darkened with blood red, signifying that something bad was about to happen.
Everyone around them ran away in a panic but could not escape the scythe of death due to the petals that Selfish shot.  The wings flowers cut human's neck, pierced the heart, cut the body in half,... A horrifying scene that Sharing thought only appeared in Dreamtale's legend.
_S ... Selfish ...?  - He tried to call his brother's name.
_ Are you still there ...?  Answer me ...
_Shut up !  Shouted Selfish.
_I... I'm sorry ...
_Sorry ?  See what the hell you turned me into !?  You break your promise!  You blame me!
In his out of control rage he manipulated a petal to cut the back of the Sharing's left hand.  Not yet mentally stable, Sharing was crushed by Selfish.
_P ... Pain ... It hurts Selfish ...- Sharing burst into tears.
No matter how painful his brother was, Selfish used the knife he used to crack the Sharing's skull at first.  Sharing screamed in pain, the more he struggled, the more he hurt him.  One shot, he stabbed a powerful knife into his right eye.  Suddenly out of the eye and on the crack of the Sharing skull bloomed a Sharing Flowers different from the rest of which was two colors, the light radiating from the flower immediately pushed Selfish away.
_Wh ...
_Enough, follow me!  - Nightmare tease Selfish.
_Selfish!  Wait !
Sharing knelt helplessly and cried, all surroundings were ruined, corpses were scattered everywhere.  So his Promisetale was destroyed like Dreamtale.
_I'm so tired ... I don't want to continue ...
As if he was able to finish himself, there was a gentle hand on his shoulder with a warm whisper.
_This must be your destiny, follow me together to bring positive energy to the multiverse and bring your brother back!
_ D ... Dream ...?
_Now... Let's go!  - Dream holding Sharing hand pulled away.
_W...Wait Dream...!
Inspiration to write that story by :
I use google translate so there are some incorrect words, I hope everyone understands ^^"
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verobatto · 6 years
Hi! I thought this was the last chapter but... It is not hahahaaaaaaaaa I hate when my brain does that. I think I must have a couple of rebellious neurons that had meetings without my permission, Ok... Should I see a doctor?
So! Is not finished yet... Just one more chapter! (And I already have my next fic dancing on my head and looking at me with those eyes... Yes... I'm talking to you "next Destiel fic idea" 😒 just leave me finish this one!
Ok... I'm gonna tag now!
@agusvedder @magnificent-winged-beast @lovemesomecas94 @lykanyouko @destielhoneybee @sactownbrowns3
And if someone else wants to be tagged please rise the ✋!!
This is the AO3 link...
Love is scary
Supernatural tv show FF
Pairing: Cas/Dean
I don't own this characters
Act 6
- Look... Ahm... Cas... I... I... - Dean breathed deeply. He took some seconds and then raised his head and looked intensely at the mirror in front of him. He continued:- We know you for almost ten years now and...what got to do with it DAMNIT!- he cursed, hitting the desk with his fist.:-Why is this so hard...-he murmured. And then looked back at the mirror. He felt like an idiot.:- You can flirt with him but can be honest about your feelings. You are such a stupid son of a bitch.- he was talking to himself, and that made him feel more dumb. Dean sighed and turned around. He walked straight to his bed an sat. Looking very hopeless and useless. The hunter closed his eyes and then remembered what Mildred told him. Love is scary. And he was sure about it... it was more frightening than the apocalypse itself.
He didn't want to see Cas like last night anymore. He was in love with the angel. Castiel had become the center of his thoughts... The last person he thought about before going to sleep and the first when he woke up in the morning. He was like cursed. He never had felt like this before… and he knew… deep inside, that Cas felt the same way. Dean´s heart started to race again. He snorted, and took a deep breathe. Then the hunter stood up and he faced the mirror again with a determined look
.-Ok…-he whispered:-Let´s try this again tiger.-
 -What do you about the necklace?-Sam asked a little confuse about what Jack had just said. Castiel frowned but his mind began to put together that puzzle. Jack opened a really big and old book and pointed a page were numerous objects were printed:
 -Here.-he said, and the others two approached to him:-You need a considerably huge amount of power to feed the spell, so… I thought about the necklace that Jofiel were using… was very strange… and the beads were like blue… but… like energy… I can´t explain…- 
-You mean… like angel´s grace.-resumed Castiel, and Jack nodded:
 -Yes. Angel grace…-
 -So… those ex-angels…- blinked Sam, but Cas already had reached the idea:-They gave their grace to Jofiel. To released Michael. By devotion.-he spoke. 
 -Yes.-affirmed Jack, and bringing quickly the Book of the Condemned, he readed:-Two humans sacrifices, two human´s signs of alliance, the heaven´s power will be needed, and the portal will be open in that palace where the humiliation is considered holy.-the young finished. Sam was surprised. Jack could read that book without hesitate.
-I know where that Temple could be…- Cas said, in that moment Bobby, Mary and Charlie burst into the war room with new data.- We know where that feathered idjit is going to release our Michael.- Bobby announced, and Charlie gave a step forward and opened her laptop:
 -Here, angelic signs with apocalipsis signs, like a combo…-
 -Saint Francis Temple.- Cas pronounced with determination. Everyone in the room looked at him. Charlie closed the laptop: 
-That´s right dreamy boy. And we have to hurry… is about 4 hours from here.- 
-Ok. I´ll go get Dean.- Sam said and went straight to his brother´s room.
 -Ok…-Dean was still practicing his… kind of speech. He was so close by now., his ears were burneing in red, and he was sweating:-Ok… this is it. Not way out. End of the line. Here I go.-he breathe a couple of times, closing his eyes very tightly:-Cas I… I lov- I love you.-he whispered and he felt his knees were loosing stability, then Sam knocked the door and opened it, Dean almost fell surprised, he even had to sit on the bed. His face and a tomato could be the same thing. Sam frowned when he saw his brother in that shape, Dean was avoiding any eye contact. Sam coughed.
-Ahm… we… know where Jofiel is going to.. release Michael, are you ok?-he had to ask right after that vital information. Dean´s eyes were wide opened, and his head began to move in any possibly and avaible direction. 
-I´m cool.-the he stood up, and was not looking yet at his brother, he left his room:-I´m pretty cool. Let´s kill that son of a bitch.- Sam smiled awkwardly, but then followed him.
When Sam and Dean arrived to the war room they could see the team preparing their weapons. Dean's eyes focused right away on Castiel. The angel was in that soldier mode again... Looking so damn good. Damnit! He should concentrated in the mission! Cas caught Dean looking at him and saw how the hunter turned his gaze away ashamed. Cas sighed.
They were ready and took their bags and walked through the exit door. Just Cas and Dean left in the bunker. Obviously Dean did this on purpose.
-Cas... We... Should.-
-Dean.- Castiel abruptly interrupted the hunter. He turned to him and Dean blinked nervously:-we have a mission.-
- I know... I know. But... I really need to talk with you... I...- Cas tilted his head and frowned in silence. His lips parted and Dean was frozen again contemplating the angel before him. His eyes. His lips. His eyes again. He wanted to kiss him so, so badly. The hunter swallowed hard. And then Cas tilted his head to the other side. And wow... His gaze was so hypnotizing. Then he showed him his beautiful half smile.
-We kill Jofiel. Then we talk. - he said with rough voice... But it sounded like a whisper. A damn hot whisper. And then he left. Leaving Dean in shock. Did Cas already knows? He swallowed again and shook his head. His cheeks were pink... Almost red. And his heart was racing like crazy. He took his bag and left the bunker. Ok. The. They will kill Jofiel. Then he will confess to Cas... That sounded like a good plan.
They arrived. Jofiel was in the middle of the releasing spell. He had Roweena by the neck. Surrended by a dozen of ex-angels ready to die by the cause. The team attacked them. They were fast. Bobby, Mary, Charlie and Jack were fighting against them. Sam, Cas and Dean ran straight to Jofiel. He noticed their presence and laughed.
- You are late!!! Was the traffic??!!-
- Leave Roweena.- asked Sam. But Jofiel's face darkened. And then he finished the spell saying some word in enochian. Then Roweena's eyes were bright in purple and her lips moved automatically. Jofiel released her slapping her with so many strength that she flew in the air and his whole body hit hard against the ground.
Sam ran to her and held her carefully. She was lightly injured. Cas and Dean approached to them and a a white light invaded the temple. They heard Jofiel saying with loud voice:
- I told you you were late! Our brother is coming!!-
-Damnit!- Dean exclaimed:-We have to stop him somehow!-
-We have to remove the necklace from him first. With that he has tremendous power...- Cas said. And then Roweena smiled to them in the middle of her exhausted shape and she pulled a shining object out of the fold of her shirt. It was the necklace.
-I still have my abilities on gorgeous.- she said to Cas. Cas smiled and took the necklace with him.
- He is like another angel.- Sam announced to his brother. Then the three of them ran into the light. Dean caught Jofiel by the right arm. He was so excited that didn't see that coming.
-What...?!- Jofiel only managed to say. Sam was fast too and took the other arm. Then Cas stabbed him in the chest. Jofiel died laughing. Proclaiming that it was too late.
The Church began to tremble. The ex angels lay lifeless on the ground. Bobby, Mary, Jack and Charlie looked exhausted. They were standing in the hall.
-I can't see the boys from here.- Mary said. Charlie gave a step forward.
-What is that light?- she wondered. Jack's face alarmed from one second to the other. He realized about a terrible fact.
-They door is opening! Jofiel released Michael!- he shouted. Everyone began to run into the light but then it was like a big explosion of power. And they felt on the ground unconscious.
-What was that explosion?- Sam asked. Cas approached to Roweena and healed her with one touch. And all of a sudden, she grabbed Castiel's arm, and looking him in the eyes she said:
- We can stop Michael. But time is running.-
-How?-Dean wanted to know. Roweena turned to him:
- Someone has to enter at the light portal and close the door that the spell had created.-
- Do you mean this light?- Sam asked. Roweena nodded band continued saying:
-There is a door into this light that leads to the cage.-
-Ok. I'll do it.- Dean said with determined voice. But Roweena spoke again:
-No. Just a supernatural been can do it.- and the the three of them were looking at Castiel. Cas frowned. And nodded. Dean's face was filled with worry.
-No. You won't. what if Michael came out from the cage before you close the door? You won't do that.-
-I'll use the necklace.- Cas said putting on the glowing object with angel grace. And he began to walk into the light but Dean ran a couple of steps and grabbed him tightly by the arm.
- Wait... WAIT DAMNIT!- He yelled at him. The light was now everywhere and only they could see each other.
-There is not time Dean! I have to do this!- Cas was determined to continue but Dean needed to say something.
-I don't want this. I don't want you to die again I can't... I...-Dean's head was a mess... He didn't imagine it would happen like this... But maybe... This is how it was supposed to have to be. He looked at the angel fondly. That gaze that he never had shared with anyone before. Now... That gaze was just and only for Castiel. It took the angel's breath away. Cas knew the time was running.
-I won't die. I promise. I'll come back.- he said an turned into the light again, walking. Then Dean shouted:
-I LOVE YOU!- Cas stopped. Dean was looking at his angel's back waiting for an answer. Car turned around slowly and looked at him. And wow... That gaze was saying everything. It took just a second. Cas gave just a couple of steps. Stood in front of him and without hesitation, he took it by placing his hand behind Dean's neck and kissed him. It felt so passionate and intense. Ten years of holding back. Ten years pinning for each other. And now... They didn't have enough time. Ironically hilarious. Dean was petrified at first, but the he just kissed his angel back. Damnit. It felt so good. And sexy. His whole body was like jelly. Then Cas released his lips slowly. They faces were so close. He put their forehead together.
-I love you too.- They closed their eyes at the same time.-I'll be back soon. You wait for me.- he said and left. Dean was like daydreaming. He shook his head and breathed like for the first time.
-You better come back with me soon. You can't just steal a kiss from me and run away.- the hunter whispered with worry in his eyes.
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