#personalised letter bracelet
isabellajohn86 · 2 years
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The moment when you should choose a gift for someone special can be challenging. But I don't think that you can make a mistake if you choose a personalised piece like a bracelet.
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ughmerlin · 1 year
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hi besties! it feels so surreal to type but somehow, by some weird twist of fate, i hit 30k followers. it's an insane amount and one i really can't visualize, let alone believe that so many people decided to follow silly old me (that's like... half a stadium during a tswift show?? unreal). but still, i am so so grateful for every single one of you — for interacting with me, reblogging my sets, leaving kind words in the tags, sending me memes and being silly and delusional with me. even a single message can light up a girl's day like nothing else and all of you have truly brought me more bright days than i can count. and so now it's time to celebrate you!
i am a diy enthusiast, if nothing else, and what is a gifset if not a little handcrafted gift? so to take part in this celebration send me one of the following:
love letter: send me a 💌 with a character/dynamic and a color/color combo of your choice for a gifset focused on your beloved characters
personalised mixtape: send me a 📼 with a character/dynamic and an singer/band of your choice for a gifset inspired by song lyrics (you can also send me a couple of songs to choose from!)
friendship bracelet: send me a ✨ with a cast of characters from a show of your choice for a gifset celebrating the whole group (think the six of crows gang, merlin core four etc.)
i'm taking requests for pretty much everything i blog about! if you're not sure if i've seen/liked a certain show, you can use the search function on my blog to look for it or just ask directly! and please keep in mind that this is a followers only event.
gonna end this by tagging some of my dear mutuals under the cut. you guys bring so much joy into my life, inspire me endlessly and never fail to amaze me – with your kindness, humor and talent alike. thank you so much for making my dash such an amazing space, i love you all a lot!
@pedrocillian, @yenvengerberg, @seance, @lamberts, @anya-chalotra, @ivashkovadrian, @taiturner, @morgana-pendragon, @alinaastarkov, @meliorn, @zoya-nazyalenskys, @camelotsheart​, @courtjestermerlin, @nextstopparis, @thebookluvrr1816, @witchmd13, @theedorksinlove​, @nicolasnelson​, @nick-nelson, @withered-rose-with-thorns, @southfarthing, @crowley-anthony, @capinejghafa, @nikolaislanstovs, @genyazafin, @dadralt, @jakeyp, @aramblingjay, @pandalikeelf, @henwilsons, @padme-amidala, @christophernolan
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pinkfloydmuser · 9 months
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(Prepare for some self promotion people. Sadly for the introvert that doesn’t like to brag, it’s the only way 🥲)
These adjustable (and customisable) bracelets just hit the store. Made with macrame cord and sparkly, delicate glass beads. I love the way the beads catch sunlight - it's like having a rainbow on your wrist!!
Some options already available with chosen words and colours are-
The 2nd Law (with black, pink and green)
JFK Defector (with green and gold)
The Resistance (with metallic/rainbow sheen blue and gold)
Ruled By Secrecy (with milky red magenta and rainbow sheen black)
Absolution (with blue, white, grey and gold)
I plan to have more ready designs up soon, but if you have a song/album/lyric/phrase and colours you would love in mind, there is an option for a custom bracelet :D
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extravagantliar · 2 years
[ UNSENT ]:     a letter written for the recipient, but which the writer ultimately never sends for reasons that the writer conceals, or may reveal within the letter itself.
letter prompts // meme cache // accepting 
In the bottom of a leather holdall, there is a few parcels mixed between inkwells and books. They are wrapped in butcher paper, tied with twine, a sprig of baby’s breath bringing it all together. Lost among the vellum and books is a letter that goes with it, to be mailed with the parcels - however, it is left behind.
The parcel is a few trinkets, a crest of his family, a hair comb with ivory and dragon bone, a bracelet, gifts almost for a birthday if one had ever gone overlooked. The parcels are nice, and the gifts are personalised with the ambassador in mind, however, it is the letter that will be well missed of all. It lays in long swooping handwriting, not addressed to the ambassador or her proper unmarried title rather, it is ‘Posie’  in one swooping capital letter, and the rest cramped rather inelegantly - a joke between them, rather than him being the Viscount, he’s a nickname all on his own. 
Letters are light and fun between them, and when his hand finds the letter crushed against shas that had once belonged to his father in the bag, he is quick to open the envelope, mainly to add on before it too is sent out into the world. 
1st of Kingsway, 9:4... ( the rest of the date is smudged )
By the time both of these arrive, it will be your birthday. I had hoped to join you at your request, however, I do not think Kirkwall will give me the time to rest. You would think that with all that we all give, Kirkwall would have an end to her problems in sight; I am not sure if Kirkwall will ever be free of her curse, but alas, I will do my best to see you before the summer festivals are out, I believe you owe me a dance or two.
My hope of having Kirkwall stable by the winter holidays may still yet be true; every day, the economy seems to be on the mend, even having trading ships sent to Par Vollen and Tevinter. I do not want to fill my head with foolish boyhood optimism, but my love for my home is just as much as your love for yours. I want to see her thrive and I am only her steward for now; I would love for Kirkwall to outgrow me -- even outlive me and surpass me.
I never intended to sit upon the Throne of Thorns or wear its Crown. I am not even sure if this is my intention forever, alas - I will take care of Kirkwall as long as I am asked, even if that means being further from our goals than we anticipated. I, however, am so proud to see your family rise from the ashes; I cannot find another family better suited than yours to aid me with the trading company and even tie our families together through unilateral trade by sea and by ground here in Antiva and in the Free Marches. Perhaps, that is also a reason for Kirkwall’s bloom is the steady trade between the two; imagine the wonders of a steady economy. 
I, of course, am a humble servant to you Posie - without your eye for the logistics, we would not have even been able to get this route out of the harbour. For all of this, I am in a debt that I will always need to repay, for it’s not just my coffers you are refilling. In Midtown and even in Lowtown I find goods of all shapes and colours these days, immigrants who cannot go home or folks who do not have a home finally can taste or feel the familiars while being so far, it’s a mystical and magical feeling, one that brings me great joy. 
Inside the boxes, you will find some trinkets from my travels. Dorian sends you an Ivory comb pressed with dragon bone. In the main box you will find all the things you requested - Kirkwall ink, vellum, and the first copy of my next upcoming serial, another thing I must thank you for…reading my thousands upon millions of words. If you ever tire of them, you must tell me at once. The smaller boxes hold some crests and a bracelet for your birthday - a gift from me to you. Some of the gems are from the Tethras family, I imagine they will look much better on you than they will on me. 
I hope to join you by the end of the month, hopefully for more than two days time. I do hate it when our meetings are so brief, simply because others also need our time. Perhaps, one day, you and I can both learn to take a moment or two for ourselves. 
Faithfully, Varric
The letter is straightened before it has another page laid over it, the date smudged again, but when she finally gets them both, this one shows first.  
11th of Kingsway Posie, 
Happy, early,  Birthday. I will be in Antiva in four days' time. I imagine you will get this letter and I will be in the Square waiting for you. My hope is to see you on the 15th, no later than noon and perhaps we will finally get a moment for lunch. 
Hurriedly yours, Varric
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derelictheretic · 2 years
2, 16, 41, & 30 for Piper/Faith and 9, 12, 39, & 44 for Colvyr/Heisenberg?
Thank you sm for sending some in for Colvyr and Heisenberg I really need to flesh them out more <333
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2. What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?
(Their hearts—) When they were about two years into their friendship/unlabelled relationship Pip gave Faith a bracelet she got from her mother when she was younger, it was one of the only things she had left of her and she saw it as her way of promising they were always going to be together.
Faith gave Pip a stick n poke tattoo of an angel trumpet with her initials under it on her ankle after one of their rough patches so it was kind of meant as an apology and promise she'd always come back to her. (It also becomes a painful reminder later on but it still brings Pip comfort and a small sliver of hope).
16. What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
They are the type that will talk for hours about everything and anything before passing out cuddled up face to face. Pip will usually mumble out a final "Goodnight angel," while Faith just hums and purses her lips because she's too tired to actually move and kiss her. (And Pip without fail will always lean in to get that goodnight kiss).
30. Who likes to press their nose against their partner’s neck while smiling?
Both of them would love this as they're both super affectionate together but Faith would do it way more often. Faith loves touching Pip as much as possible in any way and she already buries her face away in Pip's neck constantly so she'd do this a lot, especially when they're just standing around or cuddling.
41. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Piper is the 'secret' hopeless romantic, she loves all the cliché stuff and tries to get away with doing a lot of it subtly but gets embarrassed when Faith points it out or teases her about it. She consistently picks flowers for Faith and brings her home her favourite snacks and when an anniversary comes around she'll go the extra mile with a mix tape or personalised gift relating to one of their inside jokes.
Faith writes her small love letters on post it notes through the week to match her energy and it always leaves her a giddy mess and she does in fact show them all to Cas to brag.
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9. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
While at the village Colvyr will bring Heisenberg anything mildly mechanical looking or anything he thinks will help with the building of his army, meanwhile Heisenberg will bring Colvyr books and anything shiny that they can put into their treasure box.
In my happy end au for them Heisenberg lives and he and Colvyr manage to escape to a cozy cottage in Venice, so Heisenberg starts bringing Colvyr a lot of trinkets from the nearby town (seeing as they can't go themself due to the whole... mutant appearance) and Colvyr starts bringing him shells and coins they find.
12. Who picks the other person up when hugging their partner?
Heisenberg always picks Colvyr up when they hug, mostly because Colvyr will fling themself into his arms and wrap around him like an overgrown koala. A lot of the time he'll end up carrying Colvyr around because they refuse to let him go afterwards. On rare occasions when Colvyr is in a bad mood Heisenberg will lift them up into a hug and it'll usually cheer them up enough for them to start hitting him with their tail.
39. What is their song?
I honestly have not picked an official song for them yet, in universe wise and just ship wise but I have been considering (They Long To Be) Close To You by the Carpenters as their in universe song. I can picture Heisenberg hearing it over the radio while Colvyr just happens to be messing around in his line of sight, pretending to tinker when really he just wants to spend time with him, and from then on he associates it with Colvyr. Then eventually he dances with them to it, maybe sings along quietly if he's feeling sappy, and makes it their song.
44. What do they love about each other the most?
Colvyr loves Heisenberg's determination, his drive to work towards his goal inspires them and seeing the fire in his eyes is like watching a Phoenix spreading it's wings. They also love his humour, even when his witty comments are aimed to get under their skin, his quips make the hell they live in easier to deal with.
Heisenberg loves Colvyr's kindness, even after everything they've been put through they somehow manage to care deeply for those around them and are always willing to offer a helping hand before a lethal blow. While it's one thing that he really admires and wants to protect it also worries him to no end, kindness is never rewarded in their world and he knows if he wasn't there their kindness would get them into deep trouble eventually.
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nocherryblood · 2 months
Question to anyone: if you could buy something (either non-fandom regular or fandom related) handmade (eg keyrings with character pictures, little trinkets, letters from characters, mood boards, themed bracelets, little trinket dishes, little stress clay figures, personalised cards, phone bracelets with charms, etc.) what would you want?
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londoncrafty · 6 months
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kelsxaballerini · 8 months
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To my future husband... @djokeerv Nashville has given me so many things. But nothing as special as meeting you that night. The second I saw you, I finally understood every single love song ever written. I was in love with you before we even kissed. I knew you were special, you were like no one i had ever known before. I wanted to protect my heart, but you crashed through every wall I put up. Being with you, it is the easiest thing I've ever done. Loving you, it is the air that I breathe. You are the person who makes me be a better person. You are so good, in every way. The idea of being your wife just seems so right. I was never a believer in fate but I know you are my soul mate. The way you have accepted me and love me, despite being a little... unhinged. There is no one else I would rather go on this journey with. It seems like we've been together forever because I don't remember doing life without you. Now, I don't need to know what that would ever be like. Your family, they've taken me in and made me one of the crew and now, I am just hours away from officially being a Keery. I love you so much. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I told you once that if you leave me, then I am going with you. It's you and me, baby. I can't wait to marry you and do life... as your wife. All my love, today, tomorrow and for always... -Nashville
Bracelet with sand from the beach, our beach.
Vintage record player, including a personalised record with the music of their wedding day.
I know you aren't good with words, but I like to think I am. I've written letters, and every envelope tells you when you need to open it. (including one for the last day on Stranger Things).
The coordinates of the beach. Where you proposed, where we were married, where you gave me a home.
Also... wedding night outfit. A gift for me or you? You tell me.
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lanewoodsjewelry · 1 year
Ruby Jewellery Trends 2016
For those who enjoy delicate jewellery, diamond is the front runner. Below is some great information if you are one amongst them. Fragile diamond jewellery is in style this year. All you require to master is how to use them stylishly lane woods jewelry. Delicate Darlings Huge mixed drink rings studded with ruby are passé. Delicate ruby jewellery that is like a second skin as well as is simple to use is in style in 2016. It has actually been welcomed by not just elegant ladies, however also by hip youngsters. Obtain your jewelry customised Customised diamond jewellery is additionally large this year. And fashion-conscious ladies are active providing special touches to their jewellery. They are making their ruby jewelry individual, and having a bit of enjoyable at that. They are making a splash with diamond-studded letter arm band and also pendant, which are put on alone or stacked with each other. You can play with initials and even complete words. For instance, define your name or any kind of various other fun words like "LOL" embellished with little rubies for a fragile look. Stack it up In 2016, it is everything about collectability and also personalised appearance Stack, mix and match diamond jewellery; that is the means you should use jewellery this year. Piling diamond bracelets, rings as well as even lockets is the natural very first step to personalising. Simply concentrate on bringing informality to your look. Using one ruby ring is so official, but one on each finger offers you a comfortable look, as well as you can team it up with your jeans. Slim diamond arm bands that can be accumulated on the wrist are high on style. Think about the grunge satisfies prestige look while using delicate ruby jewellery this year and also you will be place on. Just how about dissimilar diamond earrings! Several ear piercings have actually come to be extra traditional. You will certainly find the young and the old alike wearing mismatched ruby earrings, as well. You might locate a diamond-dusted miniature key hang from one, and also a lock studded with diamonds from the various other. Ruby pins for that advanced look. Ruby pins have actually likewise made a comeback with a bang in 2016. They can be endured coats as well as even saris to include an extremely personal touch to your clothing. Cuffed stylishly Ruby cuffs look immaculate when you team them up with five or more. You can use them with mixed drink gowns, saris, or lehengas for an official look. Also, you can use them with pants for an informal appearance. Ruby studded big hoop earrings Diamond studded large hoop jewelry remain in vogue in 2016. Neglect the plain-looking hoops of the past; we're talking about diamond and also priceless gemstone-studded hoops for a trendy take on the bohemian look. For those who enjoy delicate jewellery, ruby is the initial choice. Delicate diamond jewelry is in style this year. Fragile diamond jewelry that is like a second skin as well as is easy to put on is in vogue in 2016. Stack, blend and match diamond jewelry; that is the way you ought to wear jewellery this year. Assume concerning the grunge meets prestige look while using fragile ruby jewellery this year and also you will be spot on.
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Week 5 Tutorial
In today's class we went over the formative criteria and what the expectations and requirements are for it. We also dove into the topic of material thinking
Upload before 11:00 am Tuesday 22nd August
Dont use cue cards
more alive than dead - contextual enquiry
pick a specific creative that relates to my own design style e.g. illustrators
research skills & critical analysis are my blog
personalise my blog and keep it real
Activity 1
What is material thinking?
Material thinking offers a way of considering the relations that take make within the very process or tissue making
not just passive objects to be used, but rather the materials
Material thinking; the materialisation of thinking, the material of thinking or thinking that takes place through material which may or may not result in a materialised, realised or made thought.
Choose one of the creatives from the lecture and describe their material thinking?
How can material thinking be seen through your own work?
Material thinking can be seen through my own work where I’m am connecting both Visual and tangible assets by reflecting and relating deeper and hidden meanings of the method/process.
How would you reference the reading from today?
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Task 2 Finalising presentation and continue work on Miro board
Task 3: 20 Objects that are meaningful to me
Bracelet from Brooke
Childhood teddy
CGHS ring
Hunting and fishing sunglasses
It ends with us book
Karen Walker flower ring
Watercolour paints
KitchenAid mixer,
Mark Jacob‘s Bag
Lilies & Peonies
Floyd (dog)
Preschool scrapbook
Photo albums
Birthday cards/letters.
Photo of Sophia and me at ballet
Ceramic shoes
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garentino · 1 year
Granddaughter Letter Bracelet 925 Sterling Silver Personalised Jewellery Girls Trending Necklace See more: https://garentino.com/product/granddaughter-letter-bracelet-925-sterling-silver-personalised-jewellery-girls-trending-necklace/ Granddaughter Letter Bracelet 925 Sterling Silver Personalised Jewellery Girls This Granddaughter Letter Bracelet 925 Sterling Silver Personalised Jewellery Girls is a wonderful product to give as a gift to someone you love. Its elegant design and high-quality materials make it a special and meaningful piece of jewelry. Whether you're looking for
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danalevyltd · 2 years
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🌈🌞Something for the weekend!🌞🌈 Our new personalised Alef Bet Hebrew name lucky charm nautical cord bracelet adds an extra special touch to your wrist game. This bracelet features your chosen name or word made up of Alef Bet ancient Hebrew letter acrylic cube beads on a nautical cord bracelet in your choice of colour from our variety of vibrant colours. Each personalised Alef Bet Hebrew name lucky charm nautical cord bracelet is decorated with a lucky charm of your choice from our fabulous range of lucky charms. Tap to shop 👆🏽 . . . . . #alefbetbracelet #hebrewnamebracelet #personalisedbracelet #alphabetcubebracelet #luckycharmbracelet #handmadejewellery #cordbracelet #danalevy #danalevyjewellery #armcandy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cppd9sxIJ-l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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honestfulphilment · 2 years
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Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and for e-commerce businesses, this means that it's time to start thinking about what products to offer for the occasion. With millions of people around the world celebrating this day of love, it's a great opportunity for businesses to tap into the lucrative market for Valentine's Day gifts.
As a supplier, it's important to offer products that are both relevant and in demand. This way, you can increase your chances of attracting customers and boosting sales. Here are ten dropshipping product ideas that are perfect for Valentine's Day:
Romantic Jewelry Heart-shaped pendants, couple's bracelets, and love-themed necklaces are popular gifts for Valentine's Day. Jewelry is a timeless gift that never goes out of style, making it an ideal choice for those looking to surprise their loved ones on this special day.
Love-themed home décor From heart-shaped candles to romantic wall art, there are plenty of home décor products that are perfect for Valentine's Day. Offer a wide range of love-themed products to appeal to different tastes and styles.
Personalized gifts Personalized gifts are always a hit on Valentine's Day. Offer products like custom-made photo albums, personalised mugs, or even customised keychains to help your customers make the day extra special for their loved ones.
Gift baskets Gift baskets are a great way to show your love and appreciation on Valentine's Day. Consider offering pre-made baskets filled with a selection of chocolates, wine, and other romantic treats.
Romantic books Whether it's a classic love story or a collection of love poems, romantic books are always a great gift for Valentine's Day. Offer a range of books that are sure to appeal to your customers.
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Love-themed tech accessories From heart-shaped phone cases to love-themed laptop sleeves, there's no shortage of love-themed tech accessories that are perfect for Valentine's Day.
Romantic fragrances Perfumes and colognes are always a popular gift on Valentine's Day. Offer a range of romantic scents that are sure to be a hit with your customers.
Love-themed stationery Love-themed stationery products, like love letter sets and heart-shaped note pads, are perfect for Valentine's Day. These small yet meaningful gifts are a great way to show your love.
Romantic experiences Offer unique and romantic experiences, such as couples spa packages, hot air balloon rides, or romantic getaways. These experiential gifts are sure to be a hit with customers looking for something extra special.
Love-themed pet accessories Don't forget about your customers' furry friends! Love-themed pet accessories, like heart-shaped collars or love-themed toys, are a fun and unique way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Conclusion Valentine's Day product is a great opportunity to offer special and unique gifts to your customers. By considering these top 10 dropshipping product ideas for Valentine's Day 2023, you can start a new business or offer a special gift to your loved one. With a little effort and research, you can find the right products and provide excellent customer service, and create a successful Valentine's Day dropshipping business.
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jewellerycompare · 2 years
Ivy and Gold unveils new Christmas line
Beaded jewellery brand Ivy and Gold has announced its new Christmas collection. The new line includes personalised bracelets, stacking gifts, rings and earrings all inspired by founder Erinn Kerr’s daughter Ivy. Beaded letter bracelets come made to order with personalisation options and there are also options for child bracelets too. Kerr, an ex-journalist, set the … http://dlvr.it/Sdh45N
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Good day cheri! May i ask if there is still a chance that i can order gavin's ring 😥 i know im soo late at the pre order... but i really want that ring.. i dont know else where to buy those rings 😭😭 i want to gift it to my friend who is certified gavin stan... she has a serious health problem i want to make her happy with her remaining years with those ring 🥺
Σ(°ロ°) Unfortunately the official pre-orders for the rings have closed... You might want to ask shopping agents such as @lydskisses or @sinful-liesel whether they know of any re-sellers! They will definitely pop up eventually :>
Alternatively, you might want to consider getting fan merch such as the notable ginkgo bracelet! Or have a personalised letter from Gavin prepared for her~
Whether or not you manage to get the ring for your friend, I'm sure that knowing she has someone like you who cares this much for her will make her happier than any ring can (๑˃ᴗ˂)♡ Thank you for being such a loving friend!
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always comforting you and reasuring you
really patient and very good listener and advicer
remembers everything you said you liked but just in case, writes it down in his notebook
the bEst making presents
carries cards everywhere he goes in case he and his friends are bored
attentive and helpful
loves making friendship bracelets and personalised letters during summer break
wonders around the woods with you while in complete silence or talking about your favorite bands
reading arthur conan doyle's books together while walking to class
bowling, darts and going to museums are from his fav things (and that's why he alwayS invites his friends to do this things: he loves to include them in everything he can)
if he invites you to play a board game or read by the fire and crush the night, you are special
@chvrliesapcet and @howthetables i know it's not much but i hope u like it <3 and to anyone who wants to reblog/comment their own ideas, i'd love to hear them!!!
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