#personality wise i dont think theyre similar at all except for both having
nat-20s · 5 months
Worst part of people making karkat and zagreus parallels is that they're not wrong. They even both get called the same in universe slur
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
So FNV is my fav right not a hot take but I am curious about your takes on the other games? Personally I don’t think the Bethesda games deserve as much hate as they get, like Fo76 is fun for the gameplay and the way they designed the environment and 4 is like a fun camp action movie to me in a way I can’t explain. And admittedly haven’t given 3 a full college try, it feels too restrictive in its narrative for me to enjoy even though 4 is similar in its approach, maybe it’s the extra faction options in 4? Idk
The bethesda games dont deserve the hate they get at all, ive noticed that this trend is completely self-serving and often done by people who haven't even played them all the way through.
Fallout 3 was my first fallout game, and it's my favourite fallout game. Saying that is often enough to have at least 3 people jump down my throat about how shitty they think it is both story-wise and mechanically, often while forgetting that fo3 was the first 3D fallout game and was bound to have some amount of the frontrunner curse: it was the one they made all the mistakes on. This doesn't make it a bad game, it makes it the first one. And in my opinion, I love the story of it. I feel that every single fallout game gets compared to FNV retroactively and then folks don't even give any others a try.
Another thing I've noticed is that the fallout fandom tends to be plagued with the fallout equivalent of genwunners, except that the same criticisms they tear down every bethesda game for are even more prevalent in the interplay games. Not "enough" endings, mechanical issues, etc.
And my take that people really didnt and continue to not like me for regarding besthesda is that bethesda has owned fallout for much much longer than anybody else has at this point. They've made the most installments, contributed all of the lore after the base was established in the 90s, and are the reason the franchise still even exists. Bethesda does not "misunderstand" fallout because you cant misunderstand your own book that you're writing yourself. It's their thing at this point whether the fandom likes it or not. FNV was a spinoff, and obsidian were really not these darling saviors to the lore that theyre presented to be, theyre just any other game studio that made a publishing deal with a different one. And the just... CONSTANT barrage of hate and vitriol towards bethesda feels so unnecessary and self-serving at this point. There's no diversity of opinion in the wider fandom because if you do like the bethesda properties you're treated like some intellectual traitor, which is a red flag to me.
In my opinion, the fallout "fandom" on tumblr doesnt even like fallout. Anything that's not FNV gets crickets of engagement and if its bethesda then its treated like some cardinal sin to have anything positive to say about it without a bunch of caveats attached about how bad it is. And don't even get me started on the utter meltdown there was about one frame of the fallout show because they didn't like what ending bethesda just teased FNV to have had. Any other game fandom would be overjoyed at having a professionally produced show at all, but from the moment it was announced to the moment it finally aired it was NOTHING but criticism and negativity, even before it aired. It's no wonder that bethesda doesn't consider this "fandom" worth listening to when they decide in advance that nothing they make will ever be good enough.
Sorry... this turned into a bit of a bitter rant about the reasons why i left the fallout fandom entirely. I grew up on fo3 and i loved fo4 just as much as any other fallout game, and im loving the show so far (im on episode 5). I love the franchise as a whole, which makes it very hard to engage in anything the fandom does anymore. I like FNV just as much, but i find it hard to engage in anymore because of the constant attitude i got from its fans about the ones i like, especially fo3. Which i know is unfair to it, but i just can not mentally decouple it from that vitriol very well anymore, which is a shame.
And i just... i dont want to hear how much everybody hates the things i love in the same place that claims to be superfans of the franchise in the first place.
Again, sorry. This wasn't your question, and I dont mean to sound like im yelling at you specifically, im really not. I think ive just been a little too consistently hurt by the attitude in the fallout "fandom" to be able to talk about it without bringing it up anymore. I legitimately had some of the most negative and toxic fandom experiences of my life in that community, all because my favourite fallout game wasnt the only one deemed acceptable.
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menalez · 1 year
Same Anon re: butch rep or lack thereof in queer love ultimatum:
Do you have a link/tag for your posts about the show? I didn’t see the butch rep post and I’d love read what other radfems think. I scrolled back but couldn’t find it.
And yeah I agree pretty much everyone except Xander, yoly (although she’s not 100% innocent,) and Sam suck to varying degrees, I only singled Vanessa out because the ask was about gender identities and Vanessa identifies as pansexual instead of lesbian. I felt bad for the other lesbians because they were to my knowledge, lesbians attracted to women, but technically dating self admitted non-women. Toxicity/drama wise, I pretty much agree with the general consensus on Mildred/Lexi/Rae/Aussie/tiff/Vanessa so I’m not going to add anything abt them.
My only unpopular opinion is about mal. Mal doesn’t necessarily suck per say, I think she’s a decent person and she’s super fine. but like Vanessa, her sudden reversal into wanting to propose seems motivated by wanting to “win,” instead of a genuine desire to commit to yoly. The fact that she suddenly started picking up after herself around the house shows she was capable of doing it all along but was content to let yoly pick up after her. The way she is motivated by wanting to win is a lot less obvious and less malicious than Vanessa, because she does care about yoly to some degree and she might not even consciously realize her motives. But I don’t think her intentions are genuine, I think she’s a real smooth talker towards both Lexi, yoly, and the camera/audience. I empathize with her a lot because I’m a poc lesbian (femme Indonesian though, not black butch,) and if a white woman showed up with a real chance of taking my girlfriend away I’d be feeling all types of old insecurities and might feel the overwhelming urge to win. I might be reading into it, but I just think if everyone wants to call Vanessa out for her sudden change of heart, it might be good to acknowledge that Mal is kind of doing something similar, but a lot less clumsily. I know she said she eventually wanted to get married after her finances were taken care of, but after the finance conversation w/yoly, I’m a bit suspicious about whether she was actually taking concrete steps to make that reality happen, or if she was using that as a delaying excuse. I would hate for her and her bestie to spin the narrative that yoly was some sort of gold digger who abandoned Mal to fall in love with Xander’s financial statements, because it kind of looked like they were implying that in the last episode. I had a soft spot for Mal, but I think I if the threat of xander were to go away, Mal would go back to her old, not-picking-up, marriage and kids delaying self.
this was my post about it. no one besides me rly shared their thoughts on that tho, to me i just thought it was concerning and indicative of a larger trend & commonly held idea nowadays that gnc = u must be non-binary or trans somehow. it all goes back to "cis = you identify as the gender you were born as" and gender simply being the societally & culturally ascribed roles based on ur sex... based on that logic ofc butch lesbians would not fit in and ofc many gnc people dont "feel" like theyre women (if female) or men (if male) but rather simply exist in the body that theyre in and dont conform to the gender roles pushed onto them.
i actually rly thought tiff was terrible at first but surprisingly, out of the bunch shes not the worst. definitely aussie (big disappointment. was into her at first), vanessa (also disappointment. shes rly beautiful too), mildred, and lexie are the ones i really didnt like. i loved mal, xander, & rae the most. im at a stage where im not 100% sure about yoly i mean she seems really lovely but the fact that mal expressed these insecurities holding her back from marriage & yoly basically confirmed every single one of them was like. really sad to see. and seeing mal cry so much was heartbreaking too ? like poor baby mal i want to just hug her and find a way to cheer her up.
i do agree w u tho that mal wanting to get married doesnt make much sense. i mean yoly basically confirmed every fear mal had that was keeping her from getting married to begin with!! if that were me id be like hell no im not proposing to u, if my main concerns were 1. im not financially ready and 2. my partner falls in love with everyone quickly and in the same way so why would *i* be the one, and then my partner went and proved she wants someone with more money + falls in love so fast (2 WEEKS!?!??) then id just say no way maam! we'll get married when u address my concerns! BUT that said, u made some decent points. i also was skeptical of the sudden flip to wanting to get married to yoly & the sudden meeting all of yoly's desires, like when someone is acting that way u rly dont know if theyre genuinely that way or if theyre just doing it to win. im skeptical of those things being consistent things too.
i got a similar sense to u there but also i generally just dont believe anyone is 100% genuine on the show, maybe the most genuine has been rae or even yoly bc yoly has been pretty direct & open w her feelings despite the issues it was causing. xander seems sweet but i definitely thought it was odd that she told yoly shes in love w her and then when vanessa asked she said she doesnt love yoly .. oh also sam is just amazing. i loved seeing her grow enough to stand up for herself and speak up unapologetically. i was super disappointed by aussie tbh she was like one of the women i was rly rooting for bc idk asian butches just have my heart bc they make me think of my lovely gf yanno but she rly let me down and was imo the absolutely worst of the bunch, even tho the one who would get shit on all the time is vanessa (who i think is not even as bad)
also lexie is annoying as hell and i think rae should dump her bc i was just getting some red flags from how lexie was acting ngl
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hinasho · 4 years
isle of the lost vs descendants 1 characterizations
the book ends literally when the movie starts so their personalities cant be that different right? lets see
(similarities posted at the bottom!)
book: when evil queen goes on about beauty related things, especially in regards to her daughter, usually evie would begrudgingly recite whatever “tip” eq taught her and just go along with what she says. not to say she hated those kinds of things, but whenever her mother brought it up, she never expressed similar excitement or engagement. more often than not she was indifferent to her mother’s beauty antics, and we only see her talk about them in regards to herself in the last few chapters (im not talking abt the mirror incident, but the one liners she’d drop about her appearance here and there) movie: when the parents first tell their kids about going to auradon, eq talks about sprucing her daughter up before she leaves and evie is visibly excited about the makeover. she also goes onto encourage it on others as seen when they’re all in the limo and she tries to put makeup on mal.
book: the villain parents are not friends and we almost never see them together. the one time we saw the parents/adults all together was in the prologue scene for evie’s 6th birthday party. after that they never interact and dont pay each other any mind. this is especially true regarding evil queen and maleficent, as they state in the book that they’ve been at odds ever since they fought over who’d rule the isle. eq has also just been welcomed back into society after being banned by the other, so time-wise, at worst, they are still enemies and, at best, barely tolerable acquaintances. movie: evil queen & maleficent have a significantly close relationship, so much so that eq knows her house like the back of her hand and where maleficent keeps things, specifically that her spellbook is in the fridge. they even have a laugh about how they use to run things before being forced to live on the isle. they seem to be genuinely close. 
put the rest under the cut bc this post is too long lol
book: jafar and jay’s mantra is “whoever has the gold makes the rules” which was significant because it helped them while in the forbidden fortress movie: jafar and jay’s mantra is “there’s no team in I” (while this change was surprising, i also wasn’t that upset abt it bc both book and movie!jay struggle with teamwork)
book: carlos is not athletic at all and goes on about how he hates gym class. he is very focused on stem and doesn’t really care about any other kind’ve hobby. meanwhile jay is athletic and does casual parkour when going anywhere. movie: both of them do extreme parkour in the opening song. im not referring to the dancing ofc, but the extra flips and tricks they do. this is not unusual for jay, but is in regards to carlos.
book: jay isn’t the only one that goes around stealing things, mal very much does it to. at the end of the day they’d even compare how many things they’ve stolen to see who’s the best thief. jay usually wins, but still, both are thieves. movie: when they get to auradon, mal is very confused as to why jay would take the time to steal things and even needs for him to explain why he does it.
book: ben describes audrey as a classic fairy tale princess. she finds all things in auradon lovely and beautiful, and even has a bird land on her finger during their date. while she does think negatively of everyone on the isle, she acts mostly “lovely and sweet” before anything else, and it is not faked. think: giselle from enchanted. movie: idk how else to explain this difference besides “audrey just has a different vibe”. she is more regina george-esque than genuinely cheery, and puts on an obviously fake smile and attitude so often that queen belle expresses distaste for her 
mal likes art and goes around the isle putting up tags --- (the romance storyline wasn’t bad, but it would’ve been nice to see mal maybe join an art club? or get into painting or smthg else related to her hobby)
carlos is afraid of dogs --- in the book he can’t even say or hear the word bc it’s a trigger for him. he can say “puppies”, but he cannot say the word dog. whereas in the movie, he says the word several times. this is an extremely minor difference to be fair
when they’re afraid/think they’re in danger, they all cling to jay
they’re not used to sunlight 
the ben & mal tension on first meet (and continued infatuation before the cookie scene) --- in the book both characters have had a dream about the other. they didn’t know who the other was, but they remembered the dreams vividly enough that they were able to describe their faces in detail. in the movie when they first meet, both pause on each other several times. it’s likely because of the o’l Disney Romance™️, but it could also be because of curious recognition. 
jay is a flirt/smoother charmer and girls fawn over him
carlos is good with and likes science & technology
mal wanting to prove herself to her mother & the others not being as set on it --- in the book, mal is constantly reminded of the times her mother has called her “not worthy of bearing her own name or of being her daughter” and it causes mal to lose her cool several times. the other VKs also have parental issues ofc, but ones that are not as focused on proving themselves like mal’s are. theirs lean more towards other problems. in the movie she is extremely insistent on reminding them what they’re at auradon for and that this is their “one chance to prove themselves”
the core four freeze in fear when confronted with the reality of their parents’ pasts
mal can touch maleficent’s scepter --- to be fair that dance number in the museum was most likely just mal daydreaming, but still
jay going off on his own/following his own plan --- in the book jay and jafar plan for him to go with mal to the forbidden fortress and then double cross her and steal the scepter for himself, taking it as their “big score”. in the movie when they first see the wand with their own eyes, he runs off in front of everyone and only opens the gate enough for himself to squeeze through. carlos has to open it wider so they can all get through it after him. and once theyre in the same room as the wand, he reaches for it first against mal’s wishes.
carlos is bad at sports --- this is in both the differences & similarities section because, while in the book & movie he’s bad at sports, in the book he also doesnt like them and has no desire to do them as he is completely focused on science & tech. while after some practice in the movie, carlos joins the tourney team alongside jay. (i personally would’ve preferred for him to join a computer or engineering club)
mal can manipulate people with ease (book: evie / movie: jane & ben)
fairy godmother is mainly the one that enforces the “no magic” rule --- beast may have created it, but both in the book & the movie, people/creatures talk about fairy godmother being the one that restricts them
carlos climbs trees/searches for higher ground when afraid
evie knows how to use her looks, specifically her smile, to get the things she wants (book: persuading dr. facilier / movie: getting info out of chad)
audrey likes to dance 
carlos is sarcastic & competitive 
mal cheers up evie when she’s upset 
evie is good with academics
ben wanting to be his own person rather than act like his father --- this was a good continuation from book to movie as ben only realizes he needs to be himself in the final chapters, which he just continues to encourage in the movie. 
mal’s spur of the moment saving tactics
the villains aren’t good with computers/the internet --- the isle canonly doesn’t have wifi and in the movie the villains struggle with the laptop that was most likely given to them from an auradon representative
audrey’s family still being deeply traumatized by what maleficent did 
belle not letting beast talk shit 
mal pitying her mother for what she went through --- in the book: when she sees the past of what happened at aurora’s christening and sympathizes that her mother was nothing but a sad lonely girl. in the movie: the “and i really wish you hadn’t gotten there yourself” line during ben’s coronation
annddd yeah!
honestly there were a lot more similarities than i was expecting, and i am pleasantly surprised! book to movie things dont usually crossover well, but honestly, the first movie didnt do too bad of a job of it. 
tbh i think the one that probably suffered the most was audrey’s character. she really seemed very different from her book counterpart. this isnt to say that book!audrey was a saint and would’ve treated the VKs kindly, but she also wasn’t a fake person and was genuinely that cheery and upbeat all the time. whereas in the movie, it seems like almost nobody likes her (except chad) bc of her “fakeness”. 
i personally think if they were gonna go with the “bad girl and her minion” role, then audrey should’ve been the minion. in the book she was kind’ve an airhead (?? idk she just tended to have her head in the clouds a lot) and if one of the auradon girls told her to act a certain way towards the VKs for the “good of auradon”, i could see her listening to them. i dont know if she’d be the one to come up with the evil deed herself though. 
overall, the continuity flowed pretty well. i wish they didn’t change audrey’s character like they did (they probably could’ve had jane play the role of ‘stuckup girl’ tbh since she was a new character and her mother had a higher position in the kingdom compared to audrey’s parents anyway, so smthg to boast abt), but other than that, the movie’s characterizations were kinda close to the books!
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lollytea · 4 years
What are your opinions about Jungle cubs? I loved that show as a kid!
hi hello!! thank u for humoring me!! i love getting asks about the stuff im currently obsessed with that nobody really cares about, it makes me feel valid! also i dont have well constructed opinions, i just have a very messy, manic head so i just babble all my thoughts. for that i am sorry 
im not gonna say jungle cubs is the best damn cartoon to hit the tv and maybe its just my own biased love speaking when i call it a good show but it means a lot to me personally. it brought me comfort as a little kid, i came back to it as a teen when i was feeling very alone and came back to it again as an adult just cuz of my recent love of baloo and talespin and needing something to keep me upbeat during the quarantine. 
and ive watched quite a few cartoons i loved as a kid that i dont really vibe with anymore. i tried rewatching gummi bears. its not my thing. but jungle cubs is?? really good?? its just so charming to watch. i love the expressive animation, i love the smooth flowing dialogue, i love the playful and naive tone it has of just a bunch of kids being kids, i love the depiction of these characters, i love the performance of the voice actors, i love the layers it adds to the original film. layers that were never intended to be in there in the first place but isnt that just the beauty of interpretation and ones own imagination. 
its such a formulaic concept isnt it. to take a classic show/movie and make its protagonists babies for a spinoff. but i dunno, i always got the feeling that whoever was the backbone of this story actually cared about the characters they were writing and took a sincere approach to it. 
they thought in-depth about how to devolve them from their current personalities in a realistic way and what aspects of themselves are so core to their being that they would have been ingrained since childhood. the cubs feel pretty three-dimensional and considering theyre cash grab spinoff babies, that is an amazing feat.
but also, i love it for the very very very simple reason of its really adorable. bagheera especially. to see such a stoic and levelheaded character in his earliest stage as a child just Hits for me. cub bagheera is clever, hes cautious, hes a little stuck-up, all traits he has in the movie. hes also not the best hunter, doesnt know how to roar yet, is a little cowardly, sorta awkward at times and is often trying to prove that hes the best even though hes aware that he is nowhere near the best.
like its easy to believe the kind of person he grows up to be but at the same time, its really interesting to see the more childish aspects of himself that he eventually matured past. and hes adorable dude! baby bagheera voiced by EG Daily is the sweetest goddamn thing, i love him so much 
also shere khan who is a fuckin doozy. hes very interesting in this too. everything about his attitude is reminiscent of a preteen who says mean things to you on voice chat while playing overwatch but if you tell him you’re gonna call the police on him, he starts panicking. thats shere khan’s vibe, a real edgy little tiger who thinks hes hot shit cuz he probably caught something bigger than a mouse like one time and its gone to his head. 
hes constantly stalking around, subtly bragging about what a natural predator he is. but at the same time, he’s still around?? hes still hanging around with the other cubs cuz hes ALSO a cub and likes to play around with other kids his age. and he fucking loves his friends. the amount of times he’s scared off bigger animals who were about to harm them. and its really sweet cuz they like him too. while his attitude is definitely annoying sometimes, they still consider him their friend and enjoy his company. its just wholesome. 
plus hes also pretty vulnerable as hes a cub. he doesnt stand a chance when they come across a grown animal as a threat. he gets scared just like the rest of them, hes just so arrogant that he never admits it. 
in fact the appeal of the show in general to me, is the vulnerabilities of all the characters that comes with being in their most immature state. they dont know any better when it comes to stuff. this show is real dumbass hours 
EVERYTHING about baloo is just great. he does not change even slightly. he is exactly the same except hes little and his voice hasnt broke yet. his child voice is amazingly fitting also.
i mean i guess one thing that differentiates him is adult baloo had some semblance of a philosophy. he was wise....in a way. baby baloo does not know shit about shit. he does not think. he just vibes, okay?? i love him mwah
i dont have much to say about the others but i DO like this interpretation of them more than their adult selves. it also just feels bittersweet that they grew up to be such dicks. Haithi is lovely, i love that hes just out here TRYING to be a colonel but he lacks the authority that comes with being a grown elephant and he doesnt have the self confidence to command anybody yet. he is simply babey.
 louie is a very cute little dude, i love him and baloo as just an idiot squad. he also has a very good voice
kaa.....i dont trust. on one hand, hes very sweet as a child but on the OTHER HAND he grows up to be the creepiest fucking creation disney has ever put in a movie so that snake will always rub me the wrong way even when im trying to like him. 
also ONE THING thats driving me crazy about this show is like. it has the best depiction of pre-adolescent boys that i have ever seen in a cartoon ever. just the way they behave. theyre sweethearts one minute, extremely mean the next minute, going from building eachother up to lightly bullying eachother, lots of unprovoked play fighting, laughing over dumb shit, rude to strangers for no goddamn reason, theres just a lot. 
it fuckin knocked me back like 15 years cuz it reminded me so much of kids i used to play with. and these arent even human children whose brain development is documented, these are animals, this show had no business being this spot-on.
i dont like season 2. it has a few gems here and there that i get a kick out of. but as a whole, its really disappointing. since the show swapped production companies, they seemed to uproot it completely and start from scratch. and its kinda sad cuz i think they were TRYING to do something poignant when it came to a future narrative but it just didnt land. firstly there was a huge animation downgrade and looking at the two season in comparison is kinda depressing. 
also they redesigned the characters, some looked worse than others. baloo looked fine but i still preferred his og look. bagheera....was the worst. rip bagheera. 
they all underwent a huge personality change. and not in the way that showed subtle maturity, i mean a vapid exaggeration of their original personality. the only characters who were left relatively alone in this regard were baloo and kaa. and i dont mind gradually changing a character since there IS an adult version of them that they should be growing into. but the season 2 depictions are literally the furthest things from their adult selves that its unbelievable.
 another pet peeve is they changed a few of the voice actors and.....i love these season 2 voice actors in other work theyve done. dee bradley baker and cree summer specifically who are both very talented people. but they did not fit these roles in the slightest. (not to mention having cree summer play an APE and suddenly having her do a LOT of monkey noises that the previous va never had to do. im not gonna get into all that BUT hmm.) and if youre gonna recast the characters to make them sound “older” as least make them sound somewhat similar to the jungle book actors, so you can picture them eventually growing into those voices. 
also the tone shifted so much between seasons. the way they tried to make this jungle more of a “society” with shit like talent shows and sports games and celebrities and like fuckin. STOP. theyre animals. just let them be animals. along with that the writing just feels really off and its just. not fun. i dont like it 
and as i mentioned, they WERE trying to do something here. the fact that the cubs didnt hang out with eachother as much and were starting to drift apart is kinda sad and wouldve liked it see it handled a little better. but instead i got season 2, which was stupid. and im 21 and im petty. 
anyway i am very sorry that ended so negatively and im very sorry that rant was completely all over the place i have no sense of proper organization i just wanted to gush about what i love. but on a positive note i love jungle cubs!! its very dear to my heart and makes me very happy and i wish it had gotten more episodes
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lugiaxawesome · 7 years
pls tell me about your ocs
okkkkk uhhh ill try to not spoil but-
Blitzen is technically from Alayveon, however he was hatched in Brazil due to his mother fleeing Alayveon. He then proceeds to get persuaded by the government of Alayveon to have him back and take his role as an Elemental Dragon. (Elemental Dragons are Alayveons form of government, having different Dragons from different backgrounds create laws and watch over the land.) Blitzen is a half-dragon, he is half Aywire (electric dragon (i made up the name a while ago and it stuck) and Fruitdactyl. The two breeds are very close with both having the same large floppy ears and electric powers. The only difference is that Aywires have One set of ear and Fruitdactyls have two. OH and Fruitdactyls have a fluffy down covering their scales and have beaks.
Helix is a Firedrake and in their culture they are expected to grow out a plume of hair most Firedrakes have. According to him, his hair is the best. Helix may have a snappy personality but if he considers you a friend he WILL fight to the death for you. Helix was named after a pencil sharpener I had in 6th grade while I sat in my math class dying of boredom. Helix was originally MUCH more edgy with a dark blue skin and black hair with red on the ends. He also was just as evil as Falka.
Bolton (who is just an oc I use to draw and practice with) is based off of multiple people I know and have seen. Mostly not very nice people XD but Bolton is a nice bab he just puts up a front to seem tough! His name is a corruption and an inside joke shared with my friend but imnotsayinganythingmore!
Falka has a LOT of motives for wanting all Dragons dead, or at least some good ones in my opinion.  He’s very hard to talk about without spoiling so lets just say hes VERY loyal. Falka was originally a creature with as many different animals jam packed into a design. He was the God of Discourse and Calamity but he’s been toned down because E D G E. I actually brought him back from the dead and remade him into a Griffin not so long ago. He has a voice I hear him as but I wont say who unless asked personally because said character looks A LOT like him despite me not taking inspiration from said character?? Idk its just a coincidence and I dont want people thinking I stole the character XD Falka is MUCH different than the character personality wise though despite looking like them.
Snek has a deep rooted hate for Humans but only because he finds them greedy and rude. Sneks gem is literally his heart. It gives him his power and is coveted by Falka due to its ability to give life and immortality. Sneks gem in his tummy is shaped like a necktie due to him having authority over Alayveon, and another small thing is that Falka and Sneks color scheme is flipped. Falka is mainly red with hints of gray and Snek has mainly grey with his gem being red.
Alayveon has had one(1) war and one rebellion. The war was between Dragons and Humans with a bit of Griffins. The war resulted in Falka realizing his goals and acting upon them and Snek becoming the king of Alayveon and setting the building blocks for the ED. The rebellion on the other end, was between Dragons and Griffins and resulted in Falka being put into a mirror realm far from Dragon-kind and Alayveon officially being isolated from most Human contact. The rebellion takes place about 5 years after the war. And Snek signed a treaty with the Griffins and they all have to live in the Northern parts of Alayveon with no exceptions after the rebellion too.
The main story takes place roughly (dont quote me on this) 18 years after the rebellion, And 23 years after the war. Alayveon has moved on from the damage and most structures have been rebuilt.  Before the war, Humans actually built a lot of castles and houses that Dragons now inhabit!
The ED serves as a way of checks and balances, like the branches in U.S government but without the old farts. However, its not all checks and balances with the ED being tasked with taking down criminals personally. Each Element has an assigned partner based on their Element. This will be explored in the comic when I get to the part though because this is getting pretty long! 
A character I have barely touched on, Axle fought in the war and rebellion. He is a tough cookie and has fought Falka one on one before and stood his ground  until backup came.
Aquallis has an unusual job and abandons his Elemental Dragon job for it. He makes some bad choices but with the new job meets Suzy, his soon to be wife. He’s very passionate for science but loves Suzy more. He makes a lot of sacrifices and its up to you guys if he’s a redeemable derg.
Toby who hasnt been seen yet, is a big baby. I really love him as a character but I cant nail his design AT ALL. Soo he’s bffs with Dew, the Dragon of life and grass, But Toby, is the ED of Death and is in charge of soul collecting. Despite their jobs being opposites they are very good friends. Toby has the power to cry and effect those nearby with soul crushing sadness. This power comes in handy due to him not wanting to hurt anyone and its used to slow down the enemy whilst another ED(Dew) takes them down.
My personal favorite character is Arkozo! He is a Griffin who has been shunned by both Dragons and his own kind. He lives in an icy forest and has created a reputation for his appearance. He has a run in with Falka in fact, and was personally asked to join Falkas army. He turns this down. Probably. His brother, though they have NO similarities is Aypr. Aypr is the king of the Griffin territory and is a tyrant. The Griffins are suffering god help them. its cold, they have no help, the war left them crippled financially and theyre run by a crazy lunatic.
But! Thats all I would like to say about most of my characters! Thank you so much for asking too! I hope you enjoy this informationnn!!
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opendoorlorien · 7 years
Two questions. One Kaze related, one not. Non Kaze first: How do you feel about Jakob. I know he's a jerk but i love him and i'm curious to hear what you think of him. Kaze related: How do you feel about Kaze and Rinkah?
1. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with Jakob. Like a few other characters, he’s kind of a character that I kind of like AS a character, but personality wise I could totally take or leave him lol. Like whether I like him or not depends entirely on my mood. But if you ever see me hating on him don’t take me too seriously because I dont actually really hate him.
Most people, of course, are bothered by him being kind of an asshole to a lot of the cast. I can understand why this bothers people and it is a legit reason to dislike him, but it actually doesn’t bother me that much because I know where he’s coming from and exactly why he acts this way. I’m not sure if the majority of people really understand this entirely but as we know Jakob has basically been abused his entire life. His parents were cold and loveless to each other and to him, and then they dumped him on the castle doorstep where he was taken in as a servant, but he SUCKED MAJORLY so he was then abused verbally and physically by the rest of the staff. When you keep all this in mind, Corrin was most probably the first person who ever showed him genuine kindness and gentleness. Which to him, rose Corrin to a level of a god in his mind. So because of all of his bad experiences with other people, I believe Jakob’s poor attitude and him being rude, cold and sometimes mean to others is actually a defense mechanism. Since he’s run into so many shitty people his entire life, I think he believes most people are no good. Like aside from Corrin who is an extraordinary exception, he has no reason to believe most other people wont be harsh and cruel to him like they’ve always been his entire life. So he pushes away most other people with a cold, cruel and harsh attitude of his own. He mistrusts people by default.
So when you look at it like that, his attitude kind of understandable, and for me it makes his attitude more tolerable. He’s kinda like a puppy dog that adores their master but barks at literally everyoen else. It’s kinda cute tbh. I also enjoy the supports where he’s nice to people like Hinoka’s and Azura’s (and I ship him with them tbh LOL. You know he faints in Azura’s S rank right I die). And at least Jakob is like upfront about his assholery and not weirdly selective about it like Silas is in his supports with Azura and Hana.
Also quickly unit wise– unfortunately I never end up using Jakob that much. He’s basically obsolete from the get go in Birthright since you start with Sakura and get Azama only a few chapters later (and the ninjas fill the dagger role better than he does too unfortunately). I find I got the best mileage out of Jakob in Conquest where he usually sticks around as a mainstay in my party until chapter 13 at least and is a pretty good asset in the earlier chapters like the Ice Tribe one. But unfortunately again when I end up getting better units further down the road in Conquest, one way or another Jakob just always ends up dropping off to the bench. I feel a bit bad about it but that’s how things end up going.
Also really quickly I guess I should talk about Jakob and Kaze. Yall may have noticed they’re actually kind of similar characters, and not really only with their devotion toward Corrin. I generally feel like Jakob is an meaner, fancier version of Kaze, it’s like he’s the negative Kaze lol. Personally I find Kaze more interesting than Jakob because all of Jakob’s development as a character happened BEFORE the game started so it happened OFF screen. We don’t get to see it, and are just told that it happened. This isn’t bad story telling in itself but for me it makes it difficult to immerse myself or emotionally invest in it. I find Kaze easier to latch on to because we get to SEE his development happen in his A rank with Corrin and a bit in BR ch 15. I do like Jakob to some effect tho. He’s an ok dude.
2. I guess you could say that I could rank every non Kaze/Corrin support on a kind of vague spectrum. And if we’re doing that, I would honestly put Kaze/Rinkah on the higher side of it. I kinda like these two together, but I don’t think that they could really work out well romantically, but more on that later.
First of all I do think they have a cute and funny support. Kaze is totally unbothered by Rinkah’s fire, and totally brushes off all her snippy tsundere rage at every turn. He can definitely see right through her and knows it’d probably be better for her to just indulge in eating sweets every now and again instead of denying it. I actually kind of like these two in a buddy buddy way I think. This is probably because they’re in a lot of chapters together. Like they both fight you in chapter 2, and then both rejoin you later in chapter 4. And in Conquest theyre together in chapter 12 or whatever. Even though they dont really interact in these later chapters, and just kinda show up, simply the fact that they show up together so frequently is enough for some people to try to tie them together in some sense. And it makes me see them as some level of natural good friends.
Okay now romantically (and this is really opinion and perspective based so bare with me) PERSONALLY, ROMANTICALLY, I don’t think they’d really work out that well. WHY? Okay well for Kaze we know that he is the type of person who likes taking care of others and improving their QoL. He does it in basically 97% of his supports, and he does it in Rinkah’s too. Kaze is a retainer and a servant and he’s been raised to serve his entire life. It’s not only his kind of duty and responsibility to take care of other people, but I honestly think he just generally likes doing it (I could go deep into a character analysis about this but that’s for another time I think LOL).
So romantically, this aspect of Kaze wouldn’t change. I think he would want to coddle and take care of his partner and just indulge them and make sure they would WANT FOR NOTHING. This is why I think he’s naturally attracted to girls like Sakura (like, I think Sakura is his “type” since he says he’s been crushing on her for a long time in their S rank) because Sakura, while she is strong and capable in her own way yes, also needs to be taken care of to some extent because of her anxiety issues and shyness ect. And she could definitely benefit a lot from Kaze’s loving and supportive nature. She’s someone who needs a good solid support to help her along and go through stressful things with her. Kaze is perfect in that role for Sakura.
But for Rinkah? Not so much. Rinkah doesn’t want to be coddled. I mean, YEAH, she indulges in the sweets that Kaze gives her throughout their support, but I don’t think she’s the type of person who wants to be babied and indulged too much. Like Kaze gives a specific kind of affection and I don’t think she’s the type of person, with her personality, to fully appreciate that kind of love that he wants to give.I mean, it’s even kind of heavily implied in their S rank with this line.
[[Kaze: You look disappointed. Perhaps you were craving more sweets?Rinkah: Ugh…Kaze: I suspected as much. Well then, our discussion can wait. First we must find you some treats.Rinkah: No, that’s OK. You’re not responsible for my stomach, you know.Kaze: Yes, but I like making sure you are content. If I could have it my way, you’d never suffer from anything ever again.Rinkah: That’s a little…weird. I can take care of myself, Kaze.Kaze: I know, but I’m afraid I can’t help it… I’m in love with you.]]
Rinkah is assertive and strong and dominant. She is fire. That’s one aspect of her personality that I don’t think will ever change. I’m not saying they would have a bad or unhappy relationship, (they’d probably find a balance eventually and fall into a kind of natural rhythm). But because of her natural personality she wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate the kind of love Kaze wants to give, imo. Like, his words to her up there are lost on her. BUT, like I said, that’s just my two cents on the entire thing.
Because of that, while I do like them together, and they are on the the higher side of the “Kaze supports spectrum” Rinkah wouldn’t be my first choice to S rank him to you know. I kind of like Rinkah with people like Ryoma who help her try to tone down and settle her anger, but is also on a similar level with her personality wise. THAT’S ALL I GOT
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