#personally i think its also bc my mercury and mars are in my 8th house .. conjunct saturn as well
rucow · 10 months
im the only person with an aries mars & mercury in my family, and out of everyone im the most softspoken and Quiet (i dont speak unless u ask me something very directly). its rly interesting to analyse stuff like this in real life, bc everything i read online about my placements says that im loud and yell a lot, which is just not true :') oddly enough, my mom (who has a pisces mars & mercury) is SO loud i have to actively tell her to speak quieter all the time. she also gets angry much faster than i do (instead of angry i just get exasperated and frustrated). idk its interesting to observe myself irl, in comparison to other ppl
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twistedastrology · 5 months
🪐 my take on the outer planets 🪐
saturn is constantly given a bad rap just because it does its job- saturn's placement in your chart isn't always a bad thing- it can signify difficulties in that area of your life, yes, but it can also tell you what you have unwavering resolve in (especially if you're saturn ruled or saturn is positively aspected)
for example, my saturn is in my 1st house in leo (cancer rising) and I've seen people say that saturn in the 1st house can indicate a fear of growing old or being lonely, whatever- my personal experience with this placement is, ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you i am fucking petrified of losing myself- losing my mind, losing who i am and dying early are my worst fears (dreams in which im dying are NOT the best ive ever had 😮‍💨)
but as a result of this, i know myself SO well. i do think saturn in the 1st house can indicate issues with finding yourself IF it's afflicted, which mine isn't (thank god 💔💔💔)
im also very scared of growing out of touch with the world around me- dont get me wrong, i love being a hermit, but if im ever that old man that can't understand trends or whatever and is overly cynical of younger generations... dawg- take me the fuck out 😕
uranus i LOOOOVEEEEE and i think it stands for so much more than just rebellion- my uranus has a LOT of power in my chart (so does my neptune but they're in mutual reception 😮‍💨) because my moon is cusped (1° pisces, but i feel both pisces and aquarius influence 💔), and it and my mercury im pretty sure are why i think backwards as fuck- (fun fact, my mercury is FIRMLY direct but it likes to act like it's in retrograde 💔💔💔💔)
but!! more interestingly, i have a very specific mental process where whenever im goin thru it, i cant stay goin thru it for a while- if my brain is fucked up for a little too long and i start getting pissed about it, my uranus takes over and legitimately propels me through the pain in almost an instant. i could be going through something for weeks and once i start getting pissed about it or legitimately bored of it, the next day it's like nothing ever happened BUT i still learned from it
ofc I have to do something to trigger that effect, which is where my mars in cancer comes in and i do a workout to tap into the physical catharsis and BOOM, go to bed and wake up the next day a new man 🙏🙏🙏 god bless 🙏🙏🙏
neptune Ok i am not entirely sure what made whoever said neptune is the higher octave of venus think that but I've never been able to see it. this might be controversial as hell but neptune is the higher octave of the moon to me and jupiter is the higher octave of venus. THAT BEING SAID-
neptune is an absolutely fascinating planet to me lately and im not sure why- i do have a couple transit aspects with it right now but ive wanted to write about it literally all day now- U KNOW i might love it so much bc it's in my 8th house actually that would make sense- ANYWAY-
neptune to me is the source of all the visions from god i get, especially my creative ones- (source: it came to me in a vision from god.) the moon is a very creative placement in my opinion (i have a WILDLY different idea of the moon that i can go over in another post), so neptune follows a similar current, but neptune is higher creativity, higher emotion, etc- it's the planet of spirituality and the absolute depths of our subconscious, like to the point of past lives, that's the kinda shit neptune fucks with
but because it's also the higher octave of the moon, to me it can absolutely represent addictions and vices, everything garbage- personally, my neptune isn't very afflicted at all but i also have a major lack of earth in my chart so i Do find myself experiencing classic neptune-based paranoia sometimes- fuck dude i went neurotic for a week at one point, that was some serious neptune delusion- But my uranus/saturn pulled me back from it, because like i said, saturn makes me petrified of losing myself, so those two joined forces like "ya this shit ain't cool actually take it out back and shoot it"
i might make a post on specifically neptune stuff soon and/or right after this bc the hyperfixation is hyperfixating 💔💔
pluto i FUCK with because it's such a soul searchy planet (my 8th house is very active so ofc i fuck with pluto) in the darkest ways and i love that shit- jonathan davis has his pluto in a fucking mastery degree (29° virgo) and i am to this day like 😦 over it- and it makes SO much sense for him to have PLUTO of all planets in a mastery degree- and i have mine in 26° sag so like im not that far behind... 💔
but dude that's mastery of some SERIOUS transformative powers- that's mastery of the wildly darker shit in life and that is so fucking tight to me- i value that kinda stuff more than anything dude- probably why korn is my fav band (been listening to them as i write this 😭😭)
one thing abt pluto that i DONT agree with tho, and this is more of a scorpio thing BUT i know everyone loves to say scorpios are the sexy signs but dawg... it's cancers... i swear 2 god it's cancers- i will write an entire fucking post on cancers and why i HATE everyone's interpretations of them bc everyone's like "cnanncers are cRYBbaueiis and tHyeyre the most emOtIknal siGnsns 💔💔💔" Bro. Bro. Bro dont do me like that for the love of god. that shit made me hate my rising sign for SO long and also not relate to it!!!! then i started doin my own research and found out "Oh fuck nvm im totally a cancer"
BUT if you look at pluto like the actual God- nowhere in his mythology (that I read anyway- i could be wrong i dont wanna act like i know everything) does it say anything abt him ruling over sex or sumn like that- but everyone says pluto rules over sex!!!!!! Where!!!!!!!!!!! dawg they said he was a god of abundance bc he ruled over the underworld and gems and stuff were found underground 😭😭😭
i do think pluto fucks with taboo shit though But back in the ye olden days when astrology was being developed, sex was not taboo at all, that's a new development that i think uranus fucks with more because uranus is a very future focused planet in my humble opinion
i could definitely keep writing but i think this is already a novel SO- to specify tho, this is all my opinion of the planets, ive read PLEEEEEENTY of books and stuff so by no means do i not know how this shit works, but my uranus makes me rip everything apart and make my own take so 💔
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geographerdose · 6 months
Solar return observations, v. Specific
Alright alright alriiiight
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It Twas the year of the ninth house of profection, they say
Residing there in the natal Twas Pisces and thus its ruler Jupiter which lied but in the first house in cancer
Exalted indeed but also mistreated by sir Saturn through the dreaded opposition
Thee say a challenging year lies ahead
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Let us now look at the solar return chart;
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And but who do we see leading the chart but sir Saturn again
Luckily he is comfortable and in good spirits in his domicile of Aquarius in one of the best houses
Aqua rising/first house Saturn —> in a night chart so most difficult planet but it’s actually in a good house! This year was difficult for me tbh.
So this solar return; my mars, Mercury and Venus were all conjunct my regular natal planets. I think this was actually quite difficult. One might be inclined to think, “oh those aren’t difficult aspects” but like that’s just WAY too much of the same energy in one place. It’s like just rubbing a sore spot over and over again or something, ugh or not even a sore spot per say just like makes your skin crawl the constant touching or something idk it’s that kind of energy.
Idk I know what it reminds me of: my first boyfriend was holding my hand, and he kept like circling his thumb over the lopsided “v” that occurs from where your index finger meets your thumb, and like I hate having that area touched. And he just like kept doing it and omg. I mean like I didn’t even know i hated that area touched and then it didn’t bother me at first but then he just kept doing it. (Until i finally was like alright stop lol it’s driving me crazy and he’s like what? That bothers you? Lol)
Also I noticed that with that moon in the 12th house in Capricorn, it falls in my seventh house and conjunct my natal Saturn. I had a painful 12th house synastry unrequited thing happen. It was confusing and I was just grasping bc my life was such shit. It was sad but luckily I can look back now and see it for what it was. That’s Saturn teaching harsh lessons.
Honestly this entire year was about harsh lessons. A lot of shit caught up to me this year.
Tenth house ruler mars conjunct Uranus and north node —> I truly thought that I found a new career path and that I could finally be my own boss. I was so excited. Turns out it was all just … not. False expectations. Wishful thinking. Naivety.
Also tenth house ruler square mars/6th house Lilith—> work life kinda majorly sucked this year.
Sixth house Venus/Lilith —> I spent a shit ton of time outside, whenever I could I would be out there walking, getting fresh air, taking in the gorgeous green trees.
Looking back at this year I can see that the planets actually played a big role in the people I met. The abusive f*ckboy Virgo stellium I met… I had 8th house Virgo Mercury in this solar return. But that’s not necessarily “enough” you have to consider your other planets too. Like we had Juno conjunct moon and other shit. Idk that was weird. This entire year really made me put a higher price on whom I let into my life tbh. I’m worth more than that and I don’t have to prove that I’m nice and a good person to anyone… i should have trusted my gut and told this dude to peace out from the get go. Eighth house can be tricky.
So can twelfth (another planet foretelling of someone I met). I’m just thinking in terms of overlays and looking back. Hindsight is 20/20 right.
Idk I think that’s it for now. Pretty sure no one reads these anyways so 🤷🏻‍♀️ ✌🏻
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radiant-reid · 2 years
no ok listen i’m so glad u ask about astrology i took the time to try to piece together a chart for him bc im crazy SO short story: i stuck with scorpio sun bc i like it and its popular, pisces moon but i’m flexible on it, virgo rising, scorpio mercury, capricorn venus, and virgo mars. virgo rising is a smart placement very… virgo idk. BUT that puts scorpio sun and merc in the 3rd house which is the house of knowledge!!! and intelligence!!! and scorpio sun/merc are also very observant and smart but still quiet. they keep things to themselves. pisces moon i decided on bc using the placidus layout for his chart i could throw it in the 8th house, pisces moon super emotional but the 8 house doesn’t know what to do with all that emotion. it keeps it in. bottles it up. cap venus but in retrograde bc that’s unlucky in love and like… i don’t gotta say it. also cap venus isn’t necessarily focused heavily on romantic love anyway. virgo mars but in the 2nd house instead of 1st (using placidus) i don’t have a reason for this i just think virgo mars is hot. hope u enjoyed my ted talk.
wow you win, this is dedication and i'm very impressed
i really know nothing about astrology but that is totally his personality !! especially that 8th house stuff and cap venus in retrograde
i gotta say, i really don't want him to be a virgo or aquarius for selfish reasons even though it makes the most sense because there is some bad history there, but I've come to the conclusion that i would be so incompatible with him lmao
also, i have no earth signs in my chart, what does that mean ?? like i'm totally imbalanced and a massive bitch ?
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astrobydalia · 4 years
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Relationship observations pt. II💘
Hello guys!! In honor of Valentine’s day here’s a part II of one of the posts you loved the most which is relationship observations. This one is pretty long which is what you guys preferred. Hope you like it!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
💘 People with pisces ASC/moon/venus, Venus in the 12th and Neptune in the 7th or conjunct the ASC-DSC axis: it’s so SO easy to make them feel guilty. The type of people to easily feel like it’s their fault when others mistreat them and bc of this they could be more prone to attracting abusive people and narcissists
💘 Also, nobody talks about this and I understand why bc Neptune can be very tricky planet but I think it’s worth mentioning that Neptune is a very spiritual planet that represents unconditional love and therefore can mean true love or a real soul connection so the ruler of the 7th house making an aspect to Neptune, Neptune in the 7th, Juno in the 12th, 12th house synastry etc. can mean true love and a real soul connection in marriage. HOWEVER true love and a real soul connection feeling can often be confused with delusions which is why this planet gets such bad press in relatioships and remember 12th house a lot of times is karma so PLEASE be careful
💘 Venus ruling the 7th, venus in the 7th or Venus aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates a strong desire to marry for love. Very possible that the person won’t marry unless it’s for love. This also indicates good marriage life
💘 If you don’t have this it of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry for love or won’t marry at all so don’t worry. What I’ve seen in people who don’t have this is they are quite independent when it comes to relationships, they don’t mind getting married but they don’t mind not getting married or staying single either. While people who do have this Venus influence could be low-key obsessed with getting married or having a commitment/relationship
💘 Mercury ruling the 7th, mercury in the 7th or Mercury aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates marring someone that is funny, someone you can always joke around with
💘 Don’t overlook Chiron in synastry. The house where someone else’s Chiron falls in your own chart could be where you feel like this person is a pain in the ass or where this person will help you achieve great potential
💘 Check Chiron in composite too, it represents where you may feel like you can never agree on or where you often agree to disagree
💘 Once you gain the trust of someone with Taurus Venus they are the absolute SWEETEST people ever
💘 Libra Venus love getting ready for someone special
💘 Check the ascendant in your Juno persona chart, it has some significance as to the energy around you meeting your spouse similar to a composite rising but more subtle energy. For ex. one of my friends has gemini rising in her Juno persona chart and she met her husband when we were in high school when she was about to be picked up by car and she was also holding books in her hands and when she saw him he was with his brother.
💘 The rising in the Juno persona chart also indicates appearance or overall vibe of spouse. For ex the husband of this friend I just told you previously (Gemini rising in her Juno pesona chart) has a very youthful and boyish vibe almost like a teenager he’s also very witty
>>>The actual composite rising you end up having with your spouse or the natal rising sign of your spouse doesn’t have to be the same as the rising of your Juno persona chart. I’ve seen this actually happening before but it doesn’t have to be
💘 In 4th house synastry specially with sun/moon/rising/venus, the house person will naturally see the planet person as a parent or a potential parent. Meaning, somehow the house person “judges” the planet person by deliberating how they’d be as a parent. With this overlay the house person naturally takes care of the needs of the planet person (said needs will be determined by the planet and sign in question) and that’s why the planet person will inevitably see the house person as a good potential parent
💘 There are lots of placements and asteroids that indicate your sexual turn ons but I think that the most potent ones are Lilith, Eros, your 8th house and the ruler of the 8th house. I’ve noticed that these represent specially erogenous zones for you and parts of the body you’re specially attracted to (aside from your kinks and stuff). For example Cancer: breast or nipple, Gemini: lips or hands, Taurus: waist and neck, Leo: hair or back, Sagittarius: hips or thighs etc.
💘 Mars can represent this too but what I’ve seen is that your mars represents more so HOW you like to have sex. It mostly represents how you like to physically approach the sexual act
  💘 8th house represents your sex style, the overall vibe or attitude you want in the sexual act. For ex you may like being dominant during sex with mars in Capricorn but want the sexual act to feel emotional and vulnerable with Cancer in the 8th or raw and fiery with Aries in the 8th
💘 Also, your 8th house is EVERYTHING when it comes to feeling satisfied sexually regardless of your kinks and turn ons. If you have sex that checks all the boxes for all your kinks/turn ons but doesn’t match up with your 8th house energy you will likely end up feeling low-key unsatisfied
💘 Couples with their moons in sister signs (or opposing moons) are either the perfect couple or a fucking disaster
💘 In my opinion, Sun-Moon, Sun-Sun or Moon-moon contacts in synastry are essential for a relationship to work out or last
💘 People with Juno retrograde are the MOST cautious when it comes to marriage, they could be a bit picky and often give the impression they’re not interested in commitment at all specially if it’s placed in Aquarius it gives huge Mr./Mrs Independent vibes
💘 Juno in a water sign gives player vibes, they are the type jump from person to person and likely have a long history of flings and flirting. These people have dated around A LOT and will only commit to that one person that truly manages to capture their heart deeply
💘 Juno in a fire sign are the type of people that wanna marry their crush two weeks or even days into meeting them. They often mistake “attraction at first sight” for “love at first sight”. The second they feel they have real good chemistry with someone they think it’s the love of their life
💘 Juno in an Air sign people need to feel like they really click with someone and they will want to commit only after really getting to know the person. They fall in love with the person’s mind first. They can easily un-crush someone in a second if they don’t like the person’s mind
💘 Juno in an Earth sign people are the most coutios when it comes to commitment. They migh deliberately delay marriage just to be SURE they are getting a reliable future and wanna be certain that it’s the absolute right time
💘 Before starting with the composite observations, you should know that synastry is the dynamic between two people but composite represents what the relationship really is, so that’s why on this post I’m focusing on composite
💘 I’ve noticed that the 2nd house in a composite chart indicates the “glue” or foundation of the relationship, its stability. Mars in this house could create a relationship based on sex for example, Venus a relationship based on love and affection, Saturn a relationship based on stability and compromise etc.
💘 4th house and moon in the composite represents the depths of the relationship. How you guys feel deep down about each other, how you make each other feel. This part of your relationship shows specially when you get true and honest with what are your real feelings
💘 Aquarius or Uranus in the 4th house, Aquarius moon or Moon conjunct Uranus in the composite creates a whole deal of emotional detachment for each other. Could be very emotionally cold to each other and one or both could see the other as insensitive specially if one of them has natal water or fire moon
💘 Aquarius Sun or risings in the composite however is huge best friend vibes regardless of the nature of the relationship. Moon conjunction Uranus can also get away with giving this vibe
💘 Virgos and Scorpios naturally find each other because they tend to have composite Sun in Libra :) So that togetherness and companionship energy is natural for them
💘 Aries moon in the composite chart is that type of relationship where any insult actually means “I love you”. Is that type of dynamic where one’s like “I love you, stupid bitch” and the other goes “🥰🥰” and then they both laugh
💘 Pisces moon in the composite is cute but also a bit tricky if afflicted, the couple could constantly feel they have to watch themselves in order to not hurt or offend the other, like constantly walking on eggshells. Needless to say also these relationships are very intuitive, if one or both are lying or hidding something (which often happens with this placement I’ve seen), the other just KNOWS
💘 Saturn in the 7th in the composite is very good aspect for staying together long-term but it can also mean that the couple is for some reason “forced” to be together or to see each other. They come together due to circumstances and not necessarily by choice (Saturn represents responsibilities, burdens or obligations). You have to look for indicators of love and romance otherwise it’s gonna be a relationship that stays together but more out of duty than real love
💘 Juno in the 4th house in the composite (specially conjunct some planet) is more indicative of marriage (or loyalty/compromise) than Juno in the 1st
💘 Vesta exactly conjunct South Node in the composite creates a STRONG soul-mate feeling and great devotion. These relationships are so long lasting the type where you just know you’re gonna be together your entire life
💘 Chiron in the 1st in the composite chart = feeling uncomfortable with each other, like you’re incompatible or like you don’t click together at all. Can also create a “can’t be together” vibe but not in a platonic Pisces way it’s more like there’s some incompatibility that can’t be salvaged and “stops” the couple from meeting/coming together or the relationship from taking place at least at first. Basically the relationship feels broken before even starting. The sign Chiron is in gives insight as to what’s the nature of this incompatibility.
💘 Saturn in the 8th in the composite = reluctance to have sex, one might have been sexually rejected by the other
💘 Chiron in the 10th in the composite = you don’t like working with this person. I have this with one of my best friends, we tried to run an IG page together and it was a disaster lmao
💘 Sun and maybe Venus in the 10th house in the composite indicates your relationship is source of gossip or at the very least everybody knows about your relationship
💘 If a composite planet or point falls in your natal 10th house then the relationship might affect your reputation
💘 The most harmonious and the most healthy relationships I’ve seen had empty 7th house empty 12th and empty 8th house in the composite. Literally 0 drama, 0 tensions, 0 codependency and surprisingly unbreakable (supported by other aspects of course)
💘 With that said the number 1 best house for synastry or composite in my opinion and based on what I have seen is the 9th house both friendship and relationship, also the 5th, 4th, 2nd, 11th, 3rd
💘 People who have your DSC sign as their moon sign will strike you quite strongly. Not necessarily their moon falling in your 7th or conjunct the DSC (tho this is stronger) I’ve seen that the fact that someone has your DSC sign as their moon sign is enough to create a little “crush” feeling or you feel like you can’t hate that person bc may see them as cute.
💘 The people I’ve seen that have gone through a harsh divorce mostly had in their natal chart: North Node in the 7th, Chiron in the 7th house, Saturn rx in the 7th house, Jupiter Square Uranus and planets or angles in Aquarius degrees (11°, 23°) specially if Venus or Moon are in these degrees or conjunct a planet that is in these degrees. These indicators can apply to breaking up a long-term relationship, breaking an engagement, etc. except probably Jupiter square Uranus. This one is particularly a divorce aspect specially in women’s charts. Also, side note, if Pluto or Uranus are involved, these people may have a devastating divorce or breakup 
💘 Composite planets in the composite 12th house can create a feeling like the relationship has an expiration date. One or both people are for some reason constantly anxious that the relationship might end. If they stay feeding these energy they’ll likely have a self-fulfilling prophecy
💘 Pisces rising in the composite makes for a very psychic bond. Could be the type of relationship where you’re thinking and wondering about them and boom they suddenly text you. These people are usually there for each other bc they intuitively know when to be
💘 This is probably a no-brainer but many life-long friendships I’ve seen had stelliums or planets in the 5th house-11th house axis or the 3rd house-9th house axis of the composite
💘 With Leo rising in the composite I’ve noticed these people always have very funny stories to tell about stuff they’ve been through and lived together. There’s a lot of “remember when...” followed by loud laughter. 
💘 North north node in the composite 5th house is a great placement
💘 6th house placements in the composite and synastry creates a dynamic where the two people and the relationship itself ends up feeling extremely predictable. The couple may find one specific routine or activity they like doing together or they always find themselves doing the same 3 activities every time they are together. This can be good or bad depending on what you want in a relationship, some people find it extremely boring or understamulating and others prefer it because it gives them a sense of stability or reliability
💘 Moon conjunct Chiron in composite is indicative of a healing relationship
Credit: Tumblr Blog @astrobydalia
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lilastromama · 3 years
Astro - Observations 🌽💛
A trait that i noticed a LOT in my beloved capricorns (sun) is lazyness, especially in things connected to school or work. Theyre highly intelligent - yet dont use their full potential and thats one weakness they have in my eyes. Its so frustrating to watch because u always know they could do so much better but they never see it in themselves. I dont know if those are unevolved capricorn traits but thats what i have experienced
strong 8th house influence and scorpio placements can make up for a "different" taste in music.
virgo and scorpio moons are similar in my opinion, like theyre extremely intelligent and also calculating / strategic. Theyre private people and are always making sure that u dont know more about them than they do about u
i feel like pisces is the sign that changes most based on in which placement it is. Like i do not vibe with pisces suns and mercuries, but pisces risings and mars can get it for me
i feel like taurus/cancer venus people tend be very controlling and jealous in relationships. Theyre possessive and definetely dont like to "share" whats "theirs"
people with their chiron in the 3rd house most likely got bullied in their childhood
sagittarius moon and risings got the hippie /stoner vibe and im jealous bc of it
I believe that the chiron placement is one of the most important but yet overlooked placements. Its so informative and really does help if u need any further information about someone
if your moon sign matches with their venus and/or mercury, communication shouldnt be a problem
am i the only person that noticed how pisces men often got a weird love/hate rlsp with their father?
air suns love saying it how it is to someones face and being right, it gives them a huge ego boost (their egos actually play overall a big role with them but lets not share the secrets)
libra in the big 3 or in venus give someone an amazing fashion sense and an eye for aesthetic and beauty. Theyre probably the go-to advice giver if people need an opinion based on everything that has to do with looks or decoration
strong earth (especially taurus!) placements make someone very insecure and sensitive to others opinions about them. Theyre constantly overthinkin stuff and thinkin about how they can better themselves
earth and water signs are besties and fire and air signs are besties also u cant change my mind
why do aries and leos share the same vibe? Its not even the same vibe, its just seems like aries stole a little of leos aesthetic and got all the credits
placements which might be into psychology are strong 8th/9th house, scorpio, gemini, taurus, libra and cancer
water dominant people arent crybabies and i hate ppl who let that stereotyoe grow further. Theyre intelligent and yes maybe sensitive, but in the way most people think. Theyre might sensitive to psychic/spiritual attacks/insights, also they tend to be highly intuitive
can we please swap scorpio + aquarius in the elements theyre in, im not okay with it not being gemini, libra scorpio and cancer pisces aquarius
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sixthwater · 3 years
☀️Stereotypical Astro Observations☀️
Some astrology observations that have already been stated but I need some serotonin because my job is sucking the life out of me with some gifs from spiderverse bc i love 💖
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🤍Fixed placements are ones that will not be able to hide their reaction to you being overly affectionate or close to them when they don't know you. Leo & Scorpio are more likely to give you a 😐 face while Taurus & Aquarius will hit you with a 🤨. Fixed placements have to give you the green light before you're allowed to just enter their space.
🤍Air & Water Risings might experience a lot of unwanted attention or struggle with surface level relationships. For Air Risings, they come off as very approachable and "pleasant" -- in a sense that they'll be very friendly and sociable. However they will most likely have their 7th & 11th house in fire signs (not afraid of confrontation, ego driven, daring, fast paced in a different sense) and their 8th house will be in an earth sign (more reserved, critical, has specific tastes). Whereas Water Risings will come off as emotional sponges--even Scorpio. Strangers feel like they can trust these people to understand any and all sort of emotional trauma they've went through and dump this on them without consent or warning. 1) Forgetting that these people have their own issues and 2) they will most likely have their 7th & 11th house in earth signs, and an 8th house in an air sign (scattered but critical thinking, curious). So when strangers think these ascendants are true to their personas and start to peel back to their fiery/earthy character that hides beneath and drop them, it can be very frustrating as fire influenced people care deeply and earth influenced people need stability.
🤍Meeting someone who shares your moon sign is another level of bonding. You could not know anything about this person but will slowly start to find out that you share a bunch of the same interests or niche hobbies. I recently met someone three (?) months ago and we like the same dumb mash-ups from youtube, react to drama the exact same way (jinxed many times), love musicals--and we only have the same moon.
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💛You can see why you admire certain celebrities by cross-checking your natal charts if available. I mainly recommend looking at their MC, ASC, Sun & whatever personal planet fits their career (moon & venus = creative expression, mercury = mind exploration, mars = physical output).
▪️Starting with me, we'll use Chester Bennington (it's unreliable but the other artists I admire don't...have a chart so). He has an MC in either Leo or Virgo (it's veerrryy late leo). A possible Scorpio ASC, Sagittarius Moon, and Pisces Venus. Meanwhile I have a personal planet and a DSC that would admire his MC. My Mars would also not be put off by his ASC since it sits in it's governed house and is used to its energy, and actually would be drawn to him instead. My MC matches his moon as well and wants to express itself as fluently as he did, which would explain why I admired him ♥. (also both cardinal signs)
▪️My roommate loves Jake Gyllenhaal. His MC is in Taurus, ASC is Leo. Sun & Venus in Sagittarius but his Moon is in Gemini! Makes sense. Whereas my friend has a MC & Mars matching his ASC. Her Venus is in Taurus, so she would like the way he presents himself. She has a lot of fire energy and loves Gemini Moons (has a lot of friends with these placements, can bounce their energy and thoughts around and doesn't get tired).
💛Libra Suns are interesting because they will usually be associated with their other personal placements instead of their sun signs. Even when they don't try to, they get put in situations where they have to put their interests to the side in favor of others. Since they don't get the chance to display their ego often, their other placements have a higher chance of being caught. If you give them room to actually voice their thoughts or catch them one on one, you'll be able to pick up on those Libra qualities.
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💚I know I always mention this, but the combination of placements in your chart can really affect how you come off to people. I have a friend with a sun, rising, and moon all in fire placements, but their mc & dc are in air signs, so it cools that energy down a lot and that intensity doesn't come out as much as you'd expect it to. I just think this part of astrology is very Neat
💚Hate to be like, super stereotypical but Scorpio placements seriously do get put through a series of trials and tribulations in order to be comfortable in that energy (ego, emotions, communication, etc). When underdeveloped, these people have a tendency to keep themselves stuck in place and choose situations or people that are not so great for them and feel like they are "unlucky". However, with developed energies these people will notice this behavior and fix it, but can find themselves getting caught in shitty situations anyway thanks to outside forces. It can make the person feel like the world is against them.
▪️Someone with the Sun might experience situations that will force them to explore their own ego and gain confidence within themselves because others either tore them down or those that should have given them support did not. This creates that silent confidence and 'alluring' energy that people associate with Scorpio Suns since they had to build their confidence quite literally from the ground up sometimes.
Venus is associated with bad luck because...it has it LOL. Scorpio Venus has undying loyalty and tenacity in love to a fault, which can be taken advantage of, and in my opinion they will be given situations that are testing whether or not the person wants to run themselves ragged over the connected or wait for something better. I remember talking to a friend, witnessing all of their failed relationships and going 'Damn you gonna get a good one soon or what'. So if you're dealing with a Scorpio Venus who has a grip around their vulnerability this is probably why.
It's also one thing to note that Scorpio is associated with the card Death, and these events (I think) are given to these placements as a way to help them transform themselves and discover different parts of themselves to either evolve or become a better version of themselves. It can do it in a softer way but whatever
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fockinastro · 4 years
astro observations
a/n: most of these are personal observations or theories lmao so pls don’t bully me too hard but yes i love astro observations--also, if u believe i took your comment/observation without credit, please reach out and let me know! i have no problem including you in my post (or taking it down if u ask :))
this may be obvious but i’ve noticed that people with retrograde planets tend to have difficulty expressing its energy; eg. mercury retrograde people may have difficulty communicating or may stutter or find it difficult to put things into words, etc. 
venus in sag in the 6th may manifest as having a difficult time with the idea of settling down to one job/career for the rest of their life
i’ve noticed that lilith in 8th & neptune in 8th tend to not fear the idea or concept of death or just think it’s so natural that it doesn’t make them uncomfortable to think about
some astrologers say that having your sun sign in its fall (libra) or detriment (aquarius) may make it harder to relate to your sun sign or express its energy which i find to be true (personally)—this is also true bc these two signs are people signs meanwhile aries & leo are self-centric signs
i think every astrologers opinions differ on this but i think that 0 degrees can manifest as taking some/a little bit of its previous sign’s energy (the same concept as the anaretic/29 degree) eg. 0 degrees taurus may have a speck of aries energy but i can definitely see how the 0 degrees manifests as the purest form of that sign
i believe degrees definitely affect a person’s personality and how that planet/house/sign is expressed
for example, my brother has a 28 (cancer degree) degrees aries moon and i know aries moons get bad rep for being out of control with their emotions and explosive but he’s literally the most emotionally intuitive & intelligent person i know--he’s also literally so mellowed out (and he’s a LEO so...)
gemini & virgo moons (or even other placements) tend to blend well together even though they square one another; this is because they are both ruled by mercury
same concept goes for aries/scorpio; libra/taurus; sag/pisces imo
i personally just think that because they are co-ruled, it makes it easier to have similarities to get along
a mix of aquarius & virgo makes for an person that’s super hard on themselves and also very nonchalant or ‘unfeeling’ or maybe even monotone
my best friend has this placement and she is definitely this emoji -> 😐
this is a gimme but gemini/virgo/6th house creates such an anxious person; like they are overcome with so much anxious energy that they have a tendency to overthink, worry too much and be unable to sit still
18th degree MC can manifest as physical & mental illnesses due to your career
‘working yourself to death’ vibes, especially if it’s in a cardinal or earth sign since cardinal takes the initiative to do things and earth signs are stubborn and fixated on what they are getting out of their work
some may not realize this but the second house can represent self-esteem and i’ve noticed having pluto there may make you a very insecure person
other things that may affect your self-esteem would be taurus degrees/energy in chiron, lilith and malefic planets such as pluto
mars & moon in the same house may create difficult feelings or aggression towards that house’s theme but the moon may mellow it out or create feelings of obligation
for example: mars & moon in 4th may create discourse with your family but moon in 4th can show feelings of obligation to your family (back and forth situation)
don’t hate me for this but i’ve noticed undeveloped taurus moons are so manipulative and people tend not to notice this aspect because they are ruled by venus which can be easily overlooked but i be hella skeptical about taurus moons so...
i used to think aquariuses were super open-minded (and they are!) but being a fixed sign does make them fixated on their own opinions but they are very good about listening to what other people have to say--they just won’t agree with you if they don’t agree with you
this is also probs obvious too but i’ve noticed that people that have intercepted charts and whatever sign and/or planets they have there tends to have a hard time expressing that aspect or they may be confused about that part of themselves
for example: aries/libra interception can point to having difficulty expressing these energies or you can attract these types of energies/signs into your life
another example: venus & mercury can manifest as difficult expressing/obtaining love & communication/thoughts
an astrologer stated that they include the second part of the degree and i can see how that part comes into play--i need to do more research on this but i do think it takes an effect on someone’s chart/personality
an example: 5′44 degrees virgo moon makes them also have this leo & scorpio aura which i can definitely see how it comes into play
this might also be another reason (aside from house placements and other aspects) how certain asteroids or generational planets affect people differently even if they may be in the same sign or house, etc. 
saturn in the 7th house brings about lots of struggles and lessons in terms of romantic relationships and these people may have to wait a while before being able to find the right person to settle down with
i’ve noticed having leo placements/degrees/house can really illuminate a person’s personality due to the sun’s effects--it gives a showy/braggy energy but also very warm and creative vibe
rip to people with opposing sun & moon signs bc i know that's gotta be tuff
scorpio & sagittarius mercuries i’ve noticed are similar in the sense that they are super blunt and tend to have no filter
i think whichever house you have leo in can indicate a talent for that house’s theme
for example: leo in 3rd can show a talent in communication or leo in 7th can indicate a talent for finding romantic partners
this is all i have for you guys tonight lmao enjoy!
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geminihalos · 4 years
Astro Analysis pt.2
Back at it again with a different family member’s chart, but this time it was upon request. I promise that I will start posting about famous ppls charts and why they are like the way they are. If yall want a specific famous person’s chart analysis then please take your time to comment on this post by putting a name in there.
Alright so the family member that i’m putting on the spot today is my own father.I ask for my family’s permission before posting anything relating to such matters.
I’m going to be quoting him a lot lmao bc its too iconic to leave out.
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☀️Sun in Leo + Sun in the 10th house: Is in general very Confident and loud. Sometimes has no filter and is a huge lover of art, especially cooking. He expresses himself fully through his career which is also MC in Leo, meaning he is meant to be a leader. There is a sense of enjoyment in being generous and having a reliable reputation. Has a big heart, but won’t hesitate to cut away the unnecessary. Tiny bit of spoiled brat energy, but won’t admit it.
☀️ Ya’ll ever notice that Leo placements also love video games, and are very good at it. Ex: my own father, my cap brother with the leo rising, my aries archnemesis with a leo moon. All of ‘em love playing video games and spend hours grinding on getting the xp and the dubs.
☀️ Scorpio moon + moon in the 12th house: this placement is what makes him the easiest to talk to in my opinion because he understands the emotions and wisely handles them because this placement if highly developed. Scorp moons claim they don’t cry often, and he himself believes that crying is useless and he’d rather think about what to do next instead of moping around. Vague descriptions of how he feels, and enjoys deep convos.
☀️The 12th house is linked to the past life, the secrets, and subconscious, which means that he hides his emotions fairly well, and they’re well controlled with scorpio in there. Is aware of what’s going on inside his emotional nature. Reflective when developed and he has an innate desire to reach enlightenment. makes sense bc 12th house is linked to spirituality. Fuels the generosity and calms the ego.
☀️Mercury in Leo + Mercury in the 9th: once again very loud, but loves jokes and is very comedic. Satire humor because of scorpio influence. Naturally charismatic voice, knows how to command people in a socially acceptable way, and always has a tendency to talk over people to get his point across first. Strong in his beliefs and points especially bc mercury is in the 9th.
☀️ Mercury in the 9th makes him direct his logic to the way of life and helps him find ways to set his morals geared towards finding emotional freedom. See how this connects with scorpio moon in the 12th? Often talks about the philosophy of life and is bent on finding as much knowledge as possible, a natural scholar of life. Fun, loud, and confident. (his life path is 7: the investigator and knowledge seeker path)
☀️ Venus in virgo + venus in the11th: makes for a witty person and it's true that people with this placement prefer modest, savvy, clean, and sophisticated people. That’s why he married my mother (a capricorn in the VIRGO decan). Is conversational and loves to share knowledge (”useful and life-changing knowledge” as he puts it) when he’s bring social. 
☀️Venus in the 11th makes him loved by society, and once again can attract people’s attention. People find him generous, thoughtful, and quirky, which are the classic Virgo traits being expressed through Venus. Although his angsty Scorpio moon makes him preach introversion, he can talk to people just fluidly, and they like him.
☀️ Mars in Cancer + Mars in the 8th: Is passive aggressive and hard to anger for real, but once someone does trigger him, he gets explosive with his words and saying hurtful things in the moment. Once again like my cap brother but more heated. Actually good at tennis; ppl with mars in cancer are good at tennis like Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, and Refael Nadal. 
☀️Likes to make people rage quit for the fun of it when playing competitively. “we have to make sure he doesn’t know we’re pros” he said, “why” I said, “because I want to destroy him and make him think he has another chance of beating me... just for me to destroy him bahahahah” (applies to video games and tennis)
☀️ The 8th house rules the secrets, the hidden, and also financial deals/transformations. What this means is that he directs his energy towards taking calculated risks when it comes to material wealth instead of managing/keeping it which is 2nd house specialty. Does stock market investing and claims that investing came natural to him (”it was in my blood” lmao). Lowkey Scary because his financial strategies are risky, but it takes strong guts to execute. 
☀️ASC in Scorpio with Uranus in the 1st: Lots of confidence here guys. Uranus rules Aquarius whose sign is opposite to leo. Therefore, he appears like he has a god complex since aquariuses can be louder and more narcissistic than even Leo. But then again, he has leo placements... oof. He comes across as someone quiet, strategic, and intimidating, but he has a distant and aloof look as well.  
☀️MC in Leo: Born to lead and forge his own path. He was given so much leeway and freedom to innovate and find his own way, that he matured very quickly without the help of his parent (aquarius in the 4th). The leader who shines, but with the scorp energy, he prefers to be more secretive and work behind the scenes.
☀️Fixed Dominant: “i’m so adAPtaBle what are you tAlKinG about” *proceeds to argue with my brother about why going this road is faster than the other even though he’s clearly wrong*
☀️He looks up to feminine sun signs a lot bc of his virgo venus and scorp moon: ex- Warren buffet (virgo), Bill gates (scorpio), John D Rockefeller (cancer). 
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virgosaturn · 6 years
happy + long marriage synastry study 💑💒🕊✨
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a little intro if you missed me posting about it: my parents have been happily married for nearly 30 years and were high school sweethearts. i cannot possibly deny that there are astrological reasons that they have been able to make it this long and still so happy. through everything - all the challenges - they’ve stayed committed and together. i wanted to share my findings with you guys. enjoy. x
house overlays
♡ my father’s sun/neptune in my mother’s 12th
neptune is in its home here. talks of dreams and spirituality as well as romance is naturally occurring. my mother has always idolized my father.. literally since she was 16 and this is because he seems to be an answer to her dreams & a built in part of her subconscious desires. my father always felt at home with my mother and felt that this was the one person he could spill his dreams and less shapely side into. hence, the sun seeps in, too. my father feels like my mother truly gets him and always has. he was instantly drawn to her because of this. 12th house overlays are said to be karmic and deep connections because of the complex and soulful nature of the 12th house. it is also so connected to our dreams and subconscious and possibly past life. having the core personality (sun) falling in someone else’s 12th house can really bring up the subconscious and it can be uncomfortable, but ground breaking. having a planet in its natural house typically indicates natural understanding and easy flow as well as, in this case with neptune and the 12th house, affection.
♡ my mother’s sun/mercury/juno in my father’s 5th
fun! excitement! energy! affection! having multiple planets/asteroids fall in someone’s 5th house means all of those things. my mother makes my dad’s days.. better! she lightens his mood and reminds him to enjoy the finer, lighter things. she dares him to go out and explore, have goofy fun. my mother makes my father more affectionate than he naturally is. with 5th house overlays, there is a lot of touchiness and dates! my parents still go on frequent date nights to hot spots around town - that is this energy working. with the presence of juno here, my father fell in love with my mother because of how she made him feel when they first started dating, how she was around children, how she was when they went to fun events and had casual fun. he loves that she can still keep him guessing and keep him more than entertained and that she makes him feel special and gives him all the cuddles!
♡ my mother’s venus & north node in my father’s 6th
my mother feels highly inclined to show her love through acts of service for my father. she is more inclined to take care of the daily, boring work so that he doesn’t have to. she wants to make him physically comfortable and create a beautiful, tranquil daily/home life for him. when he has a bad day, so does she. she is immensely committed and devoted. my father naturally connects to her dream world, while also helping her connect to the real world. 
♡ my mother’s mars and chiron in my father’s 7th
ah, the 7th house. it’s interesting to find two very different planets here, especially in synastry. my father loves my mother’s insatiable, fiesty energy and motivation. he also may see her wounds pretty dead on and did so early in their relationship. this makes sense to me because my mother underwent a death in the family while my parents were still dating. my father was my mother’s rock during it and has always been her rock when she is dealing with very harsh emotional distress. he is intrinsically there for her, as the themes of her trauma are right in line with his “relationship house”; it feels right to him to be there for her. 
♡ my father’s saturn in my mother’s 4th
let’s just say: my dad is a highly structured man and is especially so about his children and household, while my mother isn’t. my father did not want pets for a long time, so my mother did not get to have pets. my father almost did not want to have children and he is very anal about how things run in our house. it’s difficult for my mom and is one of the main things they get into riffs about. this is certainly a hard place for saturn to fall. my mother sometimes feels she has to alter the way she would naturally want her household to be/keep it up to my father’s “standards”.
♡ my father’s vertex, north node, and moon in my mother’s 5th
reoccurring multiple 5th house overlays! having these both ways must be significant. instant attraction based on my mother’s fun, flirty, casual romantic side. feeling emotionally fulfilled by my mother’s affection, joy, interests, entertainment. no shortage of fun here, just as my mother’s sun/mercury in my father’s 5th suggests! having multiple 5th house overlays both ways can indicate overemphasizing the fun aspects of the relationship and brushing off the more serious parts, which can be harmful and indicate short term over long term. (clearly that did not stand in their way & there is a lot of other overlays to combat this)
♡ my father’s jupiter in my mother’s 9th
jupiter is happy here (the second planet to be in its most desired house.). this can indicate helping each other broaden their horizons and always seek to more deeply understand the world around us. shows interest in talking about philosophical and spiritual things, and having an optimistic outlook towards most things together. 
♡ my mother’s moon, pluto, & south node in my father’s 12th
so not only is there double 5th house overlays, there is also double 12th. these are all extremely important planets/points in synastry. for them all to fall in my father’s 12th, it could indicate some feeling of vulnerability that my mother probably does not feel with most, like he sees right through her in both a good and bad way. bad because it can feel like this person has narrowed you down too simply and sees all your flaws immediately, good because they probably get you in a way you’ve always wanted to be understood. you are in their subconscious and as the planet person unlock it, so to speak. all their dreams, fears, hidden desires, deepest secrets come pouring out. this is especially intense and true for moon and pluto placed here. having south node here is interesting, as the nodes and the 12th house are both karmic/can be tied to past lives. it may be especially likely my parents connected in a past life or that they were meant to find each other and help each other make their way out of the dark. 
♡ my father’s venus, uranus, and pluto in my mother’s 10th
to say my mother looks up to my father is an understatement and this only proves that. he is the ideal lover that she secretly crushed on and that she did not expect to show any interest in her. she loves the way he thinks and expresses his uniqueness. and she sees the strength in his intensity (as well as feels it in herself bc natally she has pluto in the 10th). my father loves the feeling of her awe and adoration and it really builds his confidence and makes him feel as if he could do anything. my father helps my mother’s confidence as well especially career and image wise. he may have been rather drawn to the way she looks and put a lot of emphasis on it. 
♡ my father’s mercury and juno and south node in my mother’s 11th
friends first. loving each other’s minds. enjoying each other’s intelligence, the way they think specifically about politics and societal issues. my parents are in total agreement politically. they have similar things to say about issues. my father loves the way my mom is in social surroundings, loves her wit and unique qualities that make hers stand out. he fell hard for her brain and they way she uses it to insert herself into the world. 
♡ my father’s mars in my mother’s 2nd
protective, traditional, and clingy. my father feels he needs to protect my mother and loves her feminine qualities. they have traditional gender roles (and they’ll both always defend it). my dad wants to take care of the finances and loves buying my mom nice things. he gets angry at her when she spends too much. he is more sensual with her than anyone else. they are always together and can be rather needy for each other. 
♡ my mother’s asc in my father’s 2nd, dsc in my father’s 8th
my mother first noticed my father’s sense of style and self worth when they began dating. she loved how he valued himself and what he placed value on. he adores and wants to understand more deeply who she is behind the surface and as they became more and more intimate, he knew she was right for him. this worked vice versa as well. 
♡ my father’s asc in my mother’s 10th, dsc in my mother’s 4th
my father seemed absolutely ideal to my mother, her dream man (combine rising in 10th with venus in 10th). he seemed out of reach and she sought to impress him for a long time, but came to realize my father loved who she naturally is, how she was raised, and saw himself building a life with her. 
♡ some commonalities: 5th house overlays both ways, 12th house overlays both ways
💘 father’s sun conjunct mother’s neptune and ascendant. mom idealized him. instant attraction both ways. 
💘 father’s moon opposite mother’s jupiter and conjunct mother’s saturn. mom at times feels constricted because of the way my father expresses emotions. dad feels pressure to live up to mother’s expectations
💘 father’s mercury trine mother’s venus, conjunct mother’s jupiter, and opposite mother’s saturn. sweet words, lively conversation, and a hint of seriousness
💘 father’s venus trine mother’s mercury, conjunct mother’s uranus and pluto. more sweet words, an electric love, an obsessive love
💘 father’s mars trine mother’s moon, square mother’s mars and uranus, and trine mother’s pluto. naturally comforting, different energy levels, combative on certain issues, and intensity
💘 father’s jupiter opposite mother’s sun and venus, conjunct mother’s moon. dad feels restricted sometimes, also feels fuller with her in especially how she expresses emotion
💘 father’s neptune square mother’s sun. bad kind of illusions
💘 father’s pluto conjunct mother’s moon. intense, powerful, uniting, aggressive. easily hurt feelings and easily arising power struggles. 
💘 father’s ascendant conjunct mother’s uranus and pluto. instant attraction. love for how mom is different and intense.
💘💘 tightest aspect: mother’s chiron conjunct father’s dsc at .04 degrees. healing through love
💘💘💘 some themes: many conjunctions and oppositions, mixture of easy and hard aspects, many aspects to the ascendants/descendants, prominent involvement with outer planets, especially jupiter and uranus, both ways aspects: sun-neptune, mercury-venus
some notes/big takeaways
💌 my dad’s dominants: Taurus, Libra, Scorpio | Water, earth | Venus, Pluto, Saturn | 2nd, 1st-7th (tie) & my mom’s dominants: Pisces, Virgo, Aries-Gemini-Scorpio (3-way tie for 3rd) | Water, earth | Neptune, Pluto, Venus | 3rd, 4th, 10th
they have two of the same dominant planets, one of the same dominant signs, and have the same dominant modalities
💌 they have a lot of involvement with outer planets in their aspects
💌 the 5th house and 12th house are most prominent between them
💌 chiron conjunct dsc is their tightest aspect
💌 their house overlays involve both typical romantic houses (4, 5, 7, 8, 12) and typically nonromantic houses (9, 10, 11)
💌 they have both of their ascendants aspected by the other’s planets
💌 their dominant houses are involved in synastry quite heavily (which can feel rather natural bc that means our natal dominant houses are the same/similar to our synastry ones)
hope you enjoyed! please follow, like, and/or reblog if you did. 
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Tagged Game 💕
Tagged by @rkkive hello!! 💕💕💕💕 thank god you mention it in our chat bc there wasn’t a notif showing up for it in my?? activity thing?? :(( so I scoured your blog for it and voila!! 💕💕 I didn’t even know what we’re doing but I guess we’re doing this now!!
Basically it’s placements from each sign that I would love to date uwu
Aries Sun | MOON | MERCURY | Venus | Mars
im a hore for any aries placements lets be real but my fav (all my ex’s have) Aries Moon (and 2/?? has venus) so its!! #confirmed i love them  
Taurus Sun | Moon | Venus
Depends on other placements as well but yeah... Love Taurus Sun (usually) theyre SO nice, but ones who has water in them.. usually, Pisces? Fantastic, lovely, I love them. 
Gemini Sun | Mercury | VENUS | RISING
Listen... I just love gemini venus yes sure we have opp venus but I just?? really enjoy their company and what we talk about and stuff ok?? Gem stellium are amazing... Gemini Rising, amazing. Adore them. 
Cancer Sun 
My mum’s one... one of my best friend’s one.... this is opp to my sun and you’ll be in my 8th house so *finger guns* please consider. 
Leo SUN | MOON | Mercury | VENUS | Mars
Love Leos..anyone who’s a leo anything honestly, but like ya gotta treat them WELL well y know and its like... I lov them, but CAN I take care of them well??
Virgo Sun | Moon | Mars
I’m a virgo mars... you’re a virgo mars.. we’re both virgo mars. Hurrah! Love Virgo Suns as well... same energy, i get you.... Virgo Moons im learning to love better but they are?? welcomed 
Libra SUN | MERCURY | Venus 
Libra stelliums are actually!!! 💕💕💕 depending on other placements as well, sometimes its like yes, lov them theyre amazing 💕💕 OR like yes, pls communicate w/ me and actually talk to me.... so it depends on the person themselves...but i have never met a Libra who isn’t good at giving advice?? 
Like yes we’re square signs but Libra SUN in particular gets my head into shape and like ... actually talk logic back to me and it reaffirms/ reassures my?? rational/logical side so much?? Libra Mercury as well... literally all my close friends and some ex’s have Libra Mercury??  
Scorpio Sun | MOON | VENUS | Mars | Rising
Opposite Moon but also jus??? Y know I don’t think I’ve ever met a Scorpio Sun I do not like?? For some reason I keep thinking they’re a Cap or something.. but most of my Scorpios DO have caps somewhere or have Scorp Venus and they are 💕💕💕 
look theyre ROMANTIC at heart but also like, they like it when you’re roasting them/intimacy like that for some reason?? 
And if they’re undeveloped, they’re never growing up. So look for the ones who transforms as they go/grow and isn’t afraid of that ~internal transformation~ as well 
Sagittarius Moon | Venus | Mars | RISING 
Im looking for a big heart and big assets. Physical assets. 
Ngl i haven’t dated one but maybe I’ve dated a Sagittarius rising.  
Capricorn SUN | Moon | Mercury | Venus | MARS
my own signs... i probably wouldnt date a capricorn rising?? But I HAVE dated a Cap stellium and it was 👌
They have some fire in them though like aries moon and sag rising (and i think aries venus) but yeah it was good. Would do it again. 
Aquarius Mercury | Mars 
Aquarius Sun depends on their Moon skjnsknskn but yeah idk about this one tbh?? the ones I know (crushed on) had Pisces somewhere in there as well... or a Leo somewhere in there.. and they are great
Pisces Sun | Venus 
Love them... Love a lot of them...have plenty of Pisces friends... but am I GOOD for them??
Maybe winning placements?
Libra Sun | Aries or Capricorn Moon 
Virgo Sun | Aries Moon 
Scorpio Sun | Capricorn Moon
Pisces Sun | Scorpio Moon (+ Capricorn stuff as well) 
Capricorn Sun | Aries Moon (*add more fire placements here in Venus) 
Virgo Moon
Gemini Venus or Rising 
Scorpio or Aries Venus
Sagittarius Rising 
Anyone who’s interested in doing this, please do! 💕 I’m going to tag @kai-tashi @myblurryreality @witchcastors-- if u dont have time/want to do this!! that’s fine too dont worry about it 💕💕
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