#im just babey really
rucow · 7 months
im the only person with an aries mars & mercury in my family, and out of everyone im the most softspoken and Quiet (i dont speak unless u ask me something very directly). its rly interesting to analyse stuff like this in real life, bc everything i read online about my placements says that im loud and yell a lot, which is just not true :') oddly enough, my mom (who has a pisces mars & mercury) is SO loud i have to actively tell her to speak quieter all the time. she also gets angry much faster than i do (instead of angry i just get exasperated and frustrated). idk its interesting to observe myself irl, in comparison to other ppl
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he is just. so shaped. so so so So shaped.
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twiyke · 1 year
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silly au where hunter can also see the other golden guards but all they do is annoy him
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Companies nowadays are getting SO comfortable asking for our social security numbers.
Like why tf does Optimum need my social to install wifi? They're just an internet provider, they don't need my social. I don't care that the last people living at my location didn't pay their bill, there are a dozen other ways to prove that I'm not them without me handing over my social.
Anyway, hot tip, legally you can refuse to give your social security in unnecessary cases like this. If a company needs to prove that you are who you say you are, they have alternative ways to do so.
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cayennecrush · 1 month
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[<< previous] jackie gladly accepts evangeline's offer 🤤
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freezebobs · 2 months
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I've been working on this comic for a little while, decided to finally call it done!
For context, they're eating fried dace with salted black beans, a salty canned food consisting of fish & fermented black beans in oil. Most of the salt is in the black beans, making them yummy but indulgent. It's a cheap & easy sort of Chinese comfort food.
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spearxwind · 6 months
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adhbabey · 10 months
Me and my best friend were talking about this, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. She told me it was an autistic experience, so if anyone else can confirm or give a name to this, it would be good.
I've found myself experiencing quite a bit of shyness when it comes to media other people would like me to try, and media that either of us would want others to try. And I've noticed this particularly when I change my mind on something.
Like not wanting to watch something until seeing something I like, and going back on "never wanting to watch" that thing. And I feel a lot of shame and shyness when that happens.
And I think it might be associated with rigid thinking, and/or being unable to move outside of our comfort zones. And just feeling like I'm unable to enjoy things unless I choose to.
And I haven't really found a particular word or symptom name to correlate this experience. So if you've experienced intense shame and embarrassment when trying new things like a show, series or game, reblog this post and talk about your experiences. I hope one of you at least has a word for this.
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volivolition · 1 month
has anyone considered the fact that im the most tired boy in the world.
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hailsatanacab · 10 months
close enough to be whole again || chapter 18
🎊 new chapter update new chapter update new chapter update 🎊
#dpxdc#dpxdc fic#dcxdp#dcxdp fic#desktop tumblr lets you edit links to put a title instead of 'show chapter' but mobile doesnt 😭😭😭#oh hello guys how are you i didnt see you there!!#dont mind me just casually dropping a chapter after........... too many months being inactive#im so sorry#ive been trying to get the other writing ive got going out of the way but like#theyre all turning into monsters too!!#idk how i feel about this chapter :/#the next chapter is going to have to undergo major rewrites before its posted#but! BUT! ive got a solid idea of where it goes after that so thats good news!!#because i was really stumped for such a long while#....... now i just gotta write it tho haha#after my holiday!! then its fic time BaBey!!!#poor danny in this chapter - poor damian too#at this point damian isnt necessarily against the idea of ghosts being (he knows ghosts are real!) its just more of a#'if ghosts arent real than danny is just confused and hes not dead please hes not dead dont let him be dead' sort of situation#ya get me?#promise they will talk about it and it will get better#just..... its gonna be a few chapters 😬#also in an earlier draft danny called dan a little bitch but damian misinterpreted it as danny calling damian a little bitch#and that was so funny to me - BUT to me it read more in damian's way so like i didnt want danny to get readers like that too#so i took it out but i kinda wish id left it in because its Funny#uh hmmm what else............... bruce sure is surprised about ghosts in amity huh#thats the trouble with writing Smart People#for i am Not Smart#BUT i do know the plot so that helps!!#anyway!! im at limit so let me say thank you for waiting ily all and i hope you enjoy it!! ily ily ily and thank you thank you thank you 🩷
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 9 months
Anyway prohibitedwish dark medieval mystery drama au. The story is interjected every so often by prismo and scarab arguing over what should happen next
#random thoughts#adventure time#over time scarab learns to accept when things dont go his way (especially when prismo has a very good idea)#and prismo gets help working through his depression through the beauty of creating with another person (euphamism for gay sex lol)#hey prismo why do you want to collab with scarab hmm? to create life with another man? pretty gay it does seem#anyway in the beginning they argue because scarab wants stuff to go his way#and prismo keeps bringing up bad ideas and wanting to put jake-esque characters in everything#prismo is. not very creative#anyway their universe ends up following a sheriff and a self-declared wizard in the late-12th century (so around robin hood times)#as the sheriff hunts down a group of bandits#(prismo ends up really liking the bandits and thinking the sheriff sucks balls for hunting them down and scarab's like you just dont get it)#the self-declared wizard is very much a conman hawking snake oil (i do NOT sound like that is. very commonly interjected by prismo)#there is no magic. prismo keeps trying to put magic in there. scarab keeps shutting him down#scarab ends up trying to kill off the wizard for a dramatic moment and prismo gets upset about it#'it's a tragedy! it's supposed to be sad!' 'but WHAT IS THE POINT??? it's just tragedy for the sake of tragedy!'#'if your plan this whole time was to make me upset then congrats!!! you made everyone's friend prismo upset. im gonna do something else now'#prismo disappears and scarab feels. bad. it doesn't feel good.#eventually prismo comes back in to apologize for getting too into the story and leaving in a huff and shit and surprise!!!#the wizard is still alive! scarab LISTENED and he CONCEDED and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BABEY!!!#now the ending of the story they were trying to tell is more bittersweet instead of a full-on 'everyone's dead or sad' thing#btw the sheriff and the wizard end up kissing and prismo and scarab are both VERY awkward about it#scarab still likes dark edgy stuff but he recognizes the universe he created with prismo is a SHARED project and he's been kind of a pill
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wraithsoutlaws · 4 months
t.the impossible phantom notif ive been living with for months finally just randomly went away im
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
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avantguardisme · 2 months
writing in a language with a ton of gender/number agreement is all fun and games until you have to start editing. so i make one noun plural and now suddenly i have to add an s to like 5 other words?? i hate it here
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
kicking and screaming FREE ME ALREADY
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i've really dithered around the puppet rabbit hole for my entire life, sometimes sitting by it and dangling my legs over the felted abyss, but by worm am i jumping headfirst into it now with perfect diving form
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