wuggen · 4 months
I have roughly the same relationship to food that I presume a lot of ace spectrum folks have to sex. Very ambivalent, enjoy it here and there but mostly it doesn't seem worth the effort, not infrequently actively repulsed by it, don't fully understand people who love it and seek it out and feel driven or motivated by it but accepting and supportive of them. Unfortunately, unlike sex, food is actually necessary for survival as an individual so fuck me I guess
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Dressing for women ❌
Dressing for men ❌
Dressing for Revenge ✅
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friendo · 1 year
Saw Stop Making Sense on an edible expecting to just vibe and be entranced by David Byrne and instead had some kind of existential awakening. Everything he does onstage is pure unbridled autistic joy and I want to do nothing more than express myself as eccentric and free as he does. I think he is some kind of god. Also boy am I glad I sat at the back of the theater because I had tears streaming down my face when they played This Must Be the Place.
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ix-c-999 · 3 days
I have a blinkie site now!
If anyone wants a site where they can see all 1k+ of my blinkies: here you go!
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effemimaniac · 1 year
haven't been posting much lately cos I got shit going on. and I'm NOT sorry 🖕
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werewolfetone · 10 days
Managed to get most of my communism and most of my religion books into one shelf in my bedroom bookcase but now I have the most inexplicable looking collection of books possible on display as soon as anyone walks in
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theriverbeyond · 9 days
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btw. this is what dreams are made of.
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hey-its-danny · 2 months
(me trying to think of an emmy related question to get you to doodle emmy) what do uhhh-.... um.mm you think-... ah...
is her favorite color?
uh id probably say cool desaturated blue, like the colour of rocks at the bottom of a clear pond. that, or orangey-red. its definitely not yellow thats too obvious. also ik you didnt ask but hershel’s is moss green and lukes is pink but he’c coping so he always says green or red
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foreverunfound · 10 months
No Excuses November - 19/30
yoga 2/2
weight-training - 2/2
eating 80/20 - 4/7
It was a loooooooong week. I would need 2 weekends to rest tbh. But I hit most of my goals which is good. Today I had a really nice yoga practice preparing myself for inversions, but as my arms were still sore from gym it was harder than it was supposed to be. I did manage to make my forearm-head stand with bended knees, but I still struggle to straighten them in this position, which sucks as I already was able to do it last year. But hey, I guess everything comes with time and hard work. Gonna keep working on them goals.
Wish you all a nice Sunday xox
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loserboyfriendrjl · 9 days
calling to the dr. jean milburns of tumblr why do i only fall in love with emotionally unavailable guys who want to do nothing with me but the second an interested guy who WANTS me and shows me that he wants me and asks me to hang out appears in my life i can’t for the life of me like him
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mimble-sparklepudding · 6 months
Quick personal update. I’ve been recently bereaved (like yesterday) and whilst I’m trying to keep a stiff upper lip and just get on with things, I might be a bit slow or inconsistent with interacting for a little while. Please accept my apologies for being uncharacteristically subdued. I won’t go into unnecessary personal details, as I don’t want to bring anyone down, but it’s been pretty grim.
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wuggen · 4 months
Yes, mister Julia, I hear you when you say that you have struggled all your life to find sufficient motivation and focus to do necessary things, that this has been to the detriment of your career and quality of life, that this has caused you enormous distress that in the past has verged on suicidality, and that you have concrete evidence that prescription stimulants help to alleviate this somewhat. However, unless you do poorly enough at our funny little pictures and letters games, I'm afraid I simply cannot ascribe to you the arbitrary label that would allow you access to said stimulants. I hope this seems fair and reasonable to you!
— The medical/psychological establishment
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If mom sees this I just want her to know that I love her and I want to wrap her in a blanket and let her process however she needs to process.
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friendo · 10 months
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This screenshot from when I was crossfaded as all hell and was about to go on a 3-page long rant about the happy meal makes me think of Anton and Carson idk
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ix-c-999 · 9 months
Tagged by @sootyships!
last song: "Told You So" by Depeche Mode
favorite color: Purple
currently watching: Bojack Horseman (a rewatch, showing it to our partner system)
last movie/tv show: LMAO I think the last movie we watched was A Christmas Story on Christmas with our family
spicy/savory/sweet: Savory!
relationship status: In a very happy queerplatonic kink relationship with our partner system <3
current obsession: It hasn't hit obsession level yet but our interest in outer space is coming back again Hell Yeah
last thing i googled: "blinkie collection spacehey"
Tagging: @blue-bubonic, @virokuns, @terrible-cunt, @ballroom-rose, @petrichorvoices
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indigobluuee · 7 months
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