#peter stamatin: ic.
spirestar · 1 year
Being a million tiny pieces of nothing is a taxing job. Living a little life in each mote and cell, every invisible creature inside a drop of blood and each drop of blood in a stream and all the little bugs that aren't bugs at all that creep inside veins and sleep. There is nothing but the big vat of it all, of life, of living and wishing for dying and living too many times to count. Laughter inside of paper walls that glow like a candle in a lover's window. All the little creatures never go quiet under skin, always with their cicada wings rubbing noisily and their crying, mourning, sobbing. It makes the one they live inside's head feel like it may burst---And here's the doctor to diagnose them, to call them imagination and call them liars. In the warm, gentle arms of twyrine Peter can't hear them, not so much; If every dream of that wretched miracle is a song, he will hear them, but by the god that is his brother and his own hands made one, he wishes they'd leave him alone.
"You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down." That voice swims in his ears for longer than he realizes, reverberating off the wide walls of center stage. The Bachelor, cast in a halo of light, a beam overhead blazing into the back of his head. And Peter is only backlit, a veritable shadow where he's landed / crashed / fallen to the wooden floor. Where is the wall? Where is his pen? Peter has seen angels in his sleep, has been sung to and flayed and used to create whatever masterpieces they deigned, but never has he touched one in a waking hour; He blinks blearily, the light too hot and bright in his face.
There's a hand on his arm--helping him up?--and that dingy orange light of his brother's watering hole has returned. Iron stings his tongue, thicker than ichor, and he laughs. Helpless. The world is a swirl of nothing at all, the same the same the same, and he is the only fraying end, unspooling himself onto the floor into tangles and knots that no one will ever dare gather up to salvage. Part of Peter misses that light. Dankovsky is all human again. There's nothing more beautiful than humans, mortal and fickle and true. Nothing more terrifying than the divine they create, the divine they empower and revere. Peter should know: He can remember killing god in his sleep, or was that his shadow?
"Bachelor," he breathes, the least coherent bits of him grasping for anything other than the fellow's name. For some reason it frightens him so now. "A wall where there was none--Just picture it." For effect, and perhaps for comedy that he no longer has any grasp of but once did, he knocks a trembling hand against said wall. The one he's clearly left him mark on, if the blood on it is any proof. His nose maybe? He can't really feel the source. "Now, why do you think my brother would do that to me. He knows I hate a cage," a willful smile, "and a jailer. That's not you, is it? Shepherding the little sheep and diseases to sleep?" Peter leans into the arm holding him up, but not because he means to. "Have you had a drink?"
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mamuka20 · 1 year
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“Жаль судьбе не подвластно все”
Вип на Петра Стаматина:)
It's a pity fate is not subject to everything
Wip on Peter Stamatin:)
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mister-crow · 2 years
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pathologic doodles in my sketchbook (ft. unnecessarily scary artemy)
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aura--noir · 2 years
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herbgroom · 1 year
my headcanon is that the void takes place in peter's mind
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maxbanshees · 9 months
6 and 15 for the fourfold bullet asks? I want your Barnett Newman hot takes and also your headcanon on what the fuck the House House was (I personally think it was the house from House of Leaves)
MY TIME HAS COME [stands on stage awkwardly]
6. any ideas for how the stamatins' earlier projects could have looked like?
the house house: oh man. i actually think the house house wasn't that remarkable to the stamatins [just a house within a house, probably with transparent materials like glass, which is technically impressive since there are a lot of unsupported corners, but visually it's quite... well... consistent and unsurprising.]
OR. possibly.
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it was something like the melnikov house that features two intersecting cylinders despite using more "mundane" materials like bricks.
BUT. i think it was especially offensive to everyone [in conjunction with all of their works] because it was. extraneous. unnecessary. impractical. or a subversion of what their project implied the Work was going to be for [maybe they had pitched it as modular or divisible apartments that could easily be constructed. and it clearly did not end up being that. it was more like their pet project where they experimented with unconventional bricklaying patterns. which makes more sense for a melnikov house aligned House House. in the case of a glass House House it just. looked like an eyesore idk.]
dancing bridge: cable stayed bridge that sways a lot. or something about it's ornamentation is twisty and bendy.
the downgate & the other stairway round: more experiments in twisty and bendy architecture.
the alley of heroes: this was ignicordia's idea from a few years back, but it's a bunch of empty pedestals Because andrey doesn't have any heroes & has no respect for whoever would have commissioned themselves or their friends to appear as heroes.
the cold hall: the fagus factory but with a lot of cantilevered elements. lots of steel and glass, especially at the corners. like an irregular block of ice. could also be a very narrow hall of marble, so it's quite literally a cold hall, but i don't know... that's too heavy in my opinion for a stamatin work.
15. pick a barnett newman painting for each of them
"In his text "The Ideographic Picture" [Newman] explained his own and his friends' art on the basis of the concept of  the ideograph, that is, a sign, a symbol, or a figure that conjures up an idea without naming it." [x]
these guys and their works are like signs and symbols and figures and canvases that conjure ideas on their flat planes so. well. [forgets where i was going with this, wanders directly into pothole]
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peter: cathedra. [the vertical, towering, and... secular? polyhedron. and the counterpart it outshines (the cathedral, the earth, andrey, etc.)]
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andrey: the third, tertia, and triad [well.]
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farkhad [CHAOS CHOICE]: rothko chapel by. rothko.
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daniil: adam [technically the subject/act of exploration in these paintings could better be applied to the stamatins ("Adam, by eating from the Tree of Knowledge, sought the creative life to be, like God, ‘a creator of worlds’") but seeing adam (an origin point of something) and black and red, with three red bands in specific, or four black bands, makes me. well. think of. daniel. and fourfold bullet. (EDIT: there are only three black bands idk how i saw four)
[axe meme]
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nitunio · 7 months
new AU again...
Kujo Tenn - Changeling (the devil/angel thing you know...)
Tsunashi Ryunosuke - Haruspex (the unfamiliarity of familiar)
Yaotome Gaku - Bachelor (man set out to beat death with his own hands)
Izumi Iori - Peter Stamatin ("i've created a monster miracle")
Nikaido Yamato - Aspity (im not human. to some im a spiteful evil being, and to some im a guide, a foundation)
Izumi Mitsuki - Andrey Stamatin (fiery and protective of his brother. alcohol supreme)
Yotsuba Tamaki - Sticky (he's everywhere. he's sticking to ryu and never leaving his side yet he's having fun)
Osaka Sogo - Vlad the Younger (i will do as i must to keep this town safe even if it means defying my father. for all the ryu/sogo fans. also check big vlad)
Rokuya Nagi - Capella (you need political calculation to build things. heir to the throne or so to speak. nagi/riku canon in one ending)
Nanase Riku - Khan (balances on the edge.. stands atop of the miracle that iori created)
Momo - Bad Grief (tempted to switch him with ryo but im keeping it that for fun. (me when i remember his backstory) (gets emotional damage equivalent to infinity))
Yuki - The General (hardened heart and flayed nerves, always closed off. adopts tenn in one ending)
Natsume Minami - Grace (being near graves is like enrichment to him i think) / Eva Yan (nonsense sayer and the. uh. the chapel thing.)
Isumi Haruka - Taya Tycheek (strong heart of gold in spite of everything endured)
Mido Torao - Stakh Rubin (i really want him to lose zero's corpse for fun you know??? you know??? slight ryu/torao if you squint but mostly its gonna be gaku kicking his ass)
Takanashi Tsumugi - Maria Kaina (most ooc bc this girl will not shut up about nonsense)
Anesagi Kaoru - The Inquisitor (my fav character gets to my fave manager)
Tsukumo Ryo - Mark Immortell (no theatre would be great without a director?)
Utsugi Shiro - Yulia Lyuricheva (this will make sense later)
Yaotome Sosuke - Oyun (he and osaka soshi need to chill the fuck out)
Takanashi Otoharu - Victor Kain (tsumugi's dad ic and ooc)
Ogami Banri - Anna Angel (so sorry for what happened in the past babygirl)
ZERO - Simon Kain (i made him die. his corpse gets lost and nobody can find it. the plague mightve come from it. nobody knows and im standing aside laughing giggling)
Okazaki Rinto - Lara Ravel (that stomach medicine is going to be needed soon...)
Okazaki Rintaro - Georgiy Kain (the judge hath spoken)
Kujo Takamasa - Alexander Saburov (cunt. also the tenn plot gets funnier this way. also - the idea that both can see what the problem is yet instead of trying to fix the root cause they do it all in a roundabout way that seems "easier" but instead hurts others all around)
Kujo Aya - Murky (gets adopted by ryuu alongside tamaki. they are a happy family now)
Haruki Sakura - Katerina Saburova (sorry for giving you a morphine addiction i couldn't find a better partner for kujo)
Osaka Soshi - Big Vlad (cunt. can have a heart if he chooses to)
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dankovskaya · 3 years
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The Polyhedron loves everyone, but it's ever unrequited.
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magpyres · 3 years
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Patho art because I’ve been playing it obsessively since summer began…
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зайдет оно тут или нет, на память закину сюда 
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facefisted · 5 years
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mostrovskaa · 5 years
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osawaspcroft · 4 years
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My fav character tbh///
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liechi · 5 years
I HAVE THE STRANGEST DREAMS!!!!! this took me 3 days from start to finish... pathologic will make you go crazy
🎵 man-made object - lemon demon
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aura--noir · 2 years
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thepalecaesar · 5 years
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Pathologic, Stamatin Twins: Dictum Factum “What said is done” (Lat.) (Pathologic / Pathologic 2 / Мор. Утопия / (с) Ice-Pick Lodge) Andrey Stamatin is alive as long as Pyotr Stamatin is alive.
Pyotr Stamatin is dead as long as he has nothing to breath life in.
So both immortal, both sv1cid4l.
At Factus Est; Utopians’ afterparty morning. DeviantArt | Ko-Fi: @PaleCaesar | thepalecaesar
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