agentsketchbook · 2 years
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The intelligent species of Dearth
Commonalities between all 4 species:
They are all protists
All, with the exception of virals, give live birth
Social creatures
Developmental stages happen at roughly the same time for all 4
Can develop mental disorders, but may vary between species
Common Ancestor of Unankind:
Very genetically mutable ancestor, can assimilate new DNA through mutation and horizontal gene transfer
Reproductive flexibility is still apparent in the 4 modern species that evolved from the ancestor
The result of the ancestor assimilating virus genes through horizontal gene transfer instead of becoming infected and producing copies
Both male and female virals can sire, but neither can become pregnant
The second hardiest of the species, suffer the least from environmental concerns
Lowest empathy quotient of the 4 species
Highest IQ of the 4 species
Often cycloptic, but not always
Female virals are still capable of horizontal gene transfer sexually with other virals
Genetically the closest to the ancestor, evolved to adapt to mineral rich underground conditions and water, grows rock and crystal from skin for defense as well
Does not need light and are capable of seeing in the dark
Are the most durable of the 4 species, do not tire the same way and can go longer without food and water
Highest pain tolerance of the 4
"Artificials" are petraphines, who for some reason, cannot process minerals and express them, so they rely on other man made materials to supplement (For example, Detroit uses car paint and Bonnie relies on ebonite)
The least physically diverse, tend to look the most "human"
Floros (Floro Sapien):
Ancestor adapted DNA from plantlife via horizontal gene transfer
Can reproduce either sexually giving live birth, or through pollination, forming a seed to be planted in substrate
Need for the sun is unique to floros, mental and physical health are dependent on it, will become ill and eventually die without
The most physically diverse of the 4
Most susceptible to illness, both infectious and genetic
More in common with petraphines and floros than virals despite being adapted to bacteria genetics as a response to attempted infection like them
Prolonged sun exposure can be damaging to them, starting with a very painful and dangerous sunburn open to disease
Prone to herd mentalities as a byproduct of bacteria's quorum sensing
Arguably the least combative and most socially adaptive of the 4, most likely an evolutionary function to survive in large groups peacefully with each other
Gram negative bacterials have flexible and malleable skin and bodies with lenient bones that can bend a good amount before snapping, where gram positive bacterials typically have sturdier bodies and normal bones
When the ancestor fused virus genes into its makeup to form virals, the new species lost its ability to reproduce with itself, despite being very efficient at doing so with members of the other species
Hybrids have very different needs than pure blooded individuals. For example, bacterials find the sun to be dangerous, but their cyano offspring have no such issues and often rely on the it like their floro parents -Hybrids make up less than 2% of the population. That's roughly the same population of redheads, asexuals, and intersex people in humans
Bacterials + Petraphines = X
The soft and simple half of bacterials becomes poisoned by the concentration of minerals within the cells, Bacterial and petraphine offspring fail very early on during pregnancy
Floros + Bacterials = Cys (Cyanos)
Cys (pronounced like "sighs" are the most viable of the two possible hybrids with a success rate of roughly 80% of pregnancies occurring without complications. Cys are infertile, and while most will bud, they will never bloom.
Petraphines + Floros = Terras (Terraflors)
Like cyanos, terraflors are infertile and will usually bud, but won't ever bloom. However, their success rate is closer to 30-40%. They tend to be less dependent on sunlight, but are significantly more likely to suffer petrifaction in their lifetimes than their fully floro relatives
WHOOO, long winded ref on the species! There's a lot of stuff detailed here, and even more yet that isn't!
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agentsketchbook · 1 year
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“So what do you even do for fun around here?” Amata groaned. 
“What did YOU do for fun back at the mines?” Bonnie chimed. 
“Well, I read books. Played around with broken stuff, trying to figure out how it used to work. We also watched TV, but I’d never wanna watch the shows playing in the girl’s barracks.” Bonnie had a puzzled look in his eye. “And why not?” 
Amata groaned louder. 
“Fake and trashy reality shows and drama and all that. None of it really means anything other than putting people down who are worse than you while idolizing them at the same time.” Bonnie asked in earnest, “Do you really think you’re better than those people on TV?”
“Of course not,” Amata answered back softly. “Like, okay, it’s like this, right? Those people on The Uppercrust wouldn’t act like that if they weren’t on TV for all of Anterica to see. That’s the whole point of acting, see. It’s set up that way so they behave like they’re such careless people about each other because it makes them money when people give them attention.”
Bonnie listened intently, gazing up at the ceiling and propping himself up to sip his warming beer, the bubbles already flattening to an acidic tingle. He replied to Amata after a couple of swallows. “What would YOU do? I’m not saying you should do better or couldn’t even, but I wanna know if you’d do better than that.” Amata blinked. 
“Well, what do you mean? Be a better person than your average reality show character, or do a better job of sucking at unamity for dough and ratings?”
Bonnie shrugged. 
“Answering one question answers the other too in your eyes, right? By your logic, The Uppercrusts can only benefit from their misbehavior and how badly they treat each other, so what would you choose to be good at?”
Amata was quiet to think about it, letting a silence pass between the two. Save for the gentle glugging of cheap beer. They looked to the six pack between them, caving and freeing a can from its plastic ring before cracking it open and letting gulps of alcohol go down quickly. There was no savoring the taste. Why would there be? Bonnie must have read the other petraphine’s mind, or the crinkled look on the bridge of their nose, because the next thing he said was, “If we wanted to drink for the taste, we’d either drive down to Cav’s Tav, or all the way to see what Dazey’s brewing.” Amata was starting to understand what people do for fun around here now. “How far are these places?” The younger of the two was getting tired of the sight of Bonnie sprawled out on the couch scratching his stomach. 
Cav’s? 40 minute drive. Dazey’s? Two day trip.” 
They could have choked on the drink held in their hand at the mention. 
“Two days? What kind of beer is worth two days of driving?” Bonnie swigged his swill, letting out a belch to match the might of his stomach before saying, “I ‘unno. Would you rather sit around here for two days with some of the WORST beer you’ve ever had?” “Listen, I don’t mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but does it have to be so cheap?” Bonnie laughed and said, “Yes? If you tasted what the expensive stuff tasted like, you’d pinch your pennies too.” Sighing, Amata replied, “Really? It can’t be worse than the stuff Shione’s buddies were always concocting. Not bad actually…” they reminisced. “If anything, I do miss whatever jungle juice they were always making.” Bonnie filled the air with the sound of his empty can flattening and crinkling between his two hands. “And THAT is why it’s worth driving for two days to see Dazey. He doesn’t JUST do beer, and it’s all good stuff he brews and distills.” Amata’s face twisted in confusion.
“Dazey’s a he? I thought that was a girl’s name.” Bonnie cracked open another can, even warmer than the last. “Aren’t you one to talk, Amata?”
“Boy, I guess? I’m just saying, I pictured this Dazey you speak of to be all tiny and demure, carrying around barrels of moonshine.”
Bonnie laughed once more, denting the metal in his palm.
“Well, you’re half right, but he leaves all the heavy lifting to Sunshine.”
“What’s with all these names?” “What’s with your name, kid?” 
“One, I’m not a kid. Two, I’m just saying! Everyone you and Detroit know have such weird names.” “You oughta meet ‘em. They’re even weirder in person.” Bonnie slurped down half his umpteenth drink. 
“Wow, you’re really selling me on these folks.”
Another shrug from Bonnie. 
“Hey, cheap AND tasty beer.” Amata chuckled, feeling their cheeks flush. That was definitely not that funny and their hand’s burden was certainly lighter.
“Okay, sold.”
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agentsketchbook · 2 years
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Jen Penciller, my pencil OC but as a petraphine! All thanks to @jadeitepandaproductions and our little offshoot story going on for funsies
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agentsketchbook · 2 years
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The guys I need in my guy squad
Read about some of the squad guys below!
Thistle is the youngest member of Molly's gang, born in 1988, 3 years after our main story begins. Later on in the timeline, she grows up to be spunky, rebellious, and fiery, as seen by her rock throwing.
Cole Manors is a cabbage floro and the oldest member of the gang, somewhere in his 80s. He is a retired architect and former construction worker. He helped renovate the operation's original and new bases in abandoned mine sites.
Alli Oops is a life loving yoga instructor and one of the first ones to get behind anything exciting. Their unamity is an allium floro. They are highly flexible, but accident prone! Pictured with Amata Gemoule, who is fumbling with their moves.
Helly (Helga) Faer is the very 40 year old pharmaceutical engineer who created the sun drug all the buzz is about in ITR. Smart, practical, and methodical. She is stubborn and a little hard headed, and that's not mentioning her literally thick viral skin.
Detroit Agate is an exciting artificial petraphine. He relies on car paint to supplement his diet to maintain his body's form and appearance rather than natural minerals, explaining the artificial. He loves to lecture and tell stories of his life to those who will listen. He's got a can do attitude and energy for days. Pictured are Pinku Usagi, Amata, and Pigeon Wing spectating a yarn he's spinning.
Sunshine Waters is the 32 year old 12 foot tall giant sunflower floro who is a part of things. He was a former mine worker like Amata, and currently trying to write novels with the help of his partner, Dazey Will Do.
Dazey Will Do is the 43 year old 4 foot tall powerhouse behind the gang who manages things alongside the two female founders and Heliotrope's advising. He is a quick thinker, light on his feet, and just as nervous. Polite to his detriment at times.
Sakana Furikake is the 28 year old cherry tree floro who fills the room with his flashiness whether he likes it or not. He's an artist, model, you name it who lives with his business partner and ex, Rose Buddy. He is a funny mix of both maternal and childish at the same time.
Oleander is a reader floro who works as a prep cook by day and was a former hitman. He prizes his gun collection, which he can fire with accuracy despite having no eyes using his reading senses. He knows when to lay low and when to stir some chaos. Or so we think.
Molly Mandrake is the 28 year old leader of the pack. She founded this whole gang alongside Helly back in 1976 to make a difference for floro sapiens affected by the steep pricing of the sun drug. The method ended up being to illegally create and distribute it under everybody's noses. She's calm, friendly, and smiles through it all.
Hansa Geoluhread is a yellow rose type floro who spends his time doing yard work for the elderly and disabled population in his neighborhood. A massive fan of cartoons and anime, he is caught up on his mangas to the right to left reading letter.
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