calllynx · 7 months
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Here comes the boy to provide information on the migratory habits of his species like a good little Pfeilstorch
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spilledreality · 2 years
gonna start referring to the TIS boys as "telenothians"
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gerardtweets · 2 years
whats ur favorite bird?
anon you have just opened pandora’s box
My favorite particular bird is the Pfeilstorch! This is a piece of taxidermy from the early 1800s currently on display at the University of Rostock in Germany.
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In the early 1800s, natural historians and biologists did not know where birds went for the winter. They just disappeared. Some people thought they hibernated like bears, or turned into fish (!!) or flew to the moon (!!)
Cut to 1822 when a this bird was found in Germany. It was still alive, walking around with this spear in its neck. The spear was made from wood that only grows in central Africa. The German biologists determined that the bird had been speared in central Africa and then flew north to Germany. This was how they figured out that birds migrate with the changing seasons.
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vote2 · 2 years
arctic terns and american and european eels and salmon and whales and large ocean sharks and all pfeilstorch etc etc
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blinkingline · 2 years
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In 1822, when Europeans were still searching for an explanation for the annual disappearance of some bird species, a white stork appeared bearing a central African arrow in its neck. This helped to show that some birds migrate long distances for the winter.
The stuffed stork can be seen today at the University of Rostock, where it bears the magnificent name Rostocker Pfeilstorch (“arrow stork from Rostock”). (via Futility Closet)
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fuegoesquivo · 2 months
En las noches febriles
En las noches febriles todavía recuerdo los primeros días, cuando no podía mantener mis manos lejos de Silvia. Era difícil contenernos. En el ascensor, subiendo a su casa, esperaba aguantando la respiración que se cerrara la puerta, entonces me giraba hacia Silvia y, aprisionándola contra la pared, la besaba mientras metía la mano bajo su falda. Me gustaba besarla lentamente y empujarla, sentir su respiración impaciente contra mí, sus senos contra mi pecho. En el bus, buscábamos las últimas sillas. Nunca hablamos de esto, pero éramos cómplices. Silvia se sentaba entonces junto a la ventana, y yo a su lado. Entonces ella se acomodaba en la silla para recostar su cabeza en mi hombro y en ese instante yo ponía mi mano en el asiento. Disimulábamos con el movimiento del bus. Me gustaba escuchar su respiración contenida a mi lado, el gemido mudo que dejaba escapar, su brazo enrollado en el mío. En el parque había un claro en medio de los árboles, un talud facilitaba escondernos y, nos ayudaba a estar más cómodos. En el pasto la apretaba contra mí y, besándola, metía mi mano bajo el sostén. Se contenía. Cuánto me gustaba sentir a Silvia conteniéndose, controlando la respiración, moviéndose poco, acercando su pierna a mi pene, poco a poco. Entonces lanzaba un gemido, uno solo, y se estiraba a mi lado. Me gustaba hablarle de las estrellas y del viento, contarle historias, como la de aquella cigüeña, Pfeilstorch, que viajó desde el Congo hasta Alemania con una lanza clavada en el cuello, revelando así el secreto de la migración de las aves. En la biblioteca, en medio de los anaqueles dedicados a la teología, junto a los escritos tomasinos, la abrazaba y metía mi mano en sus bragas, jugando con el vello púbico (lo corté para ti), hasta que se vencía y empujaba mi mano hacia sus entrañas. Ya sabía recorrer su sexo húmedo, presionando exactamente donde le causaría un orgasmo fulminante.
Con el tiempo nos hicimos adultos. A la intensidad del deseo le siguió la calma, la necesidad de explorar nuestros cuerpos largamente, con más prudencia, más vergüenza, todo un fin de semana, la belleza de la desnudez cuando dormimos e intentamos hacer un poco el amor antes de volver a caer dormidos, como un sueño. En las noches febriles recuerdo lo perdido.
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whale-in-that-case · 5 months
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hackernewsrobot · 1 year
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfeilstorch Comments
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mythtiide · 1 year
PFEIL for 💥, 👊, 😨, 🍩, 🙈, 🔪, ✏️, 🚆, 🔥, and 💓???
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
A little bit yes, she never really grew out of that volatile phase new storches go through, you come to her with a problem her first piece of advice is to KILL THEM
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Ties into the above question, but when spooked she will ennact violence, do not try to spook a Storch it hasnt ended good for anybody
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
doughnut :)
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Probably her softer side, cause shes gotta be a hardened protektor whos a cruel unwavering power in the nation
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
not really a quote but this -> Pfeilstorch - Wikipedia
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
kill the one person to save the other five people
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
okay so due to pfeils broken internals she tends to kinda push herself harder than she should, which leads her to being tired and sore the next day
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
good OL FASHIONED COMBAT BABY! and someone being genuinly nice to her but-
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extrastatecraft · 2 years
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German villagers shoot down a White Stork that had a spear made of African wood impaled in its side. Dubbed the “pfeilstorch” (or “arrow stork”), this unfortunate bird provides some of the first concrete evidence of migration between continents.
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Vogelzug: Die wahre Geschichte vom Pfeilstorch
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kummerbund · 4 years
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Pfeilstorch 1822
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ckknirsch · 4 years
Prepichnutý bocian
Veľmi zaujímavé hypotézy mali ľudia v minulosti....
Až do 19. storočia si milovníci vtákov v Európe nedokázali vysvetliť, prečo bociany biele každý rok na jeseň zmiznú. Aristoteles tvrdil, že bociany, rovnako ako ďalšie druhy vtákov, cez zimu hibernujú na dne oceánu. Podľa ďalších hypotéz operenci odlietali na Mesiac, aby unikli pred zimou.
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