#pftw review
jocantmusic · 6 years
Panic! At The Disco - Dancing’s Not A Crime : puppet brendon’s back!
so much dancing in this video i wanna do it myself.
puppet brendon is drinking a lot should i be concerned.
also there’s a puppet brendon plush? guess who’s getting one (is me).
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puckconnolly · 6 years
Pray for the Wicked album reaction
(Fuck A) Silver Lining: Not very deep, a hell of an album opener though. Super fun, great, funky bass line. Killer vocals, love the bleeped out 'fuck' I think it's a hoot (7/10)
Say Amen (Saturday Night): AWESOME MUSIC VIDEO. A PREQUEL TO THIS IS GOSPEL AND EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES??? LOVE IT. Sounds like a good mix of old and new p!atd. Those high notes at the end???? Death defying WOW (8.5/10)
Hey Look Ma, I Made It: great beat, love love love the funky brass in the chorus, it's very fun. I feel like this a slightly more chill song than the rest, but man it still goes hard. 'In the garden of evil/I'm gonna be the greatest' LOVEE  (9.5/10)
High Hopes: I fell in love the moment I heard the brass. Such a genuinely uplifting song and I adore it. Also my mom loves it, so this song has a big stamp of approval. I love the 'mama said' parts, the melody is just asdkjfghslfkj (10/10)
Roaring 20s: This song SOUNDS like the roaring 20s, all jazzy and dangerous sounding and I AM LIVING FOR IT. The vocals. in the chorus. AMAZING. I'd die for this song. 'Roll me like a blunt cuz I wanna go home' ICONIC The chorus after the bridge??? AMAZINGGG (10/10)
Dancing's Not A Crime: The beat us such a bop I cannot deal with all this perfection. BRENDON YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME WITH YOUR VOCALS. that chorus though brendon slays everyone. The brass riffs oh GOD I love it. o o ooo the bridge is funky (9.5/10)
One Of The Drunks: very different intro compared to the rest of the songs, seems like it'd fit well on too weird. Oh yes the beat in the chorus reminds me of can’t fight against the youth. I am LIVING for all these brass riffs. The snare drum is a nice touch too. 'damn it's all good, I guess' (8.5/10)
The Overpass: THIS INTRO I'M DYING TAKE ME A CLUB IN THE 20S SO WE CAN DANCE OUR FEET OFF ADFHGAGHFD Brendon STOOOOP your vocals are going to kill someone one day. The drum beat reminds me of Rudimental??? Very funky it's a bop for sure ok. 'tiny bottles and shit wine' and everything slows down bc he's drunk clever boy (8/10)
King Of The Clouds: ok the first listen I was like WTF but after the second listen, I AM IN LOVE. carl sagan shoutout heyooo, I very much enjoy the beat it's really something else. The harmonies of the many brendons is just like a heavenly angel choir. angels in the outfield I C U buddy. Can't believe this almost didn't make it onto the album???? Also, the guitar in this makes me think of the trippy beatles songs, very day-dreamy (10/10)
Old Fashioned: OMG THE SAX RIFF IS AMAZING. reminiscing about the good ole' days while drinking an old fashioned I love it HAHA 'get boozy boozy boozy' wtf I love it. The strings in this are so lovely WoW (9/10)
Dying in LA: oh a slower song to close out the album. already killing me with the vocals OMG I CAn'T DEaL BRENDON COOL IT WITH THE HEAVEN SENT VOICE 'when you're DYing in LA' love the way he sings that wowowowow. The STRings are so beautiful oh wow I'm getting goosebumps. Oh the little birdies at the end I like that (10/10)
Pray for the Wicked Album: As a whole, I think this is one of Panic’s best albums. Brendon hinted that he’d be going in this direction on his previous album with songs like Death of a Bachelor and Crazy=Genius and boy oh boy am I glad he went this route. I LOVE this style of music. (10/10)
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I saw Panic!!!!!!!!!
So!! By the title I’m sure you know I saw Panic! At the Disco!!! They’ve been my favorite band since 2012 and I finally got to see them live!!! In the staples center no less!! They put on SUCH an amazing show.
Hayley Kiyoko came first so I’ll talk about her. I am a huge fan of lesbian Jesus but to be honest I wasn’t expecting her to sound good based off the live videos I had seen. She came on stage and blew away those expectations (wink wink nudge nudge) and absolutely killed it. She and the guitarist had such amazing chemistry that I loved seeing and she played these synth drums!!!!!!! She also danced but of course she did. When girls like girls came on almost everyone in the audience screamed. As a bisexual I cannot express to you how liberating screaming that song with many other girls in the audience while kiyoko waved a rainbow flag felt. It was beautiful and I truly felt like everyone in the room was one being.
Next (obviously) is Panic at the disco, Brendon Urie himself. It was the most amazing show I’ve ever been to and that says something because I was up in the nosebleeds. He sounded even better than the recordings which I did not expect at all. Nicole, Kenny, and Dan were fucking legends and I love these additions to the band and am so grateful they are a part of it. They played so many of my favorite songs and I am proud to say I kept up on the singing. When they played nine in the afternoon I actually cried real tears. Honestly I don’t know what else to say other than it was one of the most important nights of my life. In between songs Brendon gave a speech on how grateful he was for everyone being alive and said we “won the Mario kart race of life”. So you heard it hear folks, Brendon is grateful that you specifically are alive.
That’s it for my experience I am open to answering any questions people have and will now be posting my videos that I took
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tinydevils · 6 years
Pray for the Wicked broke into my house and threw a party, but then cleaned up after itself and tucked me into bed.
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numetaljackdog · 2 years
It would be disingenuous of me to call this a “review” of “Viva Las Vengeance” by Panic! at the Disco bc basically I just want to tear it to shreds but either way I will talk about it now. Sorry.
First of all, the video. Before the song even starts, the actor playing the TV host has to remark on how popular and cool the band (if you can even call it that) is, which I’m sure is meant to be ironic to some degree but is not broadcasted as irony anywhere close to clearly enough for it to come across as anything but ego.
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But don’t worry, that’s not the most annoying part of the video. The most annoying part is that Brendon has already done this concept before! And better, too! Remember “Hey Look Ma, I Made It”? The hit from Pray For The Wicked that was at least not as terrible as “High Hopes”? That video had a very similar premise, except the puppet work in that video made for a silly enough visual for the gags to land, and the “dark twist” at the end was far more effective. Not that the dark twists in these videos are actually dark, or necessary, or entertaining, or good, but still! This video is not without its merits but the effects are just not as compelling and Brendon’s acting performance is no more than adequate.
Speaking more on that twist, the central concept behind this song is also just wholly lifted from PFTW, with Vegas now as the backdrop instead of LA. For those who are blissfully unaware: basically the idea here is that being famous is hard, actually, and though it may have its glamorous perks, there’s a lot of unseen suffering that can take its toll on those who have to bear it. I’m not entirely unsympathetic to this sentiment, the entertainment industry is brutal and abusive and that deserves to be talked about. Needless to say, however, Brendon Urie is not the person I want to do it, for multiple reasons. First, he’s a dick. Second, part of the reason he’s a dick is because he has such a big ego (a la the above referenced post), and that ego comes across in his performance. Some performers can pull off hiding their ego, but not Urie, and it’s hard to buy that this guy is having such a bad time of things when he’s so clearly smugly looking to the camera going “yeah, this is where i belong”. Third, there’s a romanticizing of the horrors of the industry that is present in all of his most recent work. These songs read as love letters to, not criticisms of, the places that they are about. Additionally, maybe I missed some Brendon lore or something, but why is he singing about Vegas now? I thought he was Mr. LA Boy? “LA Devotee”? “Dying in LA”? Hello? Is anyone out there? Vegas isn’t even much of a music town, at least not the way LA is. Remember how everyone was grumbling about the Grammy’s being held in Vegas this year?
That’s a lot of talk about the video, I know, so how about the song? Right before listening, I saw some of the jokes we’re cracking about Brendon ripping off I Don’t Know How But They Found Me, and I can see why that’s the case. This song has a similar sort of indie pop rock sound to that band (and frankly, it is very funny to imagine that when Brendon runs out of ideas he has to default to copying his more creative and likeable former bandmates). With that said, if I hadn’t seen those jokes, I doubt I would have immediately made that connection. I wouldn’t necessarily put something like that past him, but I somewhat doubt that Brendon had IDKHOW on his mind when making this song. The truth is that Panic and IDKHOW share more dna than some people may like to admit, and so with this lean back towards rock that Panic is doing here, it makes sense that there would be some resemblance. But why is Panic leaning back towards rock in the first place?
This is just my speculation, but I get the impression that Brendon Urie is a fearful man. I think that he really really likes being a famous musician, and now that he has achieved pop appeal, he wants to hold on to that. At the same time, I imagine he wants to have favor from the critical audience as well, and the pure pop move of 2018 was a big blow to his reputation in that regard. Critics didn’t hate the album, but they didn’t love it either, nor do I expect retrospect to be kind to it either, and it firmly established Urie as a sellout. Thus, I think that with “Viva Las Vengeance”, Brendon is trying to find the sweet spot where he gets to be a pop star and a respected musician at the same time, all while maintaining the pretense that Panic! at the Disco is a Real Band That Exists. This is a nearly impossible task, but I’ll give him credit: he seems to be managing it about as well as anyone could be expected to.
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For the sake of analyzing the track, let’s take the premise of a romanticized view of the ups and downs of fame at face value. How well does it do with that concept? The first verse, which serves to set the scene of tumultuous Vegas life, starts out pretty fine and then ruins it right at the end. I don’t know what it’s like to live in Vegas (thank fuck) but this has some perfectly decent lyricism: “Pyramid of ones, kids with loaded guns/Plugged on a power strip/I’m already dead, woodstock in the shed/I’m so out of it”; this is acceptable figurative language, even if I’m not always 100% sure what’s being referred to. However, I HAVE to point out the last two lines: “Stepped on every chord, fell on every sword/Yes, excalibur”; fuck right off with that. What does Excalibur have to do with anything in this song?? I get that it’s meant to relate to the line about swords, but the swords are entirely metaphorical and not materially important to the topic of the song in any way. I acknowledge that this is a nitpick but it makes me so mad, I just had to mention it.
The chorus is lackluster, not really what I would expect for a comeback single from a band as flashy as P!ATD. Maybe this is just a pet peeve of mine, but I always hate when songs suddenly drop a random girl character (”She said ‘Viva Las Vengeance’“) and then don’t elaborate on who she’s supposed to be or what she’s supposed to represent. Like the Excalibur line, it’s just lazy. There’s also the elephant in the room, which is that “Viva Las Vengeance” is a really stupid phrase and honestly not that clever of a pun. I kinda have to give that one a pass, though, because 1. I really do like puns and 2. it feels like it was inevitable that someone was gonna write a song with that title eventually, and at least now we’ve gotten it out of the way.
That solo sounds like ass, why are the piano and guitar layered like that? It’s also just plain boring, repeating the already-terrible-and-unoriginal main riff a couple of times and doing nothing to build on it. But hey, at least it’s short. Then there’s that weird quiet lull moment where the instruments drop out and Brendon sings the first half of the chorus (which is just the same thing twice anyway, but whatever). I don’t know why that’s there, either. It doesn’t add anything or seem to fit with the rest of the content of the song. The only purpose it has that I can think of is to tee up that big final chorus that follows it. And that’s a perfectly legitimate purpose for a piece of a song to have! Without something like that preceding the big final chorus, it would have far less overall punch. The problem is that directly before that, the bridge already brought us to a quiet moment, with the repetition of the phrase “to nowhere” slowly trailing off, which also wasn’t great, but still makes the quiet half-chorus redundant.
Overall, what we’ve been delivered here is a song that sets a misguided goal for itself and then struggles to meet that goal, a comeback track that feels lacking in fanfare, and a piece of art that manages to be derivative both of a variety of cultural trends and of the artist’s own previous works (including the ones that already sucked). Brendon Urie continues to prove himself to be pure ego and superficial talent, with little ambition or soul to back those up. I was disappointed to see in the description that the band will be going on tour with MARINA and Jake Wesley Rogers, two artists who are far better and more deserving of the level of recognition that Panic receives. All I can say is that I hope this will not be indicative of what the rest of the summer holds for us.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
uh i once saw a post on here (not on this blog but like. tumblr) that said smthn like "what i would give to read a review of pray for the wicked by throam!ryan" so uh. this is for you random tumblr user. a review of pftw, by a very bored and in math class ryan roscoe.
(fuck a) silver lining: on the good side of mediocre. listenable at the very least. 5/10
say amen (saturday night): honestly a fucking banger 10/10
hey look ma i made it: GET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT 0/10
high hopes: -99999999/10, do i even need to say it
roaring 20s: i like it, but not a lot /ref. 6.5/10
dancing's not a crime: genuinely forgot this song existed 3/10
one of the drunks: remembered this one existed but it's about the same quality 3.5/10
the overpass: honestly not that good but it's fun to sing so i'll kinda give it a pass 4/10
king of the clouds: lowkey. lowkey? kinda good 6/10
old fashioned: 2/10 i have nothing to say abt this
dying in la: not as good as say amen but ok. 8/10
-throam!ryan #🍭✨😈💥
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demelza · 6 years
2018 Year in Review
Rules: Answer the questions about 2018 and tag some people!
I was tagged by @samtwilson thank you alli <3333 
Top 5 films you watched in 2018:
i tonya
god’s own country
into the spider verse
infinity war
black panther
Top 5 TV shows in 2018:
jessica jones
the good place
the defenders? i literally can’t remember if i watched something else lol
Top 5 songs of 2018:
god is a woman - ariana grande
nobody - mitski
roaring 20s - panic! at the disco (honestly all of pftw)
la thune - angèle
thank you, next - ariana grande (it was really a big year for her so im allowed to put 2)
Top 5 books you read in 2018:
i only read some Fred Vargas books this summer but they were all good
oh do comics count??
bc Tales of Suspens #100-#104
The Scarlet Witch by James Robinson
Daredevil Vol.3
Five Good/Positive things that happened to you in 2018:
i met @jondeacon and @fairytalespond 
i got my driving license
i got my editing degree?
i went to venice
i literally can’t think of anything else dsjhfg
tagging @sapphic-wanda @ourgraciousqueen @sarbinaspellman @fairytalespond @yamarvel (you don’t have to ofc!!)
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theyovngveins · 2 years
i think the funniest thing about panic’s albums is like. me personally if i has to rank them in order i would quite literally rank them in order of release. like they literally got worse as time went on. so much love in my heart for afycso po and v&v but then twtltrtd happened which there are only a few songs i enjoy on, same with doab and then pftw dropped which i listened to out of pure curiosity when it came out and there was maybe One song i kind of liked. and idek what the new album is called I have no intention of listening to it but i saw critic reviews and they made me laugh
i would probably put doab above twtltrtd if i was being honest but otherwise i 100% agree like as the actual talented musicians/songwriters left the bad and brendon was just left by himself it rlly showed he wasnt as strong as everyone else who had been in the band before
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regularbeans · 6 years
Best Albums of 2018 but it’s chill this year (6-1)
Hello and welcome back to the Decisions I’ve Elected to Make. We’re picking up from number six because this is where shit gets real. 
6 Twenty One Pilots: Trench
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*shocked gasps*
I know, I know, but listen.
It’s fine.
If I’m 100% honest with myself I’d say I expected better. (God, I speak like sixth place is anything to sneeze at, oofh.) But to be honest anything that’s not Vessel can’t have my heart, okay. Vessel is the golden standard and probably nobody can touch that ever. Which is bad, I know it’s bad to want a band to do something they’ve done really well once before, all over again. And I knew they wouldn’t and I shouldn’t even want them to which is why I accepted Trench as it is.
In my review (don’t let me fool you with these links I haven’t written a lot of reviews at all, I just happened to write some of these) I mentioned the strong lyrical themes and the instrumenting to be the core strengths but also mentioned how even though the concept is neat and I appreciate the boys being this imaginative and creative, it can also be alienating because you shouldn’t need to read a fuckin’ book to be able to enjoy a four-minute song, right? Still, this album is good and I love it, please don’t send me to music hell.
My favourite songs: Bandito, Cut My Lip, The Hype
5 Years & Years: Palo Santo
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Shit, talk about hard to follow debuts, amirite?
Years & Years had one of the strongest debuts I can recall in recent years. Communion was just so incredibly complete you would never guess it was anybody’s first attempt at an album. And because I’m a pessimist I tried to keep my expectations low. Sanctify was okay, Palo Santo (the song) was okay but it was If You’re Over Me that put my mind at rest and convinced me Olly & Co. know what they’re doing. (I’m reading back my review I actually called them Olly Alexander & Co. in the review too omg I’m sorry Emre and Mikey, I know your names, I promise.) And I found this album more lighthearted and despite the themes (religion, sexuality, guilt, queerphobia, you know, the hits) way more upbeat. I’m not going to say it’s better than Communion but it’s definitely not worse. 
Years & Years is a band with a huge personality. They make a genre that’s easy to get lazy in sound colourful, exciting, captivating, and like the biggest party that you can’t miss out on. They’re both modern and nostalgic for a musical era they weren’t even alive in.
My favourite songs: All For You, Hypnotised, Here
I can’t choose between the next two so I’m going to write their summaries and then decide which one is fourth and which is third.
4 Panic! at the Disco: Pray For the Wicked
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Panic! has always been a hit or miss with me. I either love their albums to death or I don’t care much for them at all and it fluctuates quite regularly. With Death of a Bachelor being my favourite record Brendon ever released I found it unlikely that anything he can do after this could dethrone it. And I was right, it didn’t. But it made a damn great job of trying to.
I think Brendon to be one of the most talented songwriters, vocalists, and performers of the current generation and I’m not exaggerating. He’s amazing and he doesn’t half-ass anything he does even though he has such a stable following that would just gobble up anything he puts out. And I appreciate that. Pray For the Wicked is like Brendon; strong, whimsical, colourful, a little all over the place, but full of passion and emotion. It’s exactly what the pop scene needs in these... *looks at charts* *looks at news about fucking celebrity beefs that nobody should give two shits about* trying times.
I also wrote a review of this one.
My favourite songs: Roaring 20s, High Hopes, Dancing’s Not a Crime
3 Fall Out Boy: MANIA
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God this album’s been coming for so long it’s easy to forget it only came out this year. And weirdly, I was so sure this would place lower than Pray For the Wicked. There’s not a lot separating the two though. I guess where I like fewer songs more on PFTW I like more songs less on Mania? I don’t fucking know, let’s just say I did maths to calculate this or something.
In my review, tut-tut (that is a little off because the edition I listened to for the first time had the tracks in a slightly different order so... oops?), I said that I’m glad Fall Out Boy stopped giving a shit and I think that’s a theme for so many of these albums on this list, or at least so many of the bands I enjoy doing this where they just stop worrying about trying to appeal to new audiences and just doing their own thing. Fall Out Boy has been so many things before that nothing is out of the comfort zone for them. They are veterans, are you even kidding me, they’re a goddamn powerhouse and all that energy comes across on this album so well, it’s just insanely strong. It also definitely beats AB/AP for me even though I love that album as well.
My favourite songs: Heaven’s Gate, Hold Me Tight or Don’t, Bishops Knife Trick
@ jesus @ god please forgive me for what I’m about to do.
2 Editors: Violence
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I’ve done this a few times before where I know technically an album is better than the other but the emotions surrounding it are just different. The best example to this was in 2014 where I put Troy Baker’s Sitting In the Fire in first place against Sia’s 1,000 Forms of Fear which is just a flawless and brilliant record from beginning to end. But listen to me...
Emotions okay?
Besides, Editors and I go way back, they know I love them. And so here we are, after the sixth album they still haven’t had a #1 album with me. Which is not true, they’re always #1 in my heart but this year was just like this, you know? 
Here’s a review of Violence but... I don’t feel like I need to talk more about them. I just love them so much. They’re just, my life, you know? At every turn, at every event and happening, they’re just there. Their music, their presence, the memories I made because of them, the people I’ve met because of them. They shaped me and my life in ways no other band has or will. So I’ll just leave this quote here and go to bed. Or not cause I’m not done with this list yet.
“People are always talking about how dark we are, and I always get asked where that comes from. And it’s a question I have to dance around, and I have done for years. But I do know this: The people who like this band, who come and see us play and buy our records, they don’t finish an Editors CD or come out of an Editors concert feeling sad. People connect with those little glimmers of hope that are in those songs.”
My favourite songs: Violence, Cold, Nothingness
1 Why do things like this happen to good, god-fearing christian girls like me is all I wanna know...
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Just kidding, I’m not scared of god.
I didn’t want to write any more about this album (it’s called Love Yourself 轉 'Tear' by the way) or BTS as a whole because anyone who’d be interested in reading about why I love them so much understands already so I don’t feel like wasting my breath and I’m not going to but I’ll say this much: the amount of happiness BTS’s music brought me since I got to know them five months ago is unmatched. This year, at least. I remember in 2015 when I got to know twenty one pilots and thought to myself: holy shit, experiences like this, bands like this you just don’t come across every day. To me, at least, these moments are few and far between which is why I want to treasure and honour them whenever they happen.
They just make me happy and their music fucking slaps. Next question!
My favourite songs: Outro: Tear, Anpanman, The Truth Untold, Paradise
Yeah. Yeah I’m pretty sure that was three songs. Good.
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PFTW songs favorite to least favorite
1: Roaring Twenties, it’s everything I hoped for and more 2: The Overpass, Loved it within the first 5 seconds 3: One of the Drunks: It’s great! 4: High Hopes: It inspires me and I love it 5: King of the Clouds, Amazing, love it 6: (Fuck a) Silver Lining, I loved it and it’s what got me into the album 7: Dying in LA, It’s the Bishop’s Knife Trick of this album, calms me and makes me feel strangely happy even if it’s kinda sad 8: Dancing’s Not a Crime: Not exactly my type but the mix of Brendon’s voice and the horns is really great 9: Hey Look Ma, I Made It, Don’t really have anything to say, it’s a great song 10: Old Fashioned, Pretty cool, didn’t feel quite as crazy as the rest to me but I still liked it, honestly It’s my true least favorite but... 11: Say Amen (Saturday Night), Not bad but it was freaking everywhere and it was thrown at my face, makes me kinda happy no one liked Young and Menace and Champion in the beginning because I probably wouldn’t like them as much as I do now.
Just my review! I am terrible at reviews and will never become a critic of anything
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wtfvaluesyah · 6 years
Concert Review of Panic! at the Disco’s Pray for the Wicked tour date in Washington DC. Photo galleries in article.
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shouldiconsume · 6 years
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/pray for the wicked/ 
the party album: contains the highest notes but also, interestingly, references to beebo's mother. 
verdict:  CONSUME  (in large doses bc it grows on you) 
send it other things to consume!!
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So I want to write up my review for pray for the wicked and post it here but if no one else wants to see it then I’ll make more pray for the wicked lock screens (this album has taken over my life) if it’s not too much please comment what you want to see if this gets nothing then I’m doing both and no one can stop me :)))))
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crarsports · 5 years
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 5 years
i’ve reviewed vices, twtl, and pftw... which album should i do next? i was also thinking of doing a b-sides review. i bet vices era b-sides could be it’s own post [eg skid row, mercenary, c’mon, not to mention the live covers]
also considering doing the albums of fob i find most interesting [folie a deux, mania, save rock n roll. the last isn’t an amazing album, but has just one yesterday, which is one of my all time greatest songs, not just by them, but out of all music] 
also a lot of my all time fave albums including the holy bible and everything must go by manic street preachers, from the choirgirl hotel and little earthquakes by tori amos, sarah slean’s nightbugs, david bowie’s ziggy stardust & the spiders from mars, pj harvey’s rid of me, melissa auf der maur’s self-titled, public enemy’s fear of a black planet, metallica’s and justice for all, beth hart’s screaming for my supper, joan osborne’s relish, depeche mode’s songs of faith and devotion and black celebration, tove lo’s queen of the clouds, the clash’s london calling, poison girls’ where’s the pleasure [really, statement, which is their complete recordings, but where’s the pleasure to only pick one album], marina and the diamond’s family jewels, cyndi lauper’s she’s so unusual, prince but i’d have a hard time picking one album, sarah mclachlan’s fumbling towards ecstasy, madonna’s like a prayer, the smith’s louder than bombs, mcr’s danger days, blondie’s parallel lines, fiona apple’s when the pawn, no doubt’s tragic kingdom...
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 6 years
twtl review by me
twtltrtd sounds even better on headphones, in large part bc holy shit do you ever hear dallon’s background vocals. the thumping in yr ears (i’m using big head phones not the piddly ear bud ones) is also a bonus, picking up on the little instrumental noises too. vices also benefits from the big headphone listen. i’ll let you know how doab n pftw go later. and i’ll relisten to vices and the bonus tracks and do a review of that too.
holy shit, seriously twtl is a better fuckin album on big headphones. my 7.5/10 for it is already at 8/10 now after the first 5 songs.
can we also talk about how much of a jam these songs all are instrumentally? like on most of the songs, i hate what they did to b’s voice on most of the tracks (i only think the distortion/”electronicizing” of his voice only works well on vegas lights n casual affair, n collar full to a lesser extent), and on some songs it’s so bad it ruins the song for me (eg the end of all things is awesome live, fucking love it and on the album it is DREADFUL. the instrumentals are good ie strings, but the vocals? fuck no). nicotine--b’s voice annoys me, sorry, but the instrumental track of it on the single? fucks me upppp.
this is gospel 9/10: the lyrics are just so damn good. i hate the distortion of b’s voice on the verses, but the lyrics, music, and chorus save it (the music video too). DALLON’S VOCALS
miss jackson 7.5/10: i think i’d like this song better in it’s original form as bad apple with a sample from fiona apple’s every single night. the lyrics weren’t as angry either. love lolo on it. a really good effort at an r n b/hip hop feel. dallon’s VOCALS (this music vid can gtfo tho)
vegas lights: 9/10 fucking bop. electronica done right. makes me wanna dance n sing my butt off. dallon’s vocals. b’s voice more normal and distorted works really well, esp the normal voice, and when they are layered. drums! perfect club anthem.
girl that you love: 8/10 love the music. the words are meh. a track that works better as in instrumental. or at least get rid of the distortion of b’s voice. wanna hear my baby au naturel on this bc i think it’d sound really good on this track. god this would be so fucking good as an instrumental--the music on this goddamn. the little noises.
nicotine: album version 6/10, instrumental 10/10 can’t stand b’s voice on this, sorry babe (it’s whiny n nasal). words are ok. this is amazing as an instrumental. 
g/g/b: 7.5/10  a good enough song, but overrated. as it is (a boy crushing on a bi girl, love triangle, threesome) i have little problem with it, aside from the subtext of some stereotypes about bisexuals (which i think has more to do with internalized homophobia and bi stereotypes in b than what dallon or b would say of others), but think other songs should have been the lgb anthem instead. hurricane was robbed i tell you, robbed! the bassline is the best part.
casual affair: 10/10. BOY. MY BEAUTIFUL BI BOY. BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM. music, the distortion of b’s voice, lyrics, the vibe, the moods, atmosphere if you will ;), strings n other electronics, OMFG. i talk about this song a lot lyrically but the music/whole package is WHOO BOY. the boys beware clip at the start as it should’ve been makes it even better and solidifies what this song is about. 
far too young to die: 9/10 dallon’s baby lyrically, but i know bden changed the music. music is great, but words are even better. when you’re in the right mood to truly appreciate it you realize how great it is. understated n slow build up n masterful when you let yourself appreciate it.
collar full: 8.5/10. lovely bop. bubblegum pop n i mean that in a good way. fluffy n sticky n sweet n bouncy. hey again with prominent dallon. such a pleasant listening experience, puts a smile on my face every time, n often gets me moving/singing.
the end of all things: 6/10 as i said above, awesome live, and his voice on it live...chills, esp how he changed it at the end. this one, as an instrumental is lovely, but as is...ugh. i often skip this one even though the strings and piano are very nice. weakest song on the album and i feel bad saying that bc the lyrics, while simple, are honest and pure. “i am always yours.”
honorable mention to the b-side all the boys: 9/10 dallon’s love for breezy. such a brobecks song. love hearing brendon sing a song clearly written in dallon’s voice both lyrically and sonically. (dallon is the only one credited on this song.)
can’t fight against the youth: 8.5/10 can hear dallon’s influence on this one too n i’d bet the words are mostly his. 
to rank the best ones, i’d go
this is gospel is i’m more into words/feeling feels about spencer n b, vegas lights if i’m more into music/dancing, hearing b sing so smooth n layered, all the boys if i’m into a breezy n her boy bouncy mood, musing about the dynamics between b, d, n breezy, hearing b sing hIGH, nicotine instrumental to appreciate some great fucking music (seriously listen to the instrumental if you haven’t) (2-5 vary depending on what i’m looking for)
far too young to die underappreciated, even by me, makes me want to listen to n contemplate this song more. i was gonna give it 8.5, but it deserves a 9 too.
ps, this album came out on my birthday ;)
album rankings go as follows:
vices 10/10 with bonus tracks, 9.8 without
doab 9.8/10
pftw i left at 8.6/10 here
twtl ends up at about 8.3/10
fever n pretty. odd are the most up in the air, bc 1) do i judge fever as a first album by boys in their late teens, or equally with the others 2) p/o i think is the most mood dependent album n my views on both range widely. but they, at most, get 8s, more like 7.5. 
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