oakthcrn · 11 days
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A resigned sigh escaped her as she frowned. She glanced at the cave's mouth and had a feeling there was more to this training than a simple clear-out. Genesis Rhapsodos wasn't that boring.
❝ Somehow, I highly doubt it, but fine. ❞ She replied and gently shook his hand off her shoulder. She unsheathed her blade and began to stroll inside. She was swallowed up by darkness and she lifted a hand to activate her fira materia. She glanced around, so far so good. She produced a floating flame and ventured forward.
Once her hand was free, she touched her earpiece.
❝ Sir, can you hear me? ❞ She spoke and glanced around, she peered at the cave walls, remnants of old markings made her think it had once been occupied by some ancient Cetra. Why did SHIN-RA own it? Unless...they were out of bounds and this wasn't merely a training session, but an actual mission.
A look of irritation sprawled over her freckled face. Was it a mission he didn't feel like doing? Arse.
❝ So far there hasn't been any sign of--❞ She was cut off when she felt a sudden force against her, throwing her against the cave wall. She cursed in an old language and gripped her blade. She couldn't see details but the creature was exceedingly large. She sent flames towards it but it did little, her blade did little, and all she could do was dodge. She needed to think of a way to destroy it, or at least get by.
@phantasiiae continued from here: xxx
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@phantasiiae, continued from here: X
Genesis pauses, tilting his head as he regards Sephiroth. He is no stranger to compliments. People will often stop him on the streets and say these things, but they always feel so shallow. Of course people think he's pretty. It comes with the territory. But...hearing it from Sephiroth... He smiles, something actually genuine, then laughs. "Only pretty? Not beautiful? Gorgeous? Utterly radiant? I think you can do far better than that, darling."
Sephiroth cleared his throat, looking to the side to conceal how that smile, that melodious laugh affected him, how effortlessly it eroded his composure, how it made his heart rate speed up and his stomach flutter.
And most likely, there was not even a deliberate effort on Genesis’ part to disturb his equilibrium of mind.
“My apologies,” Sephiroth said, turning to face him once more with a practiced mask of neutrality. “We both know you’re the eloquent one, the sophisticated one. It draws them to you as much as your attractive physique, if I’m to make an educated guess – do better, to put it your way. Fishing for compliments, on the other hand...”
His lips quirked up in a teasing smirk.
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“I may have to deduct a point or two for that. So, careful now.”
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letzterzeuge-archive · 2 months
@phantasiiae•*⁀➷ loud & deafening silence | available
╰┈➤ ❝ [  lean . lean on my muse’s shoulder . ]  ❞
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"really, you should just go to bed." joshua sighed softly, then looked at the prince resting so soundly on his shoulder. to think he could just close his eyes and doze off like this. either dion felt incredibly exhausted or he just trusted joshua that much. then again, there was no downside to trusting the phoenix, they all had the same goals and he supposed that dion did miss terence quite a bit. reaching over, he gently stroked the other male's cheek. dion was such a good looking young man, but after all that he had been through, joshua worried a little for his sanity and well being, especially his guilty conscience of having killed his own father, having fallen for a scheme by ultima. no one could blame him, but he needed help and perhaps someone to talk to.
"don't make me take you to bed. who knows if i can keep my hands off such a beautiful and strong prince?"
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fllameshield · 3 months
[Continued from Here]
"You don't know anything about me!"
Clive was surprised, but also not, by how quickly he was seeing the other heal right up around the areas he had managed to get in on them. A frustrated sound left him when he was forced off of them, and found himself tripping on his own self, legs going wildly off-balance from that forceful shove. "Shit!" He landed on his rear, elbows hitting hard on the ground, and he tried to roll to get back to his feet.
Of course the silver-haired menace was completely right, and he truly hated to think on it as so. Way too many emotions were running through him, blocking out his more logical thoughts, and rage was trying to take the forefront of it all. He couldn't help but think of how the other looked beneath him, and that smug expression on that perfect face of theirs. The way those breaths made their chest heave with such heaviness, and he wondered if they needed to even take in air...
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soulsfractured · 3 months
@phantasiiae liked for a starter
The one thing that he had agreed upon with Vincent before the other had left to travel with Cloud, was that he would stay out of sight. Sephiroth knew a little of what had happened before he'd jumped into the lifestream- fighting with Zack, the pain of being stabbed was also fresh. He didn't remember Cloud completely, besides the fact he was infantry.
But then, the blonde had glowing mako eyes that signalled he was past that, and Sephiroth wondered if his memory was wrong. Could it be? That didn't make sense. He didn't take a defensive position or even more, cursing siently as his outward apperance stayed calm.
"I'm not here to start any kind of fight." He said slowly, his hands raising at the same speed as his words in a sign of surrender. Vincent would lose his mind, he thought wryly, the moment he saw that Cloud had seen him.
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speargifted · 3 months
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"Your Hi-- Dion." Joshua softly called as he approached, hands full with the basket he was carrying.
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He came up where the dragoon was resting and gestured with the basket.
"I don't believe I've seen you eat much since you've been here and.. They grow fruit here so I thought I would bring you some."
@phantasiiae | Starter from Joshua
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hiislegacy · 4 months
Starter | Muse: Cloud
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"...Aerith!!! You okay?!"
He had came rushing into her room, at the dead of night, alarmed and at the ready to strike at anything that may be in there. His dreams had been extremely unpleasant, and he had woke with a start, feeling almost feverish as he swept off the blankets to go to her. Once he realized things were just fine, and no enemies were in sight, he felt like a complete fool. His gaze fell to the floor, and he shrugged his shoulders up high. "...'m sorry... Thought I heard a noise from in here..."
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mezzomorendo · 3 months
@phantasiiae liked this post for a short starter
It wasn't often Zack woke up late, but on the rare occasions he did, he never woke up alone. Dozing in on an infrequent day off meant that he could cuddle Aerith for even longer.
Zack didn't even open his eyes as he buried his nose into Aerith's hair, a hand softly caressing her stomach.
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fromthe7thsidelines · 3 months
starter [X] from Cid, for @phantasiiae 's Vincent
"Ya mind?" No sooner had Cid asked than he was already settling down beside Vincent with a weighty sigh. The Gold Saucer was plenty exciting, but maybe a little too much so; trying to keep up with Nanaki, Cait Sith, and Yuffie left him feeling twice his age. "I swear, those three'll drive me back t' seven cigs a day." A laugh amid his words kept him from sounding entirely sincere about the idea.
Blue eyes glanced sidelong at first, then Cid's head turned to look at Vincent proper. He did sound more earnest when he next spoke. "...You doin' alright? Ain't heard the whole story, but comin' outta some dark basement's gotta make all this" - a gloved hand gestured to their flashy, colorful surroundings - "pretty overwhelming."
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tredispade · 4 months
@phantasiiae | starter | Vincent & Al
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There were endless claims about sightings of a teen boy-- no older than fourteen-- that wanders the planet, going from place to place of unrest where beasts are displaced and encroaching on human settlements. Where he'd tame the beasts and move them away. Never killing them, or even injuring them. It was like he spoke to them.
Supposedly the displacement were long-lasting damage from the lifestream springing up from the earth, destroying natural habitats in its efforts to protect itself from the meteor that almost destroyed it. But as humanity was still settling and rebuilding, none really had the time or effort to look into it.
It was true, however. Even now, he was perched up in the trees in the wilderness of the Gongaga forest, hidden in his stolen military fatigues and a black cloak over his head and torso. The only thing visible were his unearthly glowing green eyes. If he was seen at all. He was focused on a pard of Ceourl, keeping tabs on them as they migrated close by to a human settlement.
Until he sensed the faintest presence of something nearby. Not as something, but a somebody. He almost missed it entirely, and would have chalked it up to the wind or a wild animal. But a flash of red slipping through green wasn't normal here. That wasn't native.
Quickly, and carefully, he spin around into a low crouch and drew out his crossbow. It was loaded with a stunning bolt. Meant to stop, not to kill. Yet he still held it like a threat. He peered around the foilage, but didn't see anyone or anything. Yet, the presence was still there.
"Do not bother hiding. I know where you are." He'd call out, bluffing right through his teeth. "Come out with your hands raised, or else I will shoot you."
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hoshinierabareshimono · 3 months
At the Crossroads
@phantasiiae, continued from here: X
"I thought you’d like some company."
phantasiiae answered:
"Mm, how utterly kind of you." Genesis...tries not to sound bitter, although he knows he's not entirely successful at it. Always an open book, never to keep things as tightly under wraps as he'd like. Sephiroth is the last person he wants to see right now for multiple reasons. One of those being that he can't tell him what he's planning. Out of all the people in the world, Sephiroth would be the only one who could convince him that it was a stupid idea. He glances over at him only for a moment before looking back out the window, letting out a long breath. Part of him wishes he could tell him, but then what? It would be for nothing. It would all be for nothing. "I don't need you to take pity on me, Sephiroth," he mutters, absently picking at a loose string on his sleeve. "I hope you know that."
“I do,” Sephiroth stated bluntly.
More than anything, he was perplexed Genesis even entertained such an absurd notion. He had assumed their interactions over the years had made this evident. He crossed his arms and sat, the faintest of frowns marring his otherwise composed countenance for an instant before it smoothed out once more.
“I can leave if you don’t want me here,” he said. “But in case you do, my original plan was to challenge you to a game of chess. I figured you’d be bored to death in here.“
And he arched his brows, awaiting Genesis’ decision.
Although it was true that he wanted to check in on his injured friend and obtain a personal impression of his recovery process, it was equally true that he missed their battles of wits just as much as their physical spars.
No one kept him on his toes like Genesis, the sole person he had come to regard as his equal – a fact he had been so certain Genesis, too, recognized as such.
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myristicisms · 5 months
w/ @phantasiiae | Sephiroth
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Familiar tones interrupt his restful slumber, half conscious and still partially asleep he can't help but to groan softly, body still pliant and relaxed from the previous night's activities; Genesis was by no means an early riser, often sleeping through multiple alarms even on mornings where he wasn't involved in strenuous antics and yet the subtle shift next to him followed by a warm hand pressing against his bare flesh finally stirs the ginger awake.
Under most circumstances there would be hell to pay regardless of whoever decided it was wise to wake the sleeping man but for once he doesn't mind. Tired eyes slowly open, fingers wrapping loosely around Sephiroth's wrist to affectionately mouth at the flesh of his wrist before gently pressing the meat of his cheek into the man's palm with a hoarse hum. These were not moments Genesis allowed anyone, he's warmed many beds throughout the years but seldom does he stay throughout the night; It's far too intimate, too committal to something he didn't wish to entertain and yet the thought of swiftly dressing and making his exit had never come once they'd finished.
Sephiroth was a man he didn't mind allowing that sort of intimacy, then again the silver haired man was an exception to many of Genesis's so called rules as far as a lay goes simply because he was important to the crimson mage, he was someone the elder of the two could easily see himself devoting his life to should it be in the cards and yet... “ Yes, yes, schedules and such and boring meetings. We could have easily slept another hour, you know. ” His voice rumbles, complaints nearly dying upon his tongue at the gentle touch upon his scalp. He knows his hair is a mess, he's a mess in general and he needs a shower to wash the scent of sweat and sex from his body. “ But I suppose perhaps it's wise for me to return to my own quarters and prepare for the day, I can already tell I look like a disaster. ”
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geraniumplant · 11 days
@phantasiiae || 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 (X)
‧˚ ☾ * ˚. He's said a lot of things he's regret & maybe this is one of them. But if it brings a smile to Aerith's face, it does something to soothe his troubled conscience, even if just a little.
❝ When you asked to play with my hair, I didn't think you were going to do all... this. ❞
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The Turk grumbles, knees pressed to his chest. Tseng really does look ridiculous. He feels a wave of relief that no one else is around to witness it. With the others, he’s always kept things ambiguous regarding his meetings with Aerith. Lately, their conversations have evolved into a more personal exchange. He’s even shared with her his struggles with his sexuality & his lack of a romantic life.
❝ Whatever you're doing, I'm sure it looks beautiful. ❞ He sighs. ❝ I promise. ❞
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fllameshield · 4 months
Starter | Muse: Joshua
Some good and bad came with the powers that were given to them, and for him it was the expectancy of not knowing if he would lose control, or lose his life from the aftermath. The good was that he brought hope to those around him, and it was something he took to heart. The Phoenix was the perfect symbol of that, life after death, reborn anew. He only wished it was that way, right now, for his hope was draining.
Something terrible had startled him, a nightmare, a hallucination, he couldn't be so sure. There were a pair of eyes always watching him, and more recently a presence could be felt. They were unknown to him, though. It was enough to send him off in a ball of flame, high up into the sky so as to not hurt anyone below to the best of his ability. The Phoenix was in control, wings of fire flapping hard, screeching to the night of it's terror.
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moenxs · 19 days
@phantasiiae continued.
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Kairos had seen it, continues to see it even. Aerith had died so many times before now, enough that even Kairos had lost count and yet Aerith still persisted. It was something that she found herself almost looking up to, such persistence wasn't seen in many anymore.
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"Do you wanna be lonely together, Aerith?" Kairos wondered from where she was crouched just a small distance away from the other, arms resting on her knees and her chin resting atop one of her arms. "I know what's going to happen to. I always do, I know what's going to happen, what's already happened. Even things that may happen." She whispered, eyes wide and curious.
"It really is lonely knowing all that, right?"
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hiislegacy · 4 months
[Continued from Here]
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Her words, and the way she actually approached him gave him reason to pause. Of course she would do something like this, always being who she was, and never giving up on anyone. How it still made his heart beat so quickly, and breath still in his throat as he considered her. Cloud had her where it would be easy enough to finish the job, the task, the order given to him. Yet, he was keeping himself from doing so, just for a few moments longer. To listen to all that she has to say, as though his life depended on it. Then he laughed. A short, light little chuckle.
"Aerith... You know I can't just go against him. There's no point in it. He's already won." Cloud unhooked the blade from his back, and let the shine of it reflect on her face, admiring still how she looked all concerned. "Now, be good for me."
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