#muse: Sephiroth
neko-mun-rp · 3 years
@chocobohaired​ liked for a starter from Sephiroth
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“I know I promised not to say I told you so when this would inevitably go horribly wrong... But I told you so. I knew this would happen and you didn’t listen.”
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altocat · 2 years
My only fear for Remake Part 2 is them botching Seph's characterization during the Nibelheim Incident. I demand that nice, introverted coolguy Sane!Seph remains a thing. The man was decent before he lost it. That's what makes his character compelling, at least to me.
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tomurasprincess · 2 years
Speaking of white haired villains, there's this webtoon called "I failed to abandon the villain" with this devious yandere male lead who likes to impertinently call the female lead "master" you might like. It's also a novel
So I checked into this at work today and before I knew it, I was like 15 chapters in 😂. It’s super good, the heroine isn’t annoying so far and the yandere is hot as hell. Definitely evil but doesn’t seem like he would really hurt his darling and would in fact destroy the world for her, which is like my kink. Will definitely read more, thanks for the recommendation!
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pudgy-planets · 2 years
Over here adding fuel to the brainrot
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Please do.
She will dominate you. Booba and All.
Embrace her. It’s why Cloud will never forget her. Booba Supremacy.2
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ghostofnibelheim · 3 years
@yumetohokori​ || Continued from here.
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Angeal turned to Sephiroth the moment he heard his voice, a crease already forming between his brows. “A problem?” Well, that was never something he wanted to hear. “Did Genesis do something again?” He already sounded exasperated. It was only natural to immediately suspect the redhead as he was the most prone out of the three of them to cause problems.
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The question had Sephiroth seemingly stutter in his steps, as though the mention of Genesis had derailed him from some kind of focus he had upon entering the room. Pale brows drew closer in an inward frown, lips pressing into a faint line.
“... I do not know that.” He confessed. Truth to be told, he couldn’t exclude that. But no matter, he had an issue at hand. And whether Genesis was the culprit or not, he ... couldn’t quite solve it on his own.
For some reason, the silver-haired male seemed to beat around the bush with a question of his own. “The place you come from, Banora... It’s a countryside place, is it not?”
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shishiou · 3 years
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yumetohokori · 2 years
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“.... Cloud, put some clothes on.”
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Continue from here - X
There was a chuckle tickling and tingling through Cloud mind, before the response met his angry words. Really, Cloud... I thought you’d come to accept this was our reality... No need to be so bitter, on such a wonderful day.
Of course, knowing how it was making Cloud feel, the edge, the discomfort, every feeling firing off bound to his emotions relating to Sephiroth, and the specter of the super human male drank it all in, humming thoughtfully within Cloud’s mind. He considered what fun he would have with Cloud, if he continued with his attitude.
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Is this your pitiful, forced hate of me at play...? Or is this a discomfort in your own day? I FELT how you reacted to even your dear friends and allies wishing you the best for this day.... So what is it about this day that discomforts you?
As per usual, any visit in any compacity from Sephiroth involved him seeking to pick apart new parts of Cloud until there was nothing left.
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firedragonmuses · 5 years
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The best ship: Sephiroth x Balmain
Traditional art: Markers.
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onewingedxngel · 3 years
Starter for @lone-wolf-and-muse (for Cloud)
Sephiroth circled his favourite victim, narrowed eyes focused on the other’s form.
“Always so arrogant,” he murmured softly, drawing slightly closer. “You believe you know all. Feigning confidence when, in reality, you have none. How much do you truly know, Cloud?” He paused in front of him, dark smile gracing his lips.
“Or are you still frightened of how fragile, how damaged, your mind truly is?”
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neko-mun-rp · 3 years
@chocobohaired 💋 [continued]
​Sephiroth’s intention for this fight wasn’t to harm the blond. He was merely toying with Cloud, testing his strength and having fun with it. Cloud was always so angry, he should really but that fiery nature to good use. The silverette easily knocked the buster blade out of reach and shoved Cloud onto his back. Though instead of plunging Masamune into Cloud the blade instead was planted into the ground and Sephiroth grabbed the male beneath him to steal those lips in a deep and passionate kiss. 
He did not let Cloud shove him away, his other hand cupping the back of his head and held him close as he continued to kiss and taste the man in his arms. A soft moan fell from his lips when Cloud gave in and kissed back. It was aggressive in nature like the blond was desperate to fight for dominance for the kiss. After a long few minutes of making out on the ground Sephiroth pulled back a little so they could catch their breath. 
“Now isn’t this more fun then trying to stab each other?” Sephiroth questioned with a cocky smirk.
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sicklexclaws · 3 years
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In regards to my last post where I say Oscar’s claws are much longer than usual, the sizes of characters in One Piece are off in general, where X Drake as an Allosaurus has massive claws and general massive size in comparison to the average human body mass. The claws of Allosaurus and even Spinosaurus are pretty tiny in comparison to their relative body size as their fangs make up for their might whereas Oscar is all claws and his talons pretty much account for a whole armory.
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pudgy-planets · 2 years
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The One-Winged Angel.
With Boobs chosen by the planet itself.
Her nipples and broad areolas hidden behind nothing more than mere leather cross straps will never be a mere memory.
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ghostofnibelheim · 3 years
Aerith: Wait, is that Cloud you’re carrying? Why is he passed out? Where are you taking him?
Sephiroth: To a candle-lit dinner, then to watch a romantic movie and, lastly, to the beach to stargaze.
Aerith: While he's unconscious?
Sephiroth: I bring back the “sensual” in “non-consensual”.
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
For the OC ask thingy: I think that, through Melissa, you're expanding parts of FFVII world and canon I personally didn't pay that much attention to. It's not that I didn't care about Wall Market and the Inn prior to seeing you and Melissa, I simply didn't pay attention to those elements. Now, I do because they're more lively and immersive. As for Melissa herself, I love that you don't subject her to singular tropes, but let her grow and make mistakes and such. 🥰
anonymously or not, please tell me what you think of my OC . accepting
You have no idea how happy this made me feel, Blu! I LOVE that Wall Market feels like a more interesting and organic place for you because of this blog - really, as much as I tend to focus on Melissa, I have fingers in all sorts of Wall Market pies and I have so many headcanons about the place itself - the inn, the other establishments, the power dynamics, the Shinra involvement.
I am fascinated by the place and it was always a favorite one due to how much it draws from the Japanese nightlife, which is another passion of mine (and which is now being heavily featured as I've expanded considerably to Yakuza/Persona franchises, hehe). So knowing this is 'my legacy' of sorts makes me super proud and giddy, haha~.
And also thank you for also being so welcoming to Melissa with all your children! It's been super fun watching her being an imperfect, dramatic, absolutely emotional trainwreck of a woman around your boys and girls and I love all our different sorts of dynamics and interactions. Give me Tseng saving her from a near-drowning experience in a shallow pool or sisterly shenanigans around the slums any day! :)
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