pagsys-writings · 3 months
87. Material
Philip and Trevor sit side-by-side on a bench in the park. Nature surrounds them — green grass, tall trees, chirping birds… the sun warms their skin from above. It’s a piece of calm nestled within a bustling city, seemingly hidden from the material world. The quiet makes Philip fidget. He’s never been good when left to his thoughts. 
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Trevor asks, closing his eyes and tilting his face toward the sun. “Getting away from everything for a little bit?”
Philip mimics Trevor, but his eyes catch the high-rises stretching above the trees. “It’s just a lie though.”
Trevor opens his eyes, noticing where Philip’s looking. “Maybe, but sometimes it’s nice to pretend that we’re not needed in all of that, and just be present and enjoy the moment.” He smiles at Philip with kind, understanding eyes.
Philip sighs. “That does sound nice.”
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Re-edit of the first version that I did a year ago for the story of Philip and Trevor. 
Enjoy! And thank you to anyone who’s seen the original, and put up with how out of the sync and how slow the audio and video were...
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scullycockstrap · 4 years
Philip: I feel sad.
Trevor: I have emotional jumper cables! I'll boost you. Just attach like so...
Philip: This is a hug.
Trevor: Is it working?
Philip, trying not to smile and failing: Maybe.
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star-howler-1 · 4 years
hurry back
Why did it seem like all of their missions were going wrong these days? And why did it seem that one of them was always getting hurt? What was the point of having all these memories of the future if he couldn’t protect the people he cared about?
Trevor lay beside him. His breaths came in shallow gasps. The wound in his side looked bad and Philip couldn’t do anything to stop the bleeding. Curse after curse went through his mind as he watched with growing horror the amount of blood his friend was losing. Okay, this was really, really bad.
“I have to go get help,” Philip told him. He took Trevor’s hands and forced him to put pressure on his wound. Trevor flinched, clenching his jaw in pain for a moment before focusing on Philip.
Trevor gave him a weak smile. Philip pretended that he didn’t see the blood in Trevor’s mouth or the dim look in his eyes. “Hurry back,” Trevor said weakly.
Philip nodded and turned to run for their friends. He had no time to waste. He wouldn’t lose Trevor. He wouldn’t allow it.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 4 years
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phevor WIP
(fished piece HERE)
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"imagine your OTP" posts are such a trip
Buddie getting locked in a pet shop, and Buck falling in love with a kitten. When they're rescued, he sneaks the kitten out in his jacket and Eddie loses his shit when there's a cat on his face the next morning
Sterek in Starbucks
Marvey being domestic and Mike brings Harvey breakfast in bed on his birthday and there's a ring box next on the breakfast bagels
Malex on a boat, and Michael is freaking out even though he literally travelled from another planet
Phevor going car shopping and Trevor wants to buy an old-man car
Bellarke taking their grandkids to a space museum and saying shit like "yeah no. That's not how it happened, believe me I was there"
Malec making gingerbread houses on Christmas and Alec accidentally trips and falls on Magnus'
Mcdanno snuggling on the floor, after breaking the bed. Yet again.
Drumfred going out for pizza
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travelermarcy · 4 years
Have you written any Trevor x Phillip? I would love to read anything about them (brotp or romance) because I think their on screen relationship is so wholesome and real
Their relationship is so sweet I love them! And no I haven’t written anything for them but if you (or anyone reading this) has some prompts 👀👀 hmu
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philip-pearson · 5 years
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Travelers Fandom Week Day 1: First Person
Um so RIP Travelers I guess,,, what a way to start fandom week, honestly. 
Am I proud of this? No. Am I gonna finish fandom week? Also no. Did my dumb ass think “first person” said “point of view” and draw a whole ass piece of art from Poppy’s point of view? Yes I fukcing did
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itshollyhello · 6 years
Cool so if anyone else has finished watching Travelers season 3 on Netflix and wants to hit me up to discuss theories and what the fuck just happened pls do so thanks 🤯🤯
Also quick PSA please watch Travelers on Netflix
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felicis-delight · 6 years
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Can we just talk about Trevor and Philip because I love them ♥️
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pagsys-writings · 3 months
23. Sob
Philip doesn’t have much control over his mind these days, but it’s worse when he sleeps. He relives everything — what’s already happened here in the past and back in the future, as well as what’s to come in the present. But what’s worse is that his mind casts his friends and family as the main characters, making Philip watch them die over and over and—
He sits up in bed, heart pounding and sweat dripping down his back. He shakes his head, but the image of Marcy’s lifeless body remains. Body trembling and skin crawling, a sob escapes Philip without his consent. Are these his memories? Will this happen? Can he even tell—
An arm wraps around his shoulders — steadying him — and a warm hand presses into his chest — grounding him. “Breathe, Philip,” Trevor’s voice breaks through his thoughts. “Breathe. I’m right here.”
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Hey everyone! I noticed that my Sharpwin video got a few likes, which I really appreciate! So, I don’t know how many people know about Philip and Trevor from Travelers (Netflix), but I really like this pairing, which is where this video comes from.
The fandom for this show probably isn’t that active anymore, so this might not get very noticed, but I enjoyed making it anyways. So, here it is.
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traveler6969-blog · 5 years
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season 3 philip vs season 1 philip 
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such-geekiness · 5 years
Philip and Trevor find each other in timeline after timeline in a post-Travelers Version 1 world.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 4 years
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Finally finished my Phever piece for the best of friends, @shealynn88 <333
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It makes me sad that not enough people have watched Travellers. Like it's just so freaking good
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