fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Caleb, if you're out there,
I am sorry. I've written this over and over and over again, yet can never seem to find the right words. Maybe there are none. There is no excuse for what I've done (nor do I wish to excuse it) and I know I cannot take any of it back. I know I had taken everything too far. I hadn't wanted to believe you'd just left me, in any capacity, and especially not for a witch. I was far too ingrained in the idea of being a witch hunter, and had been looking for you for so long after you'd left, worrying that you would be hurt or much worse, which only made the confrontation all the more awful to me. After believing witches were bad for some time, having it deeply rooted after we'd tried so hard to fit in with the people of gravesfield— I couldn't bring myself to accept that you'd fallen in love with one and wanted to stay there, so I convinced myself that you were bewitched instead, and that I had been doing you a favor. That I was saving you. I hadn't. I lost what remaining humanity I had and from then on things felt very different. The grimwalkers I made in your image were because a part of me still wanted to still hold onto you in some way, but it developed into something horrible, and it was wrong of me to make them in the first place. I feel ill every time I think about what I did, and it is overwhelming— although I suppose that is what I deserve.
I couldn't admit I was wrong, which lead me to do many, many horrific things in pursuit of delusion and ignorance. I was selfish, and extremely hypocritical, especially as time went on.
I think of you often, and miss you terribly. I wish to mend things, but I'm not even sure you'd ever want to speak to me again. I wouldn't blame you for it. I'm sorry, and if you've found Evelyn, I hope the both of you are well.
- Philip Wittebane
(The Owl House).
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
for the "noncanon characters from your canon" question, i've got a wild one. a young man, maybe in his late 20s to early 30s, who was kind of a friend/romantic interest in the human world. i don't remember his name sadly, but he was.... very charming, to say the least. it's insane how different a timeline can be from canon.
-belos/philip wittebane
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
in response to a recent anon, so glad other philips get very excited to spot a stray brother in the wild
-a different philip wittebane
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I miss my brother Caleb.
I don't think he misses me though.
But I want him back. I need him back.
-Philip Wittibane / Emperor Belos
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
The kin gods have forsaken me - Philip wittebane (the owl house) #💙🔥
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
medicanons...although i never received any kind of assessment or diagnosis for reasons i think are obvious, in hindsight/informed by my lived experiences now, i'm pretty sure i inhabited most of cluster B as philip wittebane. to be clear, i...really disliked how the show's conclusion of my 'character' boiled down to "he's bad because he believes his own delusions". my "bad"ness was a series of willing choices i as an individual made to hurt others over and over and over. while i did use my delusions as a "blanket", my abusiveness was not Caused by my delusions, or my PDs (although my behaviour did often exacerbate both these things.) anyway...i was also ace and gay. happy pride.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
So I'm going to answer that noncanon characters in your canon question.
Peter, he was so major in the canon in all the worst ways, technically my parents too in a way but like they are still technically canon I think?
But Peter, I hate that man, I hope he rots in hell, the stuff he put me through, the stuff he threatened to do to Caleb, what I had to do in order to protect my brother, I hope Peter didn't get a second chance at life, he is the last person to deserve it, and I can not go into way, but just know he was way worse then me and many other villains, he was really a special kind of evil and I'd love to rant about it but again, it would violate the rules. I hope Peter stayed dead.
-That Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos who wrote the giant letter to his family + Luz
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
being philip wittebane is just the constant need to talk to caleb that is never met because he was gone in that life and you'll never talk to him in this one because why would he ever want to talk to you. anyways it's missing caleb hours again
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I don't think anyone misses me and I'm fine with that -Philip wittebane
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Hey Caleb, it's Philip...again.
I hope you're well big brother
I want to play sword again with you
I should've been more understanding about Evalyn.
But I couldn't, I thought I was going to lost you.
I'm sorry it ended the way it did
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I miss Caleb so much I doubt he'd ever want to talk to me again after the things I did but I miss him nonetheless,
he was my big brother and the only person who genuinely cared for me and I murdered him. Caleb I'm so sorry i promise I'm a better person in this life than I was back then. -Phillip wittebane
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I know I was terrible as a human being for what I had done, at least in everyone's eyes and I really probably don't deserve sympathy or happiness but, I miss Caleb, he was my brother, my best friend, the only good person in my life. Our parents were the worst to me but he never knew, and I'd love to rant about what exactly they did but it was extremely explicit so I'm not sure I'm aloud to do such a thing. I know I killed him but it was in a fit of rage, it felt like my own brother was abandoning me, and I never was able to really 'grow up', mentally at least. I had so much Tramua and Caleb was the only one I had. I didn't make other connections, he was all I needed. When I processed what I had done I was devastated, I get shaking him, I kept saying 'wait' while crying and trying to stop the bleeding out but I couldn't. So I tried to clone him but none of the clones turned out right and I kept killing them until it was like a pattern and I just became blinded, until Hunter came along. He was the perfect clone of Caleb, he acted like him, looked like him. So after all those missions where he actually started to get hurt I started to panic and would not let him leave the castle but I never explained why, and then I lost him, he ran away after he saw into my mind. I was crushed, I really was. I promised that when he came back, when I found him again, I'd explain to him everything, well almost everything, but I'd make an effort, for him, my brother. But then he just...didn't come back. I kept waiting but...nothing. I lost my brother again, for the second time. Everything was spinning in my head, and I just completely lost it. My last thread of sanity just...snapped in an instant. Why did this keep happening, I didn't get it, I was the good guy, wasn't I?
Anyways, Caleb, if you're out there, any Caleb, I don't care anymore, please for the love of everything, come back to me.
(If it wasn't obvious I am Philip/Belos)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I just find it being multiple kins funny. Like. I am (child) Philip Wittebane from TOH. I am Mitch from The Sand (2015). I am Conor from Song of the Sea. What
-signing off as Mitch (The Sand)
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