#phillip grimwalker oc
sleepyhoneybunn · 1 year
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My Belos/Phillip grimwalker oc if he met @catboymoments Belos/Phillip grimwalker oc Hyacinth! Hyacinth is my favorite boy and I like to think these two might get along. They both have chaos flowing through them and I love them both.
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brother-bon3s · 5 months
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Feeds you crumbs of a toh au
Soon each character will get an indepth explanation post, for now you just get faces!!!
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asteriaroot · 9 months
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Some 3am art of my Grimwalker oc because I Finnaly have motivation to draw again ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Currently doing a RP where they went back into bearded Philip time and he is so done with them lmao
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southernbaphomet · 1 year
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autisticvampireclub · 2 years
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What’s that Puppet Boy?
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bookwormlover10 · 1 year
Now to more grimwalker ocs
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Now before we get to the fun stuff I'll have to explain the au background first. Philip and Caleb head their fight, but Evelyn curse Philip mid-fight, ( so he has the cetst that he has on cannon) but after words they came to an understanding. So Caleb didn't die my the hends of Philip. So he saw his son hunter (he goes by jay) being born and he has his brother with him. That was until he was in a cart accident that killed him. ( This man can never get a break.) After words Philip then started to help Evelyn with House work, and raising her son. ( Cause there they the only family he has left) Evelyn was not talking Caleb death well , so one day Evelyn ask Philip to watch jay for a few days whale she figures things out....Spoiler alert she never came back. ( Jay was 7 at the time) 3 years later a 15 year old boy named Alexander came to the door saying a woman named Evelyn Sayed to come here with a note saying that he was a grimwalker. So Philip head no choice but to take the kid in. Then a nother one came years later but name Arthur saying that same thing and having but this time he's 14 the same note.
So at this point Philip has 3 mouths to feed. So when he herd about an artifact in the Titans head he plans to sell it for money. So the plot of everywhere and nowhere still happen the Same but at the end after he gets Puch he explained that he was going to sell it for monny to feed his nephews and apologized to Luz and Lilith and invited them for dinner as an apology for trying to use them for sacrifice but his nephews come first. That night when he was going to sell the thing. Philip accidentally summon the collector. The collector not wanting to get sold and being alone again try to convince Philip not to do it. Philip and all he's years of parenting quickly concluded that the collector was a abandoned child so he wasn't going to sell him. But he explained to the collector that he needs money so he ask if the collector know any artifacts that he can sell. So the collector did but in exchange to free him. Philip already have that idea to adopt the child agree. So that day Philip came home with money and a New cousin for his nephews then started his crusade and becoming the emperor Belos in this au.
But now I have to explain the rest. Years after the start of Philip crusade another grimwalker came name Thomas but he was blind and was 13 years old. The last of the grimwalkers that Evelyn made was Christopher but he was left on the door steps and the in construction Castle. When Belos thought she was dead..... But it wasn't the last of them.... You see when Christopher was going to start traveling the isles,he was worried that Belos was going to get lonely in the castle by himself sense his nephews were alive. ( except jay) but they all growed up and had lives and don't visit often. he does have his adopted son ( the collector) but he can't physically hug him. So he made a baby grimwalker named Joseph with Caleb bones as a parting gift( he also had help with the collector) . As you can get Belos was annoyed, but appreciated the thought and once again head to raise yet nother nephew. But that also wasn't the end. when Joseph was in his late teens he decided he wanted a little brother so he ask the collector to help make him one and With Caleb bones to made baby Samuel. This now getting on his nerves but was still was going to raise the nephew, but he asked to not disrespect his brother's grave by using his bones..... So they did but not using Caleb bones this time. It went like this
And that's how hunter came to be in this au. Hunter was made by Alexander with the help of Arthur, after the death of Alexander's wife and unborn child. Alexander cut of one of his Left arm to uses as a replacement as Caleb bones.( I'll explain why Alexander made Hunter later) Then the other 5 brothers accidentally got involved and Belos fined out when a little like this.
BELOS: what that in your guys arms( crossing his arms and raising eyebrow)
JOSEPH: well...to be fair you did tell us to not use your brother's bones
BELOS: what happened to your eldest older brother's arm?
SAMUEL: his name is hunter ( holding baby hunter to Belos)
CHRISTOPHER: and look how cute he is.
THOMAS: he sounds and feels cute to.
ARTHUR: *laughs nervously * just to let you know it was Alex idea. * Pont to Alexander*
After words Belos build Alexander a new arm. For the last time he heas a other nephew to raise. ( I'll also explain why he not with Alexander later) with the help of the other brothers. Mostly Joseph and Samuel cause they live in the castle. The golden guards go through the generations each brother was was one with Samuel being the current one so hunter in this au is a golden garden training.
Now to the fun part but I'm going to give a brief explanation in number order. but I'll add on later
Alexander - he was the first of Evelyn grimwalkers as long as the first golden guard. Alexander is the richest man in the boiling isles, the literally puts golden in golden guard. He own a toy company were he makes and sell toys. He learned to carve from jay and tell me brother. He can be scary even as scary as Belos but he heas a depart and well fight for what he thinks is right. He also a vigilante at night. ( He basically Acts like diluc for genshin impact) he also has a soft spot for kids and Hunter.
Arthur- the second of Evelyn grimwalkers. The second golden guard( technically but official later) . Arthur was once a knight but took the secret persona as an outlaw after he discover that the mane government at the time was cerup and people were abusing there power. ( The irony in this one. * Looks at Canon) he's outlaw name is the golden theft. he used a gun in golden theft mode and a bow when he was in knight mode. ( I know it doesn't make ene sense but I wanted a cowboy golden guard) he has a worse criminal record then Eda .Belos knew this the whole time. Now in the present he is a history teacher at hexside and is Luz teacher. He has a chill personality but he is also Stern when neted to be. Has a strong sense of justice. Love kids. ( I also changed his design a little bit btw)
Thomas - he was the third of Evelyn grimwalker. The third golden guard. Thomas was "born" blind. Cause of that his other senses are more stronger. ( If that's how you word that.) Thomas holds earning respect to a high regard sence he had to earn respect of his peers. He has the older brother that like to bully his younger siblings. ( Out of love. It builds character) but he'll die for his brothers. Just because he's blind don't stop him from being a whore. He sherd an apartment in bonesbero with Arthur.
Christopher- the last of Evelyn grimwalker. The fourth golden guard. He was left on the castle door steps as a baby with a note so he doesn't really have memorys of Evelyn like he's three older brothers do. Christopher is a very caring person, if you ask him for the clothes on his back he'll gladly give it to you. ( He's a lot like tamaki for oron high school host club for comparison) he is also a free spirit he likes to travel across the Isles never staying in one place for to long but he'll always come visit his family dering important holidays or even when ever he's around Town. He gives hunter gifs from every were in the boiling isles every time he visits.
Joseph- the fifth golden guard. Joseph was Nickname the golden death cause he had a scythe when he was the golden guard. Joseph is a really sweet guy he just had trouble showing it sometimes. ( With strangers mostly) he's a clum person but we'll get angry when something tiks him off. He's the only one if his brothers to die his heir. He likes his younger brother Samuel has a hand in raising hunter. Sometimes he wood Read him to bed. He believes that the balance of life and death should be kept. He mostly deals with ghost and other undead things. He likes rock. You'll catch him with his headphones a lot. He writes songs to.
Samuel- the sixth and current golden guard. Hunter favorite brother. He has super Strath. He likes the roch of Battle. he also likes to help people in needed. Like Joseph he also had a band in raising hunter. He wood play with him when he wasn't on missions. He would sugle with hunter when he had a nightmare when Belos wasn't around when he was a kid. Samuel is in charge of training Hunter to be the next golden guard( Wich their all trying to persuade him out of) hunter looks up to him and wants to be like him. He has the personality of a cool older brother that will die for you.
Other things to add. Their the #1 huntlow shipers.
This au we'll be called golden brothers au
This is basically the au were Belos/ Philip unwillingly raise 7 kids ( 10 if you include the collector and jay. )
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
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Aww he's so cute...and then the angst at the bottom.
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aspenonpawzzz · 5 months
Phantom of bonesborough (PoBb): talk alot Abt this au, fiction-kin-type is from here, werewolf hunter. I talk Abt it here @phantom-w0lfbane
Wispers on the wind (Wotw) Au: the duology
A whole garden of flowers (ahgof) [WIP]: 12 years pre-canon, hunter disapeared, and was replaced with Maple, a omni-genderfluid, "system" (explained in brother au) pan orientied aroace nerd grimwalker. maple is the grimwalker that phillip likes the most, least ab#used and is the most Phillip (due to hair color) looking. instead of becoming the Golden Guard, Philips made them the Platinum Peacemaker. Phillips gave it a heart transplant, allowing them to do some magic, but she can't do some of the more draining/ diffcult spells. he looks like a (depending on the day) andro, masc, fem, or all/none mix of hunter, Phillip, and @catboymoments huntlow child. tracks IF she went to hexside/ special interests are oracle, illusions, and poitions. he is 15 physically, tho she was "born" Abt 6 months after hunter dissperred. instead of a wolves and cardinals for hunter, foxes and starlings are maples symbols. Platinum peacemaker outfit is a gender neutral GG out fit, with black inplace of white, deep violet =yellow, gold= dark silver. instead of a barn-owl mask, smybolising wisdom, helpfulness, and death of the unworthy, the PP( noo) mask is a phoenix, which smybolises rebirth, second chances, the afterlife.
My name carved in a rock (mncir)[WIP]: Ahgof's brother story, about this Au's hunter, a demiace biro boyfreak he/it (called graves [gray for short] in this) who 12 years pre-canon was "kidnapped" by Darius, but lost, and fell into a titans blood pool, entering the inbetween, and meeting collector. Graves learned many wittabane and Phillip things, and is far more unhinged than canon. he is still 16, but far less mentally stable. it watches luz and the gang, and TRIES to help (cause he has conversed with kings dad before like 3 times) out giving hints, using the wind. oh did I forget to mention that it can control the wind in this AU? yeah, so he uses that to push importiant papers toward luz, whispers things in the gangs ears (sound like that little voice in ur head but its the wind saying it but not out loud? that makes sense?). the main hexsquad can kinda hear it, but not really. maple however, being a grimwalker so having a intamite relationship with death, hears it quite well! maple mistakes this as a system, and gray plays along. it meets luz when she enters the inbetween in "yesterdays lie", and luz pulls him out, ignoring its demands to stay. he stays tho, and after a little bit freaks cause he's like "oh shit maple " and maple has not heard for their head mate gray in a minute. graves doesn't spoil the whole "phillip is Belos" stuff tho.
deviltown (syshun)[WIP]:
ok this is a stupid self-indulgent au where hunter is the Evenader system with 3 alters. everything happens like canon, but system style.
Flint: "Hunter". he/they. biromantic demisexual. Trans demiboy. mostly canon. front-sticky, host/core.
Xander: "The GG incarnate." it/its, doesn't mind he/him tho. caedo-triple a battery. (aroace, Agender). standoffish, robotic, jumpy. trauma holder/ protector
Juniper: "Me but a head mate for a hunter" they/it, red fox alterhuman. apothisexual, arospike. sarcastic, aloof, wild-card. no one knows. nobody understands juniper.
oh happy day (ohd) [WIP]:
s3 happen, but flapjack lived.thats it. that's the whole au.
Partners in Crime(PiC) [irl au, I live in this one kinda]
my world. i live in this universe lol yes I am insane inside my head is a house ? building? thing that's cool and connected to The Inbetween.
I live there with PiC phantom (from PoBb) because he was a OC that got sentient. I do stuff like see universes. I "copy" peoples au OCs and theses ones know Abt my life. I am a chaotic entity that sarcastically comments on hunter AUs lives because I am the titan and the archivists combined. phantom and I have an almost Luz and hunter pre-kings tide relationship. I made this because the brainrot is too strong and I am a INTJ with a hero/god complex.
Wolf Warren (ww) [Oc AU]
An owl house swap AU in which all of my OCs are in their respective places (my gg oc=hunter, exc)
Fox Fort (FF) [swap au]
a swap AU with my main (insert character) AU eg. phantom for Hunter.
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
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Gilded Family AU Masterpost
Summary: An alternate universe in which Evelyn managed to save Caleb after his confrontation with Phillip. The two of them escaped to present day through time pools, and have been using time pools to secretly rescue grimwalkers just after Belos attempts to kill them. The story follows Darius' mentor as he adjusts to his new life, as well as changes to the course of canon.
Playlist Art and Other Pictures Miscellaneous Posts Gilded's Darker Timelines Grimwalker Playdate (Other's golden guard OCs interacting with Gilded)
Table of Contents: Ch 1: End of the Line Ch 2: What's in a Name? Ch 3: Something New to Guard Ch 4: Explanations Ch 5: No One Else Ch 6: Protection Ch 7: Anniversary Ch 8: Just for Laughs Ch 9: Deal Ch 10: Identity Ch 11: Nightmares Ch 12: Someday Ch 13: Labyrinth Runners Ch 14: Day of Separation Ch 15: Human Realm Ch 16: Shopping and Secrets Ch 17: When One Door Closes, Another Explodes  Ch 18: Reminisce Ch 19: Homecoming Ch 20: For the Future Ch 21: Months Ago... Ch 22: Storytime Ch 23: Gameplan Ch 24: Puppets vs Pals Ch 25: Petro Ch 26: Never Meet Your Heroes Ch 27: New Mission Ch 28: Rotted Memories Ch 29: Infection Ch 30: Unfamiliar Ch 31: Solutions Ch 32: Deep Down Ch 33: Reunion Ch 34: Dreaming
Related Fics/Ficlets: Crossover with Wik Hunter AU (not mine) Cherry and Jason Bonding Writing Request
First Post/Concept Grimwalker Timeline (Related 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Grimwalker Appearances Grimwalker Deaths Grimwalker Ages How Does The House Work (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Time Travel Weirdness (1, 2, 3, 4) Palisman (Related)
The Guys
Family Stuff
Dynamics between Grims and Others Fluff & Cuddles Revenge Squad
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theraddishhouse · 2 years
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who would name their golden guard oc radish thats so fucked up
so. anyways heres phillips fucked up grimwalker he tried to convince radek was their son. didnt go well.
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scouts-thingsandrps · 2 years
The Owl House
Edalyn Cawthorne (She/They)
Lillith Cawthorne (She/Her)
Luz Noceda [Human Witch] (She/They/It)
King (He/They/It)
Amity Blight (She/Her)
Edric Blight (He/Him)
Emira Blight (She/Her)
Willow Park [Plant Witch] (She/They/It)
Augustus ‘Gus’ Porter [Illusion Witch] (He/Him)
Hunter Wittebane-Deamonne (He/They/It)
Raine Whispers (They/Them)
Eberwolf the Huntsman (Pronoun Neutral)
Darius Deamonne (He/Him)
Boscha Moore (She/They)
Camila Noceda (She/Her)
Vee Noceda (She/They/It/Xe)
Adrian Graye (He/They)
Terra Snapdragon (She/Her)
Caleb Wittebane (He/Him)
Phillip Wittebane (He/Him)
The Collector/Sagittarius (He/They)
Skara Parrish (She/They)
Katya Parrish (She/They)
Masha Esmond (They/Them)
Mattholomule (He/They)
Steve (He/Him)
Vitimir (Pronoun Neutral)
Hettie Cutburn (They/Them)
Osran (They/He)
Bria Thomas (She/They/He)
Gavin Deamonne-Copperhead (He/Him) [The Abomination Kid at Glandus]
OCs (please note that all of the backstories will only apply to the main timeline verse, see AUs for more information about them)
Alane Nightingdale (She/They) (AU Specific Muse)
Atalanta ‘Attie’ Wolfsbane [Grimwalker/Witch on the Oracle/Healing/Potions/Plant/Beast Keeping Track] (Pronoun Neutral)
Elijah [Previous Golden Guard] (Any)
Cordelia Deamonne (She/Her) [Gavin’s mom and Darius’ sister]
August Wolfsbane (They/Them)
Cedric Wolfsbane (He/Him)
Silence Wittebane (She/They/He) AU Specific Muse
Amelia Wolfsbane/The Sparrow (She/They)
Lystra Clawthorne (She/Her)
Achilles Wittebane [Darius’ Mentor] (He/Him) [Faceclaim Credit Here]
Othala Rivers [Bard/Illusion/Healing Witch] (They/Xe/She)
Lunna Arden [Oracle Witch] (Any)
Solis Arden [Oracle Witch] (They/Them)
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sleepyhoneybunn · 1 year
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Oh what a surprise- another TOH oc. I wanted to make my own little grimwalker guy- this is Jasper and he's just a silly little guy. No crimes committed here!
Jasper was created by Belos on the basis of him thinking 'Hm, all these grimwalkers I keep making from my dead brother keep betraying me... Maybe if I make this one from my own bones this time it won't betray me??' And Belos made Jasper roughly two years after Hunter just in case Hunter didn't work out. But with his curse still in play, Jasper didn't exactly come out right. He came out really sickly, small and stunted with a weaker heart, no bile sac, and a horrible immune system. And Belos basically threw the kid out, and was thankfully found by Eda.
He's pretty feral on some fronts, not afraid to choose violence and his headspace is usually "I'm here to cause problems on purpose." And Eda's very proud of her fledgling. He's a big nerd and a bug lover- he likes to run through the woods, and tries to act cooler/older than he is.
Jasper is my hyperfixation right now and I love him v much. 💕 💕 💕
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brother-bon3s · 4 months
A Brief introductory to Salem (A Grimwalker OC)
Note: Salem is part of an au that is separate from the William au and he is one of my many sons who I love dearly.. also these drawings are nearly a month old my goodness.
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These are the first three drawings made of a grimwalker oc, Salem, he's kind of co-owned with me and one of my friends ( @try02line ). We made an au together where he, another grimwalker oc (Hansel), Hunter and Pip (Philip) are all brothers. Pip is basically adopted into their family (same way he was in the William au, Luz and Hunter pulled him out of the mindscape and had no real clue who he was) while Salem, Hansel and Hunter are raised to believe they are all brothers and not just clones of the same man. The reason there are three of them at once is because Belos had harvested the three of them at the same time as he accidentally made three of them at once! (Oops, silly old man) Out of the three Salem is the eldest. While on the character chart it says he is 25 in the au he is only 20, he is extremely optimistic, always looking for the bright side on things. He cares deeply for his brothers and almost mothers over them. Unlike his brothers, he is mildly aware of the revolution Darius, Raine and a few other coven heads have been planning against Belos. He doesn't tell his uncle of it because he himself believes that Belos is growing too old and delirious to stay emperor and that his health is heavily declining from the curse.. however when Salem brought this up with his uncle he suffered a nearly ripped off jaw. Salem is nearly tempted into joining this revolution, but it is much too risky for him as a Golden Guard and as an older brother. Despite the abuse he endures from his uncle, Salem stays positive and is a great role model for the citizens of the boiling isles. Citizens often see him as incredibly friendly and approachable, he set the standard of what a Golden Guard should be. He's always eager to help others even if their problems seem unimportant, he will never turn anyone down.
That is only some of the basic info on Salem, there is a lot more I could yap about but I am very very sleepy. I will post other drawings soon and those drawings will also be accompanied with a wall of text, then you can meet Hansel.
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sunnywritesathing · 1 year
Here is the first chapter of my super self-indulgent fanfiction 'Here's A Safe Place', which is a completely mundane, slice-of-life short of fic. It includes my friends Grimwalker OCs as characters and it is really just an excuse to write found family and cute scenes.
Yes the character tags are correct. Phillip, Luz and Darius will be appearing in the fic it's just when and how they appear is what you'll have to wait on ehehhe.
(I am writing this entirely for myself and my friends i am sorry it's distracted me from my other fics but I can't help it. Thorn and Asp are just... My everything right now.)
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jalules · 2 years
ayyyy i wrote some speculative grimwalker fic in phillip's incredibly fucked up pov :)
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yardsards · 2 years
jumping on the bandwagon of making sad grimwalker OCs:
just writing bc my brain has decided we are not in an art type of mood. strap in because this is about to get DARK [tw for mentions of abuse, suicide, and child death]
this takes place probably about 100ish years pre-canon? like, around a time belos hasn't been universally accepted as emperor but he's got a lot of the castle built and he's kinda set up the precursor to the current coven system and a lot of people are listening to him.
this grimwalker's name was simon, which means "one who listens"
belos was proud of himself for choosing such an apt name, the boy turned out to be extremely obedient, never needing to be told anything twice, rarely asking questions, a perfect follower. belos was almost hopeful that this one might finally be the one to turn out right, that he might not "have to" kill this one for betraying him. but a part of him was almost upset that he might never get to kill this one, to make him suffer the punishment of caleb's sins.
(this one looked a good bit like caleb, too. not quite as identical as hunter, but probably in the top 5. he was a bit taller and thinner, and his hair was a bit more straight and manageable. he, unlike caleb and hunter, COULD get that little forelock smoothed back, but he noticed belos didn't like that, so he always made sure to leave it loose. (maybe he even took to wearing a concealment stone and subtly tweaking his features in accordance to what seemed to make belos happiest, ending up looking REALLY like caleb) and while he wasn't completely free of scars, his face was somewhat unscathed compared to many other grimwalkers)
unfortunately for belos, obedience was not the only reason simon's name fit; simon was a kikimora level eavesdropper- perhaps even worse. he spied on belos, coven members, townsfolk- anyone he came across really. in his limited free time, when he wasn't being nosy, he got good at oracle and illusion magic, which only made him better at listening in on people. he probably didn't learn 100% of the story, but he learned of the other grimwalkers and he learned of belos's evil intentions
he'd listened to belos so much, which meant he learned manipulation from watching the master. so no one noticed when he went from actual eager obedience to following orders just to avoid suspicion and trouble. no one noticed the shift from listening to the emperor at all times because he looked up to him to listening to the emperor at all times to glean any piece of intel he could get against the man. no one noticed when he went from exclusively spying on and manipulating the emperor's enemies to spying on and manipulating the emperor himself.
simon was never the valliant type, never the type to directly rebel or speak against belos. but sometimes there would be warnings given to those the emperor planned to attack, or anti-emperor sentiments and coven secrets passed around. these would come in the form of words scrawled on the walls of back alleys or notebooks left in conspicuous locations or hushed words from a stranger (always with a different appearance but always with a fake-sounding voice and the nigh-imperceptible shimmer of illusion magic.)
every once in a while, word would make it back to belos that someone was warning the townsfolk. some random underling of his would end up being blamed and getting killed. simon would never confess, never let himself show even the slightest bit of guilt. he let others take the fall, telling himself it was for the greater good that he never get caught. (he was ultimately on the side of good, but his morals could be very dubious at times. and i feel like half of his reason for rebelling was just to spite belos rather than out of moral goodness). after each execution, he'd wait a few months before trying again and change up tactics, to make it seem like it was a whole new rebel causing issues.
this couldn't last forever, though. he lived to his 30s, (pretty old for a grimwalker, all things considered) before belos figured out what was happening. simon heard that belos found out and that he was doomed. by the time he heard, he knew he had barely an hour left to live. he considered going out with a bang, recklessly spreading word of belos's evil, but he knew that wouldn't do much. even if he could get out of the castle to do it, belos would just paint him as insane or evil, making his final act be in vain. he spent his final hour in his room, preparing. he left three things behind:
1: his corpse, lying on the floor. dagger thrust into his chest by his own hand. blood staining his usually pristine uniform and mask.
2: a note in his other hand, simply reading "i refuse to let you have the satisfaction of killing me yourself."
3: a compilation of all the notes he'd taken over the years. the truth about belos and the grimwalkers. how he lied to and spied on belos without getting caught. one final letter to the next grimwalker he'd written right then, telling his story, saying he was sorry, and wishing good luck. this was tucked in some secret place, perhaps under a floorboard or in a hole drilled into the bottom of a bedpost. hopefully the next boy to live in that room would find it.
the next grimwalker would never get the chance to find that note.
belos had started growing him when he first began to suspect simon's treachery but wasn't yet certain. his name was originally going to be isaac, after the biblical figure (a boy whose father was willing to kill him to prove his loyalty to god)
but that night, after simon's death, belos dug isaac up. it was too early, far too early; the boy was just a toddler, looking up at his uncle with wide innocent eyes and reaching up with his pudgy hands, hands too small to have dug himself out without help
instead of calling isaac by his name, belos called him "simon", swaddling the boy's tiny body in a bloodstained cloak, putting a too-big mask on his little head, covering up his young face. and lying the swaddled child gently on the ground.
and then stabbing the little boy right through the chest, where simon had stabbed himself.
the grimwalker after isaac would never find the notes either, just by luck of never stumbling across them.
the first grimwalker to find the notes would be a teen, having small doubts but trusting his uncle. after learning the truth, he carefully re-hid the notes and attempted to flee. he felt too young, too weak to do anything to fight against belos, but he hoped he could at least survive. he did not. in a way, instead of saving him, the notes lead him to an early demise; he was caught fleeing and killed. he didn't even bother lying about the fact that he was running away, too scared to think straight.
the second had made it to adulthood, already strongly doubting belos, when he found the notes. he used simon's advice for sneaky rebellion and saved some people, but was soon caught and killed. belos had wizened up to simon's old tactics, it seemed.
the third was quite young, with full loyalty to belos. he turned the notebook in to his uncle, believing it to just be slander, hoping to be rewarded for helping to expose whoever this "simon" guy was for lying and treason. the notebook was destroyed and the loyal boy was killed anyway.
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